070618 Friday Staff Report F` City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 6, 2018 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, July 9, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission Meeting on Monday,July 9, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. No City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 10, 2018. 4. Canceled - Economic Development Partnership Board Wednesday, July 11, 2018. 5. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 6. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,July 11, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.in the City Council Work Session Room,followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 7. Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, July 13, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. B. Upcoming Events 1. Council Ethics Training on Monday,July 16, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. Hiring Process for Chief of Police—The City has engaged Ralph Andersen & Associates to conduct a nationwide search for the next Chief of Police. Over the last couple of weeks, City Manager Hileman and Deputy City Manager Langley have met with the police command staff, association representatives, and other interested employees to discuss the recruitment process and seek input on the qualities the Department would like to see in the next Chief of Police. With this input, management has worked with Ralph Andersen &Associates to draft a recruitment brochure (attached), which will be posted beginning this weekend. Interested candidates are to apply by July 27, 2018. Following the review of applications and selection of top candidates, City management plans to hold an inclusive interview process in August. The process will include receptions for both the public and for City Council to meet the candidates. The process will also include interview panels, including one panel comprised of representatives from the Police Department and another comprised of representatives from key community organizations. The feedback and input collected through the process will be provided to the City Manager who is charged with hiring the Chief of Police. It is anticipated that the next Chief of Police could join the City of Denton in September or October 2018, depending upon the timeline. Staff contact: Todd Hileman, City Manager B. Greater Denton Arts Council representation on the Public Art Committee— During staff s review of Public Art Committee-related processes and actions, it was discovered that the Greater Denton Arts Council Board did not take a vote to approve the reappointment of one of its representatives, Millie Giles, to the Public Art Committee in August 2017. Instead, GDAC's interim executive director administratively confirmed the reappointment. Staff communicated the situation to Georgina Ngozi, GDAC's current executive director, and in order to adhere to its own process, the GDAC Board will be taking the matter up for a vote this summer and will name a new representative who will then be confirmed by Council. Staff contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development C. Embassy Suites Convention Center/Day of the Dead Festival—In Concluding Items during the June 26 City Council meeting, Council Member Hudspeth requested that Economic Development staff facilitate a meeting between the General Manager of the Embassy Suites and the organizers of Denton's Day of the Dead Festival to discuss possible collaboration and/or expansion of the event. Staff has made an initial introduction between the parties and expects a meeting to take place the week of July 16. Staff contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development D. Back-In Parking on Hickory—The back-in parking spaces on Hickory Street were designed to slow the movement of vehicles and enhance safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and alternative modes of transportation. The back-in parking is enforced throughout the day by parking officers and is monitored by patrol officers during the night and evening hours. In recent months, Police has not experienced an increase in the number of back-in violations or complaints received. In an effort to raise awareness about back-in parking, Traffic Engineering will install additional signage along cross streets such as Austin Street, Industrial Street, and Russell Street just before they intersect Hickory Street to help ensure appropriate use of the back-in parking spaces. Staff will provide an update once the new signage is installed. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Traffic Engineering/Lee Howell, Police E. Mingo Road Construction—Cooper Creek Interceptor Project—Mingo Road is currently closed from Sirius Road on the east to Mockingbird Lane on the west (see attached traffic control plan). The road is temporarily closed(from June 25, 2018 until July 13, 2018) in order to install a 30"PVC sanitary sewer interceptor across Mingo Road,just west of the Loop 288 bridge, as part of the Cooper Creek Interceptor Project. The work is being completed by Condie Construction Company. Staff contact: Ken Banks, Utilities F. City Hall West Steering Committee-An item will be placed on the July 17 Council Meeting agenda regarding the proposed extension of the City Hall West (CHW) Steering Committee. When originally established, the committee was intended to dissolve upon presentation of a formal recommendation to Council or term out as of August 1, 2018. A draft resolution will be placed on the agenda for Council to consider extending the term of the CHW Steering Committee through October 31, 2018. Additionally, there is one vacancy on this Committee and Council may wish to appoint a replacement during the July 17 meeting for Peggy Riddle who resigned earlier this year due to residency conflicts. Staff contact: Mark Nelson, Transportation G. What's Buzzing at Water Works Pool—Denton celebrated National Pollinator Week by relocating bees from Water Works Park. Across the nation, June 18-22, 2018 is celebrated as National Pollinator Week. This designation started in 2007 when the U.S. Senate recognized the need to address the decline of pollinators. Since then it has grown into an international celebration of the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees,birds,butterflies, bats and beetles. On June 22, the City of Denton, a Bee City USA member since 2016, showed support for National Pollinator Week by joining with local beekeepers from Honey Bee Relocation Services to safely relocate a new hive of honey bees from Water Works Park to a local apiary. Beekeepers Bill Hartley, Gary Barber, Matt Clark and Michelle Boerst used the opportunity to teach a group of new beekeepers how to appropriately handle and relocate bees while documenting the event as an example for other cities. The small hive of approximately 2,000-3,000 gentle bees were easily moved into a new hive box and transported to a nearby bee yard. No bees were harmed in the relocation, and even better, no onlookers were injured either. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks &Recreation low H. Air Quality Action Dam— Sustainability staff set up a table at the city's Twilight Tunes event on June 21 and was able to speak with hundreds of citizens about how they could get involved with Clean Air Action Day. During this outreach event staff passed out free lunch bags,water bottles, stuffed animals, activity books, and crayons to help inspire citizens to take action. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability r I. Fourth of July Festivities — Parks & Recreation hosted the 20t' annual Liberty 5K Run, the Yankee Doodle Parade, and the Fourth of July Jubilee to help the community celebrate Independence Day this week. For pictures and information on event attendance, please see the attachment. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks &Recreation III. Community Events A. Back to School Fair- Denton area organizations and nonprofits have collaborated to consolidate three previous back-to-school events into the Denton Back to School Fair. The inaugural event will be held on Saturday, August 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at(new location)UNT Gateway Center(801 North Texas Blvd.) to support approximately 3,500 students and their families with school supplies, backpacks, health education resources, and much more. Additional information can be found in the attached press release and flyer. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs IV. Attachments A. Police Chief Recruitment Brochure B. Mingo Road Closure and Detour C. Fourth of July Festivities D. Back to School Fair Press Release E. Back to School Fair Flyer V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2018-082 Survey Kiosks B. 2018-083 Leaf Truck Research C. 2018-084 Peer City Radio Expense Research VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda for July 17 C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report ��i��aii lea Zr•�i��i s •�wiwa„uw/�an� a 'sw ' ' ter./ , � wLs s•s� w aawasarw,w���i� aa�/wwsrar//w�vaa.