020218 Friday Staff Report ( I) City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 2, 2018 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. City Council Luncheon on Monday, February 5, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. in the Meeting Room at Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland Street. 2. Committee on the Environment Meeting on Monday, February 5, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Traffic Safety Commission Meeting on Monday,February 5,2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Committee on Citizen Engagement Meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 5. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 6. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 7. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, February 7,2018 at 5:00 p.m.in the City Council Work Session Room,followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. B. Upcoming Events 1. State of the City, February 15, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Embassy Suites by Hilton. 2. NAACP Annual Freedom Fund Banquet, Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the MLK Center. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency 0 Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. 108 N. Locust(Mini Mall)—Please see attached an Informal Staff Report on the status of the fire damaged property located at 108 N. Locust St. Staff contact: Scott McDonald B. Grant Recipient—The Police Department, in partnership with the Denton County Friends of the Family, has been selected to be one of six (6) grant recipients for the Integrity, Action, and Justice: Strengthening Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence initiative offered through the International Association of Chiefs of Police(IACP).The purpose of this initiative is to promote and enhance trauma-informed culture and practices to assist with recognizing and preventing gender bias when responding to and investigating sexual and domestic violence incidents; thus making a lasting impact on victims, the Police Department, and our community. Among the anticipated results will be the development of"best practices"in our agency policies, staffing recommendations to further our work in this area, developing a consistent response to these crimes, and ensuring Police Department employees are best equipped to navigate these complex investigations and situations. This program, funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, provides up to $225,000 for the current FY,and up to$225,000 for FY2018-2019.This funding can be used for training, travel, additional personnel, and equipment in furtherance of this initiative. A portion of the award funding will also be dispersed to Denton County Friends of the Family for their work in this partnership. Staff contact: Chief Lee Howell C. Scout Day at SCO-W.E.R.C.S. —Over 250 youth and their families are registered for Scout Day at ECO-W.E.R.C.S. Resource Recovery Park. This annual event on Saturday, February 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., gives participants the opportunity to tour the City's landfill, water reclamation plant (new this year!), and Pratt Materials Recovery Facility (recycling center). There are also nine hands-on science activities, and equipment is displayed for them to see and learn about. Scout Day is a cooperative event put on through Solid Waste & Recycling, Sustainability, Water, Wastewater, Watershed, Keep Denton Beautiful, and Pratt Recycling. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye D. Honey Run—On Saturday, Feb. 10, the Sustainability Department will be hosting its annual Honey Run event at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center. Over 750 people are currently registered for the run which will offer 5K, 1 OK, and 1-mile courses. This free event is open to all ages, and strollers and walkers are allowed on the 1-mile course. This free event helps to promote bee awareness throughout the community, and show ways to help the bee populations. After the race, participants will be able to meet with local beekeepers and try samples of locally produced honey. After the run, over 180 people have already signed up to take the free "Introduction to Beekeeping" workshop, also held at Clear Creek. Check in for the run starts at 8 a.m. on race day. Participants can pre-register at Facebook.com/sustainabledenton. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett E. Cedar Street Parking Lot—A portion of the Cedar Street Parking Lot was poured the week of January 29. Efforts are being made to open up the southeast portion of the parking lot by the end of February providing use of 13 standard parking spaces and 1 ADA space. Once work on the solid waste revetment is completed (walls), the dumpsters will be removed from Cedar Street. This will restore two on-street parking stalls for residents,patrons and employees in the downtown area. Target date for substantial completion of the parking lot is the end of April to provide parking capacity for the Arts and Jazz Fest. Staff contact: Mark Nelson F. Denton Renewable Resource Plan — At the Jan. 22, 2018 Public Utilities Board meeting, an e-mail sent by Mr. James Orenstein, a north Texas citizen, was presented suggesting certain items be considered in conjunction with the Denton Renewable Resource Plan. Attached is a memo from DME General Manager George Morrow with a response and more information. Staff contact: George Morrow G. PARD Monthly Project Report — Please see attached monthly major projects report from Parks &Recreation. H. Informal Staff Reports—Please see attached three ISRs on: • Employ-2-Empower Program- Termination Request from Serve Denton • Status of Fire Damaged Property located at 108 N. Locust(Mini Mall) • Council Request for Information on Parks Foundation III. Attachments A. Memo Re: Renewable Resource Plan B. PARD Monthly Project Report IV. Informal Staff Reports A. Employ-2-Empower Program B. Status of the Property at 108 N. Locust(Mini-Mall) C. Requested Information on Parks Foundation V. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda(Feb. 13) C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report _ ,0-NT0 N M U N I C I P A L JCOVFY ELECTRIC r Ene,,—, DENTON 1659 Spencer Road, Denton, TX 76205 • (940) 349-8487 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 2, 2018 TO: Todd Hileman, City Manager FROM: George Morrow, General Manager SUBJECT: Request for Information Regarding the Denton Renewable Resource Plan At the January 22, 2018 Public Utilities Board meeting, Assistant City Manager Mario Canizares presented an email sent by Mr. James Orenstein, a north Texas citizen, suggesting certain items be considered in conjunction with the Denton Renewable Resource Plan. Mr. Orentstein sent a revised, but similar email to the City Council on February 2, 2018. This memo is in response to the major items listed in Mr. James Orenstein's emails. Setting more specific targets for local, community scale solar proiects, some of which include energy storage. DME staff is evaluating the feasibility, costs, financial sustainability and customer demand for a community solar project. As part of this evaluation, DME is exploring financial/rate options for electric customers, including the cost effectiveness of community scale versus utility scale solar installations. DME has been working with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) which has provided DME with background information that they have researched. Continue expansion of solar rebates and other proiects to help homeowners and apartment owners put solar on their roofs,including pursuing Gold or Silver designation under SolSmart. As part of the GreenSense Incentive Program, cash rebates are given to DME customers who install photovoltaic (solar) systems at their residences or businesses. The program started in 2009 with only a $90,000 annual budget and a few small systems, however, it quickly grew in both scale and funding. For fiscal year 2018, the solar rebate budget was increased from $200,000 to $300,000. In addition to the cash rebate, participants are also incentivized by DME's rate structure, which provides customers with a credit for any generation up to their consumption and a credit for any energy put back on the DME grid in excess of their consumption. This year, the City announced its commitment to become a SolSmart designated community. The City of Denton's dedicated staff members, along with members of NCTCOG, worked together to improve its solar process by creating one centralized location for citizens to find information related to installing generation, developing a streamlined process for solar permitting and inspections, and implementing a more efficient approval process. This earned the City a Bronze Designation. Currently,the City is committed to becoming a Silver Designated Community by creating policy that clearly states solar rights of the community and tracking key metrics related to solar energy deployment. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service City Manager February 2, 2018 Page 2 A more robust demand-response program that would encourage residential, commercial, and industrial consumers to lower and shift peak energy use. DME began offering demand response options for its large customers beginning in 2009. This year, DME is reevaluating the program to improve its acceptance with customers. DME continues to offer services for customers that choose to participate in ERCOT's Emergency Response Service. DME hopes to introduce a more robust (new and improved) demand response program in fiscal year 2019. Some options being explored are voluntary load reduction, a residential thermostat program, and distributed generation participation. A more robust weatherization program to help low and middle income home and apartment residents reduce costs on their electric bills. In addition to demand response, DME is considering the establishment of energy efficiency incentives for small and medium commercial customers, a weatherization program for low income customers, and additional energy efficiency resources for multi-family residents. More information is expected to be available later in the year. Investigate adding energy storage to the DEC,both immediately as available from Wartsila and longer term as available more generally. Energy storage (battery) technology continues to make significant strides towards improved performance/efficiency, useful life, reduced cost and commercialization. The potential for cost effective energy storage applications is judged to be high in the mid to longer term. As noted in the Renewable Resource Plan, energy storage is considered to be in the "Early Adopter" phase. In this phase, additional technological and cost improvements can be expected. One of the main benefits of energy storage is to provide flexible capacity to integrate renewables into the electric grid. The Denton Energy Center, with its fast response time, will provide similar integration benefits. DME will continue to stay appraised of energy/battery storage development and consider possible cost effective applications. Set targets for decommissioning the DEC gas powered generators or converting them to renewable fuels. At the moment, DME is focused on meeting targets to complete the construction of DEC and begin commercial operations in summer 2018. Join the Natural Gas Supply Collaborative The Natural Gas Supply Collaborative (NGSC) currently is a consortium of nine very large natural gas producers and users. NGSC promotes safe and responsible practices for natural gas production. NGSC is targeted to utilities that are direct customers of natural gas producers or that buy a significant amount of natural gas. DME has no plans to join NGSC at the current time, but will remain informed of its activities and may reconsider at a later time. 2 Parks and Recreation Major Projects In Progress Project Location Budget Irojected Completion Dat Status Managed by Facilities Management Bid documents are in Purchasing awaiting the addition of contract incentives. Vendor rating complete by staff and BAFO is Vela Soccer Complex North Lakes $ 3,120,560 October 2018 being performed. Oakwood&IOOF Cemetery Fence Oakwood&IOOF $ 508,714 6/1/2018 As 2/2/18 rock column piers dug at IOOF and Oakwood. Still need entrance piers dug. Carl Young Restroom Carl Young $ 59,718 August 2018 Design complete,construction will bid after CDBG waiting period. Managed by Parks Contract approved by City Manager,installation begins Fall 2017.North Lakes and Senior Center completed;Denia,MLK Center Marquees U1 rec centers and Civic Cente $ 95,000 November 2018 and Civic Center Scheduled for early 2018. Lake Forest Dam Study Lake Forest $ 80,000 August 2018 Engineering staff is reviewing preliminary findings from TNP. Loon Lake Trail Connection Wind River $ 63,352 TBD Design complete.Real Estate is working with the Wind River HOA to purchase an easment. Requested a proposal from TNP to provide 3 concept designs with estimating costs.In-house staff provided concetptual Industrial Street Pocket Park concept designs Industrial Street TBD January 2018 design. Oakwood Cemetery monument restoration is complete,work has begun at IOOF.Oakwood is complete. Still working on Cemetery Headstone Audit and Repair-Phase 2 Oakwood&IOOF $104,423 Aril 2018 IOOF as of 2 2 18 Current restroom is dilapidated to the point of no repairs. CDBG grant recievd to remove and replace existing structure. Quakertown Restroom Quakertown Park $152,000 Sept 2018 Asbestos and lead test complete and clear. Currently writing specifications. Priority 2 PARD Purchase of property at Villages of Carmel Villages of Carmel Addition $ 275,520 February 2018 Purchase transaction complete.Wire of funds processed 2-2-2018. Purchase of property at Mack Park Mack Park $ 196,565 February 2018 Contracts si ned. Tentatively scheduled for Council approval February 20th. North Lakes Dog Park North Lakes $ 384,000 On Hold Water meter installed.Director meeting with TNP to develop site plan 06/29/17.PDM with Planning on 8/16/17. Grading at Industrial Park Parks and Recreation Major Projects In Progress Project Location Budget 'rojected Completion Dat Status 2014 Bond Playground Replacements Denia $130,000 October 2018 These three playgrounds will be bundled and bid together.CIP funds have been advanced to complete the project. 2014 Bond Playground Replacements Milam $140,000 October 2018 Anticipated completion date of October 2018.Specifications and Survey complete. Moving forward with purchasing. 2014 Bond Playground Replacements McKenna $150,000 November 2018 CIP funds available spring 2018 2014 Bond Playground Replacements Carl Young $150,000 October 2019 CIP funds available spring 2019 2014 Bond Playground Replacements Nette Schultz $110,000 October 2020 CIP funds available spring 2020 Recently Completed Wave Pool Waterworks Park $ 2,677,512 May 2017 The Wave Pool opened on July 8,2017. Accessible Swing Installation Ernest Dallas Park $ 18,000 May 2017 The bud et was$18,000 recevied$7,626 from the Park Foundation,which lead the project to come in$7,626 under budget. The budget was$40,000,the project was completed for$40,000. Amenity rebuild and rearrangement Skate Park $ 40,000 June 2017 Playground Replacement Londonderry $ 113,398 June 2017 The budget was$113,398,the project was completed for$89,000,coming in under budget b $24,398. Shade Structure Installation Golf Driving Range $ 50,207 June 2017 The budget was$50,207,the project was completed for$42,538,coming in under budget b $7,669. Avondale Sidewalk Avondale $ 74,787 Au 2017 The budget was$74,787,the project was completed for$74,787. Cemetery Headstone Audit and Repair-Phase 1 Oakwood&IOOF $ 49,000 September 2017 67 monuments repaired. Resurface Avondale Basketball Court Avondale $ 5,000 Sept 2017 Com lete 9 11 Firefighters Art Fire Central $ 325,000 Sept 2017 Complete and dedication held on 9/11/17 Surls Art Civic Center $ 105,000 October 2017 Artwork installed on 10 16 17. Punch list delivered 10/5,due 10/20. Concession stand will open to the public for the 2018 season. PROJECT Concession Stand at Water Works Park Water Works Park $ 2,677,512 October 2017 COMPLETED 12-20-17 10/10 Electrical installed.Grading and sod completed,bench installation,still needed.11/7/17 Training complete. Spray Ground Carl Young Park $ 200,000 November 2017 PROJECT COMPLETE 135 Art Medallions at North Texas Blvd I-35&N.TX Blvd $ 200,000 November 2017 Medallions are installed. PROJECT COMPLETE Evers Trail TXDOT Grant ers Elementary to North Lak $ 1,814,434 November 2017 Passed inspection. The project is 98%complete,only lack the shade structure. Field is ready for play. Shelter is constructed.PROJECT Fred Moore Athletic Fields Fred Moore Park $ 52,317 September 2017 COMPLETE Date: February 2,2018 Report No. 2018-011 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: To provide City Council with an update of Employ-2-Empower, Denton's employment program for persons experiencing homelessness. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Employ-2-Empower(E2E) is a pilot project employing people experiencing homelessness working on clean-up projects at City facilities. At this time the E2E partners are requesting to terminate the program and the MOU agreement with the City effective February 9, 2018. BACKGROUND: In late 2016, Denton City Council members expressed interest in pursuing a similar program to Albuquerque's program called"There's a Better Way". City staff was asked for ideas regarding how to implement a program that creates employment opportunities for the homeless in Denton. A planning group of city staff and local nonprofits drafted a project proposal and identified the level of interest from other community partners. The group reviewed similar projects offered in Albuquerque, Amarillo, and Denver. As a result, the group drafted a proposal for a pilot project called Employ-2-Empower(E2E). The program was designed to help the literally homeless gain the skills, experience and confidence needed to find living-wage jobs by 1) Helping people develop a job history; 2) Providing training and experience to develop soft skills; and 3) Connecting people to long-term employment opportunities. On February 21, 2017, the group presented the E2E pilot project to the City Council and requested $42,000 in funding to be leveraged with cost sharing in-kind options provided by multiple community partner agencies through in-kind service delivery. In addition, the project required city departments to identify work projects that are suitable for workers enrolled in the program. City Council authorized staff to proceed with an agreement granting $21,000 funded from FY 2016-17 and$21,000 from FY 2017-18 to support the program. In June 2017, the City of Denton and Denton Assistance Center, Inc., d/b/a Serve Denton ("Serve Denton") agreed upon a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) and Council authorized the MOU agreement through an ordinance on June 20, 2017. The City provided the first installment of$21,000 in August of 2017. The first employees went to work in September 2017 cleaning City right-of-ways and parks. Employees earned $9 and hour, working on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and they attended one hour of paid training per week from other agencies like the United Way. In addition,participants received lodging at Monsignor King Outreach Center(MKOC), meals for the day from Our Daily Bread(ODB), and work clothing like gloves and boots from Vision Ministries and MKOC. Date: February 2,2018 Report No. 2018-011 Vision Ministries provides transportation to and from job sites, as well as job site supervision and coordination with City staff for weekly job site projects. The In-Kind contributions from all partners totals just over$5,000, matching current expenditures for salaries and payroll taxes. DISCUSSION: The goal of E2E was to employ ten participants in the program with five participants enrolled for the first six months and another five in the second six months. At the initial launch of E2E, the program experienced limited success in recruiting and hiring participants finding that the lack of stable housing is a significant barrier to participation. Other complicating factors were the need for overall program design improvements to better serve the whole client, including case management support. E2E received 50 applications with 17 individuals showing up for interviews. Fifteen were accepted into the program. Out of the 15, nine completed the required drug testing with four actually reporting for work. All four participants exited the program early: two secured employment, one moved to another city, and one left the program because of garnishments. At this time the Serve Denton with agreement from all E2E partners are requesting to terminate the program and the MOU agreement with the City on February 9, 2018. Recognizing the issues with the existing program, they expressed the desire to be a fiscally responsible partner with the City. The E2E partners wish to take time to assess the pilot findings, review the program design, and plan to return with improvements or a new program proposal at a later date. CONCLUSION: E2E is a pilot project. The E2E partners have evaluated the program on an ongoing basis and have determined that under the current design it will not meet the desired outcomes and would not be a responsible use of the funds. City staff agrees with this assessment and is therefore recommending that the request to terminate the MOU be accepted. The City Manager has authorization to agree to mutual termination of the contract, unless City Council has questions or concerns regarding the MOU. At the date of termination, any remaining funds from the initial $21,000 allocation will be provided to the City from Serve Denton as required by the MOU. ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Letter Requesting to Terminate 2. MOU STAFF CONTACT: Danielle Shaw, Human Services Coordinator Community Development (940) 349-7237 Danielle.Shaw(a,cityofdenton.com ! I I Todd Hileman, City Manager City of Denton 215 E. McKinney St., Ste 100 Denton, TX 76201 Dear Todd, Denton Assistance Center, Inc. d/b/a Serve Denton is requesting that the City agree to terminate the MOU signed in June 2017 for the Employ 2 Empower(E2E) program.According to the terms of the MOU, we are asking to terminate this MOU based on our inability to fulfill the obligations for the program outcomes. The goal of E2E was to employ ten participants in the program with five participants enrolled for the first six months and another five in the second six months. At the initial launch of E2E,the program experienced limited success in recruiting and hiring participants finding that the lack of stable housing is a significant barrier to participation. Other complicating factors around the need for overall program design improvements to better serve the whole client including case management support. E2E has made great effort to recruit individuals for this program,to help provide employment for homeless individuals and give them access to other services while they perform these jobs. E2E received 50 applications with 17 individuals showing up for interviews.We held interviews at Monsignor King Outreach Center to reduce the barrier of transportation, since many were staying there. Fifteen were accepted into the program. Out of the 15, nine completed the required drug testing with four actually reporting for work. Four participants exited the program early. 2 secured employment, 1 moved to another city and 1 left the program because of child support garnishments. At this time the E2E partners are requesting to terminate the program and the MOU agreement with the City on February 9, 2018. E2E is a pilot project. The E2E partners have evaluated the program on an ongoing basis and have determined that under the current design it will not meet the desired outcomes and would not be a responsible use of the funds.At the date of termination any remaining funds from the initial$21,000 allocation will be provided to the City from Serve Denton as required by the MOU. The E2E partners wish to take time to assess the pilot findings, review the program design with the plan to return with improvements or a new program at a later date. Attached is our YTD income($21,000)and all expenditures YTD date. Once the MOU is terminated, we will repay all remaining funds immediately to the City. We thank you for your time and resources committed to this project. We hope you understand the circumstances for the termination of this agreement. Sincerely, Carlie Kuban Executive Director, Serve Denton OUR MISSION Serve Denton supports nonprofits that open doors for people to become self-sufficient. info@servedenton.org • 75-2946412 306 N. LoopDenton, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AND DENTON ASSISTANCE CENTER,INC. d/b/a SERVE DENTON TO IMPLEMENT EMPLOY TO EMPOWER(E2E) DENTON'S EMPLOYMENT EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM FOR PERSONS EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § This Memorandum of Understanding, made this_ day of , 2017, by and between the City of Denton, A Texas municipal corporation, wi 1ts principal office at 215 East McKinney Street, Denton, Denton County, Texas 76201, herciriaftex° called "City" and Denton Assistance Center, Inc. d/b/a Serve Denton, a 5016 organization with an office at 1980 East University Drive, Denton, Texas 76209, hereinafter called "Serve Denton," acting herein, by and through their duly authorized representatives. WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: INTRODUCTION There is growing recognition that homelessness is a significant issue in our community. The number of homeless will continue to increase and the costs to the community will continue to mount unless immediate action is taken. Employment empowers people experiencing homelessness. Meaningful and sustainable employment is a key component to creating and maintaining housing stability. However, individuals experiencing homelessness face obstacles to finding and maintaining employment. Connecting them with job training and placement programs is critical to ensure they have the tools needed to exit homelessness and for long-term stability. OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE This program will help the literally homeless gain the skills, experience and confidence needed to find living-wage jobs. 1, Help people develop a job history. 2, Provide training and experience to develop soft skills. 3.. Connect people to long-term employment opportunities. BACKGROUND Denton City Council members expressed interest in pursuing a similar program to Albuquerque, New Mexico's program called "There's a Better Way". City staff were asked for ideas how to implement a program that creates employment opportunities for the homeless in Denton. In November, 2016 a planning group of city staff and local nonprofits was assigned the task to draft a project proposal and identify level of interest for implementation from other community partners. The group met regularly through January 2017 making final recommendations to City Council for a program called Employ 2 Empower. The program sought $42,000 in funding to be leveraged with cost sharing options through in-kind service delivery through multiple partner agencies. This proposal was accepted and the City Council agreed to fund $42,000. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and Serve Denton regards the implementation of a homeless employment initiative known as Employ 2 Empower (the "Program") under which Serve Denton will employ literally homeless persons (the "Participants"). RIESPONSIBILITIES The City of Denton, Texas Contribution The City will provide a one-time contribution to fund, in part, the Program, Barbara Ross, Community Development Manager, will serve as the key staff contact to oversee the City's contribution. The City agrees to: I< Fund a total of $42,000 to be used by Serve Denton toemploy Participants in the Program. Participants in the Program are expected to work 2 days a week, for a period not to exceed six months. The City and Serve Denton agree that Participants will serve as at-will employees of Serve Denton, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create a right of any Participant toemployment with Serve Denton, the City, or any other entity or person. The funding from the City is expected to support the wages and administrative costs for 4,000 man-hours of labor for around 10 employees. 2. The above contemplated amount will be paid pursuant to a payment schedule: Pay to Serve Denton $21,000 to be funded from FY 2017 payable in June 2017 and $21,000 to be funded from FY 2018 payable in October 2017. 2 3. Work with Serve Denton's lead staff to approve outputs and outcomes associated with this initiative. 4. Notify the City Council, Denton County Homeless Coalition and the United Way of any related activities addressing homelessness so as not to duplicate efforts. 5. Identify City department lead staff who can provide weekly job projects for Participants in the Program. Serve Denton's Contribution Serve Denton will serve as the manager and supervisor of the Program. Serve Denton will receive City funds and seek input from other community partners concerning Serve Denton's employment of Participants. The City and Serve Denton agree that all decisions concerning hiring, termination, employee discipline, work schedules, or any other decision requiring the exercise of employer discretion will be made by Serve Denton alone. Danita Summers will serve as the key staff contact for Serve Denton concerning the management of the Program. Serve Denton agrees to: 1. As the project manager and legal employer, receive City funds to administer the Program and pay Participants. 2. Provide human resources administrative services to handle employee processing and pay wages for hours worked to Participants in the Program. 3. Spend no more than $6,000 of the funds provided by the City on its administrative costs. 4. Work with the Employ 2 Empower Steering Committee and pilot project partners to identify and update outputs and outcomes associated with this initiative. 5. Ensure that Employ to Empower Steering Committee and pilot project partners provide regular reports to the City on the progress toward agreed upon outputs and outcomes. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Program is designed to help the literally homeless gain the skills, experience and confidence needed to find living-wage jobs. The following services will be provided by Serve Denton, or their contractors, as part of this program. 1. Within the period of this Agreement, provide training and experience to at least ten Participants in order to develop job and soft skills. 2. Coordinate with the City to identify work requirements and determine a work schedule for the persons in this program. 3. Help the persons in this program develop ajob history. 3 4. Connect graduates of this program to long-term employment opportunities. 5. The City and Serve Denton agree that Participants will only is up litter in mowed open areas along main thoroughfares and city parks, paint park restrooms, paint trash cans, or paint playground equipment. 6. The City and Serve Denton agree that at no time will any Participant operate any electric or gasoline powered tool or equipment, use a ladder of any height, or work in areas not previously mowed on a monthly basis. 7. Serve Denton agrees to provide appropriate safety equipment including reflective vests, eye protection, gloves, work boots, sun hats, sunscreen, water, and handheld tools as Serve Denton, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT This MOU will be executed upon signature of of parties and will apply for the period of June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018. This MOU may be modified, altered, or revised, by mutual written consent of all parties, by the issuance of a written amendment, signed and dated by all the parties. OBLIGATIONS In consideration of the receipt of funds from the City, Serve Denton agrees to the following terms and conditions: I The City shall not be obligated or liable under this Agreement to any party other than Serve Denton for payment of any monies or provision of any goods or services. 2. All expenditures of these funds shall be those in accordance with the scope of services as provided herein and shall not utilize these funds for any other purpose. I Serve Denton will establish, operate, and maintain an account system for this program that will allow for a tracing of funds and a review of the financial status of the program. The system will be based on generally accepted accounting principles as recognized by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 4. Serve Denton will maintain financial records that will provide accurate, current, separate, and complete disclosure of the status of the funds received under this Agreement, and permit authorized officials of the City to review these records at any time. 5. Serve Denton will not enter into any contracts that would encumber funds provided by the City for a period that would extend beyond the term of this Agreement. 6. Serve Denton will appoint a representative who will be available to meet with City officials when requested. 7. Serve Denton will permit authorized official from the City to carry out monitoring and evaluation of Serve Denton's activities to ensure adherence to the Scope of Services, and Program Goals and Objectives. 8. Serve Denton will submit performance/beneficiary reports on a quarterly basis tothe City, to include information such as: number of persons assisted, training provided; 4 number of persons transitioned to permanent employment; and explanation of any major changes in program services. INSURANCE 1. Serve Denton shall be required to purchase and maintain General Liability insurance with a combined single limits of not less than $1,000,000. The policy shall be written on an occurrence basis either in a single policy or in a combination of underlying and umbrella or excess policies. Said General Liability shall provide coverage for: a. premises, operations; b. products, and completed operations; c. independent contractors; d. contractual liability covering this contract; and e. broad form property damage coverage. 1 Serve Denton shall be required to purchase and maintain Workers' Compensation insurance which, in addition to meeting the minimum statutory requirements for issuance of such insurance, has Employer's Liability limits of at least $100,000 for each accident, $100,000 per each employee, and a $500,000 policy limit for occupational disease. The City need not be named as an "Additional Insured" but the insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers for any work performed for the City by the Named Insured. 3. Serve Denton shall be required to purchase and maintain Commercial Automobile Liability insurance with Combined Single Limits (CSL) of not less than $500,000 either in a single policy or in a combination of basic and umbrella or excess policies. The policy will include bodily injury and property damage liability arising out of the operation, maintenance and use of all automobiles and mobile equipment used in conjunction with this contract, and shall provide coverage for any auto, or all owned, hired, and non-owned autos. 4. Serve Denton will maintain adequate and continuous automobile liability insurance on all vehicles owned, leased or operated for this program. Additionally, all employees and contractors of Serve Denton who are required to drive a vehicle in the normal scope and course of this program must possess a valid Texas driver's license and automobile liability insurance. Evidence of the employee's current possession of a valid license and insurance must be maintained on a current basis in Serve Denton's files. 5, Actual losses not covered by insurance as required by this Section are not allowable costs under this Agreement, and remain the sole responsibility of Serve Denton. 6, The policy or policies of insurance shall contain a clause which requires that the City and Serve Denton be notified in writing of any cancellation of change in the policy at least 30 days prior to such change or cancellation. 5 T Any general liability or automobile insurance policies shall name the City of Denton as an Additional Insured. INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS Serve Denton shall release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, it employees, officials and agents against any and all claims, demands and lawsuits, and shall pay all costs and attorney's fees incurred in the defense thereof, for any injury to persons or premises damage, including claims of Serve Denton employees, agents and invitees allegedly resulting from any act, incident, or accident arising from this program, except for those acts, incidents, or accidents arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City. The City and its employees and agents are not liable to Serve Denton employees, agents, invitees, or any other persons for any injury to any of those persons or for any damage to personal property caused by an act, omission, or neglect. It is expressly intended that any Participants in the Program working on job projects identified by the City for the Program are not employees of the City and shall not be entitled to any benefits from the City, including workers'compensation coverage. Additionally, Serve Denton expressly releases, waives, and indemnifies the City for any claims by its employees in the Employ 2 Empower program for workers'compensation or related benefits, and shall cause it workers' compensation insurance carrier to provide a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Serve Denton shall provide services to the City as independent contractors, not as employees of the City. Serve Denton shall not have or claim any right arising from employee status. NO PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE Nothing in this MOU shall be construed or interpreted to make the City and Serve Denton partners or joint venturers, or to make one an agent or representative of the other, or to or any rights to any third party other than as expressly provided herein. ARBITRATION AND ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION The parties may agree to settle any disputes under this Agreement by submitting the dispute to mediation. No mediation arising out of or relating to this Agreement may proceed without the agreement of of parties to submit the dispute to mediation. The location for the mediation shall be the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas unless a different location is agreed TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, either party may, for reasons specified below, terminate by giving thirty (3 0) days' advance written notice to the other party. 