051719 Friday Staff Report I;' "` City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. No - Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, May 20, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 2. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, May 20, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday,May 21,2019 at 11:30 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. 4. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board Meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday,May 22,2019 at 2:30 p.m.in the City Manager's Conference Room. 6. Hotel Occupancy Tax and Sponsorship Committee on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 1:00 p.m in the City Council Work Session Room. 7. Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. B. Upcoming Events None OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. DCTA Board Composition Update — Senate Bill 1066 (attached) received a unanimous, final passage from the Texas Legislature on May 3,2019 and was sent to the Office of the Governor for signature on May 8. The bill defines the Denton County Transportation Authority Board composition as including one appointment from each founding municipality,two appointments from the Denton County Commissioners Court, and one member for each additional municipality that contributes certain public dollars toward DCTA. The bill becomes effective when signed by the governor, or ten (10) days after it is sent to the Office of the Governor. S.B. 1066 is expected to become effective on Saturday, May 18, 2019. Staff has included a work session presentation and individual consideration item to the May 21 Council meeting agenda to discuss the new legislation and nominate the City of Denton's primary DCTA board representative and alternate. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs B. Keep Denton Beautiful Program Manager — Keep Denton Beautiful (KDB) Program Manager Julie Anderson has accepted a job with the City of Austin Transportation Department working on their Transportation Demand Management team. Julie came to the City as the first "bike Czar" and helped to implement the Bike Plan; she took over the KDB Program Manager role in January 2018. Her last day with the City is May 30. Katherine Barnett will be stepping in to assist with KDB day to day operations. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability C. Denton Community Market at the Civic Center this Weekend — The Denton Community Market will hold its weekly Farmers' and Art Market at the Denton Civic Center on Sunday, May 19a', from 1p.m. —5p.m. The Market was moved to the Civic Center due to forecasted rain on Saturday. This is the second time the City of Denton has hosted the Market due to inclement weather. The Parks and Recreation Department will provide information to City Council on Tuesday,May 21, 2019, during a work session on the use of the Civic Center during inclement weather. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks and Recreation D. Funding for Denton Community Market — Over the past several days, staff has received inquiries regarding current funding levels at the Denton Community Market. The City has not changed its current year funding commitment for the Community Market. For Fiscal Year 2018-2019,which will end on September 30, 2019, City of Denton funding contribution for the Denton Community Market totals $41,150. This total includes $25,000 in Hotel Occupancy Tax funds and a $16,150 contribution from the General Fund. The Denton Community Market's 2019 budget is$121,252—City funding comprises 34%of the Denton Community Market's current year budget. The Denton Community Market has made a funding request to the City for the next fiscal year, FY 2019-2020, which was presented to City Council on April 9. City Council directed staff to have the Hotel Occupancy Tax & Sponsorship Committee consider that request through their funding application review process. On April 30, the Hotel Occupancy Tax & Sponsorship Committee reviewed Denton Community Market's FY 2019-2020 request for$108,191 of City funding 2 to cover staff salaries and payroll taxes, performers, and portable restrooms. The Hotel Occupancy Tax & Sponsorship Committee will consider this funding request along with all other funding applications during their May 23 meeting. The Committee's funding recommendations will then be brought to the City Council for their consideration later this summer as a part of the FY 2019-2020 budget preparation and adoption process. Attached is a table outlining the City of Denton's funding contributions to the Denton Community Market over the past several fiscal years. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, City Manager's Office E. Citizens Bond Advisory Committee — The Special Citizens Bond Advisory Committee(CBAC) for the 2019 Bond election was formally established on April 23. CBAC appointments have been made during the April 23 and May 7 City Council meetings. There are currently five open committee seats, the attached document outlines which elected officials have remaining committee vacancies. Each elected official can appoint up to two CBAC members. CBAC appointments have been added to the May 21 agenda with the goal of having all seats filled by the committee's first meeting on May 30. Staff will share new CBAC applications with you prior to the May 21 City Council meeting. While meeting dates and times may be revised based on the availability of the committee, the current plan is for the CBAC to meet on a weekly basis on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m., starting with their May 30 meeting through the end of July. The May 30 CBAC meeting will take place in Public Safety Training Room C, located at 719 E. Hickory Street. Planned agenda items include an overview of the committee's purpose, naming of a committee chair and co-chair, reviewing high-level details of the projects being considered for bond funding,and discussing the$210 million total cost. During subsequent meetings,the committee will focus on key categories of projects being considered for funding including public safety facilities, major roadway projects, local street improvements, streetlights, sidewalks, and parks and open space. Staff will work with the committee to ensure a final report including bond propositions is ready for Council review and consideration by July 26. Finance Director David Gaines will serve as the primary staff contact for CBAC and matters related to the proposed 2019 bond program. Below is current bond election timeline: • May 21: Additional appointments (as needed) • May 30: First CBAC meeting • June/July: Weekly committee meetings • July 26: Final report council; establish bond propositions • Aug. 19: Deadline to call November election • October: Early voting begins • Nov. 5: Election Day Staff contact: David Gaines, Finance F. Tax Freeze Updates—Staff was recently asked to provide an update on the revenue impacts of the tax freeze. The tax freeze resulted in approximately $700,000 in lost revenue during its first year of implementation, tax year 2018. Based on 3 preliminary appraised values for 2019, there are approximately 7,484 residences that have become eligible over the last two years of the freeze and project lost revenue of$1.1 million for tax year 2019. Staff contact: David Gaines, Finance G. United Way Second Quarter Report on Homelessness Initiatives — The United Way of Denton County(UWDC)has provided the Second Quarter(Q2) reporting through March 31, 2019 for Homelessness Initiative Outcome Measures set by the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the UWDC. Some Q2 highlights include: • The Housing Navigator has launched the community's landlord initiative in January resulting in recruiting local landlords to offer 10 units in Q2 to people experiencing homelessness with high barriers to accessing housing. • The UWDC Homelessness Initiative staff chaired the 2019 Point-In-Time Count. Seventy-five (75) volunteers contributed over 200 hours to survey people experiencing homelessness throughout the county (PIT Count Results). • The Built For Zero(BFZ) collaborative has confirmed that Denton County now has a quality Veteran by-name-list (Data Dashboard). This data provides the necessary foundation to achieve the goal set by Mayor's Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness by December 31, 2020. In 2018, the City was awarded a grant for technical assistance from BFZ to "assist local communities in developing quality by-name-lists and in implementing improvement projects to achieve functional-zero (ending homelessness) for special populations". The full UWDC Q2 report is attached. Staff Contact: Danielle Shaw, Community Development H. Deployment of Swift Water Team to Houston—In last week's Friday Report,there was an item about the City of Denton Fire Department swift water rescue team that was mobilized and deployed to the City of Houston to provide aid for water rescues. The team was assigned to a National Guard unit to scout areas along the Brazos River, but were not needed to make any rescues and returned to Denton last weekend. Staff contact: David Boots, Fire I. City Council Attendance—The City Secretary's Office recently revised how City Council attendance is reflected in the minutes of each City Council meeting. Previously, elected officials who were not present at the beginning of a meeting were listed as "Absent" in the attendance section at the beginning of the minutes. Under the previous process, elected officials who arrived late were noted in the body of the minutes but the attendance record was not updated. The attendance record will now reflect both late arrivals and on-time arrivals to City Council meetings; the body of the minutes will continue to reflect what time late elected officials arrive to the meeting. Attached is an attendance report reflecting attendance records from May 22,2018 through May 7,2019. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, City Manager's Office 4 J. 2019 Point-In-Time Count Homeless to Housed Data Exhibition — The 2019 Homeless to Housed homelessness data exhibition will be Wednesday, May 29th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at UNT on the Square (109 N. Elm Street, Denton). This come-and-go exhibit will feature this year's Point-In-Time Count results along with information on how data are used to inform barrier-busting housing programs in Denton County. Staff Contact: Danielle Shaw, Community Development. Wednesday I May 29th 1510pm to 8:00pm I UNT on the Square (109 N. Elm Street, Denton) HOMELESS TO HOUSED An exhibition of data-driven efforts to bust barriers to housing in Denton County SPONSORED BY: T°�RTHXAS COLLEGE Unwa Un"Way of Demon County,Inc. Hosted By: 4 fiAlTitrvUT HOMMS HE55 DEN TON K. Water Park Slide Repairs — The orange slide and the blue and white slide at the water park will be closed May 18 and 19 in order to complete repairs to the circulation system for the two slides. The blue body slide and the blue tube slide will remain open for public use. Water Park admission fees will be discounted due to the closure of the two slides. The admission fee for 48 inches and over will be reduced from $14 to $11 and the fee for under 48 inches will be reduced from $10 to $7 this weekend. Repairs will be completed before the park reopens for the summer season on Saturday,May 25. The water park preseason pass sale has also been extended through Memorial Day, May 27. Individual passes are on sale for $65, and if patrons purchase four or more season passes at one time, the price per pass will be reduced to$55 each. Staff contact: Cathy Avery,Parks and Recreation L. Civic Center Pool—The Civic Center Pool will open for the 2019 summer season on Saturday,May 25 and will be open seven days a week through Tuesday,August 13. After that time the pool will be open weekends only through Labor Day, September 2. Hours of operation for public swim are Monday-Saturday, noon to 6pm, and Sunday, I to 6pm. Admission is$3 for ages 3-17 and$4 for ages 18 and older. Two and under is free. The pool can also be rented after hours by calling Brittany Hatchell at (940) 349-8802 or e-mailing Brittany.hatchell(c�cityofdenton.com. Staff contact: Cathy Avery, Parks and Recreation 5 M. US Radiopharmaceuticals (USR)Update — Staff last provided an update to Council on the USR property on March 15, 2019. The following was provided by the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) staff to summarize key information and provide an update. • On 7/16/18, the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) issued a Final Order denying USR's request for an extension in obtaining a license with the DSHS Radiation Control Program while they obtained additional funding. The Order requires USR to begin the decommissioning process. USR did not appeal the order. • In August 2018, a lienholder, Kensington Title, initiated foreclosure proceedings against the USR property. Kensington submitted a decommissioning plan that was approved by DSHS. The plan was approved by DSHS and does not include leaving any waste at the Denton site. Kensington and its contractors found more than expected activated/contaminated material at the facility which has increased the time and expense to complete the project than expected. The decommissioning plan requires contingency funds to be built in to cover unexpected issues and staff believes the contingency will cover the estimated increase in costs discussed by Kensington. • As of 4/29/19, Kensington has completed an estimated 50% of the decommissioning at the Shady Oaks location. The DSHS has received notification that approximately 50% of the waste has been shipped for disposal.No decommissioning work has been done at the Jim Crystal site. • On 5/1/2019, Kensington notified DSHS they will stop work on the decommissioning project effective 5/10/19, referencing outstanding property tax liability issues stemming from a 2008 tax law suit.Kensington has retained a caretaker to provide on-site security and ensure no one is allowed to enter the radiation areas. The caretaker has received training on low-level radioactive material. As the low level waste is contained within the properties and buildings at both locations, there is no risk to the community. • The original licensee, USR, has taken no known steps towards decommissioning the site.As the original responsible party,the regulations require USR to clean up the locations in order to release the sites for unrestricted use. DSHS has made it clear to USR on several occasions that the foreclosure by Kensington does not relieve their responsibility for ensuring the sites are decommissioned. In December 2018, DSHS issued violations to USR for failing to comply with the Order. An Informal Conference was held between USR and DSHS, but no agreement was reached and the case has been referred to our Office of General Counsel to move forward for a hearing at the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 6 • DSHS has a perpetual care fund that is designed to deal with the cleanup of abandoned radiation sources. However, the Department will work to exhaust all possible solutions to have the facility cleaned up by the responsible parties prior to requesting access to the funds. If the Department must use the Perpetual Care account to remediate the site, the Attorney General's office would pursue reimbursement of those funds by responsible parties. City staff was also contacted this week by the media to inquire about the referenced 2008 tax law suit.The attached document was provided with updated information. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs / Tony Puente, Chief Financial Officer N. Mockingbird Multifamily Project Update — At the May 7 City Council meeting, Council Member Ryan requested a clarification on whether the Wolfe Village East was in favor of the specific use permit for the Mockingbird Multifamily project. The notification map that was included in the staff presentation mistakenly showed Wolfe Village East as being opposed to the request,but they are in favor.Attached is the updated map for notification responses. As a reminder, the public hearing was postponed and will be placed on the agenda for City Council consideration on June 11, 2019. Staff contact: Ron Menguita, Development Services O. Former Traffic Building Update — On April 16, Council Member Meltzer requested information about whether the building in the Service Center parking lot, in the current Traffic Operations and the Sign Shop, would be a suitable location to be utilized by a non-profit organization. Staff does not recommend using this building for this purpose because of the heavy equipment traffic through the location,the proximity to other neighborhoods, lack of public transportation in the immediate area, and distance from other social service agencies in Denton. Lastly, once Traffic Operations is moved to its new location, the building is to be demolished as it would not serve any city purpose due the building's age and necessary renovations for another use. Staff Contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office P. Denco Area 9-1-1 Appointment to District Board of Managers—The Denco Area 9-1-1 District was created in 1987, and is governed by a board of managers appointed by the County, participating cities, and the Denton County Fire Chief s Association. Board members serve staggered two-year terms and are eligible for reappointment. Each year, the term of one of the two members appointed by participating municipalities expires. This year, the term of Ms. Sue Tejml, Mayor of Copper Canyon, expires September 30, 2019. Members are eligible for consecutive terms. Mayor Tejml has expressed her desire to serve another term. Nominations must be submitted to Denco on or before June 15, 2019. The City of Denton's nomination will be placed on the June 4 City Council agenda. Please contact Rachel Wood (rachel.wood(d)lcityofdenton.com) or Rosa Rios (rosa.rios&cityofdenton.com) with nominees you would like to have the City Council consider by Wednesday, May 22 at the latest. Please see the attached Informal Staff Report from April 5 for additional details associated with this appointment. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, City Manager's Office 7 Q. Dallas Drive and Teasley Lane Construction — Contractors have completed the work on the curb and pattern concrete on Dallas Drive(section 1). City crews have removed the median on Teasley and contractors will begin next week on forming the curb and pattern concrete(sections 3 &4). Contractors will also be completing the install the curb and pattern concrete (section 2). Currently, the project is 65 percent complete. With the loss of 82 working days due to weather and franchise utilities work, the current completion date is projected for June 14. Staff contact: Todd Estes, Engineering a� Section 1 Od/ \eA�� Section 3 )er's Copies /dIs, Ming 2181 Section 4 Section 2 1 Od sO R. Special Event Insurance Guidelines Update — During the May 7 City Council meeting, Council Member Briggs requested information on the three events referenced in the presentation that did not meet the proposed Special Events guidelines for a minimum liability insurance of $1,000,000. There were two events,the Tejas Story Telling Association and the Fundacion San Rafael,that had liability insurance of$500,000.Another event,the Chick-Fil-a Fun Run,exceeded the proposed amount with liability insurance at $2 million which is the insurance policy they carry,not a staff requirement. Staff Contact: Laura Behrens,Parks and Recreation S. Historic Tax Credits - Information was requested on the type tax credits offered for historic properties within the City of Denton. The City offers two different tax credits for historic properties outlined in Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances. 1) Tax Exemptions for Designated Historic Sites is a 50 percent tax exemption 8 provided to owners of historically designated landmarks that show evidence of qualifying expenses of at least $10,000. This partial exemption is in effect for 10 years after which properties may reapply and must show proof of having met the $10,000 in qualifying expenses in the intervening 10 years. 2)Tax Exemptions for Historically Significant Sites is the other exemption available to property owners. This exemption is for properties 50 years or older that meet certain eligibility requirements and to which owners plan to make improvements. The assessed property value is frozen at the pre-improved value and is not eligible to increase for the following 10 years. The owners of the property must demonstrate the improvements to the property will total the lesser of 25 percent of the recent accessed value or $20,000. This exemption was recently approved for the Fairhaven Retirement Home property on March 26,2019. The two tax exemptions are eligible to be used in conjunction,but the applicant must meet all requirements separately to be considered for both. The item included on the May 21, 2019 City Council meeting related to historic tax exemptions is to consider approval of a resolution to state that the Historically Designated Landmarks within the City are "historically significant sites in need of tax relief' simply to satisfy requirements of the Texas Tax Code and requires Council action. Staff contact: Roman McAllen, Development Services T. Texas Amateur Athletics Federation Volleyball Tournament - The Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting the Texas Amateur Athletics Federation Region 4 Youth Volleyball Tournament for ages seven to 14 this weekend May 18-19 at the UNT Physical Education Building. A total of 53 teams are registered with 510 players participating in the tournament. Teams are participating from Denton, Frisco, Little Elm, Mineral Wells, and Watauga. This tournament has increased by 20 percent compared to last year when it was hosted in Denton.Next month the department will be hosting a Pickleball tournament with approximately 100 teams participating. Staff contact: Chris Escoto, Parks and Recreation U. Council Requests Scheduled for Upcoming City Council Meetings — Several Council requests will be included as work session items or resolutions during City Council meetings during the upcoming months. As a result,these items have been removed from the Council Requests list, topics include: • Request for proclamation supporting Denton's Islamic community and their contributions to our culture and quality of life. (Council Member Armintor, 3/20/19) o This is included on the May 21 agenda. • Options to have curbside bulky item collection for commercial dumpsters. (Council Member Briggs, 12/18/18) o A work session is scheduled for May 21. • Work Session on comprehensive process for low-income housing strategy that includes housing bonds, density bonuses, grants for low income rentals, land swaps and other tactics to maximize the availability of affordable housing. (Council Member Meltzer, 3/20/19) o A work session is scheduled for May 21. • Staff report on incentives that other cities offer to help residents pay utility bills. (Council Member Armintor, 3/26/19) 9 o This is included in the Customer Service budget presentation scheduled for June 4. • Information on individuals covered as City officials under the Ethic Ordinance obtaining information from the City's Ethic attorney and outside counsel. (Mayor Watts, 4/9/19) o A work session is scheduled for June 11. • Work session regarding delineating the roles and responsibilities of Council committees (Mayor Watts, 4/3/19) o A work session is scheduled for June 18. • Staff report on measures that can be taken to ensure that board and commission seats do not remain unfilled for an extended period of time. (Council Member Armintor, 4/16/19) o A work session is scheduled for June 18. • What are the benefits of a food diversion program? Are there ordinances we can model? (Council Member Meltzer, 4/9/19) o A work session is scheduled for July 23. • Information on multi-family and curbside composting. (Council Member Meltzer, 4/9/19) o A work session is scheduled for July 23. • Can Sustainability staff reach out to Zero Energy builder to see what we can learn, building codes, what could we do to encourage green building in Denton? (Council Member Hudspeth, 4/23/19) o This will be provided during the July meeting of the Committee on the Environment. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office V. Green Paint for Bicycle Lanes — During the April 23 City Council meeting staff was asked to research the impact of green paint for bicycle lanes. Based on staff research and experience, green painted pavement can be an effective way to highlight on-road bicycle lanes. It is especially helpful near intersections and transition areas where drivers need to pay close attention to cyclists. Bright green markings for bicycle lanes are a national standard that increase visibility, identify areas of conflict, and discourage illegal parking in bicycle lanes. The City of Denton currently uses green paint in a few key locations, such as Hickory at Carroll, to highlight bicycle lanes. Green paint is not used for pedestrian applications. The City of Denton's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program is in supportive of green paint treatments to identify bicycle lanes and will likely expand use of painted bicycle lanes as the City's bicycle network further develops. Staff contact: Marc Oliphant, Capital Projects III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events None B. Community Meetings 10 1. Parks,Recreation,and Trails Master Plan Community Workshop_Saturday, May 18 beginning at 11:30 a.m.at North Lakes Recreation Center(2001 W. Windsor Dr.); Staff contact: Kali Flewellen, Parks and Recreation 2. Cultural District Community Meeting—Monday,May 20 from 7:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m.at the MLK,Jr. Recreation Center(1300 Wilson St.); Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development 3. Athletic Programs and Facilities Input Meeting—Wednesday,May 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St.); Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation IV. Attachments A. Senate Bill 1066.....................................................................................................12 B. City of Denton Funding to the Denton Community Market .................................20 C. CBAC Appointment Tracking List........................................................................21 D. UWDC Second Quarter Report .............................................................................22 E. City Council Attendance Reports -Amended ......................................................25 F. US Radiopharmaceuticals Status—May 16, 2019 ................................................32 G. Updated Mockingbird Notification Map ..............................................................42 H. Informal Staff Report No. 2019-061 Denco Area 9-1-1 Appointment to the District Board of Managers ...................................................................................43 V. Informal Staff Reports None VI. Council Information A. Council Meeting Requests for Information..........................................................49 B. Other Council Requests for Information..............................................................50 C. Council Calendar..................................................................................................51 D. Future Work Session Items ..................................................................................54 E. Street Construction Report...................................................................................55 11 S .B . No . 