100518 Friday Staff Report `„F City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 5, 2018 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission Meeting on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Committee on Citizen Engagement Meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 4. Canceled-Mobility Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. 5. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 6. Canceled- Economic Development Partnership Board Wednesday, October 10, 2018. 7. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 8. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,October 10, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service B. Upcoming Events 1. Denton County ESD#1 Fire Station Grand Opening on October 6,2018 at 1:00 p.m. at 6801 Cleveland Gibbs Road. 2. TML Annual Conference, October 10-12, 2018 at the Fort Worth Convention Center. 3. NLC City Summit,November 7-10, 2018 in Los Angeles, CA. II. General Information & Status Update A. National Nijzht Out — The City of Denton had a great turnout for National Night Out on Tuesday, Oct. 2. A total of 15 neighborhoods hosted events to spend the evening outside with their neighbors.Denton Police and Fire stopped by the events opening up their vehicles and equipment,and staff from Community Improvement Services, Sustainability, and Public Affairs also visited the various events. Some photos from the evening were shared on the City's Facebook page. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs B. State of the Arts Denton Event—The Patterson Appleton Arts Center is hosting an arts mixer event on Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 6:30 p.m. to inaugurate a new conversation series about the arts in Denton, learn about new spaces, connect with new faces, and explore emerging trends.Join KERA's Art&Seek and the Greater Denton Arts Council for a conversation moderated by Senior Arts Reporter Jerome Weeks with five panelists, including the City's Economic Development Director Caroline Booth. The event is free and open to the public. Learn more about the event here. Staff contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development C. Shelter Planning Work Group — The work group held its second meeting on Wednesday. During the meeting, the group agreed on definitions of sheltered and unsheltered, reviewed the summary of the current environment (attached), reviewed an inclement weather communications process which will be further refined and developed for implementation before winter, and reviewed a draft survey with the goal to conduct the survey before the end of October and collect information from the unsheltered, sheltered, recently housed, and shelter staff/volunteers. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 7 and agencies that have future plans will be providing an overview of what they're working on. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs D. Commercial for Engage Denton Alp — Staff from Public Affairs and DTV have collaborated to produce a commercial that highlights the features of the Engage Denton app and demonstrates the ease of use. This commercial will run frequently on DTV and will be featured in advertising at local cinemas. This promotion is a component of a comprehensive marketing plan for the app which includes an article in the current Resident Update, social media posts, displays at information tables, and other outreach methods. View the new commercial at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v--DDnai7nMnLk. Staff contact: Charlie Rosendahl, Public Affairs E. Resignation of Mark Nelson — On Thursday, Oct. 5 Mark Nelson submitted his letter of resignation (attached) to become the Director of Transportation and Mobility for the City of Richardson. We are saddened to see Mark leave Denton as he has been a valuable employee for many years. This is a great opportunity for Mark to assist Richardson to enhance the Transit-Oriented Development along the Telecom Corridor,DART's light rail and proposed Cotton Belt commuter rail, and other transportation projects. Mark will begin his new role on November 1 and his last day in Denton will be Thursday, Oct. 18. If you see Mark, please congratulate him and wish him well on his future endeavors. Staff contact: Mark Nelson, Transportation/Mario Canizares, CMO F. Greenbelt Corridor Repairs — The Greenbelt Corridor is a 20-mile multi-use trail that follows the Elm Fork Branch of the Trinity River. The closest access point to Denton,the US 380 Access(380 Greenbelt Trail),has been closed to all for nearly three years due to flood damage. In 2017,the State Legislature approved funding to repair the trail as a part of a larger project at Ray Roberts Lake State Park. Bid documents for the repair project were released on Sept. 21 with bids due on Oct. 25. Following contract award, the contractor will have 210 days from notice to proceed to complete work. Staff will work with Texas Parks and Wildlife to follow the bid process and provide updates as throughout the construction project. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability G. Welch Street Closure —Beginning Monday, Oct.8, the City of Denton will begin emergency drainage repairs on Welch Street between Sycamore St. and Chestnut St. Weather conditions and scheduling may impact the plans,but we hope to have the project completed within three weeks. Traffic in the area and DCTA bus routes will be affected by the closure of Welch, please see the attached Traffic Control Plan for details on detours. This construction is necessary to replace the underlying drainage infrastructure in the area of Welch and Sycamore Street. This is an emergency rehabilitation due to the recent discovery that the infrastructure below the roadway does not meet City of Denton standards. There are electronic signs in place to notify motorists, letters were delivered to nearby residents, and staff reached out to UNT and DCTA to notify them of the emergency closure. Staff contact: Haley Salazar, Capital Projects H. Denton County Community Survey — Denton County Public Health (DCPH) is conducting the 2018 Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Northeast Denton,weather permitting. DCPH is encouraging residents within the survey area to participate in the door-to-door survey, as results are used in countywide emergency response plans. "The goal of the CASPER is for us to understand how ready community members are for a natural disaster or public health emergency," stated Dr. Matt Richardson, Director of Public Health. "We have prioritized equipping residents with the knowledge to be as prepared as possible for events that may occur." DCPH is the only public health department in the DFW Metroplex and one of only five public health departments in Texas to have conducted a CASPER. Results of this assessment will allow community emergency managers to validate emergency plans and target future emergency preparedness education. Additional details about the CASPER survey can be found in the attached press release. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs I. Lake Forest Park Trail Closure—Due to a recent study of the dam at Lake Forest Park, the trail section crossing the dam will be closed until further notice. The trail is being closed because Teague Nall and Perkins,Inc.(TNP)identified several small leaks in the dam, which presented safety concerns for the trail because it runs over the dam. Parks and Recreation, Capital Projects, Utilities, and TNP are working diligently to identify a resolution to the current issue. The resolution will involve either an emergency chemical grout to seal the leaks or full dam reconstruction. Because the dam is classified as a low-water hazard, there is not a concern for any potential downstream flooding. If needed, emergency actions will be taken to control any water outfall. These will include controlled pumping of the pond, chemical grouting of the dam and increasing the current outfall of the pond. Staff anticipates presenting the proposed resolution for the dam leakage to City Council by January 31, 2019. Staff contact: Drew Huffinan, Parks and Recreation J. Electric Transmission Project at Owsley Park — As a part of the process that Denton Municipal Electric (DME) is going through to upgrade and convert Denton's electric transmission system from 69kV to 138kV, DME staff met with the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board regarding the use of a 150 linear foot segment from an existing 69kV transmission line that runs generally parallel to Stella Street across the front of Owsley Park. After the presentation and discussion, the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board recommended approval (6-0) on January 8, 2018, for a"non-park use"of a 0.064 acre portion of Owsley Park for the purpose of installing and maintaining an electric transmission, distribution, and communication line for the electric infrastructure upgrade project. To comply with Texas Parks and Wildlife Code requirements, a public notice will be advertised 3 times (October 12, October 19, and October 26) in the Denton Record Chronicle prior to the November 6 City Council Public Hearing. Upon City Council approval, an equitable fee for this transmission line easement will be made to the Parks and Recreation Department based upon a real estate appraisal. Staff contact: Brent Heath, DME K. National Coffee with a Cop Day — The Denton Police Department celebrated National Coffee with a Cop Day on Wednesday, October 3 at the Denton Public Safety Training Center. The mission of Coffee with a Cop events is to break down perceived barriers between police officers and residents. Coffee with a Cop events do not have a formal agenda and are intended to facilitate positive dialogue regarding community concerns and public safety needs. Approximately 24 residents and business owners attended along with a number of City employees. Staff contact: Bobby Smith, Police III. Community Events A. Fire Station Grand Opening — The new Denton County Emergency Services District (ESD) 1 fire station commenced operations on Sept. 15 and provides fire and emergency medical services to the Robson Ranch and Harvest developments, as well as other residents in the area. This station, located at the southeast corner of Old Justin Road and Cleveland Gibbs Road, is the result of an interlocal agreement between the City of Denton and Denton County ESD. A grand opening ceremony is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6 at the new fire station, 6801 Cleveland Gibbs Rd.,Northlake, TX. All members of the public are invited to attend and help celebrate the new station. Additional information can be found in the attached event flyer. Staff contact: Kenneth Hedges, Fire/Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs B. Stream Clean Saturday— Stream Clean Saturday is scheduled for this Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9:00-11:00 a.m., check-in will take place in the City Hall Courtyard (215 E. McKinney Street) and Camp Copass (8200 E. McKinney Street). Registration will take place from 8:00-8:45 a.m. at City Hall. The cleanup is free and open to the public, all participants will be invited to a complementary volunteer lunch at the close of the event. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability C. Police Chief Swearing-In CeremonX— The Denton City Council, City staff, and other community members will gather to welcome new Chief of Police Frank Dixon to Denton at an official swearing-in ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 11 at 3 p.m. in the Public Safety Training Center (719 E. Hickory). A copy of the event invitation is attached. As part of the event, Chief Dixon will be sworn in by Judge Robin Ramsay and will make formal remarks. All members of the public are invited to join us in welcoming Chief Dixon to Denton. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs D. Neighborhood Empowerment Summit—On Saturday,Oct. 13 the City of Denton will host its annual Neighborhood Empowerment Summit. The summit is a free event and will be held at the MLK Jr. Recreation Center, located at 1300 Wilson Street, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with sign-in starting at 8:30 a.m. Additional summit details are provided in the attached flyer. This year's theme is "Building Resilient Neighborhoods Together." Staff encourages individuals that are interested in enhancing community pride and build more resilient neighborhoods to attend. Staff Contact: Ron Menguita, Development Services IV. Attachments A. Summary of Current Shelter Environment B. Mark Nelson Resignation Letter C. Welch Street Closure Traffic Control Plan D. Fire Station Grand Opening Flyer E. Police Chief Swearing-In Event Invitation F. Neighborhood Empowerment Summit Flyer V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2018-143 Cornerstone Software Renewal B. 2018-144 Update on Sewage Release at Pecan Creek C. 2018-145 Landfill Landscape Buffer and Tree Planting Update D. 2018-146 PEG Fund Grant and Spending Information VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda for October 16 C. Council Calendar D. Future Work Session Items E. Street Construction Report Denton County Shelter Inventory #beds Hotel Days at Full Average Daily# Organization Type of Intervention #beds inclement vouchers Shelter Hours Entry Requirements Length of Stay Future Plans Occupancy(had of Clients Per weather available to turn clients Month away) Some Potential for partnership vouchers Breathalyzer,drug test, 30-day stay; possible with Denton Bible Church Salvation Army 30(first come available for 7 days/week any ID, no sex offenders, extension to 60 days if to increase emergency 20 clients Emergency Shelter 42 Awaiting Data (Sept 2017-Aug Denton first served) families for 5pm to 7am no weapons or drugs, shelter guest is shelter capacity at the 2018) stays up to 7 accepts felons working/saving money Hangar during inclement days weather No sex offenders,accepts M,Tue,Wed felons, bag check,any ID, Monsignor King 92 beds, 1 family case-by-case entry for 1 day;5 clients 64 clients Emergency Shelter 6:30pm to (Sept 2017-Aug Outreach Center room 8 m people under the turned away 2018 p influence, personal items ) and pets allowed Domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, Denton County Some no drug test, no 24 clients per Friends of the Emergency Shelter 32 beds vouchers 24/7 background check, no ID Average stay Data Unavailable month available required, personal items approximately 30 days (July 2017-July Family allowed,shelter requests 2018) for no weapons but does not search Salvation Army Inclement Weather Shelter (Lewisville City Council must 16 Lewisville declare an emergency) Cumberland Transitional Housing g transitional Presbyterian (Some emergency shelter units for single capacity for children removed Children's Home from their homes) parent families Kyle's Place Transitional Living Program 16 Up to 24 months 24(4 units with Add 16 emergency shelter Wheeler House Transitiona Housing capacity for 6 Single female heads of 3-6 months beds for families for stays individuals per household and children of up to 4 weeks or less; unit) estimated end of 2018 DENTON COUNTY HOMELESSNESS LEADERSHIP TEAM Last Updated: 10/2/2018 United Way of Denton County, Inc. October 4, 2018 Mr. Mario Canizares,ACM City of Denton 215 East McKinney Street Denton,Texas 76201 Mario, On September 27, 2018, 1 accepted a verbal offer of employment with the City of Richardson to serve as their Director of Transportation and Mobility. Thus, after 22 years of service to the citizens of Denton I will be separating my employment with the City of Denton. Please accept this as my letter of resignation from my current position as the City of Denton's Director of Transportation. I have committed to beginning my employment with the City of Richardson on November 1, 2018. As discussed with you earlier this week, my request is to maintain employment with the City of Denton until Wednesday, October 31, 2018. The intent is to use the next two weeks to wrap up current projects and provide any additional assistance you may need on various items and use a portion of my available vacation days beginning October 19 thru October 31,2018. I have enjoyed my time and professional development here with the City of Denton in various capacities over the years and have enjoyed working directly for you and with our colleagues to advance the goals and objectives of the organization. I look forward to the new challenges and opportunities, however,will remain available to assist you and the City of Denton in the future. Thank you for your guidance and mentorship. Regards, karkelson cc: Carla Romine, Director of Human Resources 14 It wit lit it E jr I tt. t � Z t1� T low it Tr 19 tot �AWL� r rr -- ® Rt11 RA C �F mil-�I,Y WORK nx t tL f` 1p N lffi!� -N wNewD •' I �� EtRkIOI�Ukk�itk _ E t. 1 p c r♦ R Ij• z _� k f t, rp' tLkkEm w�tlRk � • [t4[t El l{VI(�FII I�GI Fr ,-• r R-D wNewD ��t�k[tilf{E � ItftO� [Q{FI�¢{tK I( �/ (�( �I-�I I•r k l r. 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City of Denton ROAD Chelby Fallahay Sheet 2 "TACT Tv CLOSED Troy Trolinder Denton ' 1 TCP DESIGNER "TncT"uMe JOBNA"" BUYERS Hector Gonzalez E ER940-349-7197 Welch St&Sycamore St �ocwnorJ EST C A D E S I»x 4 THIS PLAN IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLYAND 10/03/2018 Welch St&Sycamore St 817.535.3939 IS NOT INTENDED TO RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM Navigator score or woaK All Traffic Control Plans TCPs are the property of Buyers THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY RELATED CONTRACT ( ) Y DOCUMENTS,THE TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC Devices spaced on 20ft centers Barricades,Inc.and are included with Buyers Barricades CONTROL DEVICES(MUTCD)OR THE OVERALL H Type 3 Barricade Posted s eed limit 30MPH Road Closure rental agreements.Traffic Control Plans issued without a RESPONSIBILITY TO TRAFFIC CONTROL SAFETY. rental agreement will be charged to the customer. - tt ' 4 4'.��. �;1,1��fsN�-- [ w -- .r 2 [ -�. a• 1 t r T 7 �t� a -.+ - I� ��..I ` r � i:A+ ter, .�11 ` ,'T l� - _ � �..•. -. � --. � __ � v `DETOUR - /y� _.�._ -- _ -- `,:�^_ 0., ._ - � `�. �fI{��r- - DETOURIt- M4-9L T M4-9R In 1 -4 .r , � 'fir' �� �` ta:.rl�" is,• � � �'�.�,.r4.0 � C ,r '�. ` ' I '_-- r_-_ _ ; •'�� 1 111 _ S:� ii�r�i/T�•- •w1:!•N:nd t• YI tr av �[ n1-►^ - _ ,C� ='r'-a s is - �� i i 0 a tnaTT —_ •�YP-•a It ! �L'fiM*lT(iH�[Pttrj •9' _� t i. - '` ri< ` • [ Witwerl[�w iu .[. r■r •r - 1p �l1�1I p� r A PtIMLIIV[ ` J f •' -_ r- S t r f [ /: �• a1 tlw MIN• 1 � ..� -r�r [P bM e`!eil�llfe�t* , HPtqgit•,w�RnRP!wd _ �IrL� Y� =�t-_ - .. _. r I� � �rei.Me14 ti tatQ r Irplr PFu n we s ��\ s (,- ,�. 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OCS�Il41t I'll I ux4 THIS PLAN IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND 10/03/2018 Welch St&Sycamore St 7.535.3939 IS NOT INTENDED TO RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM Navigator scone or woRK All Traffic Control Plans TCPs are the property Of Buyers THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY RELATED CONTRACT ( ) DOCUMENTS,THE TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC Devices spaced on 20ft centers Barricades,Inc.and are included with Buyers Barricades CONTROL DEVICES(MUTCD)OR THE OVERALL Type 3 Barricade Posted speed limit 30MPH Road Closure rental agreements.Traffic Control Plans issued without a RESPONSIBILITY TO TRAFFIC CONTROL SAFETY. rental agreement will be charged to the customer. i Open House at our New Fire Station You are invited to join N Denton County ESD#1 - -4 WN Arale Fire District, ind City of Denton r � t on October 6th m ipm 68oi Cleveland Gibbs Rd,locat,(]in the Harvest Communitv. