110119 Friday Staff Report CITY City Manager's Office °F 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 1, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. City Council Luncheon on Monday, November 4, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Committee on the Environment Meeting on Monday, November 4, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Traffic Safety Commission Meeting on Monday, November 4, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Audit/Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 5. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday,November 5,2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. 6. Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 7. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 8. Downtown Economic Development Committee on Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 9. Public Art Committee on Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics — The following items will be discussed during the November 5 City Council work session. Each week,the topics that will be presented during the next week's agenda will be included in the Friday Report the prior week. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office 1. Request for a Work Session to protect veterans from source of income discrimination for housing. • Request for a work session adopting an ordinance provision in the Fair Housing Ordinance to protect veterans from source of income discrimination, similar to the City of Dallas. • Requestor: Council Member Armintor • Date Requested: October 24, 2019 • Related Information: Informal Staff Report 2019-182 2. Discuss the conversion of the Quakertown Park creek section near City Hall from concrete to its natural state. • Request to have the drainage channel conversion information that was presented during the Committee on the Environment meeting on March 7,2019 be presented during an upcoming work session for full City Council discussion and input. • Requestor: Council Member Briggs • Date Requested: October 14, 2019 • Related Information: None • Requested Format for Response: Work Session Request 3. Discuss a comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinance. • Requestor: Council Member Davis • Date Requested: October 4, 2019 • Related Information: None • Requested Format for Response: Work Session Request 4. Discuss a Denton Welcoming Committee • Develop a welcoming process for new Denton families with the following components: (1) A welcome email (with opt out) sent using addressed gathered through customer service (potentially through CoSery customer service as well). (2) Useful information provided in the email along with the offer of an orientation visit from a member of the Denton Welcoming Committee who will bring a free gift basket 2 (3) Check off boxes in the email to indicate special interests and information needs (4) Gift baskets to be assembled by the Chamber to include samples and coupons from local businesses along with flyers from local nonprofits and information from the city itself. (5) Visits to be scheduled and implemented by those Denton service organizations who choose to participate as members of the Denton Welcoming Committee. Target partners would include organizations such as Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, Black Chamber, etc. • Requestor: Council Member Meltzer • Date Requested: October 28, 2019 • Related Information: none • Requested Format for Response: Policy B. W Oak Street and Fry Street Traffic Signal Reconstruction—The intersection of W Oak Street and Fry Street will be under construction through December 2019 to replace the traffic signal. During the construction the intersection will be converted to an All-Way Stop-Controlled intersection for the safety of the construction crew and to efficiently install the new signal poles. The existing signal is scheduled to be removed the first week of November, tentatively November 4. City staff will monitor traffic and make necessary changes to the intersection control if needed. Staff contact: Pam Alummoottil, Capital Projects C. Deerwood Phase II storm runoff—In early October staff met with a resident in the Deerwood Phase II neighborhood regarding the concerns of excessive storm runoff experienced in several yards along Fawn Drive and Antler Circle. Staff conducted a site visit in mid-October with the owner of the large property to the west of the neighborhood. During the site visit, staff noticed issues on the large property and at the residents of Fawn Dr. and Antler Circle that could be exacerbating the runoff issues for the residents. These observations are noted in the attached letter and is being mailed out to several residents the week of November 4. Staff s goal is to make the residents aware of the issues and provide some suggested improvements that could minimize water damage for the neighbors. Staff contact:Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office D. Certified Entrepreneurial Communities — Council Member Briggs asked staff to research the process of becoming of a Certified Entrepreneurial Community(CEC). The CEC program is an economic development strategy that equips communities to become "entrepreneur-ready." This designation is awarded by a consulting firm in North Carolina to communities who apply for and complete the certification process. Currently, three communities in the country have sought this designation; Cleveland County, NC, Holly Springs, NC and Amherst County, VA. The application is an online submission of basic demographic information about the community, a high-level overview of current efforts to support small business owners and entrepreneurs, and explanation of existing economic development community partnerships. 3 The CEC certification spans two years. In the first year, communities complete an Ecosystem Assessment, Action Plan, Score Card, Coaching and Certification. The Ecosystem Assessment describes the current local entrepreneurial ecosystem. The Action Plan and Score Card determine key steps and measure progress toward goals. Certification is awarded when a community accomplishes their goals on two entrepreneur initiatives. An updated action plan is then developed for year two. CEC staff consult and support communities throughout the two-year process. Examples of entrepreneurial initiatives in existing CEC communities are hosting local events and networking opportunities aimed at building informed connections and relationships among entrepreneurs and creating a catalog for business resources at both the local, regional and state level. The cost of CEC certification is $20,000 plus consultant travel. More information can be found at www.creativecec.com/. Staff contact: Erin Winn, City Manager's Office E. NCTCOG Solid Waste Implementation Grant Programpdate — Each biennium, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), allocates funds generated by landfill tipping fees to the 24 councils of governments(COGs)located in the state of Texas for the designated function of awarding grants to further the implementation of regional waste management goals through local programs. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) allocates a portion of the funding toward local and regional Implementation Grants. The City of Denton Department of Solid Waste and Recycling is planning to apply in the categories of Source Reduction and Recycling,Household Hazardous Waste, Litter and Illegal Dumping Cleanups, and Local Solid Waste Management Plans with requests totaling approximately $420,000. Potential projects include a comprehensive solid waste management strategy, equipment for the valet program, HCC program, contamination reduction efforts, drug disposal educational enhancements, and recycling container improvements. We plan to bring forward a work session item to Public Utility Board and City Council on December 2 and 3 respectively for approval to proceed with applications. Applications will be due January 6, 2020 with awarding of executed projects April 2020. The project implementation period is April 2020 through March 2021. Staff Contact: Tina Ek, Solid Waste and Recycling F. Parking Lot Construction at Denia Rec Center- The parking lot in front of Denia Rec Center is being resurfaced beginning November 6. The construction is expected to last through the end of the year. Alternate parking will be at the Denia Softball fields, whose entrance is on Roselawn Drive. Staff contact: Caroline Seward, Parks and Recreation G. Yard Waste and Brush Collection Update— As part of the new budget year,the City of Denton implemented an improved yard waste and brush collection program. The new program, which utilizes yard waste carts and/or kraft bags, allows residents to opt-in and opt out of collection service to better align with the customers need,create efficient routes for organics collection, and mitigate employee injury linked with our previous program. To date, approximately 3,045 residents have opted into the program with 2486 choosing carted service and 560 opting for Yard Bags. 4 Through the month of October 2019, Solid Waste Staff has continued to run daily yard waste and brush routes, collecting everything left on the curb and leaving informational door hangers to ensure they opt-into the new program. Beginning Monday,November 4, 2019,yard waste and brush crews will continue to collect on their daily routes but only at houses opted-into the program. Those houses"missed" will need to call City of Denton Customer Service at 940-349-8700 to schedule service and crews will return to collect their material. This phase of implementation will continue throughout the month of November 2019. In December, crews will start consolidating all opted-in customers to a single collection day. By January 2020, the program should be completely implemented. The Solid Waste and Recycling Department recognizes that there may be situations where the use of carts and kraft bags may be inconvenient to a resident (i.e. raking a heavily wooded lot once or twice per year). While we would urge all residents to use the new cart and kraft bag program to ensure your organics are composted, should you wish to use plastic bags, the following option is available; please call Customer Service, and schedule a bulk waste collection. Due to the time required to debag the leaves and to mitigate the risk posed to solid waste workers tasked with debagging leaves, the plastic bagged leaves will be collected and disposed of in the City Landfill. Residents utilizing this option will be assessed a $75.00/hour fee, billed in quarter hour increments, after the first twenty-five (25) 30-gallon bags collected. Staff Contact: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste and Recycling H. Green Tree Estates Update — In the October 25 Friday Report, City staff gave an overview of the planned cessation of water services by the Owner of the Green Tree Estates water system. On October 29, staff held a public meeting and invited the customers of Green Tree Estates to hear the history of and ask questions pertaining to the issue. Between 25 and 30 persons attended the meeting, including representatives of PUC and the water system Owner. Based on inquiries that staff has received during and after that meeting, the Green Tree Estates fact sheet has been updated and includes an FAQ section to address common questions (attached). Staff continues to advocate with state agencies for a longer notification period prior to cessation and is actively working to place customers in contact with local housing assistance providers. Additionally, staff will provide the customers with contact information for their state representatives and regional legal aid resources. Long term solutions for water provision by the City are being evaluated; however, those solutions would require the dedication of rights of way, funding of the improvements by residents or other non-city sources, and a timeline of months or possibly years. Without intervention by the State or a change in course by the Green Tree Estates water system Owner, staff expects the customers of Green Tree Estates to lose water service on November 15. Staff contact: Kenneth Banks, Utilities L Day of the Dead Valet Trash and Recycling Service Plan—On Saturday October 26, the Day of the Dead Festival was held in the downtown area. Solid Waste staff working in the Valet Service area expanded operating hours and staff to handle the anticipated increase in garbage and recycling volumes due to the event. A "mini" rear loader was used to collect garbage in the festival area and recyclables were 5 collected on a truck and trailer with those materials transported to rear loader strategically staged closely off site. Staff was able to service the entire square within an hour turnaround, inclusive of the increased automobile and pedestrian traffic. Staff encountered several "blocked" containers on Austin Street during the festival. Working with the affected businesses,valet staff was able to arrange a work around to address their disposal needs. Overall the valet program service during the Day of the Dead festival was successful and staff looks forward to continuously improving service. Staff Contact: Brandi Neal, Solid Waste and Recycling J. Temporary Parking Lot for School Construction— The City of Denton is working with the Denton Independent School District on the potential use of a portion of Avondale Park along Hanover Drive for a temporary parking lot during the Wilson Elementary construction. The construction is expected to take up to two years. The proposed temporary parking lot would return to open parkland after the construction is completed. The City and DISD are working closely to find a solution with the least amount of negative impact to the neighborhood and park. To satisfy all internal policies and to gather public feedback,the City and DISD are hosting several public meetings over the next few weeks. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation • November 14 at 6:00 p.m.- Neighborhood meeting at Wilson Elementary School • December 2 at 6:00 p.m.-Parks,Recreation and Beautification Board at the Denton Civic Center • January 7 at 6:30 p.m.- Public Hearing at the City of Denton City Council meeting III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Texas Arbor Da.. 2�— Saturday, November 2 at 8:00 a.m. the new North Lakes Dog Park.Staff will be planting 71 trees with the help of over 80 volunteers. Staff contact: Haywood Morgan, Parks and Recreation 2. Heritage Festival — Saturday, November 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center(3310 Collins Road.). Join us to celebrate the plants, animals, and history of Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center by attending one of our events. This community event is free and open to the public! At 10:30 we will host an Arbor Day StoryTime with Denton Public Library and at 11:30 a.m. we will be joined by the Blackland Prairie Raptor Rescue for a presentation with live raptors (the birds, not the dinosaurs). Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability 6 B. Community Meetings 1. Developer Town Hall Meeting — Monday, November 4 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.at the City Hall Council Chambers(215 E McKinney Street). Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services 2. Naming Policy Public Hearing—During the City Council meeting on Tuesday, November 5 at City Hall Council Chambers, 215 E. McKinney St. This public hearing will be an agenda item during the City Council meeting which begins at 6:30 p.m. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation 3. Adapted Recreation Focus Group Public Meeting—Wednesday,November 6 at 6:00 p.m. at Denton Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney St. The meeting for public input on Adapted Recreation is meant to supplement the Needs Assessment Survey as part of the future Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan. Staff representatives will be on site to receive input on current adapted rec programs and events, identify future trends and needs, and discuss potential new programs, events, and partnerships that could be considered as part of the future master plan. Residents unable to attend are welcome to submit input via email to Gary.Packan(d),cityofdenton.com or call(940)349-7460. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation 4. Woodrow Wilson Elementary School Redevelopment/Avondale Park — Thursday, November 14 at 6:00 pm at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School cafeteria, 1306 E Windsor Drive. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation IV. Attachments A. Deerwood neighborhood outreach letter................................................................8 B. Green Tree Estates Fact Sheet..............................................................................10 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2019-184 City Support of External Agencies.....................................................14 B. 2019-185 Hunter Cole Ranch Update ................................................................19 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................22 B. Council Calendar .................................................................................................23 C. Draft Agenda for November 12............................................................................25 D. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................30 E. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................31 CITY I OF DE NT O N 901A TEXAS ST. DENTON, TEXAS 76209•(940)349-8910•FAX(940)349-8951 CAPITAL PROJECTS November 4,2019 Re: Dear Resident or Property Owner, You have received this letter because your property is in an area in which the City has received concerns from property owners regarding excessive storm runoff onto yards. The pasture land to the west of your property naturally flows into the Deerwood Phase II neighborhood. Through the years,natural erosion has caused runoff, at certain locations, into neighboring yards; in some cases, onto adjacent property(s)before reaching the street. City staff recently visited the area to assess the concerns. During the site visit, modifications to structures/properties were noticed that may have improved one drainage situation but produced either a new drainage problem on the property or a negative impact on the neighboring property. Please consider the following suggestions to address runoff concerns and minimize potential risks and damages for yourself and neighbors: 1) Potential improvements to your home or property: — Construct/reconstruct a drainage swale between homes along the property line so stormwater flow will discharge to the street. — Do not block storm water runoff that naturally passes through your property onto neighbors' property. — Install French drains at low spots and discharge to the street(curb cut permit will be required). — Clear debris from gutters and downspouts, and direct downspouts toward street, away from homes or neighboring property. — Raise your A/C unit above flood level. — Check your home for water entry points. These entry points can be low windows, doors,and dryer vents. These can be corrected with low walls or temporary shields. — More information can be found in the Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your House from Flooding. Copies are available at the City of Denton Public Library or at htq2://www.fema.jzov/media-librLry/assets/documents/480. — Please note that some flood protection measures may need a building permit and others may not be safe for your type of building, so be sure to talk to the Building Inspections Department(940-349- 8360). 2) Consider additional flood protection measures: — Mark your fuse or breaker box to show the circuits to the flood prone areas. — Learn and familiarize yourself on how to shut off the electricity and gas to your home if a flood event occurs. 