1066 1 AN ACT 2 relating to certain coordinated county transportation authorities . 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS : 4 SECTION 1 . Section 460 . 201 ( c ) , Transportation Code , is 5 amended to read as follows : 6 ( c ) Except as provided by Sections [ C^�n] 460 . 2015 and 7 460 . 257 , a vacancy on the board of directors is filled in the same 8 manner as the original appointment to the interim executive 9 committee . 10 SECTION 2 . Section 460 . 2015 , Transportation Code , is 11 amended by adding Subsection ( d) to read as follows : 12 ( d) This section does not apply to an authority described by 13 Section 460 . 252 . 14 SECTION 3 . Section 460 . 205 , Transportation Code , is amended 15 by adding Subsection ( c ) to read as follows : 16 ( c ) This section does not apply to an authority described by 17 Section 460 . 252 . 18 SECTION 4 . Chapter 460 , Transportation Code , is amended by 19 adding Subchapter D-1 to read as follows : 20 SUBCHAPTER D-1 . BOARD OF DIRECTORS : CERTAIN AUTHORITIES 21 Sec . 460 . 251 . DEFINITIONS . In this subchapter : 22 ( 1) "Board" means the board of directors of an 23 authority described by Section 460 . 252 . 24 ( 2 ) "Founding municipality" means a municipality in 1 12 S .B . No . 1066 1 which an election was held before December 31, 2003 , authorizing an 2 authority' s sales and use tax levy. 3 Sec . 460 . 252 . APPLICABILITY . (a) This subchapter applies 4 only to an authority confirmed under this chapter before December 5 31, 2003 . 6 (b) Section 460 . 054 does not apply to an authority described 7 by Subsection (a) . 8 Sec . 460 . 253 . COMPOSITION. The board is composed of : 9 ( 1) one member appointed by the governing body of each 10 founding municipality; 11 ( 2 ) two members appointed by the commissioners court 12 who reside in: 13 (A) an unincorporated area of the county; or 14 (B) a municipality in the authority that is not 15 authorized to appoint a member to the board under Subdivision ( 1) or 16 Section 460 . 254 ; 17 ( 3 ) each member appointed under Section 460 . 254 , if 18 applicable ; and 19 (4 ) each nonvoting member appointed under Section 20 460 . 255 . 21 Sec . 460 . 254 . APPOINTMENT OF BOARD MEMBER BY CERTAIN 22 MUNICIPALITIES . (a) The board may authorize the governing body of 23 a municipality to appoint one member to the board if : 24 ( 1) the municipality: 25 (A) designates a public transportation financing 26 area for the benefit of the authority under Subchapter I and enters 27 into an agreement with the authority under Section 460 . 602 ; or 2 13 S .B . No . 1066 1 (B ) authorizes the authority' s sales and use tax 2 levy at the rate of one-half of one percent ; and 3 ( 2 ) the appointment is approved by an affirmative vote 4 of at least three-fifths of the members described by either Section 5 460 . 253 ( 1) or ( 3 ) and at least one member appointed by the 6 commissioners court . 7 (b ) The board shall adopt rules and bylaws governing the 8 appointment of a member under this section. 9 Sec . 460 . 255 . NONVOTING BOARD MEMBERS . (a) A nonvoting 10 member shall be appointed to the board to represent a municipality 11 in the authority that is not otherwise authorized to appoint a 12 member to the board under this subchapter . 13 (b ) A nonvoting member appointed under this section may not 14 be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum of the board . 15 ( c ) The board shall adopt rules and bylaws governing the 16 appointment , number , authority, and duties of nonvoting members 17 appointed under this section. 18 Sec . 460 . 256 . ELIGIBILITY OF ELECTED OFFICER TO SERVE ON 19 BOARD; COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT. (a) An elected officer of 20 a political subdivision of this state who is not prohibited by the 21 Texas Constitution from serving on the board is eligible , as an 22 additional duty of office , to serve on the board . 23 (b ) An elected officer of a political subdivision of this 24 state who is a board member is not entitled to receive compensation 25 for serving on the board but is entitled to reimbursement for 26 reasonable expenses incurred in performing the member ' s duties . 27 Sec . 460 . 257 . VACANCY. A vacancy on the board of directors 3 14 S .B . No . 1066 1 is filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the 2 board under this subchapter . 3 Sec . 460 . 258 . VOTING REQUIREMENTS . Except as provided by 4 Sections 460 . 254 ( a) and 460 . 602 (b) , an action of the board of 5 directors requires a vote of a majority of the members present , 6 other than members described by Section 460 . 253 (4) , unless the 7 bylaws require a larger number for a specific action. 8 SECTION 5 . Section 460 . 602 , Transportation Code , is amended 9 to read as follows : 10 Sec . 460 . 602 . PARTICIPATION IN SERVICE PLAN; AGREEMENT WITH 11 MUNICIPALITY. (a) A service plan may be implemented in an area of 12 a municipality that has not authorized the authority's sales and 13 use tax levy if : 14 ( 1) the authorization by the municipality of the 15 authority' s sales and use tax levy, when combined with the rates of 16 all sales and use taxes imposed by other political subdivisions in 17 the municipality, would exceed two percent in any location in the 18 municipality; and 19 ( 2 ) the municipality has entered into an agreement 20 with the authority to provide public transportation services in a 21 public transportation financing area designated under this 22 subchapter in exchange for all or a portion of the tax increment in 23 the area. 24 (b ) An authority described by Section 460 . 252 may enter into 25 an agreement under Subsection (a) (2 ) only if the board of directors 26 of the authority approves the agreement by an affirmative vote of at 27 least three-fifths of the members described by either Section 4 15 S .B . No . 1066 1 460 . 253 ( 1) or ( 3 ) and at least one member appointed by the 2 commissioners court . 3 SECTION 6 . On the effective date of this Act , the 4 composition of the board of directors of a coordinated county 5 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 6 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , is modified to conform to 7 Subchapter D-1 , Chapter 460 , Transportation Code , as added by this 8 Act , as follows : 9 ( 1) the currently serving members of the board 10 appointed by a founding municipality, as that term is defined by 11 Section 460 . 251 , Transportation Code , as added by this Act , assume 12 the board positions described by Section 460 . 253 ( 1) , 13 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and continue to serve as 14 members of the board for the remainder of their terms ; 15 ( 2 ) as soon as practicable , the commissioners court of 16 a county located in the authority shall designate the currently 17 serving members of the board appointed by the commissioners court 18 who assume the board positions described by Section 460 . 253 ( 2 ) , 19 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and those members 20 continue to serve as members of the board for the remainder of their 21 terms ; 22 ( 3 ) the currently serving members of the board 23 appointed by a municipality with a population of 17 , 000 or more that 24 has not authorized the authority's sales and use tax levy assume the 25 nonvoting board positions described by Section 460 . 255 , 26 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and continue to serve as 27 nonvoting members of the board for the remainder of their terms ; 5 16 S .B . No . 1066 1 (4 ) as soon as practicable , the commissioners court of 2 a county located in the authority shall designate the currently 3 serving members of the board appointed by a municipality in the 4 county with a population of more than 500 but less than 17 , 000 that 5 has not authorized the authority' s sales and use tax levy who assume 6 the nonvoting board positions described by Section 460 . 255 , 7 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , and the members continue 8 to serve as nonvoting members of the board for the remainder of 9 their terms ; 10 ( 5 ) any alternate members serving on the board for 11 members described by Subdivisions ( 1) - ( 4 ) of this section continue 12 to serve in that capacity; and 13 ( 6 ) the terms of all other currently serving members 14 of the board expire . 15 SECTION 7 . This Act does not prohibit a person who is a 16 member of the board of directors of a coordinated county 17 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 18 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , whose term expires under 19 Section 6 of this Act from being reappointed to the board if the 20 person is eligible under Subchapter D-1 , Chapter 460 , 21 Transportation Code , as added by this Act . 22 SECTION 8 . ( a) A rule or bylaw adopted or other action 23 taken before the effective date of this Act by a coordinated county 24 transportation authority described by Section 460 . 252 , 25 Transportation Code , as added by this Act , remains in effect as a 26 rule , bylaw, or action of the authority until superseded by action 27 of that authority. 6 17 S .B . No . 1066 1 (b) The change in law made by this Act to Section 460 . 602 , 2 Transportation Code , applies to an agreement entered into on or 3 after the effective date of this Act . An agreement entered into 4 before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it 5 existed immediately before the effective date of this Act , and that 6 law is continued in effect for that purpose . 7 SECTION 9 . This Act takes effect immediately if it receives 8 a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house , as 9 provided by Section 39 , Article III , Texas Constitution. If this 10 Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect , this 11 Act takes effect September 1, 2019 . 7 18 S .B . No . 1066 President of the Senate Speaker of the House I hereby certify that S .B . No . 1066 passed the Senate on April 11 , 2019 , by the following vote : Yeas 31 , Nays 0 . Secretary of the Senate I hereby certify that S .B . No . 1066 passed the House on May 3 , 2019 , by the following vote : Yeas 140 , Nays 0 , two present not voting. Chief Clerk of the House Approved: Date Governor 8 19 City of Denton Funding to the Denton Community Market General Fund DME Year HOT Funds Contribution Sponsorship Other Explanation Total Per Year FY 12-13 $3,553.71 Funds for port-a-potties, hand wash station $3,553.71 FY 13-14 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 FY 14-15 $10,000.00 $1,000.00 $11,000.00 FY 15-16 $10,500.00 $1,000.00 $11,500.00 FY 16-17 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 Council approved a one time HOT allocation to Denton County to upgrade the Historical Park for FY 17-18 $15,965.00 $14,150.001 $151,525.00 Denton Community Market $181,640.00 FY 18- 19 $25,000.00 $16,150.00 $41,150.00 20 2019 Special Citizens Bond Advisory Committee Appointee Tracking Report Nominating Council Member Nominee Date Appointed City Council Randy Robinson (Currently on 2014 Bond Oversight 05-07-2019 Committee City Council Tim Crouch (Currently on 2014 Bond Oversight 05-07-2019 Committee City Council Janet Shelton (Currently on 2014 Bond Oversight 05-07-2019 Committee 1. Pat Smith Mayor Chris watts (Currently on Denton Housing 04-23-2019 Authori 2. Mayor Pro-Tem John Ryan 1. Cody Lewis 05-07-2019 2. Nancy Kimme 05-07-2019 Council Member Gerard Hudspeth 1. 2. 1. Jennifer Collins Council Member Keely Briggs (Previously on Library Board 04-23-2019 2015-2017 2. 1 Kate L nass 05-07-2019 1. Peggy Capps (Previously on Historic 04-23-2019 Landmark Commission 2004- Former Council Member Don Duff 2010) 2. Susan Parker (Currently on Public Utilities 05-07-2019 Board Council Member Deb Armintor 1. Janata Montgomery 04-23-2019 2. Tammy Bradley 04-23-2019 1. Karen DeVinney Council Member Paul Meltzer (Currently on Public Utilities 04-23-2019 Board 2. Council Member Jesse Davis 1. Suzanne Rumohr Pending 05-21-2019 2. 21 UWDC Homelessness Initiatives Outcome Measures Quarter 2 (January 1,2019-March 31,2019) Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 YTD 10/18-12/18 1/19-3/19 4/19-6/19 7/19-9/19 #HILT meetings convened 2 1 3 #HLT workgroup meetings facilitated 10 6 16 #reports/resources provided to the community& 4 4 8 presentations completed #community meetings attended representing the HLT (including but not limited to local governments,business 14 9 23 Director of groups,citizen groups and the DCBHLT) Homelessness #PIT Count planning meetings conducted 7 0 7 Initiatives #PIT Count reports completed 0 0 0 #PIT Count results presentations made 0 0 0 #Housing Navigator Training/Support Hours 10 8 18 #Barriers Fund Requests Facilitated 6 16 22 #Barriers Fund requests approved/households assisted 3 14 17 $expended from the Barriers Fund $ 1,480.00 $5,081.70 $6,561.70 #updates made to Denton County Homelessness Data 3 3 6 Dashboard Coordinated Entry #Case Conferencing meetings facilitated 5 5 10 #Case Conferencing follow up phone calls made to Specialist/HMIS 36 24 - - 60 providers Support #New HMIS licenses added 1 0 1 #Hours of data quality training,assistance,and HPL 360 360 720 Support with HMIS license holders #Landlords/Property Managers on master list 0 5 5 #Unduplicated committed units from local landlords 0 10 10 (Denton) #Unduplicated committed units from local landlords 0 24 24 (Lewisville) #Hours of outreach to other service providers 120 120 240 #Housing Navigation referrals through HMIS 0 12 12 #Households housed via DFDC referrals 0 0 Housing Navigator #Households housed through DFDC using risk mitigation 0 0 0 funds #Households who retain housing after 3 months 0 0 0 #Households who retain housing after 6 months 0 0 0 Average length of time from HN referral to lease 0 0 0 months #Households enrolled in HN and placed w/no financial 0 0 0 assistance or subsidy $Committed to risk mitigation via Barriers Fund $ 0 $ $Expended for risk mitiation via Barriers Fund $ 0 $ United Way r 22 of Denton County,Inc. UnitedWayD,nt .,9 UWDC Homelessness Initiatives Narrative Implementation Report Quarter 2 (January 1,2019- March 31,2019) 1. The UWDC Director of Homelessness Initiatives convened one meeting of the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team,April 11, 2019. 