060818 Friday Staff Report F` City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 8, 2018 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, June 11, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission Meeting on Monday, June 11, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Committee on the Environment on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. No Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, June 13, 2018. 7. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,June 13, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.in the City Council Work Session Room,followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 8. Canceled- Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, June 15, 2018. B. Upcoming Events 1. US Conference of Mayors, June 8-11, 2018 in Boston, MA. 2. Chamber of Commerce Elected Officials Reception, Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. at Best Western Premier, 2450 Brinker Rd. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service 3. Fire Station No. 4 Dedication Ceremony, Friday, June 22 at 10 a.m. at Fire Station No. 4, 2116 E. Sherman Dr. II. General Information & Status Update A. Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator — The Bike/Ped Coordinator position was transferred to the Capital Projects Department in mid-January this year and the open position was advertised in February. After conducting initial screening through background review and phone interviews, seven candidates were shortlisted, five were interviewed, and the top two candidates were called for another round of interviews. Staff has extended an offer to the top candidate who has accepted the position. As the selected candidate is out-of-state, it will take a few weeks before the individual can join the Capital Projects team. After the background and HR processes are complete, the candidate's name will be shared. The tentative start date for the new Bicycle and Pedestrian coordinator is set for July 16, 2018. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Engineering B. Quiet Zones in Downtown — Union Pacific Railroad has 16 at-grade crossings within the City of Denton. Staff is currently working on establishing Quiet Zones along four at-grade crossings located in the downtown area. Due to considerable involvement of the railroad in the implementation process, it typically takes 18 to 24 months to establish a Quiet Zone. In the last five months, staff has completed the diagnostic review and identified the improvements required at the crossings in the downtown segment. Currently, the railroad is working on developing plans, design and estimates for the proposed improvements at the railroad crossings. As part of the preliminary assessment, some additional improvements were recommended by Union Pacific and City staff is currently reviewing the need for implementing these. The design phase for this project is scheduled to be completed by August 2018. The overall project is on track and scheduled to be completed by July 2019. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Engineering C. Fine Arts Theater Project — Economic Development and Development Services staff met with Alex Payne and Brad Andrus, two of the new owners of the Fine Arts Theater, on June 4 to discuss the project. The owners will select an architect this week and plan to begin addressing the initial critical issues related to building renovation and preservation — including mold removal, asbestos abatement, and roof repair—within the next two months. Following the completion of the initial phase, which the group anticipates taking 6 months, full plans for the theater's revival will be developed.Payne,Andrus,and the other owners are partnering with the group behind Dallas' Texas Theater, including Jason Reimer and Barak Epstein, along with Denton artist Martin Iles, on the project. Future programming of films and performances in the theater will be the purview of Reimer and Epstein's group. The group estimates that the project will require a$3.5-4 million investment; they will be seeking additional private investors and applying to the City of Denton for grants. Staff contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development D. Fire Station No. 4 Completion and Dedication Ceremony— The Fire Department will begin moving in to the newly constructed station the week of June 11, 2018. A dedication will be held on Friday, June 22, 10 a.m. at Fire Station No. 4, 2116 E. Sherman Dr. Please see attached invitation. Staff contact: Chief Kenneth Hedges, Fire Department E. Household Chemical/Hazardous Waste Drop-off Option—Since 2006,the City of Denton Solid Waste Department has offered curbside collection of household chemicals and hazardous waste to all residential and multi-family customers. The service provides our residents with a safe, efficient, and environmentally sustainable alternative to disposing of hazardous waste such as paint, cleaners, oils,batteries,pesticides, and pool chemicals. Many of the collected items are still usable and are made available for reuse to residents at no charge. Citizens can collect up to four items per day from the Re-Use Store. Effective June 18,2018,residential customers will have the ability to drop off their unwanted chemicals and hazardous waste at the Solid Waste Department's Home Chemical Center/Re-Use Store, located at 1527 S. Mayhill Rd. The hours of operation for the drop-off site and the Re-Use store will be Monday thru Friday 7:OOam to 4:OOpm. Residents utilizing the service will be required to show a valid driver's license and proof of residency (i.e. a recent utilities bill). Residents are permitted unlimited use of the drop off service;however,chemicals and hazardous waste from commercial customers and non-Denton residents are not being accepted at this time. Residents may continue utilizing curbside chemical/hazardous waste collection by scheduling a pick-up with Customer Service by calling (940) 349-8700. Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Solid Waste F. ReUse Store Paint Mixer/Marketing Information — At the June 5 City Council meeting, Council Member Briggs asked if the City had a paint mixer at the ReUse Store. After discussions with staff, there is not enough space in the ReUse Store facility to accommodate a paint mixer. However, Solid Waste staff and Communications staff are working on continued promotions of the ReUse Store. In February, the ReUse Store and Household Chemical Waste operation were featured in the Citizen Connection (utility bill insert). Both were also highlighted as added benefits to ratepayers in the June-July Resident Update that is being delivered this week. In addition, the ReUse Store was the feature on the DentonRecycles.com for March and April. To continue promoting the store, Communications staff have added the ReUse Store to the "Quick Links" section of the City's homepage to further highlight the program and make it easier for website visitors to find. Staff will continue to discuss additional ways to highlight the ReUse Store and encourage residents to use the Household Hazardous Waste program. Staff Contact: Ethan Cox, Solid Waste/Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs G. McKinney Street Sidewalks — The contractor constructing the McKinney Street sidewalk has begun work. Please see the picture below of the contractor setting forms for the sidewalk. Staff will continue to provide progress updates to City Council on this project. The contractor is on target and expects to finish work by August 1. Staff contact: Todd Estes, Capital Projects 1 i �I A Y l H. Roof Leak at South Branch Library—The South Branch Library roof replacement project began on May 15. On Monday, June 4, Library staff entered the building at I I a.m. to discover leaks. Three ceiling tiles and insulation fell from the ceiling above the new books shelving. Additional leaks were discovered throughout the building. Staff reported the situation to the Facilities Department who immediately began working with the roofing contractors to address leak areas, assess damage, and dry wet areas inside the building. As rain continued to occur throughout the week, additional leaks appeared, were reported, and addressed. Plastic sheeting was placed over library shelving to prevent the loss of materials. Wet insulation and ceiling tiles were removed after the Monday rain. Additional wet insulation and wet ceiling tiles are being removed Friday morning after the rain the previous night. Large fans have been provided to dry wet carpets. 98 books have been withdrawn from the Library's collection due to water damage. Six large rolls of butcher paper have also been identified as damaged and needing replacement. The South Branch Library has remained open during regular operating hours throughout the project. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker, Libraries I. City Hall Roof — The roofing contractor that has been working at other City facilities has experienced some delays due to the inclement weather over the last couple of weeks. As a result, the start of the City Hall Roof Replacement Project has been postponed to June 18. At that time portions of the west parking lot will be off limits to store roofing supplies, materials, and equipment. Facilities Management will place signs at the entrance of the parking lots to direct visitors and employees to other parking areas. Staff contact: Dean Hartley, Facilities Management J. Council Election Timing — Council Member Duff requested information on possibly holding city council elections in conjunction with the Primary elections. The Texas Election Code sets the Primary election date as the first Tuesday in March in each even-numbered year. The Code sets the general election for cities as either the first Saturday in May or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.Unless there is a change in the State Election Code,holding the council election with the Primary election is not possible. Staff contact: Jennifer Walters, City Secretary K. OCI Maps—Please find attached two maps showing the Overall Condition Index (OCI) of City streets as presented at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. The first map shows City streets that have an OCI range from 100-0. The second map shows the City streets with an OCI only with a range from 45-0. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Capital Projects L. DME Summary of Storm Event Thursday Evening—Please find below a summary report of the storm that came through Denton on Thursday evening, June 7: • There were 15 total outages, with a total of 1493 customers including the feeder that locked out. • Not including the locked out feeder, the numbers are 14 outages with a total of 268 customers out of power. • The first breaker operation occurred at 17:07,the first outage was reported at 16:41:44. • The final outage was restored at 21:29. • From the time of the first outage to the restoration time of the last one was 4 hours and 48 minutes. • The longest outage was 4 hours and 26 minutes on Cordell St. • The largest outage occurred when North Lakes 211 locked open with 1225 customers out of power for 2 minutes. • The next largest outage was on Park Lane 82 customers out of power. • Two transformers had to be replaced. • One pole at 1518 I-35 W is going to be replaced tomorrow. Staff contact: George Morrow, Denton Municipal Electric M. Inquiry of old KDB Building —At the June 4 Council meeting, Council Member Briggs inquired what the old Keep Denton Beautiful (KDB) building was being used for. The North Lakes Recreation Center Annex (former KDB and YMCA) located on Riney Road is currently used by Parks and Recreation for half-day preschool. The preschool meets five days a week from 8:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. The additional meeting room in the Annex is being used for summer camp programming. In the future,this structure will serve as the new Tennis Center Pro Shop. Currently, the new tennis center is under design and a presentation to City Council on the proposed concept will be scheduled later this summer. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks & Recreation N. Teen Council Budget—In response to follow-up questions regarding the Teen City Council presentation on June 4, 2018, the program is funded through a combination of general fund (GF) and recreational fund (RF) dollars. Expenses include conference registrations, team building events, and supplies / services for fundraising and teen events. Revenue collected from fundraising goes toward off- setting the annual expenditures. Expenditures and revenues for the current fiscal ear include: Expenditure Amount Youth Advisory Commission Summit Conference RF $350.00 North Texas Regional Youth Forum(RF) $250.00 Team Building at Group D namix(RF) $660.00 End of Year Event - Brunswick Bowling RF $223.88 Sound Wagon—Battle of the Bands GF $997.00 Billy Buttons—Photo Booth RF $505.00 Total $2,985.88 Revenue Amount Photo Booth - Denton Tree Lighting $814.00 Teen Movie in the Park $397.00 Battle of the Bands $150.00 Total $1,361.00 Net Expenditure/Revenue $1,624.88 The program is in its second year of revitalization.Updates initiated by the FY 17- 18 Teen Council along with feedback and recommended changes from the members and new leadership are expected to increase participation and enhance the experience. A new marketing strategy and timeline has also been developed for registration. Targeted messages specific to parents and teens will be pushed through various electronic bulletins and social media outlets. For parents, Denton Independent School District's message board, Peachjar, will be used. For teens, messages on Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat will be posted. Additionally, rather than a single registration period in the Spring as teens are closing out the school year, registration will be re-opened mid-July and run through August to capture students as they are beginning the school year and planning their extra-curricular activities. As the program continues to grow,the Parks and Recreation Department (PARR) will assess enrollment trends, program activities, and fiscal impact. PARD will provide a recommendation for on-going funding based on the data that ensures support and success of the program. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks & Recreation III. Community Events A. Juneteenth Event — 2018 Juneteenth activities will take place over the next two weekends, starting with the Juneteenth 101 discussion at the Emily Fowler Library on Sunday, June 10 at 2:30 p.m. A Gospel Explosion will be held at the Fred Moore Park CH Collins Stage on Friday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. The Juneteenth Parade will begin at noon on Saturday, June 16 from the Civic Center, parade lineup begins at 11:00 a.m. A full listing of Juneteenth 2018 events is attached. IV. Attachments A. Fire Station 4 Dedication Ceremony Invitation B. OCI Maps C. Juneteenth Flyer V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2018-068 Facility Use and Meeting Room Policy B. 2018-069 Back to School Fair C. 2018-070 Contracts and Change Orders VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda(June 19) C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report Fire Station 4 Dedication Ceremony 2116 E. Sherman Dr., Denton, Texas Friday, June 1z- 10 a.m. Legend NO OCI 75-100 DISTRICT 1 OCI 45-75 DISTRICT 2 OCI 0-45 DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 4 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Legend NO OCI 0-45 DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 4 0 0.5 1 2 Miles h all BMW FRED MOORE PARK DENTON, t,#XAS aid& NMI r 2017 NEW EP RELEASE •'o tip For information a Facebook: juneteenthdentontx.org ahoo.com Email: cheylonb@yahoo.com • Y Y Phone: (469) 735- 1912 s � o so � . i i Denton Juneteenth juneteenth 101 • A disucssion of popular Parade lineup: myths and forgotten facts 11 :00 Civic DJ Lot Sunday, June loth - 2:30 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Parade start: Emily Fowler Library Collins Stage 12:00 Noon KORG Cr stal Thomas Bobby Rae Intense Music 1l Rufus & � enra and Multimedia � WHOA 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Softball Tournament Denton Ho Extravaganza .: Fred Moore Park Americ Collins Stage Date: June 8,2018 Report No. 2018-068 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Update to policies regarding the use of City of Denton facilities and meeting rooms. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff reviewed the policies relating to use of City facilities and meeting rooms and determined that there was a lack of consistency between the current policies and practices. The updated policy will improve transparency in the availability of meeting rooms for use by other entities and increase the overall customer service that is provided. It is staff s recommendation that Policy 500.01 "Use of City Hall Meeting Spaces" and 500.02 "Use of Conference Rooms"be repealed and replaced with a consolidated Policy 500.06 "Use of City Facilities and Meeting Rooms". The proposed consolidated Policy also incorporates department policies for use of city- owned facilities and meeting rooms so that there is one comprehensive city-wide policy for reference. The original policies were adopted in the early 1980s and the last update was made in 2001 to Policy 500.01. These policies covered only the use of City Hall meeting rooms and the City's internal use of meeting rooms. DISCUSSION: Staff held several meetings with various departments to discuss current policies, discuss modifications, and combine various policies into one policy. A comprehensive policy was drafted and submitted for review and input by the Policy Review Committee. The Policy Review Committee is comprised of approximately 25 employees at various levels representing different departments/divisions. The members are asked to distribute the proposed changes to individuals in their area and solicit comments, questions, and concerns regarding the proposed changes. Feedback from the Committee has been incorporated into the policy, although no significant feedback was received. The following changes have been made: • The policy scope has been expanded to include all City facilities and meeting rooms currently available for public use. • With online room scheduling functionality now available through Microsoft Outlook, a policy governing the scheduling and internal use of meeting rooms is no longer necessary. • General guidelines that apply to all available facilities are included in Section 1.1 and specific guidelines are included for individual departments. • The purpose of each facility is included in the policy to describe the role of that facility and ensure that requests made for the use of the facilities are appropriate for their purpose. Date: June 8,2018 Report No. 2018-068 • Priorities were established for guidance on the ranking of reservations. These priorities are coordinated with the purpose and intended use of each facility and will assist departments in dealing with reservation conflicts. • A reservation application has been created for use by departments that currently do not have an application. From a user perspective, this will increase consistency in the procedures for reservation of a room. • Fees associated with the reservation of a room and under which conditions those fees would be applied are included in the policy. A separate fee schedule is attached to the policy to easily modify the fees in the future rather than update the entire policy. Facilities that require fees are for events that benefit an individual or small group (e.g., social events). Events that are for a civic purpose or benefit the larger community(e.g., non-profits, other governmental agencies, City meetings) do not have a fee, unless the City incurs costs outside of normal operations (e.g., overtime for building attendants or DTV personnel). CONCLUSION: Staff plans to bring forward a recommendation and resolution to City Council on July 17, 2018 to adopt the new policy and incorporate Use of City Facilities and Meeting Rooms (Reference number 500.06)within the City of Denton Policies and Procedures and repealing the City's Use of City Hall Meeting Spaces and Use of Conference Rooms policies (Reference number 500.01 and 500.02). ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Policy 500.06 "Use of City Facilities and Meeting Rooms" STAFF CONTACT: Sarah Kuechler Director of Public Affairs Sarah.Kuchler&cityofdenton.com 940-349-8356 Page 1 of 10 CITY OF DENTON POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE SECTION: GENERAL POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DIRECTIVES REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 SUBJECT: USE OF CITY FACILITIES INITIAL EFFECTIVE DATE: TITLE: USE OF CITY FACILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS LAST REVISION DATE: POLICY STATEMENT Certain City of Denton(City) facilities and meeting rooms are available for public use. The purpose of this policy is to outline the circumstances under which groups, organizations, and individuals can use or rent city owned facilities and/or meeting rooms. Furthermore, it is the intent of this policy to outline the restrictions and priorities at each of the facilities listed in Attachment A based on the individual facility's purpose. It is the general policy that City facilities and meeting rooms be made available for use by City staff, not-for-profit organizations, other government agencies, civic organizations, and social events following each facility's purpose while allowing the facilities and meeting rooms to be made available to other users on a limited basis. DEFINITIONS Audiovisual equipment-Audiovisual equipment are electronics available in certain rooms and facilities (as detailed in Attachment 1). Examples include: computers,projectors, and microphones. Arrangements to use this equipment must be indicated on the"Application for Use of Meeting Room" or department specific form.A cable television staff member may be required when choosing this option and arrangements to use these services must be made at least fourteen(14)days in advance. Building attendant-A building attendant is an employee of the City responsible for the building and required during events taking place outside of regular business hours. Cable TV staff member-An individual employed by the City's Denton Television department. City sponsored or co-sponsored-Events that are organized by or in conjunction with the City. Civic organizations-A group that is created in order to provide a services or services to the community. Not-for-profit-An organization with a 501(c) (3)tax status specifically formed for purposes other than operating a profit-seeking business. 