111519 Friday Staff Report -,,- City Manager's Office M 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 15, 2019 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. 3. Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 5. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 6. Committee on Persons with Disabilities on Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics — There are no Pending Council Requests to be presented at the November 19 City Council meeting. This item will not appear on the agenda for the meeting. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office B. Rescheduled Work Session Items — There were two work session items on the November 12 City Council meeting agenda that were postponed due to time OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service constraints on the meeting. Those two items have been rescheduled to the next two City Council meetings,please see dates listed below. • Pilot Program- Pedestrian-Only Interval (Downtown Square): Rescheduled to November 19 meeting • Gas Well Clarification: Rescheduled to December 3 meeting Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office C. Green Tree Estates Container Delivery Notification—During the November 15 City Council special-called meeting, the Council discussed the provision of 275-gallon containers for the residents of Green Tree Estates. The details for the deployment and filling of the containers will be communicated to the residents today.Please note that a second container will be provided to residences of 4 or more. The handout being provided to residents to inform them of these details is attached. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs D. Green Tree Estates Follow Up — During the Green Tree Estates discussion at the City Council meeting,staff was asked whether the property was already platted prior to being annexed by the City. Attached is the original plat recorded in 1970 prior to the property being annexed in 2013. Staff also researched the sections of the Annexation Agreement which outline the water infrastructure and services. Those sections are highlighted in the attached document and included below: IV. ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY(UTILITY CUSTOMER) SERVICES C. Water Facilities — Except as provided in Section V. The proposed annexation areas are within the City of Denton Water Service Area as defined by Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) Number 10195 as issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Connections to existing City of Denton water distribution mains for water service will be provided in accordance with existing City ordinances and policies. Upon connection to existing distribution mains,water service will be provided at rates established by city ordinance. As new development occurs within these areas,water distribution mains will be extended in accordance with Denton's Codes, ordinances and utility service policies. City participation in the costs of these extensions shall be in accordance with Denton's codes and ordinances. Water service capacity shall be provided consistent with the characteristics of topography,land use and population density of the area. Operation and maintenance of water facilities in the annexed area that are within the service area of another water utility will be the responsibility of that utility. Existing developments, businesses or homes that are on individual water wells or private water systems will be allowed to continue to remain on these systems until a request for water service is made to the City. These requests for service will be handled in accordance with the applicable utility service line extension and connection policies V. ADDITIONAL SERVICES I. Water service to Green Tree Estates Subdivision—The Green Tree Estates has an existing community water system serving this subdivision that is currently listed under the TCEQ Public Water System database as an inactive system. Prior to the city considering offering water service to this system,the owners of this community 2 water system must register this water system with the TCEQ as an active public water system and must obtain compliance with current TCEQ regulations for Public Water Systems (Chapter 30 TAC 290).After compliance with the above referenced section, the city will offer water supply through an air gap into the Green Tree Estates Public Water Supply System's ground storage tank through a water tap and meter to be installed at a point of connection to the city's existing water distribution system a point to be determined in the future. The owner of the Green Tree Estates Public Water Supply System shall provide the city with adequate well pumping records to determine the appropriate water meter size,tap size, and associated water impact fees. The owner of the Green Tree Estates Public Water System will be responsible for paying the tap fees, meter set fees and water impact fees necessary to provide this water supply as well as the cost to extend the private water service line from the point of metering and the ground storage tank within the Green Tree Estates public Water System. This private water service line shall be located within a 10 foot wide private water service line easement provided by the owners of the Green Tree Estates Pubic Water System. Staff contact: Kenneth Banks, Utilities Administration E. Green Tree Estates Handouts — At the November 12 City Council meeting, the Council heard from several members of the community that advocated on behalf of the residents at Green Tree Estates. One of the residents handed out pictures and letters created by the children that live in the neighborhood. Staff has scanned the documents and have attached them to this report. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office F. TATOA Awards — On November 7, the City of Denton and DTV won 6 programming awards at the Texas Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (TATOA) Annual Programming Ceremony. These annual awards recognize excellence in programming produced by local government agencies from across Texas. The City of Denton competes at the highest level against cities such as Austin and San Antonio. The City distinguished itself in video production by winning two 2nd place awards and four 3rd place awards,notably for our recent Fire Department, Original Denton District, Made in Denton, and other videos and programming. A complete list of all the categories and winners can be found here. Staff contact: Billy Matthews, Public Affairs/DTV G. Motion for Reconsideration Clarification—On September 24, 2019, a City Council Work Session discussion was held to review potential Rules of Procedure and Code of Ordinances revisions that the City Council has contemplated over the past year. During that discussion, City Council requested clarification on if a motion for reconsideration could be made during the same meeting that an initial vote was made. Under the current Motion for Reconsideration ordinance, Council Members may make a motion to reconsider during the same meeting where the item was considered. However, actual reconsideration must occur at a later date, to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA). In an effort to further avoid potential TOMA violations that could result from a motion for reconsideration not being posted, staff is developing a blanket notice that will be posted on all future City Council agendas stating that any item can be subject to a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting. 3 Staff will distribute an Informal Staff Report outlining next steps for all Rules of Procedure and Code of Ordinances revisions that were requested during the September 24 work session in the November 22 Friday Report. The current plan is to have all requested revisions considered by the end of the calendar year. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, Development Services/Stephanie Neal, City Attorney's Office H. Police Department Updates —The Denton Police Department has provided updates to City Management on items that the department is currently addressing. Please see the attached memo from Chief Dixon outlining the department's status in addressing homelessness, staffing and training, marijuana enforcement, misdemeanor citations, and the Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police I. Concrete batch plant and temporary construction trailers for the Teasley expansion (TXDOT) — Zachry Construction Corporation has been engaged by the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) to complete the ongoing improvements for Teasley Lane. In order to facilitate the operation, Zachry will install a concrete batch plant on a 9.7-acre tract located west of Teasley Lane, approximately 207 feet north of Ryan Road. The proposed facility will also include two construction trailers and has been reviewed for compliance with the City's standards. TXDOT has agreed to forward copies of the site's Storm Water Prevention Plan, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Standard Permitting Exemption Letter, other permitting requirements to the City. The equipment for the batch plant is being relocated from a different site; therefore, the contractor will obtain the required TCEQ Letter once the batch plant is fully disassembled from its current location. The facility is expected to be installed in November 2019 and remain in place for the duration of the Teasley Lane construction. Staff contact: Julie Wyatt, Development Services J. TULIP Policies — On October 29, Council Member Armintor asked whether the Civic Center could have its own insurance policy for outside organizations to use if they cannot afford the other insurance policies available. The Parks and Recreation Department is working with Risk Management in reviewing the feasibility of providing a Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP) for events held on City property. TULIP policies are one-time insurance policies that provide general liability coverage to third party users for an event. It protects both the user and the facility against claims by guests/attendees who may be injured, or suffer damages, as a result of attending an event. The City requires any event open to the public and held on City property to provide insurance coverage for the event. Additional insurance requirements apply if the event includes alcohol. Currently, an event organizer can cover their event under an existing policy by adding the City as an Additional Insured, or the organizer can obtain a single event policy through a private insurer. TULIP policies offered by the City would provide event organizers with another insurance option that could be incorporated into the rental or special event process. The cost for a TULIP policy 4 would be based on the number of days for the event,the type of event,the estimated attendance, and whether alcohol will be available. Staff is awaiting a proposal from the insurance provider outlining TULIP policy options and costs. The annual cost to provide this service will depend on the number and types of events, but there is a minimum premium of$1,000 a year. However, the cost for the TULIP will be recovered through the sale of policies. Additional information on the policy and price structure, along with the next steps, will be shared with City Council once the information is received. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks and Recreation K. North South Water Main Phase II Update — S. Bonnie Brae Street from Highland Park Road to Willowwood Street is now reopened to traffic. The temporary closure allowed crews to safely install a casing pipe across the railroad right-of-way for a 42" diameter water main that helps increase our water system's capacity and reliability to our residents south of I-35. The new water main extends along Bonnie Brae Street from Roselawn Drive to I-35. As construction continues in the area, Bonnie Brae Street from Roselawn Drive to Corbin Road will remain temporarily closed to thru traffic (see attached detour map). There will be additional road closures associated with this project, however they are expected to be of shorter durations. Motorists are reminded to use caution and adhere to all posted traffic control and speed limits signage. Staff contact: Jim Jenks, Capital Projects L. Parks and Recreation Thanksgiving_ _ Closings losings—North Lakes Rec Center, Denia Rec Center, MLK Jr. Rec Center, Denton Civic Center, Denton Senior Center, ALE Senior Center, North Lakes Driving Range, Denton Natatorium, and Goldfield Tennis Center will all be closed Thursday,November 28 and Friday,November 29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Notices will be posted at each facility, and the closures will be advertised through social media. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation M. Valet Solid Waste Service Program Update —Beginning early in September, Solid Waste and Recycling began implementing valet trash and recycling collection service throughout the Industrial Street and Mews streets areas in Downtown. Over the last three months, crews have worked diligently to assess waste practices, set carts, and create and implement a customized service schedule to meet customers' needs. With few exceptions, owners, managers, and patrons are happy and excited about the results of a cleaner Downtown Denton. Currently, staff is working in the Fry Street (Phase 6) shared dumpster service area to implement a valet-based service, and are running into issues, which will delay cart placement and service implementation in that area. One issue is that property ownership and business placement along Fry St. are such that storing and transporting carts would result in a trespass across private property. Similarly, the characteristics and timing of Fry St. business waste generation and placement is significantly different than that of the businesses in the Square and will potentially impact the ability to service this area in a manner that is consistent with the rest of the valet service area. There remain too many variables in play for staff to 5 confidently remove the existing dumpsters and place carts for service and ensure the success in this area as we have realized within the first five phases. As a result, final implementation in the Fry Street area, which was originally scheduled for November 18, will be delayed until December 2. This is still within our originally conceptualized implementation window. Staff will maintain communication with the Fry Street businesses and reset the expectation for full program roll out. Staff Contact: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste and Recycling Department N. City Hall Sign Conceit — Over the last year, City Council has asked staff about getting a new monument sign in front of City Hall. Since then,Parks and Recreation have been working with Development Services to create a concept that would tie together the new citywide, wayfinding signage and the historical elements of City Hall into the idea. Staff utilized the sign located at the Cedar Street parking lot as the template for the design using the same color and outline. In addition, staff incorporated the brick from City Hall and the fossilized limestone from the County Courthouse to fuse history with prominent, local design. An application has been submitted for a Certification of Appropriateness (COA) to the Historic Landmark Commission (HLC) for their review and consideration on December 9. Staff originally presented to the HLC on October 14 to gain feedback and direction.Using that feedback, staff moved forward to create this concept. If the COA is approved, staff will move forward with acquiring quotes and moving forward to construction. The park system would also use this design concept. A hierarchy of designs will represent the significance of the park. For instance, a city park would receive a sign like City Hall,and a neighborhood park would have a smaller sign without the pylon. Please see the concept design below. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation; Ron Menguita, Development Services III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 6 1. None B. Community Meetings 1. McKinney Street Phase II—Thursday,November 21 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Denton Civic Center Community Room(321 E. McKinney Street). Staff contact: Robin Davis, Capital Projects 2. Bonnie Brae Phase 6 — Thursday, December 5 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Newton Rayzor Elementary (1400 Malone Street) Staff contact: Robin Davis, Capital Projects IV. Attachments A. Green Tree Estates Container Notification ............................................................8 B. Green Tree Estates Original Plat..........................................................................10 C. Green Tree Estates Annexation Agreement.........................................................I I D. Green Tree Estates Documents ............................................................................36 E. Denton Police Update...........................................................................................43 F. North South Detour Map......................................................................................47 V. Informal Staff Reports A. None VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................48 B. Council Calendar .................................................................................................49 C. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................51 D. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................52 Public Affairs Department JCOF TY 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-7531 DENTON 14 de noviembre, 2019 AVISO A LOS RESIDENTES DE GREEN TREE ESTATES Estimados residentes de Green Tree Estates: El 12 de noviembre, la Ciudad de Denton debati6 el cese de agua a los residentes de Green Tree Estates. En esta reuni6n, el Consejo escuch6 los comentarios y sugerencias de los residentes y a base de esos comentarios, orden6 al personal de la Ciudad que proporcione los siguientes recursos temporales: 1. Proporcionar un tambor de 55 galones a cada residencia antes del cese de agua del 15 de noviembre 2. Proporcionar un tanque de 275 galones a cada residencia y proporcionar agua no-potable regularmente a los residentes de Green Tree Estates. Este tanque no contiene Una bomba y no se conectara. El suministro de los tanques y el agua le permitira tiempo para desarrollar opciones a largo plazo que el Consejo puede considerar. Siauientes Pasos: 1. Para permitir que los camiones de agua accedan a Green Tree Estates para el suministro de agua, empleados de la ciudad haran mejoras en las carreteras empezando maiiana, 15 de noviembre. Los residentes continuaran teniendo acceso a su propiedad durante esta construcci6n. 2. El personal de la ciudad entregara los tanques de 275 galones a cada residencia el lunes 18 de noviembre empezando a las 12 p.m. Personal de la ciudad estaran disponibles de 4 p.m. a 6 p.m. para contestar preguntas. A continuaci6n, se proporciona informaci6n adicional. 3. Las opciones a largo plazo seran desarrolladas por el personal de la ciudad y presentadas al Consejo en diciembre. Las fechas y horas de estas reuniones seran comunicadas a los residentes de Green Tree Estates. Tambores de 275 galones: Personal de la ciudad distribuiran un tanque de 275 galones a cada domicilio el lunes, 18 de noviembre, empezando a las 12 p.m. La ciudad proveera agua pare los tanques de 275 galones regularmente hasta que reciba direcci6n de el Consejo de al Ciudad. El agua almacenada en los tanques no deberia ser considerada segura para tomar o para cocinar. Favor de notar to siguiente: 1. Un tanque de 275 galones se le entregara a cada domicilio que recibi6 un tambor de 55 galones. Domicilios con 4 o mas personas recibiran un segundo tanque en cuanto est&disponibles. 2. Los tanques se llenaran de agua el lunes,mi6rcoles,y viernes empezando as las 7:30 p.m. NOTA:La entrega de agua la primera semana sera el martes, miercoles y viernes 3. Para que los tanques se llenen, deberan permanecer en la locaci6n en donde la ciudad los puso. Ningun tanque que este dentro de una estructura sera llenado de agua. 4. Los tambores de 55 galones tambi6n pueden ser llenados si son colocados junto a los tanques de 275 galones. Residentes que requieren galones de agua potable o si tienen preguntas,favor de contactar a la ciudad por medio de los numeros a continuaci6n. Por favor dirija sus preguntas por correo electr6nico a Ryan Adams,Director Adjunto de Asuntos Publicos, en Ryan.Adamskcityofdenton.com o llame al (940) 349-8565. Las preguntas en espaiiol pueden ser dirigidas a Deborah Viera en Deborah.Viera&cityofdenton.com o llame al(940) 349-7162. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity• Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 8 Public Affairs Department 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8565 illy fit D E N T O N November 15, 2019 NOTICE TO GREEN TREE ESTATES RESIDENTS Dear Green Tree Estates Resident: On Nov. 12, the Denton City Council discussed the cessation of water to the residents of Green Tree Estates. At this meeting,the Council heard feedback and comments from residents and,based on that feedback, directed City staff to provide the following temporary resources: 1. Provide a 55-gallon barrel to each residence prior to the Nov. 15 cutoff. 2. Provide a 275-gallon tank to each residence and provide non-drinkable water on a regular basis to the residents of Green Tree Estates. This container does not contain a pump and will not be plumbed. The provision of the tanks and water will allow time to develop long-term options for the City Council to consider. Next Steps: 1. To allow water trucks to access Green Tree Estates for the provision of water, City employees will make improvements to the roads beginning Nov. 15. Road work will be performed during the daytime hours and residents will continue to be able to access their property during this construction. 2. City employees will deliver the 275-gallon tanks to each residence on Monday, Nov. 18 beginning at noon. City Staff will be available on-site from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to answer questions. Additional information is provided below. 3. Long-Term options will be developed by City staff and presented to the Council in December. These meeting dates and times will be communicated to the residents of Green Tree Estates. 275-Gallon Tank: City employees will deliver a 275-gallon tank to each residence on Monday, Nov. 18 beginning at noon. The City will provide water for the 275-gallon tanks on a regular basis until further direction is received from the City Council. The water stored in these containers should not be considered safe for drinking and cooking. Please note the following: 1. A 275-gallon tank will be provided to each address that received a 55-gallon barrel. Residences with 4 or more persons will receive a second large water tank as soon as they are available. 2. Containers will be filled Mondays,Wednesdays, and Fridays beginning at 7:30 p.m. NOTE: The delivery days on the first week will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. 3. To be filled, containers must remain in the location they are placed by the city. No containers that are inside a structure will be filled. 4. The 55-gallon barrel may also be filled if placed beside the 275-gallon tank(s). Residents who require gallon containers of drinkable water or have other questions should contact the City at the numbers below. Please direct questions via email to Ryan Adams, Deputy Director of Public Affairs, at Ryan.Adams(ae,cityofdenton.com or call(940)349-8565. Questions in Spanish may be directed to Deborah Viera at Deborah.Viera&cityofdenton.com or(940) 349-7162. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity• Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 9 r' 1 z � T—F'o"T.-fir. too— ion.}— 50 `1PC1IGo 50 . r T/7Af, - lit `.`�+ti \ kA r a �' r tell EAlf, n 911t it l ham' M �!: Nt..� rw h a �h' �n �� E. 1 N; At +A 1 M S i N m { N t 6 ' k ip m: 4t Nr ton �" !Od i W u tao — _ ��� too i 66A� �7-66 66- o6.s � Z I ` n) 'p if7a pG TUt./r Cut. 