2. The DCHLT finalized its strategic plan October 11th.Strategic goals include increasing access to housing for Denton County residents by 10%, ending Veteran homelessness in Denton County by 2020, and continuous improvement of homelessness data management. 3. There were 6 DCHLT workgroup meetings during Q2, and the UWDC Director of Homelessness Initiatives made 4 community presentations and attended a total of 9 meetings as a representative of the DCHLT. 4. The UWDC Homelessness Initaitives chaired the 2019 Point-In-Time Count. 75 volunteers contributed over 200 hours to survey people experiencing homelessness throughout the county Thursday,January 24th. UWDC staff will collaborate with volunteers and other agencies to develop a comprehensive report once the data is finalized. 5. The UWDC Director of Homelessness Initiatives facilitated 16 requests to the Barriers Fund, 13 of which were approved by the Barriers Fund Steering Committee totaling$4845.00 of assistance provided. 6. The UWDC CE Specialist made 3 updates to the Denton County Homelessness Data Dashboard on the UWDC website. Updates are made on the 15th of every month. 7. The UWDC CE Specialist facilitated 5 Case Conferencing meetings, each with approximately 10-20 providers in attendance.The CE Specialist made 24 follow up phone calls weekly with providers to track progress towards action steps set during Case Conferencing and offer additional support. 8. The community did not add any new HMIS users during Q2. 9. The UWDC CE Specialist provided 360 hours of data quality training, assistance, and HPL Support with HMIS license holders. 10. UWDC interns and the CE Specialist continue to assist agencies in properly exiting identified households from the Homeless Management Information System database and continue to provide increased training to ensure providers consistently track and exit households in the database in real-time.The significant drop in total number of actively homeless are a result of continued data cleanup. 11. UWDC staff have been participating in a nationwide data collaborative called Built For Zero (BFZ). BFZ assists local communities in developing quality by-name-lists and in implementing improvement projects to achieve functional-zero (ending homelessness)for special populations. BFZ informed UWDC that Denton County now has a quality Veteran by-name-list. Next steps will be to analyze the data to develop improvement strategies and tactics for ending Veteran homelessness in Denton County. 12. The Housing Navigator launched the Doors for Denton County landlord outreach initiative January 7, 2019, and has recruited 5 landlords with 34 available units(10 in Denton; 24 in Lewisville). 13. The Housing Navigator has completed 120 hours of outreach with local providers, and has received 12 referrals for Housing Navigation through the HMIS. 14. UWDC Director of Homelessness Initiatives submitted a an a grant application for risk mitigation funding during Independent Bank's community grant cycle. Results from that competition are expected by the end of April. United Way 23 of Denton County, Inc. United W ayDenton.org Denton County Homelessness Data Last Updated: March 31, 2019 Total Number of Households Experiencing Homelessness Daft Actively Homeless Veterans Chronically Homeless Domestic violence Mar 31. 2019 528 56 117 17 Feb 28, 2019 504 53 112 17 Jan 31, 2019 629 49 128 66 Scroll through the box above to view data for previous months. The above data reflect the total number of households experiencing literal homelessness in Denton County, and make up the Denton County Housing Priority List (see below). The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines literal homelessness as people living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided. The Housing Priority Ust(HPL) is a list of all households experiencing homelessness in Denton County that have completed a Coordinated Entry (CE) housing assessment. CE is the system and process that ensures people experiencing homelessness are quickly identified, assessed and referred to housing assistance and supportive services that promote housing stability. Denton County service providers use the HPL to quickly identify and prioritize households experiencing homelessness for limited housing assistance resources based on their level of need and special population status. Actively Homeless Households are those currently seeking housing assistance whose whereabouts are known by Denton County Service Providers_ Chronically Homeless households include at least one member living with a disability who has been homeless for 12 consecutive months or 4 times within the past 3 years (totaling 12 months). Significant decreases in actively homeless households in one month are often a result of data cleanup, which allows service providers to more accurately and identify households in need of assistance. Households are classified as inactive due to inactivity greater than 90 days and when it is confirmed that their whereabouts are unknown to Denton County service providers. 24 MAYOR CHRIS WATTS ATTENDANCE TRACKING REPORT MAY 22, 2018 - MAY 7, 2019 MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE 5/22/18 1 1/7/19 1 6/4/18 1 1/8/19 1 6/5/18 1 1/15/19 1 6/12/18 1 2/4/19 1 6/19/18 1 2/5/19 1 6/26/18 1 2/12/19 1 7/17/18 1 2/26/19 1 ABSENT 7/24/18 1 3/4/19 1 110 8/2/18 1 3/5/19 1 8/6/18 1 3/19/19 1 8/7/18 1 3/26/19 1 8/14/18 1 4/1/19 1 8/21/18 1 4/2/19 1 8/25/18 1 4/9/19 1 8/28/2018 1 4/16/2019 1 PRESENT 9/11/2018 1 4/23/2019 1 1 ■ PRESENT 89% 9/18/2018 1 5/6/2019 1 9/25/2018 1 5/7/2019 1 ■ABSENT 10/1/2018 1 ME PRESENT ABSENT LATE 10/9/2018 1 TOTAL 42 5 1 10/16/2018 1 10/23/2018 1 11/5/2018 1 11/6/2018 1 11/13/2018 1 11/27/2018 1 12/3/2018 1 12/4/2018 1 12/11/2018 1 12/18/2018 1 PRESENT ABSENT LATE 25 Updated 0511412019 MAYOR PRO-TEM JOHN RYAN ATTENDANCE TRACKING REPORT MAY 22, 2018 - MAY 7, 2019 MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE 5/22/18 1 1/7/19 1 6/4/18 1 1/8/19 1 6/5/18 1 1/15/19 1 6/12/18 1 2/4/19 1 6/19/18 1 2/5/19 1 6/26/18 1 2/12/19 1 7/17/18 1 2/26/19 1 ABSENT 7/24/18 1 3/4/19 1 2% 8/2/18 1 3/5/19 1 8/6/18 1 3/19/19 1 8/7/18 1 3/26/19 1 8/14/18 1 4/1/19 1 8/21/18 1 4/2/19 1 8/25/18 1 4/9/19 1 8/28/2018 1 4/16/2019 1 PRESENT 9/11/2018 1 1 4/23/2019 1 1 ■ PRESENT 98% 9/18/2018 1 5/6/2019 1 9/25/2018 1 5/7/2019 1 ■ABSENT 10/1/2018 1 =E PRESENT ABSENT LATE 10/9/2018 1 TOTAL 47 1 0 10/16/2018 1 10/23/2018 1 11/5/2018 1 11/6/2018 1 11/13/2018 1 11/27/2018 1 12/3/2018 1 12/4/2018 1 12/11/2018 1 12/18/2018 1 PRESENT ABSENT LATE 26 Updated 0511412019 COUNCIL MEMBER GERARD HUDSPETH ATTENDANCE TRACKING REPORT MAY 22, 2018 - MAY 7, 2019 MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE 5/22/18 1 1/7/19 1 6/4/18 1 1/8/19 1 6/5/18 1 1/15/19 1 6/12/18 1 2/4/19 1 6/19/18 1 2/5/19 1 6/26/18 1 2/12/19 1 ABSENT 7/17/18 1 2/26/19 1 7/24/18 1 3/4/19 1 45" 8/2/18 1 3/5/19 1 8/6/18 1 3/19/19 1 8/7/18 1 3/26/19 1 8/14/18 1 4/1/19 1 8/21/18 1 4/2/19 1 8/25/18 1 4/9/19 1 8/28/2018 1 4/16/2019 1 PRESENT 9/11/2018 1 4/23/2019 1 1 ■ PRESENT 96% 9/18/2018 1 5/6/2019 1 9/25/2018 1 5/7/2019 1 ■ABSENT 10/1/2018 1 =E PRESENT ABSENT LATE 10/9/2018 1 TOTAL 44 2 2 10/16/2018 1 10/23/2018 1 11/5/2018 1 11/6/2018 1 11/13/2018 1 11/27/2018 1 12/3/2018 1 12/4/2018 1 12/11/2018 1 12/18/2018 1 PRESENT I ABSENT LATE 27 Updated 0511412019 COUNCIL MEMBER KEELY BRIGGS ATTENDANCE TRACKING REPORT MAY 22, 2018 - MAY 7, 2019 MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE 5/22/18 1 1/7/19 1 6/4/18 1 1/8/19 1 6/5/18 1 1/15/19 1 6/12/18 1 2/4/19 1 6/19/18 1 2/5/19 1 6/26/18 1 2/12/19 1 7/17/18 1 2/26/19 1 ABSENT 7/24/18 1 3/4/19 1 6% 8/2/18 1 3/5/19 1 8/6/18 1 3/19/19 1 8/7/18 1 3/26/19 1 8/14/18 1 4/1/19 1 8/21/18 1 4/2/19 1 8/25/18 1 4/9/19 1 8/28/2018 1 4/16/2019 1 PRESENT 9/11/2018 1 1 4/23/2019 1 1 ■ PRESENT 94% 9/18/2018 1 5/6/2019 1 9/25/2018 1 5/7/2019 1 ■ABSENT 10/1/2018 1 =E PRESENT ABSENT LATE 10/9/2018 1 TOTAL 45 3 0 10/16/2018 1 10/23/2018 1 11/5/2018 1 11/6/2018 1 11/13/2018 1 11/27/2018 1 12/3/2018 1 12/4/2018 1 12/11/2018 1 12/18/2018 1 PRESENT ABSENT LATE 28 Updated 0511012019 COUNCIL MEMBER DON DUFF ATTENDANCE TRACKING REPORT MAY 22, 2018 - MAY 7, 2019 MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE 5/22/18 1 1/7/19 1 6/4/18 1 1/8/19 1 6/5/18 1 1/15/19 1 6/12/18 1 2/4/19 1 6/19/18 1 2/5/19 1 6/26/18 1 2/12/19 1 7/17/18 1 2/26/19 1 ABSENT 7/24/18 1 3/4/19 1 13% 8/2/18 1 3/5/19 1 8/6/18 1 3/19/19 1 8/7/18 1 3/26/19 1 8/14/18 1 4/1/19 1 8/21/18 1 4/2/19 1 8/25/18 1 4/9/19 1 8/28/2018 1 4/16/2019 1 PRESENT 9/11/2018 1 1 4/23/2019 1 1 ■ PRESENT 87% 9/18/2018 1 5/6/2019 1 9/25/2018 1 5/7/2019 1 ■ABSENT 10/1/2018 1 PRESENT ABSENT LATE 10/9/2018 1 TOTAL 39 6 3 10/16/2018 1 10/23/2018 1 11/5/2018 1 11/6/2018 1 11/13/2018 1 11/27/2018 1 12/3/2018 1 12/4/2018 1 12/11/2018 1 12/18/2018 1 PRESENT ABSENT LATE 29 Updated 0511412019 COUNCIL DEB ARMINTOR ATTENDANCE TRACKING REPORT MAY 22, 2018 - MAY 7, 2019 MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE 5/22/18 1/7/19 1 6/4/18 1/8/19 1 6/5/18 1/15/19 1 6/12/18 2/4/19 1 6/19/18 2/5/19 1 6/26/18 2/12/19 1 7/17/18 1 2/26/19 1 ABSENT 7/24/18 1 3/4/19 1 3% 8/2/18 1 3/5/19 1 8/6/18 1 3/19/19 1 8/7/18 1 3/26/19 1 8/14/18 1 4/1/19 1 8/21/18 1 4/2/19 1 8/25/18 1 4/9/19 1 8/28/2018 1 4/16/2019 1 PRESENT 9/11/2018 1 4/23/2019 1 1 ■ PRESENT 97% 9/18/2018 1 5/6/2019 1 9/25/2018 1 5/7/2019 1 ■ABSENT 10/1/2018 1 ME PRESENT ABSENT LATE 10/9/2018 1 TOTAL 37 1 4 10/16/2018 1 10/23/2018 1 11/5/2018 1 11/6/2018 1 11/13/2018 1 11/27/2018 1 12/3/2018 1 12/4/2018 1 12/11/2018 1 12/18/2018 1 PRESENT ABSENT LATE 30 Updated 0511412019 COUNCIL MEMBER PAUL MELTZER ATTENDANCE TRACKING REPORT MAY 22, 2018 - MAY 7, 2019 MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE MEETING DATE PRESENT ABSENT LATE 5/22/18 1 1/7/19 1 6/4/18 1 1/8/19 1 6/5/18 1 1/15/19 1 6/12/18 1 2/4/19 1 6/19/18 1 2/5/19 1 6/26/18 1 2/12/19 1 7/17/18 1 2/26/19 1 ABSENT 7/24/18 1 3/4/19 1 6% 8/2/18 1 3/5/19 1 8/6/18 1 3/19/19 1 8/7/18 1 3/26/19 1 8/14/18 1 4/1/19 1 8/21/18 1 4/2/19 1 8/25/18 1 4/9/19 1 8/28/2018 1 4/16/2019 1 PRESENT 9/11/2018 1 4/23/2019 1 1 ■ PRESENT 94% 9/18/2018 1 5/6/2019 1 9/25/2018 1 5/7/2019 1 ■ABSENT 10/1/2018 1 ME PRESENT ABSENT LATE 10/9/2018 1 TOTAL 45 3 0 10/16/2018 1 10/23/2018 1 11/5/2018 1 11/6/2018 1 11/13/2018 1 11/27/2018 1 12/3/2018 1 12/4/2018 1 12/11/2018 1 12/18/2018 1 PRESENT ABSENT LATE 31 Updated 0511412019 1. What is the total due for the City of Denton? 63813DEN (personal property)—2012-2018 $163,389.21 68319DEN (personal property) —2012-2018 $ 44,491.61 943755DEN (personal property) —2008-2011 $ 97,407.21 945086DEN (personal property) —2009-2011 $ 20,483.90 261659DEN (real property) —2017-2018 $ 9,300.04 199564DEN (real property) —2017-2018 $ 35,192.86 Total $351,824.83 2. Have there been any payments? If so, how much and when? No new payments since May 2018. 638318DEN The Tax Office shows no history of any payment having been made on this account. 638319DEN The Tax Office shows no history of any payment having been made on this account. 943755DEN 2004 taxes paid on 09/30/05 $28,711.20 (paid in full) 2005 taxes paid on 11/30/05 and 12/04/06 $31,528.50 (paid in full) 2006 taxes paid on 12/04/06 $32,265.78 (paid in full) 2007 taxes paid on 09/10/13 and 09/18/14 $86,833.91 (paid in full) 2008 taxes paid on 09/18/14 $18,077.14 (partial payment) 945086DEN 2004 taxes paid on 02/08/05 $ 1,602.01 (paid in full) and 03/17/05 2005 taxes paid on 11/30/05 and 12/04/06 $ 1,657.21 (paid in full) 2006 taxes paid on 12/04/06 $ 3,102.95 (paid in full) 2007 taxes paid on 03/28/13 and 09/17/14 $ 7,376.10 (paid in full) 2008 taxes paid on 09/17/14 $ 7,130.29 (paid in full) 2009 taxes paid on 09/18/14 $ 1,536.24 (partial payment) 261659DEN All taxes are paid in full through 2016. The 2017-2018 taxes are all that remain due. 2004 taxes paid on 09/30/2005 $3,143.23 2005 taxes paid on 11/30/05 and 12/04/06 $4,447.99 32 2006 taxes paid on 12/04/06 $2,993.59 2007 taxes paid on 09/18/14 $7,813.52 2008 taxes paid on 09/18/14 $7,398.71 2009 taxes paid on 09/18/14 and 03/31/15 $7,159.39 2010 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $7,068.88 2011 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $4,469.58 2012 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $4,112.02 2013 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $5,347.94 2014 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $3,855.33 2015 taxes paid on 02/26/16 $3,784.59 2016 taxes paid on 02/28/17 $3,749.42 199564DEN All taxes are paid in full through 2016. The 2017-2018 taxes are all that remain due. 2004 taxes paid on 09/30/2005 $16,534.04 2005 taxes paid on 11/30/05 and 12/04/06 $22,839.87 2006 taxes paid on 12/04/06 $15,231.42 2007 taxes paid on 06/06/13 and 09/18/14 $37,531.69 2008 taxes paid on 09/18/14 $45,556.56 2009 taxes paid on 09/18/14 and 03/31/15 $44,324.57 2010 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $43,314.85 2011 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $10,801.50 2012 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $ 9,937.38 2013 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $14,623.92 2014 taxes paid on 03/31/15 $16,888.01 2015 taxes paid on 02/26/16 $14,360.07 2016 taxes paid on 02/28/17 $14,239.33 Note: There may have been payments made on other accounts related to these properties and facilities in years before 2005. 