6/7/2018 500.06 Use of City Facilities and Meeting Rooms—City of Denton.docx Page 2 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 Regular business hours-Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.,not including City holidays. Resident-A person or organization with a residence or based within the city limits. Social Events-Events that are social in nature without the purpose of providing services to the community or a not-for-profit organization. Examples include,but are not limited to,birthdays, anniversary parties,weddings, and reunions. Community buildingrental-ental-Any facility rental for the Parks department facilities not including the park. GUIDELINES 1. General 1.1. Use of all facility or meeting rooms are subject to the following guidelines: 1. A signed agreement must be made between the lessee and the City for the use of the facility or meeting space if the event is not sponsored or co-sponsored by the City.An "Application for Use of Facility/Meeting Room"is available and attached hereto as Attachment 13, or an approved department specific agreement may be used.Verbal agreements will not be honored. 2. Users shall comply with all the laws of the United States,the State of Texas,all ordinances of the City, and all rules and regulations of the Police and Fire Departments and other municipal authorities of the City. 3. Representatives from the City have the right to enter any portion of the rooms for any purpose whatsoever any time during a scheduled event or activity. 4. During all public activities and events not sponsored or co-sponsored by the City, a building attendant must be on premises. The building attendant is not responsible for performing any personal services in conjunction with any activity or event. Depending on event hours and City facility,there may be an additional building attendant fee. Further information on fees are included in policy sections for each facility. 5. After any event or activity,the user is responsible for removing all of his or her effects from the building including decorations, equipment, and waste and returning the room to its original condition. Set-up and clean-up time must be included in the reservation time. 6. The City Manager, or his/her representative,has the right to have objectionable persons removed from the premises. 7. The user shall not admit to the facility, or meeting room, a larger number of persons than permitted by the fire code. A listing of capacities for each room is indicated in Attachment A. 8. City facilities are smoke-free/e-cigarette free facilities in accordance with Ordinance Number 2015-121. 6/7/18 Page 3 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 9. Users will assure that persons attending the scheduled activity stay in assigned areas and will not enter other areas of the facilities,including City offices. 10. The City has the right to refuse use of any facility or meeting room to any group if the proposed event conflicts with the intended use of the building, is in conflict with established policies, or is in conflict with any confirmed reservation. 11. The City reserves the right to deny the use of any facility or meeting room to organizations, groups, or individuals,who willfully misuse, abuse, or damage City property. 12. Public reservations for use of facilities or meeting spaces will be accepted on a first- come and first-served basis in accordance with the priorities of each facility for which space is available for use.No public group or individual will be given preference or priority. 13. A public reservation may not be made more than one(1)year in advance or less than fourteen(14) days of the date requested unless specific permission is granted. 14. Meetings scheduled during regular business hours shall not be allowed to be conducted in a manner which is disruptive to, or interferes with,the work of City employees. 15. The City reserves the right to determine if police is required during a scheduled activity. The City will determine the number of officers and hours required. The user is responsible for this expense.Additional resources may be necessary at the discretion of the City Manager or representative. 16. Users of City facilities or meeting rooms are fully responsible for any damages based on actual repair or replacement costs of facilities or equipment. 17. Room use must be under the direct supervision of the adult making the reservation or their designated representative as stated on the application and said individual must be present during the reservation. Reservations are not transferable to other groups. 18. Meetings are confined to the reserved meeting room,but may be transferred to a new room if it will accommodate the event at the City's discretion. 19. Per City of Denton Code of Ordinances Sec 22-32, consumption of alcohol beverages on public property is prohibited. 20. These rules and any facility specific rules are part of the agreement with the City; failure to abide by the policies and rules shall be grounds for immediate termination of the reservation and forfeiture of any associated rental fees at the sole discretion of the City.Non-enforcement by the City does not constitute a waiver of the City's rights under this contract. 21. Nails, thumbtacks, etc. must not be used to attach decorations to the structure or furnishings. Decorations may be used on tables only. No fire, flame, or candles are permitted. 22. Meeting room area set-up is the responsibility of the user and must be returned to the original configuration by the user when activities are completed. Tables will not be removed from the classrooms without approval from the City staff. 23. Any group or agency using City facilities and meeting rooms must provide its own materials,including copies of any materials that are required for its event. City materials and supplies will not be used unless authorized by City staff. 6/7/18 Page 4 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 2. Main City Hall Guidelines 2.1. Purpose The City Hall meeting rooms are for the primary purpose of meetings of City Council, Boards, Commissions,and staff. It is intended that these meeting rooms be used to the fullest extent for this primary purpose and then made available to other users. The City reserves the right to cancel any scheduled activity at any time that conflicts with the primary purpose of the meeting rooms. 2.2. Priority 1. Meetings of City Council; 2. Meetings of City Boards or Commissions; 3. Meetings of City sponsored or co-sponsored activities; 4. Meetings of City staff, 5. Uses requested by agencies or officials of local,county, state, or federal governments; and 6. Not-for-profit and civic organizations. 2.3. Use of City Hall meeting rooms are subject to the following guidelines in addition to Section 1.1 of this policy: 1. No refreshments shall be served in the City Council Chambers. 2. Meeting spaces are not available for use on City holidays. The rooms may be used between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. except for meetings of the City Council. 3. Requests for City Hall meeting rooms for social events will not be granted. 4. Events outside of regular business hours will require a building attendant be present. These events that require the City to pay an employee will be subject to a fee to cover the expense in accordance with fees listed in this section. Building attendants are not responsible for performing any personal services in conjunction with any activity or event. 5. Events requiring the use of audiovisual equipment outside of regular business hours will require a cable TV staff member to assist with the use of this equipment and will be subject to a fee in order to cover the City's expense in accordance with fees listed in this section. 6. Reservations for City Hall meeting rooms may be made up to six(6)months in advance of the event,but no less than fourteen(14) days of the date requested unless specific permission is granted. 2.4. Fees Schedule 6/7/18 Page 5 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 There will be no base fee to groups for using Main City Hall meeting rooms. There will be fees associated with additional expenses at the rates listed in Attachment C. Additional rates may apply. If a cable TV staff member must be present,he or she will act as the building attendant. 3. Public Library Guidelines 3.1. Purpose The library meeting rooms are for the primary purpose of library sponsored programs. It is intended that these meeting rooms be used to the fullest extent for this primary purpose and then made available to other users. The City reserves the right to cancel any scheduled activity at any time that conflicts with the primary purpose of the meeting rooms. 3.2. Priority 1. Library programs and staff; 2. City Boards and Commissions; 3. Meetings of City staff, 4. City sponsored or co-sponsored activities; 5. Uses requested by agencies or officials of local,county, state, or federal governments; 6. Not-for-profit and civic organizations; and 7. Other users with a valid reservation. 3.3. Use of public library meeting rooms are subject to the following guidelines in addition to Section 1.1 of this policy: 1. Meetings will normally be held during regular library business hours. Meetings must terminate 15 minutes before closing time or at the request of the designated staff member. Exceptions will be made for election activities. 2. Alcoholic beverages may be permitted in the facility on rare occasions with prior permissions from the Library Director. 3. All paper goods, food and drink items, including coffee, and the contents of the refrigerator are strictly for library program use. The group or organization may use appliances but are responsible for all paper goods and refreshment items. 4. Audiovisual equipment may be available at some locations. Arrangements to use equipment must be made in advance, at the time of the request for use of a meeting room.Available equipment is listed in Attachment A. A group may use its own equipment. 5. The library staff shall be consulted prior to moving library furnishings in meeting room areas. 6/7/18 Page 6 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 6. The library will not store property or equipment for a group prior to the meeting without arrangements made in advance and will not be held responsible for any property or equipment left after the conclusion of any reservation. 