020918 Friday Staff Report F` City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 9, 2018 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, February 12, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission Meeting on Monday, February 12, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 12:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. B. Upcoming Events 1. State of the City, February 15, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Embassy Suites by Hilton. 2. NAACP Annual Freedom Fund Banquet, Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the MLK Center. II. General Information & Status Update A. Gas Well Inspection Reports— In the January 26 Friday Report, staff provided a general information and status update item concerning Modern Geosciences gas well inspection activities. In that update, staff discussed refining the reporting OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency 0 Outstanding Customer Service format and making modifications to the gas well inspections page on the City's website so inspection reports from Denton and Modern Geosciences could be displayed. Staff is pleased to share that report format has been finalized and Technology Services has reconfigured the website so that reports can now be linked to the existing map by well site. The Communications Office has added information to the website to guide citizens in accessing this information. It is important to note that reports are added as they are completed, which means that the number of reports available through the map will increase over time as more wells are inspected. Modern Geosciences is tasked in the current agreement with inspecting high priority sites twice per year, moderate priority sites once per year, and low priority sites one time every two years. Because of this approach, there will be some of the low priority wells that will not be sampled this year, so the reports will be unavailable. However, the high priority sites will have two reports by the end of the fiscal year. We are excited to add this new function, and would like to acknowledge the hard work of Kevin Babcock in Technology Services and Rod Weatherby in Denton's Gas Well Inspections division that made it possible to display this information. Staff contact: Ken Banks B. Library Staff Development Day— Each year Denton Public Library conducts all- staff training in February. The 2018 Library Staff Development Day will be Friday, February 23. Employees from all three locations will learn new skills and share best practices. Library Staff Development day is an invaluable tool for creating a cohesive vision for library service, and this will be the 23rd year we have coordinated the training event for staff. This practice is in part responsible for the exemplary service for which Denton Public Library is known. This year the focus of the training will be customer service, teamwork, and communication. All library branches will be closed to the public on Friday, February 23. Library closings will be posted at all locations, on our automated phone system, on our website and social media channels, and via a press release. Materials on hold will be extended during times of closure to avoid penalizing customers. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker C. Mentor Denton Progress Report—In December 2014,the City Council held a joint meeting with the Denton ISD Board of Trustees to discuss,among other items,the City's participation in the Mentor Denton program. Mentor Denton is a community collaboration with the City, DISD, and the United Way to encourage and recruit citizens to volunteer and assist at-risk students in achieving their educational goals. The parties executed a memorandum of understanding for the program in July 2016 and the City of Denton currently contributes $20,000 annually to help fund a community engagement specialist position. Since spring 2016 there have been over 1,800 mentors in DISD that have volunteered over 12,000 hours. This includes participation in Dr. Seuss Reading Day, during which volunteers read over 115 hours. As part of the Mentor Denton program, 100 percent of mentees have been at-risk students. One of the future goals of the program for the next year would be to place 50 City of Denton employees as mentors through the Volunteer Impact Program. More information can be found at http://www.mentordenton.or�z and additional accomplishments, priorities, and goals can be viewed in the attached report from DISD. The MOU requires the performance of the program be reviewed annually, and staff will coordinate to receive these reports and provide them to Council. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers D. Lake Lewisville Raw Water Line Repairs - The Water Distribution crews performed the first exploratory excavation on one of the high priority repair locations identified in the recent condition assessment evaluation of the 30 inch raw water transmission pipeline that runs from the Lake Lewisville Pumping Station to the Water Treatment Plant. This assessment was completed using new electromagnetic technologies to determine if there were breaks in the wire wrapping component of the pipe. These types of failures may not be detected using standard camera assessments. The 30 inch raw water transmission pipeline was constructed in 1975 and was being evaluated to determine if distressed segments of pipe were present within the nine mile long pipeline(which is comprised of over 1,200 pipe segments). This evaluation produced a lower than expected number of distressed pipes (12), and these pipes were scheduled for investigation and repair during off peak water demand periods. On the first excavation, staff located a section of pipe that was in distress and that would have likely led to failure over the next five years(see photo below). Using this technology allows for these distressed pipe segments to be identified and repaired or replaced in advance of failure, which minimizes the potential for service interruption during critical high water demand periods. Staff is currently replacing about 27 feet of distressed pipe with new pipe. Since this pipeline runs parallel and within the DCTA A-Train rail corridor and underneath the Hike and Bike Pedestrian Trail, this repair required close coordination with the DCTA train safety staff and flagging personnel. Temporary closure of the Hike and Bike Trail was required and detour routes were planned and communicated. Repairs should be completed this week at this location and the Hike and Bike Trail will be replaced and reopened as soon as possible. This was the first of potentially 12 locations to be investigated and repaired over the next two to three winters as a part of this project. Staff contact: Ken Banks y _ E. DCTA Quiet Zone and Water Line Repairs — As mentioned in the above report, the City is working to repair defects along the 30 inch raw pipeline along the Hike and Bike Pedestrian Trail that feeds the Lake Lewisville Water Treatment plant. DCTA has provided a notification that during the work, it