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE SWEARING-IN CEREMONY OF FRANK DIXON CHIEF OF POLICE DENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT THURSDAY, OCT. 11 1 3 P.M. DENTON PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING CENTER 719 E. HICKORY ST. I DENTON RSVP BY OCT. 9 SHANIKA.MAYO@CITYOFDENTON.COM DENTON Produced by the City of Denton•www.cityofdenton.com•ADA/EOE/ADEA•TDD(800)733-2989 A" BUILDING RESILIENT NEIGHBORHOODS TOGETHER ! THE ANNUAL r NEIGHBORHOOD EMPOWERMENT SUMMIT ML 13 SATURDAY, OCTOBER LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR NEIGHBORHOOD GRANTS 9 A IVY - 1 P NI MLK JR. RECREATION CENTER 1300 WILSON ST DENTON, TX 76205 To make appropriate accommodations, register at www.cityofdenton.com/neighborhoodplanning or contact Ron Menguita at Ron.menguita@cityofdenton.com or call at (940) 349-8328 by October 10. FRFF RFG�S cy/z C QO Healthy /� -4RF, �4Yi DENTON CNeighborhNoodsINGPROGRAM • ENTON IL iCONSTRUYENDO J U NTOS VECINDARIOS FUERTES ! CUMBRE . JEMPODERAMIENTO DE VECI N DARIOS 201b OCTUBRE APRENDA MA'S SOBRE LAS AYUDAS FINANCIERAS PARA VECINDARIOS N iCUIDADO DE NINOS GRATIS! I 9AM - 1PM MLK JR. RECREATION CENTER 1300 W I LSO N ST D E NTO N, TX 76205 Para hacer los arreglos apropiados, registrese en nuestra pagina web www.cityofdenton.com/neighborhoodplanning antes del 10 de Octubre. Para servicio en esapnol, comuniquese con Monica Salcedo al correo electronico Monica.salcedo@cityofdenton.com o llame al (940) 349-8066. i RFG js � rRryTc '�" Healthy y�Yi DENTON Neighborhoods • CITY OF DENRON NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING PROGRAM Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Cornerstone performance management and learning management software contract renewal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Two items for technology solutions have been included on upcoming Council agendas: October 9 and October 16, 2018, consent agenda. One of the items is to consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the purchase of software maintenance for Human Capital Management (HCM) software through Oracle. This item is scheduled for October 9. The other item, scheduled for October 16, is to consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the renewal of the Performance Management and Learning Management software system through Cornerstone OnDemand ("Cornerstone"). This software is used for the City's online performance reviews as well as training registration and training records management. It also offers some online training opportunities for City staff. The Oracle HCM software will replace Cornerstone as well as two other Human Resources information systems (HRIS) in Human Resources; however, it will take approximately a year for full implementation. To ensure there is no disruption to the online performance reviews and training registration/records management, staff is requesting to renew the Cornerstone contract for one year. BACKGROUND: In 2014, the City started a Leadership Excellence Enhancement Program(LEEP). LEEP participants were required to attend approximately a year of classroom training as well as complete a project. One of the projects chosen focused on performance management. The LEEP group addressed several concerns with the performance review process the City had at the time in a report and presentation to the City Council on July 9,2015. Their recommendations included the following goals: 1. Prioritize performance management; 2. Simplify the process, collaboration, and compliance; 3. Identify support and resources; and 4. Invest in systems. They specifically recommended the purchase and implementation of performance management and learning management software in order to accomplish strategic and operational goals. As a result, the City contracted with Cornerstone to provide online performance management and learning management solutions beginning in FY 15/16. This was a three-year contract with an October 20,2018, expiration date. Cornerstone is one of several software solutions the Human Resources Department utilizes for its core services. Having multiple software solutions is inefficient and creates several challenges for the organization. As a result, Human Resources staff and Technology Services staff worked collaboratively to find a different solution through Oracle, which is included on the October 16, 2018, Council agenda for approval. The software will be implemented in phases and full implementation (including staff training) will take approximately a year. As such, the contract with Cornerstone needs to be renewed for FY 18/19 to avoid a disruption in the performance management and learning management processes. Page 1 of 4 Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 DISCUSSION: Oracle HCM will replace NEOGOV, Cornerstone, and Workterra. NEOGOV is the online applicant tracking system that we use to post open positions and accept applications. Cornerstone is our talent management system that we use for performance reviews,online training registration, some online training, and training tracking. Workterra is used for online benefits enrollment. Other processes and procedures will be improved with this new software as well. This new software will offer many benefits to employees/supervisors, Human Resources staff, and the organization as a whole. A complete listing of benefits is included in Exhibit A; however, some of the key benefits include the following: • Improved user experience (not having to learn and access multiple software systems; easier online accessibility); • Centralization of data; • Improved data integrity due to the elimination of duplicate data entry; • Employee "self-service" capabilities; and • Improved efficiencies due to the elimination of paper-driven processes and duplicate data entry. The goal is to consolidate the funds spent on NEOGOV and Cornerstone, as well as the JDE maintenance cost(for the Human Resources module), to fund Oracle HCM beginning in FY 19/20; therefore, there will be no new costs to the City in future years. However, it will take approximately a year to implement Oracle HCM. Therefore, we are requesting a contract renewal with Cornerstone. As a result, there will be an additional cost of$70,772.28 in FY 18/19. CONCLUSION: Implementing Oracle HCM provides needed efficiencies. However, it will take approximately one year to fully implement the software and train staff. To ensure continuity of services to the organization, we need to renew our contract with Cornerstone for online performance and learning management for FY 18/19, which will cost $70,772.28. Cornerstone is included in the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network. STAFF CONTACT: Carla Romine, Director of Human Resources 940-349-8344 Page 2 of 4 Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 EXHIBIT A Organization Supervisor Resources Improved Data Integrity due to X X elimination of duplicate data entry Reduced Support Costs and X X improve HR efficiencies due to system consolidation Information security risks X reduced due to elimination of forms (Laserfiche and paper) Vendor management overhead X and costs reduction Native integration to other Oracle X X Cloud service (Contract management) and JDE Elimination of paper driven X X X X processes (Status Sheets, Emp Development Plans) Reporting Capabilities for HR X X X business operation(Turnover, performance reviews, compensation, etc.) Complete Employee Lifecycle X X X X Management(recruit, onboard, train, review, offboard) Simplified navigation of applicant X X X information for candidate recruitment by cross-marketing positions and applicants in the system(e.g., supervisors can refer applications to others) Benefits summary for employees X X (ability to self-serve and view total compensation) Page 3 of 4 Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-143 Employee self-service change X X X X requests to personal information online versus going through their supervisor, timekeeper, or calling/visiting HR Service accessible from anywhere X X X at anytime Improved user experience X (eliminate duplicate data entry, additional user ids, passwords, various look and feel of multiple sites) Single system for employee X X X X information provides simplified access for HR and employee data Centralization of employee X X X X information (personal, training, reviews, disclosures, etc) Page 4 of 4 Date: October 5,2018 Report No. 2018-144 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide an update on the recent sewage release to Pecan Creek. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Denton's wastewater collection system experienced a failure in a 21 inch line that conveyed waste along Pecan Creek to the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation facility,resulting in the release of approximately 2.6 million gallons of domestic sewage. The purpose of this report is to provide the council with additional background and status of this issue. BACKGROUND: Due to recent heavy rainfalls, a section of the creek bank along Pecan Creek suffered a severe slope failure.An area approximately 70 feet long,20 feet wide and 20 feet high collapsed, carrying a 21-inch diameter sewer interceptor with it. The failure occurred approximately 1,800 feet southeast of the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant headworks. Watershed protection staff located the failure at approximately 1:30PM Monday October 1. Utilities staff were on site by 2:OOPM and immediately began work to stabilize the slope and stop the overflow. Water distribution and wastewater collection staff were able to place a plug in the line at a manhole upstream of the failure, successfully bypassing the flow to a parallel 24-inch diameter line at 11:30PM Monday evening. Staff performed non-stop earthwork activities to prevent any further slope failure in the area, completing temporary stabilization at approximately 2:00 p.m. Tuesday. Wastewater collection staff are currently on site 24-hours a day to monitor the status/condition of the plug, to prevent it from becoming dislodged from the pipe, and to observe any further erosion by water flow in the creek. Also on Monday, Utilities Administration enlisted the services of a 3rd party structural engineer to assist with design and recommendations for both temporary and permanent stream bank stabilization.A subsurface geotechnical investigation, led by a geotechnical engineer, commenced Tuesday afternoon. The purpose of this investigation is to determine soil properties and the depth to bedrock, data which are necessary to prepare an engineered design of permanent repairs. Analysis and conceptual design are currently ongoing, pending the receipt of the geotechnical report. The current conceptual plan for repair includes several complementary solutions. As the soil that once contained the pipe was completely dislodged, we currently intend to install drilled concrete piers to support the replacement pipe, to allow streambank restoration construction to occur immediately adjacent to the pipe. Repair of the stream bank will require some form of structural wall or slope, which will be resistant to future erosion. The most effective type of wall or slope will be determined based upon the forthcoming geotechnical report. The team of professionals responding to this failure included City staff members of Water, Wastewater and Drainage divisions, some working over 30 continuous hours. Additional Date: October 5,2018 Report No. 2018-144 equipment coordination was provided by several Solid Waste staff members until late into the night Monday. The Wastewater Utility sincerely appreciates the collective effort of all staff involved, as well as the supply of necessary construction equipment from several departments without hesitation. Some photographs are included below to show the extent of this challenging situation. Staff continue to monitor impacts to the stream, and monitoring data indicates that the stream is recovering. Aeration and monitoring will continue until the stream returns to normal conditions. Initial failure conditions. f ' r ir y ; Date: October 5,2018 Report No. 2018-144 . c - f J I Completed temporary slope stabilization STAFF CONTACT: Frank Pugsley Deputy Director of Water and Wastewater Utilities 940-349-8086 Date: October 5, 2018 Report No. 2018-145 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Update on landfill landscape buffer and tree planting BACKGROUND: During the October 16, 2018 City Council meeting, the Council will be asked to consider approval of a contract with Fannin Tree Farm Sales, LLC for the supply and installation of trees for City of Denton parks, medians, right of ways, and public buildings (Item 18-1669). The proposed purchase agreement, totaling $1,206,000 over four (4) years, includes $406,000 to install trees as part of a landscape buffer surrounding the Solid Waste Department's landfill operation. The below report provides a summary of the department's buffer zone standards and an overview of plans to improve the landscape buffer. LANDSCAPE BUFFER: In solid waste operations, buffer zones are typically utilized to restrict residential or commercial use of property within a certain distance of waste disposal activity. For the Solid Waste Department's waste disposal operation, the buffer is 115 feet wide and runs parallel along Mayhill Road from Edwards Road to Foster Road. An additional 100 foot wide buffer runs along Edwards Road. The Solid Waste Department's buffer zone includes landscaping and other screening to separate operational activities from adjacent properties. The standards for maintaining the buffer zone are outlined within Solid Waste's Specific Use Permit S-204. The permit requires "sufficient landscaping and screening to ensure harmony and compatibility with adjacent property." Following the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's approval of Permit No. MSW 1590-A in 1999, the Solid Waste Department installed an appropriate landscape buffer; however, portions of the vegetation died in the years that followed. Earlier this year, staff partnered with Freese & Nichols to redesign the landscape buffer and irrigation system. The purpose of this effort was to create a design that remediates trees lost in recent years while working around obstructions related to existing utility infrastructure, a future DME transmission project, and Mayhill Road realignment. The planting and irrigation project is broken into phases. Designs for the first two phases of the project are complete, and the proposed contract with Fannin Tree Farm allows for the purchase of 358 trees annually. Staff s goals are to remediate 100% of previous onsite tree loss (approximately 560 trees), and capitalize on opportunities to plant elsewhere onsite. Date: October 5,2018 Report No. 2018-145 TREE PLANTING SCHEDULE: Because landscape design and tree planting is being attempted while several construction projects are occurring in the area, the tree planting project is occurring in phases. Below is a brief overview of each phase and the developments that must occur before final planting and irrigation: • Phase I— Located between the westernmost inactive landfill cell and the recently installed screening wall, Solid Waste is anticipating the installation 90 canopy trees and 88 understory trees and plants consistent with a June 2018 design by Freese and Nichols (Exhibit 1). Mobilization and tree installation is anticipated promptly (fall 2018), once the proposed contract is approved. Installation of the permanent irrigation system will occur with Phase 2 and 3. As a result, a temporary irrigation system will be installed as part of Phase 1. • Phase 2 — Located in the eastern public way approximately along Mayhill Road, from approximately Foster Rd to Old Edwards Road, Solid Waste is anticipating the installation 39 canopy trees and 144 understory trees and plants consistent with an August 2018 design by Freese and Nichols (Exhibit 2). Mobilization and installation of trees and irrigation will occur upon the completion of the Mayhill Road realignment and the installation of transmission lines associated with a DME capital project. • Phase 3 — Located in the public way adjacent to reconstructed Mayhill Rd. South of Old Edwards Rd. Once the final alignment and subsequent design of Mayhill Road south of Old Edwards Rd. is complete, landscape design will proceed, and installation will commence as road construction is completed. Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions or concerns. ATTACHMENT(S): Exhibit 1 —Phase One Landfill Buffer Landscape Design Exhibit 2—Phase Two Landfill Buffer Landscape Design STAFF CONTACT(S): Ethan Cox, Director of Solid Waste (940) 349-7421 Ethan.C ox&cityofdenton.com CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A!CoitfY4 D NTON LANDF � LL BUFFER LANDSCAPE DESIGN PHASE ONE ISSUED FOR REVIEW JUNE 2018 77 377 380 MAYOR.....................................................CHRIS WATTS 377 CITY MANAGER.................................TODD HILEMAN 380 N Blagg Rd COUNCIL MEMBER.............................KEVIN RODEN Denton s 31 ;� Y1COUNCIL MEMBER............................KEELY BRIGGS ?��- 9 SHEET INDEX COUNCIL MEMBER................KATHLEEN WAZNEY McKinney St M11 s Rd 26 LA-1 ORIENTATION PLAN COUNCIL MEMBER..........................JOEY HAWKINS ; i LA-2 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN LA-3 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN COUNCIL MEMBER......................DALTON GREGORY 9 LA-4 PLANTING DETAILS � 88 77 PROJECT LA-5 PLANTING LIST COUNCIL MEMBER.........................SARA BAGHERI Spencer Rd LOCATION IR-1 IRRIGATION PLANS IR-2 IRRIGATION PLANS IR-3 IRRIGATION DETAILS I IR-4 IRRIGATION DETAILS II 3ooa NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE �B/yd PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE IR I Edwards Rd FREESE AUTHORITY OF MATTHEW L.MILANO fT ■ o vLL IR-2 I s I 'NICHOLS TEXAS N0:3028 DATE:DUNE 2018 4055International Plaza,Site 200 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, Iti ATIO DET IL I Fort Worth,Texas 76109-4895 PERMITTING OR CONSTRUCTION. I U ATI I Phone-IS 7)735-7300 Fax-(817)735-7491 Web-www.freese.com TEXASR EGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-2144 0 4000, 8000, ® DTN18117 SCALE IN FEET s ra.o_o Office:Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -03:15:07 PM Users 0254T,le:N:\arc\Phase One Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-P7-CV-COVER.sht o o� " z H a �� ow � ffl z1, u zzI osoN0k O �� �z Zll -�arza a FA Om Z'� 6V ao "w aNv cn ��coxa �odu3 Z CD V) W W Q PHASE ONE U z LA-2 LA-2 _________ LA-3 _LA-3 z C)W Q Q _. _ _ _ _._ _ --------------_-_--_®©- _ - -- - --_-_--�---------=-=---- ----a----- 1 ---=-_ --------c---- � --�---© I ---�------_-- I o oo � a 0 0 ��0 00 _ - - -. _ _ _ _ cam _ _ _ _ _ -— _ _ _. __ _ _ © ZQQ On Q Q Q Q Q0 Q � Q Q Q Q Q, J 4o W ��Q dZ—oa Q oo ° o a a 0 o ° a o° 000r o®° 6 Q rLLJQ a Q ------_ -----------_-------------- _ _r— ----- I — — --- --- --- --- —� ----------------_---------------_ --_-, — — — — — — — ��— LL _ < ~ -- -- — �a°�� � _ _ ® n - ul & � � oo � _ -- -- _— --- _ - - - � - - - - I - - - - _ � _ _ - I L�WQ w (D 0 0' � a Q 9 0 Qa� � � c 0(D(D cD � (DQ 01�0 9 0 0'0 a � a � e 04,09 % �� a ma o � o l � J � - ---------------------�_--- ---- so --------- ee x------=-so so so 29---==_--�---_ �SE T w _ _ _ _I _ _T_ _ _ _ PROPOSED S MAY ILL - - - - - -�- - - I - --- li C) I I z I - �I � I z Q o oQo w 3 Y a � U K Y _C Q O 07 C Q 0O C O O 0 O y —C O O _N 06. Palo` to C Ul o� ma`s od� z-now _ O >O 0 40' 80' 160' SHEET SCALE IN FEET LA-1 S EQ. 1 OF 5 s rao_o Office:Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -05:06:42 PM Users O254:F ile N�\arc\Phase One Landscape\Drawings\LA-M AYHILL PD-CV-P7-KEYMAP.Sht z ==m p ��Rz U —w 7 o��wya _ z4 ✓�z � www�orc orc Vi wws000 i z T�p¢ 221 w z� p orc p swop LL �-------------------- 5 Zpo' w � F o�0zz Q 54'LANDSCAPE BUFFER LIMIT ---- - Q FAJm -- -------------- - --- _ W CE CE E - O -- \� E J m5 1 -- —ti - O --- - Q _ — — ..o E I' -- — - --- - - ---- - �11oxw �odu3 - -- - - > - z � m - -- (n LEJco (/) CE CE CE CE CE CE LEJ CE CE CE CE 10'O.C. TYP. CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 100'-01, CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 0- 0- EXISTING RETAINING WALL (/)W w Z EXISTING METAL FENCE z0 Zz v --- z Q o z --- --- LJ Q - J W J cn Q -- o QLLJ LL LL- 2 0'O.C._ -15 O.C._ = zQ _j Q 5 SCARE TYP. TYP. ---- (, Q UFFER LIMIT m (� CE -- -- ---- -- m w C) LLJ z CE E ' CE C CE - CE -- CE - CE W J Z - Li --- - --- - M % I a a s z > w o � z 4 3 w U E CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE W < p w z N CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE C Uw a 10'O.C.TYP. J 100' 0" a EXISTING RETAINING WALL LL a 0 m -o� 0 0� LEGEND EXISTING METAL FENCE `o=� GFNFRAI NOTFS o o vl UNDERSTORY TREE ., - 1.