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WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 43.052, Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code, a home rule city is authorized to annex certain areas that are required to be in an annexation plan; and WHEREAS, this annexation is under the annexation procedures for areas required to be included in an annexation plan pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Sections 43.051 —43.057; and WHEREAS, the areas of land proposed to be annexed have been grouped into a tract identified as DH-9; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 53.052(c), on April 6, 2010 the Denton City Council adopted a 3-Year Annexation Plan Ordinance for DH-9 in order to initiate the annexation of DH-9; and WHEREAS, on June 30, 2010, in accordance with Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 43.052(f), the City sent a written Notice of Intent (NOI) to all property owners, public and private entities, and railroad companies within DH-9 informing them of the City's intent to annex the areas, and the NOI was also posted on the City's website. The City also published the notice in the local newspaper per Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 43.0561(c); and WHEREAS, on November 24, 2010, in accordance with Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 43.053(g), the City completed an Inventory of Services and Facilities (ISF), which subsequent to its completion,the ISF was posted on the City's website; and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2011, in accordance with Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 43.0561(c), the City mailed written notices to affected property owners of the first of two required Public Hearings, and the City also posted the notice on the City's website. The City also published the notice in the local newspaper per Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 43.0561(c). The first Public Hearing was held on February 1, 2011; and 12 i WHEREAS, on January 26, 2011, in accordance with Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 43.0561(c), the City mailed written notices to affected property owners of the second Public Hearing, and the City also posted the notice on the City's website. The second Public Hearing was held on February 15, 2011; and I WHEREAS, although not required, a third Public Hearing was held on February 17, 2011; and WHEREAS, the purposes of the Public Hearings were: (1) to allow persons interested in the proposed annexation of DH-9 an opportunity to be heard; and (2) to explain to DH-9 residents the contents of the preliminary service plan for the provision of full municipal services to DH-9, which preliminary service plan was made available for public inspection on the City's website prior to the Public Hearings; and WHEREAS, on July 6, 2011, in accordance with Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 43.0562, City Staff and committee representatives selected by the Denton County Commissioners Court began negotiations concerning the contents of the preliminary service plan; and WHEREAS, negotiations ended on August 15, 2011 after City Staff and DH-9 committee representatives agreed to certain modifications to the service plan; and WHEREAS, on August 16, 2011, the Denton City Council adopted via ordinance the service plan as modified and agreed upon by City Staff and DH-9 committee representatives; and WHEREAS, the Denton City Council finds that all annexation procedures required to annex DH-9 under the City's 3-Year Annexation Plan have been complied with in accordance with Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Sections 43.051 —43.057; and WHEREAS, the Denton City Council finds that the annexation will allow the city to ensure development consistent with The Denton Plan as it is now written, or as it may be modified by the City from time to time; and WHEREAS, offers of non-annexation development agreements have been made to the owners of all eligible properties within the area to be annexed pursuant to this Ordinance, which properties have been appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as land for agricultural, wildlife management or timberland as required by Section 43.035, Subchapter B, Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council, via Ordinance No. 2012-362 adopted on December 18, 2012, approved certain non-annexation agreements executed by eligible property owners within DH-9; and WHEREAS, the City desires to affirm that structures, uses and facilities pre-existing in areas annexed under this Ordinance, or in areas subject to non-annexation agreements within DH-9 approved by prior action, shall be subject to the protections and limitations imposed by §43.002 of the Texas Local Government Code, as well as those protections afforded by Subchapter 11 of the Denton Development Code, to the extent it is applicable; and Pag6�2 WHEREAS, under the previously approved non-annexation agreements between an eligible property owner and the City, the lands subject to the agreements retain their extraterritorial status and the owners of such lands must abide by the City's development regulations as if such lands were within the City limits, as provided further in such agreement; and WHEREAS, the land which is adjacent or contiguous to an area subject to a non- annexation agreement is considered adjacent or contiguous to the City for purposes of annexation; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Denton deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Denton to annex said territory into the City of Denton, save and except those properties subject to prior approved non-annexation agreements within DH-9; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The findings and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The area of land which abuts and is adjacent to the existing corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas, known as DH-9, as described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein, and as depicted in Exhibit `B," attached hereto and incorporated herein (except that if there is conflict between the Exhibits, "A" shall control), save and except for those properties described in Exhibit "C", which are subject to certain non-annexation agreements, executed by property owners within DH-9 and previously approved by the City via Ordinance No. 2012-362, due to their use for agricultural, wildlife management or timberland purposes as described in Section 43.035, Subchapter B, Local Government Code, is hereby ANNEXED to and included within the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION 3. The previously negotiated service plan prepared in accordance with applicable provisions of state law pertaining to annexation, adopted on August 16, 2011, by Ordinance No. 2011-136, is attached hereto as Exhibit"D" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. SECTION 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to immediately correct the map of the City of Denton by adding thereto the additional territory annexed by this Ordinance, indicating on the map the date of annexation and the number of this Ordinance, and the ETJ resulting from such boundary extensions. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be become effective upon final passage by the City Council SECTION 6. Should any paragraph, section, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason,the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Pag643 SECTION 7. Nothing herein should be deemed to repudiate any earlier action by the City relating to approval of any non-annexation agreement associated with properties contained within DH-9. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on 1"reading this g t day of /' ` , 2013. Passed by the City Council on 2nd reading this&�&day of , 2013. MARK B-0,RRbUOjHS, MAYOR ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: I APPRO D AS O LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY BY: C2c C� i i I� Page4 sAlegahour documentslordinances1131dh-9 exhibit a.doc Exhibit "A" —DH-9 ALL those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas and presently being wholly surrounded and fully embraced by the Denton city limit boundaries of record and established by the annexation ordinances as follows: Ordinance 1983-18, Ordinance 1984-17 (Tracts II & III), Ordinance 1984-97, Ordinance 1986-129, Ordinance 1986-130, Ordinance 1986-214, Ordinance 1986-218, Ordinance 1998-256, Ordinance 1999-262, Ordinance 2004-134 (Tract II), and Ordinance 2004-192; and being more specifically described as follows: BEGINNING at a point described in Ordinance 86-130, said point being on the north boundary line of the property described in Ordinance 84-97 and a point in the center of Swisher Road, said point also being the Point of Beginning of the property described in Ordinance 86-130; THENCE North 00' 41' 04" East, 1520.87 feet with the center of Swisher Road to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89' 50' 58"East, 1655.56 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE northerly along the west line of the property described in Ordinance 86-130 to a point described in Ordinance 98-256, said point being the southeast corner of the property described in Ordinance 98-256; THENCE North 86' 23' 49" West, 1632.5 to a point for a corner, said point being the point of beginning for the property described in Ordinance 98-256; THENCE North 04' 44' 29"East, 283.1 feet to a pin for a corner; THENCE North 72' 08' 23" East, 271.89 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 88' 59' 12"East, 526.69 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 86' 21' 22"East, 150.03 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 86' 20' 48" East, 704.84 feet to a point on a corner, said point being the northeast corner of the property described in Ordinance 98-256 and on the west line of the property described in Ordinance 86-130; THENCE northerly along the west line of the property described in Ordinance 86-130, said point being the northeast corner of the property; THENCE North 89' 29' 03"East, 1261.48 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 00' 40' 16" West, 83.55 feet to a point, said point being the beginning of a curve described in Ordinance 86-130; 16 THENCE 552.92 feet along the above referenced curve to a point at the end of the curve; THENCE North 21' 19'44" East, 698.69 feet to a point for a corner, said point on a line as described in Ordinance 82-214; THENCE Westerly along a line described in Ordinance 82-214 to a point for a corner, said point being US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Monument P-238-W; THENCE along a series of courses and distances as described in Ordinance 82-214 as follows; South 82' 18' West, 236.4 feet to USACE Monument P-239-W; South 69' 35' West, 556.8 feet to USACE Monument P-240-W; North 38' 59' West, 1140.8 feet to USACE Monument P-241-W; South 58' 12' West, 672.9 feet to USACE Monument P-242-W; North 88' 58' West, 547.2 feet to USACE Monument P-243-W; North 17' 12' West, 341.7 feet to USACE Monument P-244-W; North 27' 41' East, 164.7 feet to USACE Monument P-245-W; THENCE South 88' 58' East to a point of intersection with the property described in Ordinance 86-129; THENCE Northwesterly along the middle of Pecan Creek, approximately 1040 feet in a series of courses and distances as described in Ordinance 86-129 to a point of intersection with the east boundary of the property described in Ordinance 83-18; THENCE South 4° 1 l' 22" West, 744.55 feet to a point for a corner, said point being the southeast corner of the property described in Ordinance 83-18; THENCE Westerly approximately 310 feet to a point of intersection with the property described in Ordinance 2004-192, said point being the northeast corner of said property; THENCE South 02' 30' 20: West, 598.74 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 86' 34' 09"East, 289.44 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 02' 13' 37" West, 296.76 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 87' 35' 54" West, 288.25 feet to a point for a corner; 17 I THENCE South 02' 28' 11" West, 303.97 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 87' 35' 54"East, 288.25 feet to a point in Swisher Road; THENCE South along the center of Swisher Road, approximately 678.27 feet to a point at a corner; THENCE South 89' 38' 54" West, 2051 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North to a point of intersection with the property described in Ordinance 86- 218; THENCE North 89' 47' 12"West, 40.21 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 04' 19' 30" West, 1507.29 feet to a point for a corner, said point being the southeast corner of said tract and lying in the center line of Edwards Road and having an intersection of a northerly line of the property described in Ordinance 99-262; THENCE Easterly along the centerline of Edwards Road to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00' 21' 39" East 1328.19 feet to a point for a corner, id point being p � said p g on the north line of the property described in Ordinance 84-17, Tract II; THENCE Easterly to a point intersecting the east line of the property described in Ordinance 2004-134, Tract II; THENCE South 02' 02' 3 1" West, 724.32 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 87' 02' 50"West, 73.11 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 02' 00' 40" West, 596.16 feet to a point on Pokrus Page Road; THENCE Easterly to the Point of Beginning, containing approximately 298 acres. 18 Exhibit B / 1 _ r �t �,� Edv�ard; l:Fo OT i Pockrili LH M ET-1 r /� 19 s:\legal\our documents\ordinances\13\dh-9 exhibit c.doc DH-9—Exhibit "C" 1. Being a 2.492 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien dated December 7, 2001 from Fredonia Lea Barber and Kim Truelove to Raul Flores and wife, Cynthia Flores, filed for record on December 11, 2001 and recorded in Volume 4981, Page 4381 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 2.492 acre tract is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 239705. 