030119 Friday Staff Report F` City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 1, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. City Council Luncheon on Monday, March 4, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in the Sherman Conference Room at the Linda McNatt Animal Care & Adoption Center. 2. Traffic Safety Commission Meeting on, Monday, March 4, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Audit/Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 4. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday,March 5,2019 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. 5. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 6. Board of Ethics on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Finance Conference Room. 7. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 8. Committee on the Environment Meeting on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 9. Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, March 8, 2049 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service B. Upcoming Events 1. Denton Black Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet, March 2, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at UNT Gateway Center. 2. NLC Congressional City Conference, March 10-13,2019,Washington,D.C. 3. Denton Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet and Awards Dinner, March 211 2019 at 6:15 p.m. at UNT Gateway Center. II. General Information & Status Update A. Due to extreme weather, Inclement Shelters and Warming Centers will be open: • Monsignor King Outreach Center will be open overnight Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3 and will be open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night as usual. • The Salvation Army Denton Service Center is open every night as usual. • The Salvation Army Lewisville Service Center will be opening Sunday, March 3, 5:00p.m. — 8:00a.m., Monday, March 4, 5:00p.m. — 8:00a.m. and Tuesday March 5th, 5:00pm—8:00am, as an inclement weather shelter. They will have day warming access to the center, as the temperature dictates, on Monday March 4, and Tuesday March 5. DCTA will be providing Transportation Shuttles in Denton on the following schedule: Evening Service(Saturday 3/2), (Sunday 3/3) & (Monday3/4) North Lakes Recreation Center Salvation Army Monsignor King 4:00 PM 4:25 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:25 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:25 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:25 PM 7:30 PM Morning Service(Monday 3/4) & (Tuesday3/5) Salvation Army Monsignor King Our Daily Bread North Lakes Recreation Center 7:00 AM 7:05 AM 7:15 AM T30 AM 8:00 AM 8:05 AM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM See the complete list of Shelter and Extended Services in Denton and Lewisville: • Denton - Inclement Weather Plan • Lewisville - Warmim4 Centers and Emergency Shelter B. DCTA Legislation Update — The legislation to change the composition of the DCTA Board of Directors was filed earlier this week. Representative Tan Parker filed HB 2319 and Senator Jane Nelson filed SB 1066 on Feb. 25 (attached). The City's resolutions of support have been provided to the legislators and will be provided to the committees who are assigned these bills. Staff will continue to monitor this legislation and will provide updates as needed. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs C. DFW Open Data Day — The City of Denton will be participating in DFW Open Data Day on Mar.2,2019. Open Data Day is an opportunity for local programmers and designers to collaborate and develop new tools for accessibility, economic development and sustainability(see attached flyer). This event is free to all who would like to attend. Join us on Saturday,March 2nd from 9:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m. at the Dallas Public Library. To register for the event, visit Denton Open Data Day. Staff contact: Melissa Kraft, Technology Services D. Parking Enforcement in UNT Area — In response to concerns over parking violations in the UNT area, DPD is coordinating with UNTPD and its Parking Enforcement Officers to improve enforcement in the area. Staff is also considering creative solutions to add additional enforcement to the area, such as civilian public safety officers. The addition of a civilian patrol is pending funding and will be a supplemental budget request for the FYI 9-20 budget process. A formal report and timetable for action will be provided in a future Friday report. Staff contact: Chief Frank Dixon, Police E. 2020 Census Complete Count Committee Update — The 2020 Census Complete Count Committee recently met on Thursday,Feb. 27,2019. The Committee exists to communicate the value of counting every individual in the City of Denton and ensure that residents are informed and prepared to complete the census. Many federal and state agencies rely on population figures to determine funding levels, so an accurate count is critical. In pursuit of its goal, the committee established key areas for the committee to focus its efforts: students, the immigrant community, rental housing, senior citizens and the disabled, poverty and transient populations, and known geographic pockets of historical low census responsiveness. These demographic and geographic groups have been shown to be less responsive in previous censuses. The committee will continue to meet on a monthly basis with further updates provided to the City Council. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office F. Animal Services Manager Status — On Dec. 15, 2018, Customer Service Supervisor, Randi Weinberg, was placed in the position of the Interim Animal Services Manager. This position serves as the primary City representative of Animal Services, working with City leadership, Denton City Council, Denton Animal Support Foundation, Denton Animal Shelter Advisory Committee as well as other boards and commissions to further the shared goals of the City. The role also provides leadership, management, and a cohesive vision for the staff, board, City, community partners, sponsors, and all others that work with the City's Animal Services. Over the last few months, Randi has led the operation through dozens of improvements and shifted the entire environment with daily involved management. Effective March 9th, Randi's status will change to the permanent Animal Services Manager. Staff contact: Tiffany Thomson, Customer Service G. Inclement Weather Policy — During Concluding Items on Feb. 26, Council Member Briggs inquired if Council could discuss an inclement weather policy for organizations requesting to use City facilities during inclement weather. Staff is currently working on drafting a policy that would formalize the current Inclement Weather Plan, recommend some changes based upon experience, and address a process and guidelines for non-profit organizations to request use of a facility and room during inclement weather with a waiver of fees. This item will likely be brought forward to City Council in late April or May. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs H. Social Services/DCTA Mapping Tool Update-After posting the interactive Social Services/DCTA Map, there were follow-up questions regarding a print option. As a part of the interactive features of the tool, ARCGIS does allow the user to print, zoom, and filter. For other community resource lists available to citizens in need, Community Development maintains a list of agencies currently funded by the City of Denton. That list is sorted by type and includes both a link to the agency's website and contact phone number. A printable pdf has been added, https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/government/departments/community- development. For making referrals to community resources, Community Development staff utilize the United Way of Denton County's comprehensive Community Resources Directory https://www.unitedwaydenton.org/FindHelp or other existing community resource lists for target needs like the Denton County Homeless Coalition's resource list for people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness https:Hendhomelessnessdenton.com/experiencing-homelessness/. A link has been added on the Community Development pages to the United Way's printable directory under Helpful Resources, "Find Help Now!" hgps://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/government/departments/community- development. Staff Contact: Dani Shaw, Community Development I. Mobile Home Building Standards —On Feb. 5, 2019, Council member Hudspeth requested information on if the City has manufactured/mobile home building standards criteria, particularly for parking. The City of Denton currently has regulations regarding manufactured homes in Chapter 35 Subchapter 9 of the Development Code. This subchapter requires all new mobile home parks to petition the City for a specific use permit. Technical Standards are listed under Section 35.9.6 of the Development Code including a parking requirement of a minimum of two off-street parking spaces for each manufactured home. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulates mobile home construction under the National Manufactured Home Construction Standards established in 1976. These regulations ensure that mobile homes are more durable, energy efficient and fire resistant. The City of Denton does not have additional regulations related to the construction of mobile homes beyond that of the HUD. Staff contact: Richard Cannone, Development Services J. Termination of Sall�ty's Incentive Agreement—Sally Beauty has announced that it will close its property at 3900 Morse Street by March 31,2019. In 2016,the City Council approved an incentive for the renovation of 3900 Morse Street. The agreement provides a 50 percent tax rebate on the increased value attributed to the improvement of the existing facility, with minimum thresholds for employment and wages at the facility. Sally Beauty has received one grant payment of$542 to date. Conditions of the grant include that the improvements shall be operated and maintained for the purposes set forth in the agreement, and that Sally Beauty must occupy the improvements continuously for the term of the grant. Since Sally Beauty will be closing 3900 Morse Street, the City will terminate the grant. Staff sent the attached letter to Sally Beauty on February 27th. Staff contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development K. Waze Connected Citizens Program — The City of Denton has announced a data- sharing partnership with the driving platform Waze (www.waze.com). Designed as a free, two-way data share of publicly available traffic information, the Connected Citizens Program promotes greater efficiency, deeper insights, and safer roads for Denton residents. As a part of this program, the City will provide real time construction and road closure data to Waze to give Denton drivers one of the most thorough overviews of current road conditions available. The attached press release was issued on Feb. 25,2019 regarding this partnership. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs L. UNT Campus Safety — Several residents have expressed concerns about on campus safety at UNT. While the DPD does not patrol the UNT campus, it takes the safety of the UNT students, faculty and staff very seriously and cooperates closely with UNTPD to promote safety and security on the UNT campus and its surrounding areas. This cooperation includes frequent meetings to exchange information, joint enforcement in areas adjacent to campus, and collective outreach to the community such as "Coffee with a Cop"and other activities. Staff will provide more information in a future Friday report on how both departments collaborate to promote public safety. Chief Frank Dixon, Police M. Safe Routes to School Update — Denton has two federal grants to construct sidewalks near four Denton ISD elementary schools. Sidewalks near the Pecan Creek Elementary and Wilson Elementary schools are being funded through a Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality(CMAQ) grant. Project design is scheduled to begin in March. Sidewalks near Ginnings Elementary and Lee Elementary schools are being funded through the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA)grant program.Project design is scheduled to begin in May. Both projects were delayed by late changes to the agreements between the City and TxDOT but are now progressing according to their revised schedules. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects N. Impacts of Converting Avenue A to One-Way— Capital Projects staff have met with Fire, Police, UNT, and DCTA representatives to discuss this option. While there are some concerns from each, all parties feel that converting a portion of Mulberry Street and Avenue A to a one-way street is a feasible option. DCTA would require that their transit vehicles could continue to make the turns from Hickory Street to Welch Street and Mulberry Street to Avenue A. The Fire Department had no issues provided the required minimum widths (20 feet clear for fire lane) are provided for fire trucks. Overall, the transition of Avenue A to a one-way orientation would enhance traffic calming in that area and protect pedestrians. The conceptual plan has been distributed to a number of Fry Street area business but we have not received any feedback. The City has scheduled a public meeting for the Hickory Street project at 6 p.m., Thursday, March 7, at Voertman's Book Store (1314 W. Hickory St.). In addition to discussion regarding the project's status and requests for feedback on alternatives for bike lanes, staff will also present options regarding possible traffic flow changes on Mulberry Street and Avenue A. Additionally, if Avenue A and Mulberry Street are converted to one-way we can accommodate on-street(parallel)parking on the south side of Mulberry Street and diagonal parking on the east side of Avenue A for an additional 24 parking spaces. These spaces would be a comparable replacement for the loss in parking spaces along Hickory Street if the bike lanes were installed by removing the existing parking on the south side. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects O. Update on Gibbons Creek Power Plant — The Gibbons Creek power plant was taken out of service on September 19, 2018. On December 21, 2018, the Texas Municipal Power Agency filed a request with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas(ERCOT)to place the 470-megawatt power plant into indefinite"mothball" status. On Jan. 17, 2019, ERCOT stated that it "has completed its reliability analysis and has determined that this Generation Resource is not required to support ERCOT transmission system reliability and may suspend operation...the Generation Resource will be mothballed indefinitely beginning June 1, 2019." ERCOT's reliability analysis for Gibbons Creek is attached to this report. The Texas Municipal Power Agency (TMPA) and its members continue to pursue options to efficiently and cost effectively decommission/retire the power plant. Staff contact: George Morrow P. Election Day and Early Voting Polling Locations — During the Individual Consideration portion of the March 5 City Council meeting,the City Council will consider approval of a resolution authorizing Early Voting locations and establishing Election Day polling locations for the City of Denton's 2019 municipal election. The agenda item includes two resolutions for the City Council to consider: • Option 1 would authorize two polling locations per City Council District on Election Day(outlined in the table below)and agree to the three Early Voting locations identified by Denton County, including the Denton Civic Center, Denton County Elections Office, and the University of North Texas Greek Life Center. • Option 2 would authorize two polling locations per City Council District on Election Day(outlined in the table below),name a third Election Day polling location in City Council District 3, and agree to the three Early Voting locations identified by Denton County, including the Denton Civic Center, Denton County Elections Office, and the University of North Texas Greek Life Center. District Proposed 2019 Polling Locations MLK Recreation Center 1 Pecan Creek Elementary 2 North Branch Library DISD Annex North Lakes Recreation Center 3 Fire Station 7 Denia Recreation Center 4 LA Nelson Elementary Additional information will be included in the March 5 City Council agenda, which will be posted on March 1 by 5:00 p.m. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, City Manager's Office Q. IH35E North Bound Main Lane Exit to US77/Dallas Drive Closure — Weather permitting, the IH35E North bound Exit to US77/Dallas Dr. will be closed for the removal of an existing large overhead exit sign. This closure will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., this Saturday, March 2, 2019. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Public Affairs R. Radio Tower in McKenna Park—In last week's Friday Report,staff gave an update about the radio tower located in McKenna Park that had a white strobe light flashing overnight, rather than the usual red. The light on the top of the tower is now completely out and is not flashing white or red.An additional notice has been filed with the FCC and FAA regarding non-functioning light on top of the tower. Verizon has completed the bid process for a new advanced LED system and a PO has been issued. The lighting system is expected to ship during the second week of March, and installation will begin soon after the equipment is received. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, Public Affairs S. Simple Average vs. Weighted Average vs. Median Wage Information in Economic Development Incentive Applications —This information is a follow-up to a previous City Council request regarding simple average vs. weighted average wage used in for economic incentives. Subsequently, Council requested a comparison of the average wage and the median wage. Denton County's simple average hourly wage is $22.07, and its median hourly wage is $17.79. Both average and median wages are sourced from JobsEQ, the department's wage data resource. The simple average hourly wage is determined by adding the hourly wages for all job types and then dividing by the number of job types. The weighted average wage is calculated by multiplying the number of jobs of a specific type by the corresponding hourly wage, adding those results, and dividing 100. The median hourly wage calculates the central tendency against outliers (low and high), by ordering the numbers from lowest to highest and finding the middle number. Using the recent Tyson project as an example,we add the hourly wages of$45.40 (management), $29 (maintenance technicians), $22 (management support/clerical), and$20 (forklift operators/warehouse)and divided by 4 to reach the simple average of$29.10. The weighted average wage of$24.82 is calculated this way: ((13*45.40+ 14*29+ 13*22+60*20)/l00)=$24.82. The median hourly wage is $25.50, which is between the $22 (management support/clerical) and$29 (maintenance technicians) categories. New jobs Created Total jobs Hourly job Type/Description Wage Management 13 $45.40 Maintenance Technicians 14 $29.00 Forklift Operators/Warehouse Workers 60 $20.00 Management Support/Clerical 13 $22.00 Simple Average Wage $29.10 Median Wage $25.50 Weighted Average Wage $24.82 Staff uses the weighted average when analyzing incentive request wage data. Going forward, we will include the simple average and median wage calculations for reference. Staff Contact: Caroline Booth, Economic Development III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. No events to report. B. Community Meetings 1. Hickory Street Public Meeting — Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Voertman's Book Store(1314 W.Hickory St.); Staff Contact: Daniel Kremer, Capital Projects 2. Water Conservation and Drought Contingences—Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney St.); Staff contact: Tyler Dawson, Water 3. Neighborhood Meeting(Service Center)—Monday,March 18,2019 at 5:30 p.m. at Facilities Management (869 Woodrow St.); Staff Contact: Charlie Rosendahl 4. Denton Development Code Public Meeting — Monday, March 18, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.at Denton Civic Center(321 E.McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services 5. McKinney Street Widening Project—Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Noreen Housewright, Capital Projects 6. Denton Development Code Public Meeting—Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney St.); Staff Contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services IV. Attachments A. House Bill 2319 and Senate Bill 1066 B. Open Data Day Flyer C. 2019 Sally Beauty Grant Termination Letter D. Waze Connected Citizen Program Press Release E. ERCOT NSO Reliability Analysis Determination V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2019-035 Gas Well Notification Disclosure Requirements B. 2019-036 Active and Non-Active Gas Wells VI. Council Information A. Council Meeting Requests for Information B. Other Council Requests for Information C. Council Calendar D. Future Work Session Items E. Street Construction Report By: Parker H.B . No . 2319 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1 AN ACT 2 relating to certain coordinated county transportation authorities . 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS : 4 SECTION 1 . Section 460 . 201 ( c ) , Transportation Code , is 5 amended to read as follows : 6 ( c ) Except as provided by Sections [ C^�n] 460 . 2015 and 7 460 . 257 , a vacancy on the board of directors is filled in the same 8 manner as the original appointment to the interim executive 9 committee . 10 SECTION 2 . Section 460 . 2015 , Transportation Code , is 11 amended by adding Subsection ( d) to read as follows : 12 (d) This section does not apply to an authority described by 13 Section 460 . 252 . 14 SECTION 3 . Section 460 . 205 , Transportation Code , is amended 15 by adding Subsection ( c) to read as follows : 16 ( c ) This section does not apply to an authority described by 17 Section 460 . 252 . 18 SECTION 4 . Chapter 460 , Transportation Code , is amended by 19 adding Subchapter D-1 to read as follows : 20 SUBCHAPTER D-1 . BOARD OF DIRECTORS : CERTAIN AUTHORITIES 21 Sec . 460 . 251. DEFINITIONS . In this subchapter : 22 ( 1) "Board" means the board of directors of an 23 authority described by Section 460 . 252 . 24 (2 ) "Founding municipality" means a municipality in 86R8202 AAF-F 1 H.B . No . 2319 1 which an election was held before December 31 , 2003 , authorizing an 2 authority' s sales and use tax levy. 3 Sec . 460 . 252 . APPLICABILITY . ( a) This subchapter applies 4 only to an authority confirmed under this chapter before December 5 31 , 2003 . 6 (b ) Section 460 . 054 does not apply to an authority described 7 by Subsection ( a) . 8 Sec . 460 . 253 . COMPOSITION. The board is composed of : 9 ( 1) one member appointed by the governing body of each 10 founding municipality; 11 ( 2 ) two members appointed by the commissioners court 12 who reside in: 13 (A) an unincorporated area of the county; or 14 (B ) a municipality in the authority that is not 15 authorized to appoint a member to the board under Subdivision ( 1) or 16 Section 460 . 254 ; 17 ( 3 ) each member appointed under Section 460 . 254 , if 18 applicable ; and 19 (4 ) each nonvoting member appointed under Section 20 460 . 255 . 21 Sec . 460 . 254 . APPOINTMENT OF BOARD MEMBER BY CERTAIN 22 MUNICIPALITIES . ( a) The board may authorize the governing body of 23 a municipality to appoint one member to the board if : 24 ( 1) the municipality: 25 (A) designates a public transportation financing 26 area for the benefit of the authority under Subchapter I and enters 27 into an agreement with the authority under Section 460 . 602 ; or 2 H .B . No . 2319 1 (B) authorizes the authority' s sales and use tax 2 levy at the rate of one-half of one percent ; and 3 ( 2 ) the appointment is approved by an affirmative vote 4 of at least three-fifths of the members described by either Section 5 460 . 253 ( 1) or ( 3 ) and at least one member appointed by the 6 commissioners court . 7 (b ) The board shall adopt rules and bylaws governing the 8 appointment of a member under this section. 9 Sec . 460 . 255 . NONVOTING BOARD MEMBERS . (a) A nonvoting 10 member may be appointed to the board to represent a municipality in 11 the authority that is not otherwise authorized to appoint a member 12 to the board under this subchapter . 13 (b) A nonvoting member appointed under this section may not 14 be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum of the board. 15 ( c) The board shall adopt rules and bylaws governing the 16 appointment , number , authority, and duties of a nonvoting member 17 appointed under this section. 18 Sec . 460 . 256 . ELIGIBILITY OF ELECTED OFFICER TO SERVE ON 19 BOARD; COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT. ( a) An elected officer of a 20 political subdivision of this state who is not prohibited by the 21 Texas Constitution from serving on the board is eligible , as an 22 additional duty of office , to serve on the board. 23 (b) An elected officer of a political subdivision of this 24 state who is a board member is not entitled to receive compensation 25 for serving on the board but is entitled to reimbursement for 26 reasonable expenses incurred in performing the member 's duties . 27 Sec . 460 . 257 . VACANCY. A vacancy on the board of directors 3 H.B . No . 2319 1 is filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the 2 board under this subchapter . 3 Sec . 460 . 258 . VOTING REQUIREMENTS . Except as provided by 4 Sections 460 . 254 (a) and 460 . 602 (b ) , an action of the board of 5 directors requires a vote of a majority of the members present , 6 other than members described by Section 460 . 253 (4 ) , unless the 7 bylaws require a larger number for a specific action. 8 SECTION 5 . Section 460 . 602 , Transportation Code , is amended 9 to read as follows : 10 Sec . 460 . 602 . PARTICIPATION IN SERVICE PLAN; AGREEMENT WITH 11 MUNICIPALITY. ( a) A service plan may be implemented in an area of a 12 municipality that has not authorized the authority' s sales and use 13 tax levy if : 14 ( 1) the authorization by the municipality of the 15 authority' s sales and use tax levy, when combined with the rates of 16 all sales and use taxes imposed by other political subdivisions in 17 the municipality, would exceed two percent in any location in the 18 municipality; and 19 ( 2 ) the municipality has entered into an agreement 20 with the authority to provide public transportation services in a 21 public transportation financing area designated under this 22 subchapter in exchange for all or a portion of the tax increment in 23 the area. 24 (b ) An authority described by Section 460 . 252 may enter into 25 an agreement under Subsection ( a) ( 2 ) only if the board of directors 26 of the authority approves the agreement by an affirmative vote of at 27 least three-fifths of the members described by either Section 4 H .B . No . 2319 1 460 . 253 ( 1) or ( 3 ) and at least one member appointed by the 2 commissioners court . 3 SECTION 6 . On the effective date of this Act , the 4 composition of the board of directors of a coordinated county 5 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 6 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , is modified to conform to 7 Subchapter D-1, Chapter 460 , Transportation Code , as added by this 8 Act , as follows : 9 ( 1) the currently serving members of the board 10 appointed by a founding municipality, as that term is defined by 11 Section 460 . 251 , Transportation Code , as added by this Act , assume 12 the board positions described by Section 460 . 253 ( 1) , 13 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and continue to serve as 14 members of the board for the remainder of their terms ; 15 ( 2 ) as soon as practicable , the commissioners court of 16 a county located in the authority shall designate the currently 17 serving members of the board appointed by the commissioners court 18 who assume the board positions described by Section 460 . 253 ( 2 ) , 19 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and those members 20 continue to serve as members of the board for the remainder of their 21 terms ; 22 ( 3 ) the currently serving members of the board 23 appointed by a municipality with a population of 17 , 000 or more that 24 has not authorized the authority's sales and use tax levy assume the 25 nonvoting board positions described by Section 460 . 255 , 26 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and continue to serve as 27 nonvoting members of the board for the remainder of their terms ; 5 H.B . No . 2319 1 (4 ) as soon as practicable , the commissioners court of 2 a county located in the authority shall designate the currently 3 serving members of the board appointed by a municipality in the 4 county with a population of more than 500 but less than 17 , 000 that 5 has not authorized the authority' s sales and use tax levy who assume 6 the nonvoting board positions described by Section 460 . 