�s�.wa.aiay.a�. s.rww�raw.a�rwa�e�w� r �'auri�iui�ii�ii�i'ui�riuuriuii�ruiiuurirru��ii 1�Irut111111�I11UI111Ullll�urill -- '' wwwar�r �arraTi� waa aaw�,� �w�w�w•�w.,arji�i .� �wwr•wawa ---------------------------------------- nmtmm Ulm man DENTON POLICE CITY OF DENTON ABOUT DENTON, TEXAS two remaining seats plus the Mayor are elected at-large.The City Manager is appointed by the Council and serves as the Chief Execu- The City of Denton is a unique community, blending its historic tive Officer for the City,ensuring that the policies of the Council are past with a dynamic and high growth environment, coupled with implemented and that the entire community is being served.The a diversity to give it economic viability and strength. Founded in City Manager prepares the budget for the Council's consideration; 1857, Denton has grown from a small frontier town to a burgeon- recruits,hires,and supervises the local government staff;and serves ing suburbanized area with an estimated population of 131,000. as the Council's chief advisor. Denton is the county seat of and a major city in Denton County. The City's historic downtown is the heart of Denton; the square The City has a Fiscal Year(FY)2017-2018 overall operating and capi- andsurrounding streets are vibrant and busy both day and night as tal budget of$1.14 billion and has funding for 1,640.71 FTEs.Oper- a gathering place for commerce, civic events, and entertainment. ating as afull-service municipality, Denton operates several major enterprise operations including Airport, Electric,Water,Wastewa- Located at the northern tip of a high growth area known as "The ter, Solid Waste, and Drainage, in addition to standard municipal Golden Triangle" (formed by the cities of Denton, Fort Worth, governmental services.The City of Denton prides itself on citizen and Dallas),the City is a dynamic community whose rapid growth involvement,innovation,and efficient use of municipal resources. has affected its infrastructure as well as its culture. Denton is approximately 95 square miles in territory and strategically posi- Municipal services and operations are guided by the City's strategic tioned approximately 37 miles northwest of Dallas and 35 miles plan,which was created to ensure that the community realizes its northeast of Fort Worth. Located on the Interstate 35 corridor at vision and mission.In Septemberof 2017,the CityCouncil approved the intersection of 1-35E and I-35W, Denton is approximately 25 the City's FY 2017-18 Strategic Plan.The Strategic Plan serves as the miles from Dallas Fort Worth International Airport and 20 miles basis for the development of the Annual Operating Budget which north of Alliance Airport. was approved on September 19, 2017. Since the nineteenth century, Denton has been a major higher The Strategic Plan is organized into five Key Focus Areas: education center.The City is home to two state universities—the • Organizational Excellence; University of North Texas and Texas Woman's University, with a combined enrollment in excess of 50,000 students. The City is ' Public Infrastructure; also served by the North Central Texas College, the oldest two- • Economic Development; year public college in Texas. Higher education is supported by the . Safe, Livable, and Family-Friendly Community; and award-winning Denton Independent School District serving more than 27,000 students in a 180 square-mile district. • Sustainable and Environmental Stewardship. While the amenities of the major metropolitan settings in Dallas To learn more about the City of Denton,visit the City's website at and Fort Worth are only minutes away,a variety of performing arts, www.citvofdenton.com. cultural, and entertainment opportunities are also found within the community. The City and its surrounding area offer theater, THE DENTON POLICE symphony orchestras,museums,intercollegiate athletics,and other DEPARTMENT cultural and recreational amenities. Denton also has 30 parks and over 300 acres of open space,plus eight recreational facilities.Golf The mission of the Denton Police Department is: "To enhance the courses and nearby lakes offer superior outdoor recreation. quality of life in the community through excellent public service, protection of life and property, and impartial enforcement of the CITY OF DENTON GOVERNMENT law." The Denton Police Department (DPD) is organized into two The City of Denton operates under the Council-Manager form of bureaus, Operations and Administration,with each bureau led by an Assistant Chief,and is operated under the provisions of Chapter government. The Mayor and six-member Council are elected for 143 of the Texas Local Government Code and "Meet and Confer". two-year terms — four members are elected by District and the w Fah DO~OWN .. 7014-.01- s Serving the DPD are 177 sworn officers and 62.73 FTE professional CHALLENGES AND support staff for a total allocation of 239.73 FTE.The Department is funded with an annual budget of$33.9 million. OPPORTUNITIES The DPD has robust community programs, advanced capabilities The next Police Chief should be prepared to address a number of and equipment that many agencies its size do not. The Denton known challenges and opportunities: Public Safety Training Center is a joint venture between the City . The Denton Police Department is currently engaged with the of Denton and Denton County, specifically, the three agencies of Police Executive Research Forum in conducting an organizational the Denton Police Department, the Denton Fire Department and assessment to provide the next Police Chief with an impartial the Denton County Sheriff's Office.With a state-of-the-art facility, analysis of the agency.The next Chief will have the opportunity the Training Center provides basic training as well as an extensive to consider this information when he/she takes office. offering of in-service trainings. • The Denton Police Department operates with close partner- THE POSITION ships with two major universities,the University of North Texas Reporting directly to the City Manager,the Police Chief is respon- and Texas Woman's University, both of which have establishedpolice departments. sible for all activities of the Police Department including police operations and administration, animal services, and the City jail. • The overall climate of the City of Denton has moved to one of The City expects an active leader who is highly communicative, accountability and public transparency. The Police Chief must engaging, and accessible to the members of the Denton Police ensure the agency fully embraces these values and works as a Department. trusted partner within the greater City organization. The Police Chief is expected to not only lead the activities of the Progressive social issues are especially important in a city with Police Department, but also be a key business partner on the City two large universities. The next Chief should be open to com- Manager's Executive Team.He/she must consistently worktoward munity dialogue over issues related to police legitimacy and the overall betterment of the City of Denton and not simply the accountability, and lead innovation when needed. Denton Police Department. This work is done in an environment Like many cities, mental health and homelessness are emerg- of transparency, accountability, and collaboration. ing community issues. The next Chief should be prepared to In the community,the Police Chief is a prominent figurehead of the broadly collaborate with social services to comprehensively City and must conduct him/herself beyond reproach at all times address these issues. while forming effective relationships with all segments of Denton. . The Denton Police Department is a mature department and The full job description for the position can be found at: needs to modernize some if its policies,technologies,and busi- www.ralphandersen.com/lobs/police-chief-denton-tx. ness processes. THE IDEAL CANDIDATE The City of Denton is seeking a progressive and data-driven Police Chief of excellent reputation and character to move its Police De- partment forward.The ideal candidate will have a number of traits and experience that will translate to greater success: (.'111 • g The next Police Chief must be a strong communicator, able to c>I cast the vision,direction,and values across the department and DENTON greater City organization;he/she must engender teamwork and needs to be skilled at consensus building. WWW.CITYOFDENTON.COM Desired, but not required,qualifications include: F. • Master's Degree in a related field - • Experience with Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government • Code • Bilingual in Spanish and English • Experience with and commitment to Community Oriented Policing • Graduation from the FBI National Academy, or similar ad- vanced police leadership training • Management experience in a comparable or larger agency NEW THE COMPENSATION • Top candidates will complement their foundational knowledge The anticipated starting salary is+/-$175K,depending on quali- of policing with a strong business acumen, as well as excellent fications. A superior benefits package is also offered, including