2. A. Being a 1.06358 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain General Warranty Deed dated November 29, 2006 from the Estate of Bonnie Epps Coonrod, Deceased to Ray Grimes and Judy Grimes, filed for record on December 6, 2006 and recorded in Instrument No. 2006- 147878 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 1.06358 acre tract is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 76954. B. Being a 1.00 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain General Warranty Deed dated June 28, 1999 from Ronald Grimes to Raymond Lee Grimes and Judith Mae Grimes, filed for record on July 1, 1999 and recorded in Volume 4372, Page 3163 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 1.00 acre tract is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 164546. C. Being a 105.087 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien dated November 23, 1983 from Wesley G. Stewart to Raymond Lee Grimes and wife, Judith Mae Grimes, filed for record on November 30, 1983 and recorded in Volume 1300, Page 340 and corrected in Volume 1411, Page 654 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, SAVE AND EXCEPT the following eight (8)tracts: 1) A 1.00 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed dated April 12, 1984 from Raymond Lee Grimes and wife, Judith Mae Grimes to Greg McDaniel and wife, Janet McDaniel, filed for record on May 3, 1984 and recorded in Volume 1394, Page 678 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 1.00 acre tract of land is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 113104. 2) A 1.00 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully 20 described in that certain Warranty Deed dated April 12, 1984 from Raymond Lee Grimes and Judith Mae Grimes to Billy Bob Ellison, Jr. and wife, Connie R. Ellison, filed for record on May 3, 1984 and recorded in Volume 1394, Page 685 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, Said 1.00 acre tract of land is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 113102. 3) A 1.00 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed dated May 4, 1984 from Raymond Lee Grimes and Judith Mae Grimes to John E. Adelmann and wife, Linda J. Adelmann, filed for record on September 7, 1984 and recorded in Volume 1480, Page 70 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 1.00 acre tract of land is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 113100. I 4) A 13.380 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain General Warranty Deed dated March 28, 1986 from Raymond Lee Grimes and wife, Judith Mae Grimes to RMB Land Co., Ltd., filed for record on April 1, 1986 and recorded in Volume 1851, Page 928 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 13.380 acre tract of land is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 13139. 5) A 4.366 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Correction General Warranty Deed dated June 12, 1998 from Raymond Lee Grimes and Judith Mae Grimes to the City of Denton, filed for record on July 27, 1998 and recorded in Volume 4140, Page 2055 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 4.366 acre tract of land is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 199391 and DCAD Property ID 38465. 6) Being a 10.100 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien dated September 21, 2005 from Raymond Lee Grimes and wife, Judith Mae Grimes to John R. Polster and wife, Lisa K. Polster, filed for record on October 5, 2005 and recorded in Instrument No. 2005-123913 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; now known as Lot 1, Block 1 of Polster Addition, an Addition to the E.T.J. of the City of Denton, filed for record on March 7, 2011 and recorded in Instrument Number 2011-42 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 10.100 acre tract is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 306410. 21 I i 7) A 10.10 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien dated September 28, 2007 from Raymond L. Grimes and Judith Mae Grimes to John R. Polster and Lisa Polster, husband and wife, filed for record on October 3, 2007 and recorded in Instrument No. 2007-117718 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 10.10 acre tract of land is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 524157. 8 Being a 1.00 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain General Warranty Deed dated June 28, 1999 from Ronald Grimes to Raymond Lee Grimes and Judith Mae Grimes, filed for record on July 1, 1999 and recorded in Volume 4372, Page 3163 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 1.00 acre tract is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 164546. I Commonly known as DCAD Property ID 100087 (Note, called a 66.313 acre tract by DCAD). 3. Being a 1.0959 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed dated December 31, 1996 from David W. Mason to J. Doss Phillips and wife, Glynnis Phillips, filed for record on January 2, 1997 and recorded in Instrument No. 97-R0000I 17 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 1.0959 acre tract is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 189728. 4. Being a 9.960 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien dated October 2, 2000 from Harland E. Stanton, Bobby G. Stanton, Frank J. Stanton, Oneita Stanton and Virginia Stanton to Pyong Uk Yi, filed for record on October 5, 2000 and recorded in Volume 4689, Page 1873 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 9.960 acre tract is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 38636. 5. Being a 24.58 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Gideon Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1330, Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described in that certain Warranty Deed dated May 2, 1979 from Charles L. Muirhead, Jr. to Guy Wade Willis, filed for record on May 2, 1979 and recorded in Volume 950, Page 492 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion lying within the existing city limits, leaving a called 14.94 acre tract of land that is commonly known as DCAD Property ID 38580. 22 sAlegal\our documents\ordinauces\11\dh-9 Exhibit D ORDINANCE NO. 2011-136 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SERVICE PLAN FOR AN AREA OF LAND TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, PURSUANT TO AN ANNEXATION PLAN, GENERALLY IDENTIFIED AS DH-9 CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 298 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF POCKRUS PAGE ROAD, AND NORTH, SOUTH AND NORTHEAST OF EDWARDS ROAD, AND MORE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, WHICH AREA IS ADJACENT TO AND ABUTS THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 43.052, Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code, a home rule city is authorized to annex certain areas within its annexation plan; and WHEREAS, Section 43.0560), Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code requires that a preliminary service plan be prepared for the provision of full municipal services to the area proposed to be annexed, be made available for public inspection and be explained to the inhabitants of the area to be annexed at public hearings; and WHEREAS, the City of Denton's preliminary service plan was prepared, made available for public inspection and explained to the inhabitants of the area to be annexed at public hearings; and WHEREAS, Section 43.0562, Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code requires the City to negotiate the proposed provision of services contained in the preliminary service plan with a committee of five representatives appointed by the Denton County Commissioners Court; and WHEREAS, said negotiations were held between the City and the County-appointed committee; and WHEREAS, said negotiations resulted in modifications to the preliminary service plan, which amended service plan is attached hereto as Exhibit"A"; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Denton finds that the preliminary service plan is in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Denton,Texas and of the citizens of DH-9;NOW,THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The findings and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The City Council finds that the amended preliminary service plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is complete and adopts it as its official service plan for DH-9 pursuant to Sections 43.056(a) and(lc), Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code. 23 sAlegahour documents\ordinances\11\dh-9 service plan adoption ordinance.docsAlegaRour documents\ordinances\1 t\dh-9 service plan adoption ordinance.doc SECTION 3. Should any paragraph, section, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4, This Ordinance shall be become effective upon final passage by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this the /�t day of 2011. MARK A. BU AYOR ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: W APPROVED S TO LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY BY: f PagV2 EXHIBIT A CITY OF DENTON SERVICE PLAN DR-9 Final -August 16,2011 I. AREA ANNEXED The area to be annexed encompasses approximately 298 acres of land and is bounded by current city limits on all sides; north, south, east and west. it is located north of Pockrus Page Road, north, south and northeast of Edwards Road. The area is an unincorporated pocket located within City of Denton's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).,Division 1, and is identified as DH-9. The proposed annexation contains multiple owners. A general description of the area is attached. II. INTRODUCTION This service plan has been prepared in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Sections 43.021; 43,065; and 43.056(b)-(o)(Vernon 2008, as amended). Municipal facilities and services to the annexed areas described above will be provided or made available on behalf of the City of Denton in accordance with the following plan. The City of Denton shall provide the annexed tract the levels of service, infrastructure, and infrastructure maintenance that are comparable to the levels of service, infrastructure, and infrastructure maintenance available in other parts of the City of Denton with similar topography,land use,and population density. III. AD VALOREM(PROPERTY OWNER)TAX SERVICES A. Police Protection Police protection from the City of Denton Police Department shall be provided to the areas annexed at a level consistent with current methods and procedures presently provided to similar areas on the effective date of the ordinance. Some of these services include: 1. Normal patrols and responses; 2. Handling of complaints and incident reports; 3. Special units, such as traffic enforcement, investigations and special weapons;and 4. Coordination with other public safety support agencies. As development commences in these areas, sufficient police protection, including personnel and equipment will be provided to furnish these areas with the level of police services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density of the areas. Upon ultimate development, police protection will be provided at a level consistent with other similarly situated areas within the city limits. 1 26 B. Fire Protection The Denton Fire Department (DFD) will provide emergency and fire prevention services to the annexation areas. These services include: 1. Fire suppression and rescue; 2. Pre-hospital medical services including triage, treatment and transport by Advanced Life Support(ALS)fire engines,trucks and ambulances; 3. Hazardous materials response and mitigation; 4. Emergency prevention and public education efforts; 5. Technical rescue response;and 6. Construction Plan Review and required inspections. Fire protection from the City of Denton shall be provided to the areas annexed at a level consistent with current methods and procedures presently provided to similar areas of the City of Denton on the effective date of the ordinance, As development commences in these areas, sufficient fire protection, including personnel and equipment will be provided to furnish these areas with the level of services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density of the areas. It is anticipated that fire stations planned to serve areas currently within the City of Denton will be sufficient to serve areas now being considered for annexation. Upon ultimate development, fire protection will be provided at a level consistent with other similarly situated areas within the city limits. C. Emergency Medical Service The Denton Fire Department (DFD) will provide the following emergency and safety services to the annexation areas. These services include: 1. Emergency medical dispatch and pre-arrival First Aid.instructions; 2. Pre-hospital emergency Advanced Life Support (ALS) response; and transport; 3. Medical rescue services. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)from the City of Denton shall be provided to the areas annexed at a level consistent with current methods and procedures presently provided to similar areas of the City of Denton on the effective date of the ordinance. As development commences in these areas, sufficient EMS, including personnel and equipment will be provided to furnish these areas with the level of services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density of the areas. 