7. Organizations may collect donations to cover incidental expenses connected to the reserved meeting only,but may not solicit donations or make sales unless it is in coordination with a library sponsored program or event. 8. Requests for Library meeting rooms for social events will not be granted. 9. Reservations for Library meeting rooms may be made up to one(1)year in advance of the event,but no less than three(3)calendar days of the date requested unless specific permission is granted. 3.4. Fees Schedule There will be no base fee to groups for using library meeting rooms. There will be fees associated with additional expenses at the rates listed in Attachment C. Additional rates may apply. 4. Fire Department Guidelines 4.1. Purpose The Fire Department meeting rooms are for the primary purpose of Fire Department activities. It is intended that these meeting rooms be used to the fullest extent for this primary purpose and then made available to other users. The City reserves the right to cancel any scheduled activity at any time that conflicts with the primary purpose of the meeting rooms. 4.2. Priority 1. Fire Department programs and staff, 2. City Boards and Commission meetings; 3. Meetings of City staff; 4. City sponsored or co-sponsored activities; 5. Uses requested by agencies or officials of local,county, state, or federal governments; and 6. Not-for-profit and civic organizations. 4.3. Use of Fire Department meeting rooms are subject to the following guidelines in addition to Section 1.1 of this policy: 1. Requests for Fire Department meeting rooms for social events will not be granted. 2. Audiovisual equipment may be available at some locations. Arrangements to use equipment must be made in advance, at the time of the request for use of a meeting room.Available equipment is listed in Attachment A. A group may use its own equipment. 3. Meeting spaces are not available for use on City holidays. The rooms may be used between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. In the event that the Emergency 6/7/18 Page 7 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 Operations Center is needed,Fire Department staff will notify the users and they will be required to exit the room. 4. The Fire Department will not store property or equipment for a group prior to the meeting without arrangements made in advance and will not be held responsible for any property or equipment left after the conclusion of any reservation. 5. Food and drink will not be allowed in Fire Department meeting rooms. 4.4. Fees Schedule There will be no base fee to groups for using Fire Department meeting rooms. There will be fees associated with additional expenses at the rates listed in Attachment C. Additional rates may apply. 5. Police Training Center Guidelines 5.1. Purpose The Police Training Center meeting rooms are for the primary purpose of law enforcement training activities. It is intended that these meeting rooms be used to the fullest extent for this primary purpose and then made available to other users. The City reserves the right to cancel any scheduled activity at any time that conflicts with the primary purpose of the meeting rooms. 5.2. Priority 1. City law enforcement training programs; 2. Non-City law enforcement training programs; 3. Police Department programs and staff; 4. Uses requested by agencies or officials of local,county, state, or federal governments; 5. City Boards and Commission meetings; 6. Meetings of City staff, 7. City sponsored or co-sponsored activities; 8. Not-for-profit and civic organizations; and 9. Other users with a valid reservation. 5.3. Use of Police Training Center meeting rooms are subject to the following guidelines in addition to Section 1.1 of this policy: 1. Users may access training areas for prior set-up or storage of materials only if such access is arranged with training center staff. The staff is not responsible for any training materials or other property stored prior to an event. 2. Classrooms or other training areas will not be used for social gatherings or similar functions not related to the business of the Police Department or training center. 6/7/18 Page 8 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 5.4. Fees Schedule There will be base fee to groups for using Police Training Center meeting rooms as listed in Attachment C. There will be no fee for internal City use and not-for-profit and civic organizations. Fees may be substituted for training provided for the City. Additional rates may apply. 6. Parks Facilities Guidelines 6.1. Purpose The Parks and Recreation facilities,not including the parks, are for the primary purpose of recreation programs, social, and community activities. It is intended that these meeting rooms be used to the fullest extent for this primary purpose and then made available to other users. The City reserves the right to cancel any scheduled activity at any time that conflicts with the primary purpose of the meeting rooms. 6.2. Priority 1. Parks Department programs and staff, 2. Community building rentals; 3. City sponsored or co-sponsored activities; 4. City Boards and Commission meetings; 5. Meetings of City staff, 6. Uses requested by agencies or officials of local, county, state, or federal governments; 7. Not-for-profit and civic organizations; and 8. Other users with valid reservations. 6.3. Use of Parks facilities are subject to the following guidelines in addition to Section 1.1 of this policy: 1. General elections and emergency shelter use will take precedent over all other functions of the facilities. Reservations that conflict with these events will be cancelled. 2. Rental requests with less than 4 weeks' notice will be approved based on staff availability and cannot be guaranteed. 3. Rental cancellations must be submitted in person. Cancellations made less than 4 weeks before the scheduled rental will forfeit its deposit. Cancellations made with less than 2 weeks' notice will forfeit 100%of room rental fees. 4. Rental deposits will be refunded per the following terms: • Cancellations are made 4 weeks or more before the scheduled rental date or the rental occurs; • If the rental occurs,the payment for such rental was made in full; • No damage to the facility or other breach of facility rental contract occurs; 6/7/18 Page 9 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 • If paid by cash, check, or money order, a refund check will be mailed within 30 days from rental completion or cancellation; and • If paid by credit or debit card,within 7 business days of rental completion or cancellation,user will receive a call from Parks Administration staff to process the refund back to its card.Business days do not include weekends. 5. All rentals must be concluded prior to 12 a.m. 6. Depending on rental size,number of rooms being used, and time of day,rentals may require additional staffing. See Attachment C for fees associated with building attendants. 7. The Parks and Recreation Department(PARD)reserves the right to cancel use of the facility at the sole discretion of the City. If cancellation is initiated by PARD, staff will secure an alternate site,if one is available. If an alternative site is not available, lessee may reschedule or receive a full refund. 8. Rentals for events that are open to the public will require a certificate of general liability insurance to be kept on file with the signed rental agreement. General liability insurance must cover a minimum of$500,000 per occurrence,name the City of Denton as an Additional Insured, and shall be subject to approval by the City. 9. Youth functions (under 18 years)require two adult chaperones(21 or over)for the rentals of 1 -50 youth. One additional chaperone is required per every 50 additional youth. Chaperones must be present when the event starts and may not leave the event until the event is completed and all youth have been picked up. At the center supervisor's discretion and in addition to chaperones and staff,youth functions will require two police officers for the duration of the rental plus one additional hour following the rental. See Attachment C for fees associated with police officers. To schedule an officer please contact the Police Department non- emergency line at 940-349-8181. 10. If reservation extends beyond lessee's designated time, additional charges will be assessed. 11. The recreation facilities are available for private reservation by individuals or organizations for recreation purposes only. If the user intends to charge admission fees,raise funds, charge enrollment fees(for example camps, clinics,and programs), sell food or merchandise,or collect information for future sales, authorization by PARD must be obtained and a vendor permit purchased and signed two business days prior to the rental. Permits may be applied for at the Civic Center. If the vendor will be selling food, a health permit must be obtained by the vendor from the Building Inspections Department by calling(940) 349-8360.Vendor permits will not be sold without first showing a valid health permit(if applicable). All permits must be displayed at the point of sale. For events with multiple vendors(i.e. networking events,vendor fairs,etc.) each vendor will be required to obtain its own permit. The User will be responsible for any vendor on site that does not have the 6/7/18 Page 10 of 10 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE(Continued) TITLE: USE OF CITY FA CILITIES AND MEETING ROOMS REFERENCE NUMBER: 500.06 proper paperwork and will be subject to City of Denton fines for not having proper documentation. 12. No storage of equipment will be available on-site. 13. No food or drinks are permitted in any gymnasium or game room area. If a gymnasium rental requires the set-up of equipment(volleyball,ping pong,pickle ball, etc.),user will be charged for staff to setup and take down at the building attendant rate. See Attachment C for building attendant fees. 14. Decorations must be authorized and meet all fire codes. 15. Open flames, smoke/fog machines are not allowed. Chafing dishes/sternos are permissible. 16. All trash must be put in plastic bags and placed in the dumpster. 17. Center bounce houses are for PARD programs and hosted birthday parties only. Outside bounce houses are not permitted for use inside the facility for any reason. If the user desires a bounce house, it must be set-up outside. 18. Users are responsible for bringing their own audio and/or sound equipment. The center will not provide this equipment. 19. A limited number of tables and chairs are available for use. Consult with center staff prior to the event for the inventory available. Users are responsible for setting up and taking down tables and chairs and returning them to table/chair carts. 