070220 Friday Staff Report City Manager's Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: July 2, 2020 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report L Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Cancelled- Committee on the Environment Meeting on Monday,July 6,2020 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Special Called-Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday,July 6,2020 at 3:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 3. Special Called - Board of Ethics Meeting on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 4. No - City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 7, 2020. 5. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 6. No -Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday,July 8,2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 7. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 8. Use-of-Force Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. II. General Information & Status Update A. Organizational Update — The attached memo was sent to the City Council and City staff this morning regarding upcoming organizational changes. Staff contact: Todd Hileman, City Manager's Office OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service B. Service Requests — Since the City's response to the COVID-19 pandemic began in early March, staff is actively prioritizing service requests to most effectively maintain and operate the City's infrastructure. The Engage Denton app remains one of the most effective ways for staff to manage these requests, as it allows for the request to be assigned directly to the correct staff member/department and opens direct communication between the staff and the resident when clarification is needed or when updating them on the status of the request. Power outages and water emergencies are monitored 24/7, and staff attempts to send an initial response for all other request types within 48 business hours. A flyer with the most common request types is attached. From August 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, staff responded to 5,515 service requests through the app and have been able to close the requests within an average of 2.5 days. If a resident creates a username to log into the system, they will receive responses that include an update on the request, anticipated timeline for next steps, and a staff contact name and number for follow up if needed.Users also have the option to submit requests anonymously, however they would not receive communication from staff when using this option. Additionally, there is now a quick survey that the resident receives when their request is closed by staff to indicate their satisfaction with the service that they received, and have and average rating is 4.2 out of 5 since the beginning of March. The requests that staff have handled through the app are in addition to the 732 requests that have been submitted by Elected Officials through email during that same time period. Because of the large number of service requests and advantages of managing requests for service through the Engage Denton app, we are requesting that Elected Officials offer the app, which is also available at www.engagedenton.com, as a solution for residents to enter their request rather than having the Elected Official email those to the City Manager's Office for follow up. There is a team of administrators reviewing the requests within Engage Denton to check that the resolution meets customer service and operational standards and will be able to communicate with the residents directly when necessary. If there is an urgent need,please email Todd Hileman, Sarah Kuechler, Stuart Birdseye, and Rachel Balthrop Mendoza so that we can follow up as necessary. If you have a policy question or work session request, please use the online form at https:Hgpp.smartsheet.com/b/form/90c7fe8dc47944de9c47fa8a3f57439f. By using these systems, we will be able to prioritize responses and track the progress of the request to ensure that staff is offering outstanding customer service. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office C. Independence Day Closings—Please see the attached press release outlining the City's closings and operating hours for the holiday weekend. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs D. Positive COVID-19 Participant in Tennis Lessons—On June 15, Parks and Recreation reopened sports contracted programs for golf and tennis. On June 30, Tennis Center Contractor, Bad Dawg Tennis, received notice that a participant in their group lessons, Youth High-Performance Tennis Groups, had tested positive for COVID-19. The overall group has 24 youth participants who attend on different days and times throughout the week. The program operates with one instructor for every four 2 participants at each tennis court, in compliance with USTA and State of Texas mandates. The individual participated at the Goldfield Tennis Center on Monday, June 15, and Monday, June 22. They showed no symptoms at the time of participation. The participant felt ill towards the end of the week and was tested on Saturday, June 27. Bad Dawg Tennis informed the participants in the affected group,to self-quarantine for 14 days and test for COVID-19 if possible. The rest of the High-Performance group, other participants in private lessons, group lessons, and drop-ins were informed of the positive test and recommended to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. Because of this positive test, PARD has decided to suspend all private lessons, group lessons, and drop-ins at the Goldfield Tennis Center for a minimum of 14 days. In addition, the facility will be sanitized and cleaned thoroughly. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation E. Parks Dyno Dirt Usage Clarification—On Wednesday, July 1, an unfortunate updated social media post by a local resident on the "Denton Matters"Facebook private group stated "Yesterday, June 30th 2020, the City of Denton Parks and Recreation Department agreed to stop using the biosolids in Denton's playgrounds, parks and ballfields"claiming the Parks and Recreation Department modified or changed a policy recently to stop the use Dyno Dirt used on playgrounds, parks and ballfields. The post further stated, "This post helped us reach critical mass and apparently caused enough of a stir to stop the practice". This information is not accurate, misleading and has caused some unfortunate concern. The resident who posted the information had been informed as recently as June 30 that Dyno Dirt was not being used on the ballfields. In addition, staff reported to City Council on May 12 that USGA sand was planned to be used on ballfields this year, but this application has been delayed due to budget concerns. Dyno Dirt and other similar products are used in general park space, medians and landscaping only as needed by the department. It has not been the practice to use Dyno Dirt on athletic fields and playgrounds. Dyno Dirt has not been used on ballfields for a number of years. All city playgrounds utilize an engineered wood fiber for the surfacing below and around the play structures, rather than Dyno Dirt, so the post is both misleading and inaccurate. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation F. Thanks to Volunteers Deserved — Thank you to everyone who volunteered at a nonprofit worksite during the City's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. During this unprecedented time, local nonprofits saw a decrease in volunteer involvement due to the CDC recommendations for high-risk populations to stay home and socially distance. While the City of Denton employees were volunteering at Our Daily Break from March 25-June 21, the organization served 9,180 meals. Wendy McGee, ODB Executive Director, shared comments on their adaptations and the impact made by City employees at ODB in this DTV produced Denton Strongvideo. ideo. 3 Employees volunteered at nonprofits, also assisting with childcare and translation services. City employees' efforts totaled 2,094 hours in 565 shifts from 169 employees at Grace Like Rain, Monsignor King Outreach Center, Our Daily Bread, and the Denton Community Food Center. Additionally, Parks and Recreation staff will continue to support a hygiene station at the Civic Center Pool through July 2, which has been available since March 23. City employees have made a considerable difference in the Denton community when asked to step up and help. Thank you to everyone who pitched in where they could. Staff contact: Carly Weld, Parks and Recreation G. REMINDER Denton County OPEN Grants — Denton County opened Phase II of the OPEN grant program on June 22, including some changes to the grant application process and eligibility. The attached document outlines the changes implemented in Phase 2 of the program. Due to the program changes in Phase 2,the County is requiring any business that was awarded grants during Phase 1 to submit a new application in Phase 2 if they believe they will qualify for more money. Even if a business qualified for the maximum grant award($10,000)under Phase 1,they must submit another application under Phase 2 to be considered for additional funding. Businesses opened by May 1, 2020, with no more than 100 full-time employees, will be eligible under Phase 2. The County will require bank statements from January 2020 through June 2020, if applicable, to determine financial losses due to COVID-19. The focus will be on providing financial relief for businesses that have suffered any negative financial impact due to COVID-19. Businesses with revenues exceeding $15 million are ineligible to apply during Phase 2. The deadline for applications is noon, Monday, July 6. Businesses are encouraged to contact Denton County with questions (website: dentoncounty_gov/open, email: OPEN r_ a�ntskdentoncounty_gov; phone: 940-349- 4280). Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development H. Economic Development Strategic Plan Update and Public Input - Over the past six months, the City of Denton Economic Development team worked with the consulting firm TIP Strategies, based out of Austin, to develop a new Economic Development Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is designed to be a roadmap for the next five years of economic development activities and focuses on building a sustainable economic future for Denton. The first draft of the Plan was reviewed by the Economic Development Partnership Board on June 24, with additional review scheduled for the July 8 meeting. While many stakeholders and community groups were engaged prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to ensure that the most important stakeholder, the community at large, had an opportunity to be a part of the process. Staff have launched an online comment portal (linked here), which includes a short introductory video and a draft of the Strategic Plan. The public comment period will last from July 1 to July 14. Economic Development and Public Affairs staff are working together to encourage participation through social media channels started next week. We invite the community to review the plan and provide comments, ideas, or suggestions. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development 4 I. Unemployment&Business Update—Staff is working to assemble,review, and analyze unemployment and labor data as releases are made. Staff will provide ongoing updates throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as data is made available. • U.S. Department of Labor(DOL) o DOL released its weekly unemployment report on Thursday, July 2. The full report is available here. • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) o The BLS released the June Employment Situation Summary on Thursday, July 2. The full report is available here. • Texas Workforce Commission(TWC) o TWC has created a UI Claimant Dashboard to provide updated graphical representations of data and datasets for download. The dashboard is available here. o April local unemployment data was released on the Texas Labor Market Information(www.texasLMLcom) system on June 19. The next release is scheduled for July 17. o TWC also provides data on weekly unemployment claims filed and how the claim was received. The chart with data as of July 2 is below. • U.S. Census Bureau o The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting experimental Small Business Pulse Surveys to measure the changes in business conditions on small businesses throughout the country. o Data is now available for the week of June 24-30. o The results of the survey are available here. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development 5 Unemployment Claims Filed COVID-19 Unemployment Claims Filed Week Ending Total Internet Telephone Other 2/22 7,053 ' 2/29 7,393 " " 317 6,368 3/14 16,176' 2,731 1.380 1,931 3121 158,364' 141,632 13,678 3,054 3128 276,185' 256,214 20,642 15,696 414 313,832' 321,000 20,000 20,000 4111 273,567' 221,500 14,800 10,300 4118 280,761' 283,900 21,600 19,600 4/25 254,084' 246,600 25,100 165,600 52 243,935' 237,400 28,300 20,200 5/9 141,553' 166,800 30,500 12,900 5116 134,065' 145,400 29,400 21,700 5123 127,717' 136,600 27,600 20,300 5130 106,677' 114,000 23.200 25.700 616 89,676' 105,500 23,000 33,700 6113 93,895' 87,800 22,300 22,400 6120 89,241' 107,300 19,800 19,700 6127 14.900 100,700 21,600 22,600 714 77,200 48,500 10,500 18,200 Unless indicated,numbers are estimates based on internal TWC data and are subject to revision. 'Official Department of Labor Data when available and TWC Estimates "'Breakdown Data Unavailable J. Resident Concern Regarding Mobility Plan Public Meetings - On June 23, Council Member Briggs forwarded an email to staff from a resident who expressed concern that the draft Master Thoroughfare Plan (part of the 2020 Mobility Plan) showed future roadway infrastructure that was anticipated to be at or near her and her neighbors' property. Additionally, she felt she was not afforded sufficient notice and opportunity to provide input or feedback. Staff responded to the resident and explained that the Mobility Plan is a collaborative effort between City staff and the residents of Denton to determine the best plan for the future growth of the City, and the plan is not a commitment to a timeline for construction, but is guidance for long-term development and growth. Staff additionally relayed that while an initial round of public meetings occurred in 2019, a second round of public input opportunities was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The resident was made aware that the City is working to re- schedule the public input meetings and that the City will be sending out notices ahead of the public input meetings, which will be held prior to the final version of the plan being presented to City Council. Staff members offered to meet with the resident, at her convenience and to discuss all concerns regarding the 2020 Mobility Plan. Staff contact: Mario Canizares, City Manager's Office K. New Golf Ball Dispenser-North Lakes Driving Range began using an automatic golf ball dispenser on Monday, June 29. This project has been in the works since the first of the year but was delayed with the pandemic. To get a range card, visit the clubhouse during operational hours and prepay for buckets of golf balls. This will allow golfers 6 additional hours to enjoy the driving range as well as a way to enjoy contactless transactions. The clubhouse hours are 8 to 11 a.