062119 Friday Staff Report I;' "` City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 21, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. No - Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, June 24, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 2. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, June 24, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. No - Council Airport Committee on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 4. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. No - Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 6. Special Called Health and Building Standards Commission Meeting on Wednesday,June 26, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 7. Special Called Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 8. Bond Advisory Committee on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the City Council Work Session Room. 9. Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, June 28, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. Preserve at Pecan Creek High-Speed Internet - During the May 7 City Council meeting, residents from the Preserve at Pecan Creek neighborhood spoke during the Citizen's Comments portion of the meeting regarding the lack of high-speed internet availability in their section of the neighborhood.The affected area consists of 14 homes and is located on the east side of the development off of Swisher Rd. City staff continues to communicate with the incumbent internet providers in the city to assess the situation and attempt to get service extended to this location. Staff was prepared for a work session item at the June 23 City Council meeting, however one of the providers contacted staff with additional information and a request on Wednesday, June 19. Because of this development, the work session has been postponed until the July 16 meeting. Staff has communicated this information to residents in the affected neighborhood regarding the request, and is currently scheduling a neighborhood meeting with the residents. At the meeting, staff will be able to discuss the provider's request and receive feedback for other options that are currently available.A more detailed description of this situation including the history, status, available options, and community feedback, will be presented to Council during the July 16 meeting. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office B. Forrestridge Drive Improvement Project - Thursday, June 20, The City held a community meeting to gather feedback from residents regarding median and street layout improvements for Forrestridge Drive. During the meeting, staff presented two design options for consideration, answered questions, and recorded the preferred layout from each of the 31 residents in attendance. A second meeting will be held Monday,July 1 at South Branch Library with the same intent, and the feedback from residents from both meetings will be presented by staff to the Mobility committee during the regular July meeting. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Streets C. Non-Toxic Neighborhoods-On June 10 Council Member Armintor,city staff,and local resident Jon Holman conducted a conference call with representatives from Non-Toxic Neighborhoods (NTN). This conference call discussed how this organization assists municipalities, school districts, and communities switch to fiscally sound, and organic land management. NTN also shared why "green waste"and"bio-solids"are prohibited per their organic standard guidelines. NTN also provided organic park transition examples, and that their sites save 80 percent in water usage once soil health is achieved. Pending the quality of the soil, this transition can take 18 months to 3 years to achieve. NTN has worked with over 30 cities nationwide to support this effort. NTN is also working with the City of Houston, and the City of Austin. Parks and Recreation staff provided an overview of the 12-month IPM focus group accomplishments and the recent elimination of the use of glyphosate within city property. Staff also provided an overview of the all-organic program that is being implemented at Denia Park as a pilot project. 2 NTN will be providing best practices to the city. Staff will utilize this information to aid in any future updates to the City of Denton IPM program. Periodic updates will be provided to City Council, and the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board as success and/or areas for improvement in the program occurs. In addition, Parks and Recreation continues to look for evolving maintenance practices that can make operations more efficient and effective with available resources. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation D. Solar Installations — Council Member Meltzer requested information on the total number of solar installations that are in Denton.Currently,there are 217 residential and 24 commercial solar interconnections completed. Additionally, there are 78 residential and two commercial solar interconnections pending installation. Of the 295 total residential systems, 251 have or will receive a rebate from DME, and 24 of the 26 commercial systems will receive a rebate. Staff contact: Tony Puente, DME E. TML City-Related Bill Summaries — With the closing of the 861h Session of the Texas Legislature,the Texas Municipal League(TML)has published an extensive document that summarizes all city-related bills that were passed during the session. This document is available on the TML website. City staff will be attending a TML legislative wrap-up seminar next week and will also provide a legislative report to the City Council on July 16 that will summarize key bills and their impacts to the City of Denton. Please let staff know if you would like additional information on any bill passed by the Legislature. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs F. 2019 DDC Update Work Sessions — During the June 18 City Council meeting, Council Members made requests for discussion of ensuring adequate protection of root structures in the Conservation and Landscape Standards, and the regulation of murals in the Downtown Design Standards. The Conservation and Landscape Standards and Downtown Design Standards are incorporated as part of the 2019 Denton Development Code, and the City Council will have opportunities for discussion of these and other issues during the DDC Code Update work session that is currently scheduled for July 23. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services G. Financial Impacts of State Legislation—During the June 18 City Council Meeting, Council Member Briggs requested information about the potential revenue that may be lost due to State legislation that was recently passed. Staff is researching this request, and the information will be provided in the "Impacts of 2019 State Legislation" work session item which is currently scheduled for July 16. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs H. Gas Well Notification Subscription—Residents and individuals can now sign-up online to receive e-mail notifications when the City receives a notice of gas well activity from operators, per City ordinance and in accordance with state law. On the Gas Well Inspections page, there is a tool in the right-hand column titled "Notification of Gas Well Activity".At the top of that page,an individual can click "Sign Up for Email Notifications". Please note this will send an email for every 3 notice received by the City; current software and technology does not allow the system to be set-up on a specific well basis. The email notification contains the following info: Operator, Permit No, Well Name, Address, Dates, Activity Type, and More Info with links to view the permits and inspection documents for the well. Staff contact: Deborah Viera, Environmental Services I. Police Station Construction Timeline — Council Member Ryan has requested information on the timeline to complete both the Police Station renovation, and the proposed new Police substation. The timeline below shows the tentative dates for this construction but may change as the planning process proceeds. Estimated Project Timeline Current Police Facility Renovation • Initiate Design: March 2019 • Begin Construction: July 2020 • Project Completion: July 2021 New Police Substation • Initiate Design: March 2019 • Begin Construction: November 2020 • Project Completion: February 2022 Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office J. National Inclusion Campaign Pilot Project— Council Member Armintor inquired about a $15,000 grant opportunity from Welcoming America for the National Inclusion Campaign Pilot Project. The pilot program grant intends to test out new collaborations and new inclusion strategies that bring together community members from different backgrounds in a spirit of a neighbor-helping-neighbor, or Do-It-Together. Pilot communities will receive a six-month, $15,000 seed grant; direct coaching and technical assistance; and national recognition for successful efforts. Applications are due by July 18. Staff does not recommend the city taking the lead to apply for the grant this year. It would take at least a few weeks for staff to pull together diverse groups and organizations to identify and agree upon a project, ensure funding is available for the actual implementation of the project, and it would redirect staff time from other current grants and grant requirements the city must fulfill, as well as homelessness and housing initiatives that have been started. Staff will continue to monitor and evaluate potential grant opportunities. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs K. Boards and Commission Members Online — On May 16, Council Member Armintor requested that a list of current board and commission members be listed on the City's website. Follow the appointments during the June 18 City Council meeting, staff has now placed this information in the dropdown menus on the Boards and Commissions page and is included as a document on the helpful links on the website. Staff contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office 4 L. Preserving History at City Cemeteries — Parks and Recreation staff have been coordinating with Randy Hunt regarding the creation of a process in which visitors to City of Denton cemeteries can learn more about the individuals that are buried within the property. The program proposal is to create a database of information online that can be accessible to learn more about a person, their life, and include available images of the person. It has been recommended to start with local veterans. Headstones would be geo-located to allow visitors to have easy access to specific information about a grave in which they are near. The intent of the project is to create a living legacy for veterans but eventually also all those buried at City cemeteries. More research is needed in order to reaffirm the process in which information is gathered, stored, and updated. The program would depend on information from historians, volunteers, and family members to conduct research on the individuals buried in each cemetery. In addition, Mr. Hunt is interested in placing markers indicating the veterans that are buried in each cemetery. A photo of the proposed veteran marker stones is below. A meeting to discuss the program and determine next steps is scheduled for June 27. This information will be presented to City Council at a future work session once all of the information is gathered. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation lily 11 ;1a 1 M. Timer Visibility at Council Meetings — At the June 18 City Council meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth inquired if the timer used when members of the public speak to the Council can be made visible when multimedia, such a videos or PowerPoint presentations, are being presented. The system currently used and hosted by our technology provider Granicus does not allow for the timer to be concurrently shown when multimedia are in use. Additionally, while in the past a timer was shown on a smaller screen mounted at the podium, this system feature was phased out by Granicus in 2016. Staff has requested that Granicus provide options for making the timer visible during the presentation of multimedia. Staff will also explore other options in the event Granicus is unable to provide a long- term solution. 5 To implement an immediate solution, going forward staff will ensure that in all cases where a resident is presenting multimedia to the Council the screen will fade from the multimedia being shown to the agenda item view(which shows the timer) when there are 15 seconds of speaking time remaining. Should the speaker be allotted additional time by the Council, staff will return the screen to show the multimedia. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs N. Solid Waste Valet Service Update — On June 24, the businesses along Industrial Ave. will participate in a 30-to 120-day proof of concept pilot program to test the efficacy of valet Garbage and Recycling collection in the downtown service area. A proposal was presented at the June 18,2019 Council Work Session and is attached for your reference. As part of the pilot,two shared dumpsters(one each of garbage and recycling)will be removed from the area and carts will be delivered to participating business to manage their garbage and recycling needs. Carts will be collected every 2-3 hours between 1:OOpm and 12:OOam seven (7) days per week and taken offsite for management and disposal. Existing staff and equipment will be used during the pilot. At the close of the pilot, information will be returned to council on program successes along with an implementation plan for the entire downtown area or alternate designs and tests will be proposed. A cost of service model for the program will be presented to council before it is implemented across downtown. Staff contact: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste and Recycling O. Facilities Management Project List—During the June 18 Council meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth requested information on the construction projects currently underway at City facilities. The attached report will be distributed in the Friday Report each month and includes a full list of the current construction projects including the project name, status,and anticipated start and completion dates. Staff contact: Sara Hensley, City Manager's Office P. Traffic Safety at Red Light Camera Intersections — At the June 3 Work Session, the City Council expressed a concern regarding safety at the intersections where red-light cameras previously enforced traffic signal violations. Specifically, the council inquired if the timing of yellow lights could be extended in a way that would increase safety. The primary function of the yellow phase is to allow time for vehicles to either slow down and come to a complete stop or to clear the intersection safely. Staff has evaluated the intersections and reviewed options for improving safety and recommends implementing a small,but meaningful,increase in the "all red"phase for certain approaches at these intersections. Extending the all-red phase would increase the time a vehicle has to clear the intersection before cross traffic is given the green light to proceed. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects Q. Sound Barriers on I-35E—In early June a question was asked about adding sound walls to the I-35E along the Unicorn Lake corridor. The resident that made the request lives on Tuscan Hills. Staff contacted City's Transportation consultant to 6 review the Federal Highway Administration guidelines on noise abatement. According to the consultant's review, the schematic design as environmentally cleared in 2012 did not include noise abatement along I-35E in this area. Because noise abatement along this corridor was not warranted there are also Federal guidelines that ensure environmental justice which means communities are not allowed to pay for the additional improvements. The environmental justice is a means to ensure that more affluent communities do not purchase more protection than poorer communities. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office R. Parking Ticket Responsibility— Staff was recently asked to clarify responsibility for unpaid parking tickets when a vehicle is sold or ownership of a vehicle is transferred. Traffic citations issued to a driver by a police officer on a traffic stop are associated with the driver's license of the individual who receives the citation. Occasionally, a police officer observes a driver illegally parking a vehicle and the officer is able to issue the parking citation directly to the driver and these citations are also associated with the driver's license of the individual who receives the citation. However, the majority of parking citations are left on a vehicle and the citation is associated with the registered owner at the time of the violation and these violations are civil matters. Additionally, citations for illegally parking in an ADA accessible parking space are considered a civil matter unless these citations are personally issued by a police officer observing the violations; these citations are tied to the title of the vehicle but remain with the owner of the vehicle at the time the citation is issued. If there is a transfer of ownership of the vehicle, the owner who had the title in their name at the time of the citation is responsible for any unpaid tickets. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police S. Providence Place Smoke Alarm Responsibility — On June 18, Council Member Briggs requested information on who is responsible for compliance issues with smoke alarms at the Providence Place Apartments. The landlord of the complex is responsible for maintaining the smoke alarms in the complex, and when one is not functioning properly the resident should notify property management. If property management fails to fix the issue with the alarm, then that resident can contact Community Improvement Services (CIS) at (940) 349-8743 or submit a request through Engage Denton. A CIS officer will respond to investigate and begin the process to have property management achieve compliance. Staff contact: Lancine Bentley, Community Improvement Services T. Eco-Friendly Products for Aquatics —At the request of Council Member Briggs, Parks and Recreation staff explored the possibility of using environmentally friendly cups,lids,and straws at Water Works Park.Aquatics staff gathered quotes from the current concession vendor, Ben. E. Keith, for the recyclable and eco- friendly products. Staff ordered products that can be recycled and will use them after the current inventory is exhausted. The cost to switch to the new products for the remainder of the summer is estimated to be an additional $1,673 for Water Works Park and$457 for the Civic Center Pool. The cost to switch for a full summer would be approximately$2,230 for the water park and $660 for the Civic Center Pool. At the end of the summer, staff will evaluate drink pricing and the budget impact to determine how to account for the change in supplies. Staff contact: Cathy Avery, Parks and Recreation I. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Fire Camp Graduation—Friday,June 21 beginning at 6:00 p.m.with a cookout, Ceremony begins at 7:00 p.m. at Denton Fire Station No. 7 (4201 Vintage Blvd.); Staff contact: Captain Jason Eddington, Fire Department 2. Dive-In Movie "Moans"—June 21 at 9:00 p.m. at Water Works Park wave pool (2400 Long Rd.). The park will open at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 each, or $5 for season pass holders and visitors from earlier in the day still wearing their wristbands. Everyone will have access to the lazy river and wave pool, and there will be specialty concessions for sale. Staff contact: Cathy Avery, Parks and Recreation 3. Liberty Run 5K and 1-Mile Walk—July 4 at 7:30 a.m. at Denton Civic Center. $25 per participant and gift bags include Bluetooth speakers and T-shirts. Register at www.dentonparks.com. Staff contact: Jennifer Eusse, Parks and Recreation 4. Fourth of July Jubilee —July 4 from 7:30 a.m. to noon at Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney St.). The Jubilee begins at 9 a.m. in the Civic Center and includes family games and fun. The Hot Dog Eating Contest is at 11:30 a.m. as part of the Jubilee. The family events are all free and open to the public. Staff Contact: Jennifer Eusse, Parks and Recreation B. Community Meetings 1. Forrestridge Median and Street Improvements Community Meeting—Monday, July 1,from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.at South Branch Library(3228 Teasley Ln.); Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Streets II. Attachments A. Valet Service Pilot Program Presentation..............................................................10 B. Facilities Management Project Update..................................................................18 III. Informal Staff Reports A. 2019-129 Fire Recruitment Marketing ................................................................20 B. 2019-130 Miracle League ...................................................................................24 C. 2019-131 Second Quarter Financial Report FY 2018-19 ...................................25 D. 2019-132 Stormwater Channels ..........................................................................74 8 IV. Council Information E. Council Meeting Requests for Information..........................................................88 F. Other Council Requests for Information..............................................................90 G. Council Calendar..................................................................................................92 H. Future Work Session Items ..................................................................................95 I. Street Construction Report...................................................................................96 9 Downtown Solid Waste & Recycling Services SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 2oi9 Presentation Overview Proof of Concept — Valet Service Model • Review downtown challenges • Overview of alternatives considered • Valet service model • What it is • How it works • Overview of pilot program • Next steps Downtown Solid Waste Challenges • Odors/Aesthetics • Reduced Parking • Dumpster Service is Inefficient • Traffic/Safety • Accessibility/Special Events • Illegal Dumping/Contamination • Capacity Issues/Overflowing • Shared Container Billing -- - � - Servi*ice Model Alternati*ves Program/Service Valet w/ Centralized Enclosed In-Ground Current Compactors Compactors Dumpsters Dumpsters Service Model Improves Aesthetics/Odor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X Adds Parking Spaces ✓ ✓ Improves Service Efficiency ✓ ✓ Reduces SW Truck Traffic ✓ ✓ Accessible During Special ✓ ✓ x x x Events Reduces Illegal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X Dumping/Contamination Allows for Additional ✓ ✓ x x ✓ Capacity Ease of Use ✓ ✓ What I* s Valet Servi* ce • Doorstep collection by Solid Waste employee (refuse & recycling carts) • Carts transported to centralized compactors. The compactors reduce volume by crushing/compressing waste and recycling. aw P PW 19-1353 6/18/19 117 i J • 1 ot Program/Proof of C Pilot Program — Begin June 19, 2019 • Duration — 30 to 12o days Services Provided • Doorstep collection (3-4 collections/day) • Collect public containers • Litter abatement • Pressure washing , Service Days/Hours — 7 days/week, 1:OOpm to 12:OOam Resources — Utilize existing staff and , equipment to minimize costs = Participants — Begin with Industrial St. businesses _4- -- Next Steps If Successful: ' PARK'J,r t' F •I • Present findings & seek Council direction MCkN -- • Formalize service area & services r PECAN • 1:y V Y..v , - i -. rovided ._ OAK • Establish bud et and rate structure -. t g �0 r .a 1 O • a - • Purchase equipment, install _ =• HIC'KORY' ! - • • v 10 infrastructure, hire staff, & launch If Unsuccessful. = - - • Present findings & seek direction on I - alternative service models SYCAMORE' — , Questions? Facilities Management Project Status Report Division project Name Project Address Project Status Design Design % Construction Construction Project Status Notes / Department Status Complete Start End Parks Tennis Center Bldg. Renovation 2001 W. Windsor Dr. Design Construction 100.00% O Tennis Center Bldg. Design 100% complete Denton 76209 Documents 2001 W. Windsor Dr. Construction O Project budget includes Tennis Bldg. Renovation Parks Tennis Center Site Development Denton 76209 Design Documents 95.00% O Site Documentation due late June Police Department Renovation/ 601 E. Hickory O Programming complete 4/26/2019 Police Construction Denton 76201 Design Schematic 30.00% O 2nd, Schematic design presentation to PD 6/24/2019 Multiple Service Center Renovation 901 Texas St Denton Design Construction 75.00% O Construction documents completion by late August 76209 Documents 651 S. Mayhill Rd Construction ° O Approved by Solicitation Review Committee 6/19/2019 Multiple 651 Mayhill Denton 76208 Bid Documents 100.00/o O Bid method to be Complete Sealed Proposal(CSP) Facilities City Hall East Parking Lot 601 E. Hickory Bid Construction 100.00% O Construction Documents complete Denton 76201 Documents Facilities Civic Center Parking Lot 321 E. McKinney St Design Construction 100.00% O Obtaining 3rd party estimate Denton 76201 Documents Facilities Denia Recreation Center Parking 1001 Parvin St. Design Construction 100.00% O Construction Documents complete Lot Denton 76205 Documents Facilities Service Center 901 Texas St Denton Programming Schematic 50.00% O Investigation / Documentation ongoing Parking Lot 76209 Facilities McKinney Street Design Construction 75.00% O Construction Documents to be complete mid July Parking Lot Documents O Comments from Permitting Process under review Parks American Legion 629 Lakey Street Permitting Construction 95.00% Denton TX 76210 Documents O Construction contract time start 5/06/2020 1401 Underwood O May activities; site clearing, bldg. pad placed, utilities located, foundation piers & bldg. corners laid Fire Fire Station #3 Street Denton TX Construction Construction 100.00% 5/6/2019 7/22/2020 out, pier rebar cages being tied 76220 Documents Fire Station #8 3131 Colorado Blvd Construction O Meeting with Development Services 5/23/2019 regarding which Code to be used Fire Pre-Design Denton TX 76210 Design Documents 50.00% O Start Permitting 7/01/2019 O Design development estimate = $2,840,000 Den Fleet Services Fleet Garage Expansion en Texas Streetton,TX 76209 Design Documents Construction 85.00% O Construction funding source to be confirmed 1 r2 6/21/2019 Facilities Management Project Status Report Division project Name Project Address Project Status Design Design % Construction Construction Project Status Notes / Department Status Complete Start End 804 Texas Street Construction O 100% Construction Documents due 06/14/2019 Fleet Services Flushing Truck Storage Building Denton,TX 76209 Design Documents 90.00% O Construction Documents to Permitting 6/17/2019 Solid Waste 1001 Mayhill Phase One 1001 