071720 Friday Staff Report City Manager's Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 2020 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report L Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Hotel Occupancy Tax and Sponsorship Committee on Monday, July 20, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room 2. Traffic Safety Commission Meeting on, Monday, July 20, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room (Public Comment Available) 3. City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Work Session at 1:00 p.m. followed by a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room (Public Comment Available) 4. Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Zone No. 1 Meeting on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room 5. Cancelled - Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room 6. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room (Public Comment Available) 7. Special Called - Council Airport Committee on Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room 8. Bond Oversight Committee on Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service 9. Use-of-Force Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Thursday,July 23,2020 at 6:00 p.m. via video/teleconference — City Council Work Session Room (Public Comment Available) II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics—Pursuant to Ordinance No. 19-2026, the following items will be discussed during the July 21 City Council work session. Each week, the topics that will be presented during the next week's agenda will be included in the Friday Report the prior week. Staff contact: Rachel Balthrop Mendoza, City Manager's Office 1. A work session discussing the formation of"a community oversight board tasked with publicly reviewing and responding in a timely fashion to all complaints filed against Denton Police Department (DPD) by members of the public, all DPD uses of force (even when a complaint is not filed), and all DPD matters of public interest as determined by the board" • Requestor: Council Member Armintor • Date Requested: June 15, 2020 • Requested Format for Response: Work session B. Memo Announcing Organizational Changes — On July 15, the attached memo and organization chart were delivered to City employees regarding the appointment of an Assistant City Manager and upcoming organizational changes. An item will also be placed on Tuesday's agenda for the Council's concurrence of this new organizational structure. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs C. Virtual Public MeetingPrticipation Information— To prevent the spread of COVID- 19 (Coronavirus), all public meetings are being conducted remotely through a video- conferencing interface as well as the temporary Rules of Procedure that were adopted during the March 31 Council meeting. Until further notice, no in-person attendance at public meetings will be permitted. Meetings will be streamed online, broadcast on the Denton Television cable channels, and available on-demand. Upcoming virtual meetings and virtual public input options are listed in this report and those with public comment components have been noted. Instructions for submitting public comment through a virtual white card or by phone can be found at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeeting_s or within each meeting's posted agenda. In addition to the website and posted agenda, information regarding public participation in a virtual public meeting will be made available on an ongoing basis through the City's social media channels. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs D. COVID Deaths in the City — On July 14, Council Member Briggs requested information about the total number of deaths in the City of Denton resulting from COVID-19. According to Denton County Public Health, there have been 14 deaths within the City of Denton as of July 15. Staff contact: Kenneth Hedges, Fire E. Texas Mayors Stimulus Letter-Mayor Watts joined 95 other Texas mayors and signed ajoint letter to the Texas congressional delegation reiterating support for an additional 2 federal stimulus measure that includes direct and flexible fiscal assistance to all cities across the nation. The Senate Finance Committee is currently preparing the next federal stimulus package for workers, businesses, states, and local governments. The U.S. Senate is expected to consider the measure after Congress returns on July 20. City staff are working with our federal legislative consultants to directly engage congressional representatives on this issue. Any significant progress of this measure will be communicated to the Council. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs/IGR F. South Branch Library Update — The South Branch Library temporarily suspended curbside hold pickup services as well as computer and internet appointments due to a possible exposure to COVID-19 at 5 p.m. Monday, July 13. The facility was fully sanitized that evening. Following sanitization and safety protocols, the South Branch Library will resume Phase 2 reopening operations on Monday, July 20. All holds that were available at South Branch as of July 13 were sent to North Branch to keep materials accessible for patrons. Those materials are available for drive-up pick up until 5 p.m. Thursday,July 16. Materials will then be returned to the South Branch and available for pickup at South Branch starting Monday, July 20. Those holds will have an extended hold pickup period through Friday, July 24 due to the inconvenience. Library staff are excited to come back and provide contactless curbside hold pickup service and appointments for computer and internet use at the South Branch location again next week. Denton Public Library continues to follow CDC and IMLS REALM Project recommendations regarding staff and patron safety as well as library material quarantine and disinfection processes. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker, Library G. Unemployment&Business Update—Staff is working to assemble,review, and analyze unemployment and labor data as releases are made. Staff will provide ongoing updates throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as data is made available. • U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) o DOL released its weekly unemployment report on Thursday, July 16. The full report is available here. • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) o The BLS released the June Employment Situation Summary on Thursday, July 2. The full report is available here. o The BLS released the June State Employment and Unemployment Summary on Friday, July 17. The full report is available here. • Texas Workforce Commission(TWC) o TWC has created a UI Claimant Dashboard to provide updated graphical representations of data and datasets for download. The dashboard is available here. o June local unemployment data was released on the Texas Labor Market Information (www.texasLMI.com) system on July 17. The next release is scheduled for August 21. 3 2020 Unemployment Rates(not adjusted) January February March Aril Ma June Denton (city) 3.0 3.0 4.3 14.2 12.6 8.4 Denton 3.0 2.9 4.3 12.8 11.9 7.8 (county) Texas 3.8 3.6 5.1 13.1 12.7 8.9 U.S. 4.0 3.8 4.5 14.4 13.0 11.2 o TWC also provides data on weekly unemployment claims filed and how the claim was received. The chart with data as of July 17 is below. Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development Unemployment Claims Filed COVIDI9 Unemployment Claims Filed Week Ending Total Internet Telephone Other 2l22 7,053 ' " 2129 7,393 " 317 6,368 " 3114 16,176' 2,731 1,380 1,931 3121 1 158,364' 141,632 1 13,678 3,054 3128 276,185' 256,214 20,642 15,696 414 313,832' 321,000 20,000 20,000 4111 273,567' 221,500 14,80D 10,300 4118 280,761' 283,900 21,600 19,600 4125 254,084' 246,600 25,100 165,600 512 1 243,935' 237,400 1 28,300 20,200 519 141,553' 166,800 30,500 12,900 5116 134,065' 145,400 29,400 21,700 5123 127,717' 136,600 27,600 20,300 5130 106,677' 114,000 23,200 25,700 616 89,676' 105,500 23,000 33,700 6113 1 93,895' 87,800 122,300 22,400 6120 89,241' 107,300 19,800 19,700 6127 96,141' 100,700 21,600 22,600 714 117,244* 116,100 24,100 28,700 7111 143,500 80,800 17,900 44,800 Unless indicated,numbers are estimates based on internal TWC data and are subject to revision. 