030620 Friday Staff Report City Manager's Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 6, 2020 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report L Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday,March 9, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Library Board on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. at the Emily Fowler Central Library. 3. No - City Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. 4. Cancelled-Mobility Committee Meeting on Tuesday,March 10,2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Cancelled — Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Cancelled- Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 7. Airport Advisory Board on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the Airport Terminal Meeting Room. 8. Human Services Advisory Committee on Thursday,March 12, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Hall East 2nd Floor Conference Room. II. General Information & Status Update A. Green Tree Estates Update — On Monday, February 24, a meeting was held with Pat Smith of Serve Denton, Denton Council Member Paul Meltzer, and staff from the City Manager's Office staff to discuss the actions needed to bring water services to the residents of Green Tree Estates. The following day, February 25, John Hoose, of Habitat for Humanity, and representatives from Servant Workers for Every Available OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service Task (S.W.E.A.T Team) met to discuss upcoming activities that will assist the owner occupied residents at Green Tree Estates. The following is a brief summary of upcoming activities from both entities including the City of Denton. Habitat for Humanity: • Has reached out to LULAC for coordination of activities. • Has recruited the services of Stewart Title and they have determined that the ownership of the roads within the subdivision are still privately held. • On Saturday March 7, Habitat will conduct Courtesy Inspections of those owner-occupied residences. This will provide residents with an understanding of outstanding health, life, safety code matters and potential cost estimates to have these matters resolved. Serve Denton: • Serve Denton is working on coordinating potential funding sources to assist with low interest to no-interest loans for residents of GTE. • Serve Denton is coordinating with community groups like the S.W.E.A.T Team to assist in making repairs to bring the owner-occupied homes into compliance. Serve Denton indicated that there may be other groups that can assist in conducting some of the construction work in the roads for the pipe installation. City of Denton: • Will continue to deliver non-potable water to residents through May 22, 2020 • Has offered to conduct Courtesy Inspections to all owner and renter occupied residents. A resident will need to schedule the inspections with Building Inspections. • The tap, meter, and impact fee for water is $6938. This information has been provided to residents on several occasions. • On week of March 9, Public Affairs will be sending out a comprehensive correspondence (in English and Spanish) to all GTE residents that contains FAQs, fee information, inspection requirements, and the schedule for upcoming community meetings. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office B. COVID-19 Coronavirus Response Planning — As discussed in last week's Friday report, the City is preparing and coordinating with our partners at the Denton County Public Health Department (DCPH), who is the lead authority in the county on public health matters. Additionally, City staff are receiving timely information through daily briefings with the Texas Department of State Health Services. A multi-departmental team has also been formed to communicate and plan and we have invited our external partners of the DCPH, DISD, UNT, and TWU to join in this team's efforts. To communicate with the public, the City of Denton has created a webpage, shared information on social media, and has ordered educational posters to be placed throughout all City facilities. Staff has also ordered more sanitation supplies for all City facilities. 2 To share more information with the community and City Council, staff has coordinated for the Denton County Public Health Department to present at the March 17 work session. Should the situation change locally, Denton County Public Health will work with our community and media partners to provide updated recommendations and information as it becomes available. Any confirmed cases will be reported publicly through all Denton County Public Health media channels. In such cases, the City will work to amplify County messaging through our communication channels. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs/Kenneth Hedges, Fire C. Cupboard Recycling Center— Several Council members reached out to staff regarding the displacement of the recycling drop-off center located at the DISD property that is formerly the Cupboard. Staff is working on a presentation for a future work session for early April to discuss this location and other options available. Staff contact: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste and Recycling D. Economic Development Strategic Plan Community Workshop— Over the last three months, Economic Development department staff have been working with TIP Strategies, an economic development consulting firm, to gather data and stakeholder input as part of the strategic planning process. The consultants have made two site visits to Denton and have met with numerous stakeholders, toured Denton and relevant facilities, and reviewed data, policies, plans, and more. During their March visit, TIP and department staff will hold the first community workshop to get feedback on ideas and strategies for the strategic plan. The workshop will be held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 18, at the Denton Civic Center(321 E. McKinney). The event is open to anyone, and staff encourage businesses and residents to attend and provide valuable input and feedback. Additional workshops will be held once a draft plan is developed in April or May. The attached flyer is being distributed to community leaders and organizations, and other posts have been made on relevant social media channels. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development E. UNT Mock Press Exercise — On February 29, Public Affairs and Sustainability staff participated in a media training session with University of North Texas students in the Master of Public Administration program. During a mock press conference, students served as municipal public information officers faced with real-life scenarios while staff acted as reporters asking questions. The objective of the training is to provide hands-on experience in effective communication and understanding the unique information needs of the public for a number of different events. Training sessions have been hosted for several years with positive feedback from professors and students, and they are a wonderful example of the partnership between the City and our universities. Staff looks forward to working with the UNT MPA program again next semester. Staff Contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs F. Denton Enterprise Airport Training Award — Denton Enterprise Airport is one of 129 airports nationwide that have been recognized by the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) for Training Excellence in 2019. In 2018, the Denton Enterprise airport instituted the ANTN Digicast web-based aviation training system with the goal of enhancing employees knowledge and understanding of airport related procedures and standard practices. The ANTN Digicast Excellence in Airport Training award 3 signifies that airport employees have completed a specified amount of federally mandated airport-specific and continuing education training.Denton Enterprise Airport has received this award two years in row. Please see the attached press release for additional information. Staff Contact: Scott Gray, Airport Manager G. Abandoned Houses — On March 1, Council Member Armintor forwarded a resident request to staff with concerns about two potentially abandoned homes on Mockingbird Lane. Community Services staff visited and inspected the two structures, and found both to be vacant and unsecure. As such, the properties were noticed and posted on March 3. Per State and City law, vacant and unsecure buildings must be secured within 72 hours by the owner. As of Thursday, March 5, the owner was actively working on boarding both properties. Staff will reinspect to ensure the buildings are properly secured. Staff contact: Dani Shaw, Community Services Staff contact: Dani Shaw, Community Services H. Fiber Lines Cut During Sidewalk Construction—On March 2, Council Member Briggs forwarded a resident request that their fiber line was cut by crews repairing a sidewalk in front of their home. The fiber line was cut while crews were preparing the sidewalk for repair. These lines are required to be buried 36 inches below the curb height in the Right of Way, however crews were cutting 5 to 6 inches below the surface when the line was cut. Staff reached out to the resident who was affected by this, and the line was repaired by the next day. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works L Connectivity Around the New Denton High School—On December 6, Council Member Davis requested a summary of the mobility improvements (streets and sidewalks) that are going to be made in connection with construction of the new Denton High School. The primary entrance for the school will be from a new east-west roadway (Bronco Way)which will be an extension of the existing Riney Road west of Bonnie Brae Street (see graphic below). The High School will have additional entrances along Bonnie Brae Street as well. Currently, the segment of Bonnie Brae Street between Windsor Drive and US 77 is under design and includes a 5-foot sidewalk on the west side and a 10- foot wide multi-use path(bike, pedestrian, etc.) on the east side. Additionally, the new roadway (Bronco Way) on the north side of the High School will also have 5-foot sidewalks on both sides. The High School does not have an access/entrances along Westgate Drive (western boundary of the school site). Staff received feedback from residents in the neighborhood, and given the proposed layout of the High School and the likelihood of Westgate Drive (behind the School) being used as a future cut- through, extending Westgate Drive north to connect to Bronco Way was not recommended. Therefore, Westgate Drive is not planned to be extended north to provide a vehicular connection to Bronco Way. As for the pedestrian connection (sidewalk), staff is currently reviewing the following options which will be presented to City Council for consideration in the near future. It should be noted that providing a pedestrian connection from Westgate Drive to Bronco Way or the back side of the High School may encourage parents to use Westgate Drive as a drop-off/pick-up area. • No sidewalks (As is condition) (see graphic below). • Install an 8-foot sidewalk behind the drainage ditch on the east side of the road from Westglen Drive to Bronco Way. 4 • Similar to previous option, but the majority of the sidewalk will be constructed within the High School campus. This will require coordination and approval by Denton Independent School District. • Completely redesigning and reconstructing Westgate Drive to a collector street per City standards. This means installation of curb&gutter, drainage inlets and storm drain pipe, and 8 feet sidewalks on both sides of the street. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh, Capital Projects brCwwro r � r 8 r �'• �,0 Wunoi<v , DI Afft'�' i Existing Conditions J. Changing Stations at South Lakes Park — On February 29, Council Member Briggs forwarded a resident request to staff requesting baby changing stations be installed in the restrooms at South Lakes Park. Staff was able to install the changing stations on Wednesday, March 4 and will monitor these stations for vandalism, which is common for the stations. Staff contact: Drew Huffinan, Parks and Recreation 5 K. No Parking Signage on Windsor — On March 2, Council Member Briggs forwarded a resident request to staff requesting the City review the no-parking signage in front of Strickland Middle School. Staff from the Traffic Engineering department visited the school that day to assess the signage and will work with the school to make the necessary changes, which includes City and non-City placed signage. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, Capital Projects L. NLC-TIP Economic Development Program — On March 3, Council Member Briggs forwarded information to staff regarding the National League of Cities (NLC) partnership with TIP Strategies to offer the 2020 Economic Development Program. Staff reviewed the information that was provided, and agrees that it is a great program. However, since the City is already working with TIP Strategies on the Economic Development Strategic Plan, staff feels that this program would be duplicative of those efforts but will save this information to be considered in the future. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development M. Denton Municipal Electric Energy Efficiency Workshop—On March 5, staff from the Energy Services Division hosted this year's first Energy Efficiency Workshop at the Denton Civic Center. The purpose of the workshop was to educate DME customers on energy efficiency. At the workshop, staff also answered questions and provided useful resources. The energy efficiency workshop was advertised on several social media platforms, and covered the following topics: • Efficiency vs Conservation • Residential Electricity Consumption • Whole-House Assessment Approach • Heat Gain and Loss • Cooling and Heating • Energy and Money Saving Tips • Rebates and Helpful Resources Next month,DME will host an Electric Safety Workshop with an Arcing Demo display at the Civic Center. Staff Contact: Chris Lutrick, DME N. Mills Road Site Litter Cleanup — Later this March, during KDB's 32nd Annual Great American Cleanup (GAC), the litter will be cleaned up at the site of the City's future East Lakes Park. The 71.34-acre property was recently purchased using tree mitigation funds. Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation/Keep Denton Beautiful O. Intersection Safety Data — On March 3, Council Member Briggs requested accident data at the intersection on I-35E and Dallas Drive since the I-35E onramp reopened. A search of reported crashes from December 1, 2019 through February 29, 2020 shows that there have been four accidents, three of which have occurred since the beginning of this year. This intersection has the same configuration as before the I-35E expansion project, and saw the highest amount of accidents in 2017 during a time period when the on-ramp to southbound I-35E was closed. The Police department is working with Capital Projects and TxDOT to address the design of the roadway and explore whether 6 any changes could reduce issues in this area. Staff will provide updates as the coordination continues. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police firms � Crashes by Crash Year as r u O 2010 2014 2016 2018 2020 2011 2015 2017 2019 Crash Year P. Temporary Pedestrian Path to McNair Elementary—On Tuesday, March 3, 2020, City staff received an email from a resident who expressed concerns regarding pedestrian pathways being impacted by a utility relocation project near McNair Elementary, specifically on the north side of Hickory Creek across from the school. Staff and DISD staff met on site to discuss options. On the same day the concern was received, City staff have worked with the contractor to place gravel on the existing footpath for pedestrians to use. The gravel will produce a more weather resistant walking surface for the pedestrians,particularly the students at McNair Elementary,to use as they walk between Montecito Drive and the existing concrete sidewalk west of Waterside Place (see ). Residents in the vicinity were notified via targeted outreach through Nextdoor and DISD will also communicate this information to parents through their channels. City staff will continue to work with DISD to explore additional safety enhancing options. The construction at that location is expected to continue for another 2 to 3 months, weather permitting. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs Existing Concrete Temporary Sidewalk Rocked Path Tpmporary Rocked Path Hick.ry Creek Rd Q. Spring Break Camps — Spring Break is March 9-13 for Denton ISD, and many surrounding school districts. Denton Parks and Recreation is offering many Spring Break camp options, including all-day camps at each rec center and the Civic Center. These camps are $30 each day, which includes field trips, games, crafts, and much more. Tennis, golf, skateboarding, and volleyball camps are also offered as half-day camps. For more information visit, www.dentonparks.com. Staff contact: Caroline Seward and Jason Barrow, Parks and Recreation R. North Lakes Dock—In August 2019,the dock at North Lakes Pond collapsed and could not be repaired. Funding was secured, and construction on the new dock begin today, Friday, March 6. Weather permitting, it is expected to be completed and open to the public next Friday, March 13. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation S. Farm to Table Camp—On Thursday, February 27, Denton Parks and Rec was awarded the Texas Recreation and Parks Society Lone Star Program Award for the Farm to Table Camp held at Denia Recreation Center last summer. Rec Center staff partnered with Denton County Texas A&M AgriLife Family and Community Health Extension Service to offer the Farm to Table half-day camp for 20 youth, ages 6 to 12. This camp visually shared with campers the reality of where their food comes from and how to prepare it for optimal nutrition. Each day of camp focused on a different food group; grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and protein. Participants harvested from a school garden, experienced a mobile dairy, and interacted with poultry and livestock. Campers prepared food daily by using practical cooking skills that they can carry with them throughout their lives. In addition to enriching twenty campers' knowledge of agriculture, health and wellness, eight preschoolers and seventy-two City of Denton summer campers were invited to share in parts of the Farm to Table Camp. Students at Denton Independent School District (DISD) Newton Rayzor Elementary continue to expand their science knowledge by caring for the chickens that hatched during camp. Our Daily Bread clients receive fresh eggs weekly from the Newton Rayzor chickens. Denton County Master Wellness volunteers, Denton County Master Gardener and Elm Fork Master Naturalist volunteers dedicated two hundred and eighty-four recorded volunteer hours to help achieve a successful camp experience for all. The City of Denton Farm to Table Camp was a true community program that 8 enhanced many lives. Registration is now open at dentonparks.com for Summer 2020. Pictures attached. Staff Contact: Caroline Seward, Parks and Recreation T. Eureka 2 Donations — The Denton Parks Foundation (DPF) has line-item funding to support maintenance and updates needed at Eureka 2 to keep the community playground safe. In October 2019, the spiral tube slide at Eureka 2 broke and became unsafe for kids to play on. The replacement cost is $6,278, which DPF will fund. DPF will also pay for a spinner replacement in March, which will cost $1,659. Additionally, on the morning of January 4, Eureka 2 was vandalized. Park Maintenance crews worked 35 hours to clean the playground and remove all of the graffiti. The cost of damages was $2,000 including staff time, equipment, materials, and paint. DPF will fund this cleanup. Furthermore, DPF will pay for the wood fiber surfacing that is required this summer, which will cost $1,400. In total, DPF will donate $11,337 towards the Eureka 2 playground for maintenance and updates that are required to ensure all residents, young and old, are safe while they play. Staff contact: Brooke Moore, Denton Parks Foundation via Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation U. Litter Cleanup—On Saturday, February 22, Keep Denton Beautiful volunteers cleaned up litter at the site of a future neighborhood park near the Villages of Carmel subdivision, located at Edwards and Swisher Roads. In three hours, 13 volunteers from Adam's Exterminating Company collected 35 bags of trash, an estimated 525 pounds, and a large number of illegally dumped items, including insulation and other home construction materials. Staff Contact: Autumn Natalie, Keep Denton Beautiful III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events 1. Great American Cleanup (GAC)—March 21 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Denton Civic Center and Quakertown Park, 321 E. McKinney St. Keep Denton Beautiful(KDB) will host the 32nd Annual Great American Cleanup (GAC), Denton's largest, longest-running citywide litter cleanup. The cleanup engages dedicated community members to remove trash and recycling from our city's streets, waterways, and public spaces. With 1,598 volunteers registered, KDB is looking for more volunteers to help us meet their goal of 2,000 volunteers at this year's GAC. Registration is available on the KDB website, www.kdb.org/programs/cleanups/great-american-cleanup, through March 10. GAC begins at 9 a.m., with volunteers cleaning assigned locations citywide. The network of cleanups will then be followed by a Volunteer Appreciation Party at the Denton Civic Center/Quakertown Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers Free lunches for volunteers will be provided along with music, face painting, photo booth, educational activity booths, kids' bounce houses, contest prizes, and more. Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Keep Denton Beautiful 9 B. Community Meetings 1. Denton Police Substation Open House — Thursday, March 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Fire Station #7 (4102 Vintage Blvd.). Invitation is attached. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs 2. Mobility Plan Public Meetings— Staff Contact: Pamela Alummoottil, Traffic • Friday, March 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney St.) • Tuesday, March 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. Evers Park Elementary School (3300 Evers Pkwy.) • Thursday, March 26 from 6 to 8 p.m. Argyle United Methodist Church (9033 Fort Worth Dr.) • Monday, March 30 from 6 to 8 p.m. South Branch Library(3228 Teasley Ln.) • Tuesday, March 31 from 6 to 8 p.m. Patterson-Appleton Arts Center(400 E Hickory St.) • Thursday, April 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. Sprockets Bicycle Shop (231 W Hickory St.) IV. Attachments A. Economic Development Strategic Plan Flyer....................................................11 B. Denton Enterprise Airport Press Release...........................................................12 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2020-021 January 2020 DEC Dashboard..........................................................13 B. 2020-022 Debt Summary..................................................................................15 C. 2020-023 HB 2840 Clarification.......................................................................46 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information ....................................................................49 B. Council Calendar .............................................................................................50 C. Draft Agenda for March 17...............................................................................53 D. Future Work Session Items ..............................................................................62 E. Street Construction Report ...............................................................................63 10 The City of Denton is hosting a community workshop as part of the current economic development strategic planning process that will guide the city's economic growth over the next five years. We invite you to participate in this collaborative planning process by attending the workshop and sharing your sin vision for Denton's economic future. rrrr� Input received during the workshop will be ._- - used to guide the development of the City's Economic Development Strategic Plan which will be completed later this year. - The plan will include strategies and recommendations regarding business - recruitment, retention, and expansion; workforce development, education, and training; areas for development and w redevelopment; and an actionable work plan that guides the City's economic development processes in the future. We look forward to seeing you there! CITY OF DENTON Wednesday, March 18 6 p.m. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN Denton Civic Center COMMUNITY WORKSHOP 321 E. McKinney St. 11 AAAE Recognizes 129 Airports for Training Excellence AAAE has recognized 129 airports with an ANTN Digicast Excellence in Airport Training award for training completed in .!� a 2019. An ANTN Digicast Excellence in Airport Training award signifies that airport employees and others working at each facility have completed a specified amount of federally mandated airport-specific and continuing education training using ANTN Digicast's web-based training system. The award levels are based on total training programs watched and total number of employees trained at each airport. Levels vary based on the airport's hub size. Each winning airport is presented with a plaque marking the achievement. "Digicast was created for airports as a cost-effective, efficient way to help them comply with training requirements, and we're encouraged that so many airports have made it an integral part of their training programs," said Patrick Raker, senior vice president of AAAE's training and technology services department. "The system is used by airports to train hundreds of thousands of industry workers, and I'm eager to see that trend continue as planned enhancements in training content and reporting are developed and released." Airports that subscribe to ANTN Digicast have unlimited access to the service's 300-plus training programs for all employees and tenants. Topics covered include operations, Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF), security, customer service, FAA-required recurrent training and much more. ANTN Digicast training is designed for airport employees, as well as tenants, such as airline workers and subcontractors who work at an airport. Digicast programming is accessible online via any web-enabled device. Through the website, airport administrators can assign training to their employees to ensure all training requirements are completed by the due date. The system tracks training on a per-user basis, allowing airports to demonstrate to regulators that their employees have completed required recurrent training. For more information on ANTN Digicast, visit www.antndigicast.com 12 Date: 03/06/2020 Report No. 2020-021 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: FY 2019-20 Denton Energy Center(DEC) YTD January 2020 Dashboard BACKGROUND: Attached is the January 2020 FY 2019-20 Dashboard for the Denton Energy Center. The dashboard is intended to give a snapshot of relevant DEC metrics. The dashboard highlights the following: • The Emission Chart(based on calendar year) displays the January engine runtime hours, starts, stops, monthly and annual emissions totals and limits. • DEC MWh Generation and Gross Revenue for FY 2019-20 through January 2020. o The DEC ran 19,455 MWh less through January of FY 2019-20 compared to FY 2018-19. This resulted in$1 Million less in DEC Revenue. • A DEC financial summary showing January FY 2018-19 Actuals, FY 2019-20 Budget, Actuals as of January 2020 and the FY2019-20 end of year projections. o The FY 2019-20 year-end projections are equal to the FY 2019-20 budget • The Plant Monthly Run Hour Comparison Graph illustrates the monthly plant run times. • The Key Trends section explains variances in revenues and expenses. o Due to running fewer hours in the through January 2020, fuel cost was approximately$1 Million lower. o The DEC Net Income was ($3.91)which is expected for the 1st Quarter of the fiscal year. o The DEC Gross Margin was $2.6 Million which is $1.8 Million higher than budgeted due to higher DEC Revenue in October and November. (The Gross Margin=DEC Revenue—Fuel cost—Variable Operating&Maintenance cost.) Gross Margin represents the component of revenue available to pay fixed cost including debt. ATTACHMENT(S): Denton Energy Center(DEC) Dashboard STAFF CONTACTS: Antonio Puente,Jr. CFO/DME General Manager (940)349-8487 antonio.puente@cityofdenton.com Nick Vincent Assistant Director of Finance (940)349-8063 nicholas.vincent@cityofdenton.com 13 City of Denton, Texas C1TY aF FY 2019-20 Denton Energy Center DENTON YTD January 2020 Dashboard Emissions(Calendar Year) January 2020 Volatile Particulate Particulate Engine Nitrogen Carbon Organic Matter<10 Matter<2.5 Sulphur Carbon Dioxide RuntiME Hot Warm Cold Oxides Monoxide Compound microns microns Dioxide Ammonia Equivalents Description (hours) Starts Starts Starts Stops Description (NOx) (CO) (VOC) (PM'.) PM SO) (NH ) (CO e DEC Monthly Emissions Total(tons) 1.19 1.19 0.69 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.04 1,361.00 Engines(1-12) 279 76 5 159 240 DEC Annual Permit Limit Operations(tons)* 29.78 93.52 48.16 69.72 69.72 1.45 60.90 Monthly Plant Emissions per DEC Permit Limit 4.019/, 1.289/, 1.43° 0.48% 0.48° 0.53% 0.07% Annual to Date Plant Emissions per DEC Permit Limit 4.00% 1.30% 1.40% 0.50% 0.50° 0.60° 0.10% 'Operations Annual Limit accounts for Balance of Plant standard emissions Generation&Gross Revenues I Plant Monthly Run Hour Comparison 3,500 Month Revenue MWh $/MWh Oct-19 $2,043,727 16,344 $125.04 3,000 2,885 Nov-19 $1,152,356 16,168 $71.27 2,366 2,500 2,232 Dec-19 $126,950 2,159 $58.80 2,116 Jan-20 $239,366 2,671 $89.62 = 2,000 = 1,458 Total FY 2019-20 $3,562,399 37,342 $95.40 1,soo 1,336 1,370 J W1,291 1,045 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 1,000 iA ACTUALS** BUDGET YTD PROJECTION DEC REVENUE* $ 4.56 $ 25.07 $ 3.56 $ 25.07 500 217 279 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY i Energy Expense-Fuel $ 1.98 $ 12.48 $ 0.94 $ 12.48 Personal Services 0.52 2.22 0.58 2.22 Materials&Supplies 0.04 0.44 0.08 0.44 Maintenance&Repair 0.00 0.56 0.01 0.56 Operating Month Insurance 0.00 0.50 0.01 0.50 Miscellaneous 0.00 - - - Operations 0.07 0.48 0.07 0.48 0 Key Trends Debt Service-Principal 1.19 7.47 2.45 7.47 Debt Service-Interest 0.84 9.80 3.31 9.80 For the first four months of FY 2019-20,the DEC produced 19,455 MWh less than the same period of FY 2018-19. This resulted in approximately$1 Million less in revenues and$2.8 Million more in total expenses for the same time period. This increase was due to the annual debt service payment increasing from$10 M to$18 M in FY 19-20. As of January 31, Interfund Transfers - 0.05 0.02 0.05 2020,expenditures exceed revenues by$3.91 Million which is expected for this period of the fiscal year. Transfer to Capital Projects - 0.02 - 0.02 Through January 2020 the DEC Gross Margin was$2.6 Million which is$1.8 Million higher than budgeted for the same DEC EXPENDITURES $ 4.64 $ 34.02 $ 7.47 $ 34.02 period(Gross Margin=DEC Revenue-Fuel Cost-Variable Operating&Maintenance Cost). This is due to higher revenue $ - $ - $ - $ - in October and November than anticipated. DEC NET INCOME $ (0.08) $ (8.95) $ (3.91) $ (8.95) At this point in the fiscal year,FY 2019-20 year-end projections are equal to the FY 2019-20 budget. *Preliminary,Unaudited Figures 14 **Represents same period(4 months)as FY 2019-20 YTD for comparison purposes. Total Net Note: All dollar figures presented are in million of dollars. Income for FY 2018-19 was$14.22 M. Date: March 6, 2020 Report No. 2020-022 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Debt Summary Report of City's outstanding debt BACKGROUND: Attached is the Debt Summary Report with principal and interest outstanding as of September 30, 2019. This report is prepared on an annual basis to provide residents and the public with a comprehensive and easy to understand summary of the City's debt profile. Additionally, this report includes required information in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 140.008 (House Bill 1378). The report provides a high level introduction to the types and uses of debt issued by the City as well as the most recent bond ratings. Staff has differentiated between tax-supported and revenue- supported debt to give the public a better understanding of which debt is paid for by property taxes versus rate revenues. Furthermore, the report details the principal and interest for each major service area of the City and provides two visual representations by dollar amount and percentages. On February 18, 2020 the City's Audit/Finance Committee reviewed the Debt Summary Report and recommended that it be submitted to the full City Council for any additional feedback. CONCLUSION: If no feedback is received, Staff will post the report on the City's website for the public on Friday, March 13, 2020. The report is intended to be updated annually in conjunction with the City's fiscal year end. ATTACHMENT(S): Debt Summary Report as of September 30, 2019 STAFF CONTACT: David Gaines, Director of Finance (940)-349-8260 David.Gaine skcityofdenton.c om REOUESTOR: Regular report 15 Date: March 6, 2020 Report No. 2020-022 PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Finance STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: The estimated amount of cumulative staff time to complete the report is 6 hours. 