33 3. Have there been any refunds? If so, how much and when? None of the above-listed payments have been refunded by the Denton County Tax Office. 4. What is a Rendition Penalty? Business owners are required to file a Rendition Form each year with the Denton Central Appraisal District. The purpose of the form is for the business owner to list any business personal property being used at their particular business. Failure to file the form in a timely manner or failing to file at all results in a penalty which is added to the tax amount due for the year in which they either didn't file on time or failed to file. 5. Now that the Court has made a ruling,what are the next steps? The unpaid balances are in active litigation. We generally do not comment on prospective action to be taken in active litigation, but we intend to maximize collection of the taxes, penalty and interest due to the City. The City is aware of the clean-up activities ordered by the State of Texas Health and Human Services Commission to "decommission" any low-level radiation that exists or may exist at the two radiopharmaceutical facilities involved and has not in any way taken action to interfere or impeded said action in any way. 6. Current Status Kensington Title filed a foreclosure deed against the real property accounts, 261659DEN and 199564DEN (the Shady Oaks and Jim Christal facilities), on December 28, 2018. No mention of personal property is made in that foreclosure instrument and so did not change ownership with Denton Central Appraisal District. We have been notified by the parties involved that a clean-up plan ("decommissioning") has been approved by the cognizant State agency(ies) which involves permanent removal and disposal of most or all of the personal property taxed under account numbers 638318DEN, 638319DEN, 943755DEN and 945086DEN. Under the Texas Property Tax Code §32.01, a tax lien exists for unpaid taxes which lien follows the property. However, if the personal property that the lien may have attached to is lost or destroyed, the lien cannot itself be enforced against that property. However, the owner on January 1 of each year of any property subject to property taxation in this State also remains personally liable for the taxes imposed for that year, per Code § 32.07. The unpaid real property taxes are far less than the value of the subject real estate, especially after decommissioning, so should be fully secured. The personal property taxes are much less secure and can become in substantial part (or wholly) uncollectable if, for example, all personal property subject to the tax lien(s) is lost, destroyed or has no value (or a negative value). 34 The Property Tax Code sets out different valuation, assessment and collections enforcement mechanisms for real property versus personal property subject to taxation. For this reason personal property is always split out separately from real. That process is undertaken exclusively by the Appraisal District. Finally, no action has been taken regarding tax collections enforcement by the City, County or School District that should impede or prevent decommissioning /clean-up of the subject property. To date we have no clear understanding as to whether the "linear accelerator", which we have been instructed was the largest and most expensive of the equipment at either site, is being removed for disposal or not as part of the decommissioning process. The accelerator is the largest item comprising personal property account number 638318DEN ' 35 Page: 1 of 1 Printed: 5/10/2019 1:24:07 PM Account Data Run 5/10/2019 Date: Account Information Account Number: 638318DEN Appraisal Dist: 638318DEN Legal: PERSONAL PROPERTY-LINEAR Owner: US RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS INC ACCELERATOR EQUIPMENT LOCATION: 1107 SNOW BERRY ST 2101 SHADY OAKS DRDENTON PARK CITY,UT84098 Status Information Appraised Val: 255.000 Start Deferral: Volume: 0 Land Val: 0 End Deferral: Page: 0 Improvement Val: 0 AG Deferral: 0 Map Number: Deed Date: Acres: 0.000000 Frozen Year Amt: 0.00 Year Built: 0 Square Footage: 0 Roll Code: P Exemption Codes: Location: 0002101 SHADY OAKS DRDENTON, 76205 Last Payment On: Account Receivables-Fiscal Values 2018 C05 Levy 1,582.22 142.40 6329 357.58 2,14549 000 0.00 C05 Rendition 158.22 14.24 6.33 35.76 21455 000 000 Penalty Sub Total$: 1,740.44 156.64 69.62 393.34 2,360.04 0.00 0.00 2017 C05 Levy 1,951.84 234.22 31229 499.67 2.998.02 000 0,00 COS Rendition y Penalty 195.18 23.42 31.23 49.97 299.80 0.00 0,00 P Sub Total$: 2,147.02 257.64 343.52 549.64 3.297.82 0.00 0.00 2016 C05 Levy 1,742.52 209.10 435.63 477.45 2,864.70 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition 174.25 20.91 43.56 4774 286.46 0.00 0.00 Penalty Sub Total$: 1,916.77 230A1 479.19 525.19 3,151.16 0.00 0.00 2015 C05 Levy 17,243.75 2,069.25 6,380.19 5.138.64 30.831.83 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition 1,724.38 206.93 638.02 513.87 3,083.20 0.00 0.00 Penalty Sub Total$: 18,968.13 2,276.18 7,018.21 5.652.51 33,915.03 0.00 0.00 2014 C05 Levy 20,692.50 2,483.10 10,760.10 6,787.14 40,722.84 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 20,692.50 2,483.10 10,760.10 6,787.14 40,722.84 0.00 0.00 2013 C05 Levy 20,692.50 2,483.10 10,967,03 6,828.53 40,971.16 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 20,692.50 2,483.10 10,967.03 6,828.53 40,971.16 0.00 0.00 2012 C05 Levy 20,692.50 2,483.10 10,967.03 6,828.53 40,971.16 0.00 0 00 Sub Total$: 20,692.50 2,483.10 10,967.03 6.828.53 40,971.16 0.00 0.00 Total$: 86.849.86 10.369.77 40,604.70 27,564.88 165.389.21 0.00 0.00 36 Page: 1 of 1 Printed: 5/10/2019 1:26:38 PM Account Data Run 5/10/2019 Date: Account Information Account Number: 638319DEN Appraisal Dist: 638319DEN Legal: PERSONAL PROPERTY-CYCLOTRON Owner: US RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS INC EQUIPMENT LOCATION:3102 JIM CHRISTAL 1107 SNOW BERRY ST RDDENTON PARK CITY,UT84098 Status Information Appraised Val: 333,726 Start Deferral: Volume: 0 Land Val: 0 End Deferral: Page: 0 Improvement Val: 0 AG Deferral: 0 Map Number: Deed Date: Acres: 0.000000 Frozen Year Amt 0.00 Year Built: 0 Square Footage: 0 Roll Code: P Exemption Codes: Location: 0003102 JIM CHRISTAL RDDENTON, 76207 Last Payment On: Account Receivables-Fiscal Values 2018 C05 Levy 2,070.69 186.36 82.83 467.98 2,807.86 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition 207.07 1864 8.28 4680 280.79 0.00 0.00 Penalty Sub Total 5: 2,277.76 205.00 91.11 514.78 3,088.65 0.00 0.00 2017 C05 Levy 2,554.43 306.53 408.71 653.93 3,923.60 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition Penalty 255.44 30.65 40.87 65.39 392.35 0.00 000 Sub Total$: 2,809.87 337.18 449.58 719.32 4,315.95 0,00 0.00 2016 C05 Levy 2,280.48 273.66 570.12 624.85 3,749.11 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition 228.05 27.37 57.01 62.49 37492 0.00 0.00 Penally Sub Total$: 2,508.53 301.03 627.13 687.34 4,124.03 0.00 0.00 2015 C05 Levy 2,207.20 264.86 816.66 657.74 3,946.46 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition 220.72 26.49 81.67 65.78 394.66 0.00 0.00 Penalty Sub Total S: 2,427.92 291.35 898.33 723.52 4,341.12 0.00 0.00 2014 C05 Levy 4,828.25 579.39 2.510.69 1.583,67 9,502.00 0.00 000 Sub Total$: 4,828.25 579.39 2,510.69 1.583.67 9,502.00 0.00 0100 2013 C05 Levy 4,828.25 579.39 2,558.97 1.593.32 9,559.93 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 4,828.25 579.39 2,558.97 1,593.32 9,559.93 0.00 0.00 2012 C05 Lcvy 4,828.25 57<+.39 2.558.97 1,593.32 9,559.93 0.00 0,00 Sub Total S: 4,828.25 579.39 2,558.97 1.593.32 9,559.93 0.00 0.00 Total S: 24,508.83 2,872.73 9.694.78 7.415.27 44,491.61 0.00 0.00 37 Page: 1 of 1 Printed: 5/10/2019 1:29:07 PM Account Data Run 5/10/2019 Date: Account Information Account Number: 943755DEN Appraisal Dist: P943755 Legal: PERSONAL PROPERTY-RADIOISOTOPE Owner: TRACE LINAC OPERATION INC MFG LOCATION:2101 SHADY OAKS DR, 2101 SHADY OAKS DR DENTON DENTON,TX 76205-7941 Status Information Appraised Val: 0 Start Deferral: Volume: 0 Land Val: 0 End Deferral: Page: 0 Improvement Val: 0 AG Deferral: 0 Map Number: Deed Date: Acres: Frozen Year Amt: Year Built: 0 Square Footage: 0 Roll Code: P Exemption Codes: Location: 0002101 SHADY OAKS DRDENTON, 76205--794 Last Payment On: 11/05/2014 Account Receivables-Fiscal Values 2011 C05 Levy 1.758.22 210.99 1,547.23 703.29 4,219.73 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition 175.82 21.10 154.72 70.33 421.97 0-00 0.00 Penally Sub Total is 1,934.04 232.09 1,701.95 773.62 4,641.70 0.00 0.00 2010 C05 Levy 1,379.50 165.54 1,379.50 584.91 3,509.45 0.00 000 C05 Rendition Penally 137.95 16.55 137.95 58.49 350.94 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 1,517.45 182.09 1.517.45 643.40 3,860.39 0.00 0.00 2009 C05 Levy 1,333.04 1%96 1.453.01 589.20 3,535.21 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 1,333.04 159.96 1,453.01 589.20 3,535.21 0.00 0.00 2008 C05 Levy 30.144.74 3,617.37 37,379.48 14,228.32 85,369.91 18,077.14 000 Sub Total$: 30.144.74 3,617.37 37,379.48 14,228.32 85,369.91 18,077.14 0.00 Total$: 34,929.27 4.191.51 42,051.89 16.234.54 97.407.21 18,077.14 0.00 38 Page: 1 of 1 Printed: 5/10/2019 1:29:50 PM Account Data Run 5/10/2019 Date: Account Information Account Number: 945086DEN Appraisal Dist: P945086 Legal: PERSONAL PROPERTY-CYCLOTRON Owner: TRACE CYCLOTRON OPERATIONS INC LOCATION:JIM CHRISTAL RD,DENTON 2101 SHADY OAKS DR DENTON,TX 76205-7941 Status Information Appraised Val: 0 Start Deferral: Volume: 0 Land Val: 0 End Deferral: Page: 0 Improvement Val: 0 AG Deferral: 0 Map Number: Deed Date: Acres: Frozen YearAmt, Year Built: 0 Square Footage: 0 Roll Code: P Exemption Codes: Location: 0003102 JIM CHRISTAL RDDENTON, 76207--260 Last Payment On: 11/05/2014 Account Receivables-Fiscal Values 2011 C05 Levy 1.708.06 2N 97 1,503.09 683.22 4,099.34 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 1,708.06 204.97 1,503.09 683.22 4,099.34 0.00 0.00 2010 C05 Levy 3,416.11 409.93 3,416.11 1,448.43 8,690.58 0.00 0.00 C05 Rendition 341.61 40.99 341.61 144.84 869.05 0.00 0.00 Pen;tlty Sub Total$: 3,757.72 450.92 3,757.72 1,593.27 9,559.63 0.00 0.00 2009 C05 Levy 2,539.04 304.68 2,843.72 1.137.49 6,824.93 1,536.24 0.00 Sub Total$: 2,539.04 304.68 2,843.72 1,137.49 6,824.93 1.636.24 0.00 Total$: 8,004.82 960.57 8,104.53 3,413.98 20,483.90 1,536.24 0.00 39 Page: 1 of 1 Printed: 5/10/2019 1:31:19 PM Account Data Run 5/10/2019 Date: Account Information Account Number: 261659DEN Appraisal Dist: SD0123A- -0000 Legal: HARLEY ADDN BILK 1 LOT 2 Owner: KENSINGTON TITLE-NEVADA LLC 8 VALLEY VIEW IRVINE,CA92612-3211 Status Information Appraised Val: 515,801 Start Deferral: Volume: 0 Land Val: 186,612 End Deferral: Page: 0 Improvement Val: 329,189 AG Deferral: 0 Map Number: Deed Date: Acres: 1.428000 Frozen Year Amt: 0.00 Year Built: 0 Square Footage: 0 Roll Code: R Exemption Codes: Location: 0003102 JIM CHRISTAL RD, 76207--260 Last Payment On: 02/28/2017 Account Receivables-Fiscal Values 2018 C05 Levy 3,200.43 288.04 12802 542.47 4,158.96 000 0.00 Sub Total$: 3,200.43 288.04 128.02 542.47 4,158.96 0.00 0.00 2017 C05 Levy 3,347.05 401.65 535.53 856.85 5,141 08 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 3,347.05 401.65 535.53 856.85 5,141.08 0.00 0.00 Total$: 6,547.48 689.69 663.55 1,399.32 9.300.04 0.00 0.00 40 Page: 1 of 1 Printed: 5/10/2019 1:48:32 PM Account Data Run 5/10/2019 Date: Account Information Account Number: 199564DEN Appraisal Dist: SD3589A- -0000 Legal: RESEARCH ADDN LOT 2 Owner: KENSINGTON TITLE-NEVADA LLC 8 VALLEY VIEW IRVINE,CA92612-3211 Status Information Appraised Val: 1,970,219 Start Deferral: Volume: 0 Land Val: 871,200 End Deferral: Page: 0 Improvement Val: 1,099,019 AG Deferral: 0 Map Number: Deed Date: Acres: 20.000000 Frozen Year Amt 0.00 Year Built: 0 Square Footage: 0 Roll Code: R Exemption Codes: Location: 0002101 SHADY OAKS DR, 76205--794 Last Payment On: 02/28/2017 Account Receivables-Fiscal Values 2018 C05 Levy 12,224.76 1,100 23 488.99 2,072.10 15,886.08 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 12,224.76 1,100.23 488.99 2,072.10 15,886.08 0.00 0.00 2017 C05 Levy 12,569.52 1.508.34 2,011.12 3,217.80 19,306.78 0.00 0.00 Sub Total$: 12,569.52 1,508.34 2,011.12 3,217.80 19,306.78 0.00 0.00 Total$: 24,794.28 2,608.67 2,500.11 5,289.90 35,192.86 0.00 0.00 41 S18-0005 Notification Map r I O Wolfe Village East,LLC. Kenneth Wolfe _ 1700 E Village Stor .. W W � O O ,N Taryn Hairston L fv 3029 Brandywine St 3 Charles Hadel ' m 2925 Stockton St 3021 Brandywine St , • � O Raymond Studnicki `O Ricky D.Bryant i� 3013 Brandywine St 2500 Mingo Rd f Kimberly Wells Norman Misplay 2933 Stockton St D 2921 Stockton St Brian Koshy 1420 Briarwood St 2941 Stockton St Kent Kallenberger Martin O'Neill _S 2909 Stockton St " 1416 Briarwood St ! IN 4 ��f TO )I11,111,hill, Andrew Babb Ellen Ralph 2952 Stockton St 1 1412 Briarwood St Josue&Arisbeth Saucedo , �iltlf�It Nora Alvarado 2905 Stockton St �/ a f Melinda Bostic-Sinclair ' 2956 Stockton St , " 2936 Stockton StINS =I�� MI� Robert Coffey John Webster 0 Medina 2948 Stockton St 294 1405 Briarwood St 2940 S Stockton St � � 7 � _ 3005 Oakshire St NancyGodoy Carson ' �` ` A Linda akshi �I �i I ` _ . Jaime Razo 1 3001 Oakshire St 2908 Oakshire St 3000 Oakshire St a 0 70 140 280 `,�� I SITE In Favor F Feet a a Certified Parcels Neutral ° at MY OF Roads opposed i' ova DENTON p p � Development Services•GIS 42 g g g y �e1e:5/1612019 IheeCityYoffDenfo�n and.pave been made a dalPablemtonthe use. on the Public Inform Atha Altct ThUe City of Denton)mekeseevery effort to peodu ce alnd publlshthle mostpCusrerenht a d accu�ate informaflon possible•No warranties,hexpressetd or Implied,are provided