S. Mayhill Rd Construction Schematic 80.00% 5/15/2019 5/30/2019 O New Roof has been installed Denton 76208 O General Construction complete O We met with Estimators, and they are working on getting costs Solid Waste 1001 Mayhill Phase Two 1001 S. Mayhill Rd Budgeting Schematic 100.00% Denton 76208 5792 Hartlee Field O Pump and tank added for better overall flushing Sustainability Clear Creek Road Denton, TX Construction Construction 100.00% 7/17/2017 6/15/2019 76208 Documents Multiple City Hall Roof Replacement 215 E McKinney Construction Construction 100.00% 7/15/2019 O Project on-going Denton TX 76201 Documents O 95/° Completion Library North Branch Library Teen Center 3020 N Locust St. Budgeting 20.00% 7/1/2019 9/1/2019 O Funding approved, requesting revised quote Denton, TX 76209 O Begin work mid July Solid Waste 1001 Mayhill Building 2 1001 S Mayhill Rd Design Design 10.00% O Site visit Friday, 5/17/2019 Denton, TX 76208 Development O Building 2 needs to be demolished N Lakes & Denia Toilets/Showers N Lakes: 2001 W O Met on 6/3/2019 to discuss plans for restrooms Parks ADA Compliance Windsor Denia: 1001 Budgeting Preliminary 10.00% Parvin Rd Fleet Service Center Perimeter Fence 901 B Texas St. Design Preliminary 20.00% 5/13/2019 11/30/2019 O Beginning Documentation Phase Denton, TX 76209 O Met with TN&P and went over scope of work and cost O Asbestos has been removed Traffic 1022 N Ruddell House 1022 N Ruddell, Permitting Construction 50.00% 5/1/2019 6/1/2019 O Pulled Demo Permit& Paid, Pending Registration Denton, TX 76209 Documents O Waiting on engineered drawings from shade structure company Animal Shelter Animal Shelter Shade Structures 3717 N Elm St. Design See Notes 20.00% O Have quotes, account#, and Permit uploaded. PO Request submitted Denton, TX 76207 2 r2 6/21/2019 Date: June 21, 2019 Report No. 2019-129 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Background and information on Fire Department recruitment activities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On March 20, 2019, Council Member Hudspeth requested information on fire recruitment, including information on the cost of engaging a communications and/or advertising firm to assist in our efforts. BACKGROUND: The Denton Fire Department is primarily regulated by three bodies of law. The City adopted the regulations of Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code to apply civil service procedures to all public safety personnel, including firefighters. In addition to other requirements, this law outlines general hiring practices. The City's Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission establish additional instructions on how testing and hiring is handled by the City. Finally, the Fire Department's Meet and Confer Agreement, an agreement between the City and the Firefighters' Association, allows for changes to some hiring practices that are mutually agreed upon by both parties. The City of Denton requires that all firefighters, as an application requirement, are Certified Firefighters and Certified Paramedics within the State of Texas. Firefighter applicants generally follow these hiring process steps: 1. Written entrance exam 2. Background investigation 3. Polygraph exam 4. Physical agility test 5. Oral interview 6. Conditional job offer(as vacancies are open) 7. Psychological testing 8. Physical examination 9. Drug screening 10. Start of employment The City has recently increased its efforts to attract firefighter applicants in greater numbers and greater diversity. These efforts include: • Advertising our position openings with the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, www.firerecruit.com, trade publications, and the City's website and social media outlets. • Outreach at local schools through the DISD ATC Program, DISD Career Fairs, TWU Kinship Fair, and the UNT Emergency Management Program. Additionally, Fire staff have made frequent recruiting trips to Fire Schools throughout the state of Texas. These recruiting trips involve the direct promotion of the Denton Fire Department through 20 Date: June 21, 2019 Report No. 2019-129 speakers and print materials. Interested students are also kept up to date on department job openings through email outreach. The graphic below shows illustrates the number of schools visited by the Fire Department within the last year. Fire Academies Fire Academie Paramedic Paramedic (cont.) Schools Schools (cont.) The following data was presented at the March 4, 2019 Council Luncheon. When compared to 2015, the fire department has not only increased its applicant numbers, but also made moderate increases to the diversity of its applicants. Entrance Examination Demographics 2015 2 "WAMIM �1S 2018 2019 2019 Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent umber Percent Number Percent Registered Registered Reed Registered Registered Registered Registered Red Registered Registered Race/Origin African American 20 10.3% 25 13.4% 31 11.9% 31 12% 38 12.8% Caucasian 140 72.2% 115 61.8% 178 68.2% 166 63% 191 64.1% Hispanic 23 11.9% 31 16.7% 33 12.6% 41 15% 44 14.8% Asian Pacific 4 2.1% 4 2.2% 7 2.7% 9 3% 7 2.3% Native American 2 1.0% 1 0.5% 2 0.8% 5 2% 4 1.3% Other 5 2.6% 10 5.4% 10 3.8% 13 5% 14 4.7% as 10098 Gender Male 182 93.8% 176 94.6% 253 96.9% 238 90% 268 89.9% Female 12 6.2% 10 5.4% 8 3.1% 27 10% 30 10.1% TOtill 294 186 201 265 299 21 Date: June 21, 2019 Report No. 2019-129 DISCUSSION: Fire Department staff will continue to grow its recruitment and outreach efforts, including the Home Grown Program in conjunction with Denton ISD and North Central Texas College(NCTC). Efforts will focus on attracting"exam-ready" applicants who possess the necessary firefighter and paramedic certifications. Those efforts will include promoting Denton as a career opportunity that offers excellent quality of life, competitive compensation, and professional growth opportunities. Initiatives supporting these objectives include: • Denton ISD Fire Academy for students • Fire Department Explorer Program for teenagers • Denton Fire Camp for 5t'graders The Fire Department has also created the Denton Fire Department Diversity Advisory Group. This group will open lines of communication with key stakeholders in the community, collaboratively explore opportunities to diversify the Fire Department, and build partnerships to achieve diversity goals. The Fire Department has also worked with the Public Affairs to make improvements to their digital messaging, website presence, and the creation of a recruitingv . The City inquired with several local cities to determine if they have engaged marketing, communications, or recruiting firms to increase diversity of their firefighter applicants. None of the cities that were contacted reported that they had engaged a professional to assist in the marketing to prospective firefighters. Staff was unable to locate a firm that specialized in public safety marketing and/or the recruitment of front line firefighters; however, a recruiting firm and a communications firm were contacted regarding what services could be provided. While they indicated that marketing/recruitment services were adaptable to the needs of the City, their services focused on the following activities: • Overall campaign coordination • Production of digital and print materials for use in outreach • Development of digital and campaign messaging • Development of multimedia(video, presentations, etc.) content • Outreach on behalf of the city with prospective students • Coordination of paid advertising through trade publications, schools, etc. With both firms,the cost was variable depending on the level of services,with a general estamiate of$25,000— $50,000 for a 3 to 4-month campaign. These figures would increase if the duration or complexity of services increased. While engaging a marketing firm is an option, staff believes its current activities will positively impact interest in our firefighter positions and that this will be reflected in the applicant statistics in the next round of firefighter testing. Additionally, many services offered by marketing firms, can or are already being performed in-house. Going forward, staff recommends: 1. Continuing our new activities within and outside the community 22 Date: June 21, 2019 Report No. 2019-129 2. Continuing our engagement of the Fire Department Diversity Advisory Group 3. Thorough benchmarking to confirm best practices at other cities 4. Continued cooperation between Public Affairs and the Fire Department to continue our recruitment and outreach activities including updates to print materials and the Fire Department webpages. Staff can re-evaluate the need for additional consultant-based services in the fall, when applicants are more likely to begin to register for the January Civil Service Exam. This may include the issuance of a Request for Proposals to more effectively select the best available firm and services. CONCLUSION: While marketing, communications, and/or recruitment firms may offer marketing and recruitment services, many can be or are already being performed in-house. Staff recommends continuing our enhanced recruitment efforts, with an additional emphasis on researching and benchmarking best practices. The need for a consultant can be further evaluated in the fall. STAFF CONTACT: Ryan Adams Deputy Director of Public Affairs/IGR (940) 349-8565 Ryan.Adams&cityo fdenton.com Kenneth Hedges Fire Chief (940) 349-8830 Kenneth.Hedges(d),cityofdenton.com 23 Date: Report No. 2019-130 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Miracle League BACKGROUND: On May 21, 2019 City Council requested Parks and Recreation Department(PARD)provide a report on building/programming a Miracle League field in one of our parks. Athletics Manager Jason Barrow reached out to representatives from The Miracle League for information on how to start a program in Denton. According to information received, the process begins with the submittal of an application and $500 application fee. The Miracle League corporate office would then contact PARD for an interview and determine final approval. If approved, a Miracle League Manual would be sent to PARD which includes the official logo and other resource material for construction and implementation. An annual $500 membership fee is required. A Miracle League field would be a standalone field with the sole purpose of providing children and young adults, at all levels of ability, the opportunity to play baseball. It is a special field with a synthetic playing surface that enhances accessibility such as allowing wheelchair use. The estimated cost for constructing a field is approximately$500,000. The Miracle League is operated with the help of volunteers. Volunteers could come from local church groups, youth sports associations, schools, and other civic groups. In addition, capital funding would have to be identified in order to assist in the construction of the athletic field. It is unknown at this time if additional staff would be required to manage a Miracle League program. CONCLUSION: Parks and Recreation is in the process of planning the future development of Southwest Park. If the City wanted to pursue this program and partner with The Miracle League, the Parks Master Plan for Southwest Park is an option to consider the addition of this inclusive field. STAFF CONTACT: Jason Barrow Athletics Manager, Parks and Recreation j ason.barrowgcityofdenton.com 24 Date: June 21,2019 Report No.: 2019-131 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Quarterly Financial Report for the period ending March 31, 2019. BACKGROUND: Attached for your review is the Quarterly Financial Report for the period ending March 31, 2019. If you have any questions or need additional information,please let me know. STAFF CONTACT: David Gaines, Finance Director (940) 349-8260 David.Gaines@cityofdenton.com 25 P *� -19 FY 2018 ' SECOND QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT MARCH 2019 �f t 2: ,[7 r S.1r a ►" 07 I CITY OF r 26 TEXAS About This Quarterly Financial Report This report has been prepared by the City of Denton's Finance Department. The Quarterly Financial Report is intended to provide our users (internal and external) with information regarding the City's financial position and economic activity. This report includes information for the quarter ending March 31 , 2019. This report is presented in four sections. 1 . The Executive Dashboard section contains a high level summary of the major operating funds using graphic illustrations and key economic indicators. Narrative disclosures are also included to highlight any significant changes or fluctuations. 2. The Financial Summary section reports the performance of the major operating funds of the City. In addition, the report provides an end of year projection and a comparison to the budget for major revenue sources and expenditure items. 3. The Revenue & Economic Analysis section provides additional analysis regarding key revenue sources and economic indicators. 4. The Quarterly Investment Report section provides a summary of the City's investment portfolio, interest earnings and a brief market outlook. 27 The Quarterly Financial Report is intended to provide our users with timely and relevant information. Please provide us with any comments or suggestions you may have. If you would like additional information, feel free to contact me. David Gaines Finance Director 215 East McKinney Street Denton, TX 76201 940-349-8260 28 Section 1 City of Denton Quarterly Financial Report March 2019 Executive Dashboards 29 City of Denton, Texas General Fund Executive Dashboard '�� ��� DENTON FY 2018-19 FY 2018-19 N, ANNUAL ANNUAL FY 2018-19 Revenue & Expenses (in Millions) DESCRIPTION BUDGET' PROJECTION VARIANCE ■YTD Revenue ■YTD Expenses Beginning Fund Balance $90 as of 09/30/18 $ 31.09 $ 30.32 $80 RESOURCES: Ad Valorem Taxes 46.26 46.26 0% $70 Sales Tax 41.43 37.95 -8% Franchise Fees 4.36 4.99 14% $6o Other Taxes 0.51 0.51 0% $50 Service Fees 8.11 8.07 0% Fines and Fees 3.72 3.72 0% $40 Licenses and Permits 3.86 3.86 0% Miscellaneous Revenue 2.29 2.18 -5% $30 Transfers In 17.16 19.26 12% Total Revenues 127.70 126.80 -1% $20 Total Resources 158.79 157.12 $10 EXPENDITURES: $ Personal Service 87.15 86.99 0% Material and Supplies 2.95 2.95 0% Maintenance and Repairs 3.27 3.27 0% Insurance 1.44 1.44 0% Miscellaneous 1.15 1.15 0% Sales Tax Monthly Average by Quarter Operations 18.29 17.72 -3% $3.5 Transfers Out 14.36 12.69 -12% Fixed Assets 0.57 0.57 0% $3.0 Total Expenditures 129.18 126.78 -2% Net Income (Loss) (1.48) 0.02 $2.5 Ending Fund Balance $ 29.61 $ 30.34 $2.0 Key Trends $1.s ➢Sales Tax revenues are projected$3.48M less than budget due to lower collections in retail activities. ➢Franchise Fees revenues are projected$0.63M higher than budget due to a reduction in transfers to the Street $1.0 Improvement Fund. ➢Transfers In revenues are projected$2.10M higher than budget due to recapture in previously cash funded $0.5 transportation projects. ➢Operations expenditures are projected$0.57M less than budget mainly due to savings related to 380 Agreements. $_ ➢Transfers Out expenditures are projected$1.67M less than budget mainly due to the Fleet right sizing effort and elimination of cash funding for renovations to the facility at 651 Mayhill. 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was Note: All figures presented are in millions of dollars. estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 30 City of Denton, Texas > 1CITY CI of Electric Fund Executive Dashboard ,�, • ' Y 2018-19 FY 2018-19 D E N T O N ANNUAL ANNUAL FY 2018-19 DESCRIPTION BUDGET PROJECTIONS VARIANCE Revenue&Expenses(in Millions) Beginning Working Capital $120 -- - - -and Reserves as of 9/30/18 $ 62.95 $ 73.94 $100 RESOURCES: Rate Revenues 135.52 136.93 1% $80 € Transmission Revenue 40.06 40.06 0% Other Revenues 3.75 3.96 6% $60 DEC Revenues 36.30 35.72 -2% Total Revenues 215.63 216.67 0% $40 Total Resources 278.58 290.61 $20 EXPENDITURES: Purchased Power 67.19 71.09 6% $0 DEC Fuel 14.97 16.84 12% Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Transmission of Power 12.50 12.50 0% Personnel Service 22.06 21.05 -5% ■YTD Revenue ❑YTD Expense Operation and Maintenance 27.32 26.99 -1% Debt Service 69.30 50.64 -27% 2013-2018 Historical Quarterly GWH Sales Transfers Out 14.33 14.33 0% 600 Capital Outlay 16.02 15.56 -3% Total Expenditures 243.69 229.00 -6% 500 Net Income (Loss) (28.06) (12.33) - A A A A A Ending Working Capital 400 and Reserves $ 34.89 $ 61.61 300 TrendsKey 200 ➢DEC Fuel expenditures are projected to be$1.87 Million more than budgeted due to higher gas prices. ➢Debt Service is projected to be$18.7 Million less than budgeted as a result of no TMPA debt defeasance in 100 the amount of$28.6 Million and an increase in DEC Debt Service in the amount of$9.9 Million. 0 1Q 13 3Q 13 IQ 14 3Q 14 1Q 15 3Q 15 1016 3Q16 1Q17 3Q17 1Q18 3Q18 1Q19 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified. Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the Note: All figures presented are in millions of dollars. FY 2018-19 budget process. 31 -- City of Denton, Texas Water Fund Executive Dashboard V�"Is tt;;,,Ii - DENTON FY2018-19 FY2018-19 ANNUAL ANNUAL FY2018-19 Revenue & Expenses (in Millions) $2s DESCRIPTION BUDGET 1 PROJECTION VARIANCE Beginning Working Capital $20 and Reserves as of09/30/182 $ 23.98 $ 25.95 RESOURCES: $15 Water Sales 37.51 38.60 3% Other Water Revenues 1.01 1.06 5% $10 Transfers In 1.49 1.47 -1% Impact Fee Revenue 5.70 5.70 0% $5 Total Revenues 45.71 46.83 2% - Ffl F Total Resources 69.69 72.78 $ Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 EXPENDITURES ❑YTD Revenue ❑YTD Expenses Personal Service 8.86 8.66 -2'% Operations,Services 10.00 10.07 1% 2014-2019 Historical Quarterly Gallons Sold(in Millions) Capital Outlay 15.28 14.75 -3% Debt Service 12.66 12.66 0% 2,500 Transfers Out 3.39 3.85 14% Total Expenditures 50.19 49.99 0% 2,000 Net Income(Loss) (4.48) (3.16) Ending Working Capital 1,500 A A AA and Reserves $ 19.50 $ 22.79 Trends —wilt I V V V Key 1,000 ➢Water Sales are projected to exceed budget due to continued property development. 500 ➢Personal Service expenses are projected to be below budget due to position vacancies. ➢Capital Expenditures are forecast lower due to revised project timelines. 0 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q FY 2018-19 budget process. 17 18 18 19 2The Beginning Working Capital balance excludes$10.88M of Impact Fee Reserves and$0.75 million for Development Plan Line Reserves. Note: All figures presented are in millions of dollars. 32 City of Denton, Texas lF Wastewater Fund Executive Dashboardilk I DENTON ANNUAL ANNUAL FY2018-19 . DESCRIPTION BUDGET 1 PROJECTION VARIANCE Beginning Working Capital Revenue & Expenses(in Millions) and Reserves as of09/30/182 $ 19.19 $ 18.67 $25 RESOURCES $zo Wastewater Fees 23.64 24.15 2% Other Wastewater Revenue 1.83 1.81 -1% $15 Drainage Fees 4.73 4.66 -1% Transfer In 0.55 0.55 0% $10 Impact Fee Revenue 2.00 2.00 0% Total Revenues 32.75 33.17 1% $5 Total Resources 51.94 51.84 $- EXPENDTTURF_S: Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Personal Service 8.61 7.95 -8% ■YTD Revenue ■YTD Expenses Operations,Services 8.67 8.74 1% Capital Outlay 10.09 9.93 -2% 2014-2018 Historical Quarterly Gallons Billed(in Millions) Debt Service 6.81 6.81 0% 1,400 Transfer Out 3.29 3.75 14% Total Expenditures 37.47 37.18 -1% 1,200 1,000 Vet Income(Loss) (4.72) (4.01) Ending Working Capital 800 and Reserves $ 14.47 $ 14.66 600 k Key Trends 400 200 ➢ Personal Services are projected to be lower than budget due to position vacancies. 0 ➢ Capital Expenditures are forecast lower due to revised project timelines. 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 3Q 1Q 17 18 18 19 ➢ Projections for transfers out were increased to match updated estimates. 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 2The Beginning Working Capital balance excludes$4.19 million of Impact Fee Reserves,$1.0 million for Drainage Reserves, Note: All figures presented are in millions of dollars. and$0.54 million for Development Plan Line Reserves. 33 City of Denton, Texas .- 1 : 1 4OFCITY Draina e Operations Executive Dashboard `` 1 see- J p - - DENTON FY 2018-19 FY 2018-19 ANNUAL ANNUAL FY 2018-19 DESCRIPTION BUDGET PROJECTION VARIANCE Revenue & Expenses (in Millions) REVENUES: Residential Drainage Fees $ 1.82 $ 1.75 -4% $3.0 Nonresidential Drainage Fees 2.91 2.91 0% Wastewater Resources 0.04 0.04 0% $2.5 General Fund Transfer 0.32 0.32 0% Total Revenues 5.09 5.02 -1% $Z 0 EXPENDITURES: Personal Service 1.97 1.62 -18% $1.5 - Operations, Services 0.80 0.84 5% Capital Outlay 1.40 1.41 1% $1.0 Debt Service 0.48 0.49 2% Transfer Out 0.44 0.66 50% $0.5 Total Expenditures 5.09 5.02 -1% Net Income (Loss) $ - $ - $- Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 ■YTD Revenue ■YTD Expenses TrendsKey ➢ Personal Services are projected to be lower than budget due to position vacancies. ➢ Projections for transfers out were increased to match updated estimates. Note: All figures presented are in millions of dollars. 34 City of Denton, Texas s ►►Y OF 6 Solid Waste Fund Executive Dashboard - - il� A r r DENTONFY 2018-19 FY 2018-19 Residential Curbside Collection Tonnage ANNUAL ANNUAL FY 2018-19 DESCRIPTION BUDGET" PROJECTIONS VARIANCE 7,000 Beginning Working Capital 6,000 and Reserves as of 09/30/181 $ 8.64 $ 10.92 5,000 RES O URC ES: 4,000 ° Collection &Disposal 26.29 26.45 1% 3,000 ti Recycling 6.84 6.79 -1% 2,000 Other Revenue 1.39 0.84 -40% ti° 14 Total Revenues 34.52 34.08 -1% 1,000 Total Resources 43.16 45.00 0 EXPENDITURES: Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Personal Service 11.21 10.93 -2% Operations, Services 10.14 9.82 -3% ■Refuse Tonnage Recycling Tonnages Capital Outlay 1.33 1.17 -12% Debt Service 9.00 9.00 0% Commercial Refuse& Recycling(Front&Side Load) Transfer Out 3.19 3.72 17% Cubic Yards Serviced per Week Total Expenditures 34.87 34.64 -1% 30,000 Net Income (Loss) (0.35) (0.56) 25,000 Ending Working Capital 20,000 and Reserves $ 8.29 $ 10.36 15,000 11 Key 10,000 Trends 5,000 ➢Other revenue is less than budget due to the return of transfers from Materials Management for 651 Mayhill Project. 0 lit ➢Decrease in Capital Projects is due to decrease in container and cart purchases. ➢Projections for transfers-out increased to match updated estimates&assumptions. Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 ■Commercial Refuse ■Commercial Recycling 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Working Capital and Reserves represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 2The Beginning Working Capital and Reserves excludes$9.90 million of Landfill Closure/Post Closure reserves. Note: All figures presented are In millions Of dollars. 35 City of Denton, Texas CITY OF Airport Fund Executive Dashboard NUALFY 2018-19 DENTON ANANNUAL FY 2018-19 DESCRIPTION BUDGET' PROJECTION VARIANCE Beginning Working Capital GAS WELL REVENUE and Reserves as of 09/30/18 $ 2.67 $ 2.93 (in millions of dollars by fiscal year) RESOURCES: Airport Ground Leases 0.77 0.73 -5% $5.0 FBO Commissions 0.11 0.12 9% Fuel Flowage Fees 0.21 0.21 0% $4.0 Total Operating Revenues 1.09 1.06 -3% EXPENDITURES: $3.0 Personal Service 0.55 0.48 -13% Operations, Services 0.42 0.35 -17% Transfer Out 0.52 0.52 0% $2.0 Total Operating Expenditures 1.49 1.35 -9% Net Operating Income (Loss) (0.40) (0.29) $1.0 NO N-O PERATING REVENUES: Investment Income 0.02 0.05 150% $0.0 Gas Well Royalties 0.43 0.37 -14% 2017 2018 2019 Total Non-Operating Revenues 0.45 0.42 -7% NO N-O PERATING EXPENDITURES Transfer Out- Capital 0.25 0.25 0% AIRPORT OPERATIONS BY QUARTER Total Non-Operating Expenditures 0.25 0.25 0% (takeoff or landing by fiscal year) Net Non-Operating Income (Loss) 0.20 0.17 60,000 Net Income (Loss) (0.20) (0.12) Ending Working Capital and Reserves $ 2.47 $ 2.81 50,000 TrendsKey 40,000 ➢Anticipating several new leases at fair market value later in the year. ➢Fuel flowage revenue is expected to increase due to increased operations. 30,000 ➢Diminishing gas well revenues. ➢Reduced personnel cost due to staff turnover. ➢Operations services expense is less than expected due to savings on maintenance contracts. 20,000 tia tia tilb 1l 1l ti`' tib �b tib tib ti� ti� ti� ti� ti� 1� ti� 1� 1q 1q 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Working Capital and Reserves represents the amount Note:All financial amounts presented are in millions of dollars. which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 36 401FYAMIIIIMJ City of Denton, Texas ` DENTONstreet Improvement Fund Executive Dashboard FY 2018-19 FY 2018-19 Revenue&Expenses(in Millions) ANNUAL PRELIMINARY FY 2018-19 $70 DESCRIPTION BUDGET' AC TUALS VARIANCE $6.5 Beginning Working Capital $6.0 $5.5 and Reserves as of 09/30/2018 $ 1.16 $ 1.62 $5.0 RESOURCES: $45 Franchise Fees 13.52 13.52 0% $4.0 Street Cuts 0.36 0.36 0% $3.5 Investment Income 0.01 0.01 0% $3.0 Transfers In 1.20 1.20 0% $2.5 Total Revenues 15.09 15.09 0% $20 $1.5 Total Resources 16.25 16.71 $1.0 $0.5 EXPENDITURES: Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Personal Service 3.64 3.64 0% ■YT-w-, ■YTD E p,- Materials & Supplies 0.09 0.09 0% Maintenance &Repairs 9.20 9.20 0% Tons of Asphalt Laid(;nThousands) 6 Operations, Services 0.78 0.78 0% 5 Transfer Out 1.36 1.36 0% 4 Total Expenditures 15.07 15.07 0% 3 Net Income (Loss) 0.02 0.02 2 Ending Fund Balance $ 1.18 $ 1.64 t 0 Qtr1 Qtr2 MFV17_,kKey ■FV,A_,q Lane Miles Surface Treatment Trends60 ➢Revenues and expenditures are projected to meet budgeted levels. 40 ➢No surface treatments were completed in the 15t quarter of the prior year due to cold weather. 20 ➢No surface treatments were completed in the 2nd quarter of the current or o prior year, several are in progress and will be completed in the 3rd quarter. QT1 1 Qtr2 ■FY17-18 •FY18-19 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified. Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. Note: All figures presented are in millions of dollars. 37 IM, luoFCity of Denton, Texas a` aw�m Grants Dashboard DENTON FY2018-19 FY2018-19 FY 2018-19 Awards & Expenses (in Millions) GRANT ANNUAL FY2018-19 $80.0 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PROJECTION VARIANCE $60.0 2018-19 Budget Comm Development' $ 3.64 $ 1.25 -66% $40.0 Public Safety 1.02 1.02 0% Transportation' 72.92 31.55 -57% $20.0 Other 0.28 0.28 0% Total Budget 77.86 34.10 -56% � > H W w m LL on Q = New Awards ~ a < o Public Safety 0.10 0.10 0% Total New Awards 0.10 0.10 0% ■Awards ■Expenses FY 2018-19 Grants Awarded Totals $ 77.96 $ 34.20 -56% OTHER COMM DEV PUBLIC 0.37% `4.67% SAFETY Key Trends / 1.43% The following grantsamounts have been received in FY 2018-19: ➢Federal Equitable Sharing:$5,482 ➢Chapter 59 Asset Forfeitures:$20,084 ➢U.S.Marshals Violent Offenders Task Force:$3,622 ➢Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force:$5,098 ➢PD-Law Enforcement Officer Standard&Education:$9,750 ➢Sexual Assault Examiners Reimbursement:$23,919 ➢2017 UASL• $29,574 TRANS i This grant amount will be spent over several years and the fiscal year 2018-19 projections are 93.53% estimated expenditures for one year. Remaining grant amounts will be spent in future fiscal year. Note: All figures presented are in millions of dollars. 