16 Exhibit 2 City of Denton Debt Summary Report Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2019 Contact: City of Denton Finance Department Attn: David Gaines—Director of Finance 215 E. McKinney St. Denton, Texas 76201 Email: DavidGaines@cityofdenton.com Phone: 940-349-8260 Fax: 940-349-7206 Website: www.ciiyofdenton.com Published: March 6, 2020 Disclaimer: Data provided in this report is as of the date ofpublication, constitutes existing long- term debt obligations only, and has been prepared pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 140.008 (House Bill 1378). This report does not include forward looking statements nor does it include debt that may be incurred in the future. Interested parties should refer to the City's audited financial statements and other disclosure documents when investing. 17 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.......................................................................................................3 CITY DEBT SECTION Schedule—Total Annual Debt Service by Type of Debt....................................................6 Bar&Pie Charts—Total Annual Debt Service by Type of Debt...........................................7 Schedule—Tax Supported Debt Service..................................................................... 8 Bar&Pie Charts—Tax Supported Debt Service............................................................9 Schedule—Revenue Supported Debt Service................................................................10 Bar&Pie Charts—Revenue Supported Debt Service...................................................... 11 Schedule—General Government Debt Service...............................................................12 Bar&Pie Charts—General Government Debt Service.....................................................13 Schedule—Electric Debt Service..............................................................................14 Bar&Pie Charts—Electric Debt Service.....................................................................15 Schedule—Water Debt Service................................................................................ 16 Bar&Pie Charts—Water Debt Service.......................................................................17 Schedule—Wastewater Debt Service......................................................................... 18 Bar&Pie Charts—Wastewater Debt Service................................................................19 Schedule—Solid Waste Debt Service.........................................................................20 Bar&Pie Charts—Solid Waste Debt Service................................................................21 HOUSE BILL 1378 SECTION Summary of Debt Obligations...................................................................................23 Individual Debt Obligations.....................................................................................24 Glossaryof Terms................................................................................................30 18 INTRODUCTION This report is divided into two sections. The first section(City Debt)presents the City's outstanding debt by the manner in which the City intends to pay for such debt (tax-supported versus revenue- supported). Additionally, this section provides a breakdown of the City's outstanding debt by purpose (i.e., General Government, Electric, Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste and Airport). The second section (House Bill 1378) is intended to comply with reporting requirements pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 140.008. The City of Denton utilizes long-term debt to finance non-operating expenses, which may include equipment, facilities, and the acquisition of land. Unlike the Federal Government,the City generally issues debt for the purchase or construction of capital assets and infrastructure improvements, and cannot issue debt to fund operating expenses or deficit spending. All debt issued by the City must be approved by the Texas Attorney General's Office prior to the final sale of the debt. Additional information on the City's outstanding debt including statistical comparisons and ratios can be found in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which is located on the City's website under the Finance Department. (www.cityofdenton.com) The City issues two types of long-term debt: General Obligation Debt and Revenue Bond Debt. The City also differentiates between tax-supported and revenue-supported debt to provide the public with a clear understanding of which debt will be paid by property taxes versus rate revenues. The following table shows the latest bond ratings for each type of debt for which ratings are given: Mood 'st Standard&Poor's Fitch General Obligation Debt Aal AA+ AA+ Revenue Bond Debt' Not Rated AA- A+ 'Moody's upgraded General Obligation Debt in June 2019. Moody's has not rated a new a revenue bond debt issue since 2008, although surveillance ratings remain unchanged. All revenue bond debt previously rated by Moody's has been refunded or paid off. ZRatings for the Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 which were originally rated in December 2016. Fitch rating was affirmed in December 2019. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT. The largest category of debt is General Obligation Debt. It consists of two categories of bonds: General Obligation Bonds(GOs) and Certificates of Obligation(COs). GOs are generally voter approved and backed by the full faith and credit of the City (property tax pledge) and must be approved at an election. Voter approval may be granted during one of two general election dates each year. GOs which are issued to refund outstanding debt do not require voter approval. Under the City's debt policy, GOs strive to have a final maturity of twenty (20) years or less. COs do not require voter approval and generally have a dual pledge of a specific City revenue source as well and the full faith and credit of the City. Some examples of pledged City revenues are electric, water, wastewater, and drainage revenues. Under the City's debt policy, COs will strive to have a final maturity of thirty (30) years or less. Historically, COs have mostly been issued with twenty (20) year final maturities for general government purposes. In 2010, the City began issuing COs not only for general government purposes which are repaid by property taxes,but also for utility related projects of the City. The CO's issued for utility purposes are repaid from the specific utility fund for which the debt was issued. CO's have a lower interest rate than revenue bonds, due to the pledge of full faith and credit of the City. A portion of the interest savings to the City's utilities 19 through issuing CO's (instead of revenue bonds) is being paid to the general government and placed in the Street Improvement Fund. REVENUE BOND DEBT: The second category of debt is Revenue Bond Debt. This debt is secured by only a pledge of the operating revenues of the City's Electric, Water and Wastewater Funds (collectively known as the "Utility System") and not the full faith and credit of the City. Under the City's debt policy, revenue bonds will strive to have a final maturity of thirty (30) years or less. Historically, most revenue bonds have been issued with a twenty (20) year final maturity. As of September 30, 2019, the City only has the Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 outstanding. OUTSTANDING DEBT: The City's total outstanding principal and interest as of September 30, 2019 is shown in Table 1 on page 6 of this report. 20 CITY DEBT SECTION 21 Table 1-Total Outstanding Debt(in millions)as of September 30,2019 Principal Interest Total GOs $ 254.19 $ 55.90 $ 310.09 COs $ 498.45 $ 222.08 $ 720.53 Revenue Bonds $ 214.89 $ 110.47 $ 325.36 Total $ 967.53 $ 388.45 $ 1,355.98 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-All Debt Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End General Obligation Bonds(GOs) Certificates of Obligation(COs) Revenue 9-30 Tax Supported Revenue Supported Tax Supported Revenue Supported Bonds Total 2020 $ 15,504,188 $ 28,653,464 $ 11,210,244 $ 36,444,172 $ 18,075,500 $ 109,887,567 2021 15,167,335 24,906,686 10,424,881 34,609,794 18,076,750 103,185,446 2022 14,257,092 22,245,367 9,645,494 33,379,056 18,073,125 97,600,134 2023 12,964,271 17,038,151 8,176,244 31,288,681 18,073,625 87,540,971 2024 12,422,512 14,676,694 7,340,594 30,912,482 18,077,000 83,429,281 2025 11,539,139 11,934,629 6,212,044 30,808,557 18,077,125 78,571,493 2026 10,898,846 4,896,300 6,048,206 30,693,907 18,073,500 70,610,759 2027 10,323,102 4,438,525 5,884,475 30,491,853 18,075,875 69,213,830 2028 8,842,240 3,152,100 5,435,469 30,136,228 18,077,375 65,643,411 2029 7,664,149 1,929,825 4,810,197 30,083,265 18,075,750 62,563,187 2030 7,667,158 1,933,575 4,653,269 30,182,283 18,074,625 62,510,909 2031 7,356,453 - 4,593,113 26,079,468 18,077,375 56,106,409 2032 7,177,619 4,569,900 24,245,069 18,077,375 54,069,963 2033 6,967,872 4,549,078 21,678,225 18,073,125 51,268,300 2034 6,683,359 3,952,900 18,454,719 18,077,750 47,168,728 2035 6,415,844 3,448,272 17,040,681 18,074,375 44,979,172 2036 4,831,847 3,222,200 16,142,131 18,076,125 42,272,303 2037 3,749,966 2,984,275 14,983,306 18,075,875 39,793,422 2038 2,613,828 2,398,163 14,942,281 - 19,954,272 2039 1,238,300 258,825 14,961,106 16,458,231 2040 - - 14,155,556 14,155,556 2041 14,159,163 14,159,163 2042 14,155,319 14,155,319 2043 14,155,444 14,155,444 2044 14,150,238 14,150,238 2045 10,782,097 10,782,097 2046 6,919,544 6,919,544 2047 3,921,800 3,921,800 2048 376,650 376,650 2049 - - 380,625 - 380,625 $ 174,285,118 $ 135,805,315 $ 109,817,841 $ 610,713,698 $ 325,362,250 $ 1,355,984,223 22 Total Annual Debt Service ($) $120 $100 $80 ■Revenue Bonds C $60 ■CO-Revenue Supported ■CO-Tax Supported ■GO-Revenue Supported $40 GO-Tax Supported $20 $- O N M V M b N N M N CA O W) N M M m m m M M m r M m O N T v1 �O l� DD 01 N N N N N N N N M M 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Total Annual Debt Service (%) ■ 12% ■ 22n/ ■ 13% ■GO-Tax Supported ■GO-Revenue Supported ■CO-Tax Supported ■CO-Revenue Supported ■Revenue Bonds ■ 5% ■ 48' 23 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-Tax Supported Debt Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End General Obligation Bonds Certificates of Obligation 9-30 (GOs) (COS) Total 2020 $ 15,504,188 $ 11,210,244 $ 26,714,431 2021 15,167,335 10,424,881 25,592,216 2022 14,257,092 9,645,494 23,902,586 2023 12,964,271 8,176,244 21,140,514 2024 12,422,512 7,340,594 19,763,105 2025 11,539,139 6,212,044 17,751,182 2026 10,898,846 6,048,206 16,947,052 2027 10,323,102 5,884,475 16,207,577 2028 8,842,240 5,435,469 14,277,709 2029 7,664,149 4,810,197 12,474,346 2030 7,667,158 4,653,269 12,320,426 2031 7,356,453 4,593,113 11,949,566 2032 7,177,619 4,569,900 11,747,519 2033 6,967,872 4,549,078 11,516,950 2034 6,683,359 3,952,900 10,636,259 2035 6,415,844 3,448,272 9,864,116 2036 4,831,847 3,222,200 8,054,047 2037 3,749,966 2,984,275 6,734,241 2038 2,613,828 2,398,163 5,011,991 2039 1,238,300 258,825 1,497,125 $ 174,285,118 $ 109,817,841 $ 284,102,959 24 Tax Supported Debt ($) $30 $25 $20 c 0 $15 ■GO -CO $10 $5 $- O N m �c l— °o ON l— oo 0� N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ------------ Tax Supported Debt (%) • 39 ■Go ■co ■ 61% 25 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-Revenue Supported Debt Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End General Obligation Bonds Certificates of Obligation Revenue 9-30 GOs Cos Bonds Total 2020 $ 28,653,464 $ 36,444,172 $ 18,075,500 $ 83,173,136 2021 24,906,686 34,609,794 18,076,750 77,593,230 2022 22,245,367 33,379,056 18,073,125 73,697,547 2023 17,038,151 31,288,681 18,073,625 66,400,457 2024 14,676,694 30,912,482 18,077,000 63,666,176 2025 11,934,629 30,808,557 18,077,125 60,820,311 2026 4,896,300 30,693,907 18,073,500 53,663,707 2027 4,438,525 30,491,853 18,075,875 53,006,253 2028 3,152,100 30,136,228 18,077,375 51,365,703 2029 1,929,825 30,083,265 18,075,750 50,088,840 2030 1,933,575 30,182,283 18,074,625 50,190,483 2031 - 26,079,468 18,077,375 44,156,843 2032 - 24,245,069 18,077,375 42,322,444 2033 - 21,678,225 18,073,125 39,751,350 2034 - 18,454,719 18,077,750 36,532,469 2035 - 17,040,681 18,074,375 35,115,056 2036 - 16,142,131 18,076,125 34,218,256 2037 - 14,983,306 18,075,875 33,059,181 2038 - 14,942,281 - 14,942,281 2039 - 14,961,106 - 14,961,106 2040 - 14,155,556 - 14,155,556 2041 - 14,159,163 - 14,159,163 2042 - 14,155,319 - 14,155,319 2043 - 14,155,444 - 14,155,444 2044 - 14,150,238 - 14,150,238 2045 - 10,782,097 - 10,782,097 2046 - 6,919,544 - 6,919,544 2047 - 3,921,800 - 3,921,800 2048 - 376,650 - 376,650 2049 - 380,625 - 380,625 $ 135,805,315 $ 610,713,698 $ 325,362,250 $ 1,071,881,263 26 Revenue Supported ($) $90 $80 $70 $60 N O $50 ■Revenue Bonds ■CO $40 ■GO $30 $20 $10 $ O c-I N M V ul O n W Ol O e-I N M V V1 VJ I� a0 m O .