083019 Friday Staff Report City Manager's Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: August 30, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. No—City Council Luncheon Meeting on Monday, September 2, 2019 2. No -Traffic Safety Commission Meeting on Monday, September 2, 2019 3. No - City Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 4. Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 5. No - Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 6. Public Art Committee on Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 7. Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, September 6, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 1I. General Information & Status Update A. Organizational Changes—Congratulations to Rachel Wood, Chief of Staff,who has accepted a position with Development Services as the Deputy Director of Development Services effective September 9. Rachel will be focusing on leading process improvements with development review, documenting policies and procedures, and helping to lead the department through a major software implementation. With Rachel's departure, the responsibilities of the Chief of Staff are being restructured. Sarah Kuechler, Director of Public Affairs/IGR, will also begin to supervise the City's Secretary's office, Council and CMO functions, and help to lead special projects in the organization. To support this new structure, Erin Winn, Management Analyst, has been promoted to Assistant to the City Manager. Stuart Birdseye and Erin will be working together to manage several OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service responsibilities, including Council requests, Council meeting and agenda coordination,executive staff and interdepartmental coordination,Friday reports,and more. When making requests, please copy Todd Hileman, Sarah Kuechler, and Stuart Birdseye to ensure that it is logged, and staff follow up. To help support a few special projects, including strategic planning and measures, Sarah Kuechler and Tiffany Thomson will be leading an interdepartmental team of employees who are interested in growth opportunities. Staff contact: Sara Hensley, Assistant City Manager B. Implementation of Senate Bill 944 — On June 14, the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 944 which becomes effective on September 1, 2019. The law provides guidelines and requirements for the City to obtain and retain any public information, including communications regarding City business, that is not stored by the City Secretary's Office or on a City server. The City is updating its policies and processes with regard to S.B. 944 and provided the attached memo to all employees on Friday, August 30, 2019. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs C. Council Request and Work Session Processes — Council formalized a process for submitting requests to staff during their August 17 retreat. This process was further refined during a work session on August 27 where Council also agreed to a process outlining the structure of work session presentations. At the retreat, council agreed that future council requests would be submitted using a template to be developed by staff (attached). The template allows Council Members to specify what type of request they are submitting; service, clarification or policy-related research. At the time of submission, the Council Member will also indicate their preferred form of response, be it email, Friday report blurb, informal staff report, legal report or work session, in addition to the time sensitivity of their request. For service requests or clarification questions, the City Manager's Office will forward and work with the appropriate department to respond in a timely matter. Staff will review all policy- related research requests and estimate how much time will be required to complete them. If a policy-related request is expected to take less than two hours of staff time, staff will immediately move forward with preparing a response. If a policy-related request is expected to take more than two hours of staff time, it will be brought before Council at a work session for consideration within 30 days. Prior to the work session, the requesting Council Member will submit a written proposal for the policy-related request to the City Manager. During the work session, the requesting Council Member will have one minute to justify their request. The rest of Council will each have one minute to ask clarifying questions and indicate support. Requests that have the support of at least four Council Members will be acted upon by staff. If a Council Member brings forth a work session topic for consideration that does not get consensus from council to move forward, the requesting Council Member may request reconsideration at a future work session. Topics for the September 10 City Council Meeting work session are scheduled to be: • Develop Statement on the Confederate Monument in the Courthouse Square and issue a resolution in support of a Lynching Memorial to be located on the Courthouse Square. o Requestor: Council Member Armintor 2 o Date Requested: September 21, 2018 (Confederate Monument) and August 6, 2019 (Lynching Memorial) o Related Informal Staff Report: No. 2018-130 Denton County Courthouse Confederate Monument o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Policy decision • Develop ordinance to all horse-drawn carriage and horseback riding on City rights-of-way. o Requestor: Council Member Ryan o Date Requested: November 27, 2018 o Related Informal Staff Report: No. 2018-180 Horse Drawn Carriage and Horse Back Riding Permit Information o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Policy decision • Request for public safety use of doorbell monitoring technology work session o Requestor: Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth o Date Requested: November 13, 2018 o Related Informal Staff Report: No. 2019-025 Public Safety Use of Doorbell Monitoring Technology o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Work session request • Executive Residency Information o Requestor: Council Member Briggs o Date Requested: April 23, 2019 o Related Informal Staff Report: No. 2019-140 Executive Residency Information o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Work session request • Green Buildings and Impact Fees o Requestor: Council Member Meltzer o Date Requested: March 1, 2019 o Related Informal Staff Report: No. 2019-070 Green Buildings and Impact Fees o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Work session request Each week, the items that will be discussed in the upcoming work session will be included in the Friday Report the week before that meeting. During the work session, staff will read the title of the request, the date that the request was made, estimated staff hours to complete(if applicable) and what action is being requested. The Council Member will then have one minute to present about their item and will be followed by the rest of the Council discussion. 3 Additionally, it was determined that each elected official will be allowed up to two policy-related requests that do not have Council consensus to be worked on per quarter. The request will first be heard during a work session to assess consensus; if consensus is not met the requestor may ask for this item to be one of their two budgeted requests for the quarter.However,additional requests will only be fulfilled if they require less than 10 estimated staff hours to complete. Staff contact: Rachel Wood/Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office D. Engage Denton staff user feedback session— On August 28, Public Affairs hosted over 35 staff Engage Denton users for a feedback session(photo below). The group reviewed Engage Denton metrics from the app's first year and brainstormed how staff can further improve the customer service experience residents have when submitting a request through the Engage Denton app. In its first year, the app was downloaded almost 3,000 times and used to submit almost 6,000 requests. Staff discussed the importance of correctly routing requests to the appropriate department, resolving requests in a timely matter, and communicating the status of requests to the resident. Public Affairs appreciates the input and time of these employees and will continue to seek and implement feedback to improve the resident experience with Engage Denton. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs J L - E. Downtown Valet Service-On August 20,the City Council approved the concept of valet trash and recycling service to replace the existing downtown shared dumpster service. Phase 1 began on August 22, with phone contact to the businesses on Hickory St. and Mulberry St. informing them of the upcoming changes. On Monday August 26, staff went door to door to all 18 businesses sharing the dumpsters on Walnut St. and Mulberry St. A two-week tracking period of the businesses is required to better help staff understand the volume of trash and recycling being generated. The Solid Waste and Recycling department worked closely with the Public Affairs office to draft the attached flier and letter, which will be mailed out this week to all the businesses and residents on the square affected by the change. An informal public meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2019 from 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Center, Community Room, 321 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201. Staff Contact: Brandi Neal, Solid Waste and Recycling 4 F. Hurricane Dorian Mutual Aid Assistance — DME Standby Mutual Aid for Florida. On Wednesday, August 28,Amy Zubaly, Executive Director of the Florida Municipal Electric Association requested that Denton Municipal Electric standby to help provide Mutual Aid Assistance for electric power restoration in the event of potential damage occurred from Hurricane Dorian. The strength of Hurricane Dorian has already been raised from a Category 1 to a Category 2; furthermore, the model predications show that it is forecast to become a Category 4 Storm. Amy indicated that the City of Tallahassee specifically requested Denton's Mutual Aid Assistance again this year since DME successfully provided emergency storm restoration activities there last October to repair Hurricane Michael storm damage. DME has been assured that if Tallahassee is not impacted due to uncertain storm paths, that our Mutual Aid Teams would be deployed further eastward across the state or where needed. Due to the slowing movement of the storm, DME crews will be arriving and staging late Tuesday. The City of Denton will be sending 20 DME employees and equipment necessary to provide mutual aid assistance to the citizens of Tallahassee. At this time, it is anticipated that the crews will be departing Denton early Monday morning on Monday, September 2. DME is always willing to provide Mutual Electrical Power Restoration Assistance to help our neighbors and others around the country during emergencies. The City of Denton receives reimbursement for our associated mutual aid assistance costs. Staff contact: Brent Heath, DME G. Construction Sign Clean Up — On August 13, Council Member Briggs requested information on the City's process to have construction signs removed once construction project are completed. Construction signage is put up and taken down by both in-house and contracted construction crews, depending on the specifics of the project. For projects serviced by an in-house crew, construction signs must be removed two days after project completion. For projects that have contracted with an outside vendor, all construction signage and material must be removed seven to ten days after project completion. Going forward, staff will determine if signs have been removed after the allotted time period. If signage remains, staff will work with the necessary parties, be they in-house crews or outside vendors, to ensure that all signage is removed in a timely matter. Staff contact: Todd Estes, Capital Projects H. Minor Repair Program—Council member Hudspeth asked whether the City's Minor Repair Program could help a homeowner repair(or replace) a natural gas main leak on the homeowner's side of the connection. The City of Denton provides programs to assist low- and moderate-income homeowners who cannot afford to complete major and minor repairs that, if left unattended, would jeopardize the health and safety of occupants. The Minor Repair Program funding can be used for this type of repair if it is on the homeowner's side as long as the house and homeowner meet the program eligibility requirements. More information about the City's housing assistance program is located at hgps://www.cityofdenton.com/en- us/residents/services/housing-assistance/home-repair-_rg ants. Homeowners who would like to learn more about the program should contact Gordon Meredith at(940) 349-7236 or Gordon.Meredith&cityofdenton.com. Staff Contact: Danielle Shaw, Community Development 5 I. TAMS Students Volunteer Project at North Lakes Park—The UNT Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science(TAMS)does an annual volunteer project with the Parks and Recreation Department. This year 45 students worked at North Lakes Park. The group mulched and trimmed 160 trees and cleaned the playgrounds. They were assisted by Parks Maintenance staff on the project. (Pictures attached) Staff contact: Drew Huffinan, Parks and Recreation J. Atmos Energy Assistance — At the Tuesday, August 27 City Council meeting, Atmos Energy presented to City Council about the company's construction activities in Denton. Council Member Hudspeth had requested information related to Atmos' energy assistance program and at the time of the presentation the Atmos representatives did not have the information available. The Atmos' Energy assistance program website can be searched by the County where the resident resides. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office K. 2019 Denton Back to School Fair— The Denton Back to School Fair was held on Sat.,Aug. 10 at the Embassy Suites Convention Center to help students and families be prepared for the first day of school and start the school year strong. Through many generous sponsors, donations, volunteers, and community partners, the fair provided school supplies to over 4,000 students and provided 515 vision screenings, 182 hearing screenings,and haircuts provided by cosmetologists from Denton ISD's ATC. Click here to view a video of the event from the Denton Back to School Fair committee. Denton ISD also created a video featuring the haircuts and student cosmetologists available here. Thanks to all involved who made this such a great event for the Denton community. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs L. Dallas District Green Ribbon Grant — In June 2019, the City of Denton Parks and Recreation Department applied for the Dallas District Green Ribbon Program for landscape improvements along FM 2499 from Interstate 35 to FM 2181. On August 22, the Texas Department of Transportation informed the department that the City of Denton qualified and will receive a 2019 Green Ribbon Project for a fixed amount of $773,665.00. Last year the city was granted $667,285 for landscape improvements on US 380 from Elm Street to Masch Branch. The 2019 grant marks the second time the City was awarded the grant. Preliminary renderings are attached. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation M. Non Toxic Neighborhoods Follow Up — An informal staff report was included in the August 9 Friday Report providing additional information regarding the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) supplemental request and the exploration of an organic maintenance program. The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) initiated a pilot program for organic maintenance this spring at Denia Park. With only a few months in operation, it is too soon to report any measurable changes or differences the new methods are making. The information provided by Non Toxic Neighborhoods (NTN) reflected the practices developed and implemented by PARD's current contractor, Howard Garrett. The practices focus on improving the soil's health through cultural and mechanical methods and the use of organic products. As the health of the environment improves, costs associated with watering and product application can 6 be reduced. NTN stated their sites save 80 percent in water usage once soil health is achieved. Pending the quality of the soil,improved health and related potential cost savings can take 18 months to 3 years to achieve. There is differing information on the labor intensiveness of maintenance. NTN followed up with providing information on their prohibition of using "bio- solids" and "green waste". Further research showed that the proposed use of Dyno Dirt for topdressing was not the same material prohibited by NTN. PARD staff also researched the cities referenced by NTN and featured on their website. PARD again found that the IPM's featured on their website are consistent with the recent IPM approved by Council. The same IPM methodology of pest identification and evaluation is used with an emphasis on cultural, physical, and biological actions being considered and/or taken prior to chemical use. Based on the collective information, PARD's organic pilot program is in-line with NTN's recommended practices and the updated IPM is comparable to the IPM's recommended by NTN. There is no additional new information at this time. Multiple soil samples were recently tested from each location at Denia Park,North Lakes Park, Fred Moore Park, and South Lake Park. The results are being reviewed to determine the appropriate maintenance action needed based on the results. PARD will continue to monitor and document the progress at Denia Park under the organic maintenance program and share findings as they develop. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation N. Recreation Center and Services Public Meeting—On June 22,Parks and Recreation conducted a public meeting and focus group for the Recreation Centers and their services. Approximately 20 members of the public attended and had a discussion with recreation staff. The information gathered during this meeting will support the redevelopment of the Parks, Recreation and Trails System Master Plan. To date, Parks and Recreation has conducted over 30 community meetings to gain insight on the recreational needs of the community. It is anticipated that the plan will be completed at the end of the calendar year. (meeting notes are attached). Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation O. Urban Forestry Master Plan Public Meeting—On August 1, the first public meeting for the Urban Forest Master Plan was held. There were 41 members of the public and two Parks and Recreation Staff in attendance. Dana Karcher, from the Davey Resource Group, conducted the meeting. The public had a voting exercise to learn their priorities as it pertains to Urban Forestry. A second public meeting is currently being planned, and all of the results will support the development of the Plan. Meeting notes are attached. Staff Contact: Morgan Haywood,Parks and Recreation P. Bonnie Brae Easement Information—During the August 27 City Council meeting, Council Member Armintor requested a list of the principals of 195 Denton Partners, LLC, which is one of the owners from whom the City will acquiring easements for the Bonnie Brae Capital Project. The following is a screen shot from the Texas Secretary of State. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office Texas . Secretary • , , . • NA Ruth R. HLIghs ucc Business Organizations Trademarks Notary Account Help/Fees Briefcase Lc BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS INQUIRY-VIEW ENT11 Filing Number: 802096086 Entity Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company(LLC) Original Date of Filing: November 6,2014 Entity Status: In existence Formation Date: N/A Tax ID: 32055619467 FEIN: Duration: Perpetual Name: 195 Denton Partners.LLC Address: 12400 PRESTON RD STE 100 FRISCO,TX 75033 USA �.cG1�TeRcn AGEtfr FILING HISTDRY NAMES _.I MANAGEMENT Last update Name Two September 11,2018 GRA-COL LTD MEMBER September 11,2018 SUTTON FIELD INVESTMENTS LLC MEMBER September 11,2018 REX GLENDENNING MANAGER III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Vela Athletic Complex Grand Opening—Saturday,August 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A soccer and rugby tournament will begin at 9:00 a.m. FC Dallas will host free, open soccer clinics taught by FC Dallas coaches. Staff Contact: Jason Barrow, Parks and Recreation 2. Splish Splash Doggie Bash—Saturday,September 7 from 9:00 a.m.to 10:30 a.m. and from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Civic Center Pool (515 N. Bell). Hosted by Denton Parks Foundation. More information can be found on their Facebook Page. Staff Contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation 3. National Night Out Kickoff—Monday, September 30 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney St.). Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police and Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs 4. National Night_ Out—Tuesday,October 1 with neighborhood block party times and locations varying. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police and Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs B. Community Meetings 1. Mockingbird Lane Townhomes Neighborhood Meeting — Thursday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. at The Woodlands Apartment Meeting Room (1555 Nottingham Dr.). Staff contact:Hayley Zagurski,Development Services 2. Developer Town Hall Meeting—Monday, September 16 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers (215 E. McKinney St.). Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services 8 IV. Attachments A. Council Request Communication Template.........................................................10 B. Notice to Employees—SB 944...............................................................................11 C. Solid Waste Attachments ....................................................................................13 D. TAMS Park Clean Up Project .............................................................................16 E. Green Ribbon Proposal Renderings .....................................................................17 F. Recreation Center Meeting Notes .......................................................................41 G. Forestry Master Plan Public Meeting Notes ........................................................45 H. Press Release—Labor Day Closings ...................................................................49 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2019-170 10-Minute Walk Update ......................................................................51 VI. Council Information A. Council Meeting Requests for Information .........................................................54 B. Other Council Requests for Information .............................................................55 C. Draft Agenda for September 9 .............................................................................56 D. Draft Agenda for September 10 ...........................................................................57 E. Council Calendar .................................................................................................64 F. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................67 G. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................68 9 City Council/staff communication Please provide the following information when submitting your request to ensure a timely and appropriate response. Requestor: Date: Request type: (_) Service request (i.e.: sidewalk obstruction) (_) Clarification (i.e.: street construction schedule for E. McKinney) (_) Policy research* (i.e.: paid parental leave) Summary of request: Time-Sensitivity: Preferred format for response: (_) informal staff report (_)work session (_) legal staff report (_) email (_) Friday report *Council requests that are estimated to take longer than two hours of staff time to complete will be reviewed weekly during work session 10 CITY OtFft City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 30, 2019 TO: All City Employees and Officers CC: Aaron Leal, City Attorney FROM: Mario Canizares, Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: S.B. 944 and Use of Text Messages for Official Communications On June 14,the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 944 which becomes effective on Sept. 1, 2019. The law provides guidelines and requirements for the City to obtain and retain any public information, including communications regarding City business, that is not stored by the City Secretary's Office or on a City server. These types of public information, including City business-related text messages on a private phone and emails on a private email platform, must be either archived by the employee for up to two years or turned over to the City Secretary for preservation. The City is updating its policies and processes with regard to S.B. 944 and will provide additional information over the coming weeks. Beginning Sept. 1, 2019, all employees should be aware of the following: 1. Employees must preserve or archive any official communications or communications relating to City business including, but not limited to: a. emails on private email platforms; b. text messages on personal phones; c. files on private devices; 2. Employees may delete these communications; 3. If requested, this information must be turned over to the City Secretary; and 4. Failure to preserve and/or provide public records may result in disciplinary action by the City and other penalties under state law. As the City updates its policies and procedures, we will provide additional information regarding S.B. 944. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility• Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 11 Please direct any public information questions to City Secretary Rosa Rios at Rosa.Rios(c7cityofdenton.com or(940) 349-8309. For questions regarding departmental operations or policy, please contact your supervisor or department director. Thank you. 2 12 `may of q D �� *� Solid Waste & Recycling o �BIDowntown Valet Servi ce sTE &RX service Change Dqscription Service Starting Sept. 9,2019,the Denton Solid Waste and Recycling Department will convert selected downtown waste services to a valet service model. Change This change will begin with Phase 1 and work through the remainder of the phases every two weeks. See the anticipated Phase Map below forWZC- locations and timelines. • Improves customer 1 experience with " • ' h � � + '�'�a i '' ,; . everyday icku r , service, including 5 lNfill 3sr holidays h • Improves aesthetics and reduces odor ! ' • Improves service efficiency FRYeptem OWN Reduces illegal n : ST EET ,. ARE dumping and Phase i October' contamination November u+ ,+M +aaa s, w uoinn+ iL 'Lift— Mom Removal of IS F y dumpsters, �r,u�� ° il, •oaf ;t� "' replaced with I'� , �� � ,` __ �- cart service Litter abatement Pressure washing Ll 13 Pilot Valet Service Results AN uutcns � dLAM i 1 1 I � ■ wit. What You Need to Know • Implementation will occur in six phases beginning Sept. 9, 2019, with an anticipated completion date in mid-November. • Revised billing one month after cart placement based on waste generation. • Solid Waste and Recycling staff will require a two-week audit period before phases begin. New Monthly Billing Questions? Level Description Revised Billing • Contact Brandi Neal at Tier Office and Residential $24.70 Brandi.Neal@cityofdenton.com. Tier 2 Small Retail,Bar with No Food $138.25 • Attend the public meeting on Sept. 12, 6 - 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center, Tier 3 Large Retail,Bar with Food, $148.75 321 E. McKinney St., in the and Small Restaurant Tier Medium Limited Service $289.50 Community Room. Restaurant Tier 5 Large Full Service Restaurant $460.00 JA" 14 DENTON "t� wmSolid Waste and Recycling Department DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8938 August 28, 2019 NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL MEETING Dear Resident or Property Owner: The City of Denton will hold an Informational Public Meeting on Thursday, September 12 regarding the Valet Waste Service Changes for select properties in the Downtown Square and on Fry Street. The public meeting will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Denton Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney St.,Denton, TX 76201. The purpose of the public meeting is to provide an opportunity for affected business owners and residents to discuss and learn more about the valet waste service updates with staff from the City of Denton Solid Waste and Recycling Department. The upcoming meeting will include information on: • Service change phases and what to expect when your phase begins (see the attached flyer for additional details) • Specifics on how the valet service changes will operate • How the new monthly billing will roll out • Communication methods and processes for future plans and next steps Residents and property owners are encouraged to attend this town hall style meeting and are welcome to come and go at their convenience. Those unable to attend are welcome to submit input via email to Brandi Neal, Solid Waste and Recycling Business Account Coordinator, at brandi.neal@cityofdenton.com or call (940) 349-8027. Solid Waste and Recycling staff will also perform door-to-door outreach before the service changes occur. To schedule a meeting for your business, contact Brandi Neal at the provided contact information above. `y of D£1VTO 4 FW 2 STE&vk`v OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 15 TAMS Park Clean Up Project �cUlrn� � _ •_-- �✓�JT �'. �. .mla.