100419 Friday Staff Report City Manager's Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. City Council Luncheon on Monday, October 7, 2019 at 11:30 a.m.in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Committee on the Environment Meeting on Monday, October 7,2019 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Traffic Safety Commission Meeting on, Monday, October 7, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Mobility Committee Meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, October 8,2019 at l 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 7. Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 8. Development Code Review Committee Meeting on Friday, October 11, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics — The following items will be discussed during the October 8 City Council work session.Each week,the topics that will be presented during the next week's agenda will be included in the Friday Report the prior week. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service 1. Monument to Women's Interracial Fellowship o Requestor: Council Member Meltzer o Date Requested: September 11, 2019 o Related Informal Staff Report: None o Requested Format for Response: Work Session Request 2. Criminal Trespassing on Public PropertX o Requestor: Council Member Armintor o Date Requested: September 23, 2019 o Related Informal Staff Report: None o Requested Format for Response: Informal Staff Report 3. Request a work session to discuss Solid Waste rates and recent changes in the residential curbside program o Requestor: Council Member Briggs o Date Requested: September 26, 2019 o Related Informal Staff Report: None o Requested Format for Response: Work Session Request B. Bond Election Publications — As part of its communications regarding the 2019 Bond Election, the City of Denton is developing two Bond Election publications to provide election information. The first publication(attached)provides an overview of the bond propositions, financial information, and other helpful material. Additionally, readers are encouraged to visit the City's bond election webpage,www.cityofdenton.com/2019bond, for additional bond election resources and voter information. This first publication will be mailed to all City of Denton addresses with delivery expected to begin on Friday, Oct. 4. The second publication is expected to be delivered in mid-October. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public, Affairs C. Traffic Alert: Bonnie Brae and Scripture Street Intersection—As progress continues at the N Bonnie Brae and Scripture Street intersection, the new southbound lanes are now being constructed. To allow the concrete delivery vehicles to safely access the area, N. Bonnie Brae Street at Scripture Street will be temporarily closed overnight beginning Thursday, October 10 at 1:00 am and reopened to traffic by 8:00 am Thursday morning. Staff is notifying Texas Health Resources, emergency personnel, and businesses and property owners in the area of the temporary closure. Message boards at each end of the project will alert motorists of the temporary closure and detour information. For future project updates on the Bonnie Brae project and other improvement projects throughout the City, visit improvingdenton.com. Staff contact: Jim Jenks, Capital Projects D. Fire Prevention Week Open Houses — From Sunday, Oct. 6 to Saturday, Oct. 12, community members are invited to visit Denton fire stations as part of Fire Prevention Week. Each day, a fire station will host a two-hour open house for visitors to meet the Denton Fire Department, take a tour, and learn fire prevention 2 tips and other valuable safety information from firefighters. The attached flyer includes dates and locations of all open houses. Staff contact: Jason Eddington, Fire E. National Night Out Recap— On Monday, September 30, the City of Denton hosted its first-ever National Night Out Kickoff Party. A dunking booth, free food and drinks,emergency and utility vehicles,and carnival games were among the activities offered. The annual Public Safety Day/Emergency Preparedness Fair was also integrated into the kickoff event, bringing more than a dozen area vendors to share safety information with residents. Staff estimates approximately 500-750 residents attended the three-hour event. The following day, on Tuesday, October 1, staff visited 27 neighborhood parties — up from 15 gatherings in 2018. Residents got to know their neighbors and City staff during an evening that included Police and Fire vehicles, community cookouts, bounce houses, and basketball games. Across both nights,participating departments included Denton Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation, Community Improvement Services, Sustainability, Public Affairs, Library, Bike/Walk Denton, Animal Services, Water and Wastewater Utilities, Solid Waste & Recycling, Customer Service, Building Inspections, and Development Services. Staff contact: Amy Cunningham, Public Affairs F. Eureka 2 Slide Closed- The tube slide at Eureka 2 Playground was damaged at the exit panel and will be closed for the next five to six weeks. PARD staff have taken the broken panel off the slide and closed the entrance at the top so children can't slide down. Play by Design,the playground designers,have to go out of the country to source the piece, which will be manufactured specifically to this slide, then shipped to Denton. A photo of the slide is attached. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation G. 2018 Annual Development Report — The Development Services Department has published the inaugural Development Report. Staff ended 2018 with increases in development projects, residential and commercial permits, and total construction valuation. There were 718 Development Projects and 1,006 single-family permits, 752 multifamily units, and 61 commercial permits totaling almost $1.5 billion in building valuation, a 27 percent over the 2017 valuation. You can view the 2018 Annual Development Report here. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services H. Texas Planning Association Award — On October 1, the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association announced the City of Denton as an award recipient in the category of best practice for the 2019 Denton Development Code. The category emphasizes results and innovation in the field of planning and is a fitting testament to the hard work of all the Development Services staff in completing the 2019 Denton Development Code,replacing the 17-year-old code. Staff continues to emphasize the use of best practices and will continue to perform at an award- winning level. You can see all of the award winners by visiting the Texas APA website here. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services 3 I. Pedestrian crossingat t Longridge and Teasley— On July 17,Council Member Briggs asked about how the safety of pedestrian crossing can be ensured at Longridge and Teasley. Staff regularly runs enforcement activities along Teasley to target speeding, and increased enforcement activities leading up to the beginning of the school year. The pedestrian crossing is controlled by a push button/flashing yellow lights. There has never been an incident here but staff will continue to monitor the crossing to determine if additional safety measures are warranted. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police J. Tennis Tournament- This weekend, October 5-6, the Goldfield Tennis Center is hosting the Denton Championship Major Zone Tennis Tournament, a sanctioned event by the United States Tennis Association(USTA). From all over the state, 335 tennis players between 12 and 18 years old registered for the tournament. This will be the third year Denton has hosted the tournament. Staff contact: Jason Barrow, Parks and Recreation K. Security at the Vibe Apartments — On August 27, Mayor Pro Tern Hudspeth expressed a concern about security and conditions at the Vibe Apartment complex. Staff will be monitoring the complex and urge residents to call police directly to request dispatch or other assistance as needed. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police L. Greenbelt Update — Staff contacted Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) about the status of the Greenbelt park along US 380 (University Drive). TPWD is currently pruning trees, felling dead trees, and improving access. They say that they have the lower four miles of the trail completely cleared now, and they are currently waiting on Army Corps of Engineers approval for the turnaround locations. Once that approval is granted,the contractor will begin silt removal for the project. At Isle Du Bois, the contractor is repairing the beach area at Ray Roberts Lake and stabilizing the shoreline. Depending on lake level and weather, the project is expected to be in the final stages this winter and will hopefully be reopen to the public this spring. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability M. TAAF Conference Awards and Tournaments—Parks and Recreation athletics staff attended the 2019 Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) annual conference September 17-19. Staff bid to host two State tournaments in 2020 and were awarded both. The tournaments are the 2020 Youth Volleyball and 2020 Adult Flag Football and are expected to bring in several hundred people to Denton. TAAF honored two City of Denton staff members at the conference for their service at the TAAF Summer Games of Texas; Jason Barrow and Chris Escoto have five years of outstanding service at the games. Chris Escoto was also awarded a TAAF Presidents award for his work on the student outreach program through TAAF. Staff contact: Jason Barrow, Parks and Recreation N. Fire Fighter Back to Full Duty—On Thanksgiving Day in 2018, Denton Firefighter Gary Weiland (photo attached) had been celebrating with his family when his left leg began to lose sensation and circulation. Within hours, Gary had lost all circulation to his lower leg and surgery failed to bring circulation back to his limb. He had a below-the-knee amputation two days later. 