050820 Friday Staff Report -,,- City Manager's Office M 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: May 8, 2020 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, May 11, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 2. Cancelled — Historic Landmark Commission on Monday, May 13, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. City Council Meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2020. Closed Meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. followed by a Work Session at 1:00 p.m. via video/teleconference — City Council Work Session Room. 4. Cancelled—Mobility Committee Meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Cancelled — Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Hotel Occupancy Tax and Sponsorship Committee on Thursday,May 14,2020 at 1:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. II. General Information & Status Update A. Update on Federal Business Assistance Programs — The second round of funding for the Paycheck Protection Program added$310 billion in funding for the PPP. The SBA resumed accepting applications on April 27. To date,more than 2.2 million loans have been processed nationwide, totaling more than $175 billion. A breakdown of PPP approvals from April 27 to May 1 is attached and a joint press release from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza regarding the PPP progress is available here. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service B. CARES Act and Funding Opportunities Update—City staff, elected officials, and local non-profit organizations continually seek funding opportunities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mayor Watts recently joined a Texas Municipal League initiative for mayors across the state requesting the ability to receive CARES Act funding through the State of Texas. Mayor Watts similarly submitted a request to Representative Michael Burgess requesting his support of the FLEX Act, a bill proposing amendments to the CARES Act. This bill would potentially allow state and local government entities to share disbursed funds through the CARES Act in order to offset lost revenue due to COVID-19. City staff also looked into eligibility requirements to receive grants made available through the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) for CARES Act funds. While the City of Denton does not meet the requirements to receive NEA funds, staff learned that the Denton Fire Department may be eligible for funds through the Department of Health and Human Services. Another potential source of funding is through the federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program. Various local non-profit agencies have either been directly provided funding in support of persons either experiencing or are at risk of homelessness,or have consulted other local agencies on the application process. Community Development staff submitted a Letter of Intent to apply for funds through this grant. More details on these funding opportunities, their eligibility requirements, and next steps may be found in Informal Staff Report 2020-049 attached. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office C. Online Police Reports—As of Thursday,May 7,residents can file police reports online at www.cityofdenton.com/policereport for non-emergency incidents. The online police reporting system was temporarily disabled in November when a new computer automated dispatch and records management system (CAD/RMS) was implemented. Since then, Police and Technology Services staff have worked extensively with vendors to troubleshoot issues and reconfigure the system to allow reports to be filed online again. Residents can still call the non-emergency line at (940) 349-8181 to file a report over the phone. Please call 911 for emergencies. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police D. Weekly Unemployment Update — Staff is working to assemble, review, and analyze unemployment and labor data each week. Staff will provide ongoing updates throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as data is made available. • U.S. Department of Labor(DOL) o DOL released its weekly unemployment report on Thursday, May 7. The full report is available here. • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) o BLS released its April 2020 Employment Situation report on Friday, May 8. The full report is available here. • Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) o TWC has created a UI Claimant Dashboard to provide updated graphical representations of data and datasets for download. The dashboard is available here. 2 o April local unemployment data will be made available on the Texas Labor Market Information (www.texasLMI.com) system on May 22. o TWC also provides data on weekly unemployment claims filed and how the claim was received. The chart with data as of May 7 is below. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development Unemployment Claims Filed COVID-19 Unemployment Claims Filed Week Ending Total Internet Telephone Other 2122 7,053 2129 7,393 3/7 6,368 3114 16,176' 2,731 1,380 1,931 3121 158,3W 141,632 13,678 3,054 3/28 276,185` 256,214 20,642 15,696 4/4 313,832` 321,000 20,000 20,000 4111 273,567` 221,500 14,800 10,300 4118 280,761` 283,900 21,600 19,600 4/25 254,084` 246,600 25,100 165,600 512 247,179` 237,400 28,300 20,200 519 135,300 108,800 17,300 9,200 Unless indicated,numbers are estimates based on internal TWC data and are subject to revision. 'Official Department of Labor Data when available and TWC Estimates -Breakdown Data Unavailable E. Outdoor Warning Sirens-On May 6, Council Member Briggs requested information about the outdoor warning sirens and a constituent's concern about not being able to hear the siren inside of her house during the monthly testing. Outdoor Warning Sirens (OWS)are designed to alert people engaged in outdoor activities to seek shelter indoors during severe weather or other emergencies, and are not designed to be heard indoors. Once inside, the citizen may use the CodeRED Emergency Notification System or the free CASA Alerts App. Residents may also purchase a NOAA Weather Radio from most discount and home improvement stores. A Severe Weather Resources guide is attached. Also Attached is a map showing all 22 locations of the OWS in Denton. Based on the City's GIS mapping, the City is at 84% coverage by OWS. At this time, and based on the coverage by the current OWS, no further expansion of sirens is expected until further population growth on the outer fringes of the City. Staff contact: Kenneth Hedges, Fire F. COVID-19 Testing in Wastewater - On May 5, Council Member Briggs requested information on the potential of testing COVID-19 in wastewater, as has been reported in other areas by various news outlets. The City of Denton is currently participating in a study that will monitor SARS CoV-2 in wastewater with a Professor of Environmental Science and Biomedical Studies at Baylor University. After initial discussions, an experimental design was developed by the City and university, and sampling began for both Denton and the City of Waco last week, as samples were collected in Denton and taken to the university. This research is expected to continue weekly for the next month and half, and staff hopes to have some initial results within a month. If the study stays on tack, all sampling efforts and initial data analyses should 3 be completed by late summer. Previously, the City of Denton and Baylor University have partnered on a number of research projects. Staff contact:Kenneth Banks,Utilities Administration G. UWDC COVID-19 Relief Fund Update—Please see below for an update of the United Way of Denton County's COVID-19 Relief Fund Eviction Prevention program as of Thursday, May 7 at noon. As a reminder, if funds restricted for Denton or Lewisville residents are expended,unrestricted funds may be used to assist Denton and Lewisville residents. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs Local Government CRF-Eviction Prevention Update Denton Lewisville All Other Denton County Total #Agencies 6 2 1 9 #Households Assisted 86 73 88 247 #Rent/Mortgage/Utility 86 64 85 235 #Extended Hotel Stay 0 9 1 10 #Temporary Hotel 0 0 2 2 Denied Requests 6 0 4 11 Funds Raised $130,000.00 $74,000.00 $342,500.00 $546,500.00 Expenses $82,085.97 $65,904.23 $92,212.50 $240,202.70 Current Balance $47,914.03 $8,095.77 1$250,287.50 $306,297.30 LAST UPDATED 5/7/2020 AT 12:00 P.M. H. Take Me Home Program— The Denton Police Department will soon launch the Take Me Home Program, a free service to help community members who may have difficulty communicating with first responders. The program is particularly designed for individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, Alzheimer's, Dementia, or any developmental or intellectual disability.Residents will be able to submit an online form with details about their loved one, including but not limited to a physical description, emergency contact information, and a recent photo. If first responders encounter an individual who is unable to properly identify themselves, public safety personnel will search the secure Take Me Home database to quickly retrieve critical information and help them safely return home. This program can also help if a loved one goes missing. Police and Public Safety Communications staff are finalizing the program details, outreach materials, and translations. With many community members potentially benefiting from this program,we look forward to announcing a launch date soon. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police I. Potential Lake Lewisville Oil and Gas Lease — On May 6, Council Member Briggs forwarded concerns about a potential oil and gas lease that would be located under Lake Lewisville. Previously in 2016,the City of Denton coordinated with the City of Dallas, as co-owners of the lake's water rights, to issue a protest related to the competitive lease sale. This protest was specifically completed pursuant to 43CFR 3120.1-3,which controls the lease sale. The email that was sent to Council Member Briggs this week was sent by the Sierra Club and is related to the Environmental Assessment, which was submitted by the Bureau of Land Management(BLM)of New Mexico and is currently in draft form and available for public comment. An Environmental Assessment is usually a requirement 4 of a lease sale. BLM State offices conduct lease sales quarterly, and the Lewisville property is on the list for the week of August 24. The BLM publishes a notice of competitive lease sale around 45 days before the auction (June 22 in this case), and there is a specific 10-day protest period under this process (June 22 to July 1) as seen in the attached notice. After analysis, staff believes that the comment period that the City should pursue, if Council directs them to, is June 22 to July 1. Staff will bring forward an action item and Council resolution in mid-June for Council consideration. Staff contact: Kenneth Banks, Utilities Administration J. Sagebrook Development—At the May 6 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, a public hearing was held regarding the Planned Development zoning request for the Sagebrook development proposed at the intersection of South Bonnie Brae Street and Allred Road. One individual provided a written response in opposition to the request, and one individual spoke in opposition to the request. The individual who spoke at the meeting indicated opposition to the proposed alignment of Brush Creek Road, which would impact a portion of her property, including a large barn. After a discussion of the case, the Commission voted [7-0] to postpone this item to the May 20 meeting, requesting that Staff look further into whether the road alignment could be shifted and provide additional information about the alignment options examined under the Brush Creek/Hickory Creek Road feasibility study. Staff contact: Hayley Zagurski, Planning K. Fire Department Training — On May 7, Mayor Watts forwarded a resident's concern about Denton Fire Department training in the Ranch Estates. Because of COVID-19 and other logistical concerns, the Fire Department will not perform any training in this area. The home questioned in the inquiry was previously identified as a potential opportunity to perform training exercises, such as search and rescue, that would not have included any type of live or simulated fire. Generally, the Fire Department occasionally works with property owners when a demolition permit is being issued by the City of Denton to conduct training scenarios in a vacant structure prior to the building being demolished. The structure in Ranch Estates,however,will not be used for this purpose. Staff contact: Kenneth Hedges,Fire L. Bell Avenue Traffic Study—On May 3, Mayor Watts requested information about the status of a traffic study performed for data regarding the possible closure and or traffic calming devices for the section of Bell Avenue that runs through the TWU campus. According to Capital Projects staff, they have the preliminary results of the study and have been meeting regularly with TWU, mainly Rob Ramirez, to discuss the progress. The next steps are to complete the calibration of the model (completed the last week in April)and incorporate the revisions based on the recent feedback regarding the Mobility Plan discussions with City Council. The final results of the traffic study will be forwarded to TWU for review and approval in the next month. Capital Projects is continuing these conversations monthly with TWU and will continue to work with them on the Bell closure and timing. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office 5 M. Basketball Court ReopeningSatus—On May 2, Council Member Armintor forward a resident's inquiry about when basketball courts are scheduled to reopen. Basketball courts will be considered in Phase 2 of the Parks and Recreation Department's reopening plan. With potential large groupings,physical contact, and unknown players participating, staff awaits the Governor's announcement on May 18 to make a recommendation. From a sustainability standpoint and to ensure people are taking the appropriate precautions,Parks and Recreation staff encourage people to bring their own sanitizer when using public facilities. Staff will continue to monitor the situation in our community as well as CDC recommendations and best practices. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation N. Use of the Civic Center Parking Lot to Distribute Food—On May 1, Council Member Armintor requested information about a local group potentially using the Civic Center parking lot to distribute food as a drive-up emergency food pantry. Staff is currently working with the group to determine how to assist. The food distribution would need to meet health and safety standards, and have a traffic control plan approved by the Police Department. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks and Recreation O. Lakewood Boulevard Update — On April 30, Council Member Briggs forwarded a citizen question about the construction on Lakewood Boulevard. Engineering staff still plan on having the roundabouts installed along Lakeview Boulevard this summer. The current COVID-19 crisis has impacted the schedule for the City's concrete contractor as they shut down operations for a few weeks. Currently, staff are working with the contractor on finalizing the schedule and the construction start date. It is anticipated that the construction will most likely begin towards the end of this month or early June. As part of the City's standard operating procedures, the staff typically mails out information packets to the residents prior to the beginning of construction. Residents should be receiving these packets in the next two to three weeks. Staff contact: Pritam Deshmukh P. Kerley Street Update — On May 4, Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth forwarded an inquiry from residents about the status on the Kerley Street construction. Street crews were able to resume work on Kerley Street last week. Much of the week was spent removing the curb and gutter. This week, the concrete contractor completed the forming and pouring of the remainder of the curb and gutter sections. Crews will start the rebuild process from Duncan Street to Scott Drive the week of May 11. The roadway will be divided into sections to allow citizens continued access to their homes. When the Duncan to Scott section is complete, crews will move on to the Shady Oaks to Scott Drive section. Assuming no major delays due to weather, staff anticipates work completing in mid-July. Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Public Works Q. Dancing for Seniors —On May 1, Council Member Ryan requested information about plans made for the Dancing with Seniors recreational program. This program has not been permanently cancelled. With the considerations for the vulnerable population that utilizes the Senior Center, staff have been cancelling programs as needed until the facility is ready to reopen safely. Once the building reopens, staff will need to consider social distancing requirements and other safety factors when deciding to restart programs. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation 6 R. Virtual Preschool Graduation — The MLK Jr. and Denia preschools are offering a virtual graduation ceremony Friday, May 15 for the students moving on to Kindergarten in the fall.All families are invited to join the Zoom ceremony,which will include songs, a story, and a dance party. The graduating preschoolers are encouraged to create their graduation caps and will share their creations with the class. Staff will present awards and diplomas during the ceremony and later deliver the physical diplomas to their homes. Staff contact: Caroline Seward, Parks and Recreation S. North Lakes Driving Range Opening—The North Lakes Driving range began limited operations on Friday, May 8. The hours of operation are 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. daily. Only one customer will be allowed in the pro shop at a time. The driving range will allow up to 16 customers to hit off the tee box areas at a time,four customers are allowed on the putting green, and one customer may be on the chipping green. Transactions will be limited to credit card only,or customers can pay in advance online. Concessions will not be sold in the office at this time. Customers are encouraged to bring their own water. Staff will be sanitizing buckets, balls, and the pro shop daily. Staff contact: Jason Barrow, Parks and Recreation T. Mobile Laundry Unit Update — The mobile laundry unit located at the Civic Center Pool will be removed and no longer available for use beginning May 15. The shower and restroom facilities will remain open to the public. Laundry services will continue to be provided through a voucher system administered by Our Daily Bread (ODB). ODB has a standing program that offers vouchers valid at a local laundromat for those in need. The City of Denton will provide additional funding, when needed, for additional vouchers during the City's COVID-19 response efforts to extend services and increase the number of clients assisted. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks and Recreation U. Parks and Recreation Openings — As part of the Phase 1 opening in Parks and Recreation, many park facilities are open. All tennis courts opened on May 1. Only four players are allowed on a court for free play, and programming is not being offered at this time. On May 2, the disc golf course opened. Park benches, pavilions, park tables, the skate park, and the batting cages at Evers Park opened May 6. The North Lakes Driving Range opened Friday,May 8. Social distancing is still encouraged at all locations per the CDC. Currently,the playgrounds and basketball courts remain closed due to the lack of social distancing ability. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events All City-sponsored events and programs are suspended until further notice. B. Community Meetings All City-sponsored meetings are also suspended until further notice. 7 IV. Attachments A. PPP2 Data...............................................................................................................9 B. Severe Weather Resources...................................................................................14 C. Warning Sirens.....................................................................................................16 D. Notice of Competitive Lease Sale........................................................................17 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2020-047 Ethics Ordinance..................................................................................19 B. 2020-048 Recycling Market Conditions Update..................................................23 C. 2020-049 CARES Act and Funding Opportunities Update .................................27 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................41 B. Council Calendar .................................................................................................42 C. Draft Agenda for May 19.....................................................................................45 D. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................52 E. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................53 8 SBAS. Smali Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program ( PPP) Report: Second Round Approvalsfrom 4/27/2020 through 05/01 /2020 Summary for Second Round Loan Count Gross Dollars Lender 2 ,211 ,791 $ 175)743 )24779081 57Lender Size Lender Approved Approved Dollars % of 432 Count • , Amount >$50 B in Assets 139 1 ,027,825 $92,654,879,437 53% $10 B to $50 B in Assets 86 326,284 $27,568,315,426 16% <$10 B in Assets 5,207 857,682 $55,520,053,045 32% CountLender Size Lender Approved Approved Dollars • , <$1 B Assets and Non-Banks* 1 47453 465,590 $27, 123,797,293 * Loans in this third table are a subset of loans captured in the second table. Non- Banks includes CDFI funds, CDC's, Microlenders, Farm Credit Lenders and FinTechs. r� 10 Approvals through 0510112020 2 SBn States and Territories for Second Round Approved Approved Approved State Loans Approved Dollars State Loans Approved Dollars State Loans Approved Dollars AK 3,920 $338,700,245 LA 33,014 $2,168,728,927 OR 31,119 $3,026,577,991 AL 26,724 $11420,911,674 MA 48,768 $4,363,228,611 PA 71,287 $5,379,797,630 AR 15,454 $618,440,796 MD 34,732 $3,232,203,429 PR 19,691 $987,677,005 AS 61 $3,652,041 ME 9,026 $317,222,402 RI 6,822 $550,410,679 AZ 43,915 $3,700,883,292 MI 60,373 $5,566,493,089 Sc 28,366 $1,859,562,379 CA 320,156 $33,221,856,619 MN 37,267 $2,196,430,755 SD 7,835 $279,559,463 CO 46,157 $3,061,726,894 MO 32,252 $1,695,268,247 TN 40,971 $2,408,173,223 CT 29,559 $2,556,813,941 MP 243 $20,469,199 TX 175,418 $12,789,880,775 DC 6,093 $997,969,759 MS 16,757 $658,857,785 UT 21,751 $1,676,852,890 VA 46,368 $3,970,159,927 DE 4,872 $366,280,938 MT 7,227 $277,260,266 VI 723 $52,042,710 FL 185,904 $12,220,512,311 NC 56,512 $4,270,668,690 VT 3,724 $191,854,618 GA 64,784 $4,663,014,079 ND 6,575 $229,657,450 WA 50,288 $5,041,408,822 GU 1,029 $83,621,154 NE 13,695 $475,741,827 WI 29,947 $1,679,859,519 HI 7,717 $413,825,280 NH 8,929 $572,892,765 WV 7,042 $460,178,499 IA 19,997 $781,691,743 NJ 77,364 $7,486,962,885 WY 4,222 $195,828,589 ID 12,411 $719,804,044 NM 10,001 $758,792,852 To be confirmed 578 $48,489,398 1L 89,735 $6,578,447,775 NV 21,963 $1,935,918,929 IN 31,757 $2,060,003,401 NY 164,271 $17,607,925,411 KS 18,470 $815,029,924 OH 58,834 $4,712,846,309 KY 18,202 $1,096,947,956 OK 20,919 $877,230,097 Approvals through 0510112020 3 SBA Loan Size for Second Round Loan Size Approved Approved Dollars % of % of Loans CountAmount $50K and Under 1 ,567,355 $28,388,688,805 70.86% 16.15% >$50K - $100K 304,561 $21 ,565,070,866 13.77% 12.27% >$100K - $150K 121 ,086 $14,793,771 ,283 5.47% 8.42% >$150K - $350K 138,968 $30,739,136,703 6.28% 17.49% >$350K - $1 M 58,758 $321766,135,277 2.66% 18.64% >$1 M - $2M 13,481 $18,619,762,249 0.61 % 10.59% >$2M - $5M 6, 110 $18,121 ,875,023 0.28% 10.31 % >$5M 1 ,472 $101748,807,702 0.07% 6.12% * Overall average loan size is: $79K. r� 12 Approvals through 0510112020 4 SBn � Top PPP Lenders for Second Round 238,985 $21 ,337,936,115 $89,287 3.9% 218,611 $16,307,677,242 $74,597 4.6% 113,602 $8,554,412,153 $75,302 1 .3% 58,017 $4,527,347,629 $78,035 1 .1 % 49,821 $4,364,103,555 $87,596 2.1 % • 28,852 $2,726,599,652 $94,503 2.0% 24,396 $2,717,240,627 $111 ,381 1 .1 % 59,259 $2,626,272,272 $44,319 0.6% 11 ,074 $2,364,850,962 $213,550 0.6% 40,067 $2,232,309,897 $55,714 1 .3% 21 ,505 $2,180,986,846 $101 ,602 0.8% 31 ,943 $2,150,254,010 $67,315 0.8% 19,229 $2,108,593,078 $109,657 0.5% 13,811 $2,105,263,166 $152,434 0.5% 62,465 $2,069,860,859 $33,140 0.3% 13 Approvals through 0510112020 5 Severe Weather Resources CASA Alerts App: (Available to City of Denton residents) Looking for a good radar app that's free? The City partners with UNT and the DFW region on the Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA)program. The network consists of 7 weather radars, including one at UNT Discovery Park. Check out the CASA Alerts app for iOS and Android. The CASA Alerts app: • Provides customizable alerts of storm arrival, heavy rains, and local storm reports of high winds, hail and tornados. • This app is good for providing a "tap on the shoulder" as severe weather approaches, improving situational awareness, especially for those out in the field, and understanding of how a weather event might impact a specific area. • Let's you and residents participate in critical National Science Foundation research focused on improving the communication of severe weather warnings. CodeRED: (Available to City of Denton residents) CodeRED is the City's primary emergency notification system for severe weather and other emergencies. There are two components to CodeRED.....CodeRED Weather Warning and CodeRED (basic). CodeRED Weather Warnings are launched just moments after a warning is issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) for tornado, severe thunderstorm, flash flooding, and/or ice