092019 Friday Staff Report CITY City Manager's Office °F 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: September 20, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, September 23, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Special Called Meeting in the Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. 3. Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Zone No. 1 Board Meeting on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 5. Board of Ethics Meeting on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Downtown Economic Development Committee on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.at the Serve Denton Board Room located at 306 N. Loop 288. II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics — The following items will be discussed during the September 24 City Council work session.Each week,the topics that will be presented during the next week's agenda will be included in the Friday Report the prior week. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office • Revisiting Back In Parking o Summary: The purported purpose of back-in parking on Hickory is safety. I understand the theory. But let's look at the reality of this OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service 1 particular application. In the last analysis shared with us it did not appear to me that there were fewer collisions after the change than before. We know it's a widely hated rule. We also know that as a practical matter people can readily park either way with the existing striping. We see it every day. If the rule is not in fact having the effect intended, my proposal would be to change the signs to say back-in parking recommended, i.e. not required. o Requestor: Council Member Meltzer o Date Requested: September 11, 2019 o Related Informal Staff Report: No. 2018-164 Back-in Parking on Hickory o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Policy Discussion • City of Dallas Welcoming City Information o Summary: Overview of the Welcoming Dallas Strategic Plan adopted by the City of Dallas. o Requestor: Council Member Armintor o Date Requested: August 28, 2018 o Related Informal Staff Report:No.2018-192 Dallas Welcoming City Information o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Work session request • Community Public Art Grants and Community Tree Grants o Summary: Our community improvement grant program probably already allows for a neighborhood or community group to request matching funds for installing public art or planting a tree in public space. However, I'd like to talk about separating these two kinds of projects into separate matching grant programs. I'd like to discuss starting a Tree Fund and a public art fund and how we could advertise these new programs to community groups. o Requestor: Council Member Davis o Date Requested: September 17, 2019 o Related Informal Staff Report: N/A o Policy decision or estimated staff time to complete report: Work session request B. PEC 4 Construction— On September 19, 2019 Council Member Briggs shared the business owner's concerns regarding PEC 4 construction impeding business entrances to the Adiago business center. The blockage yesterday was temporary while crew made progress on the PEC-4 project. Staff inspected the construction progress on Friday morning September 20,2019 and found the construction near the Adiago business center to be nearing completion and there are currently no obstructions to the business entrance. Staff will ensure that the project manager is aware of the concern and keeps the entrances as clear as possible for the remainder of construction. Staff contact: Todd Estes, Capital Projects 2 C. Organizational Changes — In response to recent staff leadership changes, the City Manager has implemented a few organizational reporting changes to improve coordination across operations and improve customer service. An ordinance will be in front of City Council on Tuesday, Sept.24 to confirm the reorganization as shown in the attached organizational chart and described below: • Human Resources: As shared with the organization on September 11, Carla Romine, Director of Human Resources, has provided notice of her retirement effective January 31, 2020, and Tiffany Thomson has been appointed the new Director of Human Resources. Tiffany joined the City of Denton in 2003 and recently supervised Customer Service, Municipal Court, and Animal Services departments as the Director of Customer Service. Tiffany will begin in her new role effective September 23, 2019. Carla will be assisting Tiffany as she transitions into the Director role and will assist Human Resources regarding the revision of policies and procedures, as well as job descriptions. Stephanie Lang in the City Attorney's Office has joined the Human Resources Department as the Deputy Director and will begin her new role September 23 as well. In this new role, Stephanie will also serve as the Civil Service Director with Police and Fire. Stephanie has extensive experience in employment law with over 15 years of experience and prior roles that include serving as EEO Officer for the City of Jackson, MI and later, as Legal Counsel for Chief of Police including advising on employment law matters, and serving as Assistant Director of Human Resources for Dallas County. • Customer Service,Municipal Court, and Animal Services: With Tiffany's transition, Customer Service,under Christa Foster, will move to report to Finance under Director of Finance David Gaines. Municipal Court, under Lorri Brighton, will report directly to Chief Financial Officer Tony Puente who will work with Municipal Judge Holly Fox. Animal Services,under Randi Weinberg, will move to report directly to Assistant City Manager Sara Hensley, who has experience overseeing animal services in prior municipalities. • Risk Management and Safety: The functions of Risk Management and Safety, currently under Human Resources, will each move to report directly to Assistant City Manager Sara Hensley, to focus on reviewing current policies and procedures, improve customer service response to claims, and evaluate ways to improve safety across the organization. • Chief of Staff: As shared through the August 30 Friday report, Rachel Wood has accepted the position of Deputy Director of Development Services to assist with leading process improvements with development review, documenting policies and procedures, and helping to lead the department through a major software implementation. With Rachel's departure, the Chief of Staff position has been restructured and Sarah Kuechler, Director of Public Affairs/IGR, is 3 managing the City's Secretary's office and City Manager's Office, in addition to Public Affairs and Community Development. Community Improvement Services (CIS), currently reporting to the Fire Department, is also being moved to report to the restructured Chief of Staff position, Sarah Kuechler, to allow Fire administration to focus on Fire Department operations. There is a natural synergy between Community Improvement Services and Community Development and this move will reinforce the continuation of process improvements and facilitate better connections between CIS and Community Development. Staff contact: Todd Hileman, City Manager D. True Worth Tour—On September 11, 2019, Community Development staff joined Council Member Briggs together with Denton nonprofit agencies Giving Hope,Inc., Our Daily Bread, Serve Denton, United Way of Denton County, Vision Ministries, and Woman to Woman to tour True Worth, a Presbyterian Night Shelter Enterprise that opened in 2016. True Worth promotes itself as a comprehensive resource center and day shelter in Fort Worth. The group toured the 46,000 square foot facility and received information about the resources available to guests. While there is no fee for services,True Worth does employ a points reward system that requires guests to participate in classes, case management, and/or volunteer to earn points in order to access a subset of services including lunch, toiletries, and laundry. Programs and services observed included: • A day shelter open 7:OOam to 3:OOpm daily with a lunch; • Restrooms, showers, toiletries, and laundry facilities; • A mailing address,telephones, 200+outlets for charging electronic devices, and temporary storage; • Computer Access; • Educational classes, employment, and enrichment programs; and • Case Management Presbyterian Night Shelter(PNS) is a nonprofit with a complex comprised of six(6) different facilities on six (6) acres. PNS describes its services as a 3600 approach providing emergency shelters for single men (330 beds) and women (130 Beds), a shelter for women with children (120 beds), transitional housing for veterans, a behavioral care facility for the severely mentally ill homeless, the True Worth day shelter with supportive services like the Clean Slate employment program, and connection to permanent housing solutions through case management. Adjacent to the facility is a John Peter Smith clinic offering health care services to PNS clients. PNS also has an arrangement with the nearby Humane Society offering services to clients with animals. The Union Gospel Mission and the Salvation Army shelter are within a few blocks of the PNS complex of services. PNS employs 150 staff and approximately 3,800 volunteers contributing 36,000 volunteers hours annually. It has 31 community partners that either office at True Worth or visit the site regularly to provide supportive services. True Worth staff indicated that about 1,000 people access PNS services daily and about 90% are daily repeat users. Staff contact: Danielle Shaw, Community Development 4 E. Sheraton Road Repaving Schedule — Public Works has finalized the schedule for replacing the temporary patch on Sheraton Road shared in the September 13 Friday Report. A contractor is scheduled to begin work October 1 and the estimated completion date is December 18. The project information sheet and project map is attached. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works F. Downtown Pedestrian Crossing—On September 15, 2019 Council Member Briggs requested information on behalf of a citizen inquiring if staff could add a mid-block crossing on Oak Street between the businesses on the north side of the street and the parking lot on the south side of the street, due to concerns about pedestrian safety on Oak Street near Austin Street. Staff has conducted a preliminary review and supports the installation of a marked crossing at the Austin Street/Oak Street intersection approximately 120' from the mid-block inquiry. Before staff can install the marked crossing, an additional study is required because there are no ADA accessible ramps at Austin Street and Oak Street. The two west corners are also going to be a challenge due to significant elevation differences on one corner and the presence of a stairway landing on the other(see pictures). Staff will provide an update with cost estimates for the crosswalk at Oak Street (on the east side), potential funding sources, and coordinate with the Street department regarding street improvements at this intersection in early October. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, Capital Projects G. Atmos Rate Increases and Denton System Improvements—On September 12,2019, Council Member Hudspeth requested information regarding Atmos rate increases and system improvements within the City of Denton for 2018. Specifically, the Council Member asked for the number of meters in Denton,the average bill increase per month per meter,the average annual rate increase for the City of Denton for the entire year, and the capital investment in the City of Denton by Atmos for 2018. Atmos provided the attached table with the requested information and additional comments. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs H. Podcast Files for Public Meetings — On Sept. 18, 2019 a resident emailed Council members to inquire if the City could make available audio,or podcast,files of public meetings. The email referenced a feature used by Granicus in creating podcast files. In November 2018, the City switched our video streaming and recording needs to Swagit and no longer uses Granicus for that service. There were continued video playback problems with Granicus and Swagit offered an improved quality service at a lower cost. Currently Swagit does not offer a podcast(audio file only) solution. As always, we are committed to doing more and will continue to monitor not only Swagit's offerings but other emerging technology solutions. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs I. Denton Plan 2030 Update — In October 2019, staff will send out a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a consultant to assist staff in the update of the Denton Plan 2030. This comprehensive plan sets goals, policies, and actions to manage growth, promote reinvestment, and improve the quality of life for Denton residents. Denton Plan 2030 was initially adopted in January 2015. It is best practice to update a comprehensive plan (which includes the Future Land Use Map) at least every five 5 to seven years to accommodate changes or unforeseen circumstances. Updating the comprehensive plan will also provide an opportunity to update existing data and assess the city's progress toward complete implementation of the outlined strategies. The assessment will have a summary of key accomplishments, impediments encountered, and recommendations to further implement the comprehensive plan in terms of priorities, timing, and assigned responsibilities. Additionally, the update will reflect current development conditions, ensure consistency with the Mobility Plan update, and incorporate unforeseen developments and circumstances that weren't included in the current comprehensive plan. Since 2015 the city has seen significant residential growth, specifically near the intersection of Loop 288 and Sherman Drive. The City has also seen significant commercial growth,specifically around the Rayzor Ranch and Downtown area. The surge in growth created a need to review and update our Mobility Plan to ensure that future growth aligns with planned thoroughfares throughout the City. The Mobility Plan update, scheduled to be considered for adoption and implementation soon,will be used to inform the comprehensive plan update. The update will also incorporate recent improvements such as the new Denton High School near Bonnie Brae and Loop 288,the widening of Mayhill Road and Bonnie Brae Street, and the Parks and Trails Master Plan update. The comprehensive plan update will be focused, only addressing specific elements. The update will include a public outreach plan to give citizens every opportunity to provide input and feedback during the update process. Prior to a scope of work being finalized and a consultant being selected, staff will present the details of a proposal in a Work Session to City Council in November/December. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services J. Texas Historic Commission State Board of Review Meeting in Denton—The Texas Historical Commission's State Board of Review met at the Emily Fowler Library Saturday, September 14th. The eleven-member board of architects, preservation consultants, archeologists, and allied professionals advises the State Historic Preservation Officer regarding National Register Nominations. Staff helped coordinate a tour of architecturally significant buildings throughout Denton including the Denton County Courthouse, First Christian Church, the Fairhaven Retirement Home, the Little Chapel in the Woods, City Hall, the Civic Center and the Emily Fowler Library. The John B. Denton College Neighborhood Historic District was nominated for inclusion on the National Register. Staff contact: Roman McAllen, Development Services K. Parking on Oakland Street—On August 26, Council Member Briggs asked what can be done to prevent illegal parking on Oakland Street, particularly cars parked too close to corners. It's important to note that Parking Enforcement Officers or Police Officers can issue parking citations for a variety of statutorily defined instances, such as violating the minimum distances related to crosswalks, traffic control devices, fire hydrants,posted No Parking areas, etc. The act of parking too close to a corner may in and of itself not constitute a violation if there is not a crosswalk (marked or unmarked) or some other sort of criteria that would warrant a citation. Both DPD Parking Enforcement and TWU DPS officers have been patrolling the 6 areas around the university on a daily basis (that classes are in session) since spring 2019. Police will continue this enhanced focus on parking violation enforcement around both universities. Staff is coordinating a public meeting to gather resident input and concerns to best inform a solution. The date and time of the meeting will be shared with Council as soon as it is finalized. Staff contact: Daryn Briggs,Police, Ryan Adams, Public Affairs L. Solid Waste&Recycling service changes—As of Oct. 1, certain curbside collection services will change, including yard waste, brush, and bulky item collection. To communicate these changes to residents, a 2019 Solid Waste Service Guide (attached) has been sent to every residential customer, which is expected to be delivered the week of Sept. 23. Social media outreach through the City's Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor channels will also provide residents with information on these changes. Based on initial resident feedback, staff have updated the Service Change FAQ (attached) on the City's website to provide detailed causes for the change and benefits to customers. Benefit examples include reduced waste from plastic bags,a decrease in employee injury risk,residents now being able to compost their pre-vegetative food waste with yard waste,and fewer Solid Waste&Recycling trucks required to deliver service. Recently added FAQs addressing service benefits are listed below: Why are these services changing? The services are changing to better fit customer needs, improve service equity, and increase routing and collection efficiency for yard waste and brush. For a list of service change benefits, see below. Yard Waste Service Change Benefits: • By using paper kraft bags or the yard waste cart, customers can reduce waste generated from using plastic bags; • Employee risk of injury will decrease, as they will no longer have to encounter sharp objects when cutting open or handling yard waste contained in plastic bags; • The yard waste cart allows customers to easily store their yard waste prior to pickup and roll it out to the curb; • Fewer Solid Waste and Recycling trucks will be needed to serve the City, resulting in reduced emissions and carbon footprint, fewer trucks on the road, and reduced operational costs; and • Customers wanting to compost their pre-vegetative food waste can combine it with their yard waste (pre-vegetative food waste includes spoiled fruits, vegetables, and stale bakery items). Bulky Item Service Change Benefits: • Where customers previously were allowed four bulky items picked up per year at no additional cost, customers may now have two items per week picked up at no additional cost; • No changes to scheduling process; and • Reduces illegal dumping by providing additional capacity for bulky item pickup. Brush Item Service Change Benefits: • No reductions in the amount of brush that can be placed for pickup; • By calling to schedule collection, residents can have brush picked up days other than the regular trash collection day; and • With scheduled service, fewer Solid Waste and Recycling trucks will be needed to collect brush,resulting in reduced emissions and carbon footprint, fewer trucks on the road, and reduced operational costs. A press release (attached) regarding the changes has been sent to media partners. Staff contact: Brian Boemer, Solid Waste & Recycling M. Public Art Traffic Box Wrap Pilot Project—In their PY 2018-19 HOT Funds budget, the Public Art Committee (PAC) allocated$5,000 to a traffic box wrap pilot project to inject art and creativity into the urban landscape. To expend those funds,the PAC selected two traffic boxes and art concept at their June 6,2019 meeting. The concept selected was to recreate the Original Denton District community art project boxes, with the locations selected being the traffic box on the corner of West Oak Street/North Locust and East McKinney Street/North Wood Street (photos attached).The goal of the pilot was to test the viability of a traffic box wrap project, monitor the durability of the wrap material, and seek feedback on the possible expansion of the program. Each wrap costs between $1,500 and $2,500 depending on the work needed to prepare and wrap the box. If the project is continued beyond the pilot, additional considerations will be given to developing a policy and program to create and select art/artists for the wrap designs and further coordination with Traffic and Engineering to select locations. In addition,the wraps will be limited to traffic boxes, as utility/electric boxes often have multiple warning signs or safety requirements that should not be covered. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development N. November 5,2019 Special Bond Election—The final Early Voting and Election Day Polling/Voting Locations lists from the Denton County Elections Department (DCED) have been received and are attached. The special election was ordered on August 13, 2019 (Ordinance 19-1831) and stipulates certain notification requirements. Steps are underway to ensure those requirements are met. Applicable bond election notices/information can be found at https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/2019bond, which will continually be updated as additional information is received. The Notice of Election is scheduled for posting September 24th and its publication set for the two consecutive weeks: Saturdays, October 12th and 19th. While DCED has been provided with the propositions, they do not anticipate having the full election ballot ready until early next week. This information too will be available online once received. Staff contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office O. Restroom at Carl Young Sr. Park—The restroom trailer located at the Splash Pad at Carl Young Sr. Park was removed after repeated vandalism, impropriety, and the need for repairs. Construction on a permanent restroom structure began last week and is expected to be completed by October 31. The Splash Pad's final day of the season is September 30. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation 8 P. Goats mowing pilot— Beginning September 23, the Parks and Recreation Department will start a pilot program employing goats for vegetation removal at Lake Forest Park. The objective of the pilot is to restore the beauty of Lake Forest Park in the heavily treed areas. This pilot program will last one month and will test the effectiveness of the goats in removing grass in the overgrown area of the park. The goats will be fenced off using goat-wire fencing and electric wire, which will keep them both safe and focused on one area. A donkey will accompany the goats during the month for extra security from natural predators. Signs will be posted informing park users of the goats, fencing, and electrical wire. The signs will also say not to pet the goats. The goats,who are natural browsers,will eat the poison ivy,brush,and weeds in the area. Using goats for brush and weed removal is a natural and sustainable option. During the pilot,Park Maintenance staff will work with the contractor caring for the goats to observe their eating habits, and evaluate their effectiveness on brush and weed removal. The contractor will check on the animals on an almost daily basis. They will confirm there is plenty of water, monitor their health and the fencing, and replace mineral blocks when needed. Park Maintenance staff will provide fencing, access to fresh water, and assist with animal evaluations. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation Q. Public Meetings on Proposed Amendments to the Existing Naming Policy —Three public meetings will be held by the Denton Parks and Recreation Department to discuss the proposed amendments to the existing Naming Policy Guidelines for City Buildings, Facilities, Land, or Any Portion Thereof. The meetings will be held October 2 at noon and 6 p.m., and October 9 at 6 p.m. at Denton Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney St. The public is invited to provide input on the additions that include adding a definition of naming rights and specifying the rights will be for a defined period of time as determined by City Council. Residents unable to attend are welcome to submit input to Gary Packan, Director of Parks and Recreation, at gary.packan@cityofdenton.com or to call (940) 349-7460. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation R. Denton Firefighters Respond to Tropical Storm Imelda— On Tuesday, September 17, 2019, the State of Texas activated TEEX Boat Crew resources to pre-deploy along the gulf coast in anticipation of the tropical system that was developing at that time. Denton Firefighters Hempstead, Bowden, Tye, Phillips, Kirschner, and Bufe went first to Victoria on Tuesday then Houston on Wednesday. On Wednesday night they were sent to the Beaumont area and, throughout Thursday, engaged in boat rescues of persons stranded by rising water.During this time,the Denton Boat Crew had engaged in rescues of over 200 persons. Staff will update the Council with any future developments, as needed. Staff contact: Kenneth Hedges, Fire S. National Night Out Update —National Night Out is a national community event to raise awareness about policing in neighborhoods. Across Denton, neighborhoods, homeowners' associations, and citizens' groups will hold block parties and 9 barbecues to encourage neighbors to get to know each other and engage with the local law enforcement agencies who work to keep the community safe. The City of Denton will host National Night Out events on Monday, Sept. 30 and Tuesday, Oct. 1. On Monday, Sept. 30, the Citywide Kickoff Party will be hosted the day before National Night Out to give residents another opportunity to meet public safety and local government officials. Residents are invited to attend this community celebration from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney St.). Join first responders,City officials and staff for an evening of free food,drinks, carnival games, and more for this community gathering. The City had 26 neighborhood groups sign up to host block parties on Oct. 1. Each block party will be attended by DPD Officers, with Fire Department, Solid Waste, Library, and other staff members attending various block parties throughout the City. Staff will share the block party event details with the Council via email so that individual Council members can coordinate their attendance at the various block parties. Staff contact: Amy Cunningham, Public Affairs T. New Ebook platform for the Library — On September 17, the Library officially switched their Ebook platform from OverDrive/Libby to C1oudLibrary. The decision to switch platforms was made, because C1oudLibrary provides a service called Cloudlink, which allows patrons to digitally checkout books from over 20 other libraries in Texas that also participate in this service. Cloudlink will activate in early October and will grow Denton Public Library's digital content from 18,000 to a collection of almost 125,000 Ebooks and audiobooks. In efforts to assist patrons in this platform transition, the Library is also offering C1oudLibrary Workshops, schedule listed below: • Emily Fowler Friday, Sept. 20, 3:30 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 28, 9 a.m. • South Branch—Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1 p.m. and Friday, Sept. 27, 4 p.m. • North Branch—Thursday, Sept. 19, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. (both the same day) For more information on CloudLibrary, visit the Library's FAQ page: ht!ps://Iibrga.cilyofdenton.com/screens/dpl cloudlibrmfaq.html. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker, Library III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Movie in the Park, "101 Dalmatians"—Friday, September 27 at 8 p.m. in Quakertown Park, 700 Oakland St. An inflatable bounce house will be set up at 6:30 p.m. and the movie will begin at 8 p.m. Guests are encouraged to bring blankets and lawn chairs. Concessions will be sold. Staff contact: Jennifer Eusse, Parks and Recreation 2. Kid's Fishing Tournament—Saturday, September 28 at 9 a.m. in South Lakes Park at the pond, 556 Hobson Ln. This is a free event for adults and 10 children ages 5-12. Check-in begins at 8 a.m. The tournament is from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Winners will be announced at 11:30 a.m. Staff contact: Tracy Durmick, Parks and Recreation 3. National Night Out Kickoff—Monday, September 30 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney St). A community wide event with carnival games, food, drinks, and more. Citizens can meet first responders. Staff contact: Jennifer Eusse, Special Events Supervisor, Parks and Recreation 4. National Night —Tuesday, October 1 with neighborhood block parry times and locations varying. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police and Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs B. Community Meetings 1. Brush Creek Apartments Neighborhood Meeting—Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Holiday Inn Express & Suites (4485 I-35). Staff contact: Cindy Jackson, Development Services 2. Mobility Plan: Bike Plan Focus Group Meeting—Wednesday, September 25 from 5:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at Sprockets Bicycle Shop (231 W. Hickory Street). Staff contact: Pam Alummoottil, Capital Projects 3. Public Meetings on Proposed Amendments to the Existing Naming Policy- Wednesday, October 2 at noon and 6 p.m., Wednesday, October 9 at 6 p.m. at Denton Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney St. IV. Attachments A. Updated Organizational Chart..............................................................................12 B. Sheraton Road Repaving Schedule ......................................................................13 C. Atmos Rates .........................................................................................................17 D. Solid Waste Service Changes...............................................................................18 E. Public Art Traffic Box Pilot.................................................................................26 F. Bond Election Information...................................................................................29 V. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................32 B. Council Calendar .................................................................................................33 C. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................36 D. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................37 11 Organizational Chart F., Boards,Commissions,&Committeey Attorney Municipal Judge Internal Audits City Manager Deputy city Manager Assistant City Manager Chief Financial Officer Development Services Engineering Animal Services Finance Planning Chief of Staff/Directs Building InspeGions Caplgl ProJecls Accounting I Budget I Treasury Fire City Manager's Office Police Engineering Development Review Customer Service LE City Secretary Technology Services Traffic Operations Business Process Improvement Performance Management Strategic Planning Public Safety Dispatch Community Devebpmentl Homelessness Initiatives Public Works Airport Community Improvement Services Economic Development Drainage Electric Operations Public Affairs I IGR Fleet Services Murcipal Court Procurementl Compliance Facilities Management Solid Waste Operations Human sources Streets Library Parks&Recr�tion Utilities Risk Managemer Safely Environmental Services Gas Well Review Sustainability Wastewater Operations Water Operations 12 Public Works Information Sheet 1. Location: Sheraton Rd (Hercules Lane-Juno Lane) 2. Proposed Date of Construction: 10/01/2019 3. Proposed Date of Completion: 12/18/2019 4. Brief Description of Project: • Utility line location to verify depth of utility lines • Damaged concrete replacement (curb, valley gutters, driveways, etc.) • Removal of asphalt(milling process) • Stabilize of subgrade with lime • Install new asphalt pavement The Sheraton Rd project is part of our bond program and is being contracted out to Jagoe- Public. Due to the deteriorating condition of the asphalt and subgrade, the street is in need of reconstruction. Residents are advised to refrain from parking in the street while workers are present unless otherwise advised. Please report all irrigation issues within 60 days of the project's completion. 5. Type of Closure: • Full Road/Street Closure:Yes_X_No • Temporary Lane Closure:Yes No_X_ • Which lane(s)will be closed,based on travel direction? Both traffic lanes will be closed • If closure is more than a two-lane road/street,specify inside or outside lane closure: N/A • Will road/street be reopened at the end of each day?What time? Traffic will be restricted to resident only from 7am to 7 pm • Any other special accommodations this closure may have? N/A 6. Local Traffic Impacts: Include a description of possible local traffic impacts. Descriptions should include: • Is this project near a school,university,college, church, or a venue that brings a high volume of traffic?Yes four blocks to the east is a school. • Is the time of year a factor such as holidays for churches,graduation,and other school events for schools?Thanksgiving and Christmas • Is this project near a park or recreation center while school is in session? No • Is this project close to or in a heavily traveled area of the City? No • Will sidewalks be safely accessible?N/A • Will bike lanes be safely accessible? N/A 13 • Will flaggers be controlling traffic? No List any possible known issues this project may create so staff can take measures to address and eliminate these complications. N/A 7. Special Requirements: Are multi-family residences in the impact area of this project?No a. Details,include properties if applicable: Will all cars need to be removed from street/road between a specific timeframe?Yes a. During working hours unless otherwise advised Will detours be provided?Yes a. Details,include time frames if necessary: Will all residents have access to their homes? a. Details: Yes but will be impacted during working hours Will driveways be accessible?no a. Details,include timeframes if necessary: Driveways marked for removal will be notified 24 hours before removal. During this time driveways will be inaccessible for 24 hours. 8. Public Outreach: • Will apartment offices in the immediate area be notified? N/A • Will business property owners in the impacted area be notified? N/A • Will door hangers be distributed?Yes • Will door hangers be distrusted to individual residences in multi-family complexes in the impacted area? (Apartments, Mobile Homes, Duplexes,Townhomes, etc.)N/A • Will sign boards be in place?No 9. Funding Source: 2012 Bond 10. Council District: 2 12. Contact Information: Name: Joey Hubble Title: Project Manager E-mail:jhubble iagoepublic.com Phone: 940-735-3985 14 Name: Robbin Webber Title: Streets Operations Manager E-Mail: Robbin.Webber@cityofdenton.com Phone: 940-349-7146 15 4&-- Sheraton Rd (Hercules - Juno) DENTON JUNO LN JUNK�N a �/IKA ST z O 2 Q U) Q t~ O W LU 2 E��T ST MEADOW HILL ST fn w Q f HERCU LIE SLN HERCULES LN HERCUL•ES L•N mmmmF- A Project Extent - Parcels NORTH 0 125 250 500 Feet DISCLAIMER: The City of Denton has prepared this map for departmental use.This is not an official map of the City of Denton and should not be used for legal,engineering,or surveying purposes,but rather for reference purposes only.This map is the property of the City of Denton, and has been made available to the public based on the Public Information Act.The City of Denton makes every effort to produce arVpublish the most current and accurate information possible.No warranties,expressed or implied,are provided for the data herein,its use or its interpretation.Utilization of this map indicates understanding and acceptance of this statement. Atmos Energy 2019 RRM Denton Analysis Industrial & Residential Commercial Transmission Total Customer Counts 19,483 2245 10 21,738 2019Avg Bill increase $ 2.05 $ 6.18 $ 159.53 Avg Annual Revenue Increase $ 479,282 $ 166,489 $ 19,144 $ 664,915 2018Annual Denton Capital Expenditures $ 9,250,987 Return on Capital (Pre-Tax Return) 9.34 o $ 863,759 Additional Comments from Atmos: Please see the attached for the comparison the City of Denton was requesting. As you know, rates are based on a systemwide cost of service. The analysis is a very high-level view of the overall return associated with the investment. It does not include O&M or other related expenses as it is difficult to assign to a specific city.The capital spending in each city can fluctuate year to year and is based on our pipe replacement model. Our comprehensive prioritization model takes many factors into consideration, including maintenance history, age, material, construction methods, and other factors. We adjust the prioritization of replacement projects and system monitoring accordingly. This is consistent with prior operating practice and required by federal and state regulations. The risk-based approach guides our work. For any segment of pipe that is identified as being highest relative risk, the pipe is either scheduled for replacement or accelerated action is taken by scheduling it to be leak surveyed more frequently. Each year, we reassess the performance of our system and re-prioritize our work based on that performance. Based upon our comprehensive pipe prioritization model, the mains and service line projects identified for 2020 are currently in the design phase. Upon completion of the design, we will work with City Staff as part of our normal communication process regarding any future investment in our infrastructure. 17 2019 Solid Waste & Recycling Service Change FAQ If you have more questions, please call Customer Service at (940) 349-8700. What services are changing? Starting Oct. 1, 2019, customers will see a change in a select number of their curbside collection services. Weekly trash and recycling collection will remain the same, but services like bulky item collection, brush collection, and yard waste collection will be updated. Bulky Item Changes For bulky item collection, customers will now be able to place two bulky household items (excluding construction items) at their curbside every week and have them collected after scheduling a pickup with Customer Service at (940) 349-8700. ""MLAM _ n Figure 1:Bulky Item Example Brush Collection Changes Customers will still be able to place up to four cubic yards of brush at their curbside and have it collected as a part of their monthly rate, but now, all brush collection will need to be scheduled with Customer Service to be picked up. For any brush over four cubic yards, customers will be billed at$75/hour in quarter-hour increments ($18.75/15 minutes). u Figure 2:Brush Example 18 Yard Waste Yard waste will now be a subscription-based service that customers must opt into to receive service. Yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, and weeds that are placed in carts or kraft bags.There will be two yard waste collection options: • Cart Service: Purchase a $20 Cart (one-time purchase. Customers may have multiple carts) with a $0.50 monthly service fee. Customers with carts can also put out an unlimited number of kraft bags at no additional charge. • Kraft bags: Place an unlimited amount of paper kraft bags at curbside for a $1 monthly fee. Kraft bags are available at local hardware or retail stores. Plastic bags will not be picked up. To opt into yard waste service, call Customer Service at(940) 349-8700. 1; Figure 3:Kraft bags Figure 4:Yard waste cart Why are these services changing? The services are changing to better fit customer needs, improve service equity, and increase routing and collection efficiency for yard waste and brush. For a list of service change benefits, see below. Yard Waste Service Change Benefits: • The yard waste cart allows customers to easily store their yard waste prior to pickup and roll it out to the curb; • Customers wanting to compost their pre-vegetative food waste can combine it with their yard waste (pre-vegetative food waste includes spoiled fruits, vegetables, and stale bakery items); • By using paper kraft bags or the yard waste cart, customers can reduce waste generated from using plastic bags; 19 • Employee risk of injury will decrease, as they will no longer have to encounter sharp objects when cutting open or handling yard waste contained in plastic bags; and • Fewer Solid Waste and Recycling trucks will be needed to serve the City, resulting in reduced emissions and carbon footprint, fewer trucks on the road, and reduced operational costs. Bulky Item Service Change Benefits: • Where customers previously were allowed four bulky items picked up per year at no additional cost, customers may now have two items per week picked up at no additional cost; • No changes to scheduling process; and • Reduces illegal dumping by providing additional capacity for bulky item pickup. Brush Item Service Change Benefits: • No reductions in the amount of brush that can be placed for pickup; • By calling to schedule collection, residents can have brush picked up days other than the regular trash collection day; and • With scheduled service,fewer Solid Waste and Recycling trucks will be needed to collect brush, resulting in reduced emissions and carbon footprint, fewer trucks on the road, and reduced operational costs. How can I opt-in for yard waste pickup? Call Customer Service at (940) 349-8700 to opt-in for yard waste collection. Where can I buy kraft bags? Kraft bags are available for purchase at local hardware stores. How can I get a yard waste cart? To opt-in to yard waste service and request a cart, call Customer Service at (940) 349-8700. Carts are 95 gallons.They are available for a one-time fee of$20 per cart. Customers may purchase as many carts as they'd like. Customers with a cart may also place an unlimited number of kraft bags at the curb for collection. 