4 Within a month, Gary was in a prosthetic learning how to walk again. Gary came back to work in a light duty capacity in February 2019 working on special projects. Gary started training with fire crews after receiving a specialized bunker boot prosthetic in April. A series of prescribed tasks were developed and incorporated into a re-entry plan in which Gary could complete and therefore allow him to return back to a full duty capacity. Working with Fire Administration staff, Gary was given 12 months to complete the tasks in hopes of him coming back to full duty by April 2020. Gary has accomplished this in 6 months. "This has been quite a journey," Gary said. "I have come a long way in a relatively short amount of time. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support from my family and friends. I have also received the best care for my leg from the best people in the world. I am very grateful to work for the Denton Fire Department and be a member of the Denton Fire Association. Not every department would have given me the opportunity to prove myself and get back to doing what I love, fighting fire and serving my community." Fire Chief Kenneth Hedges stated, "Gary has shown such a positive attitude during a challenging time. He is an inspiration to us all and I am excited he is able to return to the job he loves." The Denton Fire Department is proud to announce that Gary was back to full duty without any restrictions on October 1, less than one year after his amputation. Staff contact: Kenneth Hedges, Fire III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Halloween Harvest and Movie—Friday, October 11 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Denia Rec Center and Park(1001 Parvin St.). Enjoy carnival games with lots of candy, bounce house, $1 rock climbing, costume contest, and a hayride. After the Harvest, watch the original "Ghostbusters" in the park after dark. Staff contact: Robbie Johnson, Parks and Recreation 2. Original Denton District Celebration—Thursday, October 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Patterson-Appleton Arts Center(400 E. Hickory St.). Please see attached flyer. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development B. Community Meetings 1. Public Meetings on Proposed Amendments to the Existing Naming Policy#3 —Wednesday, October 9 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center Community Room(321 E. McKinney). Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation 5 2. TWU Neighborhood Parking Meeting—Thursday, October 10 from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the TWU Student Union, Room 109 (304 Administration Drive). Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs IV. Attachments A. Bond Election Publication......................................................................................7 B. Fire Prevention Week Flyer .................................................................................19 C. Eureka Slide Photo...............................................................................................20 D. Gary Weiland Photo.............................................................................................21 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2019-178 Lynching Memorial..............................................................................22 B. 2019-179 Draft 2020 City Council Meeting Schedule.........................................24 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................28 B. Draft Agenda for October 15................................................................................29 C. Council Calendar .................................................................................................36 D. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................39 E. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................40 6 �, _ �' I •. op W40- 1 E • i 11j m _ M • INTRODUCTION On Aug. 13, 2019, the Denton City Council adopted an ordinance calling for a bond election to be held on Nov. 5, 2019. The ordinance is the culmination of a months-long process involving the City Council and members of the public. After receiving information and presentations from staff throughout April, the City Council adopted a resolution establishing a Special Citizens' Bond Advisory Committee (SCBAC) comprised of 19 Denton residents whose role was to consider potential projects for inclusion in a proposed bond program—including public safety facilities, major roadway projects, local streets improvements, streetlights, sidewalks, and parks and open space. The SCBAC held eight meetings from May 30 through June 27, at which the public was invited to submit feedback to the committee. The City Council received the committee's bond program recommendation at its Aug. 1 meeting. The proposed 2019 bond program includes four propositions that, together, amount to $221,519,000 in public securities. BOND ELECTION BASICS What is a Bond Program? A bond is an issuance of public debt that must be approved by voters. A city calls for a bond election in order to obtain the authority from voters to use bonds for the funding of large, one-time projects, such as infrastructure or other large projects. Bond financing spreads the cost for a project over its useful life, which allows large, one-time projects to be paid for over time. What are Bond Propositions? A bond proposition is a spending category that encompasses a group of similar infrastructure or amenity projects. A bond election can consist of multiple propositions. Voters cast their vote on each proposition separately - not on the individual projects within any given proposition. 2019 PROPOSITION DETAILS The proposed 2019 bond program consists of four propositions. These propositions were identified through an analysis by the SCBAC of the current use of City facilities, overall road conditions, citizen feedback, and the impact that potential growth may have on mobility. Each proposition includes a maximum dollar amount that may be used for projects in that proposition. As noted above, during the Nov. 5 election, voters will vote on each individual proposition separately. The intended project funding description below for each proposition lists potential projects and their associated cost / that were considered by City Council to develop the proposition funding levels. The proposed program includes projects located across the City of Denton and represent the program the City Council intends to undertake to accomplish the intent of the approved bond propositions; however, projects may change. In that event, the Council r�*r'r may direct that proceeds be expended for other projects within the voter-authorized purposes of each proposition. 1 12019 BOND ELECTION PROPOSITION A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - This proposition requests funding for the design and construction or t reconstruction of aging street infrastructure throughout the City, including road surfaces, sidewalks and street lighting. Other components may be included in a street or street-related projects, such as curb & gutters, bridges & overpasses, traffic signals, turn lanes, storm drains, medians and more. 4 .� INTENDED PROJECT OUTCOMES: This proposition includes the improvement of existing streets that Voters will cast a ballot have reached the end of their useful life and can no longer be effectively FOR or AGAINST: repaired through routine maintenance. Additionally, the proposition includes the widening or reconfiguration of streets to improve safety and reduce The issuance of current or anticipated future congestion. $154,000,000 of public securities for For a complete list of intended projects, including descriptions and street improvements, maps, visit: www.cityofdenton.com/2019bond and click on the icon and levying the tax in for Proposition A. payment thereof. Intended Project Funding Street Rehab Program $70,000,000 Sidewalk Program $12,000,000 Bonnie Brae Street (Phases V, VI and VII) $27,000,000 Hickory Creek Road $34,000,000 Ryan Road $4,000,000 Street Lighting $7,000,000 Proposed Proposition Funding $154,000,000 s CITY OF DENTON 12 PROPOSITION B PROJECT DESCRIPTION: .., " This proposition requests funding for renovation of the existing n PmTOMI�M Denton Police Headquarters at City Hall East at 601 E. Hickory pp ` (originally constructed in 1947 and expanded in 1965), the construction of a new Police Substation and a new Police I Indoor Firing Range adjacent to the existing Fire Station 7 on Vintage Boulevard. INTENDED PROJECT OUTCOMES: • The proposed Police Headquarters Renovation would Voters will cast a ballot update the current facility with: FOR or AGAINST: - Additional and reconfigured workspaces for police operations The issuance of - Additional work space for public safety dispatch operations $61,900,000 of public - The reconfiguration of other spaces in the facility securities for Public - The addition of dedicated locker rooms Safety Facilities for the - Additional restrooms Police Department, - Additional parking and levying a tax in • The proposed Police Substation would house patrol, neighborhood payment thereof. services, traffic enforcement, criminal investigation and other operations, along with staff and administrative support. It is also expected to improve citywide response times. • Used for police training, the anticipated 15-lane indoor firing range would replace the current outdoor range, located on Airport Road. It would