021519 Friday Staff Report `„F City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 15, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Denton County Days, February 18-20, 2019, Austin, TX 2. No City Council Meeting Tuesday, February 19, 2019. 3. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,February 20, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting. 4. Agenda Committee Meeting on Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 5. Committee on Persons with Disabilities Meeting on Thursday,February 21,2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, February 22, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. B. Upcoming Events 1. Denton County Days, February 18-20, 2019, Austin, TX 2. NLC Congressional City Conference, March 10-13, 2019, Washington, D.C. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. Spring 2019 Election Polling Locations — The City of Denton is responsible for setting polling locations for Election Day this spring,which is May 4,2019.Using feedback provided by the City Council at their Feb. 5 meeting, staff has coordinated with facilities near the University of North Texas (UNT) campus to identify a potential Election Day polling locations. The Denton Wesley Foundation (1501 Maple Street), which is on the UNT campus but is not owned or operated by UNT has expressed an openness to serve as a polling location for Election Day. The Denton Wesley Foundation has previously served as a polling location, most recently for the November 2018 election. It should be noted that while the entryway to the Denton Wesley Foundation is Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) accessible,the restroom and other aspects of the building are not fully compliant with ADA. Voertman's Bookstore, St. Paul Catholic Campus Center, and The Village Church(all in Council District 3 and near UNT)have declined to serve as Election Day polling locations. The St. Paul Catholic Campus Center is building a new facility and indicated interest in serving as a future polling location once their new facility opens. Staff welcomes additional polling location suggestions as we work to finalize the list of potential sites over the next week. Please send any polling location suggestions to Rachel Wood(rachel.woodkcityofdenton.com). Early Voting for the spring 2019 election will take place Apr. 22-30. While feedback from each jurisdiction participating in the spring 2019 election is taken into account for Early Voting, Denton County is ultimately responsible for finalizing Early Voting polling locations.When considering Early Voting polling locations, the Denton County Elections Administration Office takes a County- wide approach to ensure locations are easily accessible throughout the County since registered voters can vote anywhere in the County during the Early Voting period. The County works closely with the entities participating in each election to determine preferred Early Voting polling sites and ensure each jurisdiction is aware of the cost implications associated with adding polling locations. During their Feb. 5 polling location discussion, the City Council indicated an openness to the UNT Greek Life Center(621 S.Welch Street)serving as an Early Voting polling location. The County has indicated that if the City or both the City and DISD agree to cover the cost of having an additional Early Voting polling location at the Greek Life Center,there will ultimately be an Early Voting polling location at UNT. Staff will present additional polling location information to the City Council during the Feb. 26 and Mar. 5 City Council meetings. On Feb. 26, staff will ask Council to consider a resolution for the eight previously discussed polling locations(two per Council District). The discussion on Mar. 5 would only be necessary if a final decision is not made on Feb. 26. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, CMO B. Rosa Rios Selected as New City Secretary—The City Manager's Office is pleased to announce that Rosa Rios has been selected as the City of Denton's new City Secretary. Ms. Rios will be joining the City of Denton on Monday, March 4 followed by Council consideration of a resolution to formally appoint Ms. Rios to the City Secretary role at the March 5 City Council meeting. Rosa has more than 20 years of local government experience; most recently serving as the City Secretary for the City of Abilene, and has also served in that role for the City of Dallas, Seagoville, and Cockrell Hill. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, CMO C. Cole/Hunter Ranch Concept Plan with FEMA Floodplain Overlay—At the Feb. 5 City Council meeting, staff was asked to overlay the FEMA floodplain map with the Cole/Hunter Ranch concept plan. Attached is the requested document. Staff contact: Ken Banks,Utilities Administration D. Draft Denton Development Code Hyperlinks — The draft Denton Development Code (DDC) and draft zoning map are now posted on the project website at www.dentoncode2030.com. The draft DDC includes hyperlinks in the table of contents and links to other related sections throughout the document. The first of five scheduled public meetings was held on Feb. 13,2019 and over 40 people were in attendance. Staff received favorable comments and great feedback from the public regarding the changes being proposed and will continue to solicit feedback as we work towards adoption to create the best possible document. A Work Session with City Council on the draft DDC will be Feb. 26, 2019. Staff contact: Ron Menguita, Development Services E. Coordination with Telecommunications Industry on Dallas/Teasley— During the Feb. 5 work session presentation on telecommunications poles in the Dallas/Teasley corridor, staff was asked to provide details on the disparity in responsiveness between Charter and Verizon(New Frontier Communications). As staff mentioned during the work session, field representatives from both Charter and Frontier met with City staff in January about the possibility of transferring their assets to newer DME-owned poles along Dallas and Teasley. One of the potential explanations in the disparity is that Frontier had difficulty in providing a timely project scope and associated impacts at the Dallas Drive and Teasley location because of the complex technical issues involved with rearranging,replacing,or reconfiguring their multiple major large metallic trunked telephone cables along this TxDOT corridor. Frontier did reference problems associated with the existing splice boxes and lack of cable slack in their cable plant in the Dallas Drive and Teasley area. Historically, DME has had a cooperative relationship with Charter than Frontier in working toward better addressing resident and operational concerns in Denton. DME staff is committed to improving communications with Frontier and is proactively working to improve that relationship with Frontier's senior management. Staff contact: George Morrow, DME F. Election Education Information — The City of Denton publicizes municipal election information in several ways. Candidate information, early voting and Election Day dates,and polling location information is included on the City's Vote page (hM2s://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/residents/make-a-difference/vote). This page is featured as a quick link on the City's homepage throughout the spring until Election Day on May 4 and is updated as candidates file to run and as polling location information is made available from the County. Once the Council has set the Election Day polling locations, we will publish voting location by precinct information on the City's Vote page. Additionally,voter registration and election information will be included in the Mar.-Apr. edition of the Resident Update which is delivered to more than 51,000 residences in Denton. To ensure that all candidates get included, Public Affairs has arranged for the printer to receive the materials a few days later than normally scheduled. However, the March-April Resident Update will still hit mailboxes by the first week of March. Since Council will not have approved the final Election Day polling locations before the Mar.- Apr. Resident Update publication deadline, Public Affairs staff is working to advance the delivery of the May-June edition to ensure that it is delivered by the last week of April so that Election Day information can be provided to residents before Election Day. Because early voting and Election Day polling places have not been finalized, a link to the Denton County Elections Administration website (www.votedenton.com) is included on all materials. The City's Vote page will be updated as soon as both early voting and Election Day polling places are finalized. In addition,the City can use its social media channels to inform voters about voter registration, polling places, and where to get additional election-related information. During the Concluding Items at the Feb. 5,City Council meeting,Council member Briggs requested that staff post election information on the electronic sign outside of the Civic Center. Starting in late March, the Civic Center marquee will include early voting and Election Day dates, along with polling locations and voter registration information. Residents wishing to vote in the May 4 election need to register to vote by Apr. 4. It is important to note that the Texas Election Code prohibits an officer or employee of the City from spending or authorizing the spending of public funds for political advertising and also prohibits the use of City internal email systems for political or campaign purposes. The Election Code provides that an officer or employee can use resources to provide factual information regarding the election but cannot spend or authorize spending of public funds to provide information that is known to be false by the officer or employee AND that would reasonably influence a voter to vote a certain way. The City strictly adheres to this law. A violation of this law is a Class A misdemeanor. Staff contact(s): Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs/Rachel Wood, CMO G. Simple Average vs. Weighted Average Wage Information in Economic Development Incentive Applications — During the Feb. 5 Council meeting, Councilmember Briggs requested information about the use of weighted average wage information when considering incentives for economic development projects. Wage information is a key component in evaluating a project requesting an economic development incentive. The City Council has expressed a preference for projects with an average wage that is higher than Denton County's average of $22.07. The Denton