2 27 i li Upon ultimate development,EMS will be provided at a level consistent with other similarly situated areas within the city limits. D. Roads and Streets Emergency street maintenance shall be provided within the annexation areas on the effective date of the applicable ordinance of acceptance. Routine maintenance will be provided within the annexation areas and will be scheduled as part of the City's annual program and in accordance with the current policies and procedures defined by the ordinance and/or as established by the City Council. ,Any construction or reconstruction will be considered within the annexation areas on a City wide basis and within the context of the City's CIP and/or yearly fiscal budgetary allotments by the City Council. Roadway signage and associated posts will be replaced in priority of importance starting with regulatory signs,then warning signs,then informational signs and in, conformance with fiscal allotments by the City Council. If a sign remains, it will be reviewed and placed on the City's inventory listing for routine replacement. All exiting signs will be reviewed for applicability and based upon an engineering study. New signs will be installed when necessary and based upon an engineering study. Routine maintenance of road/street markings will be placed on a priority listing and scheduled within the yearly budgetary allotments by the City Council. E. Parks,Playgrounds, Swimming Pools Residents within the areas annexed may utilize all existing park and recreation facilities, on the effective date of this ordinance. Fees for such usage shall be in accordance with current fees established by ordinance. As development commences in these areas, additional park and recreation facilities shall be constructed based on park policies defined in the Park Master Plan and as specified in the Park Dedication and Development Ordinance. The general planned locations and classifications of parks will ultimately serve residents from the current City limits and residents from areas being considered for annexation. F. Publicly Owned Facilities Any publicly owned facility,building, or service located within the annexed area, and not otherwise owned or maintained by another governmental entity, shall be maintained by the City of Denton on the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 3 28 i i G. Other Services Except as provided in Section V. Other services that may be provided by the City of Denton, such as municipal and general administration will be made available on the effective date of the annexation. The City of Denton shall provide level of services,infrastructure,and infrastructure maintenance that is comparable to the level of services, infrastructure, and infrastructure maintenance available in other parts of the City of Denton with topography, land use, and population density similar to those reasonably contemplated or projected in the area. IV. ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY(UTILITY CUSTOMER) SERVICES A. Solid Waste Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Services will be provided to the newly annexed property immediately upon the effective date of the annexation at a level consistent with current methods and procedures presently provided to similar areas within the city. Private solid waste collection service providers operating in the affected area immediately prior to annexation and currently providing customers with service may continue to provide their existing service for up to 2 years in accordance with Texas Local Government Code. B. Wastewater Facilities Except as provided in Section V. The proposed annexation areas are within the City of Denton Sewer Service Area as defined by Certificate of Convenience and Necessity(CCN)Number 20072 as issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ). As development commences in these areas,sanitary sewer mains will be extended in accordance with the provisions of the City's codes, ordinances and regulations. City participation in the costs of these extensions shall be in accordance with applicable City ordinances and regulations. Capacity shall be provided consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization, and population density of the areas. Sanitary sewer mains and lift stations installed or improved to City standards within the annexed areas which are located within dedicated easement,rights-of- way, or any other acceptable location approved by the City Engineer, shall be maintained by the City on the effective date of this ordinance. Operation and maintenance of wastewater facilities in the annexed areas that are within the service area of another water utility will be the responsibility of that utility. Operation and maintenance of private wastewater facilities in the annexed area will be the responsibility of the owner. 4 29 I C. Water Facilities Except as provided in Section V. The proposed annexation areas are within the City of Denton Water Service Area as defined by Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN)Number 10195 as issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ). Connections to existing City of Denton water distribution mains for water service will be provided in accordance with existing City ordinances and policies. Upon connection to existing distribution mains, water service will be provided at rates established by city ordinance. As new development occurs within these areas, water distribution mains will be extended in accordance with Denton's Codes, ordinances and utility service policies. City participation in the costs of these extensions shall be in accordance with Denton's codes and ordinances. Water service capacity shall be provided consistent with the characteristics of topography, land use and population density of the area. Operation and maintenance of water facilities in the annexed area that are within the service area of another water utility will be the responsibility of that utility. Existing developments, businesses or homes that are on individual water wells or private water systems will be allowed to continue to remain on these systems until a request for water service is made to the City. These requests for service will be handled in accordance with the applicable utility service line extension and connection policies currently in place at the time the request for service is received. V. ADDITIONAL SERVICES A. Non -Annexation Agreements — The City has agreed to offer Non-Annexation Agreements to eligible property owners in DH-9 for a term to last seven years. Eligible property owners are those individuals who currently receive an agricultural property tax exemption on their property. From the effective date of the annexation, currently projected as May, 2013,the seven year Non-Annexation Agreement will extend the time period for non-annexation to 2020. B. Pedestrian Path - Pending the receipt of right-of-way or a pedestrian access easement, the City agrees to construct a pedestrian path on the east side of Swisher from Edwards Road south to the Pecan Creek Elementary School. In designing the pathway, the City shall seek to utilize the most reasonable alignment to provide safe access to the school along Swisher and to minimize the impact on existing trees, 5 30 i i C. Traffic Calming Devices—The City is agreeing to install traffic calming devices along the frontage of school property on Swisher Road until the pending Edwards road extension is complete and functional for a period of one year or as determined necessary. D. Private Water Service Tap -Within two years from date of annexation,the City will allow one to four water taps to be permitted for residential service from the closest tap point at Capetown Road. The Grimes family will be required to grant a 20 foot easement across the southern boundary of their property (running east to west). The Grimes Family will be responsible for tap and impact fees for each of the requested water taps as well as the cost to run their individual private service lines from each residential structure connected to the city's water system. The Grimes Family will also provide a 10 foot wide private water service line easement between the city's water meter or meters for each private service line that is extended between the proposed point of connection at Capetown Road to cover each private water service line extended to connect each single family home on the Grimes Property. The city will require a customer service inspection for each home connected to the city's water system as required by state law. Each water tap and meter will provide water service to one single family residential structure and must be physically and permanently removed from the private well system that serves the adjacent home on the Grimes property. The city reserves the right to discontinue service from any water meter if it is discovered that the water supplied through this meter is subsequently extended to serve more than one single family home, in violation of the TCEQ's one residential home, one meter requirements and/or the City's metering, cross connection control ordinance and service policies. E. Wastewater line Extension along Shiloh and Swisher - City will design and construct these sewer lines including all taps from the sewer main up to the private property line. The total project will include survey, design, construction, staking, installation of the sewer main and taps, and testing and inspection during construction. City will enter into an agreement to extend these sewer lines based on the following provisions: 1. The cost per single family connection to the City sewer main will be based on the following: • If a minimum of 80 percent of the lots connect to the sewer main then per connection charge will be $5,300 plus the $1,700 impact fee, for a total charge of$7,000. 6 31 • If a minimum of 70 percent and less than 80 percent of the lots connect to the sewer main then per connection charge will be $6,300 plus the $1,700 impact fee,for a total charge of$8,000. • If a minimum of 60 percent and less than 70 percent of the lots connect to the sewer main then per connection charge will be $7,500 plus the $1,700 impact fee, for a total charge of$9,200. • If a minimum of 50 percent and less than 60 percent of the lots connect to the sewer main then per connection charge will be $9,300 plus the $1,700 impact fee,for a total charge of$11,000. 2. City will establish a Pro-Rats Agreement to recoup the cost of the sewer line in the future from the lots that initially do not tie to the City sewer line. This pro rata cost will be based on the frontage of each lot and will be either sixty (60) percent or one hundred (100) percent of the per foot cost of sewer line installation. 3. Any easements needed from private property to construct the public sewer system must be donated by the property owner to the City at no cost to the City. 4. Homeowners are responsible for the rerouting of the private lateral sewer within their property to connect to the sewer tap at their property line. 5. City will extend this offer for extension of the sewer lines for a period of three years from the date of execution of the annexation. F. Grant Funding Opportunities for Wastewater Service on Swisher, Shiloh and Pockrus Page Roads—The City agrees to seek grant funding opportunities to fund the wastewater services as described below. 1. The City agrees to aggressively pursue alternate funding options for the benefit of the property owners currently being served by the City of Denton water supply along Pockrus Page, Swisher, and Shiloh Roads, that may be available through the Community Development Block Grant, the RCAP program or ANY other grant program that may be available to the City of Denton officials, that would effectively provide a sewer line that parallels the existing City of Denton water line on the above mentioned three roads. 2. The City agrees to pay 100%of the costs of the off-site sewer line beyond the frontage of the last property up to the connection with the existing City sewer, 7 32 in the event the Grant dollars do not cover the entire costs of the wastewater pipeline system. 3. The City will assign a contact department official and phone number for full disclosure and updates regarding the Grant process. 