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. every day. The golf ball dispenser will be open every day from 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.;on Wednesdays the dispenser is closed from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for range maintenance. Staff contact: Adam Shorter, Parks and Recreation L. Pavilion at North Lakes Dog Park—The Denton Parks Foundation(DPF) is excited to announce the recently funded and constructed pavilion at the North Lakes Dog Park. This addition was due to the generosity and flexibility of a donor whose commitment to serving Denton's current needs was paramount, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. After hearing from many in the community for the need for shade, the addition of this pavilion, which includes two picnic tables, is a great investment right before summer (pictures attached). The Denton Parks Foundation will continue its efforts to fundraise for the North Lake Dog Park, so dog lovers are inspired to engage, interact, and exercise with their neighbors and friends, including man's best friend. While fundraising has slowed due to the pandemic, DPF's passions haven't. DPF continues to help fund the development costs for the North Lakes Dog Park, as well as support the ongoing maintenance and additional amenities at both of Denton's dog parks.Funding will reduce the overall cost to taxpayers, help phase in enhancements to the dog park experience, and create a safe and fun environment for people and dogs to play. Staff contact: Brook Moore, Denton Parks Foundation via Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation M. Summer Camps — Parks and Recreation (PARD) has not been offering traditional summer camps due to the pandemic. Instead, staff created multiple at-home camp activities for residents to enjoy for low costs, such as Camp In A Bag. More online camps will continue in July with a Fashionista Camp and Denia Dice, a role-playing tabletop camp. To see all summer programs and camps, please visit www.dentonparks.com. Staff contact: Caroline Seward, Parks and Recreation N. Communication Protocols for TXDOT Projects — On June 27, Council Member Meltzer inquired if the City could adapt its updated construction communication protocols for TXDOT projects. Updates to our communication protocols relating to TXDOT will be developed as part of this overall construction communication effort. Communications protocols relating to regional mobility projects will vary from what the council was presented for local road projects. This is due to the fact that these large, regional projects do not always lend themselves to some of our locally focused communications activities and also the need to refine our process with TXDOT for the timely sharing of project information. As staff reaches additional milestones in in our updates to construction communications, the Council will be notified via the Friday Report. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs O. Landfill Expansion Notification — On June 27, Council Member Briggs requested information about the notifications that the City has provided to residents regarding the landfill expansion. Planning for and permitting the expansion of the City of Denton Landfill has been a 15+year project.The permit application was submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ)in February 2007.Notice of the permit application was mailed in March 2017 to property owners within a quarter mile of the Landfill, and the notice was also published in the Denton Record Chronicle (DRC) and Al Dia, the local bilingual newspaper. A public comment period was then opened by the state and ran until June 25, 2020. During the public comment period, a total of 771 comments have been received and reviewed by the TCEQ. Similarly, in November 2019, the same notifications were published and mailed to residents and the public of the Executive Director's preliminary decision to issue the permit. Sufficient comments were received requesting a public meeting and, again, notices were mailed in February 2020, for the Public Meeting Scheduled for March then cancelled due to COVID, and then May 2020 and published in the DRC and Al Dia on June 3, 10, and 17 of 2020. As part of these mailings and notice, the entire permit application was published online, and a contact number was included for interested parties to contact the City to request information, clarification,and/or request opportunities to meet and discuss. Over the past 3.5-year application review period, staff has frequently briefed the City Council and the Public Utilities Board on the permit status, requested expenditure authority for professional services associated with the permit, and provided multiple status updates via Informal Staff Reports. Additionally, over the past year, the City has updated residents on the landfill expansion process by publishing information in the Citizen Connection(the newsletter insert sent with utility bills) and maintaining a page on its website containing current information on the expansion status. To further update residents on the landfill expansion status, staff has also pushed out social media updates on various City of Denton channels including, but not limited to: The City of Denton Facebook and Twitter, the City of Denton Solid Waste and Recycling Facebook page, and Nextdoor. City staff also fielded calls from residents, including those located within a mile of the facility, and other interested parties throughout this entire process. Staff contact: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste and Recycling P. Construction Schedule — On June 30, Council Member Briggs requested an updated construction schedule for Rockwood Ln., Mistywood Ln. and Royal Ln. This project is scheduled to begin later this month and continue through April 2021. Below is the anticipated schedule: • Phase I: July 20,2020—September 2020(70 Days): Royal and Rockwood • Phase II: October 2020 — January 2021 (120 Days): Mistywood (from Jamestown to Brookfield) and Woodhaven(from Emerson to Brookfield) • Phase III: February 2021 — April 2021 (90 Days): Mistywood (from Jamestown to Nottingham) and Woodhaven (from Emerson to Brookfield) Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Public Works 8 Q. Food Truck Regulations — On July 1, Council Member Briggs requested information about whether a food truck could park in a parking lot spot or on a curb to sell food to a neighborhood. A food truck cannot park on the street to sell food unless it is in front of a construction site. Food trucks are meant to sell food on private, commercially zoned property. Staff contact: Kevin Cummings, Development Services R. Virtual Liberty Run— The 22nd Annual Liberty Run 5K and 1-Mile Walk is a virtual run this year. Registration is free, or $12 for a T-shirt. Participants