072420 Friday Staff Report -,,- City Manager's Office M 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: July 24, 2020 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday,July 27, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 2. Cancelled-Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 3. Special Called- City Council Meeting on Tuesday,July 28, 2020. Work Session at 1:00 p.m. followed by a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 4. Cancelled-Agenda Committee Meeting Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 5. Special Called- City Council Meeting on Thursday,July 30, 2020. Work Session at 8:30 a.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 6. Board of Ethics Meeting on Thursday,July 30, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. 7. Use-of-Force Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Thursday,July 30, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via video/teleconference—City Council Work Session Room. II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics.—Pursuant to Ordinance No. 19-2026, the following items will be discussed during the July 28 City Council work session. Each week, the topics that will be presented during the next week's agenda will be included in the Friday Report the prior week. Staff contact: Rachel Balthrop Mendoza, City Manager's Office OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service 1. A work session revisiting certain provisions of the pilot program for the Parklet/Streateries in the Mixed Use Downtown Core zoning district • Requestor: Council Member Briggs • Date Requested: July 23, 2020 • Requested Format for Response: Work session B. July 28 Council Work Session Item to Receive Direction on City Order—The Seventh Order of the Council of the City of Denton was issued June 26, 2020 approved by Ordinance 20-1255. The order is effective through August 31, 2020. However, the requirement for certain businesses to implement a Health and Safety Policy is currently set to expire after August 4, 2020. At the July 28 Council meeting,there will be a work session item to provide for Council discussion and consideration of the extension or modification of components of the Seventh Order of Council, including the requirement of certain businesses to implement a Health and Safety Policy. Staff have outlined specific items requiring Council direction or recommended updates to the order in the presentation (attached to the Council Agenda as Exhibit 2). If there are any items that Council Members would like to add for discussion and pose to their colleagues for inclusion in the order or for staff to further research, Council Members are asked to please e-mail those items to City Manager Todd Hileman and Chief of Staff Sarah Kuechler by this Monday, July 27 at 9:00 a.m. Staff will list out the items received on a last slide in the presentation for Council discussion and direction. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, City Manager's Office C. TWU Parking and Traffic Update—On Thursday, August 23, City staff distributed an update letter (attached) to residents on and surrounding the TWU campus regarding the status of ongoing and completed projects to improve parking and traffic concerns in the area. The update letter included information on street intersection improvements, planned committee discussions for additional projects, and parking citations data from the Denton Police Department. After the current phase of improvements, additional streets and intersections of concern in the area will be evaluated. Staff will work with the residents to develop a list of candidate locations for evaluation and the results will be communicated in a future update. Staff contact: Stephanie Yates, Public Affairs D. Green Tree Estates Status — At the July 21, City Council Work Session, Council requested staff provide information regarding properties who have paid tap fees to connect to the City water system, which properties are owner-occupied, which have created an account in their name, and account standing. Additionally, it was requested that this information contain the names of both property owners and residents. The chart below has the requested information. Of the properties listed, only one is not current in its payment for water. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Customer Service and Public Affairs. 2 Voluntary DUD Property firmer Renter/Owrrer Address Owner Nand Courtesy note Meter Permit InpaR,Tapad Omrpid? Amount7 Number Meter Fee paid Irep.? Virginia Ruth Jeffrey Trust EdmaGinjordo 4010Hilkop No Yes Yes 6/1&q= 2006-O44i 56.938.00 Notavailable Lu eLazarin 40(13Hilltop No No No Glaris and Osiel Villarreal Gladis Soto 4D11Hilftop Yes Yes Yes W2020 200&0264 56,938.00 Rene and Baroa2 Perez Lupe Lazarin 4015Hilltop No No No Not available TrKyOwens 4002FIckory No Yes No .00 Jonathan Pevehouse Jonathan Pevehouse 4008Iickory Yes Yes Yes Robert Niddess Robert Nickless 4016Kckory Yes No Yes Reese Nickless ReeseNickless 4009Kckory Yes No No Don Roddy ThomasSmith 6502WHIm No No No Oralia Verses Nancy Salazar 6514Willow No No No Homer Saldwa Homer Saklana 6509 Willow-A Yes Yes Yes Homer Saldana Elva Hernandez 6509willow-B No Yes Yes 1'=2 2006-0263 $6938.00 Oralia Vemes 4007 Meadow No No No Beatr¢Martinezand ARrdoCwtmras B=-atra M12rtIzr Alfredo Contreras 4MS Ash Yes Yes Yes 5r'Si 2J2J E70G021i5 56.938.00 Glenna Roddy Don and Glenna Roddy 41_9Ridge lane Yes Yes I Yes 6l22/2020 2(OGO4G1 i5.938.OD E. Aujzust Public Meetings — DTV, Technology Services, Customer Service, and Public Affairs staff have been involved in varying capacities for each of the 25 hosted virtual meetings in July. The departments will continue coordinating efforts for the additional meetings in August, dependent upon each meeting's public comment or public hearing needs. Staff liaisons to the various boards and commissions were polled to gauge the needs of each body. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Public Affairs Date .J Time Body status Monday,August3,202O 11:3OAM City Council Scheduled Tuesday,August4,2O2O 2:00PM City Council Scheduled Wednesday,August 5,202O 5:00PM Planning and Zoning Commission Scheduled Thursday,August 6,2O2O 2:00PM City Council Scheduled Monday,August 1O,2O2O 9:00AM Public Utilities Board Scheduled Monday,August 10,2020 3:00 PM Historic landmark Commission Scheduled Tuesday,August IL2O2O TBD City Council Scheduled Wednesday,August 12,2020 12:00 PM Economic Development Partnership Board Scheduled Thursday,August 13,2020 8:30 AM Downtown Economic Development Committee Scheduled Thursday,August 13,2020 6:00 PM Use-of-Force Ad Hoc Committee Scheduled Monday,August 17,2020 3:00 PM Parks,Recreation and Beautification Board Scheduled Wednesday,August19,2O2O 5:00PM Planning and Zoning Commission Scheduled Thursday,August2O,202O I1:O0AM Traffic Safety Commission Scheduled Thursday,Augtrst2O,2O2O 3:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Scheduled Thursday,August 2O,202O 6:00 PM Lfse-of-Force Ad Hoc Committee Scheduled Monday,August24,2O2O 9:OOAM Public Utilities Board Scheduled Tuesday,August 25,202O TBD city council Scheduled Wednesday,August 26,2020 3:30 PM Civil Service Commission Scheduled Thursday,August 27,2020 3:00 PM Board of Ethics Scheduled F. Deployment of Denton Fire Department Staff—Today at 6:00 a.m., six members of the Denton Fire Department that serve on Texas Task Force 1 were deployed to south Texas with a boat as standby swift water rescue resources for Tropical Storm Hanna. The members are staged in the San Antonio area at this time. Staff contact: Kenneth Hedges, Fire G. Utility Disconnections to Begin in August — At the June 26 City Council meeting, Council provided direction to delay the implementation of disconnections offs for non- payment until the end of July. Staff anticipates beginning utility disconnections on or about August 4. Staff previously communicated the possibility of future disconnection to utility customers and will continue to do so through direct calls to customers, and general education measures through City communication channels throughout the 3 month of August. Currently, approximately 2,100 accounts qualify for disconnection due to non-payment. Customers with outstanding balances should contact City of Denton Customer Service to discuss options to avoid disconnection.Additionally,Customer Service offers a Pay- As-You-Go service. Pay-As-You-Go is a prepaid utility option that puts the account holder in control of the payment timeline. Customer Service can be reached by calling (940) 349-8700. Due to an increase in customers calling to address overdue balances and disconnections, callers may experience longer than normal wait times during the month of August. Staff contact: Christa Foster, Customer Service and Public Affairs H. Homeless Activity at North Lakes Park—A concerned resident contacted City Council regarding homelessness activity in and around North Lakes Park. Staff responded to the resident with the following information. The area has been identified as active site and is being monitored by staff. In addition, the site is being visited by the Homeless Outreach Team(H.O.T.), a cross-sector collaborative team with representatives led by Denton Police officers and a Denton Fire Paramedic along with local nonprofit agencies. The goal of our community's housing crisis response system is to encourage people living unsheltered to move to a sheltered option instead. Outreach efforts first attempt to build a relationship with people living unsheltered in effort to help people without access to housing find shelter or housing. If people are removed, they will sometimes move to another unsheltered location. When there is an encampment identified, as in this case, a referral is made to H.O.T. so they can conduct regular and targeted outreach to individuals living unsheltered to provide them with information on housing, employment, and benefit resources they may qualify to receive, and connect them to available resources. The site appears to have been limited to a couple of individuals, but may now be growing in size. Staff will be evaluating multiple factors and issues related to public health and safety and monitoring the site closely to determine if further action is recommended, such as cleaning and clearing the site. Staff Contact: Dani Shaw, Community Services I. UWDC COVID-19 Relief Fund Update—Attached is an update of the United Way of Denton County's (UWDC) COVID-19 Relief Fund Eviction Prevention program as of Wednesday, July 22. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, Public Affairs J. Unemployment&Business Update—Staff is working to assemble,review,and analyze unemployment and labor data as releases are made. Staff will provide ongoing updates throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as data is made available. • U.S. Department of Labor(DOL) o DOL released its weekly unemployment report on Thursday, July 23. The full report is available here. • Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) o TWC has created a UI Claimant Dashboard to provide updated graphical representations of data and datasets for download. The dashboard is available here. o June local unemployment data was released on the Texas Labor Market Information (www.texasLMI.com) system on July 17. The next release is scheduled for August 21. The chart with data as of July 17 is below. 4 Staff contact: Jessica Rogers, Economic Development Unemployment Claims Filed COVID-19 Unemployment Claims Filed Week Ending Total Internet Telephone Other 2122 7,053 2129 7,393 ` 3l7 6,368 ` 3/14 16,176* 2,731 1,380 1,931 3/21 158,364* 141,632 13,678 3,054 3/28 276,185* 256,214 20,642 15,696 414 313,832* 321,000 20,000 20,000 4111 273,567* 221,500 14,800 10,300 4118 280,761* 283,900 21,600 19,600 4125 254,084* 246,600 25,100 165,600 5/2 243,935* 237,400 28,300 20,200 5/9 141,553* 166,800 30,500 12,900 5116 134,065* 145,400 29,400 21,700 5123 127,717* 136,600 27,600 20,300 5130 106,677* 114,000 23,200 25,700 616 89,676* 105,500 23,000 33,700 6113 93,8952 87,800 22,300 22,400 6120 89,241' 107,300 19,800 19,700 6127 96,141' 100,700 21,600 22,600 7/4 117,244* 116,100 24,100 28,700 7111 105,590* 80,800 17,900 44,800 7118 86,821* 86,900 21,800 33,300 7125 111,600 59,800 14,900 36,900 Unless indicated,numbers are estimates based on internal TWC data and are subject to revision. 'Official Department of Labor Data when available and TWC Estimates '**Breakdown Data Unavailable K. Recycling Impacts Due to COVID-19 - On Thursday, July 16, Solid Waste and Recycling Department staff presented at a webinar for State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) on COVID-19 impacts. The presentation included information about the city's residential recycling program seeing an increase in tonnage of 14%and the commercial recycling program reporting a decrease in tonnage of 27%. Overall, both recycling programs are seeing an increase in contamination from I I%-13%. Solid Waste and Recycling works closely with Public Affairs using social media to engage residents and bring awareness to common contaminants. Solid Waste and Recycling drivers continue to improve the cart tagging program which notifies customers of proper participation in the program, including accepted recycling materials. While the home chemical collection drop-off site and Reuse Store is closed due to COVID-19, staff have seen an increase in curbside collection. The other cities involved in the webinar included Garland,Grand Prairie,and Allen,all whom reported a similar impact with increased recycling tonnage across their residential, commercial, and landfill operations. Staff contact: Brandi Neal, Solid Waste and Recycling Department L. Use-of-Force Committee - The ad-hoc Use-of-Force Committee held 3 meetings on June 25,July 16, and July 23. Members also participated in the Use-of-Force simulator at the Denton Public Safety Training Center in small groups on July 9. All information on the committee can be found online at www.cityofdenton.com/uofcommittee,which includes a link to the Public Meetings page where all agendas and meeting materials can be found. 5 The Committee has also solicited public comment asking for citizens to share their input regarding use of force,or their experience and stories related to the Denton Police Department. The Committee held its first public input session where citizens could call in to speak to the Committee this Thursday evening, July 23. There were a total of 12 callers,in addition to 40 online comments received through the online form(please see attached online comments received). The online form will remain open until the August 20 Use-of-Force Committee meeting, which is the second scheduled public input session for citizens to call in and speak to the Committee. Staff has reached out to solicit the Committee's feedback if there are additional topics or information they wish to see that has not been covered. This will help to form the remaining meeting agendas. Recommendations will likely begin to be developed at the meetings in late August and early September to meet the September 15 date to deliver a report to City Council. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, City Manager's Office M. Budget Work Sessions — The budget workshop for Thursday, July 30, will begin at 8:30 a.m. and have a hard stop at 2:30 p.m. to allow for the Board of Ethics to meet as scheduled at 3:00 p.m. Additional budget presentations will be made on August 3, August 4, and August 6. Staff: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office N. Posting Signs to Accommodate Curbside Delivery Service — The City has received a number of inquiries from businesses on the Square regarding the need for temporary curbside service designated parking. As such, staff are proposing to place signs designating four spaces on each side of the Square as 15-minute curbside service parking spots that will be available for all businesses or food service establishments on the Square (image of sign below). This will allow all visitors to remain in their vehicle and receive orders safely. While there is no enforceability if other drivers occupy these spots, we hope this effort will allow residents to continue to support local restaurants by adding a convenient parking location for takeout service.If these spaces are received favorably, staff could move forward with an ordinance to make the time limitation of these spaces enforceable. Staff discussed making this designation with the Denton Main Street Association leadership, which agrees that this could help support local restaurants. In addition, staff is providing this information to the DMSA membership. Staff will wait until the close of business on Wednesday,July 29 to determine the final location and implementation, pending feedback from DMSA or City Council. Staff contact: Todd Estes, Capital Projects/Jessica Rogers, Economic Development MINUTE PARKING CURBSIDE PICKUP ONLY SPACE 1 6 O. Use of Force Simulator Manufacturer — On July 19, Council Member Armintor requested the name of the manufacturer of the Police Department's Use of Force simulator. Staff responded that Virtra is the company that created the simulator. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police P. Pending Evictions Update—On July 17,Council Member Briggs requested information about the current number of pending evictions. Staff contacted Justice of the Peace Joe Holland's office who said that at this time,there are four total eviction cases to be heard within the next two weeks. No cases are pending or on hold due to the CARES Act/COVID-19. Judge Holland's office indicated that there have not been many eviction cases filed in their court. All cases that were pending due to COVID-19 have been heard or dismissed. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office Q. Sidewalks on Nottingham—On July 16,Council Member Briggs requested information about sidewalks on Nottingham. The Nottingham sidewalks are part of the 2018 sidewalk project. Plan revisions should be complete the week of July 24. As soon as the City has acquired all of the needed right-of-way, staff will issue the Purchase Order to the contractor. Currently, staff estimates this will occur by the end of August. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, Capital Projects R. Bike Lane on Windsor & Strickland— On July 16, Council Member Briggs requested information about parking adjacency and painting of the bike lane on Windsor. Staff confirmed the bike lane will be adjacent to the curb. On-street parking will be provided if adequate space is available. Traffic Engineering staff is currently in the process of updating all of the school zone signage, parking restrictions and pavement markings around both Strickland and Wilson. These elements will be in place by mid-August for the potential reopening of the DISD campuses. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, Capital Projects S. Potential Traffic Calming Devices on Ruth Street — On July 18, Council Member Briggs requested information about traffic calming devices on Ruth Street. Traffic Engineering staff researched,but found no previous speed study on file for Ruth Street. The first action towards traffic calming in this area will be to perform a speed study to determine the magnitude and extent of the issue. This initial study will take approximately two weeks to complete. Once complete, staff will determine what measures are appropriate and develop an implementation plan. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, Capital Projects T. Bike Lane on Locust and Stuart — On July 18, Council Member Briggs requested information about any plans to redesign Locust and Stuart so that the minimum standard width of 5 feet is met. Staff evaluated both corridors and determined that each can accommodate the minimum widths for travel (I I') and bike lanes (6'). These widths will be designed and incorporated into the next resurfacing project for Stuart, however, the markings update for Locust may be delayed until TxDOT and the City have concluded the turnback process currently under discussion. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, Capital Projects 7 U. IH-35E Frontage Road Signage — On July 21, Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth requested information about the adjustment of signage to indicate the correct number of lanes on the frontage road of IH-35E near Rudy's. Traffic Engineering staff has contacted and will work with TxDOT to ensure that the accurate signs are in place. If TxDOT foresees a delay in any needed sign installation, Traffic Operations staff can assist with temporary sign fabrication and/or installation. Staff contact: Brian Jahn, Capital Projects V. Keep Denton Beautiful— Keep Denton Beautiful's Community Tree Giveaway recently received national recognition from affiliate partner Keep America Beautiful (KAB). This month,KAB released its 2019 Annual Report highlighting beautification, litter, and recycling efforts throughout the country. The Community Tree Giveaway, an annual free tree event dating back to 1999, is featured in the "Impact in Our Community" section. Denton is one of eight communities highlighted and selected for the cover photo. There are more than 600 state and community KAB affiliates. To view the full report and read more about the Tree Giveaway, visit https://kab.org/about/approach/annual-reports/2019-annual-report/. Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation W. Park Vandalism —This past week, Parks and Recreation experienced a number of graffiti-related vandalism in parks such as, but not limited to, Fred Moore Park and McKenna Park. Parks Maintenance staff worked on July 22 and 23 to clean the vandalism. Unfortunately, this occurs on a regular basis throughout the year, but tends to be more focused during the summer months. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation X. Public Restroom at McKenna Park—A resident contacted Parks and Recreation staff regarding a port-o john located west of the basketball. Staff responded to the resident that this unit was used by the contractor that was working on Bonnie Brae. City staff contacted the company and they are supposed to remove the unit from the construction site. Staff contact: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation III. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Events All City-sponsored events and programs are suspended until further notice. B. Community Meetings All City-sponsored meetings are also suspended until further notice. IV. Attachments A. TWU Parking Update...........................................................................................10 B. UOF Online Comments Received........................................................................16 C. UWDC COVID-19 Relief Fund Eviction Prevention Program Update...............25 8 V. Informal Staff Reports A. 2020-065 2018 Net Revenue Report on Economic Development Incentives......27 B. 2020-066 Reappointment of Baines.....................................................................63 C. 2020-067 Social Services Funding.......................................................................65 VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................70 B. Council Calendar .................................................................................................71 C. Draft Agenda for August 3...................................................................................74 D. Draft Agenda for August 4...................................................................................78 E. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................84 F. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................85 9 IITY Public Affairs Department DE1 NTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8116 July 23, 2020 RE: Traffic and Parking Solutions in Your Neighborhood Dear Resident or Property Owner: The City of Denton is contacting you to update you on the status of ongoing and completed projects to improve parking and traffic around the Texas Women's University (TWU) campus. In November 2019, with the help of input from residents in the area, City staff and TWU implemented a multi-phase initiative to address safety concerns and parking ordinance violations. This initiative included public education, enforcement, a painted pavement markings pilot program and street design improvements. An update letter including improvements City and TWU staff implemented in the first phase of the initiative, was mailed to residents in December 2019 (see attached). As part of this effort, the City's Traffic and Police Departments have: • Implemented Curb and on-street parking pavement markings on Oakland Street (N. Locust Street to N. Austin Street), • Transitioned Schmitz Avenue at Vine Street, and Sawyer Avenue at N. Austin Street to "All-Way" stop intersections, • Assigned a City parking enforcement officer to conduct weekly patrols through the area twice per day, • Increased enforcement of existing City parking ordinances and reduced parking violations surrounding the TWU campus. The enforcement has also resulted in continual decreases in moving violations and speeding citations in the area (see attached), and • Distributed parking education materials to TWU students and contractors. These materials are available at www.cityofdenton.com/parking. The final initiative in this phase of improvements is to consider "No Street Parking" on Texas Street from Mingo to Bell. As a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the consideration of this proposal by the Traffic Safety Commission and the City Council was postponed. The item is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Traffic Safety Commission on August 20tn, however any changes in that schedule will be communicated with the neighborhood. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity •Fiscal Responsibility• Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/AREA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 10 IITY Public Affairs Department DE1 NTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8116 After the current phase of improvements, additional streets and intersections of concern in the area can be evaluated. Staff will work with the residents to develop a list of candidate locations for evaluation and the results will be communicated to you in a future update. The City's goal is to keep you informed of the status of ongoing and future traffic and safety projects in your area. To provide feedback on traffic projects or project communications, please contact Stephanie Yates, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator, at Stephanie.gates@cityofdenton.com or call (940) 349-8116. For TWU related concerns, please contact Sam Garrison at sgarrisonl@twu.edu or call (940) 898-2911. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity •Fiscal Responsibility• Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 11 TWU Area The following data has been provided by the City of Denton rking Police Department. The data has been compiled for the areas surrounding Texas Women's University (TWU) from August 26, 2019 through June Celtateions 30, 2020. DATE RANGE CITATIONS August 26, 2019 - October 25, 2019 187 January 13, 2020 - March 12, 2020 59 TOTAL 246 Percent Change (2019 vs 2020) -68.4% TWU AREA PARKING CITATIONS Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2019 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2020 Total 2019 Total 2020 2020 Total Change 33 77 88 20 13 231 47 9 5 1 2 3 67 164 12 DENTON CAMPUS MAP 80 For interactive map, s'??I�S+ go to twu.edu/maps - 32 43 to 72 — 44 _ 41 53 42 49 131 48 47 46 82 �F • 26 58 _ 50 a• - 74 56 51 55 75 102 52 . 12 s 1� 32 — •_ ss 1zs — 79 124 81 30 ' �` ISITOR 62 •i ,•1 PARKING /' S7 - a� 68 KING i — wlx 39 P' PARK! 1 — ,a 37 103 77 T 67 PARKING � 3 1; y 661 — s 7 _ 4 12 - 116 � I 9 11 7 lam (, Handicapped • Emergency Phone PARKING COLOR & SYMBOL Resident - Blue 0 Visitor/Reserved -White Faculty/Staff/Commuter- Maroon No Decal Required Garage- Purple 0 Faculty/Staff- Gray ® Faculty/Staff Reserved - Gray/White BUILDINGS ACT la Administration&Conference Tower HH 30 Hubbard Hall OMB 12 Old Main Building ADM 1 Admissions Building IF 132 Intramural Field P3 Parliament Villiage AH 72 Alumni House JH 39 Jones Hall Mary's Hall-125 ASSC 9 Ann Stuart Science Complex LC 53 Little Chapel-in-the-Woods North Hall-123 ROTC 104 Army ROTC Building LW Lowry Woods Community South Hall-124 ART 6 Art Building Austin Hall-51 PB 2 Patio Building ASB 3 Arts&Sciences Building Capps Hall-50 PH 79 Pioneer Hall BHL 35 Blagg-Huey Library Fitzgerald Hall-48 PP 57 Pioneer Park BH 64 Brackenridge Hall Hufford Hall-55 PSP 131 Pioneer Soccer Park BA 7 Bralley Annex Lowry Woods-41 RTC 30 Redbud Theater Complex CFO 13 Classroom&Faculty Offices Lowry Woods Community Center-52 STL 111 Science&Technology Learning Center DGL 62 Dance-Gymnastics Laboratory Building Reagan Houston Hall-49 STH 42 Stark Hall DH 126 Dining Hall Sayers Hall-46 SH 37 Stoddard Hall DBF 59 Dianne Baker Field Smith-Carroll Hall-47 su 30 Student Union FMC 77 Facilities Management&Construction MC 66 Marketing&Communication Building ULB 10 Undergraduate Laboratory Building FRC 102 Fitness&Recreation Center MCL 15 Multipurpose Classroom- UA 32 University Advancement GGH 80 Gertrude Gibson House Laboratory Building WH 11 Woodcock Hall GRB 4 Graduate Science Research Building MUS 5 Music BuildingAtlargo Jones GRIN 74 Greenhouse Performance Hall GH 43 Guinn Hall OC 116 Oakland Complex 44( "` Public Affairs Department )F DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8116 December 23, 2019 RE: Planned Traffic and Parking Solutions in Your Neighborhood Dear Resident or Property Owner: We are contacting you to update you on the status of parking and traffic improvements around the Texas Woman's University(TWU) campus. The Nov. 4th update detailed the City and TWU's multi-phase approach to address resident and safety concerns, minimize violations, and educate students and contractors on existing parking ordinances enforced throughout the City. With improvements actively underway, we'd like to update you on the status of two of the parking and traffic solutions shared in the Nov. 4th update. The City's Traffic Department began the painted pavement markings pilot program on the first location at Oakland Street(N. Locust Street to N. Austin Street) on Wednesday, Dec. 11 th and was completed on Wednesday, Dec. 18. On-street parking is now visibly outlined with the newly painted parking stalls for vehicles and striped no-parking curb lines in the area(see attached before and after photos). City Traffic Engineers completed initial street design assessments on Friday, Dec. 20 to improve low visibility intersections and streets to increase safety in the area. At this time, solutions being considered are: • All-Way stop at Schmitz Avenue and Vine Street, • All-Way stop at Sawyer Avenue and N. Austin Street, and • "No Street Parking"on Texas Street from Mingo Road to Bell Avenue. The two "All-Way" stop intersections are scheduled to be transitioned by staff, and the proposed "No Street Parking"on Texas Street will go before the Traffic Safety Commission and City Council for direction and consideration early next year. The City is aware of additional streets and intersections of concern in the area and will carefully consider those as well in the following phase of assessments. Future updates will be communicated to you for improvement milestones throughout the coming year. Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the recently completed improvements to be considered as the parking and traffic solutions are expanded to surrounding areas around the TWU campus. For City of Denton related concerns please contact Stephanie Yates, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator, at stephanie.. a eskcityofdenton.com or call (940) 349-8116. For TWU related concerns please contact Sam Garrison at sgarrisonI(c twu.edu or call (940) 898- 2911. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity•Fiscal Responsibility•Transparency• Outstanding Customer Service ADA/EOE/ADEA www.cityofdenton.com TDD(800)735-2989 14 Oakland Street (N. Austin Street to N. Locust Street) Painted Pavement Markings Before and After Images l I Ao- aa.. BEFORE...... .... . — � :, IL a AFTER w;. A Ali BEFORE AFTER R. IS IT-yTT-8-ml-Please share your input about Use of Force,or your experience and stories related to the Denton Police Department: Postal/Zip Code of • Nonresident? 1 Bill Grubbs Yes We need law enforcement. Our police need the complete support and confidence of the citizens they serve thus increased communication and Texas Denton interaction between police and citizenry is suggested. I suggest more training and investment in non-lethal technology to retain or arrest individuals. I suggest more training in the use of force and when it is appropriate. 2 Forrester Lowrie Yes I believe the current use of force policy utilized by the City of Denton Police Department is sufficient. Denton TX 76205 1 also believe that Denton has an excellent police force and should support the police department. 3 Jason DAvis Yes I think the police Dept and its officers are great. They deal with the law breakers on a daily basis and need to do so with caution for their own Denton TX 76205 protection. If people would respect the office and comply with their request to freeze, put your hands up, stop. We wouldn't have many problems. Instead almost no one stops and complies with the officer so the officer sadly must use force. There are two side to every argument and I feel the police are getting a bad rap. Sometimes force is necessary but most of the times if people would comply they wouldn't need to use force. The new only shows the chaos, most of which is started by the very people that are breaking the law and then disrespecting the officer, when the police show up to bring law and order back to the streets.. 4 Jennifer Gunn No I support Denton Police Department and feel overall they do a good job protecting the public. I do believe that additional training is always good to Denton TX 76210 help officers deal with challenges in patrolling. We have increases in not only population overall, but people under the influence of drugs or alcohol, mental illnesses, and just individuals quick to anger. Officers deal with high levels of stress, shrinking budgets, and enhanced scrutiny. I feel an overall approach of training(techniques, lessons learned, mental health) new equipment, (body cameras, new technologies for subduing combativeness), and making a goal for 2 officers per call can all help create a better overall department. We also need to address concerns by being open with the public, as much as legally possible, taking corrective actions against officers when warranted, and promoting more community policing. I have lived here two years and can count on one hand when I have seen an officer in my neighborhood. Community policing helps with understanding and helps bridge the gap between police and community. I would love to see a plan where officers can protect themselves and others even if deadly force must be used. However, it also needs to strive to ensure the appropriate level of force is used and encourage cooperation between public and police. 5 Dinah Thomas Yes I object to this biased Ad Hoc Committee. Chief Dixon was screened chosen for his ability, integrity, knowledge to secure the personal safety of Denton TEXAS 76210 Denton Citizens by the City of Denton. Denton Police Department has been proactive with the Citizen Police Academy, Officer Kizer's Faith Community Safe Practices, Summer Camps. I suggest every member must be required to have attended the Citizens Police Academy, a on duty ride-a long with a working Officer in order to pass judgement of our DPD. In house training has been a tradition of DPD for decades. Please produce evidence abuse to citizens has occurred ed. Nothing less will do. This committee needs to DEFEND our POLICE and train our Citizens to be respectful, comply with police in a non-threatening, non-violent,forthcoming nature as they obey their Oath of Office with integrity, risking their lives, bodily injury which may cause permanent disability. Name another profession, other than Military with that dedication. This Ad Hoc Committee is political absurd witch hunt, attacking a honorable profession, with dedicated Officers working long hours in inhospitable conditions,for not enough pay, benefits to protect society from law breakers, criminal element. This is an asinine ploy, I am offended, heart broken, dismayed the City of Denton would take this action. God Bless America, God Bless our Officers. 6 Iris Cox Yes I support whatever force the police officers need to apprehend a dangerous criminal. People out there that supports Non choke holds or support Denton Texas 76210 unfunding the police have never worked with unruly criminals especially those high on illegal drugs. I do believe though any officer written up by the Chief of Police several times for abuse of force needs to be fired. I am not and never have been in the police force but I do know what they have to go through.Thank you for serving our community. 7 Tony Railing Yes Nothing but respect. With the University in town and the highly disrespectful population that brings I believe they show a lot of restraint and good judgment. 16 8 Pat Powell Yes Those persons hired by the Police Department are properly trained regarding the necessary force required for a given situation. When these men and Denton TX 76205 women are doing their job and encounter someone who requires a use of force, their life is possibly on the line and they certainly don't need their hands tied behind their backs with additional requirements placed on them by these useless politically inspired committees, inspired by(and possibly comprised of) persons who most likely have absolutely no experience being involved in such situations. Please DO NOT give in to the strictly political desires of those wishing to further restrict our law enforcement personnel. History shows that no matter what concessions are given,they ARE NEVEF enough for those wishing to restrict and they will simply be coming back for more and more concessions until we simply do not have law enforcement. Perhaps rather than addressing Use of Force by the Police, we should instead address those citizens insisting on breaking the law. Use of Force is not a problem for those who are law-abiding citizens! 9 Colette Yetka Yes I am a citizen who is an avid believer of law and order. I do not believe we can survive as a city or a country without our police, so feel very strongly Denton Texas 76210 we should "Back the Blue". The majority of men and women who serve as police are dedicated and committed to public safety and,therefore, should be respected and appreciated. 10 Stacy Weldon Yes First of all I have a concern about the extremely diverse makeup of this committee. It doesn't seem to be in line with the makeup of the community Denton TX 76205 and appears to be predisposed to be anti-police. I think the Denton police and police nationwide do an amazing job especially with the lack of support they are currently receiving. The incidents that are causing these types of reviews are few and far between. Please support our police and recognize the great job they do. Also find it interesting that these comments won't be read during the meeting. Hopefully the committee members will read them on their own. Thanks for your time. 11 Kevin Menard Yes My experience with the DPD over the last twenty-some-odd years has been informally positive. Whether it was a stop for a tariff violation, a call due Denton Denton 76205 to an elderly neighbors distress, as a protestor at a demonstration, or as a teacher collecting one of my students who had gotten into trouble, in all the cases I experienced the police in Denton were professional, polite, and courteous. Even when I disagreed with them (at a tariff stop for example) 12 Cheryl Roth Yes Use of Force when necessary for PD to do their job with a subject who is resisting arrest. Police Officers are trained on when/where this type of force Denton Texas 76205 is required.You can't expect a subject who is resisting arrest to calmly put their hands behind their back to be placed in handcuffs. 13 RW Mason Yes While everyone is heartbroken over the incidents by officers in Minneapolis, Denton Police are a valuable and trusted asset. Denton Police do an exceptional job of building relationships and supporting the Denton community.This unnecessary Committee promoting the current Mayor and former President Obama's "Commit to Action" initiative should be focusing on other topics than "use of force." I provided much of the information below to Mayor Watt and Councilmember Davis-thank you, Mr. Davis, for responding. Mayor Watt must have been too busy researching non-Dentor issues to show citizen respect even with a programmed email response. A small number of bad police, anywhere, is unacceptable, and every effort should be made to identify and remove those bad ones. A small number of lawbreakers like individuals that rob or vandalize private property will tear down the entire country we know as the United States of America. No one seems to be talking about the police officers that were injured protecting peaceful people or the retired St Louis Captain that died protecting his friend's property from robbers or children murdered in Chicago and New York. We need law and order to protect us from individuals that will harm us and our property, whether small or large. I haven't always agreed with Denton Police, but overall I'm thankful for their professionalism despite the actions by some Denton City elected officials. I watched the entire video of the incident at UNT with a young man that refused to provide ID, at first would not give his name, and tried to ride away The officer was well-trained and handled the situation in a proper and measured manner.The officer was polite to the Mother on the phone and to the students that surrounded the location. He stopped the young man for safety reasons-as I've experienced un-lighted bikes while driving, it is scary for a car driver to discover a bike without a light in your path suddenly. During the arrest process due to violation not addressed by the young man, the officer was polite and kind, asking if he wanted his friend to keep his backpack and charging his phone. I'm unsure if the officer received specific training to handle this type of situation and/or it was his nature to be respectful, but I believe he did an exceptional job in handling the case. The "defunding movement" is a failure to deal with the issue that bad people exist in every profession. More funding should be provided for training and experiential learning workshops to identify and remove the few bad ones and to help officers deal with complex issues.The Mayor's decision to join this Initiative shows politics in a non-partisan, according to Texas law, city government. If Denton wants to be a leader, look for funding for professional development and ways to build relationships within the community, and stop wasting time on unnecessary committees likely determined to find fault where there is none. 14 Gordon Sallee Yes The city of Denton is lucky to have a very fine police force, and we need to support them as they are. There have been no reported occurrences of Denton TX 76205 "excessive use of force"that I am aware of, so please stop this nonsense. What this council seems to NOT understand is George Floyd was a career criminal who pointed a loaded gun at the womb of a pregnant black woman which caused him to spend a fifth stint in a state prison, and Derek Chauvin, a white police officer(if that matters) had a history of misconduct; a long history. Can anyone of you say that of any of Denton's police officers. If the committee is formed just to review police policies, I'm fine with that; but if the committee is there to force change to police policies, I do have a problem with that. What I want to know is how many members of the committee have ever worn a badge and risk their lives for the sake of others against dangerous criminals; please don't start trouble where there is none just to look good to the public eye. I'm sure the Denton police department has an Internal Affairs department for handling any misdeeds by officers, and I trust them more than I trust this committee. 15 Patricia Davis Yes I had my house broken into in the middle of the night when I was asleep 3 years ago.The police were very supportive. I was terrified. I live alone and Denton Texas 76210 am 66 years old. I have had nothing but positive experiences with the Denton police and do not wish to have any funds diverted from the police dept. We need more funding to help them. Every week we get notifications that people are walking the neighborhoods breaking into cars. When they caught them, the people that broke into my house said they started out breaking into cars and moved up to houses.The police need all of our support. We need theirs. Please do not defund the police dept. It places us all in jeopardy. 16 Ethel Tomlinson Yes PD at our home a couple times and the policemen were nothing but respectful and helpful. As an added point, some people have lost respect for law Denton Texas 76205 and order and do not think that there are procedures to be followed when requested by aw enforcement and their noncompliance creates issues for the PD and their families and neighbors. I am old school and have always believed we have laws for our safety and without their enforcement we are ROME burning. Yes,there are probably some irritate attitudes out there, but our PD must ensure their safety as well as the safety of others. I am 100% backing our Denton Police force. Also, cannot say enough great words for our nearby Fire Dept personnel and their rapid response when needed. We are blessed to live in a great city and protected by a great PD/FD. Thank you! Note....added comment is after reviewing committee members, I do not recall seeing Latino representation since Denton has a heavy Latino population and having a representative could possible help spread the great work of our PD. 18 17 Nancyq De Yes The DPD and its members are an asset to the City of Denton. They are fast, responsible,very well trained and highly educated. Many of them Honores graduated from UNT.They are polite and professional in their interventions. Some years ago, I called DPD to help with the misbehavior of my neighbor's grandson.They came and were impeccable in treating them and solving the situation. I called them also to take care of a wild animal,the officer in charge of Animal Services Dept. came and did his job nicely and clean. Still, by the end of June, I went to pay my taxes, and saw many people wearing masks, as I forgot the mask in my car,a courteous police officer gave me one he had on stock. I think our DPD must be continually funded, as we pay our taxes to be free and protected from wrong doing. Our DPD must have the most recent and the best equipment: cars, uniforms, communication/protection devices, and good salaries to serve us the best they can. In July 2016, we remember five of our police officers were murdered in Dallas,they rendered their lives and no remembrance is made of/for them, many other were wounded, we do remember them in our hearts and prayers. I wish they and all who help us be supported by: "We,The People." I am a language/linguistic professor and feel much gratitude for all those who have given their lives to protect us.Thank you. 18 Anthony Houston Yes I believe police officers provide an invaluable service to our community and the vast majority of them seek only to serve and protect. Instances like Denton TX 76210 the George Floyd situation are unacceptable and should be treated as such. However, we cannot let a limited#of incidences like that neuter our officers. Instances like the Rayshard Brooks scenario show that completely peaceful interactions with officers can turn violent in a matter of seconds when a criminal seeks to harm an officer. Our Officers need the best in support,training and tools to respond -which unfortunately includes use of force and use of deadly force in the most extreme circumstances. 19 William Schofield Yes I just wanted to take a moment and thank the police for their service. While every institution has issues and a few bad employees,the current "re- Denton TX 76205 evaluation" of police is being driven by politics and emotions not science or need. Can we improve, of course but this committee is not the answer. How many of you have actually been arrested or interfaced with the police? Have any of you ever gone on patrol or been in a questionable situation? Sadly,this citizen believes this is just a feel good exercise not real governance. Tearing down the statutes only hurts history,tearing down the police will be something more dangerous in the present. Be leaders not followers. 20 Nadja Gibbs Yes I only have good experiences with the Denton PD. However, in response to the formation of this Committee: It is worrying me that policies are only DENTON Texas 76205 reviewed, because of an actual event. I want to share with you the same as I'd tell my graduate students:An effective process can only happen, if there is continuous optimization.This said there should not only be proper processes in place, which are adapted to match a constantly changing environment and dynamics...there should also be a REGULAR audit process (e.g. a permanent committee with changing members), which is not just a response to an event. 