for the data herein,Its use,or Its Interpretation.Utilization of this map indicates understanding and acceptance of this statement. Date: April 5, 2019 No. 2019-061 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Denco Area 9-1-1 Appointment to District Board of Managers DISCUSSION: The City has received a request (attached) from Mark Payne, Executive Director for Denco Area 9-1-1 District, for nominations of individuals to serve on the Denco Board of Managers. The Denco Area 9-1-1 District was created in 1987, and is governed by a board of managers appointed by the County, participating cities, and the Denton County Fire Chief s Association. Board members serve staggered two-year terms and are eligible for reappointment. A list of the current Board Members is attached to the memorandum. Each year, the term of one of the two members appointed by participating municipalities expires. This year, the term of Ms. Sue Tejml, Mayor of Copper Canyon, expires September 30, 2019. Members are eligible for consecutive terms. Mayor Tejml has expressed her desire to serve another term. Nominations must reach Denco on or before June 15, 2019. If you have a nominee for consideration by City Council, please contact Chief of Staff, Rachel Wood by May 16, 2019, and it will be considered at the June 4, 2019 Council Meeting. On June 16, 2019, Denco will send copies of nominations to each city for consideration, requesting the city to vote for one of the nominees. Requests for votes from Council will occur at an August, 2019 Council meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me. ATTACHMENTS Memorandum from Denco Area 9-1-1 District STAFF CONTACT: Rachel Wood Chief of Staff (940) 349-7718 rachel.woodkcityofdenton.com 43 9tiDenco Area 9-1 -1 District 1075 Princeton Street Lewisville,TX 75067 • Mailing: PO BOX 293058 - Lewisville,TX 75029-3058 DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT Phone:972-221-0911 Fax:972-420-0709 TO: Denco Area 9-1-1 District Participating Municipal Jurisdictions FROM: Mark Payne, Executive Director DATE: March 15, 2019 RE: Nomination for the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers Chapter 772,Texas Health and Safety Code, provides for the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers to have "two members appointed jointly by all the participating municipalities located in whole or part of the district." The enclosed resolution, approved by the district's board of managers on March 10, 2016, describes the appointment process of a municipal representative to the Denco Board of Managers. Each year on September 301h, the term of one of the two members appointed by participating municipalities expires.This year it is the term of Mayor Sue Tejml. Members are eligible for consecutive terms and Mayor Tejml has expressed her desire to serve another term. In order to coordinate the appointment among 33 participating municipalities, Denco requests the following actions by the governing bodies of each city/town: 1. Immediate Action (Nominate): If your city/town would like to nominate a candidate to represent the municipalities on the Denco Board of Managers, please send a letter of nomination, by way of council action, and resume of the candidate to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District office. For a nomination to be considered, written notification of council action must reach the Denco Area 9-1-1 District by 5:00 p.m.June 15,2019. No nominations shall be considered after that time. 2. Future Action (Vote): On June 16, 2019, Denco staff will send the slate of nominees to each city/town for consideration, requesting the city/town council vote by resolution for one of the nominees. Written notice of the council's selection must reach the Denco Area 9-1-1 District by 5:00 p.m. on September 15, 2019. No votes will be accepted after that time. 3. Process Closure (Results): The Denco Board of Managers and all municipal jurisdictions will be informed of the votes from responding cities/towns.The candidate with the most votes will be the municipalities' representative to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers for the two-year term beginning October 1, 2019. Please send a copy of your council's official action and candidate resume to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District, 1075 Princeton Street, Lewisville, TX 75067 or to Andrea Zepeda at andrea.ze[)eda@denco.org. Denco staff will acknowledge receipt and sufficiency of the submitted documents. If that acknowledgement is not received within one(1) business day,or you have any other questions, please contact Ms.Zepeda at 972-221-0911.As a courtesy, Denco will provide notification of your council's action to the nominee. A sample nomination resolution has been enclosed for your convenience.Thank you for your support of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District. c: Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers Enclosures www.degto.org Council Resolution No. A RESOLUTION NOMINATING ONE CANDIDATE TO A SLATE OF NOMINEES FOR THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Section 772, Health and Safety Code, provides that two voting members of the Board of Managers of an Emergency Communications District shall be appointed jointly by all cities and towns lying wholly or partly within the District; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY/ TOWN OF TEXAS: Section 1 The City/ Town of hereby NOMINATES as a candidate for appointment to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District. Section 2 That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 2019. Mayor City/ Town of ATTEST: City/ Town Secretary 45 Council Resolution No. A RESOLUTION NOMINATING ONE CANDIDATE TO A SLATE OF NOMINEES FOR THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Section 772, Health and Safety Code, provides that two voting members of the Board of Managers of an Emergency Communications District shall be appointed jointly by all cities and towns lying wholly or partly within the District; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY / TOWN OF , TEXAS: Section 1 The City/ Town of hereby NOMINATES as a candidate for appointment to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District. Section 2 That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 2019. Mayor City/ Town of ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City/ Town Secretary City /Town Attorney 46 2016.03.10.AI.08 DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT RESOLUTION DEFINING PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTMENT OF PARTICIPATING MUNICIPALITIES' REPRESENTATIVE TO THE DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS WHEREAS,this resolution shall take the place of Resolution 1999.02.04.R01 by the same title;and WHEREAS, Chapter 772,Texas Health and Safety Code provides for the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers to have "two members appointed jointly by all the participating municipalities located In whole or part of the district."; and WHEREAS,each member serves a term of two years beginning on October 15t of the year member is appointed; and WHEREAS, one member representing participating municipalities is appointed each year. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS: The procedure for participating municipalities to appoint a representative to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers shall be the following: 1. Nominate Candidate: Prior to March 15th of each year, the executive director shall send a written notice to the mayor of each participating municipality advising that nominations are being accepted until June 151h of that same year,for one of the municipal representatives to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers. The notice shall advise the mayors that for a nomination to be considered, written notification of council action must be received at the Denco office prior to 5:00 p.m. on June 15th of that year.No nominations shall be considered after that time. 2. Vote for Candidate:On June 16th of each year,the executive director shall send written notice to the mayor of each participating municipality,providing the slate of nominees to be considered for appointment to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers for the term beginning October 11t.The notice shall advise the mayor that the city/town council shall vote, by resolution from such city/town,for one of the nominees. Written notice of the council's selection must be received at the district office by 5:00 p.m. on September 151h. No votes will be accepted after that time. 3. Tally Votes:The one nominee with the most votes received by the deadline will be the municipal representative appointed for the two-year term beginning October 1s1 4. Tie Breaker: If there is a tie between two candidates with the most votes, a runoff election will be held immediately with the candidate receiving the most votes serving the remainder of the term. The incumbent representative shall serve in that position until replaced. APPROVED and ADOPTED on this loth day of March 2016. Ch r Ian of the Board Secretarf of the Board 47 DENCO Area 9-1-1 Board of Directors • Jack Miller(Denton County Commissioners Court Representative) • Sue Tejml (Participating Cities Representative) • Terry McGrath (Denton County Fire Chiefs Association Representative) • Bill Lawrence (Denton County Commissioners Court Representative) • Jim Carter(Participating Cities Representative) • Rob McGee (Verizon Advisory Representative) 48 CouncilRequests SMARTSHEET YLL fTitle Request Request Type Status 1 2019-066 ^ulk Collection for Commercial Staff report on options to have curbside bulky item collection for commercial dumpsters. 12/18/18 Cox Solid Waste Council Meeting A work session is planned for May 21. 2 2019-260 PEC-4 Survey ISR on requirements to survey property owners adjacent to the PEC-4 project regarding their 02/26/19 Estes Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. willingness to allow use of right-of-way easements for bicycle and pedestrian paths? 3 2019-294 Prairie St.Historic Designation Staff report on the potential historic designation for Prairie Street. 03/05/19 McAllen/McDonald Development Services Council Meeting Information is provided in the April 12 Friday report.An ISR will be provided on May 24. 4 2019-352 Proclamation Supporting Request for a proclamation supporting Denton's Islamic community and their contributions to our 03/20/19 Adams City Manager's Office Council Meeting This is included on the May 21 agenda. Islamic Community culture and quality of life. 2019-362 City Properties for Affordable Information on if City-owned properties are eligible for affordable housing including which City- 03/20/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting A summary will be provided in a future Friday report. 5 Housing owned properties fall within the"distressed zone"and if they are potentially eligible for New Market Tax Credits. 2019-357 Comprehensive Low-Income Work Session on comprehensive process for low-income housing strategy that includes housing 03/20/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting This process will be discussed during the May 21 Affordable Housing work 6 Housing Strategy bonds,density bonuses,grants for low income rentals,land swaps and other tactics to maximize session. the availability of affordable housing. 7 2019-354 Fire Department Recruitment Provide costs to have an agency more effectively advertise the Fire Department for recruitment. 03/20/19 Adams/Hedges Fire/Public Affairs Council Meeting Information will be provided in the May 24 Friday report. Marketing 8 2019-383 Utility Bill Assistance Staff report on incentives that other cities offer to help residents pay utility bills. 03/26/19 Thomson Customer Service Council Meeting This will be addressed during the Customer Service budget presentation currently scheduled for June 4. 9 2019-430 Council Committees Work Work session regarding delineating the roles and responsibilities of Council Committees 04/03/19 Wood City Manager's Office Council Meeting A work session is scheduled for June 18. Session 10 2019-431 Rayzor Ranch Update ISR on Rayzor Ranch Town Center change of ownership,information on the land overlays and 04/03/19 McDonald/Rogers Economic Development/Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in the May 24 Friday report. the process to amend overlays,and information related to the incentives. Services 11 2019-428 Police Officer Staff Levels Information on the number of police officer positions that are needed by the city and our plan 04/03/19 Dixon Police Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report address any gaps. 12 2019-456 Ethics Attorney Opinions Work Session on individuals covered as City officials under the Ethics Ordinance obtaining 04/09/19 Wood City Manager's Office Council Meeting A work session is scheduled for June 11. information from the City's Ethics attorney and Outside Counsel 13 2019-469 Community Market Information on the addition of a City position to support all non-profit agencies. 04/09/19 Kuechler/Rogers Public Affairs/Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 14 2019-458 Food Diversion What are the benefits of a food diversion program? Are there ordinances we can model? 04/09/19 Cox Solid Waste Council Meeting Information will be provided during a work session currently scheduled for July 23. 