'Official Department of Labor Data when available and TWC Estimates Breakdown Data Unavailable H. Spencer Power Plant Atmos Gas Pipeline Replacement Project - The City's Development Assistance Team (the staff team responsible for reviewing applications for private development) conducted a pre-application conference with Atmos Energy on July 8, 2020, to discuss the planned replacement of an existing gas pipeline serving the Spencer Power Plant. The proposed 14,000 linear ft. pipeline will be constructed within the same easements/utility corridor as the existing pipeline. The proposed pipeline would follow an east/west alignment beginning at the Spencer Power Plant (1701 Spencer Rd)and terminating at an Atmos-owned property on East McKinney St, south of the Ashli Oaks community. The proposed project directly impacts fifteen individual property owners, which includes the City of Denton and Denton County, as well as private property 4 owners. This pipeline corridor traverses eight City of Denton properties, which comprise nearly fifty percent of the planned pipeline route. Most notably, the pipeline route runs along the southeastern boundary of the Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant and traverses City land and Mayhill Rd Solid Waste facilities, situated north of the existing landfill footprint. Other key features situated along the pipeline route include Pecan Creek, Loop 288, and Mayhill Rd, as well as City water utility and electric infrastructure. Atmos has engaged all property owners directly impacted by this project and will continue direct engagement with property owners as project planning advances. In the weeks ahead, Atmos staff will be completing additional surveying, environmental, and engineering studies in order to determine appropriate construction techniques and any needed mitigative action. Upon completion of these studies, Atmos will present key outcomes/plan refinements in order to receive feedback from staff prior to making formal development application submittals. As the project currently stands, work is planned to commence on October 1, 2020,with a planned completion date of April 30, 2021. Staff will provide additional updates on this project as project details are refined. Staff contact: Ken Schmidt, Development Services r Proposed Pipeline u Alignment 'J VA I. The Mark at Denton Special Noise Exception Permit Request—The Mark at Denton is an approved multi-family project located at 3500 Bonnie Brae Street. Ownership of The Mark at Denton hired Links Construction, LLC as the construction contractor for the project. The Links Construction team has requested an exception to the noise ordinance for a maximum of two days per week beginning at approximately 2:00 a.m. and ending at 8:30 p.m. over a period of 9 weeks from July 31, to September 30, to conduct continuous concrete pours on-site. Construction noise is governed by Sec. 17-20(c)(3)(D of the City of Denton Code of Ordinances. Exceptions to the noise ordinance require City Council approval of a special permit prior to initiating after hours construction work. Links Construction, LLC has requested to place their special permit request on the July 28 City Council agenda. To abate noise and minimize impacts to surrounding residences, Links Construction, LLC has developed a plan that reduces the requirement for truckers to use their back- 5 up alarm, will be orienting construction lighting westward (away from the nearest residences),and has established a construction entrance/exit that is a minimum of 1,000 feet from the nearest residences. Given the project's proximity to the Brentwood Place Townhomes, City staff have encouraged Links Construction, LLC to engage property owners located within a 500- foot radius of The Mark at Denton site. To-date, Links Construction, LLC has corresponded with the property management company for Brentwood Place, distributed fliers for community input to properties located within 500 feet of the site (attached), and is conducting three Community Input Sessions via Zoom on Monday, July 20 from 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 22 from 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m., and Friday, July 24 from 9:00 a.m. — 10:00 a.m. City staff will attend all meetings and will include feedback received as an attachment to the July 28 City Council agenda materials. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, Development Services J. "The Nook" in Quakertown Park Update — "The Nook" is a project commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Denton Rotary Club. This addition to the Emily Fowler Library and Quakertown Park will add features for an outdoor venue that will capture the spirit of celebration, music, education, and fellowship. Parks and Recreation staff have completed the design and are moving forward with the construction of the mini- amphitheater that includes performance space and seating areas. This week, members of Council and stakeholders in the project took part in recording a virtual groundbreaking at the Emily Fowler Library by recording segments for a virtual celebration in upcoming weeks. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation K. Summer Food Program — Friday, July 10, 2020, Denton ISD released a new school schedule with the first day of classes beginning August 26. The summer food program at Denia and MLK Jr. Recreation Center was scheduled to end August 11 but will continue through August 25. To date, more than 8,800 bundled breakfast and lunch sacks have been distributed at the two sites. Staff contact: Caroline Seward, Parks and Recreation L. Parks and Recreation Pro r�pdate—The Parks and Recreation Department(PARD) resumed several programs in June following the reopening plan. Two additional programs were scheduled to resume on July 20, which included a fitness class and contracted outdoor youth sports. Contracted tennis instruction, which had temporarily paused due to a reported positive case, was also scheduled to resume July 20. The restart dates for these programs are now tentatively scheduled for July 27. PARD continues to take a conservative approach to resuming programs. PARD's committed to evaluating and considering the current requirements and recommendations, local conditions, and resource availabilities in making reopening decisions. Reopening schedules will be shared and communicated directly with participants and the community as they occur. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Parks and Recreation M. Environmental Leadership Awards—The Sustainability and Solid Waste &Recycling Departments were awarded the Outstanding Public Outreach Program award by the State of Texas Alliance of Recyclers (STAR) North Texas Council. STAR is focused on advancing recycling in the State of Texas, and the award was given to Denton for social media outreach and engagement. Sustainability and Solid Waste & Recycling 6 have been working together to promote messages online that increase awareness about recycling the community, and since 2019 have been able to increase Facebook followers by 22% and Instagram followers by 182%. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability N. DME Electric Vehicle Survey - Denton Municipal Electric (DME) must plan and prepare in advance to keep our electrical facilities on pace with electric vehicle growth and future charging demands to provide top notch service to all customers. To aid with this planning, DME is launching a survey to gauge resident interest in an attempt to purchase electric or hybrid electric vehicles in the future. The survey will also seek to provide insight into the charging habits of residents who already own an electric vehicle. The survey is targeted to begin in early August and be open for approximately 2 weeks. When the survey opens it will be advertised on the City website, Facebook, and Twitter. This survey was announced to the City Council on June 9, 2020 as a component of the presentation regarding electric vehicle charging stations. Staff contact: Jerry Fielder, DME O. Street OCI Ratings — On July 10, Council Member Meltzer requested the number of street segments that will be rated Poor or Very Poor, according to their OCI rating, after completion of the 2012, 2014, and 2019 Bond Packages. There are currently 1,028 segments in Denton, or 25% of the road network, that rate Poor or Very Poor. After completing the 2012 and 2014 bond segments, which will occur over the next two years, that number will drop to 897 segments, or 21.5% of the network. The 2019 Bond Package will be completed over the next six to seven years and will reduce the current PoorNery Poor segments to 632, or 15% of the network. It is important to note that over the time, the 2019 Bond Package segments are under construction, some "Fair" segments will deteriorate and fall into the PoorNery Poor category. For this reason, staff anticipates the percentage of PoorNery Poor Segments following the 2019 Bond Package projects to fall between 15% and 20%. Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Public Works P. Hickory Street Construction — On July 16, Council Member Briggs requested information about the timeline for the next phase of construction on Hickory Street, which extends from Welch to Carroll. The contract for the construction on Hickory St. will be presented to City Council during the July 28 meeting. If Council approves the proposed contract, staff anticipates the start of construction by September 1, 2020 that will continue through the spring of 2021. Staff contact: Todd Estes, Capital Projects III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events All City-sponsored events and programs are suspended until further notice. B. Community Meetings All City-sponsored meetings are also suspended until further notice. IV. Attachments A. Organization Update Memo................................................................................9 B. Updated Organizational Chart...........................................................................11 C. Mark at Denton Community Input Meeting ......................................................12 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2020-063 May 2020 DEC Dashboard...............................................................14 B. 2020-064 Forestar—ESA and Canopy..............................................................16 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information ....................................................................19 B. Council Calendar .............................................................................................20 C. Draft Agenda for July 28 ..................................................................................23 D. Future Work Session Items ..............................................................................29 E. Street Construction Report ...............................................................................30 8 CITY IT City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 