County number is a simple average sourced from JobsEQ,the department's wage and demographic data resource. When companies request an incentive,they are required to complete an application that includes an estimate of the number of jobs broken out by type and the annual salary/hourly wage for each job type. From that information, staff calculates both the simple average wage and weighted average wage for the project. The simple average wage is determined by adding the hourly wages for all job types and then dividing by the number of job types. Using the example of the recent Tyson project, we added hourly wages of $45.40 (management), $29 (maintenance technicians), $22 (management support/clerical), and $20 (forklift operators/warehouse) and divided by 4 to reach the simple average of$29.10. The weighted average wage is calculated by multiplying the number of jobs of a specific type by the corresponding hourly wage,adding those results, and dividing 100. Using the Tyson example: ((13*45.40 + 14*29 + 13*22 + 60*20)/100) = $24.82. The weighted average in the Tyson example is $4.28 cents lower than the simple average, and it presents a more accurate picture of the overall project wages. Staff contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development H. Social Service Agency Map with DCTA — Upon Council Member Hudspeth's recommendation, to better assist residents in need of access to community resources, Community Development, Technology Services, and DCTA coordinated to develop an interactive mapping tool. The tool provides residents with a map of DCTA public transportation routes and stops in conjunction with the location of nonprofit organizations offering assistance to Denton residents for a variety of resources including health care, mental health care, food and meals, child care, housing and homelessness assistance, senior assistance, disability services, etc. Please view the map here: http://dentontx isi gps.arcgis.com/apps/webgppviewer/index.html?id=2fd349ab 52164dl6823eb8e4c9b9c6d0 The map will also be posted on the City's website, DCTA's website: (hops://www.dcta.net/rider-info/passen eg r-info), shared through social media, and shared with social service agencies. Staff contact: Danielle Shaw, Community Development. I. Library Awarded Summer Learning Resources Grant-Denton Public Library was chosen as one of 25 libraries to receive the $1,000 YALSA Summer Learning Resources Grant. This grant is generously supported by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation.The goal of the grant is to help libraries prevent summer slide in teens most vulnerable to summer learning loss, including teens who speak English as a second language, teens in socio-economically challenged communities, and teens who are at risk of failing school. Teen Librarians, Sarah Ward and Kasey Fanucchi developed the Denton Public Library's project for the grant. The library will use grant funds to purchase"starter books" to be given to the long-term residents of the Denton County Juvenile Detention Center as well as DISD's high school ESL summer school participants. These books will be given to the students at the beginning of our Summer Reading Challenge, in hopes that owning high quality,popular new books of their own will motivate them to read often and complete the challenge. The grant funds left over after purchasing these books will be used to enhance the Juvenile Detention Center's library collection. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker, Library J. Qualified Voter Requirement — During Concluding Items on Feb. 12, a question was posed regarding citizenship requirements for board members. The attached Informal Staff Report (2018-152 Qualified Voter Requirement) was distributed with the Oct. 12, 2018 Friday Report, which should help address this question. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, CMO K. All Denton Public Library Branches Closed on Feb. 22 — All City of Denton Library branches will be closed on Friday, Feb. 22 for Staff Development. This information has been posted at all library branches and is listed on the Denton Public Library webpage: https://Iibrgy.cityofdenton.com/. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker, Library L. Flashing Traffic Lights during Evening and Early Morning Hours —With limited exceptions based on data-driven requests provided by the Denton Police Department, all City-maintained traffic signals run on "flash mode" (flashing red or yellow lights) between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. Capital Projects is preparing a future work session on this topic, which is currently slated for Apr. 23. During the planned work session, staff will revisit the current timing strategy and seek feedback on areas of possible improvement. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects M. Pedestrian Safety at the E. Hickory Street Railroad Crossing — Capital Projects and the Police Department have collabborated to identify options to improve pedestrain safety at the railroad crossing of E. Hickory Street. Staff has identified an at grade 1 crossing gate solution that is best suited for the E. Hickory Street railroad crossing. The image to the right is what the crossing gates will look like upon installation. The vendor for the selected solution has been contacted, once a timeline for the purchase and installation of the gates has been identified, staff will install the gates as soon as possible. Staff will share project timeline information in a future Friday Report. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects N. Black History Month Program — The Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center will host a Black History Month program and Health Fair, Saturday, February 16, 2019,beginning at 11:00 a.m. The theme of the program is"Strength in our Roots, Vision in our Future."Dallas Commissioner John Wiley Price will be the keynote speaker. Twenty five organizations will participate in the health fair. This will be the 24th year that the recreation center has hosted a Black History Month event. Approximately 100 people are expected to attend. Staff contact: Caroline Seward, Parks and Recreation O. #DWIFreeDenton Campaign — In the coming weeks, the Denton Police Department will launch a strategic initiative to address the dangers posed by intoxicated drivers. In 2018, Police arrested 391 persons for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and investigated 173 crashes involving a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Forty four of the crashes resulted in injuries and seven resulted in at least one fatality. 53%of the fatality crashes in 2018 involved a legally intoxicated driver. So far in 2019, there have been 16 crashes involving a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs, resulting in one fatality. The #DWIFreeDenton campaign will confront this issue by strengthening our efforts in three focus areas: Prevention/Education, Enforcement, and Prosecution. With the assistance of our partner law-enforcement agencies and other stakeholders, Police will take a holistic approach to deter, intercept, and prosecute intoxicated drivers with an overall goal of improving driver safety, reducing fatalities, reducing injuries. Staff contact: Bobby Smith, Police P. Anti-Bullying Signag_e — The City Council passed a resolution to adopt a city- wide anti-bullying policy on Dec. 11, 2018. Since that time, staff has been developed materials to raise public awareness about the new policy. The policy is now included in the registration process for Parks and Recreation programs, and 8.5 x 11 signs(attached)will be posted near the front door of City facilities and/or on informational bulletin boards. Staff will continue to educate the public about the policy and integrate it into their processes and trainings. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, Public Affairs Q. Recycling Contamination Prevention — Starting on Mar. 1, Solid Waste & Recycling will tag blue recycling carts that contain items that are not recyclable. Tagged carts will not be emptied until the following week on the regular collection day, after residents have removed the items that are not recyclable. This new process is intended to reduce recycling contamination by preventing carts with large quantities of items that are not recyclable from being picked up and getting mixed in with the larger load of recycled materials. To communicate this change, Solid Waste & Recycling is sending out postcards to all recycling customers (see attached) and has begun sharing Recycle Right campaign materials, recycling tips, and trash tips on Facebook and Twitter to help residents understand what is recyclable and what items are not recyclable. Posts explaining the new tagging system are also being shared on social media. Solid Waste &Recycling also has a plastics education campaign in the works that will emphasize the numbers featured on the bottom of plastic products that can help residents understand what kinds of plastics can be recycled and which ones should be thrown away. Denton accepts recyclable plastics marked one through seven, so the campaign will focus on sharing that message with residents and encouraging them to check for the numbers on plastics to determine if they are recyclable. The target date to launch the plastics campaign is Apr. 1. Customers with questions about recycling are encouraged to call (940) 349-8700. Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Solid Waste & Recycling R. Updated Police and Fire Department Webpages — Over the past few months, Public Affairs has worked with the Police and Fire Departments to update their webpages, and the updated pages were launched this week. The Fire Department page has a new layout and additional information about DFD operations and stations. The Police Department page includes additional information about DPD, department leadership, organization, and makes it easier for webpage visitors to interact and contact the department. Visit the updated pages at www.dentonpolice.com and www.dentonfire.com. The departments will continue to work with Public Affairs in the future to ensure that web content and engagement is customer-focused and updated. Thanks to DPD and DFD for being great partners and working with Public Affairs to effectively promote department information and engage the public through the City's website. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs S. Status of Sally Beauty's Incentive Agreement— Sally Beauty has announced that it will close its property at 3900 Morse Street by Mar. 31, 2019. In 2016, the City Council approved an incentive for the renovation of 3900 Morse Street. The agreement provides a 50 percent tax rebate on the increased value attributed to the improvement of the existing facility, with minimum thresholds for employment and wages at the facility. Sally Beauty has received one grant payment of$542 to date. Conditions of the grant include that the improvements shall be operated and maintained for the purposes set forth in the agreement, and that Sally Beauty must occupy the improvements continuously for the term of the grant. Since Sally Beauty has announced its intent to close 3900 Morse Street, the City has the right to terminate the grant. Staff will provide a letter to the company with details of the termination and offering to provide further information or assistance that may be required. Staff contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Black History Month Program—Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center(1300 Wilson Street) 2. Fire TrainingFy Grand Opening—Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. directly behind Fire Station 7 (4201 Vintage Blvd.) 3. Animal Shelter Volunteer Appreciation Party—Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Denton Animal Shelter(3717 N. Elm St.) B. Community Meetings 1. Historic Preservation Plan Community Workshop—Monday, Feb. 18, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in lobby of The Hickory Building (207 W. Hickory St.); Staff Contact: Roman McAllen, Development Services 2. Neighborhood Meeting(Service Center)—Monday, Feb. 18, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. at Facilities Management(869 Woodrow St.); Staff Contact: Charlie Rosendahl 3. Patrick Park Neighborhood Meeting—Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the community room at the Carnegie Ridge Amenity Center(6421 Meandering Creek Dr.); Staff Contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation 4. Neighborhood Meeting (American National Bank& Trust)—Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Axis Realty Group (212 S. Elm St.); Staff Contact: Charlie Rosendahl 5. PEC 4 Project Public Meeting—Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Lee Perry, Capital Projects 6. Denton Development Code Public Meeting—Monday, Feb. 25, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall/Council Chambers (215 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services 7. 2019 Streets Bundle Public Meeting—Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Daniel Kremer, Capital Projects 8. Denton Development Code Public Meeting—Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services 9. Neighborhood Meeting (Service Center)—Monday, March 18, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. at Facilities Management(869 Woodrow St.); Staff Contact: Charlie Rosendahl 10. Denton Development Code Public Meeting—Monday, March 18, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services 11. McKinney Street Widening Project—Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Noreen Housewright, Capital Projects 12. Denton Development Code Public Meeting—Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services IV. Attachments A. Cole/Hunter Ranch Concept Plan with FEMA Floodplain Overlay B. 2018-152 Qualified Voter Requirement C. Bully-Free Zone Poster D. Recycling Cart Tagging Postcard E. Animal Shelter Volunteer Appreciation Party V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2019-026 Transmission Pole Replacement Near Collins Street B. 2019-027 Red Light Camera Pilot Update C. 2019-028 Mobility Committee Recommendations for Shared Electric Scooters VI. Council Information A. Council Meeting Requests for Information B. Other Council Requests for Information C. Draft Agenda for February 26 D. Council Calendar E. Future Work Session Items F. Street Construction Report Cole- Hunter Ranch Floodplain Map ..., . ..... ilk•- 'i ' �� � '� ' �f-_ :1 Err. ___ ••-�1 � ••� 111 1 -. _.__--_ - 4 Y � 1 '!., , �1• -���y ^+ram •+-•, -i 1 � ry;• ¢-. z• - s 1J fit. - _ I� _ _ _�`- , _ �. "✓r r. � � I' / � ,a � 1 II J yw`1 _i 111 1 1 11 f _ a 7 - _-1111 a r pi J�� ��IJ • f• � ' 'ti :«�` •z• 7 U o / 'ob" 1 -e ♦ ':' a AID 40 A oil 1 \ \ 1• � // (11 _`J �Jul45 ;AI am • �' a • � •T�S.SIB '6 d �.. tj r! , 46 / o a i" 1 • • }s! , _ I 1. N • e 41r�/ 1 �,�y ' ^"�'k�'•'" s��;'•�b'�:Eti 1 _ _ ,' �'1}�1 �} ♦ /s/osiilp�' '�;�, —_"_� -- ' �•;' ►"' ' � I,, J � � �M Is Legend i :w 'a ,,., a - "''�" H� �J �1 . • Q4l+lir , - �n�ll�lu Site Boundary o! Retail/Co lal � .1 a>/ ILA � / ��.- -1 Lf � • / ,J,!'_•.��••.w'.!T: !�����•:. 'z^ R� �• •, �4'�`:� , � ,. lll.L� �,,. _i . ._�.�•� r tom._ _ _ ! - e Density Single Family N 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 Flood Hazard Zone Polygons 2016 W J E Miles S . A CITY OF DENTON AE �n .°gyp \ Development Services • GIS Date: 2/14/2019 The City of Denton has prepared maps for departmental use. These are not official maps of the City of Denton and should not be used for legal, engineering or surveying purposes but rather for reference purposes. These maps are the property of the City of Denton and have been made available to the public based on the Public Information Act. The City of Denton makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use, or its interpretation. Utilization of this map indicates understanding and acceptance of this statement. Date: October 12,2018 Report No. 2018-152 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Qualified Voter Requirement for Appointed Board Members DISCUSSION: We were recently asked to review whether or not individual board and commission members appointed by City Council must be"qualified voters"of the City of Denton. Currently,the Denton City Code ("Code") has a general requirements ordinance which states that any individual appointed to a City board or commission must be a"qualified voter"of the City of Denton.' Under our Code the word "board" means any "...managerial, administrative, or quasi-judicial body of persons which has an advisory or deliberative character and whose members are appointed by or serve at the pleasure of the city council."2 It is important to note that the requirement that individuals be a "qualified voter" generally does not apply to bodies of a limited duration or purpose,such as ad hoc committees and task forces unless specified in the bodies' specific enabling ordinance.3 After reviewing current Federal, State,and local laws we found that there is not a legal requirement that individuals appointed to local boards and commissions be qualified voters. Our ordinance requiring board and commission members be qualified voters was passed in 1966 and is a self- imposed limitation. In light of current law we are recommending our ordinances be updated and amended to reflect the current qualification recommendations as determined by City Council. If City Council prefers to remove the qualified voter requirement for individuals appointed to boards and commissions (with the exception of PUB) then an amendment to the general requirements ordinance would be necessary. Also, since some boards have specific qualifications such as profession type or being a resident of the city,board specific ordinances would need to be reviewed and possibly amended to ensure they are consistent with any amendments to the general ordinance.4 This would be a relatively simple and straightforward process that could be dealt with through the consent agenda. STAFF CONTACT: Aaron Leal City Attorney Aaron.Leal(d,cityofdenton.com 940-349-8376 1 Denton City Code,Sec.2-61. z Denton City Code,Sec.2-81. a Denton City Code,Sec.2-64. n For examples of boards with specific requirements see: Denton City Code,Sec.35-236 Historic Landmark Commission; Denton City Code,Sec.2-251 Economic Development Partnership Board; Denton City Code,Sec.2- 260 Health Building Standards Commission. IlikBULLYwFREE ZONE Notify a City staff member if bullying or harassment occurs. City staff members can assist you with the issue and/or filing a report in writing or by email. This is a bully-tree zone, according to the ANTI-BULLYING AND ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY. reference number 510.01. www.cityofdenton.com DENTON ADA40E;AOEA TOO WW M.-N" M WjU Recycle Throw Away Paper Styrofoam Shredded Paper that is in a paper Plastic Bags Throw plastic bags away bag.DO NOT put any plastic bags in your in your green cart or find a grocery store blue cart. that recycles them. Plastic Items &Cartons that are Plastic Toys marked with a recycling symbol on the bottom Used Paper Towels &Tissues and a number 1-7. Hangers both plastic and metal. Cardboard & Boxes that are clean and flattened. Cardboard that has absorbed food Glass that was used for food or beverages grease,or is soiled. and is marked with a recycling symbol and a Food Scraps number 1-7. Glass that is NOT marked with a Aluminum &Steel Cans recycling symbol. Please make sure all items are empty,clean, Broken Items and dry before placing them in your blue cart. Disposable Plates & Utensils ti ��W Starting March 1, 2019, the City of Denton will tag blue recycling carts that contain items that are not recyclable. Tagged carts will not be emptied until your next scheduled collection day, after you have removed the items that are not recyclable. If you have questions, call (940) 349-8700. CITY 01 DENTON www.dentonrecycles.com www.dtyofdentou—m ADA/EOE/ADEA TDD:(800)735-2989 Pub.02/19 DENTON ANIMAL S H E L T E R Lij NT RVDSON CZAT pRE I pY . p AR,T i February 28 12019 6 : 30 pm Join us at the shelter for food , awards , and fun ! We LOVE our volunteers and we want to show them how much they mean to us and the shelter animals ! Date: February 15, 2019 Report No. 2019-026 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: In response to Council Member Armintor's recent question, this report provides information on the replacement of aging 1960s transmission poles near Collins Street and Fort Worth Drive and transmission line easement widths in close proximity to adjacent properties. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An enhanced steel pole design and conductor configuration allows the placement of transmission line conductors over the street, allowing for a reduced easement requirement on the property side of transmission poles. This configuration will be utilized through the UNT campus (benefit is an estimated reduction of approximately two-dozen poles). Additional transmission easements will need to be acquired by the City along the route;however no houses, apartments, or businesses will be demolished in that process. BACKGROUND: The transmission line poles identified at Collins Street and Fort Worth Drive are a portion of the 69kV to 138kV conversion capital improvement project that is being rebuilt to maintain the reliability, safety, and structural integrity of the electric transmission system. A 75-foot wide transmission easement is the typical width required that provides the National Electrical Safety Code(NESC)clearances needed for 138kV transmission conversion projects. In the case of the line near Collins and Fort Worth Drive, one-half of the 75-foot width or 37.5 feet covers and protects the property side of the centerline of the electric transmission pole-line. When feasible, in established areas of town, and when system electrical capacities allow,DME is able to utilize a transmission line pole structure with an enhanced conductor configuration that places all of the new transmission conductors out over the street. This configuration reduces the property side easement clearance down from 37.5 feet to 24.5 feet. This is the same pole design criteria that will be used throughout the UNT campus. It is also the same design considerations utilized during previously acquired transmission easements along Stella Street for system connectivity from the Locust Substation over to the Hickory Substation on Bonnie Brae Street. Due to the City's close coordination with UNT to rebuild the overhead transmission line portion through the campus, the plan is to utilize the same new steel pole configuration that places the transmission line conductors out over the street with longer spans. This will allow the existing number of transmission poles to be reduced. Since the final design has not been completed, an exact number of poles required is presently unknown;however,the reduction in transmission poles may approach two dozen or less poles needed. The remaining transmission line easements to be acquired(to loop back up and complete the 69kv to 138kV conversion in Denton to resolve identified system deficiencies found in the NERC Compliance required FERC 715 studies) are along the north side of Collins street, to the east side of Bernard street, through the Eagle Substation property, and through the campus along the north Date: February 15, 2019 Report No. 2019-026 side of Maple street, around the Super Pit, and up the east side of North Texas Blvd. to connect and tie back into the already acquired easements along the south side of Stella Street. DME continues working with the City of Denton Real Estate and Legal Departments to complete these outstanding easement acquisitions. Due to the planned construction on Bonnie Brae north of the Hickory substation up to Scripture Street, there may be an easement adjustment needed for the transmission line presently located along the west side of Bonnie Brae Street across three commercial properties by the hospital medical complex. DME continues to work closely with Capital Projects on the final location and status of the Bonnie Brae roadway design,which impacts several spans of the existing transmission line. It is important to note that none of the remaining transmission line easement and site acquisitions will require any building demolition with the exception of the proposed Eagle Substation site. Staff is preparing a work session presentation to further discuss the proposed Eagle Substation site, which is tentatively planned for March 26. CONCLUSION: The 69kV to 138kV transmission line conversion will not adversely impact adjacent properties along its planned route. STAFF CONTACT: George Morrow, Denton Municipal Electric General Manager Date: February 15, 2019 Report No. 2019-027 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide additional information on red light camera violations and accident data trends following the yellow light timing pilot at W. Oak St. and Carroll Blvd. and consider extending the pilot to additional red light cameras in the community. BACKGROUND: During the February 12, 2019 City Council meeting, Council asked staff for a breakdown of red light camera violations and if the pilot program,which adds one second to the yellow signal change interval at the intersection of W. Oak Street and Carroll Blvd., could be extended to another intersection with red light cameras. Council Member Briggs also asked for accident information at the intersection of W. Oak St. and Carroll Blvd. where the pilot program is currently in place. DISCUSSION: Red Light Camera Pilot Program The City of Denton currently has 11 active red light cameras. In April 2018, staff extended the yellow signal change interval by one second to a total of 4.5 seconds for all directions of the intersection of W.Oak St. and N.Carroll Blvd.As described in the February 8,2019 Friday Report, the number of violations for this intersection has been significantly reduced since the implementation of the pilot program. The table below shows the number of red light violations per camera for 2018. O w O m w = — +a +0 a > 0 co to z Ln w Ln — +- a ca a ca C a LnC c c V, c 0 0 oc "a co "6 V N U C M 7 m � 7 -O 7 -6 "6 — to C C 2 O — O ++ c > O O OC C O O 0 O _ O +T aJ — — O O m O N 00 ccaa +L+ r, O m L +� L O Co O Y ^ i > W t n O enL p co O > w >_ > 3 N L 0 N O M N V) LA2 Z a) fa c C V)� Z N 00 Z Q z = z vn LU Jan 2018 542 1 161 120 Feb 2018 524 77 Mar 2018 694 155 Apr 2018 673 May 2018 666 Jun 2018 636 80 20 402 216 195 Jul 2018 605 90 11 416 246 209 Aug 2018 563 72 13 506 330 305 Sep 2018 286 60 25 505 269 273 Oct 2018 625 74 19 570 289 260 Nov 2018 634 81 8 536 177 233 Dec 2018 630 62 10 516 172 148 Average Per Month 589.8 214.7 130.8 569.7 637.5 405.6 85.33 67.4 24.08 456.6 230.5 198.8 Date: February 15, 2019 Report No. 2019-027 Intersections with the highest number of violations were Southbound US 377 (Fort Worth Dr.) at I-35E, Southbound Loop 288 at I-35E, and Northbound US 377 (Fort Worth Dr.) at I-35 E. Based on several concerns expressed by residents, signal timing for Southbound Loop 288 at I- 35E was recently changed to improve traffic flow. Based on analysis of this intersection, staff believes that extending the yellow light timing at this intersection would have a negative impact on recent traffic flow improvements and cause congestion. Using the number of violations as a guide, staff is recommending to extend the pilot program (adding one second to the yellow signal interval) to the signals for both the northbound and southbound cameras at the intersection of I-35E and US 377 beginning March 1, 2019. Carroll Blvd. and Oak St.Accident Data Council Member Briggs also request accident data prior to and after the launch of the April 2018 pilot program at the intersection of Carroll Blvd. and Oak St. The chart below shows a breakdown of the total number of accidents reported to the Police Department at this intersection. Since January 2016, there have been a total of 17 accidents at the intersection. Since the pilot program began at this intersection in April 2018, there have been four accidents reported. Accidents at Carroll Blvd. and W. Oak St. 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 4 z 3 2 1 0 ■2016 ■2017 ■2018 STAFF CONTACT: Bobby Smith Assistant Police Chief Bobby.Smithkcityofdenton.com Pritam Deshmukh Deputy City Engineer Pritam.Deshmukhkcityofdenton.com Date: February 15, 2019 Report No. 2019-028 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Informational summary of options for regulating shared electric scooters and the recent recommendation of the Mobility Committee. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In less than two years, shared electric scooter services have appeared in more - than 60 cities across the country. Some ` cities have planned for them while others - (more than 40)have had scooters deployed without any advanced coordination. Denton has already been approached by several shared electric scooter service providers interested in doing business here. Currently, the city does not have any laws expressly allowing nor expressly prohibiting shared scooter services. The city's current dockless bikeshare ordinance does not include scooters. Currently, there are several concerns regarding the operation of electric scooters on public right-of-way in the City. As such, at this time, staff recommend a ban on all electric scooters on city rights-of-way until more research can be done and coordination can be conducted with the universities. This item was presented to the Mobility Committee on January 29th which recommended prohibiting electric scooter companies from operating within the City. This recommendation is different than staff recommendation of a full prohibition of electric scooters within the City. Staff intends to present this topic for consideration and action in front of the entire City Council, in the near future. BACKGROUND: The City Council received an informational presentation about shared electric scooter services on August 28, 2018. The consensus of the council at that time was that Denton was not yet ready to accommodate shared electric scooters on city rights-of-way. Due to the relative newness of this mode there is limited information,precedent or best practices for managing scooters. Portland, Oregon recently completed a 120-day shared scooter pilot program and released a detailed report about ridership trends, safety, and management. This is one of the first comprehensive information sources available on the topic. Shared scooters are similar to dockless bikeshare. The scooters have no fixed docking/parking area and can be used by anyone with the appropriate smartphone app. Users download the app which allows them to find and unlock scooters as well as make payments via credit card. A typical payment structure might be $1 to unlock the scooter and for the first minute of riding and then $0.15 per minute thereafter. Scooters are propelled by kicking off the ground with a foot and then using a throttle on the handlebar to accelerate. They typically have a maximum speed Date: February 15, 2019 Report No. 2019-028 of 15 mph(governed)when being propelled by the electric motor. Once batteries are drained they are collected by a team of contracted"chargers"who recharge the batteries and ensure the scooters are in working order before redeploying them to city streets. Principal concerns with respect to shared electric scooters are personal safety, parking/storage, and appropriate riding locations. SAFETY: Helmets are recommended by all providers as basic personal protective equipment. According to Portland's report however, 90 percent of all riders do not wear helmets. Cities that permit shared scooters do have an uptick in scooter-related injuries and hospital visits but it is not known if scooters are any more dangerous than bicycles