255 , 7 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and the members continue 8 to serve as nonvoting members of the board for the remainder of 9 their terms ; 10 ( 5 ) any alternate members serving on the board for 11 members described by Subdivisions ( 1) - ( 4 ) of this section continue 12 to serve in that capacity; and 13 ( 6 ) the terms of all other currently serving members 14 of the board expire . 15 SECTION 7 . This Act does not prohibit a person who is a 16 member of the board of directors of a coordinated county 17 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 18 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , whose term expires under 19 Section 6 of this Act from being reappointed to the board if the 20 person is eligible under Subchapter D-1 , Chapter 460 , 21 Transportation Code , as added by this Act . 22 SECTION 8 . ( a) A rule or bylaw adopted or other action 23 taken before the effective date of this Act by a coordinated county 24 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 25 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , remains in effect as a 26 rule , bylaw, or action of the authority until superseded by action 27 of that authority. 6 H .B . No . 2319 1 (b ) The change in law made by this Act to Section 460 . 602 , 2 Transportation Code , applies to an agreement entered into on or 3 after the effective date of this Act . An agreement entered into 4 before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it 5 existed immediately before the effective date of this Act , and that 6 law is continued in effect for that purpose . 7 SECTION 9 . This Act takes effect immediately if it receives 8 a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house , as 9 provided by Section 39 , Article III , Texas Constitution. If this 10 Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect , this 11 Act takes effect September 1, 2019 . 7 By: Nelson S .B . No . 1066 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1 AN ACT 2 relating to certain coordinated county transportation authorities . 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS : 4 SECTION 1 . Section 460 . 201 ( c ) , Transportation Code , is 5 amended to read as follows : 6 ( c ) Except as provided by Sections [ C^�n] 460 . 2015 and 7 460 . 257 , a vacancy on the board of directors is filled in the same 8 manner as the original appointment to the interim executive 9 committee . 10 SECTION 2 . Section 460 . 2015 , Transportation Code , is 11 amended by adding Subsection ( d) to read as follows : 12 (d) This section does not apply to an authority described by 13 Section 460 . 252 . 14 SECTION 3 . Section 460 . 205 , Transportation Code , is amended 15 by adding Subsection ( c) to read as follows : 16 ( c ) This section does not apply to an authority described by 17 Section 460 . 252 . 18 SECTION 4 . Chapter 460 , Transportation Code , is amended by 19 adding Subchapter D-1 to read as follows : 20 SUBCHAPTER D-1 . BOARD OF DIRECTORS : CERTAIN AUTHORITIES 21 Sec . 460 . 251. DEFINITIONS . In this subchapter : 22 ( 1) "Board" means the board of directors of an 23 authority described by Section 460 . 252 . 24 (2 ) "Founding municipality" means a municipality in 86R8202 AAF-F 1 S .B . No . 1066 1 which an election was held before December 31 , 2003 , authorizing an 2 authority' s sales and use tax levy. 3 Sec . 460 . 252 . APPLICABILITY . ( a) This subchapter applies 4 only to an authority confirmed under this chapter before December 5 31 , 2003 . 6 (b ) Section 460 . 054 does not apply to an authority described 7 by Subsection ( a) . 8 Sec . 460 . 253 . COMPOSITION. The board is composed of : 9 ( 1) one member appointed by the governing body of each 10 founding municipality; 11 ( 2 ) two members appointed by the commissioners court 12 who reside in: 13 (A) an unincorporated area of the county; or 14 (B ) a municipality in the authority that is not 15 authorized to appoint a member to the board under Subdivision ( 1) or 16 Section 460 . 254 ; 17 ( 3 ) each member appointed under Section 460 . 254 , if 18 applicable ; and 19 (4 ) each nonvoting member appointed under Section 20 460 . 255 . 21 Sec . 460 . 254 . APPOINTMENT OF BOARD MEMBER BY CERTAIN 22 MUNICIPALITIES . ( a) The board may authorize the governing body of 23 a municipality to appoint one member to the board if : 24 ( 1) the municipality: 25 (A) designates a public transportation financing 26 area for the benefit of the authority under Subchapter I and enters 27 into an agreement with the authority under Section 460 . 602 ; or 2 S .B . No . 1066 1 (B ) authorizes the authority' s sales and use tax 2 levy at the rate of one-half of one percent ; and 3 ( 2 ) the appointment is approved by an affirmative vote 4 of at least three-fifths of the members described by either Section 5 460 . 253 ( 1) or ( 3 ) and at least one member appointed by the 6 commissioners court . 7 (b ) The board shall adopt rules and bylaws governing the 8 appointment of a member under this section. 9 Sec . 460 . 255 . NONVOTING BOARD MEMBERS . ( a) A nonvoting 10 member may be appointed to the board to represent a municipality in 11 the authority that is not otherwise authorized to appoint a member 12 to the board under this subchapter . 13 (b ) A nonvoting member appointed under this section may not 14 be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum of the board . 15 ( c ) The board shall adopt rules and bylaws governing the 16 appointment , number , authority, and duties of a nonvoting member 17 appointed under this section. 18 Sec . 460 . 256 . ELIGIBILITY OF ELECTED OFFICER TO SERVE ON 19 BOARD; COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT. ( a) An elected officer of a 20 political subdivision of this state who is not prohibited by the 21 Texas Constitution from serving on the board is eligible , as an 22 additional duty of office , to serve on the board. 23 (b ) An elected officer of a political subdivision of this 24 state who is a board member is not entitled to receive compensation 25 for serving on the board but is entitled to reimbursement for 26 reasonable expenses incurred in performing the member ' s duties . 27 Sec . 460 . 257 . VACANCY. A vacancy on the board of directors 3 S .B . No . 1066 1 is filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the 2 board under this subchapter . 3 Sec . 460 . 258 . VOTING REQUIREMENTS . Except as provided by 4 Sections 460 . 254 (a) and 460 . 602 (b ) , an action of the board of 5 directors requires a vote of a majority of the members present , 6 other than members described by Section 460 . 253 (4 ) , unless the 7 bylaws require a larger number for a specific action. 8 SECTION 5 . Section 460 . 602 , Transportation Code , is amended 9 to read as follows : 10 Sec . 460 . 602 . PARTICIPATION IN SERVICE PLAN; AGREEMENT WITH 11 MUNICIPALITY. ( a) A service plan may be implemented in an area of a 12 municipality that has not authorized the authority' s sales and use 13 tax levy if : 14 ( 1) the authorization by the municipality of the 15 authority' s sales and use tax levy, when combined with the rates of 16 all sales and use taxes imposed by other political subdivisions in 17 the municipality, would exceed two percent in any location in the 18 municipality; and 19 ( 2 ) the municipality has entered into an agreement 20 with the authority to provide public transportation services in a 21 public transportation financing area designated under this 22 subchapter in exchange for all or a portion of the tax increment in 23 the area. 24 (b ) An authority described by Section 460 . 252 may enter into 25 an agreement under Subsection ( a) ( 2 ) only if the board of directors 26 of the authority approves the agreement by an affirmative vote of at 27 least three-fifths of the members described by either Section 4 S .B . No . 1066 1 460 . 253 ( 1) or ( 3 ) and at least one member appointed by the 2 commissioners court . 3 SECTION 6 . On the effective date of this Act , the 4 composition of the board of directors of a coordinated county 5 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 6 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , is modified to conform to 7 Subchapter D-1, Chapter 460 , Transportation Code , as added by this 8 Act , as follows : 9 ( 1) the currently serving members of the board 10 appointed by a founding municipality, as that term is defined by 11 Section 460 . 251 , Transportation Code , as added by this Act , assume 12 the board positions described by Section 460 . 253 ( 1) , 13 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and continue to serve as 14 members of the board for the remainder of their terms ; 15 ( 2 ) as soon as practicable , the commissioners court of 16 a county located in the authority shall designate the currently 17 serving members of the board appointed by the commissioners court 18 who assume the board positions described by Section 460 . 253 ( 2 ) , 19 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and those members 20 continue to serve as members of the board for the remainder of their 21 terms ; 22 ( 3 ) the currently serving members of the board 23 appointed by a municipality with a population of 17 , 000 or more that 24 has not authorized the authority's sales and use tax levy assume the 25 nonvoting board positions described by Section 460 . 255 , 26 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and continue to serve as 27 nonvoting members of the board for the remainder of their terms ; 5 S .B . No . 1066 1 (4 ) as soon as practicable , the commissioners court of 2 a county located in the authority shall designate the currently 3 serving members of the board appointed by a municipality in the 4 county with a population of more than 500 but less than 17 , 000 that 5 has not authorized the authority' s sales and use tax levy who assume 6 the nonvoting board positions described by Section 460 . 255 , 7 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and the members continue 8 to serve as nonvoting members of the board for the remainder of 9 their terms ; 10 ( 5 ) any alternate members serving on the board for 11 members described by Subdivisions ( 1) - ( 4 ) of this section continue 12 to serve in that capacity; and 13 ( 6 ) the terms of all other currently serving members 14 of the board expire . 15 SECTION 7 . This Act does not prohibit a person who is a 16 member of the board of directors of a coordinated county 17 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 18 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , whose term expires under 19 Section 6 of this Act from being reappointed to the board if the 20 person is eligible under Subchapter D-1 , Chapter 460 , 21 Transportation Code , as added by this Act . 22 SECTION 8 . ( a) A rule or bylaw adopted or other action 23 taken before the effective date of this Act by a coordinated county 24 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 25 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , remains in effect as a 26 rule , bylaw, or action of the authority until superseded by action 27 of that authority. 6 S .B . No . 1066 1 (b ) The change in law made by this Act to Section 460 . 602 , 2 Transportation Code , applies to an agreement entered into on or 3 after the effective date of this Act . An agreement entered into 4 before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it 5 existed immediately before the effective date of this Act , and that 6 law is continued in effect for that purpose . 7 SECTION 9 . This Act takes effect immediately if it receives 8 a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house , as 9 provided by Section 39 , Article III , Texas Constitution. If this 10 Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect , this 11 Act takes effect September 1, 2019 . 7 CLIMATE/U11tiTIES/PUBLIC SAVVY/1rRAN5urar1A110h/SMART CITY DFW OPEN DATA DAY J.DA www.dfwopendataday.com Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world. For the ninth time In history,groups from around the world will create local events on the day where they will use open data in their communities. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government.business and civil society. WHO IS THIS FOR? EVERYONE! � r +r PEOPLE DEVELOPERS PUBLIC STATISTICS DESIGNERS SERVANTS If you have an idea for using open data,want to find an interesting project to contribute towards, learn about how to visualize or analyze data or simply want to see what's happening,then definitely come participate!Participation is a core value of Open Data Day,everyone is free to voice their opinions in a constructive manner. 0 - D Open Data Day K o$00%community organizoo evrnt by TechMill o rogistored SWIcxsl nonproM rocu►ad on building community through notwortung wont%and advcallen, 44( "` Department of Economic Development )F DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-7776 February 27, 2019 Mike Smith Vice President of Real Estate & Construction, Sally Beauty Holding, Inc. 3001 Colorado Boulevard Denton, Texas 76210 Re: City of Denton Economic Development Program Grant Agreement with Sally Beauty Supply, LLC (Ordinance No. 2017-070) Dear Mr. Smith: Sally Beauty is a valued member of Denton's business community, and the City of Denton has demonstrated this through the granting of two economic development incentives, one for the construction of the Colorado Boulevard headquarters location in 2003 and one for the renovation of the Morse Street property in 2016. All of the City of Denton's incentive agreements are performance based as well as stipulating general conditions for receipt of incentive grants.This letter is to inform you of the status of the City of Denton's Economic Development Program Grant Agreement with Sally Beauty Supply,LLC. The City of Denton's current agreement with Sally Beauty provides a 50 percent tax rebate grant on the increase in valuation attributed to improvements of existing facilities at 3900 Morse Street for a period of three years.Under the terms of the agreement,the rebate is granted if the combined assessed valuation of 3900 Morse Street and 3001 Colorado Boulevard is at least $28.6 million as determined by the Denton Central Appraisal District; and if there are a minimum of 250 employees at 3900 Morse Street with a minimum average annual wage of $51,800. Should Sally Beauty have fewer employees or provide average wages less than the minimum thresholds, the grant payment will be reduced by the percentage decrease between the actual employment/wages and the minimum thresholds. According to our calculations based on the required Certificate of Compliance submitted to the City of Denton by Sally Beauty and information from the Denton Central Appraisal District, in tax year 2018, Sally Beauty met its valuation threshold requirement but did not meet the employment and wage requirements. The company employed 177 of the required 250 jobs; and the average annual wage was $36,495 instead of the required$51,800.The payment therefore was reduced by 29.5 percent,resulting in a total payment of$542. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 0 '` Department of Economic Development DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-7776 Section I.D, LE, and I.G of the agreement refer to further conditions of the grant, including that the improvements shall be operated and maintained for the purposes set forth in the agreement, and that Sally Beauty must occupy the improvements continuously for the term of the grant. Since Sally Beauty has announced its intent to close 3900 Morse Street by March 31, 2019, the City has the right to terminate the grant. Given the above reasons, the City of Denton's Economic Development Program Grant Agreement with Sally Beauty Supply,LLC is terminated. We understand that companies must make adjustments to operations and facilities as conditions dictate. Sally Beauty has been—and continues to be—a respected member of Denton's business community. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Y- CaA w � Fcro-441 Caroline Booth Director of Economic Development CC: Todd Hileman,City Manager,City of Denton Members of the Denton City Council OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 -40 o FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DENTON Jessica Rogers • (940) 349-7531 • Jessica.Rogers@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Joins Waze Connected Citizens Program Partnership Makes Driving Through Denton Easier DENTON, TX, Feb. 25, 2019-The City of Denton has announced a data-sharing partnership with Waze (www.waze.com), the everyday driving platform that allows drivers to outsmart traffic. Designed as a free, two-way data share of publicly available traffic information, the Connected Citizens Program promotes greater efficiency, deeper insights, and safer roads for Denton residents. "The City of Denton is working hard every day to make sure that our residents are informed about ongoing construction projects and how to best navigate across Denton," said Mayor Chris Watts. "The Connected Citizen Program through Waze is an easy and free way to keep citizens in the loop about construction and closures to make their commutes smoother." "Together, with the City of Denton, we're excited to collaborate and align efforts to give people better commutes," said Thais Blumenthal de Moraes, global business development lead, Connected Citizens Program at Waze. "The Waze map evolves with every driver and data point added so through this effort, we're improving mobility on a local level." The Waze app allows residents and community members to stay informed of the latest road closures, navigate around any traffic congestion, and share real-time traffic and road information. Users of Waze are notified with real-time alerts from the app that warn them of unforeseen delays or obstacles like accidents or downed signal lights and then provides alternate routes to get users to their destination in a timely manner. In exchange for an unprecedented look at user submitted, real-time road activity, the City provides immediate government reported construction and road closure data to Waze to return one of the most thorough overviews of current road conditions available. In addition to an integration with Apple CarPlay, meaning drivers can easily access the app and a suite of Waze features directly from the car console, Denton drivers can also take advantage of Waze's Roadside Assistance features during emergency situations and be connected with police, ambulances or the fire department without leaving the app. To find out more about Connected Citizens,visit http://waze.com/ccp. To download the free Waze app for iOS or Android, visit http://www.waze.com/get. Visit www.cityofdenton.com for more news and to stay updated. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 About Waze Waze is where people and technology meet to solve transportation challenges. It's a platform that empowers communities to contribute road data, edit Waze maps, and carpool to improve the way we move about the world. Thanks to Wazers everywhere, Waze is able to partner with municipalities and transit authorities to reduce traffic and congestion—leveraging current infrastructure while impacting city planning. A world with better transportation doesn't have to be in the distant future. By harnessing the power of community to reverse negative trends in transportation, Waze can create a world where traffic is history. 2 About Waze Waze is where people and technology meet to solve transportation challenges. It's a platform that empowers communities to contribute road data, edit Waze maps, and carpool to improve the way we move about the world. Thanks to Wazers everywhere, Waze is able to partner with municipalities and transit authorities to reduce traffic and congestion—leveraging current infrastructure while impacting city planning. A world with better transportation doesn't have to be in the distant future. By harnessing the power of community to reverse negative trends in transportation, Waze can create a world where traffic is history. 3 NSO Reliability Analysis Determination Report ercot� NSO RELIABILITY ANALYSIS DETERMINATION GIBBONS CREEK GENERATING STATION - GIBCRK_GIB_CRG1 (GIBBONS CREEK JAN UARY 2019 o 2019 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. Contents Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 Purposeof Study......................................................................................................... 1 StudyBase Cases ....................................................................................................... 2 2020 SUMMER PEAK BASE CASE ........................................................................ 2 Scenarios..................................................................................................................... 3 Contingencies and Criteria Applied.............................................................................. 3 Results.........................................................................................................................3 Dynamics Consideration .......................................................................................... 3 Conclusion and Recommendation...............................................................................4 Appendix A — Load Modeled in Each Weather Zone ................................................... 5 Appendix B — East/Coast Generation in Original Cases.............................................. 5 Appendix C — Results from AC Contingency Analysis.................................................5 ©2019 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION On December 21, 2018, the City of Garland, Gibbons Creek Generating Station submitted a Notification of Suspension of Operations (NSO)for the suspension of GIBCRK_GIB_CRG1 ("Gibbons Creek"), located in Grimes County. The Resource has a maximum sustainable rating of 470 MW, and is proposed to be indefinitely mothballed.The proposed effective date for the change to indefinite mothball status for Gibbons Creek is June 1, 2019. Pursuant to a previous NSO filed on April 30, 2018, this Resource has been mothballed since October 1, 2018, and had been expected to be mothballed for a period of not less than 7 months and not greater than 8 months. Brazos — Walker Huntsv } m Bryan m ��. 1 II Gibncrek5(967) I 6p5� �A S y � l J I Ilege J atlon �g �I F(120091) 120095) FTRFTRu2 FFR15 11200 02) FTRFTRG4 FTRFTRG3 i (120094) (120093) II I I I I Navasota 1 Grime _ Washington I Montgomery Figure 1: Unit and Area of Interest PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this reliability analysis is to determine if the absence of Gibbons Creek will cause criteria violations, as described in ERCOT Protocol Section, which would not exist if the unit was available. This study analyzes whether the unit might be needed until these criteria can be met through the construction of new facilities or the implementation of Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) prior to the actual date of unavailability as specified in the NSO. ©2019 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.All rights reserved. 1 STUDY BASE CASES Based on the period documented in the NSO, the following original case was used to build the study base case: Original case: - Final reliability case developed for 2020 East/Coast Weather Zone based on 2018 Regional Transmission Plan (RTP) Scope posted on December 20, 2018 o Location: https://mis.ercot.com/pps/tibco/mis/Pages/Grid+Information/RegionaIPlanning o File name: 2018RTP 2020 SUM EC 12202018 o Status of generators in the original case is shown in the spreadsheet in Appendix B ERCOT reviewed the 2018 RTP 2020 Summer Peak East/Coast case against the latest SSWG case in order to update the system conditions to develop the following study base case based on the assumptions discussed at the kick-off meeting on 12/28/2018. 2020 SUMMER PEAK BASE CASE ■ Generation assumptions: - Pmax of each wind unit was set to the output level in the original RTP case - Pmax of each solar unit was set to the output level in the original RTP case - The following units were turned off(if not already off) in the case. There were no seasonal mothballed units in the study region. The ones listed below include non- seasonal mothballed units and units to be decommissioned: o SRB_SRBGT_2 (#110005) (Coast) o SRB_SRB_G1 (#110002) (Coast) o SRB_SRB_G2 (#110001) (Coast) o SRB_SRB_G3 (#110003) (Coast) o SRB_SRB_G4 (#110004) (Coast) o AMOCOOIL_AMOCO_5 (#110273) (Coast) o GBY_GBY_5 (#110091) (Coast) o PEARS_1 (#160071) (South/South Central) o PEARS_2 (#160072) (South/South Central) o PEARS_3 (#160073) (South/South Central) o UCC_COGN_UCC_C1 (#110721) (Coastal) o SDSES_UNIT4 (# 170091) (South Central) o SDSES_UNIT5 (# 170092) (South Central)P o BBSES_UNIT1 (# 120021) (East) o BBSES_UNIT2 (# 120022) (East) o Monticello 1 (#120031) (East) o Monticello 2 (#120032) (East) o Monticello 3 (#120033) (East) - No change was made to the DC tie assumption modeled in the original RTP case - The following generation resources close to the study area that met criteria in Planning Guide Section 6.9 were added o VictPort—Gas— 100 MW (17INR0045) o Peyton Creek Wind—Wind— 151.2 MW (181NR0018) - Generation was dispatched using SCOPF based on the cost function using PowerWorld software. ■ Planned outages: - Transmission planned outages: 0 None - Generation planned outages: 0 None ■ Load assumption: - The load was consistent with the load modeled in the original RTP case, which was set based on the methodology detailed in Planning Guide Section 3.1.7. More details can be found in Appendix A. ©2019 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.All rights reserved. 2 - Load outside of the East/Coast study region in the case was adjusted to balance load and generation due to the mothballed Gibbons Creek unit to maintain reserves consistent with the RTP case. ■ Reserve for summer peak case to allow loss of two largest units: 2800 MW ■ Slack bus was changed from WA Parish (#110015)to Martin Lake MLSES_UNIT2 (#120042) SCENARIOS Using the 2020 Summer peak case, the following scenarios were created for the N-1 (NERC P1, NERC P2.1, NERC P7, ERCOT_1, ERCOT_NonBES, and ERCOT_CCT), G-1 + N-1 (NERC P3), and X-1 + N-1 (NERC P6.2)conditions to compare the system impact of the status of Gibbons Creek. - Case 2020 Summer Peak base case - with and without Gibbons Creek. Initial System Condition Scenario 1 System Intact Scenario 2 South Texas Project- STP_STP_G offline Scenario 3 Gibbons Creek 345/138 kV Transformer offline Scenario 4 Tomball 345/138 kV Transformer offline Scenario 5 Zenith 345/138 kV Transformer offline CONTINGENCIES AND CRITERIA APPLIED AC Contingency Analysis was performed for each scenario in the case to evaluate the following contingencies: - NERC category P1, P2.1 and P7, and ERCOT double circuit contingencies for shared towers over a distance greater than 0.5 miles (ERCOT_1), single and multiple element contingencies for transmission facilities between 60 kV and 100 kV(ERCOT_NonBES) and CC train outages (ERCOT_CCT). Located in East and Coast Weather Zones, the transmission system electrically close to Gibbons Creek was monitored for the contingency analysis. The reliability analysis criteria set forth in ERCOT Nodal Protocol Section, ERCOT Evaluation, were used for the study. RESULTS The results of the AC Contingency analysis are summarized in the table below and more detailed results are included in Appendix C. Based on the study results, ERCOT concludes the following: 1) Without Gibbons Creek, there were no transmission facilities loaded above their normal rating under pre-contingency conditions for which Gibbons Creek had an unloading impact. 2) Without Gibbons Creek, there were no instability or cascading issues. 3) Without Gibbons Creek, there were no transmission facilities that were above 110% emergency loading on which the unit had more than 2% unloading shift factor and more than 5% unloading impact. Case Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 2020 SUMMER No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria No criteria PEAK exceedances exceedances exceedances exceedances exceedances DYNAMICS CONSIDERATION No dynamic stability issues are expected due to the suspension of Gibbons Creek. ©2019 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.All rights reserved. 3 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The assessment of the 2020 Summer peak case revealed no violations in the study area caused by the absence of Gibbons Creek. Accordingly, ERCOT's determination is that the absence of Gibbons Creek does not cause or exacerbate reliability concerns, pursuant to ERCOT Protocol Section, and Gibbons Creek is not required to support ERCOT System reliability. Pursuant to ERCOT Protocol Section, the Resource may be mothballed according to the schedule in the NSO. ©2019 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.All rights reserved. 4 APPENDIX A - LOAD MODELED IN EACH WEATHER ZONE 2020 Summer Peak Weather Zone Base Case MW COAST 27180 EAST 2950 FAR WEST 4337 NORTH 1316 NORTH CENTRAL 23135 SOUTHERN 6271 SOUTH CENTRAL 11941 WEST 2020 TOTAL ERCOT LOAD (INCLUDING SELF- 79149 SERVE LOAD APPENDIX B - EAST/COAST GENERATION IN ORIGINAL CASES East/Coast Generation in RTP_Gen_Data.xlsx Original Cases APPENDIX C - RESULTS FROM AC CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS 13 Study Results 2020 SUMMER Gibbons Creek RMR ©2019 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.All rights reserved. 