38 Section 2 City of Denton Quarterly Financial Report March 2019 This report is designed for internal use and does not include all the funds and accounts included in the City of Denton's operations. The information provided is unaudited; for a complete audited report, please refer to the City of Denton Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, available through the City's Finance Department, City Secretary's Office, or Denton Public Libraries. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 39 City of Denton General Fund Schedule of Revenues-Budget vs Projection(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS REVENUE DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET PROJECTION PROJECTION Current Year-Ad Valorem $ 43,883,129 $ 45,160,080 $ 44,957,139 $ 45,674,373 $ 45,674,373 0% Delinquent-Ad Valorem 47,605 148,442 108,224 296,882 296,882 0% Miscellaneous Penalties&Fees 186,370 154,352 229,361 288,727 288,727 0% Ad Valorem Taxes 44,117,104 45,462,874 45,294,724 46,259,982 46,259,982 0% Sales Tax 18,918,854 20,721,076 18,407,545 41,425,582 37,953,567 -8% Franchise-Gas Utilities 102,198 84,800 94,926 298,753 341,345 14% Franchise-Private Electric Utilities 26,734 12,888 23,230 105,949 121,054 14% Franchise-Cable 104,825 166,396 87,725 410,188 468,667 14% Franchise-Telecom 77,690 81,561 51,697 201,058 229,722 14% Franchise-Denton Municipal Utilities 1,695,185 1,322,441 1,516,241 3,346,901 3,824,060 14% Franchise Fees 2,006,632 1,668,086 1,773,819 4,362,849 4,984,849 14% Other Taxes 3,192 126,484 9,122 505,936 505,936 0% Ambulance Service Fees 1,255,064 1,328,160 1,243,665 3,700,000 3,650,000 -1% Fire Department Fees 109,471 103,000 101,470 206,000 206,000 0% Building Inspections Fees 302,028 271,771 281,757 589,172 589,172 0% Park Department Fees 322,876 397,559 316,865 2,003,991 2,003,991 0% Planning Department Fees 474,833 531,846 470,587 1,063,557 1,063,557 0% Reprographics Fees 168,386 185,153 149,914 370,160 370,160 0% Miscellaneous Service Fees 67,025 90,601 77,773 181,171 181,171 0% Service Fees 2,699,683 2,908,090 2,642,031 8,114,051 8,064,051 -1% Denton Municipal Fines 709,033 741,004 713,530 1,482,000 1,482,000 0% Parking Fines 118,850 130,000 137,430 260,000 260,000 0% Miscellaneous Fines and Fees 424,687 424,822 411,923 901,000 901,000 0% Court Administrative and Service Fees 511,633 510,000 482,500 1,080,000 1,080,000 0% Fines and Fees 1,764,203 1,805,826 1,745,383 3,723,000 3,723,000 0% Demolition Permits 2,850 3,250 2,470 6,500 6,500 0% Building Permits 1,739,727 1,685,010 1,546,488 3,738,024 3,738,024 0% Certificate of Occupancy 34,810 40,000 42,180 80,000 80,000 0% Miscellaneous Licenses and Permits 4,077 19,502 5,682 39,000 39,000 0% Licenses and Permits 1,781,464 1,747,762 1,596,820 3,863,524 3,863,524 0% Investment Income 272,543 230,251 415,276 460,500 460,500 0% Miscellaneous Revenues 314,706 407,246 475,841 1,825,526 1,722,198 -6% Miscellaneous Resources 587,249 637,497 891,117 2,286,026 2,182,698 -5% ROI-Denton Municipal Utilities 3,566,620 3,992,002 3,765,603 8,427,209 8,427,209 0% Transfers 4,018,449 4,368,320 5,459,799 8,733,146 10,833,146 24% Transfers 7,585,069 8,360,322 9,225,402 17,160,355 19,260,355 12% Total General Fund Revenues $ 79,463,450 $ 83,438,017 $ 81,585,963 $ 127,701,305 $ 126,797,962 -1% 40 City of Denton General Fund Schedule of Expenditures-Budget vs Projection(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET PROJECTION PROJECTION NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Building Inspections $ 1,309,243 $ 1,527,054 $ 1,454,125 $ 3,052,886 $ 3,045,139 0% Community Improvement Services 6289680 781,178 600,860 1,561,728 1,559,444 0% Libraries 2,877,388 299839019 2,920,599 5,963,678 5,936,199 0% Parks and Recreation 5,889,161 5,353,264 4,059,564 10,702,253 10,691,479 0% Planning 1,300,199 197829495 1,363,774 3,563,561 3,556,288 0% Gas Well Review 2079828 207,889 81,150 415,606 414,692 0% Social Services 2919238 336,597 297,759 672,928 672,023 0% 12,503, 10,777,831 25,932,640 25,875,264 0% PUBLIC SAFETY Animal Services 7409526 819,050 9229449 1,633,265 1,629,598 0% Fire 13,964, 14,723,724 30,330,574 30,448,307 0% Municipal Court 6119621 637,026 5399687 1,273,547 1,270,417 0% Municipal Judge 1929409 224,166 2059693 4489161 4479023 0% Police 14,933,047 17,8559905 16,589,620 35,697,544 35,612,428 0% 30,442,379 34,7079491 32,981,173 69,383,091 69,407,773 0% TRANSPORTATION Traffic Operations 2,891,446 190469683 7599845 2,092,526 2,088,594 0% Transportation Operations 4099302 199,222 1119059 3989291 3979962 0% Street Lighting 3849763 388,656 4149008 7779000 7779000 0% 3,685,511 196349561 1,284,912 3,267,817 3,263,556 0% ADMINISTRATIVE&COMMUNITY SERVICES Cable Television 1499064 169,356 157,178 338,597 338,113 0% City Manager's Office 1,490,688 190639515 1,045,666 2,126,205 2,119,717 0% Economic Development 1,200,879 299769786 1,407,011 5,951,194 5,449,792 -8% Facilities Management 1,919,078 296949573 2,831,963 5,386,980 4,702,509 -13% Finance 1,431,745 198109959 1,623,606 3,620,494 3,608,272 0% Human Resources 8239401 914,101 8539193 1,827,469 1,823,886 0% Internal Audit 2049754 274,560 1829293 5489905 5489905 0% Legal Administration 959,718 1,3529308 1,068,312 2,703,529 2,700,734 0% Public Communications Office 1989211 678,376 6419705 1,356,209 1,355,505 0% Reprographics 1989890 182,804 150,649 3659458 364,985 0% Non-Departmental 2,296,092 391879105 3,827,411 6,375,848 5,224,619 -18% 10,872, 13,788,987 30,600,888 28,237,038 -8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 57,504,147 $ 64,617,991 $ 58,832,903 $ 1299184,436 $ 126,7839632 -2% 41 City of Denton Electric Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures-Budget vs Projections(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET PROJECTION PROJECTION Beginning Working Capital and Reserves as of 9/30/18 $ 62,950,654 $ 73,942,033 REVENUES: Rate Revenues $ 69,791,131 $ 60,721,818 $ 69,817,574 135,522,850 136,930,345 1% Transmission Revenues 8,241,255 13,699,118 17,637,371 40,055,256 40,055,256 01% Other Revenues 3,869,229 1,774,875 2,407,693 3,750,515 3,963,130 6% DEC Revenues - 16,070,106 6,704,071 36,304,634 35,725,784 -2% Total Revenues 81,901,615 92,265,917 96,566,709 215,633,255 216,674,515 0% EXPENDITURES: Purchased Power 38,190,703 37,658,179 30,070,504 67,185,014 71,089,178 6% DEC Fuel - 8,475,936 2,873,455 14,967,553 16,838,587 13% Transmission of Power 1,824,810 4,052,665 6,390,217 12,500,000 12,500,000 0% Personnel Services 7,888,548 10,753,502 8,410,328 22,058,231 21,051,966 -5% Materials and Supplies 267,637 353,850 333,039 1,010,795 925,501 -8% Maintenance and Repair 257,783 745,239 303,473 1,771,604 1,626,903 -8% Insurance 129,966 923,635 136,030 705,178 705,178 0% Return on Investment 2,554,860 2,755,696 2,815,200 6,204,970 6,067,025 -2% Franchise Fee 3,645,018 3,933,541 4,026,545 8,864,243 8,667,178 -2% Miscellaneous 448,852 597,745 374,912 814,132 810,788 0% Operations 2,027,217 3,815,224 2,321,569 7,967,345 8,187,693 3% Debt Service 27,518,438 31,625,711 31,625,711 69,303,309 50,644,987 -27% Interfund Transfers 6,082,967 7,162,994 7,051,023 14,325,987 14,325,987 0% Capital Outlay 47,496 1,500,000 1,500,000 16,016,335 15,559,386 -3% Total Expenditures 90,884,295 114,353,917 98,232,006 243,694,696 229,000,357 -6% Net Income(Loss) $ (8,982,680) $ (22,088,000) $ (1,665,297) (28,061,441) (12,325,842) Ending Working Capital and Reserves $ 34,889,213 $ 61,616,191 42 City of Denton Water Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures-Budget vs Projections(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET PROJECTION PROJECTION Beginning Working Capital and Reserves as of 09/30/181 $ 23,982,828 $ 25,947,230 REVENUES: Water Sales Residential $ 7,984,325 $ 8,073,501 $ 7,041,066 19,496,000 20,036,256 3% Water Sales Commercial 7,576,402 7,673,203 7,034,849 16,841,000 17,396,504 3% Water for Resale 1,947,832 605,490 279,629 1,169,000 1,165,101 0% Other Water 672,413 427,825 653,683 843,349 831,616 -1% Transfers In 2,973,641 743,882 745,027 1,487,762 1,467,000 -1% Investment Income 124,691 87,500 204,176 175,000 233,000 33% Impact Fee Revenue 1,878,454 2,850,000 2,851,140 5,700,000 5,700,000 0% Total Revenues 23,157,758 20,461,401 18,809,570 45,712,111 46,829,476 2% EXPENDITURES: Personal Service 4,814,427 4,270,069 3,707,499 8,855,034 8,663,705 -2% Purchased Power 589,780 700,588 584,240 1,431,895 1,374,500 -4% Purchase of Water 1,067 - 1,002 3,000 2,460 -18% Materials and Supplies 632,358 614,336 565,733 1,408,230 1,396,021 -1% Maintenance and Repairs 554,003 576,740 543,123 1,594,203 1,684,950 6% Insurance 111,241 111,717 111,716 223,433 222,028 -1% Miscellaneous 128,570 219,895 145,898 411,219 410,219 0% Operations,Services 953,794 902,480 696,860 1,693,620 1,646,311 -3% Capital Outlay 2,661,685 5,301,989 3,012,219 15,279,508 14,746,785 -3% Return on Investment 571,601 612,388 519,354 1,339,555 1,380,032 3% Franchise Fee 816,573 868,136 741,935 1,898,986 1,949,251 3% Debt Service 11,130,419 11,370,797 11,370,797 12,662,613 12,662,613 0% Transfers Out 1,741,317 1,695,371 1,761,297 3,390,738 3,848,527 14% Total Expenditures 24,706,835 27,244,506 23,761,673 50,192,034 49,987,402 0% Net Income(Loss) $ (1,549,077) $ (6,783,105) $ (4,952,103) (4,479,923) (3,157,926) Ending Working Capital and Reserves $ 19,502,905 $ 22,789,304 1 The Beginning Working Capital balance excludes$10,884,298 of Impact Fee Reserves and$750,000 for Development Plan Line Reserves. 2 Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 43 City of Denton Wastewater Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures-Budget vs Projections(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET' PROJECTION PROJECTION Beginning Worldng Capital and Reserves as of 09/30/17' $ 19,188,011 $ 18,669,754 REVENUES: Residential Fees $ 5,982,589 $ 5,369,278 $ 5,967,036 10,657,173 11,357,150 7% Commercial Fees 5,958,034 5,932,906 5,658,314 12,218,689 12,048,742 -1% Effluent Irrigation Fees 469407 26,105 35,604 68,576 60,424 -12% Wholesale Fees 288,217 323,312 371,023 6949234 686,050 -1% Other Wastewater Fees 6249596 732,147 592,154 1,624,678 1,576,659 -3% Drainage Fees 2,373,948 2,343,781 2,421,814 4,727,006 4,6619500 -1% Transfer In 447,015 275,898 412,981 551,795 551,795 0% Investment Income 102,650 104,000 137,302 208,000 235,000 13% Impact Fee Reserves 1,000,400 1,0009000 1,0009400 2,000,000 2,000,000 0% Total Revenues 16,823,856 16,1079427 16,596,628 32,7509151 33,177,320 1% EXPENDITURES: Personal Service 3,635,806 4,0669769 3,828,307 8,607,813 7,953,262 -8% Purchased Power 516,459 645,680 545,501 1,221,000 1,221,000 0% Materials and Supplies 4819904 434,781 414,619 1,254,075 1,244,367 -1% Maintenance and Repairs 544,326 643,328 573,718 1,433,519 1,488,729 4% Insurance 90,246 1169010 1169010 232,020 232,020 0% Miscellaneous 38,872 45,917 68,750 58,718 489911 -17% Operations,Services 9439693 1,078,020 1,0129475 2,326,776 2,323,356 0% Capital Outlay 1,788,993 5,047,262 6,350,514 10,094,524 9,9329115 -2% Return on Investment 440,159 4339840 4319049 882,684 900,516 2% Franchise Fee 628,799 6199773 6159784 1,260,978 1,286,451 2% Debt Service 6,428,552 6,2109846 6,2129096 6,806,331 6,806,331 0% Transfers Out 1,649,715 - 1,7779737 3,292,816 3,746,125 14% Total Expenditures 179187,524 19,342,226 21,946,560 37,471,254 37,183,183 -1% Net Income(Loss) $ (363,668) $ (39234,799) $ (59349,932) (49721,103) (49005,864) Ending Worldng Capital and Reserves $ 149466,908 $ 149663,890 The Beginning Working Capital balance excludes$4,189,562 of Impact Fee Reserves,$1,000,000 for Drainage Reserves, and$535,000 for Development Plan Line Reserves. 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 44 City of Denton Drainage Operations Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures-Budget vs Projections(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET PROJECTION PROJECTION REVENUES: Residential Drainage Fees $ 900,012 $ 907,593 $ 933,718 $ 1,820,000 $ 1,754,500 -4% Nonresidential Drainage Fees 1,473,936 1,436,264 1,488,097 2,907,006 2,907,000 0% Wastewater Resources - 21,900 - 43,800 43,800 0% Investment Interest Income - - - - - 0% General Fund Transfer 212,015 158,398 158,397 316,795 316,795 0% Total Revenues 2,585,963 2,524,155 2,580,212 5,087,601 5,022,095 -1% EXPENDITURES: Personal Service 767,309 919,211 807,059 1,968,225 1,623,743 -18% Materials and Supplies 20,780 35,527 21,097 76,075 83,200 9% Maintenance and Repairs 35,477 57,446 73,339 123,300 121,300 -2% Insurance 12,730 17,884 17,883 35,767 35,767 0% Miscellaneous 6,483 10,114 9,989 17,200 17,200 0% Operations,Services 151,156 231,326 219,164 546,870 573,670 5% Capital Outlay 663,475 593,890 757,065 1,403,688 1,413,825 1% Debt Service 627,356 439,234 439,234 477,433 494,098 3% Transfer Out 301,197 219,523 235,382 439,043 659,292 50% Total Expenditures 2,585,963 2,524,155 2,580,212 5,087,601 5,022,095 -1% Net Income(Loss) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 45 City of Denton Solid Waste Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures-Budget vs Projection(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET PROJECTION PROJECTION Beginning Working Capital and Reserves as of 09/30/181 $ 8,639,290 $ 10,918,907 REVENUES: Refuse Fees-Residential $ 3,183,721 $ 2,849,166 $ 2,864,371 5,788,754 5,702,020 -1% Refuse Fees-Commercial 6,928,082 7,074,478 7,305,348 14,533,461 14,890,064 2% Residential Recycling 2,901,094 2,665,354 2,640,121 5,337,119 5,226,937 -2% Commercial Recycling 660,218 752,895 699,762 1,505,187 1,562,853 4% Landfill Gate and Material Sales 2,674,337 2,842,800 2,889,049 5,967,459 5,861,791 -2% Recycled Material Sales 33,024 30,306 33,670 60,590 61,000 1% Asset Sales and Interest Income 394,957 229,700 75,842 459,217 461,801 1% Other Revenue 191,346 435,806 405,348 871,269 321,114 -63% Total Revenues 16,966,779 16,880,505 16,913,511 34,523,056 34,087,580 -1% EXPENDITURES: Personal Service 5,018,597 5,606,180 4,831,137 11,207,879 10,928,538 -2% Materials and Supplies 98,909 214,969 88,561 429,792 344,615 -20% Maintenance and Repairs 129,200 274,863 106,080 549,506 257,600 -53% Insurance 116,815 136,528 134,753 272,954 272,954 0% Miscellaneous 44,766 58,732 71,376 117,419 109,675 -7% Operations,Services 2,483,297 2,955,991 3,161,329 5,909,622 6,542,572 11% Capital Outlay 156,487 665,620 683,012 1,330,709 1,170,382 -12% Debt Service 8,686,037 8,264,375 8,263,706 8,996,579 8,995,034 0% Franchise Fee 847,501 847,486 830,613 1,694,293 1,699,396 0% Transfers for Landfill Closure 189,378 584,910 584,676 1,169,349 596,271 -49% Admin Transfers Out 1,590,783 1,597,420 1,985,238 3,193,559 3,723,971 17% Total Expenditures 19,361,770 21,207,074 20,740,481 34,871,661 34,641,008 -1% Net Income(Loss) $ (2,394,991) $ (4,326,569) $ (3,826,970) (348,605) (553,428) Ending Working Capital and Reserves $ 8,290,685 $ 10,365,479 1 The Beginning Working Capital Reserve excludes$9,896,590 Landfill Closure/Post Closure Reserves. 2 Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 46 City of Denton Airport Fund Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures-Budget vs Projection(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGETt PROJECTION PROJECTION Beginning Working Capital and Reserves as of 09/30/18 $2,668,447 $ 2,930,368 OPERATING REVENUES: Airport Leases $ 398,075 $ 385,598 $ 365,912 770,886 732,835 -5% FBO Commissions 39,069 55,023 41,151 110,004 123,030 12% Fuel Flowage Fees 142,927 104,592 72,948 209,100 207,404 0% Total Operating Revenues 580,071 545,213 480,011 1,089,990 1,063,269 -2% OPERATING EXPENDITURES: Personal Service 224,922 272,720 241,491 545,217 481,715 -12% Materials and Supplies 5,745 18,823 12,289 37,640 22,688 -40% Maintenance and Repairs 16,132 51,771 7,107 103,500 64,167 -38% Insurance 10,911 21,905 15,646 43,792 43,792 0% Miscellaneous 349 49 - 100 100 0% Operations 57,785 119,666 80,235 239,235 214,702 -10% Transfers Out-Operating 259,920 259,968 260,772 519,730 519,730 0% Total Operating Expenses 575,764 744,902 617,540 1,489,214 1,346,894 -10% Operating(Loss) 4,307 (199,689) (137,529) (399,224) (283,625) NON-OPERATING REVENUES: Investment Income 28,689 11,136 48,339 22,263 47,949 115% Gas Well Royalties 94,671 215,813 70,604 431,456 370,000 -14% Total Non-Operating Revenues 123,360 226,949 118,943 453,719 417,949 -8% NON-OPERATING EXPENDITURES: Transfers Out-Capital 225,000 125,050 - 250,000 250,000 0% Total Non-Operating Expenses 225,000 125,050 - 250,000 250,000 0% Non-Operating Income(Loss) (101,640) 101,899 118,943 203,719 167,949 Net Income(Loss) $ (97,333) $ (97,790) $ (18,586) (195,505) (115,676) Ending Working Capital $ 2,472,942 $ 2,814,692 Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Working Capital and Reserves represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 47 City of Denton Street Improvement Fund Schedule of Expenditures-Budget vs Projection(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 PRIOR BUDGET CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS DESCRIPTION Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET' PROJECTION PROJECTION Beginning Fund Balance as of 9/30/2018 $ 1,158,668 $ 1,623,427 RESOURCES: Franchise Fees $ 5,022,192 $ 6,762,660 $ 5,496,837 13,519,911 13,519,911 0% Street Cuts 130,980 182,142 91,709 364,140 364,140 0% Investment Income 440 5,002 10,372 10,000 10,000 0% Transfers In 517,291 598,441 517,291 1,196,404 1,196,404 0% Total Resources 5,670,903 7,548,245 6,116,209 15,090,455 15,090,455 0% EXPENDITURES: Personal Service 1,640,473 1,821,349 1,555,504 3,641,249 3,641,249 0% Materials and Supplies 48,022 43,590 34,302 86,901 86,901 0% Maintenance and Repairs 3,190,382 4,157,483 3,185,575 9,195,194 9,195,194 0% Insurance 25,847 36,379 36,363 72,727 72,727 0% Miscellaneous 4,292 2,501 5,062 5,000 5,000 0% Operations,Services 315,617 350,288 391,343 700,302 700,302 0% Transfer Out 1,545,281 1,125,419 515,765 1,366,632 1,366,632 0% Total Expenditures 6,769,914 7,537,009 5,723,914 15,068,005 15,068,005 0% Net Income(Loss) $ (1,099,011) $ 11,236 $ 392,295 22,450 22,450 Ending Fund Balance $ 1,181,118 $ 1,645,877 'Annual adopted budget as amended or modified.Beginning Fund Balance represents the amount which was estimated in the FY 2018-19 budget process. 48 City of Denton Grants Schedule of Expenditures-Budget vs Projection(Unaudited) For the Period Ended March 31,2019 EXPENDITURES CURRENT ANNUAL ANNUAL BUDGET VS GRANT DESCRIPTION AS OF 9/30/20,82 Y-T-D BUDGET PROJECTION PROJECTION FY 2017-18 Budget US Dept of HUD- Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) $ 3,5119216 $ 441,598 $ 291469395 $ 700,000 -67% US Dept of HUD- HOME Investment Partnership Program 393209362 2189968 192799659 500,000 -61% Emergency Solutions Grant(ESG) 5069879 419587 210,994 469000 -78% Community Development' 793389457 702,153 396379048 192469000 -66% TxDot STEP Comprehensive Grant - 359312 889537 889537 0% Domestic and Sexual Violence Initiative IACP Grant 204,202 1189953 2259000 2259000 0% 2018 UASI - - 1259956 125,956 0% Emergency Management Performance Grant - - 439956 439956 0% Staffing for Adequate Fire&Emergency Response(SAFER)Grant 225,381 232,836 4199971 4199971 0% 2018 SHSP SWAT Equipment Enhancement - - 249000 249000 0% BG-Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Grant Program(BAGP) - 829542 919692 919692 0% Public Safety 429,583 4699643 190199112 190199112 0% Airport Maintenance(RAMP)Grant - 3,021 50,000 509000 0'% TxDot-RTR-Mayhill Rd-I1135 E to US 380 2895699138 495599720 21,115, -36% TxDot-RTR-Bonnie Brae Rd-IH35 E to US 377 13,770,118 294319803 26,938,818 893009000 -69% TxDot-IH35E at Loop 288/Lillian Miller Pkwy - - 539865 53,865 0°% TxDot-RTR-McKinney(Formerly FM426) 193369448 649472 17,598,079 793009000 -59% TxDot-RTR-Hickory Creek FM2181-FM2499 799163 759647 293969190 6009000 -75°% Roundabout 159393 129354 1,986,592 380,000 -81% TxDot-RTR-ITS COMM Trunk Line 438,382 630,485 192779294 19176,170 -8% Bicycle&Pedestrian Projects Grant - - 1,500,000 195,000 -87% Transportation' 4492089642 79777,502 72,916,353 31,555,035 -57% Interlibrary Loan Program(ILL) - - 25,000 259000 0% TIFMAS Training Tuition Grant - 109500 10,500 0% Miscellaneous New Grants - 2509000 2509000 0% Other - - 285,500 2859500 0% Total FY 2018-19 Budget 51,976,682 8,949,298 77,858,013 34,105,647 -56% New Awards Federal Equitable Sharing - 59482 59482 59482 0'% Chapter 59 Asset Forfeitures - 209084 209084 209084 0% U.S.Marshals Violent Offenders Task Force - 39622 39622 39622 0'% Force - 59098 59098 59098 0% PD-Law Enforcement Officer Standards& Education - 99750 99750 99750 0'% Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners(SANE) Reimbursement - 239919 239919 239919 0% 2017 UASI - 299574 299574 299574 0% Public Safety - 979529 979529 979529 0% Total New Awards - 979529 979529 979529 0% TOTALS $ 51,976,682 $ 990469827 $ 7799559542 $ 3492039176 -56% 'This grant amount will be spent over several years and the fiscal year 2018-19 projections are just estimated expenditure in the one year. Remaining grant amounts will be spent in future fiscal year. 2 A portion of the grants presented cover multiple years. 49 Section 3 City of Denton Quarterly Financial Report March 2019 REVENUE & ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 50 Revenue & Economic Analysis Summary The data included in this section provides information on local, state and national trends impacting the City's financial position. The following notes are provided to facilitate this section's readability. 1 . Positive Outlook — Represents favorable conditions for the local economy. Color code — Green. 2. Cautious Outlook — Represents changing conditions that require close monitoring. Color code — Yellow. 3. Negative Outlook — Represents unfavorable conditions for the local economy. Color code — Red. The data included in this section have been obtained from a variety of sources. Sales tax and construction related data have been obtained from internal city departments. Economic data for the State have been obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and may be subject to availability. National economic data were compiled with assistance from the City's investment advisor, First Southwest Asset Management. 51 i HilltopSecuri ties Asset Management. National Economic Trends Period Ending March 31, 2o19 Gross Domestic Product(GDP) In mid-March,economic growth for the initial Gross Domestic Product quarter of 2019 appeared as though it would Quarterly Annualized Percentage Change fall well below 1.0%;however,growth picked 6.0 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... up considerably in March and first quarter 5.0 .......................I Historical Avg.3.2% ............................................................................................................................ GDP surprised to the upside with a +3.2% a.z annualized advance. On the surface, this not 4.0 .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................. 3.0 3.4 3.2 only topped the +2.3% median forecast and 3.0 ..................................................................................... .........?:8..........z:3........................... ........... the +2.2% fourth quarter gain, but also beat 2.0 . 2.3.........x.s...........1.;8........_1,8......... ......... .........I . ........... .........2.2......... the+3.0%overall growth rate for all of 2018. However, as analysts have quickly pointed 1.0 .......... .......... ........... ........... ........ out, the key underlying component, real 0.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ private domestic sales, was the weakest in three years at +1.3%. The overall Q1 GDP l.o ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... number was inflated by two components -2.0 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (inventory build-up and net exports)generally 9 d a 3 4 considered to be unsustainable, and in fact n n n could reverse themselves later this year, Source:US Census Bureau/Bloomberg thereby subtracting from future quarters. Nonfarm Payrolls The labor market continues to look very good. thousands �Change inNon-Farm Payrolls �unemploymentRate ( erc�ent Nonfarm payrolls rose by a+196k in March, 33o well above the +177k median forecast and a 312 7s nice rebound after the poor +33k (revised) 300 ......................... ..........................370..... 282...............27J............................. �s�.............. 7.0 showing in February. The three-month 196 196 227 196 moving average is now+180k,which should i 200 1.74...1.71..... ....1.$.................. ...... ...178.... ................ ................. 6.5 c Z be more than enough to keep downward 108 6.0 a pressure on the unemployment rate.Headline 0 100 _ ................ ss unemployment held at 3.8%, just a tenth Z ' ` Z above the nearly 50-year low. First-time Z o - - - - - - - 5.0 filings for unemployment benefits fell to 4.5 +202k the final week in March.That had been 3. -100 ...a.i..._4:1.....4:?....4:a.........9................4a............... .............. 3.......9. ...4�.0........................ the lowest level since December 1969. ...but 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.7 .9 3.8 3.8 4.0 the first week in April brought initial claims -200 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3.5 down to +196k and by the second week, -- _ ° _ d v 9 ° ° M _ d claims had fallen all the way to +193k, the � W W s W _ lowest level since September 1969. SourmBureau of Labor Statistics/Bloomberg 52 Inflation Overall inflation has been gradually receding Inflation Indicators(Year-Over-Year Percent Change) since last summer,but recently moved higher CPI-All Hems — CPI-Core t-PCE-Core along with energy prices.Crude oil is up 50% 3.0 ................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3.0 since the December low point. Headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) climbed +0.4% 2.5 .. ..................................................................................................... .... ... .... ... ........... ..........I............................ 2.5 in March,pushing the year-over-year increase 2.0 .. .... ... ................................. .... ... .... ... .... .. .... .... . .... ... .... .... ................. .. 2.0 up from +1.5% to +1.9%. Core CPI rose +0.1% in March, pulling the year-over-year 1.5 .. .... .... .... ... ... ... ... . ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .-. ... .. 1.5 pace down from+2.1%to+2.0%. Core PCE, 1.0 .. .... .... .... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. 1.0 a Fed favorite, was advancing at a +1.79% pace through January. o.o 0.0 If inflation were to trend lower later in the year, many believe the Fed could react by g � o 0 0 a g o o 0 3 a cutting interest rates. It's unlikely that core inflation could move sharply higher as it is Source_Bureau of Labor Statistics I Bureau of Economic Analysis i Bloomberg restrained by the global economy. Retail Sales Retail Sales%Change Retail sales rose+1.6%in March,bettering �Itetau 5atesMnnth-User-Mwith —setail Sales Year-Uwr-Year all forecasts and ending a particularly volatile and noisy quarter on an upbeat note. Much of the March gain can be attributed to auto sales, which climbed +3.1%, and sales at gasoline stations, S.a, -............_...........__..........._._....... ............:................ ......... . ....._............_............. ..........__......... ..__..............._.............. which rose+1.0%. Core retail sales(which ,..........._.... .._............_., ,:,.._.,.,.,.,..,..................................,»»....................................,_ _.,..,.,.,,.,..,..,...,.,. exclude sales of autos, gas, food and ----W_.----_...____ _ _.___ _.__ __.._ ......... ..,. building materials) rose +1.0% after a - _.._..__............_..........._..----._.._..---._.._._._._..__.._._..----....._ 0.3%February decline. s o n.! Im ! , Consumer spending was weak early in the quarter for a number of reasons: delayed tax refunds related to the government r ar ir w R 2 a a m.gE- ar m w o tr shutdown, trade concerns, weather, but as the quarter progressed, spending picked up Souloe°s Canws&¢enu I Warritwrp ...as did the economy. 53 Texas Home Sales Texas home sales fell -9.7% in the TexaslDentonCtyHomeSales(NSA) first quarter,but climbed +0.7%on a 40.0 2T00 37.5 year-over-year basis. The average 35.0 Texas home price in March was 32.5 100 $287.7k, a +0.6% gain from 30.0 1 . December, but down -1.5% from the 27.5 1. _ previous year, and below the record z5.o zzs 1 L 1' 1� high of$298.1 set back in June. 20.0 17.5 �. �� In Denton County, unit home sales ,S.D fell by-8.2%during the first quarter, 12.5 and -1.5% over the same three , . Denton Cry 7.5 —�Dentontan Cty Hone Sales 200 month period a year ago. The 5.0 —Linear(TXHameSales) average home price in March was Linear(Dentin Cty Home Sales) o z.5 $365.6k, a +2.3/o year-over-year 0.0 i _ i i i i i i K , T O d _ T d J T O d _ T d- gain, and just below the $367.8 high set in July. County home listings in � N N N N W W W W A a a G N N N (T OI T m O) V V V V CD Oo m m fD March totaled 3,697, approximately +32% higher than a year ago. The paper was prepared by Hilltop Securities Asset Management,is intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or investment advice,nor is it an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any investment or other specific product.Information provided in this paper was obtained from sources that are believed to be reliable;however,it is not guaranteed to be correct,complete,or current,and is not intended to imply or establish standards of care applicable to any attorney or advisor in any particular circumstances.The statements within constitute the views of Hilltop Securities Asset Management as of the date of the report and may differ from the views of other divisions/departments of Hilltop Securities.In addition,the views are subject to change without notice.This paper represents historical information only and is not an indication of future performance. 54 Fuel Prices I Outlook I Cautious Description: Quarterly fuel trends for the United States and Texas. Analysis: Fuel prices are a major commodity source in the economy. Studies have shown a positive effect on disposable income levels when fuel prices decrease. It is estimated that for every penny decrease in the price of fuel, $1.3 billion is available to the consumer for disposable income. Therefore, the price of fuel is likely to be a key predictor of sales tax collections. Fuel prices showed an 10.4%decrease from the prior quarter at the national level and a 11.5%decrease at the state level. Staff has rated this outlook as Cautious. Fuel Prices uSales Tax —Texas Fuel Prices —US Fuel Prices $3.00 $12 $2.50 $10 $2.00 L d $8 c $1.50 $6 ° $1.00 $4 $0.50 $2 $0.00 J $0 2Q'15 4Q'15 2Q'16 4Q'16 2Q'17 4Q'17 2Q'18 4Q'18 2Q'19 Source: U.S. Department of Energy 55 Municipal Cost Index I Outlook Description: The Municipal Cost Index was developed to show the rate of inflation for the cost of goods purchased frequently by local governments. The MCI draws on the monthly statistical data collected by the U.S. Departments of Commerce and Labor as well as independently compiled data to project a composite cost picture for the municipal budget officer or operating department manager. Costs of labor, materials and contract services are all factored into the composite MCI. Major indicators of these items used for the MCI include the Consumer Price Index, the Wholesale Price Index for Industrial Commodities (now known as the Producer Price Index) and the construction cost indexes published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, respectively. Analysis: The Municipal Cost Index (MCI) pulls a variety of prices for frequently purchased commodities for local governments. The cost for labor, materials and contract services are factored for the MCI. An increase in MCI means the overall price mix for these types of commodities will cost local governments more to do routine business. The 2nd Quarter of 2018-19 shows an increase of 0.5%over the prior quarter and an increase of 5.5%over the 2nd Quarter of 2017-18. Staff has rated this indicator as Negative. Municipal Cost Index 255.00 250.00 245.00 240.00 235.00 230.00 2Q'17 3Q'17 4Q'17 1Q'18 2Q'18 3Q'18 4Q'18 1Q119 2Q'19 Source:American City and County Magazine Note: The Municipal Cost Index is designed to show the effects of inflation on the cost of providing municipal services. State and local government officials rely on American City&County's Municipal Cost Index to stay on top of price trends,help control price increases for commodities, make informed government contract decisions and intelligent budget planning. Since 1978, readers have loyally referred to the Municipal Cost Index to determine the cost of inflation and, hence,the rising cost of doing business as a local government. 56 Hotel Occupancy Tax Analysis I Outlook I Positive Description: Tax imposed on a person who, under a lease, concession, permit, right of access, license, contract, or agreement, pays for the use of a room that is in a hotel. A hotel includes: any building in which the public may obtain sleeping accomodations; motels; a tourist home, house or court; lodginghouse; inn; roominghouse; or bed and breakfast. The tax rate levied by the City is 7%of the price paid for a room. The State also levies a tax equal to 6%. Analysis: While the use of this revenue source is restricted by state law, it is an essential revenue source for various tourist related activities within the community and an important indicator of local economic activity. Hotel Occupancy tax revenue through the 2nd Quarter of FY 2019 was 4.51% more than budget and 14.6% more than the prior year's actual.Staff has rated the outlook for this economic indicator as Positive. 2nd Quarter FY 2018-19 Actual Y-T-D Occupancy Tax Revenue: $ 746,038 $ 1,434,214 FY 2018-19 Budget $ 713,091 $ 1,415,474 Over(Under) Budget $ 32,947 $ 18,740 FISCAL YEAR FORECAST Hotel Occupancy Tax Budget: $ 3,207,406 End of Year Projection: $ 3,207,406 Variance: $ - Hotel Occupancy Tax Collections $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr ■FY 2015-16 ■FY 2016-17 ■FY 2017-18 ■FY 2018-19 57 Sales and Use Tax Analysis I Outlook Cautious Description: Tax imposed on all retail sales,leases,and rentals of most goods,as well as taxable services. The total tax rate levied within the City is 8.25%(State,6.25%;City,1.5%;DCTA,0.5%). Analysis: As the second largest revenue source to the City's General Fund, sales and use taxes are essential to the delivery of services to the community. Sales tax revenues through the 2nd quarter of FY 2019 compared to revenues from the prior year 2nd quarter shows a 7.74%decrease, and compared to the budget it is 11.21% below. Staff has rated this indicator as Cautious. Revenue:Gross Sales Tax Municipal Operations $ 442,757 $ 868,787 General Retail&Others 8,387,760 18,247,472 Comptroller Fees (164,359) (357,937) Amount Retained (161,072) (350,778) Total Revenue $18,407,544 Expenses:Economic Incentives* Denton Crossing' $ 125,012 $ 299,905 Unicorn Lake 17,122 36,090 Rayzor Ranch 466,456 1,031,097 Golden Triangle 27,762 58,948 O'Reilly'ss 74,300 483,730 Bucees6 43,566 43,566 Total Expenses -8 $ 1,953,336 Net Total 7,750,868 16,454,208 02018-19 Budget _ �9 ilika,301,278 hNikkUkr)Budget J $ (979,031) �47,070) Sales Tax Budget: $ 41,425,582 Year End Projection: 37,953,567 Variance to Original Budget: $ (3,472,015) Economic Development Expenditure Budget: $ 3,854,014 Year End Projection: 3,465,516 Variance to Original Budget: $ (388,498) Gross Sales Tax Collections (Millions) $10.0 $9.0 $8.0 $7.0 $6.0 $5.0 $4.0 $3.0 $2.0 $1.0 $0.0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr a FY 2014-15 Actual ■FY 2015-16 Actual 0 FY 2016-17 Actual W FY 2017-18 Actual o FY 2018-19 Actual *Economic Incentive actuals are through February 2019 with budget amount for March. 1.Incentive is 50%of general sales taxes.For the 2nd quarter sales tax equaled$250,024. 2.Incentive is 50%of general sales taxes.For the 2nd quarter sales tax equaled$34,244 3.Incentive is 75%of general sales taxes.For the 2nd quarter sales tax equaled$621,941. 4.Incentive is 75%of general sales taxes.For the 2nd quarter sales tax equaled$37,016. 5.Incentive is 100%of sales taxes.For the 2"tl quarter sales tax equaled$74,300. 58 Certificates of Occupancy I Outlook Description: Certificates of Occupancy (CO) are permits issued in compliance with the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) and applicable City ordinances. The IBC states, "that no building shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made, until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy." Certificates of Occupancy ensure that applicable building, fire and consumer health codes are met. Analysis: Certificates of Occupancy are an economic indicator that provides a framework for the overall condition of the local economy. Certificates of Occupancy increased 36.13%from the prior quarter and increased 116%from the 2nd Quarter of 2018. Staff has rated the outlook for this revenue indicator as positive. Certificates of Occupancy 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q '14 '14 '14 '15 '15 '15 '15 '16 '16 '16 '16 '17 '17 '17 '17 '18 '18 '18 '18 '19 '19 ------------ Source:City of Denton's Development Services Department. 59 Residential Permits I Outlook Description: Residential Permits are issued in compliance with the 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) and applicable City ordinances. The data presented in this analysis only include new permits issued and not remodels/alterations. Analysis: Residential Permits are an economic indicator that provides a framework for the overall condition of the local economy. In particular, residential permits have a direct correlation with building inspection fees and appraised values. Residential permits increased 10.4% from the prior quarter and decreased 35.4% from the 2nd Quarter of 2018. Staff has rated the outlook for this revenue indicator as Cautious Residential Permits 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q '14 '14 '14 '15 '15 '15 '15 '16 '16 '16 '16 '17 '17 '17 '17 '18 '18 '18 '18 '19 '19 Source:City of Denton's Development Services Department. 60 Texas Leading Indicators Index Outlook Description: The Texas Leading Indicators Index is a single weighted summary statistic that sheds light on the future of the state's economy. The index is designed to signal movements and changes in the state's rate of growth. The index includes the following leading indicators: Texas Value of the Dollar, U.S. Leading Index, Real Oil Prices, Well Permits, Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance, Texas Stock Index, Help-Wanted Advertising, and Average Weekly Hours Worked in Manufacturing. Analysis: Texas Leading Indicators provide a framework for the overall condition of the local economy. Data for this quarter shows a decrease in the state's rate of growth. The index decreased 0.61% from the prior quarter and decreased 3.24%from the 2nd Quarter of 2017-18. Staff has rated this indicator as Negative Texas Leading Indicators Index 140.0 135.0 130.0 125.0 120.0 115.0 110.0 105.0 100.0 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q 4Q 2Q '09 '09 '10 '10 '11 '11 '12 '12 '13 '13 '14 '14 '15 '15 '16 '16 '17 '17 '18 118 119 Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 61 Unemployment Rate Index I Outlook I Positive Description: Unemployment is defined as the number or proportion of people looking for work at the prevailing wage who are unable to find employment. Analysis: Unemployment is an economic indicator that provides a framework for the overall condition of the national, state and local economies. The unemployment rate for the City of Denton is at 3.13%for the 2nd Quarter. The unemployment rates for most of the other reported sectors were either up slightly or flat from the prior quarter. As a result of the doward trend since the high of the 2nd Quarter of 2013, staff has rated the outlook for this revenue indicator as Positive. Unemployment Rate Index 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 2Q'13 4Q'13 2Q'14 4Q'14 2Q'15 4Q'15 2Q'16 4Q'16 2Q'17 4Q'17 2Q'18 4Q'18 2Q'19 `IDallas-Plano-Irving MD IDenton —Texas -U6 Unemployment —United States Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,and Texas Workforce Commission Note: U6 unemployment includes marginally attached workers who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the recent past. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not looking currently for a job. Persons employed part-time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. 62 Section 4 City of Denton Quarterly Financial Report March 2019 INVESTMENT REPORT 63 CITY OF DENTON : QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT INVESTMENT POOL Policy Par Market Book Unrealized Max. Benchmark lPortfolio: Value_________________Value________________---ue_ __ __Gain/(Loss)'______WAM_____WAM...........YTM----------------Yield__------ I Investment Pool j$ 583,840,573 $ 582,174,414 $ 582,543,347 $ (368,933) 242 550 2.20% 2.48% I*Twelve month moving average of a one year U.S.T-bill yield of Total Par Market Book Unrealized Portfolio Policy I I !Securities By Investment Type: I Value Value Value Gain/(Loa)' __WAM _YTM _____!Book ValueZ___________Max ! k ------------ U.S. 1 Treasuries 45,000,000 44,629,860 44,450,199 179,661 431 2.75% 7.63% 100.00% !U.S.Federal 267,456,000 266,588,486 267,137,471 (548,985) 409 1.97% 45.85% 100.00% I Municipal Bonds 1 5,000,000 4,972,860 5,000,000 (27,140) 155 1.18% 0.86% 15.00% I Certificates of Deposit 65,000,000 65,000,000 65,000,000 - 97 1.71% 11.16% 35.00% !Commercial Paper 1 55,000,000 54,598,635 54,571,104 27,531 99 2.91% 9.37% 15.00% !Local Government Investment Pools 144,804,194 144,804,194 144,804,194 (0) 1 2.44% 24.86% 50.00% l Demand Deposits 1,580,379 1,580,379 1,580,379 (0) 1 1.00% 0.27% - !Total Portfolio $ 583,840,573 $ 582,174,414 $ 582,543,347 $ (368,933) 242 2.20% 100.00% !'Unrealized gain/(loss)is the difference between the market and book value and does not represent an actual gain or loss. Gains and losses are! :realized only when a security is sold prior to maturity. Since it is the City's practice to hold investments until they mature,the temporary gains and losses! :are unlikely to be realized. Current 3 Months Ago 3 Month 1 Year Ago 1 Year Ago !Investment Pool Comparisons: 1_____3/3112019___________1 2131/2 01 8 _____Difference_ _____3/31/2018_ ____Difference !Par Value :$ 583,840,573 $ 627,577,468 $ (43,736 895) $ 608,515 986 $ (24,675,413) Market Value :$ 582,174,414 $ 624,491,587 $ (42,317,173) $ 605,052,760 $ (22,878,346) l Book Value !$ 582,543,347 $ 626,046,406 $ (43,503,059) $ 608,179,960 $ (25,636,613) :Unrealized Gain(Loss) !$ (368,933) $ (1,554,819) $ 1,185,886 $ (3,127,200) $ 2,758,267 :Weighted Average Maturity 242 223 19 309 (67) :Yield to Maturity 2.20% 2.01% 0.19% 1.42% 0.78% Portfolio Composition: U.S.Treasuries 7.63% 10.69% -3.06% 2.79% 4.84% :U.S.Federal Agencies 45.85% 43.55% 2.30% 53.20% -7.35% :Municipal Bonds 0.86% 0.80% 0.06% 2.38% -1.53% :Certificates of Deposit 11.16% 13.101/ -1.94% 20.72% -9.56% !Commercial Paper 9.37% 10.44% 7% 5.91% 3.46% :Local Government Investment Pools 24.86% 21.12% 3.74% 9.59% 15.27% :Insured Cash Sweep Savings Deposits 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.11% -4.11% Demand Deposits 0.27% 0.30% -0.03% 1.30% -1.03% !Bank Collateral Review-: _____Institution________Collateral Type_______Market Value Collected Balance Pledge Required___Collateral Ratio ----------------------------- -------- Wells Fargo Demand Deposits :BNY Mellon U.S.Agency MBS $ 36,406,524 $ 1,580,379 >102% 2303.66% LegacyTexas Bank Certificates of Deposit*** :Fed Home Loan Bank Standby LOC $ 26,390,000 $ 25,745,628 >102% 102.50% Independent Bank Certificates of Deposit !Fed Home Loan Bank Standby LOC $ 19,705,897 $ 15,147,396 >100% 130.09% **Does not include FDIC insurance ***Formerly,ViewPoint Bank Depository Ledger Balance Review: Institution_________Account Type-------Beginning Bal_----------Deposits Withdrawals........Ending BaL---- Wells Fargo Bank Checking $ 1,961,759 $ 75,691,958 $ 76,073,338 $ 1,580,379 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' !Compliance Statement&Review: :The Quarterly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives,restrictions,and strategies as set forth in the City of Denton's Investment! :Policy and the Public Funds Investment Act(Texas Government Code,Chapter 2256.023). •--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ANTONIO PUENTE,JR. NANCY TOWLE Reviewer:Antonio Puente,Jr.,CGFO Preparer:Nancy Towle,CGFO Chief Financial Officer Treasury Manager 64 CITY OF 1 • QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT 2nd Fiscal Quarter 20-19-March 31,2019 Page 2 INVESTMENT POOL Current 3 Months Ago 3 Month 1 Year Ago 1 Year 3/31/2019 12/31/2018 Difference 3/31/2018 Difference l Par Value-U.S.Treasuries 45,000,000 $ 67,500,000 $ (22,500,000) $ 17,000,000 $ 28,000,000 l Par Value-U.S.Federal Agencies 267,456,000 272,956,000 (5,500,000) 323,756,000 (56,300,000) I Par Value-Municipal Bonds 5,000,000 5,000,000 14,500,000 (9,500,000) ;Certificates of Deposit 65,000,000 82,000,000 (17,000,000) 126,000,000 (61,000,000) l Par Value-Commercial Paper 55,000,000 66,000,000 (11,000,000) 36,000,000 19,000,000 ;Local Government Investment Pools 144,804,194 132,202,864 12,601,330 58,324,172 86,480,022 ;Insured Cash Sweep Savings Deposits - - 25,000,000 (25,000,000) !Demand Deposits 1,580,379 1,918,604 (338,225) 7,935,814 (6,355,435) !Total Par Value $ 583,840,573 $ 627,577,468 $ (43,736,895) $ 608,515,986 $ (24,675,413) l Market Value-U.S.Treasuries 44,629,860 $ 67,136,495 $ (22,506,635) $ 16,849,721 $ 27,780,139 l Market Value-U.S.Federal Agencies 266,588,486 270,938,188 (4,349,702) 320,650,279 (54,061,793) l Market Value-Municipal Bonds 4,972,860 4,948,950 23,910 14,379,250 (9,406,390) !Certificates of Deposit 65,000,000 82,000,000 (17,000,000) 126,000,000 (61,000,000) :MarketValue-Commercial Paper 1 54,598,635 65,346,486 (10,747,851) 35,913,524 18,685,111 l Local Government Investment Pools 1 144,804,194 132,202,864 12,601,330 58,324,172 86,480,022 l Insured Cash Sweep Savings Deposits i - 25,000,000 (25,000,000) :Demand Deposits 1,580,379 1,918,604 (338,225) 7,935,814 (6,355,435) ;Total Market Value $ 582,174,414 $ 624,491,587 $ (42,317,173) $ 605,052,760 $ (22,878,346) !Book Value-U.S.Treasuries 44,450,199 $ 66,927,741 $ (22,477,542) $ 16,958,860 $ 27,491,339 ;Book Value-U.S.Federal Agencies 267,137,471 272,619,818 (5,482,347) 323,527,701 (56,390,230) l Book Value-Municipal Bonds 5,000,000 5,000,000 14,500,000 (9,500,000) l Certificates of Deposit 65,000,000 82,000,000 (17,000,000) 126,000,000 (61,000,000) l Book Value-Commercial Paper 54,571,104 65,377,379 (10,806,275) 35,933,413 18,637,691 l Local Government Investment Pools 144,804,194 132,202,864 12,601,330 58,324,172 86,480,022 l Insured Cash Sweep Savings Deposits - 25,000,000 (25,000,000) !Demand Deposits 1,580,379 1,918,604 (338,225) 7,935,814 (6,355,435) !Total Book Value $ 582,543,347 $ 626,046,406 $ (43,503,059) $ 608,179,960 $ (25,636,613) !Accrued Interest $ 3,010,592 $ 3,374,014 $ (363,422) $ 3,032,833 $ (22,241) ;Cash Value- $ 585,185,006 $ 627,865,601 $ (42,680,595) $ 608,085,593 $ (22,900,587) !(Total Market Value Accrued Interest) :Unrealized Gain/(Loss) $ (368,933) $ (1,554,819) $ 1,185,886 $ (3,127,200) $ 2,758,267 !Change in Fair Value since 9/30/18- $ (1,348,219) $ (1,516,332) $ 168,113 $ (1,919,786) $ 571,567 !(GASB 31) 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; ;Strategy Statement: ;The investment pool is an aggregation of the majority of City funds which may include tax receipts,enterprise fund revenues,fine and fee income,as; well as some,but not necessarily all bond proceeds,grants,gifts and endowments. This portfolio is maintained to meet anticipated daily cash needs! !for the City's operations,capital projects and debt service. In order to meet these obligations and to minimize potential liquidation losses,the dollar-! !weighted stated average maturity of the investment pool shall not exceed 1.5 years or 550 days. The objectives of this portfolio are to: (1)ensure! !safety of principal by investing in only high quality securities for which a strong secondary market exists;(2)ensure that anticipated cash flow needs! :are matched with adequate investment liquidity;(3)limit market and credit risk through diversification;and(4)attain the best feasible yield,: :commensurate with the objectives and restrictions set forth in the Investment Policy,by actively managing the portfolio to meet or exceed the twelve: !month moving average yield of a one year U.S.Treasury bill as derived from the Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15 for constant maturities. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 65 CITY OF 1 • REPORT INVESTMENT POOL Current 3 Months Ago 1 Year Ago Summary By Security Type: 18 -______3/31/2019_______________________________________2018__________________________------_-------------___. IU.S.Treasuries-Coupon $ 44,450,199 $ 66,927,741 $ 16,958,860 !U.S.Federal Agencies-Amort 6,145,976 6,107,691 - U.S.Federal Agencies-Coupon 240,235,562 245,756,279 302,771,196 W.S.Federal Agencies-Callable 20,755,933 20,755,848 20,756,505 ;Municipal Bonds-Coupon 5,000,000 5,000,000 14,500,000 !Certificates of Deposit-CDARS 25,000,000 42,000,000 49,000,000 !Certificates of Deposit-SLOC 40,000,000 40,000,000 77,000,000 !Commercial Paper-Discount 54,571,104 65,377,379 35,933,413 ;Local Government Investment Pools 144,804,194 132,202,864 58,324,172 Insured Cash Sweep Savings Deposits - - 25,000,000 !Demand Deposits 1,580,379 1,918,604 7,935,814 Total Book Value $ 582,543,347 $ 626,046,406 $ 608,179,960 Current 3/31/2019 ■ U.S.Federal Agencies-Coupon 41.23% ■ U.S.Federal Agencies-Callable 3.56% ■ Municipal Bonds-Coupon 0.86% ■ CD-SLOC 4.29% ■ CD-CDARS ■ U.S.Treasuries- Coupon 6.87% 7.63% ■ Commercial Paper- Discount ■U.S.Federal Agencies- 9 Amort .37% 1.06% ■ Demand Deposits 0.27% ■ Local Government Investment Pools 24.86% ! 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Objective: :The portfolio is restricted to U.S.Treasuries and agency securities(maturing in less than five years);state and locally issued Texas municipal bonds rated! .AA or better(maturing in less than three years);insured,collateralized,or standby letter of credit backed certificates of deposit(maturing in less than: ;three years);collateralized repurchase agreements(maturing in less than thirty days);commercial paper rated A-1/P-1 or better(maturing in less than! 1270 days);and local government pools&SEC registered government money market mutual funds(weighted average maturity of less than 60 days). Current 3 Months Ago 1 Year Ago !Summary By Security Type: 3/31/2019 12/31/2018 3/31/2018 ------------------------------' U.S.Treasuries-Coupon 7.63% 10.69% 2.79 U.S.Federal Agencies-Amort i 1.06% 0.97% - U.S.Federal Agencies-Coupon i 41.23% 39.26% 49.79% U.S.Federal Agencies-Callable 3.56% 3.32% 3.41 Municipal Bonds-Coupon 0.86% 0.80% 2.38 !Certificates of Deposit-CDARS i 6.87% 6.71% 8.06 Certificates of Deposit-SLOC i 4.29% 6.39% 12.66 :Commercial Paper-Discount i 9.37% 10.44% 5.91 Local Government Investment Pools i 24.86% 21.12% 9.59 Insured Cash Sweep Savings Deposits i - - 4.11 Demand Deposits 0.27% 0.30% 1.30 ;Total i i i 100.00% 100.00% 100.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 CITY OF DENTON:QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT INVESTMENTPOOL Current 3 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 1SummaryBy Issuer: j 3I31I2019 ____________________________ 12I31I2018 _________________________ ------ 313112018_____- ifCDARSCDs $ 25,000,000 $ 42,000,000 $ 49,000,000 1 LEGACYTEXAS BANK CDs' 25,000,000 25,000,000 62,000,000 INDEPENDENT BANK CDs 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 1 U.S.TREASURY 44,450,199 49,382,057 16,958,860 1 FFCB 67,675,156 67,645,911 79,995,171 I FHLB 108,975,042 113,959,085 121,008,039 FHLMC 35,762,186 30,870,083 47,921,604 FNMA 54,725,086 77,690,424 74,602,888 1 DALLAS,TX WTR&SWR REV BDS 4,000,000 4,000,000 10,000,000 1 TEXAS A&M UNIV REV BDS 1,000,000 1,000,000 4,500,000 1JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 9,925,267 15,830,273 10,984,992 !TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP 9,979,000 29,853,322 14,979,723 11NG(U.S.)FUNDING LLC - - 9,968,697 1 NATIXIS NY BRANCH 24,756,024 14,746,283 - 1 NESTLE FINANCE INTL LTD 4,928,314 - - I RBC 4,982,500 4,947,500 - ITEXSTAR 119,750,000 107,100,000 58,324,172 1TEXPOOL 25,054,194 25,102,864 - 11NSURED CASH SWEEP - - 25,000,000 1 W ELLS FARGO DEMAND DEPOSITS 1,580,379 1,918,604 7,935,814 Total Book Value $ 682,543,347 $ 626,046,406 $ 608,179,960 Current 3/31/2019 ■ WELLS FARGO DEMAND DEPOSITS,0.27% ■ TEXPOOL,4.30% ■ CDARS CDs,4.29% ■ LEGACYTEXAS BANK CDs*,4.29% ■ TEXSTAR,20.66% ■ INDEPENDENT BANK CDs,2.57% ■ U.S.TREASURY,7.63% ■ RBC,0.86% ■FFCB,11.62% Is NESTLE FINANCE INTL LTD,0.85% Al I 1 ■ NATIXIS NY BRANCH,4.25% ■ TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT,1.71% ■ JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC,1.70% ■ TEXAS A&M UNIV REV BDS,0.17% ■ DALLAS,TX WTR&SWR REV BDS,0.69% ■FNMA,9.39% wUB,18.71% ■FHLMC,6.14% 1 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Objective: 1It is the policy of the City to diversify its investment portfolio by restricting investments in a single issuer/institution to no more than 35 percent of the portfolio's total book value and I Ito those offering repurchase agreements,collateralized CDs(including standby letters of credit),and local or state of Texas municipal securities to no greater than 15 percent.The purpose of this requirement is to limit market and credit risk.Commercial paper issuers are further restricted by a 5 percent total portfolio limitation.There are no issuer limitations 1 !on U.S.Treasuries or FDIC insured products except as they pertain to the overall 35%certificates of deposit and 15%savings deposit restrictions.Some investment types may be l further limited. IL--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J Current 3 Months Ago 1 Year Ago ;Summary By Issuer: 3/31/2019 12/31/2018 3131/2018 I CDARS CDs 1 4.29% 6.71% 8.06% 1 LEGACYTEXAS BANK CDs' 4.29% 3.99% 10.19% !INDEPENDENT BANK CDs 1 2.57% 2.40% 2.47% W.S.TREASURY 1 7.63% 7.89% 2.79% 1 FFCB 11.62% 10.80% 13.15% 1 FHLB 18.71% 18.20% 19.90% I FHLMC 1 6.14% 4.93% 7.88% 1 FNMA 1 9.39% 12.41% 12.27 I DALLAS,TX WTR&SWR REV BDS 0.69% 0.64% 1.64% 1 TEXAS A&M UNIV REV BDS 0.17% 0.16% 0.74 !JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 1.70% 2.53% 1.81 1 TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP 1.71% 4.77% 2.46 i ING(U.S.)FUNDING LLC - - 1.64% I NATIXIS NY BRANCH 4.25% 2.36% - NESTLE FINANCE INTL LTD 1 0.85% - - 1 RBC 1 0.86% 0.79% - INSURED CASH SWEEP I - - 4.11 !TEXSTAR 1 20.56% 17.11% 9.59% 1 TEXPOOL 1 4.30% 4.01% - !WELLS FARGO DEMAND DEPOSITS 1 0.27% 0.30% 1.30 1 Total 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% I*Formerly,ViewPoint Bank 67 08 CITY OF DENTON : QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT ;-2019 pay,ei ........................................................................ ECONOMIC SUMMARY Interest Rate History Source: U.S.Federal Reserve Statistical -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Release(H.15) Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 Sep-16 Market Sector: 1 I I----LVQ--------L9--------Ayq--------A_Vq--- AVq--------Ayq--------Ayq-------- vq�L--------ASS--------hyp.......Aye-------L9... !Fed Funds(effective) 1 0.09% 0.08% 0.10% 0.09%1 0.12% 0.11% 0.13% 0.14%1 0.24% 0.36% 0.38% 0.40%1 13-Month U.S.T-Bill 1 0.07% 0.05% 0.04% 0.02%1 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02%1 0.23% 0.30% 0.27% 0.29%1 12-Year U.S.T-Note 1 0.34% 0.40% 0.45% 0.57%1 0.64% 0.64% 0.69% 0.71%1 0.98% 0.88% 0.73% 0.77%1 Portfolio Benchmark* 0.13% 0.13% 0.12% 0.12%1 0.12% 0.15% 0.18% 0.24%1 0.32% 0.41% 0.49% 0.54%1 !Portfolio Yield 1 0.50% 0.49% 049% 0.51%1 0.55% 0.57% 057% 065%1 0.72% 0.79% 0.81% 090%1 ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------�;----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 1 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18 1 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Market Sector: VII --------hyp--------±n--------L9--- ----Avg-------L9--------2�yo---------Ay I----'---��VA--------!�yu--------Aye-------�Lvq !Fed Funds(effective) 1 0.54% 0.79% 1.04% 1.15% 1.30% 1.67% 1.90% 2.15-;,' 2.40% 2.41% I I 13-Month U.S.T-Bill 1 0.51% 0.75% 1.00% 1.05%1 1.32% 1.71% 1.92% 2.20%1 2.36% 2.39% I I I I 12-Year U.S.T-Note 1 1.20% 1.31% 1.34% 1.38%1 1.84% 2.27% 2.53% 2.57%1 2.49% 2.26% I I I I I I I I !Portfolio Benchmark* 1 0.61% 0.69% 0.83% 1.00%1 1.20% 1.46% 1.75% 2.05%1 2.33% 2.48% i i i i i i !Portfolio Yield 1 0.95% 1.07% 1.16% 1.25%1 1.2 % 1.42% 1.58% 1.73%1 2.01% 2.20% i i ------------------------ ------------------------------------ i *Twelve month moving average of a one year U.S.T-bill yield FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 3.00% 2.00% i 1.00% i 0.00% Dec-M­Jun-Sep-Dec-Mar- Jun-Sep-Dec-Mar- Jun-Sep-Dec-Mar-Jun-Sep-Dec-Mar- Jun-Sep-Dec-Mar- Jun-Sep- 19 19 19 Fed Funds _�3-MontlhT-Bill 2-Yearlr-Note Portfolio Yield Portfolio Benchmark* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiscal Year to Date Earnings ----------------------- --------------- --- i st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter :Fiscal Year: ----------- -------- -------3 Monthsr-----------T------- --------- - ----------T------- ------T--------------------F�-gj- -------- 6 Monthsi i i i Months 12018-2019 1$ 2,955,835 1 1$ 6,122,536 1 $ - $ - :2017-2018 $ 2,138,420 $ 4,317,890 $ 6,515,166 $ 8,955,045 :2016-2017 $ 1,175,753 $ 2,763,135 $ 4,734,315 $ 6,999,226 12015-2016 $ 849,369 1 1$ 1,771,206 1 1$ 2,743,857 1 1$ 3,961,973 12014-2015 $ 613,877 $ 1,228,059 $ 1,874,846 $ 2,695,211 ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warch 31,2019 :The portfolio was in compliance with the City's Investment Policy during the first quarter. In January,there were no maturities and :Source: Hilltop Securities Asset :$15 million in purchases at an average yield of 2.71%. In February,there were maturities totaling$89 million with an average yield :Management Eronomic,Summary :ofl.50%. Purchases in February totaled approximately$30 million at an average yield of 2.60%and an average maturity of just :under 24 months. During March,two investments matured totaling$10 million with an average yield of2.20%,and two new :investments were purchased totaling$15 million with an average yield of2.55%. The portfolios weighted average yield rose 2 :basis points,while the benchmark 12-month Treasury bill index increase of basis points.The portfolio's weighted average yield :should generally continue increasing as older investments with lower rates mature and are replaced with new investments at :higher yields.The Federal Reserve has continued to press for patience as the outcome of trade negotiations with China,as well as: :Brexit,are still undetermined.It is anticipated that pool yields will decline slightly in the coming months as securities within the :underlying pool portfolios mature and are replaced by lower yields.Staff will continue to monitor the investment portfolio and :ensure compliance with the City's Investment Policy and the Public Funds Investment Act. L-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 City of Denton Portfolio Management Page 1 Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2019 Average Purchase Stated YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment# Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 365 Maturity Date Treasury Securities-Coupon 912828X21 3990 U.S.TREASURY 10/18/2018 5,000,000.00 4,953,905.00 4,933,543.58 1.500 2.814 380 04/15/2020 912828VJ6 3991 U.S.TREASURY 10/18/2018 5,000,000.00 4,967,970.00 4,940,768.42 1.875 2.852 456 06/30/2020 912828XU9 3994 U.S.TREASURY 10/31/2018 5,000,000.00 4,946,470.00 4,922,582.15 1.500 2.821 441 06/15/2020 9128282,18 3995 U.S.TREASURY 10/31/2018 10,000,000.00 9,888,670.00 9,832,848.87 1.500 2.836 471 07/15/2020 912828W22 3999 U.S.TREASURY 11/16/2018 10,000,000.00 9,908,980.00 9,879,660.09 1.375 2.782 320 02/15/2020 9128283Q1 4011 U.S.TREASURY 02/04/2019 5,000,000.00 4,972,265.00 4,955,017.70 2.000 2.517 655 01/15/2021 9128284C1 4014 U.S.TREASURY 03/01/2019 5,000,000.00 4,991,600.00 4,985,778.19 2.250 2.540 365 03/31/2020 Subtotal and Average 48,303,753.92 45,000,000.00 44,629,860.00 44,450,199.00 2.753 431 Federal Agency Disc.-Amortizing 313312KB5 3988 FFCB 10/11/2018 6,200,000.00 6,147,287.60 6,145,975.61 2.470 2.579 127 08/06/2019 Subtotal and Average 6,127,045.80 6,200,000.00 6,147,287.60 6,145,975.61 2.579 127 Federal Agency Issues-Coupon 3133EG2D6 3932 FFCB 02/16/2017 8,000,000.00 7,969,600.00 8,000,766.10 1.550 1.530 179 09/27/2019 3133EDPK2 3937 FFCB 02/22/2017 5,000,000.00 4,995,075.00 5,003,195.23 1.750 1.352 59 05/30/2019 3133EHEZ2 3959 FFCB 07/25/2017 6,000,000.00 5,953,200.00 6,003,653.76 1.600 1.538 371 04/06/2020 3133EJCA5 3976 FFCB 03/23/2018 5,000,000.00 4,988,410.00 4,985,780.65 2.150 2.416 403 05/08/2020 3133EJT74 4006 FFCB 12/12/2018 7,500,000.00 7,636,740.00 7,539,266.10 3.050 2.840 959 11/15/2021 3133EJ4Q9 4009 FFCB 02/04/2019 5,000,000.00 5,018,110.00 4,998,898.13 2.550 2.562 651 01/11/2021 3133EKAUO 4013 FFCB 02/21/2019 10,000,000.00 10,096,780.00 9,999,122.22 2.570 2.572 1,603 08/21/2023 3133EKBV7 4015 FFCB 03/01/2019 10,000,000.00 10,065,990.00 9,998,565.44 2.550 2.555 1,065 03/01/2022 3130AA3R7 3933 FHLB 02/16/2017 7,000,000.00 6,956,222.00 6,993,024.06 1.375 1.539 228 11/15/2019 3130AOJR2 3934 FHLB 02/16/2017 5,000,000.00 4,998,660.00 5,026,736.28 2.375 1.590 256 12/13/2019 3130AAXU7 3939 FHLB 03/08/2017 20,000,000.00 19,859,160.00 19,999,342.08 1.650 1.654 323 02/18/2020 3130ABAA4 3945 FHLB 04/26/2017 15,000,000.00 14,861,925.00 14,996,241.11 1.400 1.429 323 02/18/2020 3130ABM29 3951 FHLB 06/29/2017 15,000,000.00 14,874,570.00 15,000,000.00 1.500 1.500 323 02/18/2020 313378.177 3958 FHLB 07/25/2017 8,000,000.00 7,956,144.00 8,025,743.80 1.875 1.528 347 03/13/2020 3130AC2Q6 3973 FHLB 01/25/2018 5,000,000.00 4,970,590.00 4,981,674.81 1.450 2.072 221 11/08/2019 3130ADN32 3979 FHLB 04/23/2018 10,000,000.00 9,972,060.00 9,968,550.31 2.125 2.500 316 02/11/2020 3130AEDY3 3984 FHLB 05/30/2018 4,000,000.00 3,998,092.00 3,999,653.67 2.375 2.387 256 12/13/2019 3130AECJ7 3985 FHLB 05/30/2018 5,000,000.00 5,010,775.00 5,007,463.02 2.625 2.492 423 05/28/2020 313OAl2B3 3989 FHLB 10/18/2018 5,000,000.00 4,984,250.00 4,968,000.99 2.125 2.816 347 03/13/2020 31337OUS5 4004 FHLB 12/07/2018 10,000,000.00 10,066,150.00 10,008,611.99 2.875 2.812 529 09/11/2020 3137EADZ9 3935 FHLMC 02/22/2017 5,000,000.00 4,997,405.00 4,999,650.45 1.125 1.308 14 04/15/2019 Portfolio CITY AP Run Date:05/15/2019-10:16 PM(PRF_PM2)7.3.0 70 Report Ver. City of Denton Portfolio Management Page 2 Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2019 Average Purchase Stated YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment# Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 365 Maturity Date Federal Agency Issues-Coupon 3137EADR7 3960 FHLMC 07/25/2017 5,000,000.00 4,943,345.00 4,991,209.34 1.375 1.541 396 05/01/2020 3137EAEE5 3987 FHLMC 10/11/2018 5,000,000.00 4,962,435.00 4,949,416.89 1.500 2.804 291 01/17/2020 3137EAEF2 4007 FHLMC 01/17/2019 10,000,000.00 9,891,350.00 9,871,909.71 1.375 2.619 385 04/20/2020 3136G3XJ9 3903 FNMA 07/26/2016 5,000,000.00 4,976,845.00 5,000,000.00 1.000 1.000 116 07/26/2019 3135GON33 3930 FNMA 02/08/2017 10,000,000.00 9,947,120.00 9,984,380.98 0.875 1.349 123 08/02/2019 3136G4MA8 3936 FNMA 02/28/2017 5,000,000.00 4,967,775.00 5,000,000.00 1.700 1.700 333 02/28/2020 3135GOT29 3942 FNMA 03/29/2017 5,000,000.00 4,958,445.00 4,995,838.47 1.500 1.594 333 02/28/2020 3135GOP49 3950 FNMA 06/14/2017 5,000,000.00 4,970,135.00 4,991,298.49 1.000 1.434 149 08/28/2019 3135GOR39 3971 FNMA 01/08/2018 10,000,000.00 9,918,270.00 9,945,259.13 1.000 1.993 206 10/24/2019 3135GOU84 4001 FNMA 11/30/2018 10,000,000.00 10,084,430.00 10,002,308.99 2.875 2.859 578 10/30/2020 Subtotal and Average 257,506,380.34 240,500,000.00 239,850,058.00 240,235,562.20 1.988 418 Federal Agency Issues-Callable 3133EGEF8 3895 FFCB 06/22/2016 5,000,000.00 4,988,265.00 4,999,932.77 1.180 1.187 73 06/13/2019 3134GBVD1 3953 FHLMC 06/29/2017 6,000,000.00 5,942,166.00 6,000,000.00 1.625 1.625 455 06/29/2020 3134GBD82 3965 FHLMC 08/29/2017 4,950,000.00 4,896,728.10 4,950,000.00 1.625 1.625 515 08/28/2020 3136G4NZ2 3964 FNMA 08/29/2017 4,806,000.00 4,763,981.14 4,806,000.00 1.700 1.682 497 08/10/2020 Subtotal and Average 20,755,891.25 20,756,000.00 20,591,140.24 20,755,932.77 1.533 387 Municipal Bonds-Coupon 23542JBE4 3899 DALLAS,TX WTR&SWR REV BDS 07/07/2016 4,000,000.00 3,974,640.00 4,000,000.00 1.217 1.217 183 10/01/2019 88213AFU4 3902 TX A&M UNIV REV BD 07/20/2016 1,000,000.00 998,220.00 1,000,000.00 1.009 1.009 44 05/15/2019 Subtotal and Average 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,972,860.00 5,000,000.00 1.176 155 CDs-CDARS SYS3955 3955 CD-CDARS 07/20/2017 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 1.698 1.698 108 07/18/2019 SYS3961 3961 CD-CDARS 08/10/2017 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 1.698 1.698 129 08/08/2019 SYS3966 3966 CD-CDARS 09/14/2017 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 1.523 1.523 164 09/12/2019 Subtotal and Average 35,877,777.78 25,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 1.663 128 CDs-SLOC SYS3944 3944 CD-INDEPENDENT BANK 04/13/2017 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 1.623 1.623 10 04/11/2019 SYS3974 3974 CD-INDEPENDENT BANK 02/08/2018 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 2.295 2.295 311 02/06/2020 SYS3946 3946 CD-LEGACYTEXAS BANK 05/11/2017 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 1.677 1.677 38 05/09/2019 SYS3949 3949 CD-LEGACYTEXAS BANK 06/15/2017 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 1.676 1.676 73 06/13/2019 Portfolio CITY AP Run Date:05/15/2019-10:16 PM(PRF_PM2)7.3.0 71 City of Denton Portfolio Management Page 3 Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2019 Average Purchase Stated YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment# Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 365 Maturity Date Subtotal and Average 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 1.740 78 Commercial Paper Disc.-Amortizing 46640QUS8 3997 JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 10/31/2018 5,000,000.00 4,955,885.00 4,951,666.67 3.000 3.134 116 07/26/2019 46640QT68 4005 JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC 12/10/2018 5,000,000.00 4,975,335.00 4,973,600.00 2.880 2.962 66 06/06/2019 63873KVP9 4002 NATIXIS NY BRANCH 11/30/2018 10,000,000.00 9,894,450.00 9,882,000.00 2.950 3.086 144 08/23/2019 63873KT64 4003 NATIXIS NY BRANCH 12/07/2018 5,000,000.00 4,976,360.00 4,973,783.33 2.860 2.942 66 06/06/2019 63873KWG8 4008 NATIXIS NY BRANCH 01/17/2019 5,000,000.00 4,937,990.00 4,933,733.33 2.840 2.957 168 09/16/2019 63873KU13 4010 NATIXIS NY BRANCH 02/04/2019 5,000,000.00 4,966,955.00 4,966,506.94 2.650 2.716 91 07/01/2019 64105SXFO 4012 NESTLE FINANCE INTL LTD 02/15/2019 5,000,000.00 4,929,360.00 4,928,313.89 2.620 2.724 197 10/15/2019 78009BSG8 4000 RBC 11/16/2018 5,000,000.00 4,983,160.00 4,982,500.00 2.800 2.879 45 05/16/2019 89233HRV8 3998 TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT 11/01/2018 10,000,000.00 9,979,140.00 9,979,000.00 2.775 28 04/29/2019 Subtotal and Average 62,414,757.53 55,000,000.00 54,598,635.00 54,571,104.16 2.912 99 Local Govt Investment Pools SYS3996 3996 LOCAL GOVT INV POOL-TEXPOOL 10/26/2018 25,054,193.98 25,054,193.98 25,054,193.98 2.503 2.503 1 SYS3641 3641 LOCAL GOVT INV POOL-TEXSTAR 119,750,000.00 119,750,000.00 119,750,000.00 2.432 2.432 1 Subtotal and Average 136,991,971.76 144,804,193.98 144,804,193.98 144,804,193.98 2.444 1 Demand Deposits SYS3706 3706 DEMAND DEPOSITS- WELLS FARGO 1,580,378.91 1,580,378.91 1,580,378.91 1.000 1.000 1 Subtotal and Average 2,300,509.11 1,580,378.91 1,580,378.91 1,580,378.91 1.000 1 Total and Average 615,278,087.50 583,840,572.89 582,174,413.73 582,543,346.63 2.196 242 Portfolio CITY AP Run Date:05/15/2019-10:16 PM(PRF_PM2)7.3.0 72 City of Denton Portfolio Management Page 4 Portfolio Details - Cash March 31, 2019 Average Purchase Stated YTM Days to CUSIP Investment# Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 365 Maturity Average Balance 0.00 0 Total Cash and Investments 615,278,087.50 583,840,572.89 582,174,413.73 582,543,346.63 2.196 242 Portfolio CITY AP Run Date:05/15/2019-10:16 PM(PRF_PM2)7.3.0 73 Date: June 21, 2019 Report No. 2019-132 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: An overview of the storm water system and an inventory of the channel system BACKGROUND: During the June 4 City Council meeting, Councilmember Armintor requested that changes to natural storm water channels will be brought before the Committee on the Environment. In response to this request, staff will bring future changes to natural storm water channels before City Council for review. Also, during the June 4 meeting, Councilmember Davis requested an inventory of the City of Denton's storm water channel system. Storm water channels are one component of the City's drainage system which also includes curb and gutter, storm water pipes, inlets, culverts, and detention ponds. There are 540,834 linear feet of storm water channels in Denton. The channels are classified by material types and sorted into four major subgroups. Denton's storm water channels are broken down by type below: Major concrete channels 9% (48,406 linear feet) of the stormwater channel system Minor concrete channels 7% (40,066 linear feet) of the stormwater channel system Maintained earthen channels 12% (64,820 linear feet) of the stormwater channel system Major natural channels 72% (387,542 linear feet) of the stormwater channel system A Major channel is defined as a designated overland flow route which directs runoff to natural or manmade channels. Major Channels collect water from the Minor channels and carry storm water to final discharge areas in the lake. Major channels are design for the large velocity high volume storm water flow. When choosing between concrete or earthen channels, staff considers numerous factors such as flow,velocity, channel restraints(alignment and right of way), cost, and aesthetics. Typically,concrete is selected when there are channel resections such as sharp bends in the channel or minimal right of way, high velocity, and high volumes. Earthen channels are preferred when there are, low velocities, and no channel restrictions. In addition to this summary, a list and map of the City's storm water channels have been provided as attachments I and 2. 74 Date: June 21, 2019 Report No. 2019-132 ATTACHMENT: 1. Inventory list of channels 2. Map of channels STAFF CONTACT: Daniel Kremer Deputy Director of Operations Public Works (940) 349-7193 Daniel.Kremer@cityofdenton.com 75 ID Start Stop Length Classification Cl Kerley N of Morse 2113.54 Major Concrete Channels C1032 Dallas Public Alley 309.94 Major Concrete Channels C1051 Loon Lake Pilot Channel 153.27 Major Concrete Channels C1143 Malone Alice 2652.51 Major Concrete Channels C1173 Colorado Blvd Behind medical offices 200.36 Major Concrete Channels C1179 N of Russell Newman Market 1597.31 Major Concrete Channels C158 Hickory Creek N of Acorn Bend 882.98 Major Concrete Channels C1683 Alice Parkway 1853.78 Major Concrete Channels C1687 Prairie Earthen Channel 71.84 Major Concrete Channels C169 Scripture Oak 1228.32 Major Concrete Channels C178 Wainwright Bell 532.14 Major Concrete Channels C18 Sycamore Bell 1883.13 Major Concrete Channels C193 Massey Junk Yard 195.71 Major Concrete Channels C204 Spencer Behind Denton Crossing 1318.65 Major Concrete Channels C218 Behind Denton Crossing Denton Katy Trail 755.61 Major Concrete Channels C272 Frame Sycamore 2561.14 Major Concrete Channels C285 Dallas Teasley 1288.62 Major Concrete Channels C297 University Field 372.33 Major Concrete Channels C300 E of Nottingham Mickingbird 1348.95 Major Concrete Channels C311 Cordell Alice 2200.79 Major Concrete Channels C326 E of Bradshaw Ruddell 704.31 Major Concrete Channels C335 Branch Crossing Windsor 1086.00 Major Concrete Channels C338 Westway Frame 6027.92 Major Concrete Channels C340 Bernard E of Carroll 1448.07 Major Concrete Channels C346 Willowwood N of Dudley 966.79 Major Concrete Channels C383 Strickland Jr High Earthen Channel 538.98 Major Concrete Channels C394 San Gabriel Behind Office Depot 134.34 Major Concrete Channels C531 Oak 135 Service Road 1002.35 Major Concrete Channels C56 Greenlee Willowwood 1905.05 Major Concrete Channels C565 Kings Row Branch Crossing 1338.95 Major Concrete Channels C60 Teasley Ln Kerley St 1147.17 Major Concrete Channels C637 Bell Bradshaw 2629.17 Major Concrete Channels C6886 Western Substation 596.54 Major Concrete Channels C712 Cordell Fulton 516.34 Major Concrete Channels C785 Frenchy's Lot Duncan 506.50 Major Concrete Channels C802 Kirby Mayhill 509.22 Major Concrete Channels C809 Fort Worth Dr Daniel St 733.83 Major Concrete Channels C865 Paisley McKinney 1836.66 Major Concrete Channels C872 Oakland City Hall-Main 243.67 Major Concrete Channels C89 1004 Indian Ridge Teasley 930.01 Major Concrete Channels C9730 University Earthen Channel 83.05 Major Concrete Channels C23 Winterfields Channel 161.05 Minor Concrete Channels C37 Oak Valley Channel 118.19 Minor Concrete Channels C76 Salida RR Corridor 66.77 Minor Concrete Channels C110 North Point Detention Pond North Point Detention Pond 1094.41 Minor Concrete Channels C114 Brandywine Oakshire 223.29 Minor Concrete Channels C123 North Point Detention Pond North Point Detention Pond 895.87 Minor Concrete Channels C157 Burning Tree Channel 98.26 Minor Concrete Channels C160 Ramey Channel 167.64 Minor Concrete Channels C161 Locust Strickland Pond 923.67 Minor Concrete Channels C215 Kings Row Detention Pond Kings Row Detention Pond 169.69 Minor Concrete Channels C227 Sherman Alley 141.32 Minor Concrete Channels C235 Benjamin Field 118.97 Minor Concrete Channels C266 Valley Creek Channel 123.81 Minor Concrete Channels C292 Timber Trail Open lot 133.68 Minor Concrete Channels C295 Tartan Channel 92.10 Minor Concrete Channels C303 Brooke Channel 126.27 Minor Concrete Channels C317 Jacqueline Mccormick 778.16 Minor Concrete Channels C319 Creek Ave Channel 101.51 Minor Concrete Channels C330 Gealic Field 442.64 Minor Concrete Channels 76 C334 Royal Meadows Day Care Playgrund 348.47 Minor Concrete Channels C336 Hillview Cooper Branch 240.19 Minor Concrete Channels C347 Oakhill Channel 147.67 Minor Concrete Channels C359 Fairfax Savannah 346.39 Minor Concrete Channels C361 Audra Beverly 467.71 Minor Concrete Channels C386 Weston Yard Inlet 171.56 Minor Concrete Channels C407 North Point Detention Pond North Point Detention Pond 14.67 Minor Concrete Channels C431 Magnolia Detention Pond Headlee 2028.05 Minor Concrete Channels C446 Thunderbird Channel 137.53 Minor Concrete Channels C459 Christopher Mockingbird Detention Pond 1239.34 Minor Concrete Channels C469 Whispering Oaks Field 626.73 Minor Concrete Channels C474 McCormick Channel 159.06 Minor Concrete Channels C477 Woodhaven Avondale Park 2279.76 Minor Concrete Channels C478 Gardenview Field 328.15 Minor Concrete Channels C494 Saints Channel 224.01 Minor Concrete Channels C540 Driftwood Coronado 785.40 Minor Concrete Channels C545 Cactus Aspen 372.50 Minor Concrete Channels C551 Kingswood Apts Channel 288.89 Minor Concrete Channels C558 Kings Row Channel 1161.18 Minor Concrete Channels C587 North Point Detention Pond North Point Detention Pond 188.68 Minor Concrete Channels C594 Waterford Channel 136.23 Minor Concrete Channels C601 Cooper Branch Channel 146.56 Minor Concrete Channels C620 Joyce Channel 660.30 Minor Concrete Channels C639 Gunnison RR Corridor 56.91 Minor Concrete Channels C665 Huisache Channel 152.14 Minor Concrete Channels C674 Santa Fe Channel 221.01 Minor Concrete Channels C681 Kayewood Glenwood 431.62 Minor Concrete Channels C721 Strata Channel 149.66 Minor Concrete Channels C744 Magnolia Detention Pond Magnolia Detention Pond 151.14 Minor Concrete Channels C752 Wilson Morse 618.37 Minor Concrete Channels C816 McCormick Channel 179.12 Minor Concrete Channels C831 Brittany Field 110.13 Minor Concrete Channels C835 Oak Meadows Apts Londonderry 86.47 Minor Concrete Channels C860 Strickland Detention Pond Strickland Detention Pond 418.84 Minor Concrete Channels C896 Kings Row Detention Pond Kings Row Detention Pond 392.41 Minor Concrete Channels C920 Alley Linglewood 95.74 Minor Concrete Channels C921 Mimosa Headlee 289.12 Minor Concrete Channels C927 Magnolia Detention Pond Magnolia Detention Pond 493.60 Minor Concrete Channels C928 Sherman Kings Row Detention Pond 706.98 Minor Concrete Channels C943 Wessex Channel 205.59 Minor Concrete Channels C961 The Vibe Apts Channel 1226.45 Minor Concrete Channels C1002 Windswept Channel 127.12 Minor Concrete Channels C1003 Kings Row Detention Pond Kings Row Detention Pond 366.41 Minor Concrete Channels C1008 Hinkle Channel 218.69 Minor Concrete Channels C1010 Old North Field 1297.54 Minor Concrete Channels C1019 Terry Channel 111.33 Minor Concrete Channels C1025 N of Paisley Field 1135.96 Minor Concrete Channels C1031 Dixon Channel 1201.63 Minor Concrete Channels C1039 Teasley Field 353.22 Minor Concrete Channels C1057 Meadowedge North Point Detention Pond 142.41 Minor Concrete Channels C1058 Prairie Channel 143.12 Minor Concrete Channels C1068 Fox Hollow Field 161.15 Minor Concrete Channels C1097 Mack Park 133.78 Minor Concrete Channels C1118 Headlee Inlet N of Strata 636.38 Minor Concrete Channels C1181 Teasley Channel 544.33 Minor Concrete Channels C1204 Croydon Avondale Park 122.21 Minor Concrete Channels C1239 Cooper Branch Channel 147.42 Minor Concrete Channels C1240 Angelina Bend Field 102.45 Minor Concrete Channels C1258 Magnolia Field 137.48 Minor Concrete Channels C1281 Black Oak Field 132.43 Minor Concrete Channels C1282 Oak Tree Field 137.39 Minor Concrete Channels 77 C2083 Beatriz Field 124.19 Minor Concrete Channels C2085 Mimosa Channel 149.69 Minor Concrete Channels C2086 Egdewood Robinwood 307.90 Minor Concrete Channels C2087 Kings Row Detention Pond Kings Row Detention Pond 487.19 Minor Concrete Channels C2481 Cooper Branch Channel 141.55 Minor Concrete Channels C2483 Oakshire Field 90.15 Minor Concrete Channels C2484 Brandywine Channel 92.88 Minor Concrete Channels C2489 Manor Court Alley 98.42 Minor Concrete Channels C2490 Savannah Trail Easement 114.58 Minor Concrete Channels C2491 S of Loon Lake Channel 248.15 Minor Concrete Channels C2492 Jasmine RR Corridor 130.68 Minor Concrete Channels C2881 Jamestown Rockwood 305.02 Minor Concrete Channels C2882 Armstrong Channel 112.91 Minor Concrete Channels C3281 Baldwin Field 114.49 Minor Concrete Channels C3283 Pace Channel 109.73 Minor Concrete Channels C3286 Windhaven Field 124.78 Minor Concrete Channels C3682 Meadowedge North Point Detention Pond 151.80 Minor Concrete Channels C6885 Seven Oaks Field 114.19 Minor Concrete Channels C6887 Winco Distriution Center Channel 1213.99 Minor Concrete Channels C7281 Links Pond 156.26 Minor Concrete Channels C11330 Cornerstone Apts Channel 1934.43 Minor Concrete Channels C1243 Emery Crescent 1016.44 Minor Concrete Channels C2081 Chaucer Livingston 522.53 Minor Concrete Channels C103 McKinney Field 390.00 Minor Concrete Channels C9 McKinney Duchess 1904.13 Maintained Earthen Channels C41 Channel Channel 635.53 Maintained Earthen Channels C59 Troy H Lagrone Channel 1211.05 Maintained Earthen Channels C105 Windsor Channel 1018.47 Maintained Earthen Channels C126 Myrtle Channel 465.61 Maintained Earthen Channels C146 Hercules Channel 2258.69 Maintained Earthen Channels C156 Audra McKinney 883.58 Maintained Earthen Channels C199 Mayhill Channel 520.42 Maintained Earthen Channels C230 Channel Parvin 1205.92 Maintained Earthen Channels C234 Channel Channel 416.14 Maintained Earthen Channels C242 University Shawnee 921.57 Maintained Earthen Channels C243 Mayhill Channel 936.50 Maintained Earthen Channels C247 E of Bell Channel 1784.27 Maintained Earthen Channels C260 Elm Nicosia 318.36 Maintained Earthen Channels C264 Windsor S of Haggard 1986.36 Maintained Earthen Channels C301 Shady Oaks Office Depot 2890.95 Maintained Earthen Channels C362 Brinker Field 747.97 Maintained Earthen Channels C372 Woodlands Apts Lattimore 1189.96 Maintained Earthen Channels C387 Mayhill Channel 216.40 Maintained Earthen Channels C397 Parkway Channel 719.80 Maintained Earthen Channels C419 Railroad Mozingo 159.84 Maintained Earthen Channels C454 Old Lee Field 3422.13 Maintained Earthen Channels C465 State School Field 2828.79 Maintained Earthen Channels C489 Kings Row Detention Pond N of Windsor 1285.48 Maintained Earthen Channels C554 University Cordell 1755.66 Maintained Earthen Channels C559 Gay Univeristy 635.64 Maintained Earthen Channels C561 N of Windsor Bonnie Brae 735.58 Maintained Earthen Channels C653 North Lake Detention Pond Avondale Park 8514.70 Maintained Earthen Channels C660 Mingo S of Bradshaw 1154.65 Maintained Earthen Channels C664 Denton Gynastics Academy Parking Lot Channel 473.96 Maintained Earthen Channels C701 Beatriz North Lake Detention Pond 2037.10 Maintained Earthen Channels C749 Shawnee Mingo 927.87 Maintained Earthen Channels C777 Mingo Field 1050.68 Maintained Earthen Channels C797 Audra Field 582.11 Maintained Earthen Channels C883 Wolftrap Channel 434.74 Maintained Earthen Channels C901 Staghorn Loop 288 379.63 Maintained Earthen Channels C971 McKinney Channel 