or other modes on a per-mile or per- trip basis. During its 120 day pilot period, Portland reported 176 scooter related injuries- 80% of which only involved the scooter rider(falls). Scooters were ridden for over 700,000 miles during that same period- which equates to an injury rate of one hospital visit per 4,000 miles ridden. It is not known if scooters have a higher injury rate when they are newly deployed to an area(which would then be expected to fall as the populace becomes more accustomed them). All current scooter providers in the US market have a minimum user age of 18- but there is no mechanism to enforce it. In a study of emergency room visits at two southern California hospitals, 11% of electric scooter • related injuries happened to riders under the age of 18. . PARKING: Scooters should be parked where they will not become a hazard or obstacle to other right-of-way users (pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, deliveries, mobility device users, etc). A number of cities have worked with the system operators to designate acceptable and unacceptable areas for scooter parking. Improperly parked scooters can act as major obstructions to the mobility impaired and result in ADA violations. RIDING LOCATIONS: Local ordinances about where scooters may be ridden vary. Municipalities have had to reexamine their codes to make sure the language includes electric scooters A major question, which varies between cities, is where scooters may or may not be ridden(bike lanes, sidewalks, recreational trails, riding with vehicular traffic, etc.). Under the current Denton City code, a motorized scooter would be treated like a bicycle. It could legally ride on the street or the sidewalk(except around The Square). r HEY SCOOTERS! Date: February 15, 2019 Report No. 2019-028 The Mobility Committee received a presentation about electric scooter regulation on January 8, 2019. At that time, staff recommended a complete ban of all electric scooters on city rights-of- way. The committee supported this recommendation but after further thought contacted city staff to find out if there was a way to prohibit shared scooter services without also prohibiting privately owned scooters. City staff returned to the Mobility Committee on January 291h to revisit the issue and discuss other possible ways to prohibit shared electric scooters while allowing privately owned ones. The following options were reviewed at the Mobility Committee; 1. Full prohibition of electric scooters on City right-of-way 2. Prohibition only on electric scooter companies (shared use operators) 3. Implementing a pilot program (similar to bike share) 4. Take no action at this time The Mobility Committee recommended option 2, which will prohibit electric scooter companies (operators) from operating on public right-of-way within the City limits. Staff intends to present this topic for discussion, consideration and action in front of the entire City Council in the near future. CONCLUSION: The Mobility Committee recommendation of prohibiting electric scooter companies from operating within the City differs from the staff recommendation of a full prohibition of electric scooters within the City. There are several concerns regarding the use of electric scooters on public right-of-way and staff believes that we should continue to gather and assess data about their safety and best regulatory practices as this mode of transportation evolves. Staff intends to present this topic for discussion, consideration and action in front of the entire City Council in the near future. STAFF CONTACT: Marc Oliphant, AICP Bicycle &Pedestrian Coordinator (940) 349-8954 marc.oliphant(a�cityofdenton.com Council Meeting Revision Date Requests for Information 02/15/2019 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Department Status Requested B Update on marketing/advertising policy and naming opportunities at City 1 facilities. 8/2/2018 Langley/Packan Parks and Recreation A work session is planned for March 19. Hudspeth 2 Review of the City's agreement with the Denton Housing Authority. 10/16/2018 Kuechler/Reinwand/Leal Community Development Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Staff report on the potential establishment of a citizens'tenant committee to 3 advocate for renter rights. 11/13/2018 Wood/Neal/Leal City Manager's Office Information will be provided in the February 22 Friday report. Annintor 4 Information on alternative strategies to promote high-tech entrepreneurship. 11/13/2018 Booth Economic Development Information will be provided in the February 22 Friday report. Meltzer Staff report on the feasibility of adopting and enforcing gas well notification disclosure requirements for new occupants of dwellings located within 1,000 5 feet of a gas well pad site. 12/4/2018 Leal/McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in the March 1 Friday report. Meltzer Staff report on options to have curbside bulky item collection for commercial 6 dumpsters. 12/18/2018 Cox Solid Waste A work session is planned for March 26. Watts Information on pedestrian safety on East Hickory Street between the City 7 Hall East Parking Lot and the DCTA station. 1/7/2019 Deshmukh/Dixon Capital Projects Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Annintor Information on a potential process to notify homebuyers of the risks 8 associated with purchasing manufactured/mobile homes. 1/8/2019 Leal/Adams City Manager's Office Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer Information on the implementation process for using impact fees to support 9 community wide improvement projects by district or other key geographies. 1/15/2019 Puente/Birdseye/McDonald City Manager's Office Information will be provided in the February 22 Friday report. Hudspeth Future options for coordinating public events to take advantage of free parking during evenings and weekends at TWU's new parking garage. Provide pedestrian lighting and safety options to promote use of the new Staff will discuss use of the new garage with TWU staff at their 10 parking deck. 1/15/2019 Deshmukh/Booth Economic Development March 21 quarterly meeting. Hudspeth Information on there is a disparity in responsiveness from Charter and 11 lVerizon for cable infrastructure. 2/5/2019 Fielder/Morrow DME Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor Overlay the FEMA flood map with the proposed Cole/Hunter Ranch 12 development 2/5/2019 Booth Economic Development Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Annintor Information on if the City has mobile home building standards criteria.If current criteria does not exist,please develop and ensure there are 13 requirements for adequate parking. 2/5/2019 Cannone/McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth Staff report on the criteria used to determine when traffic signals move to flashing red/yellow lights during the evening and early morning hours.Of 14 1particular concern is University and Malone. 2/5/2019 Deshmukh/Estes Capital Projects Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Briggs Post voting information on the Civic Center electronic sign and provide voter education and notification about voting process to the Committee on Citizen 15 Engagement. 2/5/2019 Packan/Wood/Kuechler City Secretary's Office Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Briggs Gas well ordinance brought back to full Council for conversation.Include a survey of the active and inactive gas wells and a policy discussion on the 16 City's ability to determine setback distances. 2/5/2019 Banks Utilities Administration Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs/Watts Consider changing the weighted average used for economic development 17 incentives. 2/5/2019 Booth Economic Development Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Briggs Prepare a work session on sobering centers following the February 1 This work session request will be prioritized during the March 4 18 Informal Staff Report and ensure Chief Dixon is invited to participate. 2/5/2019 Kuechler/Shaw/Dixon Community Development Work Session Strategy Session presentation. Annintor Prepare a staff report on the circulation pattern and road upgrade plans for 19 roadways surrounding Fire Station 8. 2/12/2019 Hedges/Taylor Fire Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth/Meltzer/Armintor Include hyperlinks to make the electronic version of the DDC draft easier to 20 navigate. 2/12/2019 McDonald/Cannone/Rosendahl Development Services Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Hudspeth 21 Schedule ajoint Economic Development Partnership Board 2/12/2019 Wood City Secretary's Office Ajoint work session has been scheduled for Monday,June 3. Briggs Consider extending the yellow light pilot for red light cameras to another intersection to see if it has a similar effect.Provide accident data prior to and 22 after the launch of the April 2018 pilot at the intersection of Carroll and Oak. 2/12/2019 Dixon/Birdseye Police ISR is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Briggs Council Meeting Revision Date Requests for Information 02/15/2019 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Department Status Requested B Information on Denton Plan 2030 will be provided during the 23 Report on the goals and key principles of the Denton Plan 2030. 2/12/2019 MCDonald/Cannone Development Services March 5 Denton Development Code work session. Meltzer Prepare a revision to the City Council Rules of Procedure allowing residents 24 to speak more than once during a public hearing. 2/12/2019 Wood/Neal/Leal City Attorney's Office Information will be provided in the February 22 Friday report. Armintor 25 Information on citizenship requirements for committees. 2/12/2019 Wood City Manager's Office Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Armintor Report from City Attorney's Office regarding the current reconsideration process,including an interpretation of if the"next scheduled meeting" includes Monday luncheons and any potential impacts from the 72 hour 26 posting requirement. I 2/12/2019 Leal lCity Attorney's Office lInformation will be provided in a future Legal Status report. lRyan Other Council Information Requests 02/15/2019 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Department Status Requested By Staff report on rental property inspections including practices to address faulty roofs and mold and information on how other cities ensure compliance with the Tenant Bill of 1 Rights. 11/6/2018 Wood/Neal/Leal City Manager's Office Information will be provided in the February 22 Friday report. Armintor Information on introducing a curbside organics/composting collection program,including Information will be provided with the Yardwaste Business Case 2 to what extent a market can be found for the product. 