5 Date: March 1, 2019 ReportNo. 2019-035 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide information about the number of active and non-active gas wells in the City of Denton, and information on setback distances. DISCUSSION: During the February 5, 2019 Council Meeting, Mayor Watts asked for information concerning a survey of active and abandoned wells within Denton, and information to facilitate the discussion on setback distances. For the purposes of this report, the term "abandoned" is synonymous with the term "plugged"to distinguish wells that obtained a perm it by were not drilled, wells that did not produce any significant yields and were not developed, and sinilar situations that did not result in an actual developed well. Table 1 summarizes the current status of gas wells in the City o f Denton. "High"priority wells are those that are<300 feet from sensitive uses,"Moderate"priority are those that are >300 to 1000 feet, and"Low"priority are those that are greater than 1,000 feet. There are 290 active gas wells in the City of Denton, and 25 plugged wells. Of the 290 active wells, 60(18%) are high priority, 124(45%) are moderate priority,and 106 (37%) are low priority. Table 1. Current status of gas wells in the City of Denton(count and percentages of total activ e wells). High Moderate Low Total Active 60 18% 124 45% 106 37% 290 Plugged n/a n/a n/a 25 Setback distances Setback distances were discussed with Council during a work session on Septem ber 11, 2018. This information included information from published literature, City of Denton staff information, and legal perspectives on gas well setbacks. The following information is an excerpt from that Agenda Information Sheet provided in this work session. Setback distances for municipalities in Tarrant and Denton County In 2017, Fry, Brannstrom, and Sakinejad published an article entitled"Suburbanization and shale gas wells: Patterns, planning perspectives, and reverse setback policies" in Landscape and Urban Planning 168:9-21. The ar ticle summarizes their re search on setbacks and reverse setbacks in Tarrant and Denton County for 48 municipalities. Figure 1. below summarizes the setback and reverse setback requirements from their research. Date: March 1, 2019 ReportNo. 2019-035 Figure 1. Reverses etback distances (g ray bars) and setback d istances (black bars) in municipalities in Denton and Tarrant counties (as of February 2015). 25 20 n = 9 ! n = 48 i i 15 10 L LL 5 0 1000 1500 Reverse Setback Distances (feet) Setback Distances(feet) From Fry et. al., (2017).Suburbanization and shale gas wells: Patterns, planning perspectives, and reverse setback policies. Landscape and Urban Planning 168:9-21. Of the 48 municipalities surveyed by Fry et al., 9 use reverse setbacks to regulate how close new residential homes can be built to existing gas well facilities. Five municipalities (approximately 56%) of the reverse setback distances are 250 feet or less, and four municipalities (approximately 44%) have distances that are greater than 250 feet. However, it is important to note that direct comparisons of setback distances can be conplicated by the methods used to measure the distance. Some municipalities, for example, measure the setback distances from the wellhead to the wall of the protected structure on the adjacent land. Others m ay measure from the nearest piece of equipment to the wall of the structure, and others may measure from the site boundary of the gas well site. Denton currently nrasures from the site boundary of the gas well site,which is the rest conservative approach. Additional distance is provided for the reverse setback in cases where a plat for a proposed residential subdivision exists, as the measurement in this case will be from the boundary of the gas well developm ent site plan to the closest lot line of any undeveloped lot. Taking this measurement method into consideration,Denton has one of the more stringent reverse setbacks in the area f or this particular type of reverse setback. Denton is also one of the two municipalities in the survey that require developers to note the location of existing wells within a specified distance on the deed, plat, or site plan. In terms of standard setback distances,30 (approximately 62.5%) ofthe 48 municipalities surveyed have setback distances that are 600 feet or less, while 18 (37.5%) have setback distances that are greater than 600 feet. Of those that are grea t than 600 feet, the most common setback distances is 1,000 feet. As outlined above, the m ethod of measuring the setback distance can have an influence on the true separation distance. Date: March 1, 2019 Report No. 2019-035 City of Denton Staff conducted a survey of setback distances and were able to collect information from 38 municipalities in the Dallas Fort-Worth metroplex. On a per citybasis,27 (approximately 81%)of the municipalities in the staff survey have setback distances that are 600 feet or less, while 11 (approximately 19%) have setbacks greater than 600 feet. The most common setback distance for cities in the "greater than 600 feet" category is 1,000 feet(73%), and one city within this group has a setback distance exceeding 1,000 feet (Flower Mound; 1,500 feet). Legal perspectives on gas well setbacks The first draft of the proposed Gas Well Ordina nce amendments was revealed before the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 40 ("HB 40"). HB 40 was adopted in reaction to th e Frack Ban Ordinance that Denton citizens approved at a November, 2014 election. The Legislature reacted to the Frack Ban Ordinance by adopting HB 40. HB 40 was the Legislature's pronouncement that the State of Texas, and not Texa s cities, has exclusive jurisdiction over the regulation of oil and gas operations. Most of the regulatory authority exercised by Texas cities, including Denton, was stripped away. Despite this, the T exas Municipal League was able to successfully lobby the Legislature to provide cities with limited regulatory authority, provided that such city regulations meet a strict four-part test. In summary, (1)municipalities can only regulate surface activities of oil and gas operations; (2)regulations must not effectively prohibit any operations; (3)regulations must not be otherwise preem pted by state or federal law; and (4)regulations in ust be "commercially reasonable". City Staff, together with in-house City attorneys and outside le gal counsel, compared the initial draft of the Gas W ell Ordinance amendments with HB 40's f our-part test. Many ordinance provisions were recommended for deletion or revision to satisfy HB 40. One of the provisions were the setbacks to Protected Uses that new and existing oil and gas well pad sites were required to meet. HB 40 allows a city to impose "reasonable setbacks",but this term is not defined in the bill. During one of the 2015 Legislative Committee meetings concerning HB 40, there was one legislator from a West Texas city who believed that 1,000 feet was a reasonable setback for cities to use. Aside fromthis Legislator's statement,no one else proffered a reasonable setback distance. City Staff and the City's attorneys analyzed a 1,000-foot setback based onthe number and location of existing gas well pad sites, together with the residential housing growth trends within the City. Then they analyzed the proposed 1,000-foot setback against HB 40's four-part test. Finally, they analyzed the legal risk of a federal andstate constitutional"Takings Claim". The recommendation was for new gas well pad sites to meet a 1,000-foot setback from Protected Uses. Existing ga s well pad sites were recommended to meet lower setbacks distances for each new well they drilled on the existing site. A majority of Council agreed with these recommendations and adopted them as part of the 2015 Gas Well Ordinance amendments. Reverse setbacks only apply to Protected Uses when they encroach upon existing gas well pad sites. In the last few years, there has been very little drilling activity within the City, but much growth in new residential subdivision constructi on. In several cases, these new residential subdivisions have encroached upon existing gas well pad sites. HB 40 did not address residential subdivisions encroaching upon existing gas well pad sites. Thus, some Denton citizens called for increasing the current reverse setback distance to 1,000 feet or greater. Date: March 1, 2019 ReportNo. 2019-035 Even though FIB 40 did not address, and does not ap ply to, reverse setbacks, there are still legal risks associated with increasing the reverse se tback distance higher than 250 feet. Currently, a 250-foot ring is m easured around the boundary of an existing gas well pad site. A surface developer cannot develop any residential lots or homes within the 250-foot ring. Increasing the ring outward to 1,000 feet yields ahigher acreage amount of unbuildable land. As a result,property owners of large tracts of la nd, real estate prof essionals, and builders voiced their oppositions during public hearings and via emails to increasing the reverse setback distance beyond 250 feet. They claimed that larg e reverse setbacks woul d prevent them from developing their land to construct residential subdivisions. Several claimed in public that increasing the reverse setback would make a greater case for a federal and state constitutional"Takings" claims against the City. After further legal analysis, the City's attorneys recommended that the reverse setback remain at 250 feet. A majority of Council agreed and adopted a 250-foot reverse setback as part of the 2015 Gas Well Ordinance amendments. The risks as sociated with mandating a larger dis tances for reverse setbacks include litigation and risks for legislative preemption, which would likely be driven by real estate, development, land owner, and mineral interests. Staff will be glad to provide any additional information upon request. STAFF CONTACTS: Kenneth Banks General Manager of Utilities 940.349.7165 Kenneth.B ankskcityofdenton.com Aaron Leal City Attorney 940.349.8376 Aaron.Lealkcityofdenton.com Date: March 1, 2019 Report No. 2019-036 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: At the Dec. 4, 2019 Council meeting, during concluding items, Council member Meltzer asked for a staff report of the feasibility of adopting and enforcing gas well notification disclosure requirements for new occupants of dwellings located within 1,000 feet of a gas well pad site. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There are currently several means for property owners to receive notification of their proximity to gas wells. An annual,proactive approach was developed by staff and presented to the Committee on Citizen Engagement, but staff received no subsequent direction on this issue. There is also an ongoing effort for to create an opt-in notification option similar to the CodeRed system for gas well activities. BACKGROUND: Staff received an inquiry from City Council regarding the feasibility of adopting and enforcing gas well notification requirements for new occupants of dwellings within 1,000 feet of a gas well pad site. Information was presented regarding gas well notifications to the Committee on Citizen Engagement (COCE) in October 2018 and the agenda backup is attached. At that meeting the current notification process for gas well site plans, changes in property ownership, and information available on the website was discussed. Additionally, staff presented an option for annual mailings to properties within 1,000 feet to inform them of the information and tools available on the website,however staff did not receive direction from the COCE to move forward with that option. Currently, individuals are notified of gas well proximity in the following ways: • Operators are required to send public notifications to surface property owners within 1,000 feet during gas well site planning. • New owners are notified during the purchase of property that has been platted within 1,000 feet of a gas well production site. • Operators are required to send written notices of activities to properties within 1,000 feet of a gas well production site. • Information is posted on website on the Gas Well Inspections page, including the notice of activities and a gas well locator map with inspection reports by well site. • Staff is also working on the creation of an opt-in notification on the website for the notice of,gas well activities. Individuals that opt-in would receive an email when a new notice of activities is uploaded. Notices to renters are more difficult because the City is not informed when new tenants lease a rental property. An option for notifying these tenants is to mark addresses within 1,000 feet of gas wells through the utility billing system, flagging those addresses to provide notification of Date: March 1, 2019 Report No. 2019-036 the proximity to gas wells at the opening of a new utility account. However, not all tenants sign up for an individual utility billing account as some utilities are handled by the property owner/manager. If City Council directed staff to move forward with exploring this option further, staff would work to develop policies, guidelines, standard operating procedures, and further logistics such as staff time or costs. CONCLUSION: While there are options for property owners to receive gas well notifications, proactive notifications on a regular basis will require further analysis to develop policies and assess staff time and costs. ATTACHMENT(S): Gas Well Notification information presented to COCE STAFF CONTACT: Charles Rosendahl Business Service Manager, Development Services 940-349-8452 Charles.Rosendahl&cityofdenton.com City of Denton City Hall 215 E.McKinney Street DENTON Denton,Texas www.cityofdenton.com AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Public Affairs CM/DCM/ACM: Bryan Langley DATE: October 9, 2018 SUBJECT Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding gas well communications and notifications. BACKGROUND The City of Denton is located atop the eastern edge of the Barnett Shale. As a result, numerous gas wells have been drilled within the city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction. The City of Denton's first Gas Well Ordinance was adopted in December of 2001 as part of the zoning code and subdivision and land development code. Since its adoption, the City has