040618 Friday Staff Report ( I) City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 6, 2018 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday,April 9, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission Meeting on Monday,April 9, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Audit/Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 4. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 7. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,April 11, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 8. Council Airport Committee Meeting on Friday, April 13, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. B. Upcoming Events 1. Serve Denton Banquet, Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency 0 Outstanding Customer Service 2. Denton Chamber of Commerce Luncheon/Leadership Denton Graduation Friday, April 20, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. at Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center. 3. Employee Service Awards Banquet, Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. at Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center. II. General Information & Status Update A. Parking Around the Development Services Building and DATCU — In 2015, DATCU sold their properties downtown to 4SR Mulberry LLC., who then leased the drive-thm branch, located at 225 W. Mulberry St., back to DATCU until it is able to complete construction on two new branch facilities located in Denton. The main building, at 215 W. Hickory, was leased to the City of Denton to house the Development Services Department. The 85 spaces associated with the Development Services building are used during regular business hours for customer and employee parking. Those 85 spaces are then open after 5 p.m. Monday — Friday and on Saturday/Sunday as free public parking. The DATCU drive-thru branch has about 50 private spaces that are used for customers and employees during the work week and Saturday until 1 p.m. The parking lot is private but is open for the public after-hours and on Sunday. Once the two new DATCU locations, on Bonnie Brae near Rayzor Ranch and on Duchess Dr. off Loop 288, open in the fall, the downtown branch will be closed. No information is available on what will happen to the site at that time. The former DATCU parking lot located on the corner of W. Mulberry and S. Elm also is owned by 4SR Mulberry LLC. It has approximately 37 spaces. It is a private lot during regular business hours then is a paid parking lot via phone app after- hours/weekends. A map of the properties is attached. Staff contact: Caroline Booth B. April 4 Fire at Garland Power & Light's Spencer Plant — Around 3 p.m. on Wednesday April 4, the Denton Fire Department was dispatched to contain a fire at Garland Power and Light's Spencer Power Plant located at 1700 Spencer Road. The preliminary findings are that raccoon activity near control power switchgear facilities on the first floor of the generating plant created an electrical fault current, which impacted a transformer inside the facility which caught fire. According to firefighters, the fire migrated to the second and third floors of the facility. Firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the flames on the third floor. According to Garland Power and Light's communication manager, Elizabeth Kimbrough,plant personnel were not in the building at the time of the fire. Currently, Garland Power and Light personnel are cleaning up and checking out internal wiring and control systems within the plant in preparation of possible summer power production. Staff contact: George Morrow C. US 380 Hearing — The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Dallas District will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed reconstruction and widening of existing US 380 from SL 288 to west of CR 26(county line)in Denton County, Texas. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at Navo Middle School, 1701 Navo Road,Aubrey,Texas 76227.Displays will be available for viewing at 6:00 p.m. with the formal hearing starting at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to present the planned improvements and to receive public comment on the proposed project. The proposed project would reconstruct and widen approximately 14.6 miles of existing US 380 from a four-lane undivided rural roadway to a six-lane divided urban roadway from the US 377/US 380 intersection to the Denton/Collin County line. Please see attached notification from TxDOT. Staff contact: Mark Nelson D. 2018 Point-In-Time Count Reveal—The Denton County Homeless Coalition will be releasing the 2018 Point-In-Time Count data on Friday,April 13. This year's event,"Homeless to Housed: Busting Barriers to Housing in Denton County,"will be at UNT on the Square (109 N. Elm Street,Denton, TX 76201), from 5:30pm to 7:30pm,Friday,April 13. The exhibition will highlight the barriers Denton County individuals and families face on their journey from homeless to housed, and will include date from the Point-In-Time Count and the Denton County Homeless Management Information System. The event will also include a call-to-action to give to the Denton County Barriers Fund, an innovative fund that strengthens nonprofits working to promote housing stability and promote self-sufficiency for families across Denton County. The Denton County Homeless Coalition is hosting a spring fundraising campaign from March 20th to April 20th, to meet a $7,500 goal to match a pledge from a private donor. Visit www.unitedwaydenton.org/homelessness to find more information and to donate! Staff contact: Dani Shaw E. Full Scale Disaster Drill — The City of Denton is partnering with DCTA on this year's full scale disaster drill. The drill is scheduled for Friday, May 4 and will take place near the Downtown Denton Transit Center (DDTC). The full-scale disaster drill occurs every year in May and is an opportunity to test the City's emergency preparedness and emergency operations. Because of the location of this year's drill, City staff are coordinating with DCTA to develop a communications plan to inform the public of potential impacts. As the DDTC and City Hall East are highly trafficked areas, the plan will include multiple outreach strategies to ensure the public is aware of the drill and transit impacts. More information will be provided closer to the event. Staff contact: Michael Penaluna F. Hickory & Carroll Intersection — During the concluding items of the March 27, 2018 Council meeting,Council Member Briggs inquired about timing of the signal at the Hickory and Carroll intersection and if the time allowed for pedestrians to cross was sufficient. Subsequently, Traffic Operations staff conducted a field review of the existing conditions and verified the pedestrian timing for all four crosswalks at this signalized intersection.Based on the field review it was verified that the pedestrians had sufficient time(along all 4 crosswalks)to cross the streets. Additionally,the pedestrian time allocated for each crosswalk was consistent with the existing federal and state guidelines. Staff did notice that a couple of the pedestrian countdown displays were not working which may have resulted in creating a sense of reduced timing for pedestrians using the crosswalk. The broken pedestrian displays were replaced by staff on March 30 and are currently showing the countdown time during the pedestrian phase. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh G. China's Impact on Denton's Recyclables — During the March 27, 2018 meeting, the City Council asked the Solid Waste department to provide information on the volume of recyclable material the department sells to China. Currently, the department sells 100% of the community's recyclables to Pratt Industries, who operate the department's onsite Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). Representatives from Pratt indicate that none of the material received by their facility is sold overseas. Instead, the majority of the material is shipped to Pratt's own processing mills, and the processed materials are sold domestically. While Denton's materials are not directly impacted by China's decision to pull out of the foreign recycling market, the overall impact on the recycling industry is worth monitoring. Staff anticipates that the reduced demand for these materials will have a ripple effect on the prices received for the City's recyclable material. Over the last Eve (5) years, the department's revenue stream associated with recyclable commodity sales has ranged from $236,000 to $311,000. Because this represents a relatively small percentage of the department's overall revenue stream, staff does not anticipate a substantial financial impact in the immediate fixture. Staff contact: Ethan Cox H. Update on Multi-Family Recycling — During the concluding items of the March 27, 2018 meeting,the City Council asked for an update on staff efforts to increase recycling adoption by multi-family properties. In a January meeting with the Committee on the Environment (COE), Solid Waste and Sustainability staff proposed a targeted marketing effort to increase voluntary adoption by property owners/managers. The COE authorized staff to proceed with this plan and recommended revisiting multi-family recycling following the conclusion of a consultant review of Solid Waste rates. The rate study is currently scheduled to conclude in the June/July time-frame. A copy of the COE presentation and a January 12, 2018 Informal Staff Report are attached for your review. In addition to the rate study, Solid Waste is also undergoing an operational review by Blue Ridge Services, Inc. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of all Solid Waste operations. As part of this review, staff also asked the group to recommend ways to improve multi-family recycling and to assess the operational feasibility of mandatory recycling. The results of the operational review are also expected in the June/July time-frame, and staff plans to share the results with the COE and City Council once received. Staff contact: Ethan Cox 1. Cedar Street Lot Update — Progress on the Cedar Street lot continues with substantial completion expected by the third week in April. Staff expects striping of the lot to begin next week.The lot will be open by Arts&Jazz festival weekend, although it may not be 100%finished. Electrical for lighting of the lot may not be finished, but staff has a contingency in place to have portable lights available for that weekend if necessary. Staff contact: Dean Hartley J. Public Art Committee Meeting Recap— The Public Art Committee met on April 5 and took action on the following items: • Public art related to transportation projects: The committee unanimously recommended the expenditure of up to $10,000 in bond funds for an engineering study related to the installation of up to eight medallions on the frontage road bridge abutments at I-35Brinker Road and I-35/Loop 288. There was also an option for medallions mounted underneath the bridge structure, which the committee did not recommend. The engineering study will run concurrently with the Request for Qualifications process to select the artist for the project.More details on the project timing and graphics depicting the medallion placement are included in the attached Agenda Information Sheet and presentation. Once the final design is developed, this item will be brought to the Council for its review and approval. • Public art on the exterior of the Denton Police Department facility: The committee reviewed a request from the Denton Police Department to move forward with sole-source procurement of public art for the exterior of the Denton Police Department facility versus the initiation of a Request for Qualifications procurement. The committee recommended (4-3) the expenditure of$45,000 in Hotel Occupancy Tax funds to commission the brick sculpture from Paula Collins and the expenditure of up to $9,000 in bond funds for engineering services required for the installation of the sculpture. More details on the project are included in the attached Agenda Information Sheet, presentation, and proposals. This item will be brought to Council on April 17 for review and approval. The committee also received reports and held discussions regarding a communications and marketing plan for public art and the Request for Proposals process for public art at the Martin Luther King,Jr.Recreation Center(RFP issued on April 2 and set to close on May 8). Staff Contact: Caroline Booth K. Industrial Park—Parks and Recreation has been working to upgrade the condition of Industrial Park. In March of 2018, the park was graded, irrigated and sodded to add an inviting space for this area of downtown. Also, a temporary retainage wall was added and the sidewalk was replaced. These enhancements were not only for aesthetics, but to also improve a drainage issue at this site. Furthermore, the no parking signs were removed and new stripping was painted to enhance the available parking. Total cost for the improvements area listed below: • Remove and install new sidewalk $7,061.03 • Install irrigation $1,109.76 • Top dress and install SOD $2,571.25 TOTAL $10,742.04 In addition,Parks and Recreation has entered into a contract with Teague Nall and Perkins (TNP) to provide three conceptual designs with an estimated cost of construction. TNP's designs are due in June 2018. To date, response from the interaction with the community regarding the improvements have been very positive. See before and after photos below. Staff contact: Gary Packan BEFORE �I AFTER L. Drainage Fee Ordinance — During the concluding items of the March 27, 2018 meeting, City Council asked for a copy of the ordinance establishing the drainage fee. On November 6, 2001, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2001-428 (attached) which formally recognized the drainage function of the City's Wastewater Utility in order to efficiently administer the City's drainage program on a full-time, committed basis. On January 8, 2002, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2002-019 (attached) which amended the then Schedule of Wastewater Rates by adding the Storm Drainage Fee (Schedule "SD"). The fees and associated exemptions are unchanged since adoption of Ordinance 2002-019. The drainage fee, as stated in the Agenda Information Sheets for the Ordinances, was intended to fund the Drainage function's "costs for: Operations and Maintenance (O&M), General Obligation debt service, Wastewater (Drainage Projects) debt service, and the Watershed Protection (cost of the Storm Water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)) Program". Staff contact: Tony Puente M. Bond Oversight Committee — At the March 27, 2018 Council work session, Council inquired about the formation of the Bond Oversight Committee. Please find attached a copy of Resolution 2015-003 forming the current Bond Oversight Committee. The membership of the Bond Oversight Committee consists of the Chairs and Subcommittee Chairs of the 2014 Citizen Bond Advisory Committee: Tim Crouch, Randy Robinson, Sarah Hoffman, Brandon McCleskey, and Janet Shelton. Randy Robinson serves as the Chair of the Bond Oversight Committee. Staff contact: Tony Puente N. Improving Denton Email Notifications—As part of the strategy to increase public communication efforts related to construction projects, staff have added a new email notification list,the Improving Denton notification list. This notification list was used for the first time this week to provide notifications about the upcoming TxDOT construction on I-35E and will continue to be utilized for both local and regional projects. Email notifications are used to proactively notify residents before major traffic changes,closures,or detours in order to provide motorists time to develop alternative routes. Anyone interested in receiving these notifications can go to www.ImprovingDenton.com and sign up. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers TENON t Sign up to stay in the know! The City of Denton has made a commitment to our residents and visitors that Denton will be a great place to live,work,and play.now and in the future.To do that,we are working hard to improve our roads,water and wastewater systems.electnc system, parks,and other facilities and ensure our infrastructure can meet the needs of a growing community.As we continue to move projects forward.it is important to keep our community updated.Sign up to get Improving Denton news and updates delivered to your inbox. •Email Address "First Name Last Name er submRti a the r«m.yo„are ganeuw_cey ar oenw,.zta E raoanner st_canton. �emt unaad sra�a. nepnvmw.cigofdento-=aem�isaxn tb emai you.you cen revoke pamisswn to men m your eme i edd.ess es eny ume using m,®SefeVnsubscribe®link,fwu et Me bottom of every email.We take you.-privacy sedwsly(ro sae fu. yourself.grease read wr Emsa Pnvecv Porw�).Emeels ere servicetl by Constant Con�ct. O. Update on Dockless Bike Share Ordinance/Permit — On February 20, 2018 City Council approved Ordinance No. 18-277 authorizing a permit based pilot program for six months for operating dockless bicycle share within the City. Under this ordinance, companies are required to obtain a permit from the City in order to begin operating the dockless bicycle sharing program on public right-of-ways.The primary goal of implementing this program is to regulate the operation of bicycle share companies such that the overall dockless bike share program does not impact public safety and create nuisances in the City. As described in the Ordinance, March 6, 2018 was the effective date for the permit program. Before the permit program was implemented, VBikes was the only dockless bicycle share company that was operating in the City. After the permit program became effective, VBikes decided to end its operations and has removed the majority of their bikes from the City. Since the implementation of the pilot program, Spin Bikes is the only company that has submitted a permit application,which is currently being reviewed by City staff. Spin Bikes has already signed Memorandums of Understanding with the University of North Texas (UNT) and Texas Women's University (TWU) and plans to deploy bikes on those campuses once it obtains a permit from the City. Spin plans on branding the bikes for the two universities with distinct colors and plans on deploying 100 bikes on UNT campus,25 bikes on TWU campus, and 15- 25 bikes within City limits. Spin will be monitoring all their bikes on a daily basis and will be rebalancing them to maintain the numbers under the maximum allowable bikes per company(100 bikes)within the City right-of-ways. Once the application submitted by Spin is approved, staff will issue a permit (mostly by mid-April) that will enable Spin to legally operate within the City. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh/Kathryn Welch III. Community Events A. Emergency Preparedness Summit & Fair — Congressman Burgess is hosting the tenth annual Emergency Preparedness Summit&Fair;the 2018 event will be held on Saturday morning,April 28 at Little Elm High School.At this free public event, families can tour indoor and outdoor exhibits/vehicles providing emergency and disaster preparedness resources with make & takes as well as view live safety demonstrations. There will be a "Kid Safety Zone" with activities geared to children that will engage the whole family in becoming prepared for any type of emergency situation. The event will open to the public at 8 a.m. with access to the fair, and presentations will begin at 8:30 a.m.; the event will conclude at noon. Pick up your solo emergency pack, register for a free smoke detector and enter to win a weather radio for your family.Help us to#PrepareNTX! Please see attached flyer with more information or contact Robin Vaughan, Office of Congressman Burgess, at 940-497-5031 or robin.vaughangmail.house. og_v. IV. Attachments A. Map—Parking around Development Services Building and DATCU B. TxDOT Hearing Notice for US 380 Roadway Improvements C. Prior Informal Staff Report on Multi-Family Recycling D. Public Art Committee 1. Public Art related to transportation projects 2. Public Art related to Denton Police Department Facility E. Drainage Ordinance No. 2001-428 and No. 2002-019 F. Resolution 2015-003 forming the Bond Oversight Committee G. Congressman Burgess Emergency Preparedness Summit&Fair V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2018-039 Right-of-Way Tree Trimming B. 2018-040 Railroad Quiet Zone Update VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda(April 17) C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report . •_ Tyr--' +- ■ J— cu =61 a , o Properties outlined are owned by l s 4SR Mulberry LLC 85 Public Parking Spaces available (Free) after 5 p-m. ' loop— DATCU rr. - 37 Private or 'r* NO-*A Paid Spaces r r� Ido �► » Ar .--- w M, r "IT Current Configuration _ approx. 50 Private r, Parking Spaces NOTICE Draft Environmental Assessment Available for Public Review 2iq*� Texas and Department Public Hearing ofTransportation United States Highway(US)380 From State Loop(SL)288 to West of County Road (CR)26 at the Denton/Collin County Line CSJs: 0135-10-050; 0135-10-057 Denton County,Texas The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Dallas District will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed reconstruction and widening of existing US 380 from SL 288 to west of CR 26 (county line) in Denton County, Texas. This notice advises the public that a draft environmental assessment (EA) and technical reports are available for public review and that TxDOT will be conducting a public hearing on the proposed project. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at Navo Middle School, 1701 Navo Road, Aubrey, Texas 76227. Displays will be available for viewing at 6:00 p.m. with the formal hearing starting at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to present the planned improvements and to receive public comment on the proposed project. The proposed project would reconstruct and widen approximately 14.6 miles of existing US 380 from a four-lane undivided rural roadway to a six-lane divided urban roadway from the US 377/US 380 intersection to the Denton/Collin County line. The improved roadway would include two 11-to 12-foot wide inside travel lanes and one 14-foot wide outside shared-use lane (for bicycle accommodation) with raised median and curb and gutter in each direction. The existing roadway right-of-way width ranges from 120 feet to 330 feet. The proposed right-of-way width would vary between 127 and 330 feet, except at grade separated intersections. New grade separations are planned at Legacy Drive, Teel Parkway, Navo Road, Farm-to-Market (FM) 423, and FM 720. Existing bridges at Little Elm Creek and Doe Branch would be widened. A minimum five-foot wide sidewalk would be located along the outer lanes of the roadway. The proposed sidewalks would meet Americans with Disabilities Act design criteria. The proposed project traverses City of Denton, Town of Crossroads, City of Frisco, Town of Providence Village, Town of Little Elm, and the Town of Prosper. The proposed project would require approximately 27 acres of new right-of-way (ROW), 1.2 acres of temporary construction easements, and 0.8 acre of proposed drainage easements. Although additional ROW is required, no residential or non- residential structures would be displaced. Information concerning services and benefits available to affected property owners and information about the tentative schedule for ROW acquisition may be obtained from the TxDOT district office at the address listed below. Within the proposed project limits, 12 crossings were identified containing Waters of the U.S., and impacts to approximately 0.11 acre of a forested wetland were identified. The proposed project is partially located within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated 100-year floodplain. The hydraulic design for this project would be prepared in accordance with current Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and TxDOT design policies and guidelines. The facility would permit the conveyance of the 100-year flood, inundation of the roadway being acceptable, without causing significant damage to the facility, stream, or other property. The proposed project would not increase the base flood elevation to a level that would violate applicable floodplain regulations and ordinances. The draft EA, maps showing the project location and design, and other information regarding the project are on file and available for inspection Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at TxDOT Dallas District Office located at 4777 E. Highway 80, Mesquite, TX 75150, and online at www.keepitmovingdallas.com under "Public Hearings/Meetings", and wwwAxdot.gov under "Hearings and Meeting Schedule." This information will also be available for inspection at the hearing on Tuesday, April 24, 2018. Verbal and written comments from the public regarding the project are requested and may be presented at the hearing, or submitted in person or by mail to Mr. Travis Owens, P.E., Texas Department of Transportation Dallas District Office, 4777 E. Highway 80, Mesquite, Texas 75150. Comments must be received on or before Wednesday, May 9,2018 to be part of the official hearing record. The hearing will be conducted in English. Persons interested in attending the hearing who have special communication or accommodation needs, such the need for an interpreter, are encouraged to contact TxDOT Dallas District Public Information Office at(214)320-4480. Requests should be made at least two days prior to the hearing. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate these needs. If you have any general questions or concerns regarding the proposed project or the hearing, please contact Mr.Travis Owens, P.E., at 214-320-6625 or Travis.Owens@txdot. ov. The environmental review,consultation,and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being,or have been, carried- out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C.327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16,2014,and executed by FHWA and TxDOT. ® AVISO Esquema de Evaluacion Ambiental Esta Disponible para el Reviso del Publico texas y una Audiencia Publica Department of Transportation United States Highway(US)380 Del Estado Loop(SL) 288 al Oeste del Camino del Condado(CR)26 hasta el borde del Condado de Denton/Collin CS-ls: 0135-10-050; 0135-10-057 Denton County,Texas El Departamento de Transporte de Tejas (TxDOT) del Distrito de Dallas va a sostener una audiencia publica sobre la reconstruccion propuesta y la ampliacion de la carretera US 380 existentes de SL 288 al oeste de CR 26 (Irnea del condado) en el condado de Denton, Texas. Este aviso advierte el publico que una esquema de una evaluacion ambiental (EA) y reportes tecnicos estan disponibles para revision publica y que TxDOT va a sostener una audencia publica sobre este proyecto. La audiencia publica va ser el Martes, 24 de Abril de 2018 en Navo Middle School, 1701 Navo Road, Aubrey, Texas 76227. Exposiciones para ver van a estar disponibles empezando a las 6 p.m. con la audiencia publica formal empezando a las 7 p.m. El objetivo de esta audiencia publica es para presentar los propuestos mejoramientos de infraestructura y recibir los comentarios del publico sobre este proyecto. El proyecto planeado reconstruira y ampliara aproximadamente 14.6 millas de la carretera US 380 de una carretera rural sin dividido que tiene cuatro carriles con una nueva carretera dividida con seis carriles empezando de la interseccion de US 337/US 380 hasta el la Ifnea del Condado Denton y Collin. El propuesto mejoramiento de la carretera tendra dos carriles interiores de 11 a 12-pies de ancho y un carril exterior de 14-pies de ancho que servira para compartir use de bicicletas y tambien tendra con una elevacion mediana de curva y canal en cada direccion. El ancho del derecho de paso que existe varra de 120 pies a 330 pies. El ancho del propuesto derecho de paso variara de 127 hasta 330 pies con la excepcion donde hay cambios de elevacion. Nuevo separaciones de elevacion de carriles esta planeado a Legacy Drive, Teel Parkway, Navo Road, Farm-to-Market (FM) 423, and FM 720. Los puentes que existen sobre la calle Little Elm Creek y Doe Branch se propone de ser ampliados. Una acera minima de cinco-pies de ancho, seran colocados ambos lados de la carretera contra el borde de los carrils exteriores. Las banquetas propuestas cumplirfan con los requisites de diseno de la de la ley de los Americanos con Discapacidades. El proyecto propuesto atraviesa La Ciudad de Denton, El Pueblo de Cruces de caminos (Crossroads), la