21 Kathleen Kelley Yes The police have my full support. Every officer I have met has been kind, considerate and behaved appropriately. Do not defund our Denton police! I DENTON TX 76205 support them. 22 Vicki Carter No I have only experienced the utmost professionalism when stopped by our Denton police. At no time have I ever felt threatened or that my rights have Denton Tx 76205 been infringed upon. Also as a minority, Native American, I do not see my people represented on your committee. I would ask that this is addressed by inclusion also. 23 GErry Green Yes This is excessive over-site for a problem we do not have. I support the police and what they do. If people would stop and respect the officers when denton tx 76205 questioned and not run or berate them, these problems would not occur. Seems like the people in schools and communities need the addressing and over-site. While the incident that started this was bad,this is a waste of tax payer money to cave to a movement now run by marxists and people whc want to over throw the government. We need Law enforcement to protect law abiding citizens. When these protesters step over the line, I expect our city council to support our law enforcement and empower them to make the appropriate arrests. Put an end to and not continue this mess, 19 24 Jay Powell Yes As a lifetime Denton resident, I have always heard (and believed)that the Denton Police Department was one of the most respected police agencies Denton Texas 76210 in North Texas. Accordingly, I felt quite confident that they have appropriate response to resistance policies in place. However, I recently decided to visit their website to conduct a little research. I was happy to see that their policies are posted online -this transparency is greatly appreciated. I reviewed their various policies related to force and found them to be well thought out, thorough, and appropriate. As a matter of fact, 43 pages of their 217-page policy manual is dedicated to response to resistance (almost 20%). The policies detail all force-related issues, including use of the various types of force,the reporting of that force, and the subsequent internal investigation of each incident that is conducted by the Department. I was impressed with the detail of Denton's policies. I also noted that the Department's "Response to Resistance Board" already includes an "Accreditation and Compliance Specialist." While there is no definition provided for that member of the board,the title suggests that it is a civilian member that works with the other members to analyze whether, or not,force was within policy. I am a police officer with twenty-six years of experience, and I have been an Assistant Chief at another North Texas police agency since 2014. 1 have written numerous police policies over the years and I have been closely involved with my Department's reviews of our responses to resistance. Accordingly, I feel qualified to rate the caliber of Denton's Response to Resistance policies. Police officers attend hours and hours of training to become proficient in the use of their various weapons. As they work the streets, they gain valuable experience which hone those skills. The officers are required to attend ongoing training to ensure that they remain proficient and are up-to- date on current events and trends. To seat a board of civilians who have not had this extensive training, or those valuable experiences, is counter intuitive. As an example, a board of citizens would never be convened after a structure fire to evaluate the Fire Department's response to the incident. The citizens do not have the training, nor the job knowledge,to know whether the firefighters' response was appropriate, or not. I feel that this same rationale applies to the idea of citizens evaluating a police officer's response to a suspect's resistance. In closing, officers police each other on the street.Their supervisors constantly evaluate their work. In Denton,the Response to Resistance Board thoroughly evaluates each incident involving force by an officer. Administration also closely monitors these incidents and acts on the findings of the board. The Department currently takes appropriate measures related to response to resistance. Use of excessive force, regardless of the suspect's race, is not a problem in Denton. A murder committed by a police officer thousands of miles away does not automatically necessitate a modification to Denton P.D.'s protocols and operations. I recommend that the Department continue to be transparent and follow their existing policies. 25 Concerne Black Guy Yes I have a question related to please policy and the number of officers needed on scene. For many years myself and others have observed sometimes d three four even five police cars and even more officers on scene for sometimes a single person situation. Of course as a non-police trained individual there are many situations that may require this much back up but visually and through experience it seems to look like several armed police officers talking to a single or few people and no arrests or made or a citation is given.This long comment was to ask what are the policies or standards for the number of officers presence and are these public? Example, black man panhandling and 4 police cars are present and 5 officers are there and the person is not acting out or being hostile. 20 26 Shannon Denise No As someone who has worked for a sheriff's department in the past I am concerned for the LEO's who still wear a the badge. Is anyone concerned for Graham Texas 76450 those officers who still wear the badge's safety? Re-writing the Use of Force policy is essentially making the officers do their job with one hand tied behind their back. Criminals do not follow the law and for the ones who resist law enforcement they do not fight fair. They know the policies officers must abide by and they know that officers will be prosecuted by the media and public opinion if the criminal make any claims that the officer did wrong. Here is a snip-it of an article where a deputy could have been severely injured or killed if it were not for brave bystanders-"On 7/18/2020 around 1 AM, Deputy Elliott was off duty, driving her marked patrol car home after her shift when she was flagged down in the City of Auburn near the E Valley Access RD for a very intoxicated male who had just caused a multiple vehicle collision. Deputy Elliott checked on all of the occupants of the vehicles involved to make sure no one was injured and everyone was alright. A woman whose car was hit told Deputy Elliott the man that had just caused the collision was drunk and trying to walk away from the scene. Deputy Elliott called out to the male to stop, but he kept trying to stumble away from her. Deputy Elliott had to jog up to the male and was able to grab on to him to advise him he was not free to leave and was being detained. The male immediately turned around in a fighting stance with his arms up in the air. A struggle began and at one point Deputy Elliott was able to get the suspect onto the ground and call for help on her radio. Suddenly,the suspect wrapped his arms around Deputy Elliott's neck, put her in a headlock and began squeezing. She struggled to get out of the hold but thankfully did not lose consciousness. About this time, Deputy Elliott heard several men's voices yelling "get off of her." A group of young men, pictured below,jumped on the suspect and struggled with him as Deputy Elliott was able to get free. They held the suspects shoulders and legs to the ground to allow Deputy Elliott to handcuff the man. Deputy Elliott sustained scrapes and bruising but thankfully she was not seriously injured. We cannot thank these five young men enough for coming to Deputy Elliott's rescue.They quite possibly saved her life.The photo was taken just a few minutes after the teens helped her. Moms and Dads,you should be proud of these kids! The suspect was arrested for felony assault of an Officer and DUI and booked into SCORE jail by Auburn PD, who will be the primary agency on the case. The suspect had several other warrants for his arrest, including for DUI, DWLS 1 and failure to have an ignition interlock." Or here is an innocent Trooper who was accused by a female of a heinous crime, received death treats from the public, assumed guilty by public opinion, and then come to find out the claims that the female made against the Trooper were false-https://abcstlouis.com/news/nation-world/body- camera-footage-clears-tx-state-trooper-accused-of-rape-nationally 27 Elizabeth Paz Yes I am concerned and upset as to how Denton PD handled the call regarding Darius Tarver back in January. DPD was called to assist him due to having Denton Texas 76201 mental health-related distress and was treated like a criminal by the police rather than someone in need of help. I wonder if Darius was not Black if the call would have been handled differently. I also have to wonder if the officers called to the scene would have had proper Crisis Intervention Training if Darius, also known as DJ, would have been sent by the officers to receive psychiatric services and still be alive today. Amy C. Watson, PhD and Anjali J. Fulambarker, MSW (2012) stated in a study that Crisis Intervention Training has helped police departments around the country to train their officers in de-escalation techniques in order to properly assist civilians with mental health issues as well as to work in conjunction with local mental health facilities to properly assist these ailing people. I am not sure how Denton PD usually deals with mental health calls, but how Darius Tarver was treated demonstrated that the officers responsible did not demonstrate any competency or sensitivity towards a young Black man in mental distress. Instead of treating all civilians as criminals, I believe Denton PD should work to increase training that police officers receive to better serve those who are people of color and suffering from mental illness and traumatic brain injuries. Crisis Intervention Training as well as diversity and cultural sensitivity training should be a mandatory part of becoming a police officer and should be conducted annually.As a former teacher and a future counselor, I have had to undergo specialized trainings multiple times each year to properly serve my students and clients and ensure that I am held to proper accountability. I believe police officers should be held to a gold standard of accountability, especially if they should fail to properly do their job and endanger civilians' lives recklessly.The four officers who were responsible for Tarver's death must answer to the consequences of their failure to help him, whether that be termination or having charges filed against them. Their actions should be used as an example for not only Denton PD, but for other police departments around the USA. The city of Denton could be leaders in how police departments should properly handle calls with people of color and the mentally ill, but only if we learn from past mistakes. 21 28 Elin Kimery Yes I do not believe that the Denton Police Department has been adequately trained in managing systemic and implicit racism or in how to deal with Denton Tx 76209 mental health crises. This is seen in the case of Darius Tarver,where force was used suspiciously, inappropriately, and fatally. 29 Daniel Peak Yes I've witnessed several incidents where the Denton Police arrested persons demonstrably not cooperating with the officers. On none of these Denton TX 76205 occasions did I believe the Police acted unreasonably, especially when baited and demeaned by the subjects. I was impressed by the patience they exhibited in the face of directed, unpleasant conduct on the part of the alleged culprits. 30 Daniel Oflaherty Yes I have attended the City of Denton Citizens Police Academy, I have been on ride along with a DPD officer, I have called for service, I have had them at Denton TX 76210 my house due to security system activation, and have witnessed as a community leader for my neighborhood their interaction with homeowners and renters. ALL DPD officers I have been blessed to have interactions with have been professional, kind, and always work with the highest level of integrity and care for the people involved! I find their actions in all interactions I have had with them to be low-stress, high-quality, care based with the citizens well-being at the center of all decisions! Anyone that has a bad interaction with the DPD should know that they all have family to return to after the shift,they want to be safe and happy just like everyone else, but they do stand between lawlessness and peace, and they are the ones that keep the peace! Anyone that considers any changes to the DPD policies, procedures, guidelines, or seeks to mandate any changes should be required to attend the DPD Citizen Police Academy,you can't know what it feels like to work the night shift and deal with a drunk person attacking a roommate, or a drunk driver with kids in the car, or any other situation from reading,you need to be there to understand the REALITY of the DPDs jobs! I stand with my AMAZING DPD and am happy and honored to have each and every officer and member of law enforcement serving my community here in Denton Texas! 31 Nia Thorton Yes I would like to know the justification for forming this committee. As far as I know there is not a problem with Use of Force in the Denton P.D. This appears to be led by special interest groups originating outside of Denton and they have no right to come into Denton and ask our city to form a committee. The Mayor was in error in obeying their commands and bowing down to a tiny special interest group intent on defunding our Police force. The fact that this committee has been formed is a shame and an embarrassment to those who support the Police Department and this "Committee" should be disbanded immediately and an apology sent to every police officer and citizen of Denton. We will remember this when it is 32 Bethany Weston No My name is Bethany Weston and I am a teacher in Denton ISD and concerned community member. I am commenting today about the "ad-hoc committee" and its role in Denton policing. I am most concerned about lack of transparency,the role of ICE in the community, and a lack of discussion about school resource officers because it fails to center the most marginalized and affected by policing in Denton. I would like to see complete transparency with community members, specific anti-racist/discrimination trainings for all officers, and swift specific consequences for use of force. Historically, reform hasn't prevented or reduced harm to communities, we demand solutions that divest police resources into the community, not the type that further empower and militarize police resources.Thank you for listening. 33 Madeline Fink Yes I hope the City of Denton will go beyond just police reform and invest in programs and policies that help vulnerable citizens economically and socially. Denton TX 76209 1 also hope that within the police programs and reforms, racial bias will be clearly addressed as a contributing factor to police violence. 22 34 Rhonda Powell Yes I have concerns with having people who are not qualified to assess law enforcement policies being put in a position to do so. They do not possess the Denton TX 76210 training, the education, nor the experience to understand why the policies are in place. It is extremely easy for the average person to review footage taken from a body cam or a cell phone then make judgements regarding how they think the situation should have been handled. Law enforcement officers do not have the luxury of time nor knowledge of the outcome when they are in a situation that escalates and becomes deadly. They must rely on training, education, instincts, and experience to maintain order and ensure the safety of those involved. Things such as someone tensing their body in preparation to run, racing heartbeat, shifting to one side, etc.,that are undetected to the civilian viewer but are witnessed by the officer. They are mannerisms which indicate the intent to flee,to reach for a weapon, or to harm the officer, and others in law enforcement recognize this. Each agency has an internal affairs department that investigates the actions of their officers. If the public feels as though the department cannot be fair,then have another agency investigate. This is not a role for civilians. In the event that a civilian oversight committee is assembled, I strongly suggest that their criminal histories/backgrounds be taken into account. They should be held to the same standards and face the same scrutiny as our law enforcement officers. During this pandemic, we are turning to members of the scientific community,for they possess extensive knowledge of viruses and how they are spread. When it comes to law enforcement officers,their actions, and their oversight, we must rely on dutiful and learned members of the law enforcement community to update policies and oversee actions. 35 Sherilyn Allen No I was born & raised in Denton. I do 98%of my business in Denton, and I am also part of a church body in Denton. I & my family are invested in Denton.Ponder TX 76259 1 believe transparency and accountability are always of utmost importance.This is to be required, not just "spoken". Proper"use of force" by law enforcement is extremely important, as every person has the right to a fair trial. While we all desire this, we must acknowledge that not every law engagement is going to end with a perfect outcome. However, when abuse of power happens; transparency, intense investigation, and accountability to the full extent of the law must occur. Our LE officers have a grave responsibility of protecting citizens from those that choose to operate outside of the law which sometimes requires having to make split second decisions. I fully support our Denton Police &the Denton County Sheriff's Department. I want to see them FULLY funded, FULLY trained & Fully Equipped to do their job. If we want professional officers with integrity, and desire to cull out those that are questionable, we must be willing to make the investment. I do NOT want to see resolutions written & changes made that would weaken our LE or have resolutions being put forth for political purposes.Thank you for the opportunity to be a part &to be heard. 36 Amy Morgan Yes Please create more opportunities for transparency and collaboration with citizens and human services in the areas of oversight and community Denton TX 76201 engagement. Also,we need to consider the psychological health of officers and how they interact with the community. I see a common sentiment that officers and their families fear for their safety. Why is that when they out-weapon everyone they come into contact with?They are armed continuously throughout the day. Police officers wear their body armor and duty belt at all times.The geared-up duty belt alonE weighs 15-20 pounds and contains pepper spray, cuffs, gun, ammo, flashlight,gloves, etc. If other first responders can gear up and arrive at the scene of a crisis in the shortest amount of time, officers can as well.They don't have to remain fully armed at all times. When those are the tools at your disposal,you will use them. If we want to reduce harm,we have to start thinking differently. Based on the data from the last meeting, we also need a better way to track metrics to ensure that all voices in the community are heard. We can do better. 23 37 Mariela Nunez- Yes My name is Mariela Nunez-Janes and I am part of Movimiento Cosecha Denton and I am also a scholar of immigrant education. I am contacting you about my Janes concerns related to the way the committee operates as well as Denton PD's policies relevant to the use of force in the immigrant community. I see in these attempts an inability to put at the center of conversations and police practices the most marginalized and affected by policing in Denton. Regarding the committee operations, I am concerned by the membership and scope of this committee determined solely by Mayor Chris Watts without involving the community-at-large. Such a top down approach ignores community concerns and limits representation to organizations and individuals that are known to the Mayor replicating the circle of power and influence that drives decision making in our city.The call for stories in today's conversation ignores the trauma of those who are victimized by the police's use of physical and psychological force.Asking people to share their stories in public without clear guidelines about how the committee will use such stories is evidence of the disregard for the legitimacy of community experiences.This is careless and unethical. Regarding Denton PD's policies, I have attended the recent Proyecto Amistad community forums organized by Denton PD to engage the immigrant community. In these forums I have heard officers tell the community to call them for anything they need while at the same time express their frustration because they are asked to be mental health professionals,social workers,and immigration officials. Officers are right to share this frustration.The presumption that police can solve every problem is not only irresponsible but dangerous. It led to the deportation of a local student with no criminal record who got pulled over because of a broken tail light. It led to the death of Darius Tarver because an officer's response to serve and protect was to pull a trigger when confronted with a mental health crisis. I recently reviewed Denton PD's proposal for engaging the immigrant community. It is filled with all sorts of inconsistencies and wrong information about immigration law and procedures, it contains no specific procedures for avoiding inquiries about immigration status, and provides no accountability for officers who do not follow Denton PD's prerogative of not being concerned with immigration issues.There is no specification of the department's anti-discrimination policy or norms of conduct to guarantee"equal enforcement," particularly as it pertains to the immigrant community in Denton. If Denton PD has an official stance when it comes to avoiding racial profiling specially in inquiries about status and citizenship why not make officers accountable? Why continue insisting in engaging inquiries about immigration status specially in cases of victims of crimes and crime reporting? If Denton PD is only interested in identifying a person's identity during routine stops and not on inflicting fear why not invest instead in the community resources and programs needed so that those who don't have a drivers' license can get a city issued identification? I would like to see instead policies and practices that prevent the use of force and consequences for violations of these policies and practices including violations of Chief Dixon's prerogatives specially as they relate to the immigrant community. Historically, reform hasn't prevented or reduced harm to communities,we demand solutions that divest police resources into the community, not the type that further empower and militarize police resources. Sincerely, 38 Jean Wildman Yes Being a law enforcement officer is a very difficult, stressful and dangerous job. I grew up with members of my family in law enforcement. My theory Denton Tx 76226 is that training and counseling needs to be improved. Also, officers should be encouraged to advisor superiors when they note a fellow officer appears under stress, etc. This is a very stressful time and rebellious individuals who have always been negative towards law enforcement, our political system, etc. are taking advantage in order to create turmoil and dissention. 39 Vicki Byrd Yes Good evening. I am a 37 year resident of Denton. My educational background is criminal justice/psychology and a MAEd.This background led me to Denton TX 76209 become a Law Enforcement Officer, Risk Management Specialist for TWU and SPed teacher specializing in behavioral management for DISD. I said all of that to give credence to these two thoughts: The type of individual considered for employment and the emotional/psychology of said individuals and their ability to stay to task. I suggest that the prevalence of the point system used as an affirmative for veterans be dismissed. Why?The psychology and the connection to civilian life.There is PTSD and other issues they have to contend with. Or consider a Syr hiring wait time to allow a veteran to fully cultivate back to civilian life.That military mindset is very strong. (I married a 2ndLt.) Secondly, require ALL officers to routinely (throughout lifetime of career) see a family therapist/life coach/counselor.They always need to seem to be ok. It's a hard job and they need personalized care-taking. Requiring them to check-in routinely with a professional should be something to consider. I speak up for Law Enforcement because I feel a kinship. I speak for Safety and I speak up for teachers, kids,African Americans, moms, women AND retired folks...because that is who I am.Thanks for the opportunity to speak to the well-being of Law Enforcement Officers. 40 Libby Maxwell Yes Anyone who lives in or around south east Denton knows that it is heavily over policed. I've seen more cop activity there than anywhere else in Denton Tx 76205 Denton. Reform has clearly been ineffective. I believe the city needs to Reinvest in that community, make sure that everyone in Denton has access to safe water, make sure that kids in Denton are getting an equal education despite which school they go to, and work with LINT to make living in Dentor more sustainable for everyone. 