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF TREE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. - 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EASEMENT LINES AND VISIBILITY LINES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. o rns 3o=sa 3.REFER TO SHEET LA-4 FOR PLANTING DETAILS. L a + CANOPY TREE ots °o 4.REFER TO PLANT LIST SHEET LA-5 FOR PLANT QUANTITIES,SIZE,AND SPECIES INFORMATION. ma u ode 5.DO NOT REMOVE ANY EXISTING TREES. '� z 6.IF ANY PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS CONFLICT WITH EXISTING TREE LOCATIONS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHIFT THE ` r Q�-TREE SPECIES 0 10' 20' 40' 1,PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS\ AS NOT TO IMPACT EXISTING TREESTl jo 7.CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED TURF GRASS RESULTING FROM INSTALLATION AT NO EXPANSE TO OWNER. SCALE IN FEET SHEET LA-2 sE0. 2 OF 5 s ra.o_o Office:Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -04:41:42 PM User: 0254:File N\ara\Phase One Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-PL-P7-LANDSCAPE 01.sht Z 0 =='29i ow � o3�w�d "W N wwkoaa zz O n��W� ao U - nm OLL o�000 wN wmzFo �c> I- 000moz ax z- Z yo a 20'O.C. —15'O.C. — — ��= W j TYP. TYP. 54'LANDSCAPE ° ------------ IT - � 0 co CE CE CE CE C CE CE CE CE -- CE CE CE CE CE CE CE - CE CE CE CE E CE CE WV S o W a in LLJ Z LLZmo _ U<m� U Q — — - -- i Z LJ (/) Q Z CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE W Q 10'O.C.TYP. _ (I- J EXISTING METAL�FENCE EXISTING RETAINING WALL I 00' 0" 1 Q CL U)LLJ U C \. LLJ o Q Z 0 J Q Q _ --�— ------ - --- U) J 0 r wQ cap 20 O.C. 15'O.C. 54'LANDSCAPE ® v LL I W TYP. TYP. BUFFER LIMIT Q J Q CE CE CE CE CE CE m U U � � W 0 _ J W _ - J Z Z_ Q J Li J U Z A � o Qa oZ o o w w z w a CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 3 a 0 10'O.C. TYP. W. Q 100'-01, z a dHD dH❑ dHD dHD dH0 dHU dHD dHD dH0 1H0 dH0 dHD 1—dH0 dHD dHD dH0—dHD dH0 dH0 dHD dHO dHU — LL a EXISTING METAL FENCE _c� EXISTING RETAINING WALL °° c LEGEND QFNFRAI NOTES o °0. UNDERSTORY TREE 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF TREE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. moo 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EASEMENT LINES AND VISIBILITY LINES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. in oho goa 3.REFER TO SHEET LA-4 FOR PLANTING DETAILS. m c m 30� L p Ul oa + CANOPY TREE 4.REFER TO PLANT LIST SHEET LA-5 FOR PLANT QUANTITIES,SIZE,AND SPECIES INFORMATION. m°a` w� 5.DO NOT REMOVE ANY EXISTING TREES. a Ov m n .77 6.IF ANY PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS CONFLICT WITH EXISTING TREE LOCATIONS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHIFT THE r PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS\ AS NOT TO IMPACT EXISTING TREES. O EXISTING TREE w 7.CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED TURF GRASS RESULTING FROM INSTALLATION AT NO EXPANSE TO OWNER. `Z' >o TO REMAIN Zrr SHEET TREE 0 10' 20' 4 I LA-3 Q SPECIES SCALE IN FEET SEQ. 3 OF 5 sraao Offir—Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -04:16:18 PM User: 0254:File N\arc\Phase One Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-PL-P7-LANDSCAPE 02.sht Z w=� = _ F- o= ��w Z3 ai ��ko�a -o�'a m� s� Q 0 �a�zoo H . O pO? :o Z '¢r Bm (3) T-POSTS WITH POST CAPS f� Wpm ARBOR TIE TREE STAKING MATERIAL cCP� WO w ERE PLANT CROWN AT GRADE ��i g LL'�m�Nn z 3" MULCH (3) T-POSTS WITH POST CAPS TEMPORARY TREE WELL MULCH TO BE PLACED 3" I m�mo AWAY FROM TREE TRUNK FINISH GRADE �% �3 I ARBOR TIE TREE STAKING MATERIAL N o x v TREE ��odu3 CENTERED PLANT CROWN AT GRADE III BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH SURFACE LAYER IN PREPARED PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED z HOLE 3" MULCH CD - = TEMPORARY TREE WELL SCARIFY SURFACE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING FINISH GRADE W TO IMPROVE ROOT PENETRATION Q -I L I II II I II II 11I III 11 I T TAMP TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT —1 — �_, 1 III _r I=1II II'. W 2 TIMES CONTAINER SIZE BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH PREPARED a- PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED I'MIN.CLEARANCE — _ a cf) ON ALL SIDES SCARIFY IMPROVE ROOT PENETRAATIONCKFILLING w O Q TO III-I -III-III- -III- - _ TAMP TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT O Z F- ~ r � Z = W Li 2 TIMES CONTAINER SIZE o J Q 1'MIN.CLEARANCE LLJ ON ALL SIDES C� n UNDERSTORY EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL r W Q 0 z L`- NOT TO SCALE O W= NOTES: a- J TEMPORARY TREE Q l.TPOTNDARR TIE Z BE n CANOPY TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL m _J REMOVED AFTER ONE FULL GROWING LA-4 NOT TO SCALE W SEASON. W 2. ALL TREE PRUNING AT THE TIME OF J INSTALLATION SHALL BE COORDINATED J WITH THE CITY. Li Z a (3) T-POSTS WITH POST CAPS m w w � ARBOR TIE TREE STAKING MATERIAL > z o ¢ o a TREE PLANT CROWN AT GRADE o w < > w a CENTERED z IN HOLE 3" MULCH °a TEMPORARY TREE WELL FINISH GRADE LL _AT /i�� I- °°J BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH PREPARED o PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED °v SCARIFY SURFACE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING III—III—III-- TO IMPROVE ROOT PENETRATION =°o I ,III III III=1 I —I I I TAMP TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT06. 3oo�a ~ UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE o 60 2 TIMES CONTAINER SIZE m°a` 1'MIN.CLEARANCE J ON ALL SIDES a od w >o - n UNDERSTORY MULTI-TRUNK TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL SHEET LA-4 SE4 LA-4 NOT TO SCALE ol— . 4 OF 5 s.aao Office Fort Worth 8ACCOUNT8 Date: May.31,2018 -03:31:09 PM User: 0254:File N\arc\Phase One Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-DT-PI-PLANT.sht LL Z ✓�z z ow F a Z zz CO O <o ��omwa O �0�600 w oimzz i.0 Z a'¢ Em a ulOm m� PLANT SCHEDULE <7 SYMBOL PERCENTAGE SIZE COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONDITION COMMENTS �~"$3 CANOPY TREE erg. oxa �odu3 SG 18 #65 CLASS MINIMUM SWEETGUM LIQUIDAMBER STYRACIFLUA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD z 0 RC 18 #65 CLASS MINIMUM RED CEDAR JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE — FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD L1 I AP 18 #65 CLASS MINIMUM AFGHAN PINE PINUS ELDARICA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD LJJ BO 9 #65 CLASS MINIMUM BURR OAK QUERCUS MACCROCARPA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD Q U LE 9 #65 CLASS MINIMUM LACEBARK ELM ULUMUS PARVIFOLIA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD z Q W w J Cn PE 9 #65 CLASS MINIMUM PECAN CARYA ILLINOISENSIS CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE OZ Q O FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD � J Q z RB 8 #65 CLASS MINIMUM RIVER BIRCH BETULA NIGRA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE (J-� FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD Q r LJJ Q u Z UNDERSTORY TREE U L1 =0 Q MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH Q J AV 22 #45 CLASS MINIMUM ARBOR VITAE THUGA ACCIDENTAILS CONTAINER SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD J m EP 22 #45 CLASS MINIMUM EAST PALATKA HOLLY ILEX EAST PALATKA CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD w CERCIC CANADENSIS VAR. MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH J MR 13 #45 CLASS MINIMUM MEXICAN/ OKLAHOMA REDBUD MEXICANA OR 'OKLAHOMA' CONTAINER SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD J MP 13 #45 CLASS MINIMUM MEXICAN PLUM PRUNUS MEXICANA CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD 0 SH 9 #45 CLASS MINIMUM STEVENS HOLLY ILEX NELLI R STEVENS CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH Q SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD J PH 9 #45 CLASS MINIMUM POSSUMHAW HOLLY ILEX DECIDUA CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD N � NOTE: z � � r 1). ALL SIZES SHOWN FOR ALL PLANTS (SUCH AS CALIPER, CONTAINER SIZE, SPREAD, HEIGHT, BRANCHING HEIGHT, ETC.) ARE THE MINIMUM CRITERIA REQUIRED. A CONTAINER SIZE LARGER THAN THE MINIMUM SIZE CONTAINER o o < z INDICATED IN THE PLANT LIST MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE THE OTHER MINIMUM CRITERIA INDICATED. 3 w z a a � a W a s � 0 LL � J_ C= O O Q C :g OV O oya —C O O N O6O Palo` to C Ul o� ma`s U Ode — LL K W >O l. SHEET LA-5 SEQ. ol- 5 OF 5 srao_o Office:Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -03:25:40 PM Users 0254:File:N:\arc\Phase One Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-DT-P7-PLANTLIST.sht o �' j ffi y w �w HM zz (n 'wow z z Qo 0 �=om�a O �o 000 F 000w,��,zo Z a'¢F m �, Q us LLJ 0 �Ov 'c_ 3 TYP. Z IRRIGATION ° CONTROLLER E 3 2 o° _ Lawo-Na 6 ISOLATION VALVE Q '03 FOR m3 PHASE 1 0 ' °o:v ATION �181LL3 + + + O t ° ° + + + + + + + M o � O5 + + + o o + + + LLJ 2 o 0 0 o S o o 0 2 0 ° LLJ > J ISOLATION VALVES FOR ° TYP. 3 0 0 0 PHASE 2 IRRIGATION Q z U Q FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING EXISTING RETAINING WALL (nLLJ J REUSE WATER SUPPLY TO BE USED FOR IRRIGATION L EXISTING METAL FENCE O OZ w z0 O Z oQ U a N LL J LLJ � — Q � WQ - U U LL-_ / G Ll a Q 3 TYP. ° m �— 2 m o— LLI ° ° J LLJ no J 2 r, i LL o a U m Q + + ° + + > + O + + + + + + +° Z Q Q o � J 0 + + o + + + + + + + + + f Y L QI o o z Z o r a a w o o � z ° — 3 — o 3 TYP. o EXISTING METAL FENCE z a EXISTING RETAINING WALL LL L= oor piL V O.0 N V! 00 rn GENERAL NOTES: NOTE TO CONTRACTOR - 1. REFER TO IR-3 FOR GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS. IRRIGATOR MUST SUBMIT raf PLANS TO PERMIT y.3 3�o-a DEPARTMENTTO FOR RUCTROVAL NOTE BY SYMBOLPRI O" mar 1. IRRIGATION SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY. TAP INTO w REUSE WATER SUPPLY PER CITY OF DENTON STANDARDS. a oo a V 2. DRIP LINE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY Fin\ MAIN.SLEEVE RIGID PVC BENEATH WALKS,DRIVES `Z AND ROADWAYS PER CITY OF DENTON STANDARDS. 0 10' 20' 40' z >o 3. PROVIDE TREE RING AT EACH NEW TREE AND NEW SHRUB CLUSTER. SCALE IN FEET SHEET - IR-1 SEQ. �w�ao OF Office! or or Date .,14,2018 - user: mg ie!N!\plbg ase - - - -alga ion .s o j ffiyw �w w3�w=� zz (n 'wow z z o �=om�a O �o�000 F 000,��o,zo z a'¢F m Wjo STATION VALVE 2 TYP 1 U W== 0 m 2O o Z W�mogno zp 0 J ia��aNv onrvay J o o o —:Namm3 U F- + + + + + + + + + Q Q m �aaLL3 m + + t 0 o W 0 0 Q 0 c ° 2 TYP. 01 W o� Q z W Q o Oz J zz0z a_ w Q 0 z Ll J LLJ� 2 O ❑ O rcy—Q � o � LL a L�°- 0 o-_o_ 2 TYP. Of E� m U w 'Z NOTE TO CONTRACTOR _J Z IRRIGATOR MUST SUBMIT L- + PLANS TO PERMIT _ ° DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL U ° PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION z ° a Q + + „ + + J g � mz O O O o Crj z Z w w o C > o a w 2 TYP. o z 3 _ o o � a o a 0 0 .o EXISTING METAL FENCE J EXISTING RETAINING WALL °°> a O.0 N V! GENERAL NOTES: _ o 1. REFER TO IR-3 FOR GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS. ° 3p �a o NOTE BY SYMBOL "O 0]V L 1. DRIP LINE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY Uv MAIN.SLEEVE RIGID PVC BENEATH WALKS,DRIVES a %o AND ROADWAYS PER CITY OF DENTON STANDARDS. N }Yoa-" 2. PROVIDE TREE RING AT EACH NEW TREE AND NEW SHRUB CLUSTER. �z� _ >o oo SHEET 0 10' 20' 40' IR-2 SCALE IN FEET SEQ. �w�ao OF Office! or or Date: Jun.14,2018 - user tang ie p g ase - - - -rriga ion .s O1 OPERATION INDICATOR 2 RAIN BIRD MODEL: OPERIND z TOP OF SLOPE ( IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE: g iz-1 F- r------ -------------- RAIN-BIRD XCZ DRIP CONTROL ZONE KIT Nz ( o�x�Fy 5 O TWIST LOCK FITTING TLF-TEE 0600 �i INSTALLED IN VALVE BOX �z N WWWo�� J �a MAX 3 PERIMETER OF AREA ow o ha&�w� OON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: O - w RAIN BIRD XFS-CV SERIES DRIPLINE ao 0 Wzommo 2„-4° (TYPICAL) 1 O4 IN-LINE SPRING CHECK VALVE o QNONoffi 6 NON-POTABLE: XFS-CVP DRIPLINE 1 11 ~z O PVC SUPPLY HEADER °z Fpyo O3 INLINE DRIP EMITTER OUTLET 4 x O6 PVC EXHAUST HEADER TIE DOWN STAKE: RAIN BIRD TDS-050 WITH SLOPE BEND (TYPICAL) O7 SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: I I RAIN BIRD XFS-CV SERIES DRIPLINE (TYPICAL) V1 O MULCH NON-POTABLE: XFS-CVP DRIPLINE X �Jo 1 2 3 4 O6 FINISH GRADE w s O8 FS-CV RECOMMENDED SPACIN W o V"• E MAX O M�aa! 1/2" POLYETHYLENE TUBING: o O7 9 PERIMETER LATERALS 2" TO 4" FROM �ayo0rvav s EDGE OF LANDSCAPE ^ RAIN BIRD XFD SERIES BLANK TUBING s ^` U .� O8 TWIST LOCK FITTING : TLF-MPT6-0600 10 TIE DOWN STAKES t-NQ�m� 1 1 7 RAIN BIRD IDS-050 1 g � Og 1"X1"X1/2" SST PVC TEE I i 11 FLUSH POINT (TYPICAL) aaLL3 9 10 PVC LATERAL PIPE 8 SEE RAIN BIRD DETAIL "XFS-CV FLUSH POINT" z MINIMUM 1" IN DIAMETER NOTES: CD MAX 1. FOR ALL XFS-CV AND POLY CONNECTIONS INSTALL 9 XFF AND/OR XFD FITTINGS 2. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM FILTRATION: 120 MESH LLJ NOTES: 0 3. PRESSURE AT FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MIN 14.5 PSI 1. PLACE TIE DOWN STAKES EVERY THREE FEET IN SAND, FOUR FEET IN ____________________ 4. MAX 10' OF WATER(ELEVATION CHANGE) LOAM, AND FIVE FEET IN CLAY. TOE OE ELOPE 5. REFER TO MAXIMUM LENGTH OF A SINGLE LATERAL Lv 2. AT FITTINGS WHERE THERE IS A CHANGE OF DIRECTION SUCH AS TEES CHART 0- OR ELBOWS, USE TIE-DOWN STAKES ON EACH LEG OF THE CHANGE 6. CHECK VALVE TYPE AND SIZE SHALL BE SPECIFIED Q OF DIRECTION. BY ORIENTATION AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS NOT LINE SIZE L/-)W XFS-CV ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE INSERT ADAPTER XFS-CV SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE o c)z FOR 1" OR LARGER PVC 2 QUICK LOOP LAYOUT-MEDIAN ISLAND DOWN SLOPE w QzO _ N.T.S. 0 J W OZ CIO O (� � _J Q 0 Q cr GENERAL NOTES: 1 �� w 1. THE SYSTEMS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE A PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN,PROVIDING THE PARAMETERS 5 OF THE SYSTEM INCLUDING BASIC ROUTING,TYPE OF SYSTEM REQUIRED AND SPECIFICATIONS OF COMPONENTS.THE m CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COMPLETE DESIGN,INCLUDING EACH AND EVERY COMPONENT OF THE CONTROLS, VALVES,PIPE AND FITTINGS,RZWS AND DRIP SYSTEMS INCLUDING EVERY APPURTENANCE REQUIRED TO MAKE THE SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL,SUBMIT THE DRAWINGS TO DENTON FOR APPROVAL BEFORE SUBMITTING TO THE 2 6 7 J ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AS SHOP DRAWINGS.THE SPECIFICATIONS ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN SPECIFICATION,WHERE CONFLICTS EXIST THE MORE STRINGENT SHALL APPLY. PROVIDE A COMPLETE OPERABLE COMMERCIAL GRADE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR ALL LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS IN CONFORMANCE LL_ WITH THE TXDOT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS.RESIDENTIAL GRADE PRODUCTS ARE NOT PERMITTED. Eo E c) COORDINATE WITH THE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ALL COMPONENTS AND PROVIDE 3 IRRIGATION FOR ALL NEW LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS. z 2. PROVIDE ROOT ZONE WATERING SYSTEMS (RZWS) FOR ALL TREES (2 EACH) AND DRIPLINE IRRIGATION FOR ALL FP FP FP Q TURFAND SHRUBS.PROVIDE RIGID PVC SLEEVES BETWEEN DRIP STATIONS,BENEATH ROADWAYS,DRIVES AND WALKS J IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CFW STANDARDS,NO LESS STRINGENT THAN SCHEDULE 80 RIGID PVC TWO SIZES 4 Ol SQUARE CONFIGURATION LARGER THAN THE PIPE OR TUBING.LOW VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SLEEVED IN NO LESS THAN SCHEDULE 40 RIGID PVC PIPE ,ONE INCH DIAMETER NOMINAL PIPE,OR AS REQUIRED BY THE CFW STANDARDS.SEAL ENDS OF O2 FLUSH POINT (TYPICAL) o Y a PVC SLEEVES WITH 25 YEAR CLEAR SILICONE,A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES INTO EACH SLEEVE END AND TO FILL OR SEE RAIN BIRD DETAIL "XFS-CV FLUSH POINT" z o 0 - - o EVERY VOID TO MAKE THE SLEEVE WATER-TIGHT.DRIP AND RZWS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE z 0 _ TO THE PUBLISHED MANUFACTURERS STANDARDS. O3 RAIN BIRD XF SERIES BLANK TUBING m a 3 0 3. COORDINATE METERING AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION REQUIREMENTS WITH THE CITY OF DENTON PRIOR TO o DESIGNING THE SYSTEM AND COMPLY THEREIN.PROVISIONS FOR TAPPING FEES,PLANS EXAMINATIONS OF THE O O4 TREE TRUNK i LICENSED LANDSCAPE IRRIGATORS DRAWINGS,PERMITS,INSPECTIONS,ETC,SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID. ® ® p UQ 4. METER VAULTS,BACKFLOW PREVENTER VAULTS,MANUAL SHUT OFF AND CONTROL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE OS SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: - HEAVY DUTY,COMMERCIAL GRADE IN CONFORMANCE TO THE CFW STANDARDS,CONTROL VALVE AND SHUT OFF RAIN BIRD XFS-CV SERIES DRIPLINE (TYPICAL) LL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE NO LESS STRINGENT THAN OLDCASTLE FIBRELYTE MODEL FL08 COMPOSITE 9 INCH NON-POTABLE: XFS-CVP DRIPLINE DIAMETER,OR OLDCASTLE MODEL 1324 POLYMER VALVE BOX WITH SINGLE PIECE STEEL COVER.ALL VAULTS AND BOXES SHALL BE RATED FOR H2O LOADS. 6 XFS-CV SPACING PER RAIN BIRD 5. DRIP SYSTEMS BASIS OF DESIGN SHALL BE RAINBIRD DRIPLINE.MAXIMIZE FLOW AND PRESSURE THROUGH THE USE RECOMMENDATION °u OF CENTER FEED SYSTEMS.LOOP ENDS OF ALL DRIPLINE SYSTEMS. 0 0.9 o O7 OPERATION INDICATOR o o 6. PIPE ROUTING SHOWN IS DIAGRAMMATIC.LOCATE PIPING,VALVES,AND FITTINGS TO AVOID EXISTING TREE ROOTS, RAIN BIRD MODEL: OPERIND AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS. 8 g o 0 7. PIPE SIZES INDICATED ARE THE MINIMUM SIZES AND ARE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY.PROVIDE PIPE SIZES BASED O PVC SUPPLY HEADER (SIZE BASED ON TOTAL cwy ON THE ACTUAL DESIGN PROVIDED BY THE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. FLOW) 06. 8. PROVIDE GROUNDING RODS OR SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2016 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) FOR NOTES: O IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE: y o N ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM.TEST THE SYSTEM TO INSURE COMPLIANCE AND PROVIDE RAIN BIRD XCZ DRIP CONTROL ZONE KIT COMPLIANCE REPORTS TO THE OWNER IN THE 0 & M MANUALS. m°o FOR ALL XFS-CV AND POLY CONNECTIONS INSTALL XFF AND/OR XFD FITTINGS w 2. SEE XFS-CV TREE RING DOUBLE OR TRIPLE FOR DETAIL OF EACH SET OF RINGS. INSTALLED IN VALVE BOX a 9. THE BASIS OF DESIGN IS THAT THE MINIMUM PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT EACH STATION VALVE EXCEEDS 50 PSIG. 3. FOR TOTAL SYSTEM FLOW GREATER THAN 5 GPM USE PVC TO CONNECT TREE RINGS, THE MINIMUM PRESSURE AT THE FURTHEST POINT IN THE DRIP SYSTEM OR RZWS IS 40 PSIG.THEREFORE PROVIDE DOUBLE OR TRIPLE, AND SIZE PVC APPROPRIATELY. 