6 This Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in the event of either party substantially failing to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. No such termination will be affected unless the other party is given (1) written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate and setting forth the reasons specifying the non-performance, and not less than thirty (30) calendar days to cure the failure; and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination. If the Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the services to be provided hereunder, Serve Denton shall immediately cease all services and shall render a final bill for services to the City within thirty (30) days after the date of termination. The City shall pay Serve Denton for all services properly rendered and satisfactorily performed and for reimbursable expenses incurred prior to the date of termination, in accordance with "Compensation." Should the City subsequently contract with a third party for the continuation of services on the Program, the third party and Serve Denton shall cooperate in providing information. Serve Denton shall turn over all documents prepared or furnished by Serve Denton pursuant to this Agreement to the City on or before the date of termination, but may maintain copies of such documents for its use. Serve Denton shall refund to City any excess payment for services that were not rendered within ten working days of the City's request. This includes any sum of money which has been paid by the City and which the City at any time thereafter determines: has resulted in overpayment to Serve Denton; or has not been spent strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; or is not supported by adequate documentation to fully justify the expenditure, RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES Approval by the City shall not constitute, nor be deemed a release of the responsibility and liability of Serve Denton, its employees, associates, agents, subcontractors, and sub Partners for the accuracy and competency of their designs or other work; nor shall such approval be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility by the City for any defect in the design or other work prepared by Serve Denton its employees, subcontractors, agents, and Partners, Serve Denton retains responsibility and liability at all times during this Agreement and after completion of this Agreement. NOTICES All notices, communications, and reports required or permitted under this Agreement shall be personally delivered or mailed to the respective parties by depositing same in the United States mail to the address shown below, certified mail, return receipt requested, unless otherwise specified herein. Mailed notices shall be deemed communicated as of three (3) days' mailing: To SERVE DENTON: Denton Assistance Center, Inc. d/b/a Serve Denton 1980 East University Drive Denton, Texas 76209 7 To• CITY. City of Denton Barbara Ross 215 East McKinney Denton,Texas 76201 All notices shall be deemed effective upon receipt by the party to who such notice is given, or within three (3) days' ailing. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement is found or deemed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall be considered severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall not cause the remainder to be invalid or unenforceable. In such event, the parties shall reform this Agreement to replace such stricken provision with a valid and enforceable provision which comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Serve Denton shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the work covered hereunder as they may now read or hereinafter be amended. ETHICAL REQUIREMENTS Serve Denton covenants and agrees that its officers, employees, and agents have no interest, and will acquire no interest, including personal financial interest, either directly or indirectly, which will conflict in any manner with the performance of the services called for under this Agreement. No officer oremployee of the City shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with the City, or be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the City of any land, materials, supplies or services, except on behalf of the City or in compliance with the provisions of the City of Denton's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. Any violation of this provision shall render this Agreement voidable at the discretion of the City. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED In performing the services required hereunder, Serve Denton shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, age, or disability. PERSONNEL Serve Denton represents that it has or will secure, at its own expense, all personnel required to perform all the services required under this Agreement. Such personnel shall not be employees or officers of, or have any contractual relations with the City. Serve Denton shall inform the City of any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest that may arise during the term of this Agreement. 8 All services required hereunder will be performed by Serve Denton. All personnel engaged in work shall be qualified, and shall be authorized and permitted under state and local laws to perform such services. In those instances deemed necessary by the City, Serve Denton shall conduct background checks on Participants ASSIGNABILITY Serve Denton shall not assign any of its scope of services under in this Agreement, and shall not transfer any of its scope of services under this Agreement (whether by assignment, novation, or otherwise)without the prior written consent of the City, and such consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Should Serve Denton assign any part of the monies due under this Agreement, Serve Denton is required to provide written notice of the same to City. Any assignment of monies due under this Agreement shall not change any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement to include but not limited to the terms and conditions for payment under this Agreement. MODIFICATION No waiver or modification of this Agreement or of any covenant, condition, or limitation herein contained shall be valid unless in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged therewith, and no evidence of any waiver or modification shall be offered or received in evidence in any proceeding arising between the parties hereto out of or affecting this Agreement, or the rights or obligations of the parties hereunder, and unless such waiver or modification is in writing and duly executed; and the parties further agree that the provisions of this section will not be waived unless as set forth herein. VENUE This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, venue and jurisdiction of any suit or cause of action arising under this Agreement shall lie exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction sitting in Denton County, Texas. RIGHT TO AUDIT The City shall have the right to audit and make copies of the books, records and computations pertaining to this Agreement. Serve Denton shall retain such books, records, documents and other evidence pertaining to this Agreement during the contract period and five (5)years thereafter, except if an audit is in progress or it findings are yet unresolved, in which case records shall be kept until all audit tasks are completed and resolved.These books, records, documents and other evidence shall be available, within 10 business days of written request. Further, the Serve Denton shall also require all Subcontractors, material suppliers, and other payees to retain all books, records, documents and other evidence pertaining to this Agreement, and to allow the City similar access tothose documents. All books and records will be made available within a 50 mile radius of the City of Denton. The cost of the audit will be borne by the 9 City unless the audit reveals an overpayment of 1%or greater. If an overpayment of 1%or greater occurs, the reasonable cost of the audit, including any travel costs, must be borne by Serve Denton, which must be payable within five business days of receipt of an invoice. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall be a material breach of this contract and shall constitute, in the City's sole discretion, grounds for termination thereof. Each of the terms "books" "records" "documents" and "other evidence" as used above shall be construed to include drafts and electronic files, even if such drafts or electronic files are subsequently used to generate or prepare a final printed document. SIGNATURES Todd Hileman, City Manager....... ..._.W_ ... ............. ._ .�...... �_�� Date City of Denton Date...... .� .._. . m Denton Assistance Center, Inc. d/b/a-Serve Denton By: Karen K. Martin Title: Executive Director ATTEST: City :ccretar.'Y APPROVED AS TO FORM: r City Attorney 10 Date: February 2,2018 Report No. 2018-012 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Status of the fire damaged property located 108 N. Locust St. (Mini-Mall) BACKGROUND: December 26, 2017 a four alarm fire occurred at the subject address. The building was a complete loss with only the front and rear facades remaining. Since the day of the fire City staff has worked with the property owners to provide them information and options on how best to assist during this very difficult and emotional time. The information included staff contact information, a list of professional resources and information on available grants through a number of different agencies. Staff actions were focused on assisting them through their decision making process in an effort to quickly abate the hazard and open the public streets and sidewalk. Since the fire occurred there has been a great deal of discussion on the historic significance of the Mini Mall. This property is in close proximity to a historic landmark, however this building is not a designated as historic landmark. Therefore the property owner does not have limitations or requirements to go before the Historic Landmark Commission, nor does the City have cause to prevent or delay the demolition of the building. For the past month the property owners have had a variety of contractors and engineers survey the building in order provide professional recommendations for the family's consideration. After careful deliberation the owners have contracted with a firm to demolish the remaining building facades and remove the fire debris. January 31, 2018 Tactical Demolition made application for a demolition permit to abate the hazard and remove the fire damaged materials from the site. The contractor will begin by saw cutting both front and back fagade walls. They will confirm there are no connections to the adjacent properties. The contractor will knock down the front fagade and remove the rear fagade and contents from the Locust side of the building. The site will be completely removed clear down to the ground or slab where concrete exists. February 2, 2018 City of Denton Building Inspection issued a Demolition Permit for 108 N. Locust St. On or after February 6, 2018 Tactical Demolition will begin operations. The contractor will take measures to prevent damage to neighboring properties as well as City sidewalk, streets and utilities. It is anticipated the contractor should complete the work within a total of seven days,removing the temporary fencing on both Locust and Austin Streets immediately following the demolition operations abating the dangerous condition. The contractor will suspend construction operations over the weekend to avoid noise and disruption to businesses on the square. Date: February 2,2018 Report No. 2018-012 The owners will be installing an eight(8) foot tall wood wall on both facades following once the demolition contractor completes their work. This project will inevitably draw spectators; staff has coordinated with both police and fire to closely monitor site conditions to ensure public safety. Additionally, economic development staff will be communicating with business in the area to provide this information and address any concerns they may have. STAFF CONTACT: Scott A. McDonald Director/Chief Building Official Department of Development Services 940-349-8539 Scott.mcdonaId@cityofdenton.com Date: February 2,2018 Report No. 2018-013 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: January 10 Request of Information on Parks Foundation BACKGROUND: During the January 19a'Council meeting, Council Member Sara Bagheri requested information on: • The total number of scholarships supported by the Foundation. • Fee assessments related to the Denton Youth Sports agreement. • The amount of staffing services provided to the Parks Foundation and any vendor contracts paid by the City for services received by the Parks Foundation. In response to the request, the following information is being provided. Denton Youth Sports Fees The Denton Parks and Recreation Department(PARD) enters into an annual agreement with Denton Boys Baseball, Inc. (DBBI), Denton Soccer Association(DSA), and Denton All-Star Youth Football League (DAYFL) for the use of athletic fields. The agreement, known as the Field Utilization Agreement, defines the role and responsibilities of each entity, outlines the rules and regulations for field use, and establishes an allocation of field use time. Attachments of the 2017 and 2018 agreements are included and listed as Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 respectively. Section 11 of the agreement states the applicable documentation and fees required by PARD. Historically, three specific fees were included in the agreement. An Impact Fee of$15 per child per season and $25 per child per season for select players was assessed. An additional $5 Nonresident Fee was also collected. Both the Impact Fee and Nonresident Fee are part of PARD's fee scheduled that is reviewed and adopted by Council on an annual basis. Fees collected go to General Fund revenue. A third Enhancement Fee of$5 per registered player was also assessed. Per the agreement, the funds are made payable to the Denton Parks Foundation and placed into a Park Foundation account. Use of the enhancement fee must be voted on by a majority of Denton Youth Sports Association(DYSA)members, comprised of the three sport associations, and is to be used for field improvements. Proposed improvements and enhancements to the athletic fields must be approved by PARD. Following a yearly review and update of the agreements, the Enhancement Fee was removed from the 2018 agreement. It was determined that because the fee was made payable to the Foundation and funds were held by the Foundation, the transaction should occur solely between DYSA and the Foundation. Work on the athletic fields would continue to be evaluated and approved by PARD. Date: February 2,2018 Report No. 2018-013 An accounting of the collection and use of the Enhancement Fee was tracked by PARD's Athletic Division. A balance sheet for 2017 is attached as Exhibit 3 listing the fees collected and detailing expenditures for each association. Scholarships PARD offers two scholarship programs providing financial assistance to families and individuals. One scholarship is fully funded by a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and covers the full cost of summer camp. The second scholarship covers half of program fees, can be applied to any PARD youth program, and is partially funded by the Parks Foundation. Funding for partial scholarships is raised through various activities including donations, fund- raising, and allocation of proceeds from PARD hosted events,programs, and activities. The funds are held in a Parks Foundation account. Parks Foundation advises PARD on the amount available for scholarships each year. Eligibility for a partial scholarship is based on criteria used by the Denton Independent School District(DISD) for free and reduced lunches. Parents and guardians must provide a copy of the free or reduced lunch letter from the school district. Beginning in the current fiscal year, the maximum award to an individual is $150 per year. The time period is August 1 to July 31 to coincide with the DISD calendar. Prior to FY 2016—2017, scholarships were limited to $250 maximum per child and a$500 maximum per family. The scholarships were also limited to summer camps and childcare programs. Scholarships are awarded by PARD staff on a first come first serve basis. Requests are processed by PARD staff and recorded in Civic Rec, the Department's registration software. As an individual registers for a youth program, a partial credit is applied. The registrant is responsible for the remaining balance. PARD requests reimbursement for the partial credit from the Parks Foundation on a quarterly basis. An accounting of the scholarships used is provided to the Parks Foundation as documentation. Below is a four year history of the number of scholarships awarded and the number of individuals served. Awards FY 2013 - FY 2014 - 2015 FY 2015—2016 FY 2016- 2017 2014 # of Scholarships 269 314 365 416 People Served 128 161 185 191 Staffing and Vendor Services Staff continues to work on gathering the information related to staffing and vendor services provided to the Parks Foundation. ATTACHMENT(S): Exhibit 12017 Sports Association Agreement Exhibit 2 2018 Sports Association Agreement Exhibit 3 Enhancement Fee History Date: February 2,2018 Report No. 2018-013 STAFF CONTACT: Laura Behrens Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Laura.Behrens(acityofdenton.com CITY OF DENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2017 CO-SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT FOR YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATIONS This Annual Co-Sponsorship Agreement, herein called "Agreement" is made and entered this day of , between the City of Denton Parks and Recreation Department, herein called "City", and the , herein called "Association." For and in consideration of the mutual undertakings herein set out, the parties agree as follows: The Association utilizes public athletic facilities that are provided and maintained by, and at the cost of, the City. In return for the use of those facilities, the Association hereby agrees to abide by the following standards, requirements, and guidelines set by the City for all recreational youth sports. Failure to abide by these standards and guidelines could result in restriction of facility use or the cancellation of the Agreement. Section 1 . FIELD ALLOCATION Both the City and the Association agrees that these allocated fields are owned by the City and provided for the benefit of all citizens of Denton. The City shall maintain final approval over the use of these fields at all times. The City reserves the right to use any field for other events or programs if notice is given to the appropriate Association at least one month prior to registration for the next season, or if the Association's schedule allows for additional field usage by the City. The City reserves the right to change field or concession assignments. Associations will report enrollment numbers to the Athletics Office at least one week prior to practices beginning for each season in order to receive their field allocation for that season. Associations should accurately estimate their enrollment for the season. At minimum, fees will be based on this reported enrollment. The allocation chart is located in Exhibit A. The City may utilize any fields not allocated. Based on enrollment numbers: • Denton All-Star Youth Football League (DAYFL) will use North Lakes Football Complex and its concession stand Monday — Saturday during their season. The City will utilize the North Lakes Football Complex and its concession stand from February — June. During the DAYFL season, the City will continue to use the complex on Sundays and reserves the right to use the complex on Saturdays once DAYFL has completed their games for the day. • Denton Boys Baseball (DBBI) will use Evers Baseball Complex and Mack Baseball Complex along with the concession stands at each complex. DBBI may use Roberts Field at the discretion of the City. The City will use Evers 7-9 for its youth kickball program in June and July. • Denton Soccer Association (DSA) will use North Lakes Soccer Complex and the building/concession stand. North Lakes Soccer and Football Complex, Evers Baseball Complex, Mack Baseball Complex, and Roberts Baseball Field are herein called "Premises" in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Association Initials City Representative Initials Section 2. SEASON DATES, HOURS, AND SCHEDULES Fields will be made available for practice and games to Associations anytime between the dates outlined in Exhibit A. 1. All fields must be reserved through the Athletics Office for practices and games. 