6.4. Fees Schedule There will be a fee to groups for using Parks facilities and meeting rooms. City co- sponsored events will not be charged for the use of Parks facilities. Fees for facility and room rentals are listed on the PARD website, as well as the Park's Fee Ordinance. Additional fees are listed below in Attachment C A$100 refundable deposit is due upon booking. The remaining rental balance is due 4 weeks prior to the scheduled rental date. Rentals scheduled with less than 4 weeks' notice will require payment in full upon booking. Additional rates may apply. 6/7/18 Attachment A Meeting Rooms Building Room Name Contact Name Contact Phone Contact Email Location Capacity Details Fees Main City Hall City Hall Conference Room Robin Fox 940-349-8288 Robin.Fox@citvofdenton.com 215 E.McKinney Street 26 A/V,P,TV,C N Main City Hall Council Chambers Robin Fox 940-349-8288 Robin.Fox@citvofdenton.com 215 E.McKinney Street 114 A/V,TV,O,DC,C N Main City Hall Council Work Session Room Robin Fox 940-349-8288 Robin.Fox@citvofdenton.com 215 E.McKinney Street 37 A/V,O,C N Airport Airport Conference Room Julie Mullins 940-349-7736 Julie.Mullins@citvofdenton.com 5000 Airport Road 40 A/V,S,P N Central Fire Station Fire EOC Training Room Fire Department 940-349-8840 Tammy.Peal@citvofdenton.com 332 E.Hickory Street 58 A/V,C,0 N Central Fire Station Ops Conference Room Fire Department 940-349-8840 Tammv.Peal@citvofdenton.com 332 E.Hickory Street 20 A/V,C,0 N Fire Station 7 Community Room Fire Department 940-349-8840 Tammv.Peal@citvofdenton.com 4201 Vintage Blvd 25 A/V,C,0 N Emily Fowler Central Library Meeting Room Dawn Terrizzi 940-349-8774 Dawn.Terrizzi@citvofdenton.com 502 Oakland Street 82 A/V,0 N North Branch Library Meeting Room Carmen Grant 940-349-8778 Carmen.Grant@citvofdenton.com 3020 N.Locust Street 100 A/V,0 N South Branch Library Meeting Room Fred Kamman 940-349-8726 Fred.Kamman@citvofdenton.com 3228 Teasley Lane 88 A/V,0 N South Branch Library Conference Room Fred Kamman 940-349-8726 Fred.Kamman@citvofdenton.com 3228 Teasley Lane 15 N Denton Civic Center Meeting Room 1-Community Room Melissa Smart 940-349-8735 Melissa.Smart@cityofdenton.com 321 E.McKinney Street 20 A/V,S,C,K Y Denton Civic Center Meeting Room 2-Back of Civic Center Melissa Smart 940-349-8735 Melissa.Smart@cityofdenton.com 321 E.McKinney Street 50 K Y North Lakes Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room A Megan Thomas 940-349-7752 Megan.Thomas@citvofdenton.com 2001 W.Windsor Drive 50 Y North Lakes Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room B Megan Thomas 940-349-7752 Megan.Thomas@citvofdenton.com 2001 W.Windsor Drive 25 0 Y MLK Jr.Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room Bobby Givens 940-349-8576 Bobby.Givens@citvofdenton.com 1300 Wilson Street 250 O,K Y North Lakes Recreation Center Game Room Megan Thomas 940-349-7752 Megan.Thomas@citvofdenton.com 1300 Wilson Street 45 Y North Lakes Recreation Center Meeting Room Megan Thomas 940-349-7752 Meaan.Thomas@citvofdenton.com 1300 Wilson Street 40 Y North Lakes Recreation Center Craft Room Megan Thomas 940-349-7752 Megan.Thomas@citvofdenton.com 1300 Wilson Street 20 Y Denia Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room A Robbie Johnson 940-349-8578 Robbie.Johnson@citvofdenton.com 1001 Parvin Street 25 Y Denia Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room B Robbie Johnson 940-349-8578 Robbie.Johnson@citvofdenton.com 1001 Parvin Street 50 Y Denia Recreation Center Multi-Puropose Room C Robbie Johnson 940-349-8578 Robbie.Johnson@citvofdenton.com 1001 Parvin Street 25 Y Denia Recreation Center Game Room Robbie Johnson 940-349-8578 Robbie.Johnson@citvofdenton.com 1001 Parvin Street 30 Y Denton Senior Center Multi-Puropose Room C Jane Riddle 940-349-8722 Jane.Riddle@citvofdenton.com 509 N.Bell Avenue 150 O,T,C,K Y Denton Senior Center Orange Room Jane Riddle 940-349-8722 Jane.Riddle@citvofdenton.com 509 N.Bell Avenue 40 T.K Y Denton Senior Center Blue Room Jane Riddle 940-349-8722 Jane.Riddle@citvofdenton.com 509 N.Bell Avenue 40 O,T,C,K Y Denton Senior Center Conference Room Jane Riddle 940-349-8722 Jane.Riddle@citvofdenton.com 509 N.Bell Avenue 8 T,K Y Public Safety Training Center Classroom A Paul Willenbrock 940-349-7927 Paul.willenbrock@citvofdenton.com 719 E.Hickory 32 A/V,S,C,DC,0 Y Public Safety Training Center Classroom B Paul Willenbrock 940-349-7927 Paul.willenbrock@citvofdenton.com 719 E.Hickory 32 A/V,S,C,DC,0 Y Public Safety Training Center Classroom C Paul Willenbrock 940-349-7927 Paul.willenbrock@citvofdenton.com 719 E.Hickory 50 A/V,S,C,DC,0 Y Public Safety Training Center Classroom D Paul Willenbrock 940-349-7927 Paul.willenbrock@citvofdenton.com 719 E.Hickory SO A/V,S,C,DC,0 ly S=Smartboard P=Phone DC=Document Camera 0=overhead projector A/V=audio visual C=Computer Access TV=Television K=Kitchen Facilities Attachment B APPLICATION FOR USE OF CITY OF DENTON MEETING ROOM DENTON Name of Meeting Room Requested: Organization: Person Completing Application: Mailing Address: Telephone: Email: Purpose of Meeting: Meeting Date(s): Beginning and ending time for room reservation(Please include room set up and clean up time): Estimated Attendance: Beginning and ending time of actual meeting: Will this meeting be advertised to the public? O Yes O No If yes,where?: Will refreshments be provided(if allowed in reserved room)? O Yes O No Organizations are responsible for bringing their own paper goods,serving ware,and refreshments. We,the Organization,have requested the use of the following items in advance of the requested meeting date: O Digital Projector O Audio/Visual Equipment O Computer Access O Kitchen Facilities O Phone O Document Camera Fees: The undersigned agrees on behalf of the above-named organization to be financially responsible for any damage or loss sustained to City of Denton property while being used by the organization,to all rules and regulations set forth in the City of Denton Policy 500.06,and to return the room to the original condition.The undersigned also agrees to pay the above fee for building attendant/Cable TV staff member if applicable. Additionally,if applicable,the undersigned agrees to provide evidence of general liability insurance in the amount of$500,000 naming the City of Denton as an Additional Insured. I,as the Organization's designee,agree to abide by the above stipulations. Signature ofperson accepting responsibility for the equipment Date O Reservation Confirmed O Disapproved City Representative: Date: Attachment C Facility and Meeting Room Fee Schedule Type of Fee Rate Building Attendant $50 per hour(2 hour minimum) Cable TV Staff Member $50 per hour(2 hour minimum) Police Officer City cost(Base pay plus overtime) Parks Building Attendant (Section 6.4) $14 per hour Police Training Center Rental Rate Classroom -$100.00/Per eight (8) hour day—The user gets access to one classroom and related equipment, but must provide its own classroom materials (handouts,tests, class materials). Defensive Tactics Room -$150.00/Per eight (8) hour day—The user gets access to the padded Defensive Tactics Room but must provide its own striking pads, batons, and safety equipment, as necessary. Tactical Simulation Area (moveable wall)—$150.00/Per eight(8) hour day—The user gets access to the moveable wall simulation area for force on force training(marking cartridges), building search/active shooter training, crime scene training, etc. This does not include any Simunition (or other brand) marking cartridges,weapons kits, or safety equipment. This is also dependent on an agency instructor attending a fifteen (15) minute training/safety briefing on the use of the area. Driving Simulators-$200.00/Per eight (8) hour day—The user gets access to the Driving Simulators and necessary equipment/supplies.This option is dependent on the user having an instructor trained on how to operate the driving simulator by a Police Department instructor or by FAAC incorporated. Force Simulator-$200.00/Per eight (8) hour day—The user gets access to the Use of Force Simulator and necessary equipment/supplies.This option is dependent on the user having an instructor trained on how to operate the force simulator by a Police Department instructor or by VirTra. Operator Option for Driving Simulator or Force Simulator-$100.00/Per eight (8) hour day- For this fee, Police Department will provide an equipment operator for the driving or force simulator.The user must still provide an instructor for its policies,Standard Operating Procedures, and class instruction. Date: June 8,2018 Report No. 2018-069 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide an update on the Denton Back to School Fair planned for Saturday, August 11, 2018. BACKGROUND: A collaboration of community organizations have joined together to provide a city-wide Denton Back to School Fair event to provide students and families with the resources and supplies they need to have a confident and healthy start to the school year. Last year,there were 3 separate back- to-school events held in the City that provided school supplies and resources. In 2017, there was: 1. The Appleyard Tree Project Back to School fair organized by Interfaith Ministries and held at Calhoun Middle School. 2. The Good Start Back to School event organized by Health Services of North Texas and held at Immaculate Conception. 3. The City of Denton Back to School fair organized by the Denton Police Department and held at the Civic Center. The above organizations met in March 2018 to discuss consolidation of the events with the goal to maximize resources available to students and families and reduce the duplication of efforts. There was consensus to proceed with one event realizing the benefit it could serve to the community. The United Way of Denton County has taken the lead to coordinate amongst the participating organizations. The group recently learned of and reached out to additional organizers that were involved in planning the Civic Center event last year, which was held at the MLK Recreation Center in years prior, to request their assistance in planning and outreach. The participation and assistance of all community partners are important to make this event a success. DISCUSSION: The group has met over the last few weeks to determine logistics, location,registration,marketing, donations, supplies, health and social service vendors on-site, volunteers, and so forth. The group reviewed and discussed a few facility options that could hold over 3,000 students and their families in one day. The location of Denton Bible Church (2300 E. University Drive) was selected by the group due to it being able to hold the anticipated large attendance of the event entirely indoors (to avoid wait lines outside in the August heat),very minimal costs required to use the facility, ability for the site to handle anticipated traffic volume, and having some public transportation options available nearby. The event will help equip families in need for the start of a new school year by providing free backpacks and school supplies, providing access to resources through a community and health services fair with various vendors present that provide service to children and families, and offer haircuts and vision screenings. It is estimated, based upon past attendance at the back to school events, that 3,000 students could attend the event this year. Date: June 8,2018 Report No. 2018-069 Families can register students online at the Denton Back to School Fair website by visiting https://dentonbacktoschool.or2/. A registration form must be submitted for each child. Information on the fair has been distributed by Denton ISD to students and families and additional communications, marketing, and outreach will take place over the next few weeks. The group is working together to collect donations for backpacks and school supplies. Individuals, non-profits, and businesses can give to the event by visiting https:Hdentonbacktoschool.org/ and clicking on "Help a Student". The United Way of Denton County is acting as fiscal agent for the event. CONCLUSION: Additional marketing and communications for the event will be distributed throughout the months of June and July from the City, United Way of Denton County, and participating organizations. ATTACHMENT(S): Denton Back to School Flyer STAFF CONTACT: Sarah Kuechler Director of Public Affairs (940) 349-8356 sarah.kuechlerkcityofdenton.com DENTON Saturday, August lith Backtt? 