�Y C'3'� -J%j��Aa Ae�F'.�a,.,.-. b '���l '�' M,M" � .It1�� � �+�'rR-� 'd1a^ `Jh���a��.�. ✓ +� a � ,per,.'° {1 ..t�»�tF, .Y 4 z rr3r^ tt� G 16 Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program Project Location Map : City ofDenton SHEPARD RD CITY OF DENrIO N LUGINBYHL RD N J y 2153 428 P.0 .0 . in 35 �W 2164 m z WARSCHUN Jason Donne ll 940 349 8275 3163 C' "' W 25 2450 0 �P4, W jason.donnell@cityofdenton.com 156jQm ELM BOTTOM iz GANZER RD treek r {�fia Glenn Mc Ia in, MIA 940 315 3567 428 glenn.mclain@cityofdenton.com a ® HARTLEE FIELD RD 0 1173 288 N LO C AEO N 1 - US3 8 0 Krum a z 77 o Q CD 156 �� r—�1 2164 9�F ���GO� E N 0 N 380 of 377 5 a 380 • • 00000 • • 380 • i • • • • E~ Lewisville JIM CHRISTAL RD 35 nY�risthiv 1 Lake Tex W OAK MC KINNEY o v —altm HICKORY v 426 filer"'se • EAGLE W Z Prpcit m 288 426 TOM COL RD 1515 � J a LLJ C) 35W 2181 v 35E Shady 2449 W m Im Shores Z 377 RYAN RD SHADY O° 1830 RD c ICKORY CREEK RD Corinth o �y L^ ROBSON RANCH RD CRAWFoR,q Argyle HICKORY HILL RD 1830 2499 LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN T E X A 5 PWMPxU60n CITY Teius OF DENTON, TEXAS RIBBONGREEN FUNDING • • 17 MIDIAN PLANING : i� PLANING LEGEND Highly V is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas •_�� c allo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, Iive o a k, c e d a r Elm, Little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars � �, Gem Magnolia, Pondcypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, , Rhythmic Patterns • ., Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs in vegetation & season oRNAMEIVTAL•IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enha nc e s Qua lity of Life Laurel, Mexican Plum,Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert willow w Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass ReducesHeatIsland Effects � Existing Turf C o ntrib ute s to Wild life Aesthetic Qualities are calming � BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & ASSLStS Ln C re a ting "Pla C e " - Groundcovers Assists in wayfinding •-�- _ University U rt eFsi y t j �• c'; a .j �a• ♦ :� �t� �` 3 1-_ �-5 a7rr \ ♦ t ! niver ity (J ^� LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN � Zo 40 �� . . � • + ` �� ` ' � CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JLJ ' 4, 4018 MIDIAN PLANrIING : PLANING LEGEND Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Areas .;��'�, c ANo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, Iive o a k, c e d a r Elm, Little Helps decrease glare from oncoming cars : ' � Gem Magnolia, Pond Cypress, AutumnBlaze Maple, ` Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Rhythmic Pa tte rnS - Chinese Pista c he 1 Va rie ty O f C O 10 rS in V e g e to don & season ORNAMINTAL IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in f[ Enha nc e s Qua lity of Life Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert MEMO Willo w Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects Existing Turf R C o n trib a to s to Wild life Aesthetic Qualities are calming _ BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundcovers Assists in creating "Place " Assists in wayfinding �, n� •cr � VCaY n sit nn+ereit . r wwwwww=Na 46 LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° g° '+ - �fofThwmwafwCITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JVNE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLANrIING : �, PLANING LEGEND Highly V is ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Areas '�'►:� c ANo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, Little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars � ' �� Gem Magnolia, PondCypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs in vegetation & season o RNAMEIVTAL IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enhanc e s Qua lity oflife Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert ML AOO all" M AU Willo w Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � Existing Turf _ C o n trib u to s to Wild life M Aesthetic Qualities are calming BedsforShrnbs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundcovers Assists in creating "Place " Assists in wayfinding Unwer it 0 iv rsity D 1 • 1�1 v ity LsT VEU n ^� _ LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° �° . . DvpwftwffCITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JLJNE 4, 2018 i � 20 MIDIAN PLANrIING : PLANrIING LEGEND Highly visib le in High, Medium &low Speed Areas .:��' CANOPY'IItEES: Red Oak, live oak, Cedar Elm, Little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars ' } Gem Magnolia, PondCypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, Rhythmic Pa tte rnS Chinese Pista c he Va rie ty O f C O 10 rS in V e g e to don & season ORNAMINTAL'IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in F Enha nc e s Qua lity of Life Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert wino w Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re d u c e s Air, Lig ht a n d Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � Existing Turf C o ntrib ute s to Wild life Aesthetic Qualities are calming �, — BedsforShrnbs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Assists 1n creating "Place " �► �� _ �_- _ Groundc overs r -ter Assists in wayfinding - _ s'' Uiiwersity D - �,. �_ nlV�fSt �!Q VefSlty r � LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° �° . . . � • •'+ � � �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JVNE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLANrIING : PLANING LEGEND Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Areas .��., c ANo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars ' �� Gem Magnolia, PondCypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty O f C O 10 rS in V e g e to don & season O RNAMINTAL IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enhanc e s Qua lity ofLife Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert F Ar of vj willow 4 Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution � Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � Existing Turf C o ntrib ute s to Wild life Aesthetic Qualities are calming BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundcovers Assists in c re a ting "Place" Assists in wayfinding niver ity D LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° 8° . '+ Of' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLAN'IING : PLANrIING LEGEND Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas � '= c ANo PY�EEs: Re d o a k, rive o a k, c e d a r Elm, little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pondcypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache - Va Lie ty o f c o to rs in vegetation & season o RNAMEI�TTAL'IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enha nc e s Qua lity ofLife Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert Willo w Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects _ � Existing Turf C o ntrib ute s to Wild life f - _ _ Aesthetic Qualities are Calmrn � � � � '' � Beds for Shrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Assists in creating "Place" 4 _- _ ; , — � Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Assists in wayfinding � �` � �-.�, - -OL Un �e sity D +� Alm Ar 23 ersity p _ Univ sity D 1 LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° M . � '+ � � �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUNE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLANrIING : f ' PLAN � LEGEND Highly V is ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Are a s - c alvo PY�EFs: Re a o a k, ii�e o a k, c e d a r Elm, little Helps decrease glare from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pona cypress, Autumn Blaze Maple, Chinese Pistache Rhythmic Patterns - Va rie ty o f c o to rs in vegetation & season � o RNaMEI�lTaL'IIZEE: Eve's Ne e k1a e e, Te xa s Mo unta in Enha nc e s Qua lity of Life � Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians willow �" Enhances the Identity lei t Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution * ' �. Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Lv Ar Of z Y� Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � Existing Tur� C o ntrib ute s to Wild life �' Ae sthetic Qua litie s are calming � Beds for Shrubs,`OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Assists in creating "Place " � � _ � Groundcove� - Assists in wayfinding ••� _ D - tl iversit D r s • 't-ii, Univ �s1ti � Uni LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° g° . . . � '+ � � �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUNEND] i g MEDIAN PLANrIING : - .. � PLAN'IING LEGEND t � Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Highly vis ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Areas c alvo PY�EEs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, little Helps decrease glare from oncoming carsdeGem Magnolia, Pond cypress, AutumnBlaze Maple, Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Variety ofcolors in vegetation & season oRNaME1vTaL : Eve'sNeeklaee, TexasMountain Enha nc e s Qua lity of Life _ >=aure1, Mexican Plum, Vite�, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert deft Willo w Fxihances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound PollutionqpWildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re d u c e s He a t Is la n d Effects _� 4646 Existing Turf Contribute s to Wildlife '•� Aesthetic Qualities are calming � � BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & '� Groundcovers Assists in creating "Place" Assists in wayfinding F t � ni ity D qmillmum Girl _ 1 _ _ ni rsity D ' t Amok- to le � _ LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° g° R CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JLJNE 4, 2018 i25 MIDIAN PLANrIIN PLAN'-IING LEGEND Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas _ �� "'�•- c alvo PY�EEs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, >ittle Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pondcypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, � Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs in vegetation & season o RNAMEIVTAL'IREE: Eve,S Ne e kla e e, Te xa s Mo unta in Enhanc e s Qua lity ofLife � ,� Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, De Bert Willo w Enhances the Identity ofDenton x Re duc e s Air, Light and Sound Pollution _ _ ' 1 � �� Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � , - � Existing Turf C o n trib a to s to Wild life - - Aesthetic Qualities are Ca g _ —' --. - Beds for Shrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundc overs Assists in creating "Place "' ^�('� L'1�1 n versify Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians 1w ry Aw n i r it I, it a Ill Ity g - - 26 LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° �° � • '+ � � �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS — GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUNE 4, Zo i g DaflasDistrict - Green Ribbon / Program Location 1 Medians PLAN'lIN� : PLA D Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas . .;_ �• c ANO PY�EEs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e a a r Elm, tittle Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars ; Gem Magnolia, Pondcypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, RhythmlC Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs m ve g e to do n & season O RNAMINTAL'IItEE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enhanc e s Qua lity oflife Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert Willo w Enhances the Identity ofDenton _ Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution i � � Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects - � Existing Turf C o n trib u to s to Wild life � Aesthetic Qualities are calming � �► BedsforShrnbs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundcovers Assists in creating "Place " Assists in wayfinding � rr n uy ' p nfv " yDD r i 27 LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° g° � "'+ � � �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLANrIING : - ' PLANrIING LEGEND . _ Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas ' �'-• c allo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars GemMagnoha, Pondcypress, autumnBlazeMaple, Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs in vegetation & season � o RNAMEIVTAL'IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in En h a n c e s Q u a lity o f Life Ia ure 1, Mexican Plum, Vite x, Rusty Bla c kh a w, De se rt � � Willo w Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass _� Reduces Heat Island Effects _ Existing Turf C o ntrib ute s to Wild life � Aesthetic Qualities are Calming Beds for Shrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundcovers Assists in creating "Place" - - - -- - Assists in wayfindir�lg ��•yersit - - : w , «�v Y� f. Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians 380 �t Y� f �II �• •• f .1 � • I n iu r itl D f ti�' Ar of vj 28 Un'y 'sity D - LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° g° . � '+ � • �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g MEDIAN PLANING : - PLANrIING LEGEND Highly vis ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas C ANO PYTREES: Re d O a k, live O a k, C e d a r Elm, little Helps decrease glare from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pond Cypress, Autumn Blaze Maple, Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs in Vegetation & season O RNAMEIVTAL'TREE: Eve's Necklace, Texas Mountain En h a n c e s Qua lity o f life La ure 1, Me xic a n Plum, Vite x, Rusty Bla c kh a w, De se rt Willow Enhances the Identity ofDenton Reduces Air, lig ht a nd Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Reduces Heat Island Effects Existing Turf C o ntrib ute s to Wild life Aestbetic Qualities are calming Beds for Shrubs, Ornamental Grasses, Perennials Groundc overs Assists in c re a ting "Pla c e " •4x Assists in wayfinding University MW i LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 20 40 80 '+ ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUNE 4, 2018 • MEDIAN PLANrIING : '`, PLANING LEGEND Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &low Speed Are a s C ANO PY TREES: lie d O a k, Live O a k, C e d a r Elm, little Helps decrease glare from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pond Cypress, Autumn Blaze Maple, Chinese Pistache Rhythmic Patterns Variety ofcotors in vegetation & season [ .` ORNAME14TALTREE: Eve's Necklace, Texas Mountain Enha nc e s Qua lity of Life (' , - _i - Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert Willow Enhances the Identity ofDenton = Re d u c e s Air, Light and Sound Pollution Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass . f Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects _ Existing Turf C on trib a to s to Wildlife — Beds for Shrubs, Orname nta I Gra sse s, Perennials & p Aesthetic Qualities are calming Groundc overs Assists in creating "Place " Assists in wayfinding 410— - • z iveir i • � � U - - - - � - � - ityD Un-versit D ��  - -r - I � LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 20 40 80 '+ � - ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUNE 4, 2018 .MIDIAN PLANrIING : _ PLANING IEG END Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas - c allo PY�tEFs: Re d o a k, live O a k, c e d a r Elm, little Helps decrease glare from oncoming cars 1 he wash _ Gem Magnolia, Pond Cypress, AutumnBlaze Maple, _- - Chinese Pistache Rhythmic Patterns i _ Far?ory (��r 1Nas Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program Location 1 : US380 Medians Va rie ty O f C O 10 rS in V e g e to don & season �"" � _ _ o RNaMEIVTaL'II2EE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enhanc e s Qua lity ofLife ` Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert Willo w Enhances the Identity ofDenton -_ '� Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s Air, Light and Sound Pollution - -- a- Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � � Existing Turf of 31 C o n trib a to s to Wild life Aesthetic Qualities are calming — — - ` — �' BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundc ove rs Assists in creating "Place " _ Assists in wayfinding ~` — U , ersity D U ive sity D _ ,: I " - Enterprise Rent-A-Car � �; � � LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° �° R . . � '+ � � �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PIAN'IING : - PLANrIING LEGEND Highly V is ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Areas r' �=' C ANO PY'IItEES: Red Oak, L've o a k, C e d a r Elm, little �- Helps decrease glare from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pond cypress, AutumnBlaze Maple, ' Rhythmic Patterns a Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs in Vegetation & season _ c ' S 8ved o RNAMEI�TTAL'IREE: Eve°s Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enha nc e s Qua lity of life Ice 8 Raspa� Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert Willow„_ Enhances the Identity of Denton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution - �� Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � Existing Turf C o ntrib ute s to Wild life r• Aesthetic Qualities are calming � � ' � BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & -Mom im I aim Tex" Groundcovers Assists in c re a ting "PIa c e" Assists in wayf nding niv ' yp Unive UniveF ity p � t = LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° 8° . . '+ ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc • n 1 : US380 Medians r _ MIDIAN PLANrIING : � rr,r PLANING LEGEND �, ' Highly V is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas ' , c Alvo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, little He 1p s d e c re a se g la re from oncoming cars � � B�3VA C�mpa _ Gem Magnolia, Pond Cypress, Autumn Blaze Maple, IW VI �� ;. . Chinese Pistache Rhythmic Patterns ► ueno - Variety ofco�ors in vegetation & season ' oRNAMEIVTAL'IItEE: Eve'sNecklaee, TexasMountain Enhances Quality ofLife ' _ _ laurel, MexicanPlum, Vitex, RustyBlackhaw, Desert Enhances the Identity ofDenton �`'" _ Reduces Air, light and Sound Pollution � Tc_ '!� Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re d u c e s He a t Is la n d Effects * : � Existing Turf _ __ C o n trib a to s to Wild life '� , Aesthetic Qualities are calming � ti BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Groundcovers Assists in creating "Place " � . Assists in wayfinding U veFsity D Un'versity D U�'v srty 0 iyer ity D LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° 8° , '+ Of' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUNE 4, Zo i g A MIDIAN PLANING : PLANrIING LEGEND Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas .�'''►�• c allo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, little Helps decrease glare from oncoming cars , Gem Magnolia, Pond cypress, AutumnBlaze Maple, Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs m ve g e to do n & season oRNAMEIVTAL'IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in h a n c e s Q u a lity o f Life la ure 1, Mexican Plum, Vite x, Rusty Bla c kh a w, De se rt Willo w hances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution T�� Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass i Reduces HeatIsland Effects � �►.�--'yr - Existing Turf C o n trib a to s to Wild life Aesthetic Qualities are calming BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Peren ialsl& `y,�y �Groundcovers f ��Ve Assists in creating "Place " � '"�- Assists in wayfinding ;• � _- • �" —ram Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians _ - n ��,g�ty ' � v - - ... cn 34 LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° 8° � '+ � � �� � ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLANING : _ � PLANING LEGEND •' ,,,� Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Areas "' �* c ANo PY'IlZEEs: Re a o a k, Live o a�c e a a r Elm, little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars � � •' Gem Magnolia, Ponacypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, RhythmlC Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rle ty O f C O 10 TS Ln V e g e to t10 n & S e a S O ri O RNAMINTAL'II2EE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in� � � ErihanC e S Qua lity Of Life Laurel, Mexican Plum, Vitex, Rusty Blackhaw, Desert ' - Willo w Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Enhances the Identity ofDenton RC duc e s Air, lig ht a nd Sound Pollution �.1 Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects � '' � � � >�istin Turf � FBI. C o n trib a to s to Wild life map AeSthetlC QualltleS aTe Calming � BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & ASSLStS Lri C re a ting "Pia C e " �� Groundcovers - Assists in wayfinding 1 - urw dha r � � !► LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° 8° , DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLANrIING : PLANING LEGEND :� Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Low Speed Areas .�'� _ • c ANo PY�EEs: Re d o a k, five o a k, c e d a r Elm, fittte He 1p s d e c re a s e g la re from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pond c yp re-sS', Autism n Blaze Maple, RhythmlC Patterns - Chinese Pistache �) Va rie ty o f c o to rs m ve g e to do n & season � O RNAMINTAL'IREE: Eve's Necklace, Te xa s Mo unta in Enhances Quality oflife faurei, MexicanPlum, Vitex, RustyBlackhaw, Desert � wino w Enhances the Identity ofDenton ' Re disc e s Air, Light a nd Sound Pollution Auto�lnsur Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re disc e s He a t Isla nd Effects l- f i � Existing Turf 1 C o ntrib ute s to Wild life � Aesthetic Qualities are calming i; � ' � BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians CA Groundcovers Assists in c re a ting "Place" Akk Assists in wayfinding - ,_ i' weisity 0 � _ -- LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° 8° '+ COW' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUNE 4, Zo i g MIDIAN PLANrIING : PLAN'IINNG LEGEND Highly v is ib le in High, Medium &Io w Speed Areas � c allo PY�EFs: Re d o a k, live o a k, c e d a r Elm, Little Helpsdecrease glare from oncoming cars Gem Magnolia, Pondcypress, AutumnBlazeMaple, Dallas District - Green Ribbon Funding Program LDc ation 1 : US380 Medians Rhythmic Patterns Chinese Pistache Va rie ty o f c o to rs in vegetation & season - oRNaME1vTaL : Eve,S Ne k1a e e, Te xa s Mounta in � � Ia ure 1, Mexican Plum, Vite x, Rusty Bla c kha w, De se rt En h a n c e s Q u a lity o f Life � . Enhances the Identity ofDenton Re duc e s Air, Lig ht a nd Sound Pollution - ��� Wildflower Seed mixed with Buffalo Grass Re duc e s He a t Isla nd Effects .►� � Existing Turf C o n trib a to s to Wild life Aesthetic Qualities are calming � � BedsforShrubs, OrnamentalGrasses, Perennials & Assists in creating "Place " Groundc overs Assists in wayfinding � } r� 4� niv � i D ive�sitry D University � r .' LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN 2° 4° M . . '+ ' ' CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JUKE 4, Zo i g Denton District - Green Ribbon Funding Pro g ra m LINE NO. ITEM NO. DESC CODE SS.P.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED PRICE PER UNIT AMOUNT 100 161 6017 Compost Manufactured Soil Sy 53664.16 1.18 63323.71.00 200 168 6001 Vegetative Watering MG 1000 9 9000.00 300 170 6001 Irrigation System LS 1 175000 175000.00 Wildflower/Buffalo Seed LBS 50 7.56 378.00 400 192 6002 Plant Material (1 gal) EA 1881 8 15048.00 500 192 6003 Plant Material (3 gal) EA 0 12 0.00 600 192 6004 Plant Material (5 gal) EA 627 20 12540.00 700 192 6024 Plant Material (30 gal) EA 148 185 27380.00 800 192 6012 Mulch Cy 60 27 1620.00 900 192 6016 Planting Bed Prep Sy 53664.16 3.25 174408.50 1000 192 6044 Plant Material 2.5" B&B EA 70 275 19250.00 • 1100 192 6097 Concrete Landscape Edge (12") LF 2376 26 61776.00 1200 193 6001 Plant Maintenance MO 12 2000 24000.00 1300 193 6007 Irrigation System Operation Maintenance MO 12 300 3600.00 • 1400 432 6015 Rip Rap Cy 0 133 0.00 1500 500 6001 Mobilization LS 1 40000 40000.00 1600 502 2001 Barricades Signs &Traffic MO 205 3500 8750.00 1700 1005 6001 Loose Aggregate for Groundcover Cy 250 100 25000.00 1800 1122 2016 Construction Exits Sy 0 52 0.00 1900 1122 2048 Biodegradeable Erosion Control Logs LF 1000 8 8000.00 2000 TBD Grading Earthwork Cy 0 15 0.00 TO TAL $669,074.20 of PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST OPINION CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN i iPROPOSAL T E x w s 0 18 38 Denton District - Green Ribbon Funding Pro g ra m TASK C O MPIET10 N Pre -De sign Phase Project Acceptance Notification TBD TxDOTCoordination Meeting TBD Advanced Funding Agreement (AFA) to City TBD Town Ap ro va 1 o f AFA TBD De sign Phase P S&E NIP (C o u n c it Ap p ro va 1) TBD 3 0%P S&E Sub m itta 1 TBD TxDO T3 0%PS&EjSubmitta 1 TBD 60%P S&E Sub m itta 1 TBD TxDOT60%PS&E Sub mitta 1 JBD 95%PS&E Sub m itta I 2ND WEEK 0 F DEC EMBER 2 018 TxDOT95% Sub m itta l 2ND WEEK OFJANUARY2019 100%PS&EComp letion JBD TxDO T Bid Letting TBD C o n stru c do n C o n tra c t Aw a rd TBD Construction Phase Construction Mob iliza don TBD Location 1 - Site Clearing, Prep & Grading TBD Location 1 - Irrigation In sta lla don TBD Location 1 - Landscape Installation TBD Location 1 - Punchlist TBD Overa 11 Project Ac ceptanc e TBD PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE of A..s CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS - GREEN T E x w s RIBBON 08 39 Denton District - Green Ribbon • • Program ANIMMEA r , h � �,..fir' fit'' _ -. • ••�1 �„�¢¢�� � w/ri _ t�• ` , __ - a - !► PREVIOUS GREEN RIBBON PROJECTS • �� CITY OF DENTON TEXAS - GREEN RIBBON FUNDING PROPOSAL JiJNE 4, 2018 i 0 Recreation Center Focus Group Meeting Notes Civic Center August 22, 2019 — 6:30PM STAFF PRESENT: • Gary Packan, Laura Behrens, Bobby Givens, Sara Farris, Jodi McClaren, Cathy Avery, Robbie Johnson, Megan Thomas, Alicia McDaniel, Chris Escoto • City Councilmember Keely Briggs MEETING COMMENTS: "What I want in Recreation Facilities and Programs" • Partner with physical education classes o Facilities and programs paired with able-bodied and disability participants • Indoor sports facility o Courts for basketball / volleyball / pickleball • Inclusive playground-park / Miracle Field • Inclusive pool • Indoor playground • Heat relief at playgrounds o Shade, fans, misters • Eco-features o Vehicle charging stations o Solar panel driven power (cars, computers, mobile devices, etc) • Larger recreation centers - expansion o Limited space for programs • Teen Center/ programs o Courts / tech /food court o Convert Sr. Center to teen center • New Sr. Center o Grand Prairie / Flower Mound / Frisco • Drop-in Rec care • Greenspace • Map trails — App (Paris, TX) SKETCH BOARD NOTES: "What I want in Recreation" • More shade at all playgrounds • Indoor playground 41 • A park with kids who have disabilities in mind — ramps, sensory, etc. • A pool with a ramp that disability can access for water aerobics • More extensive park playgrounds on north side of town • Tech center and more things for teens including them being able to get involved in the community • Indoor playground • Longer gym hours • Programs to learn basic skill cooking, sewing, etc. especially for young adults CONCLUSION: • Approximately 7:45PM EMAILED COMMENTS: From Matt Lake - Matthew.Lake@unt.edu • Positives: we had a very good experience with all of the rec centers' various camps this summer. Water Works Park is well managed/maintained/staffed, and used 1-2 times weekly by our family. • Negatives: As we live between Water Works Park and the Civic Center, we would love to use both, but had multiple negative experiences at the civic center pool: o Locker rooms always dirty. o Discrepancy between the level of lifeguard quality between the two parks (WWP the best by far). Attitude, professionalism, etc. o Civic Center pool's use of commercial radio stations versus the programmed music that the city pays for/produces (I don't want my kids hearing ads and unscreened music). o The south end of the pool's tables and chairs area is full of mildew and probably needs to be pressure washed (the concrete at the least) a few times a summer. o Thanks for your attention to these issues, and kudos to your full time and part time staff for the summer camps. PHONED COMMENTS: Kassie Smith called on 8/22/19: Senior League softball (Chris E called and discussed), more walking trails and preserve wooden space for parks. 