2. All practice and game schedules must be submitted to the Athletics Office in calendar form no later than one week prior to practices and games beginning. In addition to the calendar schedules, a copy of the full practice and game schedule must be provided. A link to the online schedules is acceptable. 3. Each Association will need to provide the City two business days' notice for any make- up games needed. 4. All fields will be maintained daily after approved schedule of games is provided to the City. Fields will be maintained periodically as needed for practice purposes. All fields will be marked on Fridays for the weekend. Additional field prep over the weekend will be the responsibility of the Association. 5. Weekend games may not start prior to 9 a.m. to allow enough time for maintenance to evaluate playing conditions. 6. No games will be allowed to end after 9 p.m. for children eight years of age and under. 7. All games on the Athletic fields must end by 10 p.m. 8. Athletic fields are closed between the hours of 7 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Monday— Friday to allow City crews to maintain fields. 9. No team should be allowed more than four hours practice time per week. Section 3. TOURNAMENTS AND CAMPS Due to the increase in requests for field allocations to host co-sponsored tournaments and camps, and the added impact on personnel and operational budgets, the City will determine the types of tournaments and camps that will be co-sponsored and the responsibility of the requesting groups when hosting these activities. Co-sponsored tournaments may require additional maintenance costs such as labor and field preparation supplies, at the discretion of the City. Tournaments within the Parameters of League Play: Intra-league tournaments for Associations that have one pre or post-season tournament as part of the recreational league will be co-sponsored by the City. Co-Sponsored Invitational Tournaments and Camps: The City will co-sponsor one invitational tournament and one camp per season at no cost. The City will also co-sponsor one fundraising tournament per calendar year. All co-sponsored tournaments must provide the opportunity for the Association's teams to participate in the tournament. Association Initials City Representative Initials 2 Requests for additional tournaments will follow the same guidelines outlined in the City's regular Field Agreement. Requirements for all tournaments: 1. Tournaments may only take place within the allowable season dates per the Agreement, except for pre-season tournaments. Pre-season tournaments may be held the weekend before games begin, at the discretion of the City. 2. The Association will be responsible for picking up trash. The City will provide extra trash bags, if needed. A fee of $38/man-hour will be charged if the Parks Maintenance must pick up trash on Monday. 3. Fields will be marked on Friday for the weekend. Additional field prep will be the responsibility of the Association. 4. Games may not begin prior to 9 a.m. on weekends. 5. If the Association requests weekend maintenance, a fee of $38 per man-hour will be charged for preparation of the fields, trash pick-up, restocking and cleaning of restrooms, etc. 6. A fee of $150 per field will be charged for additional temp fencing or installation. 7. Additional port-a-lets will be at the expense of the Association and must be by a City approved company. 8. Additional bleacher placement (rental or City transfer) will be at the expense of the Association and must be by a City approved company. 9. Tent rentals will be at the expense of the Association and must be by a City approved company and meet fire code guidelines. 10.A detailed financial report (supplied by the City) must be submitted within two weeks of the conclusion of the tournament, detailing the following information: revenue and expenses for the tournament (including concessions), listing of team names and the city they represent, average number of players per team, host hotel(s) name, number of hotel nights generated from the tournament, and any sponsors involved with the tournament. Section 4. ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE REQUIREMENTS AND ROGUE PLAY 1. Associations are prohibited from subletting fields. Teams must be a registered member of the Association to receive game and practice privileges. Teams, whether recreational or select are never permitted "practice only" privileges as this would be considered subletting the fields. Recreational teams in leagues that have combined with other associations and/or leagues are permitted up to two games in Denton before having to register with the Association and pay all applicable fees. Select teams are exempt from this game limit rule since they travel more often and pay select impact fees. Association Initials City Representative Initials 3 2. Athletic fields may be closed due to fields being too wet for play, safety concerns, require maintenance, renovation, or construction. 3. The City will make the call on field playability. The athletics field condition line is (940) 349- 8276 and will be updated by 4 p.m. on weekdays and by 8:30 a.m. on weekends when conditions are questionable. The only time it is up to the Association's discretion for play is if inclement weather occurs after 4 p.m. on weekdays or 8:30 a.m. on weekends and no determination has been made by the City. 4. It is a violation of Section 22-26 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas to enter a field that has a closed sign posted, unless such person is a City employee or contractor performing maintenance. 5. It is a violation of Section 22-26 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas to enter a field that has a sign posted "field use with permit only" without having a reservation. 6. Overnight camping and overnight parking of any vehicle is NOT allowed in City parks or parking lots of City buildings. Park hours are from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., parking outside of these hours is prohibited. The Association will be fined $100 for violation. 7. All parking must be done in the parking lots. No parking allowed on any grass area, unless the area has been designated for overflow parking by the City. 8. Driving inside the athletic complexes should only be completed for loading or unloading of supplies. Vehicles must remain on paved areas. Immediately after loading and unloading, vehicles must return to designated parking areas. 9. Contact the Fire Marshall at (940) 349-8360, to secure a Fire Code Permit, if a tent larger than 200 square feet or a canopy tent larger than 400 square feet will be used. A fire extinguisher is required for these tents. 10.No alcohol is permitted in any park area, including parking lots. 11.It is not permitted to smoke or possess a lit tobacco, or other plant product, or to smoke electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette) except in designated areas. The designated smoking area is the parking lot, unless otherwise noted by a specific "designated smoking area" sign. 12.The Association will adhere to all City Ordinances that regulate use of City athletic facilities. Rogue Play: Association board members, commissioners and staff are expected to enforce the City of Denton's ordinance regarding playing on fields without a reservation. If rogue play is seen, the violators should be asked to leave and told they are not able to use fields without a reservation as it is a violation of City Ordinance. Please provide the (940) 349-PARK number for them to call for rental availability. If the violators refuse to leave or they are repeat offenders, the Denton Police Department should be called and told that people are using the field(s) illegally in violation of City Ordinance 22-26. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum not exceeding $500. Depending on the severity of the situation, the non-emergency Police number can be called (940) 349-8181 or 911 if it is an emergency or escalated situation. Association Initials City Representative Initials 4 The Police have the authority to write tickets for violations. Denton Parks and Recreation (DPARD) staff is not able to write tickets. If an Association experiences rogue play, follow above steps and report the rogue play to the Athletics Office by email. Specify the date, time, number of violators, and field(s) on which the rogue play occurred. The Athletics Office will keep a record of all reported rogue play. Section 5. TEAM FORMATION AND LEAGUE MANAGEMENT Each Association must have a fair and detailed selection process for recreational teams in an effort to evenly distribute talent. This process must be documented in the Association's By Laws, Manual of Procedures, or similar document. 1. A minimum of 50 percent of the Association's active membership must reside within the City of Denton limits. Please note, not all Denton ISD boundaries are within the City of Denton. 2. Teams from outside the City of Denton may join the Association's recreational league play, providing they register through the Association and pay all fees (impact, nonresident, enhancement.) 3. Combining of leagues with other cities or programs is sometimes necessary in order to have enough teams to play. However, if non-Association teams play more than two of their games on Denton fields, they must register with the Association and pay all fees. This rule does not apply to select leagues, in which the Denton teams have registered and paid the select impact fees. 4. Before practices or games can begin, the Association must have a mandatory background check completed on all coaches by a reputable organization that is approved by PARD. (New coaches added during the year must also have this completed.) Background checks need to be completed on all coaches annually. 5. It is recommended that all coaches complete a sport specific certification program through a City approved organization. 6. Under no circumstance should parents be used as umpires or officials unless they are affiliated with an insured umpires/officials/referees' organization. 7. All participants of recreational teams will receive the same uniform in respect to parts and quality of material. 8. All teams in an age division shall be provided the same playing equipment in respect to number of items and quality of materials. 9. In naming divisions/teams, no name may be used that may refer to inferior or lower level status of participants unless the name is a trademark of a nationally franchised organization approved as a co-sponsored association. 10.The Athletics Office must approve allocation for any expansion or changes in the Association's programming that may affect field preparation or league programming. Requests must be in writing, received, and approved prior to signing of the Agreement. Decisions will be based on overall benefit to the participants. Association Initials City Representative Initials 5 11.Every effort shall be made to allow participants to play regardless of his/her inability to pay. A scholarship program must be established with criteria evaluating the participant's ability to pay. Fees are to be set on a sliding scale, installment, or grant basis. The City Council mandated $15 impact fee per child per season will apply to scholarship players. Section 6. SELECT/CLUB TEAMS All Select/Club Teams must register with the Association and pay all fees outlined by the Agreement. These teams must then coordinate all scheduling (practice and games) through the Association member league that will have final approval as it relates to scheduling. 1. Recreational league play must receive top priority when scheduling field allotments. 2. Select/Club Team field usage cannot have a negative impact upon Recreational League Play or generate excessive field maintenance, as determined by the City. Section 7. BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROLS The Association will submit a projected budget prior to season registration. Associations will be required to submit financial documents, which include bank statements, cash flow report and check register (such as Quicken) on January 10 for the previous year. The financial reports need to show income, expenses, and all fund balances for all league play and any tournaments or camps. To assure fiscal control, the Association will: 1. Use a checking account. No cash reimbursement above $50. 2. Keep all financial records in accordance with IRS regulations for 501 C (3). 3. Have checks over $200 signed by two current members of the board. 4. Submit documentation that verifies valid nonprofit or 501 C (3) status. If an Association loses their nonprofit status from the IRS or State of Texas, the City must be immediately notified in writing. The Association may complete the current season in which notification is given. The Association will have 60 days to get reinstated, or the Agreement will be terminated. 5. There must be a separate line item within the financial reports for the payment of officials. (Officials are not to be paid directly from concession receipts because of the potential of accounting errors and theft). 6. Submit accounting reports that detail all financial activity by using an accounting program such as Quicken. 7. Immediately notify the City, in writing, of any financial difficulty. 8. Immediately notify the City, in writing, if any sanctions, probations, or warnings have been given to the Association by their governing body. Association Initials City Representative Initials 6 9. If the Association's accounting practices are found to be fraudulent or mismanaged, the City reserves the right to suspend or cancel the Agreement. 10.The Association's documentation may be requested at any time and will be due to the Athletics Office within three business days of the request. 11.To ensure the City is being good stewards with publically funded fields, an independent financial audit may be conducted once per year of each Association's financial records. Section 8. ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBER GUIDELINES 1. Must have boards that are made up of at least five members. 2. Must have at least one public board meeting annually, which is advertised to the public. 3. Must notify the Athletics Office of all upcoming board meetings. 4. The minutes from all board meetings must be submitted to the Athletics Office no later than the last day of the month following each meeting. For example, if a board meeting was held on July 25, the meeting minutes will be due by August 31 . 5. The Athletics Office reserves the right to attend any board meetings without notice. Each association is allowed to book one free meeting room per month at one of the City's recreation centers, pending availability. These free meetings are to be used for the Association's board meetings, umpire meetings, or coaches' meetings. The meetings are not to be used for individual team meetings, team parties, or practices. One main contact from the Association should e-mail meeting room requests to the Athletics Office. Section 9. DENTON YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS The Denton Youth Sports Association (DYSA) is a combination of representatives from each Association with a Co-Sponsorship Agreement in place with the City. The DYSA and City staff will meet the first Thursday of February, May, September, and November at 6.30 p.m. at a location to be announced by the City. At least one representative from each Association must be present at each scheduled general board meeting. Any Association missing more than one meeting will be subject to dismissal, and have their Agreement with the City terminated. The City may cancel a meeting if there are not sufficient items on the agenda to warrant holding a meeting. The City will notify that Associations if a meeting is canceled. Section 10. ON-SITE COMMISSIONER The Association agrees to provide a league representative on-site at each practice, game, or tournament held at the Athletic Fields. Association Initials City Representative Initials 7 Section 11. DOCUMENTATION AND FEES The Association shall submit to the City a copy of their bylaws, fair play time and team formation statement, minimum and maximum roster requirements, 501 C (3) status, projected budget, projected start dates, insurance, light deposit, game and practice schedules in calendar form, health permit, schedule of board meetings, board meeting minutes, impact fees, nonresident fees, enhancement fees, final player rosters, end of season summary report, and financial statements. Associations will also submit names, position title, best contact number, and email address of all officers and board members within two weeks after election or appointment. A listing of these documents and fees with due dates can be found in Exhibit B. The following fees will apply to the Association: 1. The Association will be assessed an Impact Fee of $15 per child per season for recreational players and $25 per child per season for select players that will be submitted to the City of Denton. This fee will be due on June 15 for the spring season and September 15 for the fall season. 2. A Nonresident Fee shall be collected in addition to all fees required to participate. The Association must pay a $5 fee for each player who is a nonresident of the City of Denton, each season. Rosters must show the city of residence for each player, so residency can be verified. This fee will be due on June 15 for the spring season and September 15 for the fall season. 3. The Association will assess an Enhancement Fee of$5 per registered player during the primary season, which will be placed into a Parks Foundation fund to be used for field enhancements. Enhancement Fees will be used as voted on by a majority of the DYSA members. Requests to use Enhancement Fees must be submitted to the Athletics Office in writing at least 14 days prior to a DYSA meeting. The request must detail what the fees will be used for, and all cost associated with the proposed enhancements. Participants on scholarship are not required to pay this fee. The Enhancement Fee will be due on June 15 if the Association's primary season is in the spring and due on October 31 if the Association's primary season is in the fall. Checks for the Enhancement Fees must be made payable to the Denton Parks Foundation. Section 12. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION The Association shall be required to carry minimum commercial general liability insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and not less than $1,000,000 in the aggregate, and with property damage limits of not less than $250,000 for each occurrence and not less than $250,000 in the aggregate. It is also recommended that the Association purchases an accident policy with $5,000 coverage to assist participants with minor medical bills. During the performance of the Agreement, the Association shall maintain the following insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Texas by the Texas Department of Insurance or any successor agency, and must have an AM Best rating of at least A-. The Association shall furnish the insurance certificate no later than one week before practice begins. The insurance policies shall name the City of Denton as an additional insured on all such Association Initials City Representative Initials policies, and shall contain a provision that such insurance shall not be canceled or modified without written notice to the City and the Association. In such event, the Association shall, prior to the effective date of the change or cancelation, serve substitute policies furnishing the same coverage. Additionally, the Association, by signing this agreement, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its employees, agents, successors, assigns, sponsors and volunteers assisting in City activities, from any and all damages, claims, or liability of any kind, whatsoever, by reason of injury to property or third persons occasioned by error, omission or negligent act by the Association, its officers, agents, coaches, employees, subcontractors, volunteers, and participants in the Association's activities. Section 13. CONCESSIONS STANDS AND VENDORS The Association may operate concession stands under the following guidelines: 1. Only in regular season league play and tournaments co-sponsored by the City. 2. If permanent City stands are available on the Premises they will be available to the Association that have games scheduled at the location. 3. All food or drink prepared, served, sold, or stored shall be done so in strict conformity with all city, county, state, and federal law. It shall be the Association's responsibility to coordinate all health inspections and licensing for their concession operations. All associations will be required to present their health permit one week prior to the concession stand opening. 4. All associations will be required to submit the name of their concession representative to the Athletics Office. This contact information will be given to the City health inspector. The concession representative must obtain their food handling card and present a copy of this card to the Athletics Office one week prior to the concession stand opening. 5. The Association must pick up litter in the area of their stand on a daily basis including the breakdown of all boxes to be placed in the dumpsters (not in the trash barrels) located at each site. The Association will tie and remove all trash bags from cans that are three fourths full or more and put in the dumpster. Non-compliance with concession and litter collection will result in forfeiture of concession privileges by the Association. 6. The Association is only permitted to run a concession stand if they have a current signed Agreement in place with the City. 7. The Association may subcontract this operation out to a City approved third party concessionaire. However, the City must be given written notice 14 days in advance indicating the desire for the Association to have a third party operate the concession stand and must also be provided with the details of the agreement between the Association and third party concessionaire. The Athletics Office must review any proposed agreement between the Association and the third-party concessionaire and provide written approval of the agreement to both parties. The third-party concessionaire must provide proof of insurance to the City and must assume all liability for vandalism, theft, etc. Association Initials City Representative Initials 9 8. The Association will not be required to pay a fee for the privilege of operating a concession stand. If vendors sell at the Athletic Fields, the following guidelines must be met: 1. The City must be notified at least two business days in advance if any vendors will be selling at the Athletic Fields. Associations must give the dates and times the vendor will be on the Premises, as well as what goods are being sold. 2. Anyone selling an item at the Athletic Fields must purchase a vendor permit. This permit can be purchased at the Denton Civic Center. The fees are: $15 per day for nonprofit or $25 per day for profit. 3. If food items are being sold, the vendor must present a valid health permit in order to purchase a vendor permit. Section 14. FIELD LIGHTS The Association will pay the City a $200 deposit at least two weeks prior to using lights. The Association will only use athletic field lights necessary for the fields in use (i.e. if play is only on field 1, then lights should be on only on this field, not the entire complex.) When play concludes on any field for the night, the Association is responsible for turning off the lights within 15 minutes after the conclusion of play per field. If the Association fails to turn off lights, it will forfeit their deposit and a new $200 deposit must be paid within one week. The $200 deposit will be returned to the Association at the end of their last season, or rolled over to the next year at the request of the Association. Light codes will be given to the Association. There is a code to the push button box and the bypass box. Bypass boxes should only be used if there is a malfunction with the push button box. Any light malfunctions should be reported to the City the next business day. Failure to abide by these policies may result in loss of light privileges. Section 15. PERMISSION FOR INSTALLATION, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE The Association shall submit to the Athletics Office any proposal to install, construct, or modify temporary or permanent structures, signs, equipment, or other related items prior to the commencement of any work. All communication regarding maintenance and/or field improvements may only be submitted with the Association's president's approval. All applicable City codes must be followed. Approval of the proposal shall rest solely with the City. Permanent structures shall become the property of the City. These requests must be submitted to the Athletics Office at least 30 days in advance. Prior to placing anything in the ground (stakes, t-posts, etc.) the Association must call 811 to schedule a dig survey and get approval from the City. Association Initials City Representative Initials 10 Section 16. SPONSORSHIPS AND SIGNAGE/BANNERS Sponsorship advertisements must be reviewed and approved by the City before they may be placed on any park property. They must adhere to the following guidelines: 1. They must adhere to all City codes. Signage may not face streets. 2. The Parks Manager must approve all signs and anchoring methods before installation occurs. 3. Sponsorships must be appropriate for youth activities. Sponsorships for alcohol, tobacco, political interests, etc. are not allowed. 4. The appearance of all signage, banners, etc. must be tasteful and may not detract from the overall appearance of the facility. 5. The placement of sponsorship advertisement may not cause damage to any facility. Section 17. STORAGE UNITS The Association may purchase storage units and place them at a site in the park that has been designated by the City. Units must meet standards set by the Parks Manager. Requests to purchase and place storage units be submitted to the Athletics Office at least 30 days in advance. Section 18. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PREMISES 1. City shall maintain quality turf areas to include mowing, weed control, fertilizing, and herbicide spraying as allowed by budget. 2. The City may request additional funds from the Associations to help pay for the turf over seeding of perennial rye grass each fall. 3. The City shall prepare and line fields for weekday games. All fields will be marked on Fridays for weekend games. Additional field prep over the weekend will be the responsibility of the Associations. Fields will be maintained periodically as needed for practice purposes. 4. The City shall maintain all bleachers in a safe and secure condition. 5. The City shall provide and maintain all area and field lighting systems. 6. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of all irrigation systems on the Premises. 7. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of adjacent park irrigation systems and the watering of athletic turf areas. 8. The City shall maintain the restrooms in a safe and sanitary condition during the approved season(s). Restrooms will be closed from November 15 — March 15 for winterization. If the Association requests restrooms open prior to March 15, then the Association will be Association Initials City Representative Initials 11 responsible for all costs associated with any repairs as a result of opening the restrooms during winter, such as busted pipes, etc. 9. Associations shall be responsible for daily practice and game day collection of all litter on the Athletic Fields to include playing areas, fences, bleachers, concession stands, and adjacent grounds. (See section 13 for collection of litter at concessions.) All litter shall be placed in the receptacles provided by the City. The City shall provide pick up for these receptacles. If within the City's judgment the Association does not comply with litter collection, a notification will be issued in writing by the City requesting immediate compliance. If the City deems applicable, further compliance will result in a fee of $38 per hour/per staff member for litter clean up. 10.The Association shall be prohibited from performing any maintenance to any turf or infield areas on the Premises, without permission from the City. 11.The Association shall ensure that all secured areas remain locked and/or locked at the completion of each activity. 12. No "ball toss" or "soft pitch" batting practice is allowed into any chain link fence fabric on the premises. 13. No kicking or hitting balls against the Denton Soccer Association Building. 14. Metal cleats will be permitted at Mack and Roberts baseball fields only. 15.Associations must pay for the repair or replacement of score board controllers. Section 19. UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES The Association shall not engage in any activities on the Premises, which are in violation of any existing state, federal, local law or use the Premises in such a manner as to constitute any hindrance for other park patrons engaged in lawful activities. Section 20. EXHIBITS The City and the Association agree that the exhibits attached to the Agreement are incorporated into the Agreement as if set out in their entirety. Such exhibits may be modified in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein. A revised copy shall be provided to all parties. Exhibits included are: • Exhibit A — Field Allocation and Season Dates • Exhibit B — Schedule of Required Documents and Deadlines Section 21. SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND DEADLINES There will be a $5 per business day late fee assessed on all late documentation and fees. Late fees must be paid within 30 days of invoice or the City will deny access to fields, lights, restrooms Association Initials City Representative Initials 12 and concessions until documentation is received. Exhibit B summarizes the deadlines of required documentation and fees which are due to the City of Denton, Parks and Recreation Department. All forms are to be submitted to the Athletics Office at the following address: Athletics Manager Denton Parks and Recreation Department 321 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas 76201 Phone (940) 349-7218 Fax (940) 349-8384 e-mail: heather.gray(abcityofdenton.com Section 22. TERM The Association will sign an Annual Co-Sponsorship Agreement with the City. The Agreement will be renewed annually for all current Denton Youth Sports Association members and will be in effect from January 2017 through December 2017. The Agreement will be signed prior to the Association advertising and taking registration for a new season. In the event the City does not recommend renewal, the Association may appeal to the Parks and Recreation Board. Section 23. AGREEMENT APPROVAL The person executing the Agreement on behalf of the Association, or representing themselves as executing the Agreement on behalf of the Association warrants that they have been fully authorized by the Association to execute the Agreement and that they will comply and uphold all terms and provisions contained herein. If the Association violates any term of the Agreement, and/or provides false documentation, (i.e. enrollment numbers reported are inaccurate or do not match numbers reported to governing body), the City may find them in default and terminate or suspend the Agreement. If required documents are not submitted in a timely manner, the City reserves the right to deny access to fields, lights, restrooms, and concessions until documentation is received. If the Association loses their co- sponsorship status, they will forfeit all rights to co-sponsored use of all athletic fields, concession privileges, and field lights. Signature: City Representative: Association: Title: Date: Date: Association Initials City Representative Initials 13 Exhibit "A" FIELD ALLOCATION AND SEASON DATES 2017 Season and Event Dates 2017 Field Allocation Based on Enrollment Denton All-Star Football League North Lakes Football Complex 1 field Up to 170 Summer Football Camps — TBD 2 fields 171 - 339 Coach Look — second weekend of July 3 fields 340 or more Practice Dates — July 10 — Nov. 18 Game Dates — Sep. 11 — Nov. 18 Denton Boys Baseball 1 field Up to 55 Evers and Mack Baseball Complex* 2 fields 56 - 110 3 fields 111 -165 Spring Coach Look — last weekend of January 4 fields 166 - 220 Spring Practice Dates — Feb. 13 — June 30 5 fields 221 - 275 Spring Game Dates — March 13 — June 30 6 fields 276 - 330 Tournament date for spring — May 6-7 7 fields 331 - 385 Tournament date for summer— June 3-4 8 fields 386 - 440 Fall Coach Look — first weekend of August 9 fields 410 fields 44141 - 495 - 495 Fall Practice Dates —Aug. 14 - Oct. 31 11 fields 551 - 550 Fall Game Dates — Sep. 5 — Oct. 31 605 12 fields 606 - 660 Tournament date for fall — Sep. 23-24 13 fields 661 - 719 *Roberts Field used at discretion of City 14 fields 720 or more Denton Soccer Association North Lakes Soccer Complex Percentage of Soccer Pad Allocated Spring Practice Dates — Feb. 6 — May 31 Spring Game Dates — Feb. 18 — May 31 25 percent Up to 350 Tournament date for spring — TBA 50 percent 351 - 700 British camp dates for summer - TBA 75 percent 701 - 1059 100 percent 1060 or more Fall Practice Dates — Aug. 7 — Nov. 25 Fall Game Dates — Aug. 21 — Nov. 25 Tournament dates for fall - TBD Referee & Coach clinic dates - TBD Association Initials City Representative Initials 14 Exhibit "B" SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND DEADLINES 2017 1. January 10 - Co-Sponsorship Agreement due 2. January 10 - Submit documentation that verifies valid nonprofit or 501 C (3) status 3. January 10 -Association bylaws, which include statements regarding minimum/maximum roster requirements, team formation, and fair playing time (player participation) due 4. January 10 - Projected budget due 5. January 10 - Projected season start dates and concession opening date due 6. January 10 - Schedule of upcoming board meetings, or within 48 hour of a called meeting 7. January 10 - Financial statements from previous year 8. Two weeks prior to first practice of the year (or when board member changes occur) — Board member name, position title, best contact phone number, and email address 9. Two weeks prior to first practice of the year— $200 Light Deposit due (unless rolled over) 10. Two weeks prior to first practice of the year— Let DPARD know the organization that will be completing your Association's coach background checks 11.One week prior to first practice of the year - Insurance due 12.One week prior to first practice each season — Report enrollment numbers to receive field allocations 13. One week prior to first practice each season - Practice schedule (calendar form and link to full schedule) 14. One week prior to first game each season — Game schedule (calendar form and link to full schedule) 15. One week prior to concession stand opening — Valid health permit and food handling card 16. No later than the last day of the month following each meeting - Board/Officers meeting minutes due (Example, July 25 minutes are due by August 31.) 17. June 15— Spring Impact, Nonresident, and Enhancement Fees & End of Season Report due 18. September 15 — Fall Impact, Non-Resident Fees & End of Season Summary Report due 19. October 31 — Fall Enhancement Fees due 20. 45 days after the last scheduled game - Final Player Rosters due There will be a $5 per business day late fee assessed on all late documentation and fees. Late fees must be paid within 30 days of invoice or the City will deny access to fields, lights, restrooms and concessions until documentation is received. Association Initials City Representative Initials 15 CITY OF DENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2018 FACILITY UTILIZATION AGREEMENT FOR YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATIONS This Annual Facility Utilization Agreement, herein called "Agreement" is made and entered this day of , between the City of Denton, herein called "City", and the Denton Soccer Association, herein called "Association." For and in consideration of the mutual undertakings herein set out, the parties agree as follows: The Association utilizes public athletic facilities that are provided and maintained by, and at the cost of, the City. In return for the use of those facilities, the Association hereby agrees to abide by the following standards, requirements, and guidelines set by the City for all recreational youth sports. Failure to abide by these standards and guidelines could result in restriction of facility use or the cancellation of the Agreement. Section 1 . FIELD ALLOCATION Both the City and the Association agree that these allocated fields are owned by the City and provided for the benefit of all citizens of Denton. The City shall maintain final approval over the use of these fields at all times. The City reserves the right to use any field for other events or programs if notice is given to the appropriate Association at least one month prior to registration for the next season, or if the Association's schedule allows for additional field usage by the City. The City reserves the right to change field or concession assignments. Associations will report enrollment numbers to the Athletics Office at least one week prior to practices beginning for each season in order to receive their field allocation for that season. Associations should accurately estimate their enrollment for the season. At minimum, fees will be based on this reported enrollment. The allocation chart is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. The City may utilize any fields not allocated. Based on enrollment numbers: • Denton All-Star Youth Football League (DAYFL) will use North Lakes Football Complex and its concession stand Monday — Saturday during its season, as defined in Exhibit A. • Denton Boys Baseball (DBBI) will use Evers Baseball Complex and Mack Baseball Complex along with the concession stands at each complex during its seasons, as defined in Exhibit A. • Denton Soccer Association (DSA) will use North Lakes Soccer Complex and the building/concession stand during its seasons, as defined in Exhibit A. North Lakes Soccer and Football Complex, Evers Baseball Complex, and Mack Baseball Complex are herein called "Premises" in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Requests for additional field space will follow the same guidelines and fees outlined in the City's regular Field Agreement. Section 2. SEASON DATES, HOURS, AND SCHEDULES Fields will be made available for practice and games to Associations anytime between the dates outlined in Exhibit A. 1. All fields must be reserved through the Athletics Office for practices and games. 