should complete their run or walk by July 4. Runners and walkers can share pictures of themselves in festive outfits and be entered to win $25 gift cards from local businesses. For more information and to register by July 3, visit www.cityofdenton.com/virtualreccenter. Staff contact: Jennifer Eusse, Parks and Recreation III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events All City-sponsored events and programs are suspended until further notice. B. Community Meetings All City-sponsored meetings are also suspended until further notice. IV. Attachments A. Organizational Updates.....................................................................................10 B. Engage Denton.................................................................................................I I C. Independence Day Closings Press Release........................................................12 D. Dog Park Pavilion Pictures...............................................................................14 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2020-061 Board of Ethics—Conflict of Interest................................................16 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information ....................................................................17 B. Council Calendar .............................................................................................18 C. Future Work Session Items ..............................................................................21 D. Street Construction Report ...............................................................................22 9 A."I" City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 TO: All Employees FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager RE: Mario Canizares DATE: July 2, 2020 I'm pleased to announce some bittersweet news to our organization. Deputy City Manager Mario Canizares, who has served the City of Denton for 3 years has been named the next City Manager of Nacogdoches, TX. This is a terrific leadership opportunity for Mario as he steps into this new role. His experience and work ethic in Denton certainly sets the ground work for him in Nacogdoches. I am very proud of him and honored to have been part of his professional growth process over the past few years. He has helped lead our transition to a more customer-service oriented organization, shepherded many of our critical infrastructure initiatives, and been a valuable professional coach and mentor to several of our staff. While Mario will continue with the City through July, my goal is to move quickly to fill this critical role. In recognition of the impact she has had on our organization over the past year, Sara Hensley will be promoted to Deputy City Manager after Mario's departure. I also intend to consider internal candidates for the soon to be vacant Assistant City Manager position. I am particularly proud of the organizational culture and talent that exists today in the management ranks and would first like to look within our organization to fill this position. I hope to share more information on this process and in the coming weeks. Once again, please join me in thanking Mario for his service to the City of Denton and congratulating him on his new challenge in east Texas. 10 ENGAGE DENTON D • ENGAGE DENTON is the City's mobile app that allows you to: • Request City services • Report potholes and street issues • Submit vehicle complaints and property maintenance issues • Sign up for weekly solid waste and reycling reminders • File a police report • Pay your utility bill, and more! www.engagedenton .com .. . _j�OF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DENTON Ryan Adams • (940) 349-8565 • Ryan.Adamsgcityofdenton.com Independence Day Operating Hours and Closings City Facilities Closed Friday, July 3 DENTON, TX,June 29,2020—While certain City of Denton facilities are currently closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic, other facilities may experience service alterations on Friday, July 3 in observance of the federal Independence Day holiday. Please note the following with respect to specific City of Denton services and facilities. Libraries All libraries will be closed on Friday, July 3 and Saturday, July 4. Modified library services and hours will resume on Monday, July 6. Visit library.cityofdenton.com to learn more about the Library's modified services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Animal Services and Shelter Animal Services and the Linda McNatt Animal Care &Adoption Center will be closed on Friday, July 3 and will resume regular hours on Saturday, July 4. To visit the Adoption Center, call (940) 349-7594 to schedule an appointment. To report an animal-related non-emergency, call (940) 349-8181 and select option 8. In case of an emergency, dial 911. Parks and Recreation Denia Rec Center, MLK Jr. Rec Center, Denton Civic Center, Denton Senior Center, Water Works Park, Civic Center Pool, Denton Natatorium, and Goldfield Tennis Center are currently closed, and will remain closed on July 3 and 4. North Lakes Rec Center and North Lakes Driving Range will be open on Friday, July 3,but closed on Saturday, July 4. The driving range will reopen on Sunday, July 5 and the recreation center will reopen on Monday, July 6. Public Safety Public safety personnel will be on duty during the holiday. The Denton Police Department non- emergency number is (940) 349-8181, and in case of an emergency, dial 911. Utilities Customer Service operations will be closed on Friday, July 3 and resume regular hours on Monday, July 6. To report a utility service emergency, call utilities dispatch at (940) 349-7000. Online bill pay and other self-service options will not be affected. Solid Waste and Recycling The City of Denton Landfill will be open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, July 3 and 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 4. Currently, credit and debit cards are the only accepted forms of payment. Visit www.dentonrecycles.com for current schedule information. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility• Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 12 Airport Airport administrative offices will be closed on Friday, July 3. The air traffic control tower will be open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., and the airfield will remain open 24 hours per day. Flight services will be available from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. throughout the holiday. For a complete list of facility closures and service modifications due to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit www.cityofdenton.com/coronavirus. Fireworks in the City of Denton The Denton Fire Department would like to remind the public that it is illegal to buy, sell, use, or possess fireworks in or within 5,000 feet of the Denton city limits. Offenders may be fined up to $2,000 and fireworks will be confiscated. On behalf of the City of Denton, have a safe and happy holiday. Visit www.cityofdenton.com for more news and to stay updated. 2 13 r� 1 r - - r - , - -•-iJ _• - •I - :�' _ :� _ ,. / -" - .iti •r 1. ,>%�t>. �1 ' V� _ - r_ f- ♦..T7{ t > F+t �' j�� .l.:k�� - - � Jf �-+11 . Pi-!•.:*,.�' t--_+ r .• ''�. _ y. 1 '_J-;?i- 01° ` l i.�.7 --L(!' ...� ^�{+. ':JT�:1c!1_.,-C��♦t� ��r r}r�•1•I�ti7.�..'1+- .�>M a- 7} 4 r- f ' ' - ' A. , - . - ,. I - 1'. 1 • .. -J.+J - • r? `• 1 11, • I.-/". .