15 2019-494 Unfilled Board&Commission Staff report on measures that can be taken to ensure that board and commission seats do not 04/16/19 Rios/Wood City Secretary Council Meeting A work session is scheduled for June 18. Seats remain unfilled for an extended period of time. 16 2019-519 Green Painting for Bike/Ped Is green painting on pavement for bike/pedestrian lanes a wise policy? Discuss pros/cons and 04/23/19 Pritam/Oliphant Capital Projects Council Meeting Information is provided in the May 17 Friday report. Lanes best practices 17 2019-526 Green Building Can Sustainability staff reach out to Zero Energy builder to see what we can learn,building 04/23/19 Barnett Sustainability Council Meeting Information will be provided in the July Committee on the Environment codes,what could we do to encourage green building in Denton? meeting 2019-575 Kansas City RR Daily Trips How many daily trips go through Denton on the Kansas City Rail Line? 05/06/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Council Meeting Staff have left two messages with Kansas City RR and are awaiting a 18 response.Information will be provided in a future Friday report once a response has been received. 19 2019-576 Hickory Creek Widening Staff Report on additional costs for bringing the Hickory Creek widening project to six lanes. 05/06/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in the May 24 Friday report. 2019-565 Naming Rights What are the policies for both Denton County and the State of Texas with regard to naming 05/06/19 Gray/Packan Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 20 public facilities owned by each entity respectively?Are there any laws impacting or prohibiting the City's naming policy? 21 2019-577 Municipal Broadband Staff report on short-term strategies to address residents who are without high-speed internet 05/07/19 Birdseye City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. along with what can be done to address this long term. 22 2019-578 Internet Coverage Coordinate with CenturyLink, Frontier, AT&T and other service providers to determine their 05/07/19 Birdseye City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. willingness to address current service gaps in the community. 23 2019-586 CDBG Locations Can CDBG allocations be required to be located in specific areas around the City?How many 05/07/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. lots/homes is Habitat for Humanity planning to purchase and build? 24 2019-580 Wolfe Village East Support Clarification on if Wolfe Village East was in favor of or in opposition to the Mockingbird multifamily 05/07/19 Menguita/McDonald Development Services Council Meeting Information is provided in the May 17 Friday report. project. 25 2019-585 Artificial Turf Staff report on the City's use of artificial turf and the viability of using it in parks and sports fields. 05/07/19 Packan/Behrens Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 26 2019-573 1 Special Events What are the three events that did not meet the special event guidelines? 05/07/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information is provided in the May 17 Friday report. Exported on May 17,2019 3:12:01 PM CDT 49 Page 1 of 1 CouncilRequests SMARTSHEET YLL Date Staff Responsible Depa Status rtment Request Type 1 2019-079 Verizon Pole Debt Update on the Verizon pole attachment debt. 12/03/18 Puente/Morrow/Adams DME Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Legal Status Report. 2 2019-094 SUP for all Multifamily Staff report describing if requiring Specific Use Permits for all multifamily developments would be 02/09/19 Leal City Attorney's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Legal Status report. a violation of the Fair Housing Act. 3 2019-414 Street Contractors Prepare a list of contractors who were found to have done faulty compaction work leading to 04/02/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. street failures. 4 2019-440 Signal study at Brinker/Quail Additional information is needed on why previous traffic study at Brinker and Quail Creek was 04/08/19 Estes/Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday Report Creek insufficient to create a signal. Also requests typical interval time between traffic studies. 51 2019-482 Multi-family Composting In addition to the previous request for multi-family recycling,prepare information on multi-family 04/13/19 Cox Solid Waste Other Council Requests Information will be provided during a work session currently scheduled for Program and curbside composting. July 23. 6 2019-499 Service Center Building Could the small building in the Service Center parking lot potentially be used by a non-profit 04/16/19 Canizares/Wood/Kuechler City Manager's Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. agency?If this is an option,would the process be to make it available to non-profit agencies? Office/Facilities/Community 7 2019-500 Homeless Housing Placements Which organizations listed on the dashboard our housing are housing individuals each month? 04/16/19 Kuechler Community Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. This will help Council understand where grants are needed most. 8 2019-561 City Assume Maintenance of Information on the process required for the City to consider assuming maintenance of Carpenter 05/02/19 Estes/Puente Capital Projects/Finance Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the May 24 Friday report. Private Road Road,which is currently a private gravel road off of McKinney. 9 2019-568 Board of Ethics Legal Costs What is the dollar amount that Mr.Prouty billed the City for the May 2 Board of Ethics meeting? 05/02/19 Dalai Internal Audit Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 2019-572 Hickory Creek Alignment Staff report on the project and funding status of the veloweb(multi-use path)that is planned for 05/07/19 Oliphant/Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the May 24 Friday report. 10 Crossings the Hickory Creek floodplain.Include information on the connectivity this proposed path would provide and options to receive(if necessary)NCTCOG funding for this project. 2019-587 Tuition Reimbursement Information on the City's tuition reimbursement program-does the City still require use of local 05/07/19 Romine Human Resources Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the May 24 Friday report. 11 Program schools since online education has become so prevalent?Provide clarification on if the will provide reimbursement to students who pay for their education with student loans. 12 2019-570 Opening Taliaferro Street Information on if it is possible/advisable to re-open Taliaferro Street so that it connects to Bolivar 05/07/19 Canizares/Cox/Kremer Public Works Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. to N.Locust Street. 2019-590 First Amendment Section of Request to allow for public input on the Special Event Ordinance and additional information on 05/10/19 Behrens/Packan Parks and Recreation Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 13 Special Events Ordinance the First Amendment component of the ordinances.Information on the potential removal of the First Amendment section of the ordinance or revise the First Amendment section to something like"First Amendment Event Exemptions and Protections. 2019-593 Council Attendance Tracking Revise report for Council attendance tracking to group late arrivals and on time arrivals together. 05/11/19 Wood/Rios City Secretary's Office Other Council Requests Information is provided in the May 17 Friday report. 14 Concern is media or members of the public will not add the two categories together and misrepresent attendance records of elected officials. 2019-597 Response to Resident Concern Clarification on City funding levels with the Denton Community Market given recent allegations 05/14/19 Wood/Gaines City Manager's Office/Finance Other Council Requests Information is provided in the May 17 Friday report. 15 about Denton Community that the City has stopped funding support for the Denton Community Market. Market Funding 16 2019-595 Homeless Encampment High level financial analysis comparing clean-up of homeless encampments to providing portable 05/14/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Analysis toilets and servicing a dumpster for the same size population. 17 2019-599 Windsor Traffic Control Devices Status update on traffic control devices for Windsor and Bonnie Brae and Windsor and Hinkle 05/14/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 18 2019-600 City Funds to Outside Entities Information on City funds provided to outside entities where real estate is provided(cash or in- 05/14/19 Gaines/Wood Finance/City Manager's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. kind),or funding for salaries is provided and the requirements placed on those entities. 19 2019-598 Employee Gift Policy Information on how the City of Denton's Employee Gift Policy compares to policies of peer cities. 05/14/19 Ogden/Lindsay Procurement&Compliance Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 20 2019-601 Gas Well Pre-Emption Specifics regarding the previously stated State pre-emption concerns for gas wells.Need more 05/14/19 Banks Utilities Other Council Requests Information will be provided during the July 15 Luncheon.A separate Legal specific information on who is grandfathered in and why. Status Report will also be distributed related to this issue. 2019-606 Board and Commission List of current board and commission membership including term,who appointed them,and 05/16/19 Wood/Rios City Secretary's Office Other Council Requests Information will be posted online within the next few weeks.A work session 21 Information on Website eligibility to serve a repeat term on the City's website. related to board and commission appointments is scheduled for June 18,at that time City Council will receive binders with details outlining the nomination process. 2019-609 Windsor Sidewalk Concern Does the City have a sidewalk extension planned for the south side of Windsor near the 05/16/19 Oliphant/Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 22 recreation center?Extending that segment of sidewalk would prevent residents from having to cross Windsor multiple times. 2019-610 Gas Well Discussion Please prepare a Legal Status Report on the requirements for existing gas wells and/or pad 05/17/19 McDonald/Leal/Banks City Attorney's Office/Development Other Council Requests Information will be included in the July 15 work session and a separate Legal sites.Additionally,have staff prepare maps of all gas well plats together with various setback Services/Utilities Status Report. 23 radii that identifies the applicable setback setback for each pad site and the conditions required to make new gas well development subject to new codes.If most sites are vested,what is left that would be impacted by the new regulations? Exported on May 17,2019 3:14:28 PM CDT 50 Page 1 of 1 May 2019 1 2 3 4 4:00pm Pubic Art Committee 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 5:30pinBoardofEthics 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:00am Pub he Utilities 1:30 pm CC Work Session I1:OOamEDP Bo a rd 6:30 pro CC Regular 11:00 am DCRC 12 pm Council Lune he on Session 2:30pm Agenda Committee 1:30pm Committee on the Environment 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Op m HLC 9:00 am Mob ility 4:OOpm P&Z Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Meting— Committee -CANCELED 6:30pmPH Regular Session CANCELED 11:00amDCRC 5:30 pm CC Recepton Sp e c is 1 C a lle d Session -2:30pmAgenda Committee 6:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6:00pm Public Utilities 11:30 am CC Work I1:OOamTIF Board(TIRZ#1) Board Session 1:OOpm HOT&Sponsorship 11:00amDCRC 6:3 0 pin CC Re g u la r 2:30pm Agenda Committee Committee Meting 4:00pm ZBA-CANCELED Session 26 27 28 29 30 31 No Council Meeting 2:30pm Agenda Committee 11:00 am DCRC 51 June 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session S:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm Public Art Committee Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm PH Regular Session 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 a m Mob ility 11:00amEDP Board Committee 11:00 City Council Group 5:30pm HLC Photo 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Session 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 4:00pm FhBSCo Acting 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pm Committee on Persons With Disabilities 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 6:00p m Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Bo a rd Session 4:00p m 2BA 30 52 July 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 o Luncheon Meeting o Council Meeting 4:00pm Public Art Committee 1:30pm Committee on the (New date TBD since this is a Environment holiday) 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00a m Pub lic Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility I1:00amEDP Board Committee o Council Meeting 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm MBSCo Nbeting Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Se ssio n 5:00pm Committee on 5:30pm HLC Persons with Disabilities 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday I 1:00am TIF Board(TIRZ#1) Bo a rd Session 28 29 30 31 4:00pm ZBA No Council Meeting 53 Future Work Session Items 5/17/2019 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Home Chemical Collection, Bulky Item, 21-May and Yard Waste Denton Development Funding Options for Collection Business Code Public Hearing Shelter and Civic Center Fee 11:30 Start Time Case Analysis Recycling Update DEC Noise Mitigation Process Homelessness Waiver Acceptance of Sponsorships and Living Wage for City 3-June Lunch Donations Policy Cultural District Contractors DME &Customer Water, Wastewater, Service Budget 4-Jun Budget Presentation Presentation Day Break Building 11-June General Fund A/V General Fund Budget (City Council Group Values and Updated 5 Presentations (4 Solid Waste Budget Development Service Photo at 11:00) Year Forecast Presentations) Presentation Fees City Hall West Board of