may be required for the A-Train to sound its horn in a quiet zone. This will occur between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday while the work is ongoing (four to five weeks). The A-Train horn will not sound consistently during this time, only when the train passes through impacted areas. Staff contact: Mark Nelson F. Dust mitigation along Bell Avenue—At the Feb. 6 City Council meeting, Council Member Gregory asked about mitigating dust along Bell Avenue. Staff believes there have been two primary causes for the increased dust in the downtown area. There is a contractor that has been saw cutting on Bell Avenue which has produced a large amount of dust in the area. Engineering staff reached out to this contractor on Wednesday morning, and a street sweeper has since been used to clean up debris and reduce the dust. The other factor that has contributed is a development on Industrial Street that has also had saw cutting. Development Services staff has reached out to the contractor for this project to ask that they take measures to reduce the dust. Staff contacts: Scott McDonald and Todd Estes III. Community Events A. IGNITE Conference at TWU—IGNITE, a non-partisan 501(c)3 organization that encourages young women to engage in the political process, is hosting the 6t' Annual Texas Young Women's Political Leadership Conference on Saturday, Feb. 17 at Texas Woman's University. Anyone interested in attending or learning more can access conference information at http://www.ignitenational.org/tx20l8. B. Read across America Day with Denton ISD—National Read Across America Day, or Dr. Seuss Day, is an event designed to encourage reading throughout elementary schools. The event takes place annually on the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) and is scheduled for Friday, March 2 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Denton ISD and United Way of Denton County coordinate the event at Denton area schools and are still seeking volunteers. To sign up as a volunteer go to htt2s://www.volunteersigpup.org/W8B4D. C. Denton Open Data Day — The City of Denton is embracing data in an effort to enhance community services and empower its citizens by participating in Denton Open Data Day. Open Data Day is an opportunity for local programmers and designers to collaborate and develop new tools for accessibility, economic development,and sustainability for all that call Denton home.Last year,we looked at the areas of mobile applications, transportation, permitting efficiency and responsiveness. The event is free for anyone wishing to attend or participate. Join us on Saturday,March 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Stoke. To learn more or sign up, see the attached flier or go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/denton-open- data-day-2018-tickets-423163 76421. IV. Attachments A. Mentor Denton Progress Report B. Denton Data Day Flier V. Informal Staff Reports A. Credit & Collections B. Economic Development Sponsorships VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda(Feb. 20) C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report 7��I,rj INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Community Engagement Specialist Update 1/31/18 • Priorities for 2017-2018: o Establishing a consistent point of contact at schools for mentors o Revitalize reading program at Gonzalez School for Young Children and Evers o Continue building relationships with members of area chambers to establish relationships with businesses and encourage them to mentor o Work with RSVP as they begin their next cycle of funding and applications to transition from the "Rockin' Readers" to a mentoring program that's more 1:1, rather than with an entire class o Update the district web presence with volunteer and mentoring opportunities, as well as streamline the background check process and creating a formalized training program for mentors. • Goals for 2018-2019: o Implement a formal training program for mentors o Make at least one mentor recruitment presentation each year to every civic organization within Denton ISD. o Place 50 City of Denton employees as mentors and volunteers in Denton ISD through the City's Volunteer Impact Program. o Place 15 Denton ISD central administrators as mentors in the district. o Continue to increase our Grandparents in Public Schools program by 20 new GIPS mentors through outreach efforts in retirement communities, such as Robson Ranch, Good Samaritan locations,Attiva Denton, Primrose, and others. o Continue to work with UNT and TWU to have at least two schools serve as jobsites for each of their days of service (National Make a Difference Day, Big Event, etc.) • Accomplishments for 2016-2017: o Accomplished the priorities set above. o Community Needs Assessment—Created a survey to establish needs for DISD, including Title I campuses. We learned that a majority of campuses indicated that the biggest need was people (mentors/volunteers). o W.S. Ryan Elementary Partnership with Trinity United Methodist Church —Worked with the principal and representatives from Trinity UMC to create a weekend food program for students who are designated homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act. o Dr. Seuss Reading Day - Over 115 hours were logged by 108 volunteers from over 35 businesses and organizations during 2017 Read Across America Day to help celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday and encourage students to read.We hope this will lead to further volunteering and potential new mentors. o Worked with our two pre-schools to receive approximately 10 trash bags full of donations for their clothes closets,as well as receiving about 40 packages of new underwear and socks from Thrift Giant and Once Upon a Child-Denton. 1307 N. Locust St. • Denton, ZX76201 • Telephone: (940) 369-0146 • FAX: (940) 369-4982 www.dentonisd.org Mentors in Denton ISD Fall 2017 Fall 2017 High Spring 2018 Spring 2018 Spring Spring School Community Spring 2018 High Community Mentors in Campus Fall 2016 Community School Student Notes 2016** 2017 Students Mentors (in process of being Mentors Mentors place) Mentors placed Adkins Elementary 0 2 2 2 10 2 10 A majority of the Adkins mentors are PALS mentors from Guyer High School. Continuing from Spring 2017, Bell Leadership (boys) mentoring group and Sis Leadership (girls group). Also new this past fall was the addition of the Bobcat-Bengal /Elementy0 1 12 26 100 26 100 25 Reading Program with 95 Braswell HS student athletes mentoring and working on reading. Other mentors are Foster Grandparents/part of our Grandparents in Public Schools Program, staff members who mentor after school, and Watch DOGS which is just starting up. Borman Elementary 3 3 These mentors are from RSVP Rockin' Readers and are part of our Grandparents in Public Schools program. In addition to 2 mentors from CoSery and 1 from RSVP Rockin' Readers, Cross Oaks has partnered with Cross Way Cross Oaks Elementary 3 3 United Methodist Church to form SLRP. The Summer Learning& Reading Program with weekly reading programs