--I N M V ul t0 1� 00 Ol N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M a a v v v a a a a a O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Revenue Supported (%) ■ 13% ■ 30� ■GO ■CO ■Revenue Bonds ■ 57% 27 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-General Government Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End 9-30 General Airport Water Park Warehouse Total 2020 $ 25,674,413 $ 759,804 $ 231,463 $ 48,752 $ 26,714,431 2021 24,552,272 762,923 229,084 47,936 25,592,216 2022 22,896,536 724,659 232,027 49,364 23,902,586 2023 20,235,483 686,259 170,542 48,230 21,140,514 2024 18,901,783 690,672 170,650 - 19,763,105 2025 16,956,371 623,838 170,974 - 17,751,182 2026 16,156,713 619,913 170,426 - 16,947,052 2027 15,455,750 581,388 170,440 - 16,207,577 2028 13,523,104 583,875 170,730 - 14,277,709 2029 11,725,345 578,181 170,820 - 12,474,346 2030 11,567,188 582,581 170,657 - 12,320,426 2031 11,197,845 581,363 170,358 - 11,949,566 2032 10,992,380 584,484 170,655 - 11,747,519 2033 10,754,534 591,625 170,791 - 11,516,950 2034 10,010,244 455,150 170,866 - 10,636,259 2035 9,360,461 332,878 170,776 - 9,864,116 2036 7,582,462 332,563 139,022 - 8,054,047 2037 6,402,528 331,713 - - 6,734,241 2038 4,686,391 325,600 - - 5,011,991 2039 1,497,125 - - - 1,497,125 $ 270,128,928 $ 10,729,467 $ 3,050,282 $ 194,282 $ 284,102,959 28 General Government ($) $30 $25 $20 y ■Airport $15 Warehouse ■Water Park ■General $10 $5 $- O N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N General Government (%) ■ 1.1eie 3.8% Warehouse ■Water Park ■Airport ■General ■ 95.10 29 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-Electric Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End General Obligation Bonds Certificates of Obligation Revenue 9-30 GOs Cos Bonds Total 2020 $ 13,914,082 $ 22,376,476 $ 18,075,500 $ 54,366,058 2021 13,164,825 22,336,364 18,076,750 53,577,939 2022 12,3 86,225 22,322,263 18,073,125 52,781,613 2023 10,841,125 22,327,163 18,073,625 51,241,913 2024 9,477,025 22,332,064 18,077,000 49,886,089 2025 6,782,750 22,321,114 18,077,125 47,180,989 2026 1,679,500 22,345,451 18,073,500 42,098,451 2027 1,355,250 22,384,431 18,075,875 41,815,556 2028 841,500 22,407,800 18,077,375 41,326,675 2029 - 22,403,813 18,075,750 40,479,563 2030 - 22,470,062 18,074,625 40,544,687 2031 - 19,917,256 18,077,375 37,994,631 2032 - 18,345,994 18,077,375 36,423,369 2033 - 16,759,322 18,073,125 34,832,447 2034 - 14,030,500 18,077,750 32,108,250 2035 - 14,040,406 18,074,375 32,114,781 2036 - 14,068,881 18,076,125 32,145,006 2037 - 14,092,681 18,075,875 32,168,556 2038 - 14,121,206 - 14,121,206 2039 - 14,138,956 - 14,138,956 2040 - 14,155,556 - 14,155,556 2041 - 14,159,163 - 14,159,163 2042 - 14,155,319 - 14,155,319 2043 - 14,155,444 - 14,155,444 2044 - 14,150,238 - 14,150,238 2045 - 10,782,097 - 10,782,097 2046 - 6,919,544 - 6,919,544 2047 - 3,921,800 - 3,921,800 2048 - 376,650 - 376,650 2049 - 380,625 - 380,625 $ 70,442,282 $ 478,698,635 $ 325,362,250 $ 874,503,167 30 Electric ($) $60 $50 $40 e � ■Revenue Bonds $30 ■co ■co $20 $10 $- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Electric (%) ■ 8% _ 37n/ EGO NCO ■Revenue Bonds ■55% 31 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-Water Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End General Obligation Bonds Certificates of Obligation Revenue 9-30 GOs Cos Bonds Total 2020 $ 9,977,800 $ 2,901,220 - $ 12,879,020 2021 8,167,800 2,896,406 - 11,064,206 2022 6,980,175 2,904,306 - 9,884,481 2023 4,703,800 2,906,206 - 7,610,006 2024 4,779,775 2,913,531 - 7,693,306 2025 4,793,250 2,908,931 - 7,702,181 2026 2,917,375 2,927,131 - 5,844,506 2027 2,917,875 2,933,015 - 5,850,890 2028 2,254,500 2,935,862 - 5,190,362 2029 1,929,825 2,926,900 - 4,856,725 2030 1,933,575 2,943,531 - 4,877,106 2031 - 1,957,006 - 1,957,006 2032 - 1,960,000 - 1,960,000 2033 - 1,521,438 - 1,521,438 2034 - 1,518,438 - 1,518,438 2035 - 890,075 - 890,075 2036 - 686,550 - 686,550 2037 193,950 193,950 2038 193,475 193,475 2039 192,850 192,850 $ 51,355,750 $ 41,210,818 $ - $ 92,566,568 32 Water ($) $14 $12 $10 a $8 0 .co $6 ■co $4 $2 $ O N m 7 V1 10 l- 00 01 O N m 7 V) 10 h 00 O� N N N N N N N N N N M M m M M M M M m M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Water (%) ■ 450 ■GO ■CO ■ 55% 33 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-Wastewater Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End General Obligation Bonds Certificates of Obligation Revenue 9-30 GOs Cos Bonds Total 2020 $ 4,053,113 $ 3,425,463 - $ 7,478,576 2021 2,875,925 3,106,962 - 5,982,887 2022 2,250,875 3,006,712 - 5,257,587 2023 1,071,125 3,001,512 - 4,072,637 2024 - 2,996,062 - 2,996,062 2025 - 2,992,012 - 2,992,012 2026 - 2,998,962 - 2,998,962 2027 - 2,998,162 - 2,998,162 2028 - 3,009,987 - 3,009,987 2029 - 2,966,237 - 2,966,237 2030 - 2,977,484 - 2,977,484 2031 - 2,647,062 - 2,647,062 2032 - 2,644,519 - 2,644,519 2033 - 2,141,159 - 2,141,159 2034 - 1,777,450 - 1,777,450 2035 - 1,323,400 - 1,323,400 2036 - 850,925 - 850,925 2037 - 630,375 - 630,375 2038 - 627,600 - 627,600 2039 - 629,300 - 629,300 $ 10,251,038 $ 46,751,346 $ - $ 57,002,383 34 Wastewater ($) $8 $7 $6 $s 0 $4 ■co ■GO $3 $2 $1 O N M l- 00 T O N M 00 Cr, N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Wastewater (%) ■ 18% ■Go ■co ■ 82% 35 City of Denton Total Annual Debt Service(Principal&Interest)-Solid Waste Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 FY End General Obligation Bonds Certificates of Obligation Revenue 9-30 GOs Cos Bonds Total 2020 $ 708,469 $ 7,741,013 - $ 8,449,482 2021 698,136 6,270,063 - 6,968,199 2022 628,092 5,145,776 - 5,773,867 2023 422,101 3,053,801 - 3,475,902 2024 419,894 2,670,826 - 3,090,719 2025 358,629 2,586,501 - 2,945,129 2026 299,425 2,422,363 - 2,721,788 2027 165,400 2,176,244 - 2,341,644 2028 56,100 1,782,579 - 1,838,679 2029 - 1,786,316 - 1,786,316 2030 - 1,791,207 - 1,791,207 2031 - 1,558,144 - 1,558,144 2032 - 1,294,556 - 1,294,556 2033 - 1,256,306 - 1,256,306 2034 - 1,128,331 - 1,128,331 2035 - 786,800 - 786,800 2036 - 535,775 - 535,775 2037 - 66,300 - 66,300 $ 3,756,246 $ 44,052,900 $ - $ 47,809,145 36 Solid Waste ($) $9 $s $7 $6 y $s � .co $4 ■GO $3 $2 $1 O N m 7 v) 10 l— oo O� O N m V vi 10 ll- N N N N N N N N N N m M M M M M M m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Solid Waste (%) ■ 8% ■GO NCO ■ 920 37 HOUSE BILL 1378 SECTION 38 City of Denton Summary of Debt Obligations Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 TOTAL TAX-SUPPORTED AND REVENUE DEBT HB 1378 Calculation iri City Calculation(2) Total Authorized Debt Obligations $ 982,195,000 $ 982,195,000 Total Principal Of All Outstanding Debt Obligations $ 967,530,000 $ 967,530,000 Combined Principal And Interest Required To Pay All Outstanding Debt Obligations On Time And In Full $ 1,355,984,223 $ 1,355,984,223 TOTAL DEBT SECURED BY AD VALOREM TAXATION Total Authorized Debt Obligations Secured By Ad Valorem Taxation $ 982,195,000 $ 233,732,956 Total Principal Of All Outstanding Debt Obligations Secured By Ad Valorem Taxation $ 967,530,000 $ 219,067,956 Combined Principal And Interest Required To Pay All Outstanding Debt Obligations Secured By Ad Valorem Taxation On Time And In Full $ 1,355,984,223 $ 284,102,959 PER CAPITA TOTAL DEBT SECURED BY AD VALOREM TAXATION Total Authorized Debt Obligations Secured By Ad Valorem Taxation Expressed As A Per Capita Amount $ 7,173 $ 1,707 Total Principal Of Outstanding Debt Obligations Secured By Ad Valorem Taxation As A Per Capita Amount $ 7,066 $ 1,600 Combined Principal And Interest Required To Pay All Outstanding Debt Obligations Secured By Ad Valorem Taxation On Time And In Full As A Per Capita Amount $ 9,903 $ 2,075 Population Total Used To Calculate Per Capita Figures 136,927 136,927 Source And Year of Data Used To Calculate Per Capita Figures City of Denton Planning City of Denton Planning Department,2019 Department,2019 For all"Authorized Debt Obligations"amounts and calculations,the City has included all voted but unissued amounts and all amounts of debt that were authorized by the City Council to be issued,but,as of the end of the fiscal year remained unissued,as well as all outstanding debt as of the end of the fiscal year. (2)City Calculation excludes general obligation debt issued for Enterprise Funds(Electric,Water,Wastewater and Solid Waste)since the City has paid that debt with revenues from each respective fund. General obligation debt is issued with a limited pledge of Utility System revenue for this purpose. 39 City of Denton Individual Debt Obligations Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 Outstanding Debt Principal Principal Combined Final Maturity Secured By Total Proceeds Proceeds Proceeds Official Stated Current Credit Rating Obligations Issued Outstanding Principal&Interest Date Ad Valorem Taxes Received Spent Unspent Purpose Moody's S&P Fitch Certificates of0bligation, $ 7,065,000.00 $ - $ - February 15,2017 Yes $ 7,131,492.75 $ 6,697,794.39 $ 433,698.36 Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for improvements to Aa2 AA+ Not Rated Series 2007A the City's drainage and storm sewer systems and acquisition of related equipment;and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers, architects, attorneys, map makers, auditors, and financial advisors, in connection with said Certificates. General Obligations Bonds, $ 7,300,000.00 $ - $ - February 15,2018 Yes $ 7,400,580.31 $ 7,389,414.79 $ 11,165.52 Proceeds from the sale of the Bonds will be used(a)for various street Aa2 AA+ Not Rated Series 2008 improvements,senior center improvements and park land acquisitions and improvements,and(b)to pay the costs of issuing the Bonds. Certificates of Obligation, $ 10,685,000.00 $ - $ - February 15,2018 Yes $ 10,746,326.08 $ 10,746,326.08 $ - Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for(a)acquisition of Aa2 AA+ Not Rated Series 2008 land for,and design,construction and equipping of,a public safety radio antenna;(b)renovations and improvements to,and equipping of,existing municipal facilities, including City Hall East and City libraries; (c) improvements to the City's solid waste disposal system and acquisition of related equipment;(d)acquisition of land for,and design,construction and equipping of,animal shelter;(e)acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the City's motor pool; and (f) acquisition of land for and improvements to municipal parks;and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services,inlcluding engineers, architects, attorneys, map makers, auditors and financial advisors, in connection with the preparation of the City's master plan for downtown improvements,and with said Certficates of Obligation. 40 City of Denton Individual Debt Obligations Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 Outstanding Debt Principal Principal Combined Final Maturity Secured By Total Proceeds Proceeds Proceeds Official Stated Current Credit Rating Obligations Issued Outstanding Principal&Interest Date Ad Valorem Taxes Received Spent Unspent Purpose Moody's S&P Fitch Certificates of Obligation, $ 63,520,000.00 $ 43,505,000.00 $ 54,547,950.31 February 15,2033 Yes $ 67,807,600.00 $ 67,807,600.00 $ - Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for(a)acquisition of Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2013 vehicles and equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's solid waste disposal system,including the acquisition of land for the City landfill;(b)renovations to,and equipping of,existing municipal buildings, including the acquisition and installation of replacement heating,venting and air conditioning equipment,roofing and flooring;(c)acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the fire,police, building inspections, animal services, streets and traffic control,facilities management,and parks and recreation departments;(d)constructing and improving streets,including installation of traffic signals;(e)acquisition ofland for the municipal airport;(t)acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping a public safety training facility;(g) acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions, extensions, renovations and improvements to existing fire stations, (h) acquiring, constructing,installing and equipping two animal shelters;(i)acquisition of equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions, extensions, renovations and improvements to, the City's waterworks and sewer system;and G)acquisition of equipment for,and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions, extensions, renovations and improvements to,the City's electric light and power system; and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers, architects, attorneys,map makers,auditors,and financial advisors,in connection with said projects and said Certificates. Certificates of Obligation, $ 89,180,000.00 $ 74,060,000.00 $ 111,069,343.75 February 15,2044 Yes $ 93,781,044.89 $ 88,215,971.18 $ 5,565,073.71 Proceeds of the sale of the Certificates will be used(a)acquisition ofvehicles Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2014 and equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions, extensions, renovations and improvements to, the City's solid waste disposal system,including the acquisition of land for the City landfill; (b)renovations to,and equipping of,existing municipal buildings,including the acquisition and installation of replacement heating, venting and air conditioning equipment,roofing and flooring;(c)acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the fire,police,budding inspections,animal services,streets and traffic control, facilities management, and parks and recreation departments;(d)constructing and improving streets,including installation of traffic signals;(e)acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping hangars for the municipal airport;(f)acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping additions, extensions,renovations and improvements to the Civic Center Pool facilities; (g) acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping replacement facility for Fee Station Number 2, including related site preparation;(h)acquisition of equipment for,and acquiring,constructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's waterworks and sewer system;(i)acquisition of equipment for, and acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping additions,extensions, renovations and improvements to,the City's electric light and power system; and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers, architects, attorneys,map makers,auditors,and financial advisors,in connection with said projects and said Certificates. 41 City of Denton Individual Debt Obligations Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 Outstanding Debt Principal Principal Combined Final Maturity Secured By Total Proceeds Proceeds Proceeds Official Stated Current Credit Rating Obligations Issued Outstanding Principal&Interest Date Ad Valorem Taxes Received Spent Unspent Purpose Moody's S&P Fitch Certificates of obligation, $ 93,015,000.00 $ 78,685,000.00 $ 123,149,679.00 February 15,2045 Yes $ 97,983,335.00 $ 92,653,678.00 $ 5,329,657.00 Proceeds of the sale of the Certificates will be used(a)acquisition ofvehicles Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2015 and equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions, extensions, renovations and improvements to, the City's solid waste disposal system,including the acquisition of land for the City landfill; (b)renovations to,and equipping of,existing municipal buildings,including the acquisition and installation of replacement heating, venting and air conditioning equipment,oofing and flooring;(c)acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the fire,police,budding inspections,animal services,streets and traffic control, facilities management, and parks and recreation departments;(d)acquiring,constructing, installing and equipping puking facilities;(e)acquisition of land and buildings to be used for administration facilities and/or park purposes; (f) acquiring, onstructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions,enovations and improvements to the Civic Center Pool facilities; and (g) acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping replacement facility for Fire Station Number 2,including related site preparation,and acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping a new fire tation, including the acquisition of land therefor; (h) acquisition of vehicles and equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's waterworks and sewer system;and(i)acquisition of equipment for,and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions, extensions, renovations and improvements to,the City's electric light and power system, and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the Citys contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers, architects, attorneys,map makers,auditors,and financial advisors,in connection with said projects and said Certificates. General Obligation $ 37,640,000.00 $ 31,430,000.00 $ 39,739,808.00 February 15,2035 Yes $ 23,013,424.59 $ 20,832,654.38 $ 2,180,770.20 Proceeds of the Bonds are expected to be used (i) to refund certain Not Rated AA+ AA+ Refunding and outstanding obligations of the City for debt service savings;(ii)for street Improvement Bonds,Series improvements,public safety facilities improvements, stormwater drainage 2015 and flood control improvements,and park system improvements,and(in)to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds. 42 City of Denton Individual Debt Obligations Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 Outstanding Debt Principal Principal Combined Final Maturity Secured By Total Proceeds Proceeds Proceeds Official Stated Current Credit Rating Obligations Issued Outstanding Principal&Interest Date Ad Valorem Taxes Received Spent Unspent Purpose Moody's S&P Fitch Certificates of Obligation, $ 83,305,000.00 $ 73,890,000.00 $ 111,585,759.63 February 15,2046 Yes $ 92,340,554.08 $ 80,935,881.54 $ 11,404,672.54 Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used(a)acquisition of Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2016 vehicles and equipment for, and acquiring, constructing , installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's solid waste disposal system,including the acquisition of land for the City landfill;(b)renovations to,and equipping of,existing municipal buildings, including the acquisition and installation of replacement heating,venting and air conditioning equipment,roofing and flooring;(c)acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the fire, police, building inspections, community improvement services,animal services,streets and traffic control,facilities management, and parks and recreation departments; (d) acquiring , constructing,installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to parking facilities;(e)constructing and improving streets, including landscaping,drainage,utility line relocations and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor;(f)acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping a new fire training facility,and(g)acquisition of land for a new fire station;(h)acquisition of vehicles and equipment for,and acquiring, constructing,installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's waterworks and sewer system;and(i)acquisition of equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's electric light and power system,and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers, architects, attorneys, map makers, auditors , and financial advisors,in connection with said projects and said Certificates. General Obligation $ 28,930,000.00 $ 25,840,000.00 $ 32,678,575.00 February 15,2036 Yes $ 16,915,296.52 $ 15,276,921.23 $ 1,638,375.29 Proceeds of the Bonds are expected to be used (i) to refimd certain Not Rated AA+ AA+ Refunding and outstanding obligations of the City for debt service savings;(u)for street Improvement Bonds,Series improvements,public safety facilities improvements, stormwater drainage 2016 and flood control improvements,and park system improvements,and(iu)to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds. Utility System Revenue $ 214,890,000.00 $ 214,890,000.00 $ 325,362,250.00 December 1,2037 No $ 246,164,298.03 $ 232,699,710.19 $ 13,464,587.84 Proceeds from the sale of the Series 2017 Bonds will be used to(a)acquire Not Rated AA- A+ Bonds,Series 2017 and construct additions and improvements to the City's electric fight and power system including new quick start peak power generation facilities;(b) fund capitalized interest on the Series 2017 Bonds;and(c)pay the costs of issuance in connection with the issuance of the Series 2017 Bonds. 