3) Consider purchasing a flood insurance policy: — Homeowner's insurance policies do not cover damage from floods. However,because the City of Denton participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, you can purchase a separate flood insurance policy.This insurance is backed by the Federal Government and is available to everyone, 8 Page 2 even properties that have been flooded in the past. Because the City of Denton participates in the Community Rating System,you will receive a reduction in the insurance premium and, since your home/building is not located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, you may qualify for a lower-cost Preferred Risk Policy. — Usually Preferred Risk Policies only cover the building's structure and not the contents. If you choose to purchase a Preferred Risk Policy,be sure you to include contents coverage. In most cases,there is a 30-day waiting period before National Flood Insurance Program coverage takes effect. Contact your insurance agent for more information on rates and coverage. Sincerely, Noreen Housewright,P.E., C.F.M. Floodplain Administrator City of Denton "Dedicated to Quality Service" www.cityoWdenton.com IIT Utility Administration DENTON 901-A Texas St., Denton, TX 76209 • (940) 349-8463 Summary of Green Tree Estates Water Services Nov. 1, 2019 Background: • The owner and operator of a water well at Green Tree Estates, provides water Green Tree Estates residents. He has informed the City and water customers that he will stop operating the well Nov. 15, 2019—eliminating the only source of water for these customers. • The number of customers nears the threshold of being a public water supplier by state rules (25 is the threshold). The City has argued that the services meet the state requirements. Additionally, the well has a public water supply identification,which is currently listed as "inactive". • The 30-day notification falls short of the requirements specified by the Texas Public Utilities Commission's(PUC) 120-day notification requirement for public water suppliers. What are the City's requirements to provide water?: • Green Tree Estates was annexed into the City of Denton in 2013. The Service Plan that was part of the annexation agreement specifies a series of steps for the Owner to receive water from the City. These steps include paying for extension of service from the nearest City Water line connection to the existing tank system for the well. The tank system would then continue to be used to distribute water to the residents. • All roads within Green Tree Estates and the well water distribution system are privately owned, therefore,the City is unable to directly connect to residences. • As developments occurred around Green Tree Estates, connection points were established on two sides of Green Tree estates to facilitate connection by Owner. • Since annexation in 2013, the Owner has declined to connect to the City of Denton system and has continued to supply water to customers with an "inactive" regulatory status. City of Denton efforts on behalf of the residents: • Upon learning of the intent to cease water services, an outside law firm was contacted to advise the City on options to avoid a sudden and devastating loss of water services. • The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) was contacted to assess the situation. The system at Green Tree Estates is currently listed as an "inactive" Public Water Supply with the TCEQ. TCEQ staff performed a site visit on August 5, 2019, and determined that the system has 11 connections serving 26 people, which meets the definition of a public water system. However,the TCEQ stated that the Owner claimed that some connections were illegal, and the TCEQs position was that illegal connections can be disconnected without notice. The TCEQ OUR CORE VALUES Integrity •Fiscal Responsibility• Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/AREA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 10 further stated that if there is no service agreement or contract with the people receiving water, the Owner can turn off the well if he wishes. • TCEQ made a subsequent inspection and documented 9 connections (two of which had been disconnected by the Owner) and 22 customers. This stands in contrast to resident feedback that as many as 50 persons may be receiving water from the Green Tree Estates System. • The Owner was issued a letter(attached) by the City outlining our position (and that of outside counsel)that discontinuation of services was governed by state law. • The City then contacted the PUC to request intervention on behalf of the residents. Specifically, the City requested a proper notice period in keeping with public water suppliers. • The City has held discussions with the PUC over the course of two months, with varying levels of responsiveness from the Commission. Public Utility Commission involvement: • It is debatable whether the well system meets the requirements of a retail public utility under the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission (PUC). Although the PUC has worked with the Owner concerning notification and related activities to cease providing service,the PUC has taken the position that they cannot require compliance with state rules regarding the cessation of water services (16TAC 24.249). Current status: • The City hosted a public meeting on Oct. 29 to discuss the issue, hear customer concerns, and discuss options that may be available. There were 25-30 attendees. The property owner and PUC representative, both of which were in attendance, did not make a statement. At the meeting residents reported that there may be up to 50 people receiving water from the system. Additionally, some residents reported that they did specifically pay for water services. • The Owner has no responsibility to re-house any individuals left without water service after he stops operating the water well. • As a person affected by this discontinuation of the current water service,you may have rights from the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Please call 1-888-782-8477 or go to http://www.puc.texas.gov/consumer/complaint/Complaint.aspx for more information. • Residents who are in need of emergency housing assistance may be connected to local agencies in the community providing housing assistance, should the residents qualify and if funding is available. Residents wishing to learn more may contact the Community Development Division at (940) 349-7726. 2 11 Frequently Asked Questions Updated: 11/1/19 Can the City connect to the homes and provide water? The City does not have the authority to directly provide water to the homes for several significant reasons. First,the City would not be able to access properties without the granting of utility easements by the property owners. Most of these properties, and all Green Tree Estates roads are held by the water well Owner. Second, by Charter and by policy, the costs for the new infrastructure must be supplied by the property owner(s). Any new infrastructure would not be implemented by the Owner's Nov. 15 water cutoff date. The granting of easements and design and installation of infrastructure would take months to accomplish. Can the City connect to the existing system to provide water? In the approved annexation Service Plan, a process was stipulated for the Green Tree Estates water system to connect to the City water system and provide City water. Under this process,the City would provide water(with appropriate backflow controls) into the privately held Green Tree Estates water storage tank. That water would be metered and billed to the water well Owner. The Owner would then operate the existing system and provide City-supplied waters to Green Tree Estates Customers. This Plan assumed the continued operation of the private water system by the owner, however the Owner has indicated no interest in pursuing this. The City cannot bypass the water tank and connect water directly into the Green Tree Estates water system distribution network. This is primarily due to the unknown age and quality of the water pipes. The City could not take responsibility for a system that might be a hazard to the health and safety of the customers. Additionally,the Green Tree Estates infrastructure may not structurally withstand the increase in pressure from the City water system. Can the City use eminent domain to secure access to properties to provide water? The annexation Service Plan specifically stated conditions to connect the property to our system, which was a condition for annexation. For eminent domain to be used,the city would have to: 1. fund the costs of the infrastructure and the value of the land being taken; 2. demonstrate a public purpose in the eminent domain taking. Additionally, doing so would set a precedent that would deviate from how the City has historically facilitated water connections to newly annexed land. This change in policy could have far reaching ramifications in how developments connect to services, including whether private developers should receive similar accommodations for new developments. Can CDBG funds be used to provide water? CDBG funds can be used for public infrastructure projects for areas that serve low-to-moderate income persons.The Census block group that Green Tree Estates is a part of is not outright permitted for the 3 12 use of CDBG funds as it does not meet the threshold for income eligibility(51%of low-to-moderate income persons must be located in the block group). However, an income survey could be performed for Green Tree Estates to determine eligibility for a specific neighborhood project and could be submitted to HUD for review and approval. It is not known at this time how long that process would take for HUD approval. If this project was eligible for CDBG funds, either 1) the City's current CDBG funds would need to be reallocated through a substantial amendment to the City's Action Plan for Housing and Community Development (estimated to take 60-90 days without Community Development Advisory Committee review), or 2)would need to wait for FY2020 HUD funds to be allocated to the City on Aug. 1, 2020. There are a number of factors that would need to be determined and looked at further including land ownership, property acquisition regulations, and preliminary environmental assessment in order to be in compliance with HUD regulations. Furthermore,the intent of CDBG funds is to benefit low-to-moderate income persons over a period of time—therefore, if sale of the property were to occur in the near future, it may be possible that there could be risk of repayment of CDBG funds to HUD. Did the City consider issue when annexing the land? This issue was considered. The Service Plan was developed prior to annexation and approved by the County appointed annexation committee. It provided a procedure for the private water system to be safely connected to the City water system.This Plan assumed the continued operation of the private water well and system by the Owner. What are the City's current efforts regarding this issue? The City does not contest the right of the Owner to cease operation, it does request that the Green Tree Estates system follow the State of Texas notification process that is required of public water suppliers. Additionally,the City is working to hear resident concerns and place them in contact with state agencies who can answer their questions relating to state rules regarding the cessation of water service. Additionally,the City is referring interested residence to local housing service providers in the event that resources are available to assist with rehousing. While City is also evaluating long-term options to connect Green Tree Estates residences to the City system. This will not be a short-term solution and any options may take months to implement. At this point in time,the City expects water service to Green Tree Estates to lose water service on Nov. 15, 2019. What low-cost or no-cost legal services are available to the Green Tree Estates residents? The residents may have legal options available to them.The City, however, is not a position under its Charter to provide legal services