provide increased safety for neighboring properties compared to the current outdoor facility through the containment of projectiles, reduce noise, and provide indoor classroom space, which is not currently available. Intended Project Funding Police Headquarters Renovation $36,000,000 Police Substation $21,000,000 Police Indoor Firing Range $4,900,000 Proposed Proposition Funding $61,900,000 10 312019 BOND ELECTION PROPOSITION C PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This proposition requests funding for the purchase of land and interests-in-land for the development of current or future parks. The City Council will evaluate a number of factors _ in determining the location of future parks, including the amount of tree coverage, unique land features, connections to the existing multi-use trail network, , locations underserved by parks, and overall proximity to residences. INTENDED PROJECT OUTCOMES: Voters will cast a ballot The proposed funding would enable the acquisition of between 50 and 75 acres FOR or AGAINST: of land for current parks and the creation of new parks as the City of Denton develops and its population grows. The acquisition of land for parks will also The issuance of allow more residents to have a park within a 10-minute walk from their home. $5,000,000 of public securities for Intended Project Funding Acquisition of Land for Acquisition of Land for Parks, as determined $5,000,000 Parks, and levying a tax Proposed Proposition Funding $5,000,000 in payment thereof. I IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This proposition requests funding for the acquisition, construction and installation of public art within the City of Denton. Examples of previous bond-funded public art projects are sculptures at public parks, the 9/11 Memorial rf, Bell Tower at Central Fire Station, and medallions placed on 1-35E at the North Texas Boulevard intersection. Intended Project Funding* Voters will cast a ballot FOR or AGAINST: Public Arts Projects, as determined $619,000 The issuance of Proposed Proposition Funding $619,000 $619,000 of public securities for Public *The proposed funding for public art is equivalent to 1%of the costs of vertical construction projects contained within the overall2079 bond program. Art and levying a tax In payment thereof. 11 CITY OF DENTON 14 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW The City of Denton plans to stagger the sale of bonds over a six-year period as the projects are initiated. Debt from the proposed bond program is intended to be amortized over a 20-year period. While conditions may change, a debt service tax rate increase may be needed to fund the bond program. Based on property tax value assumptions, if the 2019 bond program is approved, the City's debt service tax rate could, over the six-year period, increase by up to a total of 3.5 cents over the FY 2018-19 rate. This equates to an additional $35 increase for a property valued at $100,000. WE'LL KEEP YOU INFORMED, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Transparency is one of the four core values of the City of Denton organization. The City intends to ensure that Denton residents are informed as to the progress of all projects and bond issuances. If the proposed 2019 bond program is approved by voters, the Denton City Council intends to establish a Bond Oversight Committee. The Committee would monitor the City's plans relating to the issuance of bonds and the implementation of projects approved in bond election, including the annual appropriation of bond funds, and any changes in the amount of bond funds issues or cash commitments made, assess current City facilities and needs, prioritize proposals, and make recommendations to the City Council. In addition, the City plans to implement a bond program dashboard on the City's website to provide bond program reporting that is up to date and informative. The dashboard will allow viewers to view progress at the project level, including completion status, and include an interactive map of all planned and active bond projects. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, VISIT: For Proposed 2019 Bond Program Information and Polling Locations: www.cityofdenton.com/20]9bond For Denton County Elections: www.votedenton.com iMPORTANT DATES: Election Day: Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019 Early Voting: Monday, Oct. 21 through Friday, Nov. 1 Last Day to Register to Vote: Monday, Oct. 7, 2019 2019 0 BonD ® � � ELECTIOn CITY OF DEf1TOf1 PROP. A PROP. B PROP. C PROP. D 12 512019 BOND ELECTION INTRODUCCION El 13 de agosto de 2019, el Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Denton adopto una ordenanza que convoca una elecci6n de bonos que se Ilevara a cabo el 5 de noviembre de 2019. La ordenanza es la culminaci6n de un proceso de desarrollo del programa de bonos de largos meses de duraci6n en el que participaron el Concejo Municipal y miembros del publico. Despues de recibir informaci6n y presentaciones de parte del personal durante todo el mes de abril, el Concejo Municipal aprob6 una resoluci6n estableciendo un Comite Especial de Ciudadanos de Asesoramiento sobre Bonos (SCBAC, por sus siglas en ingles) cuyo papel era considerar proyectos potenciales para incluir en un programa de bonos propuesto, incluyendo instalaciones de seguridad publica, proyectos de caminos principales, mejoras de calles locales, alumbrado de calles, aceras, y parques y espacios abiertos. El comite de 18 miembros de residentes de Denton celebr6 ocho juntas desde el 30 de mayo hasty el 27 de junio, inclusive, durante las cuales se invit6 al publico a presenter sus opiniones al comite. El Concejo Municipal recibi6 la recomendaci6n del comite de un programa de bonos en la junta del 1 de agosto. El programa de bonos propuesto para el 2019 incluye cuatro propuestas que, juntas, ascienden a $221,519,000 de titulos publicos. FUNDAMENTOS DE LA ELECC16N DE BONOS ZQue es un programa de bonos? Un bono es una emisi6n de deuda publica que requiere la aprobaci6n del electorado. Una ciudad convoca una eleccion de bonos para obtener la autoridad del electorado para usar los bonos para el financiamiento de grandes proyectos de realizan una sola vez, tales como infraestructura u otros grandes proyectos. El financiamiento de bonos distribuye el costo de un proyecto a to largo de su vida util, to que permite que los proyectos grandes realizarse de una sofa vez y que se paguen a to largo del tiempo. cCuales son las propuestas de bonos? Una propuesta de bonos es una categoria de gasto que abarca un grupo de proyectos de infraestructura o de servicios similares. Una eleccion de bonos puede consistir en multiples propuestas. El electorado emite su voto sobre cada propuesta por separado, no sobre los proyectos individuales dentro de una propuesta determinada. DETALLES DE LAS PROPUESTAS 2019 El programa de bonos propuesto para el 2019 consiste en cuatro propuestas. Estas propuestas fueron identificadas a traves de un analisis por el comite SCBAC del use actual de las instalaciones municipales, las condiciones generales de las calles, la retroalimentaci6n de los ciudadanos, y el impacto que el posible crecimiento puede tener en la movilidad. Cada propuesta incluye un monto maximo en d6lares que se puede utilizar para proyectos que caen dentro de esa propuesta. Como se menciona anteriormente, durante la eleccion del 5 de noviembre, los votantes votaran sobre cada propuesta por separado. La descripci6n de financiamiento de proyectos que se presenta a continuaci6n para cada propuesta enumera los proyectos potenciales y sus costos asociados que fueron considerados por el Consejo Municipal para / desarrollar los niveles de financiamiento de la propuesta. El programa propuesto incluye proyectos ubicados en toda la Ciudado de Denton y representan el programa que el Consejo Municipal tiene la intenci6n de Ilevar a cabo para lograr la intenci6n de las propuestas de bonos aprobadas; sin embargo, los proyectos " '- pueden cambiar. En ese caso, el Consejo podra ordenar que las ganancias se destinen a otros proyectos dentro de los prop6sitos autorizados por los votantes de cada propuesta. - 13 � / DESCRIPCION BREVE DEL PROYECTO: Esta propuesta solicita finandamiento para el diseno y la construccion o reconstruccion de la vieja infraestructura de calles en toda 0 la ciudad, incluyendo las superficies de las carreteras, las kh aceras y el alumbrado publico. Otros componentes pueden incluirse en una calle o en proyectos relacionados con las Icalles, tales como bordillos y canalones, puentes y pasos elevados, senales de trafico, carriles para girar, desagues pluviales, camellones y mas. Los votantes emitiran RESULTADOS PREVISTOS DEL PROYECTO: un voto A FAVOR o Esta propuesta incluye la mejora de las calles existentes que han Ilegado al EN CONTRA: final de su vida Otil y que ya no pueden ser reparadas eficazmente a traves La emision de de un mantenimiento rutinario. Ademas, la propuesta incluye la ampliacion $154,000,000 de titulos o reconfiguracion de las calles para mejorar la seguridad y reducir la publicos para mejoras de congestion actual o futura prevista. calles y aud la recacion del impuest al aud cto. Para una lista completa de los proyectos previstos, incluyendo descripciones y mapas, visite: www.cityofdenton.com/2019bond y haga clic en el icono de la Propuesta A. Financiacion Prevista del Proyecto Programa de Rehabilitacion de Calles $70,000,000 Programa de Aceras $12,000,000 Bonnie Brae Street (Fases V, VI y VII) $27,000,000 Calle Hickory Creek $34,000,000 Calle Ryan $4,000,000 Alumbrado POblico $7,000,000 Financiacion propuesta $154,000,000 14 71 ELECCION DE BONOS 2019 PROP MEN& DESCRIPCION BREVE DEL PROYECTO: Esta propuesta solicita fondos para la renovacion de la actual Jefatura ... de Policia de Denton en City Hall East en 601 