1045.85 Maintained Earthen Channels 78 C1102 Audra Substation 631.44 Maintained Earthen Channels C1139 Ruddell Channel 1968.86 Maintained Earthen Channels C1196 Sycamore Channel 896.01 Maintained Earthen Channels C1199 Bradshaw Channel 1260.69 Maintained Earthen Channels C1206 Olympia Channel 662.46 Maintained Earthen Channels C1229 Woodrow Channel 391.01 Maintained Earthen Channels C2088 Channel Kings Row Detention Pond 917.13 Maintained Earthen Channels C4481 Cindy Channel 286.38 Maintained Earthen Channels C4482 Hampton University 3002.62 Maintained Earthen Channels C4483 Corbin Field 361.67 Maintained Earthen Channels C4487 3288 Masch Branch 2850 Masch Branch 382.65 Maintained Earthen Channels C4490 Channel University 208.24 Maintained Earthen Channels C4884 Creek Mingo 371.63 Maintained Earthen Channels C4885 Mockingbird Channel 292.49 Maintained Earthen Channels C4887 Audra Channel 802.94 Maintained Earthen Channels C5282 Pine Hills Pond 975.96 Maintained Earthen Channels C5283 Laurel Willowwood 845.89 Maintained Earthen Channels C5284 Medpark Channel 161.41 Maintained Earthen Channels C5285 Nottingham Field 252.09 Maintained Earthen Channels C5287 Day Labor Park Myrtle 50.01 Maintained Earthen Channels C5289 405 Fort Worth 315 Forth Worth 442.07 Maintained Earthen Channels 4246 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 34.4 Major Natural Channels 4247 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 37.0 Major Natural Channels 4249 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 132.0 Major Natural Channels 4276 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1218.8 Major Natural Channels 4286 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1591.9 Major Natural Channels 4297 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 616.3 Major Natural Channels 4320 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 888.7 Major Natural Channels 4341 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 4344.2 Major Natural Channels 4346 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 362.7 Major Natural Channels 4354 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 84.6 Major Natural Channels 4356 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 144.5 Major Natural Channels 4357 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 102.0 Major Natural Channels 4358 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 54.9 Major Natural Channels 4366 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 133.6 Major Natural Channels 4384 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1086.2 Major Natural Channels 4438 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1710.2 Major Natural Channels 4445 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 3610.3 Major Natural Channels 4458 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 3875.1 Major Natural Channels 4483 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2925.0 Major Natural Channels 4526 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1930.2 Major Natural Channels 4531 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 882.9 Major Natural Channels 4592 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 3669.4 Major Natural Channels 4605 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1133.6 Major Natural Channels 4641 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1497.1 Major Natural Channels 5811 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 6.8 Major Natural Channels 5845 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1.1 Major Natural Channels 5846 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 0.1 Major Natural Channels 5847 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2.3 Major Natural Channels 5853 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1402.8 Major Natural Channels 5855 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 215.2 Major Natural Channels 5867 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 5552.2 Major Natural Channels 5882 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1712.7 Major Natural Channels 5884 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 5622.3 Major Natural Channels 5888 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 42.9 Major Natural Channels 5889 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 462.2 Major Natural Channels 5890 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 503.2 Major Natural Channels 5898 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 3054.7 Major Natural Channels 5905 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 786.4 Major Natural Channels 5906 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2097.9 Major Natural Channels 5936 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1632.6 Major Natural Channels 79 6062 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 3740.5 Major Natural Channels 6069 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2081.9 Major Natural Channels 6070 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 84.8 Major Natural Channels 6071 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 4760.8 Major Natural Channels 6088 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2988.6 Major Natural Channels 6089 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2951.0 Major Natural Channels 6100 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 674.9 Major Natural Channels 6101 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 569.2 Major Natural Channels 6102 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 108.5 Major Natural Channels 6107 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 16.9 Major Natural Channels 6118 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 199.5 Major Natural Channels 6120 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 52.8 Major Natural Channels 6121 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 106.6 Major Natural Channels 6122 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 138.3 Major Natural Channels 6144 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1356.7 Major Natural Channels 6146 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2091.3 Major Natural Channels 6334 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 774.7 Major Natural Channels 6335 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 435.6 Major Natural Channels 6336 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 61.4 Major Natural Channels 6337 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 557.2 Major Natural Channels 6338 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 184.0 Major Natural Channels 6339 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 40.4 Major Natural Channels 6340 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 573.6 Major Natural Channels 6341 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 141.7 Major Natural Channels 6342 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 83.5 Major Natural Channels 6343 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 843.0 Major Natural Channels 6344 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1222.1 Major Natural Channels 6345 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1043.2 Major Natural Channels 6346 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 159.8 Major Natural Channels 6347 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1608.9 Major Natural Channels 6348 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 226.8 Major Natural Channels 6349 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 863.8 Major Natural Channels 6350 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1353.1 Major Natural Channels 6351 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 254.5 Major Natural Channels 6352 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 608.7 Major Natural Channels 6353 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 301.2 Major Natural Channels 6354 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1214.5 Major Natural Channels 6365 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 4176.5 Major Natural Channels 6366 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 168.6 Major Natural Channels 6367 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1301.9 Major Natural Channels 6370 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 24.7 Major Natural Channels 6371 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2263.1 Major Natural Channels 6372 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2616.4 Major Natural Channels 6373 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 27.3 Major Natural Channels 6374 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 164.0 Major Natural Channels 6375 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2832.5 Major Natural Channels 6376 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 4499.0 Major Natural Channels 6377 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 232.0 Major Natural Channels 6378 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 54.9 Major Natural Channels 6379 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1398.7 Major Natural Channels 6380 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2502.0 Major Natural Channels 6384 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 482.0 Major Natural Channels 6385 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 513.3 Major Natural Channels 6386 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 336.2 Major Natural Channels 6387 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2669.8 Major Natural Channels 6388 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 187.7 Major Natural Channels 6389 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 4500.8 Major Natural Channels 6390 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 45.6 Major Natural Channels 6391 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2275.9 Major Natural Channels 6392 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1450.8 Major Natural Channels 6393 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 746.1 Major Natural Channels 80 6394 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1683.4 Major Natural Channels 6396 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 86.3 Major Natural Channels 6397 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2118.6 Major Natural Channels 6398 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2167.5 Major Natural Channels 6400 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 5.6 Major Natural Channels 6401 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 19.6 Major Natural Channels 6402 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2210.3 Major Natural Channels 6403 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 4641.3 Major Natural Channels 6404 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1280.0 Major Natural Channels 6410 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 72.7 Major Natural Channels 6509 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 114.4 Major Natural Channels 6511 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 93.3 Major Natural Channels 6512 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1752.2 Major Natural Channels 6514 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 94.3 Major Natural Channels 6515 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 65.6 Major Natural Channels 6516 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 100.7 Major Natural Channels 6531 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 477.1 Major Natural Channels 6543 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 274.9 Major Natural Channels 6544 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 402.4 Major Natural Channels 6545 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 16.6 Major Natural Channels 6587 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1414.3 Major Natural Channels 6588 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 49.3 Major Natural Channels 6610 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1604.3 Major Natural Channels 6611 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 235.5 Major Natural Channels 6633 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 148.5 Major Natural Channels 6634 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2743.7 Major Natural Channels 6635 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1468.5 Major Natural Channels 6637 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 232.3 Major Natural Channels 6642 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 937.6 Major Natural Channels 6643 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 481.7 Major Natural Channels 6651 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2552.1 Major Natural Channels 6655 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 38.0 Major Natural Channels 6656 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2691.3 Major Natural Channels 6667 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1789.6 Major Natural Channels 6674 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 834.9 Major Natural Channels 6675 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 565.6 Major Natural Channels 6684 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 603.6 Major Natural Channels 6685 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 195.9 Major Natural Channels 6686 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 128.6 Major Natural Channels 6694 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 365.6 Major Natural Channels 6695 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 38.5 Major Natural Channels 6697 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 439.7 Major Natural Channels 6710 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 483.5 Major Natural Channels 6727 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1566.8 Major Natural Channels 6770 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1039.2 Major Natural Channels 6771 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1704.0 Major Natural Channels 6789 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1464.5 Major Natural Channels 6802 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 295.3 Major Natural Channels 6803 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 484.9 Major Natural Channels 6804 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 268.1 Major Natural Channels 6805 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 83.3 Major Natural Channels 6806 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1122.8 Major Natural Channels 6807 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 743.5 Major Natural Channels 6841 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1244.0 Major Natural Channels 6843 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 610.0 Major Natural Channels 6844 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 106.9 Major Natural Channels 6845 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1161.5 Major Natural Channels 6869 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 837.9 Major Natural Channels 6870 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 719.6 Major Natural Channels 6871 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 376.5 Major Natural Channels 6872 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 14.6 Major Natural Channels 81 6873 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 159.3 Major Natural Channels 6874 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 503.0 Major Natural Channels 6875 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 26.5 Major Natural Channels 6876 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1370.2 Major Natural Channels 6877 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 39.3 Major Natural Channels 6878 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 160.8 Major Natural Channels 6879 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 66.1 Major Natural Channels 6880 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 35.4 Major Natural Channels 6881 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 13.4 Major Natural Channels 6882 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 2587.3 Major Natural Channels 6889 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 209.0 Major Natural Channels 6890 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 470.2 Major Natural Channels 6891 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 181.9 Major Natural Channels 6892 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 67.5 Major Natural Channels 6893 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 88.0 Major Natural Channels 6897 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 852.0 Major Natural Channels 6898 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 1397.9 Major Natural Channels 6899 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 74.7 Major Natural Channels 6900 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 60.8 Major Natural Channels 6901 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 335.3 Major Natural Channels 6903 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 299.0 Major Natural Channels 6905 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 581.8 Major Natural Channels 6918 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 6841.8 Major Natural Channels 6921 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 39.5 Major Natural Channels 6922 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 18.7 Major Natural Channels 6923 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 44.0 Major Natural Channels 6924 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 112.5 Major Natural Channels 6925 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 111.4 Major Natural Channels 6926 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 36.7 Major Natural Channels 6927 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 158.2 Major Natural Channels 6930 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 198.1 Major Natural Channels 6932 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 7588.3 Major Natural Channels 7075 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 59.0 Major Natural Channels 7076 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 65.5 Major Natural Channels 7227 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 24.9 Major Natural Channels 7236 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 39.7 Major Natural Channels 7250 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 54.2 Major Natural Channels 7251 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 91.8 Major Natural Channels 7252 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 304.0 Major Natural Channels 7330 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 12.8 Major Natural Channels 7334 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 280.4 Major Natural Channels 7341 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 241.2 Major Natural Channels 7348 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 148.9 Major Natural Channels 7378 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 273.4 Major Natural Channels 7411 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 38.5 Major Natural Channels 7412 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 43.8 Major Natural Channels 7413 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 323.7 Major Natural Channels 7521 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 142.5 Major Natural Channels 7532 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 573.2 Major Natural Channels 7533 Hickory Creek Watershed Hickory Creek Watershed 101.4 Major Natural Channels 4586 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 451.03 Major Natural Channels 4589 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 96.08 Major Natural Channels 4590 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 355.34 Major Natural Channels 4591 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 140.04 Major Natural Channels 4601 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 360.12 Major Natural Channels 4618 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 777.56 Major Natural Channels 4667 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 33.72 Major Natural Channels 4670 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 138.59 Major Natural Channels 4671 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 207.20 Major Natural Channels 4672 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 15.50 Major Natural Channels 4673 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 83.69 Major Natural Channels 82 4675 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 267.93 Major Natural Channels 4676 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 5.47 Major Natural Channels 4679 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 435.97 Major Natural Channels 4689 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 441.84 Major Natural Channels 4691 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 263.93 Major Natural Channels 4776 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 1207.73 Major Natural Channels 4786 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 958.19 Major Natural Channels 4801 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 341.49 Major Natural Channels 4803 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 96.45 Major Natural Channels 4804 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 23.59 Major Natural Channels 4805 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 456.47 Major Natural Channels 4806 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 18.52 Major Natural Channels 4807 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 28.51 Major Natural Channels 4808 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 268.13 Major Natural Channels 4819 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 448.92 Major Natural Channels 4829 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 1693.63 Major Natural Channels 4830 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 220.98 Major Natural Channels 4837 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 163.83 Major Natural Channels 4878 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 1097.37 Major Natural Channels 6207 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 424.54 Major Natural Channels 6225 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 524.09 Major Natural Channels 6226 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 2426.08 Major Natural Channels 6228 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 1592.86 Major Natural Channels 6234 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 3445.77 Major Natural Channels 6235 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 252.84 Major Natural Channels 6236 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 7932.38 Major Natural Channels 6237 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 127.04 Major Natural Channels 6961 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 873.33 Major Natural Channels 6962 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 186.40 Major Natural Channels 6963 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 296.21 Major Natural Channels 6964 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 3114.00 Major Natural Channels 6968 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 5782.47 Major Natural Channels 6970 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 6649.49 Major Natural Channels 6971 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 1638.91 Major Natural Channels 6972 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 1792.64 Major Natural Channels 7044 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 24.97 Major Natural Channels 7045 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 110.79 Major Natural Channels 7047 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 2799.52 Major Natural Channels 7061 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 6.51 Major Natural Channels 7220 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 10.43 Major Natural Channels 7221 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 12.33 Major Natural Channels 7222 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 74.32 Major Natural Channels 7335 Pecan Creek Watershed Pecan Creek Watershed 11428.92 Major Natural Channels 4300 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 1539.09 Major Natural Channels 4314 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 82.60 Major Natural Channels 4315 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 83.47 Major Natural Channels 4329 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 99.82 Major Natural Channels 4337 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 1039.59 Major Natural Channels 4342 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 949.35 Major Natural Channels 4523 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 969.28 Major Natural Channels 4525 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 175.16 Major Natural Channels 4527 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 187.22 Major Natural Channels 4528 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 115.59 Major Natural Channels 4529 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 394.45 Major Natural Channels 4530 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 627.73 Major Natural Channels 4534 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 480.98 Major Natural Channels 4537 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 29.68 Major Natural Channels 4540 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 132.56 Major Natural Channels 4544 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 194.66 Major Natural Channels 4545 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 134.52 Major Natural Channels 4548 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 26.90 Major Natural Channels 83 4559 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 330.63 Major Natural Channels 4567 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 212.98 Major Natural Channels 4579 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 281.89 Major Natural Channels 4581 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 116.19 Major Natural Channels 4582 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 339.07 Major Natural Channels 4585 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 527.41 Major Natural Channels 4593 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 374.06 Major Natural Channels 4598 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 703.70 Major Natural Channels 4599 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 408.55 Major Natural Channels 4607 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 392.75 Major Natural Channels 4621 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 2620.15 Major Natural Channels 4624 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 353.00 Major Natural Channels 4626 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 29.25 Major Natural Channels 4628 