and lunches in summer and expanded in 2017 to all 5 elementary schools on 380. These mentors are part of our Grandparents in Public Schools Program, many of whom come from Robson Ranch Evers Park Elementary 17 28 28 11 11 and one from RSVP. Due to health and other reasons, several did not return for 17-18. We are working to get those numbers back up. UNT Kappa Delta Pi has 10 students mentoring 33 ATC/DHS Denton High School 80 80 Education in Training students and UNT English Dept. has about 70 students mentoring IB students. Includes reader/mentors from UNT Football, a couple of Ginnings Elementary 40 66 106 135 165 UNT sororities, First United Bank mentors, and RSVP Rockin' Readers. A handful of these mentors are part of our Grandparents in Gonzalez School for Young Public Schools Program. UNT Alpha Phi Omega service Children 0 9 11 4 4 20 fraternity has 20 members in the process of being placed to read to Pre-K. Hawk Elementary 3 3 These mentors are from RSVP Rockin' Readers and are part of our Grandparents in Public Schools program. Hodge Elementary 0 2 2 2 29 2 29 Ryan HS PALS mentors comprise a bulk of this year's mentors, plus a couple mentors from the community. UNT Softball players mentored during the 16-17 year, but Lee Elementary 3 11 16 5 5 10 did not return for 17-18. A new UNT sorority, Mu Delta Alpha, is in the process of being placed for Spring 2018 mentoring at Lee. Robson Ranch Fishing Club partners with McMath Fishing McMath Middle School 0 1 8 12 12 Club, as well as Leaders and Thinkers organization at McMath has 2 college students and 2 PEER International mentors assisting. Moore High School 15 25 30 25 N/A 50 The TWU partnership has dissolved—we are working with UNT to fulfill this need. Nelson Elementary 0 1 3 2 2 These mentors are from RSVP Rockin' Readers and are part of our Grandparents in Public Schools program. Paloma Creek Elementary 0 0 0 1 1 This mentor is part of our Grandparents in Public Schools Program and is a Foster Grandparent. Pecan Creek Elementary 3 3 3 6 6 These mentors are from RSVP Rockin' Readers, a local church, and CoServ. Five of these mentors are part of our Grandparents in Public Schools Program. The others are mentors or Rivera Elementary 50 53 53 35 10 35 10 volunteers from First United Methodist Church, CIS mentors, Foods 4 Kids volunteers, and UNT math mentors and Ryan HS PALS mentors. Since opening in August 2017, RMS has added new Rodriguez Middle School 2 3 2 mentors and hopes to grow those numbers even more; one mentor even has 5 mentees! We are also going to add a mentor from Foster Grandparents in the coming weeks. For Spring 2018, a new mentoring program began with 15 mentors from Robson Ranch,focused on reading fluency. LINT Volleyball players have been volunteering regularly in PE and with afterschool clubs and will soon be mentoring, working on reading. Good Samaritan of Lake Forest Village Ryan Elementary 0 3 18 8 25 wants to start up a reading program again that they had years ago. Several mentors are also part of Foster Grandparents and one is an RSVP Rockin' Reader. All of these are part of our Grandparents in Public Schools Program. Not included in the numbers are several volunteers who are helping out this spring in Kinder classes from UNT's Alpha Phi Omega. Sparks Campus 0 0 1 1 2 2 These mentors are Foster Grandparents and are part of our Grandparents in Public Schools Program. Stephens Elementary 0 0 0 1 1 This mentor is a Foster Grandparent and is part of our Grandparents in Public Schools Program. Wilson Elementary 2 2 These mentors are part of RSVP Rockin' Readers and our Grandparents in Public Schools Program. Windle School for Young 5 5 5 5 5 These mentors are part of our Grandparents in Public Children Schools Program. Total 135 210 298 374 149 398 149 109 "Spring 2016 numbers reflect prior to the hiring of the Community Engagement Specialist. Other Mentor Statistics Spring Spring Spring 2018 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Notes 2016 2017 (In progress) Youth Matched With 79 184 242 329 263 Working to get more mentors for Mentor the spring! Formally Trained Mentors N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A We are in the process of creating a formalized training program for Hours of Mentoring 1248 2196 3776 5264 N/A All our mentors volunteer 30 Percentage of At-Risk 100 100 100 100 100 All of our mentees are considered Mentees to be at-risk. Communities in Schools North Texas Mentors in DISD CISNT numbers are not reflected above in the totals for each campus/semester. 2016- 2017- Campus 2017 2018 Notes Mentors Mentors E: These mentors are part of our Borman Elementary 52 33 Grandparents in Public Schools Program. Calhoun Middle School 22 10 Denton High School 16 18 Evers Park Elementary 5 0 Ginnings elementary 0 20 Hodge Elementary 2 0 Lee Elementary 3 0 Myers Middle School 15 14 Rayzor Elementary 3 0 A majority of these mentors come from the Adopt-A-School Rivera Elementary 52 50 partnership with First United Methodist Church-Denton, who has adopted Rivera Elementary. Strickland Middle School 4 0 Total 174 145 T I _ _ 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 r i 1 DENTON 0 _ DATA March 3 " DAY J 8am — 5pm DO YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE SKILLS ? Python Coding UX/ UI Design GIS Mapping Data Analytics Database Development Creative Writing WE NEED YOU ! The city of Denton is embracing dat in an effort to enhance community services and empower its citizens. Denton Data Day is an opportunity for local programmers and designers to collaborate and develop new tools for accessibility,economic development and sustainability for all that call this quaint, peculiar town home. Join us March 4th as we code, map,write and and design the city of Denton into the information age. To register please opendenton.com St6ke • • M1 r • 1)�N I ON UW Date: February 9,2018 Report No. 2018-014 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Credit and Collections follow-up information regarding uncollectable debt by category for fiscal years 08/09-15/16 and payment options available for customers. BACKGROUND: Customer Service presented information to the Public Utilities Board and City Council in October,November, December 2017 and January 2018, regarding the Credit and Collections policies of the Utility system. On January 9, 2018, City Council approved changes to the Credit and Collection policies in Ordinance 2018-16. Two items were requested by the Public Utilities Board as follow-up for information. The first item request is the breakdown of uncollectable debt by category for fiscal years 08/09-15/16. The second item was clarification on customer payment options and fees associated with payments. DISCUSSION: Uncollectable Debt by Category Debt is deemed uncollectable 180 days after the final bill has been produced. The type of debt is broken down by category (Multifamily, Residential and Commercial). The fiscal years 08/09- 15/16 uncollectable debt by category is provided below: FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 Multifamily $275,775 Multifamily $272,322 Multifamily $200,637 Multifamily $217,854 Residential $522,500 Residential $454,425 Residential $310,359 Residential $299,680 Commercial $676,558 Commercial $410,229 Commercial $161,100 Commercial $105,762 Total $1,474,833 Total $1,136,976 Total $672,096 Total $623,296 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Multifamily $218,944 Multifamily $255,627 Multifamily $228,558 Multifamily $210,674 Residential $268,548 Residential $306,439 Residential $297,665 Residential $245,442 Commercial $111,512 Commercial $132,066 Commercial $89,147 Commercial $80,364 Total $599,004 Total $694,132 Total $615,370 Total $536,480 Payment Options The City of Denton offers multiple convenient payment methods and channels to pay a utility bill. These options include: • Online at www.cityofdenton.com o Electronic Check o Credit/Debit Card o Capability for one-time payment, future date and re-occurring payments • Calling Customer Service (940)349-8700 Date: February 9,2018 Report No. 2018-014 o Pay directly with a Customer Service Representative o Pay through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system • Signing up for auto draft using a checking/savings account • In person at our Customer Service lobby located at: o City Hall East, 601 E Hickory St. Suite F. Monday-Friday, 8-5 • Payment Kiosk located at: o City Hall East, 601 E Hickory St. Suite F. o Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day • Drop Box Locations o Blue drive through drop box located in City Hall East parking lot o Outside drop box located at the front door of City Hall East ■ Both above options are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day o Lobby drop box located inside Customer Service lobby. Monday-Friday, 8-5 • Mail payment to: o PO Box 660150, Dallas, TX 75266-0150 • Any retail location that has Fidelity Express or Money Gram The only time a Residential customer would pay a fee is at a retail location (Fidelity Express and Money Gram). The fee is collected by the retailer and varies depending on what the customer chooses but typically ranges from $0.88-$2.00. Commercial accounts have all the same payment options as a Residential account however, they are charged a 2.7% fee when paying with a credit/debit card online, over the phone with a Customer Service Representative or by using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. The above fee was implemented on December 1, 2014 (City Ordinance 2014-073), in response to the excessive and increasing fees being charged to the City of Denton as a result of the increased use of reward cards being used by Commercial accounts. Prior to the 2.7% fee being implemented, Commercial cards accounted for 58% of processing fees, while only being 8% of total credit/debit card transactions. After the fee was implemented,processing fees decreased by 50%. Commercial accounts are alerted to the 2.7% fee prior to making the credit/debit card payment and are provided the option to either accept the fee or opt out and choose a no cost payment method. They are also able to use any of the other payment options available to Residential customers as a way to avoid the cost. The City does not charge a fee to Residential accounts that choose to pay their utility bill using a credit/debit card. Furthermore, there is no charge associated with Residential or Commercial accounts to change the credit/debit card, or banking information for draft that is on file. STAFF CONTACT: Tiffany Thomson, Customer Service Manager (940)349-7401 Tiffany.Thomsongcityofdenton.com Date: February 9,2018 Report No. 2018-015 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Economic Development sponsorship of community events BACKGROUND: Each year, the Department of Economic Development receives requests from local charitable and educational organizations to help support various events and programs. For the past several fiscal years, $7,500 has been set aside in the department's budget to fund these requests. The events supported by the department are those hosted by workforce development or educational organizations, economic development partners, or community development groups— in other words, organizations with missions that directly tie to the City's goals for economic and community development. The department's current policy is to consider sponsorships only for 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), or educational organizations and to limit its sponsorships to no more than $1,000 per event. The department does not sponsor other City departments' events, golf tournaments, or music festivals. Procedurally, the department will purchase a table (or tables) at an event and make the tickets available to City Council members, City management/executive staff, and departmental staff, in that order. In FY 2016-17, the department spent a total of$3,240 on event sponsorships: • Denton Public School Foundation gala-- $1,000 • TWU Founders Day Scholarship Banquet -- $750 • United Way of Denton County Tribute event-- $650 • Denton Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet -- $600 • North Central Texas College Foundation Scholarship Banquet -- $240 CONCLUSION: To be consistent with the sponsorship changes related to Denton Municipal Electric and Solid Waste, we will bring forward a resolution on February 20 for Council's consideration regarding guidelines for Economic Development sponsorships. The guidelines will include the following: • The organization must be a 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), or educational entity. • The organization must be nonsectarian, nondiscriminatory, and nonpolitical. • The sponsored organization's mission must have a tie to the City's goals for economic or community development. • No funds will be given to internal City departments or organizations. Date: February 9,2018 Report No. 2018-015 • Sponsorships will be limited to no more than $1,500 per event. STAFF CONTACT: Caroline Booth, Director of Economic Development 940-349-7751 Caroline.Booth@cityofdenton.com Revision Date 2/9/18 Council Requests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Information on cost determination for curb rate vs drop- 6/5/17 Cox An RFP for a cost of service study is off rate at landfill being prepared; the project is expected to last a few months into spring 2018. 2. Discussion of development code criteria for width of 6/6/17 Canizares Amendments to Transportation criteria streets manual are in process. Planned to be presented on March 6. 3. Survey and report of how other municipalities and 7/25/17 Howell A consultant is working on an school districts fund their School Resource Officers, as efficiency analysis of the Aquatics well as analysis of calls to school and efficiency Center. A proposal has been sent to Spt. Wilson for DISD to increase SRO funding. 4. Info on landfill SUP requirement and a plan to replace 8/15/17 Cox Update to Council planned for Feb. 20. or minimize trees that will be removed 5. Work session on process for when a use category is not 9/19/17 McDonald/Leal An ISR is expected in February and clearly defined in the DDC (incl. appeals process and this will be included as part of the communications to surrounding properties) DDC update. 