011020 Friday Staff Report - Updated City Manager’s Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201  (940) 349-8307 OUR CORE VALUES Integrity  Fiscal Responsibility  Transparency  Outstanding Customer Service MEMORANDUM DATE: January 10, 2020 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Mobility Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Audit/Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 5. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 7. Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager’s Conference Room. 8. CANCELLED - Health and Building Standards Commission Meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 9. CANCELLED - Committee on Persons with Disabilities on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics – There are NO items scheduled for discussion during the January 14 City Council work session. Staff contact: Rachel Balthrop Mendoza, City Manager’s Office B. Gas Well Ordinance Public Hearing Notifications – Following the Council’s December 2, 2019 vote to reconsider the adoption of revisions to the gas well ordinance, staff scheduled this item to come back before the Council for a public hearing on January 28. As directed by Council, in addition to notifications being published on the City’s website and in the newspaper, a total of 1,906 postcards were mailed to property owners and physical addresses within 500 feet of a gas well site. A sample of the postcard is attached for reference. Staff contact: Hayley Zagurski, Development Services C. Update on Air Quality Standard Permit Application at 5120 E. University Drive – On January 7, 2020, the City Council received a report regarding the application by Mutual First, LLC for an Air Quality Standard Permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality at 5120 E. University Drive. At that meeting, the Council directed staff to bring forward a resolution stating the City’s opposition to the application and requesting it be denied. Consideration of such a resolution is on the agenda for the January14, 2020 City Council meeting, and the Agenda Information Sheet and resolution document are attached to this report. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs D. Organizational Update: Community Services Division – With the retirement of Lancine Bentley in December, staff has been evaluating how to move forward with the position and leadership of Community Improvement Services. After careful consideration, to better leverage synergies and improve strategic alignment, Community Improvement Services (property maintenance, code enforcement) will be combined with Community Development (housing, human services, homelessness) to make a combined division called the Community Services Division. The combined leadership offers an opportunity to better strategize and leverage resources to create and maintain strong neighborhoods and serve community needs, especially with a growing and changing community. Dani Shaw has been promoted to Community Services Manager to lead the new combined division forward and a job will be posted soon for an Assistant Community Services Manager. This role will be critical in providing leadership assistance to support many major ongoing initiatives (such as working collaboratively with our partners on many homelessness initiatives and strategies, coordinating homelessness teams, undergoing an affordable housing assessment, implementing new development fee grant programs, among others,) while also looking to analyze current operations for any efficiencies or improvements and explore potential neighborhood stability strategies and programs (such as revising neighborhood grant program guidelines to increase use or creating a volunteer program to help homeowners in need make small repairs). Please join us in congratulating and supporting Dani in the new role. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Chief of Staff E. Traffic Signals Scheduled for Removal Next Week – Thursday, January 9, the traffic signals at Elm Street at Parkway Street and Locust Street at Parkway Street were placed in flashing mode for one week in preparation for permanent removal. Stop signs will be placed at both intersections on Elm and Locust Streets. The flashing yellow signal will indicate caution for traffic on Elm and Locust Street while flashing red signal will indicate a stop for traffic on Parkway Street. City crews are removing the traffic signal 2 equipment that no longer meets traffic warrants and will remove these signals, as well as correct road markings, by Thursday, January 16. Signage will be posted to alert motorists of the traffic signal removal, and motorists are reminded to use caution when traveling in the area as Elm and Locust will become free-moving. Staff contact: James Andrews, Traffic Operations F. MKOC Transition Update – Monsignor King Outreach Center is completing the transition to full implementation of the enhanced shelter program and opening the emergency shelter seven nights a week on January 13, 2020. Due to anticipated inclement weather the shelter is also expected to open Friday and Saturday this week. With the support of United Way, the shelter program guidelines, case management policies and procedures, personnel policies and procedures, and shelter policies and procedure drafts are completed. They are expected to go to the MKOC board for approval at the January 22 board meeting. The first twenty-five (25) clients have been initially identified for the enhanced shelter program. Of the 25, fifteen (15) individuals are chronically homeless and have been offered long-term shelter to reduce vulnerability. These fifteen (15) individuals will be engaged in housing focused service plans and receive case management over a longer period of time. Short-term rapid re- housing is not an appropriate housing intervention since they will need intensive long- term case management support and wrap-around services offered by permanent supportive housing programs. The other ten (10) participants will be the first individuals working with the case manager to participate in the traditional 90-120-day enhanced shelter program to transition to housing. Out of the twenty-five (25) total participants, six (6) Veterans have been identified and prioritized for enhanced shelter services to support community initiatives to end Veteran Homelessness by 2020. MKOC plans to work up to fifty (50) enhanced shelter beds by August 2020 as additional case management/ social work intern support is added. The remaining forty- two (42) beds will be open to people in need of emergency shelter. While MKOC completes the process of full staffing, United Way of Denton County staff and interns are currently assisting with shelter enrollments and Coordinated Entry assessments to get all participants enrolled in the program. MKOC is connected with Texas Homeless Network to get enhanced shelter program support in HMIS to track client outcomes and Case Managers are being trained on HMIS this week. Donations and Volunteers are an ongoing need for MKOC. Anyone interested in information on volunteering should visit the following sites: https://www.kingoutreachcenter.com/copy-of-stay-with-us or sign-up today at https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/1530157/false#/invitation. A volunteer orientation is scheduled for January 12. MKOC provides volunteer orientation with the support of United Way social work interns to new volunteers 30 minutes to 1 hour before new volunteer shift begins. Staff Contact: Dani Shaw, Community Development G. Fisher 59 Development Update – An Alternative Environmentally Sensitive Area Plan (AESA) for the Fisher 59 distribution facility was approved by City Council on October 15, 2019. Due to an oversight in the legal description approved on the October 15 agenda, the development will be required to go back through Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for approval of another AESA with a revised 3 legal description. Staff is working with the Fisher 59 development team to ensure there is minimal impact to the construction timeline. The Fisher 59 development is a rare example of a project where the development impact area is not contained within the ownership of the development and instead uses adjacent land owned by a different individual for access. Staff is working to improve the AESA process to ensure a similar situation does not occur in the future. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services H. Eureka 2 Playground Vandalism – During the overnight hours of January 4, 2020, South Lakes Park’s Eureka 2 Playground was vandalized with graffiti. Park Maintenance crews were called at around 9 a.m. on the morning of January 5 and began removing the graffiti immediately. It took crews 35 labor hours to clean the park thoroughly. The cost of damages was $2,200, including staff time, equipment time, material, and paint. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation I. Playground Replacement Timeline – The playgrounds at Quakertown Parks and MLK Jr. Rec Center will be replaced through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grant. Quakertown Park playground construction begins January 13 and will end in late February. MLK Jr. Rec Center playground replacement begins January 21 and ends in March. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation J. North Lakes Park Soccer Field Fencing – Last week, Titan Fence completed the construction of the fencing at North Lakes Park soccer fields. The fence is ready for the upcoming season, which begins in February. The fence requested by the Denton Soccer Association (DSA) for player safety. A picture is below. Staff contact: Drew Huffman and Jason Barrow, Parks and Recreation K. Eureka 2 Playground Slide Replacement – At the beginning of October, the spiral tube slide at Eureka 2 playground broke. The end piece was damaged, which made it unsafe to use. Since then, Parks Maintenance has been working with the company that produced the slide, Superior Recreational Products, to obtain a replacement piece. Superior Recreational Products, had a warehouse fire in July, however, which has made it very difficult to get the replacement promptly. The replacement slide should be installed by the end of February. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation L. Recreation Center Updates – The Denia Rec Center parking lot has reopened. The trash enclosure, however, has not been completed. North Lakes Rec Center has a new Pulastic® gym floor. Pulastic® is a seamless synthetic, durable, and versatile multipurpose and specialty sports floor system that meets stringent quality standards. 4 It offers comfort and safety in competition, intramural and amateur sports, as well as general fitness and children’s activities. The Denton Senior Center will close at 1 p.m. Friday, January 17, and resumes regular hours on Tuesday, January 21. The multipurpose room floors will be refinished during this time. Staff contact: Caroline Seward, Parks and Recreation M. Denton Music and Arts Collaborative Request for Support – Council Member Briggs will soon request a contribution of $500 from Council Contingency funds in support for the Denton Music and Arts Collaborative and wishes to share the request with the entire Council. The attached details the request made from Denton Music and Arts Collaborative. Staff contact: Rachel Balthrop Mendoza, City Manager’s Office N. TWU Parking and Access Update – On December 4, 2019, Council Member Briggs requested information regarding whether staff could address the concerns of a resident regarding dangerous traffic on Vine St., Texas St. and Schmidt near TWU. In October 2019, City staff met with homeowners in the TWU area to discuss traffic and parking concerns. As a result of that meeting, the City’s Traffic Department recently painted new pavement markings in an area around the TWU campus as part of a pilot program to minimize parking violations. As of December 18, 2019, all designated parking areas on Oakland Street from N. Locust Street to N. Austin Street have been painted to reflect the new format. Residents in the area are encouraged to provide feedback regarding the effectiveness of the new markings. If it is determined this pilot program increases safety and improves resident’s livability, it will be expanded to surrounding streets and areas around the TWU campus. In addition, City traffic engineers have developed potential solutions for low visibility intersections and streets to increase safety. Examples of solutions being considered are implementation of four-way stops and designating single side street parking. The attached illustrates a summary of these potential solutions which will work in tandem with the new parking markings format. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, City Traffic Engineer O. Nissan Leaf Rebate – The American Public Power Association has announced an extension of a partnership with Nissan for rebates on the purchase of a 2019 Nissan Leaf electric vehicle. Rebates of up to $3,500 are available to customers of public power utilities through March 31, 2020. This rebate supplements the $300 rebate offered by DME for the purchase of new electric vehicles. Information can be found at: https://www.publicpower.org/public-power-rebates-nissan-leaf. DME recently took advantage of this rebate to introduce a Nissan Leaf to the Electric Metering fleet as a replacement for an outgoing gasoline-powered vehicle. After a few months in operation, the vehicle is performing very well and shows promise for the further integration of electric vehicles into the DME fleet. Analysis is pending as more data is gathered to quantify the financial impact of avoided fuel and maintenance costs. Staff Contact: Chase Wittman – DME Business Analyst P. 2020 Point-In-Time Count - January 23, 2020 – The Denton County Homeless Coalition Steering Committee has been hard at work planning for the 2020 Point-In- 5 Time Count - January 23, 2020. They are asking for help to make everyone in Denton County count in 2020! Below are ways people can help: • Sign up to volunteer and survey people experiencing homelessness the day of the count: https://www.unitedwaydenton.org/volunteer-point-time-count • Share the attached flyer with social networks • Donate $5 gas or grocery cards that are provided to survey participants. • Promote the PIT Count on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/ / • Give throughout the year to the Barriers Fund directly impacts people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness right here in our community. If anyone would like to support the PIT count they should email dchcinfo@gmail.com. Staff Contact: Dani Shaw, Community Development III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Senior Center Open House – Saturday, January 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Denton Senior Center, 509 N. Bell Ave. Celebrate being 50 and older by seeing what the Denton Senior Center has to offer. Different activities and exercise classes will be available to sample for free during the event. Participants receive 10 percent off all activities and classes if they register at the Open House. Staff contact: Megan Thomas, Parks and Recreation 2. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Monday, January 20 from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at MLK Jr. Rec Center, 1300 Wilson St. “We Still See the Promised Land.” Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with the community. A full schedule of events for the day can be found at www.dentonparks.com. Staff contact: Bobby Givens, Parks and Recreation 3. State of the City – Thursday, January 23 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center (3100 Town Center Trail). Staff contact: Rachel Balthrop Mendoza, City Manager’s Office B. Community Meetings 1. None IV. Attachments A. Gas Well Ordinance Reconsideration Postcard ......................................................8 B. Concrete Crushing Facility AIS and Resolution ..................................................10 C. DMAC Request to City of Denton 2020 ..............................................................15 D. TWU Area Traffic Illustration .............................................................................16 E. 2020 PIT Count Flyer ...........................................................................................17 6 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2020-003 Landfill Expansion Permit Status Update ............................................18 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................28 B. Council Calendar .................................................................................................29 C. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................32 D. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................33 7 Project number: DCA19-0009 (Gas Well Reverse Setbacks) You have been identified as an owner or resident of a property within 500 feet of an existing gas well drilling and production site. Pursuant to the Denton Development Code (DDC), a residence, school, church, and similar uses must be 250 feet from a gas well drilling and production site. On January 28, 2020, the Denton City Council will hold a public hearing and consider adoption of amendments to the DDC that would increase the required reverse gas well setback to 500 feet. Any structure used as a residence, school, church, or similar use within 500 feet from a gas well drilling and production site may be affected by this change. Therefore, if your property is within the proposed 500 foot reverse gas well setback, then a residence, school, church, or similar use could become a “non-conforming structure,” if the reverse setback in increased to 500 feet. A “non-conforming structure” is a structure that was legal when it was constructed but due to an ordinance change is no longer in compliance with a setback, including a reverse gas well setback. A “non-conforming structure” can continue to be used but may not be rebuilt if it is destroyed or expanded if the expansion increases the non-conformity, such as reducing the reverse gas well setback. A public hearing is scheduled on January 28, 2020. The City Council will be considering options related to structures that may become non-conforming due to the proposed increase in reverse setback, and you are invited to make your views known by attending the public hearing or submitting a written response via mail or email to the Department of Development Services in advance of the hearing. If you attend, you will be given an opportunity to speak for or against the change, or you may attend only to observe. MEETING DETAILS: Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 6:30 pm City Hall, City Council Chambers 215 E McKinney St Denton, TX 76201 Written responses may be submitted to hayley.zagurski@cityofdenton.com or City of Denton Development Services Attn: Hayley Zagurski, Project Manager 215 W. Hickory St., Denton, TX 76201 IMPORTANT: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER INCREASING GAS WELL SETBACK – PROPERTIES WITHIN 500 FEET OF A GAS WELL MAY BE AFFECTED 8 Development Services 215 W. Hickory St. Denton, TX 76201 (940) 349-8541 ADA/EOE/ADEA • TDD (800) 765-2989 • www.cityofdenton.com 9 City of Denton _____________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Public Affairs DCM: Mario Canizares DATE: January 14, 2020 SUBJECT Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton opposing the application for an Air Quality Standard Permit, Registration 150931, which would authorize the construction of a Permanent Concrete Crusher by Mutual First, LLC at 5120 East University Drive, Denton, Denton County, Texas, directing said opposition be delivered to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and requesting denial of the application. BACKGROUND On Dec. 26, 2019, City of Denton staff received notification that Mutual First, LLC submitted an application with the TCEQ for an Air Quality Standard Permit for a permanent concrete crushing facility at 5120 E. University Drive. The property on which Mutual First is proposing the facility is close to, but just outside the corporate limits of, the City of Denton and within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). While the address is listed as 5120 E. University Drive, the property where the concrete crusher is located does not occupy frontage on E. University Drive. Operations at the facility would involve the breakdown of large slabs of concrete into smaller material for use in other applications. Among other requirements, concrete crushing facilities must be 200 feet from the property boundary and 440 yards from any school, place of worship, or residence. While Mutual First, LLC has no TCEQ enforcement history, its owners have ties to Blue Star Recycling. Blue Star Recycling recently gained media attention as the owners of “Shingle Mountain”, a shingle storage site with a history of violations in Dallas County. Additionally, the parent company of Blue Star Recycling, CCR Equity Holdings Four, LLC, is listed as the owner of the two properties that lie between University Drive and the proposed concrete crushing facility. Upon review of the application, staff has concerns about the impact of the facility operations on the surrounding area. Concrete crushing operations produce noise and it is unknown if this would be a nuisance to surrounding homes and businesses. The dust and soot produced by the operation, in addition to impacting nearby residents, may potentially impact wildlife and the Lake Lewisville watershed. Also, staff anticipates that large trucks will be entering and exiting the property. There is no deceleration lane on East University Drive to provide a safe entry from the west or traffic signal to provide an optimally safe entrance and exit scenario in all directions. Additionally, it is anticipated that vehicles must enter and exit the proposed crushing facility through a property that is residentially zoned. City Hall 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas www.cityofdenton.com 10 In addition to the environmental, traffic, and adjacent land use concerns, staff has found potentially inaccurate information within the application that may for the basis for a denial of the application by TCEQ. Staff believes that the facility, as currently shown in the application, does not meet the 440-yard setback requirements of the Permit. The City asserts that no less than two residences within the 440-yards of the facility, as currently proposed, are occupied. The public comment period for the application is currently open and will close on January 24. As the city works with outside legal counsel on the matter, staff will communicate any additional options regarding the application to the Council. The comments that will be submitted to the TCEQ (along with the resolution attached to this agenda item) will be provided to the Council when they are finalized. PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW (COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS) On Jan. 7, 2019, staff received direction to draft a resolution for Council consideration in opposition to the proposed facility. RECOMMENDATION Adoption of the Resolution FISCAL INFORMATION None EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 – Agenda Information Sheet Exhibit 2 – Resolution Exhibit 3 – Mutual First, LLC Permit Application Exhibit 4 – Application Site Map Exhibit 5 – Public Comment Period Respectfully submitted: Ryan Adams Deputy Director of Public Affairs/IGR 11 RESOLUTION NO ____ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF DENTON OPPOSING THE APPLICATION FOR AN AIR QUALITY STANDARD PERMIT, REGISTRATION 150931 , WHICH WOULD AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PERMANENT CONCRETE CRUSHER BY MUTUAL FIRST, LLC AT 5120 EAST UNIVERSITY DRIVE, DENTON, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, DIRECTING SAID OPPOSITION BE DELIVERED TO THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ), AND REQUESTING DENIAL OF THE APPLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Denton is committed to ensuring a healthy environment and quality of life for all its residents; and WHEREAS, The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has the primary authority and duty to protect public health in the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the TCEQ has received an application from Mutual First, LLC for an Air Quality Standard Permit, Registration Number 159031, which would authorize construction of a permanent concrete crushing facility, associated apparatus, and concrete stockpiling areas at a property near 5120 E. University Drive, Denton, Texas; and WHEREAS, a public notice was issued on December 25, 2019, for interested parties to provide input and comment on the application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for Air Quality Standard Permit, Registration 159031 ; and WHEREAS, the City of Denton has determined, through its Comprehensive Plan, suitable locations for industrial activities, such as concrete crushing activities, where such activities are compatible with and pose a minimal impact to surrounding properties and uses; and WHEREAS, the location of the proposed concrete crushing facility is not a suitable site because of its close proximity to Lewisville Lake, a major drinking water supply for millions of North Texans including citizens of the City of Denton, and its proximity to occupied residential homes; and WHEREAS, the proposed site is located in close proximity to a Greenbelt Corridor created and supported by the City of Denton in conjunction with the City of Dallas, United States Army Corps of Engineers, and Texas Parks & Wildlife to preserve and protect ecologically important and unique upland and riparian habitat areas such as the Elm Fork River and its associated floodplain; and WHEREAS, concrete crushing is known to produce silica dust and particulate matter that can pose serious health problems for