amended its Gas Well Ordinance from time to time to address land-use compatibility concerns for gas well drilling and production activities and to reconcile the local ordinance with state law. The current ordinance (Attachment 2) governing Gas Well Drilling and Production is 2015-233 which was adopted August 4, 2015. At the September 11, 2018 City Council meeting, staff presented a work session on the history of gas well ordinances and setback requirements. During this meeting, Council requested if gas well communications and notifications could be discussed at the next Committee on Citizen Engagement(COCE)meeting. DISCUSSION The following outlines current notifications required by Ordinance 2015-233 from operators and developers, as well as additional communications and information the City has made available through the City's website. Notifications Required by Ordinance 1. Operator Notifications: Per ordinance 2015-233,the Operator is required to follow a series of public notification steps(outlined in Attachment 3). The types of notifications are summarized below: Written Notifications • At least 20 days prior to filing a Gas Well Development Site Plan application,notify each surface property owner within 1,000 feet of the site by US mail. • At least 20 days prior to filing a Gas Well Development Site Plan application, publish a notice in the Denton Record Chronicle for 10 consecutive days. • No later than five days after filing a Gas Well Development Site Plan application, place a sign of no less than three feet by three feet in size at the proposed location. • For activities that include drilling, completing or re-completing, plugging and abandonment (P&A), activity that requires removal of the wellhead, or seismic exploration not involving explosive charges, the operator is required to provide written notice to all dwellings within 1,000 feet of the boundary of the site between 10-30 days from the start of the activities. This notification is sent through the US mail. Signage • A sign must be posted at the entrance of the site when the operator will be drilling, completing or re-completing, P&A, or any other activity that requires removal of the wellhead. The sign must include the date and time activities begin, and 24-hour contact information. • A sign shall be displayed on each side of the fence surrounding the site notifying the public that it is a gas well drilling and production site with site specific information and safety notices. Emergency Notification • Immediate notification to the City of fires, blowouts, release of hazardous materials, injury, or other incident outside normal operating procedures. 2. Developer Notification Requirements: For a Plat that proposes single- or multi-family residential lots that will be within 1,000 feet of one or more Drilling and Production Sites, except for those Drilling and Production Sites and their subsurface mineral interests which are eliminated through plugging and abandonment, the Developer shall be required to provide all of the following disclosure notifications to all lot purchasers as summarized below: • A note shall be placed on the Plat identifying the site and those proposed lots that are within 1,000 feet of the site. The note includes a statement that advises lot purchasers of the existence of producing wells on the site and the potential that new wells that may be drilled and fracture stimulated on the site, as well as the possibility that the site may be re-drilled and/or re-fractured in the future. • There shall be depicted on the Plat, and on a lot survey submitted as part of a building permit application, the location of the Drilling and Production Site(s) in relation to the lots that are within 1,000 feet of a Drilling and Production Site(s). • Include a provision in the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants that advises lot purchasers of the existence of producing wells on the site. • A Notice document that advises lot purchasers of the existence of producing wells on the drilling sites that is recorded with the Denton County Clerk's Office. Additional Information Provided by the City Per the Ordinance, in addition to mailing written notices to all dwellings within 1,000 feet of the boundary of the site between 10-30 days from the start of the activities, operators are required to report Notice of Activities to the City for inspection. Activities that require reporting to the City are Site Preparation, Drilling, Completion,Rework/Workover, Setting Surface Casing, and General Maintenance. Once the City receives notification, the notice is posted in the Notification of Gas Well Activity portal that is found on the Gas Well Inspections page of the City's website. Also found on the Gas Well Inspections page is a tool created by staff and revised in spring 2018 called the Gas Well Locator Map which shows the location of all gas wells. Once inside the map, users can type in their address and choose a search radius to find out how many gas well sites are in the vicinity. The map also provides information on an individual-well basis, including operator info, permits issued, status of the well, and reports from inspections performed by the City and its contractor, Modern Geosciences. Reports from the contractor are formatted to include a cover letter with any action items noted, inspection results, photographic documentation, and a padsite map. Technology Services will investigate if current software, or software planned to be purchased for development and permitting, could provide the functionality to allow residents the ability to enable notifications through the website for any activity at a chosen gas well site. The online availability of gas well information was recently highlighted in both the June/July 2018 Resident Update and the October/November 2018 Resident Update. An additional gas well article is scheduled for an upcoming edition of the Citizen Connection, the newsletter that is included in all utility bills. A quick link was also recently added from the main page of the City's website to the Gas Well Inspections page for easy navigation and increased awareness. Staff has also received a citizen suggestion to develop a video explaining and demonstrating the various resources and features on the Gas Well Inspections website page and a video presenting an overview of what the Gas Well Inspections Division does. Staff agrees this would be a helpful resource and will work on developing a video. Emergency Notifications Residents are also encouraged to sign up for the City of Denton's CodeRed system. CodeRed signups are promoted through a quick link on the City's homepage, social media posts, a feature graphic in the August/September 2018 Resident Update, and handouts during Denton Public Safety Day and other information tables throughout the year. In addition to notifying the public during severe weather updates and other emergencies, staff is able to utilize this system in case of a gas well emergency. In the event of a gas well emergency, staff is able to identify the well site on the map and capture anyone signed up for CodeRed within a specified boundary. Public Safety can send out the necessary information to the residents directly affected. Additional Option In addition to increased promotion and awareness of the tools available online through the City's website, staff has drafted another option for discussion to send an annual notification targeted to residents that are within 1,000 feet of a Gas Well site. The letter would serve to simply notify residents that they are located near a gas well, and explain the online resources for them to be able to gather additional information. Attachment 5 is a map showing the 3,389 intercepted parcels of land that fall within those parameters. Within these parcels, staff would gather mailing information for both the property owners on file with the County and tenant information from utility billing in an effort to send the letter to both parties. Although this would capture a majority of the addresses, it does not guarantee that every single address may receive. The estimated cost of mailing this one-page letter via regular U.S. mail based upon the estimated amount of addresses is $4,500 to $5,500, but could vary depending on the format of the notice, postage rates, and mailing services. Legal Considerations In previous discussions, City Council Members have asked whether or not the City could require operators and developers to provide notice to residents beyond 1,000 feet of a gas well site. Staff believes that the City could not impose additional notification requirements on operators or developers by local ordinance under the current state legislation without being challenged by operators and developers. STRATEGIC PLAN RELATIONSHIP The City of Denton's Strategic Plan is an action-oriented road map that will help the City achieve its vision. The foundation for the plan is the five long-term Key Focus Areas (KFA): Organizational Excellence; Public Infrastructure; Economic Development; Safe, Livable, and Family-Friendly Community; and Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship. While individual items may support multiple KFAs, this specific City Council agenda item contributes most directly to the following KFA and goal: Related Key Focus Area: Safe, Liveable & Family-Friendly Community Related Goal: 4.2 Seek clean and healthy neighborhoods in Denton EXHIBITS 1. Agenda Information Sheet 2. Gas Well Drilling and Production Ordinance 2015-233 3. Gas Well Notification Requirements Per Ordinance No. 2015-233 4. Gas Well Notifications Requirements for Plats Per Ordinance No. 2015-233 5. Gas Well Notifications Map for Letter Option Respectfully submitted: Sarah Kuechler Director of Public Affairs Prepared by: Stuart Birdseye Management Analyst GAS WELL INSPECTIONS DIVISION O.— yx ,0 41%,1100M DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Phone:(940)349-8372 1 Web:www.citvofdenton.com/gaswellinspections DENTON GAS WELL NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS PER ORDINANCE NO. 2015-233 Applications: • At least 20 days prior to filing a Gas Well Development Site Plan application,the Operator shall notify each surface property owner within 1, 000 feet of the site. o Notification will be by US mail with proper addresses & postage. o The notice shall identify the Operator and give the address and phone number of the Operator's representative, an internet link for information on the proposed request, and contact numbers for City staff(940-349-8372). • At least 20 days priorto filing a Gas Well Development Site Plan application,the Operator shall also publish a notice in the Denton Record Chronicle for 10 consecutive days. o An affidavit by the printer or publisher of the newspaper indicating publication of the notice shall be filed with the application and will be prima facie evidence of such publication. o The notice shall identify the Operator and give the address and phone number of the Operator's representative, an internet link for information on the proposed request, and contact numbers for City staff(940-349-8372). • No later than five days after filing a Gas Well Development Site Plan application, the Operator shall erect a sign, no less than three feet by three feet, upon the premises for which the Gas Well Development Site Plan was proposed. o The sign shall be located in a conspicuous place or places upon the property at a point near the right-of-way adjacent to such property. o The sign shall state "A Gas Well Development Site Plan has been requested, which if approved, would authorize the drilling of multiple gas wells for this site." o The sign shall further set forth that additional information can be acquired by telephoning the Operator at the number indicated on the sign. o The sign shall remain at the site for the duration of the Gas Well Development Site Plan. General Notice: • Electronic notice to the City (https://www3.cityofdenton.com/gaswellactivity/) required not more than 30 days or less than 10 days from the start of the following activities: o Drilling, Workover, Completion or Re-Completion, P&A, any other activity that requires removal of the wellhead, and seismic exploration not involving explosive charges • Surface Casing—Electronic notice to the City(https://www3.cityofdenton.com/gaswellactivity/)within 24 hours of setting surface casing Page 1 of 2 GAS WELL INSPECTIONS DIVISION I��.• �, ;. 41%,1100M DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ` Phone:(940)349-8372 1 Web:www.citvofdenton.com/gaswellinspections DENTON ' General Notice (cont.): • Written notice to all dwellings within 1,000 feet of the boundary of the site not more than 30 days or less than 10 days from the start of the activities. Notification will be by US mail with proper addresses & postage. o Shall include where the activities will be conducted,activities in reasonable detail, duration of the activities, and the time of day that the activities will be conducted. o Shall include Operator's address and 24-hour phone number o Activities include: ■ Drilling, Completion or Re-Completion, P&A, any other activity that requires removal of the wellhead, or seismic exploration not involving explosive charges. Signage: • Notice of Activities o A sign must be posted at the entrance of the site giving the public notice of the following activities: ■ Drilling, Completion or Re-Completion, P&A, or any other activity that requires removal of the wellhead. o The sign must include: ■ Date and the time the activities will begin ■ Name, address, and 24 hour phone number • Each Drilling and Production Site o A sign shall be displayed on each side of the fence surrounding the site. The sign shall have a surface area of not less than 2% by 2% feet or more than 4 by 4 feet,shall be lettered in minimum 4-inch lettering, and shall include the following sentences: ■ "THIS IS A GAS WELL DRILLING AND PRODUCTION SITE. THIS SITE MAY BE THE SUBJECT OF FURTHER DRILLING AND PRODUCTION OR HYDRAULIC FRACTURING." o A sign reading"DANGER NO SMOKING ALLOWED." o Additional signs shall be posted on each Drilling and Production Site which contain the following information: ■ Well Identification (API) Number; ■ Operator's name,telephone number, and business mailing address; ■ Address of Drilling and Production Site; ■ The number for emergency services (911); ■ The telephone number of the City' s Gas Well Division (940-349-8GAS); and ■ The telephone number of the TCEQ's Regional Office. Page 2 of 2 GAS WELL INSPECTIONS DIVISION 0�.• �, ;. 