Ciudad de Frisco, El Pueblo de Villa Providencia (Providence Village), El Pueblo del Little Elm,y el Pueblo de Prosperidad (Prosper). El proyecto propuesto requiere aproximadamente 27 acres de nuevo derecho de paso (ROW), 1.2 acres de servidumbre de construccion temporal, y 0.8 acres de servidumbre de drenaje. Aunque el nuevo ROW se requiere, ninguna estructura residencia o que no es residencia va hacer desplazado. La informacion sobre los servicios y beneficios disponibles para los duenos afectados de a sus propiedades y informacion sobre el horario tentativo para la adquisicion de ROW sera disponible en la oficina del distrito de TxDOT en la direccion que se detalla a continuacion Dentro de los Irmites del Proyecto propuesto, 12 cruces fueron identificados que contienen las Aguas de los Estados Unidos, y se identificaron impactos a aproximadamente 0.11 acres de un humedal forestal. El proyecto propuesto se encuentra parcialmente ubicado dentro de la Agencia Federal de Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en ingles), designado como zona de inundacion de 100-anos. El diseno hidraulico para este proyecto se preparara de acuerdo con las regulaciones recientes de la Administracion Federal de Carreteras (FHWA) y disenado con las polizas y gufas de TxDOT. La instalacion permitirfa el transporte de la inundacion de 100 anos, la inundacion de la carretera siendo aceptable, sin causar danos significativos a la instalacion, la corriente u otra propiedad. El proyecto propuesto no aumentara la base a un nivel que violarfa las reglamentaciones y ordenanzas aplicables de inundacion. La esquema EA, los mapas demostrando el local del proyecto y el diseno, y otra informacion sobre el proyecto esta archivado y disponible para su inspeccion desde el Lunes hasta el Viernes entre las 8:00 a.m. y 5:00 p.m. en la oficina del Distrito del Dallas de TxDOT con la direccion 4777 E. Highway 80, Mesquite, TX 75150, y por internet www.keepitmovingdallas.com abajo de la pagina "Audiencia Publica y Reuniones", y www.txdot.gov abajo la pagina "Audiencias y Horarios de Reuniones". Esta informacion tambien estara disponible para inspeccion el dfa de la audiencia publica el Martes, 24 de Abril de 2018. Comentarios escritos y verbales del publico sobre el proyecto se pueden presentar el dfa de la audiencia publica, o Ilevarlo en persona , o por el correo dirigido al Sr. Travis Owens, P.E., Texas Department of Transportation Dallas District Office, 4777E. Highway 80, Mesquite, Texas 75150. Los comentarios deben recibirse el dfa o antes del Miercoles, 9 de Mayo de 2018 para ser parte del registro oficial de la audiencia publica. La audiencia publica se Ilevara a cabo en Ingles. Las personas interesadas en asistir a la audiencia publica que tienen necesidades especiales para comunicarse o para acomodacrones,tales como la necesidad de un interprete, deben contactar la oficina de Informacion Publica del Distrito de Dallas de TxDOT al (214) 320-4480. Las peticiones para este servicio deben hacerse por to menos dos dfas antes de la audencia publica. Se haran todos los esfuerzos razonables para satisfacer estas necesidades. Si tiene preguntas en general o preocupacion sobre este propuesto proyecto o a la audencia publica, por favor contactar a el senor Travis Owens, P.E. al 214-320-6625 o a su correo electronico a Travis.Owens@txd ot.dov. La revision ambiental, la consulta, y otras acciones requeridas por las leyes Ambientales Federales aplicables para este proyecto se estan Ilevando acabo, o se han Ilevado acabo, por TxDOT de acuerdo con 23. U.S.0 327 y un Memorando de Entendimiento de la fecha de Diciembre 16, de 2014,y ejecutado por FHWA y TxDOT. The environmental review,consultation,and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being,or have been, carried- out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C.327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16,2014,and executed by FHWA and TxDOT. Aubrev US 380 Roadway Kruger vllle Improvements From SL 288 to West of CR 26 Meeting Location (County Line) r' T 'lie No Middle School s ' (Cafeteria) Denton County Cross Aix r Lincoln Roads h+c•,_TnPark LSJfQ W — _ — US► ghway39QEUS-3N EUS•390 PUBLIC Oak HEARING Point 111[f•rl .:rPek F� Li' PM--2934 W s EldoradvPky April 24, 2018 6:00 PM - Open House u Li ttl Elme Hackberry ,,, :. 7:00 PM - Public Hearing 3 i Navo Middle School Meeting Location 1701 Navo Road Navo Middle School � (Cafeteria) Aubrey, TX 76227 �oo as Of - 0 z Q Texas Department a m of Transportation 1 O� m Q r- Heron -Dr. o R u g Canvasback Dr. "ti ® Parking Available From US 380: Take US 380 to Navo Road. Turn onto Navo Road, heading North. Navo Middle School is on the right, about 1/2 mile North of US 380. Date: January 12,2018 Report No. 2018-006 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Report providing an update on multifamily recycling and direction received from the Committee on the Environment BACKGROUND: During the October 17, 2017 City Council meeting, the Council requested a work session report on recycling for commercial and multi-family properties. This topic was later referred to the City Council Committee on the Environment (COE) for discussion and direction. On November 6, 2017, Solid Waste and Sustainability staff provided the COE with a proposed strategy to improve voluntary recycling participation among multi-family properties. Shortly thereafter, Council members received numerous citizen letters regarding requests to implement and/or improve multifamily recycling, composting, and construction material diversion. An informal staff report provided to Council on November 22, 2017 acknowledged that these letters were likely the result of a campaign organized by volunteers and/or employees for Texas Campaign for the Environment. On January 8, 2018, staff provided the COE with an update on efforts to improve multi-family recycling. The presentation(attached)provides an overview of a new targeted marketing effort that Solid Waste and Sustainability staff will be implementing in the coming weeks. In addition, staff requested the COE's direction on the possible procurement of consultative services to study a mandatory recycling ordinance, financial incentives, and other efforts to improve recycling adoption. The COE elected not to pursue this recommendation and directed staff to bring the topic back to the committee following the conclusion of a Solid Waste rate study. That study is currently being solicited, and an agreement will be presented to the PUB and Council for approval in the coming weeks. In the weeks ahead, staff will implement the outreach efforts agreed upon with the COE. Following the rate review, staff will revisit multi-family recycling with the committee and receive their direction regarding further action. ATTACHMENT(S): Multifamily recycling presentation STAFF CONTACT: Ethan Cox, Director of Solid Waste (940) 349-7421 Ethan.Cox(a),cityofdenton.com Recycling Update Solid Waste Department Jan. 8, 2018 nr DENTON Background -A- Previous Discussions March 6, 2017 — Discussion on commercial & multifamily recycling May 19, 2017 — Strategies to increase multi-family recycling September 11 , 2017 — Policy overview November 6, 2017 — Strategy for outreach & improved voluntary participation Key Terms & Key P I aye rs Accessibility Participation Diversion Available onsite Appropriate Diverting waste and convenient utilization through recycling to use of service or reuse • • Wasteor • - Haulers Outcomes i Impacts L, Environmental Impacts Sustainability Factors Soil/Groundwater Land Use/Airspace Reduced Vegetation Use of Resources Air Quality Reduce Landfill Gas Recycle Vehicle Emissions Reuse Dust Unpleasant Odors Current Efforts Operational Approach — Began late 2016 468 total Multi-Family complexes 194 voluntarily participating 64 added in FY 2017 41 .5% participation rate Strategic Effort — FY 2018 and beyond Data collection/analysis Targeted approach ► Partner with Sustainability for outreach/education New ..E ffo rt m' ► Target Marketing Identify prospects based on size, location, waste profile, etc. Cold call to determine needs/interest Site assessment & customize solutions Final proposal & "close the sale" Education & training for owners, staff, & tenants Account management & performance monitoring ► Objective — Increase accessibility and maintain high quality participation Future Ste Financial Incentives for Recycling ► Cost of Service RFP — Rate Analysis Operational Review of Collection & Diversion Processes Outside Consultant for Additional Analysis Mandatory Recycling — Implications & Roadmap Recommendations to Improve Existing Programs Analysis of Potential Programs City of Denton City Hall M-1 215 E.McKinney Street DENTON Denton,Texas www.cityofdenton.com AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT: Economic Development CM/DCM/ACM: Bryan Langley DATE: April 5, 2018 SUBJECT Receive a report, hold a discussion, and make a recommendation regarding public art related to transportation projects at I-35/Brinker Road and I-35/Loop 288. BACKGROUND At the March 1, 2018, Public Art Committee Meeting, provided staff with direction to refine concepts for public art enhancements for the I-35E bridges that will be constructed as part of the current Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) project to improve the intersections of I-35E and Brinker Road, and at I-35E and Loop 288. These locations are constrained by limited right-of-way at the intersections and therefore reducing the opportunities for enhanced pedestrian and landscaping applications. City of Denton staff has confirmed with TxDOT that medallion concepts are acceptable at the identified locations and may be placed or mounted along the frontage road bridge abutments or underneath the bridge structure, primarily visible to traffic crossing under I-35E. TxDOT has indicated that because the bridge structures at both Brinker and Loop 288 have already been designed,bid and will be under construction by mid-April,mounting of the artwork(medallions)would be considered a retrofit to the bridge structure. This is important to note as available mounting options for the completed bridge panels will impact the overall weight of the artwork. The design process will need to specify the type of mounting application to be used, which may limit total weight of the artwork. The design process will also need to consider whether the artwork will have a lighting element and if so, overall design will need to consider electric service to the location(s). An engineering consulting firm will be required to assist in developing mounting specifications. It is recommend this be completed in advance of publishing the artistic design request for qualifications to ensure the artist is aware of any possible constraints to the final design. In an effort to better visualize the locations and the initial concept, in-house staff created a graphic demonstrating how a medallion concept may be affixed to various locations on the bridge abutments. These concepts are included in the attached PowerPoint Presentation as Exhibit 2 and include consideration on how electrical service may be routed to the location(s). The presentation focuses on electrical conduit affixed to the bridge structure at a higher elevation to abate theft or vandalism. Another option for artwork mounted on the frontage road abutments would be to bury the electrical conduit where possible and bring the service from the bottom of the retaining wall rather than from the top of the retaining wall as depicted in the presentation. RECOMMENDATION Begin efforts to advance formal design and creative process. Determine location and secure engineering consultant to outline technical aspects of mounting and extending electrical service to the location(s). STRATEGIC PLAN RELATIONSHIP The City of Denton's Strategic Plan is an action-oriented road map that will help the City achieve its vision. The foundation for the plan is the five long-term Key Focus Areas (KFA): Organizational Excellence; Public Infrastructure; Economic Development; Safe, Livable, and Family-Friendly Community; and Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship. While individual items may support multiple KFAs, this specific Public Art Committee agenda item contributes most directly to the following KFA and goal: Related Key Focus Area: Economic Development Related Goal: 3.4 Encourage development, redevelopment, recruitment, and retention EXHIBITS 1. Agenda Information Sheet 2. PowerPoint Presentation Respectfully submitted: Mark Nelson Transportation Director Denton Publ ic Art TRANSPORTATION - ROADWAY ENHANCEMENTS APRIL 5 , 2018 J-U0C,,T,y" DENTON Status and Schedule *Public Art Committee — Initial focus on Brinker and Loop 288 •TxDOT tentatively approved enhancements at Brinker and Loop 288 • Temporary Enhancements — anticipate new bridge & road structure within 5-10 years • Location, dimensions, and weight limits identified by June 1 • TxDOT to approve concept/artwork and location(s) • RFQ for final design services complete by September 1 • Complete final design plans and manufacture medallion 4-6 weeks *Brinker and Loop 288 bridge work to begin mid-April 2018 o Determine location and electrical need — mounting options (DSSTR COPING(D (Dcop,AfG :z ti tf N1 7-� z Z .....71' MIMI L"1111 FF-17--- 7 .......... ............... .. LWALL PANEL(D .ABUTMENT PANELQ SLIP JOINT SEE MAINLANE RETAININGWALL SEE SLOPED RETAINING WALL TETTUAE �1.11N111 RETAININGWALLTEXTURE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET DETAIL ON THIS SHEET ABUTMENT RETAINING WALL TEXTURE DETAIL (DAffUTMENr PANEL SSTR(D 27-MGLE (rypj (D SSTR— F COPING(D (Dcopw— 1-.!Z.................... 71 re 7 eEeE ......... 88025 jili St AINITNENT DNA WFAINING WALL TEXTURE"TAIL ON THIS SHEET J, I----- -- DATE BY REV REVISION A&JFMENF PANEL -C I.TXDOT COIAnTS PANEL @ADurME TRANSITION.1 AT ANGLEIALI PANEL O 1 1 1 I I I PANEL 5—IL On ENgib—Inc ONIAN PA— S M,—,U MU SLOPED RETAINING WALL TEXTURE DETAIL MAIN LANE RETAINING WALL TEXTURE DETAIL UPE FS"AbMm N0.E.lae A fr r-..v.;Hw—Nr ot rmponnv� Brinker Road Abutment Plans 1H 35E SURFACE FINISH Medallion concept — March 1 MSE WALL PANEL DETAILS SCALEt NIA SHEET I OF 2 .....oiv. 6,1 "'W" 6 TEXAS SEE TITLE SHEET IN 35E STATE —X.OL I SE EEI HL 93 LOADING ....- ENT� I DAL 0196 I W 10L 793 135 & Brinl�er Intersection Concept i■i�il�■�iiiiit��ll`■1 ■I _����II�■II��u:.I w' ..