• -l' . • -f - .. - - � - . - •.. i •�' -!. '1 t 1',-.�� � ,� _ }• �j�r 1, - -� ,��1 - - /,�. �' 7-' -w . r ,- . - to /. '�:. - 1. •fJ1. .-� - .• � ram•-.: ,,`• ;� - - !� o�4 .� 1.. . 1'_ _ . .ti• •�. r 1t ►• .. .. . - k!G'�_. _. ti ?r.+ ,w . y -..�i_ 1 1. C� -.y.- � Ty -�<- 14: •.:'' .I 4.• - �". _ - _ . .. 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On May 19, 2020, the Board of Ethics' Chair, Lara Tomlin, presented the proposed amendments to the Ethics Ordinance as well as the proposed modifications to the Rules of Procedure. Based on this presentation, the City Council directed to Board of Ethics to report back if the Board had reached an impasse regarding the Conflict of Interest section of the Ethics Ordinance. On June 25, 2020, the Board of Ethics met to discuss this question. This link will take you to the May 19th presentation: https:Hdentontx.new.swagit.com/videos/62500# This link will take you to the June 25th Board of Ethics meeting: https://dentontx.new.swagit.com/videos/71290 CONCLUSION: At this time, the Board of Ethics does not have a recommendation for the City Council regarding the Conflict of Interest section of the Ethics Ordinance. That being said, the Board of Ethics does not believe they have reached an impasse and is open to continued discussions of the Conflict of Interest section. STAFF CONTACT: Madison Rorschach, Staff Auditor Internal Audit Department (940) 349-7228 Madison.Rorschachkcityo fdenton.com 16 Council Requests for Information Council Member Requestor Date Summary of Request Staff Assigned Department Comments Council Member Briggs 02/03/20 Would like to request council discuss a citywide public health study. Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during a future Pending http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/defaulVfiles/files/Health/info_to_PosVHe Request work session althKeport-linked.pdt Like this 2 Council Member Briggs 06/03/20 In the light of recent events and calls from the community, I would like Dixon Police Request will be presented during a future Pending ask for a Work session on police review/oversight board Request work session 3 Council Member Davis 06/10/20 How much money ALL local,state,and federal agencies spend on social Birdseye/Gaines City Manager's Office/Finance Information will be provided in a future Friday Report services,education,public health,etc.in Denton. Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 1 want to bring back my old pitch for a community oversight board. I know Dixon Police Request will be presented during a future Pending -failed last time,but the public is demanding it now,and people are Request work session 4 paying attention like never before. I believe Council owes it to the public to at least reconsider.I believe there was a report with it when I last fight it forward on community oversight boards in other cities? Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 I would also like to bring back my my previous one-minute pitch to repeal Kuechler Public Affairs Request will be presented during a future Pending our ordinances that experts,advocacy groups,and my homeless Request work session 5 constituents both say criminalize homelessness(see earlier staff report for the list).The public interest in law enforcement reform and civil liberties 6 Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 I would also like to get my engine brake ban request back in the queue, Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during a future Pending after the two reforms above. I decided to pull it because of covid-19. Request work session Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 Now that the Supremes have ruled in favor of trans civil rights Kuechler Public Affairs Request will be presented during a future Pending protections in employment,can we please make room at our next posted Request work session 7 meeting(or the next posted meeting after that?)to continue our deliberation on a comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinance for Denton? Council Member Briggs 06/22/20 https:Hdfw.cbslocal.com/2020/06/16/dallas-county-commissioners-vote- Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday Report in-avor-o-ci a-an - 8 re ease . c i =w R21j_hPRf4aQ1 Bd4f4kQcvjECkogQtQKRFmkS82R QcE3Gs I xyogrJtl­-Al`UY Would like to see 11 our PD could consicier a cite and real ease program and if we did what that would entail 9 Council Member Briggs 06/23/20 Will staff provide an update as to when the mobility plan update Jahn/Adams Capital Projects/Public Affairs Information will be provided in the July 2 Report neighborhood meetings have been rescheduled? Council Member Davis 06/23/20 Denton PD is exploring innovative mental health response strategies. Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 10 But if it's worthwhile,are there barriers to implementation that we can help with? Council Member Davis 06/24/20 Can I get an update on the temporary solutions(i.e.,pylons or other Jahn Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 11 traffic controls on Bonnie Brae,just North of University,where the driveways are on both sides? 12 Council Member Briggs 06/27/20 What types of notifications publications,has the city provided its Boerner Solid Waste Information will be provided in the July 2 Friday Report residents in regards to the landfill expansion? 13 Council Member Meltzer 06/27/20 Will staff look into what outreach to residents affected by TxDOT projects Estes/Adams Capital Projects/Public Affairs Information will be provided in a future Friday Report may be possible? 14 Council Member Briggs 06/30/20 Do we have an ordinance that dictates what time of day home,street Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report construction can happen within our city 15 Council Member Briggs 06/30/20 Speeding on Wilson St.has there ever been a traffic study or attempt to Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report reduce speed on Wilson st? 16 Council Member Briggs 06/30/20 Neighbors are worried that Rockwood,Mistywood and Royal are getting Cox Public Works Information will be provided in the July 2 Friday Report pushed back.But they are not correct? 17 Council Member Briggs 06/30/20 Can staff answer questions about the sidewalks in the 2019 Bond Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report program? 18 Council Member Briggs 07/01/20 Can a food truck park in park lot spot or on curb and sell food to Cummings Development Services Information will be provided in the July 2 Friday Report neighborhood? 