43 City of Denton Individual Debt Obligations Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 Outstanding Debt Principal Principal Combined Final Maturity Secured By Total Proceeds Proceeds Proceeds Official Stated Current Credit Rating Obligations Issued Outstanding Principal&Interest Date Ad Valorem Taxes Received Spent Unspent Purpose Moody's S&P Fitch Certificates of Obligation, $ 90,800,000.00 $ 82,150,000.00 $ 127,576,200.00 February 15,2047 Yes $ 98,365,003.11 $ 59,585,741.56 $ 38,779,261.55 Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for(a)acquisition of Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2017 vehicles and equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's solid waste disposal system;(b)renovations to,and equipping of,existing municipal buildings,including the acquisition and installation of replacement heating,venting and air conditioning equipment,roofing and flooring;(c) acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the fire, police, building inspections,community improvement services,animal services,streets and traffic control,facilities management,and parks and recreation departments; (d)acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping additions,extensions, renovations and improvements to parking facilities; (e) constructing and improving streets,including landscaping,drainage,utility line relocations and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor; (f) acquisition of equipment for, and acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to,the City's electric light and power system;and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers,architects,attorneys,map makers,auditors,and financial advisors, in connection with said projects and said Certificates. General Obligation $ 29,105,000.00 $ 21,425,000.00 $ 26,881,578.33 February 15,2037 Yes $ 17,294,870.71 $ 1,755,362.38 $ 15,539,508.33 Proceeds of the Bonds are expected to be used (i) to refund certain Not Rated AA+ AA+ Refunding and outstanding obligations of the City described on Schedule I attached hereto Improvement Bonds,Series (the "Refunded Obligations") for debt service savings; (ii) for street 2017 improvements and public safety facilities improvements,and(iii)to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds. General Obligation Bonds, $ 19,235,000.00 $ 18,695,000.00 $ 26,038,862.91 February 15,2038 Yes $ 19,871,127.54 $ - $ 19,871,127.54 Proceeds of the Bonds are expected to be used(i)street improvements, Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2018 storm water drainage and flood control improvements, and park system improvements;and(ii)to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds. Certificates of Obligation, $ 9,555,000.00 $ 8,740,000.00 $ 11,136,587.56 February 15,2038 Yes $ 10,020,369.57 $ 5,295,894.14 $ 4,724,475.43 Proceeds will be used for(a)renovations to,and equipping of,existing Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2018 municipal buildings,including the acquisition and installation of replacement heating,venting and air conditioning equipment,roofing and flooring;(b) acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the fire, police, budding inspections,community improvement services,animal services,streets and traffic control,facilities management,and parks and recreation departments; (c)acquiring,constructing, installing and equipping additions,extensions, renovations and improvements to runways and taxiways at the municipal airport;and(d)acquiring,constructing,renovating,installing and equipping fire stations, including the acquisition of land therefor: and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services,including engineers,architects,attorneys,map makers, auditors,and financial advisors,in connection with said projects and the Certificates(see"Plan of Financing"). 44 City of Denton Individual Debt Obligations Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2019 Outstanding Debt Principal Principal Combined Final Maturity Secured By Total Proceeds Proceeds Proceeds Official Stated Current Credit Rating Obligations Issued Outstanding Principal&Interest Date Ad Valorem Taxes Received Spent Unspent Purpose Moody's S&P Fitch Certificates of Obligation, $ 29,545,000.00 $ 28,250,000.00 $ 39,684,540.78 February 15,2038 Yes $ 31,802,096.74 $ 5,461,253.23 $ 26,340,843.51 Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for(a)renovating, Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2018A constructing,expanding,improving and equipping existing municipal service center building; (b) constructing and improving streets, including landscaping,drainage,utility line relocations and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor; (c) constructing, reconstructing and improving vehicle roadways at the municipal airport; (d) acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping fire stations, including the acquisition of land therefor;(e)acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping a public safety facility for the police department,including the acquisition of land therefor; (acquiring and installing a radio communications system for the City;and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers, architects, attorneys,map makers,auditors,and financial advisors. General Obligation $ 44,340,000.00 $ 44,340,000.00 $ 54,821,081.96 February 15,2039 Yes $ 48,176,707.02 $ 28,738,853.14 $ 19,437,853.88 (i)up to$28,620,000 for the public purpose of refunding the Refunded Not Rated AA+ AA+ Refunding&Improvement Obligations,(ii)for the purpose of the acquisition of property and making Bonds,Series 2019 improvements for public purposes in said Issuer,to wit:(A)$14,580,000 for street improvements, (B) $705,000 for stormwater drainage and flood control improvements,and(C)$4,085,000 for park system improvements. Certificates of0bligation, $ 28,755,000.00 $ 28,755,000.00 $ 39,301,427.80 February 15,2049 Yes $ 30,516,238.82 $ 1,270,553.31 $ 29,245,685.51 Proceeds will be used for acquisition of equipment for, and acquiring, Not Rated AA+ AA+ Series 2019 constructing,installing and equipping additions,extensions,renovations and improvements to, the (a) Issuer's waterworks system; (b) Issuer's wastewater system;and(c)the Issuer's electric light and power system;and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the Issuer's contractual obligations for professional services, including engineers, architects, attorneys,map makers,auditors,and financial advisors,in connection with said projects and said Certificates of Obligation;and up to$10,110,000 in principal amount for the purpose of renovations to, and equipping of, existing municipal buildings,(a)including the acquisition and installation of replacement heating,venting and air conditioning equipment,roofing and flooring; (b) acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the fire, police, building inspections, community improvement services, animal services, streets and traffic control,facilities management,and parks and recreation departments;(c)constructing and improving streets,including landscaping, drainage,utility line relocations and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor;(d)acquiring,constructing,installing and equipping a public safety facility for the police department,including the acquisition of land therefor; (e)acquiring,extending,constructing,renovating,improving and equipping parking facilities, including the acquisition of land therefor; and (f) acquisition and installation of technology equipment including computer equipment and software for various municipal departments;and also for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the Issuer's contractual obligations for professional services,including engineers,architects,attorneys,map makers, auditors,and financial advisors,in connection with said projects and said Certificates of Obligation. TOTAL $ 886,865,000.00 $ 774,655,000.00 $ 1,123,573,645.03 $ 919,330,365.75 $ 725,363,609.54 $ 193,966,756.21 45 Date: March 6, 2020 Report No. 2020-023 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Allegations of La'Shadion Shemwell regarding application of House Bill 2840/Texas Government Code §551.007 to City of Denton Meetings. BACKGROUND: During the March 3 City Council Meeting, La'Shadion Shemwell, speaking off-topic during the first Public Hearing items, alleged that limiting the number of speakers during Section 2 (Presentation from Members of the Public) of the agenda is contrary to state law. Mr. Shemwell further stated that he would file complaints with the Texas Ethics Commission regarding the alleged violation. Mr. Shemwell's allegation has no basis in law or fact. While he did not specifically reference which Texas law on which he relied during his recorded comments,he referenced House Bill 2840 in conversation with the City Attorney. House Bill 2840 was codified as Section 551.007 of the Texas Government Code, effective September 1, 2019. Council received an informal staff report on August 9, 2019, regarding the effect of the bill. Some of that information is repeated below for convenience. DISCUSSION: Mr. Shemwell argued that the City cannot limit the number of speakers who have signed up to speak before Council on any topic. There is no law supporting this argument. The closest law on point is Texas Government Code §551.007; however, this law has specific requirements and application. Government Code §551.007 provides in pertinent part that: 1. a governmental body shall allow each member of the public who desires to address the body regarding an item on an agenda for an open meeting of the body to address the body regarding the item at the meeting before or during the body's consideration of the item; 2. a governmental body may adopt reasonable rules regarding the public's right to address the body; and 3. a governmental body may not prohibit public criticism of the governmental body, including criticism of any act, omission, policy, procedure, program, or service, unless the public criticism is otherwise prohibited by law. Addressing the Government Body The newly adopted§551.007(b)provides that"[a] governmental body shall allow each member of the public who desires to address the body regarding an item on an agenda for an open meeting of the body to address the body regarding the item at the meeting before or during the bodLs consideration of the item" (emphasis added). 1 Item Z19-0014c: Regarding a change in zoning for the property at 311 Jannie Street. 46 Date: March 6, 2020 Report No. 2020-023 First, the item must be on the agenda. By its definition, the public comment and "Open Microphone" section of the agenda is for topics/items not already on the agenda. Second, the provision applies to items that are before the governmental body's "consideration." The Texas legislature specifically did not apply this to all items "deliberated" by the body. Therefore,the provision applies only to items on which the City Council will take a formal action, not Work Session items or "Open Mic" speakers. This is supported by the House Bill 2840 Bill Analysis and intent of the Bill's author: the bill's purpose was to specifically increase "access to the decision-making process by providing for public comment before and during the consideration of each item on the meeting agenda" (emphasis added). Talking points on the House Floor before adoption of the Bill indicate the intent was the address those cities that only allow public comment at the end of the Council meeting. Further remarks also state that the intent was "to allow the public to testify on every actionable item" (emphasis added). This interpretation aligns with that of other cities, including Dallas and Fort Worth. Reasonable Rules While the City of Denton Code of Ordinances 2-29(f)(4) restricts the presentation from members of the public to seven (7) speakers, however achieved between those speakers who previously registered and the "Open Mic" section, this provision is also permissible under §551.007. As stated above,because this section of the agenda is for the public to address Council related to items not on the agenda and not setfor action at the meeting, a limitation as currently imposed is allowed. Public Criticism Current ordinances and practices do not prohibit the public criticism of the governmental body. Citizens are certainly welcome to address Council regarding criticisms not related to agenda items during the public comment section of the agenda discussed above. CONCLUSION: The City of Denton City Council Rules of Procedure(Code of Ordinances 2-29) are in compliance with state law, including Government Code 551.007. Specifically, the City does not limit the number of speakers on actionable items on the meeting agenda. Mr. Shemwell's allegation of a violation of law is unfounded. ATTACHMENT(S): Texas Government Code §551.007 STAFF CONTACT: Aaron Leal City Attorney (940) 349-8333 Aaron.Lealgcityo fdenton.com Trey Lansford Deputy City Attorney 47 Date: March 6, 2020 Report No. 2020-023 (940) 349-8333 Trey.Lansfordgcityo fdenton.com REOUESTOR: Staff Initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Legal 48 Council Requests for Information Council Member Requestod Service Request Summary of Request -. -.. Council Member Davis 12/06/19 Clarification Todd E.is all over this,and is already pulling some info together for me. Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report But it'd be a good ISR for the whole council to have. I'd like to see a 1 summary of the mobility improvements(streets and sidewalks)that we are making in connection with construction of the new Denton High School.I'm especially interested in pedestrian and bike connectivity with nearby neighborhoods,and on the Western side of the campus.Thanks! 2 Council Member Meltzer 01/13/20 Clarification Will staff prepare a report detailing the total amounts of PM 10 and PM Banks Request will be presented during an upcoming Pending 2.5 emissions currently allowed by permit to entities in the City? Request work session Council Member Briggs 02/03/20 Policy Would like to request council discuss a citywide public health study. Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during an upcoming Pending 3 http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Health/Info_to_Post/He Request work session althKeport-l!nKed.pdt LiKe this Council Member Armintor 02/09/20 Service Request (1)Can staff explore the possibility of a temporary restriction on parking Estes Capital Projects Request will be presented during an upcoming Pending on the mailbox side of Lattimore until sidewalks can be constructed on Request work session that side of the street? Even with the USPS door delivery option for seniors and people with disabilities,until sidewalks can be constructed 4 the best option for general neighborhood accessibility for residents with disabilities and senior residents might be restricting parking on one side (indicated with paint). (2)Can someone please let me know which other residential Denton streets besides Lattimore are lacking both sidewalks and USPS door service (i.e.lacking both at the same time,not just one or the other)? 5 Council Member Briggs 02/22/20 Service Request Will staff look into crosswalk concern at Montecito near White Dove? Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in future Friday Report 6 Council Member Meltzer 02/28/20 Service Request Is there any reason we couldn't relocate the Cupboard recycling center Boerner Solid Waste&Recycling Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report to the big Daybreak property the city just bought downtown? Council Member Briggs 02/29/20 Policy This is my official response of objection about not replacing the Boerner Solid Waste&Recycling Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report Cupboard recycling center. Not sure how else to do it after reading the 7 staff report. We are constantly removing ways for our residents to recycle and not replacing them or creating other ways to do it. This is more discussion in my opinion. Thank you. 8 Council Member Briggs 02/29/20 Service Request Can we get changing stations in both the women's and men's bathrooms Packan Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report at south lakes park? 9 Council Member Meltzer 03/01/20 Can I get a map showing the proposed route for the Gander Road Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in future Friday Report extension? Council Member Armintor 03/01/20 Policy Todd&Sarah:Since the Cupboard parking lot was a good location for Boerner Solid Waste&Recycling Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report 10 so many people,why can't we have a replacement recycling center nearby at the new Development Building site in the parking lot,designed to reduce contamination? Council Member Armintor 03/02/20 Can CIS check on the the two houses on the west side of Mockingbird Shaw Community Services Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report 11 just south of the railroad tracks and north of Audra.Both are abandoned with broken windows. 12 Council Member Briggs 03/02/20 Service Request Can staff review the no parking in front of Strickland Middle School? Jahn Capital Projects Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report 13 Council Member Briggs 03/02/20 Clarification How many developments do we have left that fall under our old tree McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in future Friday Report code 14 Council Member Briggs 03/02/20 Service Request Can staff check on the fiber line that was cut during sidewalk Kremer Public Works Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report construction on Dunes Place? Council Member Briggs 03/03/20 Service Request Will staff provide wreck data since the intersection of Dallas Drive&1-35 Dixon Police Department Information will be provided in the March 6 Friday Report 15 reopened?If necessary,can we review the safety measures that should be installed along with TxDOT? 16 Mayor Pro Tern Hudspeth 03/03/20 Policy Can staff work with Pleasant Grove Church about their signage? McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in future Friday Report 17 Council Member Briggs 03/03/20 Service Request Can staff follow up on the stop sign request on Ryan Road at the Jahn Capital Projects Information will be provided in future Friday Report entrance to the Good Samaritan Village? 18 Council Member Armintor 03/03/20 Policy Would like a work session on passing an"Engine Braking Prohibited" Kuechler City Manager's Office Information will be provided in future Friday Report ordinance in Denton. 19 Mayor Pro Tern Hudspeth 03/04/20 Service Request Can staff check on the fire hydrant at the intersection of Hickory and Diviney Water Utilities Information will be provided in future Friday Report Wood? 20 Council Member Briggs 03/05/20 Clarification There was a wreck at Nottingham and University Do we know when the Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in future Friday Report improvements are starting? 21 Mayor Watts 03/05/20 Service Request Is the resident's proposed option for the overhang on their property on Puente DME Information will be provided in future Friday Report Splitrock achievable? 22 Mayor Pro Tern Hudspeth 03/06/20 Service Request Can staff look at the school zone area on Glenwood Lane near Windsor? Jahn Capital Projects Information will be provided in future Friday Report 49 March 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11:30 am Council 12:00pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30DFDC Luncheon Session Committee 4:00 Public Art Committee Cancelled-COE 1:30 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession Traffic Safety Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Commission 5:30 pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PUB 9am No Council Meeting -gilled-11:00EDPB HSAB 1lam Cancelled-Mobility Cancelled - 2:30pm Library Board 5:30pm Committee Meeting Agenda Committee 9:00 am 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 15 16 17 18 119 20 21 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pmCommittee on Session Committee Persons WithDisabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession HABSCO 4pm Se s sio n 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 10:00 am Audit Finance 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PUB 9am 10am CouncilAipor[ 12:00TY Board(TIRZ) CANCELLED - Committee 5:30PM Board of 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday 2:30pm Agenda Ethics Session Committee 29 30 31 ZBA 5:30pm No Council Meeting 50 April 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 2:30pm Agenda 8:30DEDC Committee 4:00 Public Art Committee 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work 11:00EDPB HOT&S 1:00 Luncheon Session 2:30pm Agenda 6:30 pm CC Regular Committee COE 1:30 Session 5:00pra P&Z Work Session Traffic Safety 5:30 Airport Advisory Board Commission 5:30 pm 6:30pmP&ZRegularSession 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PUB 9am 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pmCommittee on Session Committee Persons with Dis abilities Mobility Committee HABSCO 4pm Meeting 9:00 am 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda Se ssion Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular S:00pmP&ZWorkSession Se ss io n 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 26 27 28 29 130 PUB 9am 10am CouncilAiport 2:30pm Agenda 5:30PM Board of ZBA 5:30pm Committee Committee Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 51 May 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PUB gam 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8s0DEDC 11:30 am Council Session Committee 4:00 Public Art Committee luncheon 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession COE 1:30 Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Session Traffic Safety Commission 5:30 pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4:00 pm CC Election 11:00IDPB Reception/ Meeting 5:30 Airport Advisory Board Mobility Committee Meeting 9:00 am 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PUB 9am 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pmCommittee on ZBA5:30pm Session Committee Persons Aithasabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession HABSCO 4pm Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 24 25 26 27 ' 28 29 30 Memorial Day 10am CouncilAiport 12:00 TY Board(TIR4 5:30PM Board of Holiday Committee Ethics No CounciiMeeting 2:30pm Agenda Committee 31 52 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, March 17,2020 12:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 12:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 20-669 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the recent global outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). B. ID 20-313 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding a planned transit-oriented, mixed-use development in downtown Denton and a possible public-private partnership with Lang Partners,LLC. D. ID 20-645 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding DME's proposed Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy. E. ID 20-541 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Board of Ethics recommended amendments to the Ethics Ordinance. F. DCA20-0001 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding proposed Denton Development Code(DDC)amendments. G. ID 20-009 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for information. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. Page 1 Printed on 31612020 53 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 20-529 Consultation with Attorneys-Under Texas Governmental Code Section 551.071. Consult with the City's attorneys on the status, strategy, funding, prospects for appeal, and potential resolution of litigation in Cause No. DC-17-08139, styled "Michael Grim and Jim Maynard v. City of Denton, Texas," pending in the 68th Judicial District Court, Dallas County, Texas; where public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Profession Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or otherwise compromise the City's legal position in pending litigation or appeal. B. ID 20-641 Consultation with Attorneys-Under Texas Government Code, Section 551.071. Consultation with the City's attorneys regarding legal issues associated with(i)the project agreements,master planned community ordinances,and other related agreements, documents,and ordinances for both Hunter Ranch and Cole Ranch projects, (ii) operating agreements,consent resolutions,and other agreements, documents,and ordinances related to the municipal management districts associated with both Hunter Ranch and Cole Ranch projects and the operation of the same,(iv)economic development incentives potentially offered related to both Hunter Ranch and Cole Ranch projects,and(v)the Pilot Knob conservation easement for Hunter Ranch project; a public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas. Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Regular Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Page 2 Printed on 31612020 54 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 20-666 Start By Believing Day/Sexual Assault Awareness Month 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Reports from members of the public shall be received through the following two (2) methods. A total of up to seven (7) speakers are permitted to provide public comment and may include any combination of prior registration and open microphone speakers. 1) Pre-registration. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. a. ID 20-635 David Zoltner regarding Conflicts of Interest and Ethics Codes. 2) Open Microphone. This section of the agenda permits any person who has not registered in advance for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. Such person(s) must file a "Blue Card"requesting to speak during this period prior to the calling of this agenda item. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual policy; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — R). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Page 3 Printed on 31612020 55 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 20-420 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, repealing Ordinance No. 2019-110; approving and adopting the 2019 Denton Municipal Electric - Energy Risk Management Policy ("2020 ERMP"); authorizing and approving the execution by the Mayor, or his designee, of the 2020 ERMP; delegating authority as provided in the 2020 ERMP; authorizing and approving the subsequent execution of contracts and related and ancillary documents, including, without limitation, nominations, certificates, assignments, licenses, directions, instruments, confirmations, orders and statements, as are authorized by the 2020 ERMP, which are incident to or related thereto; confirming that the City of Denton, Texas, its Mayor, its City Council members, its City Manager, or his designees, and its City Secretary, or her designees, are authorized to perform such acts and obligations as are reasonably required to consummate those future transactions which are provided for and authorized by the 2020 ERMP; finding that the purchase of electricity, natural gas, and related commodities are exempt from the requirement of competitive bidding; finding that the purchase of electric energy, natural gas and related commodities made by the City under the terms of the 2020 ERMP are in the public welfare of the citizens and electric ratepayers of the City; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor;providing an effective date. B. ID 20-485 Consider approval of a resolution revising Administrative Policy No. 403.07"Debt Service Management"; and providing an effective date. The Audit/Finance Committee recommends approval(3-0). C. ID 20-557 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Collateral Assignment of an Airport Lease covering property located at 4850 Spartan Drive, between Sykes-Vaughan Investments, LLC and BBVA USA; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(3-0). D. ID 20-558 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Collateral Assignment of an Airport Lease covering property located at 5007 Spartan Drive, between Sykes-Vaughan Investments, LLC and BBVA USA; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(3-0). E. ID 20-559 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Collateral Assignment of an Airport Lease covering property located at 4700 Spartan Drive, between Sykes-Vaughan Investments, LLC and BBVA USA; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(3-0). F. ID 20-560 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Collateral Assignment of an Airport Lease covering property located at 4849 Spartan Drive, between Sykes-Vaughan Investments, LLC and BBVA USA; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(3-0). G. ID 20-593 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract with Romco Equipment Co., LLC, through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Page q Printed on 31612020 56 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 Contract # 597-19, for the acquisition of one (1) Volvo Model ECR88D Compact Excavator for the Drainage Department and additional maintenance and repair services as required; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7293 - awarded to Romco Equipment Co., LLC, in the amount of $206,062). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). H. ID 20-594 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Charter Communications Operating, LLC, for internet services; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7052- awarded to Charter Communications Operating, LLC, for one (1) year, with the option for four (4) additional one(1)year extensions,in the total five(5)year not-to-exceed amount of$265,980). I. ID 20-599 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Commercial Electronics Corporation, to provide Motorola API (Application Programming Interface) for the HigherGround and Motorola Project 25 Land Mobile Radio applications, which is the sole provider of this software, in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, which provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding, and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 7180- awarded to Commercial Electronics Corporation, in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $186,300). J. ID 20-600 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, to execute a contract with Jagoe-Public Company, for the construction of the Airport Landside Paving project for the City of Denton for street segments as follows: John Carrell, Spartan Drive, Lockheed Lane, and Skylane; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7239- awarded to Jagoe-Public Company, in the not-to-exceed amount of $855,163.75). K. ID 20-602 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager or his designee, to execute a contract through the State of Texas Smart Buy Program for the purchase of library AV materials as awarded by State of Texas Contract Number 715-M2 Publications, Audiovisual Materials, Books, and Cataloging Services (Prepared Materials Only); providing for the expenditure of funds therefore; and providing an effective date (File 7309 - awarded to Midwest Tape,LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of$200,000). L. ID 20-606 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Crown Correctional Telephone, Inc., for inmate telephone service, software, maintenance and support for the Denton Police Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7198 - awarded to Crown Correctional Telephone, Inc., for a three (3) year term, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five(5)year term. Page 5 Printed on 31612020 57 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 M. ID 20-607 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Frank J. Conner, for graffiti abatement of public and private property, providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7173-2 - awarded to the lowest responsive bidder,Frank J. Conner,for a three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$75,000). N. ID 20-608 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Huffmans Empire Construction, Inc., for graffiti abatement of Denton Municipal Electric and interior and exterior painting of City facilities, providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7173-2 - awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, Huffmans Empire Construction Inc., for a three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $330,000). O. ID 20-609 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Intervet, Inc. dba Merck Animal Health, for the supply of veterinary and animal health supplies for the City of Denton's Animal Services Shelter; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7178 - awarded to the lowest responsive bidder for each line item: Intervet, Inc. dba Merck Animal Health, in a total five (5) year, not-to-exceed amount of$275,000). P. ID 20-610 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Midwest Veterinary Supply Inc., for the supply of veterinary and animal health supplies for the City of Denton's Animal Services Shelter; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7178 - awarded to the lowest responsive bidder for each line item: Midwest Veterinary Supply Inc., in a total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $1,300,000). Q. ID 20-618 Consider approval of the minutes of February 25,March 2,and March 3,2020. R. ID 20-670 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing expenditure of previously budgeted funds as previously discussed in closed session, for outside counsel and other previously discussed trial and appellate expenses in litigation styled "Michael Grim and Jim Maynard v. City of Denton, Texas," tried in the 68th Judicial District Court, Dallas County, Texas; and declaring an effective date. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 20-479 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Denton County, Texas, a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas, for the construction of the South Bonnie Brae Street phase II/Vintage Blvd Project, wherein Denton County agrees to contribute an amount not to exceed Five Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($5,750,000); authorizing the expenditure of funds thereof, and declaring an effective date. Page 6 Printed on 31612020 58 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 B. ID 20-591 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Relient Emissions Testing, Inc., for the supply of Engine Emissions Performance testing services for the electric generating equipment at the Denton Energy Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7245 - awarded to Relient Emissions Testing, Inc., for three (3) years, with the option of three (3) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total six (6) year not-to-exceed amount of $72,000. The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). C. ID 20-592 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with ABB, Inc., for the supply of ABB Turbo Charger Cartridges for the electric generating equipment at the Denton Energy Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7247- awarded to ABB, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $418,061.60). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). D. ID 20-611 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Core & Main LP, for the supply of water and sewer inventory parts to be stocked in the City Of Denton Distribution Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7187 - awarded to the lowest responsive bidder for each line item: Core&Main LP,in a total four(4)year,not-to-exceed amount of$5,800,000). E. ID 20-612 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Ferguson Enterprises, LLC, for the supply of water and sewer inventory parts to be stocked in the City of Denton Distribution Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7187 - awarded to the lowest responsive bidder for each line item: Ferguson Enterprises, LLC, in a total four (4) year, not-to-exceed amount of $3,630,000). F. ID 20-613 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with PowerSeal Pipeline Products, For the supply of water and sewer inventory parts to be stocked in the City of Denton Distribution Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7187 - awarded to the lowest responsive bidder for Section I - Repair Clamps: PowerSeal Pipeline Products, Inc, in a total four (4) year, not-to-exceed amount of$160,000). G. ID 20-605 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 4 to the contract between the City of Denton and Ragle, Inc. for the construction of the South Bonnie Brae Street Widening and Improvements Project Phase 1; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6390- Change Order No. 4 in the not-to-exceed amount of $246,971.93, for a total contract award aggregated to $12,683,171.52). Page 7 Printed on 31612020 59 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 H. ID 20-654 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an operating agreement with Cole Ranch; and providing an effective date. I. ID 20-655 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a project agreement with Cole Ranch; and providing an effective date. J. ID 20-656 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, Texas, consenting to the creation of "Cole Ranch Improvement District No. 1 of Denton County, Texas" and the inclusion of land therein; and providing an effective date. K. ID 20-657 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a project agreement with Hunter Ranch; and providing an effective date. L. ID 20-658 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an operating agreement with Hunter Ranch; and providing an effective date. M. ID 20-659 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, Texas, consenting to the creation of "Hunter Ranch Improvement District No. 1 of Denton County, Texas" and the inclusion of land therein; and providing an effective date. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. ID 20-504 Hold a public hearing and consider approval of a resolution adopting the City of Denton's Policy for Tax Abatements and Incentives. B. MPC19-0001 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas, regarding a request by SLF Cole Property LP for a Major Amendment in accordance with Section of the Denton Development Code to the Cole Ranch Master Plan Community (MPC) Zoning District generally located west of Interstate 35 west, south of Tom Cole Road, bounded by Tom Cole Road to the north, bisected by FM 2449 near the center of the property, bounded on the eastern side by John Payne Road south of FM 2449 and Underwood Road north of FM 2449. (MPC19-0001, Cole Ranch MPC,Richard Cannone). C. MPC19-0002 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas a regarding a request by Petrus Investment LP for a Major Amendment in accordance with Section of the Denton Development Code to the Hunter Ranch Master Plan Community (MPC) Zoning District that includes a change of zoning on approximately 22 acres from a Mixed-Use Neighborhood (MN) district and approximately 2.24 acres from Planned Development (PD) to Master Planned Community (MPC) and amend the Hunter Ranch MPC zoning district by adopting new standards and regulations including an updated development plan map on approximately 3167 acres that is generally located on both sides of I-35W between Robson Ranch Road and Vintage Boulevard (MPC 19-0002,Hunter Ranch MPC,Richard Cannone). Page 8 Printed on 31612020 60 City Council Meeting Agenda March 17,2020 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the 13th day of March,2020 at CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 9 Printed on 31612020 61 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of March 6,2020 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items 10-Mar No meeting;NLC-Washington(Mar. Ethics Ordinance Denton Development Coronavirus Disease Review of Council Lang Partners Update EV Charger Upgrade Changes Code Amendments 2019 Requests Mar 17 17-Mar 20-313 20-645 20-541 DCA20-0001 20-669 20-009 FY 18-19 Annual Report Drinking Water Risk and Credit Collections Denton Development Review of Council &Audit(CAFR) Resiliency Assessment SB.2 Budget Implications Update Update on PD&DS Code Amendments Requests Mar 24 24-Mar 20-457 20-510 20-582 20-315 Facilities DCA20-0001b 20-010 31-Mar No meeting;5th Tuesday 6-Apr Lunch Library Master Plan @ 11:30 a.m. CIP Update 20-526 2020 Mobility Plan Review of Council TIF Grants for Municipal Broadband Drop-off Recycling Update Requests Apr 07 7-Apr Accessibility 20-556 Center 20-245 20-011 Urban Forest Master Review of Council Plan Sustainability Plan Gibbons Creek(TMPA) Requests Apr 14 14-Apr 20-426 20-521 20-615 20-175 Review of Council Denton Development Requests Apr 21 21-Apr Green Tree Estates Plugged Gas Wells Code Amendments 20-176 Review of Council Requests Apr 28 28-Apr DTV Public Meetings 20-177 4-May Lunch @ 11:30 a.m. Review of Council Requests May 05 5-May 20-458 Review of Council Requests May 12 12-May 20-459 Review of Council Requests May 19 19-May 20-460 26-MaYn No meeting;Day after Memoral Day Holiday ' Accessory Dwelling Doorbell Monitoring Review of Council 0) Units,and Screening Technology Construction Code Requests June 02 DCA19-0011 Delegated Authority 19-2959 Stormwater Master Plan Review(TBD) 20-671 C r0 a � m Review of Council Group Home Code Purchasing Manual Right of Way Ordinance Requests June 09 O r Amendment Public Art Update Follow-up 20-672 N M H Q OJ Review of Council N Y Requests June 16 20-673 O Review of Council Requests June 23 20-674 Veteran Source of Work Session Requests Community Public Art Income Housing Determined by Council and Community Tree Ethics Ordinance Small Cell Lawsuit Discrimination Date TBD Grants Revision Participation Tree Ordinance Review Ordinance 62 Street Closure Report IMPROVING "TM Upcoming Closures )NI OF DENTON Week of March 9,2020-March 15,2020 VVV Street/intersection From Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department MOM Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this NextDoor,Email Hidden Meadows Trail with Vintage Vintage blvd 03/16/20 04/17/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities Notification 135E northbound service 500 ft west Wastewater Improvements road located of Bonnie TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater (940)349-8909 Brae This project is to install a drive 225 west of approach at the Golden Triangle Engineering, Loop 288 Colorado Colorado 03/16/20 05/15/20 Mall as part of the Colorado Floyd Smith Direct business contact (940)349-7104 blvd Blvd and Loop 288 intersection Concrete improvements. Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this NextDoor,Email Mockernut Rd. with Vintage Vintage 03/16/20 04/17/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd. Blvd.right of activities. Notification Storm drain improvements,as Prairie St. Locust St. Elm St. 03/23/20 06/12/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project. Street closed to thru Concrete Street Panel Repair. At roundabout Circle.The Quail Creek Dr. Quail Creek Berry Down 03/16/20 04/03/20 process starts with Barricading Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Dr. Ln. the failed sections of concrete pavement,remove the pavement,and install new Robson East Side of 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940)349-8909 RR (Temporary Lane Closure) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Door Hangers Drainage and Roadway Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City TBD TBD Construction Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. (940)349-8910 Southern RR Bonnie Brae Phase 1 1 Capital Project (One Lane traffic control) Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways Thomas listed above.This NextDoor,Email Scripture Street Street Malone 03/16/20 06/30/20 reconstruction shall include new Engineering Notification (940)349-7426 curb and gutter,ADA compliant ramps in sidewalks,asphalt or concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage,water and intersection back of Intermittent closure of the NextDoor,Email Shagbark Dr with Vintage Vintage Blvd 03/16/20 04/17/20 intersection for construction Engineering Notification (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities. Upcoming Closures 63 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes FMeetinq Communication Contact Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Capital Projects Part of 2019 Street (940)349-7104 Bundle The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways listed above.This NextDoor,Email Thomas Street W.Oak Panhandle 03/16/20 06/01/20 reconstruction shall include new Engineering Notification,Direct (940)349-7426 curb and gutter,ADA compliant business contact ramps in sidewalks,asphalt or concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage,water and This project is a sidewalk installation project on the south side of W Parkway from Locust to Elm. It is part of our Engineering, 2018 Sidewalk Program that will Public Works Locust improve pedestrian access and Direct business contact, W Parkway Street Street IN Elm Street 03/16/20 04/17/20 upgrade ADA infrastructure. Inspections, Door hangers (940)349-7104 The local businesses in this are Floyd Smith will be notified by door hanger Concrete and personal visits by staff to ensure all necessary concerns are addressed. Total 13 Upcoming Closures 64 Street Closure Report IMPROVING 1 Current Closures n F N I Tdc) N f DENTON Week of March 9,2020-March 15,2020 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date , Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Street Panel Repair. The process starts with 3309 Forest Ridge Rolling Hills El Paseo 03/02/20 03/28/20 Barricading the failed sections Streets N/A (940)349-7146 of concrete pavement,remove the pavement,and install new Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Bent Oaks Teasley Cul V Sac 02/24/20 03/27/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Old process starts with Barricading Broken Arrow Dunes Orchard 43899 43924 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete. Wastewater collections will be Brown Dr Roberts St Woodland St 02/10/20 06/04/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Northwood Wastewater collections will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Tr 02/10/20 06/04/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services 3201 Private Development:Drainage, Public Works Colorado Blvd Brinker Rd Colorado 02/17/20 04/13/20 Water,Sanitary Sewer,and Inspections, NextDoor,Direct (940)205-9230 Blvd Pavement for Fire Station#8 Private business contact Development Concrete Curb and Sidewalk