011918 Friday Staff Report ( I) City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 19, 2018 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Canceled- City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 23, 2018. 3. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 4. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,January 24, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 5. Special Called Work Session on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. B. Upcoming Events 1. US Conference of Mayors, January 24-26, 2018 in Washington, DC. 2. State of the City, February 15, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center. II. General Information & Status Update A. Women's March — Since last week, Chief Howell has been working with Diana Leggett and Jennifer Lane on the Women's March Reunion on the Square. In keeping with the announced label of a march, the organizers of the event had a strong desire to have a moving activity for the attendees. In lieu of a total closure of the Square, an agreement was reached to allow the group to march west from the square to Oak St,to Cedar,and east on Hickory back to the courthouse grounds. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency 0 Outstanding Customer Service This will cause an interruption of traffic flow on Elm for an estimated 30 minutes. Otherwise the event is scheduled to take place on the Courthouse on the Square grounds. An agreement has also been made to hold adequate planning meetings for future events in advance in order to ensure better communication and ensure the safest event possible. Staff contact: Chief Lee Howell Y J&is Pizza »' q East fW OA St 1 E Oak St $--to-ti Denton County Ca pus Theatre Courthouse-on-the... Mu is Theater Devon.Evita Erd 0 W Hickory St Wells.Fargo B cuts„ O B. Agenda for Saturday, Jan. 27 Council MeetingP —The meeting agenda and materials for the Saturday, Jan. 27 City Council meeting have been posted online. This is the third workshop with Attorney Alan Bojorquez regarding the development of an ethics ordinance. Staff contact: Bryan Langley C. FM 1830/Hobson Lane Intersection Improvement — As part of the proposed US 377/Fort Worth Drive reconstruction project, the Texas Department of Transportation will include enhancements to the FM 1830 and Hobson Lane Intersection. These enhancements will include widening the existing pavement on Hobson by adding a 12-foot wide right-turn lane, westbound Hobson to northbound FM 1830. This turn-lane will better match the proposed FM 1830 improvements which include a total of four northbound lanes: two right-turn lanes, one thru-lane and one left-turn lane. Additionally, an ADA accessible curb ramp will be added to the northeast side of the Hobson/FM 1830 intersection. These enhancements will significantly improve traffic congestion frequently experienced at this intersection.Below is a graphic of the intersection improvement with a more detailed drawing attached. Staff contact: Mark Nelson N D. Fulton/Crescent Signal — At the Jan. 16 City Council meeting, Mayor Watts inquired about the intersection of Fulton and Crescent. Traffic engineering staff routinely reviews intersections throughout the City to assess the need for traffic signals. As part of this process, the traffic signal at the intersection of Fulton Street/Crescent Street was reviewed in August 2017. A traffic signal warrants analysis (attached) at this location revealed that a signal was no longer warranted at this intersection. As such staff has replaced the traffic signal with stop signs. The replacement of this signal coincided with a large utility (water) project that required the closure of this intersection for a couple of months. Staff has monitored this location for the last four months and has not received any concerns from residents/citizens or Denton High School regarding the traffic conditions at this intersection. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh E. US 380 New Speed Limit Process — At Mobility Committee meeting on Wednesday, a question was asked regarding the process to establish new speed limits. The primary criterion used in establishing a speed limit is called the 85th percentile speed,which is determined by performing a speed study for calculating the speed at which 85 percent of the vehicles are traveling along a given stretch of roadway. The 85th percentile speed has been determined as being the speed at which a prudent driver, given the type of street, will drive that roadway under normal driving conditions. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) typically conducts speed studies to determine the 85th percentile speed along new roadways or recently widened segments of roadways. US 380 was recently widened from a 2 lane facility to a six lane facility. As such, a speed study was conducted to determine the speed limit along US 380 between Bonnie Brae Street and Locust Street or US 77. TxDOT submitted the study to the City and requested that the City amend the speed limits along this segment of US 380. City staff reviewed the TxDOT speed study and found the overall results and recommendations acceptable and consistent with state and federal guidelines. US 380 is a state facility and TxDOT wanted to move forward with implementing the new speed limit(40 mph)based on the study, approving the implementation of the new speed limit authorized City staff(Police Department) to enforce this speed limit. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh F. Opening of 2499 — City staff has been working closely with TxDOT staff to expedite the opening of FM 2499 with the City limits. The last remaining item is the installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of FM 2499/Robinson Road. The City helped TxDOT by preparing the signal design plans for this intersection. The critical issue holding up the process is the amount of time required to get the signal equipment(poles,cabinet,etc.)which has been impacted due to large demand in the Houston area. The City is currently coordinating with TxDOT to provide signal equipment from its warehouse to expedite the construction of the signal at FM 2499/Robinson Road. Based on recent feedback from TxDOT, the anticipated opening date for FM 2499 is February 2018. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh G. Comp Plan/Future Land Use Map—As part of discussion on current and near-term Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) projects at the January 16, 2018 City Council Work Session, Council Member Hudspeth inquired about the correlation of the widening of a road (US 377/Fort Worth Drive) and changes to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and Zoning Map. Typically, staff does not look at this unless there is a major update to the Denton 2030 Plan, Future Land Use Map (FLUM), or the Denton Development Code (DDC) and Zoning Map. When the FLUM designations were assigned as part of the 2030 Plan adoption, one of the intentions was to serve as a guide for coordinating transportation and utility planning. This was done to ensure that available capacities are consistent with the demands from anticipated levels and intensities of development along the corridors. As part of the DDC update, staff will be looking at all areas of the city,particularly those major corridors and the current zoning of the properties along those corridors. One of the major components of the DDC update was to simplify and reduce the number of zoning districts. Currently, there are approximately 35 districts and it is anticipated that it will be reduces to approximately 21 districts. As staff begins to map the new districts and analyze what is currently on the property and what are the development trends along that corridor or area, new zoning districts will be assigned. Once that draft zoning map is complete, the FLUM will be overlaid to ensure consistency. While staff does not have any specific properties at this time to highlight,it can be reasonably expected that there may also be changes to the FLUM designations. Staff contact: Scott McDonald H. I-35E Frontage Road Lane Closure — TxDOT has notified the City that starting Friday, Jan. 19, the right lane of the southbound frontage road of I-35E between the Mayhill Road exit ramp and the Mayhill Road overpass will be closed. This closure is necessary to allow for transition construction. The closure will last approximately one(1)month. Signed detours will be in place. Delays are expected and motorists should seek alternate routes. Staff contact: Mark Nelson I. Transportation Criteria Manual Update—The technical manuals for transportation and drainage were finalized in draft form on January 2. The draft copies were then published on the City website on January 3 of this year with notifications sent to our local development community and advertised in the Denton Record Chronicle that the documents were available for review and comment on the City's website for 30 days. Next steps: • January 24—P&Z presentation regarding the changes in the new manuals. • Week of February 5 — Meet with Denton County Developers Association regarding their concerns and