17 July 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 No- 2:30pm 8:30DEDC 4th of July Agenda Committee Cancelled4:00 Public Aft Holiday Committee 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No Luncheon Meeting No Council Meeting 11:00EDPB 6pm Use-Of-Force Cancelled-COE 1:30 3:OOPM Board of No-2:30pm Agenda Committee Ethics Committee ZBA 3:00prn 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PUB 9am No CouncilMeeting 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pm Committee on Committee Persons with Disabilities Mobility Committee HABSCO 4pm Meeting 9:00 am 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HOT&S Tentative 2:00 pm CC Work 12:00TI Board(TIRZ) 9-11 session 2:30pm Agenda 6:30 pm CC Regular Committee Se ssio n 5:00pm P&Z Work Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Ses s ion 26 27 28 29 30 31 'UB 9am loam CouncilAirpon 2:30pm Agenda HOT&S Tentative 9-10 ZBA 5:30pm Committee Committee 5:30PM Board of 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Ethics Session 18 August 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30 am Council Budget Luncheon Session Committee Workshop 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 8:30DEDC COE 1:30 Session 6:30pmP&ZRegularSession 4:00 Public Art Committee Traffic Safety Commission 5:30 pm 9 10 11 12 113 14 15 PUB 9am 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 11:00EDPB Session 2:30pm Agenda Mobility Committee Committee Meeting 9:00 am 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pmCommittee on Se ssion Committee Persons With Disabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession HABSCO 4pm Se ss io n 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 PUB 9am 10am CouncilAnport 5:30PM Board of Committee Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 30 31 ZBA 5:30pm 19 September 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30DEDC Session Committee 4:00 Public Art Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6 7 m18 9 10 11 12 Labor Day No Council Meeting 11:00EDPB Holiday Mobility Committee 2:30pm Agenda No Lunc he on Me e ting Meeting 9:00 am Committee COE 1:30 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PUB 9am 2:00 pm CC Work 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 6:00pm Committee on Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Session Persons with Disabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular HABSCO 4pm Se ssio n 10:30 am Audit Finance 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 10am CouncilAirpport 5:30PM Board of Committee 12:00 TIF Board(TIRZ) Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 27 28 29 30 PUB 9am No CouneilMeeting 2:30pm Agenda ZBA 5:30pm Committee 20 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of July 2,2020 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items Special- Budget Workshop Fys 19-20 and 20-21 @ 1 p.m. COVID-19 Update Budget Updates CIP Update 6/30/2020 20-1258 20-806 20-888 6,7&14-Jul No meetings-Council Break Audit-COVID-19 Economic Development Response-Disaster COVID-19 Update Green Tree Estates PD Information Session Strategic Plan Reimbursements Council Requests July 21 21-Jul 20-1046 20-966 20-1221 20-1130 20-1215 20-847 Drop-Off Recycling One-Way/Two-Way COVID-19 Update Green Tree Estates Centers Gas Well Discussions Budget Updates Council Requests July 28 28-Jul 20-1047 20-967 20-768 20-1186 20-1229 20-1150 20-848 Special- Budget Workshop Budget Updates 30-Jul 20-1151 3-Aug Luncheon COVID-19 Update Green Tree Estates Budget Updates Council Requests Aug.4 4-Aug 20-1204 20-968 20-1153 20-1048 Special-Budget Workshop 6-Aug Budget Updates 20-1154 COVID-19 Update Council Requests Aug.11 11-Aug 20-1205 Sustainability Plan 20-1049 COVID-19 Update Council Requests Aug 18 18-Aug 20-1206 20-1050 DOVID-19 Update Council Requests Aug 25 25-Aug 20-1207 20-1051 Accessory Dwelling Units, and Screening Construction Code Group Home Code Library Master Plan Council Requests Sept.1 DCA19-0011 Review(TBD) Delegated Authority Amendment 20-526 20-1201 Ol � Municipal Broadband Right of Way Ordinance Sept.7&8-NO Meetings 20-556 Plugged Gas Wells Public Art Follow-up Stormwater Master Plan (Labor Day/Day After) a � N m ~ 2020 Mobility Plan EDPB and Contract O d +' TIF Grants for Update' Denton Development between City/Chamber Council Requests Sept.15 vl Accessibility 20-245 Code Amendments 20-1185 20-1202 N N Y L O Council Requests Sept.22 20-1203 Sept.29-No Meeting (National Night Out) Work Session Requests Community Public Art Veteran Source oflncome Determinedby Council and Community Tree Small Cell Lawsuit Housing Discrimination Date TBD Grants Ethics Ordinance Revision Participation Tree Ordinance Review Ordinance 21 Street Closure Report IMPROVING �l of Upcoming Closures a C�r)l DENTON Week of July 6, 2020 -July 12, 2020 Street/intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact 135E northbound service 500 ft west Wastewater Improvements road located of Bonnie TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Wastewater (940) 349-8909 Brae Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The process starts with Barricading King Row Nottingham Dunes 07/20/20 08/21/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Sidewalk, remove, and install new concrete Street Reconstruction Remove and replace curb and Mistywood Lane Woodhaven Jamestown 10/01/20 01/29/21 gutter as needed. Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Remove old asphalt and stabilize subgrade. Install asphalt pavement Street Reconstruction Edgewood Curb and gutter has already message boards and Northwood Terrace North End Place 07/21/20 08/21/20 been replaced. Streets door hangers (940) 349-7146 Remove the old asphalt and stabilize subgrade Install asphalt pavement. Robson East Side of 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940) 349-8909 RR (Temporary Lane Closure) Street Reconstruction Mistywood Remove and replace curb and Rockwood Lane Royal Lane Lane 07/20/20 09/30/20 gutter as needed Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Remove the old asphalt and stabilize the subgrade Install asphalt pavement Drainage and Roadway Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae Kansas City TBD TBD Construction Engineering Part of Bonnie Brae Ph. 1 (940) 349-8910 Southern RR Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Capital Project (One Lane traffic control) Upcoming Closures 22 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Street Reconstruction Rockwood Mistywood Remove and replace curb and Royal Lane Lane Lane 07/20/20 09/30/20 gutter as needed. Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Remove old asphalt and stabilize subgrade. Install asphalt pavement. Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair. The process Swan Park White Dove Glen Falls 07/20/20 08/21/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement, and install new concrete. Thomas St. Panhandle Oak TBD TBD Streets Construction Capital Projects Part of 2019 Street (940) 349-7104 Bundle Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The process starts with Barricading Woodland Street N. Bell Frame 07/20/20 08/21/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Sidewalk, remove, and install new concrete Total 11 Upcoming Closures 23 Street Closure Report IMPROVING 41-It" Current Closures DENTON Week of July 6, 2020 -July 12, 2020 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Bonnie Brae IH 35E Scripture 06/15/20 03/01/21 North South Water Main Phase Engineering, Direct business contact (940) 349-8938 3 Water Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The process starts with Barricading Brainy Trace Ct Bent Creek Cul v Sac 06/29/20 07/31/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Sidewalk, remove, and install new concrete Wastewater collections will be Brown Dr Roberts St Woodland St 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940) 349-8909 main line and services Northwood Wastewater collections will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Tr 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940) 349-8909 main line and services Water Distribution will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Roberts St 06/29/20 10/26/20 installing a new water main and Water N/A (940) 349-7278 water services. 