11/28/2018 Cox Solid Waste Analysis work session that is planned for late spring 2019. Meltzer A status update is provided in the December 7 Friday report. Staff will provide updates once additional information is 3 Information on zoning concern for a proposed batch plant off of Roselawn Drive. 11/29/2018 Cannone/McDonald Development Services received from TxDOT. Briggs Information will be provided in a future Friday and/or Legal 4 Update on the Verizon pole attachment debt. 12/3/2018 Puente/Morrow/Adams DME Status report. Meltzer Information was provided in the December 7 Friday report.A status update is provided in the January 25 Friday report.Staff Update on all sidewalk projects that received Safe Routes to School funding,including will provide additional information on project timing following 5 Stuart to Ginnings and the area surrounding Woodrow Elementary. 12/5/2018 Deshmukh/Estes/Oliphant Capital Projects feedback from TxDOT. Briggs Information on a potential process to require re-notification of a new project that is being developed where Council action was previously required,even if there are no changes to 6 zoning. 12/14/2018 Cannone/McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in the February 15 Friday report. Meltzer Staff report on the effectiveness and resources required for municipal rental inspection 7 programs across the state. 12/20/2018 Lahart CIS Information will be provided in the February 22 Friday report. Meltzer Staff report on the legality of allowing residents to participate in public hearing Information will be provided in a future Friday or Legal Status 8 electronically and discuss options with the Committee on Citizen Engagement. 1/10/2019 Leal/Kuechler Public Affairs report. Armintor/Briggs Information on plans for former site of Bradley Street Apartments,including the 9 feasibility and potential cost of making the site a park and/or community garden. 1/10/2019 Packan/McDonald Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in the February 15 Friday report. Meltzer Information on additional measures that can be taken and a potential project timeline for 10 improving traffic safety on W.Oak Street. 1/12/2019 Deshmukh/Smith Police Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer Project timeline on the disabled person drop off zone on Locust south of downtown and 11 improving wheelchair accessibility on Locust sidewalks. 1/15/2019 Kremer Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth Staff held a conference call with the City of Charlotte on Staff report on the City of Charlotte,NC's housing bond program and new affordable February 14.Information on Charlotte's program and programs housing location guidelines and the steps required to have a similar bond program in from several other cities will be provided in a future Friday 12 Denton. 1/27/2019 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development report. Armintor Update on the Denton Community Market's request to reduce famers;fees and an estimate of how quickly those reduced fees could be implemented.Include information on how the farmers'fee is used and how many farmers paid fees in 2018.Also provide information on 13 if the occupancy permit issue with the Community Market was addressed. 1/27/2019 Booth Economic Development A work session is scheduled for March 26. Atmintor/Hudspeth Information on planned Sherman Drive access for the Palladium Apartments and timing 14 on the project to install a traffic signal at Poinsettia Street and Sherman Drive. 1/29/2019 Deshmukh/Estes Capital Projects A work session is scheduled for February 26. Briggs Provide staff feedback on the August 17,2016,Texas Houser's article entitled"How state legislators can improve fair housing compliance in Texas"including if the Texas 15 Department of Housing and Community Affairs conforms with federal fair housing laws. 2/5/2019 Kuechler/Shaw/Leal Community Development Information will be provided in the February 22 Friday report. Annintor Public safety incident/call information in the area near the intersection of Oak and Fry 16 Street. 2/7/2019 Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Information on potential impacts of making Fry Street one way,including existing angled 17 parking and buses turning right on Welch. 2/7/2019 Oliphant/Deshmukh Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report Briggs/Meltzer Police is coordinating with LINT and its Parking Enforcement Officers to improve enforcement in the area.Staff is also considering creative solutions to add additional enforcement to the area,such as civilian public safety officers.A formal report and timetable for action will be provided in a future Friday 18 Improve parking enforcement in the areas surrounding the UNT campus. 2/7/2019 Dixon Police report. Briggs/Meltzer d20 Staffreportdescribing if requiring Specific Use Permits for all multifamily developments would be a violation of the Fair Housing Act. 2/9/2019 Leal/McDonald/Lang City Attorney's Office Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer Provide a breakdown of red light violations per camera and per year across the City. 2/12/2019 Dixon/Birdseye Police ISR is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Armintor Other Council Information Requests 02/15/2019 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Department Status Requested By Information is provided in the February 15 Friday report. Provide an update on the identification of a third polling location for the May 2019 Information will also be provided at the February 26 and March 21 municipal elections in Council District 3. 2/12/2019 Wood City Manager's Office 5 City Council meeting. Annintor Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, February 26,2019 12:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 12:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on the agenda for February 26,2019. 3. Work Session Reports A. DCA18-0009 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and provide staff direction on the Denton c Development Code Update and Draft Zoning Map. B. ID 19-324 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and provide staff a recommendation on the design and construction of the new North Lakes Park Tennis Center. C. ID 19-404 Receive a report from staff, hold a discussion, and provide staff a recommendation the development of land located at the corner of Carnegie Ridge Road and Ridglea Court currently known as"Patrick Park". Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 19-326 Consultation with Attorneys-Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071. Consult with the City's attorneys on the status, strategy, and potential resolutions of litigation styled, Adolfo Fabela Rios v. City of Denton, Cause No. 17-6532-16, currently pending in the 16th District Court of Denton County, Texas, where public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Page I Printed on 211512019 City Council Meeting Agenda February 26, 2019 Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or otherwise compromise the City's legal position in pending litigation. B. ID 19-363 Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.086; Consultation with Attorneys - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071. Discuss and deliberate on strategies and opportunities for the City to acquire natural gas for the Denton Energy Center ("DEC"); receive a presentation from staff regarding public power competitive and financial matters for the purchase of natural gas; and provide recommendations on the purchase of natural gas under the existing Base Contract for the Purchase and Sale of Natural Gas with Enterprise Products Operating, LLC. Consultation with the City's attorneys regarding legal issues associated with the agreements described above where discussion of these legal matters in an open meeting would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas. Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S. Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 19-384 Beulah Harriss Day 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. Page 2 Printed on 211512019 City Council Meeting Agenda February 26, 2019 B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. 1. ID 19-358 Rena Hardeman regarding the proposed Cole/Hunter Ranch MMD. 2. ID 19-416 Mark Brady regarding unfair billing practices by City of Denton Utilities. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda, which is also known as the "open microphone" section, permits any person who is not registered for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. This section is limited to two open microphone speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) must file a "Blue Card" requesting to speak during this period,prior to the calling of this agenda item. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual policy; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by the Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — S). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, Consent Agenda Items A — S below will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 19-035 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton prohibiting the operation of shared electric scooter services on city rights-of-way; providing a penalty cause; providing a severability clause;and declaring an effective date. B. ID 19-110 Consider adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, updating the existing "Denton Municipal Electric - Energy Risk Management Policy". C. ID 19-223 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, approving a City sponsorship in Page 3 Printed on 211512019 City Council Meeting Agenda February 26, 2019 an amount not to exceed $3,703 of in-kind services for the Texas Storytelling Festival to be held on Thursday, March 7, through Sunday, March 10, 2019, at the Denton Senior Center, Emily Fowler Central Library, and the Denton Women's Club Building; and providing an effective date. D. ID 19-311 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton supporting both House Bill 749 and Senate Bill 338 which were recently introduced in the 86th Texas Legislature, that would raise the minimum age to 21 for the distribution, possession, purchase, consumption, and receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products; and providing an effective date. E. ID 19-346 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the City Manager, or his designee to approve a Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to existing outgrant Easement No. DACW63-2-81-0724 which will be combined with existing outgrant Easement DACW63-2-85-0509 by and between the City of Denton, Texas (City) and the Department of Army, Corps of Engineers (USACE) as grantor, authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. (Lewisville Lake offsite sanitary sewer easement; a lift station and appurtenant facilities - Hickory Creek at Old Alton Road.) F. ID 19-369 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract through the US Communities Contract Number R-TC-17006 for procurement fulfillment of business products for the City of Denton through an online marketplace; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6985 - awarded to Amazon Services,LLC, in the three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$600,000). G. ID 19-371 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number 515-16 for the acquisition of one (1) Wheel Loader for the Solid Waste Landfill Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6969- awarded to Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc., in the not to exceed amount of $287,845). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). H. ID 19-372 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number 515-16 for the acquisition of one (1) Motor Grader for the Solid Waste Landfill Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6970- awarded to RDO Equipment Company, in the not-to-exceed amount of $313,673.54). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). I. ID 19-373 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number 521-16 for the acquisition of fifteen (15) heavy duty trucks for the Solid Waste, Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection and Streets Departments; providing for the expenditure of funds Page 4 Printed on 211512019 City Council Meeting Agenda February 26,2019 therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7009- awarded to Rush Truck Center, in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,489,640). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). J. ID 19-375 Consider approval of the minutes of January 7,January 8,and January 15,2019. K. ID 19-376 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, ratifying and approving a public works contract through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Cooperative Program Contract Number 180702 for the replacement of roof windows at South Branch Library located at 3228 Teasley Lane; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6961 -awarded to CBS Roofing Services in the not-to-exceed amount of$85,206.68). L. ID 19-379 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, Texas authorizing the mayor to commit to a campaign goal to improve accessibility for the residents of Denton to local parks within a 10-minute walk; and providing an effective date. M. ID 19-386 Consider approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, approving the 2017/2018 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two (Westpark TIRZ) annual report; and declaring an effective date (TIRZ Number Two Board recommends approval 9-0). N. ID 19-387 Consider approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, approving the 2017-2018 Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number One (Downtown TIF) Annual Report; and declaring an effective date (Downtown TIF Board recommends approval 5-1). O. ID 19-388 Consider approval of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas regarding the expenditure of the fund balance of the special revenue fund account for the Downtown Reinvestment Grant Program; and providing an effective date (Economic Development Partnership Board recommends approval X-X). P. ID 19-391 Consider adoption of an ordinance to City Council for establishing a speed limit along US 377 from FM 1830 to IH-35E, FM 2499 from IH-35 southbound frontage road to FM 2181, and Cowling Road from Rector Road to Deer Run Drive. Q. ID 19-393 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, adopting the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Strategic Plan; and providing an effective date. R. ID 19-413 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for the purchase of one (1) 40' automatic tarping machine with Tarpomatic, Inc.; which is the sole provider of this item in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, which provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 6968 - awarded to Tarpomatic, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $65,787). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - S. ID 19-422 Consider approval of a resolution authorizing Election Day polling locations for the City of Page 5 Printed on 211512019 City Council Meeting Agenda February 26, 2019 Denton City Council Election to be held on May 4,2019; and providing an effective date. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 19-162 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of an eighth amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Freese and Nichols, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on June 16, 2009, in the not-to-exceed amount of $301,545, amended by Amendments 1-7 approved by the City Manager and Purchasing staff, said eighth amendment to provide engineering and design services relating to the PEC 4 Drainage Improvements Phase 1 and 2 project in the amount of $182,315; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 4437 - providing for an additional eight amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $182,315, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $667,625). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). B. ID 19-349 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas to declare the intent to reimburse capital program expenditures of the General Government with Certificates of Obligation with an aggregate maximum principal amount equal to $4,600,000; and providing an effective date. C. ID 19-368 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with O'Brien Engineering, Inc., for Engineering Services for Lake Forest Park Pond and Dam as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-048 - Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Services awarded to O'Brien Engineering Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of$347,000). D. ID 19-370 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number 534-17 for highway safety and traffic control products to be used by various City of Denton departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6960 - awarded to Buyers Barricades, Inc., for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in a total three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $300,000). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval 6. CONCLUDING ITEMS Page 6 Printed on 211512019 City Council Meeting Agenda February 26,2019 A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2019 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 7 Printed on 211512019 February 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:00 am Council 1:30 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm Public AtCommittee 11:00am Development Code Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Review Committee 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:30pm Traffic Safety Commission 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00a m Pub lic Utilities Ja a Mob ility 11:00am EDP Bo a rd Committee 2:00 HOT&Sponsor Committee 12:00pm TII2Z Board No.2 5:30pm HLC 11:30 am 2nd Tuesday Session 4:00pm Special Called P&Z Work Session 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 CC Work Session/Regular 12:00 Bond Oversight Comm. 4:00pm HaBSCo MV eting 11:00am Development Code Session-Cancelled Mg. Review Committee 5:00pm Committee on 2:00pm P&Z Work Session Citizens with Disabilities P&ZRegular Session DENTON COUNTY DAYS DENTON COUNTY DAYS DENTON COUNTY DAYS 24 25 26 27 28 6:00pm Public Utilities 10:00am Council Airport Board Comm. 4:00pm ZRA 12:00 pm Work Session/Regular Session March 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:30 am Council 12:00 pm CC Work 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm Public AtConunittee luncheon Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 1:30pm Committee on the 6:30 pm CC Regular Environment Se ssion 5:3 Op m HLC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00a m Public Utilities 1 1:00a m Mobility ll:00amEDP Board Committee o Council Meeting 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12:00 pm CC Work 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 4:00pmHaBSCoMV eting Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:00pm Public Utilities 10:00am Council Airport 11:00amTIF Board(11RZ#1) Board Comm. 4:00pm ZBA 12:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 31 Future Work Session Items 2/1S/2019 Meeting Date dk Currently Slated Work Session Items Roadway CIP Denton 26-Feb Supplemental Development Code Tennis Center Patrick Park Rayzor Ranch Park Work Session Location will be the 4-Mar Lunch Fire Diversity Strategy Session Animal Shelter* Animal Shelter Robson Wastewater Mews Streets and Bonnie Brae and Collection Denton DEC Noise Downtown Design Scripture Development 5-Mar Development Code Mitigation Standards Tract/McKenna Park Agreement Right-of-Way New Market Tax Update on Naming Ordinance Follow- Special Event 19-Mar Credits Policy Up Ordinance Update Home Chemical Collection and Bulky Community Market Credit and Item Business Case Supplemental 26-Mar Collections Study Analysis Financial Forecast Eagle Substation Request 1-Apr Lunch Blue Zones Community Development Process Enhanced Leachate Development 2-Apr Airport Governance Recirculation Charity Care Policy Service Fees Integrated Pest Construction Code Denton Employee Ethics Management 9-Apr Review Development Code Policy Program LED Streetlight can Funding Options for Gateway Signage move up to March if Shelter and LED Streetlight and Design space becomes 16-Apr Homelessness Bell Avenue Retrofit Standards Rayzor Ranch PID available Work Session 23-Apr Strategy Session Traffic Signalization Solid Waste Rate Discussion Yard Waste (Potentially South Lakes Park Purchasing Manual Collection Business combined with 1001 Mayhill Facility Parking Lot Update Case Analysis budget) Improvements Mandatory Recycling for Commercial and Date TBD Multifamily Real Estate Policy Scheduled from 10/23 Work Session Top 5 from 11/27 Work Session Construction Projects Report 4 CITY Week of February 18-24,2019 IMPROVING OF DENTONFor general inquiries and questions,please contact the