comments. • February 16—Re-post the revised manuals based on public comment for 7 days. • February 19 — Advertise Public hearing of the manuals for the March 6 council meeting. Staff contact: Mario Canizares J. Raw Water Line Repairs and the Denton Katy Trail ("Denton Rail Trail") — Starting the week of Feb. 1, crews will begin work to repair 5 defects along the 30 inch raw pipeline that feeds the Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant. The current plan is to start at the northern most defect near Pockrus Page, then move to the southern-most defect in Hickory Creek. The project will finish with the 3 middle defects near Corinth Parkway. A map of the repair points is attached. The work is estimated to take 5 to 6 weeks if there are no unforeseen weather anomalies or complications. Because this pipe runs below the Denton Katy Trail ("Denton Rail Trail"), there will be points where the trail will need to be closed. Staff is working to develop safe detour routes for pedestrians and cyclists along the trail. Staff is also coordinating with other cities along the trail and pipe that will be affected by the repair work. Staff contact: Tim Fisher K. Hickory Street Project Update — With 17 months of work remaining, Hickory Street construction is on schedule as crews are now over 40 percent complete on the project. The Streets Department broke ground on the section between Bonnie Brae St. and North Texas Blvd. (Phase I) on January 4, Water is working between Ave. B and Welch St. (Phase III), and Wastewater is 100 percent complete with their portion of the project. City staff have be proactively communicating with residents and businesses in the areas directly affected by construction. Attached for your reference are photos of the construction taken on a site visit on January 17,and a general phasing map which includes a timeline. Staff contact: Todd Estes L. TWU Golf Course—At the Jan. 16 City Council meeting, Council Member Briggs asked if there had been a change in plans regarding the eventual planned closure of the TWU golf course. Staff reached out to TWU staff who stated that the eventual plan for the golf course, as presented during the TWU master plan discussion in 2016, remains unchanged. TWU plans to continue to operate the course and transition the land as the university needs more space for future expansions. The project that was presented at the Jan. 16 Council meeting will start to encroach on the golf course and TWU plans to make an official announcement regarding the next steps in the project in the next few weeks. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers M. Executive Recruitment—Please see below an update on the executive recruitment status for Director of Parks and Recreation and Fire Chief. Director of Parks and Recreation(conducted by Ralph Andersen&Associates) • First review of applicants: January 8, 2018 • Meeting with consultant to review recommended finalists: January 29, 2018 • Targeted interview date(s): February 15/16, 2018 Fire Chief(conducted by GovHR) • First review of applicants: February 12, 2018 • Meeting with consultant to review recommended finalists: March 9, 2018 • Targeted interview date(s): March 15/16, 2018 Staff contact: Carla Romine N. Quiet Zones Update— Staff is currently working with CTC, the consultant who is conducting the Diagnostic Report for the Quiet Zone for the four at-grade crossings in the downtown area (Prairie, Sycamore, Hickory, and McKinney). Based on preliminary review and a field meeting with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the quiet zones can be achieved by implementing certain improvements (medians, closing/realigning driveways, moving crossing arms, etc.) at these crossings. We are currently waiting the finalization of the field diagnostic review meeting minutes which will help define the proposed improvements at each location. In addition, staff is working on getting a legal agreement setup between the City and Union Pacific (UP) so that UP can design and develop estimates for the proposed improvements. Once the improvements are identified, UP will design the improvements within their right of way(ROW) and construct them after they receive the funds from the City. Outside of the UP ROW, the City will design and construct the required improvements. As a result of all of this, we have crossed a major milestone with the diagnostic review field meeting with the FRA and we are 20% into an 18-month process for completing the entire Quiet Zone project for these crossings. Staff contact: Mario Canizares O. Small Area Plan Update — Since the start of the project, the Area Plan Steering Committee has met three times. The last meeting was this past Thursday night, Jan. 18. So far the Steering Committee has provided input on what they think the issues, concerns, and aspirations are for the area, developed Guiding Principles, voted and selected on a name for the Plan, provided feedback on a logo, and participated in a site analysis exercise. The name selected for the Plan is the "Oak Gateway Area Plan." The study area is bounded on the north by Panhandle Street, on the east by Fort Worth Drive/Carroll Boulevard, and on the west and south by Bonnie Brae Street and Interstate Highway 35. The next step in the project is to seek community input. On Thursday, February 22, the City will host a Community Workshop to be held at the Calhoun Middle School Cafeteria starting at 6 p.m. The community will have an opportunity to provide input on the following topics: mobility, parking, neighborhood stability and historic preservation, open space, new development and infill, and urban design along major corridors. Additional information on the Workshop is presented in the attached flier. Staff contact: Ron Menguita P. Wayfinding Signage Project—Phase 1 of the project is underway; currently Color- Ad, the company selected to manufacture and install the signs, are in town conducting site work and installing footers for the signs. Phase 1 signs that include Historic District Identification signs, Downtown Gateway signs, Parking Lot Trailblazer signs, Parking Lot Identification signs, and Pedestrian Directional signs are currently in production and will be shipped to the City as soon as they are complete. This week the cast base cover at the bottom and the cast finial at the top of the Vehicular Directional prototype sign located on Elm in front of the Fine Arts Theater was installed. The installation of the base and finial completes the prototype sign and we are inviting the public to provide comments. The mass production of the base and finial will start after we receive feedback from everyone and provide it to the sign company. Staff contact: Ron Menguita Q. Denton Energy Center Construction Update—Construction on the Denton Energy Center (DEC) is approximately 89% complete. Expenditures to date are approximately 72.4% of the allocated project funds. The target date to begin performance testing is late spring 2018. The target date for commercial operation is early summer 2018. A major project milestone was achieved when the building was energized with permanent power on Jan. 4. The guard house shell has been erected and the plant's gas yard equipment has been set. Enterprise Products has started construction of the gas spur. Oil and coolant piping installation is complete and the systems have been tested. The new Jim Christal substation,which is the connection point for the DEC to the ERCOT grid was successfully energized on Jan. 16. Project Schedule: COD IT/Communications Equipment 12.4.17 (Ongoing, and on schedule) Installation Engine fluids first fill 1.26.18 (Ahead of schedule) Plant step up transformers initial 3.1.18 (Ahead of schedule) energization Engine Substantial completion(auxiliary 3.23.18 (Ahead of schedule, systems) Contract date is 5.4.2018) Start-Up and Commissioning — Balance 1.4.18 (Ongoing, and ahead of of Plant schedule Start-Up and Commissioning Mid-Spring 2018 (Ahead of Preliminary Engine Testing schedule) Commercial Operation of Plant Early Summer 2018 (Ahead of COP"(generating power) schedule) Engine Reliability Tests Immediately following COP Air Emissions Test Ongoing after Preliminary Engine Testing Staff contact: George Morrow IIL Attachments A. Hobson Lane Intersection Improvement B. Fulton Crescent Traffic Signal Warrants Analysis C. Hickory Street Project Phasing Map and Field Report D. Map of Repair Points to Water Pipeline E. Oak Gateway Area Plan Community Workshop IV. Informal Staff Reports A. Small Intersection Improvement Projects B. Disposal of Surplus Property C. PARD Master Plan Update V. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda(No Draft Agenda) C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report o. l• EX I 21 =XIST E HOBSON STA 499�19.48 (12.24 LT) I _ PC / OE SON STA 499.19.46 (12.24 LT) / L F<I ST ROW BEGIN CONCRETE PAVEMENT HOBSON STA 499.07.00 •I i_HOBSON LN — BEGIN CONCRETE PAVEMENT _ - _ MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT HOBSON LN �� 13°w ~ U4TCH EXISTING SLOPE 1 2' �. OBSON LN STA 500,00.00 = FM 1830 STA 109-54.24 r ` F CURB RAMP FM 1830� HOBSON STA 496 79.94 (12.23 RT (TY 7) 1 T BEGIN CONSTRUC N —- - ---- -—-—- - EXIST ROW - - - - - BEGIO ASPHALT TAPER EXISTING O MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT 'Po HOBSON STA 499-06.89 (24.24 LT) 9�0 N HOBSON STA 497*26.79 (18.00 C RTI BEGIN CONRETE P END ASPHALT W I ING 0/a A DEVEMENT REVERSE CURVE HOBSON STA 49W3.65 (24.00 RT) END ASPHALT TAPER I I - ) I I I d � � 6 ® totem AW �3- HOBSON LN (AT FM 1830) teXos •'' L O C F-1 N E R ° 25 50 75 ,°° Department of transportation ,200,NDa=,Teras75243 Suite,060 1 e 1 8 e 201 8 "-. Dalla214,37.]5243 HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET ©2018 P 214.3]3]873 F 2143]3.78]5 1 Firm#F-10468 1846 City of Denton Fulton Street at Crescent Street Study Name: Fulton Congress Study Date : 08/02/17 Signal Warrants - Summary Page No. : 1 Major Street Approaches Minor Street Approaches Eastbound: Crescent Street Northbound: Fulton Street Number of Lanes: 1 Number of Lanes: 1 85%Speed<40 MPH. Total Approach Volume: 1,645 Total Approach Volume: 1,596 Westbound: Crescent Street Southbound: Fulton Street Number of Lanes: 1 Number of Lanes: 1 85%Speed<40 MPH. Total Approach Volume:2,189 Total Approach Volume: 1,813 Warrant Summary (Urban values apply.) Warrant 1 -Eight Hour Vehicular Volumes ........................................................................................................................... Not Satisfied Warrant 1A-Minimum Vehicular Volume ......................................................................................... Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 0 hours,8 are needed Warrant 1 B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic .............................................................................. Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 0 hours,8 are needed Warrant 1C-Combination of Warrants ............................................................................................. Not Satisfied Required I volumes reached for 0 hours,8 are needed Required 1 B volumes reached for 0 hours,8 are needed Warrant2-Four Hour Volumes ............................................................................................................................................. Not Satisfied Number of hours(0)volumes exceed minimum<minimum required(4). Warrant3-Peak Hour ............................................................................................................................................................. Not Satisfied Warrant 3A-Peak Hour Delay ........................................................................................................... Not Satisfied Approach volumes on minor street don't exceed minimums for any hour. Delay data not evaluated. Warrant 3B-Peak Hour Volumes ...................................................................................................... Not Satisfied Volumes do not exceed minimums for any hour. Warrant4-Pedestrian Volumes ............................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant5-School Crossing .................................................................................................................................................. Not Evaluated Warrant 6-Coordinated Signal System ................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant7-Crash Experience ................................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant 8-Roadway Network ............................................................................................................................................... Not Evaluated Warrant 9-Intersection Near a Grade Crossing .................................................................................................................. Not Evaluated City of Denton Fulton Street at Crescent Street Study Name: Fulton Congress Study Date : 08/02/17 Signal Warrants - Summary Page No. : 2 700 Warrant Curves = 600 Peak Hour Warrant a Four Hour Warrant [Urban, 1 major lane and 1 minor lane curves used] 0 500 Q Q Q E 400 0 L 300 2) o �o 200 t o 1 ' O 1 30 c 100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Major Street-Total of Both Directions(VPH) Analysis of 8-Hour Volume Warrants: War 1A-Minimum Volume War 1 B-Interruption of Traffic War 1C-Combination of Warrants Hour Major Minor Maj Min Hour Major Minor Maj Min Hour Major Minor 1A 1B Begin Total Vol Dir 500 150 Begin Total Vol Dir 750 75 Begin Total Vol Dir Met Met 07:30 385 247 SB No Yes 07:30 385 247 SB No Yes 07:30 385 247 SB No No 16:30 379 192 NB No Yes 16:30 379 192 NB No Yes 16:30 379 192 NB No No 16:45 373 185 NB No Yes 16:45 373 185 NB No Yes 16:45 373 185 NB No No 16:15 366 198 NB No Yes 16:15 366 198 NB No Yes 16:15 366 198 NB No No 07:15 362 228 SB No Yes 07:15 362 228 SB No Yes 07:15 362 228 SB No No 16:00 353 164 SB No Yes 16:00 353 164 SB No Yes 16:00 353 164 SB No No 07:45 351 237 SB No Yes 07:45 351 237 SB No Yes 07:45 351 237 SB No No 17:00 346 167 SB No Yes 17:00 346 167 SB No Yes 17:00 346 167 SB No No 15:45 333 158 SB No Yes 15:45 333 158 SB No Yes 15:45 333 158 SB No No 08:00 330 203 SB No Yes 08:00 330 203 SB No Yes 08:00 330 203 SB No No 12:30 327 120 SB No No 12:30 327 120 SB No Yes 12:30 327 120 SB No No 07:00 327 191 SB No Yes 07:00 327 191 SB No Yes 07:00 327 191 SB No No 15:30 319 155 SB No Yes 15:30 319 155 SB No Yes 15:30 319 155 SB No No 12:15 318 120 SB No No 12:15 318 120 SB No Yes 12:15 318 120 SB No No 17:15 315 143 SB No No 17:15 315 143 SB No Yes 17:15 315 143 SB No No 08:15 308 163 SB No Yes 08:15 308 163 SB No Yes 08:15 308 163 SB No No 11:45 307 92 SB No No 11:45 307 92 SB No Yes 11:45 307 92 SB No No 12:00 302 97 SB No No 12:00 302 97 SB No Yes 12:00 302 97 SB No No 11:00 295 87 SB No No 11:00 295 87 SB No Yes 11:00 295 87 SB No No 12:45 294 107 SB No No 12:45 294 107 SB No Yes 12:45 294 107 SB No No 15:15 290 139 SB No No 15:15 290 139 SB No Yes 15:15 290 139 SB No No 06:45 288 165 SB No Yes 06:45 288 165 SB No Yes 06:45 288 165 SB No No 11:30 282 82 NB No No 11:30 282 82 NB No Yes 11:30 282 82 NB No No 11:15 282 80 NB No No 11:15 282 80 NB No Yes 11:15 282 80 NB No No *Aw � Hickory Street - CIP DENWastewater Department Z�. ,. � Q 7 J W Q w J J 'Z'. k qT z. z W HICKORY ST v z > iU J Q W LL Q 0 Q W 2 �, m Z ¢ Iw- o Q x 3 m STELLAST W MULBERT F RYST m W MULBERRYST m p U m I � Wate De,Dartment JH1.10R oU) U7 m 2 Z .N w W �Www Jill Z Y ST v z > m LU w W m W w J Q W LL Q 0 Q � W 2 �. m J U7 x > ® � STELLAST WMULBERRYST w m WLL]MULBERRYST m p U m z 77 � Street Department w U` w n 2 w W V W r w TTT Q. b J W Q w 0 J Z. �oq m z a ¢ z Z 3 o a kSr z z W HICKORY ST > m o w W m W W H J Q LL. m U Z Q = a' Q K STELLAST w W,MULBERRYST m Fi i i WMULBERRYST U m7 O y � z Start Date - January 2017 Start Date - March 2017 Start Date - January 2018 e WW Phase I - (COMPLETE) Water Phase I - 6 Months (COMPLETE) Streets Phase I -4 Months (Jan. 2018 -Apr. 2018) WW Phase 11 - (COMPLETE) Water Phase 11 - 6 Months (COMPLETE) Streets Phase 11 - 3 Months (May 2018 - Jul. 2018) WW Phase III - (COMPLETE) Water Phase III -3 months (12/4/2017 -2/26/2018) Streets Phase III -3 Months (Aug. 2018 - Oct. 2018) WW Phase IV- COMPLETE Date: 1/17/2018 (COMPLETE) Water Phase IV-4 Months (2/27/2018 - 6/30/2018) Streets Phase IV -3 Months (Nov. 2018- Jan. 2019) WW Phase V - (COMPLETE) Streets Phase V- 5 Months (Feb. 2019 -Jun. 2019) 0 250 500 1,000 Feet Stop Date - June 2018 Stop Date - June 2019 All scheduling information represents WW Project Complete Total Project Time - 19 months Total Project Time - 18 months a good faith estimate and is subject to change. Date&Time: Wed Jan 10 07:50:25 GST 201 '' - -� ,. �' Position: +033.214715°/-09.7:160560"- — DENTON Alti.tude: 685ft Datum:Ws-84 -- •'A%�i1li�th :e �l'fi'�3�5'U�M06'1N�6"290�'ii'l�'1�e)•"""'"°'�...•..••.. , . . . Zoom: 1:X � t r� -f- p pM- MONTHLY FIELD ARI;TRAC- Hickory Street ■ project—Streets Divisionbreaks ground as originally GiancarloVISIT REPORT scheduled (Jan 4, 2018). Patino FNI January 17, 2018Hickory ■ � A ' OSlttl�vfi 3, E. I:ce I: AdI.rrUfhayimg,/,0 ,Ho bn A�rrpg[�e t ( d5' `Zoom 1 Xv 1 r; p • s1 � i • +wc- s' 41, 14 d: I � `ey"nGk. �• y155 mo 1�°��}rq Elevation Angledd. Horizon Angle:-0. . 1 y �: - • Zooym )'X Rr r9 •• • • • -• - - low r, Date d:Time:Wed Jan 10 07:59.57 CST 2018 Position:+033.214580°/-087.1461060 Altitude:6381t Datum.WGS414 AzimuMearing:050°N50E 0889mils(True) Elevatlon Angle:+2'.7° i Orontic I C001 Left. Water main • - - installation east of Fry Street on Hickory Street(facing east). P �ill1f 01/10/18 x ( r Dated:Time.ION&O 08 MA3 CST 2016 id::+033 /-097.1 lto 664tt- ^n °N36W 5760miis(True) :1X Right: Water main line i on Hickory Street (facing west). 1110118 Date&Time: ed an 17 08:54�01 CwS-+T 2018 Fositi In •OS3K321416 -5 /-09 1 7,01M" - '' laE 01fi0;�ils ITruel A Ele'Ltwn Angle +25* - HocizOAnglh nF ■ oeir _` f dot t 't y5 I I - r ' I I • S �D to&Time ed �,r1i7 0:9:0258 CST 2'+018 Pion �wO.3. . 7 IC6151 ' �! Al�gg ude 5byft �� r Datum 4 ' - A�z' i B,ea'I / q� Zot _ asl � J !✓ n 3 C;�' ��� 'A, `' �A'-vim_ '4 _ y �v1?aja4� •�,t b M O a1 w Date i .We 09.04 49 11 1.111 2018 Positio Attitu h .6 Datu Azim t i E 0' (Tr Etevat �7p6 • • Horiz - Z' • • • ••• •I • Zooml dip A 1 tal�46E 0818mIs (Tsu -40 x _qw lip i IF a T� T ' 30 " Rehabilitation Map 1 inch = 1,000 feet y , ,, �:. ='!