41%,1100M DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ` Phone:(940)349-8372 1 Web:www.citvofdenton.com/gaswellinspections DENTON ' PLAT NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS PER ORDINANCE NO. 2015-233 DENTON DEVELOPMENT CODE—SUBCHAPTER 35.16.7 Lots,Access, Common Areas and Gas Well Notification Disclosure E. Gas Well Notification Disclosure. A Plat that proposes single- or multi-family residential lots that will be within 1, 000 feet of one or more Drilling and Production Sites, except for those Drilling and Production Sites and their subsurface mineral interests which are eliminated through plugging and abandonment,the Developer shall be required to provide all of the following disclosure notifications to all lot purchasers: 1. A note shall be placed on the Plat identifying the Drilling and Production Site(s) and those proposed lots that are within 1,000 feet of the Drilling and Production Site(s). Said note shall also include a statement that advises lot purchasers of the existence of producing wells on the Drilling and Production Site(s),the possibility of new wells that may be drilled and fracture stimulated on the Drilling and Production Site(s), as well as the possibility that gas wells on the Drilling and Production Site(s) may be redrilled and/or re-fracture stimulated in the future. 2. There shall be depicted on the Plat, and on a lot survey submitted as part of a building permit application,the location of the Drilling and Production Site(s) in relation to the lots that are within 1,000 feet of a Drilling and Production Site(s). 3. A provision shall be included in the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants that advises lot purchasers of the existence of producing wells on the Drilling and Production Site(s), the possibility that new wells may be drilled and fracture stimulated on the Drilling and Production Site(s), as well as the possibility that gas wells on the Drilling and Production Site(s) may be re- drilled and/or re-fracture stimulated in the future. 4. A Notice document that advises lot purchasers of the existence of producing wells on the Drilling and Production Site(s), the possibility that new wells may be drilled and fracture stimulated on the Drilling and Production Site(s), as well as the possibility that gas wells on the Drilling and Production Site(s)may be re-drilled and/or re-fracture stimulated in the future,shall be recorded with the Denton County Clerk's Office. The form of the disclosure notifications required in Sections E.3 and EA shall be approved by the City Attorney. Page 1 of 1 1�_Illc1i.lip �■ 'tlh� ►a III 'pie r �= .- -. � �► � ,_ � tip , •�; ri _`� �' Imo` 1 t. � ■ :• • - 135 Wit Mon ����• tr I�1 _ •��°n°n�- iirl _ ME _=rw c no ope 9 !111F A aw w— IM; OIL, 35 7.1 milli • I _ 1 - � �■I► `��� � .■. 1 1 a.�=WW1■ ;� .;.��� . A u • • . �!„� .�' I�AM1111 r ML 1 �� - ���� �, — 135E • •, o M 1 • �_�- - �i Jr- �n■-i Fit IV,pop m �► 1► ��l��ttt�.l.� _ ��II ■ . -.- . ice- :� ►� ��� � ■+ jL — � � � •- -• -1, 135E �► �� •>, 1 •�Elkr � �\. 1 � r35 I� � I /r 7IV �� .. •ram�► �ri� ' e '� 1'' �iIN�►�%ND MIRA 1000ft Gas Well Buffer - Inside City Limits � all 1 1 Gas Well - 1\ • , � City Parcels Intersecting 1000ft Buffer (3,889) CITY OF ~ DENTON Development Services - GIS / 9 . Date: 9/14/2018 • r- • • -•. -• .• • •-•. • • .• • • r- • • • • • •- -• • -•. • • • - • • •• • - • - - - - • •• - - - . • - - • ••- • City Council Meeting Revision Date: Requests for Information 3/1/2019 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Department Status Requested By Update on marketing/advertising policy and naming opportunities at A work session is planned for March 19. 1 City facilities. 08/02/18 Langley/Packan Parks and Recreation Hudspeth Review of the City's agreement with the Denton Housing Authority. Community Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 2 10/16/18 Kuechler/Reinwand/Leal Development Briggs Staff report on the potential establishment of a citizens'tenant Information will be provided in the March 8 Friday report. 3 committee to advocate for renter rights. 11/13/18 Wood/Neal/Leal City Manager's Office Armintor Staff report on the feasibility of adopting and enforcing gas well notification disclosure requirements for new occupants of dwellings Information is provided in the March 1 Friday report. 4 located within 1,000 feet of a gas well pad site. 12/04/18 Leal/McDonald Development Services Meltzer Staff report on options to have curbside bulky item collection for A work session is planned for April 23. 5 commercial dumpsters. 12/18/18 Cox Solid Waste Watts Information on a potential process to notify homebuyers of the risks Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 6 associated with purchasing manufactured/mobile homes. 01/08/19 Leal/Adams City Manager's Office Meltzer Information on the implementation process for using impact fees to support community wide improvement projects by district or other key Information will be provided in the March 8 Friday report. 7 geographies. 01/15/19 Puente/Birdseye/McDonald City Manager's Office Hudspeth Future options for coordinating public events to take advantage of free parking during evenings and weekends at TWU's new parking Staff will discuss use of the new garage with TWU staff at garage.Provide pedestrian lighting and safety options to promote use Economic their March 21 quarterly meeting. g of the new parking deck. 01/15/19 Deshmukh/Booth Development Hudspeth Prepare a work session on sobering centers following the February 1 This work session request will be prioritized during the March Informal Staff Report and ensure Chief Dixon is invited to participate. Community 4 Work Session Strategy Session presentation. 9 02/05/19 Kuechler/Shaw/Dixon Development Armintor Provide a survey of the active and inactive gas wells and a policy Information is provided in the March 1 Friday report. discussion on the City's ability to determine setback distances. 10 02/05/19 Banks Utilities Administration Briggs/Watts Information on if the City has mobile home building standards criteria. If current criteria does not exist,please develop and ensure there are Information will be provided in the March 8 Friday report. 11 requirements for adequate parking. 02/05/19 Cannone/McDonald Development Services Hudspeth Prepare a staff report on the circulation pattern and road upgrade Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth/Meltzer/ 12 plans for roadways surrounding Fire Station 8. 02/12/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Armintor Report regarding the current City Council reconsideration process, including an interpretation of if the"next scheduled meeting"includes ISR on recently discussed potential Rules of Procedure Monday luncheons and any potential impacts from the 72 hour revisions will be distributed on March 8. 13 Dosting re uirement. 02/12/19 Wood/Birdseye City Manager's Office Ryan ISR on requirements to survey property owners adjacent to the PEC- 4 project regarding their willingness to allow use of right-of-way Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 14 easements for bicycle and pedestrian paths? 02/26/19 Estes Capital Projects Meltzer ommuni 15 Cold weather policies for use of municipal facilities 02/26/19 Kuechler/Shaw Development Information will be provided in the March 1 Friday report. Briggs Other City Council Information Requests Revision Date: 3/1/2019 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Department Status Requested By Staff report on rental property inspections including practices to address faulty roofs and mold and information on how other cities ensure Information will be provided in the March 8 Friday report. 1 compliance with the Tenant Bill of Rights. 11/06/18 Wood/Neal/Leal City Manager's Office Armintor Information on introducing a curbside organics/composting collection Information will be provided with the Yardwaste Business Case program,including to what extent a market can be found for the Analysis work session that is planned for late spring 2019. Z product. 11/28/18 Cox Solid Waste Meltzer Information on zoningconcern for proposed batch plant off of A status update is provided in the December 7 Friday report. p p p Development Staff will provide updates once additional information is received 3 Roselawn Drive. 11/29/18 Cannone/McDonald Services Briggs from TxDOT. 99 4 Update on the Verizon pole attachment debt. Information will be provided in a future Friday and/or Legal p p 12/03/18 Puente/Morrow/Adams DME Status report. Meltzer Update on all sidewalk projects that received Safe Routes to School Information was provided in the December 7 Friday report. funding,including Stuart to Ginnings and the area surrounding Status updates are provided in the January 25 Friday and March Woodrow Elementary. 1 reports.Staff will provide additional information on project oorow emens 5 ry• 12/05/18 Deshmukh/Estes/Oliphant Capital Projects timing following feedback from TxDOT. Briggs Information on a potential process to require re-notification of a new Information will be provided during the March 5 Denton project that is being developed where Council action was previously Development Development Code Work Session. 6 required,even if there are no changes to zoning. 12/14/18 Cannone/McDonald Services Meltzer Staff report on the legality of allowing residents to participate in public ISR on recently discussed potential Rules of Procedure hearing electronically and discuss options with the Committee on revisions will be distributed on March 8. 7 Citizen Engagement. 01/10/19 Leal/Kuechler Public Affairs Armintor/Briggs Staff report on the City of Charlotte,NC's housing bond program and Staff held a conference call with the City of Charlotte on new affordable housinglocation guidelines and the steps required to February 14.Information on Charlotte's program and programs 9 P q Community from several other cities will be provided in a future Friday s have a similar bond program in Denton. 01/27/19 Kuechler/Shaw Development report. Armintor Update on the Denton Community Market's request to reduce famers; fees and an estimate of how quickly those reduced fees could be implemented.Include information on how the farmers'fee is used and A work session is scheduled for March 26. how many farmers paid fees in 2018.Also provide information on if the occupancy permit issue with the Community Market was addressed. Economic 9 01/27/19 Booth Development Armintor/Hudspeth Information on planned Sherman Drive access for the Palladium Information on these projects will be provided during the April 1 Apartments and timing on the project to install a traffic signal at Council luncheon. 10 Poinsettia Street and Sherman Drive. 01/29/19 Deshmukh/Estes Capital Projects Briggs Provide staff feedback on the August 17,2016,Texas Houser's article entitled"How state legislators can improve fair housing compliance in Information will be provided in the March 8 Friday report. Texas"including if the Texas Department of Housing and Community Community 11 Affairs conforms with federal fair housing laws. 02/05/19 Kuechler/Shaw/Leal Development Armintor Information on potential impacts of making Mulberry and Avenue A (near Fry Street)one way,including existing angled parking and buses Information is provided in the March 1 Friday report. 12 turnip ri ht on Welch. 02/07/19 Oliphant/Deshmukh Capital Projects Briggs/Meltzer Public safety incidenticall information in the area near the intersection Information will be provided in a future Friday report.13 of Oak and F Street. 02/07/19 Dixon Police p y p Briggs Police is coordinating with UNIT and its Parking Enforcement Improve parking enforcement in the areas surrounding the UNIT Officers to improve enforcement in the area.Staff is also campus. considering creative solutions to add additional enforcement to the area,such as civilian public safety officers.A formal report 14 02/07/19 Dixon Police and timetable for action will be provided in a future Friday report.Briggs/Meltzer Staff report describing if requiring Specific Use Permits for all Information will be provided in a future Friday report. multifamily developments would be a violation of the Fair Housing Act. 15 02/09/19 Leal/McDonald/Lang City Attorneys Office Meltzer Calculate the median wage for an employer seeking an economic Economic Information is provided in the March 1 Friday report. 16 development incentive. 02/15/19 Booth Development Meltzer Other City Council Information Requests Revision Date: 3/1/2019 Request Request Date Staff Responsible Department Status Requested By Information on Evers Way Drainage Map and its impact on neighboring Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 17 properties. 02/16/19 Estes/Canizares Capital Projects Briggs Preserve tree stands on currently undeveloped Rayzor property and A work session on Rayzor Ranch Park is scheduled for April 23. 18 create a park. 02/16/19 Packan/McDonald Parks and Recreation Briggs Is the new DCTA social services map available on paper?Can we Community Information is provided in the March 1 Friday report. 19 include a master list of agencies in the list? 02/19/19 Kuechler/Shaw Development Hudspeth/Meltzer/Armintor How do we compare with other cities of the same population size in Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 20 re and to violent and non-violent crime? 02/19/19 Dixon/Smith Police p yBriggs Information on the level of effort area rental inspection programs require of landlords and their effectiveness.Clarify if only Dallas requires Information will be provided in a future Friday report. inspections,how the programs listed are self funding,and additional 21 details on the effectiveness of area programs. 02/23/19 Lahart CIS Meltzer 22 Address incomplete sidewalk on Bonnie Brae and University. 02/24/19 Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor Follow-up questions on Hickory railroad crossing:will a RFP be required to purchase the equipment?Will the new pedestrian gates block the second parallel track as well?Have there been any efforts to Information will be provided in a future Friday report. add an arm for the crossing of the parallel track for pedestrian and 23 vehicular safety? 02/24/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Armintor Concerns about the maintenance of off-campus student housing on Bayfield Drive.Concerns include code enforcement and monitoring,on- Information will be provided in a future Friday report. street parking and blocking sidewalks,future development,and future 24 development by right. 02/25/19 Wood/Lahart CIS Hudspeth Information on the potential installation of a sound buffer around the Canizares/Wood/ Development Information will be provided in the March 15 Friday report. 