TO: All Employees FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager RE: Organizational Changes DATE: July 15, 2020 With the upcoming departure of Mario Canizares for a City Manager position in Nacogdotches, TX, and the appointment of Sara Hensley to the Deputy City Manager role here in Denton, I've taken the opportunity to work with members of our management team to discuss the organization's structure as we move forward, particularly given the challenges we currently face. From the beginning of this process, the quality and strong working relationships within our leadership team were evident and it was my goal to not only look internally, but to also take a very collaborative approach as we seek to evolve the leadership team. Over the past two weeks, several teams of employees were formed to evaluate a handful of internal candidates who applied to be considered for the role of Assistant City Manager. These teams included representatives from across our many departments and all levels of the organization. Their thoughtful questions and valuable feedback regarding the candidates was an important component in determining how this critical role would be filled. I would like to thank the roughly 50 employees who volunteered their time to participate in this process. I would also like to congratulate our current Director of Finance David Gaines on his promotion to Assistant City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, effective July 20, 2020. During this time, we also discussed and debated how our organizational structure might be adjusted to align similar services and provide the best match of departments and department leadership. As a result, the following organizational changes will take effect on July 20, 2020 (see attached organizational chart): • Finance, Procurement and Compliance, Library, Safety, Economic Development, and a newly formed Grants Management division will report to David Gaines. Cassandra Ogden has been appointed Director of Finance and Christine Taylor has been appointed Director of Procurement and Compliance. • Technology Services, Development Services, Facilities/Airport, Public Works, and the Chief of Staff will report to Sara Hensley. Public Works will be expanded to include the Capital Improvement Program, Engineering, Traffic, Drainage, Streets, Fleet and Parks, and Recreation/Sustainability/KDB. Ethan Cox has been appointed General Manager of Public Works. Animal Services will report to Chief of Staff Sarah Kuechler. Public Affairs and Customer Service will be organized into a single department also reporting to 9 Sarah Kuechler. Ryan Adams has been appointed Director of Customer Service and Public Affairs and will additionally lead the formal implementation of the 311 project. • Water, Wastewater, Environmental Services, Solid Waste, and DME will report to Tony Puente. Tony has been appointed Executive Manager of Utilities. • Human Resources, the Police Department, and the Fire Department will report directly to the City Manager. The strength of our employees at the City of Denton is incredible and it is particularly rewarding to have the depth of talent to assign to these leadership roles. Every individual taking on a leadership role with the City of Denton embodies the core values of our organization(Integrity, Fiscal Responsibility, Transparency, Outstanding Customer Service), sets a great example for their colleagues, and provides a roadmap on how to succeed when embracing a customer- oriented, interdepartmental team approach. Please join me in congratulating our newly appointed employees on their upcoming roles with the City of Denton. I am looking forward to our next chapter as an organization. 2 10 Citizens City Council Boards,Commissions,&Committees City Auditor Municipal Judge City Attorney City Manager-Todd Hileman ACM/CFO-David Gaines Deputy City Manager-Sara Hensley Executive Manager of utilities-Antonio Puente Fire Department Finance Director-Cassey Ogden Chief of Staff—Sarah Kuechler Water Police Department Accounting/Budget/Treasury Community Services Wastewater Human Resources Risk Management&Retention City Secretary Solid Waste Health Fund,City Clinic,&Contracts Animal Services Municipal Court Customer5ervice&Public Affairs Environmental Services Director-Ryan Adams Procurement&Compliance Director- Christine Tavlor Public Affairs/DTV/IGR DIME Procurement Customer Service Purchasing 311 Compliance General ManagegEngmeermg Warehouse Traffic Library Parks/Sustains bility/KDB Safety Drainage Economic Development Streets Fleet Development Services Facilities/Airport Real Estate TS/Communications 11 ■ 525 S. Loop 288,Suite 105 Denton,TX 76205 940.566.LINK LI] 877.30.LINKS L KS BUILDING & DEVELOPING THE FUTURE Dear Neighbors, Please be aware that Links Construction plans to begin early morning concrete pours for"The Mark at Denton," located at 3500 N Bonnie Brae. These placements would begin at tam on two days per week from July 315Y until Sept 30'. Our plans must first be approved by the City Council during their meeting on July 28t", which all are welcome to attend. You have received this flier because we would like to hear your concerns and do our best to be good neighbors to your community. All pours have been coordinated to minimize the impact of our noise on your community, and we planned truck entry routes, concrete pump locations, and light tower cast patterns to cause the least amount of disruption possible. We appreciate your patience and welcome any questions or concerns you may have. Please join one of our Community Input Zoom Meeting sessions (details below) on one of the following dates to share your thoughts and concerns: Monday,20 July from 6pm—7pm Wednesday, 22 July from 6pm—7pm Friday,24 July from 9am—10am Zoom Meeting Invitation Details: https://us02web.zoom.us/i/88370917810?pwd=RnRIdHIxOEN6cFFGaFdORFAxVOFnZz09 Meeting ID: 883 7091 7810 Password: Osb21N One tap mobile +13462487799„88370917810#,,,,0#„994540# US Dial in +1 346 248 7799 US(Houston) Meeting ID: 883 7091 7810 Password: 994540 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kctV9egx3b Thank you for your patience. Please contact me between lam and 5pm weekdays (or anytime concrete is pouring!) with questions. Ole Grauke Project Manager 525 S. Loop 288, Suite 105 Denton,TX 76205 940-783-2420 Cell 940-566-5465 Office 877-305-4657 Fax 12 ' ryVI (°_Values below are what you would hear if you stood on the II - I� property line between our project and Brentwood Place: noise x �. . would be less inside your home. Depicted placement dates 3^ I I \ y x ' subject reflect the current schedule and are ect to change x } J g 3 � 76, I 15'DISTRIBUTION - H'ATER. ( II (POWER LINE ESMT. - 1- / / `(@Y SEP,N$MT ^ \ I VOL.516,PG.317 y N / PROPOSED \ / T I / y R.P.R.D.c.r. DETENTION AND �-►/ h I � x laW ' • DRAINAGE ESMT J e`°��q�6065 db wd 70.80 db 90 db 77.6847 ACRES iI I < SO-41'52.9869 I 2'CURB CUT DRIVEWAY 1 MM WESTGATE,LLC x 443.89 __ _ 622.71 DRIVEWAY 2 I PC STA.1+36.42 __ _ DOCUMENT No.55905 - + D.R.D.C,T. • PT STA.8 66.73— 5/16/2018 'DRIVEWAY 2 GARAGE TYPE 1 PC STA.2+g3.� 0 PT STA.0+53.39 GARAGE TYPE 1 VV VYV 136.4 i �1+ SFIa°1n'IIZ02'� —z+oo ' 1 239.95 �- \ - D VEWAY2 —1—SB9_78_113.,SEPT 30 2 -DRIVEWAY 2 \ P TA 3+48,75 233.41 NCRETE yS'p0 x PC STA.0+05.51-•-.- EADER RE: 6RO ® I I $ �.• .': 16 ETAIL /R7F PROPOSED 340 SY DRIVEWAY 2 PUBLIC RIVEWAY 2 ASPHALT PVMT. PC STA 0+00.00- RIVEWAY 2 E STA.11+00.13= REPLACEMENT .,.,..,�,...., .'.-." ,.;.;. LL PC STA.8+11 32 DRIVEWAY 1 x SEPT 16 31 STA 19+29.76 6"HMAC OVER If �i '•�.` ., -,- v - .- --• MAINT GARAGE TYPE 2" 6"CRUSHED d I .•'"-_: � ���•"• LIMESTONE - .-` ` 'I 9 rl n PC STA.4+40.50 U • / AY 2 M W \ ,3.,41 x �: •-• a I SEPT 23 PT AUG 5 a Q LL o 0o AUG 12 o m o a m 5+0o m \j - _ m ' CONCRETE ` I I r-1• _ '.BIKE PAD 09, \ ` m _ I UJ lI a .�. . .• : •DRIVEWAY2 o PCIVE Y2 '� OD ONCRETE PT STA.4+g578 / . .`. . - 6 28 E BIKE PAD JUL 31 AUG 5 qq j RIVEWAY 3 O �--•— POOL z0 BLOCK A LOT 1 o II ° - Z •- �. THE MARK AT DENTON p U` ADDITION ,. : - 18.06 ACRES / 1p, / :..., ,. ,.. . . . . . . . :-: ELECT �I _DRIVEWAY 3- 774/ m (BY p, EShMT DRIVEWAY 11 " .`Y N 'm' STA 4+50.30 -CONCRETE LLYCT!'iLl AD o, " CONCRETE' BUI PE 3A AUG 7 BRENTIA PLACE °r. BIKE PAD , •� m °1 BIKE P WATER` DOC.2017-307 w r (BY p�TSMT III �rn I m p :• � -•` e.' .'a � h SEPT 11 Io z oI} >W G 0 AU 7 PC STA.6+3q.80 CONCRETE I I I w O O p _ IVEWAY 1 Q p Q. l z'- - •-• V BIKE PAD STA.14+39.11 l , ,-{_ •••-•-• DRIVEWAY( SEPT 1 p i� x o m PT STA 6+99 20- o= GARAGE TYPE 1 - Z s X w - e� 9+ 89 \ SEPT 25 _ N _x ,•Jam-' 18' 12+po n - 4'CURB CUT 684.50 \ S 72" I11' �� aal \\ } \ GARAGE TYPE 1 'p R II GARAGE TYPE 1 2'CURB CUT ",1'CURB CUT ,•,•,•,-, - VEWAY1 - - EXISTING 25' N89°�j4 2 0"W UT" 1'CURB . 1'CU -PC STA.13+83.70_- ASPHALT ROAD EXISTING DRAINAGE EXISTING CHANNELWITH Heavy traffic. III C.L. �I` im CONCRETE FLUME I _ _ side NOISE LEVELS Heavy one. o I I office noise, noisy restaurant, rhainsaw. ————— —————————— — Average mile car power lawn Boom bu1.t ATV, leaf blower, Slo(k car home row at 60 mph Mower molorcyde snowmobile races ——————— — a 0 W ---- -------------------�----- - - e i to �-----"----Ju-- w�J�_____,�____J�___I-J�____ CITY OF D E N T O N �' o 0 10.070OF ACRES I LOT 2 N°o CITY OF DENTON I . 