► . , ' *,: 17 Points to Repair `• �: Raw Water Line *12.,,. , j� ` ;'�, A train Route AV ' i�\fir` wi Nye �}' A' ,�,'�y .Jam* `.``f':J -i"' �t•�, ' -. , � _ . �, ,- -'p.,�.-.z' -C. f '^`' ' You are invited ! >> << BRING YOUR IDEAS to a COMMUNITY WORKSHOP :::Pii Oak IN 0 = -- Gateway 7"y Area Plan Thursday, February 22nd Location - Calhoun Middle School Cafeteria 709 Congress Street Time - 6:00pm Your Voice Matters. The Study Area The City is currently developing a plan for the Oak .es••••• PanhandlecSt••••••••• Gateway area. The study area is bounded on the •: north by Panhandle Street, on the east by Fort Worth 0. Drive/Carroll Boulevard, and on the west and south 35 • i OakSt • by Bonnie Brae Street and Interstate Highway 35. Hickory St • > - • m p E Your participation in the Oak Gateway Plan is a ••.• x w critical part of the visioning process. Get involved •• z • and bring your ideas to the Oak Gateway Plan •••• Eagle Dr community workshop. Together, let's think about the •••.• ways we can improve the Oak Gateway area through co ••. • C •...... • business development and community services, 0 : • green space, residential opportunities, transportation �00 :...• connections, neighborhood preservation and more. All are welcome to attend - Light refreshments will be served • f • - nto n . c • DENTON Date: January 19,2018 Report No. 2018-007 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Small Intersection Improvement Projects EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Council recently approved funding for design and construction of Small Intersection Improvement Projects at six (6) locations throughout the City. The majority of the locations currently experience considerable traffic congestion during morning and afternoon peak hours. As such, staff identified capacity and signal enhancements at each location that would help alleviate the existing traffic issues. This report provides an overview of the proposed plan to design and implement(construct) these small intersection improvements. The goal is to complete these projects by end of 2018. BACKGROUND: At the August 26, 2017, City Council Retreat, the City Council gave direction to Staff to develop a short term plan that would make immediate traffic flow improvements within the City. As a result, traffic engineering staff identified six intersection improvements that would address citizen complaints, alleviate congestion, and improve safety. The intersections were identified based on the amount of traffic congestion, the ease of design and implementation, and the immediate and noticeable impact to drivers. In the December 12, 2017 meeting, City Council approved funding for the six Small Traffic Improvement Projects. The estimated cost of the projects is shown in the table below. Project Short-Term Improvement Estimated Cost Colorado Blvd/Loop 288 Extend the eastbound left turn lane $200,000 Country Club Rd/Hickory Add a westbound right turn lane $150,000 Creek Rd US 77-Dallas Dr/Teasley Ln Add turn lanes, channelized islands $725,000 Bell Ave/McKinney St Add a northbound right turn lane $120,000 Carroll Blvd/Sherman Rd Add a northbound left turn lane and improve $425,000 the turning radius on the south-east corner University Dr/Old North Rd Add left turn lanes (north-south) $500,000 Total $2,120,000 PROJECT STATUS: Since, the City Council approval staff has worked on soliciting, reviewing, and shortlisting qualified design firms suitable for these projects. Staff intends to engage the services of six different design firms (one for each project) to expedite the design process and move the projects on parallel tracks. The design for all the projects is anticipated to be completed by April 2018. Subsequently, the projects will be divided into two groups with three projects in each group. The bundled projects will be advertised and bid as two separate contracts for construction. The bid Date: January 19, 2018 Report No. 2018-007 and award phase is anticipated during the summer months with the construction starting in fall and completion by end of 2018. The overall schedule for each of the project is shown below. Note that one of the projects (Dallas Drive/Teasley Lane) is already under design and the surveying (first step of the design phase) for the remaining projects will begin January 29, 2018. Jan. Feb. I March I April May I June I July I Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Loop 288/Colorade Blvd. Design dvertise,Bid,Evaluation of Contract Constru Country Club/Hickory Creek Road Design vertise Bid,Evaluation of Contract I U577/Dallas Drive/Teasley Ln. Design dvertise,Bid,Evaluation of Contract I Bell Avenue/McKinney Design dvertise,Bid,Evaluation of Contrac Carroll Blvd./Sherman Rd Desig dvertise,Bid,Evaluation of Contrac University Dr./Old North Rd. dvertise,Bid,Evaluation of Contrac 2/9/18-City Manager Approval and Design 8/28/18-Construction Contract Award at City Contract Award Council CONCLUSION: Staff plans to move these small intersection improvement projects through the design and construction phase in an expeditious way to complete majority of the construction by end of 2018. STAFF CONTACT: Pritam Deshmukh Traffic Engineer (940) 349-7710 Pritam.Deshmukhgcityofdenton.com Date: January 19,2018 Report No. 2018-008 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Disposal of surplus property BACKGROUND: At the City Council Work Session on August 8, 2017 staff presented information concerning prospective surplus city owned real property tracts in terms of those available now and those available in the future. City Council gave direction to move forward with the first group of five for disposal. Council discussed holding the 2910 University Drive site for a possible future fire station use. In an Informal Staff Report, dated September 15, 2017 , it was reported that staff reviewed the 2910 University Drive site and determined it is not feasible for a fire station due to the usable property on the site after the utility easements and floodplain encumbrances are accounted for. DISCUSSION: The city rarely has surplus property, and it was determined by Real Estate staff that the last process used to dispose of real property was dated and required significant updating. Staff have researched other cities' processes and met with both Purchasing and Legal to update and standardize the process going forward. Real Estate staff will be working with Purchasing and Legal in the coming weeks to finalize documents. CONCLUSION: Staff expects to have a request for proposal (RFP)prepared for advertising by February 16, 2018. ATTACHMENT(S): Table of surplus property STAFF CONTACT: Amy B. Parish 940-349-8928 amy_parishkcityofdenton.com SURPLUS PROPERTIES APPROVED BY CC FOR RFP DCAD APPRAISED DCAD STREET ADDRESS WHICH DEPT?PROJECT? CURRENT DISPOSITION FUTURE DISPOSAL/OUTLOOK VALUE DEED INFO ACREAGE ZONING Drainage easement across the Drainage:Paisley St Drainage back of the property has been Vacant lot,replatted and ready 636456 602 Rose ST Improvement Project dedicated by replat. for disposal $21K 2011-12535 0.27 NR-4 Excess property disposal 76394 Maple ST-100 Block Drainage:Eagle Dr Drainage,Ph 1 Paved,flat lot candidate,subject to easements $12K 2010-71488 0.049 DC-G Excess property disposal 33416 702 S Locust St Drainage:Eagle Dr Drainage,Ph 1 Vacant,flat lot candidate,subject to easements $131K 2010-71488 0.38 DC-G Excess property disposal candidate,subject to 35926 2910 E University Dr DME:69KV Purple Route Electric transmission line transmission line easement $784K 2012-130856 1 NRMU Excess property disposal Water tower has been candidate.Footings from water 205224 N Bell Ave Water:former site of water tower Idemolished Itower remain in place. I $34KI VOL 335,PG 3701 0.2376 NRMU-12 161512 2110 E.Sherman Dr Adjacent to existing Fire Station#4 JVacant,flat lot IThe well has been plugged. I $73KI VOL 386,PG 462A 0.82 NR-3 Updated:1/19/2018 Prepared by Amy B.Parish Page 1 of 1 Date: January 19,2018 Report No. 2018-009 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Status Update on the Denton Parks and Recreation Master Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Currently the City of Denton Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is operating from the Parks, Recreation, and Trail System Master Plan prepared in 2009 by Jacobs Carter Burgess (JCB). As part of the new PARD Strategic Plan, the master plan will be updated beginning this summer through an RFP with potential funding sources from the Southwest Park Master Plan. BACKGROUND: In fiscal year 2008-09, the City contracted JCB to complete a ten-year action plan encompassed in the Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan. The plan provided professional planning and landscape architectural design services as an update to the pre-existing Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. In addition, JCB added the Trail Master Plan. The scope of work resulted in a ten-year action plan for orderly planning and development, and