E. Hickory (originalmente construido en 1947 y ampliado en 1965), la �D construccibn de una nueva Subestaci6n de Policia y un nuevo Campo de Tiro Interior de la Policia adyacente a la actual Estacibn de Bomberos 7 en Vintage Boulevard. ICE 3) RESULTADOS PREVISTOS DEL PROYECTO: • El proyecto de renovacion de la Jefatura de Policia actualizaria las instalaciones actuales con: Los votantes - Espacios adicionales y reconfigurados de trabajo para emitiran un voto A operaciones policiales FAVOR o EN CONTRA: - Espacio de trabajo adicional para operaciones de despacho de La emisi6n de seguridad publica $61,900,000 de titulos piablicos para - La reconfiguracibn de otros espacios de la instalacibn instalaciones ra - La adicibn de vestuarios unicos seguridad publica para el - Banos adicionales departamento de policia - Estacionamiento adicional y la recaudacibn de un impuesto al respecto. • La propuesta subestacibn de policia albergaria patrullas, servicios de vecindario, aplicacibn de la ley vial, investigacibn de crimenes y otros operaciones, asi como personal y apoyo administrativo. Ademas, se espera que mejore los tiempos de respuesta en toda la ciudad. • Utilizado para el entrenamiento de la policia, el campo de tiro interior previsto de 15 carriles reemplazaria al actual campo de tiro exterior, ubicado en la calle Airport. Brindaria una mayor seguridad para las propiedades vecinas en comparacibn con las actuales instalaciones al wire libre a traves de la contencibn de proyectiles, reduciria el ruido y proporcionaria un espacio interior para el aula, que actualmente no esta disponible. Financiacion Prevista del Proyecto Remodelacibn de la Jefatura de Policia $36,000,000 Subestaci6n de Policia $21,000,000 Campo de tiro interior de la policia $4,900,000 Financiaci6n propuesta $61,900,000 15 CIUDAD DE DENTON 18 ROPUESTA C -- DESCRIPCION BREVE DEL PROYECTO: Esta propuesta solicita financiamiento para la compra de terrenos e intereses en terrenos para el desarrollo de parques actuales o -� futuros. El Consejo Municipal evaluara una serie de factores para determinar la ubicaci6n de futuros parques, incluyendo ` la cantidad de cobertura arb6rea, las caracteristicas unicas del terreno, las conexiones con la red de senderos multiusos existente, las ubicaciones desatendidas por los parques y la proximidad general a las residencias. RESULTADOS PREVISTOS DEL PROYECTO: Los votantes emitiran El financiamiento propuesto permitiria la adquisici6n de entre 50 y un voto A FAVOR o 75 acres de terreno para los parques actuales y la creaci6n de nuevos parques EN CONTRA: a medida que la Ciudad de Denton se desarrolla y su poblaci6n crece. La La emisi6n de $5,000,000 adquisici6n de terrenos para parques tambien permitir6 a mas residentes tener de titulos publicos para la un parque a 10 minutos a pie de su casa. adquisici6n de terrenos para parques y la recaudaci6n de Financiaci6n Prevista del Proyecto un impuesto al respecto. Adquisicion de terrenos para parques, segun se determine $5,000,000 Financiaci6n propuesta $5,000,000 PROPUESTA D DESCRIPCION BREVE DEL PROYECTO: Esta propuesta solicita fondos para la adquisici6n, construcci6n e instalaci6n de arte publico en la Ciudad de Denton. Unos ejemplos de proyectos anteriores de arte publico financiados con bonos son esculturas en parques publicos, el 9/11 O0 Memorial Bell Tower en la Estaci6n Central de Bomberos, p y medallones colocados en la 1-35E en la intersecci6n de rfr calle North Texas Boulevard. Los votantes emitiran un voto A FAVOR Financiacion Prevista del Proyecto* o EN CONTRA: Proyectos de artes publico, segun se determine $619,000 La emision de $619,000 de titulos publicos para arte Financiaci6n propuesta $619,000 publico y la recaudaci6n de un impuesto al respecto. 'El financiamiento propuesto para el arte publico equivale al 1%de los costos de los proyectos de construcci6n vertical contenidos en el programa general de bonos de 2079. 16 91 ELECCION DE BONOS 2019 DESCRIPCION FINANCIERA La ciudad de Denton planea escalonar la venta de bonos durante un periodo de seis anos a medida que se inician los proyectos. La deuda del programa de bonos propuesto esta destinada a ser amortizada en un periodo de 20 anos. Si Bien las condiciones pueden cambiar, es posible que se necesite un aumento en la tasa de impuestos sobre el servicio de la deuda para financier el programa de bonos. En base a las suposiciones del valor del impuesto de propiedades, si se aprueba el programa de bonos de 2019, la tasa de impuestos sobre el servicio de la deuda de la Ciudad podria aumentar durante un periodo de seis anos, hasty un total de 3.5 centavos sobre la tasa de impuestos del ano fiscal 2018-19. Esto equivale a un aumento adicional de $35 por una propiedad valorada a $100,000. TE MANTENDREMOS INFORMADO EN TODO MOMENTO La transparencia es uno de los cuatro valores centrales de la organizaci6n de la Ciudad de Denton. La Ciudad tiene la intenci6n de asegurar que los residentes de Denton esten informados sobre el avance de todos los proyectos y emisiones de bonos. Si el electorado aprueba el programa de bonos propuesto para 2019, el Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Denton tiene la intenci6n de establecer un Comite de Supervision de Bonos. El Comite monitoreara los planes del Consejo Municipal relacionados con la emisi6n de bonos y la implementaci6n de proyectos aprobados en la elecci6n de bonos, incluida la apropiaci6n anual de fondos de bonos, y cualquier cambio en la cantidad de emisiones de fondos de bonos o compromisos de efectivo que se hayan hecho, evaluara las instalaciones y necesidades actuales de la Ciudad, priorizara las propuestas y hara recomendaciones al Consejo Municipal. Ademas, la Ciudad planea implementer un tablero de instrumentos del programa de bonos en el sitio web de la Ciudad para proporcionar informer actualizados e informativos sobre el programa de bonos. El tablero permitira ver el avance a nivel de proyecto, incluido el estado de finalizaci6n, e incluira un mapa interactivo de todos los proyectos de bonos planeados y activos. PARA INFORMACION ADICIONAL, VISITE: Para la informaci6n propuesta del Programa de Bonos 2019: www.cityofdenton.com/20]9bond Elecciones del Condado de Denton: www.votedenton.com BUZON: Dia de la eleccion: Martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019 Votaci6n anticipada: Lunes, 21 de octubre al Viernes, 1 de noviembre Ultimo dia para registrarse para votar: Lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019 2019 rl'141 Boni ® ELECTIOn CITY OF DEf1TOf1 PROP. A PROP. B PROP. C PROP. D 17 CIUDAD DE DENTON 10 1AAMS, hME IMIhToomhToomphToolhToolhToomhToomp bw, ,j bw, "j bw"'A&Wl�Wl I I ������� hW, ,AhW, ,A hw,,j hw, ,jI' Il s 'r 1 07 1 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OPEN HOUSE • • w �• �l DENT • DEPARTMENT — - I�--R1, m oo v ww a n� v e , NOT EVERY HERO OPEN HOUSE DATES & LOCATIONS WEARS A CAPE . Oct. 6, 2-4 p.m. Fire Station #7 4201 Vintage Blvd., Argyle, TX 76226 Plan and practice . Oct. 7, 6-8 p.m. Fire Station #6 your escape ! 3232 Teasley Lane Oct. 8, 6-8 p.m. Fire Station #5 2230 W. Windsor Drive Take a tour of Denton's fire • Oct. 9, 6-8 p.m. Fire Station #4 stations, get fire prevention 2116 E. Sherman Drive tips from firefighters, and • Oct. 10, 6-8 p.m. Fire Station #3 p g 1204 McCormick St. invite the whole family for a e Oct. 11, 6-8 p.m. Fire Station #2 night of fire safety. 2209 E. McKinney St. • Oct. 12, 2-4 p.m. Fire Station #1 332 E. Hickory St. Alp. try 1:d=1 iq.,=� MLAt. �, i f 4 3� iF .�_ � � '' ^ay, . _ •< � .-. �' gyp � .:! � +ice �e'•`<. •F - AL '� 1 .+��, 1 t, i,• I ! � °rR �� /• it � I or Ir, �b ary�11►��� � �'v,,, ��w�l �1�- � trfj f r�e.:rf � ��,,.t��i'�. 'Sr _� L �.���"'"���Klt♦ +t^' - �•� ��'�zrt;� i - , OL i ol JF G. WEILAND r �ft1vE - - • _ (ice" —---- ` REV AWN so Ow • Z 7-- Vol I ice/ /�/ �S��� �' �►u� ;"a%/'��'1. ��// �����7" Date: October 4, 2019 Report No. 2019-178 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide information on Denton County Community Remembrance Project and Lynching Memorial EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: During the September 10 Pending Council Requests work session, the City Council directed staff to provide information on a group working on a potential Denton County Lynching Memorial and the project status. BACKGROUND: A local grassroots group, called the Denton County Community Remembrance Project,is working in conjunction with Equal Justice Initiative's National Memorial for Peace and Justice to honor unknown lynching victims in Denton County. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, features 800 permanently hanging weathered steel columns memorializing the more than 4,000 known African-American victims of racial terror. Behind the memorial, each column has a replica that can be claimed by the counties throughout the United States in recognition of the lynching that occurred in that county. The Denton County Community Remembrance Project is planning an event to be held in December 2019 to memorialize two victims of lynching in Denton County. A key part of the ceremony will be gathering soil from Pilot's Point,the lynching site,to contribute to the collection of soil housed at the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery. The group hopes on partnering with DISD to hold an essay contest.The group also plans to install a historical marker near the Pilot's Point lynching site. While the partnership isn't finalized,the group would also like to eventually place a column from the Montgomery, Alabama memorial somewhere in Denton County to further honor the lynching victims. A location will be selected at a later date. The group will continue to meet throughout the fall to finalize the plans for both the December 2019 event and the potential placing of a memorial. Staff will work with Denton County to monitor the group's process and will keep Council updated on the status of a potential memorial. STAFF CONTACT: Erin Winn Assistant to the City Manager (940) 349-8115 Erin.winn&cityo fdenton.com REOUESTOR: Council consensus during the September 10 Pending Council Requests work session PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: 22 Date: October 4, 2019 Report No. 2019-178 City Manager's Office STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 1.5 hours 23 Date: October 4, 2019 Report No. 2019- INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Draft 2020 City Council Meeting Schedule BACKGROUND: The attached draft 2020 City Council Meeting Schedule has been prepared for City Council review and input to ensure member availability and planning. DISCUSSION: To recognize the diversity of our community and of our City Council, staff considered major Jewish and Christian holidays historically observed by both the City and previous City Councils in preparing the 2020 City Council Meeting Schedule. As has been the practice, and taken into consideration, are (1) any luncheons, work sessions, or regular/special called meetings that would follow a holiday are not included as potential meeting dates; (2) no meeting scheduled on a city- recognized holiday; and(3)no meetings take place the 51h Tuesday of an applicable month. Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-29(d)(1) of the Denton City Code outlines the requirement that for its Regular Meetings, the City Council "shall meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, ..., unless the meeting is postponed or cancelled for valid reasons...". Historically, the City Council has by informal consensus requested that no meetings be scheduled on a date that would follow a holiday. For 2020 under the practice, the following are affected dates. • January 21, 2020—Day after Martin Luther King Holiday(January 20th) • July 7, 2020—Break Period(July 6, July 7, and July 14) • September 8, 2020—Day after Labor Day Holiday(September 7th) • October 6, 2020—National Night Out Therefore, to preserve the practice while still complying with the City Code, a proposed amendment to the City Council Rules of Procedure (Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-29(d)(1)) is respectfully recommended to outline a process for regular meetings to not be held under the above- noted circumstances. The proposed amendment will be part of the agenda item to be presented at the October 22"d meeting which includes the proposed changes discussed at the September 20, Work Session. This will ensure recommended changes to the Council Rules of Procedure are streamlined under one formal action. CONCLUSION: Comments and/or suggested revisions should be sent to the City Secretary's Office by Friday, October 18,2019. Staff will then finalize the calendar and make any needed adjustments resulting from the proposed work session item noted above. 24 Date: October 4, 2019 Report No. 2019- STAFF CONTACT: Rosa Rios City Secretary rosa.rios@cityofdeDton.com 940-349-8309 REOUESTOR: Staff Initiated STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 6 hours ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft 2020 City Council Meeting Schedule 25 DRAFT 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING S CHEDULE 1Vbnday January 6 Luncheon Tuesday January 7 Work/Regular Session Tuesday January 14 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday January21 No Nbeting MXDayi-baday, 1/20 I USCM, Washington, DC, 1/22-24 Tuesday January 28 4th Tuesday Session 1Vbnday Febmaty 3 Luncheon Tuesday Febmaty4 Work/Regular Session Tuesday February 11 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday Febmaiy 18 Work/Regular Session Tuesday February 25 4th Tuesday Session 1Vbnday March 2 Luncheon Tuesday March 3 Work/Regular Session Tuesday March 10 No NVbeting NLC, Washington, DC, 3/8-11 I Spring Break, 3/9-13 Tuesday March 17 WoAQRegular Session Tuesday Mhrch 24 4th Tuesday Session Tuesday March 31 No NVbeting 5th Tuesday 1Vbnday April Luncheon Tuesday April 7 Work/Regular Session Tuesday April 14 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday April 21 Work/Regular Session Tuesday April 28 4th Tuesday Session 1Vbnday N y 4 Luncheon Tuesday Mhy 5 Work/Regular Session Tuesday Mhy 12 Election Meeting Installation of CC Members Only Tuesday May 19 Work/Regular Session Tuesday M y26 No Nbeting Memorial Day, 5/25 1Vbnday June 1 Luncheon Tuesday June 2 Work/Regular Session Tuesday June 9 2nd Tuesday Session USCM, Austin, TX, 6/12-15 Tuesday June 16 Work/Regular Session Tuesday June 23 4th Tuesday Session Tuesday June 30 No Nbeting 5th Tuesday 1Vbnday July 6 No Luncheon Break Tuesday July 7 No Xteting Break Tuesday July 14 No Nbeting Break Tuesday July21 Work/RegularSession Tuesday July 28 4th Tuesday Session 1Vbnday August Luncheon Tuesday August 4 Work/Regular Session Thursday August 6 Budget Workshop Tuesday August 11 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday August 18 Work/Regular Session Tuesday August 25 4th Tuesday Session 26 DRAFT—2020 City Council Meeting Schedule Page 2 Tuesday September 1 Work/Regular Session Nbnday September 7 No Luncheon Labor Day Holiday Tuesday September 8 No Nbeting Tuesday September 15 Work/Regular Session Rosh Hashanah, 9/19 Tuesday September 22 4th Tuesday Session Tuesday September 29 No Nbeting Erev Yom Kippur, 9/28 1 5th Tuesday Nbnday October 5 Luncheon Tuesday October 6 No Nbeting National Night Out Tuesday October 13 2nd Tuesday Session TNL Grapevine, 10/14-16 Tuesday October 20 Work/Regular Session Tuesday October 27 4th Tuesday Session Nbnday November 2 Luncheon Tuesday November 3 Work/Regular Session Tuesday November 10 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday November 17 Work/Regular Session NLC, Tampa,FL, 11/18-21 Tuesday November 24 No Nbeting Thanksgiving, 11/26-27 Tuesday December 1 Work/Regular Session Nbnday December 7 Luncheon Tuesday December 8 2nd Tuesday Session Hanukkah, 12/11 Tuesday December 15 Work/Regular Session Tuesday December 22 No Nbeting Christmas, 12/24-25 Tuesday December 29 No Nbeting 5th Tuesday ANbnday luncheon has been scheduled for the first Monday of each month. 27 Council Requests for Information Title Request Request Date Staff Responsible .. Request Type Status Requested By City Funds to Outside Entities Staff report on City funds provided to outside entities including partnerships where real estate is 05/14/19 Gaines/Wood Finance/City Manager's Office Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Davis provided(cash or in-kind),or funding for salaries is provided and the requirements placed on those entities. Pedestrian Issue on Longridge What can be done to address pedestrian crossing at Longridge and Teasley? Vehicles are not 07/17/19 Dixon Police Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the October 4 Friday report. Briggs stopping for pedestrians at this crossing to South Lakes Park Fry Street Entertainment District Review the use of the Historic Tax Abatement Incentives to encourage redevelopment in the 08/01/19 Rogers Economic Development Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Meltzer Entertainment area. Vibe Apartments Concerns expressed regarding conditions and security at the Vibe Apartments in Denton. 08/27/19 Hedges/Dixon/McDonald Fire/Police/Development Services Other Council Requests Information will be provided in the October 4 Friday report. Hudspeth Downtown Pedestrian Crossing Can there be a crosswalk placed on Oak St.near Austin St.? 09/15/19 Jahn Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs/Hudspeth Gregg St.ADA Can someone assess the ADA accessibility on Gregg St.related on-street parking? 09/24/19 Oliphant Capital Projects Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Armintor HR 4512 to support city parks What is the City doing/should the City be advocating for this bill? 09/30/19 Kuechler Public Affairs/IGR Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Issues with Atmos Repairs Can staff reach out to Atmos on behalf of the resident that experienced issued with Atmos repairs 10/01/19 Canizares CMO Other Council Requests Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Briggs Council Member Policy and Report Submitted Requests Council Member Armintor Criminal trespassing on public property:.I would like to go five years back,and I want to see the 09/23/19 Policy Informal Staff Report data for the number of first and second notices/warnings issued,as well as actual trespass citations served. I believe the last time I asked for this information I only got data on the number of actual citations served,but I would like to see the number of notices/warnings issued as well. also want a work session on eliminating this practice.As you know,we have already had a staff report on the decision of another Circuit Court of Appeals that ruled it unconstitutional to warn or cite people for criminal trespass on public property when they are behaving peacefully and have nowhere else to go. It's a practice that tends to be selectively enforced against people experiencing homelessness,and that effectively criminalizes homelessness. Council Member Armintor Work Session on a citywide moratorium for small marijuana possession arrests 09/23/19 Policy Work Session Council Member Armintor Work Session to develop a comprehensive antidiscrimination ordinance. 09/23/19 Policy Work Session Council Member Armintor How do other cities in the area conduct citizen police review boards? 