leadership and management skills. Resource allocations and Texas Municipal Retirement System at the 7%employee contri- departmental activities should be supported by data and sound button level with a 2-to-1 match by the City upon retirement. business decisions. Other benefits include medical,dental,vision,life,and disability • The next Police Chief should lead beyond his/her office, be vis- insurance as well as vacation,sick leave,holiday pay,an optional ible/accessible, and purposefully interact with the officers and ICMA/RC's 457 deferred compensation plan, and other highly professional support staff in the various divisions and shifts.The competitive benefits.The Citywill provide assistance with moving ideal candidate will be highly successful in building authentic and relocation, if appropriate. Further details on compensation relationships. may be obtained through Ralph Andersen &Associates. • By addressing conflict swiftly, evenhandedly, and consistently, THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS the next Police Chief will earn the respect of the Department's members and ensure the harmonious operation of the agency. Interested candidates should apply by July 27,2018. Electronic The next Chief should have a proven track record of bringing submittals are strongly preferred to apply(@ralphandersen.com and keeping people together. and should include the following: • As a prominent representative of the City of Denton,the Police • Compelling cover letter; Chief must develop a strong network of community connec- . Comprehensive resume; and tions and promote the accountability and transparency of the Denton Police Department and the City of Denton in a manner • Three professional references. that conveys genuine concern and compassion. The City of Denton will review candidate resumes the week of • The Denton Police Department officers are represented through August 13, 2018, and interviews are scheduled for the week of Associations,thus experience working in a collective bargaining August 27, 2018. environment would be helpful for the next Chief. Top candidates may be asked to complete a written supplemental questionnaire to elaborate on areas of expertise and demonstrate EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION their ability to communicate effectively.It is anticipated the next Education: Bachelor's Degree in Police Administration, Criminal Police Chief will join the City of Denton in September 2018,or a Justice,or related field. mutually agreed upon date. Experience:At least ten years in municipal law enforcement,with This recruitment incorporates existing rules and regulations that a minimum of five years of experience in a command level position govern public sector recruitments in the State of Texas. In sc- at the Lieutenant or above level. cordance with public disclosure/open record laws, information submitted for consideration may be made available to the public Any combination of related education, experience, certifications upon request by interested parties. and licenses that will result in a candidate successfully performing the essential functions of the job is considered qualifying. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Chief Greg Nelson (ret.) at (916) 630-4900 with confidential inquiries and The successful candidates must be eligible for certification by the questions regarding the recruitment process. Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education at the intermediate level or its equivalent as determined by that commission N Id ° W E ° ° e � •�a °00 ,4 1j + 288 v i p0 o G242 END D �fJ ` • AHEAD ` 0 DETa1R�O aosED woRK 40ft 240ft 40ft I.tD ArEAo AHEAD ANEAo ` • ROAD a, ROAD o D 320ft 320ft 320ft WORK CLOSED qH � �� AHEAD � 0 y0y C 00 �R ^ ROAD END G2 o z ^o AHEAD t o> n„°Fno 3 a cza2 K ROADWORK ROAD a0 �� WORK 1 •ROAD 'O wow AHEAD FAW • �1 D D J _ a •o aq ap SALESMAN/EXECUTIVE NOTES DDNT Condie Construction Company Cole Benton Phase 3 NTA`T BUYERS Brad Miller Denton TCP DESIGNER NTAOTNUN,eER eNA Hector Gonzalez 940-391-2788 D BUYERS Creek Interceptor I&II Fsx B A H H I C A U E S t l: LOCATION' THIS PLAN IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYAND 01/09/2018 Prominence Pkwy&Atlanta Dr IS NOT INTENDED TO RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM SOORE or woRK All Traffic Control Plans(TCPs)are the property of Buyers THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY RELATED CONTRACT DOCUMENTS,THE TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC Devices spaced on 35ft centers Barricades,Inc.and are included with Buyers Barricades CONTROL DEVICES(MUTCD)OR THE OVERALL — T e 3 Barricade Posted s eed limit 45MPH Road Closure rental agreements.Traffic Control Plans issued without a RESPONSIBILITY TO TRAFFIC CONTROL SAFETY. yp rental agreement will be charged to the customer. Hot Do Eating Compe tion V VCA y D !! l /_ Free Family Jubilee / Y � .tires �PAL r �. SPECIAL$3 405 Liberty Run Runners/Walkers CHOST�OG RINK OT�GGS Whipp'6d CreamC ILL 150+ Parade Participants Eating Contest,, ' CNlps' WATER "'SODA iAli100 QL -40 o FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DENTON Jessica Rogers • (940) 349-7531 • Jessica.Rogers@cityofdenton.com Denton Back to School Fair Denton Area Organizations Work Together to Host a Back to School Fair DENTON, TX, July 5,2018—Denton area organizations and nonprofits have collaborated to consolidate three previous back-to-school events into the Denton Back to School Fair. The inaugural event will be held on Saturday, August 11 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at (new location) UNT Gateway Center (801 North Texas Blvd) to support approximately 3,500 students and their families with school supplies,backpacks, health education resources, and so much more. In the Denton Independent School District alone, there are over 12,000 students, or 44% of the student population, that are eligible for free and reduced lunch, which means their household income is at or below 185% of the federal poverty level. The Back to School Fair event is designed to provide a hand up so that students walk into their first day of school with a new backpack and school supplies and parents have access to the resources for their children to have a healthy start to the school year. Community support is vital and necessary for this event to serve the number of children that truly need these resources. The nonprofit organizations are seeking contributions from area businesses, community leaders, and individual donors to serve these children. Every$20 donated will support a backpack and school supplies for one student. Donations can be made through the Denton Back to School Fair website at www.dentonbacktoschool.or�. Additional Information about the event: • Location: UNT Gateway Center, 801 North Texas Blvd (new location) • Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018 from 8:00am to 3:00pm • Registration: Parents are asked to register their children through the website at www.dentonbacktoschogLM. A registration form must be submitted for each child. The event is a collaborative effort between a large team of local organizations including the City of Denton and Denton Police Department, Denton Bible Church, Denton Hi-Noon Lions Club, Health Services of North Texas, Interfaith Ministries, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Serve Denton, and United Way of Denton County. Attachment: Denton Back to School Flyer Contact: Sarah Kuechler, City of Denton, (940) 349-8356, Sarah.Kuechler@cityofdenton.com Alicia Froidl, United Way, (940) 566-5851, ext. 110, Alicia@unitedwaydenton.com OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 Visit www.cityofdenton.com for more news and to stay updated. 2 DENTON Saturday, August lith Backtt? 8:oo am - 3:00 pm Schooldentonbacktoschool.org - - FAIR r .