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 92.28 Major Natural Channels 4630 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 79.96 Major Natural Channels 4631 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 86.86 Major Natural Channels 4632 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 37.19 Major Natural Channels 4633 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 4.15 Major Natural Channels 4634 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 144.61 Major Natural Channels 4638 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 247.76 Major Natural Channels 4646 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 434.04 Major Natural Channels 4647 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 46.56 Major Natural Channels 4649 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 23.49 Major Natural Channels 4650 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 58.93 Major Natural Channels 4651 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 55.74 Major Natural Channels 4656 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 103.87 Major Natural Channels 4832 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 61.79 Major Natural Channels 4833 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 8.29 Major Natural Channels 4835 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 9.70 Major Natural Channels 4836 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 1.91 Major Natural Channels 4840 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 41.61 Major Natural Channels 4841 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 154.46 Major Natural Channels 4844 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 139.59 Major Natural Channels 4858 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 1857.92 Major Natural Channels 4862 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 934.03 Major Natural Channels 4868 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 1455.57 Major Natural Channels 4918 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 853.39 Major Natural Channels 7011 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 64.59 Major Natural Channels 7012 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 24.93 Major Natural Channels 7013 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 1404.32 Major Natural Channels 7089 Cooper Creek Watershed Cooper Creek Watershed 17.01 Major Natural Channels 5332 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 587.67 Major Natural Channels 5342 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 425.62 Major Natural Channels 5351 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 2215.45 Major Natural Channels 5380 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 2365.68 Major Natural Channels 5382 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 681.45 Major Natural Channels 5389 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1222.61 Major Natural Channels 5391 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 407.19 Major Natural Channels 5392 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 2495.02 Major Natural Channels 5393 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 557.26 Major Natural Channels 5394 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1112.40 Major Natural Channels 5395 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1331.23 Major Natural Channels 5396 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 168.62 Major Natural Channels 5397 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 64.74 Major Natural Channels 5398 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 293.10 Major Natural Channels 5399 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 325.71 Major Natural Channels 5400 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 162.17 Major Natural Channels 5401 Clear Creek 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Natural Channels 5434 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 401.71 Major Natural Channels 5436 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 314.61 Major Natural Channels 5437 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 49.09 Major Natural Channels 5440 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 3693.43 Major Natural Channels 5443 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 710.22 Major Natural Channels 5444 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 174.10 Major Natural Channels 5445 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 179.47 Major Natural Channels 5446 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 4218.33 Major Natural Channels 5448 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 689.79 Major Natural Channels 5449 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 306.53 Major Natural Channels 5454 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1574.24 Major Natural Channels 5455 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 396.73 Major Natural Channels 5456 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 647.93 Major Natural Channels 5457 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 624.83 Major Natural Channels 5458 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 90.87 Major Natural Channels 5459 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 559.51 Major Natural Channels 5460 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1874.29 Major Natural Channels 5461 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 151.98 Major Natural Channels 5462 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 685.05 Major Natural Channels 5464 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 98.56 Major Natural Channels 5465 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1882.98 Major Natural Channels 5466 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 4886.86 Major Natural Channels 5468 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1643.98 Major Natural Channels 5469 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 288.83 Major Natural Channels 5470 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 331.41 Major Natural Channels 5471 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 98.57 Major Natural Channels 5472 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 187.74 Major Natural Channels 5473 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 588.22 Major Natural Channels 5474 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 141.96 Major Natural Channels 5475 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 857.16 Major Natural Channels 5477 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1168.44 Major Natural Channels 5478 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1683.09 Major Natural Channels 5479 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 478.52 Major Natural Channels 5480 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 114.33 Major Natural Channels 5497 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1277.06 Major Natural Channels 5498 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 25.78 Major Natural Channels 5543 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1885.49 Major Natural Channels 5558 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 2243.67 Major Natural Channels 5564 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 639.34 Major Natural Channels 5566 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 52.82 Major Natural Channels 5573 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1518.34 Major Natural Channels 5581 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 3432.02 Major Natural Channels 5587 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1422.92 Major Natural Channels 5589 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 1103.34 Major Natural Channels 5591 Clear Creek Watershed Clear Creek Watershed 190.24 Major Natural Channels 4912 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 2982.66 Major Natural Channels 5056 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 2517.61 Major Natural Channels 5090 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 1183.57 Major Natural Channels 5091 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 833.55 Major Natural Channels 5193 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 2195.03 Major Natural Channels 5283 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 3219.59 Major Natural Channels 5294 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 2358.10 Major Natural Channels 85 5296 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 1919.73 Major Natural Channels 5303 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 443.45 Major Natural Channels 5361 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 3458.08 Major Natural Channels 5386 Trinity River Watershed Trinity River Watershed 3589.50 Major Natural Channels 86 City of D Maintained and N -------- io, Mow Areas: 189 Acres Major Concrete Channels: 48,406 Linear Feet Minor Concrete Channels: 40,066 Linear Feet '"'✓ Maintained Earthen Channels: 64,820 Linear Feet Major Natural Channels: 387,545 Linear Feet 1 r if Imo- I - � I I r � r - i Legend Major Concrete Channels Minor Concrete Channels Major Maintained Earthen Channels NORTH Major Natural Channels Miles CITY 0 0.375 0.75 1.5 2.25 3 OF Mow Areas City Limits D NTON COD Channels improved to 100 year flood design capacity ETJ folowing 2002 regulations. 87 CouncilRequests Date Staff ResponsibleDepartment 1 2019-260 PEC-4 Survey ISR on requirements to survey property owners adjacent to the PEC-4 project regarding their 02/26/19 Estes Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer willingness to allow use of right-of-way easements for bicycle and pedestrian paths? 2019-357 Comprehensive Law-Income Work Session on comprehensive process for low-income housing strategy that includes housing 03/20/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting This process will be discussed during a future work session. Meltzer 2 Housing Strategy bonds,density bonuses,grants for low income rentals,land swaps and other tactics to maximize the availability of affordable housing. 3 2019-354 Fire Department Recruitment Provide costs to have an agency more effectively advertise the Fire Department for recruitment. 03/20/19 Adams/Hedges Fire/Public Affairs Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Hudspeth Marketing 4 2019-431 Rayzor Ranch Update ISR on Rayzor Ranch Town Center change of ownership,information on the land overlays and 04/03/19 McDonald/Rogers Economic DevelopmenUDevelopment Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Wafts the process to amend overlays,and information related to the incentives. Services 5 2019-428 Police Officer Staff Levels Information on the number of police officer positions that are needed by the city and our plan 04/03/19 Dixon Police Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report Briggs address any gaps. 6 2019-469 Community Market Information on the addition of a City position to support all non-profit agencies. 04/09/19 Kuechler/Rogers Public Affairs/Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 7 2019-576 Hickory Creek Widening Staff Report on additional costs for bringing the Hickory Creek widening project to six lanes. 05/06/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Ryan 8 2019-577 Municipal Broadband Staff report on short-term strategies to address residents who are without high-speed internet 05/07/19 Birdseye City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Armintor along with what can be done to address this long term. 9 2019-578 Internet Coverage Coordinate with CenturyLink, Frontier, AT&T and other service providers to determine their 05/07/19 Birdseye City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Briggs willingness to address current service gaps in the community. 10 2019-586 CDBG Locations Can CDBG allocations be required to be located in specific areas around the City?How many 05/07/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth lots/homes is Habitat for Humanity planning to purchase and build? 11 2019-585 Artificial Turf Staff report on the City's use of artificial turf and the viability of using it in parks and sports fields. 05/07/19 Packan/Behrens Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor 12 2019-630 PEC 4 Property Documentation Document the current state of properties that will be upgraded and altered through the PEC 4 05/21/19 Estes Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis Drainage Improvements Project for historical records. 2019-650 MKOC Accessibility Information on sidewalks near MKOC and the feasibility of adding a DCTA stop at the facility. 05/21/19 Estes/Canizares Capital Projects/City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information regarding DCTA access was provided in the June 14 Friday Armintor 13 report.Information regarding sidewalks will be provided in a future Friday report. 14 2019-644 Kids at Play Signs Design and purchase a"slow-kids at play"sign with the City logo that could be made available to 05/21/19 Estes/Kuechler Capital Projects/Public Affairs Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth residents for placement in their yards. 15 2019-634 DCTA Work Session Work Session on options to enhance City's partnership with DCTA under the new governance 05/21/19 Canizares City Manager's Office Council Meeting A work session has been scheduled for August 6. Davis structure. 16 2019-646 Redistricting Resolution Resolution from City Council to ask the County to wait on their redistricting until the 2020 Census 05/21/19 Wood City Manager's Office Council Meeting This will be prioritized with other requests during the July 23 Strategy Armintor Session. 17 2019-643 Habitat for Humanity Homes in Information on ways to incentivize the inclusion of Habitat for Humanity homes to new 05/21/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs New Developments developments. 18 2019-641 Landlord Incentives Landlord incentives provided by the City for reduced taxes for those making units available for 05/21/19 McDonald Development Services Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs transitional housing. 19 2019-642 Industrial Sites to Noise Information on how industrial sites could be added to noise ordinance. 05/21/19 McDonald Development Services Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Ordinance 20 2019-635 Miracle League Baseball Staff report on what it would take to support miracle league baseball. 05/21/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer 21 2019-637 Options for Oakwood Cemetery Information on the ability to add plots or tree banking on abandoned ROW at Oakwood 05/21/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer ROW Cemetery. 22 2019-628 Recycling Contamination Staff report on ways to reduce recycling contamination rates,including alternative bin designs 05/21/19 Boerner/Cox Solid Waste Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor/Meltzer and what cities with low contamination rates have done to educate the public. 23 2019-692 Yellow Light Extension Extend the timing of the yellow signal at intersections that currently have red-light cameras and 06/03/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Briggs information on traffic safety of extending yellow lights. 24 2019-688 Part Time Employee Pay Information on the number of part-time City of Denton employees making less than$10 per hour. 06/03/19 Romine Human Resources Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 25 2019-686 Living Wage Incentives for Options to incentivize current City contractors to pay a living wage and projections on associated 06/03/19 Ogden Procurement Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth Contractors cost increases incurred by the City. 26 2019-687 Employee Wage Criteria for City Revise contractor evaluation criteria to require that bidders provide a list of employee salaries as 06/03/19 Ogden Procurement Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs/Davis Contractors a part of their submissions. 2019-685 $15 Hourly Minimum Starting Budget impact to make minimum starting pay for all City employees(full time,part time,and 06/03/19 Ogden/Romine Procurement/Human Resources Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor/Ryan 27 Pay seasonal)incremental increases leading to 15 per hour($10,$12,and$15).Data on how many seasonal employees are in high school or college.Provide additional description of the seasonal and part time positions that are currently making less than$15 per hour. 28 2019-689 Mowing Contracts Comparison of cost for the City to conduct mowing in-house compared to contracting locally for 06/03/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor this service. 29 2019-707 Fee Waiver to Non-Profit Information on the policy options for a development fee waiver or City administered grant 06/04/19 Kuechler/Shaw/McDonald Community Development/Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs/Armintor/Davis Agencies program for non-profit agencies. Services 30 2019-705 Rates to Cover Removal of Impact of potential fee increase to average residential and commercial accounts to recoup 06/04/19 Thomson/Foster Customer Service Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Fees previous revenue received from online and phone payment fees. 31 2019-716 Bad Debt How much of Customer Services'bad debt is a result of late fees and penalties? 06/04/19 Thomson/Foster Customer Service Council Meeting A work session is planned for August 20 where this information will be Briggs discussed. 2019-791 Credit Collections Work Session Work session on credit and collections follow up for Council to provide policy feedback on 06/04/19 Thomson/Foster Customer Service Council Meeting A work session is planned for August 20 where this information will be Briggs 32 percentage versus flat late fees. Provide comparative data from peer cities related to handling of discussed. account deposits and balances on transfers of service. 33 2019-711 Employee Residence Policies Work session on incentive policies or employment policies to address City of Denton employees 06/04/19 Romine Human Resources Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs living in the City limits. 34 2019-714 County Crime Lab Information on steps required to establish a County-wide crime lab. 06/04/19 Dixon/Gaines Police/Finance Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Ryan 35 2019-708 Sidewalks on Ruddell Information on use of CDBG or other funding to install sidewalks along Ruddell to support 06/04/19 Kremer Public Works Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor/Briggs Solutions of North Texas project. 36 2019-710 Energy Consumption at Water Information on the amount of energy used at City water and waste water facilities and the 06/04/19 Banks/Puente Water/Wastewater/DME Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs and Waste Water Facilities feasibility of adding solar panels to reduce energy costs. 37 2019-632 Police Facility Timeline Staff report on the timeline to remodel the current Police Headquarters compared to the new 06/06/19 Canizares City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Ryan Police Substation. 38 2019-730 Non-Toxic Nieghborhoods Information on citywide effort to promote non-toxic neighborhoods. 06/11/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided the June 21 Friday report. Armintor 2019-733 Full Solid Waste Value Fully value solid waste wholesale taking into consideration the cost of service and loss of landfill 1 06/11/19 Boemer Solid Waste Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer 39 space.What would be required for stabilization of the fund?What would the impact be on the landfill permit expansion? 40 2019-734 Waste Reduction Strategy Information on a more comprehensive waste reduction strategy to manage landfill space. 06/11/19 Boemer Solid Waste Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis Exported on June 21,2019 2:03:52 PM CDT 88 Page 1 of 2 Staff Responsible Department Request Type Status Requested By 41 2019-735 Plastics for Recycled Carpet Information on potential use of plastic from the City's waste stream for recycled carpet. 06/11/19 Boerner Solid Waste Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer 42 2019-769 Construction Projects Information on what can be done to address the appearance that City projects start and then stall 06/18/19 Estes Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer once the land is cleared or initial work is done. 43 2019-774 Rules for Relocation Rules for relocation and financial assistance during property acquisition. 06/18/19 Cody Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 44 2019-776 Property after Bonnie Brae What land will be left after the Bonnie Brae project and what are the plans for that left over land? 06/18/19 Estes Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth Widening 45 2019-771 Providence Place Apartments Responsibility for compliance issues with smoke alarms at the Providence Place Apartments. 06/18/19 Hedges/Cannone CIS/Development Services Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Briggs 46 2019-778 Referencing Emails Discussion on addressing elected officials referencing emails in an open forum without providing 06/18/19 Wood City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth copies of the emails referenced as back-up material for the record. 47 2019-768 Basic Services Center Report on candidate properties for a Basic Services Center?Consider Ruddell property 06/18/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer 48 2019-767 Basic Services Center Work session on basic services center,include an update on the shelter workgroup and discuss 06/18/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Wafts 501(c)3 status,history,and ability to deliver. 49 2019-775 Tiny House Village Provide an update on land available for a tiny house village 06/18/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 50 2019-772 Tree Code When tree code is brought back for final approval,need to confirm that root zones are being 06/18/19 Cannone/McDonald Development Services Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Briggs protected so that trees do not die. 2019-770 Downtown Design Revisit downtown design standards with respect to murals,paint and color on the square and to 06/18/19 Cannone/McDonald Development Services Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Meltzer 51 clarify whether the Historic Landmark Commission should be issuing certificates of appropriateness over paint. 52 2019-773 Revenue Loss from Legislation Outline of revenue lost from new legislation that was just passed by the State. 06/18/19 Adams/Kuechler Public Affairs Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Briggs 53 2019-777 Timers for Speakers Look into having a timer up while graphics are being shown by outside speakers. 06/18/19 Kuechler/Adams Public Affairs Council Meeting Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Hudspeth Exported on June 21,2019 2:03:52 PM CDT 89 Page 2 of 2 CouncilRequests Row ID Title Request Request Date Staff ResponsibleDepartment Request Type Status Requested By 1 2019-079 Verizon Pole Debt Update on the Verizon pole attachment debt. 12/03/18 Puente/Morrow/Adams DME Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Legal Status Report. Meltzer 2 2019-414 Street Contractors Prepare a list of contractors who were found to have done faulty compaction work leading to 04/02/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer street failures. 3 2019-500 Homeless Housing Placements Which organizations listed on the dashboard our housing are housing individuals each month? 04/16/19 Kuechler Community Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs This will help Council understand where grants are needed most. 4 2019-601 Gas Well Pre-Emption Specifics regarding the previously stated State pre-emption concerns for gas wells.Need more 05/14/19 Leal/Banks City Attorney's Office/Utilities Other Council Requests Information will be provided during the July 15 Luncheon.A separate Legal Davis specific information on who is grandfathered in and why. Status Report will also be distributed related to this issue. 2019-600 City Funds to Outside Entities Staff report on City funds provided to outside entities including partnerships where real estate is 05/14/19 Gaines/Wood Finance/City Manager's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis 5 provided(cash or in-kind),or funding for salaries is provided and the requirements placed on those entities. 6 2019-606 Board and Commission List of current board and commission membership including term,who appointed them,and 05/16/19 Wood/Rios City Secretary's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Armintor Information on Website eligibility to serve a repeat term on the City's website. 2019-610 Gas Well Discussion Please prepare a Legal Status Report on the requirements for existing gas wells and/or pad 05/17/19 McDonald/Leal/Banks City Attorney's Office/Development Other Council Requests Information will be included in the July 15 work session and a separate Legal Watts sites.Additionally,have staff prepare maps of all gas well plats together with various setback Services/Utilities Status Report. 7 radii that identifies the applicable setback setback for each pad site and the conditions required to make new gas well development subject to new codes.If most sites are vested,what is left that would be impacted by the new regulations? 8 2019-615 Jail time vs.shelter costs How much does it cost taxpayers for someone to stay one night in jail and how does that 05/19/19 Kuechler/Dixon Community Development/Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs compare to the daily rate for the Monsignor King enhanced shelter? 9 2019-665 Oak Property Concerns Clarification on property value increase patterns for the Oak Street property.Have there been 05/28/19 Puente/Gaines Finance Other Council Requests Staff is working with the Denton County Appraisal District to prepare a Briggs similar trends with other properties or were there other factors at play specific to this property? response.Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 2019-667 Women's Safety in Denton Information on several issues associated with women's safety in Denton: 05/28/19 Dixon/Estes Police(Primary)Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report.Staff is scheduled to Armintor -Pedestrian lighting on Mulberry to Carroll due to recent sexual assaults in the area (Assist) meet on Monday,June 3 to prepare the response. -Map of reported sexual assaults that have occurred in Denton over the past 5 years and an 1 assessment of the pedestrian lighting needs in those areas -Staff report on adding DPD Victims'Services Counselors to follow-up with victims who have reported assaults and to serve as their primary liaison. Include information on ways to ensure diversity with Victims'Services Counselors and data on the number of sexual assaults reported over the past five years and associated staffing needs to support any increases in activity. 