■■7.r �■a■■�Ie■u■■���fl�r . n �rn�■I�■I�J�/u�`- 1�il�il>r � ;�� Ili/ ►I��II 135 & Briniter Intersection Concept ���i,�����ii� ��►i�ll���lll�', � -----_� �._-=: a{_I! ���� _ Il�!�Itl�; II= �`�� t��r �1►I , ,.,,� . III Il�..,� = IM _ _ a� II 135 & Brinker Intersection Concept iJIII 111 Brinker Intersection Public Art Concept Prepared 03/2018 City ofDenton,Texas For:MarkNelson By:Glenn Mclain 135 & Briniter Intersection Concept 's 1�• II I��I�Ip Ir,�i ' • := I III_► �1�11��11� 135 & Brinber Intersection Concept 7i Mw ■■�i■ �. ■II■■II■■II��II� �-■� �Ill■1 = ,. �I�Ir ■■��■ � ■II■■II■■Its. I : 1 II■�,/��If��i� .rrii.►rr;� ■II■■nt■■n■ I �I�■r�rr► ■II■■II■■II■■II■■ii;ii��lfl■/I■�� 1 135 & Briniter Intersection Concept s �■I�11■III■■III■II■III!■ �II��,����■ ■�■II■ ,�I�i;���■II■'■II■■III■ III■r;�,,�■III■ III III �.- ■III■ ■■11�■1 �:�,�.,,, . 1■III■II��� _ Pill ■�■II�I���,'-�'�'�■II■■II■ Ili■ II■���� - - - - --- - � 03/2018 Ins & Brinber I�rter�eEion Con�ep! M1 s I' las & Brinber I�rte�sealion Conwp! � I IrrB Aperture Phoiogra{;h�.: MountingMounting & Electrical Options Electrical Box & Conduit • Retrofit painted to match environment • Use of • .e anchorsDesign r �i■M • Weight constrained _ •■n■■p� iiii�ii�iii��iii•ea I III llell!�� �,���•i���,. ■■u■rp� ul■�II��It ell1 rl; �11011111; iiiii��a iiiiiilli�ji��jl�` ice_ Il�lf��l'■��,, Brinker late mcdon Public Art Concept Prcywd 012 0 18 By r ken melon Conclusion & Recommendations : •TxDOT to approve final design/artwork •Need to move quickly to initiate formal design & creative process •Design/artwork to be weight constrained •Need to determine location and whether electrical service is needed •Design process to include engineering consultant • Component of the project to be resourced through public art funds IC,ItT,Y DENTON City of Denton City Hall M-1 215 E.McKinney Street DENTON Denton,Texas www.cityofdenton.com AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT: Economic Development CM/DCM/ACM: Bryan Langley DATE: April 5, 2018 SUBJECT Receive a report, hold a discussion, and make a recommendation to City Council regarding a public art project on the exterior of the Denton Police Department facility. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the past year, the Public Art Committee has held discussions regarding a public art project on the exterior of the Denton Police Department facility. After a review of the committee's minutes, staff determined that no formal recommendation was made from the committee to the City Council regarding the project. As such, work on the project has been placed on hold so that the correct recommendation and approval process can be followed. During this meeting, the PAC is being asked to make a recommendation to City Council regarding its approval of the project and the funding sources. The following chart is a summary of the proposed funding sources for the project: Program Year 2018 HOT funds* $45,000 2014 Bond Election Public Art $9,000 for Public Safety funds $54,000 *one-time allocation from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Committee specifically for this project BACKGROUND April 6, 2017—PAC meeting minutes state the Police Department approached staff regarding the commissioning of a brick sculpture for the outside wall of the police station entrance. Paula Collins, the artist who previously sculpted the existing piece inside the police facility, is the artist the Police Department wished to commission. A photo of the existing piece was provided to the PAC as an example. The meeting minutes additionally stated that the Police Department was considering options to fund the project, including applying for Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds; the use of funds remaining from the bond sold for art for Public Safety; requesting remaining funds from the 9-11 Memorial project, or to determine whether the PAC would use public art HOT funds for the project. PAC minutes do not reflect that a vote was taken on this request. However, the topic was not placed on subsequent agendas for further discussion. May 18, 2017—Denton Police staff provided Paula Collins' rough estimate of$45,000 for the project to the PAC staff liaison. On August 22, 2017, the Hotel Occupancy Tax Committee recommended the Public Art Committee receive $73,252 (reflective of the City's resolution 2006-014)plus a one-time allocation of$45,000 specifically for the Denton Police Department's brick sculptures. This recommendation from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Committee was made to City Council during its session on the same day. December 2, 2017—PAC meeting minutes state the Police Department approached staff requesting the use of Public Safety-Public Art funds from the 2014 Bond Election to pay for newly-identified engineering services that will be required to install the completed sculpture. At that time, the cost was estimated to be $16,600. The PAC minutes do not reflect a committee vote was taken regarding this funding request. Subsequently, on March 2, 2018, Kirkpatrick Architecture Studio provided Police staff with a written proposal to perform the engineering services work billed at an hourly rate, not to exceed a total cost of$9,000. Kirkpatrick recently completed the Police Station lobby renovations including the areas where the two brick sculptures would be installed. STRATEGIC PLAN RELATIONSHIP The City of Denton's Strategic Plan is an action-oriented road map that will help the City achieve its vision. The foundation for the plan is the five long-term Key Focus Areas (KFA): Organizational Excellence; Public Infrastructure; Economic Development; Safe, Livable, and Family-Friendly Community; and Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship. While individual items may support multiple KFAs, this specific Public Art Committee agenda item contributes most directly to the following KFA and goal: Related Key Focus Area: Economic Development Related Goal: 4.4 Provide and support outstanding leisure, cultural, and educational opportunities EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 —Agenda Information Sheet Exhibit 2—Project Presentation Exhibit 3 —Artist Proposal Exhibit 4—Kirkpatrick Architecture Engineering Services Proposal Respectfully submitted: Caroline Booth Director of Economic Development Prepared by: Michelle Cunningham Business Development Officer Public Art Committee Police Department Public Art Project April 5, 2018 DENTON Police Department Public Art Project Proposal Commission of two brick sculptures for the entrance to the Police Station . The Police Station lobby area has been remodeled to provide additional safety. These sculptures would fill the areas where windows existed previously. The artwork would complement the existing "Woman of Justice" brick sculpture currently located at the entranceway of the Police Station . Existing "Woman of Justice" Brick Sculpture .r s . N ` . � ,�• � __- ,ter Proposed Brick Sculpture Panel \fix —Alm I t�f 1 _ IS7i, I ('Q I,1�i1(�''�1_� �flS4} �l 1� � �'� j � 1/1t/I �1r�11� '�t4r, �.`_>' /: •w� 1..? ti LL •Mt l.� l� �'.�r} 17c \ter 'r 71y�0�,r�' ��•'� tti.rl ^�� I o lot 7,^;� .,� ;y1 ;• t Q it k ,,�I- •�_ �� i, ?'i �. �: ; '!�•• � fie{ !k��R ) '�-� JY"'-'7 I ,� �1�k I P rop o s e d Brick S culpture P a ne 12 -41 Agm- oc d ems- 5 / 6 w Panel -Additional OIN 14 V 19//i t Proposed Police Station Lobby Installation Site . 4 61._ 1 ~- 4 Proposed Brick Sculpture Costs Artist Paula Collins Proposal : $45,000 Source : PY 2018 Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds for Public Art Kirkpatrick Architect Studio - Newly-identified engineering services required for installation of the two panels Proposal : Not to exceed $9,000 Source : 2014 Bond Election-Public Safety-Public Art funds (Present fund balance $73,459) Police Department Public Art Project Proposal Questions or comments . 9 / 6 Denton Police Department Budget May 19, 2017 R o u g h P r o p o s a l To: David Mays Janie McLeod City of Denton: Denton Police station Description of work: Two bas relief panels of the history of the policemen in Denton to be placed in existing niches east of main entry on East Hickory St Denton,TX. Approved artwork and brick. Dimension of sculpture 2 panels to measure 20'x 4'for a total of 160 square feet Size of brick units Triple mod solids: 7 5/8"x 7 5/8"x 3.75"dee Location for installation Denton Police station existing niches east of main entry on East Hickory St Denton TX En obes fired on color es Glaze? no Bed depth normal Cost estimate: Artist fee 30,000 Cost of Materials, burning packaging Acme Brick Perla Arkansas plant 10,000 Travel expenses for the carving and or to get materials from Perla plant $700 Travel expenses for the installation 00 Very rough installation estimate $4,000 Shipping estimate $300 Total cost for the work(estimated) $45,000 THE ABOVE PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1- Art work, including research,to be approved by_client_. Artwork is to be drawn to scale for final approval, including up to5 revisions. 2- Color samples(up to three)for approval, if fired on color is specified for the work. 3- Labor in stacking the brick in proper bond. Actual labor in carving the work. Formulation and application of color slips if specified. 4- Photographing work for client approval prior to firing the work. 5- Code-numbering each piece for installation, supervision of firing, remakes if they are the fault of the artist. 6- Packaging the work for shipping in order to simplify the installation process. 7- Supervision of the installation of the work at the job site. 8- Cost of materials, manufacturing, special handling and burning of the brick used for the work. 9- Travel expenses to the brick plant to do the carving, and to return to reassemble the work for shipping. 10- Cost of labor and materials for the brick mason to install and clean the work. 11- Shipping the work to the job site THE ABOVE PROPOSAL DOES NOT INCLUDE: 1- Drawing revisions in excess of 5. 2- Travel expenses for additional design meetings if required. In order to get started on the project, I will require a retainer in the amount of$ . Further details and schedule to be included in the written agreement. By: Paula Blincoe Collins, Artist Date The above and foregoing is agreed to and accepted this day of by Client Date pan In blineoe eolllns 1223 highland parka road denton , texas 76205 cell 940-383-3384 paula. blincoe.collins@gmail .com K A S ARCHITECTURE 02 March 2018 Lt.David Mays Police Department City of Denton 301 E.Hickory Street Denton,Texas 76205 Re: Project Coordination for Public Art Project Dear Lt.Mays: Thank you for this opportunity to once again provide professional design services for the City of Denton. Project Understanding The project is for the installation of sculpted brick panels on the south fagade of the police department's headquarters. Scope of Basic Services KAS' services include those necessary to coordinate with the artist and between the artist and the Owner to facilitate the installation of the art. Phase One— Information Gathering and Schematic Design 1.1. Site Visit—KAS will visit the site as necessary to become familiar with project conditions and to facilitate consultant visits. 1.2. Consultation—After review of project conditions and artist needs,KAS will consult with the Owner about detailing options,sequencing,aesthetic matters,and other related issues. KAS' structural engineering consultant will review the plan to saw cut portion of"eyebrow"off Phase Two— Installation 2.1. Site Observation— KAS will perform periodic site visits to assess progress,advise on any water infiltration detailing,and other related installation issues. Compensation Compensation to KAS for Basic Services,Additional Services,and Reimbursable Expenses shall be as described below. Basic Services Compensation for Basic Services shall be billing hourly and shall not exceed$9,000 without owner.authorization. Reimbursable Expenses-KAS includes the following in our scope 1. In house printing 100 West Mulberry 940/387 .8182tel D e n t n n .T e x 2 S 940/383.0262fax 7 6 2 0 1 www.k-a-studio.com • Page 2 March 2,2018 2. Phone calls 3. Travel within north Texas and Oklahoma. The following are not included in Basic Services and shall be billed reimbursable expense and shall be provided to the Owner at the cost invoiced to KAS plus ten percent(10%). The total cost shall for printing shall not exceed$300 without the written permission of the owner. 1. Printing for presentations,Owner,meetings,and regulatory review Basic Services will be invoiced on the basis of personnel time and expenses. James R.Kirkpatrick $175/hour David A Robinson $150/hour Technical Staff H $105/hour Technical Staff I $95/hour Items Outside of Scope of Work or Requiring Additional Services 1. Redesigns,new designs,meetings and other costs related to significant changes in scope of work or significant changes to approved designs. . Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at your convenience. Best Regards, David A Robinson,AIA K A S ORDINANCE NO 2001- a a AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS ADOPTING SUBCHAPTER C, SECTIONS 402 041 THROUGH 402 054 INCLUSIVE, OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE ENTITLED THE "MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE UTILITY SYSTEMS ACT," AS CHAPTER 26, ARTICLE IV, SECTIONS 26-129 THROUGH 26-142 OF THE CO E OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, REGARDING THE RECOG TION OF THE DRAINAGE FUNCTION OF THE CITY OF DENTON WASTEWATER UTILITY, PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE,AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Council has carefully considered the public health and safety needs of the residegts of the City of Denton and desires to protect the public health and safety from loss of life and property caused by surface water overflows, surface water stagnation, pollution ansmg from non-point source runoff, and other drainage factors and conditions which occur within the boundaries of its established service area, and WHEREAS, the drainage needs of the City were first seriously addressed in the 1930's by the Works Progress Administration and by the City, thereafter, the City has experienced incredible growth, ap have its wastewater needs, and over the last sixty-five years, the City has always attempted�to be innovative in its approach to its drainage utility problems For a number of years, all drainage-related engineering, design, and construction activities were provided by the City Public Works Department, and WHEREAS, beginning in 1990, the operations and maintenance portion of the drainage utility budget moved to Community Services, in 1992, to the Denton Utilities Department, Water Division,land later,to the Denton Utilities Department, Wastewater Division, and WHEREAS, from and after 1998, the drainage function has effectively continued its operation as a public utility, solely within the City's Wastewater Utility System organization as all elements; including the element of financial liability for all drainage activities and functions, both past and present in scope,was vested solely in the Wastewater Utility System, and WHEREAS, the City has existing drainage facilities, materials, and supplies which it will formally itransfer into the drainage function of the City's Wastewater Utility System, if it has not already dune so, and WHEREAS, a much more serious commitment to drainage issues will be required by the Storm Water Program, Phase II, of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, which requires significant action, expenditures and commitment by the Drainage Division of the Wastewater Utility System,by the year 2003,to the problems attendant thereto, and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council finds that it is appropriate to formally recognize the drainage function of the City's Wastewater Utility in order to efficiently administer the City's drainage program on a full-time, committed basis, and the City Council further concludes that its action in recognizing the drainage function of the City's Wastewater Utility System as a public utility, is not the creation of any new or other public utility requiring any City of Denton Charter election,but a confirmation of the existence of an existing public utility, and WHEREAS, the City Council, as permitted by law, desires to adopt the "Municipal Drainage Utility Systems Act," [as provided by §§402 041 - 441 054 of the Texas Local Government Code, as argended], into its Code of Ordinances in order to effect such action, and WHEREAS, as required by §402 042(a) of the Texas Local Government Code, the City Council hereby makes the following findutgs of fact,to wit • That it should recognize the existence of a municipal drainage function of the wastewater utility system within its established service area, • That it should provide rules for the use, operation, and financing of the system, • That it should protect the public health and safety in the City from loss of life and property caused by surface water overflows, surface water stagnation, and pollution ansmg from non-point source runoff within the boundaries of the established service area, • That it shall declare and, after a public hearing, formally recognize a drainage system created under Subchapter C [§§ 402 041 - 402 054, Texas Local Government Code, as amended], as a function of its Wastewater Utility, a public utility, • That it shall prescribe the basis upon which a municipal drainage system may be funded, and it shall prescribe the basis upon which fees in support of the system may be assessed, levied, and collected, • That it shall consider providing exemptions of certain persons, governmental entities and certain types of property from the fee, as enumerated in §402 053, Texas Local Government Code, and That it shall prescribe other rules related to the subject of municipal drainage WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing by the Council has been published, as required pursuant to Section 402 045(c), Subchapter C, of the Texas Local Government Code, in the Denton Record ghromcle on three (3) separate occasions, the first publication which occurred more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the public hearing, and on this date the public hearing was duly and regularly scheduled, with proper notice being given in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act [Texas Government Code, Section 551], a public hearing was properly convened by a quorum of the Council then being present, upon completion of the public hearing,the Mayor announced that the public hganW—& would be closed, the Council then conducted its vote, and passed this ordinance by a vote of , and WHEREAS, the Council, finding that this ordinance is in the best interests of the residents of the City of Denton to recognize and confirm the existence of a drainage function of the City's Wastewater Utility System that is regularly provided by the City through municipal property 2 dedicated to that service to the users of all benefited property within the service area, and have accordingly, hereby adopted the same, and the Council shall hereafter propose a schedule of rates for the drainage function of the City's Wastewater Utility, and shall thereafter provide notice of a public hearing, as required by law, pursuant to Section 402 045(d), Subchapter C, of the Texas Local Government Code, and WHEREAS, the Council finds that the City is eligible to formally recognize and confirm the existence of the drainage function of the Wastewater Utility System, a public utility, as permitted by §402 043 of the Texas Local Government Code, and the Council desires to do so NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS S,EC_TIDN L That the requirements, significant recitations, and findings stated hereinabove in the Preamble are incorporated by reference into this Ordinance for all purposes pertinent SECTION I That the City Council finds and directs that • The City will establish a schedule of drainage charges against all real property in the proposed service area subject to charges under Subchapter C, §§402 041 — 402 054 of the Texas Local Government Code, • The City will provide drainage for all real property in the proposed service area on payment of drainage charges, except real property exempted under Subchapter C, §§402-041 —402 054 of the Texas Local Government Code, and • The City will offer drainage service on nondiscriminatory, reasonable, and equitable terms That the City Council hereby adopts and incorporates the provisions of Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code (§402 041 through 402 054), as amended (the "Municipal Drainage Utility Systems Act"), as Chapter 26, Article IV, Sections 26-129 through 26- 142 of the City of Denton Code of Ordinances ,qF.0 TTnhL4 That the City Council hereby declares, recognizes and confirms the existing drainage function of the Wastewater Utility, to be a public utility That in accordance with the provisions of §402 046 of the Texas Government Code, the City shall incorporate existing drainage facilities, materials, supplies, and other properties into the drainage function of the Wastewater Utility System SECTION- That the income of the drainage function of the Wastewater Utility System, as hereby declared and recognized, must be segregated and completely identifiable in municipal accounts, and that all other provisions of §402 049 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, shall be applicable 3 SRCITION Z That the City Council, by ordinance, may adopt and enforce such other and further rules as it considers appropriate to operate the drainage function of the Wastewater Utility System, in accordance with §402 045(e)of the Texas Local Government Code SECTION 8- That the City Council shall, after the passage of this ordinance, consider the passage of a further ordinance establishing a schedule of drainage charges, which shall include proper advance published notice of, and a public hearing before the City Council on the proposed schedule of rates before the drainage charges are levied, all in accordance with §402 045(d) of the Texas Local Government Code SECTION I That upon passage of the further ordinance providing for the schedule of drainage charges, as referenced in Section 8 hereinabove, the drainage charge may be reflected and identified as a separate line item on each customer's utility bill SECT MLL(h That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance became effective which are inconsistent or in conflict with the terms of provisions contained in the above ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict ,9FC110N_1L That if any section, subsection,paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent junsdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby declares it would have enacted such remaining portions despite any such invalidity SECTION 12— That this ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and approval PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of /y _ -, 2001 EULINE BROCK,MAYOR ATTEST JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY B APP tVEED AS TO LEGAL FORM HERBERT L PROUTY, CITY ATTORNEY By j S Our Documents\Or t ancesT ratnage F ction of wastewater Utility System 2001 11 doc 4 ORDINANCE NO. 2002- D/9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF WASTEWATER RATES CONTAINED IN ORDINANCE NO. 2001-335 FOR WASTEWATER SERVICE; ADDING THE PROVISIONS OF THE SCHEDULE RESPECTING THE STORM DRAINAGE FEE (SCHEDULE SD); PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, that the City Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2001-428, enacted on November 6, 2001, has duly recognized and confirmed the existence of the drainage function of the Denton Utilities Department, Wastewater Division; and has adopted the "Municipal Drainage Utility Systems Act'(the"Act") into the City of Denton Code of Ordinances in order to effect such action and to effectively deal with drainage issues; and WHEREAS, that the City Council after passage of the Ordinance adopting the Act on November 6, 2001, then levied a schedule of drainage charges, as provided by §402.045(d) of the Texas Local Government Code, and also conducted a public hearing before levying such charges. Further, the City provided advance notice of the hearing by publication of the proposed schedule of drainage charges in the Denton Record Chronicle, all in accordance with said statute; and WHEREAS, that the schedule of drainage charges adopted by the City Council, after public hearing, complies with the Act, and the City Council acting in accordance with the Act, concludes that the drainage fees and classifications of the benefited properties are nondiscriminatory, reasonable, and equitable, and should therefore be adopted;NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION L That the Rate Schedules for Wastewater Service as provided for in Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances, are hereby amended to include Drainage Service, by adopting Schedule SD (Storm Drainage Fees), which is attached hereto, and which shall hereafter become a part of the Wastewater Service ordinance. SFCTION 2 That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance became effective which are inconsistent, or in conflict with the terms or provisions contained in this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. SECTION 3_ That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby declares it would have enacted such remaining portions despite any such invalidity. SECTION 4_ That Schedule SD (Storm Drainage Fees) as herein adopted shall be effective, charged and applied to all drainage function service rendered on or after January 8, 2002, Page 1 and a copy of said rates, fees, and charges shall be maintained on file in the Office of the City Secretary. # PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of 200 .� EULINE BROCK,MAYOR ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY By: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: HERBERT L. PROUTY, CITY ATTORNEY By: gj—�i SAOur Documents\Ordinances\01\Dtainage Rate Ordinance Ldoc Page 2 SCHEDULE SD STORM DRAINAGE FEES (Effective 01/08/02) APPLICATION Applicable to all impervious real property and appurtenances owned and located within the incorporated limits of the City of Denton, Texas, except as exempted below. The Storm Drainage fee charged to each tract of real property is based upon the amount of impervious surface cover that results in water runoff into the City of Denton drainage system. MONTHLY FEE—RESIDENTIAL(SDR) The residential fee is applicable to all single-family through fourplex real properties located within the incorporated limits of the City of Denton, Texas for which impervious surfaces can be individually identified. The residential fee is established by utilizing a block system. The fee charged in each fee block is set forth and established as follows: FEE BLOCK BILLING PER 30 DAYS 0 - 600 Square Feet $.50 601 - 1,000 Square Feet $1.00 1,001 -2,000 Square Feet $3.35 2,001 -3,000 Square Feet $5.45 3,001 -4,000 Square Feet $7.60 4,001 - 5,000 Square Feet $9.75 5,001 - 6,000 Square Feet $12.00 Over 6,000 Square Feet $15.50 MONTHLY FEE—NON-RESIDENTIAL(SMO The non-residential fee is applicable to all other real property owned and located within the incorporated limits of the City of Denton, Texas, except as exempted below. The non- residential fee is based upon the total square footage of impervious surface cover measured for each customer/owner. Formula: Measured Square Footage of Impervious Surface Cover x $0.00186 per 30 days PRORATION OF MONTHLY FEE Billing for the Storm Drainage Fee shall be based upon twelve (12) billings annually and shall be prorated based on the following formula: Actual Days In Billing Period x Monthly Fee 30 days EXEMPTIONS The following real property owned and located within the incorporated limits of the City of Denton, Texas shall be exempt from the imposition of the residential fee or the non- residential fee: 1. Real property with proper construction and maintenance of a wholly sufficient and privately-owned drainage system, not draining into the City of Denton drainage system,upon the real property's inspection and certification by the City; or 2. Real property held and maintained in its natural state, until such time that the real property is developed, and all of the public infrastructure constructed thereon has been accepted by the City; or 3. Real property, consisting of an unimproved subdivided lot, until such time as a structure has been built on the lot and