� �6 Register your student Re9is�ation isNow Your student will receive FREE backpacks and school supplies, FREE haircuts (by appointment) and FREE vision screenings Buy supplies for a student in need Your gift of school supplies and backpacks will give families a �#ao hand up as they prepare for going back to school. Please consider giving to support one or more students. It's quick and t easy through the dentonbacktoschool.org website under B "Help A Student." It will take all of us working together to meet the need. Visit dentonbacktoschool.org to register and support 15rDR8kt to A Pa,f Aq—y of 1 LIVE UNITED 'jA WWI lit:\"t'OY HEALTH SERVICES I ( C'a I x t e —UI NORTH TEX\S M United Way I DENTON —N�� H u R c l-I Medical Care for You V I of Denton County,Inc. Interfaith inistri. Apple Tree Projeu Date: July 6,2018 Report No. 2018-082 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Update regarding the two month trial of the in person survey kiosks obtained from HappyOrNot Services Ltd., used to measure customer service levels experienced in the City Hall East, Customer Service and Municipal Court lobbies. BACKGROUND: On January 5,2018,Informal Staff Report Number 2018-004 was provided to City Council in regards to the Customer Service department's intent to conduct a two month trial of kiosks obtained from a vendor known as HappyOrNot Services Ltd. The purpose of the trial was to determine whether or not the kiosks would provide sufficient feedback data regarding customer service levels in both the City Hall East, Customer Service and Municipal Court lobbies. The trial kiosks were put into production on April 26, 2018. This report is a summary of staff s findings and next steps. DISCUSSION: Over the past 8 weeks, staff has reviewed and analyzed data from the survey kiosks. The analysis consisted of comparing week over week results to determine: 1. Number of responses received 2. Percentage of negative responses versus positive responses 3. Overall customer/defendant satisfaction levels The trial kiosks were deployed from 4/26/18 —6/25/18 and the results of the trial are as follows: Location Total Negative Customer/Defendant Surveys Responses Satisfaction Levels Customer Service Lobby 870 29 96.7% Municipal Court Lobby 777 49 93.7% Total 1,647 78 95.3% Furthermore, the data indicates the following: o The majority of the foot traffic for both operations occurs on Mondays due to the weekend closure. o The majority of negative feedback occurs between the hours of 1:00pm—4:00pm.This coincides with lunch times and the timeframe defendants would be arriving/leaving court. o The majority of negative feedback occurs on Thursdays due to high court docket volumes. Date: July 6,2018 Report No. 2018-082 Actions taken to address negative feedback analysis: o Staffing is heavily monitored and boosted on Mondays to address higher volumes in both operations. o Staff has been educated on the analysis of the survey feedback and expectations set. These expectations include: ■ Proactively notifying defendants of high docket court dates through phone notifications. ■ Ensuring staff is prepared and available to assist customers/defendants coming in to conduct business during high volume times. ■ Streamlining the check in process for court and educating defendants on what to expect. CONCLUSION: The two month trial ended on June 25, 2018. Although the data obtained from the kiosks has been useful, it is staffs assessment that the data is too high-level to justify the ongoing $99/month per terminal cost at this time. Unlike the Customer Service Department's automated voice response survey, the kiosks do not provide any insight as to which representative/clerk was helping the customer/defendant or what they liked/disliked about the service received. Instead of moving forward with a contract, staff is currently exploring other in person survey solutions (such as tablet-based kiosks) as a means to obtain richer data to pin point and enhance the customer/defendant experience. STAFF CONTACT: Tiffany Thomson, Customer Service Manager 940-349-7401 Tiffany.Thomson(acityofdenton.com Date: July 6,2018 Report No. 2018-083 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide preliminary research on leaf vacuum trucks. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On May 8,2018 Council Member Briggs requested that staff research the feasibility of adding leaf vacuum trucks to eliminate the use of plastic bags in Solid Waste's yard waste collection service. Staff estimates that the annual program costs for running a single leaf vacuum truck would be approximately $341,641. Staff was unable to locate other cities in our area that provide this type of service and determined that this type of program is primarily located in the northern U.S. If City Council requests, further research can be conducted and a work session can be scheduled to discuss the feasibility of implementing this program. As a follow-up to Blue Ridge Services recommendations, staff will be presenting to the Committee on the Environment and City Council with an analysis of the residential yard waste program. BACKGROUND: On May 8, 2018 Council Member Briggs requested information be provided on the feasibility of implementing a leaf vacuum truck program to be discussed during the budget process. Staff began researching the program and reached out to other cities that currently have this program including Brighton, Michigan and Chattanooga, Tennessee. This would be a modification to the City's existing service where yard waste is picked up on the trash collection day and leaves must be bagged. A vacuum truck would require residents to rake the leaves in a pile to the curb where the truck would then come and vacuum the leaves into the truck. Staff was unable to find cities in our area that offer this type of leaf collection program. As part of a recent operational review, Blue Ridge Services recommends converting the City's yard waste collection operation to a cart based system, similar to residential and commercial recycling collection. DISCUSSION: Staff estimates that the annual program costs for a leaf vacuum truck program would be approximately$341,641. There would be an initial capital investment of approximately$304,000 for the purchase of a roll-off truck and leaf vacuum attachment that would be prorated over five years. The program would require two full time employees; one employee would be the driver and an additional employee would be required for operation of the vacuum. Ongoing annual maintenance and fuel costs have been included for operation of the truck, and some additional advertising and marketing budget to bring awareness to the program. The other cities studied had different levels of service in their program that are run seasonally from November to March. The City of Chattanooga offers the program as an on-demand service where residents call in to request a pickup once the leaves have been raked to the curb. The City of Brighton has different service routes for pick-up of leaves with a regular schedule for their Date: July 6,2018 Report No. 2018-083 residents. Staff has provided information based on if a single route of service would run daily throughout the City. If the program were to be implemented, further direction from City Council would be required for how fees for service would be assessed. One option would be to have costs included in the residential solid waste rate similar to the current structure with the yard waste program. Another option would be to charge a fee to customers utilizing the service on an on-call basis. The City Council will receive a briefing on the Solid Waste department's rates and cost of service on July 17, 2018. CONCLUSION: If requested further research can be conducted to fully analyze a leaf vacuum truck program and present options to City Council during a work session. Staff s recommendation is to perform an analysis of the existing yard waste program and consider adoption of a cart based collection system. STAFF CONTACT: Ethan Cox Director of Solid Waste 940-349-7421 Date: July 6,2018 Report No. 2018-084 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide information on radio costs and usage from surrounding cities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: During the June 12, 2018 City Council meeting, Mayor Watts requested information on the ongoing maintenance costs for the proposed Motorola Radio System replacement, and whether the costs are comparable to similar cities. This report is intended to collect and present data among Denton's peers regarding radio costs and usage. BACKGROUND: Below are the cities that responded to our inquiry. Not all cities provided all of the requested data as information at that time was not readily available. City No. of Cost Per i Radios RadioSupport/Maintenance Arlin ton 2,400 $1,100,000 Bryan 600 $4,200 $300,000 Also joined to Harris County Radio System Denton 1,596 $4,000- $380,945 (Proposed) $7,500 Denton $1,835,969 County Flower 156 $1,200 $13,000 per year for Mound third party contractor, includes repairs, programming (updates bug fixes) Frisco 1,100 $5,500 Garland 3,800 Unable to Unable to disclose due Hybrid approach for disclose due to contract language maintenance to contract language Lewisville 451 $320,000 Also joined to Denton County Radio System Date: July 6,2018 Report No. 2018-084 Denton County, Arlington, and Lewisville are all utilizing the Motorola System Upgrade Agreement II maintenance package. This package, which was quoted to Denton, consists of the services outlined in greater detail below. ASTRO 25 System Upgrade Agreement II (SUA II) As system releases become available, Motorola agrees to provide the City of Denton with the software, hardware, and implementation services required to execute up to one system infrastructure upgrade in a two-year period for the proposed Motorola radio system. At the time of the system release upgrade, Motorola will provide applicable patches and service pack updates when and if available. Currently, Motorola's service includes third party software such as Microsoft Windows and Server operating systems, Red Hat Linux, Sun Solaris, and any Motorola software service packs that may be available. Motorola will only provide patch releases that have been analyzed, pre-tested, and certified in a dedicated Motorola Radio system test lab to ensure that they are compatible and do not interfere with the Motorola Radio system network functionality. STAFF CONTACT: Melissa Kraft Chief Technology Officer Melissa.Kraftgcityofdenton.com 940-347-7823 Revision Date 07/06/2018 Council Requests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Solid Waste cost of service information including 6/5/17 Cox Information will provided in the curb rate vs. drop-off rate at landfill Solid Waste Cost of Service work session presentation scheduled for July 17. 