storm. The alerts are automated. When a warning is issued by the NWS, only those individuals who have registered and live in the polygon for the warned area will receive the notification. CodeRED Weather Warning is an opt-in system. You must register in order to receive the weather warnings. If a call is missed, recipients may call back the number from their Caller ID to hear the last message delivered to their phone in its entirety. CodeRED (basic) is a geographic-based notification system that City staff activate for a wide variety of local emergencies. It has been utilized for everything from missing children to smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system. Contact myself or Fire Alarm if you are at an incident that may require emergency notification of the public. I will respond to the EOC or the System can be activated from anywhere that has Internet access. There is also a free mobile alert app that citizens can download to receive notifications while they travel called CodeRED Mobile Alert. Residents can register for CodeRED at on the City of Denton Web site: www.citvofdenton.com and click on the Stay Updated link at the top of the page. 14 Outdoor Warning Sirens: A location map can be found under the fire department section of the City Web site at www.citvofdenton.com The City will be adding three additional sirens this year. Please remember the City's partnership with radio station KNTU 88.1 FM. Anytime the sirens sound, you can tune to 88.1 to find out why they are sounding and what actions to take to protect yourself. www.kntu.com North Central Texas Safe Room Rebate Program: North Central Texas Safe Room Rebate Program is funded by a grant provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) through the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). This is a rebate program designed to help homeowners and developers in our region offset the cost of installing above or below ground safe rooms that meet the standards set by FEMA. The counties of Collin,Dallas,Denton,Erath, Ellis, Hood, Hunt,Johnson, Kaufman,Navarro, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Tarrant, and Wise qualify for this program. This rebate covers half the cost of the construction or installation of an individual safe room, up to a reimbursement cap of$3,000. httys:Hsaferoom.nctcog.org/ KnoWhat2Do: The KnoWhat2Do program was created by a committee of DFW emergency managers and first responders who developed a Web site for delivering preparedness and safety information specific to North Central Texas. You many know what to do in an emergency but do your friends and family? It's important to always be ready. We are our own best protection. Learn how to prepare. Don't have an emergency plan? You can create one right on the Web site. Please help spread the word. More information can be found at: www.knowhat2do.com. 15 City of Denton Waming Siren Locations u � a � , m ' 8 1 t a _ +1 I i Y oxG" 1 's 2164 z •1 j — -- i 1/c 1 g I I 1 1 Y 1 1 1 e"wP.s 3 1 1 1 3 1 c�kxx 428 1 cq RLa Goon,Ativancetl Technology C H.Collins Athletic Complex um�r ; CH C Ilins Htadlum savxar & 77 ° m E°°Pan 288 _ u __L N <xBEJ p JowoQea Resea a T b Stora a Bld Y an s si 9 F� o 'c S° °ry i Hod a Elementa E wve° m E «" Ginnin s Elementa 9 ry vwv>* � � =S 9 ry xn oom "sEE u"5 � "v"s gg 4 s B oE« 1 °ery � '$rvnr ��"" $ Evers Park Elementary• •°Oo• 6 �man �;6 a E E N Loc d Wind us no Middle School sMa"" mxnioGE g, wW'Ison Elementary a Denton Education Center Wi°n s m9x" tli n ° - `+w,,� 1 xm n Immaculate conreption -��' i x E °o 428 OD Gm m� °v °'"xoE _ 4 x w°fx rx Calvary Preparatory Academy axrvE� 1 "%w+r � e r Pw mP Wellspring Academy fey°c 8 8 '• 3' -' € �o«E � _ �I Texas Womane University 'g "� vn ix +Nsxc a sues __ Hmrm Newton Baylor Elementary LO E4E �°axrx 3 sr 9 yro It Selwn School m - m « ax r - _ _ Denton Independent School Din �& ¢ �i A t Sr Denton High Schoolssc Clear Creek Building Q° � b� a�• ; �\ rorAnne Windle Early Childhootl n ptl B hind 623 etor y Robert E Lee ElementaryM cldn ley s �� N• m A 3 * _ � � W E � rno aV�x � �S CommunMy School a m Davis DAEN } _ g a w CalhoudMiddle School " m � m�¢ °�,yax � mx, 1II c S £ x $ 3 g _ I aax azs m 4 V g °j 7 LL xn 7 ° � r^"s^s"� u 3_ � _ ° "�Denton County Juvenile Oetent. Bellaire Acatli my 31 3 .1 � €"" Billy Ryan High School oNNx°� M Inn Campus Drive( er Pla wy ut Dri ye uc bon Bld ay /' b' BiIN Ryalr Hi I s Unlve O&North Texas m ; ru - ' j, Transportation Department SF 'N\„ss m Vrv�° � "E Tomas Rrvera Elementary .snius w.rvmE 3 Freoore Lea rm n9 Center.3 M� � � � ' _ s EN"m°"a s S$ l ° 7 1 Fort W�h Dri ro�moew ep m "ssp er R aterT atment Plant) - 426 5 288 m xr� _ < rso SBonnie and Will.:- Wintree Academy Charter School sx giel 8 3 se,�v eo'ber ,n° t x¢IxE solex a \n Elementary". y - Knox m. 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''.� �ewEw I McNair Elementa n wxa error i, .,\ T 4 E 9�w 3"m"r i as°s aO unor l &� r J —J eve a aE P.roti, fl€ a xp ✓}.xooxvnv adp couramsi 1L1 w Q i �e g c pn N°oa6n W a`s� °.N°E a4 yrrerrroesenoEww�� wr"E"w°°° Guyer gh School I e o s 94 S u ? 3 u�sNw �rpwapO i was g ; a°eju ,ysl J = John H.GUYer High School xa�wc 3 J_____ ``_y wssox snxcx 'lP o v a O o m c VNILVNEw \ h xE 4xNx wa"t f �'E � � Lake Lewisville � � � � Lake Lewisville Blanton Elementary p $ L 0 This map is a graphic representation prepared by the City of Denton GIS System and is intended for use only N as a reference. Data depicted here Legend is not guaranteed for accuracy and CITY may be subject to revision at any OF Sirens Locations Sirens Coverage City Limits ETJ time without notification. A Registered NAA 8/1/20 w E Surveyor for the State of Texas was 2,400 1,200 0 2,400Feet Schools Area Lakes D ;----------� COD not consulted. For Survey level IMMM� . Parks '_____tl accuracy.. supervision and certification NTONS of the produced data by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the State of Texas would have to be performed. Technology Services GIS February 7, 2020 �KEHT Op.,, �L( UA WAMMINT W TM[W.- United States Department of the Interior _ BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT �9RCH 3 8a� New Mexico State Office 301 Dinosaur Trail Santa Fe,New Mexico 87508 www.blm.gov/new-mexico IN REPLY REFER TO: 3120 (92200) January 21, 2020 UPDATE Notice The Bureau of Land Management will hold four(4) Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sales during Calendar Year 2020. The tentative scheduled dates are shown below: Week of February 3,2020 Oil& Gas Lease Sale Sale Contact Lou Ortiz Closing Date for Expressions of Interest(EOI) August 2,2019 Public Scoping August 26,2019 thru September 9,2019 Public Review of Environmental Assessment October 15,2019 thru October 28,2019 Protest Period- 10 Days December 9,2019 thru December 18,2019 Sale Notice Posted on website/mailed to Public December 9, 2019 Week of May 18,2020 Oil& Gas Lease Sale Sale Contact Lou Ortiz&Kerry Bishop Closing Date for Expressions of Interest(EOI) November 1,2019 Public Scoping November 25,2019 thru December 9,2019 Public Review of Environmental Assessment January 27,2020 thru February 7,2020 Protest Period- 10 Days March 23,2020 thru April 1,2020 Sale Notice Posted on website/mailed to Public March 23,2020 Week of August 24,2020 Oil&Gas Lease Sale Sale Contact Lou Ortiz&Lauren Leib Closing Date for Expressions of Interest(EOI) February 7,2020 Public Scoping March 9,2020 thru March 20,2020 Public Review of Environmental Assessment May 4,2020 thru May 15,2020 Protest Period- 10 Days June 22,2020 thru July 1,2020 Sale Notice Posted on website/mailed to Public June 22,2020 Week of October 26,2020 Oil& Gas Lease Sale Sale Contact Lou Ortiz&Lisa Rivera Closing Date for Expressions of Interest(EOI) April 3,2020 Public Scoping May 18,2020 thru June 1,2020 Public Review of Environmental Assessment July 6,2020 thru July 17,2020 Protest Period- 10 Days August 24, 2020 thru September 2, 2020 Sale Notice Posted on website/mailed to Public August 24, 2020 17 2 Federal lands administered by any agency outside of the Department of the Interior require Surface Management Agency(SMA)consent. Meeting the closing dates does NOT guarantee your EOI will be on the scheduled sale date. Every effort will be made to offer you EOI in a timely manner. If you wish to receive the Oil and Gas Lease Sale Notice, contact the information Access Center at (505)954-2098. /s/JulieAnn Serrano JulieAnn Serrano Supervisory Land Law Examiner Branch of Adjudication 18 Date: May 8,2020 Report No. 2020-047 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Ethics Ordinance and Rules of Procedure Amendments BACKGROUND: Over the past year, the Board of Ethics discussed several potential amendments to the Ethics Ordinance, which was originally adopted on May 1, 2018. A list of these proposed amendments can be seen in the attached Ethics Ordinance Letter from the Board of Ethics Chair, Lara Tomlin. These amendments are currently scheduled to be presented to the City Council during Work Session on May 19. These changes will also impact the Board of Ethics' Rules of Procedure,which are summarized in the attached Rules of Procedure Letter. These changes were presented to City Council on October 22, 2019 during which Council directed the Board to formalize the changes. It should be noted that the Board has discussed the definitions of Conflict of Interest and Pending Items several times and has yet to take a vote. It is staff s understanding that a consensus on these items has not been reached and that the Board would like to move forward with finalizing the proposed amendments without addressing these issues. CONCLUSION: The Board of Ethics would like to move forward with finalizing the proposed amendments to the Ethics Ordinance and Rules of Procedure without the outstanding items. If Council prefers a different plan of action,please contact Madison Rorschach by Tuesday, May 12. Otherwise, staff will proceed with the planned work session for May 19. ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Ethics Ordinance Letter 2. Rules of Procedure Letter STAFF CONTACT: Madison Rorschach Staff Auditor Internal Audit Department (940) 349-7228 Madison.Rorschach(cr�,cityofdenton.com 19 -40" o Board of Ethics DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8531 March 4, 2020 City Council Members 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas 76201 Honorable Members of the City Council, The City of Denton Board of Ethics reviewed and discussed Council Member Jesse Davis' proposed amendment to the Ethics Ordinance, Ch. 2, Article XI (Ethics), § 2-269. The majority of the board voted in favor of that amendment. Further, the City of Denton Board of Ethics recommends the following amendments to the Ethics Ordinance to the City Council for consideration: • under 2-273(a)(1) — change "and a majority" to "where a majority"; • under 2-275(b) (Legal Counsel) - "The City Attorney shall provide legal support to the City Auditor and the Board of Ethics in the administration of this Article." The Board recommends adding a subsection that Special Counsel shall be engaged"when action is being taken by the Board of Ethics regarding any council member" due to the conflict in the City Attorney's representation of City Council and legal support the City Attorney provides the City Auditor and the Board of Ethics; • replace term "Accused" with "Respondent" throughout the ordinance; • under 2-279(i) (Complaints) — "Within five (5) business days of determining that a Complaint is administratively complete and timely, the City Auditor shall send a written notification of acceptance to the Complainant, the Respondent, and the City Attorney." The Board recommends amending this sentence by adding the phrase, "and a copy of the complaint to the Respondent"; • under 2-279(1) (Complaints) - The Board recommends adding a protection (per the attached draft Ordinance) against retaliation for "any person OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/AREA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 20 who files a complaint regarding an alleged violation of this Article, or testifies, assists, or participates in any manner in a proceeding or hearing under this Article."; • under 2-269 (Definitions) - The Board recommends adding a reference to the Texas Government Code section that defines 3rd degree affinity and consanguinity to the definition of"Relative"; and • under 2-284(b) (Nepotism) - The Board recommends removal of section 2- 284(b) "Department Supervisor" as the Ethics Code does not apply to that position. Respectfully submitted, Lara Tomlin Chair, Board,6f Ethics CC: Aaron Leal, City Attorney Todd Hileman, City Manager 2 21 II crry Board of Ethics DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton. TX 76201 • (940) 349-8531 October 9, 2019 City Council Members 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas 76201 Honorable Members of the City Council, The Board recommends non-substantive changes to the Board's Rules of Procedure for your consideration: • move the "Amendments" and "Alternate Members" subsections out of the "Hearing" section