24 United Way of Denton County COVID-19 Relief Fund Eviction Prevention Program Outcomes Last Updated Wednesday, July 22"d at 5:00 p.m. FUNDING Outcome Denton Lewisville All Denton County Measure Funding Funding Funding Total Funds Raised $130,000.00 $74,000.00 $1,442,500.00 $1,646,500.00 Expenses $130,000.00 $74,000.00 $953,010.66 $1,157,010.66 Current Balance $0.00 $0.00 $489,489.34 $489,489.34 WEEKLY EXPENDITURES Households Week Amount Months (Duplicated) 3/23 - 3/27 $5,345.00 4 4 3/30 -4/3 $42,855.30 43 43 4/6 -4/10 $46,126.32 59 57 4/13-4/17 $31,792.18 38 38 4/20 -4/24 $36,531.86 41 41 4/27-5/1 $43,621.71 36 35 5/4- 5/8 $54,684.39 53 45 5/11 -5/15 $48,040.69 51 44 5/18-5/22 $55,974.57 61 52 5/25-5/29 $48,035.35 39 27 6/1 -6/5 $95,301.75 88 67 6/8 - 6/12 $91,731.22 90 63 6/15 -6/19 $53,867.90 54 40 6/22-6/26 $88,887.29 75 53 6/29-7/3 $87,136.27 75 57 7/6 - 7/10 $96,956.21 85 63 7/13 - 7/17 $134,955.39 124 90 Weekly Average $66,031.15 63 51 UWDC COVID-19 Eviction Prevention Weekly Trend $150,000.00 $100.000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 Week I rim zs • Denton County United Way of Denton County COVID-19 Relief Fund Eviction Prevention Program Outcomes Last Updated Wednesday, July 22"d at 5:00 p.m. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE Rent/Mortgage/Utility 859 Extended Hotel Stay 9 Temporary Hotel 2 Requests Not Approved 25 ASSISTANCE BY CITY Municipality Households Assisted Months of Assistance Aubrey 24 34 Bartonville 1 1 Carrollton 71 90 Coppell 5 5 Corinth 19 21.5 Cross Roads 2 3 Dallas 63 81 Denton 256 325.5 Flower Mound 14 18 Frisco 16 19 Haslet 1 2 Justin 5 5 Lake Dallas 21 27 Lewisville 230 274.5 Little Elm 35 48.5 Oak Point 3 5 Pilot Point 3 5 Plano 1 1 Ponder 4 6 Prosper 2 3 Providence Village 4 4 Roanoke 6 9 Sanger 9 11 Savannah 1 1 Shady Shores 1 1 The Colony 73 95.5 Trophy Club 2 2 TOTAL I 872 1098.5 26 Denton County Date: July 24, 2020 Report No. 2020-065 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: 2018 Net Revenue Report on Economic Development Incentives BACKGROUND: In 2009, the Department of Economic Development created the initial "Return on Investment Report"to examine the fiscal impact to the City made by the businesses that have received property and sales tax incentives, evaluate the efficiency of the public investment, and to guide future policy decisions. The following changes have been made to the report over the years: • 2010: State of Texas and Denton County Transportation Authority sales tax revenue was added. • 2013: The report was expanded to include the ad valorem revenue for Denton County, which includes both the incentives in which the County has partnered with the City, as well as the revenue from the incentives that the County did not invest in. • 2015: Inclusion of Denton Independent School District(DISD) information. • 2016: The report was redesigned and can be distributed as one-page City summary or complete report. The attached 2018 Net Revenue Report is the seventh update of the report, which provides an overall look at what the City of Denton received in the way of direct benefits (property and sales tax revenues) as well as the indirect benefit of new jobs created or existing jobs retained by those companies and developments that received incentives. The report covers a tax year schedule, so there is a time delay of when the report is released. The property tax valuation is based on the values that are released by the Denton Central Appraisal District(DCAD) for the previous tax year. The certified valuations, released at the end of July, are compiled from the DCAD website and sent out on a City of Denton Verification Form to the appraisal district.' The tax bills are distributed from Denton County in October. The calculations for the contested properties are prepared upon receipt of the Verification Form from the appraisal district, which occurs sometime after October until the delinquency deadline in the early part of the following year, if the property valuation is contested. DCAD also contracts out some of their accounts to Wardlaw, which may also delay the valuation data for incentives. The remaining incentive rebates are calculated, checked and processed in the Spring. The report provides information through 2018 and includes the following: • The date the agreement was approved • The term of the agreement (years incentives are applied) • Property valuation (cumulative since year agreement approved, excluding base year) • Property tax generated(cumulative since year agreement approved, excluding base year) 'The City of Denton Verification Form also includes a request for the breakdown of the Business Personal Property (BPP)that is not available on the website and a section that notifies the City if the property is being contested. The incentive calculations occur for the uncontested properties following the receipt of the forms from DCAD.The City notifies DCAD if the threshold has been met by companies for all of the tax abatements. 27 Date: July 24, 2020 Report No. 2020-065 • Sales tax generated—if applicable (cumulative from initiation of sales tax monitoring) • Net property and sales tax revenues (total revenues less incentives) • Cost/benefit Percentage (net revenue divided by the incentive and multiplied by 100) • Ratio of Return(net revenue less incentive, then divided by the incentive) • New jobs created by project Standard economic development practice for impact analysis is 10 years, so the incentives in the report are tracked for 10 years regardless of the term. For example, an incentive with a term of seven years is tracked for an additional three years until the 10-year period is reached. An incentive is not deducted for the remaining three years following the term. This practice allows for"apples to apples" comparisons between incentives. Incentives for expansion projects such as Jostens, Peterbilt Motors, and Flowers Foods are based only on the new value created by the project. The existing valuation that was relative to each of these projects was not included in the calculations. FISCAL INFORMATION: The City of Denton has awarded a total of 30 incentives to foster development in the community, with 27 being represented in this report. The remaining three incentives have not initiated as of 2018. The City has invested$22.0 million in tax-related incentives, and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property and sales tax revenues of$71.3 million since the inception of the incentive program in 1999. The cost benefit percentage for all of the incentives awarded is 324%. There have been a total of 8,402 jobs created or retained by incentivized projects. The table, which follows,provides the net revenue summary for the City, County and school district. City, County and DISD Net Revenue Summaries Total of all Property ____J�eturn ��Fioty of Denton Denton County Denton ISD Cumulative Property Valuation $7,055,400,48 $3,403,991,034 $3,403,991,034 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $46,710,381 $8,557,988 $52,923,449 Cumulative Sales Tax Generated $46,543,343 $0 $0 Cumulative Property& Sales Tax $93,253,724 $8,557,988 $52,923,449 Less Incentives $21,982,602 $1,026,998 $621,572 Net Property and Sales Tax Revenue $71,271,122 $7,530,990 $52,301,877 Cost Benefit Percentage 324% 733% 8414% Ratio of Return 3:2 7:3 84:1 Denton County has participated in a total of six Denton incentives, and Denton Independent School District has participated in two Denton incentives. Texas school districts were at one time able to offer tax abatements similar to those of cities and counties,but that authority was repealed by the Texas Legislature.2 Z School finance involves a complex funding formula from a number of different federal,state and local funding sources.It is important to note that the report uses the entire DISD tax rate,which includes the Maintenance and 28 Date: July 24,2020 Report No. 2020-065 CONCLUSION: Incentives are an important tool that can be used to attract or retain private investment in Denton. Since the incentive options available to Denton are tax based, tracking and reporting on the cost/benefit of the incentives awarded by City Council enhances transparency, supports fiscal responsibility, and aids in future decision-making regarding incentives. ATTACHMENT(S): 2018 Net Revenue Report STAFF CONTACT: Erica Sullivan Economic Development Analyst (940) 349-7731 Erica.sullivangcityofdenton.com REOUESTOR: Staff initiated PARTICIPTAING DEPARTMENTS: Economic Development STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 50+hours Operations(M&O)and Interest and Sinking(I&S)tax rates. The M&O portion of the tax rate is used for salaries, utilities,supplies etc.The I&S portion of the tax rate is used to fund payments on debt service for facilities and is the only portion of the DISD tax rate that is not affected by funding from the State of Texas. 29 O � v Z W -1 ('ITN' D • O l, F �R�� DENTON Report on Net Revenue from Incentivized Economic Development Projects City of Denton Department of Economic Development 20184� ................................... 30 Table of Contents List of Charts, Graphs, and Tables ................................................................................................1 ExecutiveSummary........................................................................................................... 3 Introduction and Purpose.................................................................................................. 5 Cityof Denton Revenue..................................................................................................... 5 Property Tax Abatements...................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 380 Grant Agreements............................................................................................. 6 Chapter 380 Grants Based on Property Tax Performance................................................ 6 Chapter 380 Grants Based on Sales Tax Performance...................................................... 7 Property and Sales Tax Summary.......................................................................................... 9 PropertyTax Summary...................................................................................................... 9 Property and Sales Tax Summary.................................................................................... 10 Direct and Indirect Impacts.................................................................................................. 10 Chapter 380 Grants on Combined Tax Performance and Development Tools................... 11 State and Local Revenues .................................................................................................12 City, State, and DCTA Sales Taxes........................................................................................ 12 Denton County Property Tax Generation..........................................................................14 Property Tax Abatements.................................................................................................... 14 Chapter 380/381 Agreements............................................................................................. 14 PropertyTax Summary ....................................................................................................... 15 Denton Independent School District Property Tax Generation..........................................16 Property Tax Abatements.................................................................................................... 17 Chapter380 Agreements..................................................................................................... 17 PropertyTax Summary .........................................................................................................17 Appendix A: Incentive Projects.........................................................................................19 AppendixB: General Methodology...................................................................................30 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 1 31 List of Charts, Graphs, and Tables Charts Chart 1: Sales Tax Generated and Rebated ........................................................................... 8 Chart 2: Sales Tax Composition ........................................................................................... 13 Graphs Graph 1: Property Tax Generated and Abated/Rebated....................................................... 9 Graph 2: New Value Created in Denton .............................................................................. 10 Graph 3: New Jobs Created in Denton ................................................................................ 11 Graph 4: City and County Property Tax Agreements........................................................... 15 Graph 5: DISD Property Tax Abatements ............................................................................ 17 Tables Table 1: City of Denton Summary.......................................................................................... 3 Table 2: City, County and DISD Summaries ........................................................................... 4 Table 3: City of Denton Tax Abatements............................................................................... 6 Table 4: City of Denton Chapter 380 Property Tax Agreements........................................... 7 Table 5: City of Denton Chapter 380 Sales Tax Agreements................................................. 8 Table 6: City of Denton Tax Abatements and Chapter 380 Property Tax Agreements......... 9 Table 7: City of Denton Return Summary............................................................................ 10 Table 8: Combined Tax Tool Incentive Summary ................................................................ 11 Table 9: City, State, and DCTA Sales Tax Composition ........................................................ 12 Table 10:Total City, State and Local Sales Taxes Cost/benefit ........................................... 13 Table 11: Denton County Property Tax Abatements........................................................... 14 Table 12: Denton County Property Tax Chapter 381 Rebates............................................. 14 Table 13: Denton County Return from Property Tax Abatements and Chapter 380/381 Rebates ......................................................................................... 15 Table 14: Denton County Return Summary........................................................................ 16 Table 15: DISD Property Tax Abatements............................................................................ 16 Table 16: DISD Return from City and DISD Agreements...................................................... 17 Table 17: DISD Return Summary.......................................................................................... 17 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 2 32 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Denton promotes high-quality development that improves the quality of life of its residents.The City provides economic development incentives to stimulate private development and redevelopment, expand the tax base,generate jobs, and enhance the local economy. Denton is home to several corporate, regional, and international headquarters, as well as central distribution and maintenance facilities.The City facilitated a number of these projects by granting incentives to make the project feasible and to reimburse the costs of required public infrastructure. In 2009,the City's Economic Development Department created the initial "Return on Investment Report"to provide a comprehensive look at the fiscal impact made by the businesses that have received property and sales tax incentives from the City and to evaluate the efficiency of the public investment. In 2016,the report was retitled the"Report on Net Revenue from Incentivized Economic Development Projects"to accurately reflect the methodology used and does not include costs to the City for the projects. The report covers a tax year schedule.The property tax valuation is based on the values that are released by the Denton Central Appraisal District(DCAD)for the previous tax year.The certified valuations are released in July and the tax bills are distributed in October.The calculations for the contested properties are prepared upon receipt of the valuation from the appraisal district,which occurs sometime after October until the delinquency deadline the following year, if contested.Additional information is included in the methodology. The City has awarded a total of 30 incentives to foster development in the community,with 27 being represented in this report.The remaining three incentives have not initiated as of 2018.The City has invested $22.0 million in tax-related incentives, and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property and sales tax revenues of$71.3 million since the inception of the incentive program in 1999.The cost benefit percentage for all incentives awarded is 324%. Chapter 380 sales tax rebate incentives represented the highest percentage at 374%,followed by Chapter 380 property tax rebates and property tax abatements at 324%and 178%, respectively.There have been 8,402 jobs created or retained by incentivized projects. �n AAA 8,402 324% $7.1113 $71.3M New Jobs Benefit Property Valuation Net Revenue Table 1:City of Denton Summary _Ws M Sales Tax Total Cumulative Property Valuation $3,403,991,034 $3,651,409,453 $7,055,400,487 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $22,316,432 $24,393,949 $46,710,381 Cumulative Sales Tax Generated $0 $46,543,343 $46,543,343 Cumulative Property&Sales Tax $22,316,432 $70,937,292 $93,253,724 Less Incentives $7,031,994 $14,950,608 $21,982,602 Net Property and Sales Tax Revenue $15,284,438 $55,986,684 $71,271,122 Cost Benefit Percentage 217% 374% 1 324% Jobs Created/Retained 4,731 3,671 8,402 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 3 33 The report is divided into the following four main sections illustrating the cost/benefit of the public investment of resources for each taxing entity: • City of Denton Revenues • State and Local Revenues • Denton County Property Tax Generation • Denton Independent School District Revenue The report also includes two Appendices: • Project Narratives • Methodology The cost/benefit from each of the three jurisdictions is included below as a ratio of the net revenue to investment. See Appendix B for additional information on the methodology for this report. 3:2 i :s 84:1 City of Denton Denton County Denton ISD Table 2: City, County and DISD Summaries Cumulative Property Valuation $7,055,400,487 $3,403,991,034 $3,259,865,082 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $46,710,381 $8,557,988 $52,923,449 Cumulative Sales Tax Generated $46,543,343 $0 $0 Cumulative Property&Sales Tax $93,253,724 $8,557,988 $52,923,449 Less Incentives $21,982,602 $1,026,998 $621,572 Net Property and Sales Tax Revenue $71,271,122 $7,530,990 $52,301,877 Cost Benefit Percentage 324% 733% 8,414% Ratio of Return 3:2 7:3 84:1 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 4 34 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE This is the seventh update of the report,which provides a comprehensive look at the fiscal impact made by the businesses that have received property and/or sales tax incentives from the City and evaluates the efficiency of the public investment.A brief description of the types of tax incentives offered,the total incentive received by the company,the City tax revenues generated since the agreement was initiated and the cost/benefit of the projects are provided. In addition,the report includes information regarding state, Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA), Denton County, and Denton Independent School District(DISD) ad valorem and sales tax revenues created by these developments. In 2009,the City of Denton Economic Development Department created the initial Return on Investment Report to examine the fiscal impact made by the businesses that have received property and sales tax incentives from the City,evaluate the efficiency of the public investment and to guide future policy decisions. State and DCTA sales tax revenue were added in 2010. In 2013,the report was expanded to include the ad valorem revenue for Denton County,which includes both the incentives in which the County has partnered with the City, as well as the revenue from the incentives that the County did not invest in.The report comprised all of the taxing entities with the inclusion of DISD in 2015.The report was redesigned in 2016. 2009 2010 2013 Initial Report Expanded:State and Expanded:Denton DCTA County 2015 2016 Expanded: DISD Redesign CITY OF DENTON REVENUE Property Tax Abatements Since 1999,the City of Denton has granted abatements of City ad valorem taxes from new and expanded capital investment resulting in $5.1 million in property related tax incentives, and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property tax revenues of$9.1 million. City of Denton tax abatement agreements obligate the company to meet certain threshold requirements of property valuation in order to receive a tax abatement. In some cases,the number of jobs created and the average wage for these positions are also thresholds of performance. Chapter 312 of the Local Government Code allows cities to provide up to 100%abatement on new valuation and limits the term of tax abatements to 10 years.The following table represents the eight active tax abatements awarded and initiated through 2018.The following five tax abatements have been completed: United Copper, Peterbilt, Flowers Foods, Fastenal,Aldi and Target. 2018 was also the fourth and final year of the tax abatement for Tetra Pak.The next tax abatements scheduled to come online are a Peterbilt Motors expansion and West Gate Business Park building 2 in 2019. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 5 35 Table 3: City of Denton Tax Abatements United Peterbilt Flowers Copper Motors Foods Fastenal Aldi Foods Target Peerless Tetra Pak Totals Year Approved 1998 2001 2004 2008 2008 2010 2011 2013 Incentive 2002- 2014- (2015- Term - -2016 2018) Cumulative Property Valuation z $422.1 $39.1 $329.3 $211.7 $421.2 $668.6 $48.4 $36.3 $2.2 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $2,508,486 $248,933 $2,211,802 $1,422,452 $2,844,536 $4,470,824 $324,850 $238,308 $14,270,191 .. i • �� ; ,. 01. Net Property Tax Revenue $2,371,454 $104,019 $1,848,443 $1,334,631 $692,157 $2,396,655 $290,110 $99,816 $9,137,285 Cost Benefit Percentage 1,731% 72% 509% 1,520% 32% 116% 835% 72% 178% Jobs Created or Retained 1 265 160 96 425 1,819 1 Note:Peerless terminated after one year due to the sale of the property z In millions Chapter 380 Agreements Chapter 380 of the Local Government Code gives cities the authority to provide grants or loans of city funds or services in order to promote economic development.The City of Denton has entered into 19 Chapter 380 grant agreements in which it has authorized a grant equal to either a portion of the property tax or sales tax generated by the project. Chapter 380 Grants Based on Property Tax Performance Table 4 provides data through 2018 on economic development agreements that provided grants based on a percentage of the property tax generated by the project.The City has awarded nine Chapter 380 Property Tax Agreements. Sally Beauty,Jostens, Labinal/Safran, and Schlumberger have expired. Labinal/Safran,Jostens and Schlumberger will continue to be tracked for 10 years,while Sally Beauty will not since the incentive had a 10-year term.This is the first report that that includes O'Reilly Hotel and Convention Center,WinCo Foods, and Sally Beauty at the Morse location. Business Air, U.S.Aviation Group, and Victor Technologies were granted Chapter 380 Property Tax grants in 2015, but were terminated in 2017 for the sale of the FBO(Business Air) and not meeting the valuation threshold requirements (USAG and Victor). Although a number of the ad valorem projects generate sales taxes,that would not have been generated in Denton if the business had not located in this community,this study does not include the sales taxes for the ad valorem only incentives. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 6 36 Table 4: City of Denton Chapter 380 Property Tax Agreements FoodsWest 101 S Schlu ber __7ens ger "Inr Sla, 01PIPark O'Reilly Base Year of Agreement 2004 2006/ 2015 N/A N/A 2016 Incentive - 2018- Term 2018 2018 2018 Cumulative 11 Ir Property Valuationz $295.7 $679.7 $10.1 $37.9 $34.0 $25.6 $32.7 $107.8 $3.6 $1.2 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $1,972,313 $4,448,912 $86,142 $254,302 $224,783 $165,521 $202,981 $668,682 $22,605 $8,046,241 Property Tax Incentive $662,729 $410,729 $17,544 $60,978 $136,590 $157,347 $164,152 $288,477 $542 $1,899,088 Net New Property Tax Revenue $1,309,584 $4,038,183 $68,598 $193,324 $88,193 $8,174 $38,829 $380,205 $22,063 $6,147,153 Cost Benefit Percentage 198% 983% 391% 317% 65% 5% 24% 132% 4,071% 324% Jobs Created/Ret ained 450 147 600 750 370 19 249 150 177 2,912 'West Gate Business Park received a one-time grant in the amount of$50,000 in addition to the ad valorem rebate for 2016 2 in millions Chapter 380 Grants Based on Sales Tax Performance Table 5,which follows, details information through 2018 on economic development agreements that provided grants based on a percentage of the sales tax generated by the project. Four mixed-use developments have received sales tax incentives from the City. Golden Triangle Mall initiated its incentive in 2016. Buc-ee's Travel Center opened in late 2018, although the incentive did not initiate until 2019. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 7 37 Table 5: City of Denton Chapter 380 Sales Tax Agreements Base Year of Agreement 2003 2007 2004 2010 2016 Incentive Term 2005-2019 2012-2032 2019-2043 Cumulative Property Valuation $1,166,711,707 $1,018,129,801 $1,018,050,176 $428,898,157 $19,619,612 $3,651,409,453 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $7,726,765 $6,857,494 $6,808,264 $2,866,100 $135,326 $24,393,949 Cumulative Sales Tax Generated $20,991,531 $16,174,307 $1,612,236 $7,759,269 $6,000 $46,543,343 Total Cumulative Property& Sales Tax $28,718,296 $23,031,801 $8,420,500 $10,625,369 $141,326 $70,937,292 00 1 .0• Net Property and Sales Tax Revenue $21,721,120 $15,864,081 $7,883,088 $10,377,069 $141,326 $55,986,684 Cost Benefit Percentage 310% 221% 1,467% 4,179% N/A 374% Jobs Created/Retained 973 1,380 318 1,000 49 3,671 Note:Rayzor ranch includes mixed beverage taxes No sales taxes were generated at euc-ee's until the December Report for Oct sales(partial month) Chart 1 provides the sales taxes generated from the five developments and the rebate provided per the Chapter 380 Agreement. It is important to note that Golden Triangle Mall received an incentive for the renovations to the existing 1980 mall. GTM Development receives 50% of monthly sales tax receipts, less a monthly mall baseline amount established as $95,898.The incentive was initiated in the summer of 2016, so only half of a year of rebates were included in the report in 2016. 2017 represented the first full year of payments for GTM Development. Chart 1: Sales Tax Generated and Rebated ■Sales Tax Generated Sales Tax Rebate 24% 76% 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 38 Property and Sales Tax Summary Property Tax Summary The cost/benefit for all incentives based on property tax performance,tax abatement, and Chapter 380 Agreements is provided in Table 6 below. Results indicate that since 1999,the City of Denton has awarded $7.0 million in property related tax incentives,and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property tax revenues of$15.3 million. Over 4,731 jobs have been added as a result of these property-based incentives. Table 6: City of Denton Tax Abatements and Chapter 380 Property Tax Agreements Cumulative Property Valuation $3,403,991,034 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $22,316,432 Less Incentives $7,031,994 Net Property Tax Revenue $15,284,438 Cost Benefit Percentage 217% New Jobs Created 4,731 Graph 1: Property Tax Generated and Abated/Rebated ■Property Tax Generated ■Property Tax Incentive $5,132,906 $1,899,088 $14,270,191 $8,046,241 0 Chapter 380 Property Tax Tax Abatements 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 9 39 Property and Sales Tax Summary The City of Denton has awarded a total of 29 incentives to foster development in the community.Twenty-two are represented in the report.The remaining awards were terminated or not initiated in 2018.The City has invested $21.9 million in tax-related incentives, and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property and sales tax revenues in the amount of$71.3 million since the inception of the incentive program in 1999.The cost/benefit for all of the incentives awarded is 324%.Sales tax incentives represented the highest percent at 374%followed by Chapter 380 property tax rebates and property tax abatements at 324%and 178%, respectively. Table 7: City of Denton Return Summary Cumulative Property Valuation $3,403,991,034 $3,651,409,453 $7,055,400,487 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $22,316,432 $24,393,949 $46,710,381 Cumulative Sales Tax Generated $0 $46,543,343 $46,543,343 Cumulative Property&Sales Tax $22,316,432 $70,937,292 $93,253,724 Less Incentives $7,031,994 $14,950,608 $21,982,602 Net Property and Sales Tax Revenue $15,284,438 $55,986,684 $71,271,122 Cost Benefit Percentage 1 217% 1 374% 324% Jobs Created/Retained 4,731 3,671 8,402 Direct and Indirect Impacts Graph 2: New Value Created in Denton $3,651,409,453 $4,000,000,000 $3,500,000,000 $3,000,000,000 $2,176,781,102 $2,500,000,000 $2,000,000,000 $1,227,209,932 $1,500,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $500,000,000 Chapter 380 Property Chapter 380 Sales Tax Property Tax Tax Abatements ■Valuation 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 10 40 Graph 3: New Jobs Created in Denton 3,671 4,000 2,912 3,500 3,000 2,500 1,819 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Chapter 380 Chapter 380 Tax Property Tax Sales Tax Abatements ■Jobs Chapter 380 Grants Based on Combined Tax Performance and Development Tools The Economic Development Department employs a number of economic development tools to drive economic growth in the community. Most recently,the City has utilized development districts, sales and use tax rebates, infrastructure programs, and hotel occupancy tax to finance public improvements and developments.This report will provide a brief description of the types of tax incentives offered,terms,thresholds required, and the incentive received by the company. 2015 represented one of the most active years of incentive investment and the use of multiple economic development tools to support projects. Table 8: Combined Tax Tool Incentive Summary ToolsPrniart Incentive WinCo Foods Distribution Infrastructure grant, sales and use tax for construction, property tax rebate, and Westpark TIRZ grant O'Reilly Hotel and Convention Infrastructure grant, sales and use tax for construction, Center property tax rebate,and hotel occupancy tax grant United States Cold Storage Sales and use tax for construction Rayzor Ranch Development Sales tax and a Public Improvement District(PID) Railyard Downtown TIRZ 1 grant and lease Tax increment financing is a tool that local governments can use to publicly finance needed structural improvements and enhance infrastructure within a defined area (a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, or TIRZ) in 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 1? 41 order to stimulate private development and redevelopment.An ad valorem valuation base is established in the first year, and the revenue from the increased valuation from subsequent years is allocated to TIRZ development. The statutes that regulate tax increment financing are located in Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code,also known as the Tax Increment Financing Act. A public improvement district(PID) is a defined area where public improvements may be financed through the use of special assessments to property owners.The funds from the assessment can be used to maintain those improvements.The regulations for PIDs can be found under Chapter 372 of the Local Government Code. A sales and use tax rebate for construction is accomplished through a Texas Direct Payment Permit.This incentive involves a rebate of all or a portion of the sales and use taxes for the purchase of construction materials that would generate additional local use taxes that the City of Denton would not otherwise receive.The permit allows for storage of materials without the payment of taxes until the location is determined,so they are not taxed when holding the goods.This program is regulated by the Texas Administrative Code (TAC)Title 34,Chapter 3, Subchapter O, Rule 3.28 and Tax Code Title 2,Subtitle E,Chapter 151. STATE AND LOCAL REVENUES City, State, and DCTA Sales Taxes Table 9 provides the breakdown of the total revenue to City,State,and the Denton County Transportation Authority(DCTA)from sales taxes generated at the major retail developments that have received incentives from the City of Denton.The State of Texas collects sales and use taxes from all retail sales and taxable services.The State has directly benefited from the incentives awarded for these mixed-use developments. Since 2005,the State of Texas has received a total of$194.0 million in additional sales tax revenues as a result of the incentives awarded by the City.The state revenues comprise 76%of the total sales taxes generated by these mixed-use centers. Table 9: City, State, and DCTA Sales Tax Composition Golden Crossing Rayzor Ranch Wcrn Lake Triangle Mallbom � Rates TM Base Year of Agreement 2003 2007 2004 2010 2016 Incentive Term 2005-2019 Total Sales $1,399,435,400 $1,078,287,133 $107,482,400 $517,284,600 $400,000 $3,102,889,533 Total City Sales Tax Generated $20,991,531 $16,174,307 $1,612,236 $7,759,269 $6,000 $0.0150 $46,543,343 Total State Sales Tax Generated $87,464,713 $67,392,946 $6,717,650 $32,330,288 $2,000 $0.0625 $193,907,596 Total DCTA Sales Tax Generated $6,997,177 $5,391,436 $537,412 $2,586,423 $33,000 $0.0050 $15,545,448 Total Sales Tax Generated $115,453,421 $88,958,689 $8,867,298 $42,675,980 $41,000 $0.0825 $255,996,387 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 42 Table 10: Total City, State, and Local Sales Tax Cost/benefit Golden D- - .. T�= Triangle Mail Buc-ee's Rates Tot Base Year of Agreement 2003 2007 2004 2010 2016 Incentive Term 209-2043 Sales Tax Generated $115,453,421 $88,958,689 $8,867,298 $42,675,980 $33,000 $0.0825 $255,955,387 Less Sales Tax Incentive $6,997,176 $7,167,720 $537,412 $248,300 $0 $14,950,608 Total Net Revenue $108,456,245 $81,790,969 $8,329,886 $42,427,680 $33,000 $241,004,779 Cost Benefit Percentage 1,550% 1,141% 1,550% 17,087% N/A 1,612% Chart 2: Sales Tax Composition ■Total City Sales Tax ■Total State Sales Tax ■Total DCTA Sales Tax 18% 1 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 13 43 'TON COUNTY PROPERTY TAX . '7RATION The 2018 report provides the ad valorem revenue that Denton County received from all of the incentives awarded by the City of Denton.The cost/benefit is also provided for the four Tax Abatements and the two Chapter 380 Agreements in which the County jointly participated with the City to stimulate economic growth. Chapter 311 and 312 of the Texas Property Tax Code authorize taxing entities to provide tax abatements. Chapter 381 of the Local Government Code authorizes counties to provide loans or grants to support economic development activities Property Tax Abatements Table 11: Denton County Property Tax Abatements MotorsPeterbilt . ... . ... . Year Abatement Approved 2001 2004 2008 2010 Incentive Term 10 Years 5 Years 7 Years 5 Years Abatement/Rebate 100% 30% 35% 60% Cumulative Property Valuation $39,091,296 $329,264,609 $421,232,088 $668,595,451 $1,458,183,444 County Cumulative Property Tax Generated $97,965 $856,180 $1,109,994 $1,714,990 $3,779,129 Less County Property Tax Abatement $56,774 $110,244 $280,043 $439,768 $886,829 County Net Property Tax Revenue $41,191 $745,936 $829,951 $1,275,222 $2,892,300 Cost Benefit Percentage 73% 677% 296% 290% 326% New Jobs Created 35 480 150 160 825 Chapter 380/381 Agreements Table 12: Denton County Property Tax Chapter 381 Rebates Incentive Term 5 Years 5 Years Abatement/Rebate 40% 25 Cumulative Property Valuation $295,714,200 $628,358,362 $924,072,562 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $764,167 $1,540,790 $2,304,957 Less Property Tax Incentive $125,516 $14,653 $140,169 Net New Property Tax Revenue $638,651 $1,526,137 $2,164,788 Cost Benefit Percentage 509% 10,415% 1,544% Jobs Created/Retained 450 147 597 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 14 44 Property Tax Summary Table 13: Denton County Return from Property Tax Abatements and Chapter 380/381 Rebates I Joint Participation City Participation Property Totals Cumulative Property Valuation $2,433,622,496 $970,368,538 $3,403,991,034 County Cumulative Property Tax Generated $6,200,137 $2,357,851 $8,557,988 Less County Property Tax Abatement $1,026,998 $0 $1,026,998 County Net Property Tax Revenue $5,173,139 $2,357,851 $7,530,990 Cost Benefit Percentage 504% 0 733% New Jobs Created 1,819 2,787 4,606 Graph 4: City/County Property Tax Agreements ■Property Tax Generated Property Tax Incentive $886,829 $140,169 MW $5,535,135 b;;3 Chapter 380 Property Tax Tax Abatements 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 1s 45 Table 14: Denton County Return Summary Cumulative Property Valuation $3,403,991,034 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $8,557,988 Less Incentives $1,026,998 Net Property Tax Revenue $7,530,990 Cost Benefit Percentage 733% New Jobs Created 4,606 Denton County has participated in a total of six Denton incentives to promote development in the local community.The County has invested a total of$1.0 million in tax related incentives,and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property tax revenues in the amount of$7.5 million since the inception of the incentive program in 1999.The cost/benefit for all of the incentives awarded (joint and City only) is 733%.The cost/benefit from all of the tax abatements and Chapter 380/381 property tax incentives was 524%and 2,057%, respectively. DENTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY TAX GENERATION The Return on Investment Report was expanded in 2015 to include the ad valorem revenue that Denton Independent School District(DISD) has received from all the incentives awarded by the City of Denton.The cost/benefit is also provided for the two tax abatements in which DISD jointly participated with the City to stimulate economic growth. (Note:Texas school districts were at one time able to offer tax abatements similar to those of cities and counties, but that authority was repealed by the Texas Legislature). It is also important to note that the report uses the entire DISD tax rate,which includes the maintenance and operations and interest and sinking portions of the tax rate. Property Tax Abatements Table 15: DISD Property Tax Abatements 7��ff 1. Year Abatement Approved 1998 2001 Incentive Term 5 years 10 Years Abatement/Rebate 15% 100% Cumulative Property Valuation $422,085,765 $39,091,296 $461,177,061 DISD Cumulative Property Tax Generated $7,320,320 $644,587 $7,964,907 Less DISD Property Tax Abatement $250,680 $371,572 $622,252 DISD Net Property Tax Revenue $7,069,640 $273,015 $7,342,655 DISD Benefit Percentage 2,820% 73% 1,180% New Jobs Created 265 35 300 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 16 46 Graph 5: DISD Property Tax Abatements $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $S,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Property Tax Generated Property Tax Incentive Table 16: DISD Return from City and DISD Agreements City Only Participation Prqjjffjj6T&ta1s Cumulative Property Valuation $461,177,061 $2,942,813,973 $3,403,991,034 DISD Cumulative Property Tax Generated $7,964,907 $52,923,449 $60,888,356 Less DISD Property Tax Abatement $622,252 $0 $622,252 DISD Net Property Tax Revenue $7,342,655 $52,923,449 $60,266,104 DISD Return on Investment Percentage 1180% N/A 9685% New Jobs Created 300 3,730 4,030 Chapter 380 Agreements DISD did not participate with the City of Denton's Chapter 380 Property Tax Agreements. Property Tax Summary Table 17: DISD Return Summary Cumulative Property Valuation $3,403,991,034 Cumulative Property Tax Generated $52,923,449 Less Incentives $621,572 Net Property Tax Revenue $52,301,877 Cost/benefit Percentage 8,414% New Jobs Created 4,030 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 17 47 Denton Independent School District has participated in two Denton tax abatement incentives to stimulate economic growth in the local community. DISD has invested a total of$621,572 in tax related incentives, and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property tax revenues in the amount of$52.3 million since the inception of the incentive program in 1999.The cost benefit percentage from all of the tax abatements alone was 5,351%.The cost/benefit from all of the incentives awarded is 8,414%. School finance involves a complex funding formula from several different federal,state and local funding sources. As aforementioned,the report uses the entire DISD tax rate,which includes the Maintenance and Operations (M&O)and Interest and Sinking(I&S)tax rates.The M&O portion of the tax rate is used for salaries, utilities, supplies etc. The I&S portion of the tax rate is used to fund payments on debt service for facilities and is the only portion of the DISD tax rate that is not affected by funding from the State of Texas. The two Denton tax abatement incentives represented in Table 15,that the ISD has participated in, include a complete 10-year history. DISD invested a total of$622,252 in tax related incentives, and in return, has benefited from a net increase in property tax revenues in the amount of$7.3 million from the two companies that received abatements.The cost benefit percentage from these tax abatements was 1,180%. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 18 48 APPENDIX A Appendix A: Incentive Projects Tax Abatements UNITED COPPER Name United Copper INDUSTRIES Year Applied 1998 Terms 25%for 6 years Threshold(s) $35 M, 250 jobs, $34K Average Wage United Copper received the City of Denton's first tax abatement.Three thresholds were set for the company to meet in order to receive a 25%abatement over a six-year term.The company did not reach the employment threshold in the Agreement and therefore did not receive the full 25%abatement.The percentage was reduced by the ratio that the threshold was missed.The figures represent ten years of economic impact.Although the tax abatement had a six-year term, standard economic development practice for impact analysis is ten years. 4WName Peterbilt Name Peterbilt Year Applied 2001 Year Applied 2016 Terms 100%for 10 years Terms 70%for 8 years Threshold(s) $51VI, increment of building only Threshold(s) $18.5 M above base Peterbilt Motors agreement was an incentive for the expansion of the headquarters office and consolidation of regional sales and financing offices in the Metroplex.The agreement provided a 100%abatement on the increase in valuation over the 2001 valuation on the building located at 1700 Woodbrook.The base year valuation of the building in the amount of$1,933,540 was deducted from the calculations. Peterbilt received a 70%tax abatement for a term of eight years for a 17,500-square-foot expansion of their current manufacturing facility to improve material flow from trucks into the expanded metering center in 2015 (Phase 1).Their growth in 2014 resulted in a 20%increase in employment and a 32% increase in production levels. These increases have also been the driving force behind similar growth of other businesses in Denton that support Peterbilt.This project was completed in 2016.The Company requested an amendment to its Agreement to include the construction and equipping of a new stand-alone 102,000-square-foot building north of the existing plant in 2016(Phase II).The terms of the amendment for the new building are 70%for seven years(remainder of term). Peterbilt is Denton's largest private employer,with approximately 2,100 employees. Peterbilt did not meet the $18.5 million threshold,therefore;the abatement was not granted for tax years 2017 and 2018. Peterbilt did meet the threshold requirements in tax year 2019, so the company will appear in the 2019 report. ;-2R HoNvei-s Name Flowers Foods Year Applied 2003 Terms 35%for 5 years PI: $51VI, PH: $20M, Pill: $30M above Threshold(s) base 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 49 Flowers Foods purchased the former Andrew Corporation plant.The incentive is based on the increase in valuation over the existing valuation of the base year.Therefore,the 2004 building valuation of$1,920,009 was deducted from the calculations. Flowers Foods abatement was terminated after 2010 when they did not meet the threshold requirement, but this report continued to track the valuation for a 10-year period. Flowers Foods is one of Denton's top 10 private employers,with approximately 480 employees. Name Fastenal Year Applied 2004 Terms 35%for 5 years Threshold(s) $5M Fastenal completed a 200,000-square-foot regional headquarters/distribution center near the Denton Enterprise Airport in the fall of 2008.The tax abatement agreement requires a minimum threshold of$5,000,000 in valuation. 2013 was the final year of Fastenal's five-year agreement that provided a 35%abatement on the valuation of the building improvements and equipment. Fastenal employs 208. Name Aldi Year Applied 2007 Terms 100%for 5-7 years based on $2.5 infrastructure reimbursement Threshold(s) $25M Aldi's 500,000-square-foot distribution center was completed in 2009.The project required that Aldi construct a $2.5 million road that also services the Denton Enterprise Airport.Aldi received 100 percent tax abatement on all new valuation,except land, until they were reimbursed for the construction of the road or for a term of seven years.This is the only incentive that includes the abatement of inventory.Aldi employs 150 and services more than 25 Aldi grocery stores in the North Texas area.The first Denton Aldi grocery store opened in the summer of 2013. The incentive with Aldi was completed in 2016 and the incentive will be tracked for 10 years until 2019. Name Target • Year Applied 2010 Terms 65%for 5 years Threshold(s) $40 M Target Corporation's 400,000-square-foot refrigerated/frozen food distribution center was constructed in 2012. This$100 million project received a 65%tax abatement for five years from the City to help offset costs to improve Airport and Corbin Roads.This facility services over 240 stores in nine states with frozen and perishable food products.Target opened in March 2013 and employs 160 area residents.The incentive with Target Corporation was completed in 2017 and the incentive will be tracked for 10 years until 2022. �S PEERLESS Name Peerless Year Applied 2011 Terms 40%for 5 years Threshold(s) $5M, 85 jobs with an Average Wage of$50,000 Peerless Manufacturing selected Denton to expand and consolidate their Texas operations.The company designs, engineers, and manufactures highly specialized filtration, separation equipment, industrial silencers, heat exchangers, and air pollution reduction systems to energy industry customers involved in gas and oil production, processing, and power generating.They constructed an 80,000 square foot manufacturing facility in 2013.The 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 50 company received a five-year,40%tax abatement from the City for the new facility.The Agreement was terminated when the property was sold and made the company ineligible for a tax abatement. Name Tetra Pak Year Applied 2013 Tatra Pak®� Terms 65%for 4 years Threshold(s) $5M above base Tetra Pak Materials manufactures, processes, packages and distributes liquid foods all over the globe.The aseptic packaging process removes air and bacteria,which allows for a product shelf life of a minimum of six months. In 2000,the company added the Americas Global Information Management hub, a pilot research and development center, and relocated the U.S.Technical Service Center to Denton. In 2013,the company received a four-year 65% tax abatement for expanding their facility and relocating their corporate headquarters operations from Chicago to Denton.The increase in real and business personal property valuation of the project 32,000-square-foot expansion was$8.9 million, and Tetra Pak created a total of thirty-two new jobs with this expansion.The incentive initiated in 2015.Tetra Pak currently employs 375.The incentive was completed in 2018 and the incentive will be tracked for 10 years until 2024 Name West Gate Business Park(WGBP) Year Applied 2015, 2016 Tax Abatement w.rWEST GATE Terms 60%>for HQ and major employer, 10 yrs. `9USiNESS PARK Threshold(s) $3M West Gate Business Park received a ten-year 60%tax abatement in 2016 on improvements only to include Buildings 2 and 3 in the business park,which brings new Class A industrial/manufacturing space to Denton.West Gate Business Park could receive an additional 10%abatement for the location of a supplier to an existing primary industry and/or an additional 5%for the location of a national headquarters for a total abatement of up to 75%. The abatement will initiate the year following the year in which Building 2 receives a CO.A permit was issued for Building 2 in 2018,so the abatement will be included in the 2019 Net Revenue Report. Easyflex, a company that manufactures corrugated stainless steel products, is the new tenant that has located in Building 2. Name Tyson Sales and Distribution Year Applied 2019 Tax Abatement Terms 25%on BPP only for 6 yrs. $25.5M year 1,tiered valuation based on DCAD Threshold(s) depreciation schedule,95 jobs, $23.58/hr. In 2019,Tyson Sales and Distribution received an abatement of 25%of their business personal property only (which does not go into the TIRZ)for 6 years.The Company provides refrigerated warehousing and distribution services to the Tyson Foods, Inc. companies.Tyson had $38 billion in sales in FY 2017 and employs 122,000.The company will construct 350,000+square foot highly automated refrigerated distribution center.The facility will contain automated storage and retrieval systems, including stacker cranes,gantry robots for layer picking, pallet conveyors and transfer cars, and a monorail. It is expected to ship 700 million pounds of product