established priorities and statements of direction based on research and need analysis. Components of the master plan update included: • Inventory Matrix and Park Maps • Population Characteristic and Demographics • Public Input and Needs Assessment • Standards Analysis and Service Area Maps • Existing, Proposed, and Potential Trails Map • Priorities Based Recommended 10-Year Plan and Funding Methods DISCUSSION: PARD staff has recently begun work on providing updates to the current master plan to supplement the scope of work anticipated in an upcoming RFP. Component updates include: • Inventory Matrix and Park Maps • Population Characteristic and Demographics • Existing Trail Maps Additionally, PARD staff is in the process of designing an outreach survey to evaluate program needs within the community. Updates to the remaining components of the master plan requires technical data gathering and analysis of park standards, use, and trends. Community engagement and input in the form of public meetings and forums is critical to capturing facility and amenity needs. These components would be performed through a professional services contract. Date: January 19,2018 Report No. 2018-009 Capital project funding is currently allocated for a master plan and design of Southwest Park. Incorporating the Southwest Park plan into the Department's master plan update would represent a comprehensive approach to park system planning. An updated master plan will provide direction in City-wide and Departmental strategic planning for creating sustainable, liveable, and friendly environments. Analysis results and recommendations will be used to guide and support consideration and advancement of new projects in the next bond program as well as promoting enhancements to existing infrastructure. CONCLUSION: PARD staff s updates of the existing master plan and inclusion of the Southwest Park plan will provide a strategy for an RFP expected to be released by July with review and approval of a final contract by Council. Financing for the Department's master plan update has been identified within available capital project funding. Work with a professional firm will deliver a system wide master plan reflective of current conditions and trending needs. ATTACHMENT(S): A current 10-Year Action Plan is included highlighting the projects that have been accomplished. Various other projects remain uncompleted. As projects are completed under the updated master plan program, Council will be continually updated on progress as the program evolves. STAFF CONTACT: Laura Behrens Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Laura.B ehren s(a�,cityo fdenton.c om Parks, Recreation & Trail System Master Pan Ten-Year Action Plan-highlighted sections refer to completed projects TEN YEAR ACTION PLAN DENTON PARKS,RECREATION,AND TRAILS SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CITY OF DENTON Rank Action Plan Location Budget Estimate Funding Sources Year To Be Com feted HIGH PRIORITY ITEMS 1. More Hike/Bike/Walk/Jog/Run Trails Trail Connections: Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds 'See trail section on 85-99 Pg. paving type,width,&length Park Dedication Fees Create trail location maps along trail(wayfinding) -add mister/showers along trails for cooling TRPA Recreational Trail Grants •Airport Road Property 4"-6"inch depth,10'to 12' TxDOT Landscaping Cost Sharing Program possible trail head wide concrete TIF District new trail location $75-$95 per linear foot PID's Avondale Park Greenway Utility follow drainage easement 4"-6"inch depth,6'to 8' Easements acquire additional property to make wide concrete Dedicated Sales Tax connection with Monterey Open Space $45-$75 per linear foot Private Developers •Bowling Green Park Naming Rights -link to trail at North Lakes Amenity Costs: Advertising Sales -add water fountains,benches&dog drinking fountains(1 per stations along trail&bridge to cross creek mile,kiosk(wayfinding,1 •Carl Young Sr.Park per mile),mile makers, -add trail heads(see description pg 98) benches(2-4 per mile),Trail •Cooper Creek head amenities(restrooms, •Cooper Creek Trail bike lockers,pavilion), security lighting,& -add water fountains,benches&dog emergencv callbox stations along trail, a new bridge to cross $56,000-$200,000 creek,grind rails,&possible ponds Range •Dania Park -8'wide jogging trail-loop trail throughout park Joe Skies Park -add loop trail throughout park Lake Forest Park&Wiggly Field -add loop trail throughout park,&connect trail to Cross Timbers Park -add water fountains,benches&dog stations along trail, dog wash area,& picnic areas -concrete existing parking lot -add lighting -expand large dog area -add soft trail to&around pond -add restrooms •McKenna Park -add sidewalks/looped trail •North Lakes Park -add fitness stations -concrete all parking lots&drives -add more parking near football&soccer -add soft surface trail on top of dam from Bonnie Brae to Recreation Center -update/implement master plan for entire park North Pointe Park -connect trails to Evers,and Cooper -address ADA concerns -add trail head •Preserve @ Pecan Creek -trail head Quakertown Park -perimeter walks/looped trail/lighting Rail Trail -replace with 8'wide concrete trail along the east side of tracks 1 Page 108 System Master Pan TENYEAR ACTION PLAN TEN YEAR ACTION PLAN DENTON PARKS,RECREATION,AND TRAILS SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CITY OF DENTON Rank Action Plan Location Budget Estimate Funding Sources Year Be om le leted HIGH PRIORITY ITEMS 2. Gymnasium(for basketball,volleyball,etc.) South West Park Property Varies-depending on size, G.O.Bonds program,etc. Revenue Bonds TRPA Indoor Recreation Facilities Grant Private/Public Partnership Recreation User Fees Naming Rights 3. Larger Senior Center Site TBD Varies-depending on size, G.O.Bonds program,etc. TRPA Indoor Recreation Facilities Grant Private/Public Partnership Recreation User Fees Naming Rights 4. Additional Recreation Center South West Park Property Varies-depending on size, G.O.Bonds Denia Park program,etc. Revenue Bonds -expand existing rec center TRPA Indoor Recreation Facilities Grant North Lakes $30,000,000-$40,000,000 Private/Public Partnership -expand existing rec center Range Recreation User Fees Park Dedication Fees Naming Rights 5. Nature Trails Airport Road Property Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds Cross Timbers Park zoning,infrastructure, Park Dedication Fees -soft trails to connect to Lake Forest floodplain,restrictions,etc. TRPA Recreational Trail Grants Park TxDOT Landscaping Cost Sharing Program Lake Forest 4"-6"inch depth,6'to 8' TIF District soft trails throughout wide concrete PID's $45-$75 per linear foot Greenway Utility Easements aecomposea granite,o Dedicated Sales Tax wide,with concrete Private Developers restraining curb on both .lea. Naming Rights $46-$72 per linear foot Advertising Sales Denton Parks Foundation decomposed granite,8'wide $46-$56 per linear foot 6. Open Space/Nature Areas Airport Road Property Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds Avondale Park zoning,infrastructure, Park Dedication Fees -address drainage way,promote play floodplain,restrictions,etc. TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grants with nature Greenway Utility Clear Creek Nature Heritage Center Easements Lake Forest Park&Wiggly Field Dedicated Sales Tax -add fishing pier Denton Parks Foundation -fix dam and spillway(dredge lake) McKenna Park -add a sensory garden Nette Shultz Park -add butterfly garden LL_ I•Woodrow System Master Pan TENYEAR ACTION PLAN TEN YEAR ACTION PLAN DENTON PARKS,RECREATION,AND TRAIL SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CITY OF DENTON Rank Action Plan 9W Location Budget Estimate Funding Sources Year To Be Com feted MODERATE PRIORITY ITEMS 7. Outdoor Pool •Quakertown Park Varies-depending on size, G.O.Bonds rehab.pool,bath house,and filtration program,etc. Naming Rights add more restrooms Park Dedication Fees add drop slide $600,000-$2,000,000 more interactive play elements Range add irrigation to north side of park replace fence with iron fence,and rock wall •Water Work add a full concession building add children's area add wave pool add more shade throughout park, seating areas,&top of slides add teen area(surf rider,drop slide) more interactive play structures throughout park to cool concrete mister systems add interactive toys along river install a UV system for all pools expansion of existing children's area 8. SprayGround Avondale Park Range$150,000-$500,000 G.O.Bonds a Naming Rights •Cross Timbers Park Denton Parks Foundation MLK Park Park Dedication Fees Quakertown Park South Lakes Park 9. Additional Soccer Fields North Lakes Park Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds -renovate fields-regrade so the fields program,use(what will be Revenue Bonds drains renovated at each site) TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grant -add maintenance building Public/Private/Non-Profit Partnerships South West Park Property $200,000-$300,00 per Naming Rights Master Plan property to include fields lighted field Recreation User Fees Advertising