Broken Repair.The process starts with Dunes St Arrow Old Orchard 03/02/20 03/20/20 Barricading the failed sections Streets N/A (940)349-7146 of concrete and,remove,and install new concrete. Part of Downtown TIF Sidewalk&Lighting CIP- Temporary lane and shoulder closures due to Elm St. Oak Parkway 09/23/19 03/14/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering sidewalk reconstruction. (940)349-8425 Schedule delayed due to significant weather impacts and traffic signal relocations at McKinney. Current Closures 65 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Various daytime lane closures with flaggers City of between 1/27/20 and Denton/Cori 2/21/20 for pothole FM 2181 nth City Lillian Miller 11/18/19 TBD Street Widening TxDOT repair.Ranchman Blvd (940)349-8425 limits closed starting 2/3/20 and remain closed for approximately 3 weeks for TXDOT water line Wastewater main replacement. Projects extents,Emerson from Emerson Circle to Foxcroft. Emerson Circle from Emerson Foxcroft Emerson Emerson 01/30/20 06/11/20 to End Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 Foxcroft from Emerson to Northcrest Foxcroft from Old North to Emerson Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 03/09/20 07/02/20 Water Distribution will be Water N/A (940)349-7278 replacing the water main and Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 11/27/20 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades TxDOT (940)349-8938 (temporary closures) 0.26 mi Street Widening Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E south of FM 12/03/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures TxDOT 10/08/19 (940)387-1414 1830 during non-peak traffic) Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Haven Way Brookside Park Place 02/24/20 03/13/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Significant delays in Street and Drainage placing base pavement Hinkle Dr. Headlee Windsor 07/03/19 03/21/20 Improvements Magnolia Engineering due to weather. (940)349-8910 Drainage Ph.II Pavement scheduled for (Street Closure) 3/3/20.Pavement delayed due to rain on Hollyhill Ln Longridge Dr Tennyson 03/06/20 05/04/20 Water Distribution will be Water N/A (940)349-7278 Trl replacing the water main and Installing Valley Gutter across Industrial at the intersection of Industrial Sycamore Bell 03/09/20 03/27/20 Sycamore. The process starts Streets N/A (940)349-7146 with barricading then remove pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete Valley Sycamore Atmos Energy temporarily Atmos,Public Atmos Energy to notify IOOF Street Eagle Drive Street 01/06/20 03/27/20 closing IOOF and Highland Works apartment complex's in (940)205-8278 Street to through traffic for Inspections area at least three Current Closures 66 JIM Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Road closure is expected to start 3/6/20 depending on weather conditions.Notices will John Paine be released the week before Southwest Road at closure. John Paine Road will John Paine Road Pump John Paine 01/06/20 05/31/20 be closed as needed. Project Water NextDoor (940)349-8925 Station Road near includes installation of water IH 35W main along Old John Paine and Allred Road between the Southwest Pump Station on John Paine Road near Parkplace Dr.on and South Road closure is for the Just west of installation of new water main Johnson Lane John Paine first 01/06/20 05/31/20 along Old John Paine Rd.and Water NextDoor (940)349-8925 Road driveway Allred Rd.between the Southwest Pump Station on John Paine Rd.near Parkplace Atmos Energy is relocating/ Direct business contact, Daughtery replacing existing gas mains Atmos Energy to Street,at S and services for upcoming distribute door hangers, Construction delays, Johnson Street;Smith Street Dallas Drive Locust 03/09/20 04/24/20 reconstruction of Smith Street; Atmos closure scheduled out place sign boards,and (940)268-7285 Street including gas main crossing one month notify residents in Johnson Street at Smith Street. person Kerley Street Duncan Shady Oaks 02/05/20 07/10/20 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7146 Street Drive Storm drain improvements as Locust St. Warren Ct. Sycamore 03/09/20 04/06/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 St. Project. West side lane closure. Sewer main improvements,as Locust St. Highland St Eagle Dr 03/09/20 04/20/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project. West side lane closure. Part of Downtown TIF Locust St. Oak McKinney 03/14/20 04/18/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering Sidewalk&Lighting CIP. (940)349-8910 Schedule delayed due to weather Closed Long Rd.from Sherman/428 to entrance of Sherman/42 Natatorium Water,Waste NextDoor,Direct Long Rd 8 Entrance 3/9/2020 03/20/20 Natatorium to install a water Water business contact (940)391-6299 connection and sewer connection in Long Rd. We will be reconstructing Direct business contact, Masch Branch U S 380 Jim Crystal 02/17/20 04/27/20 Masch Branch from 380 to Jim Streets Door hangers (940)349-7146 Crystal. Current Closures 67 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact 3 3 20-Project Walkthrus are underway and lanes will continue to be closed as needed to facilitate final work. 2/27/20-Expect continued lane closures as project work is winding down. 2/13/20-Traffic switch completed on Thursday 2/13/30 moving US 380(E. Engineering, remaining northbound Street Widening(Temporary traffic(north of Mayhill Rd. University Edwards Rd. 09/01/17 03/31/20 Lane Closures) Traffic,TxDOT, McKinney)to the Door Hangers (940)349-8925 Dr.) CIP ultimate northbound lanes.Lane closures are still to be expected for both Northbound and Southbound travel for length of project,but there will always be one lane open in each direction. There maybe intermittent 5-10 minute road closures at southern most end of Droiect for of concrete Public Works N.Bell Ave Texas College 02/28/20 04/10/20 Building out west side of Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 building Private Development Oak St.at Fry St.Signal Intersection Fry 11/04/19 03/13/20 Signal Construction(Intermittent Traffic (940)349-7486 of Lane Closures) Water and Wastewater Main improvements,as part of Pec-4 Updated per Pamela Prairie St. Elm St. Pierce St. 11/04/19 03/27/20 Ph 1&2 Project. Prairie St.will Engineering Alummoottil's directive (940)349-7112 be closed to thru traffic. Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Roberts St Bell Ave Ln 02/10/20 06/04/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services. Willowwood Highland Water transmission main Door hangers delivered S.Bonnie Brae St. St. Park Rd. 01/28/20 03/20/20 installation. Street will be Engineering to local residents on (940)349-7112 closed to thru traffic. 1/29/20. Water main improvements Direct business contact, S.Elm St. Prairie St. Eagle 03/16/20 04/20/20 along Elm St.as part of the Pec-Engineering West side lane closure. Door hangers (940)349-7112 4 Ph 1&2 Project. S.Locust St. Warren Ct. Highland St. 12/16/19 04/03/20 Drainage Improvements as part Engineering West side lane closure Direct business contact, (940)349-7112 of the Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project. Door hangers Current Closures 68 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Curb And Gutter Repair. Union Circle Welch Welch 03/09/20 03/20/20 Repairing Broken Curbs and Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Drive Approaches,barricade and remove and install new 3/3/20-Project Walkthrus are underway and lanes will continue to be closed as needed to facilitate final work. 1200'East 1200'West Engineering, 2/27/20-Expect US 380(E.University Dr.) of N.Mayhill of E.Mayhill 11/01/19 03/31/20 Signal Upgrade and Installation Traffic,TxDOT, continued lane closures Additional outreach not (940)349-8925 Rd. Rd. CIP as project work is needed winding down.Outside lanes of US 380 may need to be closed,as needed,at the intersection of Mayhill Rd.for intermittent work Warren Ct. Wainwright Locust St. 12/16/19 06/05/20 Drainage Improvements as part Engineering Closed to thru traffic Direct business contact, (940)349-7112 St. of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project door hangers Installation of new storm drainage line,sanitary sewer Parkside Mesquite line,and pavement replacement Streets, NextDoor,Email West Windsor Drive Drive Street 11/11/19 03/28/20 along Windsor as part of the Drainage,Water, Notification (940)349-8425 Magnolia PH II Project.Windsor Waste Water expected to open from Parkside to Hinkle in mid-February Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Woodland St Brown Dr Ln 02/10/20 06/04/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Total 40 Current Closures 69 Street Closure Report IMPROVING "TM Completed Closures DFNI I )NI DENTON Week of March 9,2020-March 15,2020 \\\ Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact 4.Concrete Street repair.The process starts with barricading University Jim Christal the failed sections of 950 Masch Branch Rd. Dr. Rd. 02/17/20 02/25/20 pavement,remove the Streets N/A (940)349-7146 pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. TxDOT will have the section closed at US377 only for paving Acme US377 Bernard 01/27/20 02/22/20 and drainage work.Dates TxDOT (940)349-8938 extended due to weather delays. Water Distribution will be replacing the water main,all fire We will be distributing Ave B Underwood Eagle 01/08/20 03/05/20 hydrants,and all water services Water flyers to affected (940)349-7332 on Ave B from Underwood to customers. Eagle Public Works Ave C Eagle Dr. 1-35 02/10/20 02/16/20 Crane Erection Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Private Development Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process County Club starts with barricading the failed Beechwood Rd Wintercreek 12/09/19 02/28/20 sections of concrete pavement, Streets Door Hangers (940)349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement Public Works Bell Ave. Texas College 02/10/20 04/27/20 Building out East side of Inspections, Rescheduling street NextDoor (940)205-9230 building Private closure for later date Development Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process Spring starts with barricading the failed Bent Creek Kappwood Creek 01/06/20 03/13/20 sections of concrete pavement, Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. Completed Closures 70 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Blagg Road is expected to open Friday,February 7 upon the opening of Mayhill Northbound travel lanes pending no Blagg Rd. N.Mayhill Geesling Rd. 03/18/19 02/13/20 Mayhill Project(Temporary Engineering, further delays due to Website&Nextdoor (940)349-8925 Rd. Street Closure) Traffic,CIP weather.This closure is Notification part of Mayhill Rd. Widening Capital Project.End date updated to 2.13.20 per Tracey Beck's request The Drainage Department will be repairing storm drain in front Carmel Hobson El Paseo 02/19/20 02/19/20 of 3200 Carmel road will be Drainage NextDoor,Email (g04)349-7197 closed to through traffic.A Notification residents will have access to their driveways during repairs. Carriage Square: Collier St Eagle Dr N. Interstate 02/10/20 03/06/20 Public Works Door Fliers (940)205-9230 35 Building out West side of Inspections Parking Garage(Private) The drainage department will be NextDoor,Email E McKinney James St Campbell 02/17/20 02/17/20 cleaning a section of bar ditch in Drainage Notification (940)349-7197 front of 1435 E McKinney Public Works Eagle Dr Ave.C Kendolph 03/02/20 03/08/20 Fire Hydrant Relocation Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Private Development Right westbound lane closure. Eagle Dr. S.Locust St. S.Elm St. 02/10/20 02/12/20 Associated with the Pec-4 Ph Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-7112 1&amp;2 Capital Project. Fry Oak Hickory 02/08/20 03/02/20 Signal reconstruction Traffic This full closure will no Direct business contact (940)349-7486 longer be needed Fry Scripture Oak 11/04/19 02/28/20 Traffic Signal Improvements Traffic Direct business contact (940)349-7486 Installation of new storm Direct business contact, Montecito drainage line. Flaggers will City PM will contact Hickory Creek Rd. Westside Pl. Dr. 02/15/20 02/15/20 direct traffic,in one direction at Engineering McNair Elementary (940)349-7112 a time. Principal again on 2/7/20. Completed Closures 71 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Installation of new storm PM will contact McNair Montecito Rushing drainage line. Flaggers will Hickory Creek Rd. Dr. Springs Dr. 02/25/20 02/28/20 direct traffic,in one direction at Engineering Elementary Principal (940)349-7112 again on 2/7/20. a time. From 1/13/20 to 3/8/20, City's Contractor will be clearing trees and vegetation along the south side of Hickory Creek Rd.,from the west property line of McNair Elementary School to the Riverpass Street Widening Dr.intersection. This Phone call to McNair Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering will not involve any lane Elementary Principal (940)349-7112 closures,but construction zone signage will be put up to warn motorists. Atmos still needs to relocate their facilities east of the Montecito intersection before our Contractor can fully deploy to the project. Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.At intersection of Haven way. The process Lakeway Marble Falls Still House 02/17/20 03/06/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. East side lane closure. Locust St. Hickory St. Mulberry St. 02/17/20 02/25/20 Associated with the Pec-4 Ph 1 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-7112 and 2 Capital Improvements Project. Installing Valley Gutter across Long Fellow at the intersection Longfellow/Brightwood of Brightwood Terrace.The Terr. Emerson Windsor 02/17/20 03/06/20 process starts with barricading Streets N/A (940)349-7146 then remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete Valley Gutter Water Line improvements,as Maple St. Elm St. Myrtle St. 02/24/20 03/06/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-7112 Project. Alternating lane closures. Water Main,Services,and Fire Mistywood Ln. Woodhaven Jamestown 10/07/19 03/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Completed Closures 72 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Installation of new storm City PM will contact Montecito Dr. Hickory Buena Vista TBD TBD drainage line. Full street Engineering McNair Elementary (940)349-7112 Creek Rd. Dr. closure. Principal again on 2/7/20. Oak at Jagoe St.Signal Intersection Jagoe 09/09/19 02/28/20 Signal Construction(Intermittent Traffic Updated per Pamela (940)949-7486 of Lane Closures) Alummoottil's directive Water Main,Services,and Fire Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood 10/07/19 03/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Water Main,Services,and Fire Royal Ln. Mistywood Rockwood 10/07/19 03/06/20 Hydrant Replacements Water Part of Mistywood Water (940)349-7181 (Temporary Lane Closure, Project Reopen at 6 pm daily) Installation of new storm Rushing Springs Dr. Hickory Marble Cove TBD TBD drainage line. Intersection Engineering N/A (940)349-7112 Creek Rd. Ln. closure. Traffic will be detoured to Serenity Way. S.Locust St. Prairie St. Mulberry St. 01/09/20 02/29/20 Wastewater main installation as Engineering West lane closure. Direct business contact, (940)349-7112 part of the Pec-4 Ph 1&2 door hangers. Wastewater Main Install Construction date Smith St. Johnson Dallas 11/18/19 02/07/20 (Temporary Lane Closure;Will Wastewater delayed from (940)349-7128 reopen at 6 pm daily) 09/30/2019. Concrete Sidewalk Repair. Stone Crop Woodbine Hidden 02/17/20 03/06/20 Repairing failed sections of Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Meadow sidewalk,barricade and remove and install new Hidden Union Pacific Railroad will be Vintage US377 Meadows 02/17/20 02/24/20 replacing the crossing at Engineering N/A (940)349-8938 Trail Vintage Blvd and US377. Water Distribution will be W Oak St Cedar Bolivar 02/24/20 02/24/20 replacing a water service going Water Direct business contact (940)349-7332 to 221 W Oak Westbound and eastbound W.Eagle Dr. S.Locust St. S.Elm St. 02/10/20 02/12/20 inside lane closures. Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-7112 Associated with Pec-4 Ph 1&amp:2 Capital Project. Total 34 Completed Closures 73