for clarity; • fix pagination; • add cites to the Ordinance where missing; • take out "Legal" from section E19 (Representation) so that the first sentence reads: "The parties may be accompanied or represented by counsel or another representative."; and • change references throughout the Ordinance from the"Accused"to the "Respondent." Respectfully ubmitted, jLara Toml'n Chair, Board of Ethics CC: Aaron Leal, City Attorney Todd Hileman, City Manager OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/AREA wWw.citVI9enton.com FDD(800)7355-2989 Date: May 8, 2020 Report No. 2020-048 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Recycling Market Conditions Update BACKGROUND: The Solid Waste and Recycling Department provided the City Council an update on solid waste and recycling services amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the May 1,2020 Friday report. While the City continues to identify and utilize opportunities to beneficially reuse materials collected as part of its recycling program, staff continues to implement strategies to improve the quality of the recycling stream, educate customers, and track results. Current and historical recycling market conditions and contamination trends are now being provided as part of this report. DISCUSSION: The coronavirus pandemic has added a layer of complexity to an already fluctuating and fragile recycling market, creating unprecedented challenges for material recovery facilities in meeting sustainability commitments. In a recent webinar held by the National Recycling Coalition, U.S. EPA and industry consultancy RRS, experts laid out current market conditions and their projections for the future, outlining that the entire recycling system, from collection through end- market demand, is feeling crunched. The market value of old corrugated cardboard (OCC) has increased by 62%, reaching its highest level in almost two years, $71 per ton versus$45 per ton last month.Mixed paper remains negative but shows recent price increases,with a national average price of negative$1.88 per ton,compared with the negative $2.50 level it has been at for the past year. Curbside metal prices are down significantly,trending 30-40%down from this time last year. Steel sells for $97 per ton versus $169 per ton in the same month last year. Aluminum is now $40.13 per ton versus $56.13 per ton in the same month last year. For plastics, the market impact has been from historic drops in oil prices, meaning virgin plastic could be significantly cheaper than recycled resin for the foreseeable future. The national average price of PET beverage bottles and jars is 9.25 cents per pound, compared with 15.54 cents per pound one year ago. The natural high-density polyethylene (HDPE) price dropped again this month, now at 33.44 cents per pound, compared with 37.13 cents this time last month. This grade traded at 21.88 cents per pound one year ago. In addition to market turbulence nationwide, contamination of the recycling stream is on the rise. In Denton, when comparing April collection volumes to February's pre-COVID data, residential tonnages collected have increased by 103 tons per month while commercial collections have yielded 94 fewer tons in that same time period. Combined, we are collecting approximately the same volume of material, 9.31 tons more for the month of April, but can recycle 47 tons less than 23 Date: May 8, 2020 Report No. 2020-048 pre-COVID due to contamination increases. This has resulted in a net loss of$600 per month in commodity revenue. The characterization of this material is significantly more residential than prior months and significantly (6%) more contaminated, increasing the City of Denton overall combined contamination rate to 44%. Here are some recent examples of the quality of recycling loads delivered the materials recycling facility(MRF). These loads were highly contaminated with plastic film, organic matter, textiles, and non-program material. �rJha � Y f Residential The City of Denton continues to apply outreach efforts to combat increases in contamination. The residential cart tagging program remains active. Using social media outlets, Public Outreach staff continues to communicate best practices and program materials (see below). We are aligning our messaging with the "Know What To Throw" regional collaborative effort to improve the quality of recycled materials and decrease contamination managed through the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). FOOD DELIVERY WASTE GUIDE 7 REIMCE. REUSE. RECYCI.E Solid Waste&Recycling Paper Bags Cold Bags Cold Packs Plastic Container RECYCLE TRASH REUSE RECYCLE ohillillit fill I ; \ I\■�l J - 24 Date: May 8, 2020 Report No. 2020-048 Commercial Due to the COVID I 9shelter in place orders, the Solid Waste and Recycling department elected to place route audits on a temporary hold. We continue to monitor the routes and contamination. Prior to mid-March over 300 audits on seven routes had been completed, addressing the most highly contaminated first. The targeted routes are selected by percentage and frequency of contamination. Each route is inspected stop by stop and each container is examined for placement, condition, clear labeling, and the materials. Each container is given a visual percentage of contamination by weight. Outreach efforts will be made for each container over 10% contamination. Staff will work with each business and provide educational materials (pictured below). Aluminum&5[oeel Cans eL II"BoltlesB Isle F.W p gltlaPooam1lem xed pa�e. Cardbw.d BlackB ,a Film SWWFggd Qp men .pel Meze eo ceriuuna Fawltua Mmsni eonce aunos �� too �� Galen paelgope r.,eaa�ae�un,.o c.rcaa.: aGsaB rhm cYxeelara -' 7. CONCLUSION: Solid Waste and Recycling staff continue to implement nimble strategies to improve the quality of the recycling stream, centered on digital communications, data monitoring of markets and collected tonnages trend analysis. While we have lost momentum in our auditing programs due to the pandemic,we are creating plans to continue with new practices and increased communications with our materials recycling facility. Pratt audits have transitioned from facility visits to reviewing pictures on a shared drive and providing timely responses to concerns. We are proactively monitoring data to calibrate the contamination percentages and ensure we are being as supportive as we can considering current circumstances and constraints. A recent trend in wet contamination is of particular interest. and our next efforts will be focused on the collection of empty, clean, dry, and loose programmatic materials. A June 16th work session presentation is being prepared to review recycling drop off site efficiency and operations. STAFF CONTACT: Brian Boerner Director of Solid Waste 940-349-8001 25 Date: May 8, 2020 Report No. 2020-048 REOUESTOR: Council Member Meltzer PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Solid Waste and Recycling Public Outreach Sustainability STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 3 hours 26 Date: May 8,2020 Report No. 2020-049 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide updates to the City Council regarding the federal CARES Act and COVID-19 funding opportunities and requests BACKGROUND: The CARES Act of 2020 appropriated coronavirus relief funding for all 50 states and local governments with populations above 500,000. Within the Act, the State of Texas was eligible to receive an estimated$11.243 billion for coronavirus response activities while Denton County was eligible to receive an estimated $145.9 million. The CARES Act does not require state governments to make their funding directly available to subsidiary local governments. The City of Denton, and its federal and state legislative consultants, will continue to advocate for all local governments to be eligible for direct federal funding in future federal legislation in addition to advocating for the State of Texas to provide direct pass-through CARES Act funding to local governments with a population under 500,000. City staff will continue to identify City programs that are eligible to receive these funds,while also pursuing other funding opportunities as they become available. This recurring report will update the City Council on the status of CARES Act related funding and additional opportunities that may have been identified. DISCUSSION: The following updates are provided for the week of May 4 through May 8, 2020. CARES Act Funding From the State of Texas — On May 5, 2020, Mayor Watts joined a Texas Municipal League initiative for mayors across the state to make a formal request to Governor Abbott (Attachment 1) to prioritize the creation of guidelines for how local governments with populations under 500,000 may apply for CARES Act funding through the State of Texas (of which Texas was granted over$8 billion). The letter notes the impact that COVID-19 has had on cities regardless of their population size and emphasizes the leading role all cities will play in sparking economic recovery and leading the state out of the pandemic. This letter was transmitted to the Governor on Thursday, May 7. Request for Support for FLEX Act — On Wednesday, May 6, Mayor Watts submitted a letter (Attachment 2) to the Office of Representative Michael Burgess requesting his support for the Flexibility for Localities and Eligibility Expansion Act of 2020 (FLEX Act). The FLEX Act is a bipartisan bill proposing amendments to the recently-enacted CARES Act and its provisions regarding the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund(CRF), which is providing assistance to states and to cities and counties over 500,000 population. The bill would explicitly allow the State of Texas and Denton County to share their CRF funds with Denton and other cities under 500,000 population. It would also modify the CARES Act to allow states and local governments to use CRF funds to offset lost revenue due to COVID-19. Staff will continue to monitor this legislation. 27 Date: May 8,2020 Report No. 2020-049 CARES Act NEA Grant Eli ibg ility—Council Member Meltzer asked if the City of Denton would be eligible for grants made available through the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) from the CARES Act. The NEA released guidelines for the CARES Act grants in early April. To be eligible for an NEA grant, organizations must: • Be a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), U.S. organizations; units of state or local government; or federally recognized tribal communities or tribes; • Have received an Arts Endowment award within the past four years; • Meet the NEA legal requirements; • Have submitted final reports for all previous awards received. Based on the criteria of having to have received an Arts Endowment award within the past four years, the City of Denton is not eligible to apply directly. CARES Act Funding from the State of Texas for ESG The CARES Act (March 27, 2020) included $4 billion to be distributed through the federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program to provide services to help persons that are at-risk of homelessness or homeless quickly regain stability in permanent housing. • $38,525,059 in ESG CARES was distributed by HUD directly to several cities and counties in Texas. Based on formula allocations, the City is not eligible for direct allocations from HUD. • $33,254,679 was allocated to the State through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). The City is eligible to apply for State ESG funding. TDHCA allocated $13,329,434 to existing ESG Subrecipients. Denton County Friends of the Family, Inc.has conditionally been awarded ESG CARES First Allocation funds in the amount of $225,055. TDHCA allocated $16,377,511 for Continuum of Care (CoC) lead agencies to award through a CoC award process. Out of the $16,377,511 allocated to all CoC's in Texas by TDHCA, there is $6,928,889 in ESG-CV grant funding available for eligible agencies in the Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care (TX BoS CoC). After consultation with local agencies and the United Way of Denton County which is the backbone agency for the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team(DCHLT), Community Development has submitted a Letter of Intent to apply for the ESG- CV funds allocated to the TX BoS CoC lead agency, Texas Homeless Network. Staff will work with local agencies to apply once the TX BoS CoC releases the ESG-CV grant funding application. Additional Funding Opportunities — Finance staff has also learned this week that the Fire Department may be eligible for additional CARES act funding through a second round of disbursement from the Department of Health and Human Services. Staff submitted the application and supporting documentation this week. Round 2 eligibility and allocation amount will be determined by looking at the money received from Round 1 and the Fire Department's total 2019 revenue. Staff will update Council as eligibility and funding details are received. The chart below provides a summary of grant activity. 