Ethics Contractor Procurement Council Committee General Fund Budget Options/Facility and Boards & Presentations (4 Project Budget Signage and Design Council &Committee Inclement Weather Commission 18-Jun Presentations) Planning Standards Rules of Procedure Policy Appointments General Fund Budget Traffic Signalization Presentations (4 Construction Code Red Light Camera Pilot and Traffic/Roadway South Lakes Park 25-Jun Presentations) Municipal Broadband Review and Contract ITechnology Parking Lot Gas Well Notification Disclosure 15-July Lunch Gas Well Setback and Distance Study Requirements Gas Well Revenue Preliminary Budget Manufactured Home Discussions/ Financial Risk Employee Ethics Development Services Departmental Work Session 16-Jul Disclosure Charity Care Policy Certified Mailings Presentations Strategy Session Economic Outdoor Music Development Corridor Purchasing Manual Venues and Noise Commercial Food Plan/Reinvestment Departmental Budget 23-Jul Update JAtmos Energy Update lordinance IDiversion JGrant 113resentations 5-Aug Lunch Joint DISD/City Council Luncheon Rayzor Ranch PID Scooter Share Blue Zones Mandatory Recycling for Commercial and Right of Way Multifamily Real Estate Policy Ordinance Follow-up Police Overtime (IA) Date TBD Group Home Code Sobering Centers Amendment Joint EDPB Luncheon P-Card (IA) Municipal Rental Inspection Program Mews Streets Update Affordable Housing Utility Street Cuts (IA) Top priorities from Top Priorities from 3/4 Work Session 4/23 Work Session 54 - - Construction Projects Report INPROVING CITY Week of May 20-26,2019 NI OF DENTONFor general inquiries and questions,please contact the Project Management Office at(940)349-7227 DEN Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Ma'or Closures Water Main Replacement Completeion extended from Atlas Dr. Redstone Hercules 3f 25f 19 5/28/19 Water 12/17/18 Website&Letters (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closures) 5/21/19 Mayhill Project Bridge Website& Blagg Rd. Mayhill Geesling 3/18/19 10/31/19 (Road Closure) Engineering Nextdoor (940)208-4318 Notofication Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 7/1/17 7/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 6/14/18 (940)349-8910 Vintage (Phase 1 Street Closure) Water Main Replacement Part of North South Water Highland Website,Nextdoor Main Ph.II Capital Project Bonnie Brae St. Willowwood 5/13/19 5/24/19 North South Water Main Ph. II Engineering (940)349-8910 Park (Street Closure) Notification (Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to 135E) Daisy Dr. Boxwood Sweet Gum 4/29/19 6/14/19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets 4/15/19 (940)349-7160 (One Way Lane Closure) Dallas Dr. Intersection of Teasley 11/12/18 6/14/19 Turn Lane Upgrade Streets 11/5/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Eagle Drainage Improvements Part of Eagle Dr.Dainage Eagle Dr. Elm Carroll 1/31/19 6/28/19 Engineering (940)268-9726 (Street Closure) Capital Project Wastewater and Water Main Edgewood PI. Northwood Crestwood 5/9/19 7/6/19 Replacement Wastewater 5/2/19 (940)349-7300 Terrace (Temporary,Intermitten Road and water Closure) Forrestridge Dr. Highview Cr. Highview Cr. 5/20/19 6/7/19 Atmos Utility Relocations Atmos Community (940)293-7039 New Project (Westbound Lane Closure) Meeting 55 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Hann St. Locust Austin 5/6/19 6/10/19 Water Line Improvements PWI 4/11/19 (940)268-9726 (Street Closure) Hercules Ln. Sherman Stuart 3/25/19 7/15/19 Water Main Replacement Water 3/4/19 (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closure) Heritage Tr. South of Linden 3/28/19 6/18/19 Turn Lane Installation PWI Website (940)268-9842 University (One lane both directions closed) Highland$t. Carroll IOOF 5/20/19 7/15/19 Highland Street Fence Parks (940)349-7464 New Project (Intermitten Closures) Highview Ct. Highview Cr. Dead End 4/29/19 6/7/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 4/18/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Highview Cir. Forrest Ridge Forrest Ridge 5/20/19 6/21/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 5/6/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Street and Drainage Improvements / / / / 9 9 Engineering / / ) Part of Magnolia Drainage Hinkle Dr. UniversityWindsor 4 1 19 6 1 20 (Magnolia Drainage Ph 11 En ineerin 11 13 18 (940 349-8910 Temporary Street Closures) Capital Project Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Website,Nextdoor Kendoph Ln. Underwood Willowwood 5/20/19 6/24/19 Streets 5/6/19 (940)349-7160 Updated start from 4/30/19 (Street Closure) Notification Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 4/25/19 8/17/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater Website,Nextdoor (940)349-7300 Streets Repairs to follow (Street Closure) Notification 8/5/19-1/9/20 Kings Row Yellowstone Sherman 5/6/19 6/28/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/7/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Nextdoor Kings Row Yellowstone Stuart 4/15/19 8/16/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 4/9/19 Website, (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Notification Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Street Widening Engineering 1/3/18, 1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)208-4318 (Temporary Lane Closures) Storm Drain Installation and E.McKinney St. Grissom S.Fork 3/11/19 7/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 3/7/19 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closure Mercedes Rd. Oakwood Willowwood 5/15/19 6/12/19 Street Construction Streets 4/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Eagle Drainage Improvements Part of Eagle Dr.Drainage Myrtle St. Eagle Maple 1/31/19 6/28/19 Engineering 8/21/18 Contacted DCTA (940)349-8910 (Street Closure) Capital Project 56 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Neff St. Greenlee Collins 5/15/19 6/12/19 Street Construction Streets 4/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Wastewater and Water Main Northwood Terrace Cul de sac Edgewood 5/9/19 7/6/19 Replacement Wastewater 5/2/19 (940)349-7300 Place (Temporary,Intermitten Road and water Closure) Paco Tr. Ruddell Cul de sac 5/6/19 6/7/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets 4/26/19 (940)349-7167 (Lane Closure) Peak St. Greenlee Fannin 5/15/19 6/12/19 Street Construction Streets 4/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Sheraton Rd. Sun Valley Hercules 3/25/19 5/24/19 Street Reconstruction Streets Website (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Sherman Dr. Monterey Stuart 5/7/19 7/12/19 Wastewater Main ReplacementWastewater Website (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closure) Smoketree Tr. Boxwood Plumbago 4/29/19 5/31/19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets 4/16/19 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Street Reconstruction CM Nextdoor Stuart Rd. Long Keystone 1/30/19 6/30/19 (Street Closure) Construction Notification 1940)231-9963 Street Widening US 377(Ft.Worth Dr.) IH 35E 0.26 mi south of 12/3/18 12/12/20 [(Te 10/8 mporary Lane Closures during non- TxDOT 9/25/18 Public Meeting FM 1830 (940)387-1414 peak traffic) 57 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes COMPLETED PROJECTS Crestwood PI. Greenwood Kayewood 4/1/19 4/30/19 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 3/21/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Crestwood PI. Liveoak Edgewood 4/1/19 5/7/19 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 3/21/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Crestoak PI. Liveoak Oakridge 4/1/19 5/7/19 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 3/21/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Hickory St. Industrial Bell 5/7/19 5/8/19 Private Construction Engineering (940)349-8910 (Street Closure) Wastewater Main Replacement Website,Nextdoor Kings Row Calvert Dunes 4/4/19 5/8/19 (Temporary Road Closure) Wastewater Notification (940)349 7300 Laguna Dr. Yellowstone Sherman 12/17/18 4/26/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/7/18 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Michial St. McCormick Knight 5/6/19 5/16/19 Street Construction Streets 4/23/19 (940)349-7160 New Completion (Street Closure) Waterline Improvements Website, Morse St. Intersection of Mayhill 4/18/19 5/16/19 (Intersection Closure) PWI Businesses&DCTA (940)208-4318 New Completion Contacted Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Mustang Dr. Sundown Palomino 3/4/19 4/26/19 Repair Streets 2/22/19 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure Curb Repairs Website, North Texas Blvd. Chestnut Stella 4/29/19 5/15/19 Streets Businesses&DCTA (940)349-7160 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closure) Contacted Nottingham Dr. Kings Row Stratford 4/4/19 5/8/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater Website,Nextdoor (940)349-7300 (Temporary Road Closure) Notification Oakridge St. Edgewood Crestoak 4/1/19 5/7/19 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 3/21/19 (940)349-7167 (Street Closure) FM 2181 Road Widening Nextdoor Ranchman Blvd. Intersection of FM 2181 1/4/19 5/16/19 (Road Closure on Ranchman to the TxDOT Notification, (940)349-8910 New Completion east and west of FM 2181) Electronic Signs San Felipe Dr. Willowick Chimney Rock 4/15/19 4/25/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets Website,Nextdoor (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Notification 58 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Atmos Utility Relocations Nextdoor Scripture St. Ector Gober 2/4/19 5/1/19 (Westbound Lane Closure;Intersection Atmos Notification (940)205-9821 at Hillcrest Closed) Sheraton PI. Sheraton Buckingham 3/18/19 5/10/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 3/11/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Railroad 5/1/19 5/3/19 Railroad Crossing Rehabilitation Sycamore St. At Engineering Email Notifications (940)349-8910 Crossing (Street Closure) University Dr. 1200'West 1200'East 4/30/19 5/3/19 Railroad Crossing Rehabilitation Engineering Email Notifications (940)208-4318 (Temporary Road Closure) Yellowstone PI. Kings Row Monterey 1/28/19 5/20/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 1/23/19 (940)349-7160 New Completion (Temproary Block Closures) 59 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes UPCOMING PROJECTS Acorn Bend Rd. Field Bend Cule de Sac 5/27/19 6/28/19 Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair Streets 5/14/19 (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closures) Intersection Improvements Bell Ave. Intersection of McKinney 5/27/19 6/28/19 (Northbound right turn lane, Engineering 2/22/19 Website&Letters (940)349-8910 temporary lane closure Bonnie Brae St. University Linden 6/3/19 6/14/19 Private Development Engineering (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closure) Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn 135E TBD TBD North South Water Main Phase 2Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) City or TxDOT Project-currently on FM 2181 Denton/Corinth Lillian Miller TBD TBD Street Widening TxDOT (940)-387-1414 hold City limits Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Hickory St. Ave B Welch 6/3/19 10/1/19 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Hickory St. Intersection of Fry 6/3/19 6/18/19 Wastewater Main ReplacementWastewater (940)349-7300 (Street Closure) Water Main Replacement Start date extended from Johnson St. E.Collins E.Daugherty 5/29/19 7/3/19 (Temporary Street Closure will open at Water 5/6/10 (940)349-7167 5/22/19 6:00 pm daily) Brightwood Valley Gutter Installation Longfellow Ln. Terrace Intersection 6/3/19 6/21/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets 5/15/19 (940)349-7160 New Project Mills Rd. Intersection of Mayhill 5/28/19 8/1/19 Storm Drain Inlet and Repave Engineering 5/15/19 (940)208-4318 (Full Closure) Massey St. Hwy 377 200'West TBD TBD Street Boring TxDot Email Notifications (940)387-1414 New Project (Street Closure) Street Widening McKinney St. South Fork Grissom 5/29/19 5/31/19 McKinney Street Widening Project (Full Closure) 60 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Water Main Replacement,Street Water Mistywood Ln. Rockwood Jamestown 7/17/19 11/11/19 Repairs Water 12/17/18 (940)349-7167 (Intermittent Street Closure) Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Panhandle St. Carroll Bolivar TBD TBD Streets 4/9/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) PEC 4-Engineering Installing Underground Box Culvert Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 Pennsylvania Dr. Hollyhill Intersection 5/27/19 6/14/19 Valley Gutter Installation Streets 5/15/19 (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closures) Kansas City Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Southern RR TBD TBD (Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 One Lane traffic control) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/28/19 TBD Street Repairs Streets 11/23/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood 10/28/19 TBD Street Reconstruction Streets 11/23/18 (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD Base Repairs Meet with business Streets Electronic Signs (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) owners Stuart Rd. Windsor Kings Row TBD TBD Concrete Curb and Gutter Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Teal Dr. Poinsettia Cyrus 5/27/19 6/14/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets 5/14/19 (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets (940)349-7160 Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 10/1/19 10/1/21 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Bonnie Brae Phase 2) 61