20 Can I pre-order a yard waste cart? Yes,yard waste carts can be pre-ordered through Customer Service. Call (940) 349-8700 to order a cart now, and it will be delivered to your home on Oct. 1. What is the difference between brush and yard waste? Brush includes limbs, branches, and bushes,while yard waste is designated as grass clippings, weeds, and leaves. What is considered a bulky item? Large household item not related to remodeling. Examples of bulky items include sofas, lamps, and chairs. Large items that can be collected for an additional fee include: • Construction and demolition waste such as lumber, brick,fencing, drywall, carpet, and fixtures. • Televisions, monitors, laptops or anything with a screen. • Any appliances containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or refrigerants such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners or water coolers. Refrigerants are disposed of properly at a permitted disposal facility. What do I do if I have excess waste? Customers may have excess waste for different reasons, because of this,there are various ways to dispose of this waste, including getting a larger cart or temporary dumpster, or taking waste to the landfill.To find the best disposal method for you, call customer service at (940) 349-8700. Which collection services do I need to call for pickup? • Brush collection • Bulky item collection • Home chemical collection • Electronic collection • Remodeling refuse 21 KNOW YOUR COLLECTION DAY — -- ` V Monday Tuesday _ I Wednesday Thursday A -we � 2� <y of D4�0 �. �f 2 z E '9S7*E& HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 0 Collection may be delayed one day on the v following dates: o Y CITY OF DENTON • Nov.28,2019 Thursday only affected � �� • Dec. Wednesday&Thursday affected y 3 SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING • Jan.1,2 202020 Wednesday&Thursday affected = 3 • Jan.20,2020 Whole week delayed one day d co • May 25,2020 Whole week delayed one day o Ln SERVICES GUIDE • July 4,2020 No effect v E • Sept.7,2020 Whole week delayed one day E o • Nov.26,2020 Thursday only affected aService changes • Dec.25,2020 No effect o oC o ai p; Read more inside. Sign up for waste service reminders on the = W Engage Denton app. T N 0 STAY CONNECTED ca Nun o Q /Cityof Denton Recycles o C � rq o N N �Ln ) Download the Engage Denton app 1 t Customer Service: (940) 349-8700 CM o '. o www.dentonrecyctes.com j Z Para obtener informacion en espanol, [lame A 22 � .1 (940) 349-8700. vi I SERVICE UPDATES Yard Waste Collection (Updated) I RESIDENTIAL RATES As of Oct. 1, 2019, the City of Denton will update Yard waste will now be a subscription-based EFFECTIVE OCT.1,2019 certain curbside collection services to better fit service that customers must opt-in to receive I Service Rate ACtion customer needs, improve service equity, and service.Yard waste includes grass clippings, increase routing and collection efficiency. See the leaves, and weeds that are placed in kraft bags I Trash ti Recycling Standard Carts-$24.51 Place carts at list below for information on updated services. or carts. Customers may opt-in using one of the collection per month curb 7 a.m. I Large Carts-$29.26 per on da collection two options below. month y Trash and Recycling Collection y1 Cart service: Purchase a $20 Cart (one-time Brush Collection 4 cubic yards a week call Customer Customers will continue to receive weekly trash purchase). Customers may have multiple carts included in monthly rate Service 1 day and recycling pickup. Rates will remain the same I • $18.75/15 min.for prior to pickup Y g p p with a $0.50 monthly service fee. Customers brush over 4cubic Vards as 2018, which decreased by 12.5 percent from with carts may also put out an unlimited Home Chemical • Included in monthly Call Customer 2017. Standard carts will remain $24.51/month, number of kraft bags at no additional charge. I Collection rate Service for pick and large carts will remain $29.26/month. Kraft bags: Place an unlimited amount of paper up or drop off 9 p p at collection Services also included in the monthly rate are kraft bags at curbside for a $1 monthly fee. I facility bulky item collection (2 items weekly), brush Kraft bags are available at local hardware or Yard waste Purchase$20 cart with Call Customer collection (4 cubic yards or less), and home retail stores. Plastic bags will not be picked up. I Collection $0.50 monthly fee;or Service to chemical collection. $1 monthly fee,kraft opt-in To opt-in to yard waste service, call bags not included Home Chemical Collection Customer Service at (940) 349-8700. Bulky Item 2 items a week included Call Customer Collection in monthly rate Service 1 day Home Chemical collection is included as a : . a $5 fee for every extra prior to pickup service in the monthly rate.To schedule collection, item perweek call Customer Service at (940) 349-8700 at least on I Electronic $20 per item Call Customer day prior to pickup. Customers may also drop off Collection Service 1 day household chemicals at the Home Chemical I prior to pickup Collection facility located at 1527 S. Mayhill Rd. I For more info, visit www.dentonrecycles.com. Bulky Item Collection (Updated) I TRASH OR RECYCLING? Included in the monthly rate,this service allows Recycle these HERE customers to set out two large household items Brush Collection (Updated) for collection eve week. Bulk Items are Empty,clean,dry&loose every Y � Brush collection up to 4 cubic yards is included as I household items that are not related to a service in the monthly rate.This service mustom remodeling — including but not limited to sofas, be scheduled for pickup at least one day prior to large [amps, chairs,tables, and more. 9 p collection by calling Customer Service at I Plastics Mixed Paper cartons #1.7 Bulky item pick-up must be scheduled at least (940) 349-8700. )" one day prior to collection by calling Customer Brush includes limbs, branches, bushes, etc. All I 1ez� � id%W Service at (940) 349-8700. Items over the weekly brush will need to be cut to 6 feet and placed Aluminurn&Steel Cardboard Glass Bottles , I limit will incur a $5 fee per item. curbside to ensure Solid Waste will be able to Electronic Collection collect it. For brush � �� � Trash these HERE more than 4 cubic ; I Bag all items before !� Televisions and computer monitors may be yards, customers I placing in trash collected curbside. For this service, call will be billed I�I Customer Service at (940) 349-8700 one day prior $75/hour in . } �F- i � Soiled Food Food to pickup. A collection and handling fee of$20 per quarter-hour 's'' .. 'I, Containers device applies. increments >;• . ($18.75/15 minutes). " f ''� I A 1 , I sty,oloam Trash Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Service Changes Coming Oct. 1 Changes Include Updated Brush, Bulky Item, and Yard Waste Curbside Collection DENTON, TX, Sept. 20, 2019 — The City of Denton will update certain curbside collection services, starting Oct. 1, to better fit customer needs, improve service equity, and increase service efficiency and routing. Monthly solid waste and recycling rates will remain the same as the 2018 rate, which decreased by 12.5 percent from 2017. Services that will see updates include brush, bulky item, and yard waste collection. Brush and bulky item collection will still be included as services in customers' monthly rate, allowing residents to place 4 cubic yards of brush and two bulky items curbside for weekly collection. This is an increase from the four bulky items per year that were previously permitted. For any brush more than 4 cubic yards (approximately the same size as four washing machines), collection will cost $75 per hour in quarter-hour increments ($18.75/15 min.), and any bulky items over the weekly amount will incur a $5 fee per item. For brush and bulky item services, customers are asked to call Customer Service at (940) 349-8700 at least one day prior to collection to schedule pickup. Not included in the monthly rate, yard waste collection will now be a subscription-based, opt-in service. Customers are asked to call Customer Service at (940) 349-8700 to opt-in to the service and select a subscription. Customers will have two subscription options placing their yard waste in paper kraft bags and paying a $1 monthly fee, or they can purchase a yard waste cart from the City for a one-time fee of$20 and pay a $0.50 monthly fee to have the yard waste cart service. Residents may purchase kraft bags at any local hardware store or retailer. Yard waste contained in plastic bags will not be collected. "We're excited to roll out these new changes," said Brian Boerner, Director of Solid Waste and Recycling. "These updates will allow us to customize service for residents. For example, customers can place brush and bulky items curbside and have them collected on a date other than their weekly trash collection day. Plus, by making yard waste an opt-in service that's collected weekly, we're cutting the amount of time our service vehicles will be on the streets looking for waste, increasing collection efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint." These service changes were presented to the City Council on Aug. 20, 2019. To communicate these service changes, the City mailed a 2019 Solid Waste and Recycling Guide to all residential customers, which is scheduled to be delivered the week of Sept. 23. Customers may also find information on the updated Solid Waste & Recycling webpages at www.dentonrecycles.com. Included in these webpage updates is a 2019 Service Change FAQ and a new Waste Wizard app, which customers can use to search items and receive disposal directions. 24 Social media outreach through the City's Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor channels will also notify residents of these service changes, including a "DTV Newsbreak" segment in which residents will get a look at the new yard waste cart and see an example of a kraft bag. Residents will also receive an update on these changes through the Resident Update newsletter,and the 2019- 20 utility rates brochure included with the October utility bill. For additional information on these service changes, see the attached service guide or visit www.dentonrecycles.com. Attachment: 2019 Solid Waste & Recycling Service Guide Contact: Ryan Adams, (940) 349-8565, Ryan.Adams@cityofdenton.com Visit www.cityofdenton.com for more news and to stay updated. 