2. TWU master plan and how trees are impacted; Can 5/1/18 McDonald TWU will give a brief presentation trees be saved and protected; next steps on their Master Plan during the August 21 work session. 3. ISR on leaf trucks (potential use and budget) 5/8/18 Cox ISR is included in the July 6 Friday report. 4. Work session on downtown and homelessness, review 3/20/18 and Kuechler/Shaw A work session is scheduled for July of options to address shortfall of emergency housing 5/15/18 17. before winter comes, set numerical goals and timing targets. 5. Work session on proposed permitting processes for 5/15/18 McDonald Information will be provided during a businesses under the new DDC. Benchmark against work session in August. other similar cities such as Carrollton or McKinney. 6. Work session on Council appointed ad hoc 5/22/18 Leal A work session is planned for July committees and adherence to TOMA 17. 7. Work session focused on downtown development to 6/4/18 Booth/Puente/McDonald A work session is planned for August include an update on downtown master plan, a 7. complementary master plan for PEC 4 area, and an overview of current uses and potential expansion of the Downtown Reinvestment Grant Fund. 8. Information on what electric rates would be if we did 6/4/18 Morrow/Puente Staff will provide this information in not have the DEC and how the DEC impacts rates the July 13 Friday Report. 9. Work session on the status of Quiet Zone 6/12/18 Deshmukh/Nelson ISR was included in the June 15 establishment. Friday report. A work session is scheduled for August 14. 10. ISR on sales tax including allowable uses of our 1%, 6/12/18 Puente Staff is researching and will have an options for the transportation%, and property tax ISR prepared by July 13. relief. 11. Work Session about the Employ to Empower program 6/19/18 Kuechler/Shaw A work session is planned for August including an overview of programs from other 7. communities. Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 12. Provide an update on the Hickory reverse angle/back- 6/19/18 Deshmukh/Howell Information is provided in the July 6 in parking pilot including enforcement measures. Friday report. 13. Present information from recent media coverage 6/19/18 Banks/Leal/ A work session is scheduled for concerning health risks associated with proximity to McDonald/Cannone August 6 luncheon. gas wells in the in the August Gas Well Inspection Annual Report. 14. Work session on the San Antonio legal services 6/26/18 Leal/Wood Staff is currently researching. model, including the feasibility of partnering with Information will be provided during non-profit agencies to provide information on renter an August or September work rights, immigration services, and veteran services. session. 15. Work session on ways to improve the City's 6/26/18 Kuechler Information will be provided during Municipal Equality Index score, including an update the August 14 work session. to the City's antidiscrimination policy. 16. Work session on implementing a similar program to 6/26/18 McDonald/Birdseye/Leal Staff is currently researching. Southlake's SPIN program in Denton. Information will be provided during an August or September work session. 17. Schedule group TOMA training for the full City 6/26/18 Leal Staff is researching facilitators with a Council using an outside facilitator, consider using goal of scheduling the training in the Freedom of Information Foundation. September. 18. Information on red light camera ticket enforcement. 6/26/18 Howell Information will be provided in the July 13 Friday report. 19. Coordinate with Embassy Suites on a Day of the Dead 6/26/18 Booth Information is provided in the July 6 partnership. Friday report. 20. Work session on permitting options to incentivize 6/26/18 McDonald/Wood Information will be provided during a affordable housing including a survey of practices work session in August. from other municipalities. 21. Information on alternatives to the current code names 6/26/18 Leal Information will be provided during a used during closed sessions including the implications work session in August. of each option. 22. Work session providing an overview of the City's 6/26/18 Rosendahl/Kuechler Information will be provided during a Smoking Ordinance. work session in August. 23. Overview of the emissions permitting process, 6/26/18 Morrow/Banks Staff is currently researching. including the number of hours the DEC can operate Information will be provided during and the methodology used to determine those limits. an August or September work session. Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 24. Information on factors impacting air quality in Denton 6/26/18 Morrow/Banks Staff is currently researching. including a comparison of DEC emissions to other Information will be provided during sources such as DFW Airport. an August or September work session. Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday,July 17,2018 2:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on the agenda for July 17,2018. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 18-1036 Receive a report from staff and the Denton Parks Foundation, and give staff direction regarding the City's proposed agreement with the Denton Parks Foundation. B. ID 18-1078 Receive a report, hold a discussion and give staff direction regarding an Internal Audit Risk Assessment and Audit Plan. C. ID 18-1062 Receive a report; hold a discussion, and receive departmental presentations in preparation for the FY 2018-19 Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five Year Financial Forecast. D. ID 18-1101 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding homelessness initiatives and an update from the Denton County Homeless Leadership Team. E. ID 18-1102 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Solid Waste Department's Cost of Service and Rate Design Study provided by New Gen Strategies & Solutions LLC. F. ID 18-1103 Receive a report, hold a discussion and provide direction on interim maintenance options for the Solid Waste fleet. G. ID 18-1125 Receive a report, hold a discussion and give staff direction regarding the creation of a Construction Specification Criteria Manual for the City of Denton. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: Page 1 Printed on 71612018 City Council Meeting Agenda July 17,2018 A. ID 18-1075 Deliberate regarding Real Property - Under Texas Government Code 551.072; Consultation with Attorneys-Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Discuss, deliberate, and receive information from staff and provide staff with direction pertaining to the potential purchase of certain real property interests out of the B.B.B. & C.R.R. Company Survey, Abstract No. 192, Denton County, Texas, being an 0.8123 acre tract generally located in the 2300 block of Scripture Street, Denton, Texas. Consultation with the City's attorneys regarding legal issues associated with the potential acquisition or condemnation of the real property interests described above where a public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or would jeopardize the City's legal position in any administrative proceeding or potential litigation. (Bonnie Brae Street - Phase 4/5 -Parcel 30(Brown)) ANY FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A CLOSED MEETING WILL ONLY BE TAKEN IN AN OPEN MEETING THAT IS HELD IN COMPLIANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE IS TAKEN IN THE CLOSED MEETING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF §551.086 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (THE `PUBLIC POWER EXCEPTION'). THE CITY COUNCIL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN INTO A CLOSED MEETING OR EXECUTIVE SESSION AS AUTHORIZED BY TEX. GOV'T. CODE, §551.001, ET SEQ. (THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT) ON ANY ITEM ON ITS OPEN MEETING AGENDA OR TO RECONVENE IN A CONTINUATION OF THE CLOSED MEETING ON THE CLOSED MEETING ITEMS NOTED ABOVE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION §551.071-551.086 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT. Regular Meeting of the City of Denton City Council at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 18-1049 TWU Gymnastics National Championship Day B. ID 18-1112 Denton Citizen Academy Graduation 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. Page 2 Printed on 71612018 City Council Meeting Agenda July 17,2018 B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. 1. ID 18-1122 Ed Soph regarding public health and safety concerns regarding the current gas well ordinance's reverse setback distance. 2. ID 18-1124 Kristina Weaver regarding Food for the Soul-fighting childhood hunger in Denton. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda permits any person not registered for a citizen report to make comments regarding public business on items not listed on the agenda. This is limited to two speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) shall have filed a"Blue Card"requesting to speak during this period prior to the calling of this agenda item. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by the Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — S). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, Consent Agenda Items A — S below will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 18-871 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a Consent to Assignment and Assumption of Obligations between the City of Denton, North Denton Pipeline, L.L.C. ("NORTH DENTON"), and EagleRidge Midstream, LLC ("BAGLERIDGE") consenting to the assignment of certain rights and obligations from North Denton to EagleRidge related to a Right of Way License to use certain City property for placement of transmission pipelines, dated on or about October 20, 2003, from the City to North Denton and Notice of Renewal of Right of Way License to use certain City property for placement of transmission pipelines, dated on or about November 16, 2016, from the City to North Denton; providing severability and an effective date. B. ID 18-889 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, accepting competitive bids and awarding a contract for the supply of aquatic chemicals for Water Works Park, Natatorium and Civic Center Pools to Sunbelt Pools, Inc.; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an Page 3 Printed on 71612018 City Council Meeting Agenda July 17,2018 effective date (IFB 6751- awarded to Sunbelt Pools, Inc., for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in a total not-to-exceed amount of $105,000 for all years). C. ID 18-920 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, providing for, authorizing, and approving the execution by the City Manager, or his designee, of a Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas, between the City of Denton and Tenaska Marketing Ventures ("Tenaska"), a partnership affiliate of Tenaska Energy, Inc. and Tenaska Energy Holdings, LLC., with offices in Arlington, Texas; approving the execution of such other and further related documents deemed necessary to effectuate the transactions allowed under this contract by the City Manager or his designee; determining that specific information contained in said contract pertain to a "Competitive Electric Matter" as set forth under the provisions of § §551.086 and 552.133 of the Texas Government Code, as amended; allowing the public to inspect,but not reproduce,the Contract as redacted; and,providing an effective date. D. ID 18-1001 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Change Healthcare Technology Enabled Services, LLC, for emergency medical services billing and an electronic patient care reporting system for the Fire Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6091- awarded to Change Healthcare Technology Enabled Services, LLC, for a three (3) year, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in a total not-to-exceed amount of $950,000 for all years). E. ID 18-1027 Consider adoption of an ordinance accepting competitive bids and awarding a public works contract for the construction of the Eagle Drive Drainage Improvements Phase 11 Project for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6792- awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specification, Jagoe-Public Company, in the amount of $2,057,289.20). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). F. ID 18-1037 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for the County to provide Property Tax Billing and Collections Services for the City of Denton;providing a savings clause; and providing an effective date. G. ID l 8-1 042 Consider approval of the minutes of June 4, 5, 12, 19 and 26,2018. H. ID 18-1066 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, accepting competitive bids and awarding an annual contract for various Park locations, Fire Stations, DME Substations, Water Reclamation, Facilities Management, Beneficial Reuse, and Airport mowing services and maintenance; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6627- Awarded to the lowest responsive bidder for each line item, Custom Landscaping Inc. dba Classic Landscapes Maintenance, Inc., in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $50,000, Greener Pastures Landscape, LLC, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount Page 4 Printed on 71612018 City Council Meeting Agenda July 17,2018 of $950,000, M.E.T. Lawn Care, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $575,000, Weldon's Lawn and Tree, LLC, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $250,000, and Firehouse22, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $275,000, for a total three(3)year award not-to-exceed$2,100,000) 1. ID 18-1072 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, rejecting any and all competitive bids under IFB 6733 for the construction of Carl Young Splash Park Restroom for the City of Denton; and providing an effective date(IFB 6733). J. ID 18-1073 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute an Investment Advisory contract with First Southwest Asset Management, LLC; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6695- awarded to First Southwest Asset Management,LLC,in the two(2)year not-to-exceed amount of$72,000). K. ID 18-1074 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), under the Government Code, Chapter 791, to authorize City of Denton contracts for the purchase of various goods and services including vehicles and police equipment; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and declaring an effective date (File 6847-Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Governments). L. ID 18-1076 Consider adoption of an ordinance approving a pipeline crossing contract by and between the City of Denton and the Kansas City Southern Railway Company relating to the location of a city water pipeline within the railroad right-of-way, located near the railroad's intersection with West Oak Street at Mile Post D104.78, Alliance Subdivision, within the City and County of Denton, Texas; authorizing the City Manager to execute the Agreement; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefore; and providing and effective date. (Westpark-Phase 2, 12-inch water project.) M. ID 18-1079 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 2 to the contract between the City of Denton and Legacy Contracting, L.P. dba Control Specialist Services L.P. for the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2Installation; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6470C - Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $137,016.17 for a total contract award aggregating to $622,771.17). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). N. ID 18-1086 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for the purchase of Aquatic Chemicals for Water Works Park, Natatorium and Civic Center Pools with Sunbelt Pools, Inc., which is the sole provider of these aquatic chemicals. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive Page 5 Printed on 71612018 City Council Meeting Agenda July 17,2018 bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 6797- awarded to Sunbelt Pools, Inc. in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$270,000). O. ID 18-1097 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, amending Ordinance 2017-291 to replace the FY 2017-18 Annual Audit Plan and providing an effective date. P. ID 18-1105 Consider approval of a Resolution amending Resolution No: R2017-049 regarding a 90-day extension of the City Hall West Steering Committee providing a repealer clause, and providing an effective date. Q. ID 18-1106 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute an Advanced Funding Agreement, in a form substantially similar as attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and in the approximate amount of $3,211,720.00(amount to be finalized after bids are opened), by and between the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation (the "State") and the City of Denton (the "City"), regarding water and wastewater improvements associated with the US 377(Ft Worth Drive) roadway widening project, located between IH 35E to south of FM 1830 and within the City of Denton. R. ID 18-1107 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc., for Design Services of the 2019 Bundle Street Reconstruction Project as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-006- Professional Services Agreement for design services awarded to Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of$607,550). S. ID 18-1108 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to the contract between the City of Denton and Techline, Inc., for the supply of overhead and underground distribution transformers for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 5347- first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $1,125,000 for a total contract amount not-to-exceed$5,625,000). 