Sales Denton Parks Foundation Park Dedication Fees 10. Multi-Use Sports Fields Avondale Park $50,000-$125,000 G.O.Bonds Briercliff Park Range Revenue Bonds -soccer and baseball fields TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grant Lake Forest Park&Wiggly Field Baseball:$55,000-$85,000 Public/Private/Non-Profit Partnerships -add soccer goals&backstops Naming Rights MLK Park Soccer:$45,000-$80,000 Recreation User Fees -upgrade soccer area(grade field)& Advertising Sales make irrigation improvements Football:$55,000- Denton Parks Foundation Nette Shultz Park 'does not include lights Park Dedication Fees -add goals North Lakes Park -Rugby fields,regrade,add lights •Preserve @ Pecan Creek w System Master Plan TENYEAR ACTION PLAN TEN YEAR ACTION PLAN F�RDENTON PARKS,RECREATION,AND TRAIL SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CITY OF DENTON Rank Action Plan Location Budget Estimate Funding Sources Year To Be Com feted MODERATE PRIORITY ITEMS 7. Outdoor Pool •Quakertown Park Varies-depending on size, G.O.Bonds rehab.pool,bath house,and filtration program,etc. Naming Rights add more restrooms Park Dedication Fees add drop slide $600,000-$2,000,000 more interactive play elements Range add irrigation to north side of park replace fence with iron fence,and rock wall •Water Work add a full concession building add children's area add wave pool add more shade throughout park, seating areas,&top of slides add teen area(surf rider,drop slide) more interactive play structures throughout park to cool concrete mister systems add interactive toys along river install a UV system for all pools expansion of existing children's area 8. SprayGround •Avondale Park Range$150,000-$500,000 G.O.Bonds Naming Rights Cross Timbers Park Denton Parks Foundation MLK Park Park Dedication Fees Quakertown Park •South Lakes Park 9. Additional Soccer Fields •North Lakes Park Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds -renovate fields-regrade so the fields program,use(what will be Revenue Bonds drains renovated at each site) TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grant -add maintenance building Public/Private/Non-Profit Partnerships South West Park Property $200,000-$300,00 per Naming Rights Master Plan property to include fields lighted field Recreation User Fees Advertising Sales Denton Parks Foundation Park Dedication Fees 10. Multi-Use Sports Fields •Avondale Park $50,000-$125,000 G.O.Bonds Briercliff Park Range Revenue Bonds -soccer and baseball fields TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grant Lake Forest Park&Wiggly Field Baseball:$55,000-$85,000 Public/Private/Non-Profit Partnerships -add soccer goals&backstops Naming Rights •MLK Park Soccer:$45,000-$80,000 Recreation User Fees -upgrade soccer area(grade field)& Advertising Sales make irrigation improvements Football:$55,000- Denton Parks Foundation •Nette Shultz Park 'does not include lights Park Dedication Fees -add goals North Lakes Park -Rugby fields,regrade,add lights Preserve @ Pecan Creek � �1 System Master Pan TENYEAR ACTION PLAN TEN YEAR ACTION PLAN DENTON PARKS,RECREATION,AND TRAIL SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CITY OF DENTON Rank I Action Plan Location Budget Estimate Funding Sources Year To Be Com leted MODERATE PRIORITY ITEMS 14. Large Covered Picnic Pavilions(100 to 200•Avondale Park Small: G.O.Bonds people) -signature pavilion(theming) $50,000-$150,000 range Shade Structures Grant -add grills Naming Rights -additional parking Large: Recreation User Fees -fitness station $250,000-$500,000 range Dedicated Sales Tax •Bent Creek Property Park Dedication Fees -add picnic stations with tables and grills •Bowling Green Park -add water fountains,benches,&dog -Briarcliff Park -additional parking -Carl Young Sr.Park -shade/structure •Cross Timbers Park •Evers Park -larger pavilion near playground -new dugouts/shade structures •Fred Moore Park -upgrade shelters -upgrade stage area/amphitheater,add bleachers -redo concessions building -add parking -add more potable water,and electrical hook ups •Joe Skiles Park -replace shelters and add a new pavilion -add more electrical outlets -Lake Forest Park&Wiggly Field -add pavilion&shade structures @ playground&in dog areas •Mack-Roberts Park -replace shade structures •McKenna Park -add(2)pavilions -add grills,water fountains -add amphitheater •Milam Park -add pavilion&picnic tables •Nette Shultz Park -add pavilion&picnic tables -add lights,grills and water fountains •North Lakes Park -upgrade/add pavilion/shade structures •North Pointe Park -add pavilion&picnic tables -add lights,grills,water fountains,&water meter for irrigation •Preserve @ Pecan Creek •Quakertown Park -new amphitheater -new major pavilion,themed to tie into downtown history •South Lakes Park -add pavilion near soccer fields -add lights and grill -add signature piece art,sign,pavilion near lake along Teasley corridor edge 15. Additional Basketball/Multi-Use Courts -Add lights to all courts 1/2 Court: G.O.Bonds •Evers Park $30,000-$40,000 Denton Parks Foundation -add water fountains Naming Rights •Mack-Roberts Park Full Court Unlighted: Park Dedication Fees -light court $50,000-$75,000 •McKenna Park -light court Full Court Lighted: •MLK Park $60,000-$100,000 -add mini court •North Lakes Park •Preserve @ Pecan Creek i � �1 System Master Pan ZT, TENYEAR ACTION PLAN TEN YEAR ACTION PLAN DENTON PARKS,RECREATION,AND TRAIL SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CITY OF DENTON 7A.H.. Location Budget Estimate Funding Sources Year To Be Com feted LOW PRIORITY ITEMS 16. More Practice Fields Avondale Park $50,000-$125,000 Denton Parks Foundation Briarcliff Park Range Park Dedication Fees -soccer and baseball fields Lake Forest Park&Wiggly Field Baseball:$55,000-$85,000 -add soccer goals&backstops MILK Park Soccer:$45,000-$80,000 -upgrade soccer area(grade field)& make irrigation improvements Football:$55,000- Nette Shultz Park 'does not include lights -add goals Preserve C@ Pecan Creek 17. Facilities for Water Recreation Carl Young Sr.Park Varies-depending on type G.O.Bonds -add fishing pond(impound water off of activity and size of venue Revenue Bonds creek,seasonal water areas) TRPA Indoor Recreation Facilities Grant North Lakes Park Private/Public Partnership -add fishing pier Recreation User Fees -add canoe/paddle boat rental Naming Rights South Lakes Park 18. Additional Tennis Courts North Lakes Park Unlighted Courts: G.O.Bond -add(3)lighted courts $50,000-$60,000 per court Denton Parks Foundation -new center Naming Rights -add championship court with grand Lighted Courts: Public/Private/Non-profit Partnership stands $60,000-$80,000 per court Park Dedication Fees -replace lighting with USTA recommended lights -resurface/reconstruct all existing courts -grading issues around complex need to be addressed -update/implement master plan for entire park •South Lakes Park -add(2)lighted courts 19. Extreme Sports Area(BMX bicycling, Airport Road Property Varies-depending on type G.O.Bonds paintball,etc.) •Cooper Creek of activity and size of venue Revenue Bonds -BMX trail in woods Public/Private/Non-Profit Partnerships Pebblebrook $500,000-$2,000,000 Dedicated Sales Tax -BMX trails access through Range Naming Rights G.O.Bonds 20. Additional Baseball/Softball Fields Evers Park-add signage for fields Varies-depending on Revenue Bonds -better utilities program,use,and type of TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grant -address entry for park renovation Public/Private/Non-Profit Partnerships Mack-Roberts Park' Naming Rights renovate fields $250,000-$350,000 range Recreation User Fees add lights to soccer field per lighted field Advertising Sales renovate restrooms Denton Parks Foundation upgrade utilities&irrigation Park Dedication Fees concrete between fields North Lakes Park -replace dugouts -remodel/replace restroom concessions 21. Expansion of Indoor Pool Denton Natatorium Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds non-slip surfaces program,use,and type of Revenue Bonds add weight room renovation TRPA Indoor Recreation Facilities Grant polaris safety system(under water Private/Public Partnership camera) Recreation User Fees maintenance storage area Naming Rights new trash area Denton Parks Foundation add an adjustable floor to pool for rehab swim -add room set up for senior,rehab programs,medical equipment add classrooms,meeting areas fark4.. Recreation .