09/25/19 Policy Informal Staff Report Council Member Armintor Present the Dr.Hildenbrand recommendations and DAG recommendations for a future work 10/29/19 Policy Work Session session on the Gas Well ordinance and possible inclusions. Council Member Briggs Can historic preservation be moved out of planning and under economic dev.What would be the 09/24/19 Policy Informal Staff Report benefits and challenges? Council Member Briggs Discuss the solid waste changes and see if there is flexibility as well as rate 09/26/19 Policy Work Session Council Member Davis Follow up on development services fees conversation with DACA.Ideally,addressing the specific 09/17/19 Clarification Informal Staff Report concerns raised in Lee Allison's email to Council on 9/17. Council Member Davis Cemetery Fees Comparison/Study.I'd like to know the basis of our current cemetery fees,and 09/17/19 Policy Informal Staff Report comparisons with other similar municipal cemeteries.I'm particularly interest in time-sensitive fees(i.e.,24-hour fee)and the policy decisions behind them. Council Member Davis Community Public Art Grants and Community Tree Grants.Our community improvement grant 09/17/19 Policy Work Session program probably already allow for a neighborhood or community group to request matching funds for installing public art or planting a tree in public space.However,I'd like to talk about separating these two kinds of project into their own matching grant programs,tapping the Tree Fund and public art funds,and advertising the new programs to community groups. Mayor Pro Tern Hudspeth Street Re-construction(work that can be paid for by$refunded by DCTA) 09/17/19 Policy Email Council Member Meltzer Monument to Women's Interracial Fellowship:The Women's Interracial Fellowship is Denton's 09/11/19 Policy Work Session unique contribution to the history of civil rights.For those who don't know,this was a group of equal numbers of black and white Denton women who met in the mid-1960s initially so their children would be prepared for the integration of the schools.They wound up successfully breaking the color barrier in local employment,in street paving,and at lunch counters through their courage,advocacy,and moral example.It's a positive story that tells about the aspirations of Denton.And it recognizes our heroic women,so rarely represented in public monuments. Fortunately many are still with us.I propose we direct the Public Art Committee to consider a suitable location for a sculpture honoring their role in Denton history. 28 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, October 15,2019 12:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 12:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 19-2355 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding council members serving on community boards and commissions. B. ID 19-2370 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding creating an ordinance for the allowance of horse-drawn carriages. C. ID 19-2381 Receive a report and hold a discussion and give staff direction regarding Residential Solid Waste Rates. D. ID 19-2087 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and provide staff direction on requests from council members. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 19-2218 Deliberations regarding Personnel Matters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.074. Page 1 Printed on 101412019 29 City Council Meeting Agenda October 15,2019 Deliberate and discuss the evaluation, duties, discipline, procedures, and contracts of the City Attorney and City Manager. B. ID 19-2372 Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.086; Consultation with Attorneys - Under Texas Government Code, Section 551.071. Receive a presentation from staff regarding public power competitive and financial matters related to a Power Purchase Agreement between the City of Denton, as the seller of power and electric energy services, and the University of North Texas, as a buyer of power and electric energy services; discuss, deliberate, and provide direction to staff regarding the same. Consultation with the City's attorneys regarding legal issues associated with the above matters where a public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or would jeopardize the City's legal position in any administrative proceeding or potential litigation. C. ID 19-2373 Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.086; Consultation with Attorneys - Under Texas Government Code, Section 551.071. Receive a presentation from staff regarding public power competitive and financial matters related to a Power Purchase Agreement between the City of Denton, as the seller of power and electric energy services, and Texas Woman's University, as a buyer of power and electric energy services; discuss, deliberate, and provide direction to staff regarding the same. Consultation with the City's attorneys regarding legal issues associated with the above matters where a public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or would jeopardize the City's legal position in any administrative proceeding or potential litigation. Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Page 2 Printed on 101412019 30 City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 2019 A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 19-2180 Colonial Heritage Month B. ID 19-2234 Serve Denton Center Grand Opening C. ID 19-2383 World Homeless Day D. ID 19-2384 Extra Mile Day 2019 E. ID 19-2387 Peterbilt Pride&Class Proclamation F. ID 19-2388 Public Power Week G. ID 19-2389 Community Planning Month 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. This is limited to no more than four (4) speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda, which is also known as the "open microphone" section, permits any person who is not registered for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. This section is limited to two open microphone speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) must file a "Blue Card" requesting to speak during this period,prior to the calling of this agenda item. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual policy; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff Page 3 Printed on 101412019 31 City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 2019 recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A —K). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 19-2188 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a memorandum of understanding with the United States Marshals Service, (USMS) for the participation of the Denton Police Department in the Regional Fugitive Task Force for Fiscal Year 2020; for the purpose of locating and apprehending fugitives; and providing an effective date. B. ID 19-2196 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with IDEXX Distribution, Inc. c/o IDEXX Laboratories, for drinking water compliance testing, and for laboratory services and animal testing materials for the Denton Animal Shelter, which is the sole provider of these services; in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 7133 - awarded to IDEXX Distribution, Inc. c/o IDEXX Laboratories in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $600,750). C. ID 19-2296 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to purchase fee simple interest to a 0.109 acre tract, more or less, out of an overall 0.243 acre tract from Berdy Tjandramulia, situated in the Eugene Puchalski Survey, Abstract No. 996, Denton County, Texas for the Purchase Price of Two Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($240,000.00); authorizing the expenditures of funds therefore; providing for severability and an effective date. (Bonnie Brae Street project-Phase 4B -Parcel 25 -320 N. Bonnie Brae) D. ID 19-2297 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to purchase fee simple interest to a 0.129 acre tract, more or less, out of an overall 0.267 acre tract from Berdy Tjandramulia, situated in the Eugene Puchalski Survey, Abstract No. 996, Denton County, Texas for the Purchase Price of Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($270,000.00); authorizing the expenditures of funds therefore; providing for severability and an effective date. (Bonnie Brae Street project-Phase 4B -Parcel 26-324 N. Bonnie Brae) E. ID 19-2339 Consider approval of a resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds by the Colorado Health Facilities Authority on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $14,500,000; recognizing that the City of Denton is not responsible for issuing the revenue bonds and Page 4 Printed on 101412019 32 City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 2019 has no financial obligation to pay any principal of or interest on the revenue bonds; making certain findings in connection therewith; and providing an effective date. F. ID 19-2360 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for vending machine services for the City; and providing an effective date (RFP 7026- awarded to Supreme Food Services, dba Vend Pro Refreshment Services, for a three (3) year term, with the option for two(2)additional one(1)year extensions,in the total five(5)year term). G. ID 19-2365 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with AT&T Mobility LLC, through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number DIR-TSO-3420 for priority cellular access through the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), FirstNet Ready cell phones, and on-going maintenance; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7148 - awarded to AT&T Mobility LLC, in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of$2,531,419.76). H. ID 19-2366 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for design services for the University of North Texas (UNT) underground electrical relocation on the Bonnie Brae Phase III (Roselawn to I-35E) Improvement Project as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6590-075 - Professional Services Agreement for design services awarded to Halff Associates, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of$184,840). I. ID 19-2367 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, approving an agreement with the Denton Parks Foundation and the City of Denton, to allow the Denton Parks Foundation to raise funds and support programming for the Parks and Recreation Department; authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute the Denton Parks Foundation agreement; and providing an effective date. J. ID 19-2375 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract of sale between the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation ("Denton"), as buyer, and the City of Garland, a Texas home-rule municipality, ("Garland"), as seller, to acquire fee title to a 2.194 acre tract and an access easement covering 0.076 acres, both situated in the Mary L. Austin Survey, Abstract No. 4, City of Denton, Denton County, Texas, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A"(of the Ordinance attached as Exhibit 1), for the purchase price of Two Hundred Ninety-Eight Thousand One Hundred Thirty-Two Dollars and No Cents ($298,132.00), and other consideration, as prescribed in the contract of sale; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing a savings clause; and providing effective date. K. ID 19-2431 Consider approval of the minutes of September 24,2019. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Page 5 Printed on 101412019 33 City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 2019 A. ID 19-2313 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to expend funds to the University of North Texas as a contractual consultant, in the amount of $40,840.00 under the National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) for small agencies Grant (Grant No. 2019-AK-BX-0026) from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs passed through the Bureau of Justice Assistance in the amount of $499,890.00; for the period of October 1, 2019 through September 30,2022; and providing an effective date. B. ID 19-2332 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas to declare the intent to reimburse capital program expenditures of the Electric Utility ($37,649,374), Solid Waste ($3,120,000), Water ($2,421,800), Wastewater ($11,360,000), and General Government ($35,831,000) with Tax- Preferred Obligations (Certificates of Obligation and General Obligation Bonds) with an aggregate maximum principal amount not to exceed$90,382,174; and providing an effective date. C. ID 19-2359 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Modern Geosciences, LLC, for gas well inspection services for the Environmental Services Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7095 - awarded to Modern Geosciences, LLC, for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total three (3) years not-to-exceed amount of$750,000). D. ID 19-2371 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements as needed; providing for a repealer; providing for a severability clause and providing an effective date. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. AESA19-000 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance related to a request for an la Alternative Environmentally Sensitive Area Plan for approximately 49.9-acres of land generally located on the north side of West University Drive and west of North Masch Branch Road in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official ESA map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of$2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing for severability; and establishing an effective date. (AESA19-0001,Fisher 59,Hayley Zagurski). 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS Page 6 Printed on 101412019 34 City Council Meeting Agenda October 15,2019 A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2019 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 7 Printed on 101412019 35 October 2019 1 2 3 4 5 o C o u n c it Me e tin g 2:30pm Agenda Conmiittee 4:00pm Public Art Corr miltee loam CouncilAaport 5:30pmP&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11:30 am Council 9:00 am Mob ilitN 11:00amEDP 11:00amDCRC Luncheon Committee 1:30pm Committee on the 12:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 2:30pmAgenda Cotrnnittcc Environment Session 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00am Public Utilities 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pm P&Z Work Ses sion 4:00pmHaBSCoNbeting Board 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pm Committee on 5:3 0p m BIC Persons with Dis abilities 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2:00 prn 4th Tuesday Session 27 28 29 30 31 6:00pm Pub he Utilities No CouncilMeeting Bo a rd 4:00p m ZBA 36 November 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm Public Art Committee Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm PH Regular Session 1:30pm Committee on the Sc ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility 11:00amEDP Board Committee 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm BIC Session 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4:00p m ZBA 2:00 pm CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo NEeting 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pmCommittee on Persons with Disabilities 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 No CouncilMeeting 11:00amTIF Board(TIRZ#1) 37 December 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 4:00pm Public Art Commiltee Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Tra ffic Sa fe ty Commission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility 11:00amEDP Bo a rd Committee 5:00pm PH Work Session 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 5:30pm HLC Session 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4:00pm ZBA 2:00 pm CC Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Acting 6:30 p m CC Regular 5:00pm Committee on Se ssion Persons with Disabilities 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o Council Meeting 29 30 31 o Council Meeting 38 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of October 4,2019 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Roadway Impact Fees City Hall West 10-7 Lunch 19-1933 19-2254 FY19-20 Audit Plan Gas Well Update 19-2036 City Council Appointee 19-2134 Review(Municipal Judge Roadway Quality Audit and Internal Auditor)- Review of Council Gas Well-Closed Session Plan Accounts Payable Audit Hinkle Street Closed Session Requests 8-Oct 19-2417 19-2037 19-2039 19-2350 19-2217 19-2086 City Council Appointee Review(City Attorney Elected Officials Serving Residential Solid Waste PPA's with Universities and City Manager)- Review of Council Horse-Drawn Carriages on Board Rates Closed Session Closed Session Requests 15-Oct 19-2370 19-2355 19-2381 19-2372&2373 19-2218 19-2087 Accessory Dwelling Units, Police Overtime Audit City Ethics Policy Ethics Board Rules of Walls,Fences,and Review of Council Mews Street Plan Amendments Procedure Screening Requests 22-Oct 19-2240 19-2038 19-1952 19-2239 Vision Zero DCA19-0011 19-2088 4-Nov Lunch Tentative-Joint w/Denton ISD Non-Profit Development Recreation Cost of Review of Council Fee Grant Program Service Study Requests 5-Nov 19-2242 Mayhill Bridge 19-1721 19-2209 Construction Code Development Review Cole Hunter-Master Review Process Improvements Planned Community and 19-697 Sagebrook Annexation Gas Wells Review of Council Doorbell Monitoring Employee Ethics Policy Development City Criteria Manuals Requests 12-Nov Technology 19-018 Canopy Trails 19-2369 DCA19-0008 Mobility Plan Update 19-2210 Chamber Contract 19-1946 Cole Hunter City Initated Zoning Pilot Program- Review of Council Green Building Operating Agreements/ Ranch Changes Pedestrian Scramble Requests 19-Nov DIVE Budget Update Incentives Fiscal Impacts 19-2259 19-2274 Phase(DT Square) 19-2211 2-Dec Lunch Fire Standards of Coverage Review of Council Requests 3-Dec 19-2256 Denton County Behavioral Health Review of Council Leadership Team Requests 30-Dec 19-2338 19-2257 Review of Council Requests 17-Dec 19-2258 Pay-As-You-Go Program Right of Way Ordinance Purchasing Manual Sustainability Plan Overview Outdoor Noise Follow-up Update DIVE GreenSense Update Work Sessions Municipal Rental Planned- Affordable Housing/ Group Home Code Inspection Program Comprehensive Waste Utilities Management Date TBD Housing Assistance Amendment Update Management Strategy Study Public Art Work Session Requests Determined Community Public Art by Council- Incentives for City and Community Tree TIF Grants for Date TBD Employee Residency Grants Accessibility 39 Street Closures Report Week of October 7-13,2019 TNPROWNG CITY lop CN DENTIN The Street Closures Report is updated weekly and reflects most City planned construction projects that impact traffic for a minimum of 5 days.Construction projects not listed on this report may not meet this criteria,or are not a City of Denton ` managed improvement or construction project. DEN Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes CURRENT PROJECTS Website& Mayhill Project Bridge Nextdoor Part of Mayhill Rd. Blagg Rd. Mayhill Geesling 3/18/19 10/31/19 (Temporary Street Closure) Engineering Notification (940)208-4318 Widening Capital Project Part of North South Water Water Main Replacement Website, Main Ph.II Capital Project North South Water Main Ph.II Nextdoor (Bonnie Brae from Bonnie Brae St. Highland Park Willowwood 5/13/19 10/13/19 (Temporary Street Closure) Engineering Notification (940)349-8910 Roselawn to 135E) Roundabout Website, Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.IV Bonnie Brae Ph.IV Nextdoor Capital Project(135E to Bonnie Brae St. Intersection of Scripture 6/13/19 1/12/20 (Intermittent Closures) Engineering 5/25/19 Notification (940)349-8910 Scripture) Website, Storm Drain Demolition(Temporary Nextdoor