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. A18-0001d Conduct the first of two readings of an ordinance of the City of Denton for a voluntary annexation of approximately 47.466 acres of land generally located on the south side of E. Ryan Road, east of the intersection of E. Ryan Road and Andrew Avenue by the City of Denton,Texas. B. ID 18-863 Consider appointing a Nominating Committee to recommend appointees to serve on the Economic Development Partnership Board. C. ID 18-915 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing a development agreement between the City of Denton and Marker Stone Realty Partners I, LLC and Marker Stone Realty Page 6 Printed on 71612018 City Council Meeting Agenda July 17,2018 Partners II, LLC; providing for acquisition of necessary property interest, installment of critical infrastructure, and provision of electrical services; authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement, and providing for an effective date. (Evers Way and Beall Way Additions) D. ID 18-1065 Consider adoption of an ordinance approving an economic development agreement under Chapter 380 of the Local Government Code to promote economic development and to stimulate business activity and economic growth of the City of Denton, between the City of Denton and United States Cold Storage, L.P, regarding the development of an approximate 40 acre parcel of land with an address of 3255 Jim Christal, Denton, Texas; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. E. ID 18-1120 Consider nominations for appointment to the City's Board of Ethics. F. ID 18-1121 Consider approval of a resolution appointing the nominees to the Board of Ethics. G. 1D 18-1123 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, amending Section 22-31(13) and 22-31.1, Article II-Park Rules, Chapter 22- Parks and Recreation, Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, to provide for clarification of smoking related to parks and parks facilities within the City of Denton; providing for a severability clause; providing for a savings clause;providing for publication; and,declaring an effective date. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Z17-0028d Hold a public hearing and consider an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding assignment of an initial zoning classification of Neighborhood Residential 6(NR-6) zoning district and use classification on approximately 73.47 acres of land generally located on the north side of Long Road and west of FM 428/Sherman Drive in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the city's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission will consider this request on July 11, 2018. [Staff will update the Planning and Zoning Commission outcome on July 12,2018] B. SE18-0001a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance regarding a request by Cli Max Enterprises for the expansion of the People's Funeral Home building and parking lot onto adjoining lots. The 0.64-acre site is generally located on the south side of East Mulberry Street, approximately 50 feet west of Wood Street, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. (SE18-0001, People's Funeral Home Expansion,Hayley Zagurski). THIS ITEM HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN. C. HL18-0001b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance designating the property the property, located at 607 E. College Street, between Vine Street and Frame Street, a historic landmark, under Section 35.7.6. of the Denton Development Code; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing a severability clause and an effective date. Page 7 Printed on 71612018 City Council Meeting Agenda July 17,2018 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2018 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 8 Printed on 71612018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No Council Luncheon No Council Meeting 41h of July - 4 p.m. Public Art 11.00 Development Cancelled 1:30pm City Holiday Committee Code Review Committee on the Environment 5:3 0p m Traffic Sa fe ty Commission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00am Public Utilities No Council Meeting Cancelled 11:00am 11:00 Development Bo a rd EDP Bo a rd Code Re vie w 5:30pm HLC 5:00pm P&ZWork Se ssio n 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 6:00pm Council 2:00pm CC Work 11:30am Mobility HaBSCo Meeting 11:00 Development Ethics Training Session Committee Code Review 6:30pm CC Regular Session 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6:00pm Public Utilities 10:00am Council 12:00 Downtown TF 11:00 Development Board Airp o rt C o mm itte e Code Review 5:00pm P&ZWork 2:00pm 4th Tuesday Session Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 29 30 31 No Council Meeting 4:00pm7BA 7/6/2018 11:10 AM August • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 'hursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 8:30 am Council Budget Workshop 4 p.m. Public Art Committee 5 611:30 am Council 7 8 9 10 11 Luncheon 2:00 pm CC Work 11:00am EDP Board 1:30pm Committee on Session the Fnvironment 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pm P&ZWork 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session Session Commission 6:30pm P&ZRegular ParkBoard 6 p m Session 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:00am Public Utilities 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 11:30am Mobility Board Session Committee Ha BSC o Meeting 5:30pm HLC 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2:00 pm CC Work 5:00pm P&Z Work 8:00 am Session Session City Council 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&ZRegular Retreat Se ssio n Se ssio n Lo c a do n 'IBD 26 27 28 29 30 31 6:00pm Public Utilities 10:00am Council Board Airport Committee 4:00 pm ZBA 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 7/6/2018 11:10 AM 7/3/18 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pending Council items and is subject to chan a without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item July 2—No Luncheon Jul 3 —No Meeting July 41 holiday observed—City Offices closed July 10—No Meeting July 17—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 2 WS—2nd Preliminary Budget Discussion Backup—July 13 WS—Department Budget Presentations WS—Solid Waste Cost of Service WS—Discussion on homelessness WS/IC—DRC Engineering contract WS—Park Foundation agreement IC—EDP Board nominating committee IC—Approval of Board of Ethics nominations IC—US Cold Storage July 24—4 th Tuesday Session Captions—July 9 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—July 20 WS—Plan Concept for North Lakes Tennis Center CA—Utility Management Stud July 31 —No Meeting August 2—Budget Workshop Captions—July 16 Backup—July 27 August 6—Luncheon Captions—July 23 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—August 2 WS—Gas Well Inspection Annual Report August 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—July 23 WS—Department Budget Presentations Backup—August 3 WS—Budget Workshop WS—Downtown Reinvestment Grant WS—Board of Ethics Rules and Procedures WS—Tree discussion IC—Radio contract August 14—2 nd Tuesday Session Captions—July 30 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—August 10 WS—Chamber ED contract WS—Municipal Equality Index discussion August 21 —Work/Regular Session Captions—August 6 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—August 17 WS—TWU Master Plan discussion IC—Chamber ED contract IC—EDP Board nominations August 25 —Council Retreat CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item August 28 —4th Tuesday Session Captions—August 13 WS—Budget Workshop Backup—August 24 IC—Approval of Board of Ethics Rules and Procedures PH— 1 st Public Hearing on the Tax Rate September 3 —No Luncheon Labor Day holiday September 4—No Meeting September I I—Special Called Work/Regular Captions—August 27 WS—Budget Workshop Session Backup— September 7 PH—2nd Public Hearing on the Tax Rate PH—Public Hearing on the Budget September 18—Work/Regular Session Captions—August 31 WS—Budget Workshop Backup— September 14 IC—Adoption of Budget September 25 —41 Tuesday Session Captions— September 10 ICMA—9/22-26, Baltimore Backup— September 21 October 1 —Luncheon Captions— September 17 Joint DISD luncheon Backup— September 27 October 2—No Meeting National Night Out October 9—2 nd Tuesday Meeting Captions— September 24 TML, Fort Worth, 10/9-10/12 Backup—October 5 October 16—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 1 Backup—October 12 October 23 —4th Tuesday Session Captions—October 8 WS—Stoke annual report Backup—October 19 October 30—No Meeting November 5 —Luncheon Captions—October 22 Airport Update—meeting at Airport Backup—November 1 November 6—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 22 NLC, Los Angeles, 11/7-11/10 Backup—November 2 IC— Stoke contract renewal November 13 —2 nd Tuesday Session Captions—October 29 Backup—November 