people exposed to the dust; and WHEREAS, if the application is granted, traffic from large trucks is expected to increase, resulting in noise, congestion, and possible danger to the traveling public due to the site's its proximity to US HWY 380 and in residentially zoned areas ofthe City; and 12 WHEREAS, officers of Mutual First, LLC, in their operation of a separate business entity, CCR Equity Holdings and its subsidiary, Blue Star Recycling, have a history of non- compliance with TCEQ regulations, including the intervention of a district court to compel regulatory compliance; and WHEREAS, access to the proposed facil ity can only be provided through a residentially-zoned property within the corporate limits of the City of Denton, which is inconsistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance and may require approval of a change of zoning from the City of Denton; and WHEREAS, the proposed facility would violate the 440-yard distance requirement for homes, places of worship, and schools, or the 200-foot property setback requirement; and WHEREAS, the City of Denton asserts that that no less than two residences within the 440-yard distance requirements, that were listed as "Vacant" by the applicant are occupied; and WHEREAS, the City of Denton is joining the Denton County Commissioners Court and our citizens to express similar concerns regarding the impact of the proposed facility on surrounding residents and environmentally sensitive areas; NOW, THERFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY RESOLVES: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Denton adopts and incorporates the above referenced findings in this resolution. SECTION 2 The City Council of the City of Denton expresses opposition to the application by Mutual First, LLC for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Air Quality Standard Permit, Registration 159031. SECTION 3. The City Council of the City of Denton and directs such opposition be delivered and registered with the TCEQ and requests that the application be denied. SECTION 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. The motion to approve this resolution was made by and seconded by . The resolution was passed and approved by the following vote L_-__j: Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Chris Watts: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1 : Keely G. Briggs, District 2: 13   Councilwoman Briggs:  My name is Bruce Burns and I am the Vice President of the Denton Music and Arts Collaborative. DMAC  is a 501(c)(3) non‐profit organization. DMAC intends to achieve the preservation, promotion, and  continuation of the unique and culturally significant musical and artistic heritage of Denton through  programs aimed at improving the lives and livelihoods of local musicians and artists and encouraging  new musicians and artists to thrive and put down roots in Denton. Our organization was created in  hopes to preserve the cultural integrity of Denton by enabling musicians and artists to continue to thrive  here, namely by subsidizing healthcare coverage. As you know, DMAC takes pride in Denton being  designated a Texas Music City by the Texas Music Office.   Formed in 2017, we are now entering our third year as a non‐profit organization serving the Denton Arts  and Music community. Last year (2019) we had approximately 22 member beneficiaries whom receive  medical insurance subsidies from our organization. The funds raised helped cover the cost of their  insurance premiums, but as you may know, our numbers increased 350% during 2020 open enrollment.  Our goal in 2020 was to double that number and expand the same coverage to an additional 20‐30  Denton‐area artists and musicians, but we increased by 52 members, now at 76. The cost of subsidizing  each musician is approximately $100 a month, so our new monthly overhead is about $7600, up from  approximately $2200/mo.    It is my understanding that the city may set aside funds to help support organizations like ours, of which  there are many in our great town. I would like to extend this request should such funds be available for  DMAC. Like our city council, the DMAC board is fully‐vested in our community and its citizens. In our  case, we believe the arts and music culture is what establishes Denton as a unique locale within North  Texas, and as stated, it is our goal to continue attracting such individuals to our community.   Additionally, I’d also like to seek your assistance in connecting us with additional funding or programs  (perhaps HOT funds) that might be applicable to our cause since it is an important cultural and revenue  generating component of our community.  Thank you for the opportunity to share more information about our organization and extend a request  for your support.     Best Regards,  Bruce Burns DMAC Vice President   15           STOP  STOP  STOP     Potential ALL‐WAY STOP  Existing NO PARKING  Existing PARKING  Proposed NO PARKING  EXHIBIT A  Proposed Parking and STOP Modifications  16 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY (1314 TEASLEY LANE, DENTON, TX 76205) MON-FRI - 9AM-5PM The Point-In-Time Count is an annual census of people experiencing literal homelessness. It helps our community identify and understand the extent and nature of homelessness. Data from the count allows us to apply for funding and advocate for increased resources in our community. We need volunteers to conduct surveys and make Denton County's homeless population count! WHAT IS THE POINT-IN-TIME COUNT? Volunteer donate $5 gift cards Walmart, Kroger, Dollar Tree, RaceTrac, QuikTrip, or Fast Food Restaurants 2020 Point-In-Time Count Thursday | January 23rd DONATIONS MAY BE BROUGHT TO: https://www.unitedwaydenton.org/volunteer -point-time-count 17 Date: January 10, 2020 Report No. 2020-003 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: City of Denton Landfill Expansion Permit Status Update BACKGROUND: The City of Denton originally permitted a landfill at a site near 1527 S. Mayhill Rd. in 1984 to manage waste generated in and around the City of Denton. This site originally operated under State Permit 1590. The facility began accepting waste on March 13, 1985. The original pre- subtitle D landfill design included approximately 2.4 million cubic yards of air space and was estimated to have a life of 28 years. In 1996, the City of Denton amended the landfill’s waste permit to include additional space for disposal of waste. The Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission approved MSW Permit #1590-A in 1997, which added 207 acres onto the permit limit, expanding the landfill to approximately 243 acres. The Landfill has continued operations under this permit since that time. As early as 2006, the City of Denton entered into contracts with engineering firms RW Beck and CP&Y to evaluate the feasibility of expanding the existing permit and completing services in anticipation of that effort. In April 2016 by ordinance 2016-100, the City awarded and subsequently amended contracts to Parkhill Smith & Cooper for professional and engineering services in the preparation, development, and submittal of the permit application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) required to secure a permit amendment for the City of Denton’s municipal solid waste facility for MSW Permit 1590B. An application for permit modification was submitted to the TCEQ in February 2017 to expand the footprint of the existing permit #1590A to include approximately 104 acres immediately north of the existing facility, providing an estimated 60 years of additional capacity at the facility, and inclusive of a source separated organics composting facility, a citizen’s collection area, and other, various waste processing operations at the facility. The City of Denton and its contracted engineering and legal consultants have worked closely with the TCEQ over the past 3 years to ensure that the submitted application has complied with the administrative rules of the State of Texas and that its design and operations will meet the highest standard of engineering, operation, and environmental protection. Throughout this time, the City has published notice, as required by law, and responded to questions, as well as presented information to interested groups, committees, and the City Council related to the application, the proposed operations, and generalized waste management concepts. To date, in excess of $10 million has been spent to support property acquisitions, studies and professional services, education, and outreach associated with the proposed permit amendment. 