a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the City. No other exemptions to the residential fees or the non-residential fees are applicable. S:1Our Documents\OrdinancesNOl\Drainage Rate Charge Schedule to Ordinance-Publish-Final.doc 2 c,\users\2376634\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.outlook\zr7bgbp9\bond committee reso 020315.doc RESOLUTION NO. R2015-003 A RESOLUTION CREATING AND APPOINTING MEMBERS TO A SPECIAL FIVE MEMBER OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE TO MONITOR, EVALUATE AND REPORT ON PROGRESS OF THE SIX YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, WHICH WAS APPROVED BY THE VOTERS AT THE BOND ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council called and ordered a bond election for November 4, 2014, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the City of Denton certain capital improvements, which bonds were approved by the voters as a result of the election; and WHEREAS, the Citizens Bond Advisory Committee fulfilled its charge of making recommendations relative to the projects which should be submitted to the electorate; and WHEREAS, as has been the practice and is recommended that a special committee be appointed by the City Council to monitor, evaluate, and report on the progress of the SixYear Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of accepting such recommendation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY RESOLVES: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby creates a special five member oversight committee to monitor, evaluate, and report on the progress of the Six Year Capital Improvement Program, which was approved by the voters at the bond election on November 4, 2014. The committee shall make recommendations to the City Council when potential changes or adjustments to the bond projects occur. SECTION 2. The membership of the Oversight Committee shall consist of the Chairs and Subcommittee Chairs of the 2014 Citizen Bond Advisory Committee: Tim Crouch, Randy Robinson, Sarah Hoffman, Brandon McCleskey, and Janet Shelton SECTION 3. The Oversight Committee shall serve for five years or until substantial expenditure of the funds from the approved bond program. SECTION 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 3 day of mm 2015. 115.., MA "C) c:\users\2376634\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.outlook\zr7bgbp9\bond committee reso 020315.doc ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY; .. APPI.( C 1 ') M, TO LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY Page 2 FREE & OPEN to the PUBLIC! cPlease join N cr 4 U.S. Congressman � � o Michael C. Burgess :C GNGR�� for his EmergencyPreparedness Summit & Fair with Special Guests U t� Ot 1 r.,ENTO]N fJQ -, L CC n O Little Elm ISD �� Denton County M Emergency Services o Town of Little Elm 0 Saturday,April28, 2018 0 8:oo AM - 12:oo Noon Little Elm High School 190o Walker Road o' a � Little Elm, TX 75 o 6 8 U For more information,contact: yRobin Vaughan, Congressman Burgess'Office Phone: 940-497-5031 w Email: robin.vaughan@mail.house.gov #PrepareNTX @MichaelCBurgess Date: April 6, 2018 Report No. 2018-039 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Overview of current roadside tree trimming program and options for increased service levels. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On February 5, 2018, Council Member Bagheri requested information on the tree trimming completed by Parks and Recreation Department in a neighborhood in the northern part of the City. An update was provided on February 16, 2018 in the Friday Report detailing current practices for right-of-way (ROW) tree trimming and stated that staff would provide options for increased service levels to City Council. This informal staff report is meant to provide additional background on the program and provide options to City Council. BACKGROUND: Park and Recreation maintains 287 acres (80 Miles) of roadside within Denton city limits to manage brush and trees overgrowth into the path of traffic impeding the line of sight, causing potential damage to vehicles, and violating City Ordinance. This maintenance is done mostly adjacent to undeveloped private property. Typically, Park Maintenance trims brush and trees once per year in the winter after the vegetation transitions into dormancy reducing the stress to trees and allowing staff to perform trimming in tight areas where foliage causes sightline issues. There has been an increase in ROW tree trimming due to annexations of largely undeveloped private property that have occurred over the years. Staff currently uses a large tractor with a boom mower attachment as shown in Attachment 1. Although this style of trimming is not horticulturally preferred, it is efficient, increases the safety drivers and maintains code compliance. The current maintenance cost is estimated at $67,600 annually (80 miles of treed ROW at $845 per mile). Unfortunately, due to the large amount ROW, Park Maintenance is understaffed to prune these areas by hand. After consulting with Denton County, Texas Department of Transportation, and several equipment vendors this type of trimming is standard, particularly adjacent to undeveloped areas. OPTIONS: Below are three options that staff identified that would provide an additional level of service for maintenance brush and trees in the ROW. If requested by City Council, staff could provide additional information in a work session or hold a discussion during the budget process. Option 1 Staff could purchase a rotary style saw blade attachment that would provide a cleaner cut on the larger tree limbs. A rotary style saw blade would continue to leave the smaller limbs frayed after cutting because they are less stable than larger limbs. This attachment is used by Denton County and shown in Attachment 2. The estimated one-time cost for the purchase of this attachment is $16,133. Date: April 6, 2018 Report No. 2018-039 Option 2 There is the option to hire an outside contractor to perform the service using chainsaws and loppers. Having a contractor perform the trimming by hand would cause less damage to trees and leave the roadway more aesthetically appealing. Staff estimates that the ongoing annual cost for this service would be $ 633,600 (80 Miles of treed ROW at $7,920 per Mile). Option 3 A third option could be a combination of Option 1 and 2 that would provide for a tree trimming process for higher profile areas by hand (approximately 18,000 linear feet at $1.50 per foot) while maintaining the current practice in lower profile areas. This cost includes the purchase of the rotary style saw blade in Attachment 2. This plan would cost approximately $43,500. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Department to submit a supplemental as part of the FYI budget process to accommodate Option 3 as provided, this would allow staff to identify key areas that need a higher level of maintenance while continuing current practices in more rural areas. ATTACHMENT(S): 1 - Current Equipment Photos 2 - Denton County Equipment Photos STAFF CONTACT: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation, Parks Superintendent 940-349-7464 Drew.HuffmanAcityofdenton.com Photo of Current ROW Trimming Tractor and Attachment X _ s i .1 Photo Post Trimming Lim 41 IT ME .��„��'%� � J�� j�A✓;�'f,�` i`.f a"1�� _ .fit'. ���1"" � Photo of Denton County Trimming Attachment .l AV '. ;'>. Photo Post Trimming -"Yj . T (wt+�•I,��. �' _icy i.� rw �� , ,rrf• l`� � 1 'S •� }. icy •�j .c-- ,.s �t TAX, l '- - ,4 ��' •k. -' •. � � � ,;{� . ��..-.1, r ,ar i �� - !►� a 1 j• Date: April 6, 2018 Report No. 2018-040 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: An update on railroad Quiet Zones in the City of Denton. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Union Pacific Railroad has 16 at-grade crossings within the City of Denton. Staff is currently working on establishing Quite Zones along four at-grade crossings located in the downtown area. Due to considerable involvement of the railroad in the implementation process, it typically takes 18 to 24 months to establish a Quite Zone. In the last five months staff has completed the diagnostic review and identified the improvements required at the crossings in the downtown segment. Currently, the railroad is working on developing plans, design and estimates which will be completed in May. The overall project is on track and scheduled to be completed by July 2019. BACKGROUND: Three major railroads traverse through the City of Denton with 34 at- grade railroad crossings. The three railroads are Union Pacific �r Railroad(UPRR) which has 16 at-grade crossings, Kansas City �� - Southern (KCS) which has 9 at-grade crossings and Denton County Transportation Authority(DCTA)which has 9 at-grade crossings. All DCTA at-grade crossings are currently Quite Zones (QZ). The UPRR '�- crossings are categorized into the northern segment which include 8 � at-grade crossings, Downtown Segment with 4 crossings and Southern Segment with 4 crossings. The Federal Railroad Administration(FRA)requires trains to blow .I. horns at at-grade crossings for 15-20 seconds from crossing and through the crossing. The horn sound is 96-110 decibels approximately 100 feet from the crossing (see Exhibit 1). Typically, QZ are implemented to reduce the noise near a residential RaI1roadCmsin{p neighborhood, school, hospital or other sound-sensitive area. QZ is implemented at one or group of crossings that use supplemental safety F o MrKtl, y, measures (see Exhibit 2) to eliminate use of train horns. .r ffi , o The UPRR crossings in the downtown segment include; Prairie, Sycamore, Hickory and McKinney crossings. The funding of over one million dollars ($350,000 bond funding and$600,000 Hickory "°­.­.'. ^°"°"'`" a Street enhancement project)was approved for implementing QZ along the downtown segment of the UPRR. Staff has been working on r the Downtown QZ project for the last five months and will be starting the QZ project on the northern segment by late summer this year. g 1' s.v'Marrc°n Mlrl.i. E p0'r1•S1 �PiiLi•s E fi Date: April 6, 2018 Report No. 2018-040 Steps in establishing a Quite Zone ❖ Conduct evaluation to determine possible treatments and approximate cost. ❖ Contact railroad to determine if warning devices comply with the rule and collect train operational data for use in calculating risk. ❖ Conduct diagnostic team review to finalize recommendations. ❖ Request plans, estimates, and agreements from railroad for any work to be done by the railroad. o UPRR prepares plans, design and estimated(approximately 60 to 90 days) o UPRR construction(order and obtain material, schedule construction and complete construction—approximately 12 months) ❖ File notice of intent to create a quiet zone (approximately 60 days). This can move concurrently with the previous step. ❖ Complete quiet zone improvements. ❖ File notice of establishment to create a quiet zone (approximately 30 day). In order to help the City move through this process and complete the implementation of QZ, staff has retained the services of CTC, Inc. PROJECT STATUS: Staff has worked with CTC, Inc. in the past five months to complete the first three steps and is currently working with UPRR on the fourth step. A diagnostic review was conducted by a team of professionals that comprised of City staff, CTC staff, Federal Railroad Administration(FRA) staff and UPRR staff in January. The team reviewed existing conditions and developed recommendations for improving the crossings at the four downtown locations to qualify for QZ. Subsequently, City staff worked with UPRR staff to prepare and execute an agreement for developing the engineering plans for the proposed improvements. Currently, UPRR staff is working on developing the engineering plans and cost estimates for the proposed improvements which will require approximately 60 days and is planned to be completed by May 2018. After the completion of the design UPRR will provide a cost estimate to the City. If this cost is acceptable to the City, an agreement between UPRR and City will be executed to pay UPRR to implement the improvements and establish a QZ in the Downton area. Once such agreement is signed and the City authorizes UPRR to move forward the construction phase will require approximately 260 days. Based on the overall schedule of the project we are on track to complete the QZ by July 2019. CONCLUSION: Staff plans to move this project through the design and construction phase as expeditiously as possible working closely with UPRR staff by constantly tracking the progress and achieving the downtown crossings QZ implementation by July 2019. EXHIBITS: 1. Noise Cones 2. Supplemental Safety Measures Date: April 6, 2018 Report No. 2018-040 STAFF CONTACT: Pritam Deshmukh City Traffic Engineer (940) 349-7710 Pritam.Deshmukh(acityofdenton.com � x Supplemental Safety Measures � e Four Quadrant Gates Raised Medians PT 7/10 One-Way Street Wayside Horns i Noise Cones HornsTrain • - Horns "Congress•S b � I o _ � _ mot. � � Vey ,- _ 4 Barber-St •'{+ t �: � ., ` +' �� � 'o L•ehrman•Ste J•o '. � � •L � `-' --. �_1� al. `Banne -c 'o w > •r9 4 IUland•St m '�'°.,r + 5 - r �• �:'. � h �Z` ._ I _ +I Y ���•� McKinney St.- 795315Y �y � �t,�� � �► `'-�McKinney'tSt��S SY' ��»rr - E•MeK•Inne ,i�,T D Y•S r-- �. Hickory St. 795316E o y _ � Hickory 5� 79i316� � •� E•Hiako- .a. E•MulberrySt �'� �� �: i � � i Y ,� �, 1 I� S`yiiamore -795.3I9Uz E•Sycamore•5 t + Prairie St.p7953198 - Prairie St.-795319E i t: r,i•- `.��.•. -. .� E.Prairie-St � •� 5,.,y�1�: t � �� r d 2007 Europa Technologies � , _ 1 -` ' r � r/ - • � �20�7 Navte9 r J P200®2S T�v elrolayfee Revision Date 4/6/18 Council Re uests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Information on cost determination for curb rate vs drop- 6/5/17 Cox An RFP for a cost of service study is off rate at landfill being prepared; the project is expected to last a few months into spring 2018. 2. Work session on special events/parades and permitting 1/9/18 Howell/Kuechler A brief update was included in the processes required Friday Jan. 12 report, and a work session is planned for April 24. 3. Identify options for partnership with Parks Foundation 2/20/18 Langley Parks Foundation Board is considering options. 4. Work session on DCTA (discuss City Council goals for 2/20/18 Nelson A work session is scheduled for April DCTA) 10. 