42 SKETCH BOARD PHOTOS: &,ule4a�,co `nGUubive, VCk�•ChGw�in,� �r+lnr ?at�l driven potkw ro VWil- 1 UI�/�' /j`— U��T 'l l �/ \ I �k da.r P7•yr......� V C, perk "A kd,.r4.,(,•�<(�s<6:l•f,u i., 1.t_!'u�a .s�.wy ctC. r,„p tk� .l,<b;l,+y f•. .�14 4�•.LiO in le.r Agra yrf..,;.a P..rk nrr> t,...t Ply yr—.( In a P.rk wilt ka A-A-- ;,,;.._�t.�.�...,.y arc 1eD�+(<nttr trror<ihin,5 fDr tuna �ncL+d���}h.n Mini ublcro inWrt� a /..l ✓rFti ar.,,y iFv.l u.l;l.Y � x"c�'''P�6tl�pyrs Paptcw� {ar 9O1"`1°d"\+a e.rL a;d< .f t.�a ,,,y to lt�tn btSiG S1t14 (to K�ncjr Stui^g�EK k'1 Teoh C`nty f ma.ihin5s 3b ttena mrLd;.�ih� blim of F ro yt rtd In }Mt cowweMY�,,,,� ls����p°" �Su*.r�t#C.P,QtCwlty�i,r y�aduM6 �„�y,,y�Itan t»s;c$KM Coo1Cn9 43 i,w bF.:cl: L !�,.,t.!a L�N%a^•'n. ct� "UW ARYL 'ob ���5< s,a,,,.ye.. ems,,,• , <<_ � Frw,,.(/tJ�7� ru.��l,,,�_e...,..A�yo.G.n o` IUA+- oxll w��l�e�..�•edv. nko�,4��'"�l�m J w+t U 4X.AvAPy®c l s 2DAviS`E�T"�cA.f�ON kP�SC.9 e_maA cm T�hn K.:t ,N, Tahwsar�clhr I�,e�cn._t,, �. A&S µ fGf akK vd- Kehlxe rygnd r4p dfo.LQ ModI bD w hsap�.e fin-. rur 44 Urban Forest Plan Public Meeting #1 Notes City Hall —Council Chambers August 1, 2019 — 6:OOPM MEETING AGENDA: The first of two public meetings on the Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP) was held in the Council Chambers at 6 p.m. on Aug. 1, 2019. A total of 41 members of the public were in attendance and two Parks and Recreation staff. Urban and Community Forestry Specialist, Dana Karcher with the Davey Resource Group conducted the meeting. She has assisted numerous communities throughout the western United States to develop UFMPs that have helped build urban forests and grow programming efforts. Additional information about the UFMP and the public presentation is on the Urban Forest Master Plan webpage. https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/forestryplan The objective of the meeting was to gather input from the public, which will be incorporated into the UFPM. Participants could provide their input via the following methods: 1. Meeting Kick-off Presentation (comments, questions & answers) 2. Dot Exercise. Attendees were provided 21 dots, seven each of green, yellow, and red. They had an opportunity to discuss ideas and concerns with the consultant and staff, and could then place the stickers with statements and questions around the room. 3. Following the exercise, the consultant and staff stayed after the meeting to discuss topics with attendees one-on-one. The dots meant: a. Green (Go) b. Yellow (Slow Down) c. Red (Stop) Questions placed on the posters were: a. How should Denton use its Tree Mitigation Fund? b. What should be Denton's Tree Canopy Goals? c. Where is there a need for more trees? d. What should the level of care be for public trees (public properties and rights-of-ways). e. Should there be an amendment to the municipal code to require property owners to removed dead dying or diseased trees, which threaten public safety? f. Should the city take care of neighborhood trees in the public right-of-way? g. What are tree related educational topics of interest? Answers for the input questions will be added into the UFMP and are provided in the attachment. MEETING COMMENTS/NOTES: • Why did it take 11 years to plant the first tree from the Tree Mitigation Fund? • How do we designate landmark trees? 45 o Need to have control of Landmark trees • Planting trees based on soil type. • Put together a Tree Committee, volunteers can do a tree count/inventory. • Have we looked at what Fort Worth is doing? Fort Worth maintains street trees/ROW trees. • About than 75 percent of attendees found out about meeting on Social media, others by email, newspaper, or word of mouth. • How do we know what trees are on a site before it is developed? • Why is the Urban Forester not involved in reviewing plans for the tree code? • Tree Mitigation Fund Uses: o To purchased site at Eagle and Dallas drive to save trees. o For residents to plant trees on private property. o Plant Street trees when new roads are built. o Grants for local nurseries to grow native trees. o Mapping of the Cross Timbers a National Treasure. • Does the City have a tree spade? Highly recommend a tree spade to save trees. • Develop criteria for landmark trees. • Is there any help for those that can't afford tree removal on private property? • Should apply for CDBG funds for tree planting. • More interaction with county groups (Master Naturalist & Master Gardner's). • Is there language in code to make sure new trees are kept alive? • There should be a roadshow approach to public meetings. • New City tree farm. SKETCH BOARD NOTES: • None CONCLUSION: • Approximately 8:15 PM EMAIL/SOCIAL MEDIA COMMENTS: SKETCH BOARD PHOTOS: 46 ? 91,�,LEVEL_ DF CACZE �02 ?Jo`�C �'• ' :•d��� a peen Space- : — • •• • •—• ••i=� no ne: (� •� 1 •• •;!;�K6r,e-keep 1 na�v✓al�:i ••S'l/pi 1-5 • •.js°� .�.°�Yeet�E&,4er Medians••. . readr�e-enttrytncy ve5ponse, (j ° ••- ' ••Ckvance 'vr54 Ify pruning • , IU%! •••°fiIvste I?ropt_"+y pty�ble P�nrr1T nq' • � P 1 re u ar nA � N•� • • predich4e }rrunin� c yc�e5••r. t .•. ,dtn4lal areas °L riJ-use baSen 11 "' Plan+Hea14h(ve based- too , (prweeirUal pien5 • •• : 6f(-KC4ural Iraini)5 for yourt •~ NO fjo✓e. +fte5 •••Oet • 4rpe�,rprurnnqJ cycles,etc • • 0 A WILL r �QU�STI ON F uCA�TI���5 of �ues�"1cn : Make care Qmtnd D-n4on� rnuniu pa l MouLes ICode. 4D require oiuners 'to 0 nely hborhood 4" •How�re.rnode dead,dy(nt) or dr.5ease _rhe public riJth o � Naa4owatu a-free5 4ha.f4hrea+eo pubIis 00 . : Dtu 4v prwne my Meer` JQ�e ? • � • • • � J •• s Id (or�f y MJ h,cfi -freeto Y I \I o , I v ' ` ! °k)W e • o NOo 40't t' In Den�an� IdIdMIL -4dahal.- 47 ��FEReEO ME�o�s toe ouMAO Rai lt(s•. :*0 . DcNlori Use i QI i'led i a• .. u• THE"fRGE��T�Ca�T�ahl FUND�_ u7k dj Srrt�eK� �rmafio nal3oo+hs Aan rna�tam Yrecs . �' `",� • �rnrnunify Ewen{S a �u�ntenance consefeto-1 Ow+,:,(v loch( nw �e�, Fe Q�mentS � �yydiJ�a��dtVro�.,Ca �QLIC:� o hJ0 r�ShcPS.•� �,•°arthase pr0Fr_0y ro preser ve , (�t �nq Ll�t LronT�6r r�•• ..•Gfp,lde invOrry • ►.'�rC� sPade�move tre�s • h1cb� le• ' Ed�t,fion of wAdrntS • �•.gaue'P�+9treFs • Pfmr fy Cwners aloou+-,rele--, . Adds49 +D 4j, [wdMA �sSt SrFa,we. 48 -40 o FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DENTON Ryan Adams • (940) 349-8565 • Ryan.Adamskcityofdenton.com Labor Day Operating Hours and Closings City Facilities Closed Sept. 2 DENTON, TX,Aug. 29, 2019—City of Denton facilities will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2 in observance of the Labor Day holiday and will reopen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Please note the following with respect to specific City of Denton services and facilities. Libraries All libraries will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2 and will resume regular hours on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Animal Services and Shelter Animal Services and the Linda McNatt Animal Care &Adoption Center will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2 and will resume regular hours on Tuesday, Sept 3. To report an animal-related non-emergency, call (940) 349-8181 and select option 8. In case of an emergency, dial 911. Parks and Recreation Denia Rec Center, MLK Jr. Rec Center,North Lakes Rec Center, Denton Senior Center, American Legion Hall, and Goldfield Tennis Center will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2. North Lakes Driving Range will be open on Sept. 2 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The following facilities will be open with regular operating hours on Monday, Sept. 2: Water Works Park, Civic Center Pool, and the Denton Natatorium. Public Safety Public safety personnel will be on duty during the holiday. The Denton Police Department non- emergency number is (940) 349-8181, and in case of an emergency, dial 911. Utilities Customer Service will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2. To report a utility service emergency, call utilities dispatch at (940) 349-7000. Solid Waste and Recycling There will be no curbside trash, recycling, home chemical collections, or yard waste collection on Monday, Sept 2. As a result, the entire week's collections will be pushed back one day so that we can provide service to all our customers. Commercial customers with scheduled collections will be serviced Monday, Sept. 2, but no same-day service will be offered. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 49 The City of Denton Landfill will be open 7 a.m. to noon on Monday, Sept. 2. Check www.dentonrecycles.com or your Residential Solid Waste & Recycling Service Calendar for current schedule information. Airport Airport administrative offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2. The air traffic control tower will be open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., and the airfield will remain open 24 hours per day. Flight services will be available from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. throughout the holiday. On behalf of the City of Denton, have a safe and happy holiday. Visit www.cityofdenton.com for more news and to stay updated. 2 50 Date: August 30, 2019 Report No. 2019-170 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: An update on the 10-Minute Walk Campaign BACKGROUND: In November, City Council Member Briggs requested more information regarding the 10-Minute Walk to a Park Campaign. On Dec. 19,2018, and Jan. 16,2019 Parks and Recreation staff met with members from the Dallas and Boston offices of The Trust for Public Land (TPL). PARD learned more about the program and how Denton could get involved. TPL,the National Recreation and Park Association(NRPA), and the Urban Land Institute (ULI) are leading a nationwide movement to ensure there is a park within a 10-minute walk (half mile) of every person, in every neighborhood, in every city across America. Approximately 229 communities have already come together to support the 10-Minute Walk to a Park campaign. These communities are dedicated to increasing equitable park access and quality through local policy changes, master planning efforts, and increased funding TPL created the ParkServe.org website platform to measure and analyze current access to parks in cities, towns, and communities nationwide. This new comprehensive, standardized database provides communities with helpful data to examine their city park space using the US Census, ESRI, and various other data sources. Analyzed park property includes publicly-owned local and state parks and trails, school parks with a joint-use agreement, and privately owned parks opened for full public use. Properties not included are golf courses, cemeteries, and HOA parks. PARD will utilize the "10-Minute Walk" as a measuring tool and development standard when identifying where public park spaces are placed. This measuring tool will be used when trying to identify land needs during the planning of parkland development. This standard is not a requirement, but a tool for staff and community leaders when determining if land should be purchased or developed. This tool will be a helpful standard as the City redevelops the Parks, Recreation and Trail System Master Plan, which is expected to be concluded by the end of the calendar year. On Feb. 26, 2019, City Council approved the resolution, and Mayor Watts signed the 10-Minute Walk to a Park campaign commitment. DISCUSSION: PARD staff has been working on strategizing how to accomplish the 10-Minute Walk standard as time permits with current staffing. To date, Parks and Recreation has taken the following steps toward the campaign: 51 Date: August 30, 2019 Report No. 2019-170 • PARD staff has initiated a discussion with DISD facilities management to consider an agreement between the City of Denton and Denton ISD to provide open school playgrounds after hours for residents. More work will take place in the next few months. This work will help provide more parks for Denton residents with minimal cost while obtaining our goals to meet the national average of parks within a 10-Minute Walk. • PARD staff did a research analysis on the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) regarding park standards acreage nationwide on similar cities based on population. Currently, Denton meets the median park acreage by population compared to other cities nationwide. Although Denton does meet the national median for park acreage, PARD identified it still doesn't meet the 10-Minute Walk to a park standard based on the location of the parks. In addition, based on the projected population growth in Denton, there will be a deficit on park acreage by 2030. • In March, PARD staff presented to City Council a list of property for consideration and an evaluation worksheet scoring each property based on the needs of Denton. The evaluation is a weighted numerical system that includes tree canopy, unique land features, connection to trails, and 10-Minute Walk accessibility. • City staff is in discussion with a few property owners about the potential acquisition for future park land. Once a price point is established, City Council will be presented with the needed information. • PARD staff is working on an agreement with UNT for a lease on land for a future park called Veterans Village Park. This parcel would provide open space, picnic areas, and trees for public recreational use. This park would help Denton in the goal to meet the national average of parks within a 10-Minute Walk. • PARD staff is working with numerous developments throughout the community on potential park and trail development that will help achieve master plan goals and improve the 10-Minute Walk scoring. • In June, City Council approved a development agreement for the construction of land currently called Patrick Park. Construction of the park is underway. • PARD staff met with the Army Corps of Engineers about the potential use of CORPS land for future park space. • PARD staff has met with the development team with Hunter and Cole Ranch about desired parks and recreation