2. All practice and game schedules must be submitted to the Athletics Office in calendar form no later than one week prior to practices and games beginning. In addition to the calendar schedules, a copy of the full practice and game schedule must be provided. A link to the online schedules is acceptable. 3. Each Association will need to provide the City two business days' notice for any make- up games needed. 4. Weekend games may not start prior to 8 a.m. to allow enough time for maintenance to evaluate playing conditions. 5. All games on the Athletic fields must end by 10 p.m. 6. Athletic fields are closed between the hours of 7 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Monday— Friday to allow City crews to maintain fields. 7. No team should be allowed more than four hours of field use per week. Section 3. TOURNAMENTS AND CAMPS Due to the increase in requests for field allocations to host tournaments and camps, and the added impact on personnel and operational budgets, the City will determine the types of tournaments and camps that will be selected and the responsibility of the requesting groups when hosting these activities. Selected tournaments may require additional maintenance costs such as labor and field preparation supplies, at the discretion of the City. Tournaments within the Parameters of League Play: Intra-league tournaments for Associations that have one pre- or post-season tournament as part of the recreational league will be allowed by the City. Invitational Tournaments and Camps: The City will allow one invitational tournament and one camp per season at no cost. The City will also allow one fundraising tournament per calendar year. All tournaments allowed hereunder must provide the opportunity for the Association's teams to participate in the tournament. Requests for additional tournaments will follow the same guidelines outlined in the City's regular Field Agreement. Requirements for all tournaments: 1. Tournaments may only take place within the allowable season dates per the Agreement, except for pre-season tournaments. Pre-season tournaments may be held the weekend before games begin, at the discretion of the City. 2 2. The Association will be responsible for picking up trash. The City will provide extra trash bags, if needed. A fee of $38/man-hour will be charged if the Parks Maintenance must pick up trash on Monday. 3. Fields will be marked on Friday for the weekend. Additional field prep will be the responsibility of the Association. 4. Games may not begin prior to 8 a.m. on weekends. 5. If the Association requests weekend maintenance, a fee of $38 per man-hour will be charged for preparation of the fields, trash pick-up, restocking and cleaning of restrooms, etc. 6. A fee of $150 per field will be charged for additional temporary fencing or installation. 7. Additional port-a-lets will be at the expense of the Association and must be by a City approved company. 8. Additional bleacher placement (rental or City transfer) will be at the expense of the Association and must be by a City approved company. 9. Tent rentals will be at the expense of the Association and must be by a City approved company and meet fire code guidelines. 10.A detailed financial report (conforming to a template supplied by the City) must be submitted within two weeks of the conclusion of the tournament, detailing the following information: revenue and expenses for the tournament (including concessions), listing of team names and the city they represent, average number of players per team, host hotel(s) name, number of hotel nights generated from the tournament, and any sponsors involved with the tournament. Section 4. ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE REQUIREMENTS AND ROGUE PLAY 1. Associations are prohibited from subletting fields. Teams must be a registered member of the Association to receive game and practice privileges. Teams, whether recreational or select, are never permitted "practice only" privileges as this would be considered subletting the fields. Recreational teams in leagues that have combined with other associations and/or leagues are permitted up to two games in Denton before having to register with the Association and pay all applicable fees. Select teams are exempt from this game limit rule since they travel more often and pay select impact fees. 2. Athletic fields may be closed due to fields being too wet for play, safety concerns, require maintenance, renovation, or construction. 3. The City will have the final say on field playability, in its sole discretion. The athletics field condition line is (940) 349-8276 and will be updated by 4 p.m. on weekdays and by 8 a.m. on weekends when conditions are questionable. The only time it is up to the Association's discretion for play is if inclement weather occurs after 4 p.m. on weekdays or 8 a.m. on weekends and no determination has been made by the City. 3 4. It is a violation of Section 22-26 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas to enter a field that has a closed sign posted, unless such person is a City employee, or contractor, performing maintenance. 5. It is a violation of Section 22-26 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas to enter a field without having a reservation that has a "field use with permit only" sign posted. 6. It is a violation of Section 22-30 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas to park any vehicle in a park after 10 p.m. or before 6 a.m. Overnight camping and parking is not permitted. 7. All parking must be done in the parking lots. No parking is allowed on any grass area, unless the area has been designated for overflow parking by the City. 8. Driving inside the athletic complexes should only be completed for loading or unloading of supplies. Vehicles must remain on paved areas. Immediately after loading and unloading, vehicles must return to designated parking areas. 9. If a tent larger than 400 square feet or a canopy larger than 700 square feet will be used, the Association must contact the Fire Marshall at (940) 349-8360 to secure a Fire Code Permit. A fire extinguisher is required for these tents. 10.No alcohol is permitted in any park area, including parking lots. 11. It is not permitted to smoke or possess a lit tobacco product within the Premises, or other plant product, or to smoke electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette) except in designated areas. The designated smoking area is the parking lot, unless otherwise noted by a specific "designated smoking area" sign. 12.The Association will adhere to all City Ordinances and regulations that regulate use of City athletic facilities, including, but not limited to, compliance with the Sign Ordinance. Rogue Play: Association board members, commissioners, and staff are expected to enforce the City of Denton's ordinance regarding playing on fields without a reservation. If rogue play is seen, the violators should be asked to leave and told they are not able to use fields without a reservation as it is a violation of City Ordinance. Please provide the (940) 349-PARK number for them to call for rental availability. If the violators refuse to leave or they are repeat offenders, the Denton Police Department should be called and told that people are using the field(s) illegally in violation of City Ordinance 22-26. Depending on the severity of the situation, the non-emergency Police number can be called (940) 349-8181, or please use 911 if it is an emergency or escalated situation. The Police have the authority to write tickets for violations. Denton Parks and Recreation (DPARD) staff is not able to write tickets. If an Association experiences rogue play, follow above steps and report the rogue play to the Athletics Office by email. Specify the date, time, number of violators, and field(s) on which the rogue play occurred. The Athletics Office will keep a record of all reported rogue play. 4 Section 5. TEAM FORMATION AND LEAGUE MANAGEMENT Each Association must have a fair and detailed selection process for recreational teams in an effort to evenly distribute talent. This process must be documented in the Association's By Laws, Manual of Procedures, or similar document. 1. A minimum of 50 percent of the Association's active membership must reside within the City of Denton limits. Please note, not all Denton ISD boundaries are within the City of Denton. 2. Teams from outside the City of Denton may join the Association's recreational league play, providing they register through the Association and pay all applicable fees. 3. Combining of leagues with other cities or programs is sometimes necessary in order to have enough teams to play. However, if non-Association teams play more than two of their games on Denton fields, they must register with the Association and pay all fees. This rule does not apply to select leagues, in which the Denton teams have registered and paid the select impact fees. 4. Before practices or games can begin, the Association must have a mandatory background check completed on all coaches by a reputable organization. (New coaches added during the year must also have this completed prior to performing coaching duties.) Background checks need to be completed on all coaches annually. 5. It is recommended that all coaches complete a sport specific certification program through a reputable organization. 6. Under no circumstance should parents be used as umpires or officials unless they are affiliated with an insured umpires/officials/referees' organization. 7. All participants of recreational teams will receive the same uniform in respect to parts and quality of material. 8. All teams in an age division shall be provided the same playing equipment in respect to number of items and quality of materials. 9. In naming divisions/teams, no derogatory or controversial name may be used unless the name is a trademark of a nationally franchised organization. 10.The Athletics Office must approve allocation for any expansion or changes in the Association's programming that may affect field preparation or league programming. Requests must be in writing, received, and approved prior to signing of the Agreement. Decisions will be based on overall benefit to the participants. 11.Every effort shall be made to allow participants to play regardless of his/her inability to pay. A scholarship program must be established with criteria evaluating the participant's ability to pay. Fees are to be set on a sliding scale, installment, or grant basis. The City Council mandated impact and nonresident fee per child per season will apply to scholarship players. 5 Section 6. SELECT/CLUB TEAMS All Select/Club Teams must register with the Association and pay all fees outlined by the Agreement. These teams must then coordinate all scheduling (practice and games) through the Association member league that will have final approval as it relates to scheduling. 1. Recreational league play must receive top priority when scheduling field allotments. 2. Select/Club Team field usage cannot have a negative impact upon Recreational League Play or generate excessive field maintenance, as determined by the City. Section 7. BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROLS The Association will submit a projected budget prior to season registration. Associations will be required to submit financial documents, which include bank statements, cash flow report and check register (such as Quicken) on January 10 for the previous year. The financial reports need to show income, expenses, and all fund balances for all league play and any tournaments or camps. To assure fiscal control, the Association will: 1. Keep all financial records in accordance with IRS regulations for 501C (3). 2. Submit documentation that verifies valid nonprofit or 501 C (3) status. If an Association loses their nonprofit status from the IRS or State of Texas, the City must be immediately notified in writing. The Association must get reinstated no later than one month prior to the start of the upcoming season, or the Agreement will be terminated. 3. Submit accounting reports that detail all financial activity by using an accounting program such as Quicken. 4. Immediately notify the City, in writing, of any financial difficulty. 5. Immediately notify the City, in writing, if any sanctions, probations, or warnings have been given to the Association by their governing body. 6. If the Association's accounting practices are found to be fraudulent or mismanaged, the City reserves the right to suspend or cancel the Agreement. 7. The Association's budget and financial documentation as defined in this section may be requested at any time and will be due to the Athletics Office within three business days of the request. 8. To ensure the City is being good stewards with publically funded fields, an independent financial audit may be conducted once per year of each Association's financial records. Section 8. ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBER GUIDELINES 1. Must notify the Athletics Office of all upcoming board meetings. 2. The minutes from all board meetings must be submitted to the Athletics Office no later than the last day of the month following each meeting. For example, if a board meeting was held 6 on July 25, the meeting minutes will be due by August 31 . 3. The Athletics Office reserves the right to attend any board meetings without notice. Each association is allowed to book one free meeting room per month at one of the City's recreation centers, pending availability. These free meetings are to be used for the Association's board meetings, umpire meetings, or coaches' meetings. The meetings are not to be used for individual team meetings, team parties, or practices. One primary contact from the Association should e-mail meeting room requests to the Athletics Office. Section 9. DENTON YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS The Denton Youth Sports Association (DYSA) is a combination of representatives from each Association with a Facility Utilization Agreement in place with the City. The DYSA and City staff will meet the first Thursday of February, May, September, and November at 6:30 p.m. at a location to be announced by the City. At least one representative from each Association must be present at each scheduled general board meeting. Any Association missing more than one meeting will be subject to dismissal, and have their Agreement with the City terminated. The City may cancel a meeting if there are not sufficient items on the agenda to warrant holding a meeting. The City will notify that Associations if a meeting is canceled. Section 10. ON-SITE COMMISSIONER The Association agrees to provide a league representative on-site at each practice, game, or tournament held at the Athletic Fields. Section 11. DOCUMENTATION AND FEES The Association shall submit to the City a copy of their bylaws, fair play time and team formation statement, minimum and maximum roster requirements, 501 C (3) status, projected budget, projected start dates, insurance, light deposit, game and practice schedules in calendar form, health permit, schedule of board meetings, board meeting minutes, applicable fees, final player rosters, end of season summary report, and financial statements. Associations will also submit names, position title, best contact number, and email address of all officers and board members within two weeks after election or appointment. A listing of these documents and fees with due dates is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B. The following fees will apply to the Association- 1. The Association will be assessed an Impact Fee of $15 per child per season for recreational players and $25 per child per season for select players that will be submitted to the City of Denton. This fee will be due on June 15 for the spring season and September 15 for the fall season. 2. A Nonresident Fee shall be collected in addition to all fees required to participate. The Association must pay a $5 fee for each player who is a nonresident of the City of Denton, each season. Rosters must show the city of residence for each player, so residency can be verified. This fee will be due on June 15 for the spring season and September 15 for the fall season. Section 12. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION The Association shall be required to carry commercial general liability insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, and not less than $1,000,000 in the aggregate, and with property damage limits of not less than $250,000 for each occurrence, and not less than $500,000 in the aggregate. It is also recommended that the Association purchases an accident policy with $5,000 coverage to assist participants with minor medical bills. During the performance of the Agreement, the Association shall maintain the above insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Texas and must have an AM Best rating of at least A-. The Association shall furnish the insurance certificate no later than one week before practice begins. The insurance policies shall name the City of Denton as an additional insured on all such policies, and shall contain a provision that such insurance shall not be canceled or modified without 30 days written notice to the City and the Association. In such event, the Association shall, prior to the effective date of the change or cancelation, serve substitute policies furnishing the same coverage. THE ASSOCIATION SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, PROTECT, AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, ASSIGNS, SPONSORS, AND VOLUNTEERS ASSISTING IN CITY ACTIVITIES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIENS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSS, LIABILITY, COST (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ATTORNEYS' FEES, ACCOUNTANTS' FEES, ENGINEERS' FEES, CONSULTANTS' FEES AND EXPERTS' FEES), EXPENSE, DAMAGE, AND CAUSES OF ACTION FOR DAMAGES BECAUSE OF INJURY TO PERSONS (INCLUDING DEATH) AND INJURY OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF ANY PROPERTY OR IMPROVEMENTS ARISING FROM OR CAUSED BY THE ACTS AND/OR OMISSIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, COACHES, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, VOLUNTEERS, AND PARTICIPANTS IN ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES. Section 13. CONCESSIONS STANDS AND VENDORS The Association may operate concession stands under the following guidelines: 1. Only in regular season league play and tournaments allowed by the City under this Agreement. 2. If permanent City stands are available on the Premises, they will be available to the Association that have games scheduled at the location. 