18 Date: January 10, 2020 Report No. 2020-003 On December 2, 2019, the City of Denton received notice from the TCEQ Chief Clerk’s Office stating the Executive Director had completed the technical review of the City’s application for landfill expansion and has prepared a preliminary decision and a draft permit. The City was then required to publish notice of this proposed activity within a prescriptive timeline set by the state. On December 18, 2019, Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision for Municipal Solid Waste Permit Amendment for Proposed Permit No 1590B was published in the Denton Record Chronicle and Al Dia (the local Spanish language newspaper). Interested and affected parties may submit comments to the TCEQ. The comment period will run until January 17, 2020. Following receipt of comments and requests, the TCEQ will decide to either grant the permit, hold a public meeting, or submit the case for a hearing. Should a permit amendment be awarded, the City of Denton Department of Solid Waste and Recycling will work with the City Council to obtain a Special Use Permit (SUP) to define operation hours, landfill height, screening and landscaping, and other locally controlled site operation parameters. STAFF CONTACT: Brian Boerner Director of Solid Waste (940) 349-8001 Brian.boerner@cityofdenton.com REQUESTOR: Staff initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Solid Waste and Recycling STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 3 hours 19 City of Denton Landfill EXPANSION PERMIT STATUS AND UPDATE CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 1 20 Background: •Current Landfill Challenges: ◦Approximately 17 Years of Capacity (at current disposal rates) ◦Anticipated Annual Population Growth ◦~4% in the City of Denton ◦~2.6% across North Texas •Expansion/Permit modification process: ◦It has been lengthy (2-3 years) ◦Highly regulated CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 2 21 February 2017 •Application for permit modification to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). •Expand waste footprint by approximately 104 acres ◦40,288,920 cubic yards (maximum) ◦Provide a projected 60 years of capacity •Permit includes previously permitted areas and activities CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 3 22 CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 4 Existing Expansion 23 November 2019 •Nov. 19 –TCEQ Executive Director Ruling ◦Administrative and Technically Complete ◦Draft Permit Issued Nov. 26 –TCEQ Chief Clerk directs Public Notice Process ◦Process requires notification in newspaper of record ◦Residents may: ◦Submit Public Comment ◦Request Public Hearing ◦Request a Contested Case Hearing (Affected Parties only) CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 5 24 Public Notice •Dec. 18, 2019 –Notice Published (State language) ◦Denton Record Chronicle ◦Al Dia (Spanish Language) •Additional (Non-Required) Communications: ◦Citizen Connection Article ◦Notice Information at Denton Public Library ◦Notice Information and FAQ on Website ◦Social Media Notification CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 6 25 Next Steps •January 17, 2020 –Comment Period Ends •TCEQ considers comments and prepares a response •Determination is made: ◦Final consideration; ◦Public Hearing; OR ◦Contested case hearing •If permit is awarded, a SUP Application will be submitted to the City of Denton to manage landfill height and other operational parameters (hours, landscaping, etc.) CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 7 26 Questions? CITY COUNCIL –20-023-JANUARY 14, 2020 8 27 Policy and Worksession RequestsRow ID CreatedCreated ByCompletedCouncil Member Requestor DateService RequestSummary of RequestTime SensitivityPreferred format forresponseStaff Assigned DepartmentCommentsResponseProvidedWork Session DiscussionDate119-0003010/11/19 8:20 AM stuart.birdseye@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Meltzer08/01/19PolicyReview the use of the Historic Tax Abatement Incentives to encourageredevelopment in the area.Informal Staff ReportRogersEconomic DevelopmentStaff is collecting data and finalizing report; pendingother departmental priorities219-0005410/27/19 1:01 PM web-form@smartsheet.comCouncil Member Briggs10/27/19PolicyWork session on smart city led applications discussion on what we needto do next stepsDepends on if necessary before installed Work SessionLutrickDMEInformation will be included in a future Friday Report319-0006311/05/19 2:38 PM web-form@smartsheet.comCouncil Member Davis11/05/19PolicyLarge-Scale Mural on Post Office Building. This is a left-field request, soand ISR or even a polite email to tell me it’s impossible is just fine. I’dlike to work with the Postal Service or the GSA or whatever theappropriate federal agency is to use City public art funds (and perhapscommunity raised fund) to paint a large-scale mural on the East wall ofthe post office (the one that faces the City Hall parking lot)N/AInformal Staff ReportRogersEconomic DevelopmentInformation will be included in a future Friday Report419-0013912/05/19 3:36 PM stuart.birdseye@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Briggs12/04/19Service RequestCan staff address the concerns of a resident regarding dangerous trafficon Vine St., Texas St., and Schmidt near TWUFriday ReportJahnCapital ProjectsInformation will be included in a future Friday Report519-0013812/05/19 11:22 AM web-form@smartsheet.comCouncil Member Davis12/06/19ClarificationTodd E. is all over this, and is already pulling some info together for me.But it'd be a good ISR for the whole council to have. I'd like to see asummary of the mobility improvements (streets and sidewalks) that weare making in connection with construction of the new Denton HighSchool. I'm especially interested in pedestrian and bike connectivity withnearby neighborhoods, and on the Western side of the campus. Thanks!When availableInformal Staff ReportEstesCapital ProjectsInformation will be included in a future Friday Report619-0015812/16/19 8:25 AM web-form@smartsheet.comCouncil Member Armintor12/14/19Service RequestCan staff look at the new sidewalks in front of QT on Eagle for ADAaccessibility?EmailEstesCapital ProjectsInformation will be included in a future Friday Report719-0016512/16/19 3:24 PM web-form@smartsheet.comMayor Pro Tem Hudspeth12/16/19Service RequestCan staff look at the signage on the frontage road of I-35 E (southbound)and Teasley Dr.EmailEstesCapital ProjectsInformation will be included in a future Friday Report819-0017012/17/19 4:59 PM web-form@smartsheet.comMayor Pro Tem Hudspeth12/17/19PolicyI believe that citizens should be able to park on public streets without apermit. Please research and let me know if their is an agreement withUNT and your analysis of that agreement. It seems they would be usingpublic streets for income. Secondly, how can me make adjustments toallow citizens to park there for a limited time.EmailJahnCapital ProjectsInformation will be included in a future Friday Report919-0019001/03/20 11:33 AM web-form@smartsheet.comCouncil Member Meltzer01/02/20Service RequestSeparately for Police and for Fire for each of the two budgets: • Newfacilities built or funded (including from the bonds) •Major new equipmentpurchases •Number of full time positions added.Friday ReportDixon/Hedges Police/FireInformation will be included in a future Friday Report1019-0019301/06/20 12:04 PM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Briggs01/05/20ClarificationIs Orr St. planned for a reconstruction to fix unevenness?EmailCoxPublic Works1119-0019401/06/20 2:04 PM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Briggs01/03/20ClarificationGreenwood circle intersection safety updates' statusEmailJahnCapital Projects1220-0019601/08/20 8:30 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comMayor Pro Tem Hudspeth01/08/20Service RequestCan staff look at crosswalk light on westbound Mulberry @ Carroll?EstesCapital Projects1320-0019701/08/20 10:54 AM web-form@smartsheet.comCouncil Member Briggs01/08/20PolicyWhat are our rules about blowing leaves into the streetFriday Report1420-0019801/08/20 11:48 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Meltzer01/08/20Service RequestRequests information or a review of how City employees and contractorsare educated about the appropriate treatment of trees duringconstruction, such as heavy equipment not being placed on top ofdriplinesInformal Staff ReportEstesCapital Projects1520-0020101/09/20 3:07 PM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comMayor Watts01/09/20Service RequestCan staff look into parking space issues at 1712 Hickory St?EmailJahnCapital Projects1620-0020301/10/20 10:43 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Armintor01/09/20Service RequestCan staff