6. Work session on public restrooms and/or first aid station 10/17/17 Rosendahl A work session is tentatively planned on the Square for Feb. 27. 7. Work session on homelessness /tent city research, 11/7/17 and Kuechler/Shaw A work session is planned for Feb. 13. include est. annual PIT Count results 1/27/18 8. Work session on HOT funds (overview of the 1/9/18 Puente A work session is planned for Feb. 27. committee, process, and policies) 9. Update on cultural district 1/9/18 Booth A work session is planned for Feb. 27. 10. Work session on special events/parades and permitting 1/9/18 Howell/Kuechler A brief update was included in the processes required Friday Jan. 12 report, and a work session is planned for Feb. 27. 11. Creation of a committee for pesticides management 1/9/18 Behrens A work session is planned for Feb. 13. 12. Information on large residential developments south of 1/27/18 Booth/McDonald An ISR will be drafted. Denton(near Argyle, down 1171) regarding how infrastructure was funded and/or any incentives 13. Request for a proclamation to honor Mr. Gohlke 1/27/18 Rogers Staff is working with family to arrange a date for the proclamation. 14. Inquiry regarding trash at Mingo and 380. City or 2/5/18 Lahart/Cox This area has been cleaned up by staff. property owner pick-up? Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 15. Inquiry—brush truck damaged trees in CM Bagheri's 2/5/18 Rosendahl This area has been cleaned up by Parks neighborhood. Can this be cleaned up? staff. 16. Request to look at DCTA Board membership and make- 2/5/18 Nelson An ISR is expected for Feb. 16. up 17. Request for an ISR on how ECA is calculated for 2/5/18 Morrow/Puente An ISR will be drafted. electric bills 18. Information on a bike rider hit by a car at McKinney 2/5/18 Howell Police department is researching this and Bell last week accident. 19. Work session on downtown area items (form-based 2/6/18 Canizares/McDonald An ISR is expected for Feb. 16. criteria or design guidelines, historic designations and what they mean, and Lewisville's update to Fire Code/incentives to update wiring in older buildings) 20. Request if anything can be done to minimize dust in 2/6/18 Estes Information is provided in the Feb. 9 construction area of Bell and Industrial Friday Report. 21. Request to move public hearing(s) of a draft ethics 2/6/18 Rosendahl This is tentatively scheduled for the ordinance to the evening evening of Mar. 6. 22. Communications on Feb 17 Ignite conference 2/6/18 Kuechler Information is provided in the Feb. 9 Friday Report. Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, February 20,2018 12:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on the agenda for February 20, 2018. 3. Citizen Comments on Ethics Related Work Session Report Items The City Council has agreed to suspend the Rules of Procedure for citizen comment on Work Session Report Items related to an ethics ordinance. This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Work Session Report Items related to an ethics ordinance only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item related to an ethics ordinance he/she wishes that are listed on the Work Session Report. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 4. Work Session Reports A. ID 18-247 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the development of an ethics ordinance including, but not limited to, a discussion on complaints, investigations, dismissals,hearings, and sanctions,from attorney Alan Bojorquez. B. ID 17-1682 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Solid Waste department's landfill vegetative buffer. C. ID 18-144 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding Rayzor Ranch PID No. 1. D. ID 18-146 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the City's Policy for Tax Abatement and Incentives and Guidelines for Public Improvement Districts. E. ID 18-256 Receive a report, hold a discussion and give staff direction regarding the schedule of miscellaneous fees, deposits, billings, and procedures for administrative services to City utility customers. Page I Printed on 21912018 City Council Meeting Agenda February 20, 2018 Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 18-217 Tentative(Spencer to Locust Transmission Line Project-Parcels 34-37) ANY FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A CLOSED MEETING WILL ONLY BE TAKEN IN AN OPEN MEETING THAT IS HELD IN COMPLIANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE IS TAKEN IN THE CLOSED MEETING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF §551.086 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (THE `PUBLIC POWER EXCEPTION'). THE CITY COUNCIL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN INTO A CLOSED MEETING OR EXECUTIVE SESSION AS AUTHORIZED BY TEX. GOV'T. CODE, §551.001, ET SEQ. (THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT) ON ANY ITEM ON ITS OPEN MEETING AGENDA OR TO RECONVENE IN A CONTINUATION OF THE CLOSED MEETING ON THE CLOSED MEETING ITEMS NOTED ABOVE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION §551.071-551.086 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT. Regular Meeting of the City of Denton City Council at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S. Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas, one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 18-243 Texas Music Friendly Community B. ID 18-263 IHOP'S National Pancake Day and Shriners Hospitals For Children Day C. ID 18-264 American Heart Month 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. Such questions or discussion shall not exceed two (2) minutes. If the City Council believes a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. Page 2 Printed on 21912018 City Council Meeting Agenda February 20, 2018 C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda permits any person not registered for a citizen report to make comments regarding public business on items not listed on the agenda. This is limited to two speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) shall have filed a"Blue Card"requesting to speak during this period prior to the calling of this agenda item. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by the Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — K). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, Consent Agenda Items A — K below will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 17-1659 Consider approval of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas appointing Robin A. Ramsay as Presiding Judge for the City of Denton Municipal Court of Record; establishing a term of office for the Presiding Judge beginning on the 4th day of March 2018; and extending through March 3, 2020; providing for reappointment and term of office in accordance with the Texas Constitution and applicable state statutes; authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract for term of office; and ratifying terms of contract; and declaring an effective date. B. ID 18-154 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing an agreement between the City of Denton, Texas, and Denton Music and Arts Collaborative to enable them to continue its programs that support and encourage the creative arts in the city; authorizing the expenditure of funds; and providing for an effective date. ($400) C. ID 18-156 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas providing for, authorizing, and approving three (3) year software maintenance for continued vendor support for the City of Denton's financial analysis and reporting software Spreadsheet Server application tool and the purchase of Query Designer software to enhance the tool, which is essential to ensure availability of upgrades, software fixes, and access to knowledge and support resources. Global Software, Inc. is the sole-source vendor for continued upgrade, support and maintenance for Spreadsheet Server software and hardware for use with JD Edwards. Therefore this system is available from only one source and in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; which is available from only one source and in accordance with Chapter 252.022 of the Texas Local Government Code such purchases are exempt from the requirements of competitive bidding; and providing an effective date (File 5402 awarded to Global Page 3 Printed on 21912018 City Council Meeting Agenda February 20, 2018 Software,Inc. in the three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$150,500). D. ID 18-161 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas providing for, authorizing, and approving the purchase of three (3) American Signal Corporation early warning sirens to supplement the sixteen (16) existing American Signal Corporation sirens currently in place at various locations throughout the City of Denton and which are essential for the safety of the citizens of Denton. Gifford Electric Inc. is the sole-source vendor for the distribution and maintenance of the American Signal Corporation siren products. Therefore this system is available from only one source and in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; which is available from only one source and in accordance with Chapter 252.022 of the Texas Local Government Code such purchases are exempt from the requirements of competitive bidding; and providing an effective date (File 6657 awarded to Gifford Electric Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of$92,225). E. ID 18-224 Consider approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding Economic Development sponsorship of community events. F. ID 18-228 Consider approval of the minutes of January 5, January 9, January 16, and January 27, 2018. G. ID 18-233 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract of sale by and between James L. Richards and Michelle Marie Sellers Richards (Collectively "Seller") and the City of Denton, Texas ("Buyer"), regarding the sale and purchase of an approximate 0.320 acre tract, more or less, as more fully described in that deed recorded in Volume 5223, Page 477 of the Deed Records of the Denton County, Texas (The "Property"), for the purchase price of one hundred sixty thousand and no/100 dollars ($160,000.00), and other consideration, as prescribed in the contract of sale; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. H. ID 18-244 Consider approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, approving the 2017 Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number One (Downtown TIF)Annual Report; and declaring an effective date. I. ID 18-253 Consider approval of a resolution approving the 2017 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two(Westpark TIRZ)Annual Report; and declaring an effective date. J. ID 18-254 Consider approval of a Resolution by the City of Denton, Texas, approving the grant application for "Rifle Grade Protection" project for fiscal year 2018 to the Office of the Governor; authorizing the City Manager or his agents official authority over this project; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of the Resolution to the Office of the Governor; and providing an effective date. K. ID 18-257 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing an agreement between the City of Denton, Texas and the Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County, Incorporated for providing aid to the City of Denton Police Department in the Page 4 Printed on 21912018 City Council Meeting Agenda February 20, 2018 investigation of child abuse cases; providing client and clinical services to victims of child abuse and non-offending family members; providing for the expenditure of funds in the amount of$144,897;therefor; and providing for an effective date. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION—CONSIDERATION OF THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS 6. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Z17-0003b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance to rezone approximately 11.42 acres from a Community Mixed Use General (CM-G) District to a Neighborhood Residential Mixed-Use (NRMU) District. The property is generally located on the east side of Sam Bass Boulevard and north of Londonderry Lane in the City of Denton, Denton County,Texas. (Z17-0003b, Coventry II Apartments,Hayley Zagurski). B. S17-0011b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit to allow for a multi-family residential use on 10.68 acres of land. The property is generally located on the east side of Sam Bass Boulevard and north of Londonderry Lane in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas. (S17-0011b, Coventry 11 Apartments, Hayley Zagurski). C. DCA18-0001 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance regarding a proposed a revision to the Denton Development Code; specifically to amend the limitations in Subchapter 5 Zoning Districts and Limitations related to mixed-use development requirements for multi-family uses. (DCA18-0001a, Mixed Use Code Update, Hayley Zagurski). 8. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2018 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) Page 5 Printed on 21912018 City Council Meeting Agenda February 20, 2018 CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 6 Printed on 21912018 February i -r-7Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 p.m. Public Art Committee 4 511:30 am Council 6 7 8 9 10 Luncheon 10:30 am Comm.on 1:30pm Committee on Citizen Engagement 5:00pm P&Z Work the Environment 12:00 pm CC Work Session 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Commission Session S 6 pm Park Board ess pm CC Regular Session 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00am Public Utilities 12:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 1 1:00am EDP Board 2018 State of the Board Session City Event 5:30pm HLC 12:30pm Tax 6pm-8:30pm Increment Reinvestment Zone HaBSCo Meeting 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&Z Work 6:30 pm CC Regular Session Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 25 26 27 28 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Board Session 4:00 pm ZBA 2/8/2018 2:39 PM March 20118 Sunday Monday Tuesday 7Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 p.m. Public Art Committee 4 5 11:30 am Council 6 7 8 9 10 Luncheon 12:00 pm CC Work 5:00pm P&Z Work 1:30pm Committee on Session Session the Environment 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session Session Commission 6 pm Park Board 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00am Public Utilities No Council Meeting 1 1:00am EDP Board HaBSCo Meeting Board 5:30pm HLC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12:00 pm CC Work 5:00pm P&Z Work Session Session 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Session 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Board Session 4:00 pm ZBA 2/8/2018 2:39 PM 2/9/18 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pending Council items and is subject to Chan a without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item February 20—Work/Regular Session Captions—February 5 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—February 16 WS—Landfill SUP requirements WS—Incentive Policy WS—PID Policy WS—Rayzor Ranch PID WS—Electric Fees WS—Parking discussion CA—Award contracts for Pre-qualified Engineering and Consultant Services February 27—4t Tuesday Session Captions—February 12 WS—Cultural District Backup—February 23 WS—Hwy 77 Site Options WS—HOT Program WS— Downtown Restrooms IC—Incentives and PID Guidelines Policy IC—Purchase of Fuel for CNG Vehicles March 5 —Luncheon Captions—February 19 Backup—March 1 March 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—February 19 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup =March 2 PH—Water and Wastewater Criteria Manuals March 13 —No Meeting NLC, Washington DC 3/11-3/14 1 Spring Break 3/12-3/16 March 20—Work/Regular Session Captions—March 5 WS—Ethics Ordinance Backup—March 16 WS—Landfill Substation WS— Solid Waste fees March 27—41 Tuesday Session Captions—March 12 WS—Outside Employment policy (tentative) Backup—March 23 April 2—Luncheon Captions—March 19 CM—City Council Appointee Reviews Backup—March 29 April 3 —Work/Regular Session Captions—March 19 Backup—March 30 April 10—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—March 26 Backup—April 6 April 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—April 2 WS —Economic Development mid-year update (City& Chamber) Backup—April 13 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item April 24—4th Tuesday Session Captions—April 9 Backup—April 20 May 1 —Work/Regular Session Captions—April 16 Backup—April 27 May 7—Luncheon Captions—April 23 Backup—May 3 May 8 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—April 23 Backup—May 4 May 15 —Election Meeting Captions—April 30 Backup—May 11 Installation of CC Members Only May 22—Work/Regular Session Captions—May 7 Backup—May 18 May 29—No Meeting Memorial Day holiday observed- City Offices closed 5/28 June 4—Luncheon Captions—May 21 Backup—May 31 June 5 —Work/Regular Session Captions—May 21 Backup—June 1 June 12—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—May 25 USCM, Boston, 6/8-6/11 Backup—June 8 June 19—Work/Regular Session Captions—June 4 TCMA, Galveston, 6/21-24 Backup—June 15 June 26—4th Tuesday Session Captions—June 11 Backup—June 22 Jul 2—No Luncheon Jul 3 —No Meeting July4t holiday observed—City Offices closed July 10—No Meeting July 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 2 Backup—July 13 July 24—4th Tuesday Session Captions—July 9 Backup July 20 July 31 —No Meeting August 2—Budget Workshop Captions—July 16 Backup—July 27 August 6—Luncheon Captions—July 23 Backup—August 2 August 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 23 Backup—August 3 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item August 14—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—July 30 Backup—Au ust 10 August 21 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 6 Backup—August 17 August 28 —4th Tuesday Session Captions—August 13 Backup—August 24 September 3 —No Luncheon Labor Day holiday September 4—No Meeting September 11—Special Called Work/Regular Captions—August 27 Session Backup— September 7 September 18 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 31 Backup— September 14 September 25 —4th Tuesday Session Captions— September 10 Backup— September 21 October 1 —Luncheon Captions— September 17 Backup— September 27 October 2—No Meeting National Night Out October 9—2nd Tuesday Meeting Captions— September 24 TML, Fort Worth, 10/9-10/12 Backup—October 5 October 16—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 1 Backup—October 12 October 23 —4th Tuesday Session Captions—October 8 Backup—October 19 October 30—No Meeting November 5 —Luncheon Captions—October 22 Backup—November 1 November 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 22 NLC, Los Angeles, 11/7-11/10 Backup—November 2 November 13 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—October 29 Backup—November 9 November 20—No Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 11/22-23 November 27—4th Tuesday Session Captions—November 12 Backup—November 21 Tentative-Based on Need December 3 —Luncheon Captions—November 19 Backup—November 29 December 4—Work/Regular Session Captions—November 19 Backup—November 30 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item December 11 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—November 26 Backup—December 7 December 18—Work/Regular Session Captions—December 3 Backup—December 14 Tentative-Based on Need December 25 —No Meeting Christmas Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 12/24-25 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report Starting Feb 12-18, 2018 Road Closures Lane Closures Detour Proposed Date Proposed Street/Intersection of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Door Message Public Routes Completion Hangers Boards Meeting Construction UPCOMING PROJECTS Canterbury still in design tbd Drainage Chad Allen-Eng Hollyhill to 1-35 Drew Huffman-WW; Fulton tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr; Dusty Draper-Streets Drew Huffman-WW; Hettie tbd tbd Water/Waste Water/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr; Dusty Dra er-Streets Possibly bundling with Windsor, Drew Huffman-WW; Hinkle to be bid tbd Wtr/WW/Streets/Drainage Casey Bowles-Wtr; Dusty Draper-Streets Malone yes Summer 2018 tbd Water Main Construction Water Crescent to Westminster PEC 4 - Engineering still in design tbd Engineering Project Lee Perry-Eng Installing Underground Box Culvert Smith-Johnson Summer 2018 tbd Large Project: Chad Allen-Eng Drainage/Streets/Wtr/WW Detour Proposed Date Proposed Street/Intersection of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Door Message Public Routes ConstructionCompletion Hangers Boards Meeting Drew Huffman-WW; Thomas tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr; Dusty Dra er-Streets Drew Huffman-WW; Wayne tbd tbd