Brinker Rd. Loop 288 Quail Creek 7/8/19 10/29/19 Lane Closure) Drainage Notification (940)391-6299 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Repair Canoe Ridge Ln. Silent Star Sweet Cloud 9/30/19 11/1/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets (940)-387-1414 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Repair Clydesdale Dr. Wheeler Ridge Spanish 10/7/19 11/22/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets (940)-387-1414 Light Installations(Temporary Lane Part of Downtown TIF Elm St. Oak Parkway 9/23/19 11/22/19 Closures) Engineering (940)349-8910 Sidewalk&Lighting CIP Concrete Replacement/Mill and Overlay Completion delayed from Forrestridge Dr. Hobson Timbergreen 8/19/19 11/19/19 (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets (940)349-7160 11/01/2019. Street Widening 0.26 mi south (Temporary Lane Closures during non- Public Meeting Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E of FM 1830 12/3/18 1 12/12/20 1 peak traffic) TxDOT 9/25/18 1 10/8 1 (940)387-1414 40 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Street repairs to follow on Street Reconstruction Hickory from Welch to Hickory St. Fry Welch 8/16/19 12/19/19 (Street Closure) Streets (940)349-7160 Carroll Part of Magnolia Drainage Capital Project(Hinkle Street and Drainage Improvements from University to Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Windsor and Windsor Hinkle Rd. Headlee Windoor 7/3/19 10/12/19 (Street Closure) Engineering 6/26/19 from Hinkle to Elm) Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Ph.I& Locust St. E.Prairie Maple 8/12/19 11/18/19 II (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering (940)349-8910 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Ph.I& Locust St. Eagle Hickory 8/12/19 12/30/19 II(Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering (940)349-8910 Light Installations Part of Downtown TIF Locust St. Oak McKinney 9/23/19 11/22/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering (940)349-8910 Sidewalk&Lighting CIP Signal Reinstallations Jagoe St. Scripture W Oak 10/3/19 10/31/19 (Street Closure) Traffic (940)349 7486 Website, Wastewater Main Replacement Nextdoor Completion date delayed Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 4/25/19 10/11/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater Notification (940)349-7128 from 09/27/2019. Street Widening Part of Mayhill Rd. Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 9/1/17 2/1/20 (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering 1/3/18,1/24/18 Door Hangers (940)208-4318 Widening Capital Project Storm Drain Installation and Street Widening Part of McKinney Rd. E.McKinney St. Grissom S.Fork 3/11/19 12/1/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Closures) Engineering 3/7/19 (940)349-8910 Widening Capital Project Water Main,Services,and Fire Hydrant Replacements (Temporary Lane Closure,Reopen at 6 Part of Mistywood Water Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 10/7/19 2/6/19 pm daily) Water 12/17/18 (940)391-0050 Project Signal Construction(Intermittent Lane Oak St.at Fry St.Signal Intersection of Fry 9/16/19 12/14/19 Closures) Traffic (940)349 7486 Signal Construction(Intermittent Lane Oak at Jagoe St.Signal Intersection of Jagoe 9/9/19 12/7/19 Closures) Traffic (940)349 7486 Wastewater Main Replacement Completion date delayed Orr Elm Locust 9/4/19 10/14/19 (Street Closure) Wastewater (940)349-7128 from 10/01/2019 41 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Concrete Sidewalk Repair(Temporary Lane Closure;Will reopen at 5 pm Poinsettia Blvd. Manten Harvest 10/7/19 12/20/19 daily) Streets (940)-387-1414 Street reconstruction (Street Closure;Will reopen at 7 pm Panhandle Bolivar Carroll 9/30/19 10/14/19 daily.) Streets (940)-387-1414 Drainage Improvements Part of Pec 4 Ph.I&II Pec 4 Ph.I&II Capital Project;Closures (Termporary,Intermittent Street from Wainwright to Bell Prairie St. Locust Pierce 9/23/19 11/30/19 Closure) Engineering (940)349-8910 to follow Water Main,Services,and Fire Hydrant Replacements (Temporary Lane Closure,Reopen at 6 Part of Mistywood Water Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/7/19 2/6/19 pm daily) Water (940)391-0050 Project Water Main,Services,and Fire Hydrant Replacements (Temporary Lane Closure,Reopen at 6 Part of Mistywood Water Royal Ln. Mistywood Rockwood 10/7/19 2/6/19 pm daily) Water (940)391-0050 Project Sagewood St. Meadow Peartree 10/1/19 1/31/20 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 Sheraton Rd. Hercules north 10/1/19 12/18/19 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Repair Tahoe Ln. Ottawa Saranac 9/30/19 11/1/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets (940)349-7160 Street Widening Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.II Vintage Blvd. US 377 135W 10/9/19 12/8/21 Bonnie Brae Phase 2 Engineering (940)349-8910 Capital Project Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Repair (Temporary Lane Closure;Will reopen Wintercreek Dr. Kappwood Greenbend 10/7/19 12/20/19 at 5 pm daily) Streets (940)349-7160 Atmos Utility Relocation Part of PEC4 Drainage Walnut St. Elm Austin 9/30/19 10/25/19 (Street Closure) Engineering (940)349-8910 Capital Project Water Improvements Completion date (Temporary Lane Closure;Will reopen accelerated from Wayne St. Boyd Mozingo 9/17/19 10/10/19 at end of each day) Water (940)391-0050 10/21/2019. 42 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes COMPLETED PROJECTS Concrete Sidewalk Repair (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Balboa Ct. Lido Way Cul de sac 8/12/19 9/13/19 Reopen after 5 pm) Streets (940)349-7160 North of Street Widening Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.I Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn Vintage 7/1/17 10/1/19 (No Street Closures) Engineering 6/14/18 (940)349-8910 Capital Project Concrete Sidewalk Repair (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Cruise St. Fiste Comer 8/14/19 9/13/19 reopen after 5 pm) Streets (940)349-7160 Part of Magnolia Drainage Capital Project(Hinkle Street and Drainage Improvements from University to Magnolia Drainage Ph.II Windsor and Windsor Hinkle Dr. US 380 Headlee 5/23/19 10/1/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering 11/13/18 (940)349-8910 from Hinkle to Elm) Concrete Panel Repair Lakeview Blvd. Blagg Stallion 8/19/19 9/20/19 (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets (940)349-7160 Concrete Sidewalk Repair (Temporary Lane Closure;Street will Lido Way Bell Cul de Sac 8/12/19 9/13/19 Reopen after 5 pm) Streets (940)349-7160 Street Boring Email Massey St. Hwy 377 200'West 9/9/19 9/13/19 (Street Closure) TxDot Notifications (940)387-1414 Sidewalk Repair (Temporary Lane Closure,Will reopen Newport Ave. Mockingbird Pace 8/12/19 9/13/19 after 5 pm each day) Streets (940)349-7160 Water Improvements (Temporay Lane Closure;Reopen at Orr St. Bolivar Locust 8/7/19 9/11/19 end of each day) Water Website (940)391-0050 Completion delayed from Part of Bonnie Brae Roundabout 10/02/2019.Part of Project Bonnie Brae Roundabout Scripture St. Bonnie Brae 1000'ft west 8/14/19 10/5/19 (Temporary Street Closure) Water (940)391-0050 Project Street Repairs S.Mayhill Rd. Colorado 1-35 9/23/19 9/25/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets (940)349-7160 New Completion Street Repair 1200 ft west of 1200 ft east of (Temporary,Intermittent Lane Part of Mayhill Rd. University Dr.(US 380) Mayhill Mayhill 6/3/19 9/16/19 Closures) Engineering Website (940)349-8910 1 Widening Capital Project 43 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes Atmos Utility Relocation (Temporary,Intermittent Street Wainwright St. Sycamore Bell 6/24/19 9/27/19 Closure) Atmos 6/20/19 New Completion Concrete Street Panel Repair Wintercreek Dr. Kappwood Country Club 8/5/19 9/20/19 (Temporary Lane Closures) Streets (940)349-7146 44 Date of Date of Other Department Updated Information/ Street/Intersection From To Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department Letters Communication Contact: Notes UPCOMING PROJECTS Signal Reinstallations Avenue C W Oak W Hickory 11/1/19 11/29/19 (Street Closure) Traffic (940)349 7486 City of Denton/Corint TxDOT Project-currently FM 2181 h City limits Lillian Miller TBD TBD Street Widening TxDOT (940)-387-1414 on hold Street Widening Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering 11/26/18 (940)349-8910 135E northbound service 500 ft west of Wastewater Improvements road located Bonnie Brae TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater (940)349-7128 Water Main and Service Replacements, Quail Ridge Cooper Branch La Paloma 10/22/19 12/4/19 (Temporary Lane Closure) Water (940)391-0050 Wastewater Main Install Robson East Side of RR 35W TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closure) Wastewater (940)349-7128 Street Repairs Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/28/19 TBD (Road Closure) Streets 11/23/18 Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Drainage and Roadway Construction Kansas City Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Southern RR TBD TBD (One Lane traffic control) Engineering N/A (940)349-8910 Capital Project Street Reconstruction Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood 10/28/19 TBD (Road Closure) Streets 11/23/18 (940)349-7160 Crews will move here Base Repairs Meet with after work on Kerley St.is Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets Electronic Signs business owners (940)349-7160 complete Wastewater Main Install (Temporary Lane Closure;Will reopen Construction date delayed Smith St. Johnson Dallas 10/14/19 11/11/19 at 6 pm daily) Wastewater (940)349-7128 form 09/30/2019. Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Streets 1 (940)349-7160 Part of 2019 Street Bundle 45