3. All food or drink prepared, served, sold, or stored shall be done so in strict conformity with all city, county, state, and federal law. It shall be the Association's responsibility to coordinate all health inspections and licensing for their concession operations. All associations will be required to present their health permit one week prior to the concession stand opening. 4. All associations will be required to submit the name of their concession representative to the Athletics Office. This contact information will be given to the City health inspector. The concession representative must obtain their food handling card and present a copy of this 8 card to the Athletics Office one week prior to the concession stand opening. 5. The Association must pick up litter in the area of its stand on a daily basis, including the breakdown of all boxes to be placed in the dumpsters (not in the trash barrels) located at each site. The Association will tie and remove all trash bags from cans that are three fourths full or more and put said trash bags in the dumpster. Non-compliance with concession and litter collection will result in forfeiture of concession privileges by the Association. 6. The Association is only permitted to run a concession stand if it has a current signed Agreement in place with the City. 7. The Association may subcontract this operation. However, the City must be given written notice 14 days in advance indicating the desire for the Association to have a third party operate the concession stand and must also be provided with the details of the agreement between the Association and third party concessionaire. The Athletics Office must review any proposed agreement between the Association and the third-party concessionaire and provide written approval of the agreement to both parties. The third-party concessionaire must provide proof of insurance to the City and must assume all liability for vandalism, theft, etc. 8. The Association will not be required to pay an additional fee for the privilege of operating a concession stand. If vendors sell at the Athletic Fields, the following guidelines must be met: 1. The City must be notified at least two business days in advance if any vendors will be selling at the Athletic Fields. Associations must give the dates and times the vendor will be on the Premises, as well as what goods are being sold. 2. Anyone selling an item at the Athletic Fields must purchase a vendor permit. This permit can be purchased at the Denton Civic Center. The fees are: $15 per day for nonprofit or $25 per day for profit. 3. If food items are being sold, the vendor must present a valid health permit in order to purchase a vendor permit. Section 14. FIELD LIGHTS The Association will pay the City a $200 deposit at least two weeks prior to using lights. The Association will only use athletic field lights necessary for the fields in use (i.e. if play is only on field 1, then lights should be on only for this field, not the entire complex.) When play concludes on any field for the night, the Association is responsible for turning off the lights within 15 minutes after the conclusion of play per field. If the Association fails to turn off lights, it will forfeit its deposit and a new $200 deposit must be paid within one week. The $200 deposit will be returned to the Association at the end of its last season, or rolled over to the next year at the request of the Association. Light codes will be given to the Association. There is a code to the push button box and the bypass box. Bypass boxes should only be used if there is a malfunction with the push button box. Any light malfunctions should be reported to the City the next business day. 9 Failure to abide by these policies may result in loss of light privileges. Section 15. PERMISSION FOR INSTALLATION, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE The Association shall submit to the Athletics Office any proposal to install, construct, or modify temporary or permanent structures, signs, equipment, or other related items prior to the commencement of any work. All communication regarding maintenance and/or field improvements may only be submitted with the Association's president's approval. All applicable City codes, including the City's Sign Ordinance, must be followed. Approval of the proposal shall rest solely with the City. Permanent structures shall become the property of the City. These requests must be submitted to the Athletics Office at least 30 days in advance. Prior to placing anything in the ground (stakes, t-posts, etc.) the Association must call 811 to schedule a dig survey. Additionally, the Association must secure written approval from the City. Section 16. TEMPORARY REGISTRATION SIGNS Temporary "real estate" style yard signs which announce registration information for the upcoming season may be placed on park property with the following guidelines: 1. Signs must adhere to all City codes, including the Sign Ordinance. 2. Signs may not be placed in the right of ways. 3. Signs must display the approved City of Denton logo. 4. Signs must be taken down by the Association no longer than two weeks after initial posting. Section 17. STORAGE UNITS The Association may purchase storage units and place them at a site in the park that has been designated by the City. Units must meet standards set by the Parks Superintendent, or designee. Requests to purchase and place storage units be submitted to the Athletics Office at least 30 days in advance. Section 18. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PREMISES 1. City shall maintain quality turf areas, including mowing, weed control, fertilizing, and herbicide spraying as allowed by budget. 2. The City shall prepare and line fields for weekday games. All fields will be marked on Fridays for weekend games. Additional field prep over the weekend will be the responsibility of the Associations. Fields will be maintained periodically as needed for practice purposes. 3. The City shall maintain all City-supplied bleachers in a safe and secure condition. 4. The City shall provide and maintain all area and field lighting systems. 5. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of all irrigation systems on the Premises. 10 6. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of adjacent park irrigation systems and the watering of athletic turf areas. 7. The City shall maintain the restrooms in a safe and sanitary condition during the approved season(s). Restrooms will be closed from November 15 — March 15 for winterization. If the Association requests restrooms open prior to March 15, then the Association will be responsible for all costs associated with any repairs as a result of opening the restrooms during winter, such as busted pipes, etc. 8. Associations shall be responsible for daily practice and game day collection of all litter on the Athletic Fields, including playing areas, fences, bleachers, concession stands, and adjacent grounds. (See section 13 for collection of litter at concessions.) All litter shall be placed in the receptacles provided by the City. The City shall provide pick up for these receptacles. If within the City's judgment the Association does not comply with litter collection, a notification will be issued in writing by the City requesting immediate compliance. If the City deems applicable, further non-compliance by the Association will result in a fee of $38 per hour/per staff member for litter clean up. 9. The Association shall be prohibited from performing any maintenance to any turf or infield areas on the Premises, without written permission from the City. 10.The Association shall ensure that all secured areas remain locked and/or locked at the completion of each activity. 11. No "ball toss" or "soft pitch" batting practice is allowed into any chain link fence fabric on the premises. 12. No kicking or hitting balls against the Denton Soccer Association Building. 13. Metal cleats will be permitted at Mack and Roberts baseball fields only. 14.Associations must pay for the repair or replacement of score board controllers. Section 19. UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES The Association shall not engage in any activities on the Premises which are in violation of any existing state, federal, local law, or use the Premises in such a manner as to constitute any hindrance for other park patrons engaged in lawful activities. Section 20. EXHIBITS The City and the Association agree that the exhibits attached to the Agreement are incorporated into the Agreement as if set out in their entirety. Such exhibits may be modified in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein. A revised copy shall be provided to all parties. Exhibits included are: • Exhibit A — Field Allocation and Season Dates • Exhibit B — Schedule of Required Documents and Deadlines Section 21. SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND DEADLINES 11 There will be a $5 per business day late fee assessed on all late documentation and fees. Late fees must be paid within 30 days of invoice or the City will deny access to fields, lights, restrooms, and concessions until documentation is received. Exhibit B summarizes the deadlines of required documentation and fees which are due to the City of Denton, Parks and Recreation Department. All forms are to be submitted to the Athletics Office at the following address: Athletics Manager Denton Parks and Recreation Department 321 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas 76201 Phone (940) 349-7218 Fax (940) 349-8384 e-mail: heather.gray(o)_cityofdenton.corn Section 22. TERM This Facility Utilization Agreement will be in effect from January 2018 through December 2018. Section 23. AGREEMENT APPROVAL The person executing the Agreement on behalf of the Association, or representing themselves as executing the Agreement on behalf of the Association, warrants that they have been fully authorized by the Association to execute the Agreement and that it will comply and uphold all terms and provisions contained herein. If the Association violates any term of the Agreement, and/or provides false documentation (i.e. enrollment numbers reported are inaccurate or do not match numbers reported to governing body), the City may find it in default and terminate or suspend the Agreement. If required documents are not submitted in a timely manner, the City reserves the right to deny access to fields, lights, restrooms, and concessions until documentation is received. If this Agreement is terminated, the Association will forfeit all rights to allowed use of all athletic fields, concession privileges, and field lights. Signature: City Representative: Association: Title: Date: Date: 12 Exhibit "A" FIELD ALLOCATION AND SEASON DATES Denton All-Star Youth Football League — North Lakes Football Complex (Mon.-Sat.) 2018 Season and Event Dates 2018 Field Allocation Based on Enrollment Coach Look — second weekend of July 1 field Up to 170 Practice Dates — July 9 — Nov. 17 2 fields 171 - 339 Game Dates — Sep. 8 — Nov. 17 3 fields 340 or more Camp & Tournament dates — TBA Additional use of this complex or other City fields will be at regular rental rates. DAYFL Exceptions to Allocation: • DAYFL will have the opportunity to operate the North Lakes Football concession stand during DPARD programs and rentals from Feb. — Nov. with schedule and event approval by the City. • If enrollment does not meet the 2 fields allocation requirement, DAYFL may request a second field on Mondays and/or Wednesdays (without additional fees) to help with practice load. Based on current availability at time of request and demand for the season. • If enrollment does not meet the 3 fields allocation requirement, DAYFL may request a third field on Mondays and/or Wednesdays (without additional fees) to help with practice load. Based on current availability at time of request and demand for the season. • The City will use all three football fields on Sundays and reserves the right to use the fields on Saturdays around DAYFL's existing game schedule. Denton Boys Baseball — Evers and Mack Baseball Complex 2018 Season and Event Dates 2018 Field Allocation Based on Enrollment Spr. Coach Look — last weekend of Jan. 1 field Up to 55 Spr. Practice Dates — Feb. 12 — March 16 2 fields 56 - 110 Spr. Game Dates — March 17 — June 30 3 fields 111 -165 Tourn. date for spring — May 5-6 4 fields 166 - 220 Tourn. date for summer— June 2-3 5 fields 221 - 275 6 fields 276 - 330 Fall Coach Look —first weekend of Aug. 7 fields 331 - 385 Fall Practice Dates — Aug. 13 — Sep 3 8 fields 386 - 440 Fall Game Dates — Sep. 4 — Oct. 31 9 fields 441 - 495 Tourn. date for fall — Sep. 22-23 10 fields 496 - 550 11 fields 551 - 605 12 fields 606 - 660 13 fields 661 or more Additional use of these complexes or other City fields will be at regular rental rates. 13 DBBI Exceptions to Allocation: • Regardless of enrollment, DBBI will have access to all fields during defined practice dates above, to help with practice load. After such time, the allocation will apply. Note, Mack 1 will only be available after 6 p.m. during the spring season. • During the spring season, the City will use Mack 1 for weekday practice rentals from 4-6 p.m. and up to six game dates until 7:30 p.m. for local schools. Game dates will be communicated to DBBI in advance of its spring season schedule creation. Rainout/make- up of game dates may be scheduled around DBBI's existing spring season game schedule. • The City will open up Evers 6 for rentals on Wednesdays and Sundays in the spring and fall seasons once the defined practice dates have concluded, even if full allocation is reached. Additional days and fields will be opened up if full allocation is not reached. Denton Soccer Association - North Lakes Soccer Complex 2018 Season and Event Dates 2018 Field Allocation Based on Enrollment Percentage of Soccer Pad Allocated Spr. Practice Dates — Feb. 5 — May 31 Spr. Game Dates — Feb. 17 — May 31 25 % Up to 350 50 % 351 - 700 Fall Practice Dates — Aug. 6 — Nov. 24 75 % 701 - 1059 Fall Game Dates — Aug. 18 — Nov. 24 100 % 1060 or more Tourn. Practice — Nov. 25-30 (no goals) Camp & Tournament Dates — TBA Additional use at this complex or other City fields will be at regular rental rates. DSA Exceptions to Allocation: • If enrollment does not meet the 75% of the pad allocation requirement, DSA may request use of one additional field on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays (without additional fees) to help with practice load. Based on current availability at time of request and demand for the season. • If enrollment does not meet the 100% of the pad allocation requirement, DSA may request use of field #11 on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays (without additional fees) to help with practice load. Based on current availability at time of request and demand for the season. 14 Exhibit "B" SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND DEADLINES 2018 o January 10 — Signed Facility Utilization Agreement due o January 10 - Submit documentation that verifies valid nonprofit or 501 C (3) status o January 10 -Association bylaws, which include statements regarding minimum/maximum roster requirements, team formation, and fair playing time (player participation) due o January 10 - Projected budget due o January 10 - Projected season start dates and concession opening date due o January 10 - Schedule of upcoming board meetings, or notice given within 48 hours of a called meeting o January 10 - Financial statements from previous year o Two weeks prior to first practice of the year (or when board member changes occur) — Board member name, position title, best contact phone number, and email address o Two weeks prior to first practice of the year— $200 Light Deposit due (unless rolled over) o One week prior to first practice of the year - Insurance due o One week prior to first practice each season — Report enrollment numbers to receive field allocations o One week prior to first practice each season - Practice schedule (calendar form and link to full schedule) o One week prior to first game each season — Game schedule (calendar form and link to full schedule) o One week prior to concession stand opening — Valid health permit and food handling card o No later than the last day of the month following each meeting - Board/Officers meeting minutes due (Example, July 25 minutes are due by August 31.) o June 15— Spring Season Impact, Nonresident Fees and End of Season Summary Report due o September 15 — Fall Season Impact, Nonresident Fees and End of Season Summary Report due 0 45 days after the last scheduled game - Final Player Rosters due There will be a $5 per business day late fee assessed on all late documentation and fees. Late fees must be paid within 30 days of invoice or the City will deny access to fields, lights, restrooms and concessions until documentation is received. 15 Denton Youth Sports Association 2017 Enhancement Fee Balance Sheet Organization Name Credit Debit Balance Denton Boys Baseball,Inc. Balance as of 1/1/11 $2,055.06 4/22/11-Deposit Spring 2011 Fees $4,545.00 $6,600.06 9/28/11-Payment to Winfield(rye grass) $531.38 $6,068.68 11/14/11-Payment to BSN Qox boxes) $4,515.96 $1,552.72 6/4/12-Deposit Spring 2012 Fees $4,525.00 $6,077.72 10/2/12-Payment to Winfield(rye grass) $1,086.15 $4,991.57 6/17/13-Deposit Spring 2013 Fees $4,345.00 $9,336.57 7/12/13-Reimburse for hitting stations $4,000.00 $5,336.57 9/17/13-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $691.28 $4,645.29 6/23/14-Deposit Spring 2014 Fees $4,500.00 $9,145.29 10/27/14-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $795.03 $8,350.26 12/11/14-Payment to Jamieson We(cages) $3,641.37 $4,708.89 2/12/15-Payment to BSN(cages) $8,075.21 -$3,366.32 6/1/15-Deposit Spring 2015 Fees $3,940.00 $573.68 9/21/15-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $845.25 -$271.57 1/26/16-Payment to Longhorn(irrigation for Mack 2 60/90 conversion) $227.59 -$499.16 1/26/16-Payment to Anchor Sports(infield conditioner for Mack 2 60/90 conversion) $2,695.00 -$3,194.16 2/9/16-Payment to Frank Bartel Transport (field clay for Mack 2 60/90 conversion) $1,920.00 -$5,114.16 2/15/16-Payment to Sunbelt Rentals(drum roller for Mack 2 60/90 conversion) $579.63 -$5,693.79 6/14/16-Deposit Spring 2016 Fees $3,690.00 -$2,003.79 10/5/16-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $612.50 -$2,616.29 7/3/17-Deposit Spring 2017 Fees $3,425.00 $808.71 9/29/17-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $608.13 $200.58 $200.58 Denton Area Youth Football Balance as of 1/1/11 $4,954.50 9/29/11-Deposit Fall 2011 Fees $1,500.00 $6,454.50 10/2/12-Deposit Fall 2012 Fees $1,265.00 $7,719.50 9/20/13-Deposit Fall 2013 Fees $1,545.00 $9,264.50 11/3/14-Deposit Fall 2014 Fees $2,180.00 $11,444.50 5/14/15-Payment to Floyd Smith(concrete $4,503.47 for shade structures) $6,941.03 6/29/15-Payment to USA Shade $5,439.00 $1,502.03 10/30/15-Deposit Fall 2015 Fees $1,985.00 $3,487.03 9/6/16-Payment to Scoreboard Service Co.