8:oo am - 3:00 pm Schooldentonbacktoschool.org - - FAIR r .� �6 Register your student Re9is�ation isNow Your student will receive FREE backpacks and school supplies, FREE haircuts (by appointment) and FREE vision screenings Buy supplies for a student in need Your gift of school supplies and backpacks will give families a �#ao hand up as they prepare for going back to school. Please consider giving to support one or more students. It's quick and t easy through the dentonbacktoschool.org website under B "Help A Student." It will take all of us working together to meet the need. Visit dentonbacktoschool.org to register and support 15rDR8kt to A Pa,f Aq—y of 1 LIVE UNITED 'jA WWI lit:\"t'OY HEALTH SERVICES I ( C'a I x t e —UI NORTH TEX\S M United Way I DENTON —N�� H u R c l-I Medical Care for You V I of Denton County,Inc. Interfaith inistri. Apple Tree Projeu Date: June 8,2018 Report No. 2018-070 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Report on active contracts on the City's website and associated change orders that have been executed. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the June 4, 2018 City Council meeting, Council Member Meltzer requested a report be made available on the City website detailing active contracts along with change order information. The purpose of this informal staff report is to provide information about the change order process and on-going efforts to report active contracts with change order information. The City enters into numerous contract types, including but not limited to,procurement, leases, memorandums of understanding, and temporary easements. Procurement contracts are published on the City website to create transparency with citizens, vendors, and other agencies. The website includes contracts awarded by City Council and small contracts executed by Procurement staff. Currently, there is no centralized storage of all contracts and change orders. Each department manages their contracts separately and Materials Management monitors contract expiration, value, and not to exceed amounts manually. Change orders are stored with each contract and managed individually, added to the contract file as departments request modifications. The City is working on a centralized contract management solution. Newly purchased contract management software will house all contracts and change orders. The software will also interface with the City's financial software, assisting in managing the contract not to exceed amount, contract expiration, and obligations of the contractor and the City. The new software is currently in the early stages of development, with a planned implementation in October 2018. In the interim, Technology Services is reviewing the information available in the financial software to identify change orders for construction projects. The report would review modifications to the purchase order showing an increase or decrease in contract value. The report would not identify change orders that did not result in a contract value change. BACKGROUND: Contract change orders occur due to modifications to the scope of work or changes in the products or services needed during the contract term. Change orders for goods and services are tracked on a change order log and stored with the corresponding contract. These types of change orders seldom result in an increase in the contract's total not to exceed value. Date: June 8,2018 Report No. 2018-070 Construction change orders may be the result of a change in project plans or materials needed. These change orders are signed by the contractor, architect/engineer, project manager, and the City's authorized agent. The authorized agent is the Purchasing Manager or City Manager, depending on the individual or cumulative change order value. Construction change orders may not result in an overall price change, but often involve purchase order price changes. CONCLUSION: The City is working towards a centralized contract management solution for all contracts and change orders. Software will provide an overview of all contract types, values, terms, and change orders. The new software will also manage contract spend and not-to-exceed contract totals. Implementation is planned for October 2018 and will include all future contracts. STAFF CONTACT: Cassey Ogden Director of Procurement& Compliance (940) 349-7195 Cassandra.Ogden@cityofdenton.com Revision Date 06/08/18 Council Re uests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Information on cost determination for curb rate vs drop- 6/5/17 Cox Consultant has been hired and started off rate at landfill work on a cost of service study. A presentation to Council is expected in July. 2. Work session on HOT funds and potential uses (historic 2/27/18 Puente A work session is scheduled for June preservation, public art, cultural district, etc.) and 12. administration of sponsorships 3. Search for"smoking"in Code of Ordinances and ensure 4/17/18 Rosendahl An ordinance is being prepared for consistency with new ordinance (look at 22.31(13) and June 19 Council meeting. 22.31 1 4. Work session on increasing the homestead exemption 4/24/18 Puente A work session will be held on June 12 with overall budget update. 5. TWU master plan and how trees are impacted; Can trees 5/1/18 McDonald TWU will give a brief presentation on be saved and protected; next steps their Master Plan at the June 26 work session. 6. ISR on leaf trucks (potential use and budget) 5/8/18 Cox Staff is researching and expect to have an ISR prepared by June 29. 7. Inquiry when FS4 ribbon cutting will be held and when 5/8/18 Hedges Scheduled dedication for Friday June Medic 4 will be operational 22 at loam. 8. Work session on downtown and homelessness, review 3/20/18 and Kuechler/Shaw A work session will be scheduled for of options to address shortfall of emergency housing 5/15/18 July. before winter comes, set numerical goals and timing targets. 9. Work session on proposed permitting processes for 5/15/18 McDonald Staff is developing an informal staff businesses under the new DDC. Benchmark against report. other similar cities such as Carrollton or McKinney. 10. Work session on zoning map and processes/procedures 5/15/18 McDonald Being worked on with the for consistency of developing districts Development Code Review Committee. 11. Work session on Council appointed ad hoc committees 5/22/18 Leal A work session will be scheduled for and adherence to TOMA August. 12. Work session on current uses of the Downtown 6/4/18 Booth/Puente A work session is planned for July 17. Reinvestment Grant Fund and discuss potentially expanding uses of this fund Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 13. Information on the current use of the old Keep Denton 6/4/18 Packan Information is provided in the Friday Beautiful Building? Could the facility potentially be June 8 report. used as a Teen Center? 14. ISR on the costs associated with administration of 6/4/18 PackanBehrens Information is provided in the Friday Denton's Teen Council. Share cost information with June 8 report. other cities that feed into DISD 15. List of active city contracts and change order 6/4/18 Ogden An ISR is in the Friday June 8 report. information on the Ci 's website 16. Develop a master plan and/or implement design 6/4/18 McDonald/Booth guidelines for the PEC 4 area that will complement the design guidelines for the square. 17. Information on what electric rates would be if we did 6/4/18 Morrow Staff will be providing this information not have the DEC and how the DEC impacts rates in late June or early July. 18. Enhance marketing efforts at the ReUse Store, 6/5/18 Cox/Rogers Information is provided in the Friday particularly for the resale of paint. Provide information June 8 report. on if we have a paint mixer and the size of the mixer. 19. Find and distribute the staff report that was prepared a 6/5/18 Wood few years ago that discusses regulations for tables and chairs in the right-of-way. 20. Information on the Monarch City USA designation. 6/5/18 Barnett 21. ISR on the Back to School event, including an overview 6/5/18 Kuechler An ISR is in the Friday June 8 report. of the changes made and how those changes were communicated. 22. Make individual video segments available for 6/5/18 Rogers Staff is researching. Information will proclamations so groups recognized at Council be provided in the June 15 Friday Meetings can easily access their portion of the meeting. report. 23. Information on the feasibility of consolidating elections 6/5/18 Walters Information is provided in the Friday to reduce voter fatigue. June 8 report. Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday,June 19,2018 2:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on the agenda for June 19,2018. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 18-646 Receive a report, hold a discussion and give staff direction regarding capital improvements to downtown Mews Streets(Pecan,Austin,Walnut,and Cedar). B. ID 18-862 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the City's guidelines for public improvement districts. C. ID 18-897 Receive a report; hold a discussion, and receive departmental presentations in preparation for the FY 2018-19 Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five Year Financial Forecast. NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. Regular Meeting of the City of Denton City Council at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas, one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. Page 1 Printed on 61812018 City Council Meeting Agenda June 19,2018 B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda permits any person not registered for a citizen report to make comments regarding public business on items not listed on the agenda. This is limited to two speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) shall have filed a"Blue Card"requesting to speak during this period prior to the calling of this agenda item. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by the Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — J). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, Consent Agenda Items A — J below will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 18-423 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home rule municipal corporation ("City"), approving a real estate exchange and abandonment agreement ("Agreement") between the City and Warehouser of Denton, L.P., a Texas limited partnership ("Warehouser"), Carroll Court Properties, L.P., a Texas limited partnership ("Carroll Court"), and Tim Beaty ("Beaty"), for the abandonment, vacation, and conveyance to Warehouser by the City of a 0.039 acre right-of-way tract, and for the abandonment, vacation, and conveyance to Carroll Court of a 0.061 acre right-of-way tract all in exchange for conveyance from Warehouser of (I) a 0.038 acre fee tract, and (11) a 0.005 acre sidewalk and utility easement, and the conveyance by Warehouser and Tim Beaty to the City of a 0.06 acre temporary pedestrian access easement, all tracts situated in the H. Cisco Survey, Abstract No. 1184, City of Denton, Denton County, Texas, authorizing the City Manager in accordance with Local Government Code 272.001(B)(3) to execute the Agreement; and providing a severability clause and effective date. (400 block East Oak Street-partial right-of-way abandonment) B. ID 18-684 Consider approval of a resolution specifying its intent to designate a location at the Denton Enterprise Airport for the siting of a future Fire Station; updating the Airport Layout Plan; and providing an effective date. The Council Airport Committee recommends approval Page 2 Printed on 61812018 City Council Meeting Agenda June 19, 2018 (2-0)and the Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(6-0). C. ID 18-849 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, approving the sale of Tract 3, an approximate 1.9126 acre of land, Abstract No. 775, City of Denton, Denton County, Texas, to the successful bidder, Zimmerer Real Properties, LLP, a Texas Limited Liability Partnership, for the total consideration of $154,379.79; authorizing the City Manager in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 253.001 to execute a deed to Zimmerer Real Properties, LLP, together with any other documents necessary to sell and convey said real property; and providing an effective date (Bid 6735 - Sale of Real Property located at 2910 E. University Drive in the amount of$154,379.79) D. ID 18-856 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a second amendment to a professional services agreement between the City of Denton and D&S Engineering Labs for the construction of Cell 3B, C, D and associated site improvements for the City of Denton Landfill; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6508- second amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $29,648.95 for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $129,548.95). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). E. ID 18-891 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, nunc pro tunc, correcting inadvertent mistakes in Section 2(a)(21) of Ordinance No. 2015-121 relating to the prohibition of smoking near a street-front main entrance and amending Chapter 22, Article II, Park Rules, Section 22-31(13) and Section 22-31.1 to provide for clarification of smoking in parks within the City of Denton; providing for a severability clause, savings clause, and an effective date. F. ID 18-927 Consider approval of the minutes of May 1,May 7,May 8,May 15, and May 22,2018. G. ID 18-938 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for the supply of Underground Utility Line Locating Services for the City of Denton to USIC Locating Services, LLC; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6736- awarded to USIC Locating Services, LLC, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $1,200,000). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval H. ID 18-943 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Burgess and Niple, Inc. for Design Services of the Morse Street Loop 288 to Mayhill Road street improvement as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-009- Professional Services Agreement for design services awarded to Burgess and Niple, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $250,000). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). 1. ID 18-962 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule Page 3 Printed on 61812018 City Council Meeting Agenda June 19,2018 municipal corporation, accepting competitive proposals and awarding a public works contract for the removal of existing asphalt shingles and installation of standing seam metal roof panels on various park structures including restrooms, concessions, and pavilions; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6766-awarded to Concord Commercial Services, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $310,346.40). J. ID 18-971 Consider adoption of an ordinance partially releasing, abandoning and vacating a 0.333 acre public utility easement granted to the City of Denton by Bel Air Development, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, on May 28, 2003 and recorded as instrument no. 2003-083075 in the Real Property records of Denton County, Texas and partially releasing, abandoning and vacating a 1.459 acre public drainage easement granted to the City of Denton by Bel Air Development, LTD., a Texas Limited Partnership on May 28, 2003 and recorded as instrument NO. 2003-083076 in Real Property records of Denton County,Texas;providing for severability and an effective date. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 18-915 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing a development agreement between the City of Denton and Marker Stone Realty Partners 1, LLC and Marker Stone Realty Partners 11, LLC; providing for acquisition of necessary property interest, installment of critical infrastructure, and provision of electrical services; authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement, and providing for an effective date. (Evers Way and Beall Way Additions) B. ID 18-940 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Nelson + Morgan Architects, Inc. for Architectural Design Services for renovation of Service Center and 651 Mayhill as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6748- Professional Services Agreement for Architectural Design Services awarded to Nelson + Morgan Architects, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $918,402.53). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). C. ID 18-958 Consider nominations for appointment to the City's Board of Ethics. D. ID 18-970 Consider a nomination to the Public Art Committee from the Greater Denton Arts Council. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. A18-0001c Conduct the second of two public hearings for a voluntary annexation of approximately 47.466 acres of land generally located on the south side of E. Ryan Road, east of the intersection of E. Ryan Road and Andrew Avenue by the City of Denton, Texas. (A18-0001,Creekside,Cindy Jackson) B. Z18-0006c Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance to rezone approximately 1.33 acres from a Downtown Residential 1 (DR-1) to a Downtown Commercial General (DC-G) District. The property is generally located south of Underwood Street along Page 4 Printed on 61812018 City Council Meeting Agenda June 19,2018 Avenue A, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing a severability clause and an effective date. (Z18-0006, Fire Station 3,Hayley Zagurski). 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2018 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 5 Printed on 61812018 pop" June 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Iliursday Friday Saturday 1 2 11:00 Development Code Review 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:00am Council 10:30am Committee on 4 p.m. Public Art Cancelled 11:00 Luncheon Citizen Engagement Committee Development Code 1:30pm Committee on Review the Environment 12:OOpm CC Work 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session Commission 6:30pm CC Regular Park Board 6pm Session 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:OOam Public Utilities 11:OOam 2nd Tuesday 11:OOam EDP Board Board Session 1:30pm Development 12:OOpm Committee Code Review 5:30pm HLC on the Environment S:OOpm P&ZWork Se ssion 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2:00 pm CC Work 11:30am Mobility HOTCommittee 9-12 11:00 Development Session Committee Code Review 6:30 pm CC Regular HaBSCo Meeting Session 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:OOpm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday S:OOpm P&ZWork 11:00 Development Board Session Session Code Review 6:30pm P&ZRegular 4:00 pm ZBA Session 6/8/2018 10:34 AM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No Council Luncheon No Council Meeting 41h of July - 4 p.m. Public Art 11.00 Development 1:30pm Committee on Code Review the Fnvironment City Holiday Committee 5:3 0p m Traffic Sa fe ty Commission Park Board 6pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00am Public Utilities No Council Meeting 11:00am EDP Board 11:00 Development Board Code Review 5:00pm P&Z Work 5:30pm HLC Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2:00 pm CC Work 11:30am Mobility HaBSCo Meeting 11:00 Development Session Committee Code Review 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday 12:00 Downtown TF 11:00 Development Board Session Code Review 5:00pm P&ZWork Se ssio n 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 29 30 31 No Council Meeting 4:00pm7BA 6/8/2018 10:34 AM 6/06/18 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pending Council items and is subject to Chan a without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item June 12—2 Id Tuesday Session Captions—May 25 USCM, Boston, 6/8-6/11 Backup—June 8 WS—Department Budget Presentations WS—HOT/sponsorship discussion WS— Small Area Plan discussion WS—Radio System Update CS —TWU contract agreement June 19—Work/Regular Session Captions—June 4 TCMA, Galveston, 6/21-24 Backup—June 15 WS—Department Budget Presentations WS—PID Guidelines WS—RFQ Development Services WS—Mews Street discussion IC—Design contract Service Center/651 Mayhill IC—Nominations to the Board of Ethics June 26—4t Tuesday Session Captions—June 11 IC—Canvass runoff election/oath of office (do first before Backup—June 22 meeting WS—Department Budget Presentations WS—Tree discussion WS—TWU Master Plan discussion WS—Industrial Street park design concept WS—City Hall West update WS—Discussion -using tree funds for irrigating trees in medians IC—Nominations to the Board of Ethics Jul 2—No Luncheon Jul 3 —No Meeting July 4th holiday observed—City Offices closed July 10—No Meeting July 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 