& Tram System Master Pan TENYEAR ACTION PLAN TEN YEAR ACTION PLAN DENTO4 PARKS,RECREATION,AND TRAIL SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CITY OF DENTON Rank Action Plan Location Budget Estimate Funding Sources Year To Be Com leted LOW PRIORITY ITEMS 22. Additional Frisbee Golf/Disc Golf •Airport Road Property $60,000-$90,000 G.O.Bonds Range Advertising Sales 23. Municipal Golf Course Future Site to be Determined $10,000,000-$20,000,000 Revenue Bonds •North Lakes Park Range Naming Rights -add small/junior golf area Recreation User Fees Public/Private/Non-profit Partnerships 24. Additional Skate Park/Existing Park •Avondale Park Varies-depending on G.O.Bond -skate park elements(few pieces:rail, program,use,and type of Naming Rights steps etc.) renovation Recreation User Fees •Skate Works Public/Private/Non-profit Partnerships expand park(add a bowl) New: add concessions,water fountain and $200,000-$375,000 more shade -add building/pro-shop 25. Indoor Ice Rink South West Park Property Varies-depending on Revenue Bonds program,use,and type of Naming Rights renovation Recreation User Fees Public/Private/Non-profit Partnerships 26. Additional Dog Park Airport Road Property $150,000-$200,000 per G.O.Bonds acre Naming Rights Public/Private/Non-profit Partnerships 27. Owsley Park Redevelop Park Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds program,use,and type of TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grants renovation $200,000-$375,000 Range 28. Preserve @ Pecan Creek Future neighborhood park Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds program,use,and type of TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grants renovation Park Dedication Fees $300,000-$475,000 Range 29. Robson Ranch Future neighborhood park Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds program,use,and type of TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grants renovation Park Dedication Fees $300,000-$475,000 Range 30. SW Park Possible new recreation center site,& See Priority Item Vs: G.O.Bonds sports complex 2,3,4,9,13&25 TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grants TRPA Indoor Recreation Grants Park Dedication Fees 31. Wheeler Ridge Future neighborhood park Varies-depending on G.O.Bonds program,use,and type of TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grants renovation Park Dedication Fees $300,000-$475,000 Range l � �1 Revision Date 1/19/18 Council Re uests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Information on cost determination for curb rate vs drop- 6/5/17 Cox A consultant for the staffing & off rate at landfill operational analysis will be selected in the next couple weeks, with the goal to complete the analysis by late Feb. An RFP for a cost of service study is being prepared; the project is expected to last a few months into spring 2018. 2. Discussion of development code criteria for width of 6/6/17 Canizares Amendments to Transportation criteria streets manual are in process. Planned to be resented in ebruary. 3. Survey and report of how other municipalities and 7/25/17 Howell A consultant is working on an school districts fund their School Resource Officers, as efficiency analysis of the Aquatics well as analysis of calls to school and efficiency Center. A proposal has been sent to Spt. Wilson for DISD to increase SRO funding. 4. Info on landfill SUP requirement and a plan to replace 8/15/17 Cox Update to Council planned for Feb. 20. or minimize trees that will be removed 5. Work session on process for when a use category is not 9/19/17 McDonald/Leal A work session is tentatively planned clearly defined in the DDC (incl. appeals process and for Feb. 2018. communications to surrounding properties) 6. Work session on public restrooms and/or first aid station 10/17/17 Rosendahl A work session is tentatively planned on the Square for Feb. 13. 7. Work session on homelessness/tent city research 11/7/17 Kuechler/Shaw A work session is planned for Feb. 13. 8. Review or Update of Park Master Plan 12/5/17 Langley An ISR is included in the Friday, Jan. 19 report. 9. Work session on HOT funds (overview of the 1/9/18 Puente A work session is planned for Feb. 27. committee, process, andpolicies) 10. Update on signage policies for parks and athletic fields 1/9/18 Langley A work session is planned for Feb. 5 luncheon. 11. Update on cultural district 1/9/18 Booth A work session is planned for Feb. 27. 12. Work session on special events/parades and permitting 1/9/18 Howell/Kuechler A brief update was included in the processes required Friday Jan. 12 report, and a work session is planned for Feb. 13. 13. Creation of a committee for pesticides management 1/9/18 Behrens I A work session is planned for Feb. 13. Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 14. Red Light Cameras - Inquiry if one second could be 1/9/18 Canizares added to yellow light time duration 15. Update on status of TWU golf course 1/16/18 Kuechler An update is included in the Friday Jan. 19 report. 16. Information on the Parks Foundation(total# of 1/16/18 Langley An ISR is planned for Friday Jan. 26. scholarships provided to City, fee assessment agreement with Denton Youth Sports, staffing services provided by City, vendor contracts paid for by City) 17. Closed session to consider releasing Ordinance 2014- 1/16/18 Leal 060 to be a public document 18. Request for agenda item numbers to match ordinance 1/16/18 Walters numbers, or creation of a cross reference 19. Information on Fulton and Crescent signal 1/16/18 Canizares Information is included in the Friday Jan. 19 report. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 No Council Luncheon No Council Meeting 5:30pm Traffic Safety 4 p.m. Public Art 9:00 am Special New Year's Day- Commission Committee Called Closed Mtg City Ho lid a y 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00am Public Utilities 2:00pm CC Work 11:00am EDP Board Bo a rd Se ssio n 12:00pm Committee on the 6:30pm CC Regular 5:00pm P&ZWork Environment Se ssion Se ssion 5:30pm HIC 6:30pm P&ZRegular Park Board 6 pm Se ssio n 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MLKDay - 1:00 pm CC Meeting 11:30am Mobility HaBSCo Meeting City Holiday Committee Meeting 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6:00pm Public Utilities Canceled 41hTuesday 9:00 am Special Bo a rd Se ssio n 5:00p m P&ZWork Called CC Work Se ssio n Se ssio n 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 28 29 30 31 No Council Meeting 4:00 p m 7BA 1/19/2018 11:15 AM Fe bruary 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 p.m. Public Art Committee 4 511:30 am Council 6 7 8 9 10 Luncheon 2:00 pm CC Work 1:30pm Committee on Session 5:00pm P&ZWork the Fnvronment 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Commission Se ssio n ParkBoard 6 p m 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00am Public Utilities 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 11:00am EDP Board 2018 State ofthe Board Session City Event 5:30pm HLC 6pm -8:30pm Ha BSC o Meeting is 19 20 21 22 23 24 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&ZWork 6:30pm CC Regular Session Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 25 26 27 28 6:00p m Public Utilities 2:00 p m 4th Tue sd a y Bo a rd Se ssio n 4:00pm7BA 1/19/2018 11:15 AM 1/19/18 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pending Council items and is subject to Chan a without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item January 23 —No Meeting January 27—Saturday—9:00 a.m. Work Session on Ethics Ordinance January 30—No Meeting February 5 —Luncheon Captions—January 22 Backup—February 1 February 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—January 22 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—February 2 WS—City Facilities Master Plan WS—Bike Share WS—Landfill Substation February 13 —2n Tuesday Session Captions—January 29 WS—Pre-qualified Engineering and Consultant Services Backup—February 9 WS—Ra zor Ranch PID February 20—Work/Regular Session Captions—February 5 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—February 16 WS—Landfill SUP requirements WS—Cultural District WS—Incentive Policy WS—PID Policy CA—Award contracts for Pre-qualified Engineering and Consultant Services February 27—4' Tuesday Session Captions—February 12 IC—Incentive Policy Backup—February 23 IC—PID Policy March 5 —Luncheon Captions—February 19 Economic Development mid-year update (City and Chamber) Backup—March 1 March 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—February 19 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup =March 2 March 13 —No Meeting NLC, Washington DC 3/11-3/141 Spring Break 3/12-3/16 March 20—Work/Regular Session Captions—March 5 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—March 16 March 27—4t Tuesday Session Captions—March 12 Backup—March 23 April 2—Luncheon Captions—March 19 Backup—March 29 April 3 —Work/Regular Session Captions—March 19 Backup—March 30 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item April 10—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—March 26 Backup—April 6 April 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—April 2 Backup—April 13 April 24—4th Tuesday Session Captions—April 9 Backup—April 20 May 1 —Work/Regular Session Captions—April 16 Backup—April 27 May 7—Luncheon Captions—April 23 Backup—May 3 May 8 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—April 23 Backup—May 4 May 15 —Election Meeting Captions—April 30 Backup—May 11 Installation of CC Members Only May 22—Work/Regular Session Captions—May 7 Backup—May 18 May 29—No Meeting Memorial Day holiday observed- City Offices closed 5/28 June 4—Luncheon Captions—May 21 Backup—May 31 June 5 —Work/Regular Session Captions—May 21 Backup—June 1 June 12—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—May 25 USCM, Boston, 6/8-6/11 Backup—June 8 June 19—Work/Regular