10 BARB X BARB INSERT CROSS: } AND DELIVERING MINIMUM OF 50 PSIG DOWNSTREAM OF THE PRV.ADJUST THE DISCHARGE PRESSURES OF THE PRV XFS-CV SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE N TO OR METER BOX. MINIMUM PRESSURE AT THE FURTHEST STATION.INSTALL THE PRV IN A LARGE DIAMETER TURF 3 MULTIPLE TREE RING LAYOUT SIDE FED 1 TIE DOWN STAKE: ER BOX '� RAIN BIRD TDS-050 WITH BEND SHEET 10. FOR ALL SHRUB BEDS AND SMALL TURF AREAS,EXTEND DRIP LINE THROUGH THESE AREAS.SUPPLY SHRUB BEDS N.T.S. IR-3 WITH A SINGLE 1/2" FLUSHING HEADER.PROVIDE WITH END OF MAIN FLUSH POINT VALVE IN VALVE BOX. SEQ. OF LEGEND LL Z s 10"MINI - €w 8 RAIN SENSOR. O SENSOR. _ U a F vi g�g�888g88 0 ) O DIG CVSTIPART No.23-001 ar C PIPE CAPN Z Y rc W CAP PART IF,23U53 2 w a G o WITH HOLE FOR WIRES. UZ CO w W 2 O LED CONTROLLER MODEL LOT4000 03 DRILL TWO 3/16 HOLES IN PIPE Z z Q vWwi K o o f c. FOR SENSOR BRACKET. w O F rn w 04 (2)%8-32 MACHINE SCREWS Q p a. z x O 1�o_ 3 O HIGH SECURITY STAINLESS STEEL DISC LOCKWITH WASHER,LOCK WASHER 0 w MODEL 30,405 AND NUT. I.L. O O o 0 1 OS 1"or IS GALVANISED PIPE _ w 0 Z~ 03 HEAVY-DUTY STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE bto 10 FEEL HIGH. O?NO1 5;4 WITH LIGHT ACCESS THROUGH GRID ON TOP © 12"X 1T'CONCRETESASE Z y AND INTERNAL CLAMP i0 SECURE COLUMN 2 8"DEEP MINIMUM. MOUNTING MODEL ENCL COO O or TS"PIPE ELBOW, x 3 08 FINISH GRADE. ® GALVANIZED STEEL MOUNTING COLUMN 09 6"ROUND FOR LED 4000 AND 4000E VALVE BOX. 4 a.MODEL MCOL COO 32"181 cm1 SHORT 4 19 SKIT ADAPTER LEGEND N b.MODEL MCOL 400DL 48"(124 cm)LONG PART NO.B821-4 1 /� 3 O WIRE CONNECTORS WJo USE WITH EACH SENSOR. VALVE BOX WITH COVER 18' //�J VALVE BOX WITH COVER 5 II iO CONTROLLER OR VALVE. O O Owl SIZE. O5 IZ'X 18"130x45 cm1CONCRETE 2 12 SIZE BASE USING 90 Lb.140 191 BAG OF 12 141 DRY SPLICE 1 3 \ /// / W= O 2 DRY SPLICE CONNECTORS. \\ DIG LEIT 3 4"REMOTE CONCRETE CONNECTORS. O /�\�/\\ O CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY W ::::::(3`::: 13 NORMALLY CLOSED WIRE \ \� MODEL P52-075(30 PSI) �M. o� pE FROM SENSOR. ,\\\ /\ \ O FINISH GRADE TOP. /, ,f),./\\' �v11+1n u O6 FINISH GRADE /�{° ®FINISH GRADE TOP Z m O q ld COMMON WIRE -. \/\ \i \ 9 5 Q�O^NP FROM SENSOR. // O // I� O \\ ¢ DIG VALVE MODEL OCOUPUNGALE SLIP NIT O DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL WIRES TO 15 1"or l.5'NIPPLE. 4 3/4"160HE-OJS iD I,U CONTROL VALVES. Ib GRAVEL. l 5 B 1' 160HE-100 � 11 ©PVC LATERAL LINE -c~=a� OSWIVEL FITTING DIG MODEL BRICK SUPPORT AT EACH T 3 fi 7 8 9 10 6 5 3/4" 23-004, 1" 23-003. O CORNER O C x N GRAVEL SUMP 2 - EA 7 ©PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER. D 7 P®MINIMUM 3" NOau3 $ 7 PVC LATERAL LINE. S, ® p g '@ n p 9 '1. r O O SWIVEL FITTING X /G34DEL T ® $ 6',51i sLncx v1aE vH1TE v1RE -�. a ° °AO °.. BRICK SUPPORT AT EACH CORNER. e e 9 12 iD CONTROL WIRE TO OTHER VALv'_ 7, SKI REs IRE 4 a ♦ ♦ L 4 d O9 PEA GRAVEL SUMP-MINIMUM 3 13 ll PVC SCH 40 90 DEGREE r� ELL V 7 $ O 12 OR 14 GAUGE WIRE. CH 40 TEE cn 12 ]] 11 BACK-UP NET PVC BALL VALVE. 12 S MAIN SUPPLY LINE I LLJ 14 13 13 ,0 16 15 12 PVC SCH 40 90 DEGREE ELL. Q 03 SCH 40 TEE. � LET 4000 AND 4000E WITH LIGHT REMOTE CONTROL VALVE FOR LEIT CONTROLLER DRIP ZONE ASSEMBLY FOR LEIT SYSTEM LLJ RAIN SENSOR ASSEMBLY (COLUMN MOUNTED) -r ACCESSIBLE STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE �J 3/4" PRESET 30 PSI P52-075 STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE MODEL ENCL USING SKIT 8821-4 RAIN SENSOR 160HE-075 3/4" AND 160HE-100 1" NOT Ie Sc--L (Q 4000 , NOT TO SCALE V NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE W O oz zz0 _ � aw0 O << _J Q } 9 Q 1 2 TOP 2/3 O1 PVC DRIP MANIFOLD FROM RAIN BIRD CONTROL W K OF SLOPE ZONE VALVE KIT(SIZED TO MEET LATERAL o _ FLOW DEMAND) LJj 02 BARB S FITTING:IN BIRD XF RF-MA FITTING(TYPICAL) 03 PVC SUPPLY HEADER O01 PVC SUPPLY HEADER M PVC SCH 40 TEE OR EL(TYPICAL) (� 3 ®PVC SCH 40 TEE OR EL(TYPICAL) 1 2 3 4 18 1 4 (DEARS X MALE FITTING: J O5 ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: RAIN BIRD XFF-MA FITTING(TYPICAL) 5 BOTTOM 1/'3 RAIN BIRD XF SERIES DRIPLINE(TYPICAL) OF SLOPE POTABLE:XFCV DRIPLINE 5 ®PVC DRIP MANIFOLD FROM RAIN BIRD CONTROL \ 6 FLUSH POINT: SEE RAIN BIRD XFCV DETAILS 1N ZONE VALVE KIT(SIZED TO MEET LATERAL 7 O 6 SETA // FLOW DEMAND) FOR FLUSH POINT INSTALLATION 14 1 2 4 DRIP MANIFOLD Q 7 15 FP BURIAL DEPTH ( SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: (Y)PVC FLUSH HEADER 2"� IN BIRD SERIES DRIPLINE(TYPICAL) ABLE:XFS CVP DRIPLINE Z 2 1 Q FP 7 ©PERIMETER OF AREA J IN A 07 PERIMETER DRIPLINE PIPE TO BE INSTALLED 6 INSET B 2"-4"FROM PERIMETER OF AREA 5 1.DISTANCE BETWEEN LATERAL ROWS AND EMITTER SPACING TO BE ©FLUSH POINT(TYPICAL)-SEE RAIN BIRD XFD C' 0 O O y C 12 13 DETAILS FOR FLUSH POINT INSTALLATION Nl g g g TO BASED ON SOIL TYPE,PLANT MATERIALS AND CHANGES IN O N N ELEVATION. DISTANCE BETWEEN LATERAL ROWS FOR BOTTOM 1/3 14 z 09 BARB X BARB INSERT TEE OR EL Z ~ ~ O OF SLOPE TO BE SPACED GREATER THAN OPTIMAL ROW DISTANCE. 8 (D SEE RAIN BIRD XFD DRIPLINE INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR SUGGESTED IF 1 p• RAIN BIRD XFF-TEE OR SPACING. 15 RAIN BIRD XFF-ELBOW O Q z 3 2.LENGTH OF LONGEST DRIPLINE LATERAL SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE 2Z. MAXIMUM LENGTH SHOWN IN THE ACCOMPANYING TABLE. g 10 PVC SUPPLY HEADER 3,WHEN ELEVATION CHANGE EXCEEDS 10 FEET IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A NEW DRIPLINE ZONE BE CREATED. 11 PVC SCH 40 SLEEVE PIPE SIZED TWICE THE SIZE } 4.WHEN USING 17MM INSERT FITTINGS WITH DESIGN PRESSURE OVER OF MANIFOLD PIPE SIZE Q a SOPSI,IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS BE INSTALLED ON EACH FITTING. 10 11 12 PAVEMENT AND CURB INSET B 13 2"-Y DEPTH OF MULCH LL 14 FINISH GRADE 0 FP 15 OPERATION INDICATOR O O XFCV Dripline Maximum Lateral Lengths 15 RAIN BIRD MODEL: OPERIND (Feat) I s 12"Specing 18°Siring NOTES: 16 IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE: �'V 1.FOR ALL XFS-CV AND POLY CONNECTIONS INSTALL XFF AND/OR XFD FITTINGS RAIN BIRD XCZ DRIP CONTROL ZONE KIT Inlet Pressure psi Nominal Flowlgph)Nominal Flow(gph) 2. DISTANCE BETWEEN LATERAL ROWS AND EMITTER SPACING TO BE BASED ON SOIL TYPE, INSTALLED IN VALVE BOX N m BUS 0.9 a.6 0.9 PLANT MATERIALS AND CHANGES IN ELEVATION. SEE INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS ON O�+• RAIN BIRD WEB SITE(WWW.RAINBIRD.COM)FOR SUGGESTED SPACING. O O 3.LENGTH OF LONGEST DRIPLINE LATERAL SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM SPACING 0 SHOWN IN THE ACCOMPANYING TABLE. XFS-CV Dripline Maximum Lateral Lengths ,� O 4.PLACE TIE DOWN STAKES EVERY THREE FEET IN SAND,FOUR FEET IN LOAM,AND FIVE (Feet) w FEET IN CLAY. 12"Spacing 18"Sp ong N 60 436 309 63] 528 5.AT FITTINGS WHERE THERE IS A CHANGE OF DIRECTION SUCH AS TEES OR ELBOWS,USE O TIE-DOWN STAKES ON EACH LEG OF THE CHANGE OF DIRECTION. Inlet Pressure psi Nominel Flow(gph)Nominel FloW(gph) 0'r TOP 2/3 OF SLOPE BOTTOM I/30F 6.WHEN USING 17MM INSERT FITTINGS WITH DESIGN PRESSURE OVER SOPS I,IT IS 0.6 o.9 o.6 BUB NORMAL SPACING T T_SLOPE SPACING RECOMMENDED THAT STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS BE INSTALLED ON EACH FITTING. y m O XFS-CV SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE 30 289 ME 2337 m-o X DISTANCE BETWEEN ROWS DRIP LATERALS As w� DETERMINED BY PLANT ANDD solL TYPE.SEE NOTE 1. "�T�3�TYPICAL ISLAND LAYOUT W/PVC HEADERS 40 SIN2. C. 416 a 50 39] 281 573 4T/ V On } �1 XFCV ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE SLOPED LAYOUT = >0 SHEET IR-4 SEQ. - OF - CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A!CoitfY4 D NTON LANDF � LL BUFFER LANDSCAPE DESIGN PHASE TWO ISSUED FOR REVIEW JUNE 2018 77 377 380 MAYOR.....................................................CHRIS WATTS 377 CITY MANAGER.................................TODD HILEMAN Sao N Blagg Rd N COUNCIL MEMBER.............................KEVIN RODEN Denton s m1 3: COUNCIL MEMBER............................KEELY BRIGGS 9 COUNCIL MEMBER................KATHLEEN WAZNEY McKinney St Mills Rd SHEET INDEX ze COUNCIL MEMBER..........................JOEY HAWKINS 5 LA-1 ORIENTATION PLAN ' ii LA-2 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN ysr COUNCIL MEMBER......................DALTON GREGORY # LA-3 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN v, as PROJECT LA-4 PLANTING DETAILS o COUNCIL MEMBER.........................SARA BAGHERI 77 Spencer Rd LOCATION LA-5 PLANTING LIST IR-1 IRRIGATION PLANS IR-2 IRRIGATION PLANS o I IR-3 IRRIGATION GENERAL NOTES+ ova DETAILS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION �'''�d IR-4 IRRIGATION DETAILS II THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE Edwards Rd FREESE 0 3LL a PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE IN MICNOLS AUTHORITY OF MATTHEW L.MILANO ` TEXAS NO:3028 DATE:JUNE 2018 Foss International t xas 6109 Suite zoo Fort Worth,Texas 73009-4895 NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, Fax Pho�(817)735 749100 PERMITTING OR CONSTRUCTION. Web-"—freeSe.com TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-2144 0 4000, 8000, ® DTN18117 SCALE IN FEET sraao Office Fort Worth SACCOUNTI Date May.11,1111 -01:11:11 PM 1—: 111111Ie:N:\arc\Phase Two Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-11-11-COVER.&I Q Q o o� " z H a �� ow � f fl zu zzQM�� <o osoN0k O �� �z Zll -�arza a 1AOm Z'� 6V ao "w aNv cn ��coxa �odu3 Z CD V) W p W Q PHASE ONE Qn z � w Q zp J -- � — F ° �� © _ _ I zZ W , Z t ti t o ° ° L------ ----------L-----------o Q Q Q °m -0--Nr�—�--c ---- -----------------------�------------- fl -----� --'i9---------- -------- LL- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ Q Q�Q Q Q ` ® Q ; ,�,Q ,$QQ Q 09 so �Q� �Q Q�QQ� • �CQ Q®Q,Q� �Q�Q®Q�Q� ® ��°'° «i« m J o - - - - - - - - - - - -o- - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - __ - - - -_ _ i ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------ — w T - _ _ _ PROPOSED S MAYH - - - - - - - - -L ROAD __� - LL- p - J N a� o � a N w <z Z a � r � o m ¢ o w 3 Y 0 N 2 U K LL J S C O OQ� C 0O C O O C O a —C O O N 06. Palo` to C Ul o ma` w� 54 U W �z >O 0 40' 80' SHEET SCALE IN FEET LA-1 SEQ. 1 OF 5 srao_o Ofhae Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -03:36:37 PM Users 0254,Tlle:N:\arc\Phase Two Landscape\Draw age\LA-MAYHILL RD-CV-P2-KEYMAP.Sht Z ==m o ���� U J • I Jo � o> Qya aka c�z O ow U K w�oMmrc Q�dH❑ dH❑ dHD dH❑ dH❑ dH0 dH❑ dH❑ dH❑ dH0 dH❑ dHD dH❑ dH❑ dHD Q� 0 r O o O --- --/ O�Q/- w F oo Ov�zo o a� m o�e w oe/r x --------- -------- ---------- - -------- 56'LANDSCAPE oe m WJo 40'O.C. 20'O.C. BUFFER LIMIT TYP TYP. 6 I W W= 3 n 0 z WV" g e o j CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE _ = WC��Z CE - CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE o >^ o `tom' CE ---- CE J Zmoo�v dH❑ d H❑ dH0 dH❑ d d❑ dH❑ ❑ HD d GE = LLdNV 0,1 a —.�Hfl � —dtlQ d(�❑ d❑ dHo dH❑ dH❑ �JH dH❑ d H dHU dH❑ dH❑ d D ❑ d D ❑ ❑ o Q NCEco � rvodu3 o u — w 10'O.C. TYP. 100'-0" Q ° W (n O w Z z — -dH❑ dH❑ dH❑ Xi MHo dH❑—dH�dH0—dH0 dH❑—dH0—d'Ho—dHf4 dH❑—I'D—dHo—dM❑ dHD—dH❑—dlio dHD—dMD—dH❑ dH❑—dn❑— dH❑—dH❑—%'✓ dMo dN❑(=;dMo—0❑ LLJ J H Q Q LLJ o�cf) U �I >- �= z LLJ — — — ---� ---- --- ---� --- ---- J Q -56'LANDSCAPE-----�-- ---- ----- --- — — --- — —� ---- — 40'O.C. 20'O.C. --- m (� � � I BUFFER LIMIT TYP. TYP. � � m W w II CE CE CE CE CE CE J z CE CE CE CE CE W Z z CE CE C CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE z -i J d H❑ dH❑ ° ❑ d�❑ dH dH❑ U Ha 0 dH dH dH dH0 dH dH❑ dH❑ dH❑ dHD dH0 dH dH❑ dH❑ d D dH0 dH❑ — dH H❑ _ J — o o CE C o Q o Z o o ¢ z a o w 4 w 3 � - —— - - �D-0.C-.TAP U 1QQ'-Q" Q N —- - — — w LL a 0 m —c O O J LEGEND 0v (;FNFRAI NOTFS o UNDERSTORY TREE 0 1.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF TREE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. °c o - 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EASEMENT LINES AND VISIBILITY LINES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 06. 3oosa 3.REFER TO SHEET LA-4 FOR PLANTING DETAILS. y 3 + CANOPY TREE `o°s 4.REFER TO PLANT LIST SHEET LA-5 FOR PLANT QUANTITIES,SIZE,AND SPECIES INFORMATION. ma w� 5.DO NOT REMOVE ANY EXISTING TREES. n 6.IF ANY PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS CONFLICT WITH EXISTING TREE LOCATIONS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHIFT THE ` r } ° EXISTING TREE PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS\ AS NOT TO IMPACT EXISTING TREES. TO REMAIN 0 10 20' 40' o jo 7.CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED TURF GRASS RESULTING FROM INSTALLATION AT NO EXPANSE TO OWNER. SCALE IN FEET SHEET LA-2 Q� TREE SPECIES SEQ. 2 OF 5 s ra.o_o Office:Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -04:25:57 PM Users 0254T,le:N:\orc\Phase Two Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-PL-P2-LANDSCAPE 01.sht Z =o� O ow � o3�w�d W N wwkoaa zzw O ����1, <W U N in dH❑1 dHo dHo ano dn❑ aHo aHo dHo dHo aHo dH aHo aHo dH❑ �Ho ano dH❑ aH❑ aHo dHo dHo d�10 dHo—dl+o ano dH❑ arl❑ dHo+aHo z z o m O o�boo oomzz o �� 3�No Z x -- ------- --- E 40'O.C. 20'O.C. 56'LANDSCAPE �Om J TYP. TYP. BUFFER LIMIT U W=« w �_, � o W E CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE QE CE CE E CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE Z LL Z m0 dOb„bZ — aNv 0,�7 v ZdH dn❑ dH❑ d aHD ❑ Hd dHo dH❑ dHo dH �dH❑ dH❑ d❑ ,dH❑ aHo HI dH dHo dn❑ dH❑ d dHo o n❑ dHD —dHo— dHo aHo H dHD d❑ 'a^' = i o z �odu3 cn w — I — — L— — ---- — T— p (/) — Z 1010.C.Ty�'r-- - 100'-0" CD zC:p0 'w Z 0Z� T I 5 0 < dH❑ dHD dl+o dH❑ dHD dHD dH❑ dHD aHD anD dH❑ dwD dH dno Hrm al w Q o J I Q w W w J o�cn a rw< U LL = o w W( z Q Q 56'LANDSCAPE m 40'O. TYP.C. 20'O.C. cn TYP I BUFFER LIMIT U . U W 0 Ld CE CE CE CE E CE CE CE J Z Z_ CE Q J 1 dH0= dH❑ —dH0 dHD dH❑ IdHO dH❑ dH dH0 III dH❑—aH0 dHo Li J C) U Q I E l O O Q o W o N a > w U In 10.O.C. TYP. z — --D 0 — - — - - — — �, O ✓ LL J C) —C� O O J C LEGEND 0- - GENFRAI NOTES ol m� = 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER OF TREE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. o UNDERSTORY TREE cOo 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EASEMENT LINES AND VISIBILITY LINES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 06. « ooa 3.REFER TO SHEET LA-3 FOR PLANTING DETAILS. m c m Sop Lp Ul o + CANOPY TREE 4.REFER TO PLANT LIST SHEET LA-4 FOR PLANT QUANTITIES,SIZE,AND SPECIES INFORMATION. m°a` w 5.DO NOT REMOVE ANY EXISTING TREES. a U 6.IF ANY PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS CONFLICT WITH EXISTING TREE LOCATIONS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHIFT THE r PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS\ AS NOT TO IMPACT EXISTING TREES. o' o S EXISTING TREE `��' �o TO REMAIN 7.CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED TURF GRASS RESULTING FROM INSTALLATION AT NO EXPANSE TO OWNER. SHEET TREE 0 10' 20' 40' LA-3 Q SPECIES SCALE IN FEET SEQ. 2 OF 5 s.aao Office:Fort Worth SACCOUNTS DateL May.31,2018 -05:03:35 PM Users 0254,Tile:N:\orc\Phase Two Landscape\Dro,ngs\LA-MAYHILL RD-PL-P2-LANDSCAPE 02.sht F z w=off= - w 00 Q a m� � O o�zoo Oooi�NQ z 5 � a (3) T—POSTS WITH POST CAPS oe W J ARBOR TIE TREE STAKING MATERIAL FA Om ERE PLANT CROWN AT GRADE W= z 3" MULCH (3) T—POSTS WITH POST CAPS LL m�N6� ZcnN�� TEMPORARY TREE WELL MULCH TO BE PLACED 3" I om FINISH GRADE AWAY FROM TREE TRUNK 1 ARBOR TIE TREE STAKING MATERIAL PER vm 3 TREE 000'v , iI I I— —f — = BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH SURFACE LAYER CEN NRED PLANT CROWN AT GRADE I �odu3 III—" PREPARED PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED z HOLE 3" MULCH Z TEMPORARY TREE WELL (D SCARIFY SURFACE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING FINISH GRADE — — =— — TO IMPROVE ROOT PENETRATION w r III III III III - II _f -III-1I' TAMP TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH PREPARED W 10 2 TIMES CONTAINER SIZE III _ PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED 1'MIN.CLEARANCE SCARIFY SURFACE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING Q U) ON ALL SIDES TO IMPROVE ROOT PENETRATION a - l 11 11 l 11 l—I III TAMP TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT z C)Q v Q w 0ZZi = LW 2 TIMES CONTAINER SIZE w Q I— u 1'MIN.CLEARANCE o J Q ON ALL SIDES W w ( 1 UNDERSTORY EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL Q < z_ LA-4 NOT TO SCALE = o NOTES: z Z 1. TEMPORARY TREE WELL, TREE � Q Q T—POSTS AND ARBOR TIE TO BE 1 1 CANOPY TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL J REMOVED AFTER ONE FULL GROWING LA-4 NOT TO SCALE m SEASON. ` 2. ALL TREE PRUNING AT THE TIME OF Ljj INSTALLATION SHALL BE COORDINATED J WITH THE CITY. J LL Z a (3) T—POSTS WITH POST CAPS J a a o z z ARBOR TIE TREE STAKING MATERIAL ro 5 w w 5 z � r a TREE PLANT CROWN AT GRADE o z a CENTERED z IN HOLE 3" MULCH w w o TEMPORARY TREE WELL a FINISH GRADE w Awidi BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH PREPARED o 0 PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED /�\��\- °SCARIFY SURFACE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING o %E —III—III—III TO IMPROVE ROOT PENETRATION ,III;III-1 -I =1 1= TAMP TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT c o o UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE °ems 3oo�a = 2 TIMES CONTAINER SIZE y c N L o o O 1'MIN.CLEARANCE m°a` ON ALL SIDES w o0121 n S UNDERSTORY MULTI-TRUNK TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL SHEET LA-4 NOT TO SCALE LA-4 - SEQ. o 00 4 OF 5 sraao Off— Tort Wort, SACCOLNTS -to May.31,2018-03'30'11 PM Uscr 02543.1, h-\a \Phase-wo L......p,\Drawings\LA-MAYIIILL P7-DT-P2-PLAt1T,ht LL Z ✓�z z ow F a Z zz CO O <o ��omwa O �N�600 w oimzz i.0 Z a'¢ Em a ulOm m� PLANT SCHEDULE <7 SYMBOL PERCENTAGE SIZE COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONDITION COMMENTS �~"$3 CANOPY TREE erg. oxa �odu3 SG 7 #65 CLASS MINIMUM SWEETGUM LIQUIDAMBER STYRACIFLUA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD z CD RC 7 #65 CLASS MINIMUM RED CEDAR JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD Cn w AP 7 #65 CLASS MINIMUM AFGHAN PINE PINUS ELDARICA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD LLJ BO 4 #65 CLASS MINIMUM BURR OAK QUERCUS MACCROCARPA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE a_ FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD Q U LE 4 #65 CLASS MINIMUM LACEBARK ELM ULUMUS PARVIFOLIA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE Cn FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD z Q w O J MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE Z U PE 4 #65 CLASS MINIMUM PECAN CARYA ILLINOISENSIS CONTAINER FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD w Q~ O' J Q 0 z RB 3 #65 CLASS MINIMUM RIVER BIRCH BETULA NIGRA CONTAINER MINIMUM TRUNK DIAMETER 3 INCHES; MINIMUM SPREAD SIX FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TWELVE FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD Q r LLJ Q u z UNDERSTORY TREE U LL- = 0 Q AV 36 #45 CLASS MINIMUM ARBOR VITAE THUGA ACCIDENTAILS CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH 0- Q J SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD J a- m EP 36 #45 CLASS MINIMUM EAST PALATKA HOLLY ILEX EAST PALATKA CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD w CERCIC CANADENSIS VAR. MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH J MR 22 #45 CLASS MINIMUM MEXICAN/ OKLAHOMA REDBUD MEXICANA OR 'OKLAHOMA' CONTAINER SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD _J MP 22 #45 CLASS MINIMUM MEXICAN PLUM PRUNUS MEXICANA CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD C) SH 14 #45 CLASS MINIMUM STEVENS HOLLY ILEX NELLI R STEVENS CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH Q SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD J PH 14 #45 CLASS MINIMUM POSSUMHAW HOLLY ILEX DECIDUA CONTAINER MINIMUM SPREAD, FIVE FEET; MINIMUM HEIGHT TEN FEET; FULL DENSE CANOPY; MATCH SELECTIONS FOR UNIFORM HEIGHT AND SPREAD N � NOTE: z � � r 1). ALL SIZES SHOWN FOR ALL PLANTS (SUCH AS CALIPER, CONTAINER SIZE, SPREAD, HEIGHT, BRANCHING HEIGHT, ETC.) ARE THE MINIMUM CRITERIA REQUIRED. A CONTAINER SIZE LARGER THAN THE MINIMUM SIZE CONTAINER o o < z INDICATED IN THE PLANT LIST MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE THE OTHER MINIMUM CRITERIA INDICATED. 