25 Service Center at 901 Texas Street. 02/25/19 Rosendahl Services Hudspeth March 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:30am Council 12:00 pro CC Work 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 11:00am Committee on the 11:00amDCRC Luncheon Session 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Environment 5:30pm Traffic Safety 6:30 pm CC Regular Commission Se ssio n 4:00pm Public Art Committee HLC-Cancelled 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00am Public Utilities No Council Meeting 11:00amEDP Bo a rd 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12:00 pro CC Work 9:00 am Mob ility 4:00pm IbBSCo NVbeting Session Committee 6:30pm CC Regular 5:00pm Committee on Session S:30pmP&ZRegua Session Persons with Dis abilities 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:00pm Public Utilities 10:00am Council Airport 11:00amTIF Board(TIRZ#1) Board Comm. 4:00pm ZBA 12:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 31 April 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm PH Work Session 4:00pm Public At Committee Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00a m Pub lic Utilities 1):00 am Mob ility I I:00amEDP Board Committee 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm HLC Session 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Acting 6:30 pm CC Regular :30pm P&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pm Committee on Persons With Disabilities 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6:00p m Pub lic Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Bo a rd Session 28 29 30 4:00pm ZBA No Council Meeting May 2019 1 2 3 4 5:00pm PH Work Session 4:00pm Pubic Art Committee 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 a m Mob ility 11:00am EDP Board Committee 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 1:30pm Committee on the Sc ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Im tfic Sa fe ty Commission 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5:30p m BIC 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Meting 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 5:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00pm CC Work Session I 1:00am TIF Board(TIRZ#1) Board 6:30 pm CC Regular Se ssio n 4:00pm ZBA 26 27 28 29 30 31 o Council Meeting Future Work Session Items 3/1/2019 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Work Session Location will be the 4-Mar Lunch Fire Diversity Strategy Session Animal Shelter Animal Shelter Landscape Denton Conservation Downtown Design 5-Mar Development Code Ordinance Standards Pavement Testing New Market Tax Denton 19-Mar Credits Mews Streets Development Code FY 2017-2018 CAFR Community Market Credit and Supplemental Denton 26-Mar Collections Study Request Development Code Eagle Substation 1-Apr Lunch Financial Forecast Infrastructure and Facility Capital Project Plans Development Denton 2-Apr Airport Governance Scooter Share Charity Care Policy Service Fees Development Code Integrated Pest Construction Code Special Event Employee Ethics Management DEC Noise 9-Apr Review Ordinance Update Policy Program Mitigation Enhanced Leachate Funding Options for Recirculation Gateway Signage Shelter and Business Case LED Streetlight and Design 16-Apr Homelessness Analysis Retrofit Standards Rayzor Ranch PID Home Chemical Right-of-Way Collection and Bulky Work Session Ordinance Follow- Item Business Case 23-Apr Strategy Session Traffic Signalization Up Rayzor Ranch Park Analysis Solid Waste Rate Discussion (Potentially South Lakes Park Purchasing Manual combined with 1001 Mayhill Facility Parking Lot Update Blue Zones budget) Improvements Mandatory Recycling for Commercial and Date TBD Multifamily Real Estate Policy Bell Avenue Scheduled from 10/23 Work Session Top 5 from 11/27 Work Session _____- - ---� Construction Projects Report t,�T�.lWeek of March 4-10,2019 IMPROVING T,, CIN For general inquiries and questions,please contact the Project Management Office at(940)349-7227 dfw� DENTIN DEN Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Ma'or Closures Ave.A Maple Eagle 3 19 18 3 31 19 LINT 2018 Residence Hall Project Engineering N/A Coordinate with (940)349-8910 (Both SB Lanes Closed) UNIT Ave.C Hickory Mulberry 9/24/18 3/8/19 LINT Monument Wall Public WorksUNT Project (940)349-8905 (Road Closure) Inspections Bernard St. Fannin W Chestnut 1/4/19 4/5/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Bonnie Brae St. University Linden 3/4/19 3/10/19 Sewer Line Installation Engineering (940)268-9842 (Southbound Lane Closure) Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 7/1/17 7/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 6/14/18 (940)349-8910 Vintage (Phase 1) Bowling Green St. Georgetown Auburn 1/5/19 4/10/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Carroll Blvd. Congress Egan 2/11/19 3/29/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 2/4/19 (940)349-7160 (Northbound Only Street Closure) Dallas Dr. Intersection of Teasley 11/12/18 3/8/19 Turn Lane Upgrade Streets 11/5/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Eagle Dr. Elm Carroll 1/31/19 5/31/19 Drainage and Water Improvements Drainage (940)268-9726 (Street Closure) Water City of FM 2181 Denton/Corinth Lillian Miller 7/11/17 7/1/20 Street Widening TxDOT TxDOT (940)-387-1414 City limits Page 1 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Wastewater Main Replacement, Fulton St. Congress Gregg 2/27/19 4/9/19 Street Repairs Wastewater 2/14/19 Wastewater New Project Expedited (Daily Street Closure will re-open at (940)349-7300 Start Date from 3/4/19 the end of each day) Completion Extended from Hickory St. Intersection of Welch 12/10/18 3/8/19 Atmos Utility Relocations, Atmos Atmos 2/28/19 Street (Parking Area Only) (940)205-9821 Repairs to follow 3/25/19- TBD Website&Social Hickory Creek Rd. Riverpass F Closure M 1830 2/4/19 3/15/19 Safety Improvements County Media (940)349-8910 Updated r Temporary Lane (Temporary Lane Closure) re till 3/15/19 Notifications Wastewater Main Replacement Hillcrest St. Crescent Emory3 1 19 4 25 19 New Project Expedited Start / / / / (Daily Street Closure will re-open end Wastewater 2/22/19 Website&Letters (940)349-7300 from 3/8/19 of each day) Phase I-Storm Water Improvements Hinkle Dr. University Windsor 3/1/19 3/1/20 (Magnolia Drainage Ph 11 Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 Temporary Lane Closures) Water,Wastewater Main Nextdoor Wastewater improvements Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 1/3/19 3/18/19 Water Notification,Replacement and Street Repairs ation, Water to follow 4/10/19-8/5/19 (Daily Street Closure will re-open end Door Hanger (940)349-7167 Streets Repairs 8/5/19- of each day) 1/9/20 Kings Row Yellowstone Sherman 12/26/18 4/26/19 Curb and Gutter Replacement Streets 12/7/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Laguna Dr. Yellowstone Sherman 12/17/18 4/26/19 Curb and Gutter Replacement Streets 12/7/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Street Widening Engineering 1/3/18, 1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)208-4318 (Temporary Lane Closures) McKinney St. Mack Bellaire 2/25/19 3/25/19 Street Construction Engineering 2/14/19 (940)268-9726 (Temporary Lane Closure) Drainage Improvements,Water Main Drainage Water Replacement to Mistywood Ln. Rockwood Jamestown 1/3/19 3/5/19 Replacement,Street Repairs Drainage 12/17/18 (940)349-8488 Follow 6/28/19-10/23/19 (Intermittent Street Closure) Street Repairs 10/28/19-TBD Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Mustang Dr. Sundown Palomino 3/4/19 4/5/19 Repair Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) Myrtle St. Eagle Maple 9/4/18 5/31/19 Eagle Drainage Improvements Engineering 8/21/18 Contacted DCTA (940)349-8910 (Street Closure) Page 2 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Paisley St. Ruddell Audra 1/22/19 3/29/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets 1/16/19 (940)349-7160 (No Street Parking) FM 2181 Road Widening Nextdoor Ranchman Blvd. Intersection of FM 2181 1/4/19 TBD (Road Closure on Ranchman to the TxDOT Notification, (940)349-8910 east and west of FM 2181) Electronic Signs Drainage Improvements, Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 11/26/18 3/5/19 Street Repairs Drainage 11/23/18 Door Hangers Drainage Street Repairs follow (Intermittent Street Closure) (940)349-8488 10/28/19 TBD US 377 Street Improvement Nextdoor Extended completion from Roselawn Dr. US 377 Bernard 1/7/19 3/2/19 TxDOT (940)387-1414 (Road Closure) Notification 2/23/19 Drainage Improvements, Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood 11/26/18 3/5/19 Street Repairs Drainage 11/23/18 Drainage (940) Street Repairs follow (Intermittent Street Closure) 349 8488 10/28/19 TBD Atmos Utility Relocations Completion ExtendeUTFom Scripture St. Ector Gober 2 4 19 3 15 19 Nextdoor 2/28/19 Street p / / / / (Westbound Lane Closure;Intersection Atmos (940)205-9821 at Hillcrest Closed) Notification Repairs to follow 3/25/19- Tap Base Repairs Meet with business Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow 12/3/18 3/9/19 Streets Electronic Signs (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) owners Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Silent Star Ln. WindingMontecito 2/25/19 3/29/19 Repair Streets 2/14/19 (940)349-7160 Stream (Temporary Lane Closure) Mayhill Road Widening Contacted Spencer Rd. Mayhill Bridges 4/2/18 2/26/19 (Road Closure) Engineering 3/16/2018,9/14 departments (940)208-4318 affected Springtree St. Pecan Creek McKinney 2/25/19 3/25/19 Street Construction Engineering Nextdoor (940)268-9726 (Street Closure) Notification Street Reconstruction CM Nextdoor Stuart Rd. Long Keystone 1/30/19 4/30/19 (g40)231-9963 (Street Closure) Construction Notification Street Widening US 377(Ft.Worth Dr.) IH 35E 0.26 mi south of 12/3/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures during non- TxDOT 9/25/18 Public Meeting FM 1830 10/8 (940)387-1414 peak traffic) Yellowstone PI. Kings Row Monterey 1/28/19 5/20/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 1/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Temproary Block Closures) Page 3 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes COMPLETED PROJECTS Athens Dr. Tawakoni Eagle Mountain 1/22/19 2/13/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Atlas Dr. Redstone Hercules 1/8/19 3/1/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater 12/17/18 Wastewater Expedited Completion from (Temporary Lane Closures) (940)349-7300 3/7/19 Road Reconstruction Contacted Multi- Ave.C Mulberry Oak 2/4/19 2/15/19 Streets 1/28/19 Family Residences (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) &UNT Southern dead Street Reconstruction Castle Ln. Wilsonwood end 1/3/19 2/22/19 (Street Closure) Streets 12/17/18 (940)349-7160 Forrestridge Dr. Timbergreen Rolling Hills 2/11/19 3/1/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 2/4/19 (940)349-7160 New Completion (Southbound Road Closure) Water Taps with Pavement Repairs Nextdoor Jannie St. McKinney Noble 2/25/19 3/1/19 Engineering (940)268-9726 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closure) Notification Concrete Improvements Developer Nextdoor Junipero St. Del Rey Dolores 1/21/19 2/22/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) (Lilco) Notification,Door (940)268-9726 New Completion Hanizers Wastewater Improvements Nextdoor Kendo h Ln. 1-35 Willowwood 11 26 18 3/1/19 Expedited Completion from p / / (Daily Street Closure will re-open end Wastewater N/A Notification, (940)349-7300 3/1/19 of each day) Door Hanger Lipizzan Dr. Wheeler Ridge Thoroughbred 1/22/19 3/1/19 Street Panel Repair Streets 1/11/19 (940)349-7160 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closure) McKinney St. Woodrow Jannie 12/10/18 3/1/19 Utility Improvements Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 New Completion (Temporary Outside Lane Closure) Riney Rd. N.Elm Solana 9/29/17 2/14/19 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering Yes Electronic Signs (940)349-8910 (Road Closure) Sierra Dr. Yellowstone Sherman 11/26/18 3/29/19 Curb and Gutter Replacement Streets 11/14/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Page 4 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes UPCOMING PROJECTS Water Main Replacement Street Repairs to follow- Atlas Dr. Redstone Hercules 3/19/19 5/15/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Water 12/17/18 Website&Letters (940)349 7167 Dates TBD Intersection Improvemetns Bell Ave. Intersection of McKinney 3/11/19 5/4/19 (Northbound right turn lane, Engineering 2/22/19 Website&Letters (940)349-8910 Start Date Updated from 3/1/19 temporary lane closure North South Water Main Phase 2 Start Date Updated from Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn 135E TBD TBD Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) from 2/15/19 Hercules Ln. Sherman Stuart 3/19/19 7/8/19 Water Main Replacement Water (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closure) Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 Start Date Updated from (Temporary Lane Closures) from 3/1/19 Johnson St. E.Collins E.Daugherty 5/16/19 6/27/19 Water Main Replacement Water (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closure) Kend Street Repairs oph Ln. I-35 Willowwood 4/22/19 7/4/19 Streets (940)349-7167 Start Date Updated from (Street Closure) 3/8/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Streets Repairs to follow Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 4/10/19 8/5/19 (Temporary Lane Closure) Wastewater (940)349 7300 8/5/19-1/9/20 McKinney St. Austin Oakland 3/11/19 4/22/19 Sidewalk and ADA Improvements Engineering (940)349-8910 New Project (Temporary Eastbound Lane Closure) Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Panhandle St. Carroll Bolivar TBD TBD Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) PEC 4-Engineering In Design Installing Underground Box Culvert Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 Kansas City Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Southern RR TBD TBD (Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 One Lane traffic control) Stuart Rd. Windsor Kings Row TBD TBD Concrete Curb and Gutter Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Page 5 of 6 Proposed Date Proposed Date Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To of Construction of Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets (940)349-7160 Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 10/1/2019 10/1/2021 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Bonnie Brae Phase 2) Page 6 of 6