5. Work session on Tree Code 2/20/18 McDonald A work session is scheduled for April 10. 6. Change ordinances to show Council Member votes 2/20/18 Walters A minor ordinance amendment will be presented at the April 10 work session. The item will then appear on the April 17 consent agenda for consideration. 7. Work session on HOT funds and potential uses (historic 2/27/18 Puente HOT Funds Committee meeting on preservation, public art, cultural district, etc) April 26; scheduled a Council work session after. 8. Staff report on gun sales near schools, any zoning 3/20/18 McDonald/Howell/ Information will be provided in the requirements Leal Aril 13 report. 9. Request for a city-wide speed limit analysis 3/20/18 Estes/Deshmukh An update will be provided in the Friday Aril 13 report. 10. Work session on plan for downtown and homelessness 3/20/18 Kuechler 11. Information on when splash park will open 3/20/18 Behrens Opening event date planned for May 12. More details to come. 12. Work session on water plan 3/20/18 Banks A work session is tentatively scheduled for May 22. 13. Request for following items to be included in Joint 3/27/18 Hileman/Kuechler Staff will work with Denton ISD and DISD meeting and have broad postings: Legal to draft a broad agenda for joint 1) Policy discussion of programs with Denton PD luncheon meeting on May 7. 2) DISD's plans for future construction, bonds, land purchases, etc, 3) School safety and SRO program, and 4 DISD Recycling/wastepractices—styrofoarn usage Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 14. ISR on percentage of recyclables sent to China and 3/27/18 Cox A summary is included in the Friday information on buyers of our rec clables Aril 6 report. 15. Update on recycling options being explored for multi- 3/27/18 Cox/Barnett An updated is included in the Friday family properties Aril 6 report 16. Report with options of how the City could minimize its 3/27/18 Barnett use of Styrofoam and plastic 17. Inquiry for parking in downtown and potential DATCU 3/27/18 Booth An update i included in the Friday property on Mulberry Aril 6 report. 18. Work session with a broad posting to discuss Red Light 3/27/18 Deshmukh/Fletcher A work session is tentatively scheduled Camera program, contract, traffic signal management, for May 22. and intersection safety 19. Include a copy of wastewater/drainage fee ordinance in 3/27/18 Banks Copies are provided in the Friday April Friday report 6 report. 20. Inquiry on intersection timing at Hickory and Carroll , 3/27/18 Deshmukh An update is provided in the Friday short for pedestrian crossing? Aril 6 report. 21. Include a printed copy of the new proposed zoning map 3/27/18 McDonald A printed copy will be provided in the in Friday report Friday Aril 13 report. 22. DDC - Request for outreach& collaboration with 3/27/18 McDonald residents impacted, including neighborhood planning for a new historic register in CM Briggs' district 23. Request to look into temporary ideas for Industrial Park 4/3/18 Packan An update is provided in the Friday April 6 report. 24. Request to pass a resolution to urge DPS to take action 4/3/18 Kuechler Preparing for a resolution on May 1. regarding its facility on Loop 288 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday,April 17,2018 12:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on the agenda for April 17, 2018. 3. Citizen Comments on Ethics Related Work Session Report Items The City Council has agreed to suspend the Rules of Procedure for citizen comment on Work Session Report Items related to an ethics ordinance. This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Work Session Report Items related to an ethics ordinance only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item related to an ethics ordinance he/she wishes that are listed on the Work Session Report. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 4. Work Session Reports A. ID 18-606 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and provide direction to staff on the Denton Development Code Update, specifically regarding Development Standards(Module 3). B. ID 18-094 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the location of the Mayhill substation. C. ID 18-235 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and provide staff direction regarding an update to the existing'Denton Municipal Electric-Energy Risk Management Policy". D. ID 18-617 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the G. Roland Vela Athletic Complex capital project. E. ID 18-620 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Pavement Failures Assessments of the existing pavement failures on selected concrete streets throughout Denton. F. ID 18-616 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on a draft ethics ordinance from attorney Alan Bojorquez. Page I Printed on 41612018 City Council Meeting Agenda April 17,2018 NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. Regular Meeting of the City of Denton City Council at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S. Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God, one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. Such questions or discussion shall not exceed two (2) minutes. If the City Council believes a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda permits any person not registered for a citizen report to make comments regarding public business on items not listed on the agenda. This is limited to two speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) shall have filed a"Blue Card"requesting to speak during this period prior to the calling of this agenda item. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by the Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — N). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, Consent Agenda Items A — N below will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 18-423 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home rule municipal corporation ("City"), approving a Real Estate Exchange and Abandonment Agreement Page 2 Printed on 41612018 City Council Meeting Agenda April 17,2018 ("Agreement") between the Warehouser of Denton, L.P., a Texas limited partnership ("Warehouser of Denton"), for (I) the abandonment and release by the City of 0.103 acre right-of-way tract, (II) the conveyance from Warehouser of Denton to City for a 0.002 acre sidewalk easement tract, (III) the conveyance from Warehouser of Denton to City for a 0.06 Pedestrian Access Easement, and (IV) the conveyance from Warehouser of Denton to City for a 0.04 acre fee tract, all in exchange for the conveyance to the City of (I) a 0.103 acre right-of-way tract, all cited tracts situated in the H. Cisco Survey, Abstract No. 1184, City of Denton, Denton County, Texas, generally located at the southeast corner of Bell Avenue and McKinney Street; authorizing the City Manager in accordance with Local Government Code 272.001(B)(3) to execute the Agreement; and providing and effective date. (E. Oak Street-partial abandonment) B. ID 18-528 Consider approval of the minutes of March 5,March 6,March 20,and March 27,2018. C. ID 18-551 Consider adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas to amend the City of Denton Code of Ordinances related to Section 2-29 (City Council Rules of Procedure) Subsection (G)(4) (recording of votes) to include the recording of votes for each council member within all ordinances and resolutions; providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective date. D. ID 18-574 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas regarding Section 2-29 (Council Rules of Procedure)related to the Citizen Comment Pilot Program. E. ID 18-577 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract# DIR-TSO-4025 for the supply of mobile digital computers (MDC) for Public Safety; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6718-awarded to CDW-G, in the amount of$93,936). F. ID 18-578 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement for Landfill Surveying Services; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6585- Landfill Surveying Services awarded to Coleman and Associates Land Surveying, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$300,000). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). G. ID 18-580 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Program Agreement under the Local Government Code, Chapter 791, to authorize City of Denton contracts for the purchase of various goods and services; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and declaring an effective date (File 6754- Cooperative Purchasing Program Agreement with the Argyle ISD). H. ID 18-581 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract# 515-16 for the purchase of two (2) replacement 2018 model Trench Rollers for the City of Denton Wastewater Collection Page 3 Printed on 41612018 City Council Meeting Agenda April 17,2018 Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6774- awarded to Kirby-Smith Machinery Inc., in the amount of $63,250.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). I. ID 18-585 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a public works contract for the replacement of the roof at City Hall Main, South Branch Library and Fire Station No. 1; providing for the expenditure of funds therefore; and providing an effective date (RFP 6683- awarded to Globus Management Group, in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,328,673.68). J. ID 18-586 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a public works contract for the construction of the Denton West lift station and yard piping installation; providing for the expenditure of funds therefore; and providing an effective date (IFB 6720- awarded to WillCo Underground, in the not-to-exceed amount of $229,500). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). K. ID 18-598 Consider recommending approval of the Watershed Protection division's sponsorship agreement with Keep Denton Beautiful, Inc., in the amount of $8,000. The Public Utility Board recommended approval(6-0). L. ID 18-599 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order# 1 to the contract between the City of Denton and Jagoe-Public Company for the construction of a new entrance into the landfill; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (Bid 6218C- Change Order# 1 in the not-to-exceed amount of $93,724 for a total contract award aggregating to $1,571,295). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). M. ID 18-604 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to accept competitive bids and award a contract to Mega Promotions for concession stand service rights to the North Lakes and Denia Softball Complex concession; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6650- awarded to Mega Promotions, in the three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$41,900). N. ID 18-621 Consider adoption of an ordinance approving a Notice of Intent to Issue Certificates of Obligation for General Government. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 18-418 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for Technology Infrastructure from manufacturers Cisco Systems, Inc, Dell EMC and VMware, Inc. to include products and services, and support and maintenance for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefore; and providing an effective date (RFP 6504- awarded to Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$10,312,594). Page 4 Printed on 41612018 City Council Meeting Agenda April 17,2018 B. ID 18-588 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a public works contract for asphalt and concrete street repair services; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6730- awarded to Jagoe-Public Company, in the three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$15,000,000). C. ID 18-559 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas amending the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget and Annual Program of Services of the City of Denton to allow for increases to: (A) the General Fund of $951,800 for the purpose of funding police facility and park improvement projects, (B) the Park Development Trust Fund of $288,000 for the purpose of funding park property enhancements, and (C) the Capital Improvement Program of $8,263,619 for the purpose of funding drainage, police facility, streets and parks capital projects; declaring a municipal purpose; providing a severability clause; providing an open meetings clause; and providing for an effective date. D. ID 18-618 Consider approval of a resolution adopting Ethics Policy(10.00)for City employees. E. Z17-0032b Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding a change in zoning classification from Neighborhood Residential 6(NR-6) district and use classification to a Neighborhood Residential 12 (NRMU-12) district and use classification with an overlay on approximately 8.887 acres of land generally located on the southwest side of Colorado Boulevard, approx. 315 feet northwest of San Jacinto Boulevard, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. This item was continued from the April 3,2018 City Council meeting. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Z18-0005a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance to rezone approximately 5 acres from Downtown Residential 1 (DR-1) and Downtown Residential 2(DR-2) districts to a Downtown Commercial General (DC-G) District. The subject property is located at 610 N. I-35E, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to approve this request. (Z18-0005a,Denton Baptist Temple, Shandrian Jarvis Ugwoke). B. DCA18-0002 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance regarding a proposed a revision to the Denton Development Code; specifically to remove Limitation 34 in Subchapter 5 Zoning Districts and Limitations related to the square footage and number of truck bays for the Distribution Center/Warehouse, General and Warehouse, Retail uses in the Employment Center Districts; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. (DCA18-0002,Limitation 34,Hayley Zagurski). C. ID 18-619 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance regarding a code of ethics Page 5 Printed on 41612018 City Council Meeting Agenda April 17,2018 for the City of Denton. 