11 2019-680 Sound barriers along 1-35 Information on the possibility of adding sound barriers along 1-35 near Unicorn Lake and the 06/02/19 Canizares City Manager's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Briggs Dania neighborhood. 12 2019-681 Roundup Elimination Cross-departmental strategy and budget to sunset use of Roundup citywide. 06/02/19 Packan Parks and Recreation,Utilities,Streets, Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 13 2019-695 Locust and Elm Congestion Information on strategies to alleviate congestion on Locust and Elm particularly in light of staffs 06/03/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs recommendation not to re-open Taliaferro Street. 14 2019-694 Living Wage for City Prepare a single document responding to the questions raised by City Council during the June 3 06/03/19 Ogden Procurement Other Council Requests Staff is compiling the requested information and will include responses in a Armintor Contractors Living Wage for City Contractors presentation. future Friday report. 2019-702 Credit Collections Work Session Provide logistical and operational details of how the following may apply in Denton:Grand 06/04/19 Thomson/Foster Customer Service Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor 15 Prairie's rate structure,income based discounts,senior programs and discounts,Veteran's deposit waivers. Can DHA's voucher list be used to determine needs? 2019-700 City's Economic Impact as an Staff Report on the City's relative economic impact as an employer in terms of the number of jobs 06/04/19 Rogers Economic Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor Employer the city of Denton contributes to our local economy,at each of the various pay and employment 16 levels(broken down by pay level)versus other major employers in the area(the universities, Peterbilt,Tetrapak,Target,Walmart,etc.)and recent and future 380 agreements like Buc-ees, the Convention Center,and Tyson. 2019-699 Turnover Data Staff report on turnover rates by department at all pay levels(part time,full time,and seasonal) 06/04/19 Romine Human Resources Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor 17 including which department have the highest turnover rates and at what pay grades the turnover occurs,costs associated with turnover to the department,and known reasons for turnover. 18 2019-697 Natural Drainage Ditch Develop a policy where any natural drainage ditches are compromised is brought before Council 06/04/19 Kremer/Cox Public Works Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Armintor for consideration. 19 2019-698 Choctaw Update Staff update on Choctaw natural preservation project. 06/04/19 Kremer/Cox Public Works Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis 20 2019-725 Forrestridge Drive Street Address concerns raised by residents regarding the staff recommended option for the 06/10/19 Estes/Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Meltzer Improvement Project Concerns Forrestridge Drive Street Improvement Project. 2019-729 Good Samaritan Duck Pond Follow-up requested regarding the date the construction berm was in place and for the City to 06/11/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor/Briggs 21 Follow-Up conduct a water sample at the conclusion of construction project to confirm that the water is clean enough to serve as a TCA-certified wildlife habitat. 22 2019-740 Lack of Handicapped Parking The public parking at Oakland and McKinney needs handicapped parking near the Oakland- 06/12/19 Deshmukh/Oliphant Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Watts on South McKinney McKinney corner accessible to the new McKinney crosswalk. 2019-745 On-Street Parking in Longhorn Evaluate on-street parking along Duchess Drive in the Longhorn Cove development and look into 06/14/19 Estes/Deshmukh/Hedges Capital Projects/CIS Other Council Requests A response regarding fence repairs was provided on June 14.Additional Hudspeth 23 Cove the fence that is in disrepair. information related to on-street parking will be provided in a future Friday report. 24 2019-744 Oak Gateway Minutes Minutes from the last Oak/Gateway Area Plan meeting where CM Meltzer served as the chair. 06/14/19 Menguita/Cannone Development Services Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer 25 2019-748 Road Warranty Provide data collected used to describe the two year warranties for roadways. 06/15/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer 26 2019-754 Inclusion Grant Is the City eligible for the National Inclusion Campaign Pilot Project grant? 06/15/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the June 21 Friday report. Armintor 27 2019-751 Water Main Break Notifications Is there an automated notification service available to notify residents about loss of water when a 06/15/19 Banks/Thomson Utilities Admin Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs water main break occurs? 28 2019-755 Zoning on US 377 Does the zoning on US 377 next to Smokehouse allow for the new proposed business? 06/16/19 McDonald Development Services Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Watts 29 2019-752 Wildlife Entrapment Request for meeting with Chief Dixon regarding legal caged entrapment of nuisance wildlife vs. 06/16/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests A meeting will be scheduled and information will be provided in a future Armintor post-entrapment additional confinement and treatment of the caged animal Friday report. 30 2019-764 Temporary ADA Parking on July Can temporary ADA parking be added around the courthouse for the July 27 ADA Rally? 06/18/19 Oliphant/Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor 27 2019-763 Parking Spaces from Removal How many additional parking spaces will the removal of dumpsters via the valet trash and 06/18/19 Oliphant/Deshmukh/Boerner Capital Projects/Solid Waste Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor 31 of Dumpsters recycling pilot program fee up along Industrial?Could those new parking spaces warrant additional ADA parking along the square? 32 2019-779 Elected Officials Serving on Workshop on the potentially altering current City requirements for elected officials to serve on 06/18/19 Wood/Rios City Secretary's Office Other Council Requests This will be prioritized with other requests during the July 23 Strategy Hudspeth Community Boards community board such as the Economic Development Partnership Board. Session. 33 2019-759 Living Wage Is HR staff available to meet regarding a living wage policy for city staff and a paid family leave 06/18/19 Romine Human Resources Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor policy? 34 2019-760 North Lakes Park Fence When will the new partial fence around the soccer field at North Lakes Park? 06/18/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor 35 2019-761 Veteran Cemetery Medallions Can staff follow up with member of the Texas Veterans Hall of Fame regarding the placement of 06/18/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Other Council Requests Information will be provided the June 21 Friday report. Hudspeth Patriot Medallions on the graves of WWI veterans in the City owned cemeteries? 36 2019-765 Pecan Creek Community Safety Conduct a Community Meeting with residents of Pecan Creek 06/18/19 Dixon/Wood Police/Capital Projects Other Council Requests A meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 10.Staff is finalizing details and Briggs Meeting will provide final details in the June 28 Friday report. Exported on June 21,2019 2:05:25 PM CDT 90 Page 1 of 2 Title Request Request Type Status Requested By 37 2019-787 Construction Traffic Patterns Assess traffic patterns and signage for the construction near Ave C and Hickory 06/19/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Ryan 38 2019-788 Villages of Carmel Traffic Assess whether a stop sign or yield sign is supported in the Villages of Carmel 06/19/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 39 2019-782 Downtown Issues Is staff available to meet with staff regarding issues with homeless near their downtown 06/19/19 Kuechler/Dixon Public Affairs/Police Other Council Requests A meeting will be scheduled and information will be provided in a future Briggs properties Friday report. 40 2019-785 Homeless Initiatives Provide an outline of past two years homeless initiatives and include items that will be discussed 06/20/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs during this budget cycle 41 2019-792 Mistywood Improvements What are the plans to address the street condition on Mistywood? 06/20/19 Kremer Public Works Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Exported on June 21,2019 2:05:25 PM CDT 91 Page 2 of 2 June 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11:3 0 am Council 10:3 0 am C O C E 2:30pm Agenda Conmuke 5:30pm Board ofEthics 11:00 am DCRC Luncheon 1:30pm Committee on the 1:00pm CC Work Session S:OOpmPH Work Session 4:OOpm Public Art Comnittee Environment-Cancelled 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Safety Session 6:OOpm Bond Advisory Commission Committee 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:00a m Pub lic Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility 11:OOamEDP 8:30amDovwntown Task Force 11:00 am DCRC Board rommittcc 1:30 CC Group Photo 2:30pm Agenda Connnittee 6:OO Pin Bond Advisory 5:30pm BIC 3:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Committee Session 5:30pm Board ofEthics 5:30pm Library Board 6:30 pm Special Called Regular Session 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 10a m Audit/Finance NO-2:30pmAgenda Committee NO-4:OOpm HaBSCo Nbeting 11:00 am DCRC 12:00 pm CC Work Session 4:30pmP&ZWorkSession 6:00pmCommitteeon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Persons with as abilities Se ssion 6:00 pm Bond Advisory Committee 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 6:00p m Public Utilities No C o unc it Airp o rt -2:30pmAgenda Committee 11:00 am DCRC Bo a rd 6:00 pm Bond Advisory 1:00 pm 4th Tuesday 4:00pmHaBSCoM;eting Committee 4:OOpm ZBA-CANCELLED Session S:OOpmP&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 30 92 July 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 o Luncheon Meeting o Council Meeting 1:30pm Committee on the Environment Cancelled 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00a m Pub lic Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility 11:00amEDP HOT&S 9-11 Bo a rd Committee 4:00 Public At Corrnuttee o Council Meeting 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session 4:00pmHaBSColvbeting Se ssio n 5:3 0p m HLC 6:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6:00pm Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday 11:00amTIF Board(TTRZ#1) Bo a rd Session 28 29 30 31 4:00pm ZBA No Council Meeting 93 August 2019 1 2 3 4:00pm Public Art Committee 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&Z Work Session luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00a m Pub he Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility 11:00am EDP 4:00pm HaBSCo Meting Board Committee 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 5:00pm Committee on 5:30pm HLC Session Persons Mth Dis abihties 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Se ssion 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6:00p m Pub lic Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Bo a rd Session 4:00pm ZBA 94 Future Work Session Items 6/19/2019 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items General Fund Budget Traffic Signalization Presentations(4 and Traffic/Roadway Inclement Weather 25-Jun Presentations) Technology Policy 15-July Lunch Gas Well Setback and Distance Study Gas Well Notification Disclosure Requirements 2nd Preliminary Budget Discussion/ Departmental Pecan Creek Impacts of 2019 State Presentations including 16-Jul Broadband Charity Care Legislation Board of Ethics DIVE 2019 Bond Recommendation 2019 DDC Update and Denton Police from Bond Advisory Departmental Budget Work Session Strategy 23-Jul Status Department Overview lCommittee Presentations ISession 1-Aug Budget Workshop 5-Aug Lunch Joint DISD/City Council Luncheon Economic Non-Profit Development Corridor Utility Street Cuts Development Fee Plan/Reinvestment Outdoor Music Venues 6-Aug Audit(IA) Waivers Grant City Hall West and Noise Ordinance P-Card and Procurement Audit 13-Aug Atmos Energy Update Rayzor Ranch PID (IA) P-Card Audit(IA) Chamber Contract Manufactured Home Signage and Design Credit Collections Financial Risk 20-Aug Standards Policy DCTA Update Mosley Road Landfill Disclosure Development Services Construction Code Inspection Program Council&Committee 27-Aug Certified Mailings Review Update Real Estate Policy Rules of Procedure Affordable Housing/ Commercial Food Housing Assistance Scooter Share Blue Zones Diversion(September) Joint EDPB Luncheon Right of Way Employee Ethics Date TBD Police Overtime(IA) (September) Ordinance Follow-up Policy Group Home Code Waste Reduction Sobering Centers Amendment Strategies Municipal Broadband Roadway Quality Purchasing Manual Accounts Payable Mews Streets Audit(IA) Update Audit(IA) Top priorities from Top Priorities from 3/4 Work Session 14/23 Work Session 95 Street Closures Report Week of June 24-June 30,2019 NROVING on For general inquiries and questions,please contact the Project Management Office at(940)349-8989 Op DENTON The Construction Projects Report is updated weekly and reflects most City planned construction projects that impact traffic for a minimum of 5 days.Construction projects not listed on this report may not meet this criteria,or are not a City of tl Denton managed improvement or construction project. Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction I Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Ma'or Closures Acorn Bend Rd. Field Bend Cule de Sac 6S3/19 6 Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair/28(19 Streets 5f 14(19 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Intersection Improvements Bell Ave. Intersection of McKinney 5/28/19 7/5/19 (Northbound right turn lane, Engineering 2/22/19 Website&Letters (940)349-8910 temporary lane closure) Mayhill Project Bridge Website& Part of Mayhill Rd.Widening Blagg Rd. Mayhill Geesling 3/18/19 10/31/19 (Road Closure) Engineering Nextdoor (940)208-4318 Capital Project Notification North of Street Widening Completion date extended Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn Vintage (No Street Closures)7/1/17 10/1/19 Engineering 6/14/18 (940)349-8910 from 7/01/19;Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.I Capital Project Water Main Replacement Part of North South Water Bonnie Brae St. Highland Park Willowwood 5/13/19 7/19/19 North South Water Main Ph.II Engineering Website,Nextdoor (940)349-8910 Main Ph.II Capital Project (Street Closure) Notification (Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to 135E); Roundabout Website,Nextdoor New Project;Part of Bonnie Bonnie Brae St. Intersection of Scripture 6/13/19 8/31/19 Bonnie Brae Ph.IV Engineering 5/25/19 Notification (940)349-8910 Brae Ph.IV Capital Project (Intersection Closure) (13SE to Scripture); Eagle Drainage Improvements Part of Eagle Dr.Dainage Eagle Dr. Elm Carroll 1/31/19 6/28/19 (Street Closure) Engineering Website (940)268-9726 Capital Project 96 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Wastewater and Water Main Edgewood Pl. Northwood Crestwood 5/9/19 7/16/19 Replacement Wastewater 5/2/19 (940)349-7300 Terrace (Temporary,Intermittent Road and Water Closure) Street Reconstruction Egan St. Lovell Malone 6/17/19 9/20/19 (Full Street Closure;Reopen at 5 pm Streets 6/11/19 (940)349-7160 daily) Water Main Replacement Part of Hercules Water Hercules Ln. Sherman Stuart 3/25/19 8/6/19 (Temporary Lane Closure) Water 3/4/19 (940)349-7167 Project Street Reconstruction Wesbsite, Street Repairs to follow on Hickory St. Ave B Fry 6/12/19 8/3/19 Streets 5/30/19 Nextdoor (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Hickroy from Fry to Carroll Notification Wastewater Main Replacement Wesbsite, Hickory St. Intersection of Fry 6/12/19 6/27/19 (Street Closure) Wastewater 5/30/19 Nextdoor (940)349-7300 Notification Highland$t. Carroll IOOF Highland Street Fence 5/20/19 8/1/19 Parks Website (940)349-7464 (Intermittent Closures) Street Reconstruction Highview Cir. Forrest Ridge Forrest Ridge 6/10/19 10/28/19 (Full Street Closure;Reopen at 6 pm Streets 5/6/19 (940)349-7160 Completion date extended daily) from 6/21/19 Street and Drainage Improvements Part of Magnolia Drainage Hinkle Dr. US 380 Headlee 5/23/19 9/1/19 Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8930 Capital Project(Hinkle from (Street Closure) University to Windsor and Windsor from Hinkle to Elm) Huntington Dr. Hercules Sun Valley 6/17/19 8/6/19 (Temporary Lane Closure)Water Main Replacement Water 3/24/19 (940)349-7167 Part of Hercules Water Project Water Main Replacement Johnson St. E.Collins E.Daugherty 5/29/19 7/15/19 (Temporary Street Closure will open at Water 5/6/10 (940)349-7167 6:00 pm daily) Kendoph Ln. Underwood Willowwood 6/11/19 7/24/19 Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Streets 5/6/19 Website,Nextdoor (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Notification 97 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Wastewater Main Replacement Website,Nextdoor Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 4/25/19 8/17/19 Wastewater (940)349-7300 (Street Closure) Notification Kings Row Yellowstone Sherman 5/6/19 6/28/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 12/7/18 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Kings Row Yellowstone Stuart 5/29/19 7/31/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 4/9/19 Website,Nextdoor (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Notification Locust St. Collins Daugherty 6/13/19 7/13/19 Locust Substation Construction DIME (940)349-7669 (Temporary,Intermittent Closures) Street Widening Part of Mayhill Rd.Widening Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Engineering 1/3/18,1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)208-4318 (Temporary Lane Closures) Capital Project Storm Drain Installation and E.McKinney St. Grissom S.Fork 3/11/19 12/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 3/7/19 (940)349-8910 Part of McKinney Rd. (Temporary,Intermittent Closures) Widening Capital Project Storm Drain Inlet and Repave Website,Nextdoor Part of Mayhill Rd.Widening Mills Rd. Intersection of Mayhill 6/3/19 8/1/19 Engineering 5/15/19 (940)208-4318 (Full Closure) Notification Capital Project Myrtle St. Eagle Maple 1/31/19 6/28/19 Eagle Drainage Improvements Engineering 8/21/18 Contacted DCTA (940)349-8910 Part of Eagle Dr.Drainage (Street Closure) Capital Project Wastewater and Water Main Replacement Wastewater Part of Northwood Terrace Cul de sac Edgewood Place 5/9/19 7/16/19 5/2/19 (940)349-7300 Northwood/Edgewood (Temporary,Intermittent Road and water Closure) Project Sheraton Rd. Hercules 350 ft north 6/17/19 8/6/19 (Temporary Lane Closure)Water Main Replacement Water 3/24/19 (940)349-7167 Part of Hercules Water Project Sherman Dr. Monterey Stuart 5/7/19 7/12/19 Wastewater Main ReplacementWastewater Website (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closure) Stuart Rd. Long Keystone 1/30/19 7/30/19 Street Reconstruction CM Nextdoor (940)231-9963 Completion extended from (Street Closure) Construction Notification 6/30/19 Sweetgum Dr. Daisy Lantana 6/24/19 8/5/19 Street Panel/Sidewalk Repair Streets 6/12/19 (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) 98 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Street Repair Completion extended from University Dr.(US 380) 1200 ft west of 1200 ft east of Mayhill Mayhill 6/3/19 6/28/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Lane TxDOT Website (940)387-1414 6/21/19;Part of Mayhill Rd. Closures) Widening Capital Project Street Widening US 377 Ft.Worth Dr. IH 35E 0.26 mi south of 12 3 18 12 12 20 Public Meeting ( ) FM 1830 / / / / (Temporary Lane Closures during non- TxDOT 9/25/18 10/8 (940)387-1414 peak traffic) Atmos Utility Relocation Wainwright St. Sycamore Bell 6/24/19 7/24/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Street Atmos New Project Closure) Yellowstone PI. Hercules 350 ft north 6/12/19 8/6/19 Water Main Replacement Water 3/24/19 (940)349-7167 Part of Hercules Water (Temporary Lane Closure) Project 99 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes COMPLETED PROJECTS Atlas Dr. Redstone Hercules 3/25/19 5/31/19 Water Main Replacement Water 12/17/18 Website&Letters (940)349-7167 (Temporary Lane Closures) Bonnie Brae St. University Linden 6/3/19 6/14/19 Private Development Engineering Website (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closure) Daisy Dr. Boxwood Sweet Gum 4/29/19 6/19/19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets 4/15/19 (940)349-7160 New Completion (One Way Lane Closure) Dallas Dr. Intersection of Teasley 11/12/18 6/28/19 Turn Lane Upgrade Streets 11/5/18 (940)349-7160 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closure) Forrestridge Dr. Highview Cr. Highview Cr. 5/20/19 6/4/19 Atmos Utility Relocations Atmos Community (940)293-7039 (Westbound Lane Closure) Meeting Hann St. Locust Austin 5/6/19 6/4/19 Water Line Improvements PWI 4/11/19 (940)268-9726 (Street Closure) Heritage Tr. South of Linden 3/28/19 6/18/19 Turn Lane Installation PWI Website (940)268-9842 New Completion University (One lane both directions closed) Highview Ct. Highview Cr. Dead End 4/29/19 6/7/19 Street Reconstruction Streets 4/18/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Street Widening McKinney St. South Fork Grissom 5/29/19 5/31/19 McKinney Street Widening Project Engineering 5/29/10 (Full Closure) Mercedes Rd. Oakwood Willowwood 5/15/19 6/12/19 Street Construction Streets 4/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Neff St. Greenlee Collins 5/15/19 5/24/19 Street Construction Streets 4/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Paco Tr. Ruddell Cul de sac 5/6/19 6/11/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets 4/26/19 (940)349-7167 (Lane Closure) Peak St. Greenlee Fannin 5/15/19 6/11/19 Street Construction Streets 4/23/19 (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) 100 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Pennsylvania Dr. Intersection of Hollyhill 5/28/18 6/19/19 Valley Gutter Installation Streets 5/15/19 (940)349-7160 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closures) Sheraton Rd. Sun Valley Hercules 3/25/19 5/24/19 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Smoketree Tr. Boxwood Plumbago 4/29/19 5/30/19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets 4/16/19 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Teal Dr. Poinsettia Cyrus 5/28/19 6/7/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets 5/14/19 (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Yellowstone PI. Kings Row Monterey 1/28/19 5/20/19 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 (Temproary Block Closures) 101 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes UPCOMING PROJECTS Bushey St. Morse Wilson 7/8/19 7/15/19 Street Improvements Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Street Closure) Cordell St. Fulton Alice 7/1/19 8/2/19 Curb,Gutter,and Base Failure Repair Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) City of FM 2181 Denton/Corint Lillian Miller TBD TBD Street Widening TxDOT (940)-387-1414 TxDOT Project-currently on hold h City limits Sidewalk Repair Glenn Falls Ln. Blue Sky Lane Cul de Sac 7/1/19 8/2/19 (Temporary Lane Closure,Street will Streets (940)349-7160 New Project open after 5 pm) Greenwood Dr. Intersection of Robin Wood 7/8/19 7/19/19 Valley Gutter Installation Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Street Closure) Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Street and Drainage Improvements Part of Magnolia Drainage Hinkle Rd. Headlee Wind Capital Project(Hinkle fromoor TBD TBD Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Engineering University to Windsor and (Street Closure) Windsor from Hinkle to Elm) 13SE northbound service 500 ft west of located 7/17/19 8/27/19 Wastewater Improvements Wastewater (940)349-7300 road Bonnie Brae Kirby Dr. San Felipe Memorial 7/15/19 8/16/19 Street Panel/Sidewalk Repair Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) Lipizzan Dr. Tennessee Rocky Mountain 7/8/19 8/2/19 Street Panel/Sidewalk Repair Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) Massey St. Hwy 377 200'West TBD TBD Street Boring TxDot Email Notifications (940)387-1414 (Street Closure) Water Main Replacement,Street Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 8/7/19 12/4/19 Repairs Water 12/17/18 (940)349-7167 Part of Mistywood Water Project (Intermittent Street Closure) 102 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Orr St. Bolivar Locust 7/16/19 8/12/19 Water Improvements Water (940)349-7167 Wastewater and Streets to follow Parkway St. Carroll Denton 7/15/19 8/16/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets (940)349-7160 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) Drainage Improvements Part of Pec 4 Ph.I&II Capital Prairie St. Bell Locust TBD TBD Pec 4 Ph.1&II Engineering (940)268-9726 Project (Street Closure) Kansas City Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Southern RR TBD TBD Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 (One Lane traffic control) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/28/19 TBD Street Repairs Streets 11/23/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 8/7/19 12/4/19 Water Improvements Water (940)349-7167 Part of Mistywood Water Project Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood 10/28/19 TBD Street Reconstruction Streets 11/23/18 (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Royal Ln. Mistywood Rockwood 8/7/19 12/4/19 Water Improvements Water (940)349-7167 Part of Mistywood Water Project Sandy Creek Dr. Angelina Bend Angelina Bend 8/26/19 9/23/19 Wastewater Improvements Wastewater (940)349-7300 Base Repairs Meet with business Crews will move here after Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closure) owners Streets Electronic Signs (940)349-7160 work on Kerley St.is complete Smith St. Johnson Dallas 8/19/19 9/17/19 Wastewater Improvements Wastewater (940)349-7300 Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets (940)349-7160 Part of 2019 Street Bundle Timber Ridge Cir. Intersection of Fox Hollow 7/1/19 7/12/19 Valley Gutter Installation Streets (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) 103 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 10/1/19 10/1/21 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 New Project Bonnie Brae Phase 2 Drainage Improvements Wainwright St. Prairie Highland 7/1/19 8/1/19 Pec 4 Ph.I&II Engineering (940)268-9726 Part of Pec 4 I&II Capital (Street Closure) Project Wayne St. Boyd Mozingo 8/13/19 9/17/19 Water Improvements Water (940)349-7167 William St. Oak Hickory 7/15/19 8/12/19 Street Improvements Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Street Closure) Sidewalk Repair Yellowstone PI. Kings Row Sun Valley 7/1/19 7/26/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Reopen at 5 Streets (940)349-7160 pm daily) 104