3 w z a a � a N LH LL W !Y 0= O O at C Q Is O 0,a in —C O O N 06. Palo` to C Ul o� ma`s w� U K W >O SHEET LA-5 - - SEQ. 5 OF 5 srao_o Office:Fort Worth SACCOUNTS Date May.31,2018 -03:22:48 PM Users 0254:File:N:\arc\Phase Two Landscape\Drawings\LA-MAYHILL RD-DT-P2-PLANTLIST.sht o �� —Hpw.' J 0 .L iw w�I,Qorc zz wwo21a �z Z zw nor ° w o ° ao U - O r000 F 000�zo z - o o a¢ Z x W Woo 2 TYP. o W= noa6 WV°'• o E 3 ° °C-D"m W�.,z 1 J Maw anv O + + +N + �oLOxv + co naaLL3 + o + �- u + Q V) O's 99 long so , Ld t)U C�p' 0 2 TYP. 1 0 9NN HIV9 SV9 ..SL'0 w O U ° Q V U z U/ Q O z � J oz� wa� o o ° 0 J F- z v o�U � O_ rwa � a U LL- = Q m LLQL 0 m W 2 TYP STATION VALVE W W _ 0 477 = o U + n + + + U Q N F-- 5 5 O O Z O L L z H o Z o O CC��0 J cc�� cc�� o O Q z [� J JO� JO p 3 O K 1 2 TYP. °Q N a a 0 o' —CJ OpJ CL= NOTE TO CONTRACTOR GENERAL NOTES IRRIGATOR MUST SUBMIT 1. REFER TO IR-3 FOR GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS. °`o2 - PLANS TO PERMIT L .3 _ DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL c°o PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION �w y - NOTE BY SYMBOL "O' O O p LJf 1. DRIP LINE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY L MAIN.SLEEVE RIGID PVC BENEATH WALKS,DRIVES AND ROADWAYS PER CITY OF DENTON STANDARDS. m°os 2. PROVIDE TREE RING AT EACH NEW TREE AND NEW SHRUB CLUSTER. <f 0�4 VI z w >o Si F-FT 0 10' 20' 40' I R-1 SCALE IN FEET SEQ. ME— Hz' OF Office! or or Date: Jun.14,2018 - sertang e p g o j ffiyw �w 63�w=� zz u~i 'wow z z o Qo � ��omma O 1 �o 000 F 000,��,zo Z a'¢F m U X 00 0 ul W mom 2 TYP. z W= W o z � �= o �o U �vam; o+ U t O + + + + + + &�c :v Hill 1 Q5 Q L U` ISO so fm fm so Aw so LiJ 2 TYP. W o Q U z cnO Q z C) J oz a_ o way o w ; O �WQ � � gym = Q U `L m c� � m m m w 2 TYP. W J _J U + o a � 1 J Q f ` NOTE TO CONTRACTOR Y IRRIGATOR MUST SUBMIT ommm N _ z Z 0 PLANS TO PER \�— Ol Ol PRIORTMONCON�TRUCTIONAL GENERAL NOTES: Z. o Q 3 0 0 0 2 TYP. 1. REFER TO IR-3 FOR GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS. � w � NOTE BY SYMBOL "O ° 1. DRIP LINE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY d MAIN.SLEEVE RIGID PVC BENEATH WALKS,DRIVES o AND ROADWAYS PER CITY OF DENTON STANDARDS. oo_ 2. PROVIDE TREE RING AT EACH NEW TREE AND NEW SHRUB CLUSTER. L x �V� 32 O.0 O r/1 - O O�y - N O O O 3�o� O 0]V L J V 0�4 N Eva-` ^ z >O oo SHEET 0 10' 20' 40' IR-2 SCALE IN FEET SEQ. �w�ao - OF Office! or or Date .,14,2018 - user: mg e p g ase - -IL-12-IHHIUAIIUN 02,sh O1 OPERATION INDICATOR 2 RAIN BIRD MODEL: OPERIND L1__- Ez 0IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE: r-- RAIN-BIRD XCZ DRIP CONTROL ZONE KIT N= LL=x�pg O TWIST LOCK FITTING TLF—TEE 0600 INSTALLED IN VALVE BOX �z m wwwo�a 5 10, o OON—SURFACE DRIPLINE: MAX OPERIMETER OF AREA ow ° F 1 mW RAIN BIRD XFS-CV SERIES DRIPLINE Qp 0 w.omwo (TYPICAL) O4 IN-LINE SPRING CHECK VALVE -oadoo 2"-4" 6 NON-POTABLE: XFS-CVP DRIPLINE - ~ 1 S"0 No= li O5 PVC SUPPLY HEADER z Fo "� �3 INLINE DRIP EMITTER OUTLET a x SLOPE r6 PVC EXHAUST HEADER TIE DOWN STAKE: RAIN BIRD TDS-050 WITH 7 SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: BEND (TYPICAL) GRAIN BIRD XFS-CV SERIES DRIPLINE (TYPICAL) WJo O MULCH NON-POTABLE: XFS-CVP DRIPLINE viam 1 2 3 4 s W O6 FINISH GRADE 10, O8 XFS-CV RECOMMENDED SPACING WV an� o E MAX M�a,a! o O7 1/2" POLYETHYLENE TUBING: s O9 PERIMETER LATERALS 2" TO 4" FROM 11� o��°rva RAIN BIRD XFD SERIES BLANK TUBING EDGE OF LANDSCAPE TWIST LOCK FITTING TLF—MPT6-0600 10 ^ � TIE DOWN STAKES �q~mm3 O8 RAIN BIRD IDS-050 8 Og 1"X1"X1/2" SST PVC TEE N°"3 e 11 FLUSH POINT (TYPICAL) 9 10 PVC LATERAL PIPE i i SEE RAIN BIRD DETAIL "XFS—CV FLUSH POINT" z MINIMUM 1" IN DIAMETER CD 10 MAX 1. 1. FOR ALL XFS—CV AND POLY CONNECTIONS INSTALL 9 XFF AND/OR XFD FITTINGS Ld o 2. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM FILTRATION: 120 MESH NOTES: 3. PRESSURE AT FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MIN 14.5 PSI (n 1. PLACE TIE DOWN STAKES EVERY THREE FEET IN SAND, FOUR FEET IN 4. MAX 10' OF WATER(ELEVATION CHANGE) L LOAM, AND FIVE FEET IN CLAY. TOE OF SLOPE (I- 2. LJ J 5. REFER TO MAXIMUM LENGTH OF A SINGLE LATERAL — AT FITTINGS WHERE THERE IS A CHANGE OF DIRECTION SUCH AS TEES CHART Q Q OR ELBOWS, USE TIE-DOWN STAKES ON EACH LEG OF THE CHANGE 6. CHECK VALVE TYPE AND SIZE SHALL BE SPECIFIED U OF DIRECTION. BY ORIENTATION AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS NOT LINE L.J L� XFS-CV ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE INSERT ADAPTER XFS-CV SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE slzE o O 0 FOR 1" OR LARGER PVC QUICK LOOP LAYOUT-MEDIAN ISLAND DOWN SLOPE w zQ N.T.S. N.T.S. � J LLJ O Q OLLJQ O E L J U L l T: GENERAL NOTES: 5 — O 1. THE SYSTEMS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE A PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN,PROVIDING THE PARAMETERS m Z OF THE SYSTEM INCLUDING BASIC ROUTING,TYPE OF SYSTEM REQUIRED AND SPECIFICATIONS OF COMPONENTS.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COMPLETE DESIGN,INCLUDING EACH AND EVERY COMPONENT OF THE CONTROLS, __J VALVES,PIPE AND FITTINGS,RZWS AND DRIP SYSTEMS INCLUDING EVERY APPURTENANCE REQUIRED TO MAKE THE © 2 6 7 LLJ Q SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL,SUBMIT THE DRAWINGS TO DENTON FOR APPROVAL BEFORE SUBMITTING TO THE J ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AS SHOP DRAWINGS.THE SPECIFICATIONS ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN SPECIFICATION,WHERE CONFLICTS EXIST THE MORE STRINGENT SHALL APPLY. PROVIDE A COMPLETE _J LLJ OPERABLE COMMERCIAL GRADE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR ALL LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS IN CONFORMANCE 3 Li Z WITH THE TXDOT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS.RESIDENTIAL GRADE PRODUCTS ARE NOT PERMITTED. 0 LiJ COORDINATE WITH THE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ALL COMPONENTS AND PROVIDE IRRIGATION FOR ALL NEW LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS. FP FP FP z 2. PROVIDE ROOT ZONE WATERING SYSTEMS (RZWS) FOR ALL TREES (2 EACH) AND DRIPLINE IRRIGATION FOR ALL 4 O1 SQUARE CONFIGURATION Q TURFAND SHRUBS.PROVIDE RIGID PVC SLEEVES BETWEEN DRIP STATIONS,BENEATH ROADWAYS,DRIVES AND WALKS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CFW STANDARDS,NO LESS STRINGENT THAN SCHEDULE 80 RIGID PVC TWO SIZES O2 FLU SH POINT (TYPICAL)LARGER THAN THE PIPE OR TUBING.LOW VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SLEEVED IN NO LESS THAN SCHEDULE c 40 RIGID PVC PIPE ,ONE INCH DIAMETER NOMINAL PIPE,OR AS REQUIRED BY THE CFW STANDARDS.SEAL ENDS OF OR SEE RAIN BIRD DETAIL "XFS—CV FLUSH POINT" o a PVC SLEEVES WITH 25 YEAR CLEAR SILICONE,A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES INTO EACH SLEEVE END AND TO FILL d 2 , o EVERY VOID TO MAKE THE SLEEVE WATER-TIGHT.DRIP AND RZWS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE O3 RAIN BIRD XF SERIES BLANK TUBING z D . - 0 o TO THE PUBLISHED MANUFACTURERS STANDARDS. a , 3 0 3. COORDINATE METERING AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION REQUIREMENTS WITH THE CITY OF DENTON PRIOR TO ® ® O4 TREE TRUNK 2 < T a DESIGNING THE SYSTEM AND COMPLY THEREIN.PROVISIONS FOR TAPPING FEES,PLANS EXAMINATIONS OF THE } LICENSED LANDSCAPE IRRIGATORS DRAWINGS,PERMITS,INSPECTIONS,ETC,SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID. O5 SUB—SURFACE/ON—SURFACE DRIPLINE: 4. METER VAULTS,BACKFLOW PREVENTER VAULTS,MANUAL SHUT OFF AND CONTROL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE RAIN BIRD XFS—CV SERIES DRIPLINE (TYPICAL) LL HEAVY DUTY,COMMERCIAL GRADE IN CONFORMANCE TO THE CFW STANDARDS,CONTROL VALVE AND SHUT OFF NON POTABLE: XFS—CVP DRIPLINE VALVE BOXES SHALL BE NO LESS STRINGENT THAN OLDCASTLE FIBRELYTE MODEL FL08 COMPOSITE 9 INCH DIAMETER,OR OLDCASTLE MODEL 1324 POLYMER VALVE BOX WITH SINGLE PIECE STEEL COVER.ALL VAULTS AND O6 XFS—CV SPACING PER RAIN BIRD BOXES SHALL BE RATED FOR H2O LOADS. RECOMMENDATION oco 10 ms 5. DRIP SYSTEMS BASIS OF DESIGN SHALL BE RAINBIRD DRIPLINE.MAXIMIZE FLOW AND PRESSURE THROUGH THE USE O c o OF CENTER FEED SYSTEMS.LOOP ENDS OF ALL DRIPLINE SYSTEMS. 7 OPERATION INDICATOR o- RAIN BIRD MODEL: OPERIND o 1- 6. PIPE ROUTING SHOWN IS DIAGRAMMATIC.LOCATE PIPING,VALVES,AND FITTINGS TO AVOID EXISTING TREE ROOTS, �O O 11 AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS. O PVC SUPPLY HEADER (SIZE BASED ON TOTAL c�o FLOW) w _ 7. PIPE SIZES INDICATED ARE THE MINIMUM SIZES AND ARE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY.PROVIDE PIPE SIZES BASED 06. spa ON THE ACTUAL DESIGN PROVIDED BY THE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. NOTES. O9 IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE: �. 3v —a 8. PROVIDE GROUNDING RODS OR SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2016 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) FOR 1. FOR ALL XFS—CV AND POLY CONNECTIONS INSTALL XFF AND/OR XFD FITTINGS RAIN BIRD XCZ DRIP CONTROL ZONE KIT my ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM. TEST THE SYSTEM TO INSURE COMPLIANCE AND PROVIDE 2. SEE XFS—CV TREE RING DOUBLE OR TRIPLE FOR DETAIL OF EACH SET OF RINGS. INSTALLED IN VALVE BOX w 4 COMPLIANCE REPORTS TO THE OWNER IN THE 0 & M MANUALS. w 3. FOR TOTAL SYSTEM FLOW GREATER THAN 5 GPM USE PVC TO CONNECT TREE RINGS, a oNo 0 9. THE BASIS OF DESIGN IS THAT THE MINIMUM PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT EACH STATION VALVE EXCEEDS 50 PSIG. DOUBLE OR TRIPLE, AND SIZE PVC APPROPRIATELY. 10 BARB X BARB INSERT CROSS: cn N�THE MINIMUM PRESSURE AT THE FURTHEST POINT IN THE DRIP SYSTEM OR RZWS IS 40 PSIG.THEREFORE PROVIDE RAIN BIRD XFD—CROSS (TYPICAL) N } Yo A PRESSURE REGULATOR (PRV) CAPABLE OF RECEIVING THE ACTUAL INLET PRESSURE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY XFS-CV SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE AND DELIVERING MINIMUM OF 50 PSIG DOWNSTREAM OF THE PRV.ADJUST THE DISCHARGE PRESSURES OF THE PRV 1 TIE DOWN STAKE: z >O TO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM PRESSURE AT THE FURTHEST STATION.INSTALL THE PRV IN A LARGE DIAMETER TURF MULTIPLE TREE RING LAYOUT SIDE FED RAIN BIRD TDS-050 WITH BEND OR METER BOX. 3 SHEET N.T.S. IR-3 - 10. FOR ALL SHRUB BEDS AND SMALL TURF AREAS,EXTEND DRIP LINE THROUGH THESE AREAS.SUPPLY SHRUB BEDS SEQ. WITH A SINGLE 1/2" FLUSHING HEADER.PROVIDE WITH END OF MAIN FLUSH POINT VALVE IN VALVE BOX. OF sAaao ice!Fort WorthDate: un.13,2018 - user: mg e p g ase ir- - -e ai gn LEGEND LL Z s 10"MINI - €w 8 RAIN SENSOR. O SENSOR. _ U a F vi g�g�888g88 0 l O DIG CVSTIPART No.23-001 ar C PIPE CAPN Z Y rc W CAP PART No.23U53 2 w a G o WITH HOLE FOR WIRES. UZ CO w W 2 O LED CONTROLLER MODEL LOT4000 03 DRILL TWO 3/16 HOLES IN PIPE Z z Q vWwi K o o f c. FOR SENSOR BRACKET. w O F rn w 04 (2)%8-32 MACHINE SCREWS Q p lY z x O 1�p. 3 O HIGH SECURITY STAINLESS STEEL DISC LOCKWITH WASHER,LOCK WASHER 0 w MODEL 30,405 AND NUT. LL O O o 0 1 OS 1"or IS GALVANISED PIPE _ w 0 Z~ 03 HEAVY-DUTY STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE bto la PEEP HIGH. O?NO1 5;4 WITH LIGHT ACCESS THROUGH GRID ON TOP © 12"X 1T'CONCREIESASE Z y AND INTERNAL CLAMP i0 SECURE COLUMN 2 8"DEEP MINIMUM. MOUNTING MODEL ENCL COO O or TS"PIPE ELBOW, x 3 08 FINISH GRADE. ® GALVANIZED STEEL MOUNTING COLUMN 09 6"ROUND FOR LED 4000 AND 4000E VALVE BOX. 4 a.MODEL MCOL COO 32"181 cm1 SHORT 4 la SKIT ADAPTER LEGEND N b.MODEL MCOL 400DL 48"(124 cm)LONG PART NO.8821-d 1 /� 3 O WIRE CONNECTORS WJo USE WITH EACH SENSOR. VALVE BOX WITH COVER 18' //�J VALVE BOX WITH COVER 5 II iO CONTROLLER OR VALVE. O O Owl SIZE. O5 IZ'X 18"130x45 cm1CONCRETE 2 12 SIZE BASE USING 90 Lb.140 191 BAG OF 12 141 DRY SPLICE 1 3 \ /// / W= O 2 DRY SPLICE CONNECTORS. \\ DIG LEIT 3 4"REMOTE CONCRETE CONNECTORS. O /�\�/\\ O CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY W ::::::(3`::: 13 NORMALLY CLOSED WIRE \ \� MODEL P52-075(30 PSI) �M. o� pE FROM SENSOR. ,\\\ /\ \ O FINISH GRADE TOP. /, ,f),./\\' �v11+1n u O6 FINISH GRADE /�{° ®FINISH GRADE TOP Z m O q ld COMMON WIRE -. \/\ \i \ 9 5 Q�O^NP FROM SENSOR. // O // I� O \\ ¢ DIG VALVE MODEL OCOUPUNGALE SLIP NIT O DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL WIRES TO 15 1"or l.5"NIPPLE. a 3/4"160HE-OJS i0 Dm�m: CONTROL VALVES. Ib GRAVEL. l 5 B 1' 160HE-100 � 11 ©PVC LATERAL LINE -c~=a� OSWIVEL FITTING DIG MODEL BRICK SUPPORT AT EACH T 3 fi 7 8 9 10 6 5 3/4" 23-01 1" 23-003. O CORNER O C x N GRAVEL SUMP 2 - EA 7 ©PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER. D 7 P®MINIMUM 3" n�au3 $ Oj PVC LATERAL LINE. p ® p g '@ n p 9 SWIVEL FITTINF DIG MODEL BLACI SKIT $ 9',51i sLnca v1aE vH1TE v1aE -�. O. <4Q ®BRICK SUPPORT AT EACH CORNER. e e 9 12 iD CONTROL WIRE TO OTHER VALv'_ RED IRE a '. > '. //f�� a e ° ° 'p ° ° .- 0 a d O9 PEA GRAVEL SUMP-MINIMUM 3 l3 ll PVC SCH 40 90 DEGREE ELL 7 $ O 12 OR 14 GAUGE WIRE. CH 40 TEE 12 ]] BACK-UP NET PVC BALL LVE. 12 S 11 VA ' 14 13 13 Q "0 16 15 O PVC SCH 40 90 DEGREE ELL. MAIN SUPPLY LINE OSCH 40 TEE, I LET 4000 AND 4000E WITH LIGHT� REMOTE CONTROL VALVE FOR LEIT CONTROLLER 14-) DRIP ZONE ASSEMBLY FOR LEIT SYSTEM � �i�� RAIN SENSOR ASSEMBLY (COLUMN MOUNTED) �ACCESSIBLE STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE �J USING SKIT 8821-4 RAIN SENSOR 3/4" PRESET 30 PSI P52-075 Q 160HE-075 3/4" AND 160HE-100 1" STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE MODEL ENCL U 4000 NOT TO SCALE NOT I(; -_L NOT TO SCALE NOi iO SCALE //1 0 Q O O Z z Q LLL J L LJ< V' 0 (]:�cov _J Q rwQ9 Q 1 2 TOP 2/3 O1 PVC DRIP MANIFOLD FROM RAIN BIRD CONTROL �_ L OfOF SLOPE ZONE VALVE KIT(SIZED TO MEET LATERAL U LL cr FLOW DEMAND LL W 02 BARB X MALE FITTING: Q RAIN BIRD XFF-MA FITTING(TYPICAL) @PVC SUPPLY HEADER W 03 PVC SUPPLY HEADER O PVC SCH 40 TEE OR EL(TYPICAL) 3 ®PVC SCH 40 TEE OR EL(TYPICAL) 1 2 3 4 16 1 . I 4 (DEARS X MALE FITTING:O5 ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: RAIN BIRD XFF-MA FITTING(TYPICAL) _j 5 BOTTOM 1/'3 RAIN BIRD XF SERIES DRIPLINE(TYPICAL) OF SLOPE POTABLE:XFCV DRIPLINE 5 ®PVC DRIP MANIFOLD FROM RAIN BIRD CONTROL J \ 6 FLUSH POINT: SEE RAIN BIRD XFCV DETAILS 1N ZONE VALVE KIT(SIZED TO MEET LATERAL 7 O 6 SETA // FLOW DEMAND) LL FOR FLUSH POINT INSTALLATION 14 1 2 4 DRIP M FOLD Q 7 15 FP BURIA PTH ( SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE: (Y)PVC FLUSH HEADER 2"� NON-POTABLE:XFS SERIES DRIPLINE DRIPLINE(TYPICAL) 2 7 ©PERIMETER OF AREA FP INSET A 07 PERIMETER DRIPLINE PIPE TO BE INSTALLED J 6 INSET B 2"-4"FROM PERIMETER OF AREA 5 1.DISTANCE BETWEEN LATERAL ROWS AND EMITTER SPACING TO BE ©FLUSH POINT(TYPICAL)-SEE RAIN BIRD XFD C' 0 O O y C 12 13 DETAILS FOR FLUSH POINT INSTALLATION Nl g g g BASED ON SOIL TYPE,PLANT MATERIALS AND CHANGES IN ELEVATION. DISTANCE BETWEEN LATERAL ROWS FOR BOTTOM 1/3 14 z ~ ~ O OF SLOPE TO BE SPACED GREATER THAN OPTIMAL ROW DISTANCE. 8 09 BARB X BARB INSERT TEE OR EL Z (D SEE RAIN BIRD XFD DRIPLINE INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR SUGGESTED FP 1 p• RAIN BIRD XFF-TEE C) o o SPACING. 15 RAIN BIRD XFF-ELBOW O Q z 3, 2.LENGTH OF LONGEST DRIPLINE LATERAL SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE 2 MAXIMUM LENGTH SHOWN IN THE ACCOMPANYING TABLE. g 10 PVC SUPPLY HEADER 3,WHEN ELEVATION CHANGE EXCEEDS 10 FEET IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A NEW DRIPLINE ZONE BE CREATED. 11 PVC SCH 40 SLEEVE PIPE SIZED TWICE THE SIZE } 4.WHEN USING 17MM INSERT FITTINGS WITH DESIGN PRESSURE OVER OF MANIFOLD PIPE SIZE Q a 50P51,IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS BE INSTALLED ON EACH FITTING. 10 11 12 PAVEMENT AND CURB INSET B 13 2"-Y DEPTH OF MULCH LL 14 FINISH GRADE 0 FP 15 OPERATION INDICATOR XFCV Dripline Maximum Lateral Lengths 15 RAIN BIRD MODEL: OPERIND O O (Feet) I s 12"Spacing 1 18"Sparing NOTES: 161RRIGAPON CONTROL VALVE: F'O 1.FOR ALL XFS-CV AND POLY CONNECTIONS INSTALL XFF AND/OR XFD FITTINGS RAIN BIRD XCZ DRIP CONTROL ZONE KIT D.0 EsInlet Pressure psi Nominal Flow(gph)Nominal Flow(gph) 2. DISTANCE BETWEEN LATERAL ROWS AND EMITTER SPACING TO BE BASED ON SOIL TYPE, INSTALLED IN VALVE BOX N m BUS 0.8 0.8 D.) PLANT MATERIALS AND CHANGES IN ELEVATION. SEE INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS ON O Co RAIN BIRD WEB SITE(WWW.RAINBIRD.COM)FOR SUGGESTED SPACING. U O 3.LENGTH OF LONGEST DRIPLINE LATERAL SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM SPACING - 30 28s 205 402 33J XFS"CV Dri Ilne Maximum Lateral Lengths O SHOWN THE ACCOMPANYING TABLE. P _ O 40 350 2i8 498 416 a.PLACE TIEE DOWN STAKES EVERY THREE FEET IN SAND,FOUR FEET IN LOAM,AND FIVE (Feet) _ 50 397 281 5]3 4]] FEFf IN CLAY. 12"Spacing 18"Spadng B)w 60 436 30B 63] 528 5.AT FITTINGS WHERE THERE IS A CHANGE OF DIRECTION SUCH AS TEES OR ELBOWS,USE O�. TIE-DOWN STAKES ON EACH LEG OF THE CHANGE OF DIRECTION. Inlet Pressure psi Nominel Flow(gph)Nominel FloW(gph) 6-1 TOP 2/3 OF SLOPE BOTTOM 1/3 OF 6.WHEN USING 17MM INSERT FITTINGS WITH DESIGN PRESSURE OVER SOPS I,IT IS 3°o NORMAL SPACING T rSLOPE SPACING RECOMMENDED THAT STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS BE INSTALLED ON EACH FITTING. p1 O XFS-CV SUB-SURFACE/ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE 30 2ee 248 498 416 CO o X=DISTANCE BETWEEN ROWS OF DRIP LATERALS AS w� DETERMINED BY PLANT AND SOIL TYPE.SEE NOTE 1. n T�3�TYPICAL ISLAND LAYOUT W/PVC HEADERS 50 39] 281 573 4T/ CJ 67 m On a } = �1 XFCV ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE SLOPED LAYOUT = >0 SHEET - IR-4 SEQ. �waao OF Ice!Fort WorOffth s D.t,: Mn.13,2018 - ser mg e p g ase Ir- - -e aI gn Date: October 5,2018 Report No. 2018-146 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: This is a report of the Public, Educational, and Governmental Access Channel (PEG Fund) expenditures. BACKGROUND: On Friday, September 21, Informal Staff Report number 2018-134 was distributed to City Council providing an overview of the ten year PEG Fund history. Following that report, City Council asked two follow-up questions regarding PEG funding: 1) Who applied for the grants? Please list all the grants that were awarded. 2) Is there a detail list of equipment associated with this spending? If yes,please indicate what equipment and where it is located. Council Chambers, Work Session Room, and DTV Control Room upgrades • FY 2012-13 $20,064 • FY 2013-14 $84,844 DISCUSSION: Pursuant to section 66.009 of the Texas Utility Code, all cable providers within the Denton city limits are required to collect monthly Public, Education, and Government (PEG) fees from every cable subscriber. With the adoption of Ordinance 2010-302 (attached), the City's PEG fee is 1 percent of the gross revenue of the cable services provided. The City currently collects PEG fees from Frontier(FIOS), Grande Communications, and Charter Communications. Responses to City Council's follow-up questions are outlined below: Response to Question 1 In FY 2011-2012, the City began a grant program for other PEG channels in Denton. Each grant agreement is for the City to provide funding to assist with the costs of capital equipment relating to providing Public, Educational, and Government cable television services within the City of Denton in accordance with Federal Communications Commission(FCC)regulations. The grants are only available to the four entities that provide PEG programming to Denton residents. Each grant is for $10,000. The number of times the grant was awarded is indicated next to each entity outlined below: • University of North Texas—NTTV (6) • University of North Texas (Mayborn School of Journalism)—DCTV(6)* • Texas Woman's University(1) Date: October 5,2018 Report No. 2018-146 • Denton Independent School District (6) *Prior to the grant program, The Mayborn School of Journalism was reimbursed for some capital costs for DCTV (Denton Community Television). This reimbursement included installation and equipment costs incurred when the service was transitioned from Charter Communications to UNT. Additional funding was provided to upgrade the public access channel equipment in FY2014/15 and FY2015/16. On January 1, 2011, the City's franchise agreement (local jurisdiction and regulation) with Charter Communications expired. By an interlocal agreement between the City and the University of North Texas, the Mayborn School of Journalism began operations of the City's public access channel. DCTV produces programming for citizens and journalism students. Both the News and Strategic Communications departments produce programming that include a local newscast, sports, and diverse points of view from the citizens of Denton on Charter Cable Channel 191 and Frontier FIOS Channel 39. ISR report 2012-001 is included as an attachment. This report discusses the recommendation of grant funding to these entities. Response to Question 2 Expenditure detail for the Council Chambers, Work Session Room, and DTV Control Room Upgrades for the fiscal years requested is included as an attachment. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 2010-302 ISR 2012-001 PEG Fund expenditure summary(ISR# 2018-034) FY 13 /FY 14 Council Chamber, WS Room, and DTV Control Room Upgrade Spending Detail STAFF CONTACT: Antonio Puente, Jr., Director of Finance (940)-349-7283 Antonio.Puente(a,cityofdenton.com s:Uegahour documentslordinancesUfteg subscriber fee ord.docx ORDINANCE NO. 2010-302 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE NEW PUBLIC, EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT (PEG) SUBSCRIBER FEE RATE AS ONE PERCENT OF THE CABLE PROVIDERS' GROSS REVENUE; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE A LETTER TO ALL DENTON CABLE PROVIDERS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to section 66.006 of the Texas Utility Code in regards to Public, Education, and Government (PEG) subscriber fees, "On the expiration of the incumbent cable service provider's agreement, the holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority shall pay a municipality in which it is offering cable service or video service one percent (1%) of the providers' gross revenues, or at the municipality's election,the per subscriber fee that was paid to the municipality under the expired incumbent cable service provider's agreement;" and WHEREAS, during this transition from local franchise to state franchise, the City has a one-time opportunity to change the PEG subscriber fee collected by all cable providers; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City of Denton Ordinance 2004-181 and pursuant to section 66.009 of the Texas Utility Code, all cable providers within the Denton city limits are required to collect a PEG fee from every cable subscriber; and WHEREAS, the City's PEG fee is $0.50 per subscriber, per month and remitted to the City on a quarterly basis; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the interest of the City of Denton to establish the PEG subscriber fee as one percent of the cable providers gross revenue per month; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The findings and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The City Council approves setting the PEG subscriber fee as one percent of the cable providers' gross revenue per month effective January 1, 2011. SECTION 3. The City Council approves that the PEG subscriber fee be remitted quarterly no later than 45 days after the expiration of the date for which payment is due. sAlegahour documents\ordinances1101peg subscriber fee ord.docx SECTION 4. The City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to execute a letter to all Denton cable providers regarding the new PEG subscriber fee rate as set forth in Attachment A, which is attached and made a part of hereto. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of 2010. L MARK A. BURROUGHS, YOR ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: AP OVED A TO LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY T BY: Page 2 Exhibit A 1OtF DENT O N 215 E.McKINNEY DENTON, TEXAS 76201 •(940)349-8200•FAX(940) 349-8236 CITY MANAGERTYPRIVE November 16, 2010 Charter Verizon Grande Re: Public,Education, and Government(PEG) Subscriber Fee Dear (Name): Pursuant to Section 66.006(b)of the Texas Utility Code, "On the expiration of the incumbent cable service provider's agreement,the holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority shall pay a municipality in which it is offering cable service or video service one percent of the provider's gross revenues, or at the municipality's election,the per subscriber fee that was paid to the municipality under the expired incumbent cable service provider's agreement, in lieu of in-kind compensation and grants." With the adoption of Ordinance No. 2010—XXX and effective January 1,2011,the City has elected to change the Public,Education, and Government(PEG) subscriber fee,which is currently collected from cable providers in the city, from$0.50 cents per subscriber,per month,to 1 percent of the gross revenue of your cable services. The ordinance requires PEG fee payments continue to be made quarterly to the City, so as to remain consistent with the other cable system PEG fee payments in Denton. The ordinance also requires that the payment shall be made to the City no later than 45 days after the expiration of the date for which payment is due. A complete and accurate verified statement of the total cable subscriber count during the period for which the quarterly payment is made must accompany your payment. If you have any questions or need additional information,please contact our Cable Television Supervisor, Billy Matthews at(94)349-7272. Sincerely, George C. Campbell City Manager Attachment: Ordinance No. 2010- "Dedicated to Quality Service" www.cityofdenton.com Date: January 6,2011 Report No. 2012-001 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Public, Education, and Government(PEG) fund grant. DISCUSSION: As part of the adopted FY 2011-12 budget, staff recommended a grant of$10,000 for each of the four PEG channels to be spent on capital equipment related to their channel as defined by the FCC. Staff recommends a PEG fund grant presentation take place at a City Council meeting with the four entities operating PEG channels in attendance. BACKGOUND: The City's local franchise agreement with Sammons Communications (Marcus Communications then Charter Communications) that expired on December 31, 2010, set out certain conditions and requirements for the (then) only cable provider in the City. One of the requirements was a PEG subscriber fee that would help support local television. Pursuant to ordinance 95-191, and pursuant to section 66.009 of the Texas Utility Code, the City required Charter Communications, effective January 1, 2005, to collect a $0.50 per subscriber, per month fee to be used for PEG capital items and other lawful purposes. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)restricts the use of the fee, allowing the funds only to be used to acquire additional production equipment, capital, and other lawful purposes which include the equipment's operation and maintenance. In September 2005, Senate Bill 5 (SB 5) was approved by the Texas Legislature. Under SB 5, the City's cable franchise agreement, upon expiration, was replaced with a state-issued franchise agreement through the Public Utility Commission. In 2006, Verizon Communications acquired a state franchise,began offering cable service, and started collecting the fee from its Denton customers. Additionally, in 2008, Grande Communications, operating under a state franchise, added the City's channel (DTV)to its lineup and began collecting the fee as well. As of December 2008, all three cable providers in the City (Charter, Verizon, and Grande) were collecting the fee monthly and remitting it to the City on a quarterly basis. On January 1, 2011,upon expiration of the local franchise agreement with Charter Communications, the City had a one-time option to either leave the fee the same ($0.50 per subscriber,per month) or change it to 1 percent of the monthly gross revenue of video services. This option is spelled out in Chapter 66 of SB 5, "After the expiration of the incumbent cable franchise, all the state-issued franchise holders pay, at the City's choice, either a PEG capital support fee equal to 1 percent of its gross video revenue or a fee equal to the per subscriber cash payments that were made under the expired incumbent's cable franchise." Date: January 6,2011 Report No. 2012-001 With Council's leadership, the City elected to change the fee to 1 percent of the monthly gross revenue of video services. As a result of changing the fee calculation, the City has seen an increase in revenue and is in a position to share funds with the remaining PEG channel entities in the form of a grant. Along with the City's channel—DTV, there are four other PEG channels operating in Denton. The channels include the public access channel—DCTV, Denton ISD, TWU, and UNT. Pursuant to SB 5, there will not be any additional channels in the future. These PEG channels offer citizens a viewing alternative, provide an opportunity for these entities to promote local information, and deliver valuable learning experiences for many university and high school students. As spelled out in the draft agreement(Attachment A.), a formal process is outlined for all four grant recipients requiring documentation for all expenditures to ensure compliance with FCC restrictions. All back-up materials for expenditures, including invoices and cancelled checks, are required to be submitted to the City before the end of the fiscal year. FISCAL INFORMATION: As part of the City's annual budget process, a PEG budget detailing expenditures is provided to Council. Since 2005, all allowable capital expenditures for DTV have been made using PEG fees. From January 2005 thru September 2010, $694,838.38 has been collected and $433,118.35 has been spent. The largest expenditure since the subscriber fee's inception was for technical renovations at City Hall. The passage of a City ordinance, 09-142, amended the FY 2008-09 budget allowing for an adjustment to the PEG fund of($171,929.97) for costs associated with a complete digital upgrade of the audio,video, and control room for the Work Session room and the Council Chamber. At the conclusion of the local franchise agreement with Charter in 2010, City Council approved up to $75,000 in PEG funds for capital expenses related to the launch of DCTV at the Mayborn School. Prior to that, the City has not shared these funds. While the City has yet to receive a complete year of financials at the new rate, quarter to quarter fee revenues have increased. Staff continues to monitor the PEG fund's balance regularly and maintains a balance of at least 30 percent of the estimated annual revenues for unforeseen emergencies. This assures that the City has sufficient funding but also gives staff the opportunity to determine if and when it is financially possible to share funds in the future. The grants will be fully funded from account 212002.6506, PEG equipment, which is totally supported by the cable subscriber fee. No other City funds will be needed. RECOMMENDATION: Unless otherwise directed by Council, upon execution of the contracts by the City Manager, staff will proceed with finalizing the grant agreements and scheduling a symbolic presentation of the grant funds to DCTV (public access), TWU, UNT and Denton ISD at $10,000 each for a total of $40,000 in grants at a City Council meeting in early 2012. Date: January 6,2011 Report No. 2012-001 STAFF CONTACT: Billy Matthews, Cable Television Supervisor (940) 349-7272 Bi11y.Matthews(&cityofdenton.com ATTACHMENT: A. Contract SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AND TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY—PIONEER TV This Agreement is hereby entered into by and between the City of Denton,Texas,a Home Rule Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the Texas Woman's University — Pioneer TV, hereinafter referred to as "Organization": WHEREAS, City has determined that the proposal for services merits assistance and can provide needed services to citizens of City; and WHEREAS,this Agreement serves a valid municipal and public purpose and is in the public interest as it will assist local non-profit agencies,schools,hospitals,and public safety organizations within the City, among other things; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES Organization shall in a satisfactory and proper manner perform the following tasks,for which the monies provided by City may be used: The funds being provided shall be used by Organization to assist with the costs of capital equipment related to providing Public,Educational and Government cable television services within the City of Denton in accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC)regulations. II. OBLIGATIONS OF ORGANIZATION In consideration of the receipt of funds from City,Organization agrees to the following terms and conditions. A. Ten Thousand Dollars and no/l 00($10,000.00)shall be paid to Organization by City to be utilized for the purposes set forth in Article I. B. Organization will maintain adequate records to establish that the City funds are used for the purposes authorized by this Agreement. C. Organization will permit authorized officials of City to review its books at any time. D. Organization will provide full-backup documentation for expenditures, invoices, and canceled checks to City. E. Organization will appoint a representative who will be available to meet with City officials when requested. F. Organization will submit to City copies of year-end audited financial statements. III. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The services funded by City shall be undertaken and completed by Organization within the following time frame: The term of this Agreement shall commence on the effective date and terminate at end of the current fiscal year, unless the contract is sooner terminated under Section VH "Suspension or Termination". IV. PAYMENTS A. PAYMENTS TO ORGANIZATION. City shall pay to Organization the sum specified in Article II after the effective date of this Agreement. B. EXCESS PAYMENT. Organization shall refund to City within ten(10)working days of City's request, any sum of money which has been paid by City and which City at any time thereafter determines: 1) has resulted in overpayment to Organization; or 2) has not been spent strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; or 3) is not supported by adequate documentation to fully justify the expenditure. V. EVALUATION Organization agrees to participate in an implementation and maintenance system whereby the services can be continuously monitored.Organization agrees to make available its financial records for review by City at City's discretion. In addition,Organization agrees to provide City the following data and reports, or copies thereof: A.All external or internal audits. Organization shall submit a copy of the annual independent audit to City within ten(10) days of receipt. B. All external or internal evaluation reports. C. An explanation of any major changes in program services. D. To comply with this section, Organization agrees to maintain records that will provide accurate, current, separate, and complete disclosure of the status of funds received and the services Page 2 of 7 performed under this Agreement. The record system of Organization shall contain sufficient documentation to provide in detail full support and justification for each expenditure. Organization agrees to retain all books,records,documents,reports,and written accounting procedures pertaining to the services provided and expenditure of funds under this Agreement for five years. E. Nothing in the above subsections shall be construed to relieve Organization of responsibility for retaining accurate and current records that clearly reflect the level and benefit of services provided under this Agreement. VI. TERMINATION The City may terminate this Agreement for cause if Organization violates any covenants, agreements,or guarantees of this Agreement,the Organization's insolvency or filing of bankruptcy, dissolution, or receivership, or the Organization's violation of any law or regulation to which it is bound under the terms of this Agreement. The City may terminate this Agreement for other reasons not specifically enumerated in this paragraph. VII. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS A. Organization shall comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws or regulations. B. Organization will furnish all information and reports requested by City, and will permit access to its books,records,and accounts for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with local, State and Federal rules and regulations. C. In the event of non-compliance by Organization with the non-discrimination requirements, the Agreement may be canceled,terminated,or suspended in whole or in part,and Organization may be barred from further contracts with City. VIII. WARRANTIES Organization represents and warrants that: A. All information, reports and data heretofore or hereafter requested by City and furnished to City,are complete and accurate as of the date shown on the information,data,or report, and, since that date, have not undergone any significant change without written notice to City. B. Any supporting financial statements heretofore requested by City and furnished to City, are complete, accurate and fairly reflect the financial conditions of Organization on the date shown on said report, and the results of the operation for the period covered by the report, and that since said data,there has been no material change,adverse or otherwise,in the financial condition of organization. Page 3 of 7 C. No litigation or legal proceedings that would adversely affect Organizations obligations under this Agreement are presently pending or threatened against Organization. D. None of the provisions herein contravenes or is in conflict with the authority under which organization is doing business or with the provisions of any existing indenture or agreement of organization. E. Organization has the power to enter into this Agreement and accept payments hereunder, and has taken all necessary action to authorize such acceptance under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. F. None of the assets of Organization are subject to any lien or encumbrance of any character, except for current taxes not delinquent, except as shown in the financial statements furnished by Organization to City. Each of these representations and warranties shall be continuing and shall be deemed to have been repeated by the submission of each request for payment. IX. CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS A. Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the terms of this Agreement shall be by written amendment executed by both parties, except when the terms of this Agreement expressly provide that another method shall be used. B. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that changes in the State,Federal or local laws or regulations pursuant hereto may occur during the term of this Agreement. Any such modifications are to be automatically incorporated into this Agreement without written amendment hereto, and shall become a part of the Agreement on the effective date specified by the law or regulation. C. Organization shall notify City of any changes in personnel or governing board composition. X. INDEMNIFICATION To the extent authorized by law, the Organization agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims or suits for injuries,damage,loss,or liability of whatever kind or character,arising out of or in connection with the performance by the Organization or those services contemplated by this Agreement,including all such claims or causes of action based upon common,constitutional or statutory law,or based,in whole or in part,upon allegations of negligent or intentional acts of organization,its officers,employees,agents, subcontractors, licensees and invitees. Page 4 of 7 XI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST A. Organization covenants that neither it nor any member of its governing body presently has any interest,direct or indirect,which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed under this Agreement. Organization further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement,no person having such interest shall be employed or appointed as a member of its governing body. B. Organization further covenants that no member of its governing body or its staff, subcontractors or employees shall possess any interest in or use his/her position for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by desire for private gain for himself/herself,or others; particularly those with which he/she has family, business, or other ties. C. No officer, member, or employee of City and no member of its governing body who exercises any function or responsibilities in the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of this Agreement shall participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his personal interest or the interest in any corporation,partnership,or association in which he has direct or indirect interest. XII. NOTICE Any notice or other written instrument required or permitted to be delivered under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been delivered, whether actually received or not, when deposited in the United States mail,postage prepaid,registered or certified,return receipt requested, or via hand-delivery or facsimile, addressed to Organization or City, as the case may be, at the following addresses: ORGANIZATION CITY Texas Woman's University City of Denton, Texas Instructional Operations Support Services Attn: City Manager Kim Grover-Haskin 215 E. McKinney P.O. Box 425798 Denton, TX 76201 Denton, TX 762004-5798 Telephone: 940.349-8307 Telephone: 940.898.3498 Fax No. 940.349-8596 Either party may change its mailing address by sending notice of change of address to the other at the above address by certified mail, return receipt requested. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. Organization shall not transfer, pledge or otherwise assign this Agreement or any interest therein,or any claim arising thereunder to any party or parties,bank,trust company or other financial institution without the prior written approval of City. Page 5 of 7 B. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid,illegal,or unenforceable,the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect and continue to conform to the original intent of both parties hereto. C. In no event shall any payment to Organization hereunder,or any other actor failure of City to insist in any one or more instances upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement consti- tute or be construed in any way to be a waiver by City of any breach of covenant or default which may then or subsequently be committed by Organization. Neither shall such payment, act, or omission in any manner impair or prejudice any right,power,privilege,or remedy available to City to enforce its rights hereunder,which rights,powers,privileges,or remedies are always specifically preserved. No representative or agent of City may waive the effect of this provision. D. This Agreement, together with referenced exhibits and attachments, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and any prior agreement, assertion, statement, understanding, or other commitment occurring during the term of this Agreement, or subsequent thereto, have any legal force or effect whatsoever, unless properly executed in writing, and if appropriate, recorded as an amendment of this Agreement. E. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and venue of any litigation concerning this Agreement shall be in a court of competent jurisdiction sitting in Denton County, Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties do hereby affix their signatures and enter into this Agreement as of the day of , 2012. GEORGE C.CAMPBELL,CITY MANAGER ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY BY: Page 6 of 7 ORGANIZATION BY: ATTEST: BY: SECRETARY Page 7 of 7 City of Denton PEG Fund Spending Public,Educational,and Government Access Channels FY 2008-2018 A FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 TOTAL Council Chambers/WS Room/DTV Control Room Upgrades - - 12,406 8,504 20,064 84,844 79,339 24,180 - 22,001 251,338 Media Manager Software&Installation(DTV/CC) 114,038 57,892 - - - - - - - 171,930 HD Conversion for DTV - - - - 186,055 - - 186,055 DTV Video Servers - - 43,487 11,957 4,892 16,991 33,959 111,286 Grande Communication Fiber B 36,484 7,609 7,883 3,126 - - - - 55,102 2014 Chevy Traverse(vehicle) - - - - - 27,815 - - - 27,815 Grant(Program&Equipment Funding) University of North Texas c - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 DCTV-Denton Community Television D 9,400 20,000 10,000 10,000 19,000 110,000 10,000 188,400 Texas Woman's University - 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Denton I.S.D. - - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 60,000 Equipment/Software Maintenance Agreements - 21,813 30,975 29,078 28,091 26,109 24,761 38,382 34,538 7,455 241,202 Minor Equipment Purchases(less than$5,000) 19,317 13,338 37,366 41,713 31,282 24,655 22,789 36,288 24,332 17,569 268,649 169,839 100,652 141,517 144,378 109,437 193,423 356,836 228,850 75,861 110,984 1,631,777 NOTES: A-Through August 31,2018 B-Fiber Network Extension to deliver DTV to Grande Communication/Robson Ranch C-NTTV(North Texas Television) D-DCTV(Denton Community Televsion)UNT,Mayborn School of Journalism-$110,000 payment/grant in FY15/16 for equipment upgrades FISCAL YEAR 2013 EXTRAVAGANT DESIGN LLC INVOICE - SUPPLEMENTAL LIGHTING SYSTEM IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS INVOICE DESCRIPTION LOCATION 1,397.64 2285 (qty 6 / $232.94 ea) - Type A Fixture - Juno Trac-Master 19W LED City Hall 2,643.48 2285 (qty 21 / $125.88 ea) - Type B Fixture - Juno Trac-Master 13W LED City Hall 285.00 2285 (qty 15 / $19.00 ea) - 2' pieces of Track City Hall 734.16 2285 (qty 12 / $61.18 ea) - 8' pieces of Track City Hall 674.46 2285 (qty 18/ $37.47 ea) - Cord and Plug Connectors City Hall 280.62 2285 (qty 18 / $15.59 ea) - Line End Connectors City Hall 420.00 2285 (qty 12 / $35.00 ea) - Trac Joiners City Hall 747.06 2285 (qty 1 / $747.06 ea) - Lutron Girafek Eye City Hall 541.18 2285 (qty 2 / $270.59 ea) - Lutron Dimming Power Module City Hall 305.88 2285 (qty 2 / $152.94 ea) - Lutron 5 Button Keypad City Hall 8,029.48 HARVEST CONSTRUCTION INVOICE - CITY COUNCIL AUDIO/VISUAL RENOVATION (MEETING AREA) INVOICE DESCRIPTION LOCATION 1,885.00 3019 Redesign and finish of Council podium City Hall 650.00 3019 Additional labor costs for work performed "after regular business hours" (ventilation) City Hall 2,535.00 KIRKPATRICK ARCHITECTURE STUDIO INVOICE - CITY COUNCIL AUDIO/VISUAL RENOVATION (DTV PRODUCTION AREA) INVOICE DESCRIPTION LOCATION 5,700.00 0116 Project Schematic Design City Hall 1,900.00 0116 Project Construction Documentation City Hall 1,900.00 0202 Contract Administration Charges City Hall 9,500.00 Page 1 of 3 FISCAL YEAR 2014 AUDIO VISUAL DALLAS INVOICE - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - 3 VIDEO SCREENS INVOICE DESCRIPTION LOCATION 1,620.00 14761 (qty 1/ $1,620.00/ea) - Da-Lite 72.5 x 116" (137 diagonal) Cinema Contour Screen City Hall 3,999.00 14761 (qty 1 / $1,620.00/ea) - Da-Lite 72.5 x 116" (137 diagonal) Cinema Contour Screen City Hall 165.00 14761 (qty 1 / $1,65.00/ea) - Elite Universal Projector Mount City Hall 65.00 14761 (qty 1 / $65.00/ea) - 8" x 8" Ceiling Plate City Hall 145.00 14761 (qty 1 / $145.00/ea) - 6-8 foot Extension Column City Hall 17,040.58 14761 (qty 2 / $8,520.89/ea) - SHARP 80" LED Professional Display City Hall 454.00 14761 (qty 2 / $227.00/ea) - X-Large FUSION Micro-Adjustable Tilt Wall Mount City Hall 90.00 14761 (qty 200 / $0.45/ea) - Cat-6 Cable City Hall 156.00 14761 (qty 6 / $26.00/ea) - 3 Meter HDMI Cable City Hall 1,320.03 14761 (qty 3 / $440.01/ea) - Binary Single CAT5e/6 Base Extender (230 feet) City Hall 300.00 14761 (qty 1 / $300/ea) - Parts & Materials for Finished Projector Enclosure City Hall 4,300.00 14761 (qty 1 / $4,300.00/ea) - Installation &Wiring per above scope City Hall 29,654.61 HARVEST CONSTRUCTION INVOICE - CITY COUNCIL AUDIO/VISUAL RENOVATION (COMPLETE REDO OF DTV PRODUCTION SUITE) LOCATION 48,275.00 3118 Furnish Labor & Material for Renovation of City Council Audio/Visual City Hall 48,275.00 B&H PHOTO VIDEO INVOICE - DTV PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT LOCATION 296.00 86559671 (qty 4/ $74.00 ea) - Cartoni Quick Release Plate/Alpha/Focus City Hall 116.67 86559671 (qty 3 / $38.89 ea) - Sennheiser CL100 Output Cable City Hall 32.95 86559671 (qty 1 / $32.95 ea) - Incase Neoprene Sleeve - 13" Black City Hall 62.85 86559671 (qty 3 / $20.95 ea) - SanDisk 32GB Ultra Micro SDHC City Hall 250.00 86559671 (qty 1 / $250.00 ea) - HPRC WheelHD Hard Case - Phantom Vision 2 City Hall 339.15 86559671 (qty 1 / $339.15 ea) - DA Phantom 2 Vision Battery Twin Pack/w Charger City Hall Page 2 of 3 FISCAL YEAR 2014 B&H PHOTO VIDEO (continued) INVOICE - DTV PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT LOCATION 1,249.00 86559671 (qty 1 / $1,249.00 ea) - DA Phantom 2 Vision Plus City Hall 229.95 86559671 (qty 1 / $229.95 ea) - DelvCam 7" Monitor with 5.8 GHZ Wireless Receiver City Hall 2,959.90 86559671 (qty 2 / $1,479.95 ea) - Cartoni FCS/2 3-Tube Tripod City Hall 781.98 86559671 (qty 2 / $390.99 ea) - Go-Pro HER03+ Black Edition/Adventure City Hall 390.99 86559671 (qty 1 / $390.99 ea) - Zoom H6 Handy Audio Recorder City Hall 160.00 86559671 (qty 1/ $160.00 ea) - Petrol Deca Mixer Bag For Sound Devices City Hall 22.95 86559671 (qty 1 / $22.95 ea) - Pro 12 x 12" Variety Filter Pack City Hall 21.88 86559671 (qty 1/ $21.88 ea) - Lowel TOTA/OMNI Frame F/10 x 12" GELS City Hall 6,914.27 Page 3 of 3 Council Requests for Information Revision Date 10/05/2018 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status Requested By ISR on Southlake's program was distributed on June 22.ISR Information on implementing a similar program to regarding ways to achieve intended results in Denton will be 1 Southlake's SPIN program in Denton. 6/26/2018 McDonald/Birdseye distributed with a future Friday report. Armintor Work session on permitting options to incentivize affordable housing including a survey of practices 21 from other municipalities. 6/26/2018 Kuechler A work session is planned for December 18. Armintor Information regarding the use of project names used in 3 conjunction with economic development projects. 6/26/2018 Booth ISR is being prepared for distribution on October 12. Armintor Develop a strategic plan for homeless shelters in Denton(current environment,capacity,need, emergency circumstances,best practices,family 41 shelter options). 7/17/2018 Kuechler A work session is planned for December 11. Armintor/Briggs/Meltzer Review and possible revisions to the Council Rules of Procedure to clarify the Mayor's ability to second a ISR is being prepared for distribution with a future Friday 5 motion. 7/17/2018 Leal report. Watts 6 Overview of the Homestead Exemption process. 7/17/2018 Puente/Langley A work session is scheduled for December 4. Armintor Information on Code Enforcement including overview of purpose,enforcement,and complaint response 7 practices. 7/24/2018 Lahart/Wood ISR is being prepared for distribution on October 12. Armintor Work Session on DCTA,including the City's role in 8 the current agreement and the services received. 7/24/2018 Canizares/Nelson A work session is planned for November 27. Watts Update on marketing/advertising policy and naming 9 opportunities at City facilities. 8/2/2018 Langley/Packan A work session is planned for December 4. Hudspeth Information from Police on drug use trends across the 10 community. 8/21/2018 Smith/Mayo Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 11 Board of Ethics Rules of Procedure. 8/28/2018 Langley/Rosendahl/Lansford A work session is scheduled for October 23. Watts ISR on the current funding agreement with the County 12 on the Community Market. 9/11/2018 Hileman ISR will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth/Briggs ISR on voter registration requirements for appointees 13 City to boards and commissions. 9/11/2018 Leal ISR will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor ISR on enhancing planned fence,monument and other 14 facility upgrades at the IOOF cemetery. 9/18/2018 Packan ISR will be provided in a future Friday report. Watts acre tract that was purchased for Bonnie Brae widening project and the potential incorporation of property into McKenna Park upon construction 15 completion. 9/25/2018 Estes/Packan ISR will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer Council Requests for Information Revision Date 10/05/2018 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status Requested By Three year history on all instances where developer commitments made to the City Council have been 16 broken. 9/25/2018 McDonald/Cannone Information is being prepared for distribution on October 12. Hudspeth ISR on what other municipalities do to require City 17 contractors to pay their employees a living wage. 9/25/2018 Ogden Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor ISR on permitting requirements to prohibit service vehicles and large equipment from blocking roadways 18 and major intersections. 9/25/2018 McDonald Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Information on providing additional options for broadband service aside from current service 19 providers. 9/25/2018 Wood/Kuechler/Collister ISR will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Information on potential ways to use Tree Mitigation Funds to purchase small,wooded parcels to preserve Information will be provided with the November 13 Tree 20 the current tree canopy. 9/25/2018 McDonald/Packan Canopy/Tree Code Discussion work session presentation. Briggs Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, October 16,2018 2:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on the agenda for October 16, 2018. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 18-1584 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding Stoke Denton's annual report and the renewal of the management contract with Hickory & Rail Ventures, LLC. NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. Regular Meeting of the City of Denton City Council at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. Page 1 Printed on 101512018 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16, 2018 B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. 1. ID 18-1619 Vicki Oppenheim regarding the Denton Community Market. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda permits any person not registered for a citizen report to make comments regarding public business on items not listed on the agenda. This is limited to two speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) shall have filed a"Blue Card"requesting to speak during this period prior to the calling of this agenda item. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by the Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — V). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, Consent Agenda Items A — V below will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 18-1525 Consider the adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute on behalf of the City of Denton an acceptance of an offer from the Texas Department of Transportation relating to a grant of $50,000 for Routine Airport Maintenance Program, requiring the City to provide $50,000 in matching funds, and declaring an effective date. Airport Advisory Board recommended approval (5-0). B. ID 18-1583 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, amending the Code of Ordinances, related to Chapter 10, titled "Finance and Taxation," Article VII, titled "Tax Exemption for Historically Significant Sites," Section 10-131, titled "Designation of Historically Significant Sites" to expand eligibility for a tax exemption for historically significant sites; providing findings of fact; providing severability; providing codification; confirming proper notice and meeting; and providing for an effective date. C. ID 18-1602 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute and administer a right-of-way registration and application with the city of Corinth, Texas, to obtain permits, and execute ancillary documents related thereto, and providing for an effective date. The Public Utilities Board Page 2 Printed on 101512018 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16, 2018 recommends approval_- D. ID 18-1659 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute an Administration of Post-65 Retiree Medicare Supplement contract with Retiree First, LLC for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6807- awarded to Retiree First, LLC, for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in a total not-to-exceed amount of $2,440,000 for all years). E. ID 18-1661 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Standard Construction Specifications Preparation as set forth in the agreement; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-039 -Professional Services Agreement for the Standard Construction Specifications Preparation awarded to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,008,800). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). F. ID 18-1663 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for On-Call Engineering Related Professional Services, as set forth in the agreement; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-042 - Professional Services Agreement for on-call Engineering Related Professional Services awarded to Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,200,000). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). G. ID 18-1664 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., for Engineering Related Professional Services for the West Hickory Street Drainage, Paving and Sidewalks Project, as set forth in the agreement; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-043 - Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Related Professional Services awarded to Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $167,500). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval 0. H. ID 18-1667 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a third amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Freese and Nichols, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on July 17, 2012, in the not-to-exceed amount of $435,701, amended by Amendments 1 and 2 approved by the Purchasing Manager and the City Manager, said third amendment to provide additional Design Services for the North-South Water Main Phases 11 and III project; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 4978 - providing for an additional third amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $140,113.60, with the total contract Page 3 Printed on 101512018 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16, 2018 amount not-to-exceed $656,268.60). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval (-)• 1. ID 18-1668 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 4 to the contract between the City of Denton and Condie Construction Company, Inc., for the Cooper Creek Interceptor I and II project; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6576 - Change Order No. 4 in the not-to-exceed amount of $35,723.41, for a total contract award aggregating to $3,249,548.85). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). J. ID 18-1669 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for the supply and installation of trees for the City of Denton Parks, Medians, Right of Ways, Public Buildings, and other City Departments, as needed; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6811 - awarded to Fannin Tree Farm Sales, LLC, for one (1) year, with the option for three (3) additional one (1) year extensions, in the not-to-exceed amount of $800,000 for the Parks Department and $406,000 for the Solid Waste Landfill Buffer Zone Tree project in a total not-to-exceed amount of $1,206,000 for all years). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - K. ID 18-1671 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Symetra Life Insurance Company for the supply of Basic and Supplemental Life Insurance/Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Voluntary Short Term Disability and Group Long Term Disability Insurance for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6808- awarded to Symetra Life Insurance Company for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in a total not-to-exceed amount of $3,726,500 for all years). L. ID 18-1672 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Delta Dental Insurance Company for the supply of Voluntary Dental Insurance and United Healthcare for the supply of Voluntary Vision Insurance for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6826- awarded to Delta Dental Insurance Company in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $6,509,000 and United Healthcare in the five (5) year not to exceed amount of $625,600). The actual cost will be determined by the number of employees and retirees electing coverage and the level of coverage selected. This is a pass through cost that is paid 100%by the employee/retiree. M. ID 18-1673 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract# DIR-TSO-3553 for the supply of Online Performance Management and Learning Page 4 Printed on 101512018 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16,2018 Management Software for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6913- awarded to Cornerstone OnDemand,Inc.,in the not-to-exceed amount of$71,000). N. ID 18-1675 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for the purchase of OverDrive digital services for downloadable ebooks and audiobooks for the Denton Public Library, with OverDrive Inc., which is the sole provider of this software. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 6911 - awarded to OverDrive Inc., in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$132,000). O. ID 18-1676 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for the implementation of CodeRED Emergency Notification System and CodeRED Weather Warning Service with OnSolve, LLC, which is the sole provider of this software. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective (File 6912 - awarded to OnSolve, LLC, for a three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $134,000). P. ID 18-1677 Consider adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on October 18, 2016, in the not-to-exceed amount of $500,000 for Professional Surveying Services; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6189 - providing for a first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $170,000, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed$670,000). Q. ID 18-1680 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number 515-16 for Holt Caterpillar (CAT) equipment repair services for the City of Denton Fleet Services Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6878 - awarded to Holt CAT of Texas, for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one(1)year extensions,in a total not-to-exceed amount of$375,000 for all years). R. ID 18-1681 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to approve a contract with United AG & Turf, for mowers and tractors for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6864- awarded to United AG & Turf in the five(5)year not-to-exceed amount of$550,000). S. ID 18-1682 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule Page 5 Printed on 101512018 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16, 2018 municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to approve a contract for the annual supply of police patrol and supervisor vehicles for the City of Denton Police Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6863-awarded to James Wood Autopark, Inc., in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$2,100,000). T. ID 18-1683 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to approve a contract for the annual supply of medium duty truck chassis for various City of Denton Departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6865-awarded to James Wood Autopark, Inc., in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $4,000,000). U. ID 18-1684 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number DIR-TSO-3041 with Ricoh-USA, Inc. for production printing equipment for the City of Denton Reprographics division; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6889- awarded to Ricoh USA, Inc. in the amount of $81,293.04). V. ID 18-1693 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas to declare the intent to reimburse capital program expenditures of the General Government (25,180,000) with Tax Preferred Obligations (Certificates of Obligation and General Obligation Bonds) with an aggregate maximum principal amount equal to $25,180,000. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. A18-0002c Conduct the first of two readings of an ordinance of the City of Denton for a voluntary annexation of approximately 86.47 acres of land generally located between Creekdale Drive and Hickory Creek Road, east of the railroad tracks by the City of Denton, Texas. (A18-0002,Lakeside Place,Cindy Jackson) B. ID 18-1567 Consider adoption of an ordinance by the City of Denton, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to sign and submit an amendment to the 2018 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development submitted in June 2018 to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban with appropriate certifications, as authorized and required by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and the Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended; and providing for an effective date. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. AESA16-000 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance related to a request for an 3a Alternative Environmentally Sensitive Area Plan for Country Club Road Estates. The approximately 35.52-acre subject property is generally located on the east side of Country Club Road, approximately 270 feet south of Regency Court in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. Page 6 Printed on 101512018 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16, 2018 (AESA16-0003,Country Club Road Estates,Hayley Zagurski). B. Z18-0015a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance to rezone approximately 13.48 acres from a Neighborhood Residential 2(NR-2) District to a Neighborhood Residential 4(NR-4) District. The subject property is generally located on the south side of Audra Lane, approximately 90 feet west of Barbara Street, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. (Z18-0015, Audra Oaks, Hayley Zagurski). C. S18-0006a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit to allow for a drive-through use on approximately 1.69 acres of land. The property is generally located east of Fort Worth Drive and north of the Interstate 35E frontage road in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing a severability clause and an effective date. (S18-0006,McDonald's,Hayley Zagurski). 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2018 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 7 Printed on 101512018 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16,2018 Page 8 Printed on 101512018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 11:30 am Joint 2 3 4 5 6 Council/DISDLuncheon No Council Meeting 4 p.m. Public Art 11:OOam Committee on Committee the Environment Cancelled 5:30p m Traffic Sa fe ty National Night Out Commission Park Board 6pm 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:OOam Pub he Utilities 10:30am Committee on 11:OOam EDP Board Board Citizen Engagement Cancelled 5:30pm HLC 11:OOam Mobility 4:30pm P&ZWork Committee-Cancelled Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular 1:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Session Session 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ha BSC o Meeting 2:00 pm CC Work Session 6:30 pm CC Regular Se ssio n 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6:OOpm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday 5:OOpm P&ZWork Bo a rd Se ssio n Se ssio n 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 28 29 30 31 4:00 pm ZBA No Council Meeting 10/5/2018 2:39 PM November2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 p.m. Public Art Committee 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9:00am Committee on 2:00 pm CC Work the Fnvronment Session 11:30 am Council 6:30 pm CC Regular Luncheon Session 5:30pm Traffic Safety Commission ParkBoard 6pm 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00am Public Utilities 11:00am Mobility 11:00am EDP Board HaBSCo Meeting Board Committee 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 5:00pm P&ZWork 5:30pm HIC Session Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Session 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 No Council Meeting 'I1lanksgiving Day After Day - 'Ihanksgiving - C ity Ho lid a y C ity Ho lid a y 25 26 27 28 12:00 DTTF 29 30 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday 5:00pm P&ZWork 6:00p m Public Utilities Se ssio n Se ssio n Board-tentative 6:30pm P&ZRegular Se ssio n 4:00pm7BA 10/5/2018 12:11 PM 10/05/2018 Future Work Session Items Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Fleet Services Municipal Court Keep Denton Historic Preservation 9-Oct Expansion Judge Vacancy Beautiful Agreement Master Plan Fire Pension Plan for Solid Waste Rate Park Capital Project 16-Oct Dispatchers Stoke Annual Report Discussion Update Work Session Board of Ethics Rules Industrial Street Park 23-Oct Strategy Session City Hall West of Procedure Design Options Future Process for Council Appointee Airport Strategic Plan 5-Nov Lunch Reviews Update Community Development and Human Advisory Committee UNT Athletic Facility State Legislative 6-Nov Application Process Patrick Park Master Plan Update Tree Code Discussion/Tree Employ 2 Empower Work Session 13-Nov Canopy Program Update North Lakes Dog Park Strategy Session Update on Downtown Design Marketing/Naming Median Design 27-Nov Standards Policy Standards DCTA Overview 3-Dec Lunch Library Annual Report Strategic Plan Update Homestead Employee Ethics City Hall East Facility Tennis Center 4-Dec Exemption Options Policy Update Plan for PD Update BMR/Rubble Processing Business Strategic Plan for Airport Leasing Special Event 11-Dec Case Analysis Homeless Shelters Analysis Ordinance Update Denton Development Recycling Business Work Session Affordable housing 18-Dec Code Case Analysis Strategy Session incentives DME Risk Date TBD(late 2018) Impact Fees Floodplain ERS Management Policy Enhanced Leachate Yard Waste Home Chemical Recirculation Collection Business Collection Business Purchasing Manual Business Case Early 2019 Items: Case Analysis Case Analysis Update Analysis Housing Tax Credit Solid Waste Mid-Year Applications Mews Streets Budget Review (February) (February) Construction Projects Report Week of October 8-14,2018 CITY II Vl� OF DENTONFor general inquiries and questions,please contact the Project Management Office at(940)349-7227 DEN�I i� Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Ma'or Closures Ave.A Maple Eagle 3/19/18 10/30/18 LINT 2018 Residence Hall Project Engineering N/A Coordinate with (940)349-8910 (Both SB Lanes Closed) UNIT Ave.C Hickory Mulberry 9/24/18 1/2/19 LINT Monument Wall Public Works LINTProject (940)349-8905 (Road Closure) Inspections Panel Replacement Contacted Bell Ave. Roberston Sycamore 10/8/18 11/2/18 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets 9/26/18 Surrounding (940)349-7160 New Project Businesses Panel Replacement Contacted Bell Ave. Sycamore Hickory 10/8/18 11/2/18 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets 9/26/18 Surrounding (940)349-7160 New Project Businesses Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 7/1/2017 7/1/2019 Street Widening Engineering 6/14/18 (940)349-8910 Vintage (Phase 1) Londonderry Street Improvements Camden Ct. Londonderry Dead End 10/1/18 1/18/19 Phase II of III Streets 9/24/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Curb and Gutter Replacement, Contacted Coronado Dr. Locust Bell 10/1/18 10/19/18 Basefailure Repair Streets property (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) managers Dakota Ln. Airport Shelby 10/8/18 11/9/18 Panel Replacement Streets N/A Contacted (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closures) Businesses affected Eagle Dr. East of Elm 9/17/18 10/16/18 Sanitary Sewer Construction Engineering 9/10/18 (940)349-8910 Carroll (Street Closure) City of FM 2181 Denton/Corinth Lillian Miller 7/11/17 2/1/20 Street Widening TxDOT TxDOT (940)-387-1414 City limits Page 1 of 5 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Fulton St. Oak Broadway 6/7/18 11/16/18 Water Main Construction Water 6/5/18 (940)349-7167 (Street Closure) Hickory St. Ave C Ave B 9/24/18 1/2/19 Phase III Street Reconstruction Streets 9/12/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Utility Line Construction Contacted Extended completion date Jim Christal Rd. Western Blvd Scripture 7/3/18 10/15/18 Water/WW N/A (940)349-8463 (Road Closure) Businesses affected from 10/1/18 Joyce Ln. N.Elm Gardenview 9/5/18 10/26/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 8/21/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater Manhole Failure Nextdoor New Project Kendolph Ln. Intersection of Whippoorwill 10/5/18 10/19/18 Wastewater Notification, (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closures) Emergency Repair Door Hanger Londonderry Street Improvements Kingswood Ct. Londonderry Dead End 10/1/18 1/18/19 Phase II of III Streets 9/24/18 (940)349-7160 Street Closure Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Street Widening Engineering 1/3/18, 1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater Main Reconstruction Extended completion date Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 9/13/18 12/21/18 Wastewater 8/23/18 (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closures) from 11/25/18 Myrtle St. Eagle 200' North 9/4/18 5/1/19 Eagle Drainage Improvements Engineering 8/21/18 Contacted DCTA (940)349-8910 (Street Closure) Prominence Pkw Mayhill Atlanta 1 31 18 11 14 18 Water and Wastewater Crossing Engineering 1 24 18 Door Hangers 940 349-8910 Y• Y / / / / g g / / g ( ) (Road Closure) Rine Rd. N.Elm Solana 9 29 17 11 2 18 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering Yes Electronic Signs 940 349-8910 Y / / / / (Road Closure) g g g ( ) Shadow TH. Plum Hollow Windbrook 8/6/18 10/19/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 8/2/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Lowe's Water,Drainage,Road Construction Contacted Spencer Rd. Mayhill 4/2/18 11/28/18 Water 3/16/2018,9/14 (940)349-8910 Driveway (Road Closure) departments affected Street Panel Replacement/Sidewalk Saint Clair Dr. Loon Lake Lamprey 10/1/18 11/2/18 Repair Streets Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Swan Park Dr. Montecito Glen Falls 10/1/18 10/26/18 Sidewalk Repair Streets Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Page 2 of 5 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Sycamore St. Bell Industrial 10/1/18 10/15/18 Storm Sewer Installation Public Works 9/24/18 (940)349 8908 (Street Closure) Inspection N.E.Corner Wastewater Reconstruction Construction Teasley Ln. Robinsone 10/8/18 10/19/18 N/A (940)349-7300 New Project Teasley (Temporary Lane Closures) outside of roadway Water Main Construction Completion Expedited from Thomas St. Scripture Oak 9/3/18 10/15/18 (Temporary Lane Closure) Water 8/1/18 (940)349 7167 11/2/18. Thomas St. TBD TBD Streets Construction Street Panel Replacement/Sidewalk Thoroughbred Tr. Salon Butler 10/1/18 11/2/18 Repair Streets Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater Reconstruction Completion Expedited from Wayne St. Boyd Mozingo 8/29/18 10/20/18 (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater 8/20/18 (940)349-7300 11/1/18. Inlet Improvements,ADA Ramp Completion Date Extended y / / P g / / (Communicated )349-8488 from 10/14/18. Additional Welch$t. Mulberry Chestnut 10 8 18 11/2/18 Installation,Box Culvert Replacement Drainage 10 4 18 with UNT,DCTA 940 (Road Closure) Emergency repairs needed UNT 2018 CVAD Project Welch St. Mulberry Chestnut 4/11/18 10/24/18 Drive approach/Sidewalk Engineering 3/19/18 3/30/2018,9/12 (940)349-8910 (Southbound Temporary Lane Closures) Wellington Dr. Heather Stratford 9/26/18 11/1/18 Streets Construction Streets 9/20/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Street Closure) COMPLETED PROJECTS Edwards Rd. Camino Real Swisher 6/4/18 9/28/18 Street Reconstruction Streets 5/17/2018,9/10 HOA Contacted (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Emery St. Alice Coit 6/25/18 10/12/18 Street Resurfacing Streets 6/11/2018,9/10 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Locust St. 3rd Gary 9/24/18 9/28/18 Fire Line Installation Water Door Hangers (940)349-7167 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closures) Page 3 of 5 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Meandering Creek Dr. Education John Paine 9/3/18 9/17/18 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets 8/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) S.Bonnie Brae St. Willowwood FM 1515/ 9/10/2018 9/21/2018 Street Resurfacing Engineering 9/5/18 Contacted UNT, (940)349-8910 Airport Road (Temporary Lane Closures Possible) DISD,and DCTA Full Depth Base Repairs Contacte cF— Shady Oaks Dr. Woodrow Loop 288 S. 8/27/18 9/17/18 (East Bound Lane Closures) Streets N/A Businesses (940)349-7160 affected-electronic Sun Valley Dr. Stuart Dead End West 5/14/18 10/12/18 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 5/1/2018,9/10 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Valley View Rd. Kings Row Sun Valley 5/14/18 9/28/18 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 5/1/2018,9/10 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Water and Wastewater Contacted Western Blvd. 300 S. NB Lane 500'N 7/24/18 9/21/18 Improvements Water N/A Businesses (940)349-7324 Western of Jim Christal Westpark Area affected,electronic (Lane Closures 4 to 2 lanes) signs UPCOMING PROJECTS Atlas Dr. Redstone Hercules 10/22/18 12/21/18 Wastewater Main ReconstructionWastewater (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closures) Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn 135E 1/15/19 1/15/20 North South Water Main Phase 2 Water (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater Main Reconstruction Fulton St. Congress Gregg 12/26/18 2/7/19 Pase I of II (Temporary Wastewater (940)349-7300 New Project Information Lane Closures Fulton St. Summer 2019 TBD Streets Streets (940)349-7160 Hettie St. Paisley Davis 5/1/19 TBD Water,Wastewater,and Streets Multiple Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass 1/1/19 6/1/20 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Phase I-Storm Water Improvements Hinkle Dr. University Windsor 1/1/19 1/1/20 (Magnolia Drainage Ph 11 Engineering (940)349-8910 Temporary Lane Closures) Page 4 of 5 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Londonderry Street Improvements Londonderry Ln. Teasley Hollyhill 11/12/18 1/18/19 Phase III of III Streets (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Londonderry Ln. Westminster Hollyhill 10/16/18 11/21/18 Water/Wastewater Improvements Water 9/25/18 (940)349-7167 New Project (Street Closure) Paisley St. Frame Ruddell 10/15/18 1/25/19 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closures) Panhandle St. Carroll Bolivar TBD TBD Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) PEC 4-Engineering In Design Installing Underground Box Culvert Engineering (940)349-8910 Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City Southern RR TBD TBD (Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 One Lane traffic control) Stuart Rd. Windsor Kings Row TBD TBD Concrete Curb and Gutter Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) US 377(Ft.Worth Dr.) IH 35E 0.26 mi south of 10/17/2018 TBD Street Widening TxDOT FM 1830 (estimated) Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 3/1/2019 2021 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Bonnie Brae Phase 2) Page 5 of 5