Water/WW/Streets Casey Bowles-Wtr; Dusty Draper-Streets Possibly bundling with Hinkle Drew Huffman-WW; Windsor- Engineering tbd tbd Wtr/WW/Streets/Drainage Casey Bowles-Wtr; Dusty Dra er-Streets RESIDENTIAL CURRENT PROJECTS Auburn no Feb 19, 2018 Mar 5, 2018 Mill/Overlay Streets 01131/18 Georgetown to Bowling Green Ave A yes Jan 25, 2018 Feb 16, 2018 Electric Construction Engineering Eagle to S Ave A Ave B yes Jan 23, 2018 Feb 23, 2018 Electric Construction Engineering Eagle to S Ave B Bellhaven no Feb 19, 2018 Mar 5, 2018 Mill/Overlay Streets 01131/18 Georgetown to Bowling Green Congress yes Jan 8, 2018 Feb 28, 2018 Electric Construction Engineering Denton to N Carroll Congress yes Jan 22, 2018 Feb 12, 2018 Electric Construction Engineering N Carroll to Bolivar Dartmouth no Feb 26, 2018 Mar 12, 2018 Mill/Overlay Streets 01131/18 Amherst to Cornell Detour Proposed Date Proposed Street/Intersection of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Door Message Public Routes Hangers Boards Meeting Construction Completion Denison yes Feb 5, 2018 Mar 16, 2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 01124/18 y y University to W Sherman Street Reconstruction 01124/18 y y Egan yes Feb 5, 2018 May 7, 2018 Streets Amarillo to Malone Mill/Overlay 01109/18 y Gober no Jan 24, 2018 Feb 23, 2018 Linden Dr to Cordell St Streets Grace Temple no Feb 5, 2018 Feb 23, 2018 Mill/Overlay Streets 01131/18 Fulton to Ponder 11116/17 y Holiday Park Phase 2 yes Nov 10-17 Dec 1, 2018 Wastewater Main Construction Manhattan to Kings Row Wastewater Water Main Construction 11/16/17 y Holiday Park Phase 2 yes Mar 6, 2018 tbd Manhattan, Sierra, & Laguna Casey Bowles -Wtr Yellowstone to Sherman Hudsonwood Dr no Feb 5, 2018 Feb 20, 2018 Street Panel Repair Streets 01124/18 Berrydown Intersection Kings Row no Aug 7, 2017 Mar 31, 2018 Curb and Gutter/Drive Approaches WB Right Ln Wellington and Sherman Engineering y Street Reconstruction 09122/17 y Lattimore no Oct 9, 2017 Feb 23, 2018 Audra to Dead End Streets Wastewater Main Construction 10116/17 y Londonderry yes Dec 22, 2017 Mar 15, 2018 Teasley to Westminster Wastewater 10/16/17 y Londonderry yes Feb 1, 2018 Mar 1, 2018 Drainage Improvements Drainage Detour Proposed Date Proposed Street/Intersection of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Door Message Public Routes Hangers Boards Meeting Construction Completion Lookout no Jan 29, 2018 Feb 28, 2018 Sidewalk Repair Streets y Windsor to Westward Lovell no Jan 24, 2018 Feb 23, 2018 Mill/Overlay Streets 01119/18 y Scripture to Egan Mill/Overlay 01131/18 Malone no Feb 14, 2018 Mar 2, 2018 Auburn to Dead End North Streets Water Line Tap/Piping/S-walk Repair N/A Maple no Jan 22, 2018 Feb 16, 2018 Engineering Southern most Drive Lane Street Reconstruction 10I10/17 y y 10118/17 Mockingbird yes Oct 23, 2017 Feb 20, 2018 Mckinney to Paisley Streets Street Reconstruction 09122/17 y Oak Park no Oct 9, 2017 Feb 23, 2018 Oaktree to Oak Valley Streets Oaktree no Oct 9, 2017 Feb 23, 2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 09122/17 y Audra to Lattimore Osage no Feb 12, 2018 Mar 5, 2018 Street Panel Repair Streets Lake Fork Cir to Wind River Ln Paisley yes Dec 20, 2017 Mar 16, 2018 Water Main Construction Water y y Frame to Ruddell Potomac Parkway no Feb 12, 2018 Mar 19, 2018 Street Panel Repair Streets Shiloh to Shenandoah Trl y Sagebrush yes Feb 15, 2018 May 1, 2018 Wastewater Main Construction Wastewater Detour Proposed Date Proposed Street/Intersection of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Door Message Public Routes Completion Hangers Boards Meeting Construction Sagebrush yes tbt tbt Streets Streets Street Reconstruction 01122/18 Silktree yes Jan 29, 2018 Mar 5, 2018 Desert Willow to Cul de Sac Streets Street Panel Repair 12118/17 y Westward no Jan 2, 2018 Feb 9, 2018 Lookout to Southway Streets Street Reconstruction 09122/17 y Whispering Oaks no Oct 9, 2017 Feb 23, 2018 Oak Valley to Oak Park Streets Sidewalk Repairs HOA y Windriver no Jan 22, 2018 Mar 30, 2018 Loon Lake to Teasley Ln Streets 01/11/18 MAJOR ROADS CURRENT PROJECTS El Bonnie Brae no Jul 1, 2017 Jul 31, 2019 Street Widening Engineering Brinker no Feb 12, 2018 Mar 16, 2018 Street Panel Repairs Streets Medpark Dr to Loop 288 Carroll no Feb 19, 2018 Mar 19, 2018 ADA/Sidewalk Repair Streets Hickory and Oak Intersections Gayly yes Jan 4, 2018 Feb 16, 2018 Water and WW Crossing Construction Engineering 01/03/18 y y Mayhill Rd to Bridges St Hickory yes Jan 2, 2018 May 11, 2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Bonnie Brae to N Texas Blvd Detour Proposed Date Proposed Door Message Public Street/Intersection Routes of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Hangers Boards Meeting Construction Completion Reconstruct Old Central Parking Lot 11/02/17 McKinney no Nov 14, 2017 Apr 29, 2018 Engineering Bolivar to Cedar Street Widening Project 01/3/18, Mayhill no Sep 1, 2017 Feb 1, 2020 US380 to N of Edwards Rd Engineering 01/24/18 01124/18 Prominence Parkway yes Jan 31, 2018 Aug 31, 2018 Mayhill to Atlanta Water IWW Relocate/Repave Engineering Riney yes Sep 29, 2017 Jul 29, 2018 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering N Elm to Solona Note: This provides an Estimate of work to be done the next two weeks. Weather, equipment breakdowns, or other unforeseen problems could cause this schedule to change. Drainage 349-7116 / Water Distribution 349-7181 / Wastewater 349-8489 / Traffic 349-7342 / Streets 349-7160,streets@cityofdenton.com Engineering 349-8910, engineering@cityofdenton.com / TX DOT 387-1414,romulo.bahamon@txdot.gov / Denton County 349-3420 i COMPLETED PROJECTS Ave G yes Dec 18, 2017 Jan 19, 2018 Electric Construction Engineering Oak St to Hickory St Gaelic Ct no Nov 27, 2017 Jan 19, 2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 11113/17 y Glengary Way to Western dead end Concrete Street Panel Repairs 12/18/17 y Heron Pond no Jan 2, 2018 Feb 9, 2018 Streets Sun Ray to Marsh Rail Mimosa yes Jan 2, 2018 Feb 23, 2018 Street Reconstruction Streets 12113/17 y N Carroll to Bolivar Street Reconstruction 10110/17 y y 10118/17 Mockingbird yes Oct 23, 2017 Feb 4, 2018 Streets Audra to Newport Detour Proposed Date Proposed Street/Intersection of Date of Brief Description of Construction Contact Department Letters Door Message Public Routes Hangers Boards Meeting Construction Completion Montecito no Dec 27, 2017 Jan 26, 2018 Sidewalk Repair Streets N/A y Hazelwood to Mirror Rock Overlook no Oct 2, 2017 Jan 19, 2018 Sidewalk and Panel Repairs Streets N/A y Windsor to Westward Street Resurfacing/Curb/Gutter 11/27/18 y y Panhandle no Dec 4, 2017 Feb 12, 2018 Streets Thomas to Bonnie Brae Street Construction 12106/17 y y Ryan Rd WB yes Dec 11, 2017 Jan 26, 2018 FM1830 to Forrestridge Streets y Sagebrush yes Jan 2, 2018 Feb 9, 2018 Water Main Construction Water Stanley yes Nov 6, 2017 Feb 7, 2018 Mill Overlay/Curb and Gutter Work Streets 10/26/17 y Emery to Crescent Curb and Gutter Repair 12118/17 y Vanderbuilt Ct no Dec 27, 2017 Jan 26, 2018 Bowling Green to Vanderbilt Ct Streets