amenities that would be located in the proposed developments west of I-35W. • PARD staff met with Denton County staff to discuss the possibility of an easement to connect Carl Young Sr. Park to Woodrow Open Space as part of the Pecan Creek Linear Park. • PARD staff has been working with the Technology Services Department to get an accurate inventory of current parks and acreage. Once completed, the GIS map will be sent to TPL to update the ParkServe website. https://parkserve.lpl.org/mqpping/index.html?CiiylD=4819972 • With the assistance of the Technology Services Department, a GIS map can now identify regional areas that do or do not meet the 10-minute walk criteria. • With collaboration with various departments and UNT, PARD staff have created a map to identify possible future trails. This is currently a concept. However, if some of these 52 Date: August 30, 2019 Report No. 2019-170 trails were developed in the future, this will help increase park accessibility within a 10- Minute walk for Denton residents. CONCLUSION: As an ongoing effort, PARD staff continues to work towards improving the accessibility of parks within a 10-Minute Walk.With the incorporation of the 10-Minute Walk into the Parks,Recreation and Trail System Master Plan, this will help foster ideas and strategies to meet the current needs of Denton residents on an ongoing basis. In addition, the Parks, Recreation and Trail System Master Plan will also help plan for future population growth and density, which the City can strategize and prepare for to meet the 10-Minute Walk standards for every resident in Denton. STAFF CONTACT: Gary Packan Director of Parks and Recreation 940-349-7460 REOUESTOR: Council Member Briggs PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Parks and Recreation, Technology Services, Engineering, Real Estate STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 1 hour 53 Council Meeting Requests for Information Request 2019-586 CDBG Locations Can CDBG allocations be required to be located in specific areas around the City?How many 05/07/19 Kuechler/Shaw Community Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth lots/homes is Habitat for Humanity planning to purchase and build? 2019-628 Recycling Contamination Staff report on ways to reduce recycling contamination rates,including alternative bin designs 05/21/19 Boerner/Cox Solid Waste Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor/Meltzer and what cities with low contamination rates have done to educate the public. 2019-689 Mowing Contracts Comparison of cost for the City to conduct mowing in-house compared to contracting locally for 06/03/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor this service. 2019-698 Choctaw Update Staff update on Choctaw natural preservation project. 06/04/19 Kremer/Cox Public Works Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis 2019-778 Referencing Emails Discussion on addressing elected officials referencing emails in an open forum without providing 06/18/19 Wood City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth copies of the emails referenced as back-up material for the record. 2019-893 Criminal Trespassing Staff report with information on the number of criminal trespasses on City property and 07/17/19 Dixon Police Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor information on the Police Department's stance on the issue 2019-895 Freedom of Information Act Request for a work session regarding what is allowed when reaching out to a Freedom of 07/17/19 Leal Legal Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Legal Status report. Watts Information Act requestor 2019-980 Veteran's Hall of Fame Is there any space available downtown(or City property)to house the Veteran's Hall of Fame? 08/06/19 Rogers Economic Development Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor What kind of space do they need?Please include the CVB in discussions 2019-973 Police citizen review board How do other cities in the area conduct citizen police review boards? 08/06/19 Dixon Police Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 2019-972 DCTA Notifications How are DCTA notifications routed to City Council members? 08/06/19 Canizares City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 2019-978 VA Behavioral Health Facility Can the VA Behavioral Health Facility on Carroll be placed on a DCTA Bus Route? 08/06/19 Canizares City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor Bus Route 2019-985 Styrofoam Can we find alternatives to styrofoam plates and cups at City Council meetings? 08/06/19 Barnett Sustainability Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Watts 2019-1026 Construction Sign Clean Up What is the process to have construction signs removed once construction is completed? 08/13/19 Estes Capital Projects Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 2019-1025 Denton County Green Belt Is the City of Denton coordinating zoning and mobility plan with Denton County to ensure 08/13/19 McDonald/Packan Development Services/Parks Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs consistency with the Denton County Green Belt plan? 54 Other Council Requests for Information Title Request 2019-079 Verizon/Frontier Pole Debt Update on the Verizon/Frontier pole attachment debt. 12/03/18 Puente/Morrow/Adams DME Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Legal Status Report. Meltzer I 2019-414 Street Contractors Prepare a list of contractors who were found to have done faulty compaction work leading to 04/02/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer street failures. 2019-600 City Funds to Outside Entities Staff report on City funds provided to outside entities including partnerships where real estate is 05/14/19 Gaines/Wood Finance/City Manager's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis provided(cash or in-kind),or funding for salaries is provided and the requirements placed on those entities. 2019-699 Turnover Data Staff report on turnover rates by department at all pay levels(part time,full time,and seasonal) 06/04/19 Romine Human Resources Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor including which department have the highest turnover rates and at what pay grades the turnover occurs,costs associated with turnover to the department,and known reasons for turnover. 2019-898 Pedestrian Issue on Longridge What can be done to address pedestrian crossing at Longridge and Teasley? Vehicles are not 07/17/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs stopping for pedestrians at this crossing to South Lakes Park 2019-929 Sidewalk Access Issue Information on sidewalk obstruction on Elm Street where the sidewalk is currently blocked for 07/26/19 Kremer/Bentley CIS/Public Works Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report Hudspeth additional business parking. 2019-940 Fry Street Entertainment District Review the use of the Historic Tax Abatement Incentives to encourage redevelopment in the 08/01/19 Rogers Economic Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer Entertainment area. 2019-1012 Mayhill Pedestrian Access from Information on plans to improve pedestrian connectivity where 380 meets 377,connecting to the 08/11/19 Estes/Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor 380 Mayhill pathway. 2019-1017 Township II Gas Line Information on the gas line cut on Sandy Creek an has the first rupture been addressed? 08/12/19 Canizares City Manager's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 2019-1038 Bonnie Brae sequencing Can the City sequence the Bonnie Brae project based on public convenience and efficiency 08/18/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer rather than on timing of funding? 2019-1040 Adding ODB funding to the At Tuesday's work session during the budget discussion,can we discuss/request adding$15k for 08/18/19 Gaines Finance Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor supplementary budget ODB to the supplementary budget at a higher tier since it meets both 2019 and 2020 Council retreat goals, or would we need a separately posted Council work session item on it first?If the latter,how soon would such a work session have to be scheduled to get it on the 2020 budget? 2019-1042 Partnership with DISD Can staff explore partnering with Denton ISD to achieve the 10-minute walk to parks goal? 08/19/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the August 30 Friday report. Briggs 2019-1045 Dallas Drive/1-35 Traffic safety concerns exiting 1-35E at Dallas Drive.What can be done to improve safety at the 08/20/19 Estes/Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs intersection near Calloway's to help improve safety? 2019-1051 Non Toxic Neighborhoods Did NTN respond with any opportunities? 08/21/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the August 30 Friday report. Hudspeth 2019-1054 Ryan Ranch stop sign Can a stop sign be reinstalled at the intersection of Dawnlight Drive and Waterside Place in the 08/22/19 Deshmukh Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Ryan Ryan Ranch neighborhood off Hickory Creek Rd in south Denton? 2019-1059 Restriping Can an annual restriping program be added to the 2020-21 budget discussions?This is to 08/25/19 Jahn Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report Hudspeth restripe all roads,curbs,parking lots,etc.to include staff,equipment,and supplies 2019-1060 Illegal parking on Oakland What can be stop cars from parking in non-parking areas or too close to corners on Oakland 08/26/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Street Street? 2019-1061 Atmos road repairs What's the status on Atmos repairs on Mistywood?Could they also look at repairing the 08/26/19 Canizares CMO Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs intersection of First Street and Locust St? 2019-1063 Speed limit signs for parks How can we remind drivers about the speed limit change in front of the park on Nottingham Rd? 08/26/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 2019-1067 Vibe Apartments Concerns expressed regarding conditions and security at the Vibe Apartments in Denton. 08/27/19 Hedges/Dixon/McDonald Fire/Police/Development Services Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 2019-1066 TWU related traffic concerns What can be done about traffic issues along Oakland and Locust and the overcrowding of the 08/27/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs TWU lot along Woodland? 2019-1068 Intersection of Carroll and What can be done to improve safety at this intersection?Drivers remark that the flashing yellow 08/27/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. University light is hard to see and it's difficult to see oncoming cars. 2019-1069 Council meeting video audio Can the audio from 8/27 Council meeting be fixed? 08/28/19 Matthews Public Affairs Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 2019-1072 Cost breakdown of traffic stop Can you please provide Mr.Turner with an itemized breakdown of the total cost?And can you 08/28/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor let him know how much would it be just for the body camera footage from the camera of the officer who turned with him onto Carroll from Bell and did most of the talking to him once they pulled him and his passengers over? 2019-1071 Possibility of refinancing Does the current low long-term interest rate environment present any refinancing opportunities 08/29/19 Puentes/Gaines Finance Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer for the city? 2019-1074 Bike share How can we ensure that bikes which are part of the bike share program aren't being left in the 08/29/19 Oliphant Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs right-of-ways?Has VeoRide changed its operating model and if so,why? 2019-1077 TIRZ ADA Accessibility How many retail businesses in the TIRZ are not currently accessible today?What is the cost 08/29/19 Rogers Economic Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer range for them to become accessible?Can you coordinate with the Disability Committee on definitions of accessibilty? 2019-1078 ADA Accessibility Issue Can staff assess the issue of a step in the middle of the sidewalk behind J&J's related to ADA 08/29/19 Estes/Oliphant Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor access. 2019-1079 Habitat for Humanity Are there any records of Habitat for Humanity buildings being denied at 707 Lakey? 08/29/19 McDonald Development Services Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 2019-1076 Palladium Stop Sign Can a stop sign be added at Palladium for the exit heading to Poinsettia? 08/30/19 Jahn Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 55 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Monday, September 9,2019 11:30 AM Work Session Room Special Called/Joint Meeting with the Economic Development Partnership Board After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Joint Meeting with the Economic Development Partership Board on Monday, September 9, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas at which the following item(s)will be discussed: AGENDA ITEMS A. ID 19-2063 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Economic Development Partnership Board roles,responsibilities, and membership structure. B. ID 19-2064 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Economic Development Investment Fund. C. ID 19-2065 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the City of Denton's economic development strategies and the development of an economic development strategic plan. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2019 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM IS ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page I Printed on 812812019 56 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, September 10, 2019 1:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 12:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday September 10, 2019, 12:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 19-1646 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Pay As You Go prepaid metering program. B. ID 19-1779 Receive a report, hold a discussion and give staff direction regarding credit and collections performance and processes. C. ID 19-2099 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Atmos rate-making process and the proposed Atmos 2019 natural gas rate increase. D. ID 19-1961 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the FY 2019-20 City Manager's Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five-Year Financial Forecast. E. ID 19-2068 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the nomination of members to the Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District. F. ID 19-2112 Receive a report,hold a discussion,and give staff direction on non-disclosure agreements. G. ID 19-2083 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for information. Page I Printed on 813012019 57 City Council Meeting Agenda September 10,2019 Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 19-1799 Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.086. Deliberate and discuss competitive information regarding public power operational and financial matters pertaining to the purchases and risks of wholesale energy supply pertaining to the proposed electric budget. B. ID 19-2104 Deliberations regarding Real Property - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.072; Consultation with Attorneys - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071. Receive information from staff, consult with the City's attorneys, and provide direction pertaining to potential acquisition and use of the facility located at 401 North Elm Street, where discussion of these legal matters in an open meeting would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or otherwise compromise the City's legal position in any administrative proceeding or potential litigation. C. ID 19-2133 Consultation with Attorneys-Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consult with the City's attorneys regarding legal matters associated with non-disclosure agreements and/or confidentiality agreements and related policies; where a discussion of these legal matters in an open meeting would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas. Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Page 2 Printed on 813012019 58 City Council Meeting Agenda September 10, 2019 A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 19-1845 The 50th Anniversary Year of Denton Community Theatre B. ID 19-1986 Live United Month C. ID 19-2066 Celebrate Our Daily Bread's 1 Millionth Meal 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda, which is also known as the "open microphone" section, permits any person who is not registered for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. This section is limited to two open microphone speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) must file a "Blue Card" requesting to speak during this period,prior to the calling of this agenda item. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a fixture agenda; a statement of factual policy; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — K). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Page 3 Printed on 813012019 59 City Council Meeting Agenda September 10, 2019 Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 19-1689 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute an agreement by and between Monsignor King Outreach Center and the City of Denton and providing for the expenditure of funds for homelessness initiatives in the amount of $400,000 for enhanced shelter services in furtherance of the coordinated system of homeless assistance programs; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. B. ID 19-1690 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute an agreement by and between Monsignor King Outreach Center and the City of Denton and providing for the expenditure of funds for homelessness initiatives in the amount of $80,000 for emergency shelter facility improvements in furtherance of the coordinated system of homeless assistance programs; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. C. ID 19-2035 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute service agreements related to Public, Education, and Government (PEG) grants with the University of North Texas and the Denton Independent School District for their PEG channels; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and declaring an effective date. D. ID 19-2045 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Ancor Information Management LLC, dba Utilitec, for Utility and Miscellaneous Bill Print and Mail Services; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6975 - awarded to Ancor Information Management LLC, dba Utilitec, in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $1,951,725). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval (7 -0). E. ID 19-2046 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Denton, a Texas municipal home-rule corporation, Texas, approving a negotiated settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC") and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the company's 2019 rate review mechanism filing; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement; finding the rates to be set by the attached settlement tariffs to be just and reasonable and in the public interest; approving an attached exhibit establishing a benchmark for pensions and retiree medical benefits; approving an attached exhibit regarding amortization of regulatory liability; requiring the company to reimburse ACSC's reasonable ratemaking expenses; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; adopting a savings clause; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the company and the ACSC's legal counsel. F. ID 19-2080 Consider approval of the minutes of August 17 and August 20,2019. G. ID 19-2082 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a Professional Services Page 4 Printed on 813012019 60 City Council Meeting Agenda September 10,2019 Agreement between the City of Denton and Dannenbaum Engineering Company - Dallas, LLC, amending the contract approved by City Council on June 5, 2018, in the not-to-exceed amount of $183,839.97; said first amendment to provide Professional Engineering Services for the 2018 Denton Sidewalks Project in the amount of $135,715.59; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-007 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed$135,715.59, for a total contract amount not-to-exceed$319,555.56). H. ID 19-2090 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Assignment of an Airport Lease between Greenpoint Aerospace Corporation and US Trinity Holding, LLC; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(2-0). I. ID 19-2093 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Garver, LLC, amending the contract approved by City Council on August 21, 2018, in the not-to-exceed amount of $520,920; said first amendment to provide the construction administration service for the Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Dewatering Facility in the amount of $255,092; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-025 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $255,092, for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $776,012). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). J. ID 19-2111 Consider and confirm the re-appointment by the City Manager of Darhyl Ramsey to the Civil Service Commission for the term beginning September 1, 2019 and ending August 30,2022. K. ID 19-2121 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 1 to the contract between the City of Denton and DDM Construction Corporation, for the Bonnie Brae Roundabout; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7027 - Change Order No. 1 in the not-to-exceed amount of $585,310.35 for a total contract award aggregated to$3,490,847.05). 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 19-1978 Receive a presentation for an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, which would amend the City of Denton Code of Ordinances Section 2-29 to add that members of the public addressing the body through a translator will be given at least twice the amount of time as members of the public not requiring a translator. B. Z19-0006d Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, amending Ordinance 2015-217 to revise the overlay conditions on approximately 30.7 acres of land zoned Neighborhood Residential (NR-3) District, generally located on the southwest corner of Hinkle Drive and West Windsor Drive, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing for severability and an Page 5 Printed on 813012019 61 City Council Meeting Agenda September 10,2019 effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request (6-1). THIS ITEM WAS POSTPONED AT THE AUGUST 20, 2019 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. (Z19-0006d,Fireside Addition,Julie Wyatt) C. ID 19-2044 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Archer Western Construction, LLC, for the construction of Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant (LLWTP) filter backwash and sedimentation basin wash-down residuals dewatering facility for the Wastewater Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7096 - awarded to Archer Western Construction, LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of $8,124,640). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(7-0). D. ID 19-2030 Consider nominations and appointments to the Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone No. One Board (Downtown TIRZ), including appointment of a chairperson. E. ID 19-2060 Consider nominations/appointments to the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Airport Advisory Board, Animal Shelter Advisory Board, Board of Ethics, Committee on Persons with Disabilities, Community Development Advisory Committee, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Human Services Advisory Committee, Library Board, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Public Utilities Board, Traffic Safety Commission,and Zoning Board of Adjustment. F. ID 19-2069 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas authorizing the expenditure of funds for the payment of wholesale transmission charges in the total amount of $1,884,599.05 to Cross Texas Transmission for $107,104.68, Electric Transmission Texas, LLC for $400,935.39, Lone Star Transmission for $132,410.26, Lower Colorado River Authority for $634,435.18, Wind Energy Transmission Texas for $93,796.66,ONCOR-NTU for$515,916.88 and,providing an effective date. G. ID 19-2073 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Sun Coast Resources, Inc., for the supply of corrosion inhibitor and monopropylene glycol cooling water additives for Denton Energy Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7065 - awarded to Sun Coast Resources, Inc., in the three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$87,045). H. ID 19-2105 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas municipal home-rule corporation, approving an agreement between DB Denton II, LLC., a Delaware limited liability company, Allegiance Hillview, L.P., a New York limited partnership, and the City regarding the funding and construction of sanitary sewer improvements which are adjacent to and will serve portions of the Rayzor Ranch Development; and, providing for an effective date. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. ID 19-1882 Hold a public hearing on a proposal to adopt a tax rate of $0.590454 with a maximum Page 6 Printed on 813012019 62 City Council Meeting Agenda September 10,2019 allowable rate of $0.628802 per $100 valuation, which will exceed the lower of the effective or rollback tax rate. B. ID 19-1884 Hold a public hearing and receive citizen input on the FY 2019-20 Proposed Budget. 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2019 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 7 Printed on 813012019 63 September 2019 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o Lunch eon Mee tinn 2:30pmAgenda Committeeg go CouncilMeeting 4:OOpm Public Art Committee 11:00amDCRC NO 5:00pmP&Z Work Session NO 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session O-5:3 0 p m Tia ffic Sa to ty Commission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 a m Mob ility 11:00amEDP Board Committee 10:30 am COCE 11:30 am Joint Meeting 2:00 pm CC Work Session w/EDP Board 6:30pm CC Regular Se ssion 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5:3 0p m HLC 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Nketing 6:30 pm CC Regular :30pmP&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6:00p m Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday 11:00 TTF Board(TIRZ Bo a rd Session 29 30 4:00p m ZBA More Calendars from WinCalendar:Word Calendar Excel Calendar,Online Calendar 64 October 2019 1 2 3 4 5 o C o un c it Me a ting S:OOpm P&Z Work Session 4:OOpm Public At Committee 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11:30 am Council 9:00 am Mobility 11:OOamEDP Luncheon Committee 1:30pm Committee on the 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Environment Session 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00a m Public Utilities 2:00 pm CC Work Session S:OOpmP&Z Work Session 4:OOpm HaBSCo Nketing Board 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Se ssio n S:OOpm Committee on 5:30pm BIC Persons with Dis abilities 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 27 28 29 30 31 6:OOpm Public Utilities No Council Meeting Bo a rd 4:00p m ZBA 65 November 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 4:00pm Public At Committee luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00a m Pub lic Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility 11:00amEDP Board Committee 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm BIC Session 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4:00pm ZBA 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm MBSCo Nbeting 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 o C o u n c it Me e tin g 11:00am TIF Board(TTRZ#1) 66 Future Work Session Items 8/26/2019 Meeting Date Wk Currently Slated Work Session Items 9-Sep Lunch Joint EDPB/City Council Luncheon Non-Disclosure Pay-As-You-Go Credit and Collections Review of Council Budget Workshop Agreements Program Overview DCAD Nominations Atmos Rates Study Requests 10-Sep 19-1961 19-2112 19-1646 19-2068 19-2099 19-1779 19-2083 Amazon Smile City Council&Committee Review of Council Charity Care Contributions Rules of Procedure Roadway Impact Fee Requests 17-Sep DCTA Update Budget Workshop 19-1513 19-1681 19-1958 19-1933 19-2084 City Facility Naming Policy Audit Work Plan/Roadway Quality Economic Audit ON/Police Development Corridor Overtime Audit(IA) Review of Council Plan/Reinvestment Chamber Contract Utilities Management 19-2036,19-2037,19- Requests 24-Sep Gas Well Update Mosley Road Landfill Grant 19-1946 Study 2038 19-2085 10-7 Lunch Cole/Hunter Ranch City Council Appointee City Council Appointee Review of Council Development Services Employee Ethics Policy Review(Municipal Review(Internal Requests 8-Oct Certified Mailings Canopy Trails 19-018 Judge)-Closed Session Auditor)-Closed Session 19-2086 Construction Code City Council Appointee City Council Appointee Review of Council Review Board of Ethics Review(City Manager)- Review(City Attorney)- Requests 15-Oct 19-697 19-1952 Quiet Zones Relocation Policy Closed Session Closed Session 19-2087 Non-Profit Review of Council Development Fee Grant Commercial Food Accounts Payable Audit Requests 22-Oct Program City Hall West Vision Zero Diversion(October) (IA) I Mews Streets 19-2083 Affordable Housing/ Waste Reduction Outdoor Noise Housing Assistance Scooter Share Strategies 19-1716 Recreation Cost of November 4 DISD Municipal Rental Service Study Luncheon Right of Way Inspection Program 19-1721 (Demographer) Ordinance Follow-up Update Date TBD Manufactured Home Fire Standards of Financial Risk Group Home Code Cover(December 2 Disclosure Sobering Centers Amendment Luncheon) 19-2009 Purchasing Manual DME Budget Update Mews Streets Update (November) �Top priorities from Top Priorities from 4/23 3/4WorkSession Work Session 67 Street Closures Report Week of September 2-8,2019 TNPROVTNG 4COPiTv The Construction Pro ects Report is updated week) and reflects most City planned construction projects that impact traffic 1 p p Y Y p p J p for a minimum of 5 days.Construction projects not listed on this report may not meet this criteria,or are not a City of Denton DENTON DENTC managed improvement or construction project. Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Construction Completion Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS See Yellow Highlighted for Major Closures Concrete Sidewalk Repair Balboa Ct. Lido Way Cul de sac 8/12/19 9/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Streets (940)349-7160 Reopen after 5 pm) Website& d. Bla Rd. Mayhill Geeslin 3 18 19 10 31 19 Mayhill Project Bridge Engineering Nextdoor Part of Mayhill Roj gg y g / / / / (Temporary Street Closure) g g (940)208-4318 Widening Capital Project Notification Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 7/1/17 10/1/19 En ineerin 6 Street Widening g g /14/18 (940)349-8910 Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.I Vintage (No Street Closures) Capital Project Part of North South Water Water Main Replacement Website, Main Ph.II Capital Project Bonnie Brae St. Highland Park Willowwood 5/13/19 9/13/19 North South Water Main Ph.II Engineering Nextdoor (940)349-8910 (Temporary Street Closure) Notification (Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to 135E); Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.IV Roundabout Website, Capital Project(135E to Bonnie Brae St. Intersection of Scripture 6/13/19 9/3/19 Bonnie Brae Ph.IV Engineering 5/25/19 Nextdoor (940)349-8910 Scripture);One (Intersection Closure) Notification northbound lane and one southbound lane will be opened on 09/13/19. Storm Drain Demolition(Temporary Website, Brinker Rd. Loop 288 Quail Creek 7/8/19 9/29/19 Lane Closure) Drainage Nextdoor (940)391-6299 Notification Concrete Sidewalk Repair Cruise St. Fiste Comer 8/14/19 9/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Streets (940)349-7160 reopen after 5 pm) Concrete Replacement/Mill and Forrestridge Dr. Hobson Timbergreen 8/19/19 11/1/19 Overlay Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) 68 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Construction Completion Communication Contact: Notes Street repairs to follow on Hickory St. Fry Welch 8/16/19 12/19/19 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 Hickory from Welch to Carroll Part of Magnolia Drainage Street and Drainage Improvements Capital Project(Hinkle Hinkle Dr. US 380 Headlee 5/23/19 10/1/19 Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 from University to (Street Closure) Windsor and Windsor from Hinkle to Elm) Part of Magnolia Drainage Street and Drainage Improvements Capital Project(Hinkle Hinkle Rd. Headlee Windoor 7/3/19 10/12/19 Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Engineering 6/26/19 from University to (Street Closure) Windsor and Windsor from Hinkle to Elm) Wastewater Main Replacement Website, Completion date delayed Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 4/25/19 9/13/19 Wastewater Nextdoor (940)349-7128 (Temporary Street and Lane Closures) from 09/06/2019 Notification Lakeview Blvd. Blagg Stallion 8/19/19 9/20/19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Concrete Sidewalk Repair Lido Way Bell Cul de Sac 8/12/19 9/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Streets (940)349-7160 Reopen after 5 pm) Locust St. E.Prairie Maple 8/12/19 10/14/19 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Ph.I& Engineering (940)268-9726 II(Temporary Lane Closures) Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Street Widening Engineering 1/3/18,1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)208-4318 Part of Mayhill Rd. (Temporary Lane Closures) Widening Capital Project Storm Drain Installation and E.McKinney St. Grissom S.Fork 3/11/19 12/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 3/7/19 (940)349-8910 Part McKinney (Temporary,Intermittent Closures) Widening Capital Project Locust Substation Construction Myrtle St. Collins Daugherty 8/19/19 9/2/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Street DME (940)349-7669 Closures) Sidewalk Repair(Temporary Lane Newport Ave. Mockingbird Pace 8/12/19 9/13/19 Closure,Will reopen after 5 pm each Streets (940)349-7160 day) 69 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Construction Completion Communication Contact: Notes Water Improvements Orr St. Bolivar Locust 8 10 19 9/4/19 Wastewater and Streets / / (Temporay Lane Closure;Reopen at Water Website (940)391-0050 to follow end of each day) Water Improvements;Part of Orr Orr St. Intersection of Locust 8/19/19 9/4/19 Water Project(Temporary, Water (940)391-0050 Part of Orr Water Project Intermittent Lane Closures) Construction date delayed Wastewater Improvements from 08/24/2019. Orr St. Elm Locust 9/4/19 10/1/19 (Temporary Street Closure) Wastewater (940)349-7128 Completion date delayed from 09/21/2019.Street repair to follow. Drainage Improvements Part of Pec 4 Ph.I&II Prairie St. Locust Wainwright 7/31/19 10/1/19 Pec 4 Ph.I&II Engineering (940)268-9726 Capital Project;Closures (Termporary,Intermittent Street from Wainwright to Bell Closure) to follow Saddleback Dr. Intersection of Highpoint 8/26/19 9/6/19 Concrete Panel Repair Drainage (940)391-6299 (Temporary Lane Closure) Part of Bonnie Brae Roundabout Part of Bonnie Brae Scripture5t. Bonnie Brae 1000'ft west 8/13/19 9/14/19 Project Water (940)391-0050 (Temporary Street Closure) Roundabout Project Smith St. Johnson Dallas 9/3/19 10/1/19 Wastewater ImprovementsWastewater (940)349-7128 New Project (Temporary Lane Closure) 1200 ft west of 1200 ft east of Street Repair Part of Mayhill Rd. University Dr.(US 380) 6/3/19 9/16/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Lane Engineering Website (940)349-8910 Mayhill Mayhill Widening Capital Project Closures) ( ) 0.26 mi south Street Widening Public Meeting Ft.Worth Dr. US 377 IH 35E of FM 1830 12/3/18 12/12/ (Temporary 20Lane Closures during non- TxDOT 9/25/ (18 10/8 940)387-1414 peak traffic) Water Improvements Wayne St. Boyd Mozingo 9/5/19 10/9/19 (Temporary Lane Closure,Will reopen Water (940)391-0050 New Project at end of each day) Street Improvements Williams St. Oak Hickory 7/29/19 9/6/19 (Temporary Street Closure;Reopened Streets Website (940)349-7160 at end of each day) Wintercreek Dr. Kappwood Country Club 8/5/19 9/20/19 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets (940)349-7146 (Temporary Lane Closures) 70 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Construction Completion Communication Contact: Notes COMPLETED PROJECTS Bell Ave. Intersection of Mingo 8/27/19 8/30/19 Signal Improvements Traffic (940)349 7486 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closures) Bell Ave. Intersection of Sherman 8 28 19 8 2g 19 Signal Improvements Traffic / / / / (Temporary Lane Closures) (940)349 7486 New Completion Street Reconstruction Egan St. Lovell Malone 6/17/19 8/7/19 (Full Street Closure;Reopen at 5 pm Streets 6/11/19 (940)349-7160 daily) Sidewalk Repair Glenn Falls Ln. Blue Sky Lane Cul de Sac 7/1/19 8/2/19 (Temporary Lane Closure,Street will Streets 6/21/19 (940)349-7160 open after 5 pm) Hercules Ln. Sherman Huntington 3/25/19 8/30/19 Hercules Project Cleanup Water 3/4/19 (940)391-0050 New Completion (Temporary Lane Closure) Drainage and Street Improvements Wesbsite, Street repairs to follow on Hickory St. Intersection of Fry 6/12/19 8/16/19 Streets 5/30/19 Nextdoor (940)349-7300 (Street Closure) Hickory from Fry to Carroll Notification Drainage and Street Improvements Wesbsite, Street repairs to follow on Hickory St. Ave B Fry 6/12/19 8/16/19 Streets 5/30/19 Nextdoor (940)349-7160 (Street Closure) Hickory from Fry to Carroll Notification Street Reconstruction Highview Cir. Forrest Ridge Forrest Ridge 6/10/19 8/30/19 (Full Street Closure;Reopen at 6 pm Streets 5/6/19 (940)349-7160 New Completion daily) Huntington Dr. Hercules Sun valley 6/17/19 8/12/19 Water Main Replacement Water 3/24/19 (940)391-0050 Part of Hercules Water (Temporary Lane Closure) Project Water Main Replacement Johnson St. E.Collins E.Daugherty 5/29/19 8/6/19 (Temporary Street Closure;will open Water 5/6/10 (940)391-0050 at 6:00 pm daily) Street Resurfacing,Curb and Gutter Kendoph Ln. Underwood Willowwood 7/24/19 8/16/19 (Temporary Street Closure;will Streets 5/6/19 WeNotif anon or (940)349-7160 Notification reopen at end of each day) Kirby Dr. San Felipe Memorial 7/15/19 8/7/19 Street Panel/Sidewalk Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Signal Improvements McKinney St. Intersection of Woodrow 8/22/19 8/26/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Lane Traffic (940)349 7486 New Completion Closures) 71 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Construction Completion Communication Contact: Notes Mayhill Street Widening New Completion.Part of Morse St. Intersection of Mayhill 8/1/19 9/1/19 (Mayhill lanes open;No access to Engineering (940)349-8910 Mayhill Rd.Widening Morse from Mayhill) Capital Project Parkway St. Carroll Denton 7/22/19 8/9/19 Sidewalk Repair Streets Website (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Wastewater Improvements Sandy Creek Dr. Angelina Bend Angelina Bend 7/17/19 8/23/19 (Temporary Street Closure to Thru Wastewater Website (940)349-7128 New Completion Traffic,Will reopen at 6 pm each day) Sheraton Rd. Hercules 35oftnorth 6/17/19 8/12/19 Water Main Replacement Water 3/24/19 (940)391-0050 Part of Hercules Water (Temporary Lane Closure) Project Sherman Dr. Monterey Stuart 5/7/19 8/16/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater Website (940)349-8909 (Temporary Lane Closure) Sherman Dr. Intersection of Windsor 7/12/19 8/16/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater (940)349-8909 (Temporary Lane Closures) Curb and Gutter Replacement/Street Third St. Bolivar N.Elm 8 5 19 8 6 19 Resurfacing Streets / / / / (Temporary Street Closure,will (940)349 7160 reopen at end of each day Windsor Dr. Intersection of Sherman 8/16/19 8/20/19 Signal Improvements Traffic (940)349 7486 (Temporary Lane Closures) Windsor Dr. Intersection of Locust 8/21/19 8/21/19 Signal Improvements Traffic (940)349 7486 (Temporary Lane Closures) Drainage Improvements Part of Pec 4 Ph.I&II Wainwright St. Prairie Highland 7/1/19 8/1/19 Pec 4 Ph.I&II Engineering 6/20/19 (940)268-9726 (Street Closure) Capital Project Atmos Utility Relocation Wainwright St. Sycamore Bell 6/24/19 8/28/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Street Atmos 6/20/19 New Completion Closure) Yellowstone PI. Hercules 350 ft north 6/12/19 8/12/19 Water Main Replacement Water 3/24/19 (940)391-0050 Part of Hercules Water (Temporary Lane Closure) Project 72 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Construction Completion Communication Contact: Notes UPCOMING PROJECTS City of FM 2181 Denton Corint Lillian Miller TBD TBD Street Widening TxDOT TxDOT Project-currently / g (940)-387-1414 on hold h City limits Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) Construction date delayed 135E northbound service located 10/2/19 11/12/19 Wastewater (940)349-7128 500 ft west of Wastewater Improvements from 09/23/2019. road Bonnie Brae (Temporary Lane Closures) Completion date delayed from 11/02/2019. Massey St. Hwy 377 200'West 9/9/19 9/13/19 Street Boring Email TxDot (940)387-1414 (Street Closure) Notifications Water Main Replacement,Street Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 9/21/19 1/24/20 Repairs Water 12/17/18 (940)391-0050 Part of Mistywood Water (Temporary Lane Closure,Reopen at 6 Project pm daily) Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City TBD TBD Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering N A Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.I Southern RR g g / (940)349-8910 Capital Project (One Lane traffic control) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/28/19 TBD Street Repairs Streets 11/23/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Water Improvements Part of Mistywood Water Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 9/24/19 1/24/20 (Temporary Lane Closure;Will reopen Water (940)391-0050 at 6 pm daily) Project Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood 10/28/19 TBD Street Reconstruction Streets 11/23/18 (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Water Improvements y y / / (Temporary P ( Part of Mistywood Water Ro al Ln. Mistywood Rockwood 9 24 19 1/24/20 Lane Closure;Will reopen Water 940)391-0050 at 6 pm daily) Project Base Repairs Meet with Crews will move here Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets Electronic Signs business owners (940)349-7160 after work on Kerley St.is complete Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets (940)349-7160 Part of 2019 Street Bundle Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 10/9/19 12/8/21 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.II Bonnie Brae Phase 2 Capital Project 73