Session Captions—June 4 TCMA, Galveston, 6/21-24 Backup—June 15 June 26—4th Tuesday Session Captions—June 11 Backup—June 22 Jul 2—No Luncheon Jul 3 —No Meeting July 4t holiday observed—City Offices closed July 10—No Meeting July 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 2 Backup—July 13 July 24—4th Tuesday Session Captions—July 9 Backup July 20 July 31 —No Meeting August 2—Budget Workshop Captions—July 16 Backup—July 27 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item August 6—Luncheon Captions—July 23 Backup—August 2 August 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 23 Backup—August 3 August 14—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—July 30 Backup—Au ust 10 August 21 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 6 Backup—August 17 August 28 —41h Tuesday Session Captions—August 13 Backup—August 24 September 3 —No Luncheon Labor Day holiday September 4—No Meeting September 11—Special Called Work/Regular Captions—August 27 Session Backup— September 7 September 18 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 31 Backup— September 14 September 25 —41h Tuesday Session Captions— September 10 Backup— September 21 October 1 —Luncheon Captions— September 17 Backup— September 27 October 2—No Meeting National Night Out October 9—2nd Tuesday Meeting Captions— September 24 TML, Fort Worth, 10/9-10/12 Backup—October 5 October 16—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 1 Backup—October 12 October 23 —4ch Tuesday Session Captions—October 8 Backup—October 19 October 30—No Meeting November 5 —Luncheon Captions—October 22 Backup—November 1 November 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 22 NLC, Los Angeles, 11/7-11/10 Backup—November 2 November 13 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—October 29 Backup—November 9 November 20—No Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 11/22-23 November 27—4th Tuesday Session Captions—November 12 Backup—November 21 Tentative-Based on Need CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item December 3 —Luncheon Captions—November 19 Backup—November 29 December 4—Work/Regular Session Captions—November 19 Backup—November 30 December 11 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—November 26 Backup—December 7 December 18—Work/Regular Session Captions—December 3 Backup—December 14 Tentative-Based on Need December 25 —No Meeting Christmas Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 12/24-25 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report Starting Jan 22-28, 2018 Road Closures Lane Closures Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Nhssage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Nheting Construction m l i n UPCOMING PROJECTS Canterbury Canto ll I 35 still in design tbd Drainage Chad Allen-Eng HoRybDrewHu$man-WW, Fulton tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr, DustvDruper- treets Drew Huffinan-W , Hettie tbd tbd Water/Waste Water/Streets CaseyBowles-Wtr; Dusty Draper-Streets Possibly bundling with Wndsor, DrewHu$man-WW, Finkle tobebid tbd Casey Bowles-NW; Wtr/W W/S tre e is/Dra ina ge Dusty Draper-Streets Water Nhin Construction 11/16/17 y Holiday Park Phase 2 yes tbd tbd Nhnhattan, Sierra., &Laguna Casey Bowles -NW Yefloyrstone to Sherman Nhlone yes Summer 2018 tbd Water Nhin Construction Water Crescent to Westminster 12/13/17 y Nkmsa yes Jan 2,2018 Feb 23,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets N Carroll to Bolivar Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door NVEssage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards NVEeting Construction Completion PEC 4-Engineering still in design tbd Engineering Project Lee Perry--Eng Installing Underground Box Culvert Smith-Johnson Summer 2018 tbd Large Project: Chad Allen-Eng Drainage/Streets/Wtr/WW Drewfluffinan-WW, Thomas tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-NW; Dusty Draper-Streets DreW Huffinan-WW, Wayne tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr, Dusty Draper-Streets Possibly bundling with Hinkle Drew Huffinan-WW, Windsor-Engineering tbd tbd Casey Bowles-Wtr; Wtr/W W/S tie e is/Dra ina ge r- RESIDENTIAL CURRENT PROJECTS Ave B yes Jan 23,2018 Feb 9,2018 Electric Construction Engineering Eagle to S Ave B Ave G yes Dec 18,2017 Jan 19,2018 Electric Construction Engineering Oak St to Hickory St Congress yes Jan 8,2018 Feb 28,2018 Electric Construction Engineering Denton to N Carroll Congress yes Jan 22,2018 Feb 12,2018 Electric Construction Engineering N Carroll to Bolivar 11/13/17 y Gaelic Ct no Nov 27,2017 Jan 19,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Glengary Way to Western dead end Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Nbssage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Nbeting Construction Completion N1�ll/Overlay 1/9/18 y Gober no Jan 16,2018 Jan 29,2018 Streets Linden Dr to Cordell St Concrete Street Panel Repairs 12/18/17 y Heron Pond no Jan 2,2018 Feb 9,2018 Streets Sun Ray Dr to Marsh Rail Dr 11/16/17 y Holiday Park Phase 2 yes Nov 10-17 Dec 1,2018 WastewaterN>�inConstruction Wastewater Nlanhattan to Kings Row Kings Row no Aug 7,2017 Jan 31,2018 Curb and Gutter/Drive Approaches Engineering y M Right Ln Wellington and Sherman Lattimore no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 9/22/17 y Audra to Dead End 10/16/17 y Londonderry yes Dec 22,2017 Nhr 15,2018 Wastewater Nhin Construction Wastewater Teasley to Westminster 10/16/17 y Londonderry yes Feb 1,2018 Nlar 1,2018 Drainage Improvements Drainage Lookout no Feb 12,2018 Feb 28,2018 Sidewalk Repair Streets y Windsor to Westward 1/19/18 y Lovell no Jan 24,2018 Feb 9,2018 Mll/Overlay Streets Scripture to Egan Maple no Jan 22,2018 Feb 9,2018 Water Line Tap/Pipmg/S-walk Repair Engineering Southern most Drive Lane Street Reconstruction 10/10/17 y y 10.18.17 Nbckingbird yes Oct 23,2017 Feb 4,2018 Streets Audra to Newport Proposed Date Proposed Door Nbssage Public Street/InterseLLiF of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Nbeting Construction m l i n Street Reconstruction 10/10/17 y y 10.18.17 Nbckingbird Oct 23,2017 Feb 20,2018 Streets Nbkinneyto Paisley Nbntecito no Dec 27,2017 Jan 26,2018 Sidewalk Repair Streets y Hazelmod to Mn-or Rock Oak Park no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 9/22/17 y Oaktree to Oak Valley Oaktree no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 9/22/17 y Audra to Lattimore Overlook no Oct 2,2017 Jan 19,2018 Sidewalk and Panel Repairs Streets y Windsor to Westward Paisley yes Dec 20,2017 Feb 16,2018 Water Nhin Construction Water y y Frame to Ruddell MR Overlay 11/27/17 y Panhandle no Dec 4,2017 Jan 26,2018 Streets Bonie Brae to Ector Sagebrush Jan 2,2018 tbd Water/WW/Streets 'vW/WW/Streets y Water is almost complete MR Overlay/Curb and Gutter Work 10/26/17 y Stanley yes Nov 6,2017 Jan 26,2018 Streets Panhandle to Emery 12/18/17 y Vanderbuilt Ct no Dec 27,2017 Jan 26,2018 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Bowling Green to Vanderbilt Ct 12/18/17 y Westward no Jan 2,2018 Feb 9,2018 Street Panel Repair Streets Lookout to Southway Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Nbssage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Nbeting Construction m 1 tion WhisperingStreet Reconstruction Oaks Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Streets 9/22/17 y Oak Valley to Oak Park Sidewalk Repairs HOA Windriver no Jan 22,2018 Nhr 30,2018 Streets 1/11/18 Loon Lake to TeasleyLn MAJOR ROADS CURRENT PROJECTS Bonnie Brae no Jul 1,2017 Ju131,2019 Street Widening Engineering Water and WWCrossing Construction 1/3/18 y y Gayla yes Jan 4,2018 Jan 26,2018 Engineering Nhyhill Rd to Bridges St Reconstruct Old Central Parking Lot N1cKmney no Nov 14,2017 Apr 29,2018 Engineering Bolivar to Cedar Nhyhill no Sep 1,2017 Feb 28,2020 Street Widening Project Engineering Riney yes Sep 29,2017 Ju129,2018 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering NEhnto Solona Ryan Rd W Street Construction B yes Dec 11,2017 Jan 26,2018 Streets 12/6/17 y y FNIl830 to Forrestridge Note: this provides an Estimate of work to be done the next two weeks. Weather,equipment breakdowns,or other unforeseen problems could cause this schedule to change. Drainage 349-7116 / Water Distribution 349-7181 / Wastewater 349-8489 / Traffic 349-7342 / Streets 349-7160,streets@cityofdenton.com Engineering 349-8910,engineering@cityofdenton.com / TXDC7T 387-1414,romulo.bahamon(4xdot.gov / Denton County 349-3420 Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Nbssage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Nbeting CosoDe ntructin mltion COMPLETED PROJECTS Bonnie Brae no Jan 1,2018 Jan 12,2018 Curb and Gutter Repair Engineering i7S380 to 1/2 mile NofLTS380 Curb and Gutter Repairs 1, 12/18/17 Emerson no Dec 27,2017 Jan 26,2018 Streets Rockwood In to Locksley Ln 11/16/17 y Golden Rod yes Dec 4,2017 Jan 5,2018 PaneUSidewalkRepair Streets Cattail to Heron Pond Linden yes Dec 4,2017 Dec 22,2017 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets 11/29/17 y Ponder to Bryan Paisley yes Oct 2,2017 Dec 29,2017 Wastewater Nhin Construction Wastewater y Frame to Ruddeff