Project Management Office at(940)349-7227 DEN Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Ma'or Closures Wastewater,Water Main Wastewater Water improvements to Atlas Dr. Redstone Hercules 1/8/19 3/7/19 Replacement and Street Repairs Wastewater 12/17/18 follow 4/30/19-6/29/19 (Temporary Lane Closures (940)349-7300 Street Repairs TBD LINT 2018 Residence Hall Project Coordinate with Ave.A Maple Eagle 3/19/18 3/31/19 (Both SB Lanes Closed) Engineering N/A UNIT (940)349 8910 Ave.C Hickory Mulberry 9/24/18 3/8/19 LINT Monument Wall Public WorksUNT Project (940)349-8905 (Road Closure) Inspections Carroll Blvd. Congress Egan 2/11/19 3/29/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 2/4/19 (940)349-7160 (Northbound Only Street Closure) Bernard St. Fannin W Chestnut 1/4/19 4/5/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 7/1/17 7/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 6/14/18 (940)349-8910 Vintage (Phase 1) Bowling Green St. Georgetown Auburn 1/5/19 4/10/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Dallas Dr. Intersection of Teasley 11/12/18 3/8/19 Turn Lane Upgrade Streets 11/5/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Eagle Dr. Elm Carroll 1/31/19 5/31/19 Drainage and Water Improvements Drainage (940)268-9726 (Street Closure) Water City of FM 2181 Denton/Corinth Lillian Miller 7/11/17 7/1/20 Street Widening TxDOT TxDOT (940)-387-1414 City limits Forrestrid a Dr. Timber green Rollin Hills 2 11 19 3 1 19 Street Panel Repair Streets 2 4 19 940 349-7160 g g g / / / / (Southbound Road Closure) / / ( ) Page 1 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Atmos Utility Relocations, Atmos Hickory St. Ave B Welch 12/10/18 2/28/19 Street Repairs Atmos 05- Street Repairs to follow 2 (Parking Area Only) (940) 05 9821 3/25/19 TBD Safety Improvements Website&Social Hickory Creek Rd. Riverpass FM 1830 2/4/19 2/18/19 (Road Closure) County Media (940)349-8910 Notifications South of Utility Line Improvements Acadia Nextdoor Hinkle Dr. 600 Ft Headlee 1/22/19 2/19/19 (Northbound Lane Closure) Services Notification (940)268 9842 Concrete Improvements Developer Nextdoor Junipero St. Del Rey Dolores 1/21/19 2/22/19 Notification,Door (940)268-9726 (Temporary Lane Closures) (Lilco) Hangers Water,Wastewater Main Wastewater improvements Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 1/3/19 3/8/19 Water Notification, Replacement and Street Repairs Nextdoor Water to follow 4/3/19-7/30/19 (Daily Street Closure will re-open end Door Hanger (940)349-7167 Streets Repairs 8/5/19- of each day) 1/9/20 Kings Row Yellowstone Sherman 12/26/18 4/26/19 Curb and Gutter Replacement Streets 12/7/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Laguna Dr. Yellowstone Sherman 12/17/18 4/26/19 Curb and Gutter Replacement Streets 12/7/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Lipizzan Dr. Wheeler Ridge Thoroughbred 1/22/19 3/1/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 1/11/19 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Street Widening Engineering 1/3/18, 1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Utility Improvements Extend Completion from McKinney St. Woodrow Jannie 12/10/18 3/1/19 (Temporary Outside Lane Closure) Engineering N/A (940)349 8910 2/22/19 Drainage Improvements,Water Main Drainage Water Replacement to Mistywood Ln. Rockwood Jamestown 1/3/19 3/5/19 Replacement,Street Repairs Drainage 12/17/18 (940)349-8488 Follow 6/28/19-10/23/19 (Intermittent Street Closure) Street Repairs 10/28/19-TBD Myrtle St. Eagle Maple 9 4 18 5 31 19 Eagle Drainage Improvements Engineering 8 21 18 Contacted DCTA (940)349-8910 (Street Closure) Paisley St. Ruddell Audra 1/22/19 3/29/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets 1/16/19 (940)349-7160 Completion Extended from (No Street Parking) 2/22/19 FM 2181 Road Widening Nextdoor Ranchman Blvd. Intersection of FM 2181 1 4 19 TBD Completion Updated from / / (Road Closure on Ranchman to the TxDOT Notification, (940)349-8910 2/15/19 east and west of FM 2181) Electronic Signs Page 2 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Drainage Improvements, Street Drainage Street Repairs to follow Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 11/26/18 3/5/19 Repairs Drainage 11/23/18 Door Hangers (940)349-8488 10/28/19-TBD (Intermittent Street Closure) Roselawn Dr. US 377 Bernard 1/7/19 2/23/19 US 377 Street Improvement TxDOT Nextdoor (940)387 1414 (Road Closure) Notification Drainage Improvements, Street Drainage (940) Street Repairs to follow Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood 11/26/18 3/5/19 Repairs Drainage 11/23/18 349-8488 10/28/19-TBD (Intermittent Street Closure) Atmos Utility Relocations Nextdoor Once completed,continuing Scripture St. Ector Gober 2/4/19 2/28/19 (Westbound Lane Closure,Intersection Atmos Notification (940)205-9821 between Gober and Normal at Hillcrest Closed) 3/4/19-3/29/19 Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow 12/3/18 3/9/19 Base Repairs Streets Electronic Signs Meet with business (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) owners Mayhill Road Widening Contacted Extended Completion from Spencer Rd. Mayhill Bridges 4/2/18 2/26/19 Engineering 3/16/2018,9/14 departments (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) affected 2/15/19 Stuart Rd. Long Keystone 1/30/19 4/30/19 Street Reconstruction CM Nextdoor (940)231-9036 (Street Closure) Construction Notification Street Widening US 377(Ft.Worth Dr.) IH 35E 0.26 mi south of 12/3/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures during non- TxDOT 9/25/18 Public Meeting FM 1830 10/8 (940)387-1414 peak traffic) Yellowstone PI. Kings Row Monterey 1/28/19 5/20/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 1/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Temproary Block Closures) COMPLETED PROJECTS Athens Dr. Tawakoni Eagle Mountain 1/22/19 2/13/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Road Reconstruction Contacted Multi- Ave.C Mulberry Oak 2/4/19 2/15/19 (Road Closure) Streets 1/28/19 Family Residences (940)349-7160 New Completion &LINT Water Main Replacement Bowling Green St. Georgetown Auburn 11/29/18 1/29/19 (Daily Street Closure will re-open end Water 11/7/18 (940)349-7167 of each day) Southern dead Street Reconstruction Castle Ln. Wilsonwood end 1/3/19 2/22/19 (Street Closure) Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 Page 3 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Egan St. Intersection of Malone 1/14/19 1/25/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets Nextdoor (940)349-7160 (No Street Parking) Notification Eagle Dr. Ave A Ave B 1/30/19 2/5/19 LINT Driveway Project Public Works (940)349-8910 (Temporary N. Bound Lane Closure) Inspections Eagle Mountain Dr. Athens Gilmer 1/7/19 2/1/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Box Culvert Installation Part of Eagle Elm St. Eagle Maple 10/22/18 1/31/19 Engineering 10/11/18 Communications,visited (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) businesses on 10/11 Wastewater Improvements Nextdoor Kendo h Ln. 1-35 Willowwood 11/26/18 2 15 19 Street Repairs to follow p / / (Daily Street Closure will re-open end Wastewater N/A Notification, (940)349-7300 3/1/19-7/4/19 of each day) Door Hanger Manhattan Dr. Yellowstone Sherman 11/26/18 3/29/19 Curb and Gutter Replacement Streets 11/14/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Mayhill Rd. Intersection of Gayla 11/26/18 1/31/19 Part of Mayhill Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Road Closure with Detour) Prominence Pkw Mayhill Atlanta 1 31 18 1/31/19 Mayhill Road Widening Engineering 1 24 18 Door Hangers 940 349-8910 Y• Y / / g� g / / g ( ) (Road Closure) Riney Rd. N.Elm Solana 9/29/17 2/14/19 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering Yes Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 New Completion (Road Closure) Sierra Dr. Yellowstone Sherman 11/26/18 3/29/19 Curb and Gutter Replacement Streets 11/14/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Page 4 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes UPCOMING PROJECTS North South Water Main Phase 2 Start Date Updated from Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn 135E TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 from 2/15/19 Wastewater Main Replacement, Fulton St. Congress Gregg 2/25/19 4/9/19 Street Repairs Wastewater Wastewater Street improvements to (Daily Street Closure will re-open at (940)349-7300 follow in 6/3/19-10/3/19 the end of each day) Hercules Ln. Sherman Stuart 3/11/19 6/14/19 Water Main Replacement Water (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closure) y y P / / / / Street Widening g g / / Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley River ass 3 1 19 6 1 20 Engineering 11 26 18 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Hillcrest St. Crescent Emory 3/8/19 4/12/19 Wastewater Main ReplacementWastewater (940)349-7300 (Temporary Lane Closure) Phase I-Storm Water Improvements Hinkle Dr. University Windsor 3/1/19 3/1/20 (Magnolia Drainage Ph 11 Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 Temporary Lane Closures) Jannie St. McKinney Noble 2/25/19 3/1/19 Water Taps with Pavement RepairsEngineering (940)268-9726 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) Johnson St. Mill Dallas 3/19/19 4/29/19 Water Main Replacement Water (940)349-7167 E.Collins E Daugherty (Temporary Lane Closure) Street Repairs New Project Following Kendoph Ln. 1-35 Willowwood 3/1/19 7/4/19 (Street Closure) Streets (940)349-7167 Wastewater Main Replacement McKinney St. Mack Bellaire 2/25/19 3/25/19 Street Construction Engineering (940)268-9726 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) Panhandle St. Carroll Bolivar TBD TBD Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) PEC 4-Engineering In Design Installing Underground Box Culvert Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 Kansas City Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Southern RR TBD TBD (Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 One Lane traffic control) Page 5 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Silent Star Ln. Winding Montecito 2/25/19 3/29/19 Repair Streets (940)349-7160 Stream (Temporary Lane Closure) Springtree St. Pecan Creek McKinney 2/25/19 3/25/19 Street Construction Engineering (940)268-9726 New Project (Street Closure) Stuart Rd. Windsor Kings Row TBD TBD Concrete Curb and Gutter Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets (940)349-7160 Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 10/1/2019 10/1/2021 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Bonnie Brae Phase 2) Page 6 of 6