forward dates and backup documents regarding landfillexpansion permit funding that has come up for a vote on Council sinceMay 2018?Informal Staff ReportCoxPublic WorksAgenda file ID /10/20 10:43 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Meltzer01/09/20Service RequestCan we forward copy of "When We Were All Broncos" documentary tothe entire Council for viewing?Email1820-0020501/10/20 10:57 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Briggs01/09/20Service RequestCan staff provide an update on the Service Center remodel?EmailHartleyFacilitiesInformation will be provided in January 10 FridayReport1920-0020601/10/20 11:06 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Meltzer01/10/20Service RequestCan staff discuss potential "measure-and-report your trees" drive,potentially held during Earth Day/Arbor Day activities?Informal Staff ReportCanizares/Packan CMO2020-0020701/10/20 11:06 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Meltzer01/10/20ClarificationWill staff provide information regarding notices sent out to affectedresidents regarding the reverse setbacks?2120-0020901/10/20 11:45 AM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comMayor Watts01/10/20ClarificationIniquiry into PAC19-0051 with regards to parking areas, parking ratio,and driveway spacingEmailWoodDevelopment Services2220-0021001/10/20 1:13 PM rachel.mendoza@cityofdenton.comCouncil Member Meltzer01/09/20ClarificationCan staff help clear up confusion regarding sign permit fees?EmailWoodDevelopment ServicesPage 1 of 1Exported on January 10, 2020 2:22:54 PM CST28 January 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday    1 New Year’s Day Holiday 2 345 6 NO - 11:30 am Council Luncheon NO - COE 1:30 Traffic Safety Commission 5:30 pm 7 12:00 pm CC Work Session 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 8 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session  9 8:30 DEDC Special Called- Cancelled 11:00 EDPB Special Called- Cancelled COE 11:30 4:00pm Public Art Committee 101112 13 PUB 9am HLC 5:30pm 14 Mobility Committee Meeting 9:00 am 10:30am Audit/Finance 1:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Session 15 12:00pm EDPB 2:30pm Agenda Committee 16 CANCELLED -6:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities CANCELLED ‐HABSCO 4pm 171819 20 MLK Day Holiday 21 No Council Meeting 22 12:00 TIF Board (TIRZ) 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 23 242526 27 PUB 9am ZBA 5:30pm 28 10am Council Airport Committee 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 29 2:30pm Agenda Committee 30 5:30PM Board of Ethics 31         29 February 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday       12 3 11:30 am Council Luncheon COE 1:30 Traffic Safety Commission 5:30 pm 4 2:00 pm CC Work Session 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 5 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session  6 8:30 DEDC 4:00 Public Art Committee 789 10 PUB 9am 11 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday Session Mobility Committee Meeting 9:00 am 12 11:00 EDPB 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:30 Airport Advisory Board  13 HOT & Sponsorship Tentative 10:00 141516 17 18 2:00 pm CC Work Session 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 10:30am Audit Finance 19 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session  20 6:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities HABSCO 4pm 212223 24 PUB 9am ZBA 5:30pm 25 10am Council Airport Committee 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session  2627 5:30PM Board of Ethics 2829       30 March 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 11:30 am Council Luncheon COE 1:30 Traffic Safety Commission 5:30 pm 3 2:00 pm CC Work Session 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 4 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session  5 8:30 DEDC 4:00 Public Art Committee 678 9 PUB 9am 10 No Council Meeting Mobility Committee Meeting 9:00 am 11 11:00 EDPB 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:30 Airport Advisory Board  12 131415 16 17 2:00 pm CC Work Session 6:30 pm CC Regular Session 10:30 am Audit Finance18 2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session  19 6:00pm Committee on Persons with Disabilities HABSCO 4pm 202122 23 PUB 9am 24 10am Council Airport Committee 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session  25 12:00 TIF Board (TIRZ) 2:30pm Agenda Committee 26 5:30PM Board of Ethics 272829 30 ZBA 5:30pm 31 No Council Meeting            31 Meeting Date 14‐Jan Mobility Plan Update2 19‐2883 Polling Locations 19‐2914 Annual Gas Well  Summary 19‐2843 Economic Development  Audit 19‐2723 Denton Renewable  Resource Plan 20‐173 21‐Jan 19‐2914 28‐Jan Start @ 12 p.m. Cole Hunter Ranch3 20‐106 Mobility Plan Update3 19‐2884 Annual DME Risk Policy  Approval Gas Wells ‐ Work Session  Item  TBD (DCA19‐0009f) Gas Wells ‐ Public  Hearing @ 6:30p  (Council Chamber) Review of Council  Requests 20‐003 3‐Feb Lunch Fire Standards of  Coverage 20‐165 Police Construction  Elevations Review Isometric Building  Images 4‐Feb Green Tree Estates Thriving Earth Exchange Pay‐As‐You‐Go Program  Overview 20‐149 Accessory Dwelling  Units, Walls, Fences, and  Screening DCA19‐0011 2020 Mobility Plan  Update4 19‐2885 Delegated Authority Hold for Housing Tax  Credit applications (if  received) Review of Council  Requests 20‐004 11‐Feb Denton County  Behavioral Health  Leadership Team 19‐2338 Airport Guiding  Documents Construction Code  Review Water & Wastewater  Rates Mobility Plan Update5 20‐136 Lang Partners Update Review of Council  Requests 20‐005 18‐Feb Credit and Collections Economic Development  Incentive Policy Integrated Pest  Management Plan  Review Mobility Plan Update6 20‐137 Quakertown Park  Drainage Channel Tree Code Review of Council  Requests  20‐006 25‐Feb (Note: UNT Great  Convos event starts  @ 6pm) TIF Grants for  Accessibility EV Charger Upgrade Veteran Source of  Income Housing  Discrimination  Ordinance Anti‐Discrimination  Ordinance Stormwater Master  Plan KDB Annual Report 20‐171 Review of Council  Requests  20‐007 2‐Mar Lunch 3‐Mar Review of Council  Requests Mar 03 20‐008 10‐Mar 19‐2914 17‐Mar Urban Forest Master  Plan Review of Council  Requests Mar 17 20‐009 24‐Mar Review of Council  Requests Mar 24 20‐010 31‐Mar 19‐2914 Outdoor Noise Right of Way Ordinance  Follow‐up Purchasing Manual  Update  Sustainability Plan  Update Affordable Housing/  Housing Assistance Review of Council  Requests Apr 07 20‐011 Group Home Code  Amendment Gas Well Update & Closed Session Item  (pulled from 10/8/19  WS) Utilities Management  Study Public Art Review of Council  Requests Apr 14 20‐175 Electric Vehicle Charging  Stations Doorbell Monitoring  Technology 19‐2959 Review of Council  Requests Apr 21 20‐176 Review of Council  Requests Apr 28 20‐177 Work Session  Requests Determined  by Council ‐  Date TBD Community Public Art  and Community Tree  Grants Plugged Gas Wells Tree Survey Tree Ordinance Review Ethics Ordinance  Revision No meeting; MLK Holiday on 1/20 No meeting; NLC‐ Washington (Mar. 8‐11) No meeting; 5th Tuesday Work Sessions Planned ‐ Date TBDFUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of January 10, 2020 Currently Slated Work Session Items 32 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact Hickory Creek Rd.Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening (Temporary Lane Closures)Engineering From 1/13/20 to 1/31/20, City's Contractor will be clearing trees and vegetation along the south side of Hickory Creek Rd., from the west property line of McNair Elementary School to the Riverpass Dr. intersection. This will not involve any lane closures, but construction zone signage will be put up to warn motorists. Atmos still needs to relocate their facilities east of the Montecito intersection before our Contractor (940) 349-8910 I35E northbound service road located 500 ft west of Bonnie TBD TBD Wastewater Improvements (Temporary Lane Closures)Wastewater (940) 349-7128 Robson East Side of RR 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install (Temporary Lane Closure)Wastewater (940) 349-7128 Rockwood Ln.Royal Mistywood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Door Hangers Roselawn Dr.Bonnie Brae Kansas City Southern RR TBD TBD Drainage and Roadway Construction Bonnie Brae Phase 1 (One Lane traffic control) Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. I Capital Project (940) 349-8910 Royal Ln.Royal Rockwood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle S. Elm St.Prairie St.Maple St.02/01/20 02/28/20 Installation of new water main along Elm St. as part of the Pec- 4 Ph 1&2 Project. Engineering Direct business contact, Door hangers (940) 349-7112 S. Elm St.Prairie St.Maple St.01/18/20 01/31/20 Installation of new water main along Elm St. as part of the Pec- 4 Ph 1&2 Project Engineering Direct business contact, Door hangers (940) 349-7112 Shady Oaks Dr.Teasley Woodrow TBD TBD Base Repairs (Temporary Lane Closure)Streets Crews will move here after work on Kerley St. is complete Meet with Business Owners (940) 349-7146 Thomas St.Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Capital Projects Part of 2019 Street Bundle (940) 349-7104 Total 8 Street Closure Report Upcoming Closures Week of January 13, 2020 - January 19, 2020 Upcoming Closures33 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact 950 Masch Branch Rd.University Dr. Jim Christal Rd.01/06/20 03/13/20 4. Concrete Street repair. The process starts with barricading the failed sections of pavement, remove the pavement and subgrade, and install new concrete pavement. Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Ave B Underwood Eagle 12/23/19 01/29/20 We are replacing the water main, all fire hydrants, and all water services on Ave B from Underwood to Eagle Water We will be distributing flyers to affected customers. (940) 349-7332 Beechwood County Club Rd.Wintercreek 12/09/19 02/14/20 Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process starts with barricading the failed sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement and subgrade, and install new concrete pavement Streets Door Hangers (940) 349-7146 Bent Creek Kappwood Spring Creek 01/06/20 03/13/20 Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process starts with barricading the failed sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement and subgrade, and install new concrete pavement. Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Blagg Rd.N. Mayhill Rd. Geesling Rd.03/18/19 01/31/20 Mayhill Project (Temporary Street Closure) Engineering, Traffic, CIP Part of Mayhill Rd. Widening Capital Website & Nextdoor Notification (940) 349-8925 Bonnie Brae St.Roselawn Corbin 10/21/19 01/17/20 Water Transmission Main Installation (closed to thru traffic) Engineering Part of North South Water Main Ph. II Capital Project (Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to (940) 349-8910 Collier St Eagle Dr N. Interstate 35 12/14/19 01/17/20 Carriage Square Public Utility Improvement: Water, Wastewater, Drainage, and Paving Public Works Inspections Door Fliers (940) 205-9230 Elm St.Oak Parkway 09/23/19 01/18/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering Part of Downtown TIF Sidewalk & Lighting CIP - Temporary lane and shoulder closures due to sidewalk (940) 349-8425 FM 2181 City of Denton/Cori nth City limits Lillian Miller 11/18/19 TBD Street Widening TxDOT TxDOT Project - New contractor selected and starting to mobilize. Various lane closures possible starting (940) 349-8425 Street Closure Report Week of January 13, 2020 - January 19, 2020 Current Closures Current Closures34 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact Fry Oak Hickory 12/16/19 01/31/20 Signal reconstruction Traffic Direct business contact (940) 349-7486 Ft. Worth Dr. (US 377)IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 11/27/20 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades (temporary closures)TxDOT (940) 349-8938 Ft. Worth Dr. (US 377)IH 35E 0.26 mi south of FM 1830 12/03/18 12/12/20 Street Widening (Temporary Lane Closures during non-peak traffic) TxDOT 10/08/19 (940) 387-1414 Hinkle Dr.Headlee Windsor 07/03/19 01/18/20 Street and Drainage Improvements Magnolia Drainage Ph. II Engineering Road open to local traffic only. Hinkle/Windsor closed starting 11/11/19.(940) 349-8910 IOOF Street Eagle Drive Sycamore Street 01/06/20 03/27/20 Atmos Energy temporarily closing IOOF and Highland Street to through traffic for replacement/ upgrade of existing gas main and services along IOOF Street, north of Atmos, Public Works Inspections Atmos Energy to notify apartment complex's in area at least three business days in advance. (940) 205-8278 John Paine Road Southwest Pump Station John Paine Road at John Paine Road near IH 35W 01/06/20 05/31/20 Road will be closed as needed. Project includes installation of water main along Old John Paine and Allred Road between the Southwest Pump Station on John Paine Road near Parkplace Dr. on and South Water NextDoor (940) 349-8925 Johnson Lane John Paine Road Just west of first driveway 01/06/20 05/31/20 Road closure will begin no sooner than 1/6/20 for the installation of new water main along Old John Paine Rd. and Allred Rd. between the Southwest Pump Station on John Paine Rd. near Parkplace Water NextDoor (940) 349-8925 Lantana Drive Plumbago Cul v Sac 01/06/20 01/27/20 Concrete Sidewalk repair. The process starts with barricading the failed sections of Sidewalk, remove and install new Streets Door Hangers (940) 349-7146 Locust St.Oak McKinney 12/14/19 01/31/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering Part of Downtown TIF Sidewalk & Lighting CIP (940) 349-8910 Mayhill Rd. US 380 (E. University Dr.) Edwards Rd.09/01/17 02/01/20 Street Widening (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering, Traffic, TxDOT, CIP Door Hangers (940) 349-8925 Mistywood Ln.Woodhaven Jamestown 10/07/19 02/06/20 Water Main, Services, and Fire Hydrant Replacements (Temporary Lane Closure, Reopen at 6 pm daily) Water Part of Mistywood Water Project (940) 349-7181 Oak at Jagoe St. Signal Intersection of Jagoe 09/09/19 01/31/20 Signal Construction (Intermittent Lane Closures)Traffic (940) 949-7486 Oak St. at Fry St. Signal Intersection of Fry 11/04/19 01/31/20 Signal Construction (Intermittent Lane Closures)Traffic (940) 349-7486 Parvin Jacqueline Drive Westwood Drive 11/06/19 01/15/20 Denia Parking Lot will be reconstructed.Streets Direct business contact (940) 349-7146 Current Closures35 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact Rockwood Ln.Royal Mistywood 10/07/19 02/06/20 Water Main, Services, and Fire Hydrant Replacements (Temporary Lane Closure, Reopen at 6 pm daily) Water Part of Mistywood Water Project (940) 349-7181 Royal Ln.Mistywood Rockwood 10/07/19 02/06/20 Water Main, Services, and Fire Hydrant Replacements (Temporary Lane Closure, Reopen at 6 pm daily) Water Part of Mistywood Water Project (940) 349-7181 S. Elm St.Sycamore Eagle 01/01/20 02/29/20 Water main improvements along Elm St. as part of the Pec- 4 Ph 1&2 Project. Engineering East side lane closure.Direct business contact, Door hangers (940) 349-7112 S. Locust St.Warren Ct.Highland St.12/16/19 02/29/20 Drainage Improvements as part of the Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project.Engineering West side lane closure Direct business contact, Door hangers (940) 349-7112 Sagewood St.Meadow Pear Tree 10/01/19 01/31/20 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940) 349-7160 Smith St.Johnson Dallas 11/18/19 02/14/20 Wastewater Main Install (Temporary Lane Closure; Will reopen at 6 pm daily) Wastewater Construction date delayed from 09/30/2019. (940) 349-7128 US 380 (E. University Dr.) 1200' East of N. Mayhill Rd. 1200' West of E. Mayhill Rd. 11/01/19 02/01/20 Signal Upgrade and Installation Engineering, Traffic, TxDOT, CIP Outside lanes of US 380 will be closed at the intersection of Mayhill Rd. for intermittent work and signal upgrades. Additional outreach not needed (940) 349-8925 Welch Street Oak St.Hickory St.12/09/19 02/21/20 Street reconstruction with sidewalk improvement.Streets door hangers (940) 349-7146 West Windsor Drive Parkside Drive Mesquite Street 11/11/19 02/08/20 Installation of new storm drainage line, sanitary sewer line, and pavement replacement along Windsor as part of the Magnolia PH II Streets, Drainage, Water, Waste Water NextDoor, Email Notification (940) 349-8425 Westheimer Gessner Fondren 01/13/20 02/14/20 Concrete Sidewalk repair. The process starts with barricading the failed sections of Sidewalk, remove and install new Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Total 33 Current Closures36 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact 7704 Mirror Rock White Dove Montecito 12/16/19 12/23/19 Concrete Street Panel Repair . The process starts with barricading the failed sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement and subgrade, and install new concrete pavement. Streets Door Hangers (940) 349-7146 Ave C W Oak W Hickory 11/07/19 12/20/19 Signal Reinstallations (Street Closure)Traffic Weather delay (940) 349-7486 Bell Ave Texas Schmitz 12/02/19 12/05/19 Asphalt trench on Bell Public Works Inspector NextDoor (940) 205-9230 Bonnie Brae St.Intersection of Scripture 06/13/19 11/05/19 Roundabout Bonnie Brae Ph. IV (Intermittent Closures) Engineering The closure