28 Date: May 8,2020 Report No. 2020-049 OpportunityFunding Reimbursement CARES Act EMS Grant $60,000 A Department of Health and Human Services CARES Act Unspecified EMS funding CARES Act Airport funding $157,000 HUD CDBG CARES Act funding $618,736 Bureau of Justice Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental $82,000 Funding State of Texas Public Safety $9,621,787 to be split among Office CESF Grant municipalities represented by NTCOG Assistance to Firefighters COVID-19 Supplemental Grant Unspecified FEMA Public Assistance 0-75%of incurred costs could Reimbursement' be reimbursed 25%-$120,377 Totals $60,000 $775,7� $82,000+ 50%-$240,755 I 4& 75%-$361,132 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Texas Municipal League Funding Letter 2. Letter of support for HR 6652 STAFF CONTACT: Stuart Birdseye Assistant to the City Manager Stuart.Birdseye@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-8009 REOUESTOR: Staff initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: City Manager's Office, Public Affairs, Economic Development, Finance STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: One hour 29 TML TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Empowering Texas cities to serve their citizens President Eddie Daffern,Mayor,Staples Executive Director Bennett Sandlin May 7, 2020 Dear Governor Abbott, First,thank you for your guidance and leadership during this uniquely challenging time.As mayors from cities across Texas, we fully understand the need to revitalize economic opportunity for all Texans while also ensuring we are doing all we can to protect public health by stopping the spread of COVID-19. We stand ready to assist you in this endeavor in every way possible. On March 271, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, which provided over $2 trillion in emergency relief funds to help mitigate the financial harm caused by COVID-19. Included in the funding was $11.24 billion from the Coronavirus Relief Fund(CRF),which was split between the state of Texas and local governments in Texas with populations exceeding 500,000.While the six largest cities in Texas received a direct allocation of this funding from the federal government, no other Texas city has received CRF revenue to assist with disaster response.Needless to say,the virus representing our common enemy at the moment does not acknowledge city boundaries or population distinctions. Every single Texas city has a role to play in the battle for our state's health and prosperity. To that end, we've been encouraged to learn that your office is currently establishing a program for the distribution of a portion of the state's revenue received from the CRF to cities with populations under 500,000. This funding is critical to support Texas cities and the services they are providing on the front lines of the COVID-19 emergency. We ask that you consider allowing any funds received by Texas cities to be used in the most flexible manner permitted by law.Though the U.S. Department of Treasury's guidance prohibits the use of CRF funds for revenue replacement of budget shortfalls in governments' budgets, there are ongoing discussions at the congressional level about potentially expanding permissible CRF expenditures to include revenue replacement. Should federal legislation allow for increased expenditure flexibility,we request that any state program follow suit. However, we are concerned that guidelines on how to apply for that funding have not yet been released to the public. Cities are now in the midst of preparing budgets, and barring CRF information, cities are left with making tough budgetary decisions that affect their entire communities and organization. Furthermore, there is no clear indication on where cities, that are under the 500,000-population requirement, but fall within a county receiving assistance from the CRF, should apply for funding. These cities are unsure on whether to work with the state or with their county on financial assistance. We ask that application guidelines, including a clarification for cities within a 500,000-population county, be published swiftly so that cities can continue to plan and provide public services without serious interruption. 1821 Rutherford Lane,Suite 400,Austin,Texas 78754 512-231-7400•www.tmi.org 30 Texas cities are in a unique position to both stem the tide of COVID-19 in Texas,and to help spark our economic recovery. With the necessary resources, we are confident that Texas cities will lead the state back towards a prosperous and vibrant future. Sincerely, Eddie Daffern, TML President Karen Hunt, TML President-Elect Mayor, City of Staples Mayor, City of Coppell 6*1�"#9L C";a4_;a4&__ Martha Castex-Tatum, Vice Mayor Pro Tem 4??� City of Houston Ron Nirenberg, Mayor City of San Antonio Steve Adler, Mayor City of Austin Betsy Price, Mayor City of Fort Worth &'_�4 Vn Dee Margo, Mayor City of El Paso Joe McComb, Mayor City of Corpus Christi Jeff Williams, Mayor City of Arlington Ginger Nelson, Mayor City of Amarillo Dan Pope, Mayor City of Lubbock Harry LaRosiliere, Mayor City of Plano 31 5;1J Jeff Cheney, Mayor C�IiC� City of Frisco Toby Powell, Mayor City of Conroe Scott LeMay, Mayor City of Garland Jane Hughson, Mayor City of San Marcos Joe Zimmerman, Mayor City of Sugar Land Kenny Phillips, Mayor City of Mobile City Rick Stopher, Mayor W &)j462t City of Irving Henry Wilson, Mayor City of Hurst George Fuller, Mayor �� City of McKinney 67-�� Linda Martin, Mayor WA61AAV--- City of Euless Chris Watts, Mayor &U". ) e C--� - City of Denton Cecelia Cissy Gonzalez-Dippel, Mayor City of Floresville Ron Jensen, Mayor Z"Ileum City of Grand Prairie Larry Vernon, Mayor //� City of Eastland James D. Yarbrough, Mayor City of Galveston 32 Laurie Blanco, Mayor Bill Blackbur , Mayor City of Dalworthington Gardens Bill Blackburn, Mayor City of Kerrville Tom Daly, Mayor Andrew S. Friedberg, Mayor City of Selma City of Bellaire 5 Roy Tovar, Mayor Michel J. Bechtel, Mayor City of Waelder City of Morgan's Point Don Denbow, Mayor Dr. Ambrosio Hernandez, Mayor City of Corsicana City of Pharr Geo,Ton Wrlgh f , I GeoJan Wright, Mayor - _y_f� � City of Coffee City Michael Barnhart, Mayor City of Lake Dallas Flora Brady, Mayor City of Andrews Manny Baeza, Mayor City of Marfa Gerald Joubert, Mayor sad& q " City of Forest Hill Susie Houston, Mayor Town of Laguna Vista Lynn Ramsey, Mayor za" Iwavowd City of Shamrock Lane Horwood, Mayor City of Sterling City 33 Dazaf ry ?Vd,di PM 7we7"a Dorothy Welch, Mayor Jim McInnis, Mayor City of Splendora City of Hamilton es K ---� &"j'o _��-AkQ, Steve Spicer, Mayor Thomas G. Kolupski, Mayor City of Jamaica Beach City of Seabrook Lynda Lynn, Mayor City of Electra Jim McKenzie, Mayor City of Sweetwater 57-" %Wr Garry Manitzas, Mayor "e"'t City of Fair Oaks Ranch CF&a smzd Scott Neu, Mayor Glen Smith, Mayor City of Lindsay City of Palacios 7" V&Od7 49Z/f s4te Trey Mendez, Mayor Keith Short, Mayor City of Brownsville City of McLendon-Chisholm Ic Stephen Mason, Mayor �[ City of Cedar Hill Cathy Young, Mayor City of Chillicothe -DaVe Ra&W" Dauid �� Doyle Robinson, Mayor City of Panhandle David Rutledge, Mayor City of Bridge City Pawt 7w4uc41 Pam Frederick, Mayor City of Bullard 34 ZL J4 6, P&W Gilbert Gomez, Mayor Lisa B. Pierce, Mayor City of Robstown City of Kirby ;Da n 40d" V a ad R, 7w,W t Paul Johnson, Mayor David R. Turner, Mayor City of Jonestown City of Odessa VP 7&574m BJ McGinnis, Mayor City of Blanket Martin Heines, Mayor City of Tyler David Suarez, Mayor City of Weslaco George R. Haehn, Mayor City of Buda R094M Sk"Ir RM4 ?.t 4da Roger Shugart, Mayor City of Brazoria Ritch Wheeler, Mayor City of Shenandoah Billy P. Davis, Mayor JAL City of Crowley Dale Ross, Mayor City of Georgetown Cathy Skurow, Mayor City of Portland Carl Marino, Mayor City of Fayetteville 574V &MM4 574" x4ad" Gary Chumley, Mayor City of Gatesville Galen Mansee, Mayor City of Stagecoach Stephen L. Santellana, Mayor City of Wichita Falls 35 xv, wtom Mary Moore, Mayor City of Pearsall Joe Chow, Mayor Town of Addison William D. Sciscoe, Mayor Trudia Preston, Mayor City of Dish City of Goliad AWE Z' SW,4/t 7=94 57z" Andrew L. Smith, Mayor Frank George, Mayor City of Hillsboro City of Kirbyville Mcwk.( vro-vw vttia v Mark Groneman, Mayor City of Vega Emmanuel Wealthy, Mayor City of Wilmer Bob Bruggeman, Mayor City of Texarkana Thurman Bill Bartie, Mayor City of Port Arthur Anita Rodriguez, Mayor City of Yoakum Jeff Jordan, Mayor City of Kaufman Luis D. Carrera, Mayor City of Cockrell Hill �?4" Nancy Moore, Mayor Pro Tem 1-1'�64�4eol City of Tye Brenda Gunter, Mayor City of San Angelo Charles Bujan, Mayor City of Port Aransas 36 Jason Tabor, Mayor Royking Potter, Mayor City of Santa Fe City of Shallowater Nancy Ruckstaetter, Mayor City of Log Cabin Victor A. Contreras, Mayor City of Marion 661ce >OtC/lln /a� W"G ead Bruce Archer, Mayor City of Mesquite Janice Whitehead, Mayor City of Sealy 7UIO� w4wea 6a&" s. Frank Moreno, Mayor City of Crystal City Curtistene S. McGowan, Mayor City of Desoto Andy Williams, Mayor Cyndie Rathbun, Mayor City of Nolanville Town of Rancho Viejo 7A'd .5"dew Clarence Burns, Mayor Nick Sanders, Mayor City of Linden Town of Trophy Club i Todd PuAall,Mayor Phyllis Santleben, Mayor Todd Purcell, Mayor City of Castroville City of Dripping Springs Harold D. Chandler, Mayor City of East Tawakoni Lindsey L. Webb, Mayor City of Abernathy 37 Oscar Trevino, Mayor City of North Richland Hills Johnnie Hauerland, Mayor (;�� xa— City of Meridian John Packer Mayor C, G� W' A)(') Y City of Marble Falls Terri Brown, Mayor City of Marshall P � a & Bruno Lozano, Mayor City of Del Rio Sara Post Meyer, Mayor City of Cuero pia e. s"0&6 James C. Samples, Mayor \ City of Hughes Springs Saw Man Town Smith, Mayor Town of Prosper Sam Miller, Mayor City of Sudan 57ze a R44eta George Rivera, Mayor OCC4 ,40W City of Palm Valley Becky Ames, Mayor City of Beaumont Am" ewaill" Allyson Crenshaw, Mayor City of Robert Lee .Lieu& IW# Jerry B. Dittrich, Mayor Lewis Ivey, Mayor City of Benbrook City of Diboll Leroy Hughes, Mayor City of San Augustine Geronimo M. Gonzales, Mayor City of Brownfield 38 76M 569 M& Q� Tom Simons, Mayor City of Hereford Merle Aaron, Mayor City of Humble 4441 ?wU4e1L Mark Turner, Mayor City of Wills Point Jose Segarra, Mayor City of Killeen Benjamin Gomez, Mayor City of San Benito sCo������ Scott Cain, Mayor City of Cleburne Scott Anderson, Mayor City of Patton Village a Gel Jim Olk, Mayor City of Lucas cc: Texas Congressional Delegation Texas State Senate Texas House of Representatives Governor Strike Force to Open Texas 39 i- DENTON c'4Office of the Mayor O 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-7717 May 6, 2020 The Honorable Michael C. Burgess United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Via Email: rachel.hugginskmail.house.gov Dear Representative Burgess: I am writing to urge you to cosponsor and support the "Flexibility for Localities and Eligibility Expansion Act of 2020" (FLEX Act), a bipartisan bill proposing amendments to the recently-enacted CARES Act and its provisions regarding the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), which is providing assistance to states and to cities and counties over 500,000 population.As you know,Denton's population is below this threshold, and as a result we didn't receive any direct allocation these funds. Representative Don Bacon introduced the FLEX Act(HR 6652)with ten original cosponsors, including your colleague, Representative Michael McCaul. This bipartisan legislation would amend the CARES Act by giving state and local governments additional flexibility in how funds can be used, including addressing revenue shortfalls due to COVID-19. The current law and associated Treasury Department guidance prohibits state and local governments from using CRF funds to offset lost revenues, a funding eligibility granted by Congress in the CARES Act to airlines and airports, among others. Representative Bacon's bill would also explicitly allow the state and Denton County to share their CRF funds with Denton and other cities under 500,000 population. In Denton, in addition to closed business and dramatic declines in consumer and business spending, we have closed facilities, canceled events, programs, and other activities, all of which have adversely impacted city revenues as well as our budget. Enactment of this legislation would allow for cities, including Denton, to offset revenue shortfalls in taxes and fees collected, intergovernmental transfers, and dedicated revenue streams pledged for bond payments for the March 1-December 30, 2020 period. These changes, if adopted,would significantly strengthen our efforts to deal with the financial effects of COVID-19. Thank you for your consideration of our request to cosponsor HR 6652, and we thank you for your continued efforts on behalf of the City of Denton. Sincerely, el�x_e_ Chris Watts Mayor OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency•Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(Roo)735-2989 40 Policy and Worksession Requests smartsheet Council Member Requestor Date 1W Summary of Request Staff Assigned Council Member Briggs 02/03/20 Would like to request council discuss a citywide public health study. Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during a future Pending 1 http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Health/info_to_Post/He Request work session althReport-linked.pdt Like this Council Member Armintor 04/08/20 Can we please have a work session on the Credit and Collections Foster Customer Service Request will be presented during a future Pending policy?This would include a proactive moratorium on the requirement to Request work session create a new account with a new deposit every time you move. Council Member Armintor 04/19/20 Work session request:If the following is not already required by law, I Leal Legal Request will be presented at the May 19 meeting would like to make a work session proposal at the next posted City Council meeting for the city to pass a law requiring all towing companies towing on either private or public property to inform towees(or whatever the term is for people whose cars have been towed,surely not "customers,"but not"victims"either unless the towing is illegal)*orally and in writing,and before any payment is made*of federal,state,and city towing law and reporting agencies,contact info,and statute of limitations(or whatever the appropriate term is in this case for the reporting period window). The oral and written statement should begin 3 by specifying that under city of Denton law all towing companies are required to provide you with the following information before any payment is made so that you will know your rights and your options.To protect both towees and towing companies,there should be a form for people to initial and sign by hand or with an online signature saying that they have been read this statement orally and received it in writing(one copy should go to the company for its files as proof,and another copy to the towee).On the receipt for payment,it should say that if you were not given this information both orally and in writing,and if you did not sign the form,then the tow was illegal and they need to report it to the appropriate reporting authority and specify their the contact information and their options for public and private tows. 4 O Council Member Briggs 04/30/20 When will the Lakeview Blvd.construction begin and be complete? Deshmukh Capital Projects Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report 0 Council Member Armintor 05/01/20 A member of Puente has asked me how they could apply to use the civic Behrens Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report 5 center parking lot to distribute food from restaurants for free on Saturdays as a drive-up emergency food pantry. Is this possible?If so, who should they contact to inquire? Council Member Ryan 05/01/20 On another note, I received a phone call this morning from someone who Packan Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report heard the dancing for seniors has been permanently canceled and that 6 we had voted on yesterday. I assured her we had not voted on it and it was most likely they had been canceled indefinitely,which meant we did not have a date in mind as to when they would start back up.Can you confirm it is"indefinitely"and not"permanently"? Council Member Briggs 05/02/20 I had a complaint about the safety of walking along Nottingham today Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report and would like to have an update on the Nottingham sidewalk project. 1 7 also know we passed ordinance for funding the small transportation projects which included Nottingham intersection. Has our current situation affected with of these highly anticipated projects? 8 Mayor Pro Tern Hudspeth 05/04/20 What are the tasks and general path forward on Kerley Street? Cox Public Works Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report 9 Council Member Armintor 05/04/20 Will the basketball courts open soon with any restrictions? Packan Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report 10 Council Member Briggs 05/05/20 Read about testing wastewater for COVID to gage community infection. Banks Utilities Administration Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report Is that something we could do? Council Member Briggs 05/06/20 Today the sirens went off around the town.I had some reach out to me Hedges Fire Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report in D2 with serious concerns about not hearing it inside home.I 11 remember a presentation from Old Fire Chief about needing to add a few sirens to cover areas.Where are we on those additions and are we monitoring the sound distances they carry to make sure people can hear and get to safety 12 Mayor Watts 05/05/20 Is the fire department planning to perform a controlled burn on a Hedges Fire Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report structure on Cindy Lane. Council Member Briggs 05/06/20 Is there an update about the concerns of a poential lease under Lake Banks/Leal Utilities Administration/Legal Information will be provided in the May 8 Friday Report 13 Lewisville?I believe that has been something similar before that the City has fought against. Council Member Briggs 05/08/20 1 received a phone call from a gentleman that lives at 2014 Cherrywood Bonnano CIS 14 st.He is concerned about the serious overgrowth in the easement North of his house. Is this a city easement? Exported on May 8,2020 4:14:57 PM CDT 41 Page 1 of 1 May 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cance Ile d-11:30 am 2:00 pm CC Work Cancelled-2:30pm Cancelled-8:30DEDC C o unc il Lu n c h e o n Session Cancelled-4:00 Public Art Cancelled-COE 1:30 Agenda Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:30pmP&Z Work Session Committee Cancelled-Traffic Safety Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Ses s ion Commission 5:30 pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PUB 9am—virtual 8:00 am CC Closed Cancelled-11:00EDPB HOT Committee 1:00 pm CC Work Cancelled-HLC 5:30pm Session 1 pm Cancelled-Mobility Committee Meeting 9:00 am 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cancelled - PUB 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pmCommittee on 9am Session Committee Persons With Disabilities ZBA 5:30 m 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession HABSCO 4pm p Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Memorial Day loam CouncilAiport 12:00 TY Board(TIR4 Cancelled -5:30PM Holiday Committee Board of Ethics No CounciiMeeting 2:30pm Agenda Committee 31 42 June 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30DEDC Luncheon Session Committee 4:00 Public Art Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession COE 1:30 Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Ses s ion Traffic Safety Commission 5:30 pm 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PUB 9am 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 11:00 EDPB Session 2:30pm Agenda Mobility Committee Committee Meeting 9:00 am 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2:00 pm CC Work 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession HOT&S 9:00 Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6:00pmCommitteeon 6:30 pm CC Regular Persons with Dis abilities Session HABSCO 4pm 21 22 23 24 I25 26 27 PUB 9am loam Council Airport HOT&S 9:00 Committee 5:30PM Board of 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Ethics Session 28 29 30 ZBA 5:30pm No Council Meeting 43 July 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 8:30DEDC 411 of July 4:00 Public Art Committee Holiday 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I No Luncheon Meeting No CouncilMeeting 11:00EDPB COE 1:30 2:30pm Agenda Committee Traffic Safety 5:00pm P&Z Work Session Commission 5:30 pm 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PUB 9am No CouncilMeeting 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pm Committee on Committee Persons With Disabilities Mobility Committee HABSCO 4pm Meeting 9:00 am 19 20 I21 22 23 24 25 2:00 pro CC Work 12:00 TIF Board('IlR4 Session 2:30pm Agenda 6:30 pm CC Regular Committee Se s sio n 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Ses s ion 26 27 28 29 30 31 PUB 9am loam Council Airport 2:30pm Agenda 5:30PM Board of ZBA 5:30pm Committee Committee Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 44 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, May 19,2020 1:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers CLOSED MEETING BEGINS AT 1:00 P.M. WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM Note: Mayor Chris Watts, Mayor Pro Tem Gerard Hudspeth, and Council Members Keely Briggs, Jesse Davis, John Ryan, Deb Armintor and Paul Meltzer will be participating in the work session, closed meeting, and regular meeting via video/teleconference. REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Due to COVID-19 precautions, members of the public will not be able to attend the May 19 City Council meeting in-person. To accommodate and receive input on agenda items, citizens will be able to participate in one of the following ways (NOTE: Other than public hearings, citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item; citizens cannot use both methods to comment on a single agenda item. Public comments are not held for work session reports.): • Virtual White Card — On May 15, the agenda was posted online at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings. Once the agenda is posted, a link to the Virtual White Card, an online form, will be made available under the main heading on the webpage. Within this form, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting, at which time, the Virtual White Card form will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on the item, these comment forms will be sent directly to City Council members and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting,as applicable. OR • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. Page 1 Printed on 51812020 45 City Council Meeting Agenda May 19,2020 • At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Closed Meeting on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas to consider specific item(s) when these item(s) are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda: 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 20-834 Consultation with Attorneys-Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071. Consult with the City's attorneys on the legal status, expenses, strategy and options for resolution of litigation in Cause No. DC-17-08139, styled "Michael Grim and Jim Maynard v. City of Denton, Texas" pending in the 68th Judicial District Court, Dallas County, Texas; where public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or otherwise compromise the City's legal position in pending litigation. B. Adjournment of the Closed Meeting Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. Page 2 Printed on 51812020 46 City Council Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 20-942 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding an update to the City of Denton's COVID-19 response. B. ID 20-460 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for information. C. ID 20-948 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding a substantial amendment to the 2019 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development regarding the $618,736 in Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds made available to the City of Denton through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act(CARES Act),Public Law 116-136. D. ID 20-851 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Board of Ethics recommended amendments to the Ethics Ordinance. E. ID 20-888 Receive a report, hold a discussion and provide staff direction regarding the proposed prioritization and implementation of the City's Capital Improvement Projects. F. ID 20-865 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding a request for a resolution of support from a developer applying for 4% housing tax credit with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Regular Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. Page 3 Printed on 51812020 47 City Council Meeting Agenda May 19,2020 B. Reports from members of the public shall be received through the following two (2) methods. A total of up to seven (7) speakers are permitted to provide public comment and may include any combination of prior registration and open microphone speakers. 1) Pre-registration. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. 2) Open Microphone. This section of the agenda permits any person who has not registered in advance for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. Such person(s) shall have registered using the "Virtual White Card" or `By Phone" process outlined by the City on its website or meeting notice. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual policy; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — M). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 20-465 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton releasing, abandoning, and vacating (i) a Public Access easement granted to the City of Denton by Joab Partners, L.P., recorded as Instrument No. 2006-145558 in the Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, and (ii) a Drainage Easement granted to the City of Denton by Joab Partners, L.P., recorded as Instrument No. 2006-145553 in the Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas; providing for severability and an effective date. (Vintage Townhomes Addition - Access and Drainage Easement abandonment request - Mark Laird) B. ID 20-885 Consider approval of the minutes of April 21,2020. Page 4 Printed on 51812020 48 City Council Meeting Agenda May 19,2020 C. ID 20-932 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to convey a supplemental transmission line easement and a temporary construction easement to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC., containing approximately a total of 0.9064 acres on a tract of city owned property in the Moreau Forrest Survey, Abstract No. 417, City and County of Denton, Texas, providing for severability and an effective date. D. ID 20-753 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, rejecting any and all competitive proposals under RFP 7102 for the construction of the additions of twelve (12) bays to the Fleet Services Building and four (4) bays to the Flushing Truck Storage Building located at 804 Texas Street; and providing an effective date (RFP 7102). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval E. ID 20-934 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, rejecting any and all competitive proposals under RFP 7169 for the Smart Routing Solutions for the City's Solid Waste and Recycling Departments; and providing an effective date(RFP 7169). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). F. ID 20-935 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, rejecting any and all competitive proposals under RFP 7262 for the renovation of the 651 Mayhill building located at 651 South Mayhill Road; and providing an effective date(RFP 7262). G. ID 20-937 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, rejecting any and all competitive proposals under RFP 7281 for a professional service agreement to supply a comprehensive Solid Waste Management Strategy, for the Solid Waste and Recycling Departments; and providing an effective date (RFP 7281). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). H. ID 20-938 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc., through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract No. DIR-TSO-3561 for the purchase of police in-car camera system (Axon Fleet System) for 100 vehicles including cameras, software, peripherals, routers, maintenance and services; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7313- awarded to Axon Enterprise, Inc., in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of$1,422,450). I. ID 20-941 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a consent to sublease between Nebrig & Associates, Inc. and US Trinity Aviation, LLC., subleasing fueling facility and equipment at the Denton Enterprise Airport; and providing an effective date. J. ID 20-914 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, a Texas municipal home-rule corporation, supporting participation in the 2020 Transportation Alternative Call for Projects by submitting an application to participate in the Safe Routes to School Transportation Alternatives Set-aside Program, for the purpose of securing funding related to the Safe Route to Sam Houston Elementary School Project; confirming Page 5 Printed on 51812020 49 City Council Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 anticipated funding should the application be accepted; and providing an effective date. K. ID 20-915 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, a Texas municipal home-rule corporation, supporting participation in the 2020 Transportation Alternative Call for Projects by submitting an application to participate in the Safe Routes to School Transportation Alternatives Set-aside Program, for the purpose of securing funding related to the Safe Route to Newton Razor Elementary School Project; confirming anticipated funding should the application be accepted; and providing an effective date. L. ID 20-958 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, amending the FY 2019-20 Annual Audit Plan; and providing an effective date. M. ID 20-959 Consider adoption of the master ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas establishing the extendable commercial paper financing program and authorizing extendable commercial paper notes, series A and providing an effective date. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 20-500 Consider appointments to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Number Two Board of Directors,including appointment of a chairperson. B. ID 20-895 Consider approval of a resolution re-appointing a member to the Board of Directors of Texas Municipal Power Agency, a Joint Powers Agency representing the City of Denton, Texas; and declaring an effective date. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. S19-0015e Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, approving a specific use permit to allow an 810-foot mean sea level monopole tower on approximately 4.37 acres of land located at 3401 Barcelona Street in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the city's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended Approval (7-0). (S 19-0015, Speed of Light Broadband, Cindy Jackson) B. PDA20-0001a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding a Detailed Plan amendment for Planned Development 142, Stonehill Center, on approximately 19.6 acres of land generally located at the northeast corner of the I-35 Northbound Service Road and Westgate Drive, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted (7-0)to approve the request. (PDA20-0001 a, Stonehill Center Office,Julie Wyatt) 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS Page 6 Printed on 51812020 50 City Council Meeting Agenda May 19,2020 A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the 15th day of May,2020 at CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 7 Printed on 51812020 51 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of May 8,2020 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items 4-May Lunch CANCELLED COVID-19 Update 2019-20 Audit Plan Green Tree Estates 5-May 20-863 20-731 20-832 Credit/Collections Internal Audit/Capital Internal Audit/Capital Performance and Proj.Admin.-Planning& Proj.Admin.-Property Internal Audit/Capital Review of Council COVID-19 Update Processes Design Acquisition Projects Construction Requests 12-May 20-864 20-315 20-729 20-730 20-912 20-459 Ethics Ordinance Review of Council COVID-19 Update CDBG and Grants Changes Board of Ethics Rules of HTC Application CIP Update Requests 19-May 20-942 20-948 20-851 Procedure 20-865 20-888 20-460 26-May No meeting;Day after Memoral Day Holiday June 1 Lunch @ 11:30 a.m. 2020 Mobility Plan Denton Development Review of Council COVID-19 Update SB.2 Budget Implications Update EV Charger Upgrade Code Amendments Requests 2-Jun 20-943 20-582 20-245 20-732 DCA20-0001 20-671 Review of Council COVID-19 Update Requests 9-Jun 20-944 20-672 Drop-off Recycling Review of Council COVID-19 Update Urban Forest Master Plan Center Requests 16-Jun 20-945 20-426 Sustainable Denton Plan 20-768 20-673 FYs 19-20 and 20-21 Review of Council COVID-19 Update Budget Updates Requests 2 3-Jun 20-946 20-806 20-674 6430-Jun No meeting;5th Tuesday Accessory Dwelling Units,and Screening Construction Code NOTE: No Meetings July C DCA19-0011 Delegated Authority Stormwater Master Plan Review(TBD) 6,7,and 14 C f6 a 0 H m Review of Council C F— Group Home Code Purchasing Manual Right of Way Ordinance Requests July 21 O 21 Amendment Public Art Update Follow-up 20-847 i 0 NDenton Development Review of Council .1 Municipal Broadband Code Amendments Urban Forest Master Plan Sustainability Plan Requests July 28 L 20-556 (Cont'd) 20-426 20-521 Plugged Gas Wells 20-848 O Library Master Plan TIF Grants for 20-526 Accessibility Work Session Requests Community Public Art Veteran Source of Determined by Council and Community Tree Ethics Ordinance Small Cell Lawsuit Income Housing Date TBD Grants Revision Participation Tree Ordinance Review Discrimination Ordinance 52 Street Closure Report IMPROVING 4,ry i )FN1�� % 1 �F Upcoming Closures DENTON Week of May 11,2020-May 17,2020 Street/intersection Fromoff Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact 135E northbound service 500 ft west Wastewater Improvements road located of Bonnie TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater (940)349-8909 Brae Install new storm drain from the Johnson St. Smith St. Daugherty 05/18/20 07/02/20 intersection of Smith and Drainage NextDoor (940)349-7197 St. Johnson to the intersection of Johnson and Daugherty. Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process N.Carroll W.Oak McKinney 06/01/20 08/28/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 St. sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Water Distribution will be Old North Chebi Ln Emerson Ln 05/18/20 06/04/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7125 water services on Foxcroft. Robson East Side of 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940)349-8909 RR (Temporary Lane Closure) Rockwood Ln. Royal Mistywood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Door Hangers Drainage and Roadway Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City TBD TBD Construction Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph.1 (940)349-8910 Southern RR Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Capital Project (One Lane traffic control) Royal Ln. Royal Rockwood TBD TBD bundle Engineering this will be part of bundle Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Capital Projects Part of 2019 Street (940)349-7104 Bundle Total 7 Upcoming Closures 53 Street Closure Report IMPROVING an Current Closures F)FNI74CCIN DENTON Week of May 1 I,2020-May 17,2020 Street/Intersection Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date i Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Street Repair.The process starts with Barricading 941 Precision Airport Rd W.Oak St. 04/20/20 05/29/20 the failed sections of Streets N/A (940)349-7146 pavement,remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. Public Works Ave.C 1-35 Eagle 04/28/20 05/29/20 Garage completion and tear Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 down of crane on private Private Development Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Broken Arrow Dunes Old Orchard 05/11/20 06/12/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete. Wastewater collections will be Brown Dr Roberts St Woodland St 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Hickory process starts with Barricading Chaucer Hemingway Creek 05/11/20 06/12/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Northwood Wastewater collections will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Tr 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services 3201 Private Development:Drainage, Public Works Colorado Blvd Brinker Rd Colorado 02/17/20 06/12/20 Water,Sanitary Sewer,and Inspections, NextDoor,Direct (940)205-9230 Blvd Pavement for Fire Station#8 Private business contact Development PEC 4 1&amp;2 Drainage and West bound Traffic Eagle Elm Locust 03/30/20 05/29/20 Utility Improvements Engineering being detoured down NextDoor,N/A (940)349-8938 Locust to Maple to Elm. Elm Mulburry Prairie 05/11/20 06/05/20 PEC 4 Utility Project Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 ""y- Watch TXDOT message FM 2181 Denton/Cori Lillian Miller 11/18/19 TBD Street Widening TxDOT boards for local street (940)349-8425 nth City closure updates. Current Closures 54 Street/Intersection o Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department lid Start Date End Date am Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Ana Site Construction: Public Works Hickory Inspections, FM 2499 Pine Hills Creek Rd 03/27/20 06/01/20 Private NextDoor (940)205-9230 Water and Sewer Bore FM2499 Development Wastewater main replacement. Projects extents,Emerson from Emerson Circle to Foxcroft. Emerson Circle from Emerson Foxcroft Emerson Emerson 01/30/20 07/17/20 to End Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 Foxcroft from Emerson to Northcrest Foxcroft from Old North to Emerson Water Distribution will be Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 03/09/20 09/17/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 11/27/20 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades TxDOT (940)349-8938 (temporary closures) 0.26 mi Street Widening Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E south of FM 12/03/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures TxDOT 10/08/19 (940)387-1414 1830 during non-peak traffic) Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this NextDoor,Email Hidden Meadows Trail with Vintage Vintage blvd 03/16/20 05/29/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities Notification Tennyson Water Distribution will be Hollyhill Ln Longridge Dr Trl 03/06/20 06/23/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Construction is continuing thru COVID-19.Please respect workers efforts in the field and always maintain social distancing. 