2 WS—2nd Preliminary Budget Discussion Backup—July 13 WS—Department Budget Presentations WS—Downtown Reinvestment Grant IC—EDP Board nominating committee July 24—4t Tuesday Session Captions—July 9 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—July 20 WS—Chamber ED contract July 31 —No Meeting August 2—Budget Workshop Captions—July 16 Backup—July 27 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item August 6—Luncheon Captions—July 23 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—August 2 August 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 23 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—August 3 WS—Budget Workshop August 14—2° Tuesday Session Captions—July 30 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—Au ust 10 August 21 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 6 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—August 17 IC—Chamber ED contract August 28 —4t Tuesday Session Captions—August 13 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—August 24 PH— 1 st Public Hearing on the Tax Rate September 3 —No Luncheon Labor Day holiday September 4—No Meeting September I I—Special Called Work/Regular Captions—August 27 WS—Budget Workshop Session Backup— September 7 PH—2nd Public Hearing on the Tax Rate PH—Public Hearing on the Budget September 18 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 31 WS—Budget Workshop Backup— September 14 IC—Adoption of Budget September 25 —4t Tuesday Session Captions— September 10 ICMA—9/22-26, Baltimore Backup— September 21 October 1 —Luncheon Captions— September 17 Backup— September 27 October 2—No Meeting National Night Out October 9—2 ndTuesday Meeting Captions— September 24 TML, Fort Worth, 10/9-10/12 Backup—October 5 October 16—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 1 Backup—October 12 October 23 —4t Tuesday Session Captions—October 8 WS— Stoke annual report Backup—October 19 October 30—No Meeting November 5 —Luncheon Captions—October 22 Backup—November 1 November 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 22 NLC, Los Angeles, 11/7-11/10 Backup—November 2 IC—Stoke contract renewal November 13 —2n Tuesday Session Captions—October 29 Backup—November 9 November 20—No Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 11/22-23 November 27—41 Tuesday Session Captions—November 12 Backup—November 21 Tentative-Based on Need CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item December 3 —Luncheon Captions—November 19 Backup—November 29 December 4—Work/Regular Session Captions—November 19 Backup—November 30 December 11 —2"d Tuesday Session Captions—November 26 Backup—December 7 December 18—Work/Regular Session Captions—December 3 Backup—December 14 1 Tentative-Based on Need December 25 —No Meeting Christmas Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 12/24-25 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report IMPROVING CITY t I OF E - DEN DENTON Week of June 11-17, 2018 Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Major Closures Cobblestone North Dead Street Reconstruction Ashcroft Ln. 5/14/18 8/9/18 Streets 5/4/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Row End (Temporary Road Closures) LINT 2018 Residence Hall Project Coordinate with Ave.A Maple Eagle 3/19/18 6/30/18 Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) UNT awn Rosel west Street Widening Bonnie Brae St. uawn Line Vintage 7/1/17 8/30/18 Engineering N/A Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 of (Phase 1) Canterbury Ct. Hollyhill 1-35 4/9/18 6/15/18 Drainage Improvements Engineering 3/26/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Capetown Dr. Desert Willow Bishop Pine 6/25/18 8/3/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 6/5/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Cobblestone Row N. Locust Evers Pkwy 6/11/18 8/9/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 6/5/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Edwards Rd. Camino Real Swisher Rd. 6/4/18 9/10/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 5/17/18 HOA Contacted (940)349-7160 TH. (Temporary Road Closures) Fulton St. Oak University 6/11/18 11/16/18 Water Main Construction Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Hickory St. North Texas Ave C 5/21/18 8/3/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 5/15/18 Electronic Signs (940)349-7160 Blvd. (Temporary Road Closures) Highland St. Carroll lOOF 6/11/18 7/2/18 Street Resurfacing, Curb and Gutter Streets N/A (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Holiday Park Phase 2 Manhattan Kings Row 11/10/17 12/1/18 Wastewater Main Construction Wastewater 11/16/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7300 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Hollow Ridge Dr Paint Dr. Big Horn Trail 5/14/18 6/29/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 5/3/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Huisache St. Yucca Retama 5/21/18 7/20/18 Streets Construction Streets 5/15/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Lakeview Blvd. Black Walnut Burr Oak 6/18/18 7/13/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 6/5/18 HOA Contacted (940)349-7160 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Cobblestone North Dead Street Reconstruction Linda Ln. 4/23/18 8/9/18 Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Row End (Temporary Road Closures) Lindsay St. McCormick 1-35 Service 6/8/18 7/31/18 Wastewater Main Reconstruction Wastewater 6/5/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7300 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Malone St. Crescent Wetchester 6/11/18 7/13/18 Water Main Construction Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) McKinney St. Loop 288 Ryan H.S 5/29/18 TBD Sidewalk Construction Engineering N/A Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Rd. US 380 Edwards Mayhill 9 1 17 2 1 20 Street Reconstruction Engineering Hangers (940)349-8910 ineerin 1/3/18, Door Han y / / / / (Temporary Road Closures) 1/24/18 Mild Creek Ln. Rambling Rock Cul d Concrete Panel/Sidewalk Repairse Sac 4/30/18 6/29/18 Streets 4/26/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 No Detours Water and Wastewater Construction Mills Rd. Mayhill Denton ISD 5/29/18 7/30/18 and Road Widening Engineering N/A Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 driveway (Street Closure) Montecito Dr. EI Paseo Seville 5/29/18 6/22/18 Curb and Gutter Repairs Streets N/A (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Paint Dr. Arabian Hollow Ridge 6/11/18 7/20/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 5/25/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Prominence Pkwy. Mayhill Atlanta 1/31/18 8/31/18 Water and Wastewater Crossing Engineering 1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Retama St. Sagebrush Huisache TBT TBD Streets Construction Streets 5/15/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Riney Rd. N Elm Solana 9/29/17 9/30/18 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering Yes Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City 3/26/18 TBD Drainage and Roadway Construction Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 Southern RR (One Lane traffic control) Sagebrush Dr. Kings Row Retama 5/21/18 7/20/18 Streets Construction Streets 5/15/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Road Closures Possible) Sena St. Malone Ector 4/23/18 7/20/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 4/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Spencer Rd. Mayhill Lowe's 4/2/18 9/29/18 Water Line Replacement Water 3/16/18 Contacted (940)349-8910 Driveway (Road Closure) departments affected Spencer Rd. Mayhill Lowe's 4/2/18 9/29/18 Drainage Rebuild Drainage 3/16/18 Contacted (940)349-8910 Driveway (Road Closure) departments affected Spencer Rd. Mayhill Lowe's 4/2/18 9/29/18 Road Reconstruction Engineering 3/16/18 Contacted (940)349-8910 Driveway (Road Closure) departments affected Dead End Street Resurfacing, Curb and Gutter Sun Valley Dr. Stuart 5/14/18 6/29/18 Streets 5/1/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 West (Temporary Lane Closures) Valley View Rd. Kings Row Sun Valley 5/14/18 6/29/18 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 5/1/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) UNT 2018 CVAD Project Welch St. Mulberry Chestnut 4/11/18 6/30/18 Drive approach/Sidewalk Engineering 3/19/18 3/30/2018 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: COMPLETED PROJECTS Bonnie Brae St. Hwy 380 Intersection 3/14/18 TBD Commercial Driveway Construction Building N/A (940)349-8360 Inspections Gober St. Scripture Panhandle 4/22/18 6/1/18 Street Resurfacing, Curb and Gutter Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Hereford Rd. Bighorn Paint 5/7/18 6/8/18 Concrete Panel Repairs Streets 4/26/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (No Detours) Pennsylvania Wastewater Main Construction Hollyhill Ln. Longridge 5/9/18 5/31/18 Wastewater N/A Door Hangers 940-349-7300 Dr. (Temporary Road Closures Possible) 5/29/2018 5/29/2018 Wastewater Main Construction McKinney St. N Austin St Oakland St Wastewater N/A Newspaper Story 940-349-7300 12:00 A.M. 4:00 A.M. (Temporary Road Closures) Market St. Loop 288 N Blake 4/16/18 6/1/18 Street Resurfacing, Curb and Gutter Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Right Turn Water Line Replacement Mayhill Rd. Mayhill NB Lane at 5/18/18 5/31/18 N/A (940)349-8910 McKinney (Lane Closure) UPCOMING PROJECTS Bonnie Brae St. US 377 135W 2018 2020 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Phase 2) Bonnie Brae St. US 377 135E 2019 2021 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Phase 1) Bonnie Brae St. TBD TBD TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Phase 1) Fulton St. TBD TBD Water, Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Hettie St. TBD TBD Water, Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Hinkle Dr. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater,Drainage,Streets Multiple Londonderry Ln. Teasley Westminster 9/1/18 TBD Street Improvements Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Malone St. Crescent Westminster Summer 2018 Water Main Construction Water (940)349-7181 Panhandle St. Carroll Bolivar TBT TBT Street Resurfacing, Curb and Gutter Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) PEC 4- Engineering In Design Installing Underground Box Culvert Engineering (940)349-8910 Smith-Johnson Summer 2018 Water,Wastewater,Drainage,Streets Engineering (940)349-8910 Stuart Rd. Windsor Kings Row TBD TBD Concrete Curb and Gutter Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Thomas St. TBD TBD Water, Wastewater, and Streets Multiple W. Walnut St. S. Elm Cedar TBT TBT Utility Construction Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 (Temporary Road Closures) Wayne St. TBD TBD Water, Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Windsor Dr. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater,Drainage,Streets Engineering (940)349-8910