1/ INSTRUMENT No.2014-57358 ao•unL++ry EgsEMENr I I - _ LeaYls rustkng, Normal Muni� Subway. School Sports UaMd, Gum shac, III D R D C T. DOCUME 17No.20145]358 I1011 Music, Conversation, cleanM,. shouted dance rorkroneen, semi POWER R.FFAIV.R.D.C.r I whwf bMkground average; lonversalc in IoudsYmphony 100feet d 90'DRNG.ESM'T _ _ wll DOC.2015448 music radio � NORTH LAKES SUBSTATION ADDITION I i2sSounds above 85 d8 are harmful € ' DOCUMENT No.2015-148 SUBSTATIOND.R.D.C.T.a I � I x m r i I I I hftps://soundpmofingguide.comtwp•content/uploads/Levels"Of-Nolse°In-Decibeis.jpg !m-_ a�� Date: July 17, 2020 Report No. 2020-063 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: FY 2019-20 Denton Energy Center(DEC) YTD May 2020 Dashboard BACKGROUND: Attached is the May 2020 Dashboard for the Denton Energy Center. The dashboards are intended to give a snapshot of relevant DEC metrics. The dashboards highlight the following: • The Emission Charts (based on calendar year) display the May engine runtime hours, starts, stops, monthly and annual emissions totals and limits. • DEC MWh Generation and Gross Revenue for FY 2019-20 through May 2020. o The DEC ran 30,812 MWh less through May of FY 2019-20 compared to FY 2018-19. This resulted in $1.1 Million less in DEC Revenue. • A DEC financial summary showing May FY 2018-19 Actuals, FY 2019-20 Budget, Actuals as of May 2020 and the FY2019-20 end of year projections. o The FY 2019-20 year-end projections have been updated to show a$1.5 Million decrease in DEC fuel cost. • The Plant Monthly Run Hour Comparison Graph illustrates the monthly plant run times. • The Key Trends section explains variances in revenues and expenses. o Due to running fewer hours through May, fuel cost was approximately $1.77 Million lower. o The DEC Net Income through May was ($8.43)which is expected for the first eight months of the fiscal year. o The DEC Gross Margin through May was $5.2 Million which is $3.5 Million higher than budgeted due to higher DEC Revenue in October and November. (The Gross Margin=DEC Revenue—Fuel cost—Variable Operating & Maintenance cost.) Gross Margin represents the component of revenue available to pay fixed cost including debt. ATTACHMENT(S): Denton Energy Center(DEC) Dashboard STAFF CONTACTS: Antonio Puente, Jr. CFO/DME General Manager (940) 349-8487 antonio.puente@cityofdenton.com Nick Vincent Assistant Director of Finance (940) 349-8063 nicholas.vincent@cityofdenton.com 14 City of Denton, Texas CITY °F FY 2019-20 Denton Energy Center DENTON YTD May 2020 Dashboard Emissions May 2020 Volatile Particulate Particulate Carbon Engine Nitrogen Carbon Organic Matter<10 Matter<2.5 Sulphur Dioxide Runtime Hot Warm Cold Oxides Monoxide Compound microns microns Dioxide Ammonia Equivalents Description (hours)* Starts Starts Starts Stops Description (NOx) (CO) (VOC) (PMlo) (PM2,5) (S02) (NHA (CO2e) DEC Monthly Emissions Total(tons) 1.33 1.27 0.86 0.57 0.57 0.01 0.11 4,167.00 Engines(1-12) DEC Annual Permit Limit Operations(tons)** 29.78 93.52 48.16 69.72 69.72 1.45 60.90 Monthly Plant Emissions per DEC Permit Limit 4.48% 1.35% 1.79% 0.82% 0.82% 0.78% 0.18% Annual to Date Plant Emissions per DEC Permit Limit 24.70% 7.70% 10.30% 4.60% 4.60% 4.50% 1.00% *Over the past 12 months,the DEC engines ran 16%of the time. During the month of May,the DEC engines ran 9%of the time. **Operations Annual Limit accounts for Balance of Plant standard emissions Generation&Gross Revenues Month Revenue MWh $/MWh Plant Monthly Run Hour Comparison s00 Oct-19 $2,043,727 16,344 $125.04 Nov-19 $1,152,356 16,168 $71.27 'co 2.885 Dec-19 $126,950 2,159 $58.80 2.500 2,366 2:zsz 2,116 Jan-20 $239,366 2,671 $89.62 o 2,000 - - - Feb-20 $676,548 9,466 $71.47 = Mar-20 $1,561,657 18,209 $85.76 cc l.soo 1 7o z,291 1,4s-v 1,045 Apr-20 $889,878 8,765 $101.52 1.000 S77 749 May-20 $502,279 8,125 $61.82 soo PF z17 z Total FY 2019-20 $7,192,761 81,907 $87.82 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 YTD ACTUALS** BUDGET YTD PROJECTION DEC REVENUE* $ 8.31 $ 25.07 $ 7.19 $ 25.07 Operating Month EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Energy Expense-Fuel $ 3.25 $ 12.48 $ 1.87 $ 11.00 Key Trends Personnel Services 0.91 2.22 1.25 1.80 Materials&Supplies 0.11 0.44 0.24 0.39 For the first 8 months of FY 2019-20,the DEC produced 30,812 MWh less than the same period of FY 2018-19. This Maintenance&Repair 0.09 0.56 0.06 0.56 resulted in approximately$1.1 Million less in revenues and$4.8 Million more in total expenses for the same time period. This increase was due to the annual debt service payment increasing from$10 Million to$18 Million in FY 19-20. As of Insurance 0.01 0.50 0.51 1.08 May 31,2020,expenditures exceed revenues by$8.43 Million which is expected for this period of the fiscal year. The FY Operations 0.12 0.48 0.14 0.38 2019-20 Estimate includes a$1.5 Million reduction in fuel cost based on fewer estimated run hours,and a$420,000 Debt Service-Principal 2.99 7.47 4.96 7.47 reduction in Personnel Services is anticipated as a result of vacancies. The FY 2019-20 Estimate for Insurance has Debt Service-Interest 3.37 9.80 6.56 9.80 increased by$580,218 as a result of an increase in the cost of DEC property insurance and the acquisition of outage insurance. Interfund Transfers 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.05 Transfer to Capital Projects - 0.02 - 0.02 Through May 2020 the DEC Gross Margin was$5.2 Million which is$3.5 Million higher than budgeted for the same period DEC EXPENDITURES $ 10.85 $ 34.02 $ 15.62 $ 32.55 (Gross Margin=DEC Revenue-Fuel Cost-Variable Operating&Maintenance Cost). This is due to higher revenue in each $ $ $ $ month this fiscal year except December and January than anticipated. DEC NET INCOME $ (2.54) $ (8.95) $ (8.43) $ (7.48) Up"es in the DEC Revenue and Energy Expenses for FY 2019-20 year-end projections show a$(7.48)Million Net Income *Preliminary,Unaudited Figures compared to the$(8.95)Million Net Income shown in the FY 2019-20 budget. Income for FY 2018-19 was$14.22 M. Note: All dollar figures presented are in millions of dollars. Date: July 17, 2020 Report No. 2020-064 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide a project status update regarding the Forestar/Raynor single-family residential developments located at the northwest corner of Roselawn Drive and Roselawn Drive. BACKGROUND: Forestar Group, Inc. is under contract to purchase approximately 236.8 acres of land located at the northwest corner of Roselawn Drive and Roselawn Drive for a proposed residential development consisting of 770 single-family detached lots, open space, amenity center, parkland, park trails, and connections to adjacent Borman Elementary and nearby Denia Park. An initial ISR regarding this project was included in the June 5, 2020 Friday Report. DISCUSSION: Provided below is a summary of the current zoning entitlements, existing approvals, pending approvals requiring a public hearing, and next steps as it relates to the Alternative ESA request and tree preservation within the Upland Habitat ESA. CURRENT ENTITLEMENTS & APPROVALS Existing Zoning Single Family (R4) Single-family residential is the intended use and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Map single family residential designations. Existing Approvals ESA Assessment Application ESA19-0028 was for an assessment of the existing ESAs on the site, including Upland Habitat ESA. The Upland ESA is the tree canopy associated with the cross-timbers. As reflected on the map below in red, some areas of the Upland Habitat were removed as they were found to not be consistent with cross-timer forest. Approximately 30-acres of canopy or Upland Habitat ESA remain. Under the 2002 DDC, a residential development is permitted to remove 50% (or I5-acres) of Upland Habitat ESA (tree canopy) without having to mitigate or provide an inventory of what is being removed. An Alternative ESA is not required for the removal of Upland Habitat ESA. �_36 �; Date: July 17, 2020 Report No. 2020-064 Preliminary Plat Application PP19-0019 was approved on 2/5/2020. The application was submitted on 8/14/19, prior to the 10/1/19 effective date of the 2019 Denton Development Code(DDC). Tree Preservation The tree preservation plan was submitted for review along with the preliminary plat and was reviewed under the 2002 DDC. Tree Inventory Plan - The 2002 DDC does not specify what is to be included as part of the Tree Inventory. Additionally, the 2002 DDC allows for preservation of DBH or percentage of canopy. In this case, the ESA Field Assessment served as the basis for determining existing canopy. Required Preservation - Properties 2.5 acres or greater and developing as single-family residential are required to preserve 20% of the DBH or 20% of the tree canopy. Because 50% of the Upland Habitat ESA canopy was already being preserved, the 20% tree preservation requirement was already met. Required Mitigation—Mitigation is only required for removal of Protected Trees; any healthy tree with an eighteen(18) inch or greater DBH and not in a Quality Tree Stand. Because all the trees were part of the Upland Habitat ESA canopy, they all qualified as being in a Quality Tree Stand, and as a result don't meet the definition of Protect Tree. PENDING APPLICATIONS Alternative ESA Application AESA20-0003 was submitted to disturb 0.63 acres of ESAs; 0.39 acres of Water-Related Habitat ESA and 0.24 acres of Riparian Buffer ESA in order construct 4 storm water drainage channels. Staff Review- Environmental Services staff reviewed the Alternative ESA application and determined that the mitigation for the installation of four (4) storm water channels meets the established criteria. Neighborhood Meeting—A neighborhood Zoom meeting was held regarding the Alternative ESA request, however most of the concerns raised had to do with removal of the trees within the Upland Habitat ESA. An Alternative ESA is not required for removal of Upland Habitat ESA (canopy). Public Hearings - The Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on this item on July 22, 2020 and the public hearing with City Council is scheduled for August 18, 2020. 