4/8/20 John Pain Closure to be set up this week due to construction phasing progress. John Paine 4/1/20 John Paine closure to set Southwest Road at up on 04/13/2020 thru 4/17/20. John Paine Road Pump John Paine 01/06/20 07/31/20 3/25/20 John Paine closure to Water NextDoor (940)349-8925 Station Road near set up on 04/13/2020. Notices IH 35W will be released the week before closure. John Paine Road will be closed as needed. Project includes installation of water main along Old John Paine and Allred Road between the Southwest Pump Station on John Paine Road near Parkplace Dr.on and South Bonnie Brae St. Current Closures 55 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact 3/25/20 Construction is continuing thru COVID-19. Please respect workers efforts in the field and always maintain social distancing. John Paine Just west of Johnson Lane Road first 01/06/20 05/31/20 Road closure is for the Water NextDoor (940)349-8925 driveway installation of new water main along Old John Paine Rd.and Allred Rd.between the Southwest Pump Station on John Paine Rd.near Parkplace Dr.and South Bonnie Brae St. Atmos Energy is relocating/ Direct business contact, Daughtery replacing existing gas mains Atmos Energy to Johnson Street;Smith Street Dallas Drive Street,at S 04/06/20 07/31/20 and services for upcoming Atmos distribute door hangers, (940)268-7285 Locust reconstruction of Smith Street; place sign boards,and Street including gas main crossing notify residents in Johnson Street at Smith Street. person Kerley Street Duncan Shady Oaks 02/05/20 07/31/20 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7146 Street Drive Storm drain improvements as part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Locust St. Warren Ct. Sycamore 03/09/20 05/29/20 Project. West side lane closure Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 St. until May 12th Changing to Eastside lane closure until May 29th. 3/26/20-Contractor Delayed for 2 weeks. Locust St. Oak McKinney 04/13/20 05/15/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering Part of Downtown TIF (940)349-8910 Sidewalk&Lighting CIP. Schedule delayed due to weather Sewer main improvements,as Locust St. Highland St Eagle Dr 03/09/20 05/29/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project. West side lane closure. This project is to install a drive 225 west of approach at the Golden Triangle Engineering, Floyd Smith concrete will Loop 288 Colorado Colorado 03/16/20 05/15/20 Mall as part of the Colorado Floyd Smith resume work on this Direct business contact (940)349-7104 blvd Blvd and Loop 288 intersection Concrete project April 6th 2020. improvements. Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Mantan Calvert La Fonda 05/11/20 06/12/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7176 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete We will be reconstructing Direct business contact, Masch Branch U S 380 Jim Crystal 02/17/20 07/17/20 Masch Branch from 380 to Jim Streets Door hangers (940)349-7146 Crystal. Current Closures 56 Street/Intersection do Closure Closure Descriptio Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this Email Mockernut Rd. with Vintage Vintage 03/16/20 05/29/20 intersection for construction Engineering NextDoor, (940)349-8938 Blvd. Blvd.right of activities. Notification way Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Moss Creek Ft.Worth Dr. Bent Creek 05/11/20 06/12/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Public Works N.Bell Ave Texas College 02/28/20 05/31/20 Building out west side of Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 building Private Development Curb and Gutter Repair.The process starts with Barricading the failed sections of,Curb and Pembrooke Chasewood Long Ridge 04/20/20 05/22/20 Gutter remove and install Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Curbs. Also Mill and Overlay section of Street that was impacted with the curb repair. Storm drain improvements,as Prairie St. Locust St. Elm St. 03/23/20 06/26/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project. Street closed to thru traffic. Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Roberts St Bell Ave Ln 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services. Roselawn Bonnie Brae Bernard 05/12/20 05/29/20 Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering NextDoor (940)349-8938 Water main improvements Direct business contact, S.Elm St. Prairie St. Eagle 03/16/20 05/22/20 along Elm St.as part of the Pec- Engineering West side lane closure. Door hangers (940)349-8938 4 Ph 1&2 Project. The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways listed above.This Thomas reconstruction shall include new NextDoor,Email Scripture Street Street Malone 03/16/20 06/30/20 curb and gutter,ADA compliant Engineering Notification (940)349-7426 ramps in sidewalks,asphalt or concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage,water and wastewater facilities intersection back of Intermittent closure of the NextDoor,Email Shagbark Dr with Vintage Vintage Blvd 03/16/20 05/29/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities. Notification Current Closures 57 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Descriptio Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways listed above.This NextDoor,Email Thomas Street W.Oak Panhandle 03/16/20 06/01/20 reconstruction shall include new Engineering Notification,Direct (940)349-7426 curb and gutter,ADA compliant ramps in sidewalks,asphalt or business contact concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage,water and wastewater facilities Wainwright Highland ct Warren ct 04/27/20 05/15/20 PEC 4 Drainage project.Road Engineering N/A (940)349-8938 Reconstruction Warren Ct. Wainwright Locust St. 12/16/19 06/05/20 Drainage Improvements as part Engineering Closed to thru traffic Direct business contact, (940)349-8938 St. of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project door hangers Installation of sewer and water Windsor Drive North Locust Stuart 05/11/20 07/01/20 facilities. Engineering NextDoor (940)349-7426 Windsor Drive-Closed EB- Open one Way WB Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Woodland St Brown Dr Ln 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Total 42 Current Closures 58 Street Closure Report IMPROVING Completed Closures DENTON Week of May 11,2020-May 17,2020 \ Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Public Works Bell Ave. Texas College 02/10/20 04/27/20 Building out East side of Inspections, Rescheduling street NextDoor (940)205-9230 building Private closure for later date Development Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process Spring starts with barricading the failed Bent Creek Kappwood Creek 01/06/20 04/24/20 sections of concrete pavement, Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. 3/26/20-Contractor delayed for 2 weeks. Part of Downtown TIF Sidewalk&Lighting CIP- Elm St. Oak Parkway09/23/19 04/18/20 Sidewalk Improvements En Temporary lane and p Engineering g shoulder closures due to (940)349-8425 sidewalk reconstruction. Schedule delayed due to significant weather impacts and traffic signal relocations at McKinney. Completed Closures 59 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact From 1/13/20 to 3/8/20, City's Contractor will be clearing trees and vegetation along the south side of Hickory Creek Rd.,from the west property line of McNair Elementary School to the Riverpass Street Widening Dr.intersection. This Phone call to McNair Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering will not involve any lane Elementary Principal (940)349-7112 closures,but construction zone signage will be put up to warn motorists. Atmos still needs to relocate their facilities east of the Montecito intersection before our Contractor can fully deploy to the project. Paving connection at FM1830 Engineering, NextDoor,Message Hobson Country Club Forest Ridge 04/06/20 04/20/20 as part of the TxDOT 377 TxDOT Boards (940)349-8938 project. Army Direct business contact, Reserve Warranty repair-Road repair Waste Water, contractor will have Jim Christal Westen Blvd Center 3250 04/24/20 04/27/20 around a Sewer Man Hole. Private direct contact with (940)783-6800 Jim Christal Development affected parties.April 10 Rd 2020 Longridge Woodbrock Hollyhill Ln. 04/20/20 05/08/20 Emergency repair of drainage Drainage N/A (940)349-7197 St. system Water Line improvements,as Maple St. Elm St. Myrtle St. 02/24/20 03/06/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-7112 Project. Alternating lane closures. Completed Closures 60 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Construction is continuing thru COVID- 19.Please respect workers efforts in the field and always maintain social distancing. 4/8/20-Lanes continue to open. Expect various lane closures as work wraps up without benefit US 380(E. Street Widening(Temporary Engineering, of full lane closures. Mayhill Rd. University Edwards Rd. 09/01/17 04/30/20 Lane Clo Traffic,TxDOT, 4/1/20-Ultimate Lanes Door Hangers (940)349-8925 Dr.) sures) CIP are being opened as roadwork is coming to end. 3/25/20-Additional Lane(s)may open as early as this week. 3/18/20-Project Walkthrus are underway and lanes will continue to be closed as needed to facilitate final work. Installation of new storm City PM will contact Montecito Dr. Hickory Buena Vista TBD TBD drainage line. Full street Engineering McNair Elementary (940)349-7112 Creek Rd. Dr. closure. Principal again on 2/7/20. Oak St.at Fry St.Signal Intersection Fry 11/04/19 04/10/20 Signal Construction(Intermittent Traffic (940)349-7486 of Lane Closures) Water and Wastewater Main Prairie St. Elm St. Pierce St. 11/04/19 04/10/20 improvements,as part of Pec-4 Engineering (940)349-8938 Ph 1&2 Project. Prairie St.will be closed to thru traffic. Concrete Street Panel Repair. At roundabout Circle.The Quail Creek Berry Down process starts with Barricading Quail Creek Dr. Dr. Ln. 04/27/20 05/05/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 pavement,remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Installation of new storm Hickory Marble Cove TBD TBD drainage line. Intersection Rushing Springs Dr. Creek Rd. Ln. closure. Traffic will be detoured Engineering N/A (940)349-7112 to Serenity Way. Completed Closures 61 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Willowwood Highland Water transmission main Changed per email from Door hangers delivered S.Bonnie Brae St. St. Park Rd. 01/28/20 04/11/20 installation. Street will be Engineering Robin Davis to local residents on (940)349-7112 closed to thru traffic. 1/29/20. S.Locust St. Warren Ct. Maple 12/16/19 05/08/20 Drainage Improvements as part Engineering West side lane closure Direct business contact, (940)349-8938 of the Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project. Door hangers construction is continuing thru COVID- 19.Please respect workers efforts in the field and always maintain social distancing. 4/8/20-Ongoing 4/1/20-US 380/Mayhill Signal Installation is wrapping up successfully. Next step requires pavement marking installations to set stop bars and 1200'East of 1200'West Engineering, pedestrian crosswalks. This work will require Additional outreach not US 380(E.University Dr.) N.Mayhill of E.Mayhill 11/01/19 04/30/20 Signal Upgrade and Installation Traffic,TxDOT, (940)349-8925 Rd. Rd. CIP various lanes of travel to needed be closed. Typically, there will be 2 lanes closed in each direction (eastbound and westbound)with a minimum of one-lane open at all times. 3/25/20-US 380/Mayhill Signal Installation is in progress. Expected to last 1-2 weeks and will require various lanes of travel to close. 3/18/20-Project Walkthrus are underway This project is a sidewalk installation project on the south side of W Parkway from Locust to Elm.It is part of our 2018 Engineering, Sidewalk Program that will public Works Locust improve pedestrian access and Direct business contact, W Parkway Street Street N Elm Street 03/16/20 04/17/20 upgrade ADA infrastructure. Inspections, Door hangers (940)349-7104 The local businesses in this are Floyd Smith will be notified by door hanger Concrete and personal visits by staff to ensure all necessary concerns are addressed. Completed Closures 62 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date A Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Closure of lanes of Windsor Drive to facilitate paving operations related to the Magnolia Phase II drainage Mesquite North Elm improvement project. West Windsor Drive Street Street 03/30/20 04/30/20 Westbound and center lanes Engineering Email Notification (940)349-8425 will be closed and re-paved and then swapped to a closure of the Eastbound and center lanes once the Westbound lanes are complete. Total 19 Completed Closures 63