012519 Friday Staff Report Memo 4(OF City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 25, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, January 28, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 2. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Special Called Mobility Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday,January 30, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room B. Upcoming Events 1. US Conference of Mayors, January 23-25, 2019, Washington, D.C. 2. Denton County Days, February 18-20, 2019, Austin, TX II. General Information & Status Update A. Hickory Creek Road Safety Projects—The Capital Projects Department continues to coordinate closely with Denton County on projects to improve the safety of Hickory Creek Road. Short-term, the City is partnering with the County to install guardrails, striping, and pavement markers along the curved stretch of Hickory Creek, spanning approximately 0.5 miles to FM1830. The City installed reflective striping on Thursday, Jan. 24. The County Commissioner's Court will vote to approve a budget amendment to allocate funds for guardrail installation on Jan. 29 OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service and will issue a purchase order with the contractor who will conduct the work on Jan. 31. Weather permitting, the County's contractor will begin guardrail construction the week of Feb. 4. The County estimates that it will take approximately two weeks to complete guardrail construction. While guardrail construction is underway, the County will also complete select pavement repairs along Hickory Creek. Once the guardrails are installed, the City will add raised pavement markers (buttons with reflectors) the entire length of the guardrail. Following the completion of the guardrails, striping, and pavement markers, the City will install curve warning and guidance signs. All signs will have LED lighting to provide maximum visibility. There is a 3-week lead time to order these signs, and staff is working with the Purchasing and Compliance Department to place an order with our vendor. Long-term, the City is completing contract negotiations with an engineering firm for the complete design of the future Hickory Creek Road, taking the road straight (no curves) to FM1830 with a bridge over the floodplain. The City Council will be asked to review and approve the contract in February 2019. Staff anticipates having the long-term project designed and ready for construction within 24- months providing funding availability. Staff will try to shorten that timeframe as much as possible. In addition to the City and County, TxDOT is also a partner in this endeavor. Bi- weekly meetings are being held with all partners to ensure all aspects of these important safety projects are well coordinated. Staff will continue to provide updates on the status of these projects as additional information becomes available. Staff contact: Todd Estes, Capital Projects. B. Affordable Housing Committee — On Jan. 8, Council Member Briggs asked for information about forming an affordable housing committee. City staff has recently formed a committee with key housing partners in the city to begin meeting on a regular basis to share information,have critical discussions,and work together to understand the current housing environment, the needs and common goals, and identify potential opportunities or partnerships to increase affordable housing. The standing workgroup will consist of staff from the Denton Housing Authority, Denton Affordable Housing Corporation, Habitat for Humanity, City of Denton staff (Community Development, Economic Development, Development Services),and the United Way of Denton County. If needed,the group may expand or form sub-groups at a later date. A first meeting is scheduled in February and City staff will provide updates on the work of the committee as it progresses. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs/Dani Shaw, Community Development C. Inclement Weather Plan and Resources — On Jan. 15, Council Member Armintor inquired about what resources would be provided for individuals experiencing homelessness for the upcoming forecasted inclement weather and if there was a way to expedite recommendations of the Shelter Workgroup to address needs during inclement weather. Based upon the forecasted weather, the inclement weather plan was initiated for the prior weekend with both shelters in town, Salvation Army Denton and MKOC, opening for Friday and Saturday nights, as well as the Salvation Army Lewisville shelter. In addition to the shelters, DCTA provided a shuttle for those needing to be transported from the northwest area of town to the Denton shelters in the central area. Staff shared this information in advance of the inclement weather openings with social service agency partners and with the community through the City's social media. Staff will continue to work with our partners and share communications when there is inclement weather operations. Staff is currently developing options and budgets that City Council could consider to support homelessness initiatives, including increasing nights of the week that shelter is available. These options, along with their estimated outcomes and how they fit into the DCHLT's strategic plan to end homelessness in Denton County, will be presented to Council during a work session in April. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs/Dani Shaw, Community Development D. Atmos Refund Letter—Cities served by Atmos Energy were recently notified of a one-time bill credit adjustment that will occur on February bills. The credit is a result of the reduction in the federal corporate tax rate that was implemented last year. The adjustment will affect all customer types, and the majority of those benefitting from this credit are residential and commercial customers. For example, residential customers will see a $4.08 and commercial customers a $12.92 credit adjustment respectively. Attached is a letter from Atmos Energy that was sent to the cities in late December. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, CMO E. Appointment of New Municipal Court Judge — The Denton City Council has selected Holly Fox as the new Municipal Judge for the City of Denton. The Council will formally consider an employment agreement at the City Council meeting on Feb. 5, with Judge Fox starting her new role Feb. 11. Judge Fox brings a wealth of experience in municipal and criminal law to the City of Denton. Prior to joining the City, Judge Fox concurrently served as a Denton County Magistrate, an Associate Judge and Magistrate for the City of Lewisville for 14 years, the Lewisville Independent School District Teen Court Judge for more than a decade,the Presiding Judge for the Town of Ponder,and an Associate Judge and Magistrate for the City of Highland Village, the Town of Little Elm, and the City of Sherman. Furthermore, she served as an Associate Judge and Magistrate for the City of the Colony and the Town of Flower Mound. She has also served as a Municipal Court Prosecutor in the Town of Bartonville, the City of Corinth, the City of Denton, the City of Keller, the Town of Argyle, and a few other municipalities in the surrounding counties. Judge Fox holds a diverse employment background in criminal justice, previously working as a Special Agent with the FBI in the New York field office, an Assistant Criminal District Attorney, and a criminal defense attorney. Please see the attached press release for additional information about Judge Fox. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs F. DCTA to Increase Transit Options — Lewisville, TX (January 21, 2019) — The Denton County Transportation Authority(DCTA)has officially released a request for proposal (RFP) for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and is soliciting proposals from firms or contractor teams to provide innovative mobility services for agency member cities, contracted communities, partner organizations, as well as large employment centers and other areas as the need arises.MaaS is a trending business model in the transit industry that utilizes on-demand, real-time platform-based services that can include any combination of various transport methods such as car and bike sharing, taxis and car rentals/leases, and provides a seamless customer experience for consumer, from travel planning to payments. Firms selected by DCTA will be contracted to provide service proposals for flexible,efficient,and effective mobility services. These services will enhance and supplement DCTA's existing transit offerings and provide multimodal service to areas where traditional transportation options are less effective. Please see the attached press release for additional information. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs G. DCTA Social Service Agency Forums—DCTA will be hosting two social service agency forums in early February to gain more insight on how social service agencies utilize their system and how DCTA can better support their access to transit. Below are the details of both the Denton and Lewisville forums. Dates/Times: • Wednesday, February 6 o Lewisville o DCTA Admin Office 0 9:30 a.m. — 11 a.m. • Thursday, February 7 o Denton o DDTC Community Room 0 9:30 a.m. — 11 a.m. DCTA's goal is to host these meetings on a quarterly basis to maintain regular dialogue with the social service agencies in its member cities. DCTA has invited roughly 140 individuals across all three member cities, and is hoping for a great turnout. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs H. Dallas Drive Mural Project — Keep Denton Beautiful and Community Improvement Services(CIS)collaborated on the mural project on the Dallas Drive Railroad Bridge. The mural has been completed with the exception of the CIS contractor applying two graffiti-resistant clear coats to the installation. Weather permitting, that work will occur on Sunday, Jan. 27 from 9:30 a.m. — 10:30 a.m. One northbound lane from approximately Wye Street to just before the Eagle Street intersection will be closed for approximately 30 minutes during this process. Staff contact: Lancine Bentley, CIS I. Intersection Safety at Teasley and Pennsylvania — The intersection of Pennsylvania Drive and Teasley Lane is currently a two-way stop controlled intersection. Consistent with state and federal guidelines, the current traffic volumes do not warrant a traffic signal at this intersection. In the future, if the traffic volume along Pennsylvania Drive increases, this intersection may warrant a traffic signal. To that end, the owners of vacant parcel along the south side of Teasley Lane between Hobson Lane and Pennsylvania Drive have approached the City with a possible development to add office and retail use and potentially obtain access from Pennsylvania Drive. If this development progresses, the added traffic volume on Pennsylvania Drive may warrant a traffic signal. In terms of the pedestrian safety at this intersection, staff is working closely with Sam Houston Elementary School to increase the educational effort. Staff met the school principal to discuss pedestrian safety at the intersection of Pennsylvania Drive and Teasley Lane. According to the Principal, a pedestrian crossing is not recommended at this intersection as there is an established pedestrian with a school crossing guard at Indian Ridge Drive. Parents and students are encouraged to use the Indian Ridge crosswalk to cross Teasley Lane. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects J. Update on Safe Routes to School Projects —The Capital Projects Department has three Safe Routes to School grant-funded sidewalk projects that are currently being planned. Those projects include Wilson/Pecan, Ginnings/Lee, and Sycamore/Welch and are intended to improve sidewalk connectivity to make it safer for students who walk to school. Safe Routes to School is a federal grant program that is administered by TxDOT. Capital Projects worked with the Finance Department to send the first payment for the City's portion of the project to TxDOT, which was mailed in early January 2019. TxDOT has not yet processed their first payment. Once the payment is processed, staff will request a meeting with the TxDOT project manager to kick-off the project and determine the project timeline. Staff will provide additional project information in future Friday Reports once the project timeline has been established. Staff contact: Marc Oliphant, Capital Projects K. Pavement Failure Update — Capital Projects' pavement failure analysis will have a preliminary draft completed by the end of January. A review of the analysis is scheduled for the week of Jan. 27, and include information on the types of failures and factors contributing to existing pavement distress, thickness and strength of concrete cores, and recommendations for reducing potential pavement distress/failure in the future. A formal final draft will be prepared and distributed by early March 2019. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Capital Projects L. DCTA Microtransit Accessibility — Earlier this month, the Denton Record Chronicle (DRC) published an article about DCTA utilizing on-demand ridesharing services to provide transportation services to their patrons,also known as "microtransit options." After reading the article, a resident contacted Council Member Hudspeth to inquire if the ridesharing services underwritten by DCTA are accessible for persons with disabilities. City Staff forwarded the inquiry to DCTA for a response,which is provided below. "When implementing service, DCTA looks at a number of factors including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (as mentioned in the DRC article), as well as accessibility. For the two (2) on-demand services implemented by DCTA in Denton(Enterprise Airport Zone) and Lewisville (Lakeway Zone),the services are provided by DCTA operators using accessible vehicles. When Lyft is implemented, such as in the Highland Village and UNT examples mentioned in the article, another service option is available for customers that cannot utilize the Lyft service due to their mobility needs." Contact information for Michelle Bloomer, DCTA's Vice President of Operations was provided to the resident to ensure their service need questions were fully answered. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, CMO M. Fiscal Impact Analysis- During a recent public hearing, Development Services staff was asked about the feasibility of requiring a fiscal impact analysis with rezoning applications. Although the DDC currently has criteria for approval of a rezoning that relate to the provision of infrastructure, there is not a specific requirement for a fiscal analysis. However, staff is in the process of updating all of the development project applications and checklists, and as a part of this update will be revising the requirements for a rezoning request submittal. Once this update is complete, a fiscal impact analysis, including a cost of service analysis for the City's roadway and utility infrastructure,will be required for all rezoning requests where the proposed zoning change could result in an increased density or intensity of development. This update, as well as other updates to the development review process, is expected to be implemented by early March. In addition to these more immediate process updates, staff will be document the criteria and requirements for a fiscal impact analysis for rezoning requests in the update to the Denton Development Code. Staff contact: Hayley Zagurski, Development Services N. Presentations from Members of the Public — During the Jan. 15 City Council meeting, staff was asked to provide information on what could be done to either pilot an unlimited public comment period or potentially hold a dedicated monthly meeting for public comment. The City Council Rules of Procedure currently permits two types of presentations from members of the public, prior registration and open microphone. • Prior Registration: The Rules of Procedure allows up to four individuals to register to speak for up to four minutes per meeting. In order to register to speak, residents are asked to contact the City Secretary by noon on the Thursday prior to the City Council meeting date. Scheduled citizen reports can include audio/visual aids, as long as they are submitted to the City Secretary's Office 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Scheduled citizen reports take place immediately following the proclamations portion of the City Council agenda. • Open Microphone: Following scheduled citizen reports, up to two individuals who have not registered to speak may make comments through the open microphone procedure. Those speaking during the open mic portion of the agenda have up to four minutes to make their remarks. It is within the purview of the City Council to amend the Rules of Procedure to revise public comment requirements and/or allow for additional public comment options. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, CMO O. I-35E Frontage Road Closure — Earlier today, TxDOT provided notification that the right lane of the northbound Interstate 35E frontage road will be closed for more than two weeks beginning Monday, Jan. 28 from Loop 288 to San Jacinto Boulevard. Please see the attached press release for additional information. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs P. Pedestrian Access to TWU Soccer Fields — Staff was recently asked to provide information about the safest way for pedestrians to access the TWU soccer fields located on E. University Drive. Currently,the safest pedestrian route from TWU's main campus is to cross University Drive at Bell Avenue and then take Woodland Street to access the soccer fields. There is not currently a sidewalk on the side of University that is adjacent to the soccer fields. Staff prepared a preliminary cost estimate to install a sidewalk stretching from Bell Avenue to the soccer fields, which totals$972,000. Staff has been notified that TWU may be moving its soccer fields to the former golf course site. Staff will provide additional information about the potential move of the soccer fields once confirmation and a project timeline is provided by TWU. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects Q. Fire Training Facility Grand Opening- The City of Denton is pleased to announce the completion of the Denton Fire Department Training Facility.The facility offers hands-on training designed to be realistic, effective, and safe for firefighters of all experience levels. All residents and community members are invited to join us at the grand opening ceremony for the Fire Training Facility at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23. The facility is located at 4201 Vintage Blvd., directly behind Fire Station 7. Please see the attached press release for additional information. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs R. Water Park Passes - A software error in the Parks and Recreation Department's (PARD) registration software specific to the Water Works Park seasonal promotion was identified late last week. The error allowed customers to register for the Water Works Friends and Family Pass sale without meeting the minimum requirement of four or more individual passes to receive the reduced rate of$50 each. As a result, 16 passes were sold at the reduced rate to individuals not meeting the minimum requirement. An additional 23 passes were sold to customers who purchased fewer than four passes using the appropriate rate of$65 each. PARD is currently working with the software vendor to resolve the issue however, it is not expected to be completed by the end of the promotion date which runs through Jan. 31. Moving forward, PARD will review the system to ensure all registration and pricing features are working properly. To honor the seasonal promotion of water works passes, the seasonal pass is now available to all customers at a rate of$50 each with no minimum requirement through the original marketed date. For individuals and families who purchased seasonal passes at the $65 rate, free one-day passes or a $15 refund will be offered as an equitable adjustment. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks and Recreation III. Upcoming Events A. Audra Heights Phase 2 Neighborhood Meeting (Z18-0028), January 28, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the North Branch Library(3020 N. Locust Street) B. Good Samaritan East Tract Neighborhood Meeting (AESA18-0003), January 31, 2019 from 5:30- 7:30 p.m. at the Denton Country Club, 1213 Country Club Road C. Mockingbird Multi-Family Neighborhood Meeting(Z18-0022/518-0005), January 31, 2019 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Woodlands of Denton Apartments, 1555 Nottingham Drive D. Roberts Street Special Use Permit for Accessory Building Public Meeting (S 19- 0001) January 31, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.at 606 Roberts Street IV. Attachments A. Atmos Refund Letter B. Municipal Court Judge Press Release C. DCTA Transit Options Press Release D. I-35E Frontage Road Closure Press Release E. Fire Training Facility Grand Opening Press Release V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2019-015 Gas Well Inspection Summary Report B. 2019-016 Small Area Grants C. 2019-017 Utility Assistance for Furloughed Federal Employees VI. Council Information A. Council Meeting Requests for Information B. Other Council Requests for Information C. Draft Agenda for February 4 and February 5 D. Council Calendar E. Future Work Session Items F. Street Construction Report