and opinions to them. In addition to directly retaining a private attorney,the residents may qualify for representation by Legal Aid of Northwest Texas or be able to secure low-cost or no-cost representation through the Denton County Bar Association. Legal Aid of Northwest Texas: (940) 383-1406 Denton County Bar Association: (940) 320-1500 4 13 Date:November 1,2019 Report No. 2019-184 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: City funding and resources provided to outside agencies. BACKGROUND: Council Member Davis requested a report on the scope of funds and in-kind resource donations provided by the City to external agencies. Staff began compiling information with multiple departments to fulfill this request in July 2019 before the new Council policy and work session request process was initiated. As such, the attached totals are reflective of funding and resources provided during FY 18-19. Each entry on the spreadsheet categorizes the support provided to an external agency with details on the primary City department responsible, process for securing funding, amount of funding, source of funding, and any other resources provided. A summary table listing total amount provided by fund is also included. Staff identified three primary ways that agencies secure funding from the City: through applying for HOT/sponsorship funds, applying for Community Development grants, and securing funding through an agreement, contract, or MOU authorized by City Council. BY AGREEMENT Some external agencies are funded or provided resources, such as facility space or staff,through a City Council-authorized agreement, contract or MOU. Typically,these agreements are Council or staff initiated and are the result of a work session,informal staff report,or general Council request. These agreements must be approved by Council. HOT/SPONSORSHIP FUNDS The hotel occupancy tax fund is composed of the hotel occupancy taxes collected from hotel transactions. The strength of the fund is attributed to a growing tourism industry in Denton, specifically the Convention Center. The use of the funds is limited to activities that directly enhance and promote tourism.To be considered for HOT/sponsorship funds,eligible organizations must be based in the City of Denton, be a governmental entity or non-profit Texas corporation, and present workshops or provide services that promote tourism and the hotel convention industry. Eligible programming should fall in one of the following categories: convention and visitor information centers, conventions, advertising, arts, historical, sporting events, sports facilities, signage,and transportation. Agencies must apply to be evaluated by the Hotel Occupancy Tax and Sponsorship Committee and if selected, recipients are required to acknowledge that their organization is funded in part by the City of Denton and to maintain accurate and complete financial records of each expenditure of hotel occupancy tax revenue made by the organization. 14 Date:November 1,2019 Report No. 2019-184 A detailed description of HOT/sponsorship fund eligibility and the application process can be found on the City website at https://www.cilyofdenton.com/CoD/media/City-of- Denton/Government/2020-Hotel-Occupancy-Tax-Guidelines.pdf COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANTS There are two annual grant programs available through Community Development: 1) Community Development grants for housing and public improvements that assist low to moderate-income households and help to revitalize neighborhoods and 2) Human Services grants to provide funds to community human services programs serving low to moderate-income residents. Organizations apply annually for funding for the grants. Community Development grant applications are reviewed by the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) and Human Services grant applications are reviewed by the Human Services Advisory Committee (HSAC). The application requires organizations to quantify the need, desired impact, and specific components of the proposed program. It's important to note that both the recipients and amount of the grants vary year to year depending on which organizations apply, which programs are proposed, and the total grant money available from the CDBG/HOME grant allocations from the federal government and budgeted by the City in the General Fund. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City support of outside agencies spreadsheet 2. Special events support provided by Parks and Recreation STAFF CONTACT: Erin Winn Assistant to the City Manager (940) 349-8115 Erin.winnA,cityofdenton.corn REQUESTOR: Council Member Davis PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: City Manager's Office, Finance, Community Development,Animal Services, Customer Services, Police, Parks and Recreation STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 20 hours 15 Total FY 18-19 Resources provided?If so,what Department Agency Process to secure funding Funding provided Funding source kind? By contract;DAS Training room provided for DASF Board Meetings and access to yet clinic and training room for low cost Animal Services Denton Animal Support Foundation Contract $0 n/a vaccinations events. By ordinance;storage room and room for book storage at North Library Friends fthe Denton Public Libraries Ordinance $0 a/a Branch Library. By contract;Provide space at multiple locations to serve breakfast and lunch during the summer and dinner during the Parks and Recreation STHPro'ect Contract $0 n/a school year. Health and Human Service Commission Parks and Recreation (Foster Grandparent Program) MOU $76,500 General fund n/a By ordinance;office space Parks and Recreation Parks Foundation Ordinance $0 General fund provided in City Hall East By agreement;Use of athletic Parks and Recreation Denton youth Sports Association Agreement $0 n/a fields 2 By ordinance;Joint use of certain Parks and Recreation DISD Ordinance $0 n/a facilities a By agreement;the City provides staffing and associated costs m the in the coordination and execution of KDB programs.The funding amount also includes lease space for City/KDB staff and Solid Waste Services Keep Denton Beautiful Ordinance $436,113 Solid Waste fund space for Board meetings. United Way of Denton County Community Development (Homelessness Initiatives) MOU $107,748 General fund n/a Community Development DISD(Mentor Denton) MOU $20,000 General fund n/a Customer Service Interfaith Ministries Contract $135,000 Utilities fund n/a Economic Development Stoke(Hickory&Rail Ventures) Contract $218,170 General fund n/a Economic Development Denton Chamber of Commerce Contract $238,836 General fund n/a By contract;City provides a full- time program administrator and a full-time assistant program Economic Development Main Street Association Contract $2,600 General fund administrator Police Children's Advocacy Center FairShareAgreement $153471 General fund n/a Police Friends of the Family Grant application $39,395 IAPC grant n/a Denton Independent School District Police (50%of5chool Resource Officers) MOU $404,390 General fund n/a By ordinance;City leases facility Real Estate Greater Denton Arts Council Ordinance n/a to GDAC for$1/year By ordinance;City pays maintenance and utility costs at Real Estate Denton Community Theater Ordinance $10,800 General fund OCT rehearsal spaces. Community Development Denton Christian Preschool Human Services Grant $26,000 Federal-CDBG n/a Community Development Denton City County Day School Human Services Grant $40,250 Federal-CDBG n/a Community Development Fred Moore Day Nursery School Inc. Human Services Grant $40,000 General fund n/a Community Development RSVP Serving Denton County Human Services Grant $5,000 General fund n/a Community Development SPAN Inc. Human Services Grant $25,000 Federal-CDBG n/a Communities In School of North Texas, Community Development Inc. Human Services Grant $24,000 General fund n/a Community Development CASA of Denton County,Inc. Human Services Grant $20,000 General fund n/a Community Development Denton County Friends ofthe Family Human Services Grant $35,000 Federal-CDBG n/a Greater Lewisville youth&Family Community Development Services Human Services Grant $11,000 General fund n/a Community Development Denton Community Health Clinic Human Services Grant $32,000 General fund n/a Community Development Health Services of North Texas Inc. Human Services Grant $45,000 General fund n/a Community Development Pediplace Human Services Grant $5,000 General fund n/a £ Community Development Denton County MHMR Human Services Grant $15,000 General fund n/a Community Development RSVP Serving Denton County Human Services Grant $13,000 General fund n/a l Community Development Monsignor King Outreach Center Human Services Grant $32,000 General fund n/a Q Salvation Army of Denton County � Community Development Corps. Human Services Grant $23,250 Federal-CDBG n/a Community Development Giving Hope,Inc. Human Services Grant $32,500 General fund n/a Community Development Interfaith Ministries of Denton Inc. Human Services Grant $7,000 Generalfund n/a Community Development Our Daily Bread Human Services Grant $15,000 General fund n/a Community Development United Way of Denton County Human Services Grant $8,754 General fund n/a Community Development Community Development Denton Affordable Housing Corp. Grant(HOME) $5,983 Federal-HOME n/a ftVALUE. Community Development Community Development Denton City County Day School Grant(CDBG) $56,960 Federal-CDBG n/a Community Development Community Development 1 FairOaks Senior Housing I Grant(HOME) $108,000 1 Federal-HOME In/a 16 Community Development Community Development Denton Community Food Center Grant(CDBG) $100,000 Federal-CDBG n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Black Chamber of Commerce HOT a pplication process $26,000 Revenue n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Denton Black Chamber of Commerce application process $3,500 Sponsorship Fund n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Denton Black Chamberaf Commerce a pplication proce $440 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Chamber of Commerce HOT application process $1,370,781 Revenue n/a Denton African American Scholarship Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Foundation HOT application process $16,000 Revenue n/a Denton African American Scholarship Sponsorship fund Finance Foundation application process $5,000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Denton Assistance Center application process $1,500 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Community Market HOT application process $25,000 Revenue n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Denton Community Market application