9 November 20—No Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 11/22-23 November 27—4th Tuesday Session Captions—November 12 Backup—November 21 Tentative-Based on Need December 3 —Luncheon Captions—November 19 Backup—November 29 December 4—Work/Regular Session Captions—November 19 Backup—November 30 December 11 —2nd Tuesday Session Captions—November 26 Backup—December 7 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Meeting Date Deadlines Item December 18—Work/Regular Session Captions—December 3 Backup—December 14 Tentative-Based on Need December 25 —No Meeting Christmas Holiday observed—City Offices Closed 12/24-25 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report IMPROVING - CITY C'I 4OF DENTON Week of July 09-15, 2018 DEN Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Major Closures Amarillo St. Congress Egan 7/9/18 8/17/18 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) 7/5/18 LINT 2018 Residence Hall Project Coordinate with Ave.A Maple Eagle 3/19/18 7/13/18 (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering N/A UNT (940)349-8910 Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn West Engineering Vintage 7 1 17 8 30 18 Street Widening En A Electronic Si 940 349-8910 (Phase 1) of UPPRR Line g / / / / g g N/ Signs ( ) Canterbury Ct. Hollyhill 1-35 4/9/18 7/20/18 Drainage Improvements Drainage 3/26/18 Door Hangers 940-349-8488 (Temporary Lane Closures) Capetown Dr. Desert Willow Bishop Pine 6/25/18 8/3/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 6/5/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Edwards Rd. Camino Real Swisher Rd. 6/4/18 9/10/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 5/17/18 HOA Contacted (940)349-7160 TH. (Temporary Lane Closures) Emery St. Alice Coit 6/25/18 8/3/18 Street Resurfacing Streets 6/11/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Fulton St. Oak University 6/11/18 11/16/18 Water Main Construction Water 6/5/18 (940)349-7181 (Street Closure) Fulton St. TBD TBD Wastewater Wastewater (940)349-7300 Fulton St. TBD TBD Streets Streets (940)349-7160 Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Hickory St. North Texas Ave C 5/21/18 8/3/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 5/15/18 Electronic Signs (940)349-7160 Blvd. (Temporary Road Closures) Hickory St. Ave C 550 ft.West 7/5/18 7/20/18 Wastewater Main Reconstruction Wastewater (940)349-7300 (Road Closure) Holiday Park Phase 2 Manhattan Kings Row 11/10/17 12/1/18 Wastewater Main Construction Wastewater 11/16/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Hollyhill Ln. Longridge Pennsylvania 7/9/18 8/24/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 6/20/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Street Closures) Huisache St. Yucca Retama 5/21/18 7/20/18 Streets Construction Streets 5/15/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Jim Christal Rd Western Blvd Scripture 7/3/18 10/1/18 Utility Line Construction Water/WW (940)349-8463 (Road Closure) Lakeview Blvd. Black Walnut Burr Oak 6/18/18 7/13/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 6/5/18 HOA Contacted (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Lindsay St. McCormick 1-35 Service 6/8/18 7/31/18 Wastewater Main Reconstruction Wastewater 6/5/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Malone St. Crescent Westchester 6/11/18 7/13/18 Water Main Construction Water 6/28/18 (940)349-7181 (Street Closure) Malone St. Scripture W. University 7/9/18 8/24/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 6/28/18 Electronic Signs (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) McKinney St. Loop 288 Ryan H.S 5/29/18 TBD Sidewalk Construction Engineering N/A Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Rd. US 380 Edwards Ma hill 9 1 17 2 1 20 Street Reconstruction Engineering Hangers (ineerin 1/3/18, Door Han 940)349-8910 y / / / / (Temporary Road Closures) 1/24/18 Water and Wastewater Construction Mills Rd. Mayhill Denton ISD 5/29/18 7/30/18 and Road Widening Engineering N/A Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 driveway (Street Closure) Mingo Rd. Sirius Mockingbird 6/25/18 7/13/18 Wastewater Main Construction Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Montecito Dr. EI Paseo Seville 6/25/18 7/30/18 Street Resurfacing Streets 6/11/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Paint Dr. Arabian Hollow Ridge 6/11/18 7/20/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 5/25/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Prominence Pkwy. Mayhill Atlanta 1/31/18 8/31/18 Water and Wastewater Crossing Engineering 1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) Retama St. Sagebrush Huisache TBT TBD Streets Construction Streets 5/15/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Riney Rd. N Elm Solana 9/29/17 9/30/18 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering Yes Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) Kansas City Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Southern RR 3/26/18 TBD (One Lane traffic control) Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 Sagebrush Dr. Kings Row Retama 5/21/18 7/20/18 Streets Construction Streets 5/15/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Spencer Rd. Mayhill Lowe's 4/2/18 9/29/18 Water Line Replacement Water 3/16/18 Contacted (940)349-8910 Driveway (Road Closure) departments affected Spencer Rd. Mayhill Lowe's 4/2/18 9/29/18 Drainage Rebuild Drainage 3/16/18 Contacted (940)349-8910 Driveway (Road Closure) departments affected Spencer Rd. Mayhill Lowe's 4/2/18 9/29/18 Road Reconstruction Engineering 3/16/18 Contacted (940)349-8910 Driveway (Road Closure) departments affected Sycamore St. Sycamore Wainwright 6/29/18 7/31/18 Wastewater Main ReconstructionWastewater N/A Door Hangers (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closures) Dead End Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Sun Valley Dr. Stuart 5/14/18 8/6/18 Streets 5/1/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 West (Temporary Lane Closures) Valley View Rd. Kings Row Sun Valley 5/14/18 8/6/18 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 5/1/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: UNT 2018 CVAD Project Welch St. Mulberry Chestnut 4/11/18 7/20/18 Drive approach/Sidewalk Engineering 3/19/18 3/30/2018 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) COMPLETED PROJECTS Cobblestone North Dead Street Reconstruction Ashcroft Ln. 5/14/18 8/9/18 Streets 5/4/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Row End (Temporary Lane Closures) Cobblestone Row N. Locust Evers Pkwy 6/11/18 8/9/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 6/5/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Highland St. Carroll 100F 6/11/18 7/2/18 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets N/A (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Hollow Ridge Dr. Paint Dr. Big Horn Trail 5/14/18 7/9/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 5/3/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) Cobblestone North Dead Street Reconstruction Linda Ln. 4/23/18 8/9/18 Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Row End (Temporary Lane Closures) Mild Creek Ln. Rambling Rock Cul d Concrete Panel/Sidewalk Repairse Sac 4/30/18 6/21/18 Streets 4/26/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (No Detours) Montecito Dr. EI Paseo Seville 5/29/18 6/22/18 Curb and Gutter Repairs Streets N/A (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Sena St. Malone Ector 4/23/18 7/20/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 4/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) UPCOMING PROJECTS Bonnie Brae St. US 377 135W 2018 2020 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Phase 2) Bonnie Brae St. US 377 135E 2019 2021 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Phase 1) Bonnie Brae St. TBD TBD TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Phase 1) Proposed Date of Proposed Date Other Department Street/Intersection From To Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Hettie St. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Hinkle Dr. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater,Drainage,Streets Multiple Londonderry Ln. Teasley Westminster 9/1/18 TBD Street Improvements Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Panhandle St. Carroll Bolivar TBT TBT Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) PEC 4- Engineering In Design Installing Underground Box Culvert Engineering (940)349-8910 Smith-Johnson Summer 2018 Water,Wastewater,Drainage,Streets Engineering (940)349-8910 Stuart Rd. Windsor Kings Row TBD TBD Concrete Curb and Gutter Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Thomas St. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, and Streets Multiple W.Walnut St. S. Elm Cedar TBT TBT Utility Construction Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 (Temporary Road Closures) Wayne St. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater, and Streets Multiple Windsor Dr. TBD TBD Water,Wastewater,Drainage,Streets Engineering (940)349-8910