3201 Public Works Colorado Blvd Brinker Rd Colorado 02/17/20 07/31/20 Pavement for Fire Station #8 Inspections, NextDoor, Direct (940)205-9230 Blvd Private business contact Development Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The Old North process starts with Barricading E. Windsor Rd Armstrong 07/06/20 08/03/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Sidewalk, remove, and install new concrete Elm Hickory Prairie 05/11/20 07/17/20 PEC 4 Utility Project Engineering Direct business contact (940) 349-8938 6/11/20: TxDOT to close Bent Oaks West of City of Teasley to facilitate Denton/Cori water line installation. FM 2181 nth City Lillian Miller 11/18/19 TBD Street Widening TxDOT Closure expected to last (940) 349-8425 limits 3 weeks. Please refer to s.TXDOT message boards and construction signage for detour detail Wastewater main replacement. Projects extents, Emerson from Emerson Circle to Foxcroft. Emerson Circle from Emerson Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 01/30/20 07/17/20 to End Wastewater N/A (940) 349-8909 Foxcroft from Emerson to Northcrest Foxcroft from Old North to Emerson Current Closures 24 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Water Distribution will be Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 03/09/20 09/17/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940) 349-7278 water services. Ft. Worth Dr. (US 377) IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 11/27/20 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades TxDOT (940) 349-8938 (temporary closures) 0.26 mi Street Widening Ft. Worth Dr. (US 377) IH 35E south of FM 12/03/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures TxDOT 10/08/19 (940) 387-1414 1830 during non-peak traffic) Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair. The process Green Bend Winter Cul v sac 07/06/20 08/14/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Creek sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement, and install new concrete. Curb and Gutter Repair. The process starts with Barricading At the failed sections of, Curb and Headlee St. Mesquite Intersection 07/06/20 07/31/20 Gutter remove and install Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Curbs. From Addresses 607 to 512 Mesquite Completed removal and replace E. Sherman Huntington 06/04/20 07/31/20 of Hercules Lane in conjunction Public Works Email Notification, Door Hercules Lane Dr. Dr. of the added turn lanes for the Inspections hangers (940) 391-6299 Sherman Crossing project. Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this NextDoor, Email Hidden Meadows Trail with Vintage Vintage blvd 03/16/20 07/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940) 349-8938 Blvd right of way activities Notification Tennyson Water Distribution will be Hollyhill Ln Longridge Dr Trl 03/06/20 07/13/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940) 349-7278 water services. Current Closures 25 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Construction is continuing thru COVID- 19. Please respect workers efforts in the field; and maintain social distancing. 6/30/20 - Project is progressing on- schedule. Pump station water line passed testing and was in service 6/19/20. Install approximately 14,000 6/19/20 -Work near linear feet of 24-inch and 30- Bonnie Brae and US Southwest Johnson 377/Fort Worth Drive is John Paine Road Pump 01/06/20 07/31/20 inch water main along Old John Water underway. Work will be NextDoor (940) 349-8925 Station Road Paine and Allred between the in the ROW but may Southwest Pump Station and South Bonnie Brae. impact shoulder and occasional travel lanes for material deliveries. 5/12/20 Update - Partial Opening Goal: John Paine from Johnson north to Allred/John Paine near IH 35W may be ready to re-open End of May. John Paine Road from Johnson Road south will remain closed is still scheduled to re-open July 31. This is a modification of the previous street closure for Direct business contact, Johnson Daugherty Smith 06/15/20 07/17/20 install new storm drain. Ground Drainage Direct contact with (940) 349-7197 conditions have changed on the job site and will now require a residents full street closure. Install new storm drain from the Johnson St. Smith St. Daugherty 05/18/20 07/17/20 intersection of Smith and Drainage NextDoor (940) 349-7197 St. Johnson to the intersection of Johnson and Daugherty. Kerley Street Duncan Shady Oaks 02/05/20 07/31/20 Street Reconstruction Streets (940) 349-7146 Street Drive Storm drain improvements as Locust St. Prairie Highland 03/09/20 07/30/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940) 349-8938 Project. East Side In Closure Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this Email Mockernut Rd. with Vintage Vintage 03/16/20 07/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering NextDoor, (940) 349-8938 Blvd. Blvd. right of activities. Notification way Current Closures 26 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Public Works N. Bell Ave Texas College 02/28/20 07/31/20 Sidewalk Inspections, NextDoor (940) 205-9230 Private Development Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair. The process N. Carroll W.Oak McKinney 06/08/20 08/28/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 St. sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement, and install new concrete. Prairie Elm Pierce 06/01/20 08/28/20 PEC 4 Utilities Engineering NextDoor, Direct (940) 349-8938 business contact Storm drain improvements, as Prairie St. Locust St. Elm St. 03/23/20 08/28/20 Part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940) 349-8938 Project. Street closed to thru traffic. Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Roberts St Bell Ave Ln 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940) 349-8909 main line and services. Roselawn Bonnie Brae Bernard 05/12/20 07/31/20 Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering NextDoor (940) 349-8938 The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways listed above. This Thomas reconstruction shall include new NextDoor, Email Scripture Street Street Malone 03/16/20 08/21/20 curb and gutter, ADA compliant Engineering Notification (940) 349-7426 ramps in sidewalks, asphalt or concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage, water and wastewater facilities intersection back of Intermittent closure of the NextDoor, Email Shagbark Dr with Vintage Vintage Blvd 03/16/20 07/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering Notification (940) 349-8938 Blvd right of way activities. Warren Ct. Wainwright Locust St. 12/16/19 07/31/20 Drainage Improvements as part Engineering Closed to thru traffic Direct business contact, (940) 349-8938 St. of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project door hangers Mill and Overlay: Welch Street Due to a rain delay, We from Union Circle to Union had to reschedule the Notified UNT of the Welch Street Union Circle Eagle Drive 06/22/20 07/10/20 Circle and Highland to Eagle Streets section of Welch project limits. (940) 349-7146 Drive. between Highland and Eagle Drive. Western Phased Road Reconstruction. Private West Oak St/Jim Chrystal Blvd. 135 07/06/20 07/27/20 There is an attached TCP with 4 Development N/A (209) 603-8077 phases as well as a schedule. This closure is to install Windsor E. Sherman Nottingham 06/15/20 08/01/21 underground utilities in this area Engineering NextDoor (940) 349-7426 with street Reconstruction to follow. Current Closures 27 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Installation of sewer and water facilities. Windsor Drive North Locust Stuart 05/11/20 07/01/21 Windsor Drive - Closed EB - Engineering NextDoor (940) 349-7426 Open one Way WB with street reconstruction to follow Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Woodland St Brown Dr Ln 02/10/20 07/10/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940) 349-8909 main line and services Cherrywood Water Distribution will be Woodland St Frame St Ln 06/29/20 10/26/20 installing a new water main and Water N/A (940) 349-7278 water services. Total 39 Current Closures 28 Street Closure Report IMPROVING col Completed Closures of DENTON Week of July 6, 2020 -July 12, 2020 T C� Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process starts with barricading the failed Bent Creek Kappwood Spring Creek 01/06/20 04/24/20 sections of concrete pavement, Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade, and install new concrete pavement. Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The process starts with Barricading Broken Arrow Dunes Old Orchard 05/11/20 06/10/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 sidewalk, remove , and install new concrete. Curb and Concrete Repair. The Broken Arrow Dunes Burning Tree 06/03/20 06/26/20 Process starts with Barricading Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 the failed sections of, Curb remove and install back. Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The Hickory process starts with Barricading Chaucer Hemingway Creek 05/11/20 06/10/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Sidewalk, remove, and install new concrete 450 Feet This project will be removing the The project sent out a Colorado Blvd Loop 288 north of 05/18/20 06/23/20 left turn lane on the northbound Floyd Smith mailout and door (940) 349-7104 Loop 288 side of Colorado Blvd into the Concrete hangers when the first Mall. phase started in April. Public Works Daugherty Johnson Meadow 07/01/20 07/02/20 Water Tap Inspections, NextDoor (940) 205-9230 Private Development Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The Broken process starts with Barricading Dunes Arrow Windsor 06/03/20 07/01/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Sidewalk, remove, and install new concrete Ana Site Construction: Public Works FM 2499 Pine Hills Hickory 03/27/20 07/01/20 Inspections, NextDoor (940) 205-9230 Creek Rd Private Water and Sewer Bore FM2499 Development Completed Closures 29 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Installing Valley Gutter across Greenwood at the intersection of Kayewood. The process Greenwood Kaywood Crestwood 06/15/20 07/03/20 starts with barricading then Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 remove pavement and subgrade and install new concrete Valley Gutter. Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The process starts with Barricading Hickory Exposition Bradshaw 06/08/20 07/03/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 Sidewalk, remove, and install new concrete From 1/13/20 to 3/8/20, City's Contractor will be clearing trees and vegetation along the south side of Hickory Creek Rd., from the west property line of McNair Elementary School to the Riverpass Dr. intersection. This will Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering not involve any lane Phone call to McNair (Temporary Lane Closures) Elementary Principal (940) 349-7112 closures, but construction zone signage will be put up to warn motorists. Atmos still needs to relocate their facilities east of the Montecito intersection before our Contractor can fully deploy to the project. Sycamore Atmos Energy replacing/ Atmos, Public Atmos Energy IOOF Street Street Eagle Drive 06/22/20 08/28/20 upgrading 1,500ft of existing Works responsible for (940) 205-3779 gas main, and 4 services. Inspections notification Atmos Energy is relocating/ Direct business contact, Daughtery replacing existing gas mains Atmos Energy to Johnson Street; Smith Dallas Drive Street, at S 04/06/20 07/31/20 Atmos and services for upcoming distribute door hangers, Street Locust reconstruction of Smith Street; place sign boards, and (940) 268-7285 Street including gas main crossing notify residents in Johnson Street at Smith Street. person 5/28/20 - Contractor Locust St. Oak McKinney 04/13/20 06/13/20 Sidewalk Improvements Engineering delayed due to weather (940) 349-8910 and COVID related work slowdowns. Completed Closures 30 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The process starts with Barricading Mantan Calvert La Fonda 05/11/20 06/10/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940) 349-7176 Sidewalk, remove , and install new concrete Water Line improvements, as Maple St. Elm St. Myrtle St. 02/24/20 03/06/20 Part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940) 349-7112 Project. Alternating lane closures. Masch Branch U S 380 Jim Crystal 02/17/20 06/19/20 We will be reconstructing Masch Streets Direct business contact, (940) 349-7146 Branch from 380 to Jim Crystal. Door hangers Installation of new storm City PM will contact Montecito Dr. Hickory Buena Vista TBD TBD drainage line. Full street Engineering McNair Elementary (940) 349-7112 Creek Rd. Dr. closure. Principal again on 2/7/20. Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair. The process Moss Creek Ft. Worth Dr. Bent Creek 05/11/20 06/10/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement, and install new concrete. Water Distribution will be Old North Rd Chebi Ln Emerson Ln 05/18/20 06/05/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940) 349-7125 water services on Foxcroft. Prairie Locust Wainwright 06/01/20 06/19/20 PEC 4 Utilities Engineering NextDoor, Direct (940) 349-8938 business contact Installation of new storm Hickory Marble Cove TBD TBD drainage line. Intersection Rushing Springs Dr. Creek Rd. Ln. closure. Traffic will be detoured Engineering N/A (940) 349-7112 to Serenity Way. Scripture Malone Lovell 06/20/20 06/21/20 Loading Crane from jobsite Private Email Notification (940) 391-2956 Development Loading crane from jobsite. Did Private Scripture Malone Lovell 06/29/20 06/30/20 not get to do it last weekend Development Email Notification (940) 391-2956 because of the rain Completed Closures 31 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact North South Water Phase 2 - Installation of 42"Water Main: Bonnie Brae is closed for South Bonnie Brae FM 1515 Walt Parker 06/05/20 06/10/20 pavement restoration efforts Engineering Email Notification (940) 349-7713 between FM1515 and Willowwood Street. Part of ongoing closures as street restoration is performed. The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways listed above. This reconstruction shall include new curb and NextDoor, Email Thomas Street W. Oak Panhandle 03/16/20 06/15/20 Engineering Notification, Direct (940) 349-7426 gutter, ADA compliant ramps in business contact sidewalks, asphalt or concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage, water and wastewater facilities Concrete Sidewalk Repair. The process starts with Barricading the failed sections of concrete Vista Verde Montecito Intersection 06/08/20 07/02/20 Sidewalk, remove, and install Streets N/A (940) 349-7146 new concrete Also installing Valley Gutters across Vista Verde at the intersections Total 27 Completed Closures 32