process $3,000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Cornmurity Theatre HOT application process $25,000 Revenue n/a Denton County Office of History and Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Culture HOT application process $157,590 Revenue n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Denton County Livestock Association application process $400 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Dog Days HOT application process $19,001 1 Revenue n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Festival Foundation HOT application process $105,060 Revenue n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Denton Festival Foundation application process $5,000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Holiday Festival Association HOT application process $23500 Revenue n/a C Sponsorship fund Finance Denton Holiday Festival Association application process $2,000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Ex lorium Denton HOT application process $7000 Revenue n/a i Sponsorship fund Finance Explorium Denton application s proce $3,000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Filmmaking Access application process $500 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Greater Denton Arts Council HOT application process $147,084 Revenue n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Greater Denton Arts Council application process $3,000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Habitat for Humanity of Denton County application process $500 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Historic Denton HOT application process $1000 Revenue n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Kiwanis Club of Denton,Breakfast HOT application process $6,000 Revenue n/a Sponsorship fund Finance Kiwanis Youth Services application process $40000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Denton Central Business Association HOT application process $35,000 1 Revenue n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Music Theatre of Denton HOT application process $5,355 Revenue n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance North Texas State Fair Association HOT application process $168,000 Revenue n/a Sponsorship fund Finance North Texas State Fair Association application process $5,000 Sponsorship Fund n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Tejas Storytelling Association HOT application process $54,829 Revenue n/a Hotel Occupancy Tax Finance Texas Filmmakers Corporation HOT application process $16,567 Revenue n/a Sponsorship Fund Finance Texas Filmmakers Corporation lication r 10000 1 Sponsorship Fund $4,860,328 Notes $1,537,769 -The Sponsorhip fund is funded jointly by the general fund $135,000 and electric revenues $436,113 -Human Service grants are funded from the General Fund $420,443 and Federal CDBG grant;however,per federal regulations, the maximum amount allowable for Human Services is 15% $2,291,607 17 CO-SPONSORED 18-19 Co-Sponsored Events Police OT Fire&EMS Solid Waste DME PM Overtime PM Regular LS Overtime LS Regular Rentals Supplies Janitorial Trash FACILITY FEMA FIRE PERMIT EVENT PERMIT FY18-19 Actuals Veteran's Stand Down $400 $1,575 $1,975 Bridging Hope Ministries $2,800 $2,800 Holiday Lighting $10,848 $2,150 $934 $1,946 $200 $30 $16,108 Women's March $4,530 $23 $4,553 Turkey Trot Fun Run $2,609 $750 $50 $200 $3,609 Texas Storytelling $2,475 $434 $1,614 $4,523 Tails and Trails $300 $30 $330 Denton County Radio $90 $90 Arts&Jazz Festival $63,187 $17,400 $15,928 $7,247 $79 $1,810 $937 $20,619 $400 $7,784 $33,320 $2,710 $171,421 Cinco de Mayo $7,715 $1,716 $290 $227 $680 $3,600 $472 $14,700 Movie In the Park $325 $30 $355 Juneteenth $11,409 $1,452 $601 $631 $713 $1,875 $1,490 $200 $30 $18,401 Bridging Hope Ministries $66 $400 $300 $766 Bridging Hope Ministries $35 $400 $300 $735 Bridging Hope Ministries $30 $400 $300 $730 Community Market $266 $225 $400 $1,250 $2,141 Blues Festival $8,215 $338 $3,259 $1,283 $453 $7,000 1581 $22,129 Totals $111,254 $20,300 $338 $22,355 $10,355 $79 $3,231 $2,883 $22,012 $2,400 $8,464 $54,699.00 $6,276.00 $600 $120 $265,366 $167,912 $35,759 $61,695.00 $265,366 CO-SPONSORED • • 18-19 Co-sponsored Events Ordinance Actuals Veteran's Stand Down $2,500 $1,975 Bridging Hope Ministries $3,650 $2,800 Holiday Lighting $15,600 $16,108 Women's March $4,536 $4,553 Turkey Trot Fun Run $5,060 $3,609 Texas Storytelling $3,703 $4,523 Tails and Trails $300 $330 Denton County Radio $90 $90 Arts&Jazz Festival $196,000 $171,421 Cinco de Mayo $13,900 $14,700 Movie In the Park $355 $355 Juneteenth $18,167 $18,401 Bridging Hope Ministries $300 $766 Bridging Hope Ministries $300 $735 Bridging Hope Ministries $300 $730 Community Market $1,250 $2,141 Blues Festival $19,352 $22,129 Totals $285,363 $265,366 18 Date:November 1,2019 Report No. 2019-185 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Update on Hunter Cole Ranch development BACKGROUND: Hunter and Cole Ranch is a proposed 6,000-acre master-planned development west of I-35 West and east of Robson Ranch. Hunter Ranch is represented by Hillwood Communities, and Cole Ranch is represented by Stratford Land. The proposed development is located within the city limits and is designated as a Master Planned Community District under the Denton Development Code. The development's buildout is expected to occur over 40 years and is anticipated to include: • 15,717 single family units • 5,090 multifamily units • 424 commercial acres • 101 industrial acres Because projects of this size require construction of significant public infrastructure,the developers will pay for the construction of such improvements and seek reimbursement through a Municipal Management District(MMD). An MMD is considered a governmental agency and a political subdivision of the state. The MMD finances public capital improvements and/or services by imposing property taxes, special assessments, and/or impact fees on property owners within the district who are benefiting from such improvements. With that source of revenue, and once the assessed value of the property is 10 times greater than the amount of debt to be issued, the MMD can issue bonds,which are then used to reimburse the developer for the up-front cost of the public improvements. On February 12, 2019,the Denton City Council passed resolutions of support for the creation of the MMD to be considered during the State of Texas' 2019 Legislative session. The district was approved by the Legislature on June 14, 2019. The MMD's approval is non-binding and provides the City of Denton the option, but not the obligation,to create the MMD. As a result, activation of the MMD will be contingent upon the Denton City Council passing a consent resolution.Accompanying the resolution will be operating and project agreements.A brief description of each agreement follows. • Consent Resolution—Consents to the creation of the Hunter and Cole Ranch Improvement District and the inclusion of the land therein. Allows for the acquisition, construction, improvement, financing,operation, and maintenance of improvement projects such as roads, utilities infrastructure, and parks and recreation facilities. Construction of improvements require City of Denton approval of plans/specifications and inspection of facilities. • Operating Agreement—Authorizes the district's construction,operation, financing, and conveyance of improvement projects such as roads,utilities infrastructure, and parks and recreation facilities. Includes tax rate limitations and financial reporting requirements. • Project Agreement—Establishes the need for infrastructure and facilities to serve the property. Defines the responsibilities and methods in which Improvement Projects such as water, 19 Date:November 1,2019 Report No. 2019-185 wastewater,roads, and recreational facilities will be acquired, constructed, improved, financed, operated, and maintained. Includes provisions related to design guidelines,affordable housing, and gas well setbacks. To prepare for Council's consideration of the above items, staff will be scheduling work sessions to review and discuss key provisions contained in each document. The first work session is tentatively scheduled to occur during the November 19, 2019 City Council meeting. Currently, City staff and representatives from Hillwood and Stratford are meeting on a regular basis to negotiate and finalize the proposed agreements that will be considered by Council. As part of this effort, staff has commissioned several studies, the objectives of which are to validate the accuracy of the project's financing plan, ensure adequate infrastructure and facilities, and prevent subsidization by current and future residents. A description of each study follows. • Fiscal Impact-The City contracted with TischlerBise to conduct a fiscal impact analysis of the development. They will create a fiscal impact model to test the viability of various development scenarios, including financing arrangements, costs,and return on investment. The final analysis will present all the major findings and reasons for the results. The study is anticipated to be completed by mid to late November. • Water&Wastewater-The City contracted with Freese and Nichols to conduct a hydraulic analysis evaluating the impacts of the proposed developments on the water distribution and wastewater collection systems. The analysis deliverable is a technical memorandum establishing design criteria, evaluating future system demands, evaluating regulatory requirements,and proposing a capital plan for major regional and on-site infrastructure improvements necessary to support this development. The study is anticipated to be complete by early December. • Traffic Assessment-The City contracted with HDR Engineering to assess the proposed traffic carrying capacity of the transportation infrastructure with respect to the traffic generated by the proposed development as well as the regional traffic in and around the proposed development. As part of the assessment,the consultant will calculate the proportionality of the local traffic generated by Hunter and Cole Ranch vs. regional traffic along all the proposed roadways within the Hunter and Cole Ranch. Additionally, a phasing analysis will be conducted to identify the phasing of proposed transportation infrastructure(roadway network)based on project(land use) phasing. The study is anticipated to be completed by mid to late November. • City Facilities- The City contracted with Quorum Architects to conduct a program and space needs analysis that projects future needs for a Service Center and Solid Waste Transfer Station facilities located in the southwest area of the city. The facilities would house field and service operations to include Solid Waste,Parks, Streets/Drainage,Water and Waste Water Utilities, Fleet, and Denton Municipal Electric. The study will include an executive summary and matrix with details related to staff and space needs. The study is anticipated to be completed by early to mid-November. The above studies will be critical in the evaluation of the development's feasibility and economic viability. As a result, staff has communicated to the developer that the schedule of Council work sessions and consideration of the agreements will be contingent on completion of the studies and resolution of concerns raised by staff. 