25 • i A i �I j IA WT M OL 1IT O y -0 016 SV= tom'!► '1 -•�' - r .. Nt .. r Lw 00 .9- k0I OC _ Fop cat No o — %IVONE to - �0,4 pe •- , JI IV �.. C9 t 2 ' r AWHO r SFinn % ' Y NL AM -� IL =A 00 dne t,. f Y � A f �• - S f S� v " � C .• 'lac ' '': !1 ,.;f I ;� - �,•, Fes . '�.'.n .� .`, � ��t, � 1I �t.•1�. �1 l • - IT -1117al f \ •Y�` N •a 1 1`, ,1 'Mr uiN II• / I _ r f ,�• ,' ., -�I�i r�0 'Jll�t �®� i•,jfi9 ? i - �'.- ,\ l-�ews � 11vY��I 1 `1 ' .o .f Ys •' �''+"a\ �°tl ' ( � s cP to ---•—• -. {. .Ja.r Ile ';� — v• � I.,'a' � :,..����y0t�• °•w• hoc cN E ��, ," `.�-- • V� S'1 * pr ��(7 Llr y �• ?'r 'r ,`� �l`�{I5',c ♦I 0,�.,��,�\VVV••• � "` i I 2 I 1 I" �T qlC Aa`\� ay.11, �1 ry 1.� • _`' �� `_• - .- •.t- 1 "fit 1 .�",.,M a t. L.fI, _../�,.`v�� /•i� INPr.�U� N - IYa�sr� •� e� 7 {i:��I'_ Ea i7awn HE!.V-�tr, M �is�I�eTR `q I r j• d -,/ ' \ zr ���` ' rDT i• '�ij` `_ LIGHTING I' >• - s c �^' "•t! L� 1 i � •SIGNALS - •� I�EY �,y � , (� � �: +� I �"Fv, Imo' � • • - . 1J IMP 4 _ sss � ��" ��' �• �tlNlNl ,, ,. � _3•„rye � �� � +� �; m� II,,��° ® - - --�•:�-- ii � M' �o •� , u, _ � A � '� IL l s e�' +. � � ° � � ��� ; • I -vou s, lei 47 ,I�\.. N o� • ISRBf1lp WAs NEREI,V Or `l),,1q 1 IT r Via 1V o `� 4 ✓1 f• This schedule of early voting locations,dates and times applies to voters in the following cities, towns,schools,special districts and the county:(Este horario de casetas de votaci6n adelantada,sus fechas y tiempos aplican a los votantes en las siguientes ciudades,pueblos, escuelas,distritos especiales y el condado): Coppell, Denton, Flower Mound, Big Sky Municipal Utility District, Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 6,The Lakes Fresh Water Supply Districts of Denton County, Northlake Municipal Management District No.2,and Smiley Road Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE DAYS AND HOURS (DIAS Y HORAS DE VOTACION TEMPRANO POR APARICION PERSONAL) October(octubre)21 - 25 Monday—Friday(Lunes-Viernes) 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. October(octubre)26 Saturday(s6bado) 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. October(octubre)27 Sunday(Domingo) 11:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. October(octubre)28—31 Monday—Thursday(Lunes-lueves) 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. November(Noviembre)1 Friday(Viernes) 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Location Address Room City Zip Code (Ubicaci6n) (Direcci6n) (Sitio de Votacidn) (Ciudad) (Codigo Postal) 1 Carrollton Public Library 4220 N.Josey Ln. Meeting Room Carrollton 75007 2 Corinth City Hall 3300 Corinth Pkwy. Council Workroom Corinth 76210 3 Steven E. Copeland Government Center 1400 FM424 Community Room Cross Roads 76227 4 Timberglen Recreation Center 3810 Timberglen Rd. Small Craft Room Dallas 75287 5 Denton Civic Center 321 E. McKinney St. Community Room Denton 76201 6 Denton County Elections Administration 701 Kimberly Dr. Suite A111 Denton 76208 7 University of North Texas—Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Room 52 Denton 76201 8 Robson Ranch Clubhouse 94285 Ed Robson Rd. Medina Room Denton 76207 9 Texas Woman's University—Student Union 304Administration Dr. Room 113 Denton 76201 10 Denton County Southwest Courthouse 6200 Canyon Falls Dr. Community Room 519 Flower Mound 76226 11 Flower Mound Community Activity Center 1200 Gerault Rd. Pecan Room Flower Mound 75028 12 Frisco Fire Station#4 4485 Cotton Gin Rd. Training Room Frisco 75034 13 Frisco Fire Station#7 330 W. Stonebrook Pkwy. Training Room Frisco 75034 14 Highland Village Municipal Complex 1000 Highland Village Rd. Police Training Room Highland Village 75077 15 Justin Municipal Complex 415 N. College Ave. Council Chambers Justin 76247 16 Krum ISD Administration Building 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Boardroom A126 Krum 76249 17 Lake Dallas City Hall 212 Main St. Community Room Lake Dallas 75065 18 Lewisville Municipal Annex 1197 W. Main St. Community Room Lewisville 75057 19 Little Elm Recreation Center 303 Main St. Old Kid Zone Room Little Elm 75068 20 Pilot Point Senior Center 310 S. Washington St. Room 1 Pilot Point 76258 21 Prosper Fire Station#2 1140 S.Teel Pkwy. Training Room Prosper 75078 22 The Colony Annex Building 6804 Main St. Lobby The Colony 75056 23 Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 Building 100 Municipal Dr. Svore Municipal Boardroom Trophy Club 76262 LIMITED EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE DAYS AND HOURS (DIAS Y HORAS DE VOTACION LIMITADO TEMPRANO POR APARICION PERSONAL) October(octubre)21-25 Monday- Friday(tunes-Viernes) 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. October(octubre)26 Saturday(s6bado) 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. October(octubre)28—29 Monday—Tuesday(tunes-Mortes) 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. October(octubre)30 Wednesday(Miercoles) 7:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. October(octubre)31 Thursday(lueves) 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. November(Noviembre)1 Friday(Viernes) 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Location Address Room City Zip Code (Ubicaci6n) (Direcci6n) (Sitio de Votacidn) (Ciudad) (Codigo postal) 1 Church of Christ of Sanger 400 Locust St. The Roberts Room Sanger 76266 Application for a Ballot by Mail may be downloaded from our website: https://www.votedenton.com/early-voting-by-mail-absentee/ (Solicitud para Boleta por Correo se puede descargar de nuestro sitio web): https://www.votedenton.com/early-voting-by-mail-absentee/ Information by phone: Denton County Elections Administration, 940-349-3200 (Informaci6n por telefono): Administraci6n de Elecciones del Condado de Denton 940-349-3200 Applications for a Ballot by Mail must be submitted between January 1, 2019 and October 25, 2019 by mail,fax or email to: Note: effective December 1, 2017- If an Application for Ballot by Mail is submitted by fax or e-mail the original application must also be mailed and received by the Early Voting Clerk no later than the 41h business day after receipt of the faxed or e-mailed copy. (Solicitudes para una Boleta por Correo pueden ser sometidas entre el 1 de Enero de 2019 y 25 de Octubre de 2019 por correo,fax o por correo electr6nico a: 29 Nota:efectivo el 1 de Diciembre de 2017 Si una solicitud de boleta por correo se envia por fax o por correo electronico la solicitud original tambien debe ser enviada por correo y recibida por el Secretario de votacion anticipada no mas tarde del cuarto dia habil despues de recibir la copia enviada por fax o por correo electronico.) Early Voting Clerk(Secretario De Votacidn Adelantada) PO Box 1720 Denton,TX 76202 Fax: 940-349-3201 Email: elections@dentoncounty.com 30 NOVEMBER 5,SPECIAL ELECTION (Elecci6n Especial del 5 de noviembre de 2019) ELECTION DAY BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE LOCATIONS da (LUGARES DE vow ON EN EL DIA DE ELECc1ON POR APAR1a6N PERSONAL) November 5,2019--7:00 am-7:00 pm (S de noviembre de 2019--7.00 am-7.00 pm) District Precinct Location Address Room City Zipcode (distrito) (precinto) (lugar) (direcci6n) (sito de votaci6n) (ciudod) (c6digo postal) 1 1038 Corinth City Hall 3300 Corinth Pkwy. Council Workroom Corinth 76210 1 4011 Martin Luther King Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Computer Room Denton 76205 1 4041 Martin Luther King Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Computer Room Denton 76205 1 4009 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 1 4010 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 1 1014 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Program Room Denton 76210 1 4013 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Room 52 Denton 76201 1 4014 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Room 52 Denton 76201 2 1039 Corinth City Hall 3300 Corinth Pkwy. Council Workroom Corinth 76210 2 4042 Krum ISD Administration Building 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Boardroom A126 Krum 76249 2 4012 Martin Luther King Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Computer Room Denton 76205 2 4006 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 4008 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room A Denton 76209 2 4040 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room A Denton 76209 2 1008 Towne North Baptist Church 526 Hercules Ln. Fellowship Hall Denton 76209 2 1009 Towne North Baptist Church 526 Hercules Ln. Fellowship Hall Denton 76209 2 1010 Towne North Baptist Church 526 Hercules Ln. Fellowship Hall Denton 76209 2 1011 Towne North Baptist Church 526 Hercules Ln. Fellowship Hall Denton 76209 2 1012 Towne North Baptist Church 526 Hercules Ln. Fellowship Hall Denton 76209 2 1013 Towne North Baptist Church 526 Hercules Ln. Fellowship Hall Denton 76209 3 4004 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St Room B Denton 76205 3 4044 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St Room B Denton 76205 3 4000 Krum ISD Administration Building 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Boardroom A126 Krum 76249 3 4001 Krum ISD Administration Building 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Boardroom A126 Krum 76249 3 4005 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room A Denton 76209 3 4007 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room A Denton 76209 3 4038 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room A Denton 76209 3 4002 Ponder Town hall 102 W.Bailey St. Council Chambers Ponder 76259 3 4003 Robson Ranch Clubhouse 9428 Ed Robson Cr. Patriot Room Denton 75207 3 4039 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Room 52 Denton 76201 3 4045 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Room 52 Denton 76201 4 4017 Argyle Town Hall 308 Denton St. Community Room Argyle 76226 4 4016 Bartonville Town Hall 1941 Jeter Rd.E Town Council/Community Room Bartonville 76266 4 4015 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St Room B Denton 76205 4 4037 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St Room B Denton 76205 4 1016 Lifeline Church 2800 Pennsylvania Dr. Auditorium Denton 76205 4 1017 Lifeline Church 2800 Pennsylvania Dr. Auditorium Denton 76205 4 1046 Lifeline Church 2800 Pennsylvania Dr. Auditorium Denton 76205 4 1015 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Program Room Denton 76210 4 1018 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Program Room Denton 76210 4 1019 ISouth Branch Library 13228 Teasley Ln. I Program Room I Denton 1 76210 31 Council Requests for Information �. equest ..I 111111111 raStatus Requested By 2019-698 Choctaw Update Staff update on Choctaw natural preservation project. 