17 Date: July 17, 2020 Report No. 2020-064 City Council Action—In accordance with Section 2.8.4 of the DDC, Council may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Alternative ESA in based upon the review criteria in that section. Should Planning and Zoning Commission vote to deny, or 20%of the property owners surrounding the area object, a super majority would be required for approval. Staff has indicated that two options have been presented by the applicant regarding the storm water drainage channels with the Alternate ESA being one of those options. If the Alternative ESA is denied, the second option would involve further removal of trees within a Quality Tree Stand that is outside of the Upland Habitat ESA. NEXT STEPS Development Services and the Parks Department staff reached out to the applicant the day after the neighborhood meeting to discuss the possibility of increasing tree preservation within the Upland Habitat ESA. While no definitive solutions have been finalized, the applicant did agree to work with staff over the next two weeks to explore options. It is staff s intent that once these options are established, an item for discussion would be place on the July 28, 2020 City Council Agenda for discussion/direction on the options. This would ultimately be memorialized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would be a companion item to the Alternative ESA request. While the MOU is technically unrelated to the Alternative ESA request, the applicant has agreed to postpone the Alternative ESA request from the July 22, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, to a date certain of August 5, 2020. The item would remain on the August 18, 2020 City Council Agenda. CONCLUSION: This ISR has been provided for informational purposes. ATTACHMENTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Richard Cannone, AICP Director of Planning and Deputy Director of Development Services (940) 349— 8507 Richard.Cannone gc ityo fdenton.com 18 Council Requests for Information Council Member Requestor Date Summary of Request Staff Assigned Department Comments Council Member Briggs 02/03/20 Would like to request council discuss a citywide public health study. Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during a future Pending http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/defaulVfiles/files/Health/info_to_PosVHe Request work session althKeport-linked.pdt Like this 2 Council Member Briggs 06/03/20 In the light of recent events and calls from the community, I would like Dixon Police Request will be presented during a future Pending ask for a Work session on police review/oversight board Request work session 3 Council Member Davis 06/10/20 How much money ALL local,state,and federal agencies spend on social Birdseye/Gaines City Manager's Office/Finance Information will be provided in a future Friday Report services,education,public health,etc.in Denton. Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 1 want to bring back my old pitch for a community oversight board. I know Dixon Police Request will be presented during the July 21 Pending it failed last time,but the public is demanding it now,and people are Request work session 4 paying attention like never before. I believe Council owes it to the public to at least reconsider.I believe there was a report with it when I last fight it forward on community oversight boards in other cities? Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 I would also like to bring back my my previous one-minute pitch to repeal Kuechler Public Affairs Request will be presented during a future Pending our ordinances that experts,advocacy groups,and my homeless Request work session 5 constituents both say criminalize homelessness(see earlier staff report for the list).The public interest in law enforcement reform and civil liberties 6 Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 I would also like to get my engine brake ban request back in the queue, Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during a future Pending after the two reforms above. I decided to pull it because of covid-19. Request work session Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 Now that the Supremes have ruled in favor of trans civil rights Kuechler Public Affairs Request will be presented during a future Pending protections in employment,can we please make room at our next posted Request work session 7 meeting(or the next posted meeting after that?)to continue our deliberation on a comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinance for Denton? Council Member Briggs 06/22/20 https:Hdfw.cbslocal.com/2020/06/16/dallas-county-commissioners-vote- Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday Report in-avor-o-ci a-an - 8 re ease . c i =w R21j_hPRf4aQ1 Bd4f4kQcvjECkogQtQKRFmkS82R Uct3us I xyogrJtl­-Al`UY Would like to see 11 our PD could consicier a cite and real ease program and if we did what that would entail 9 Council Member Briggs 06/30/20 Can staff answer questions about the sidewalks in the 2019 Bond Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report program? 10 Council Member Meltzer 07/10/20 I'd like to know the percent of street segments rates Poor or Very Poor Cox Public Works Information will be provided in the July 17 Friday Report today and that figure as projected a year ahead.Thank you. 11 Council Member Briggs 07/14/20 Wondering with the new Denton death from Covid with new passing Hedges Fire Information will be provided in the July 17 Friday Report today how many have died locally since last report? 12 Council Member Briggs 07/16/20 Can staff check on the low hanging lines on Mistywood? Puente DME Information will be provided in the July 17 Friday Report 13 Council Member Briggs 07/16/20 What day the Hickory st construction will start Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in the July 17 Friday Report 14 Council Member Briggs 07/16/20 When sidewalks on Nottingham are going in Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report Council Member Briggs 07/16/20 Confirming the bike lane on Windsor beside Strickland will be painted Jahn Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 15 near the curb and if there is parking it will be on outside as we discussed a year ago Council Member Davis 07/17/20 1 would like to know if certain parcels in District 3 are already on the Packan Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 16 Parks and Rec Dept.'s radar for acquisition,or if they should be.Details provided by email. 19 July 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 No- 2:30pm 8:30DEDC 4th of July Agenda Committee Cancelled4:00 Public Aft Holiday Committee 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No Luncheon Meeting No Council Meeting 11:00EDPB 6pm Use-Of-Force Cancelled-COE 1:30 3:00PM Board of No-2:30pm Agenda Committee Ethics Committee ZBA 3:00prn 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PUB 9am No CouncilMeeting Cancelled - 2:30pm 1:00pmCommitteeon 3:00 Public Art Committee Agenda Committee Persons with Disabilities HLC 3:00pm Cancelled-Mobility Cancelled-HABSCO 4pm Committee Meeting 6pm Use-Of-Force E=4 9:00 am Committee 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9am HOT&S 1:00 pm CC Work 12:00TIF Board(TIRZ) loam CouncilAirport Traffic Safety Session Cancelled -2:30pm Committee+ Commission 3:00 pm Agenda Committee 6pm Use-Of-Force 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession Committee 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 26 27 28 29 30 31 PUB 9am loam Council Airport 2:30pm Agenda HOT&S Tentative 9-10 ZBA 5:30pm Committee Committee 3:00PM Board of 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Ethics Session 20 August 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30 am Council Budget Luncheon Session Committee Workshop 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 8:30DEDC COE 1:30 Cancelled Se ssion 4:00 Public Art Committee Traffic Safety 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Commission 5:30 pm 9 10 11 12 113 14 15 PUB 9am 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 11:00EDPB Session 2:30pm Agenda Mobility Committee Committee Meeting 9:00 am 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pmCommittee on Se ssion Committee Persons With Disabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession HABSCO 4pm Se ssion 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 PUB 9am 10am CouncilAnport 3:OOPM Board of Committee Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 30 31 ZBA 5:30pm 21 September 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30DEDC Session Committee 4:00 Public Art Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6 7 m18 9 10 11 12 Labor Day No Council Meeting 11:00EDPB Holiday Mobility Committee 2:30pm Agenda No Lunc he on Me e ting Meeting 9:00 am Committee COE 1:30 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PUB 9am 2:00 pm CC Work 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 6:OOpm Committee on Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Session Persons with Disabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular HABSCO 4pm Se ssio n 10:30 am Audit Finance 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 10am CouncilAirpport 3:OOPM Board of Committee 12:00 TIF Board(TIRZ) Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 27 28 29 30 PUB 9am No CouneilMeeting 2:30pm Agenda ZBA 5:30pm Committee 22 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday,July 28,2020 1:00 PM Council Work Session Room Special Called Meeting WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 1:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AND ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE WORK SESSION IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM Note: Mayor Chris Watts, Mayor Pro Tem Gerard Hudspeth, and Council Members Keely Briggs, Jesse Davis, John Ryan, Deb Armintor and Paul Meltzer will be participating in the work session, closed meeting, and special called meeting via video/teleconference. REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Due to COVID-19 precautions, members of the public will not be able to attend the July 28, 2020 City Council meeting in-person. To accommodate and receive input on agenda items, citizens will be able to participate in one of the following ways (NOTE: Other than public hearings, citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item; citizens cannot use both methods to comment on a single agenda item. Public comments are not held for work session reports.): • Virtual White Card — On July 24, the agenda was posted online at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings. Once the agenda is posted, a link to the Virtual White Card, an online form, will be made available under the main heading on the webpage. Within this form, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting, at which time, the Virtual White Card form will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on the item, these comment forms will be sent directly to City Council members and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting,as applicable. OR Page 1 Printed on 711712020 23 City Council Meeting Agenda July 28, 2020 • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. • At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 20-967 Receive a report,hold a discussion,and give staff direction on the Green Tree Estates. B. ID 20-1047 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding an update to the City of Denton's COVID-19 response. C. ID 20-1229 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the 2020 Denton Mobility Plan Update,with a focus on the one-way vs two-way traffic analysis. D. ID 20-1349 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding an update on options concerning the operations of residential recycling centers in the City of Denton. E. ID 20-1150 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give direction regarding departmental presentations in preparation for the FY 2020-21 Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five Year Financial Forecast. .Body F. ID 20-848 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council Page 2 Printed on 711712020 24 City Council Meeting Agenda July 28, 2020 requests for information. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT A CLOSED MEETING IS NEEDED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. — Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Special Called Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. Following the completion of the Closed Meeting, the City Council will convene in a Special Called Meeting to consider the following items: 1. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — I). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 20-734 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a consent to Collateral Assignment of an Airport Lease covering property at 4858 Lockheed Lane, between 3KAM Real Estate, LLC and AccessBank Texas; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(X-X). B. ID 20-1264 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to accept on behalf of the City an offer from the Texas Department of Transportation ("TxDOT") relating to a grant of $369,650; requiring the City to provide $495,810 in contributory funds, for engineering and construction of Primary Runway Page 3 Printed on 711712020 25 City Council Meeting Agenda July 28, 2020 Rehabilitation design and construction at the Denton Enterprise Airport; and providing for an effective date. The Council Airport Committee recommends(X-X). C. ID 20-1321 An ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the city manager, or his designee, to accept on behalf of the city an offer from the Texas Department of Transportation in the amount of $113,193.00 for the purchase of approximately 12,577 square feet of city-owned property for improvements to interstate highway 35 east. The subject property is located in the E. Puchalski survey, abstract no. 996, city and county of Denton,Texas,being near the southwest corner of South Bonnie Brae and Airport Road. D. ID 20-1345 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, establishing classifications and positions in the Denton Fire Department; creating, eliminating, and abolishing certain positions; repealing ordinance 19-2722 relating to establishing the classifications and prescribing the number of positions in each classification for the Denton Fire Department; providing repealer, cumulative, and severability clauses; and declaring an effective date. E. ID 20-1304 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P., for External Audit services for the City of Denton as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7284- Professional Services Agreement for External Audit services for the City of Denton awarded to Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P., for three (3) years with the option for one (1) additional one (1) year extension, in the total four (4) year not-to-exceed amount of$354,500). F. ID 20-1306 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Mustang Apparel, Inc. dba Incentive Brands, for workwear for various departments for the Warehouse; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7315 - awarded to Mustang Apparel, Inc. dba Incentive Brands, in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of$1,450,000). G. ID 20-1308 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Techline, Inc., for the purchase of secondary pedestals for Denton Municipal Electric to be stocked in the City of Denton Distribution Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7390- awarded to Techline, Inc., for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of$250,000. H. ID 20-1310 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Jagoe-Public Company, for the construction of the McKinney Street - Mayhill Intersection project for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7381 - awarded to Jagoe-Public Company in the not-to-exceed amount of$4,391,631.04). Page 4 Printed on 711712020 26 City Council Meeting Agenda July 28,2020 1. ID 20-1311 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Nelson + Morgan Architects, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on June 19, 2018, in the not-to-exceed amount of $918,402.53; said first amendment to provide additional architectural design for the renovation of the Service Center at 651 Mayhill; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6748 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $62,800, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed$981,202.53). 2. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 20-1328 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton granting Links Construction, LLC a special permit pursuant to Section 17-20 of the City of Denton Code of Ordinances, with respect to hours of operation for construction of The Mark at Denton, which will be generally performed Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from July 22, 2020 to August 1, 2020, from 2:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., at The Mark at Denton, 3500 North Bonnie Brae Street; granting a variance in the hours of operation; and providing an effective date. B. ID 20-1395 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing a development agreement between the City of Denton and Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC; providing for the future maintenance of critical transportation infrastructure; authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and providing for an effective date. C. ID 20-1379 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton regarding the creation of the Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 16, encompassing approximately 552.985 acres of land generally located north of Old Stoney Road, south of Jackson Road, and west on FM 156, within Division 2 of the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Denton,Texas; and providing an effective date. D. ID 20-1309 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with 2L Construction, LLC, for the construction of the West Hickory Street Paving, Lighting & Drainage Improvements Project for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7163 - awarded to 2L Construction, LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of$1,919,503.95). E. ID 20-1369 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 1 to the contract between the City of Denton and Jagoe-Public Company, for the McKinney Street Widening Phase 11 project; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7154- Change Order No. 1 in the not-to-exceed amount of $382,380.48 for a total contract award aggregated to$10,854,202.23). F. ID 20-1371 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 1 to the contract between the City of Denton and Quality Excavation, LLC, for the 2019 Street Reconstruction project Page 5 Printed on 711712020 27 City Council Meeting Agenda July 28,2020 for the City of Denton with geographical limits as follows: Hercules Lane from Locust Street to Stuart Road, Scripture Street from Thomas Street to Jagoe Street, Thomas Street from West Oak Street to Panhandle Street, and Windsor Drive from North Locust Street to Armstrong Street; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7237- Change Order No. 1 in the not-to-exceed amount of $81,087.45 for a total contract award aggregated to $10,283,442.90). 3. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2020 at CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 6 Printed on 711712020 28 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of July 17,2020 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items 6,7&14-Jul No meetings-Council Break Audit-COVID-19 Response-Disaster COVID-19 Update Green Tree Estates PD Information Session Reimbursements Council Requests July 21 21-Jul 20-1046 20-966 20-1221 20-1215 20-847 Drop-Off Recycling One-Way/Two-Way COVID-19 Update Green Tree Estates Centers Discussions Budget Updates Council Requests July 28 28-Jul 20-1047 20-967 20-1349 20-1229 20-1150 20-848 Special- Budget Workshop Budget Updates 30-Jul 20-1151 3-Aug Luncheon Police Dept.Budget COVID-19 Update Green Tree Estates Budget Updates Council Requests Aug.4 4-Aug 20-1204 20-968 20-1153 20-1048 Special-Budget Workshop 6-Aug Budget Updates 20-1154 COVID-19 Update Council Requests Aug.11 11-Aug 20-1205 Sustainability Plan 20-1049 Economic Development COVID-19 Update Strategic Plan Council Requests Aug 18 18-Aug 20-1206 20-1130 20-1050 November 3 Election Internal Audit-COVID-19 DOVID-19 Update Update Pandemic Preparedness Gas Well Council Requests Aug 25 25-Aug 20-1207 20-1368 20-1384 20-1186 1 1 120-1051 Accessory Dwelling Units, and Screening Construction Code Group Home Code Library Master Plan Council Requests Sept.1 DCA19-0011 Review(TBD) Delegated Authority Amendment 20-526 20-1201 Gl C Municipal Broadband Right of Way Ordinance Sept.7&8-No Meetings f0 20-556 Plugged Gas Wells Public Art Follow-up Stormwater Master Plan (Labor Day/Day After) a � N m C ~ 2020 Mobility Plan EDPB and Contract tl! ++ TIF Grants for Update Denton Development between City/Chamber Council Requests Sept.15 4A Accessibility 20-245 Code Amendments 20-1185 20-1202 GJ N Y L OCouncil Requests Sept.22 5 20-1203 Sept.29-No Meeting (National Night Out) Work Session Requests Determined by Council Community Public Art Veteran Source of and Community Tree Small Cell Lawsuit Income Housing Date TBD Grants Ethics Ordinance Revision Participation Tree Ordinance Review Discrimination Ordinance 29 Street Closure Report IMPROVING "TM Upcoming Closures F)FNT(CIN OF DENTON Week of July 20,2020-July 26,2020 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Como Lake Wind River Loon Lake 08/10/20 09/11/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. The road will be closed as a part of the 2019 Street Hercules N.Locust Stuart 08/01/20 12/31/20 construction bundle Project. Engineering NextDoor,Email Hercules is set to have g g Notification,Mail outs (940)349-7426 reconstruction of the curbs, gutters and the street. Concrete Street Repair.The process starts with Barricading Hudsonwood Berrydown Stockbridge 08/03/20 08/28/20 the failed sections of pavement, Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. Street Reconstruction Remove and replace curb and Mistywood Lane Woodhaven Jamestown 10/01/20 01/29/21 gutter as needed. Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Remove old asphalt and stabilize subgrade. Install asphalt pavement Water Distribution will be Northcrest Rd Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln 03/06/20 10/16/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Wastewater Collections will be Precision Dr Airport Rd Peterbilt 08/03/20 08/28/20 installing a new wastewater Waste Water N/A (940)349-8909 main and services. Robson East Side of 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940)349-8909 RR (Temporary Lane Closure) Total 7 Upcoming Closures 30 Street Closure Report IMPROVING �n „F Current Closures F)F: NC DENTON Weel<of July 20,2020-July 26,2020 Street/Intersection From Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Bonnie Brae IH 35E Scripture 06/15/20 03/01/21 North South Water Main Phase Engineering, Direct business contact (940)349-8938 3 Water Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Brainy Trace Ct Bent Creek Cul v Sac 06/29/20 07/31/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Wastewater collections will be Brown Dr Roberts St Woodland St 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Northwood Wastewater collections will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Tr 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Water Distribution will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Roberts St 07/27/20 11/20/20 installing a new water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Water Distribution will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Roberts St 07/27/20 11/20/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 services. Public Works Collins Dallas Dr. Johnson St 07/20/20 07/31/20 Haven at Daugherty:Pavement Inspections, N/A (940)205-9230 Private Development 3201 Public Works Colorado Blvd Brinker Rd Colorado 02/17/20 07/31/20 Pavement for Fire Station#8 Inspections, NextDoor,Direct (940)205-9230 Blvd Private business contact Development Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Old North process starts with Barricading E.Windsor Rd Armstrong 07/06/20 08/03/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Elm Hickory Prairie 05/11/20 07/31/20 PEC 4 Utility Project Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Current Closures 31 Street/Intersection F Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes A Meeting Communication Contact 7/8/20-Ranchman is re- opened after WL-A Tie in.Wildwood Lane will be closed Monday evening 7/13/20 for a water line connection but will be re-opened by City of the following morning. FM 2181 Denton/Cori Lillian Miller 11/18/19 TBD Street Widening TxDOT (940)349-8425 nth City 6/11/20:TxDOT to close limits Bent Oaks West of Teasley to facilitate water line installation. Closure expected to last 3 weeks.Please refer to s.TXDOT message boards and construction signage for detour detail Wastewater main replacement. Projects extents,Emerson from Emerson Circle to Foxcroft. Emerson Circle from Emerson Construction to continue Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 01/30/20 09/04/20 to End Wastewater with intermittent N/A (940)349-8909 Foxcroft from Emerson to closures Northcrest Foxcroft from Old North to Emerson Water Distribution will be Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 03/09/20 10/16/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 11/27/20 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades TxDOT (940)349-8938 (temporary closures) Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Green Bend Winter Cul v sac 07/06/20 08/14/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Creek sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Curb and Gutter Repair.The process starts with Barricading At the failed sections of,Curb and Headlee St. Mesquite Intersection 07/06/20 07/31/20 Gutter remove and install Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Curbs. From Addresses 607 to 512 Mesquite Current Closures 32 Street/Intersection Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Completed removal and replace E.Sherman Huntington 06/04/20 07/31/20 of Hercules Lane in conjunction Public Works Email Notification,Door Hercules Lane Dr. Dr. of the added turn lanes for the Inspections hangers (940)391-6299 Sherman Crossing project. Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this NextDoor,Email Hidden Meadows Trail with Vintage Vintage blvd 03/16/20 08/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities Notification Tennyson Water Distribution will be Hollyhill Ln Longridge Dr Trl 03/06/20 07/24/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. 500 ft west Wastewater collections will be 135E northbound service road located of Bonnie 07/02/20 08/14/20 installing a new main line. Wastewater (940)349-8909 Brae Kerley Street Duncan Shady Oaks 02/05/20 07131/20 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7146 Street Drive Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading King Row Nottingham Dunes 07/20/20 08/21/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Storm drain improvements as Locust St. Prairie Highland 03/09/20 07/30/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project.East Side In Closure Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this Email Mockernut Rd. with Vintage Vintage 03/16/20 07/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering NextDoor, (940)349-8938 Blvd. Blvd.right of activities. Notification way Public Works N.Bell Ave Texas College 02/28/20 07/31/20 Sidewalk Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Private Development Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process N.Carroll W.Oak McKinney 06/08/20 08/28/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 St. sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Street Reconstruction Edgewood Curb and gutter has already message boards and Northwood Terrace North End Place 07/21/20 08/21/20 been replaced. Streets door hangers (940)349-7146 Remove the old asphalt and stabilize subgrade Install asphalt pavement. Prairie Elm Pierce 06/01/20 08/28/20 PEC 4 Utilities Engineering NextDoor,Direct (940)349-8938 business contact Current Closures 33 Street/Intersection To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Storm drain improvements,as Prairie St. Locust St. Elm St. 03/23/20 08/28/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project. Street closed to thru traffic. Riney Rd N.Bonnie Hardaway 07/16/20 07/24/20 Tapping Sleeve water (940)205-9230 Brae Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Roberts St Bell Ave Ln 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services. Street Reconstruction Mistywood Remove and replace curb and Rockwood Lane Royal Lane Lane 07/20/20 09/30/20 gutter as needed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Remove the old asphalt and stabilize the subgrade Install asphalt pavement Roselawn Bonnie Brae Bernard 05/12/20 08/28/20 Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering NextDoor (940)349-8938 Street Reconstruction Rockwood Mistywood Remove and replace curb and Royal Lane Lane Lane 07/20/20 09/30/20 gutter as needed. Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Remove old asphalt and stabilize subgrade. Install asphalt pavement. The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways listed above.This Thomas reconstruction shall include new NextDoor,Email Scripture Street Street Malone 03/16/20 08/21/20 curb and gutter,ADA compliant Engineering Notification (940)349-7426 ramps in sidewalks,asphalt or concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage,water and wastewater facilities intersection back of Intermittent closure of the NextDoor,Email Shagbark Dr with Vintage Vintage Blvd 03/16/20 08/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities. Notification Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Swan Park White Dove Glen Falls 07/20/20 08/21/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Warren Ct. Wainwright Locust St. 12/16/19 07/31/20 Drainage Improvements as part Engineering Closed to thru traffic Direct business contact, (940)349-8938 St. of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project door hangers Current Closures 34 Street/Intersection To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Western Phased Road Reconstruction. Private West Oak St/Jim Chrystal Blvd. 135 07/06/20 08/07/20 There is an attached TCP with Development N/A (209)603-8077 4 phases as well as a schedule. This closure is to install Windsor E.Sherman Nottingham 06/15/20 08/01/21 underground utilities in this area Engineering NextDoor (940)349-7426 with street Reconstruction to follow. Installation of sewer and water facilities. Windsor Drive North Locust Stuart 05/11/20 08/02/21 Windsor Drive-Closed WB- Engineering NextDoor (940)349-7426 Open one Way EB with street reconstruction to follow Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Woodland St Brown Dr Ln 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Cherrywood Water Distribution will be Woodland St Frame St Ln 07/27/20 11/20/20 installing a new water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Woodland Street N.Bell Frame 07/20/20 08/21/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Total 44 Current Closures 35 Street Closure Report IMPROVING "TM Completed Closures F)FNT(CIN OF DENTON Week of July 20,2020-July 26,2020 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department 1 Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process Spring starts with barricading the failed Bent Creek Kappwood Creek 01/06/20 04/24/20 sections of concrete pavement, Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. Curb and Concrete Repair.The Broken Arrow Dunes Burning Tree 06/03/20 06/26/20 process starts with Barricading Streets N/A (940)349-7146 the failed sections of,Curb remove and install back. 450 Feet This project will be removing The project sent out a Colorado Blvd Loop 288 north of 05/18/20 06/23/20 the left turn lane on the Floyd Smith mailout and door (940)349-7104 Loop 288 northbound side of Colorado Concrete hangers when the first Blvd into the Mall. phase started in April. Public Works Daugherty Johnson Meadow 07/01/20 07/02/20 Water Tap Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Private Development Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Broken process starts with Barricading Dunes Arrow Windsor 06/03/20 07/01/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Ana Site Construction: Public Works FM 2499 Pine Hills Hickory 03/27/20 07/01/20 Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Creek Rd Water and Sewer Bore FM2499 Private Development 0.26 mi Street Widening Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E south of FM 12/03/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures TxDOT 10/08/19 (940)387-1414 1830 during non-peak traffic) Installing Valley Gutter across Greenwood at the intersection of Kayewood. The process Greenwood Kaywood Crestwood 06/15/20 07/03/20 starts with barricading then Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove pavement and subgrade and install new concrete Valley Gutter. Completed Closures 36 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department A Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Hickory Exposition Bradshaw 06/08/20 07/03/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete From 1/13/20 to 3/8/20, City's Contractor will be clearing trees and vegetation along the south side of Hickory Creek Rd.,from the west property line of McNair Elementary School to the Riverpass Street Widening Dr.intersection. This Phone call to McNair Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD (Temporary Lane Closures) Engineering will not involve any lane Elementary Principal (940)349-7112 closures,but construction zone signage will be put up to warn motorists. Atmos still needs to relocate their facilities east of the Montecito intersection before our Contractor can fully deploy to the project. Sycamore Atmos Energy replacing/ Atmos,Public Atmos Energy IOOF Street Street Eagle Drive 06/22/20 08/28/20 upgrading 1,500ft of existing Works responsible for (940)205-3779 gas main,and 4 services. Inspections notification Completed Closures 37 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact 11 continuing thru COVID- 19.Please respect workers efforts in the field and always maintain social distancing. 7/15/20 -Project continues on-schedule. Water valve installed on US 377,vault and final lines underway at US 377 and Bonnie Brae/Allred. All roads Install approximately 14,000 are open to public. linear feet of 24-inch and 30- Signs are being Southwest Johnson removed this week. John Paine Road Pump 01/06/20 07/15/20 inch water main along Old John Water Work continues along NextDoor (940)349-8925 Station Road Paine and Allred between the US 377 in Right of Way Southwest Pump Station and South Bonnie Brae. but will not require lane closures. 6/30/20-Project is progressing on- schedule. Pump station water line passed testing and was in service 6/19/20. 6/19/20-Work near Bonnie Brae and US 377/Fort Worth Drive is underway. Work will be in the ROW but may impact shoulder and occasional travel lanes This is a modification of the previous street closure for Direct business contact, Johnson Daugherty Smith 06/15/20 07/17/20 install new storm drain. Ground Drainage Direct contact with (940)349-7197 conditions have changed on the job site and will now require a residents full street closure. Install new storm drain from the Johnson St. Smith St. Daugherty 05/18/20 07/17/20 intersection of Smith and Drainage NextDoor (940)349-7197 St. Johnson to the intersection of Johnson and Daugherty. Completed Closures 38 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Departme j Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Atmos Energy is relocating/ Direct business contact, Daughtery replacing existing gas mains Atmos Energy to Johnson Street;Smith Dallas Drive 04/06/20 07/31/20 Atmos Street,at S and services for upcoming distribute door hangers, Street Locust reconstruction of Smith Street; place sign boards,and (940)268-7285 Street including gas main crossing notify residents in Johnson Street at Smith Street. person Water Line improvements,as Maple St. Elm St. Myrtle St. 02/24/20 03/06/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&amp;2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-7112 Project. Alternating lane closures. We will be reconstructing Direct business contact, Masch Branch U S 380 Jim Crystal 02/17/20 06/19/20 Masch Branch from 380 to Jim Streets Door hangers (940)349-7146 Crystal. Installation of new storm City PM will contact Montecito Dr. Hickory Buena Vista TBD TBD drainage line. Full street Engineering McNair Elementary (940)349-7112 Creek Rd. Dr. closure. Principal again on 217/20. Prairie Locust Wainwright 06/01/20 06/19/20 PEC 4 Utilities Engineering NextDoor,Direct g g g business contact (940)349-8938 Installation of new storm Rushing Springs Dr. Hickory Marble Cove TBD TBD drainage line. Intersection Engineering N/A (940)349-7112 Creek Rd. Ln. closure. Traffic will be detoured to Serenity Way. Scripture Malone Lovell 06/20/20 06/21/20 Loading Crane from jobsite Private Email Notification (940)391-2956 Development Loading crane from jobsite.Did Private Scripture Malone Lovell 06/29/20 06/30/20 not get to do it last weekend Development Email Notification (940)391-2956 because of the rain Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading the failed sections of concrete Vista Verde Montecito Intersection 06/08/20 07/02/20 Sidewalk,remove,and install Streets N/A (940)349-7146 new concrete Also installing Valley Gutters across Vista Verde at the intersections Completed Closures 39 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Mill and Overlay: Welch Street Due to a rain delay, We from Union Circle to Union had to reschedule the Notified UNT of the Welch Street Union Circle Eagle Drive 06/22/20 07/15/20 Circle and Highland to Eagle Streets section of Welch project limits. (940)349-7146 Drive. between Highland and Eagle Drive. Total 24 Completed Closures 40