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2018 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 6 Printed on 41612018 mmmw:� April 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 11:30 am Council 3 4 5 6 7 Luncheon—Cancelled 10:30am Committee on 4 p.m. Public Art 1:30pm Committee on Citizen Engagement Committee the Environment Cancelled 11:30 am CC Work 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session 6:30 pm CC Regular ParkBoard 6pm Session 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00am Public Utilities 10:00 am Audit/Finance 11:00am EDP Board 1:00pm Council Board Committee 5:00pm P&ZWork Airport Committee Se ssio n 5:30pm HLC 11:30 am 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n Se ssio n 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12:00 pm CC Work 11:30am Mobility Session Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular HaBSCo Meeting Session 4:00pm Special Called P&ZWork Se ssion 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6:00pm Pub he Utilities 10:00 am Council 5:00pm P&ZWork HOTMeeting Board AirportCommittee Session 10:00am 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 29 30 4:00 p m 7BA 4/5/2018 4:55 PM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm CC Work 4 p.m. Public Art Session Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 6 7 9:00a m Public Utilitie s 8 9 10 11 12 Board (revisit the time) 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 11:OOam EDP Board 11:30 am Joint Session Counc il/DISD Luncheon Meeting 5:00pm P&ZWork 1:30pm Committee on Session the Environment 6:30pm P&ZRegular 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session Park Board 'IOUR5 pm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5:30pm HLC Election Meeting HaBSCo Meeting 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm CC Work 5:00pm P&ZWork Bo a rd Se ssio n Se ssio n 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&ZRegular 4:00 pm 7BA Session Session 27 28 29 30 31 Memorial Day - No Council Meeting City Ho lid a y 4/5/2018 4:55 PM 4/06/18 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pending Council items and is subject to Chan a without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item April 10—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—March 26 WS—Amending Council rules -listing of votes on ordinances Backup—April 6 Captions—April 2 WS—Economic Development mid-year update (City& Chamber) Backup—April 13 WS—Energy Risk Management Policy Update WS—Mayhill Substation Update April 17—Work/Regular Session CA—Ordinance relative to citizen reports CA—Ordinance relative to Council votes listed on ordinances IC—Ethics ordinance adoption IC—Employee Ethics Policy adoption IC—Notice of intent to sell bonds Captions—April 9 WS—Contract Admin. Audit Backup—April 20 WS—Overview of Compliance Program WS—Drainage and floodplain discussion April 24—4th Tuesday Session WS— Street rehab program WS—Update on DDC (Module 3 Development Standards) WS—Housing Tax Credit Policy and Application WS— Special Events Captions—April 16 WS—Comm. Dev. Advisory Cmte. and Human Services Advisory Backup—April 27 Cmte. recommendations CA—RTC representative and alternate representative May 1 —Work/Regular Session PH—Reinvestment Zone Fisher59 IC—TAA Fisher59 IC—Chapter 380 Fisher59 IC—Chapter 380 US Cold Storage IC—Renewable PPA May 7—Luncheon Captions—April 23 Joint Meeting with DISD Backup—May 3 May 8 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—April 23 Backup—May 4 May 15 —Election Meeting Captions—April 30 Backup—May I 1 Installation of CC Members Only May 22—Work/Regular Session Captions—May 7 WS—Red light cameras Backup—May 18 Ma 29—No Meeting Memorial Day holiday observed- City Offices closed 5/28 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item June 4 Luncheon Captions—May 21 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—May 31 WS—Teen Council update Captions—May 21 WS—Preliminary Budget Discussion June 5 Work/Regular Session Backup—June 1 WS—Department Budget Presentations IC—Comm. Dev. 2018/19 Action Plan June 12—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—May 25 USCM, Boston, 6/8-6/11 Backup—June 8 WS—Department Budget Presentations June 19—Work/Regular Session Captions—June 4 TCMA, Galveston, 6/21-24 Backup—June 15 WS—Department Budget Presentations June 26—41h Tuesday Session Captions—June 11 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—June 22 Jul 2—No Luncheon Jul 3 —No Meeting July 4t holiday observed—City Offices closed July 10—No Meeting Captions—July 2 WS—2nd Preliminary Budget Discussion July 17—Work/Regular Session Backup—July 13 WS—Department Budget Presentations IC—EDP Board nominating committee July 24—4th Tuesday Session Captions—July 9 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup July 20 WS—Chamber ED contract July 31 —No Meeting August 2—Budget Workshop Captions—July 16 Backup—July 27 August 6—Luncheon Captions—July 23 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—August 2 August 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 23 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—August 3 WS—Budget Workshop August 14—2nd Tuesday Session Captions—July 30 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—Au ust 10 August 21 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 6 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—August 17 IC—Chamber ED contract August 28 —4th Tuesday Session Captions—August 13 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—August 24 PH— 1 st Public Hearing on the Tax Rate September 3 —No Luncheon Labor Day holiday September 4—No Meeting September I I—Special Called Work/Regular Captions—August 27 WS—Budget Workshop Session Backup— September 7 PH—2nd Public Hearing on the Tax Rate PH—Public Hearing on the Budget CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item September 18 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 31 WS—Budget Workshop Backup— September 14 IC—Adoption of Budget September 25 —4th Tuesday Session Captions— September 10 Backup— September 21 October 1 —Luncheon Captions— September 17 Backup— September 27 October 2—No Meeting National Night Out October 9—2nd Tuesday Meeting Captions— September 24 TML, Fort Worth, 10/9-10/12 Backup—October 5 October 16—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 1 Backup—October 12 October 23 —4th Tuesday Session Captions—October 8 WS— Stoke annual report Backup—October 19 October 30—No Meeting November 5 —Luncheon Captions—October 22 Backup—November 1 November 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 22 NLC, Los Angeles, 11/7-11/10 Backup—November 2 IC—Stoke contract renewal November 13 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—October 29 Backup—November 9 November 20—No Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 11/22-23 November 27 4th Tuesday Session Captions—November 12 Backup—November 21 Tentative-Based on Need December 3 —Luncheon Captions—November 19 Backup—November 29 December 4—Work/Regular Session Captions—November 19 Backup—November 30 December 11 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—November 26 Backup—December 7 December 18—Work/Regular Session Captions—December 3 Backup—December 14 Tentative-Based on Need December 25 —No MeetingChristmas Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 12/24-25 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report IMPROVING COF DEN DENTON Week of Apr 09-15, 2018 Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Major Closures Auburn Dr. Georgetown Bowling Green 2/19/18 4/30/18 Mill/Overlay(Temporary Road Streets 1/31/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Ave.A Maple Eagle 3/19/18 4/30/18 LINT 2018 Residence Hall Project Engineering 940-349-8910 Belhaven St. Georgetown Bowling Green 2/19/18 4/30/18 Mill/Overlay(Temporary Road Streets 1/31/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Bonnie Brae St. Multiple Multiple 7/1/17 7/31/19 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 Bonnie Brae St. Hwy 380 Intersection 3/14/18 TBD Commercial Driveway Construction Building (940)349-8360 Inspections Brandywine Cir. Briarwood Dead End 2/20/18 5/7/18 Street Reconstruction (Temporary Streets 2/16/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Lane Closures) Brandywine St. Briarwood Brandywine Cr. 2/20/18 5/7/18 Street Reconstruction (Temporary Streets 2/16/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Lane Closures) Canterbury Ct. Hollyhill I-35 4/9/18 6/15/18 Drainage Improvements (TemporaryEngineering (940)349-8910 Lane Closures Possible) Country Home/Eagle Clear River Cul V Sac 4/9/18 5/14/18 Concrete Panel Repairs Streets (940)349-7160 Wing No Detours Egan St. Amarillo Malone 2/5/18 5/7/18 Mill/Overlay (Temporary Road Streets 1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Fordham Ln. Amherst Bowling Green 2/19/18 4/30/18 Mill/Overlay (Temporary Road Streets 2/14/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Hickory St. Bonnie Brae N Texas 1/2/18 5/11/18 Street Reconstruction (Temporary Streets 2/7/18 Door Hangers, (940)349-7160 Lane Closures) Public Meetings Holiday Park Phase 2 Manhattan Kings Row 11/10/17 12/1/18 Wastewater Main Construction Wastewater 11/16/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8489 Holiday Park Phase 2 Yellowstone Sherman 3/6/18 TBD Water Main Construction Water 2/28/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7181 Linden Dr. Malone Ponder 3/19/18 4/27/18 Curb and Gutter Repairs Streets No Door Hangers (940)349-7160 McKinney St. Bolivar Cedar 11/14/17 4/29/18 Parking Lot Reconstruction Engineering 11/2/17 (940)349-8910 Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Street Reconstruction (Temporary Engineering 1/3/18, Door Hangers (940)349-8910 Road Closures Possible) 1/24/18 Mockingbird Ln. McKinney Paisley 10/23/17 4/27/18 Street Reconstruction (Temporary Streets 10/10/17 Public Meeting, (940)349-7160 Road Closures Possible) Door Hangers Prominence Pkw Ma hill Atlanta 1 31 18 8 31 18 Water and Wastewater Crossing Engineering 1 24 18 (940 349-8910 Y• Y / / / / g� g / / ) (Road Closure) Riney Rd. N Elm Solana 9/29/17 7/29/18 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering Yes (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) Kansas City Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Bonnie Brae Southern RR 3/26/18 TBD (One Lane traffic control) Engineering (940)349-8910 Sagebrush Dr. Multiple Multiple 2/15/18 5/1/18 Wastewater Main Construction Wastewater 2/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8489 Sagebrush Dr. Multiple Multiple TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets (940)349-7160 Shady Oaks Dr. Shady Oaks S.Woodrow 3/19/18 4/19/18 Right Turn Lane Installation Streets 2/28/18 (940)349-7160 (Closed 8 P.M. to 6 A.M.) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Shiloh Rd. Natchez Trace Shenandoah 3/19/18 4/30/18 Concrete Panel Repairs (Temporary Streets 3/7/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Lane Closures Possible) Spencer Rd. Mayhill Lowe's 4/2/18 9/29/18 Water Line Replacement Water (940)349-7181 Driveway (Road Closure) Lowe's Drainage Rebuild Spencer Rd. Mayhill 4/2/18 9/29/18 Drainage (940)349-8488 Driveway (Road Closure) Lowe's Road Reconstruction Spencer Rd. Mayhill 4/2/18 9/29/18 Engineering (940)349-8912 Driveway (Road Closure) Unicorn Lake Blvd. Wind River State School 3/12/18 4/30/18 Concrete Panel Repairs (Temporary Streets 3/7/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Lane Closures Possible) COMPLETED PROJECTS Ave. C Eagle Ave C 2/20/18 3/29/18 Electric Construction Engineering (940)349-8910 Bell St. Bell Prairie 4/5/18 4/6/18 Manhole Installation Wastewater (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closures) Brinker Rd. Medpark Loop 288 2/12/18 4/27/18 Concrete Panel Repairs (Temporary Streets N/A (940)349-7160 Lane Closures Possible) Cornell St. Amherst Tulane 2/19/18 3/30/18 Mill/Overlay (Temporary Road Streets 2/14/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Dartmouth PI. Amherst Cornell 2/26/18 4/13/18 Mill/Overlay (Temporary Road Streets 1/31/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Gober St. Linden Cordell 1/24/18 3/30/18 Mill/Overlay (Temporary Road Streets 1/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Grace Temple Ave. Fulton Ponder 2/5/18 3/30/18 Mill/Overlay (Temporary Road Streets 1/31/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass 3/12/18 3/30/18 Base Failure Repairs Streets N/A (940)349-7160 Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: La Mirada/Zilda Way Manten Ponder 3/12/18 4/2/18 Sidewalk Repairs (Temporary Lane Streets No Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Lookout Ln. Windsor Westward 1/29/18 3/26/18 Sidewalk Repairs (Temporary Lane Streets No Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Malone St. Auburn Dead End 2/14/18 3/30/18 Mill/Overlay (Temporary Road Streets 1/31/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Potomac Pkwy. Shiloh Shenandoah 2/12/18 4/6/18 Street Panel Repair(Temporary Lane Streets 2/6/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Closures Possible) Windriver Dr. Loon Lake Teasley 1/22/18 3/30/18 Closures Possible)Sidewalk Repairs (Temporary Lane Streets HOA 1/11/18 (940)349-7160 UPCOMING PROJECTS Cape Town Desert Willow Bishop Pine Summer 2018 TBD Street Panel Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (No detours) Fulton St. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Hettie St. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Hinkle Dr. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, Drainage, and Multiple Streets Londonderry Ln. Teasley Westminster 9/1/18 TBD Street Improvements (Temporary Streets (940)349-7160 Lane Closures Possible) Malone St. Crescent Westminster Summer 2018 Water Main Construction Water (940)349-7181 PEC 4- Engineering In Design Installing Underground Box Culvert Engineering (940)349-8910 Water,Wastewater, Drainage, and Smith-Johnson Summer 2018 Engineering (940)349-8910 Streets Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Thomas St. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Welch St. Mulberry Chestnut TBD TBD UNT 2018 CVAD Project Engineering 3/19/18 3/30/2018 (940)349-8910 Wayne St. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Water,Wastewater, Drainage, and Windsor Dr. TBD TBD Engineering (940)349-8910 Streets