20 Date:November 1,2019 Report No. 2019-185 STAFF CONTACT: Ethan Cox Director of Public Works (940) 349-7421 Ethan.cox@cityofdenton.com PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: City Manager's Office, Public Works, Capital Projects, Water&Wastewater, Finance STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 2 hours 21 Council Member Preferred format for Requestor Date Service Request Summary of Request Time Sensitivity response Department Comments Council Member Davis 05/14/19 Policy Staff report on City funds provided to outside entities including Informal Staff Report CMO Information will be included in the November 1 partnerships where real estate is provided(cash or in-kind),or Friday Report. funding for salaries is provided and the requirements placed on those entities. Council Member Meltzer 08/01/19 Policy Review the use of the Historic Tax Abatement Incentives to Informal Staff Report Economic Development Staff is collecting data and finalizing report: encourage redevelopment in the area. pending other departmental priorities Council Member Davis 09/17/19 Clarification Follow up on development services fees conversation with DACA. Following Meeting w/DCDA Reps Informal Staff Report Development Services Information will be included in a future Friday Ideally,addressing the specific concerns raised in Lee Allison's Report email to Council on 9/17. Council Member Davis 09/17/19 Policy Cemetery Fees Comparison/Study.I'd like to know the basis of When available Informal Staff Report Parks and Recreation Information will be included in a future Friday our current cemetery fees,and comparisons with other similar Report. municipal cemeteries.I'm particularly interest in time-sensitive fees(i.e.,24-hour fee)and the policy decisions behind them. Council Member Briggs 09/24/19 Policy Can historic preservation be moved out of planning and under Informal Staff Report Development Services Staff is developing an ISR economic dev.What would be the benefits and challenges? Council Member Armintor 09/25/19 Policy How do other cities in the area conduct citizen police review Informal Staff Report Police Council Member will present at a future work boards? session Council Member Armintor 09/26/19 Policy Work Session to develop a comprehensive antidiscrimination Work Session Council Member will present at a future work ordinance. session Council Member Davis 10/04/19 Policy Anti-Discrimination Ordinance.I'd like to discuss an anti- October/Dependent on MEI Work Session CMO Council Member Davis will present this request discrimination ordinance at a work session to coincide with release at the November 5 City Council work session of the 2019 MEI. Council Member Armintor 10/05/19 Policy A work session on having an ordinance exactly like the Dallas Before Veterans Day Work Session Development Services Council Member Armintor will present this Veterans'Housing Discrimination ordinance.Please add this to request at the November 5 City Council work my queue.Is it possible to bump it up to the top of the work session session request queue so I can do my little 1-minute presentation on it before Veterans Day(Nov 11).So that would be on or before Nov 5. Council Member Briggs 10/14/19 Policy Discuss the conversion of Quaker town,City Hall creek from Not time sensitive Work Session Capital Projects Council Member Briggs will present this request concrete section back to natural at the November 5 City Council work session Council Member Armintor 10/16/19 Policy Can the Council discuss possible programs for the NTCOG Solid November 2019(grant application Informal Staff Report Solid Waste and Recycling Information will be provided in a future Friday Waste Implementation Grant Program due Jan 6) Report Council Member Briggs 10/16/19 Policy Have we thought about Becoming a certified entrepreneurial None Informal Staff Report City Manager's Office Information will be included in a future Friday community.httirrUcreativecec.com/.Can we? Report Council Member Armintor 10/22/19 Policy Can we please have a Friday report on what the total cost has Friday Report Internal Audit Information will be included in a future Friday been to the city of external legal counsel to the Ethics committee, Report which attorney(s)used,cost per hour charged,and on what occasions? Council Member Meltzer 10/26/19 Policy "Most of the wells in yet-to-be developed areas are currently Low Email Development Services Information will be included in a future Friday Priority in classification.The wells in the proposed Hunter/Cole Report Ranch development are such.But,that classification could change with development.I thought it might be advantageous to know which of those now Low Priority pad sites can drill/frack more well as that might influence setback considerations.This would entail staff reviewing at least the 51 well permits currently on the Hunter/Cole land." Council Member Briggs 10/27/19 Policy Work session on smart city led applications discussion on what we Depends on if necessary before Work Session DME Information will be included in a future Friday need to do next steps installed Report Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth 10/28/19 Service Request Can staff check on the activity behind the Vibe Apartments? Soon Email Community Development Information will be included in a future Friday Report Council Member Armintor 10/29/19 Policy Can the civic center have its own insurance policy where entities Soon Email Parks and Recreation/Risk Information will be included in a future Friday like Bridging Hope who might want to use it in inclement weather Management Report can pay a deposit or a fee to cover the cost so they don't have to get their own liability policy,which they can't afford? Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth 10/29/19 Clarification What are the steps to get signage approved on the pedestrian Email Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday brid a near UNT? lReport 22 November 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12:00 am Council 10:30am Audit/Finance Luncheon 2:30pm Agenda Committee I)owntown ED Committee 8:30am 1:30pm Committee on the 1:00 pm CC Work Session Environment 6:30 pm CC Regular 4:00pm Public Art Committee 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session Commission 6:30pm P&Z Regttlar Session 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 am Mob ilitv 11:00amEDP Bo a rd Committee 11:00 am DCRC 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm BIC Session 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4:00p m ZBA 2:00 p m CC Work Session 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Nketing 6:30 pm CC Regular 6:30pmP&Z Regular Session Se ssion 5:00pmCommittee on Persons with Disabilities 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 No Council Meeting 11:00amTlF Board(TIRZ#1) 23 December 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work Session 4:00pm Public Art Committee Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Traffic Sa fe ty Commission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility 11:00amEDP Bo a rd Committee 5:00pm PH Work Session 11:00 am DCRC 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 5:30pm HLC Session 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4:00p m ZBA 2:00 pm CC Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Meting 6:30pm CC Regular 5:00pmCommitteeon Se ssion Persons With Disabilities 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o Council Meeting 29 30 31 o Council Meeting 24 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, November 12,2019 2:00 PM Work Session Room WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AND ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CLOSED MEETING IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall,215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. DCA19-0008 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding a new Administrative Criteria Manual, a new Environmentally Sensitive Areas Criteria Manual and updates to existing Criteria Manuals. B. ID 19-2686 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on proposed enhancements to the Development Review process. C. ID 19-1721 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the cost recovery and resource allocation study for the Parks and Recreation Department(PARD). D. ID 19-2210 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for information. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. Closed Meeting: A. ID 19-2694 Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Page I Printed on 111112019 25 City Council Meeting Agenda November 12,2019 Texas Government Code Section 551.086; Consultation with Attorneys - Under Texas Government Code, Section 551.071. Receive a presentation from staff regarding public power competitive and financial matters related to a Power Purchase Agreement between the City of Denton, as the seller of power and electric energy services, and Texas Woman's University, as a buyer of power and electric energy services; discuss, deliberate, and provide direction to staff regarding the same. Consultation with the City's attorneys regarding legal issues associated with the above matters where a public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or would jeopardize the City's legal position in any administrative proceeding or potential litigation. Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. Following the completion of the Closed Meeting, the City Council will convene in a Special Called Meeting to consider the following item(s): 1. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — G). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 19-2621 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, approving a City co-sponsorship in an amount not to exceed $3,748 of in-kind services and resources for the Downtown Denton Turkey Trot and Kids' Gobble Wobble, which will be held on Thursday, November 28, 2019, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., at the McKinney Street parking lot;and providing an effective date. B. ID 19-2673 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, approving a City sponsorship of in-kind services and resources in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for the Denton Fire Traditions Calendar Fundraiser on Saturday, November, 16 2019; and providing an effective date. Page 2 Printed on 111112019 26 City Council Meeting Agenda November 12, 2019 C. ID 19-2680 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to utilize a contract through Tarrant County, Bid Number 2019-064, for the repair, replacement, and the installation of new Guard Fence (guardrails); providing for expenditures of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7176- awarded to Vann/Elli, Inc., in the two (2) year not-to-exceed amount of$100,000). D. ID 19-2681 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract through the TXMAS Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number TXMAS-I8-OOCORP12 for managing live online vehicle and equipment auctions for disposal of City of Denton fleet assets and Police Department impound vehicles; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7212 - awarded to IronPlanet Inc. dba GovPlanet, for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one(1)year extensions,in the total three(3)year). E. ID 19-2682 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, Nunc Pro Tunc, correcting an inadvertent mistake in Ordinance No. 19-2196, specifically the awarded amount of the services agreement IDEXX Distribution, Inc. c/o IDEXX Laboratories for drinking water compliance testing and for laboratory services and animal testing materials for the Denton animal shelter;providing an effective date(File 7133). F. ID 19-2684 Consider approval of the minutes of October 22,2019. G. ID 19-2685 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton ("City") authorizing the Mayor to act on the City's behalf in executing an amendment to the Joint Operating Agreement (the "JOA") by and between, and among, Texas Municipal Power Agency (the "Agency") and the cities of Bryan, Denton, Garland, and Greenville (the "Parties"); and, providing an effective date. 2. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 19-2674 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with ImageNet Consulting, LLC, through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract# DIR-TSO-4159 for the lease of 90 digital copiers for various City of Denton departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7134- awarded to ImageNet Consulting, LLC, in the five(5)year not-to-exceed amount of$1,182,585). B. ID 19-2176 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton ("City") authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a Contract of Sale by and between Kornu, Pia et al and Wen Tsai., collectively, the "Owner"), and the City, for the sale and purchase of fee simple title to an approximate 71.34 acre tract of land, situated in the M. Forrest Survey, Abstract No. 417, Denton County, Texas for the purchase price of Two Million Three Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars and No Cents ($2,354,220.00); authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; providing for severability Page 3 Printed on 111112019 27 City Council Meeting Agenda November 12, 2019 and an effective date. (Mills Road) C. ID 19-2678 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Archer Western Construction, LLC, for the construction of Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant (LLWTP) Phase II Improvements; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7138 - awarded to Archer Western Construction, LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of$15,588,880). D. ID 19-2679 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Links Construction, LLC, for the construction of a new Fire Station #8, located at 3131 Colorado Boulevard; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7140- awarded to Links Construction, LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of $4,188,822.30). E. ID 19-2515 Consider nominations/appointments to the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Airport Advisory Board, Animal Shelter Advisory Commimttee, Board of Ethics, Committee on Persons with Disabilities, Community Development Advisory Committee, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Human Services Advisory Committee, Library Board, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Public Utilities Board, Traffic Safety Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. F. ID 19-2709 Consider adoption of an ordinance canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the Special Bond Election held on November 5,2019;and providing an effective date. 3. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics, above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2019 at CITY SECRETARY Page q Printed on 111112019 28 City Council Meeting Agenda November 12, 2019 NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 5 Printed on 111112019 29 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of November 1,2019 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Mayhill Bridge Mews Street 4-Nov Lunch 19-2601 19-2240 Closed Session-Reviews Non-Profit Development Comprehensive Waste of Municipal Judge and Review of Council Fee Grant Program Horse-Drawn Carriages Management Strategy Internal Auditor Requests 5-Nov 19-2242 19-2370 19-2594 19-2631 19-2209 Development Review Recreation Cost of Pilot Program- Review of Council Process Improvements Service Study City Criteria Manuals Pedestrian-Only Interval Requests 12-Nov 19-2686 19-1721 DCA19-0008 (DT Square) 19-2210 City Initiated Zoning Review of Council Economic Development Changes Construction Code Cole Hunter Ranch Mobility Plan Update Requests 19-Nov Green Building Incentives Audit 19-2274 Review 19-2259 19-2485 19-2211 2-Dec Lunch Tentative-Joint w/Denton ISD Pilot Program- Sagebrook Annexation Review of Council Doorbell Monitoring Pedestrian-Only Interval Vision Zero Development Requests 3-Dec Technology (DT Square) 19-2445 19-2369 Roadway Impact Fees Cole Hunter Ranch 19-2256 Denton County Behavioral Health Review of Council Leadership Team DIVE Budget Update Fire Standards of Chamber Contract Employee Ethics Policy Stoke Annual Update Requests 30-Dec 19-2338 19-2470 Coverage 19-1946 19-018 19-2628 19-2257 Accessory Dwelling Units, Walls,Fences,and Review of Council Screening Requests 17-Dec Green Building Incentives DCA19-0011 19-2258 6-Jan Lunch Review of Council Requests 7-Jan 20-001 Review of Council Requests 14-Jan 20-002 21-Jan No meeting;MLK Holiday on 1120 Review of Council Requests 28-Jan 20-003 Review of Council 'a Pay-As-You-Go Program Right of Way Ordinance Purchasing Manual Sustainability Plan Requests Feb.04 QJ Overview Outdoor Noise Follow-up Update DIVE GreenSense Update TBD C C Gas Well Update &Closed Session Item Review of Council f1 m Affordable Housing/ Group Home Code (pulled from 10/8/19 Utilities Management Requests Feb 11 ut C 1... Housing Assistance Amendment WS) Study Public Art Canopy Trails TBD O N (A Review of Council H ♦'� Requests Feb 18 G1 N High Voltage Lines TBD Y L O Review of Council Requests Feb 25 TBD Work Session Requests Determined Community Public Art Integrated Pest by Council- Incentives for City and Community Tree TIF Grants for Management Plan Date TBD Employee Residency Grants Accessibility Review 30 Street Closure Report IMPROVING Upcoming Closures ' )LNTCC[\1 DENTON Week of November 4, 2019 - November 10, 2019 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Bell Ave Texas Schmitz 11/24/19 12/01/19 Water tap for TWU STLC meter Water NextDoor (940) 205-9230 vault Chipping Cam den Argyle Lane Winthrop Hill 12/02/19 12/16/19 Base Failure Repairs Streets door hangers (940) 349-7146 Road Crosstimber Mill Wye 12/20/19 12/27/19 Street Repairs Streets (940) 349-7146 (Road Closure) Edge wood Crestwood Northwood 11/11/19 12/13/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Door Hangers (940) 349-7160 Terrace Edwards Road S. Mayhill Camino Real 11/11/19 11/25/19 Base Failure Repairs Streets door hangers (940) 349-7146 Trail City of TxDOT Project- FM 2181 Denton/Cori Lillian Miller TBD TBD Street Widening TxDOT currently on hold (940) 349-8425 nth City Fry Oak Hickory 12/02/19 11/27/19 Signal reconstruction Traffic Direct business contact (940) 349-7486 Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering (940) 349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) 135E northbound service located 500 ft west TBD TBD Wastewater Improvements road of Bonnie (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater (940) 349-7128 Northwood Terrace Edgewood Cul v Sac 11/11/19 12/13/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Door Hanger (940) 349-7160 Robson East Side of 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940) 349-7128 RR (Temporary Lane Closure) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Door Hangers Drainage and Roadway Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City TBD TBD Construction Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. 1 (940) 349-8910 Southern RR Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Capital Project (One Lane traffic control) Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Base Repairs Crews will move here Meet with Business Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets after work on Kerley St. Owners (940) 349-7146 is complete Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Capital Projects Part of 2019 Street (940) 349-7104 Bundle Total 14 Upcoming Closures 31 Street Closure Report IMPROVING 41"'t" Mom Current Closures _ir4c DENTON Week of November 4, 2019 - November 10, 2019 1' '. Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Avenue C W Oak W Hickory 11/11/19 11/29/19 Signal Reinstallations (Street Traffic Weather delay (940) 349-7486 Closure) Blagg Rd. Mayhill Geesling 03/18/19 11/30/19 Mayhill Project Bridge Engineering Part of Mayhill Rd. Website & Nextdoor (940) 349-8925 (Temporary Street Closure) Widening Capital Notification Water Main Replacement Part of North South Bonnie Brae St. Highland Willowwood 05/13/19 11/14/19 North South Water Main Ph. II Engineering Water Main Ph. 11 Website, Nextdoor (940) 349-8910 Park Temporary Street Closure) Capital Project (Bonnie Notification ( Brae from Roselawn to Water Main Replacement Part of North South Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn Corbin 10/21/19 11/08/19 North South Water Main Ph. 11 Engineering Water Main Ph. 11 (940) 349-8910 (Temporary Street Closure) Capital Project (Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to Intersection Roundabout Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. Website, Nextdoor Bonnie Brae St. of Scripture 06/13/19 11/08/19 Bonnie Brae Ph. IV Engineering IV Capital Project(135E Notification (940) 349-8910 (Intermittent Closures) to Scripture). Weather Brinker Rd. Loop 288 Quail Creek 07/08/19 11/14/19 Storm Drain Demolition Drainage Website, Nextdoor (940) 391-6299 (Temporary Lane Closure) Notification Brinker Rd. Intersection IH 35E 09/25/19 11/29/19 Signal Installation (Road Traffic (940) 349-7486 of Closure) Clydesdale Dr. Wheeler Spanish 10/07/19 11/22/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Streets (940) 349-7160 Ridge Repair Storm Drain Installation and Part of McKinney Rd. E. McKinney St. Grissom S. Fork 03/11/19 12/01/19 Street Widening Engineering Widening Capital (940) 349-8910 (Temporary, Intermittent Project Part of Downtown TIF Sidewalk& Lighting CIP Elm St. Oak Parkway 09/23/19 01/18/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering -Temporary lane and (940) 349-8425 shoulder closures due to sidewalk Concrete Replacement/Mill and Completion delayed Forrestridge Dr. Hobson Timbergreen 08/19/19 11/27/19 Overlay Streets from 11/01/2019. (940) 349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Fry Scripture Oak 11/04/19 11/29/19 Traffic Signal Improvements Traffic Direct business contact (940) 349-7486 0.26 mi Street Widening Ft. Worth Dr. (US 377) IH 35E south of FM 12/03/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures TxDOT 10/08/19 (940) 387-1414 1830 during non-peak traffic) Ft. Worth Dr. (US 377) IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 10/23/19 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades TxDOT (940) 387-1414 (temporary closures) Greenwood Crestwood intersection 11/04/19 11/25/19 Curb and Gutter improvements Streets (940) 349-7146 PI of (temporary closures) Current Closures 32 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Street and Drainage Part of Magnolia Improvements Magnolia Drainage Capital Schedule impacts due Hinkle Dr. US 380 Headlee 05/23/19 11/09/19 Drainage Ph. II Engineering Project(Hinkle from to inclement weather. (940) 349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) University to Windsor and Windsor from Street and Drainage Part of Magnolia Improvements Magnolia Drainage Capital Schedule impacts due Hinkle Rd. Headlee Windosr 07/03/19 11/30/19 Drainage Ph. II Engineering Project(Hinkle from to inclement weather (940) 349-8910 (Street Closure) University to Windsor and Windsor from Jagoe St. Scripture W Oak 10/03/19 11/08/19 Signal Reinstallations (Street Traffic Weather delay (940) 349-7486 Closure) Jim Crystal IH 35 Western 10/22/19 11/13/19 Base Repairs Streets delayed completion date (940) 349-7160 Blvd (Temporary Lane Closure) due to weather Crestwood intersection Curb and Gutter improvements Linwood PI of 11/04/19 11/25/19 (temporary closures) Streets (940) 349-7146 Locust St. E. Prairie Maple 08/12/19 11/18/19 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Engineering (940) 349-8910 Ph. I & II (Temporary Lane Locust St. Eagle Hickory 08/12/19 12/30/19 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Engineering (940) 349-8910 Ph. I & II (Temporary Lane Locust St. Oak McKinney 11/18/19 01/31/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering Part of Downtown TIF (940) 349-8910 Sidewalk& Lighting CIP Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 09/01/17 02/01/20 Street Widening (Temporary Engineering Part of Mayhill Rd. Door Hangers (940) 349-8925 Lane Closures) Widening Capital Intersection Street Widening (Temporary Outside lanes of US 380 Mayhill Rd. of US 380 09/01/17 02/01/20 Lane Closure) Engineering will be closed at the (940) 349-8925 intersection of Mayhill Water Main, Services, and Fire Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 10/07/19 02/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood (940) 349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Water Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Morse St. Intersection Mayhill 09/01/17 02/01/20 Traffic Signal Install Engineering (940) 349-8925 of (Temporary Street Closure) Oak at Jagoe St. Signal Intersection Jagoe 09/09/19 12/07/19 Signal Construction Traffic (940) 949-7486 of (Intermittent Lane Closures) Oak St. at Fry St. Signal Intersection Fry 11/04/19 12/14/19 Signal Construction Traffic (940) 349-7486 of (Intermittent Lane Closures) Edgewood intersection Curb and Gutter improvements Oakridge St PI of 11/04/19 11/25/19 (temporary closures) Streets (940) 349-7146 Orr Elm Locust 09/04/19 10/28/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater Completion date (940) 349-7128 (Street Closure) delayed from Parvin Jacqueline Westwood 11/06/19 11/27/19 Denia Parking Lot will be Streets Direct business contact (940) 349-7146 Drive Drive reconstructed. Concrete Sidewalk Repair Poinsettia Blvd. Manten Harvest 10/07/19 12/20/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Will Streets (940) 349-7160 reopen at 5 pm daily) Drainage Improvements Part of Pec 4 Ph. I & II Prairie St. Locust Pierce 09/23/19 11/30/19 Pec 4 Ph. I & II Engineering Capital Project; (940) 349-8910 (Termporary, Intermittent Street Closures from Closure) Wainwright to Bell to Current Closures 33 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Cooper Water Main and Service Quail Ridge Branch La Paloma 10/14/19 11/25/19 Replacements, Water (940) 349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure) Water Main, Services, and Fire Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/07/19 02/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood (940) 349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Water Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Water Main, Services, and Fire Royal Ln. Mistywood Rockwood 10/07/19 02/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood (940) 349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Water Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Sagewood St. Meadow Peartree 10/01/19 01/31/20 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940) 349-7160 Sheraton Rd. Hercules north 10/01/19 12/18/19 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940) 349-7160 Wastewater Main Install Construction date Smith St. Johnson Dallas 10/29/19 11/28/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Will Wastewater delayed from (940) 349-7128 reopen at 6 pm daily) 09/30/2019. Spring Creek Winter Bent Creek 10/25/19 12/13/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Streets (940) 349-7160 Creek Repair Tahoe Ln. Ottawa Saranac 09/30/19 11/22/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Streets delayed completion date (940) 349-7160 Repair due to weather Engineering, University/US 380 1200' East 1200'West 11/01/19 11/30/19 Signal Upgrade and Installation Traffic, TxDOT, Additional outreach not (940) 349-8925 of Mayhill of Mayhill CIP needed Closure has been W Windsor Mesquite 300'W of 10/24/19 11/25/19 Street and Drainage Engineering temporarily delayed (940) 349-8910 Hinkle Improvements due to inclement weather conditions. Atmos Utility Relocation Part of Pec 4 Drainage Walnut St. Elm Austin 09/30/19 11/15/19 (Street Closure) Engineering Capital Project. Atmos (940) 349-8910 relocation in progress. Concrete Panel &Sidewalk Wintercreek Dr. Kappwood Greenbend 10/07/19 12/20/19 Repair(Temporary Lane Streets (940) 349-7160 Closure: Will reopen at 5 pm Total 46 Current Closures 34 Street Closure Report IMPROVING -_ c'l' Completed Closures OF F)FNI DENTON Week of November 4, 2019 - November 10, 2019 r4Lrr Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Sidewalk Repair Balboa Ct. Lido Way Cul de sac 08/12/19 09/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Streets (940) 349-7160 Street will Reopen after 5 pm) Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 07/01/17 10/01/19 Street Widening Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. (940) 349-8910 Vintage (No Street Closures) I Capital Project Canoe Ridge Ln. Silent Star Sweet Cloud 09/30/19 11/01/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Streets (940) 349-7160 Repair Concrete Sidewalk Repair Cruise St. Fiste Comer 08/14/19 09/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Streets (940) 349-7160 Street will reopen after 5 pm) Greenwood Sherman Cherrywood 10/21/19 11/04/19 Street Repairs Streets (940) 349-7160 (Road Closure) Street repairs to follow on Hickory from Welch Hickory St. Fry Welch 08/16/19 10/22/19 Street Reconstruction (Street Streets to Carroll (940) 349-7160 Closure) this portion can be moved to completed Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 04/25/19 10/11/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater Completion date Website, Nextdoor (940) 349-7128 (Temporary Lane Closures) delayed from Notification Lakeview Blvd. Blagg Stallion 08/19/19 09/20/19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets (940) 349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Concrete Sidewalk Repair Lido Way Bell Cul de Sac 08/12/19 09/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Streets (940) 349-7160 Street will Reopen after 5 pm) Massey St. Hwy 377 200'West 09/09/19 09/13/19 Street Boring TxDot Email Notifications (940) 387-1414 (Street Closure) Sidewalk Repair(Temporary Newport Ave. Mockingbird Pace 08/12/19 09/13/19 Lane Closure, Will reopen after Streets (940) 349-7160 5 pm each day) Water Improvements Orr St. Bolivar Locust 08/07/19 09/11/19 (Temporay Lane Closure; Water Website (940) 349-7181 Reopen at end of each day) Street reconstruction (Street can be moved to Panhandle Bolivar Carroll 09/30/19 10/14/19 Closure; Will reopen at 7 pm Streets completed (940) 349-7160 daily.) S. Mayhill Rd. Colorado 1-35 09/23/19 09/25/19 Street Repairs Streets New Completion (940) 349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Part of Bonnie Brae Completion delayed Scripture St. Bonnie Brae 1 000'ft west 08/14/19 10/05/19 Roundabout Project Water from 10/02/2019. Part of (940) 349-7181 (Temporary Street Closure) Bonnie Brae Spring Creek Creek Bend Winter 09/09/19 10/25/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Streets (940) 349-7160 Creek Repair Completed Closures 35 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Atmos Utility Relocation Wainwright St. Sycamore Bell 06/24/19 09/27/19 (Temporary, Intermittent Street Atmos New Completion Closure) Water Improvements Completion date Wayne St. Boyd Mozingo 09/17/19 10/11/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Will Water accelerated from (940) 349-7181 reopen at end of each day) 10/21/2019. Wintercreek Dr. Kappwood Country 08/05/19 09/20/19 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets (940) 349-7146 Club (Temporary Lane Closures) Total 18 Completed Closures 36