was re- opened on 11/5/19. Website, Nextdoor Notification (940) 349-8910 Bonnie Brae St.Highland Park Willowwood 05/13/19 11/14/19 Water Main Replacement North South Water Main Ph. II ( Temporary Street Closure) Engineering Part of North South Water Main Ph. II Capital Project (Bonnie Brae from Roselawn to Website, Nextdoor Notification (940) 349-8910 Brinker Rd.Loop 288 Quail Creek 07/08/19 11/22/19 Storm Drain Demolition (Temporary Lane Closure)Drainage Website, Nextdoor Notification (940) 391-6299 Brinker Rd.Intersection of IH 35E 09/25/19 11/29/19 No additional closures planned for this construction, potentially only lane closures. Traffic (940) 349-7486 Chipping Campden Argyle Lane Winthrop Hill Road 12/02/19 12/16/19 Base Failure Repairs Streets door hangers (940) 349-7146 Clydesdale Dr.Wheeler Ridge Spanish 10/07/19 12/20/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Repair Streets delayed completion date due to weather (940) 349-7160 Street Closure Report Week of January 13, 2020 - January 19, 2020 Completed Closures Completed Closures37 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact Crestwood Linwood Greenwood 11/18/19 11/21/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Need to close Crest Wood St. from Linwood to Greenwood to put in a Concrete Valley Gutter across the Street. This was originally going to only be a lane closure because they were going to do half of the valley gutter at a time. Due to the elevation and angle this one needs to be poured all at once so it will have to be a full closure. Weather permitting we’ll be Closing it on Monday 11-18-19 and opening it door hangers (940) 349-7160 Cross Timber Mill Wye 12/20/19 12/31/19 Street Repairs (Road Closure)Streets (940) 349-7146 E. McKinney St.Grissom S. Fork 03/11/19 12/01/19 Storm Drain Installation and Street Widening (Temporary, Intermittent Engineering Part of McKinney Rd. Widening Capital Project (940) 349-8910 Edgewood Crestwood Northwood Terrace 11/11/19 12/13/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Door Hangers (940) 349-7160 Edwards Road S. Mayhill Camino Real Trail 11/11/19 12/19/19 Base Failure Repairs Streets door hangers (940) 349-7146 Elm St.Stroud Prairie 11/13/19 11/22/19 Sewer Main Replacement (partial lane closure; western Engineering Direct business contact, Other (940) 349-7112 First Street Bolivar Street Elm Street 11/18/19 12/23/19 Atmos Energy replacing 150ft of gas main (maintenance). Intermittent closures required to complete repairs and paving restoration. Atmos Direct business contact (940) 205-8278 Forrestridge Dr.Hobson Timbergreen 08/19/19 11/21/19 Concrete Replacement/Mill and Overlay (Temporary Lane Closure) Streets Completion delayed from 11/01/2019.(940) 349-7160 Fry Scripture Oak 11/04/19 12/20/19 Traffic Signal Improvements Traffic Direct business contact (940) 349-7486 Greenwood Crestwood Pl intersection 11/11/19 12/06/19 Curb and Gutter improvements (temporary closures)Streets delayed due to weather (940) 349-7146 Hinkle Dr.US 380 Headlee 05/23/19 11/30/19 Street and Drainage Improvements Magnolia Drainage Ph. II (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering Part of Magnolia Drainage Capital Project (Hinkle from University to Windsor and Windsor from Hinkle to Elm) Ongoing temporary construction closures. No full road closures planned for this section. Most access currently (940) 349-8910 Completed Closures38 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact Hollyhill Ln.Ticonderoga Dr.Lafayette Ln.12/09/19 12/11/19 Drainage department will be repairing the storm drain in front of 2245 Hollyhill Ln. the work is expected to last no longer than two days. Traffic will be detoured to Lynhurst Ln. Drainage Door hangers t affected residents (940) 349-7197 Jagoe St.Scripture W Oak 10/03/19 11/07/19 Signal Reinstallations (Street Closure)Traffic Weather delay (940) 349-7486 Jim Christal Western blvd.Jim Christal 12/16/19 12/21/19 U.S Cold storage drainage Public Works Inspections, Private Development Melvin.evans@cityofden ton.com (940) 218-3562 Jim Crystal IH 35 Western Blvd 10/22/19 11/26/19 Base Repairs (Temporary Lane Closure)Streets delayed completion date due to weather (940) 349-7160 Linwood Crestwood Pl intersection 11/11/19 12/06/19 Curb and Gutter improvements (temporary closures)Streets delayed due to weather (940) 349-7146 Locust St.Eagle Highland 08/12/19 11/07/19 Drainage Improvements Pec 4 Ph. I & II (Temporary Lane Engineering (940) 349-8910 Locust St.Walnut Mulberry 12/16/19 01/17/20 Water Main Improvements (East Side Parking Lane Engineering Part of PEC-4 Ph. 1 & 2 Drainage Capital Project Speaking with property owners; doorhangers (940) 349-8910 Maple Street Elm Street Locust Street 10/28/19 12/09/19 Atmos Energy/ Driver Pipeline relocating gas main and services in preparation for PEC4 drainage capital project. ROW Permit. Atmos, Public Works Inspections Direct business contact (940) 349-8910 Morse St./Mayhill Mayhill at Morse Mayhill at Morse 09/01/17 12/19/19 Traffic Signal Install (Temporary Street Closure) Engineering, Traffic, CIP Signal Installation is complete. Intersection will be opened with the partial traffic opening on (940) 349-8925 Northwood Terrace Edgewood Cul v Sac 11/11/19 12/13/19 Curb and Gutter Repair Streets Door Hanger (940) 349-7160 Oakland St Locust St Austin 12/17/19 12/18/19 Striping on street parking stalls we will not close the road but will not allow parking. Traffic N/A (940) 349-7156 Oakridge St Edgewood Pl intersection of 11/11/19 12/06/19 Curb and Gutter improvements (temporary closures)Streets delayed due to weather (940) 349-7146 Orr Elm Locust 09/04/19 11/15/19 Wastewater Main Replacement (Street Closure)Wastewater Completion date delayed from 10/01/2019 (940) 349-7128 Poinsettia Blvd.Manten Harvest 10/07/19 12/20/19 Concrete Sidewalk Repair (Temporary Lane Closure; Will reopen at 5 pm daily) Streets (940) 349-7160 Prairie St.Elm Pierce 11/04/19 12/20/19 Water and Wastewater Main Improvements (street closed to thru traffic) Engineering Part of Pec 4 Ph. I & II Drainage Capital Project Speaking to property owners; door hangers (940) 349-8910 Quail Ridge Cooper Branch La Paloma 10/14/19 12/20/19 Water Main and Service Replacements, (Temporary Lane Closure) Water (940) 349-7181 Completed Closures39 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Date Closure End Date Description Department Upcoming Info/Notes Public Meeting Other Communication Department Contact Rockwood Lane Royal Lane Emerson Lane 12/02/19 12/20/19 Replace damaged storm drain pipe and inlets. The process starts with barricading the section of street to be removed, remove and replace the damaged storm drain pipe and inlets and repair the street cut with new asphalt pavement. Drainage Other (940) 349-7197 Sheraton Rd.Hercules north 10/01/19 12/18/19 Streets Reconstruction Streets (940) 349-7160 Spring Creek Winter Creek Bent Creek 10/25/19 12/13/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Repair Streets (940) 349-7160 Tahoe Ln.Ottawa Saranac 09/30/19 12/13/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Repair Streets delayed completion date due to weather (940) 349-7160 Texas Bell Ave.Oakland 12/16/19 12/20/19 SS pipe installation Public Works Inspection Email Notification (940) 205-9230 W. Mulberry St.Locust St.Elm St.12/16/19 12/20/19 Water main improvements as part of the Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Engineering Direct business contact, door hangers (940) 349-7112 W. Mulberry St.Locust St.Elm St.01/06/20 01/10/20 Installation of new water main along Mulberry as part of the Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project. Engineering Northside lane closure.Direct business contact, Door hangers (940) 349-7112 Walnut St.Elm Austin 09/30/19 12/13/19 Atmos Utility Relocation (Street Closure)Engineering Atmos relocated gas main and services (in preparation for Pec 4 Drainage Capital Project), and is now restoring paving. Atmos Energy making in person/ verbal contact with businesses on square (940) 349-8910 Warren Ct.Wainwright St.Locust St.12/16/19 02/29/20 Drainage Improvements as part of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project Engineering Closed to thru traffic Direct business contact, door hangers (940) 349-7112 Wind River Lillian Miller Teasley Ln.12/09/19 12/26/19 Concrete Sidewalk repair at intersection of Wind River at Teasley Ln. The process starts with barricading the failed sections of Sidewalk, remove and install new concrete. Streets Door Hangers (940) 349-7146 Wintercreek Dr.Kappwood Greenbend 10/07/19 12/20/19 Concrete Panel & Sidewalk Repair (Temporary Lane Closure; Will reopen at 5 pm Streets (940) 349-7160 Total 47 Completed Closures40