06/04/19 Kremer/Cox Public Works Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis 2019-778 Referencing Emails Discussion on addressing elected officials referencing emails in an open forum without providing 06/18/19 Wood City Manager's Office Council Meeting Information will be discussed during the September 24 work session. Hudspeth copies of the emails referenced as back-up material for the record. 2019-893 Criminal Trespassing Staff report with information on the number of criminal trespasses on City property and 07/17/19 Dixon Police Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor information on the Police Department's stance on the issue 2019-895 Freedom of Information Act Request for a work session regarding what is allowed when reaching out to a Freedom of 07/17/19 Leal Legal Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Legal Status report. Watts Information Act requestor 2019-973 Police citizen review board How do other cities in the area conduct citizen police review boards? 08/06/19 Dixon Police Council Meeting Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 2019-600 City Funds to Outside Entities Staff report on City funds provided to outside entities including partnerships where real estate is 05/14/19 Gaines/Wood Finance/City Manager's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis provided(cash or in-kind),or funding for salaries is provided and the requirements placed on those entities. 2019-898 Pedestrian Issue on Longridge What can be done to address pedestrian crossing at Longridge and Teasley? Vehicles are not 07/17/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs stopping for pedestrians at this crossing to South Lakes Park 2019-940 Fry Street Entertainment District Review the use of the Historic Tax Abatement Incentives to encourage redevelopment in the 08/01/19 Rogers Economic Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer Entertainment area. 2019-1060 Illegal parking on Oakland What can be done to stop cars from parking in non-parking areas or too close to corners on 08/26/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the September 20 Friday report. Briggs Street Oakland Street? 2019-1067 Vibe Apartments Concerns expressed regarding conditions and security at the Vibe Apartments in Denton. 08/27/19 Hedges/Dixon/McDonald Fire/Police/Development Services Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Hudspeth 2019-1066 TWU related traffic concerns What can be done about traffic issues along Oakland and Locust and the overcrowding of the 08/27/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs TWU lot along Woodland? 2019-1110 Shelter Trip Recap Can staff provide a recap of the True Worth Day Shelter trip on 9/11/19? 09/11/19 Shaw Community Development Other Council Requests Information was provided in the September 20 Friday Report. Briggs 2019-1114 Downtown Pedestrian Crossing Can there be a crosswalk placed on Oak St.near Austin St.? 09/15/19 Jahn Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs/Hudspeth 2019-1117 Christmas Banquet Can staff work with Bridging Hope Ministries to use the Civic Center on December 1? 09/17/19 Packan Parks and Recreation Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs 2019-1121 Women's March Can staff from Parks and Police meet with organizers of the 2020 Women's March to coordinate 09/18/19 Behrens Parks and Recreation Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs permits and other information that they need? 2019-1123 Committee recordings Can staff follow up with resident regarding audio recordings of committee meetings? 09/18/19 Adams/Matthews Public Affairs Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the September 20 Friday report. Briggs 2019-1124 PEC 4 Construction Please assess the construction outside of the Adiago business center.Reach out to business 09/19/19 Estes Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the September 20 Friday report. Briggs owner during construction. 32 September 2019 11 1 2 2:30pm Agenda Committee 3 4 5 6 7 o Luncheon Meeting o CouncilMeeting 4:OOpm Public Art Committee 11:00amDCRC NO 5:00pmP&Z Work Session NO 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session O-5:3 0 p m Ia ffic Sa to ty Commission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8:00a m Public Utilities 8:00 a m Mob ility Bo a rd Committee 2:30pm Agenda Committee 10:30 am C O C E 11:30 am Joint Meeting 1:00 pm CC Work Session w/EDP Board 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:30 Board ofEthics Se ssion 1:30pm COE 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5:3 0p m BIC 10 a m Audit/Finance 2:30pm Agenda Committee 4:OOpm HaBSCo Nketing 11:00 am DCRC 1:00 pm CC Work Session 6:OOpm Committee on 6:30 pm CC Regular S:OOpm P&Z Work Session Persons with Disabilities Se ss io n 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6:00p m Public Utilities 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday 12:00 TIF Board(TIRZ) Downtown ED Commitee 8:30am Bo a rd Session 6:30 pm CC Special 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:30BoardofEthics Called 29 30 4:00p m ZBA 33 October 2019 1 2 3 4 5 o C o un c it Me a ting 5:00pm PH Work Session 4:00pm Public Art Committee 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11:30 am Council 9:00 am Mobility 11:00amEDP Luncheon Committee 1:30pm Committee on the 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Environment Session 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00a m Public Utilities 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Nketing Board 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pmCommittee on 5:30pm HLC Persons With Disabilities 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 27 28 29 30 31 6:00pm Public Utilities No Council Meeting Bo a rd 4:00pm ZBA 34 November 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm PH Work Session 4:00pm Public At Committee luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00a m Pub he Utilities 9:00 a m Mob ility 11:00amEDP Board Committee 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm BIC Session 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4:00p m ZBA 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm MBSCo Nbeting 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 o Council Meeting 11:00amTIF Board(TIRZ#1) 35 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of September 18, 2019 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Manufactured Council & Home Financial Risk Development City Council Committee Rules of Non-Disclosure Review of Council Disclosures Services Certified Priorities Procedure Agreements Requests 24-Sep 19-2009 Mailings 19-1914 19-1958 19-2235 19-2085 Roadway Impact Fees Gas Well Update 10-7 Lunch 19-1933 19-2134 FY19-20 Audit Plan 19-2036 Manufactured City Council City Council Home Financial Risk Roadway Quality Appointee Review Appointee Review Review of Council Disclosures Gas Well Update Audit Plan Audit (Municipal Judge) - (Internal Auditor) - Requests 8-Oct 19-2009 19-2134 19-2037 19-2039 Closed Session Closed Session 19-2086 City Council Appointee Review Construction Code City Criteria (City Attorney and Review of Council Review Manuals Chamber Contract City Manager) - Requests 15-Oct 19-697 DCA19-0008 19-1946 Hinkle Parking Closed Session 19-2087 Cole Hunter- Master Planned Police Overtime City Ethics Policy Ethics Board Rules Review of Council Community and City Hall West Audit Plan Amendments of Procedure Requests 22-Oct Gas Wells 19-2254 19-2038 19-1952 19-2239 19-2088 4-Nov Lunch Joint DISD/City Council Luncheon (Demographer) Mews Street Non-Profit Utilities Recreation Cost of 19-2240 Review of Council Development Fee Management Study Service Study Mobility Plan Requests 5-Nov Grant Program 19-2186 19-1721 Vision Zero DME GreenSense Update 19-2209 Doorbell Employee Ethics Review of Council Monitoring Policy Requests 12-Nov Technology 19-018 Canopy Trails 19-2210 Operating Cole Hunter Review of Council DME Budget Green Building Agreements/Fiscal Ranch (12/03) Requests 19-Nov Update IIncentives jImpacts 19-2259 1 119-2211 2-Dec Lunch Fire Standards of Coverage Review of Council Pay-As-You-Go Requests (12/03) Program Overview Outdoor Noise 19-2256 Work Sessions Right of Way Review of Council Planned - Ordinance Follow- Purchasing Manual Requests (12/10) Date TBD up Update 19-2257 Affordable Municipal Rental Review of Council Housing/Housing Group Home Code Inspection Program Requests (12/17) Assistance Amendment Update 19-2258 Work Session Requests Determined Incentives for City Denton County by Council - Horse Drawn Employee Elected Officials Behavioral Health Date TBD Carriages Residency Serving on Boards Leadership Team 36 _ Street Closures Report Week of September 23-29,2019 I I ROY 11 VG CITY OF DENTON The Street Closures Report is updated weekly and reflects most City planned construction projects that impact traffic for a minimum of 5 days.Construction projects not listed on this report may not meet this criteria,or are not a City of Denton DENI rciN managed improvement or construction project. Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS Mayhill Project Bridge Website& Part of Mayhill Rd. Blagg Rd. Mayhill Geesling 3/19/19 10/31/19 Engineering Nextdoor (940)208-4318 (Temporary Street Closure) Widening Capital Project Notification Water Main Replacement Part of North South Water Bonnie Brae St. Highland Park Willowwood 5 13 19 10 13 19 North South Water Main Ph.II Engineering Website,Nextdoor Main Ph.II Capital Project g / / / / g g (940)349-8910 (Temporary Street Closure) Notification (Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to 135E); Roundabout Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.IV Bonnie Brae St. Intersection of Engineering Scripture 6 13 19 1 12 20 Bonnie Brae Ph.IV En 5 25 19 Website,Nextdoor P / / / / g g / / Notification (940)349 8910 Capital Project(135E to (Intermittent Closures) Scripture) Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 7/1/17 10/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 6/14/18 (940)349-8910 Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.I Vintage (No Street Closures) Capital Project Brinker Rd. Loop 288 Quail Creek 7/8/19 10/29/19 Storm Drain Demolition(Temporary Drainage Website,Nextdoor (940)391-6299 Lane Closure) Notification Elm St. Oak Parkway 9/23/19 11/22/19 Light Installations(Temporary Lane Engineering (940)349-8910 Part of Downtown TIF Closures) Sidewalk&Lighting CIP Concrete Replacement/Mill and Forrestridge Dr. Hobson Timbergreen 8/19/19 11/1/19 Overlay Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Street repairs to follow on Hickory St. Fry Welch 8/16/19 12/19/19 Street Reconstruction(Intermittent Lane Closures) Streets (940)349-7160 Hickory from Welch to Carroll 37 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Part of Magnolia Drainage Street and Drainage Improvements Capital Project(Hinkle Hinkle Dr. US 380 Headlee 5/23/19 10/1/19 Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 from University to (Temporary Lane Closures) Windsor and Windsor from Hinkle to Elm) Part of Magnolia Drainage Street and Drainage Improvements Capital Project(Hinkle Hinkle Rd. Headlee Windosr 7/3/19 10/12/19 Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Engineering 6/26/19 from University to (Street Closure) Windsor and Windsor from Hinkle to Elm) Wastewater Main Replacement Website,Nextdoor Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 4/25/19 9/27/19 Wastewater (940)349-7128 (Temporary Street and Lane Closures) Notification Locust St. E.Prairie Maple 8/12/19 11/18/19 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Ph.I& Engineering (940)349-8910 II(Temporary Lane Closures) Locust St. Eagle Hickory 8/12/19 12/30/19 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Ph.I& Engineering (940)349-8910 II(Temporary Lane Closures) Locust St. Oak McKinney 9/23/19 11/22/19 Light Installations(Temporary Lane Engineering (940)349-8910 Part of Downtown TIF Closures) Sidewalk&Lighting CIP Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 Street Widening Engineering 1/3/18,1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)208-4318 Part of Mayhill Rd. (Temporary Lane Closures) Widening Capital Project S.Mayhill Rd. Colorado 1-35 9/23/19 9/25/19 Street Repairs Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Storm Drain Installation and Part of E.McKinney St. Grissom S.Fork 3/11/19 12/1/19 Street Widening Engineering 3/7/19 (940)349-8910 McKinney (Temporary,Intermittent Closures) Widening Capital Project Oak St.at Fry St.Signal Intersection of Fry 9/16/19 12/14/19 Signal Construction Traffic (940)349 7486 (Intermittent Lane Closures) Oak at Jagoe St.Signal Intersection of Jagoe 9/9/19 12/7/19 Signal Construction Traffic (940)349 7486 (Intermittent Lane Closures) Orr Elm Locust 9/4/19 10/1/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater (940)349-7128 (Street Closure) 38 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Drainage Improvements Part of Pec 4 Ph.I&II Prairie St. Locust Pierce 9 /23/19 11/30/19 Pec 4 Ph.I&II g Capital Project;Closures (Termporary,Intermittent Street Engineering (940)349-8910 from Wainwright to Bell Closure) to follow Part of Bonnie Brae Roundabout p / / / / j (940)391-0050 Part of Bonnie Brae Scri ture5t. Bonnie Brae 1000'ft west 8 13 19 10 2 19 Project Water Roundabout Project (Temporary Street Closure) Street Widening Ft.Worth Dr. US 377 IH 35E 0.26 M south 12 3 18 12 12 20 Public Meeting ( ) of FM 1830 / / / / (Temporary Lane Closures during non- TxDOT 9/25/18 10/8 (940)387-1414 peak traffic) Atmos Utility Relocation Completion Date Delayed Wainwright St. Sycamore Bell 6/24/19 9/27/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Street Atmos 6/20/19 from 9/13/2019. Closure) Water Improvements Wayne St. Boyd Mozingo 9/17/19 10/21/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Will reopen Water (940)391-0050 at end of each day) 39 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes COMPLETED PROJECTS Concrete Sidewalk Repair Balboa Ct. Lido Way Cul de sac 8/12/19 9/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Streets (940)349-7160 New Completion Reopen after 5 pm) Bell Ave. Intersection of Mingo 8/27/19 8/30/19 Signal Improvements Traffic (940)349 7486 (Temporary Lane Closures) Bell Ave. Intersection of Sherman 8/28/19 8/29/19 Signal Improvements Traffic (940)349 7486 (Temporary Lane Closures) Concrete Sidewalk Repair Cruise St. Fiste Comer 8/14/19 9/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Streets (940)349-7160 New Completion reopen after 5 pm) Hercules Project Cleanup Part of Hercules Water Hercules Ln. Sherman Stuart 3/25/19 8/30/19 Water 3/4/19 (940)391-0050 (Temporary Lane Closure) Project Street Reconstruction Highview Cir. Forrest Ridge Forrest Ridge 6/10/19 8/30/19 (Full Street Closure;Reopen at 6 pm Streets 5/6/19 (940)349-7160 daily) Lakeview Blvd. Bla 8 19 19 9 20 19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets gg Stallion / / / / (Temporary Lane Closure) (940)349 7160 New Completion Concrete Sidewalk Repair Lido Way Bell Cul de Sac 8/12/19 9/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Streets (940)349-7160 New Completion Reopen after 5 pm) Masse St. Hwy377 200'west 9 9 19 9/13/19 Street Boring TxDot Email Notifications y / / (Street Closure) (940)387-1414 New Completion Signal Improvements McKinney St. Intersection of Woodrow 8/22/19 8/26/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Lane Traffic (940)349 7486 Closures) Mayhill Street Widening Morse St. Intersection of Mayhill 8 1 19 9 1 19 Part of Mayhill Project y / / / / (Mayhill lanes open;No access to Engineering (940)349-8910 Morse from Mayhill) Widening Capital Project Locust Substation Construction Myrtle St. Collins Daugherty 8/19/19 9/2/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Street DME (940)349-7669 Closures) Sidewalk Repair Newport Ave. Mockingbird Pace 8/12/19 9/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure,Will reopen Streets (940)349-7160 New Completion after 5 pm each day) Water Improvements Orr St. Bolivar Locust 8/7/19 9/11/19 (Temporay Lane Closure;Reopen at Water Website (940)391-0050 New Completion end of each day) 40 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Water Improvements;Part of Orr Orr St. Intersection of Locust 8/19/19 9/4/19 Water Project(Temporary, Water (940)391-0050 Part of Orr Water Project Intermittent Lane Closures) Saddleback Dr. Intersection of Hi h oint 8 26 19 9 6 19 Concrete Panel Repair Drainage g P / / / / (Temporary Lane Closure) (940)391-6299 Smith St. Johnson Dallas 9/30/19 10/28/19 Wastewater Improvements Wastewater (940)349-7128 (Temporary Lane Closure) Street Repair New Completion.Part of University Dr.(US 380) 1200 ft west of 1200 ft east of Mayhill Mayhill 6/3/19 9/16/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Lane Engineering Website (940)349-8910 Mayhill Rd.Widening Closures) Capital Project Street Improvements Williams St. Oak Hickory 7/29/19 8/28/19 (Temporary Street Closure;Reopened Streets Website (940)349-7160 at end of each day) Wintercreek Dr. Ka wood Country Club 8 5 19 9 20 19 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets pp y / / / / (940)349-7146 New Completion. (Temporary Lane Closures) 41 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes UPCOMING PROJECTS Canoe Ridge Ln. Silent Star Sweet Cloud 9/30/19 11/1/19 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Repair Streets (940)-387-1414 (Temporary Lane Closures) Clydesdale Dr. Wheeler Ride Spanish 10 7 19 11 22 19 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Repair Streets y g p / / / / (940)-387-1414 (Temporary Lane Closures) City of TxDOT Project-currently FM 2181 Denton/Corinth Lillian Miller TBD TBD Street Widening TxDOT (940)-387-1414 on hold City limits HickoryCreek Rd. Teasley River Street Widening En 26 18 Pass TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering 11/ / (940)349 8910 135E northbound service 10/2/19 11/12/19 500 ft west of Wastewater Improvements located Wastewater (940)349-7128 road Bonnie Brae (Temporary Lane Closures) Water Main,Services,and Fire Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 10/3/19 2/3/20 Hydrant Replacements Water 12/17/18 (940)391-0050 Part of Mistywood Water (Temporary Lane Closure,Reopen at 6 Project pm daily) Street reconstruction Panhandle Bolivar Carroll 9/30/19 10/14/19 (Street Closure;Will reopen at 7 pm Streets (940)-387-1414 daily.) Water Main and Service Quail Ridge Cooper Branch La Paloma 10/22/19 12/4/19 Replacements, Water (940)391-0050 (Temporary Lane Closure) Robson East Side of RR 35W 10/29/19 4/27/20 Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940)349-7128 (Temporary Lane Closure) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10 28 19 TBD Street Repairs Streets 11 23 18 Door Hangers y / / / / g (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Water Main,Services,and Fire Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/3/19 2/3/20 Hydrant Replacements Water (940)391-0050 Part of Mistywood Water (Temporary Lane Closure,Reopen at 6 Project pm daily) Drainage and Roadway Construction Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City TBD TBD Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. Southern RR Capital Project (One Lane traffic control) Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood 10/28/19 TBD Street Reconstruction Streets 11/23/18 (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) 42 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Water Main,Services,and Fire Royal Ln. Mistywood Rockwood 10/3/19 2/3/20 Hydrant Replacements Water (940)391-0050 Part of Mistywood Water (Temporary Lane Closure,Reopen at 6 Project pm daily) Sagewood St. Meadow Peartree 10/1/19 1/31/20 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 Base Repairs Meet with Crews will move here Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets Electronic Signs business owners (940)349-7160 after work on Kerley St.is complete Sheraton Rd. Hercules north 10/1/19 12/18/19 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 Wastewater Main Install Smith St. Johnson Dallas 9/30/19 10/28/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Will reopen Wastewater (940)349-7128 at 6 pm daily) Tahoe Ln. Ottawa Saranac 9/30/19 11/1/19 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets (940)349-7160 Part of 2019 Street Bundle Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 10/9/19 12/8/21 Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.II Bonnie Brae Phase 2 Capital Project Walnut St. Elm Austin 9/30/19 10/25/19 Atmos Utility Relocation Engineering (940)349-8910 Part of PEC4 Drainage (Street Closure) Capital Project 43