(3 new scoreboard controllers) $3,030.30 $456.73 9/27/16-Deposit Fall 2016 Fees $1,470.00 $1,926.73 9/25/17-Deposit Fall 2017 Fees $585.00 $2,511.73 $2,511.73 $2,511.73 Denton Soccer Association Balance as of 1/1/11 $24,096.59 9/28/11-Payment to Winfield(rye grass) $953.75 $23,142.84 10/26/11-Deposit Fall 2011 Fees $4,075.00 $27,217.84 10/2/12-Payment to Winfield(rye grass) $1,949.50 $25,268.34 1/15/13-Deposit Fall 2012 Fees $4,150.00 $29,418.34 4/23/13-Payment to DSA(flag pole) $901.50 $28,516.84 9/17/13-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $2,481.50 $26,035.34 11/11/13-Deposit Fall 2013 Fees $3,840.00 $29,875.34 10/27/14-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $2,596.00 $27,279.34 11/7/14-Deposit Fall 2014 Fees $4,105.00 $31,384.34 5/12/15-Payment to Challenger(benches) $3,745.00 $27,639.34 9/16/15-Deposit Fall 2015 Fees $4,485.00 $32,124.34 9/21/15-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $2,760.00 $29,364.34 9/27/16-Deposit(owed toward Fall 2015) $60.00 $29,424.34 10/5/16-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $2,100.00 $27,324.34 10/31/16-Deposit Fall 2016 Fees $3,465.00 $30,789.34 9/29/17-Payment to BWI(rye grass) $2,085.00 $28,704.34 $28,704.34 $28,704.34 Denton Girls Softball Final Balance-7/6/08 -$4,578.50 $63,680.00 $63,369.50 Total Balances $26,838.15 Enhancement Fund History Year End Balances 2012 $33,400.91 2013 $39,206.63 2014 $42,958.99 2015 $28,001.06 2016 $25,521.04 Revision Date 2/2/18 Council Re uests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Information on cost determination for curb rate vs drop- 6/5/17 Cox A consultant for the staffing & off rate at landfill operational analysis will be selected in the next couple weeks, with the goal to complete the analysis by late Feb. An RFP for a cost of service study is being prepared; the project is expected to last a few months into spring 2018. 2. Discussion of development code criteria for width of 6/6/17 Canizares Amendments to Transportation criteria streets manual are in process. Planned to be resented on March 6. 3. Survey and report of how other municipalities and 7/25/17 Howell A consultant is working on an school districts fund their School Resource Officers, as efficiency analysis of the Aquatics well as analysis of calls to school and efficiency Center. A proposal has been sent to Spt. Wilson for DISD to increase SRO funding. 4. Info on landfill SUP requirement and a plan to replace 8/15/17 Cox Update to Council planned for Feb. 20. or minimize trees that will be removed 5. Work session on process for when a use category is not 9/19/17 McDonald/Leal An ISR is expected in February and clearly defined in the DDC (incl. appeals process and this will be included as part of the communications to surrounding properties) DDC update. 6. Work session on public restrooms and/or first aid station 10/17/17 Rosendahl A work session is tentatively planned on the Square for Feb. 27. 7. Work session on homelessness/tent city research, 11/7/17 and Kuechler/Shaw A work session is planned for Feb. 13. include est. annual PIT Count results 1/27/18 8. Work session on HOT funds (overview of the 1/9/18 Puente A work session is planned for Feb. 27. committee, process, andpolicies) 9. Update on signage policies for parks and athletic fields 1/9/18 Langley A work session is planned for Feb. 5 luncheon. 10. Update on cultural district 1/9/18 Booth A work session is planned for Feb. 27. 11. Work session on special events/parades and permitting 1/9/18 Howell/Kuechler A brief update was included in the processes required Friday Jan. 12 report, and a work session is planned for Feb. 27. 12. Creation of a committee for pesticides management 1/9/18 Behrens A work session is planned for Feb. 13. Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 13. Information on the Parks Foundation(total# of 1/16/18 Langley An ISR is planned for Friday Feb. 2. scholarships provided to City, fee assessment agreement with Denton Youth Sports, staffing services provided by City, vendor contracts paid for by City) 14. Information on large residential developments south of 1/27/18 Booth/McDonald An ISR will be drafted. Denton (near Argyle, down 1171) regarding how infrastructure was funded and/or any incentives 15. Request for a proclamation to honor Mr. Gohlke 1/27/18 Rogers Staff is working with family to arrange a date for the proclamation. Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, February 13,2018 12:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. Work Session Reports A. ID 18-149 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding requests for resolutions of support from developers applying for 9%housing tax credits with the state. B. ID 18-221 Receive a report, hold a discussion and provide direction regarding current City of Denton facilities and how to proceed with planning for future space needs. C. ID 18-222 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding an overview of homelessness initiatives and research on tent encampments. D. ID 18-223 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on the formation of a committee to review and update the Parks and Recreation Department's Integrated Pest Management program. E. ID 18-226 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding a proposed expedited competitive process for Professional Engineering services for the City's public works infrastructure and the Capital Projects program. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Special Called Meeting in the Council Chambers to consider the following items: 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. A17-0006b Hold the second of two public hearings for a voluntary annexation of approximately 0.30 acres of land generally located on the east side of Old Alton Road, south of the intersection of Old Alton Road and Teasley Lane. 2. CONCLUDING ITEMS Page I Printed on 212120I8 City Council Meeting Agenda February 13,2018 A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2018 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 2 Printed on 21212018 Fe bruary 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 p.m. Public Art Committee 4 511:30 am Council 6 7 8 9 10 Luncheon 10:30 am Comm.on 1:30pm Committee on Citizen Engagement 5:00pm P&ZWork the Environment 12:00 pm CC Work Session 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Commission Se ssio n Se ssio 6 p m ParkBoard 6 ssion CC Regular n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00a m Public Utilities 12:00 p m 2nd Tue sd a y 11:00a m EDP Bo a rd 2018 State o f th e Bo a rd Se ssio n City Event 5:30pm HLC 6pm -8:30pm Ha BSCo Meeting is 19 20 21 22 23 24 12:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&ZWork 6:30pm CC Regular Session Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 25 26 27 28 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Bo a rd Se ssio n 4:00pm7BA 2/2/2018 12:54 PM March . Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 p.m. Public Art Committee 4 5 11:30 am Council 6 7 8 9 10 Luncheon 12:00 pm CC Work 5:00pm P&ZWork 1:30pm Committee on Session Session the Environment 6:30pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n Se ssio n 5:3 Op m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 6pmParkBoard 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00am Public Utilities No C o un c il Me e tin g 11:OOam EDP Board HaBSCo Meeting Bo a rd 5:3 Op m HLC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12:00pm CC Work 5:00pm P&ZWork Se ssio n Se ssio n 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n Se ssio n 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Bo a rd Se ssio n 4:00pm7BA 2/2/2018 12:54 PM 1/31/18 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pending Council items and is subject to Chan a without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item February 5 —Luncheon Captions—January 22 Library Update Backup—February 1 February 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—January 22 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—February 2 WS—Bike Share February 13 —2 nd Tuesday Session—noon start Captions—January 29 WS—Pre-qualified Engineering and Consultant Services time Backup—February 9 WS—Homelessness and Tent Encampments WS—City Facilities Master Plan WS—IPM Committee update WS—9% Housing Tax Credit requests February 20—Work/Regular Session Captions—February 5 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—February 16 WS—Landfill SUP requirements WS—Incentive Policy WS—PID Policy WS—Rayzor Ranch PID WS—Electric Fees WS—Parking discussion CA—Award contracts for Pre-qualified Engineering and Consultant Services February 27—41 Tuesday Session Captions—February 12 WS—Cultural District Backup—February 23 WS—Hwy 77 Site Options IC—Incentive Policy IC—PID Policy IC- Reappointment of Municipal Judges March 5 —Luncheon Captions—February 19 Economic Development mid-year update (City and Chamber) Backup—March 1 March 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—February 19 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup =March 2 March 13 —No Meeting NLC, Washington DC 3/11-3/141 Spring Break 3/12-3/16 March 20—Work/Regular Session Captions—March 5 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—March 16 WS—Landfill Substation March 27—4t Tuesday Session Captions—March 12 Backup—March 23 April 2—Luncheon Captions—March 19 Backup—March 29 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item April 3 —Work/Regular Session Captions—March 19 Backup—March 30 April 10—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—March 26 Backup—April 6 April 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—April 2 Backup—April 13 April 24—4th Tuesday Session Captions—April 9 Backup—April 20 May 1 —Work/Regular Session Captions—April 16 Backup—April 27 May 7—Luncheon Captions—April 23 Backup—May 3 May 8 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—April 23 Backup—May 4 May 15 —Election Meeting Captions—April 30 Backup—May 11 Installation of CC Members Only May 22—Work/Regular Session Captions—May 7 Backup—May 18 May 29—No Meeting Memorial Day holiday observed- City Offices closed 5/28 June 4—Luncheon Captions—May 21 Backup—May 31 June 5 —Work/Regular Session Captions—May 21 Backup—June 1 June 12—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—May 25 USCM, Boston, 6/8-6/11 Backup—June 8 June 19—Work/Regular Session Captions—June 4 TCMA, Galveston, 6/21-24 Backup—June 15 June 26—4th Tuesday Session Captions—June 11 Backup—June 22 Jul 2—No Luncheon Jul 3 —No Meeting July 4t holiday observed—City Offices closed July 10—No Meeting July 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 2 Backup—July 13 July 24—4th Tuesday Session Captions—July 9 Backup July 20 July 31 —No Meeting CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item August 2—Budget Workshop Captions—July 16 Backup—July 27 August 6—Luncheon Captions—July 23 Backup—August 2 August 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 23 Backup—August 3 August 14—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—July 30 Backup—Au ust 10 August 21 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 6 Backup—August 17 August 28 —4t11 Tuesday Session Captions—August 13 Backup—August 24 September 3 —No Luncheon Labor Day holiday September 4—No Meeting September 11—Special Called Work/Regular Captions—August 27 Session Backup— September 7 September 18 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 31 Backup— September 14 September 25 —4th Tuesday Session Captions— September 10 Backup— September 21 October 1 —Luncheon Captions— September 17 Backup— September 27 October 2—No Meeting National Night Out October 9—2nd Tuesday Meeting Captions— September 24 TML, Fort Worth, 10/9-10/12 Backup—October 5 October 16—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 1 Backup—October 12 October 23 —4th Tuesday Session Captions—October 8 Backup—October 19 October 30—No Meeting November 5 —Luncheon Captions—October 22 Backup—November 1 November 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 22 NLC, Los Angeles, 11/7-11/10 Backup—November 2 November 13 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—October 29 Backu —November 9 November 20—No Meeting I I Thanksgiving Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 11/22-23 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item November 27—4th Tuesday Session Captions—November 12 Backup—November 21 Tentative-Based on Need December 3 —Luncheon Captions—November 19 Backup—November 29 December 4—Work/Regular Session Captions—November 19 Backup—November 30 December 11 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—November 26 Backup—December 7 December 18—Work/Regular Session Captions—December 3 Backup—December 14 Tentative-Based on Need December 25 —No Meeting Christmas Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 12/24-25 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report Starting Feb 05-11 , 2018 Road Closures Lane Closures Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Nhssage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards NEeting Construction m l i n UPCOMING PROJECTS Canterbury Canto ll to I 35 still in design tbd Drainage Chad Allen-Eng HoRybiDrewHu$man-WW, Fulton tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr, DustvDruper- treets Drew Huffinan-W , Hettie tbd tbd Water/Waste Water/Streets CaseyBowles-Wtr; Dusty Draper-Streets Possibly bundling with Wndsor, DrewHu$man-WW, I4mkle tobebid tbd Casey Bowles-NW; Wtr/W W/S tre e is/Dra ina ge Dusty Draper-Streets Water Nhin Construction 11/16/17 y Holiday Park Phase 2 yes tbd tbd Nhnhattan, Sierra., &Laguna Casey Bowles -NW Yefloyrstone to Sherman Nhlone yes Summer 2018 tbd Water Nhin Construction Water Crescent to Westminster PEC 4-Engineering still in design tbd Engineering Project Lee Peny-Eng Installing Underground Box Culvert Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Assage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Xteting Construction Comnletion Smith-Johnson Summer 2018 tbd Large Project: Chad Allen-Eng Drainage/Streets/Wr/WW DrewHuffiman-WW, Thomas tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr, Dusty Draper-Streets Drew Haflman-WW, Wayne tbd tbd Water/)NW/Streets CaseyBowles-Wtr, Dusty r- Possiblybundling with Hmkle DrewHuffinan-AW, Windsor-Engineering tbd tbd Casey Bowles-Wtr, Wtr/W W/Streets/Drainage RESIDENTIAL CURRENT PROJECTS Al/OverlayO1/31/18 Auburn no Feb 19,2018 lVbr 5,2018 Georgetown to Bowling Green Streets Ave A yes Jan 25,2018 Feb 16,2018 Electric Construction Engineering Eagle to S Ave A Ave B yes Jan 23,2018 Feb 9,2018 Electric Construction Engineering Eagle toS Ave B O1/31/18 Bellhaven no Feb 19,2018 Nbr 5,2018 Mll/Overlay Streets Georgetown to Bowling Green Congress yes Jan 8,2018 Feb 28,2018 Electric Construction Engineering Denton to N Carroll Congress yes Jan 22,2018 Feb 12,2018 Electric Construction Engineering N Carroll to Bolivar Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Ntssage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Nlveting Construction m l i n O1/31/18 Dartmouth no Feb 26,2018 Nhr 12,2018 N1dl/Overlay Streets Amherst to Cornell Denison yes Feb 5,2018 Nlar 16,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 101/24/18 y y University to W Shemran Street Reconstruction 01/24/18 y y Egan yes Feb 5,2018 N1ay 7,2018 Streets Amarillo to Malone Mll/Overlay 01/09/18 y Gober no Jan 24,2018 Feb 12,2018 Linden Dr to Cordell St Streets Grace Temple no Feb 5,2018 Feb 16,2018 N1dl/Overlay 01/31/18 Fulton to Ponder Concrete Street Panel Repairs 12/18/17 y Heron Pond no Jan 2,2018 Feb 9,2018 Streets Sun Ray to Marsh Rail Holiday Park Phase 2 yes Novastewater Main Construction ov 10-17 Dec 1,2018 Wastewater 11/16/17 y Nbnhattan to Kings Row Hudsonwood Dr no Feb 5,2018 Feb 20,2018 Street Panel Repair Streets 01/24/18 Benydown Intersection Dings Row no Aug 7,2017 Feb 9,2018 Chub and Gutter/Drive Approaches Engineering y WB Right In Wellington and Sherman Lattimore no Oct 9,2017 Feb 16,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 09/22/17 y Audra to Dead End Londonderry yes Dec 22,2017 Xhr 15,2018 Wastewater Nhin Construction Wastewater 10/16/17 y Teasley to Westminster Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Assage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Xteting Construction m l i n 10/16/17 y Londonderry es Feb 1,2018 Nhr 1,2018 Drainage Improvements Drainage Lookout no Jan 29,2018 Feb 28,2018 Sidewalk Repair Streets y Windsor to Westward Lovell no Jan 24,2018 Feb 9,2018 MIVOverlay Streets 01/19/18 y Scripture to Egan O1/31/18 Malone no Feb 14,2018 Nhr 2,2018 NS1UOverlay Streets Auburn to Dead End North Water Line Tap/Piping/S walk Repair N/A Maple no Jan 22,2018 Feb 9,2018 Engineering Southern most Drive Lane Street Reconstruction 10/10/17 y y 10.18.17 Nbckingbird yes Oct 23,2017 Feb 20,2018 Streets Akinney to Paisley Street Reconstruction 09/22/17 y Oak Park no Oct 9,2017 Feb 16,2018 Oaktree to Oak Valley Streets Oaktree no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 09/22/17 y Audra to Lattimore y Paisley yes Dec 20,2017 Feb 16,2018 Water Main Construction y Water Frame to Ruddell Sagebrush Jan 2,2018 tbd Water/WW/Streets MWWW/Streets y Water is almost complete Silktree yes Jan 29,2018 Nlar 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets O1/22/18 Desert Willowto Cul de Sac ur Proposed Date Proposed Door Assage Public Street/InterLii es of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Acting Construction mltin Mill Overlay/Curb and Gutter Work 10/26/17 y Stanley Nov 6,2017 Feb 7,2018 Streets Emery to Crescent Westward no Jan 2,2018 Feb 9,2018 Street Panel Repair Stree 12/18/17 y ts Lookout to Southway Whispering Oaks no Oct 9,2017 Feb 16,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 09/22/17 y Oak Valley to Oak Park Sidewalk Repairs IqHOA y Windriver no Jan 22,2018 Nhr 30,2018 Streets 01/11/18 Loon Lake to Teasley Ln MAJOR ROADS CURRENT PROJECTS Bonnie Brae no Jul 1,2017 Ju131,2019 Street Widening Engineering Gayla yes Jan 4,2018 Feb 16,2018 Water and WWCrossing Construction Engineering 01/03/18 y y Nhyhill Rd to Bridges St Hickory yes Jan 2,2018 Nby 11,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Bonnie Brae to N Texas Blvd Reconstruct Old Central Parking Lot 11/02/17 NhKnney no Nov 14,2017 Apr 29,2018 Engineering Bolivar to Cedar Street Widening Project 01/3/18, Nbyhill no Sep 1,2017 Feb 1,2020 S380 to NofEd Engineering 01/24/18 LJwards Rd Prominence Parkway yes Jan 31,2018 Augater/WWRelocate/Repave g 31,2018 Engineering 01/24/18 Nhyhill to Atlanta Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Assage Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Xteting Construction m l i n Riney s Sep 29,2017 Ju129,2018 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering N E]m to Solona Ryan Rd Dec 11,2017 Jan 26,2018 Street Construction 12/06/17 y y Stree FM1830 to Forrestridge Note: This provides an Estimate of work to be done the next two weeks. Weather,equipment breakdowns,or other unforeseen problems could cause this schedule to change. Drainage 349-7116 / Water Distribution 349-7181 / Wastewater 349-8489 / Traffic 349-7342 / Streets 349-7160,streets@cityofdenton.com Engineering 349-8910,engineering@cityofdenton.com / TXDOT 387-1414,romulo.bahamon@txdot.gov / Denton County 349-3420 COMPLETED PROJECTS Ave G yes Dec 18,2017 Jan 19,2018 Electric Construction MW Engineering Oak St to Hickory St Gaelic Ct no Nov27,2017 Jan 19,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets I1/13/17 y Glengary Way to Western dead end Nfimosa yes Jan 2,2018 Feb 23,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/13/17 y N Carroll to Bolivar Nbckingbird yes Oct 23,2017 Feb 4,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 10/10/17 y y 10/18/17 Audra to Newport Nbntecito no Dec 27,2017 Jan 26,2018 Sidewalk Repair Streets N/A Y Hazelwood to Nhror Rock Overlook no Oct 2,2017 Jan 19,2018 Sidewalk and Panel Repairs Streets NA Y Windsor to Westward Street Resurfacing/Curb/Gutter11/27/18 y y Panhandle no Dec 4,2017 Feb 12,2018 Streets 'Ihomas to Bonnie Brae Uanderbuilt Ct no Dec 27,2017 Jan 26,2018 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets 12/18/17 y Bowling Green to Vanderbilt Ct