4. Payment of wastewater Impact fees if not covered by the Grant funding will be the responsibility of the property owner. G. No Parking Signage on Edwards Road--In accordance with the City of Denton Municipal Code Section 18-93, the City will evaluate the feasibility of establishing parking restrictions along the section of Edwards Road from Desert Willow Road to Lakeview Boulevard. This may include the area being stripped with a broken yellow centerline pavement marking in accordance with City standards such that the north side of the Edwards Road is to have an 8-foot wide on-street parking area and the remainder of the street width evenly divided for both directions of travel. Associated parking restriction signs may be included utilizing City standards for such signage. A. Future Access to Water and Wastewater Lines — As development occurs in DH-9, water and wastewater mains will be extended in accordance with the provisions of the City's codes, ordinances and regulations. City participation in the costs of these extensions shall be in. accordance with Denton's codes and ordinances as described in 1V.B and IV.C. Such future development activity will expand the infrastructure network in DH-9 and provide additional opportunities for current property owners to have access to complete extensions or connect to existing water or sewer lines following established City policy. An example of an area likely to benefit from future development is the property along Pockrus Page Road. Water service to Green Tree Estates Subdivision-The Green Tree Estates has an existing community water system serving this subdivision that is currently listed under the TCEQ Public Water System database as an inactive system. Prior to the city considering offering water service to this system, the owners of this community water system must register this water system with the TCEQ as an active public water system and must obtain compliance with current TCEQ regulations for Public Water Systems (Chapter 30 TAC 290). After compliance with the above referenced section, the city will offer water supply through an air gap into the Green Tree Estates Public Water Supply System's ground storage tank through a water tap and meter to be installed at a point of connection to the 8 33 i city's existing water distribution system a point to be determined in the future. The owner of the Green Tree Estates Public Water Supply System shall provide the city with adequate well pumping records to determine the appropriate water meter size, tap size, and associated water impact fees. The owner of the Green Tree Estates Public Water System will be responsible for paying the tap fees, meter set fees and water impact fees necessary to provide this water supply as well as the cost to extend the private water service line from the point of metering and the ground storage tank within the Green Tree Estates public Water System. This private water service line shall be located within a 10 foot wide private water service line easement provided by the owners of the Green Tree Estates Pubic Water System. VI. UNIFORM LEVEL OF SERVICES IS NOT REQUIRED Nothing in this plan shall require the City of Denton to provide a uniform level of full municipal services to each area of the City, including the annexed area, if different characteristics of topography, land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different levels of service. VII. TERM This service plan shall be valid for a term of ten(10) years. Renewal of the service plan shall be at the discretion of City Council. VM. AMENDMENTS The service plan may be amended if the City Council determines at a public hearing that changed conditions or subsequent occurrences make this service plan unworkable or obsolete. The City Council may amend the service plan to conform to the changed conditions or subsequent occurrences pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Section 43.056. 9 i I 34 EXHIBIT I Proposed Annexation Area DH-9 DH-9 encompasses approximately 298 acres of land and is bounded by current city limits on all sides; north, south, east and west. DH-9 is located north of Pockrus Page Road, north, south and northeast of Edwards Road. This area is outlined in yellow on the aerial map below. 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V� n•t� y °�A \ l"-tr%fc4-\ ENID r"\ n tq d a Nos v; vL 1ox, O's L) 41 9ve c/ St n 0 r de Cl po b o Ip s 1*, 019VI far t'� o9v0� Por9v� no-�otros h " Ae5es►+#- rnoS q9„s, cameo Paco• ba ri�enos 5� Pi n o►�h o s 10� d�'tn �c 5 � ►�o � 0 �-t►oo 1 c pe v q�t ros o+l4uden � % �-; e n e h boAdO, qvt poc �'a�at9utno5 • 1 Jivden rev �yo.s 1 � I 42 ( ITl l)I DENTON Department of Police 601 E.Hickory St., Suite E •Denton,TX 76205 • (940)349-8181 •FAX(940)349-7966 MEMORANDUM Denton Police Department Office of the Chief of Police TO: Todd Hileman, City Manager Aaron Leal, City Attorney FROM: Frank Dixon, Chief of Police DATE: November 15, 2019 SUBJECT: Denton Police Department Update Mr. Manager, I wanted to take some time to update you on items that the Denton Police Department is currently addressing. I am incredibly honored and humbled to serve the Denton community as the Chief of Police and am excited about the future. Homelessness As we continue to interact and assist individuals experiencing homelessness,it is important that the Denton Police Department continue and expand our work to better serve these individuals and our community. In the furtherance of this, I am assigning two police officers to work exclusively on homelessness and the other factors surrounding it, specifically mental health. As we know, homelessness, mental illness, substance abuse, and PTSD all intersect in some manner. From those who carry lifelong trauma with them, to our veterans who answered the call of service in the military, to those suffering from mental illness, our unhoused community is more diverse now than ever before. These officers will work on continuing to partner with internal City of Denton and external stakeholders to provide wrap-around service to identify and address those factors that individually cause someone to experience homelessness. Additionally, the Downtown area, which was previously known as "District 5," covering the square, down to the Fry Street area, will now be its own area command, being led by Lieutenant Preston Pohler. Lt. Pohler will be responsible for leading two patrol shifts consisting of 2 sergeants and 10 officers, as well as the new Special Events Officer Sarah 1 43 ( ITl l)I DENTON Department of Police 601 E.Hickory St., Suite E •Denton,TX 76205 • (940)349-8181 •FAX(940)349-7966 Keith, and Special Projects sergeant to be named. Officer Keith will work exclusively on special events in our city, with Denton Fire Department, Parks, and other city staff. She will also be responsible for creating Incident Command Systems operations plans for each event, and mirroring those with the City of Denton's emergency management plans with Michael Pentaluna. Special Proiects Sergeant The Special Projects sergeant mentioned above will focus the next year on being trained in and creating a new Crowd Management Team for DPD. This includes updated training on Mobile Field Force, new equipment, the implementation of police bikes in crowd control, and strategic planning to support the many events that we have downtown around the square. Our ability to proactively meet and work with any entity who wishes to hold a rally, protest, or any other expression of their First Amendment Rights will directly assist DPD in keeping everyone safe. Our stance as an agency is to protect everyone's right to express their First Amendment rights, if there is no damage to property or violence. I have found that having a direct dialogue with groups prior to the date, and explaining what acceptable behavior is, and explicitly what will not be tolerated, is crucial in this mission. The sergeant will also work with our Training Unit to refine and improve our mental illness training for our officers. Far too many times in our society when someone goes into a mental health crisis, tragic interactions with law enforcement occur. It is a priority for me to have our first two full-time Homeless Outreach Team officers trained as mental health peace officers,and continually expanding that training throughout our agency over the next year to two years. It is important to note that to date, all Denton Police officers have the minimum required mental health training for Texas peace officers,but we want to go above and beyond what is mandated for our community and our police officers. Improved Training As I have spoken about several times over the last two years, DPD is continually looking for ways to increase our organizational excellence by seeking professional training. In the last year,we have had two separate training on interactions with community members who are Autistic, Animal Cruelty training, and Strangulation training with our partners at the International Association of Chiefs of Police. In this next year, we will finalize a formal training plan for our agency, most notably bringing implicit bias training, sexual harassment/hostile work environment to our agency, along with leadership training in partnership with the Dallas office of the Anti-Defamation League. 2 44 ( ITl l)I DENTON Department of Police 601 E.Hickory St., Suite E •Denton,TX 76205 • (940)349-8181 •FAX(940)349-7966 Marijuana Enforcement As you all know, the passage of HB 1325 on June 10, 2019, sets a new standard for the identification of Marijuana in criminal cases. Now, prior to prosecution, individual law enforcement agencies are required to pay for testing to establish that the suspected Marijuana has THC levels of .03 or higher. This new requirement has led to some challenges for law enforcement. Most notably,there is only one private lab in our state who has the technology available to test suspected marijuana. The cost associated with it begins at $90 and can cost hundreds of dollars, depending on the case. This cost prohibition has led me to hold several meetings with our Assistant City Attorney Berry and Judge Fox. I have given direction to DPD to continue the enforcement of marijuana, but to write drug paraphernalia citations for any case where the amount of Marijuana equals one ounce or less. The District Attorney has publicly said that they will pay for the testing of felony level cases, (over four ounces) but it is the responsibility of each agency to pay for all misdemeanor cases. It is important to note that DPD does not specifically target marijuana enforcement, but it is equally important to understand that four violent home invasion robberies, and our last homicide were directly related to the illicit sales of Marijuana. In the homicide, for example, the amount of marijuana being sold was two ounces, which would have been a"minor"misdemeanor class B offense. Additionally, placing moratoriums or having strict black and white policies on the enforcement of Marijuana will have a direct impact on policing our city. Many times, higher level criminal offenses are discovered during a traffic stop where the smell of marijuana is present. While officers will need to articulate the smell, training, and experience in developing probable cause now, the discovery of stolen items, fruits of a crime (robbery,homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault), and weapons cannot be discounted. We will continue to monitor and address any challenges to the enforcement of marijuana and will adjust as appropriate. For a frame of reference, DPD has not submitted any marijuana for testing since the inception of the new legislation. Just this past week, one of our Student Resource Officers (SRO's) issued a citation in lieu of arrest, when a student was found to have been in possession of marijuana on campus. A secondary concern is there are at least six other law enforcement agencies working in the City of Denton. They include UNTPD, TWU Department of Public Safety, TX DPS, Denton County Sheriff's Office,NCTC PD, and TABC, who all have enforcement power on Marijuana arrests. 3 45 ( ITl l)I DENTON Department of Police 601 E.Hickory St., Suite E •Denton,TX 76205 • (940)349-8181 •FAX(940)349-7966 Misdemeanor Citations I have brought to Judge Fox and Assistant City Attorney Berry a plan to implement the issuance of Field Release Citations for certain Class A, B, and C Misdemeanor offenses, allowable by the Code of Criminal Procedure. When someone is arrested for certain offenses and they meet certain criteria, they will be eligible to be issued a citation in lieu of arrests. This will allow our police officers to stay available and on the street for more proactive policing, relationship building, but will also allow us as a community to work with our City and District Attorney Offices to send cases to diversion, offering rehabilitation instead of incarceration. This is not a "one size fits all" program, but it has shown a great deal of success in other cities when applied correctly and appropriately. Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force (LEITF) I am currently serving on the national Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force,which is comprised of 132 Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs from across our country. We collectively come together to provide a non-partisan, common sense approach to public safety, while balancing safety with immigration enforcement. As I have previously stated, DPD will not assist in the arrest or detention of anyone because of their immigration status. We are charged with and will continue to enforce criminal law to keep our community safe, because when immigrants feel safe in their community, we are all safer. As we enter 2020 and the election cycle, we will continue to keep non-partisan, strictly public safety centric stance when it comes to immigration enforcement. We do not want our immigrant community,no matter what country they come from,to fear coming forward and reporting a crime. Whether they are victims of crime or a witness of a crime, that is detrimental to the safety of our community. As always, please feel free to reach out directly if you would like to meet and discuss any issues facing law enforcement in our wonderfully diverse community. I look forward to continuing to work alongside you in keeping Denton safe and sustainable for everyone. With Gratitude and Respect, Frank 4 46 Bonnie Brae - Roselawn Detour Map s WILI_OWWOODIST -3,5ift to J p ~ W w a -' ACME-ST a m p lY w I- lil Z LAUREL ST o Y Y G o Q QQ w m Y '•�'� 1J } I I I } Q 2 rn W d co \� � w U. w rn a O w Q w w � Q � Q z g 7 ¢ w a of z 1 CJ W U U w Q US 1 ai H J (n co Q co in w d U d d 2 W J L—IRVINPST, I I H 0 —SOL•AR-WAY PEEBLES,W Z I w w to 0 MASSEY S zT O —CORBIN,RD GOO:SON G cn Ifn w Q ROSELAWNIDR Q Legend - NORTH Detour Closed to Thru Traffic 0 650 1,300 2,600 Feet DISCLAIMER: The City of Denton has prepared this map for departmental use.This is not an official map of the City of Denton and should not be used for legal,engineering,or surveying purposes,but rather for reference purposes only.This map is the property of the City of Denton, and has been made available to the public based on the Public Information Act.The City of Denton makes every effort to produce Ar ublish the most current and accurate information possible.No warranties,expressed or Implied,are provided for the data herein,its use or its interpretation.Utilization of this map indicates understanding and acceptance of this statement. Council Submitted Requests responseCouncil Member Requestor Date Service Request Summary of Request Preferred format for Staff Assigned Department Comments Council Member Armintor 10/29/19 Policy Can the civic center have its own insurance policy where entities like Email Packan/Payne Parks and Recreation/Risk Information will be included in a future Friday Report Bridging Hope who might want to use it in inclement weather can pay a Management deposit or a fee to cover the cost so they don't have to get their own liability policy,which they can't afford? Council Member Armintor 11/04/19 Policy Request a work session on revising our criteria and methods for Work Session Ogde Purchasing and Procurement selecting labor contracts to include minimum wage criteria. Council Member Armintor 11/07/19 Clarification Constituent Question:The sidewalk bond proposal has a new one block Email Estes Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday Report sidewalk on Mistywood from Glenwood to Woodhaven. We do need a sidewalk that would extend the sidewalk from Glenwood to the sidewalk surrounding Nette Shultz Park and a direct link to the Woodrow Wilson Elementary.We live on the corner of Mistywood and Woodhaven St. 3 What side of the street will the sidewalk be-north or south side? If the sidewalk is on the north side,the potential issue for us would be threefold: removal of a vegetable garden and repair of a drip irrigation system,loss of a beautiful large Post Oak,and repair of the lawn sprinkler system. I realize that there is a 6 foot easement,but was wondering if the sidewalk could be made on the side of the very wide street or possible less damage to our neighbors on the south side. 4 Council Member Briggs 10/27/19 Policy Work session on smart city led applications discussion on what we need Work Session L Information will be included in a future Friday Report to do next steps 5 Council Member Briggs 11/05/19 Clarification do we know how long the building construction on Brinker is going to Email Deshmukh Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday Report keep the lanes down to one on the hill? Council Member Briggs 11/10/19 1 need to know the most effective strategy for asking the city to install Email Jahn Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday Report 6 stop signs on Ryan Road at the entrance to Lake Forest Good Samaritan. 7 Council Member Briggs 11/12/19 Can we have the land presentation uploaded to website and granicus. Email Cody Real Estate Information will be included in a future Friday Report We didn't have it. 8 Council Member Briggs 11/13/19 Clarification Why was the speed bump removed from Greenwood Street between Email Kremer Public Works Information will be included in a future Friday Report Sherman and Cherrywood?Is it possible to do a traffic study? 9 Council Member Briggs 11/13/19 Service Request There is water reported on corner of Mistywood and Nottingham for Email Dawson Utilities Information will be included in a future Friday Report several days. 10 Council Member Briggs 11/15/19 Service Request When is the light going on at Sherman/288? Email Jahn Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday Report 11 Council Member Briggs 11/15/19 Service Request Many people pull into Poinsettia off Sherman and make a UTurn. Is Email Jahn Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday Report there anyway to get a No UTurn sign put up 12 Council Member Briggs 11/15/19 Service Request How much traffic impact fees did the development get and where and Email Estes Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday Report when in the past 10yrs have they have they been used? 13 Council Member Briggs 11/15/19 Service Request What development is going in along Sherman across from the Beverly Email Rosendahl Development Services Information will be included in a future Friday Report Park Estates? Council Member Davis 11/05/19 Policy Large-Scale Mural on Post Office Building.This is a left-field request,so Informal Staff Report Rogers Economic Development Information will be included in a future Friday Report and ISR or even a polite email to tell me it's impossible is just fine. I'd 14 like to work with the Postal Service or the GSA or whatever the appropriate federal agency is to use City public art funds(and perhaps community raised fund)to paint a large-scale mural on the East wall of the post office(the one that faces the City Hall parking lot) 15 Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth 10/28/19 Service Request Can staff check on the activity behind the Vibe Apartments? Email Kuechler Community Development Information will be included in a future Friday Report 16 Council Member Meltzer 08/01/19 Policy Review the use of the Historic Tax Abatement Incentives to encourage Informal Staff Report Rogers Economic Development Staff is collecting data and finalizing report;pending redevelopment in the area. other departmental priorities Council Member Meltzer 11/04/19 Clarification Constituent ask whether the amount of parking currently allowed on Email Jahn Capital Projects Information will be included in a future Friday Report 17 Marietta Street(both sides)and on Bradley Street(one side)is consistent with the fire code.You really can't get two lanes of traffic through either street. 48 November 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12:00 am Council 10:30am Audit/Finance Luncheon 2:30pm Agenda Comnittee I)owntown ED Committee 8:30am 1:30pm Committee on the 1:00 pm CC Work Session Environment 6:30 pm CC Regular 4:00pm Public Art Committee 5:30pm Traffic Safety Session 2:00pmP&Z Work Session Commission 6:30pm PH Regular Session 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 am Mob ilitv 11:00 am DCRC Bo a rd Committee NO Agenda Committee 12:00 p m Sp e c is 1 C a lle d 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Council Meeting 5:30pm BIC Session 11:00am EDP 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4:30pm ZBA 1:00 pm CC Work Session 6:3 0 pm CC Regular 12:00 T>F Board(BRZ) 5:00pm Committee on Se ssion Persons with Disabilities 2:30pm Agenda Cornnittee 5:00pmP&Z Work Session 6:30pmP&ZRegular Session 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 No Council Meeting 11:00amTIF Board(TIRZ#1) 49 December 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11:30 am Joint CC/DISD 2:00 pm CC Work Session 4:00pm Public Art Committee Luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 1:30pm Committee on the Se ssion Environment 5:3 0 p m Traffic Sa fe ty Commission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00a m Public Utilities 9:00 am Mob ility I1:00amEDP Bo a rd Committee 5:00pm PH Work Session 11:00 am DCRC 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 5:30pm HLC Session 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4:00p m ZBA 2:00 put CC Work Session 4:00pm HaBSCo Nbeting 6:30pm CC Regular 5:00pmCommitteeon Se ssion Persons With Disabilities 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o Council Meeting 29 30 31 o Council Meeting 50 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of November 12,2019 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Pilot Program- City Initiated Zoning Incentives for City Pedestrian-Only Interval Review of Council Green Building Incentive Changes Roadway Impact Fees Employee Residency (DT Square) Requests 19-Nov 19-2766 19-2274 19-2770 19-2782 19-2805 19-2211 2-Dec Lunch Joint w/Denton ISD Sagebrook Annexation Review of Council Gas Well Clarification Vision Zero Development(TBD) Bond Oversight Cole Hunter Ranch' Construction Code Requests 3-Dec 19-2806 19-2445 19-2369 Committee 19-2259 Review 19-2256 Annual Gas well Denton County Summary Behavioral Health Main Streeet Association Review of Council Leadership Team DME Budget Update Chamber Contract Partnership Stoke Annual Update NCTCOG Solid Waste Requests 30-Dec 19-2338 19-2470 19-1946 19-2764 19-2628 Grant 19-2257 Audit Workplan Accessory Dwelling Units, Mobility Plan Update 19-2783 Walls,Fences,and 19-2485 Review of Council Screening Fine Arts Theatre Employee Ethics Policy Requests 17-Dec City Hall West DCA19-0011 Cole Hunter Ranch DME Delegated Authority 19-2739 19-018 19-2258 6-Jan Lunch Review of Council Doorbell Monitoring Requests 7-Jan KDB Annual Report Technology 20-001 Economic Development Review of Council Audit Requests 14-Jan Cole Hunter Ranch 19-2723 lNickory Creek Alignment 1 1 1 120-002 21-Jan No meeting;MILK Holiday on 1/20 Review of Council L1,rendards of Requests 2S-Iange Gas Well 20-003 r Review of Council Pay-As-You-Go Program Right of Way Ordinance Purchasing Manual Sustainability Plan Requests Mar 03 IL Overview Outdoor Noise Follow-up Update DME GreenSense Update TBD C C M Gas Well Update Review of Council 3: m Affordable Housing/ Group Home Code &Closed Session Item Utilities Management Requests Mar 17 CA CI­ Housing Assistance Amendment (pulled from 10/8/19 WS)Study Public Art Canopy Trails TBD �Vf 4.0 Development Review Review of Council H IL f7 Process Improvements City Criteria Manuals Requests Mar 24 H High Voltage Lines 19-2686 DCA19-0008 TBD Y L O Review of Council 3 Requests Apr 07 TBD Work Session Veteran Source of Requests Determined Community Public Art Integrated Pest Income Housing by Council- and Community Tree TIF Grants for Management Plan Discrimination Quakertown Park Anti-Discrimination Date TBD Grants Accessibility Review Ordinanance Drainage Channel Ordinance 51 Street Closure Report IMPROVING Upcoming Closures OF DENTON Week of November 18,2019- November 24, 2019 DENI (CN Street/intersection From Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other epa m Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact We are replacing the water We will be distributing Ave B Underwood Eagle 12/09/19 01/22/20 main,all fire hydrants,and all Water flyers to affected (940)349-7332 water services on Ave B from customers. Underwood to Eagle Bell Ave Texas Schmitz 11/24/19 12/01/19 Water tap for TWU STLC Engineering NextDoor (940)205-9230 Chipping den ArgyleWinthrop Hill 12/02/19 12/16/19 Base Failure Repairs Streets door hangers 940 349-7146 PP g Cam p Lane ers Road p g ( ) Crosstimber Mill Wye 12/20/19 12/27/19 Street Repairs Streets (940)349-7146 (Road Closure) Fry Oak Hickory 12/02/19 11/27/19 Signal reconstruction Traffic Direct business contact (940)349-7486 Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) 135E northbound service located 500 ft west TBD TBD Wastewater Improvements Wastewater (940)349-7128 road of Bonnie (Temporary Lane Closures) Robson East Side of 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940)349-7128 RR (Temporary Lane Closure) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Door Hangers Drainage and Roadway Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City TBD TBD Construction Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. 1 (940)349-8910 Southern RR Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Capital Project (One Lane traffic control) Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Base Repairs Crews will move here Meet with Business Shady Oaks Dr. Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets after work on Kerley St. Owners (940)349-7146 is complete Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Capital Projects Part of 2019 Street (940)349-7104 Bundle Welch Street Oak St. Hickory St. 12/02/19 01/10/20 Street reconstruction with Streets door hangers (940)349-7146 sidewalk improvement. Upcoming Closures 52 Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Total 12 Upcoming Closures 53 Street Closure Report IMPROVING Current Closures )ENI OF DENTON Week of November 18,2019- November 24, 2019 Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other DepaTMOM Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Avenue C W Oak W Hickory 11/07/19 11/29/19 Signal Reinstallations(Street Traffic Weather delay (940)349-7486 Closure) Blagg Rd. Mayhill Geesling 03/18/19 11/30/19 Mayhill Project Bridge Engineering Part of Mayhill Rd. Website&Nextdoor (940)349-8925 (Temporary Street Closure) Widening Capital Project Notification Part of North South Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn Corbin 10/21/19 12/13/19 Water Main Replacement Engineering Water Main Ph. 11 (940)349-8910 (closed to thru traffic) Capital Project(Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to Brinker Rd. Loop 288 Quail Creek 07/08/19 11/22/19 Storm Drain Demolition Drainage Website, Nextdoor (940)391-6299 (Temporary Lane Closure) Notification Intersection No additional closures planned Brinker Rd. of IH 35E 09/25/19 11/29/19 for this construction,potentially Traffic (940)349-7486 only lane closures. Clydesdale Dr. Wheeler Spanish 10/07/19 12/20/19 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Streets delayed completion date (940)349-7160 Ridge Repair due to weather Need to close Crest Wood St.from Linwood to Greenwood to put in a Concrete Valley Gutter across the Street.This was originally going to only be a lane closure because they were Crestwood Linwood Greenwood 11/18/19 11/21/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets going to do half of the door hangers (940)349-7160 valley gutter at a time. Due to the elevation and angle this one needs to be poured all at once so it will have to be a full closure. Weather permitting we'll be Closing it on Monday 11-18-19 and openinq it Storm Drain Installation and Part of McKinney Rd. E.McKinney St. Grissom S. Fork 03/11/19 12/01/19 Street Widening Engineering Widening Capital Project (940)349-8910 (Temporary,Intermittent Edgewood Crestwood Northwood 11/11/19 12/13/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Door Hangers (940)349-7160 Terrace Edwards Road S.Mayhill Camino Real 11/11/19 11/25/19 Base Failure Repairs Streets door hangers (940)349-7146 Trail Part of Downtown TIF Sidewalk&Lighting CIP- Elm St. Oak Parkway 09/23/19 01/18/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering Temporary lane and (940)349-8425 shoulder closures due to sidewalk reconstruction. Upcoming Closures 54 Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Elm St. Stroud Prairie 11/13/19 11/22/19 Sewer Main Replacement Engineering Direct business contact, (940)349-7112 (partial lane closure;western Other Atmos Energy replacing 150ft of Bolivar gas main(maintenance).Work First Street Street Elm Street 11/18/19 11/22/19 anticipated to take two business Atmos Direct business contact (940)205-8278 days,with paving restoration completed the same week. City of TxDOT Project-New Denton/Cori contractor selected and FM 2181 nth City Lillian Miller 11/18/19 TBD Street Widening TxDOT starting to mobilize. (940)349-8425 limits Various lane closures possible starting Concrete Replacement/Mill and Completion delayed Forrestridge Dr. Hobson Timbergreen 08/19/19 11/27/19 Overlay Streets from 11/01/2019. (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Fry Scripture Oak 11/04/19 11/29/19 Traffic Signal Improvements Traffic Direct business contact (940)349-7486 0.26 mi Street Widening Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E south of FM 12/03/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures TxDOT 10/08/19 (940)387-1414 1830 during non-peak traffic) Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 10/23/19 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades TxDOT (940)387-1414 (temporary closures) Greenwood Crestwood intersection 11/11/19 12/06/19 Curb and Gutter improvements Streets delayed due to weather (940)349-7146 PI (temporary closures) Street and Drainage Part of Magnolia Depending on weather, Improvements Magnolia Drainage Capital Project pavement should be Hinkle Dr. US 380 Headlee 05/23/19 11/30/19 Drainage Ph.II Engineering (Hinkle from University complete on Hinkle from (940)349-8910 (Temporary Lane Closures) to Windsor and Windsor 380 to Headlee by the from Hinkle to Elm) end of November. Street and Drainage Part of Magnolia Improvements Magnolia Drainage Capital Project Hinkle/Windsor closed Hinkle Rd. Headlee Windsor 07/03/19 12/30/19 Drainage Ph.II Engineering (Hinkle from University starting 11/11/19. (940)349-8910 to Windsor and Windsor (Street Closure) from Hinkle to Elm) Jagoe St. Scripture W Oak 10/03/19 11/07/19 Signal Reinstallations(Street Traffic Weather delay (940)349-7486 Closure) Jim Crystal IH 35 Western 10/22/19 11/27/19 Base Repairs Streets delayed completion date (940)349-7160 Blvd (Temporary Lane Closure) due to weather Linwood Crestwood intersection 11/11/19 12/06/19 Curb and Gutter improvements Streets delayed due to weather (940)349-7146 PI (temporary closures) Locust St. Walnut Highland 11/04/19 12/20/19 Drainage Improvements(Partial Engineering Part of PEC-4 Ph. 1 &2 (940)349-8910 Lane Closures) Drainage Capital Project Locust St. Oak McKinney 11/18/19 01/31/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering Part of Downtown TIF (940)349-8910 Sidewalk&Lighting CIP Upcoming Closures 55 Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Part of Mayhill Rd. Street Widening(Temporary Widening Capital Mayhill Rd. US 380 Edwards 09/01/17 02/01/20 Lane Closures) Engineering Project. Door Hangers (940)349-8925 Future Traffic Switch anticipated after Water Main,Services,and Fire Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 10/07/19 02/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Morse St. Intersection Mayhill 09/01/17 02/01/20 Traffic Signal Install(Temporary Engineering (940)349-8925 of Street Closure) Northwood Terrace Edgewood Cul v Sac 11/11/19 12/13/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Door Hanger (940)349-7160 Oak at Jagoe St.Signal Intersection Jagoe 09/09/19 12/07/19 Signal Construction(Intermittent Traffic (940)949-7486 of Lane Closures) Oak St.at Fry St.Signal Intersection Fry 11/04/19 12/14/19 Signal Construction(Intermittent Traffic (940)349-7486 of Lane Closures) Oakridge St Edgewood intersection 11/11/19 12/06/19 Curb and Gutter improvements Streets delayed due to weather (940)349-7146 PI of (temporary closures) Parvin Jacqueline Westwood 11/06/19 11/27/19 Denia Parking Lot will be Streets Direct business contact (940)349-7146 Drive Drive reconstructed. Concrete Sidewalk Repair Poinsettia Blvd. Manten Harvest 10/07/19 12/20/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Will Streets (940)349-7160 reopen at 5 pm daily) Prairie St. Elm Pierce 11/04/19 12/20/19 Drainage Improvements (street Engineering Part of Pec 4 Ph. I&II (940)349-8910 closed to thru traffic) Drainage Capital Project Cooper Water Main and Service Quail Ridge Branch La Paloma 10/14/19 12/06/19 Replacements, Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure) Water Main,Services,and Fire Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/07/19 02/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Water Main,Services,and Fire Royal Ln. Mistywood Rockwood 10/07/19 02/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Sagewood St. Meadow Peartree 10/01/19 01/31/20 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 Sheraton Rd. Hercules north 10/01/19 12/18/19 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7160 Wastewater Main Install Construction date Smith St. Johnson Dallas 11/18/19 12/17/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Will Wastewater delayed from (940)349-7128 reopen at 6 pm daily) 09/30/2019. Spring Creek Winter Bent Creek 10/25/19 12/13/19 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Streets (940)349-7160 Creek Repair Tahoe Ln. Ottawa Saranac 09/30/19 12/13/19 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Streets delayed completion date (940)349-7160 Repair due to weather Upcoming Closures 56 Street/intersection From Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Outside lanes of US 380 Engineering, will be closed at the 1200'East 1200'West Additional outreach not University/US 380 11/01/19 02/01/20 Signal Upgrade and Installation Traffic,TxDOT, intersection of Mayhill (940)349-8925 of Mayhill of Mayhill CIP Rd.for intermittent work needed and signal upgrades. Closure has been W Windsor Mesquite 300'W of 10/24/19 11/25/19 Street and Drainage Engineering temporarily delayed due (940)349-8910 Hinkle Improvements to inclement weather conditions. Atmos relocation in Atmos Energy making in Atmos Utility Relocation progress(under ROW person/verbal contact Walnut St. Elm Austin 09/30/19 12/20/19 (Street Closure) Engineering Permit,in preparation for with businesses on (940)349-8910 Pec 4 Drainage Capital square Project) Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Wintercreek Dr. Kappwood Greenbend 10/07/19 12/20/19 Repair(Temporary Lane Streets (940)349-7160 Closure:Will reopen at 5 pm Total 48 Upcoming Closures 57 Street Closure Report IMPROVING Completed Closures OF )ENI (4Li , DENTON Week of November 18,2019- November 24, 2019 Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other D e p a Tmmemnr Start Date End Date Info/Notes -A Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Sidewalk Repair Balboa Ct. Lido Way Cut de sac 08/12/19 09/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Streets (940)349-7160 Street will Reopen after 5 pm) Bonnie Brae St. Roselawn North of 07/01/17 10/01/19 Street Widening Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. 1 (940)349-8910 Vintage (No Street Closures) Capital Project Intersection Roundabout The closure was re- Website,Nextdoor Bonnie Brae St. of Scripture 06/13/19 11/05/19 Bonnie Brae Ph. IV Engineering opened on 11/5/19. Notification (940)349-8910 (Intermittent Closures) Water Main Replacement Part of North South Highland Water Main Ph. 11 Website,Nextdoor Bonnie Brae St. park Willowwood 05/13/19 11/14/19 North South Water Main Ph.II Engineering Capital Project(Bonnie Notification (940)349-8910 (Temporary Street Closure) Brae from Roselawn to Canoe Ridge Ln. Silent Star Sweet Cloud 09/30/19 11/01/19 Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Streets (940)349-7160 Repair Concrete Sidewalk Repair Cruise St. Fiste Comer 08/14/19 09/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Streets (940)349-7160 Street will reopen after 5 pm) Greenwood Sherman Cherrywood 10/21/19 11/04/19 Street Repairs Streets (940)349-7160 (Road Closure) Street repairs to follow on Hickory from Welch Hickory St. Fry Welch 08/16/19 10/22/19 Street Reconstruction(Street Streets to Carroll (940)349-7160 Closure) this portion can be moved to completed Kerley St. Duncan Shady Oaks 04/25/19 10/11/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater Completion date delayed Website,Nextdoor (940)349-7128 (Temporary Lane Closures) from 09/27/2019. Notification Lakeview Blvd. Blagg Stallion 08/19/19 09/20/19 Concrete Panel Repair Streets (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closure) Concrete Sidewalk Repair Lido Way Bell Cul de Sac 08/12/19 09/13/19 (Temporary Lane Closure; Streets (940)349-7160 Street will Reopen after 5 pm) Locust St. Eagle Highland 08/12/19 11/07/19 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Engineering (940)349-8910 Ph. I&II(Temporary Lane Massey St. Hwy 377 200'West 09/09/19 09/13/19 Street Boring TxDot Email Notifications (940)387-1414 (Street Closure) Sidewalk Repair(Temporary Newport Ave. Mockingbird Pace 08/12/19 09/13/19 Lane Closure,Will reopen after Streets (940)349-7160 5 pm each day) Orr Elm Locust 09/04/19 11/15/19 Wastewater Main Replacement Wastewater Completion date delayed (940)349-7128 (Street Closure) from 10/01/2019 Water Improvements Orr St. Bolivar Locust 08/07/19 09/11/19 (Temporay Lane Closure; Water Website (940)349-7181 Reopen at end of each day) Upcoming Closures 58 Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Street reconstruction(Street can be moved to Panhandle Bolivar Carroll 09/30/19 10/14/19 Closure;Will reopen at 7 pm Streets completed (940)349-7160 daily.) S. Mayhill Rd. Colorado 1-35 09/23/19 09/25/19 Street Repairs Streets New Completion (940)349-7160 (Temporary Lane Closures) Part of Bonnie Brae Completion delayed Scripture St. Bonnie Brae 1000'ft west 08/14/19 10/05/19 Roundabout Project Water from 10/02/2019.Part of (940)349-7181 (Temporary Street Closure) Bonnie Brae Winter Concrete Panel&Sidewalk Spring Creek Creek Bend Creek 09/09/19 10/25/19 Repair Streets (940)349-7160 Atmos Utility Relocation Wainwright St. Sycamore Bell 06/24/19 09/27/19 (Temporary,Intermittent Street Atmos New Completion Closure) Water Improvements Completion date Wayne St. Boyd Mozingo 09/17/19 10/11/19 (Temporary Lane Closure;Will Water accelerated from (940)349-7181 reopen at end of each day) 10/21/2019. Wintercreek Dr. Kappwood Country 08/05/19 09/20/19 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets (940)349-7146 Club (Temporary Lane Closures) Total 22 Upcoming Closures 59