annually from the facility.The facility will have about a 2 megawatt annual electric demand which will add another Top 25 customer for DME. It will employ 100 on a full-time basis with hourly wages ranging from $20 to$45.The grantee is required to create 95 jobs with an average hourly wage of$23.58.A$25.5 million business personal property valuation threshold is required in year one. The business personal property valuation thresholds are tiered based 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 21 51 on the Denton Central Appraisal District's depreciation schedule. It is anticipated that the project will be included in the 2022 report. CHAPTER 380 GRANTS Chapter 380 Grants Based on Property Tax Performance Sally Beauty: Name Sally Beauty: Morse Name Headquarters Year Year Applied 2003 Applied 2016 Terms 40%for 10 years Terms 50%for 3 years Threshold(s) $20 M Threshold(s) $28.6 M, 250 jobs,Avg.Wage%51,800 Sally Beauty Company received a grant equal to 40%of the property tax paid on new valuation created by the construction and equipping of a new international headquarters facility at Colorado Boulevard for a ten-year period.Valuation at the existing facility located at 3900 Morse was not eligible for consideration.The final tax year of the agreement with Sally Beauty was 2014. Sally Beauty is one of Denton's top 10 private employers,with approximately 950 employees. In 2016,Sally Beauty received a grant equal to 50%of the property tax paid on new valuation created by the complete interior remodel of its Morse property for a three-year period.Sally Beauty will continue to own and occupy both the Morse and Colorado properties in Denton.They are currently at capacity and will be transferring employees from their acquisitions of other companies and plan to add an additional 80 employees in the next two years. Sally Beauty appears in this 2018 report; however,the grant was terminated after the Morse property was sold in March 2019. Name Granite Properties Year Applied 2010 Terms 50%for 7 years Threshold(s) PI: 250K Square Feet, PII: 50K Square Feet Granite Properties received a seven-year, 50 percent incentive on buildings and equipment. However,after three years of incentive payments, Granite Properties requested permission to sell a portion of their land and one building to Grand Mesa.The City of Denton entered into an agreement with Grand Mesa for the renovation of a 152,000-square-foot building and 36 acres of land at the Granite Point Business Park.The renovation and equipping of the building were performed for Schlumberger Technology Corporation. Grand Mesa assigned the incentive to Schlumberger in 2012. Schlumberuer Name Schlumberger Year Applied 2012 Terms 50%for 7 years Threshold(s) $5 M,80 jobs, $45K Average Wage Schlumberger,a Fortune 500, French-owned oilfield service company, held a grand opening in 2011 for their 150,000-square-foot regional maintenance facility at the Granite Point Industrial Park. Renovation of the building increased the value by roughly$10 million.A Chapter 380 grant previously awarded to Granite Properties/Grand 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 22 52 Mesa was transferred to the company as an incentive for the Denton location. Schlumberger employed 184 in 2016.The incentive was completed in 2018 and the incentive will be tracked for 10 years until 2021. Name Jostens Year Applied 2008 Terms 75%for 7 years Threshold(s) $5 M over base Jostens' incentive was based on the increased property tax on the building and equipment resulting from the expansion of an existing facility. Dollar amounts shown in this report reflect the deduction of Jostens' base year valuation of$11,569,410.Work on the Jostens project was completed in 2008, establishing 2009 as the first year of the incentive.Although the company met the contractual threshold of constructing the expansion and purchasing and/or moving more than $2 million in equipment to the facility, a significant amount of old equipment was removed, creating an overall reduction in the valuation for 2009.The 2010 valuation rose, showing an increase over the base year, but less than the 2009 decrease.Jostens is one of Denton's top 10 private employers,with approximately 450 employees.The incentive was completed in 2015 and the incentive will be tracked for 10 years until 2019. 4" SAFRAN Name Safran/Labinal Labinal Year Applied 2011 Terms 50%for 3 years Threshold(s) $5 M over base Labinal/Safran relocated and expanded their North American Wiring and Services Division headquarters and relocated over 700 employees to Denton and has invested nearly$5.8 million in building,site,and other improvements to the property located on Russell Newman Boulevard.They have also moved equipment and other business personal property to Denton that is valued at$6 million.The grant agreement provided a grant equal to 50%on the increment from the increase from the base valuation for a period of three years. Labinal/Safran is one of Denton's top 10 private employers,with approximately 727 employees.The incentive was completed in 2015 and the incentive will be tracked for 10 years until 2022. N/ffly/tlli/ Name Mayday Year Applied 2012 Terms 75%for 10 years Threshold(s) $3 M over base Mayday Manufacturing/Tailwind Technologies manufactures precision bushings, sleeves, pins, and other machine parts used in the aerospace industry. Mayday Manufacturing was acquired by Ohio-based Tailwind Technologies in June 2009. Mayday provides just-in-time delivery of aerospace parts and operates the plant 24 hours a day, seven days a week to accomplish this goal. High Tech Metal Refinishing is a subcontractor that performs the anodizing, cadmium platings,chemical film, black oxide, hard foam, liquid penetrant inspection, magnetic particle inspection, priming, painting, passivation and thermal processing of PH seals.The company is co- located with Mayday providing for more efficient production and delivery capability.The agreement requires a minimum investment of$3 million in building, site and other improvements.The agreement stipulates that no valuation on the existing business personal property of Mayday Manufacturing and Hi-Tech Metal Refinishing will be included in this incentive.The contract provides a grant equal to 75%on the increment above the base valuation for a period of ten years.The company purchased an 80,000 square foot facility in 2012 and completed the 15,000 square foot expansion of the facility at the close of 2013. Mayday employs approximately 245. In 2017, 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 23 53 Mayday received a Texas Enterprise Zone grant from the State of Texas for a 15,000 square-foot building expansion for additional production capacity and consolidation of shipping and inspection departments, as well as additional machinery and equipment spread over five years, primarily driven by production capacity associated with the expanded building footprint. Name U.S.Aviation Year Applied 2015 Aviation Terms 75%for 3 years Threshold(s) $5 M over base US Aviation Group(USAG),which is headquartered at the Denton Enterprise Airport,trains pilots from the United States and around the globe. Demand for USAG's commercial flight training is booming, and the company is expanding its existing flight simulation training facilities and has purchased additional simulation equipment and aircraft.This expansion will create 16 new jobs. USAG was awarded a 70%tax rebate for three years on their new capital investment of$10.7 million. Business Air assigned its airport lease to US Aviation in 2017, making USAG the sole Fixed Based Operator(FBO) at the Denton Enterprise Airport. USAG has over 150 employees.The grantee did not meet the required threshold for tax year 2017 and the Chapter 380 Agreement was terminated. No grant payments were made prior to termination. ' Name West Gate Business Park(WGBP) w�WEST GATE ``BUSINESS PARK Year Applied 2015, 2016 Chapter 380 Agreement ' Terms 70%for 10 years Threshold(s) $3M In 2015,an incentive was granted to Westgate Business Park(WGBP).The industrial development received a minimum of 60%with an additional 5%for a national headquarters and/or ten percent for support of major employers not to exceed 75%of City ad valorem taxes attributable to improvements for a period of 10 years. WGBP includes three multi-tenant buildings totalling 413,000 square feet of new industrial/manufacturing space in Denton. The Chapter 380 grant applies to Building 1. In 2016,the Chapter 380 Agreement was amended to include a 70 percent rebate on Building 1 improvements (excluding land and business personal property)and to add a one-time grant payment in the amount of$50,000.A separate Tax Abatement Agreement for Buildings 2 and 3 was also approved so that WGBP could be eligible to apply for a tax abatement from Denton County.The terms of the abatement are:a 60 percent abatement of City ad valorem taxes attributable to new capital investments resulting in an increase of assessed value of real property improvements;the amount of the abatement may be increased by an additional 5 percent for a national headquarters and/or 10 percent for a supplier in support of major employers in Denton. Quality Industries leased a 86,500 square foot building(Building 1)for their metal fabrication operations at the industrial park and received their Certificate of Occupancy in 2017. Name Business Air Manufacturing(BAM) Year Applied 2015 Terms 70%up to$9.5M plus 5%for extension 2-9 years B( sines,5Ai Threshold(s) PI: $15M, PII: $50M, Pill: $80M In 2015,a grant agreement was awarded to Business Air Manufacturing(BAM).The grant is equal to 70%of the increase in property tax revenues on the improvements to the building and new business personal property up to a maximum of$9,500,000 in increased valuation for a period of two years.The company may extend the length of 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 24 54 this grant by attracting additional investment in the form business aircraft based at its facilities at the Denton Enterprise Airport by the specified date and investment level thresholds. In addition to a grant extension, Business Air would receive five percent of the increase in taxable valuation attributable to these new business aircraft for the duration of the grant extension.The company is expanding with plans to build a new 24,000-square-foot hangar with an additional 4,000 square feet of office space.The hangar space should allow the addition of 10 corporate aircraft with values ranging from $1.5 to$10 million per aircraft. In addition to the hangar, Business Air will be purchasing a corporate aircraft to be based at the airport for the exclusive use of providing air taxi service to the area.The incentive should begin in 2017. Business Air assigned its airport lease to US Aviation in 2017. Business Air was purchased by US Aviation Group in 2017 and was no longer operating or occupying property at 5007 and 4777 Airport Road, so the City terminated the grant. No payments were made to Business Air prior to termination. Name Victor Technologies WeraR Year Applied 2015 FECHH0106IE5' Terms 65%for 7 years Threshold(s) $6.5M above base, 85 jobs with Average Wage of$28.81/hr. Victor Technologies is a global manufacturer dedicated to developing innovative advanced cutting,gas control, and specialty welding solutions. Founded in 1913,the original San Francisco manufacturing operations were relocated to their new headquarters in Denton in the mid-1960s.Victor Technologies is expanding the existing facility. Improvements to the existing operation will create approximately 30,000 square feet of Research and Development space.A new 185,400-square-foot warehouse and remodelled parking lots completed the renovations. The current operation employs 414 full time employees.Victor has a distribution center in DFW that employs about 100 people that will be transferred to the new facility in Denton. Over the next three years,Victor will create an additional 100 new jobs.Victor Technologies received an incentive equal to 65%of the increase in the City's ad valorem taxes for seven years while maintaining a minimum of 85 percent of new jobs created with an average wage of 28.81 per hour. It is anticipated that Victor's incentive will start in 2017.Victor did not meet the required threshold to receive the incentive and was terminated in 2017. No grant payments were made prior to termination. Chapter 380 Grants Based on Sales Tax Performance Name Denton Crossing Denton Year Applied 2005 Crossing Terms One-third of sales taxes from development for 15 years Threshold(s) 450K Square feet of retail Denton Crossing is a 52-acre retail development that is comprised of 500,000 square feet of retail and commercial tenants.The incentive reimburses infrastructure costs for Spencer Road improvements.The development is home to: Best Buy, Kroger, Old Navy, Famous Footwear, Ulta, and Total Wine& More,to name a few.The City of Denton granted its first-ever sales tax incentive rebate of one-third of the sales tax generated by the project for a period of 15 years.A Home Goods was opened in 2018.The final rebate for Denton Crossing will occur in September 2020. Name Unicorn Lake Year Applied 2004 Terms One-third of sales taxes from development for 15 years Threshold(s) 35K Square Feet of retail 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 25 55 Unicorn Lake is a master-planned 134-acre mixed-use center that incorporates the urban style development of residential over retail along the lake.The City granted a rebate of one-third of the sales tax generated by the project for 15 years.The incentive reimburses infrastructure costs in return for the creation of an urban-style development, a roadway to provide needed access, and associated hardscape to create the desired pedestrian connectivity.The Villas of Tuscan Hills, a 116 lot residential community that overlooks the lake, provides luxury homes. BJ's Brewhouse, Blue Ginger Japanese Bistro, Dogwood Estates(an independent living community),the Brick House Gym,Cinemark, Hilton Homewood Suites,Washington Federal Savings and Loan,Towne Center Bank, and several medical offices represent some of the businesses that have located in the development. Name Rayzor Ranch Year Applied 2007 Terms One-half of sales taxes from development for 25 years Threshold(s) PI:400K Sq. Ft., PII: 270K(90%)4-1/18 300K Sq. Ft.of retail 7/1/18 The Rayzor Ranch agreement provides for a 50%share in the City's sales tax revenue generated by the project for a period of 25 years. Rayzor Ranch Marketplace completed over 582,000 square feet of retail and commercial space. Sam's and Wal-Mart anchor the Market Place with 137,381 and 189,929 square feet, respectively.Staff began tracking property tax revenues in 2009 and sales tax revenues in 2010 when these large retail boxes opened. Some of the new stores in the development include:James Avery and Guitar Center. The Rayzor Ranch Town Center located on the south side of the development will initiate in 2018. Heritage Trail Boulevard has been constructed to allow access to the next phases. Alamo Draft House, Andy B's, Cotton Patch Cafe and Zoey's s are now open. An 11-story, 318-room Embassy Suites hotel and 70,000 square-foot Convention Center opened in December 2018. An additional 15% sales tax rebate on the Rayzor Ranch Town Center and Marketplace have been added to offset the hotel and convention center until $5 million is reached. The Rayzor Ranch Public Improvement District(PID)was created in May of 2014 and includes approximately 230 acres owned by Allegiance Hillview, L.P. and DB Denton II, LLC("Owners") located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of West University Drive (U.S. Highway 380) and Interstate Highway 35. The property is being developed for commercial/retail and multi-family uses comparable in quality to the Rayzor Ranch project north of West University Drive and will be unique and exceed the standards in the Denton Development Code. Assessments will be secured by a lien on the property that is senior to private financing but junior to the lien for ad valorem taxes. No single-family uses will be assessed. No City property will be assessed, and the City will not otherwise have any liability to pay assessments.All costs of the collection and administration of the district will be paid by property owners as part of the annual instalments of assessments. GOLDEN Name Golden Triangle Mall TRIANGLE MALL Year Applied 2011 Terms One-half of sales taxes above base from development for 15 years $9.5M GTM,45-60M by GTM &tenants Threshold(s) Actual: $9.2 M based on the current investment of$58.3 million. Golden Triangle Mall was purchased by the M.G. Herring Group and the Weitzman Group.The partnership has made renovations to the mall, including:the addition of restaurants and stores; improving the building facade; creating a food court; and improving the parking lot and landscaping. Both phases of the renovations are now complete and include:the installation of energy efficient lighting, interior landscaping and updated finishes.The 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 56 Golden Triangle Mall's J.C. Penney was one of the sites selected to include a Sephora and the Disney Store within the department store.An international retailer, H and M,opened in August 2015.Conn's will be taking the anchor location that Sears vacated. Fitness Connection is also planned for the development.The incentive is based on the increase in sales tax above the 2010 base sales tax generated for the development. Name Buc-ee's Travel Center Year Applied 2015 Terms One-half of sales from retail &sit down, 25%for fast food &service for 25 years �l s Threshold(s) $25M travel center Buc-ee's Travel Center is a commercial development that will include an approximately 53,000-square-foot retail store,fuel sales, a car wash, and peripheral development along 1-35E for future development.The main retail store and the associated fuel sales will be open 24 hours a day,seven days a week.The incentive reimburses the developer for public infrastructure improvements and other neighborhood/public amenities. The proposed development has resulted in the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) advancing several mobility improvements to the intersections of Loop 288/1-illian Miller and 1-35E, Mayhill Road and 1-35E, and Brinker Road and 1-35E. In order to facilitate these improvements,TxDOT requires a local funding match of$2 million.The developer funded the $2 million,to be reimbursed as a part of the incentive agreement. Additionally,the developer will incur approximately$5.2 million in public infrastructure costs, including water, wastewater,storm sewer, right-of-way dedication,and constructing a new city street.The City has granted an incentive of 50%sales tax rebate for 25 years, on the Buc-ee's parcel as well as the outparcels.The first phase consists of 50%for 5 years for infrastructure improvements.The second phase grants a 50%sales tax rebate for the Buc-ee's travel center, retail and sit-down restaurants; and 25%on remaining fast food and service. Buc-ee's Travel Center opened in late October 2018. One partial month of sales taxes were reported in 2018(December 2018 report for October 2018 sales). Chapter 380 Grants Based on Combined Tax Performance and Development Tools WInCO Name WinCo Foods FOODS Year Applied 2015 Infra.$1M&$860K water&wastewater;construction sales&use taxes; 100%of the tax increment until costs of public improvements reimbursed,City 1:60%until Terms project costs paid;City 2:additional 4 years of ad valorem Threshold(s) $50M, $850K sales tax for construction WinCo Foods acquired approximately 77 acres in the Westpark Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two (TIRZ 2) area to develop a regional, multi-state distribution facility for consumer products.The 800,000+/-square foot distribution facility located on the west side of Western Boulevard,just north of Airport Road. WinCo is a regional retailer with multiple distribution facilities across the United States.This particular project includes approximately$130 million in capital investment and will create 165 jobs with an annual payroll of around $7.2 million. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 27 57 The agreement with WinCo accomplishes two objectives: (1)full reimbursement of the cost of Phase 1 TIRZ 2 improvements using a combination of funding mechanisms; and (2) an economic development incentive of 60%of the City's ad valorem tax revenue for a period of four years following full reimbursement of Phase 1 improvements. The first term of the grant agreement ends when full reimbursement has occurred, and includes the following forms of reimbursement: up to$1 million for water lines, utilizing the City's Water Development Plan Line Fund; up to$865,000 in reimbursement for the sewer lines, utilizing the City's Wastewater Development Plan Line Fund; 100%of the Sales and Use Tax for construction materials,furniture,fixtures, and equipment for the construction of the project; 100%of the tax increment collected in the TIRZ 2 fund associated directly with WinCo, until full reimbursement occurs.This includes the City and County's 40%contribution to the TIRZ 2 Fund annually. WinCo will receive the City's remaining 60%of ad valorem revenue until full reimbursement occurs. It is anticipated that full reimbursement will occur in approximately 8-10 years and will be approximately$7 million.The first year after full reimbursement,the second term of the grant agreement initiates and will include the following: a 60%rebate of the City's ad valorem revenue for a period of four years,for an estimated total incentive of$1.7 million. The$1,865,000 grant for infrastructure improvements was completed.The local sales and use tax collected by the City on construction materials,furniture, fixtures, and equipment purchases for the development of the property was also completed.The TIRZ and ad valorem grants began in 2018. THE Name Railyard RAILYARD Year Applied 2015 TIRZ No. 1 grant for$76,000 for 5 years,commercial lease at$9.75/Sq.Ft year 1& Terms 3.7%increase after TIRZ grant requires commercial lease to remain in effect,improvements in accordance Threshold(s) with Agrmt. The Railyard downtown project is located in the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ 1), Downtown Implementation Plan (DTIP)and Transit Oriented Development(TOD) areas. Rail Yard Partners, LTD., renovated an existing 28,000-square-foot building as a part of a larger transit-oriented catalyst project.They invested an initial $12 million in the co-working and mixed-use space.The City leases 9,216 square feet for a collaborative working space. Hickory& Rail Ventures took over the management of the co-working space in 2018. The Agreement with Rail Yard Partners, LTD., involves an annual grant of$76,000 for five years,for a total incentive of$380,000.The Commercial Lease Agreement for the co-working space is a five-year lease at$9.75 per square foot for year one,with an approximate 3.7%increase in the cost annually thereafter, in addition to operating expenses including the City's pro rata share of real estate taxes, insurance,common area maintenance, and operating expenses.The five-year grant will terminate in 2021/22. Name O'Reilly r �.e'lly �t.ii��y.i��� I I I Year Applied 2015 I 100%of property, HOT&construction sales taxes generated by the project, Terms cap is$54M, construction sales taxes reduced to 50%after threshold, 25 years $80M investment and $20M increase above base, $850K sales tax for Threshold(s) construction O'Reilly Hotel Partners Denton convention center and hotel development in the Rayzor Ranch Town Center includes a 300-room,full service Embassy Suites hotel, a 70,000-square-foot convention center,and a Houlihan's restaurant.The convention center meeting space can accommodate conventions of up to 650 participants and the grand banquet room can host events with up to 1,750 people. It is a major anchor for the Rayzor Ranch Town Center and capitalizes on the synergy from nearby shopping, entertainment,and dining. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 28 58 The Chapter 380 Agreement includes a 100% rebate of the ad valorem tax, hotel occupancy tax,and sales tax generated by the project.The term is for a maximum of 25 years or until the combined principal amount of$28 million and interest payment of$26 million,for a total aggregate amount of$54 million, is reached,whichever comes first.The incentive is capped at$54 million; however,staff estimates that the actual incentive to be between $30-$35 million.The incentive also includes 100%of the construction sales and use tax up to$850,000, at which time the grant will be reduced to 50%.The sales tax, Hotel Occupancy Tax, ad valorem and sales and use tax rebate for the construction and equipping of the facility initiated in 2018. Name USCS OUNITED STATES Year Applied 2018 COLD STORAGE 50%of construction sales and use taxes generated by the Terms construction and initial equipping of the project,cap is$ $23.7 Million valuation,42 jobs, $850,000 for sales and use Threshold(s) construction and FIFE taxes In 2018, United States Cold Storage(USCS) received a 50%cost share of the sales and use taxes (up to$70,000)for the construction of their new distribution facility on a 40 acre site in the Westpark TIRZ No. Two. The company plans to offer storage, re-pack, and case pick, distribution and transportation solutions for production facilities in the United States and Mexico. Preliminary plans provide for rail service, export services to Mexico, cooler and freezer storage, and on-site customer offices. USCS estimates that it will invest$34 million in the project,which will create approximately $28 million in new ad valorem value in Denton. The estimated electric demand is 1.5 megawatts annually, which will make USCS a Top 25 customer for Denton Municipal Electric (DME). The company plans to create 67 new jobs by Year 3 of operations with an average salary of$36,074. USCS is expected to come online in 2020/21. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 29 59 APPENDIX B Methodology In 2009,the City of Denton' Department of Economic Development created the initial Return on Investment Report to examine the fiscal impact made by the businesses that have received tax incentives from the City,evaluate the efficiency of the public investment, and guide future policy decisions.State and local sales tax revenues created by the sales tax incentives were added to the study in 2010. In 2013,the report was expanded to include the ad valorem revenue for Denton County,which includes both the incentives in which the County has partnered with the City,as well as the revenue from the incentives that the County did not invest in.The final taxing entity Denton Independent School District(DISD),was added in 2015. The report was redesigned in 2016. This report represents the seventh update of the report prepared nine years after the original report was created. The incentives are tracked for ten years regardless of the term.Standard economic development practice for impact analysis is ten years. For example,an incentive with a term for seven years is tracked for an additional three years until the ten-year period is reached.An incentive is not deducted for the remaining three years following the term.This is standard practice and also allows for more commensurable comparisons between incentives. The ad valorem or property tax valuation is based on the values that are released by the Denton Central Appraisal District(DCAD)for the previous tax year.The certified valuations, released in July, are compiled from the DCAD website and sent out on a City of Denton Verification Form to the appraisal district.This form also includes a request for the breakdown of the Business Personal Property(BPP)that is not available on the website and a section that notifies the City if the property is being contested.The incentive calculations occur for the uncontested properties following the receipt of the forms from DCAD.The City notifies DCAD if the threshold has been met by companies for all of the tax abatements. DCAD also contracts out some of their accounts to Wardlaw. The tax bills are distributed from DCAD in October.The calculations for the contested properties are prepared upon receipt of the Verification Form from the appraisal district,which occurs sometime after October until the early part of the following year. Sales tax is collected by calendar year and is based on the allocation month that the sales tax report from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is received.Sales tax is generated two months prior to the receipt of the reports from the state comptroller. Sales tax generated in December 2016 is reported to the City in February of 2017,for example. Historical tax rates for Denton County and DISD, dating back to 1999,were gathered for this study from DCAD, Denton County, and DISD.The terms for the incentives were provided by Denton County and DISD, as several the agreement terms and investment percentages differ from the terms of the City. Property tax is included from the base year of the economic development agreements or the first tax year that was available from DCAD when the initial report was compiled.Sales tax revenue reflects the revenues received since the initial tracking began or the grant payments were initiated. For example,the Unicorn Lake Agreement was approved in 2004; however,the first grant payment was made in 2009 after the thresholds were met. Property valuation for Unicorn Lake is cumulative since 2006 and sales tax is provided beginning in 2009.Sales tax monitoring for Rayzor Ranch began in 2010 prior to the receipt of the first payment in July 2012 to assist the City with preparing the 5-year forecast during the budgeting process.The incentive for Golden Triangle Mall was initiated in the summer of 2016, so only half of a year of rebates are included in the report. Tracking for the development began in 2013. 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 30 60 This study seeks to aid in the decision-making process by providing the net revenue from the incentivized projects. The calculations for the net revenue and cost/benefit are included below. Net Revenue=Revenues(property only and or sales tax generated)-incentive The report carries these calculations a step further to obtain the Cost/benefit of the incentive projects. Cost/benefit Percentage=Net revenue/incentive X 100 It is important to note that the report only gathers the sales tax generated from the projects which received a sales tax incentive.These include: Denton Crossing, Unicorn Lake, Rayzor Ranch and Golden Triangle Mall. Other projects,such as Schlumberger,generates sales taxes that would not have been generated in Denton if the business had not located in this community.This study takes a more conservative approach and does not include the sales taxes for the ad valorem only incentives. The rate of return provides the net revenue of the taxes generated relative to the cost of the incentive,as a ratio. The ratio of return for the City in 2018,for example,was 3:2.Another way of putting this is that the City received 3 times the revenue of the incentive foregone.The formula is presented below. Ratio of Return= Net Revenue(property only and or sales tax generated-incentive)/incentive 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 31 61 O Off O v Z W -1 EMMZ= �4 4RTNERSN` 2018 Update Prepared by: Erica Sullivan, Economic Development Analyst 3 CITY OF DENTON City of Denton 215 E. McKinney Denton,Texas 76201 940-349-7776 2018 City of Denton Net Revenue Report 32 62 Date: July 24,2020 Report No. 2020-066 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Reappointment of Commission John Baines as Civil Service Commissioner for another term beginning on September 1, 2020, and ending on August 30, 2023. BACKGROUND: Police and Fire personnel of the City of Denton are governed by Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code and have been since the late 1940s. With the adoption of Chapter 143,the City is required to implement a Civil Service Commission. Chapter 143.006(b) of the Texas Local Government Code states, "The commission consists of three members appointed by the municipality's chief executive and confirmed by the governing body of the municipality. Members serve staggered three-year terms with the term of one member expiring each year." Per Chapter 143.006(c), a person appointed to the Commission must: 1) be of good moral character; 2) be a United States citizen; 3) be a resident of the municipality who has resided in the municipality for more than three years; 4) be over 25 years of age; and 5) not have held a public office within the preceding three years. The current Commissioners are Darhyl Ramsey, John Baines, and Lilyan Prado-Carrillo. Commissioner Ramsey has served on the Commission since August of 2004, Commissioner Baines has served since August of 2017, and Commissioner Prado-Carrillo has served on the Commission since September of 2018. Commissioner Baines term expires on August 30, 2020. DISCUSSION: John Baines has served diligently on the Civil Service Commission since August 2017. CONCLUSION: Based on the above information, City Manager Todd Hileman will be reappointing Mr. Baines as Civil Service Commissioner for another term beginning September 1,2020,and ending August 30, 2023,based on his experience and tenure. STAFF CONTACT: Tiffany Thomson, Director of Human Resources (940) 349-7401 Stephanie Lang, Deputy Director of Human Resources/Director of the Civil Service Commission (940) 349-8297 63 Date: July 24,2020 Report No. 2020-066 PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Human Resources STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 1 hour 64 Date: July 24, 2020 Report No. 2020-067 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Provide information about social services funding for agencies in Denton BACKGROUND: On June 10, 2020, Council Member Davis requested information about the amount of funding for local, state, and federal agencies that provide social services, public health, and educational services that are available in Denton. This is a very complex analysis with over a hundred social service agencies serving Denton and Denton County with a range of funding from local, state, federal, and private sources. Staff does not have access to all of the funding information. However, staff can provide, as an example only,the funding levels and sources of the 18 agencies that have a funding relationship with the City as budget information is requested as part of grant applications and monitoring. This is intended to show the diversified funding sources of social service agencies that serve the community and is in no way inclusive of all agencies that operate independently and provide services in Denton. DISCUSSION: Social Services Funding Speaking specifically about organizations that provide social services, the City's FY 2019-20 Budget includes $1.5 million in social service funding. For this report, "social services" refers to agencies that support services in six categories: Children and Youth, Homelessness/Homeless Prevention, Health Care, Mental Health, Seniors, and Intermediaries. The funding that the City provides only represents a portion of the funds available to social service agencies that operate in the City of Denton. These agencies offer several unique services to the community and may also receive Federal, State, City of Denton, Denton County and Private funding. For the purposes of this report, staff identified the 18 social service agencies that currently receive social service grants through the City of Denton, and those service agencies were placed into the six categories listed above. Using operating budget information that is provided to the City by participating agencies through the City's grant application process, staff has estimated that the 18 social service agencies are funded at the levels as below. Again, this is not inclusive of all the social services funding in the City of Denton and Denton County and is only intended to provide an example of the diversified funding sources that exist to serve the community. Service Type City County State Federal Private Total Child Care and Youth At-Risk $356,485 $ 3,594,241 $ 1,278,814 $ 3,761,142 $ 7,043,698 $16,034,380 Homelessness/At-Risk $1,096,750 $ 327,869 $ 603,375 $ 2,857,826 $ 3,727,274 $8,613,094 Health Care $63,200 $ 908,974 $ 2,038,613 $ 2,978,582 $ 8,401,360 $14,390,729 Seniors $25,000 $ 138,420 $ 437,000 $ 1,569,720 $ 877,912 $3,048,052 Mental Health $18,000 $ 4,104,045 $ 23,899,127 $ 1,431,135 $ 935,400 $30,387,707 Other Public Services $5,000 $ 36,000 $ 20,644 $ 78,563 $ 249,867 $390,074 Total $1,564,435 $9,109,549 $28,277,573 $12,676,968 $21,235,511 $72,864,036 65 Date: July 24, 2020 Report No. 2020-067 The City's allocation of CDBG, HOME and General Fund for social service activities are leveraged by local social service providers to carry out programs and services to address community needs. For the 2019-20 program year this coordination between public and private service agencies involves $72,864,036 in Federal, State, Local (City of Denton and Denton County), and Private funding from the City's grant partners alone. City of Denton Outside Agency Funding Overall in FY 2019-20, the City will provide direct or indirect support to 69 service agencies in the Denton Community. This includes $5.8 million in budgeted funds directly to 58 of these organizations and non-financial contributions, such as staffing, meeting space, and other support to 11 of those agencies.The following chart outlines all the contracts with outside service agencies. Total FY 2019- 2020 City Funding Provided to Department Agency Agency Type Agency Community Development CASA of Denton County, Inc. 501c3 $31,000 CASA of Denton County, Inc.(Public Facility Community Development Improvements) 501c3 $40,000 Police Children's Advocacy Center 501c3 $165,485 Community Development Communities In School of North Texas, Inc. 501c3 $30,000 Community Development Denton Affordable Housing Corp. 501c3 $60,500 Finance Denton African American Scholarship Foundation 501c3 $16,000 Finance Denton African American Scholarship Foundation 501c3 $5,000 Finance Denton Assistance Center 501c3 $1,500 Finance Denton Black Chamber of Commerce 501c6 $26,000 Finance Denton Black Chamber of Commerce 501c6 $3,500 Finance Denton Black Chamber of Commerce 501c6 $440 Finance Denton Central Business Association 501c6 $35,000 Economic Development Denton Chamber of Commerce 501c6 $238,836 Finance Denton Chamber of Commerce $1,370,781 Community Development Denton Christian Preschool 501c3 $28,000 Community Development Denton City County Day School 501c3 $38,000 Finance Denton Community Market 501c3 $25,000 Finance Denton Community Market 501c3 $4,000 Finance Denton Community Market 501c3 $3,000 Parks and Recreation Denton Community Theater 501c3 $10,900 Finance Denton Community Theatre 501c3 $25,000 Community Development Denton County Friends of the Family 501c3 $35,000 Finance Denton County Livestock Association 501c5 $400 Community Development Denton County MHMR 501c3 $18,000 Finance Denton County Office of History and Culture Government $157,590 66 Date: July 24, 2020 Report No. 2020-067 Finance Denton Dog Days 501c3 $19,001 Finance Denton Festival Foundation 501c3 $105,060 Finance Denton Festival Foundation 501c3 $5,000 Finance Denton Holiday Festival Association 501c3 $23,500 Finance Denton Holiday Festival Association 501c3 $2,000 Police Denton Independent School District $404,390 Fire Denton ISD(ATC,Clown Shows, Career on Wheels) 501c3 $4,500 Fire Explorer Program n/a $3,000 Finance Explorium Denton 501c3 $7,000 Finance Explorium Denton 501c3 $3,000 Community Development FairOaks Senior Housing(Rental Rahab) 501c3 $108,000 Finance Filmmaking Access 501c3 $500 Fire Fire Camp for Kids n/a $3,000 Community Development Fred Moore Day Nursery School Inc. 501c3 $35,000 Community Development Grace Like Rain 501c3 $80,932 Finance Greater Denton Arts Council 501c3 $147,084 Finance Greater Denton Arts Council 501c3 $3,000 Finance Habitat for Humanity of Denton County 501c3 $500 Community Development Habitat for Humanity of Denton County 501c3 $220,000 Community Development Health Services of North Texas Inc. 501c3 $53,200 Finance Historic Denton 501c3 $1,000 Police Homeless Outreach Team (H.O.T.) n/a $265,117 Customer Service Interfaith Ministries(Utility Assistance) 501c3 $135,000 Parks and Recreation Keep Denton Beautiful 501c3 $321,270 Finance Kiwanis Club of Denton, Breakfast 501c4 $6,000 Finance Kiwanis Youth Services 501c3 $40,000 Economic Development Main Street Association 501c6 $2,600 Community Development Monsignor King Outreach Center(HS Grant) 501c3 $50,000 Community Development Monsignor King Outreach Center(Enhanced Shelter) 501c3 $400,000 Monsignor King Outreach Center(Facility Community Development Improvements) 501c3 $80,000 Community Development Monsignor King Outreach Center(RRH) 501c3 $60,000 Finance Music Theatre of Denton 501c3 $5,355 Finance North Texas State Fair Association 501c3 $168,000 Finance North Texas State Fair Association 501c3 $5,000 Community Development Our Daily Bread (HS Grant) 501c3 $43,850 Community Development Our Daily Bread (RRH) 501c3 $67,100 Community Development Our Daily Bread (SO) 501c3 $64,600 Parks and Recreation Parks Foundation 501c3 $76,500 Community Development Pediplace 501c3 $10,000 Community Development RSVP Serving Denton County 501c3 $5,000 Community Development Salvation Army of Denton County Corps. 501c3 1 $25,000 Community Development SPAN Inc. 501c3 $25,000 Economic Development Stoke(Hickory& Rail Ventures) LLC $218,170 67 Date: July 24, 2020 Report No. 2020-067 Finance Tejas Storytelling Association 501c3 $54,829 Finance Texas Filmmakers Corporation 501c3 $16,567 Finance Texas Filmmakers Corporation 501c3 $10,000 Community Development United Way of Denton County 501c3 $12,000 Community Development United Way of Denton County 501c3 $80,000 H.O.T.-Homelessness Outreach/Community Medicine Fire (Partnership with PD and Nonprofits) None Non-Financial Parks and Recreation STHProject 501c3 Non-Financial Parks and Recreation Health and Human Service Commission State Agency Non-Financial Animal Services Denton Animal Support Foundation 501c3 Non-Financial Parks and Recreation Denton Youth Sports Association 501c3 Non-Financial Library Friends of the Denton Public Libraries 501c3 Non-Financial Library Emily Fowler Library Foundation 501c3 Non-Financial Denton ISD(Books2Go Library Account Registration Library Program) School District Non-Financial Fire Fire Inspections for Foster Homes(about 30+per year) Individual Non-Financial Parks and Recreation DISD School district Non-Financial Greater Denton Arts Council 501c3 Non-Financial Grand total $5,844,557 STAFF CONTACT: Nick Vincent Assistant Director of Finance Nicholas.V inc entgcityofdenton.com (940) 349-8063 Dani Shaw Community Services Manager Danielle.Shawgcityofdenton.com (940) 349-7237 Stuart Birdseye Assistant to the City Manager Stuart.Birdseyegcityofdenton.com (940) 349-8009 REOUESTOR: Council Member Davis PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Finance, Community Services, City Manager's Office 68 Date: July 24, 2020 Report No. 2020-067 STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: Eight hours 69 Policy and Worksession Requests smartsheet Council Member Requestor Date 1W Summary of Request Staff Assigned Department Council Member Briggs 02/03/20 Would like to request council discuss a citywide public health study. Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during a future Pending Req 1 http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Health/info_to_Post/He uest work session aItr1Report-1inKecI.PCIt LiKe this 2 O Council Member Davis 06/10/20 How much money ALL local,state,and federal agencies spend on social Birdseye/Gaines City Manager's Office/Finance Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report services,education,public health,etc.in Denton. Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 1 would also like to bring back my my previous one-minute pitch to repeal Kuechler Public Affairs Request will be presented during a future Pending our ordinances that experts,advocacy groups,and my homeless Request work session 3 constituents both say criminalize homelessness(see earlier staff report for the list).The public interest in law enforcement reform and civil liberties 4 Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 1 would also like to get my engine brake ban request back in the queue, Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Request will be presented during the July 28 Pending after the two reforms above.I decided to pull it because of covid-19. Request work session Council Member Armintor 06/15/20 Now that the Supremes have ruled in favor of trans civil rights Kuechler Public Affairs Request will be presented during a future Pending protections in employment,can we please make room at our next posted Request work session 5 meeting(or the next posted meeting after that?)to continue our deliberation on a comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinance for Denton? ❑ Council Member Briggs 06/22/20 https://dfw.cbsiocal.com/2020/06/16/dallas-county-commissioners-vote- Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday Report in-favor-of-cite-and- 6 re ease . c i =w R21j_hPRf4aQ1 Bd4f4kQcvjECkogQtQKRFmkS82R QcBUs I xyoqr3tFAHUY Wouldlike to see it our FID could consider a cite and real ease program and if we did what that would entail 7 ❑ Council Member Briggs 06/30/20 Can staff answer questions about the sidewalks in the 2019 Bond Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report program? 8 ❑ Council Member Briggs 07/14/20 Can we allow the business use of bump-outs similar to what they did in Development Services Request will be presented during the July 28 Pending Colorado? Request work session g O Council Member Briggs 07/16/20 When sidewalks on Nottingham are going in Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report Council Member Briggs 07/16/20 Confirming the bike lane on Windsor beside Strickland will be painted Jahn Capital Projects Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report 10 near the curb and if there is parking it will be on outside as we discussed a year ago Council Member Davis 07/17/20 1 would like to know if certain parcels in District 3 are already on the Packan Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 11 Parks and Rec Dept.'s radar for acquisition,or if they should be. Details provided by email. 12 Q Council Member Briggs 07/17/20 How many pending evictions are there? Birdseye CMO Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report 13 ❑ Council Member Briggs 07/17/20 Can staff get in touch with Interfaith Ministries regarding the Apple Tree Birdseye CMO Information will be provided in a future Friday Report Project? 14 Council Member Briggs 07/18/20 Complaints about speeding on Ruth Street.Has the city ever looked at Jahn Capital Projects Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report calming devices or other options? 15 Council Member Briggs 07/18/20 Will staff clarify any plans to redesign Locust&Stuart so the bike lane at Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report least meets minimum width standards(5 ft minimum)? 16 Council Member Armintor 07/19/20 Which company makes the use of force simulator used by DPD? Dixon Police Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report Council Member Armintor 07/19/20 Do either of the two local police union support this?What is their public Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 17 statement on this endorsement? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-association-of-pol i ce- organiza ions-en orses-press en-rump 18 ❑ Council Member Briggs 07/21/20 Do we have a longe range development fiscal policy/plan? Ogden/Cannone Finance/Development Services Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 19 Q Mayor Pro Tem Hudspeth 07/21/20 Can staff clean the graffiti at Fred Moore Park? Packan Parks and Recreation Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report 20 Council Member Briggs 07/22/20 Will staff provide an update as to the work being done on the creek on Estes Capital Projects Information will be provided in July 24 Friday Report Old North Rd? Council Member Briggs A work session on new data and request to lower street speed limits in Cox Public Works Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 21 Denton,https:Hnacto.org/2020/07/22/nacto-announces-new-framework- to-set-sa a-spee -imi s Council Member Briggs 07/23/20 I would like to know how many homes in preserve at pecan creek area/ Boerner Solid Waste&Recycling Information will be provided in a future Friday Report 22 d2 have been skipped for recycling and trash in past few months. I am getting reports weekly it seems. Exported on July 24,2020 4:19:15 PM CDT 70 Page 1 of 1 July 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 No- 2:30pm 8:30DEDC 4th of July Agenda Committee Cancelled4:00 Public Aft Holiday Committee 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No Luncheon Meeting No Council Meeting 11:00EDPB 6pm Use-Of-Force Cancelled-COE 1:30 3:00PM Board of No-2:30pm Agenda Committee Ethics Committee ZBA 3:00prn S:OOpmP&ZWorkSession 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PUB 9am No Council Meeting Cancelled - 2:30pm 1:OOpmCommitteeon 3:OO Public Art Committee Agenda Committee Persons with Disabilities HLC 3:OOpm Cancelled-Mobility Cancelled-HABSCO 4pm Committee Meeting 6pm Use-Of-Force E=4 9:00 am Committee 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9am HOT&S 1:00 pm CC Work 12:00TIF Board(TIRZ) loam Council Airport Traffic Safety Session Cancelled -2:30pm Committee+ Commission 3:00 pm Agenda Committee 6pm Use-Of-Force S:OOpmP&ZWorkSession Committee 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 26 27 28 29 30 31 PUB 9am Cancelled - 2:30pm 8:30am City Council Cancelled -ZBA 1:00 pm 4th Tuesday Agenda Committee Special Called Session 3:OOPM Board of Ethics 5:30pm 6pm Use-Of-Force Committee 71 August 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11:30 am Council 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30 am Council Budget Luncheon Session Committee Workshop 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 8:30DEDC COE 1:30 Cancelled Se ssion 4:00 Public Art Committee Traffic Safety 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session Commission 5:30 pm 9 10 11 12 113 14 15 PUB 9am 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday 11:00EDPB Session 2:30pm Agenda Mobility Committee Committee Meeting 9:00 am 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 6:00pmCommittee on Se ssion Committee Persons With Disabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession HABSCO 4pm Se ssion 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 PUB 9am 10am CouncilAnport 3:OOPM Board of Committee Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 30 31 ZBA 5:30pm 72 September 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm CC Work 2:30pm Agenda 8:30DEDC Session Committee 4:00 Public Art Committee 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession Session 6:30pm P&Z Regular Session 6 7 m18 9 10 11 12 Labor Day No Council Meeting 11:00EDPB Holiday Mobility Committee 2:30pm Agenda No Lunc he on Me e ting Meeting 9:00 am Committee COE 1:30 5:30 Airport Advisory Board 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PUB 9am 2:00 pm CC Work 5:00pmP&ZWorkSession 6:OOpm Committee on Session 6:30pm P&ZRegular Session Persons with Disabilities 6:30 pm CC Regular HABSCO 4pm Se ssio n 10:30 am Audit Finance 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 10am CouncilAirpport 3:OOPM Board of Committee 12:00 TIF Board(TIRZ) Ethics 2:00 pm 4th Tuesday Session 27 28 29 30 PUB 9am No CouneilMeeting 2:30pm Agenda ZBA 5:30pm Committee 73 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Monday,August 3,2020 11:30 AM Council Work Session Room WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 11:30 A.M.IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AND ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE WORK SESSION IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM Note: Mayor Chris Watts, Mayor Pro Tern Gerard Hudspeth, and Council Members Keely Briggs, Jesse Davis, John Ryan, Deb Armintor and Paul Meltzer will be participating in the work session, closed meeting, and special called meeting via video/teleconference. REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Due to COVID-19 precautions, members of the public will not be able to attend the August 3, 2020 City Council meeting in-person. To accommodate and receive input on agenda items, citizens will be able to participate in one of the following ways (NOTE: Other than public hearings, citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item; citizens cannot use both methods to comment on a single agenda item. Public comments are not held for work session reports.): • Virtual White Card — On July 31, the agenda was posted online at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings. Once the agenda is posted, a link to the Virtual White Card, an online form, will be made available under the main heading on the webpage. Within this form, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting, at which time, the Virtual White Card form will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on the item, these comment forms will be sent directly to City Council members and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting, as applicable. OR • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. Page 1 Printed on 712412020 74 City Council Meeting Agenda August 3,2020 - At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Monday, August 3, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 20-1412 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give direction regarding the FY 2020-21 Police Operating Budget. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 20-1411 Consultation with Attorneys-Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071. Consult with the City's attorneys on the legal status, expenses, strategy and options for resolution of the appeal in Docket No. 20-40432, styled "Emily Brown v. Eric Coulston and the City of Denton" pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit; where public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City's attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or otherwise compromise the City's legal position in the pending matter. Page 2 Printed on 712412020 75 City Council Meeting Agenda August 3,2020 Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Special Called Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. Following the completion of the Closed Meeting, the City Council will convene in a Special Called Meeting to consider the following items: 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — J This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT CONSENT ITEMS ARE SCHEDULED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. -- 6. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION ARE SCHEDULED; OTHERWISE,WILL BE DELETED. -- 8. CONCLUDING ITEMS Page 3 Printed on 712412020 76 City Council Meeting Agenda August 3,2020 A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the 31 st day of July,2020 at CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 4 Printed on 712412020 77 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday,August 4,2020 2:00 PM Council Work Session Room WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM Note: Mayor Chris Watts, Mayor Pro Tem Gerard Hudspeth, and Council Members Keely Briggs, Jesse Davis, John Ryan, Deb Armintor and Paul Meltzer will be participating in the work session, closed meeting, and regular meeting via video/teleconference. REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Due to COVID-19 precautions, members of the public will not be able to attend the August 4, 2020 City Council meeting in-person. To accommodate and receive input on agenda items, citizens will be able to participate in one of the following ways (NOTE: Other than public hearings, citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item; citizens cannot use both methods to comment on a single agenda item. Public comments are not held for work session reports.): • Virtual White Card — On July 31, the agenda was posted online at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings. Once the agenda is posted, a link to the Virtual White Card, an online form, will be made available under the main heading on the webpage. Within this form, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting, at which time, the Virtual White Card form will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on the item, these comment forms will be sent directly to City Council members and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting, as applicable. OR • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. Page 1 Printed on 712412020 78 City Council Meeting Agenda August 4, 2020 • At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 20-1204 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding an update to the City of Denton's COVID-19 response. B. ID 20-1153 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give direction regarding departmental presentations in preparation for the FY 2020-21 Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five Year Financial Forecast. C. ID 20-1048 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for information. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT A CLOSED MEETING IS NEEDED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. — Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. Page 2 Printed on 712412020 79 City Council Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Regular Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S. Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Reports from members of the public shall be received through the following two (2) methods. A total of up to seven (7) speakers are permitted to provide public comment and may include any combination of prior registration and open microphone speakers. 1) Pre-registration. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. a. ID 20-1394 Pat Smith regarding the Shiloh Field Community Garden Update and Partnership Request. 2) Open Microphone. This section of the agenda permits any person who has not registered in advance for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. Such person(s) shall have registered using the "Virtual White Card" or `By Phone" process outlined by the City on its website or meeting notice. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual information; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. Page 3 Printed on 712412020 80 City Council Meeting Agenda August 4, 2020 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — H). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 20-1139 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving an interlocal cooperation agreement between the City of Denton and the Denton County Transportation Authority ("DCTA"), for the purpose of establishing cyclical and preventative maintenance of the Denton easements portion of the DCTA corridor; authorizing the expenditure of funds; and declaring an effective date. B. ID 20-1315 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Biggs & Mathews Environmental, Inc., for design services of the drop off area located within the Public Disposal Facility at the City of Denton Landfill; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7109-010- Professional Services Agreement for design services awarded to Biggs & Mathews Environmental, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $124,500). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). C. ID 20-1407 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc., for the design of Landfill Cell Four (4) at the City of Denton Landfill; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7109-012 - Professional Services Agreement for design services awarded to Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $221,100). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). D. ID 20-1408 Consider adoption of an ordinance ratifying the expenditure of funds by the City Manager and the Purchasing agent for the Hickory Creek Lift Station pump failure and sanitary sewer overflow in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, which provides that procurement of commodities and services made to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the municipality's residents is exempt from competitive bidding, and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 7253 - Hickory Creek Lift Station pump failure and sanitary sewer overflow expenditure of$179,606.34). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). E. ID 20-1409 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract with Page 4 Printed on 712412020 81 City Council Meeting Agenda August 4, 2020 Texan Waste Equipment Inc. dba Heil of Texas, through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # 599-19, for the purchase of repair services for Heil refuse bodies for the Solid Waste refuse fleet; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7421 - awarded to Texan Waste Equipment Inc. dba Heil of Texas, in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $450,000). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). F. ID 20-1410 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Rene' Bates Auctioneers, Inc., for the management of auction services to the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7334- awarded to Rene' Bates Auctioneers, Inc., in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $200,000). G. ID 20-1413 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a Sole Source Agreement between the City of Denton and Genscape, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on August 2, 2016, in the not-to-exceed amount of $106,354.27; said first amendment to provide the continuation of access to and use of the Genscape platform; which is the sole provider of this software, in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, which provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6190 - providing for an additional two (2) year with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year terms and first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $286,000, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $392,354.27). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval (6-0). H. ID 20-1403 Consider adoption of an ordinance granting authority to the City Manager to negotiate and sign a Memorandum of Understanding, not exceeding 18 months, between the City of Denton and Denton Independent School District (DISD) for the use of, not to exceed, 10,000 square feet of storage space in the City owned warehouse located at 651 S. Mayhill at no charge. 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 20-1395 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing a development agreement between the City of Denton and Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC; providing for the future maintenance of critical transportation infrastructure; authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and providing for an effective date. B. ID 20-1379 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton regarding the creation of the Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 16, encompassing approximately 552.985 acres of land generally located north of Old Stoney Road, south of Jackson Road, and west on FM 156, within Division 2 of the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Denton,Texas; and providing an effective date. C. ID 20-1335 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal Page 5 Printed on 712412020 82 City Council Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 corporation, authorizing the approval of an expenditure in the amount of $234,357, in addition to the existing expenditure in the amount of $32,915 for the improvement of traffic signals and pedestrian facilities along McKinney St at Woodrow/ Audra Ln and Mockingbird Ln. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT PUBLIC HEARINGS ARE SCHEDULED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. -- 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the 31 st day of July,2020 at CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 6 Printed on 712412020 83 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of July 24,2020 Meeting Date Currently Slated Work Session Items 6,7&14-Jul No meetings-Council Break One-Way/Two-Way Forstar Razor-Tree COVID-19 Update Emergency Order Discussions Budget Updates Canopy Council Requests July 28 28-Jul 20-1047 20-1446 20-1229 20-1150 20-1448 20-848 Special- Budget Workshop Budget Updates 30-Jul 20-1151 3-Aug Police Dept.Budget Luncheon 20-1412 COVID-19 Update Budget Updates Council Requests Aug.4 4-Aug 20-1204 20-1153 20-1048 Special-Budget Workshop 6-Aug Budget Updates 20-1154 COVID-19 Update Sustainability Plan Council Requests Aug.11 11-Aug 20-1205 20-1352 20-1049 Economic Development EDPB and Contract COVID-19 Update Strategic Plan between City/Chamber Library Master Plan Council Requests Aug 18 18-Aug 20-1206 20-1130 20-1185 20-526 20-1050 November 3 Election Internal Audit-COVID-19 DOVID-19 Update Update Pandemic Preparedness Gas Well Council Requests Aug 25 25-Aug 20-1207 20-1368 20-1384 20-1186 20-1051 Accessory Dwelling Units, 2020 Mobility Plan and Screening Construction Code Group Home Code Update Council Requests Sept.1 DCA19-0011 Review(TBD) Delegated Authority Amendment 20-245 20-1201 i Gl C Municipal Broadband Denton Development Right-of-Way Ordinance Sept.7&8-No Meetings M 20-556 Code Amendments Public Art Follow-up Stormwater Master Plan (Labor Day/Day After) a o tA m c I-_ 4E Council Requests Sept.15 •LA 0 20-1202 OJ N Y L jCouncil Requests Sept.22 20-1203 Sept.29-No Meeting (National Night Out) Work Session Requests Determined by Council Community Public Art Veteran Source of Income - and Community Tree Small Cell Lawsuit Housing Discrimination Date TBD Grants Ethics Ordinance Revision Participation Tree Ordinance Review Ordinance 84 Street Closure Report IMPROVING "TM Upcoming Closures F)FNT(CIN OF DENTON Week of July 27,2020-August 2,2020 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other en Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Como Lake Wind River Loon Lake 08/10/20 09/11/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. The road will be closed as a part of the 2019 Street Hercules N.Locust Stuart 08/01/20 12/31/20 construction bundle Project. Engineering NextDoor,Email Hercules is set to have g g Notification,Mail outs (940)349-7426 reconstruction of the curbs, gutters and the street. Concrete Street Repair.The process starts with Barricading Hudsonwood Berrydown Stockbridge 08/03/20 08/28/20 the failed sections of pavement, Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. Street Reconstruction Remove and replace curb and Mistywood Lane Woodhaven Jamestown 10/01/20 01/29/21 gutter as needed. Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Remove old asphalt and stabilize subgrade. Install asphalt pavement Water Distribution will be Northcrest Rd Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln 03/06/20 10/16/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Wastewater Collections will be Precision Dr Airport Rd Peterbilt 08/03/20 08/28/20 installing a new wastewater Waste Water N/A (940)349-8909 main and services. Robson East Side of 35W TBD TBD Wastewater Main Install Wastewater (940)349-8909 RR (Temporary Lane Closure) Total 7 Upcoming Closures 85 Street Closure Report IMPROVING �n „F Current Closures F)F: NC DENTON Week of July 27,2020-August 2,2020 --W— Street/Intersection From Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Bonnie Brae IH 35E Scripture 06/15/20 03/01/21 North South Water Main Phase Engineering, Direct business contact (940)349-8938 3 Water Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Brainy Trace Ct Bent Creek Cul v Sac 06/29/20 07/31/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Wastewater collections will be Brown Dr Roberts St Woodland St 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Northwood Wastewater collections will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Tr 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Water Distribution will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Roberts St 07/27/20 11/20/20 installing a new water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Water Distribution will be Cherrywood Ln Woodland St Roberts St 07/27/20 11/20/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 services. Public Works Collins Dallas Dr. Johnson St 07/20/20 07/31/20 Haven at Daugherty:Pavement Inspections, N/A (940)205-9230 Private Development 3201 Public Works Colorado Blvd Brinker Rd Colorado 02/17/20 07/31/20 Pavement for Fire Station#8 Inspections, NextDoor,Direct (940)205-9230 Blvd Private business contact Development Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Old North process starts with Barricading E.Windsor Rd Armstrong 07/06/20 08/03/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Elm Hickory Prairie 05/11/20 07/31/20 PEC 4 Utility Project Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Current Closures 86 Street/Intersection OF Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact City of FM 2181 Denton/Cori Lillian Miller 11/18/19 TBD Street Widening TxDOT (940)349-8425 nth City limits Wastewater main replacement. Projects extents,Emerson from Emerson Circle to Foxcroft. Emerson Circle from Emerson Construction to continue Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 01/30/20 09/04/20 to End Wastewater with intermittent N/A (940)349-8909 Foxcroft from Emerson to closures Northcrest Foxcroft from Old North to Emerson Water Distribution will be Foxcroft Cir Emerson Ln Emerson Ln 03/09/20 10/16/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E Mission St 10/17/19 11/27/20 Infrastructure Safety Upgrades TxDOT (940)349-8938 (temporary closures) Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Green Bend Winter Cul v sac 07/06/20 08/14/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Creek sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Curb and Gutter Repair.The process starts with Barricading At the failed sections of,Curb and Headlee St. Mesquite Intersection 07/06/20 07/31/20 Gutter remove and install Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Curbs. From Addresses 607 to 512 Mesquite Completed removal and replace E.Sherman Huntington 06/04/20 07/31/20 of Hercules Lane in conjunction Public Works Email Notification,Door Hercules Lane Dr. Dr. of the added turn lanes for the Inspections hangers (940)391-6299 Sherman Crossing project. Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this NextDoor,Email Hidden Meadows Trail with Vintage Vintage blvd 03/16/20 08/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities Notification Tennyson Water Distribution will be Hollyhill Ln Longridge Dr Tr1 03/06/20 07/27/20 replacing the water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. 500 ft west Wastewater collections will be 135E northbound service road located of Bonnie 07/02/20 08/14/20 installing a new main line. Wastewater (940)349-8909 Brae Kerley Street Duncan Shady Oaks 02/05/20 07/31/20 Street Reconstruction Streets (940)349-7146 Street Drive Current Closures 87 Street/Intersection MoffClosure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading King Row Nottingham Dunes 07/20/20 08/21/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Storm drain improvements as Locust St. Prairie Highland 03/09/20 07/30/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project.East Side In Closure Intersection back of Intermittent closures of this Email Mockernut Rd. with Vintage Vintage 03/16/20 07/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering NextDoor, (940)349-8938 Blvd. Blvd.right of activities. Notification way Public Works N.Bell Ave Texas College 02/28/20 07/31/20 Sidewalk Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Private Development Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process N.Carroll W.Oak McKinney 06/08/20 08/28/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 St. sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Street Reconstruction Edgewood Curb and gutter has already message boards and Northwood Terrace North End Place 07/21/20 08/21/20 been replaced. Streets door hangers (940)349-7146 Remove the old asphalt and stabilize subgrade Install asphalt pavement. Prairie Elm Pierce 06/01/20 08/28/20 PEC 4 Utilities Engineering NextDoor,Direct (940)349-8938 business contact Storm drain improvements,as Prairie St. Locust St. Elm St. 03/23/20 08/28/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-8938 Project. Street closed to thru traffic. Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Roberts St Bell Ave Ln 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services. Street Reconstruction Mistywood Remove and replace curb and Rockwood Lane Royal Lane Lane 07/20/20 09/30/20 gutter as needed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Remove the old asphalt and stabilize the subgrade Install asphalt pavement Roselawn Bonnie Brae Bernard 05/12/20 08/28/20 Bonnie Brae Phase 1 Engineering NextDoor (940)349-8938 Current Closures 88 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Street Reconstruction Rockwood Mistywood Remove and replace curb and Royal Lane Lane Lane 07/20/20 09/30/20 gutter as needed. Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Remove old asphalt and stabilize subgrade. Install asphalt pavement. The 2019 Street Reconstruction project consists of the reconstruction of roadways listed above.This Thomas reconstruction shall include new NextDoor,Email Scripture Street Street Malone 03/16/20 08/21/20 curb and gutter,ADA compliant Engineering Notification (940)349-7426 ramps in sidewalks,asphalt or concrete roadways as well as upgraded drainage,water and wastewater facilities intersection back of Intermittent closure of the NextDoor,Email Shagbark Dr with Vintage Vintage Blvd 03/16/20 08/31/20 intersection for construction Engineering (940)349-8938 Blvd right of way activities. Notification Concrete Street Panel and Sidewalk Repair.The process Swan Park White Dove Glen Falls 07/20/20 08/21/20 starts with Barricading the failed Streets N/A (940)349-7146 sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Warren Ct. Wainwright Locust St. 12/16/19 07/31/20 Drainage Improvements as part Engineering Closed to thru traffic Direct business contact, (940)349-8938 St. of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Project door hangers Western Phased Road Reconstruction. Private West Oak St/Jim Chrystal Blvd. 135 07/06/20 08/07/20 There is an attached TCP with Development N/A (209)603-8077 4 phases as well as a schedule. This closure is to install Windsor E.Sherman Nottingham 06/15/20 08/01/21 underground utilities in this area Engineering NextDoor (940)349-7426 with street Reconstruction to follow. Installation of sewer and water facilities. Windsor Drive North Locust Stuart 05/11/20 08/02/21 Windsor Drive-Closed WB- Engineering NextDoor (940)349-7426 Open one Way EB with street reconstruction to follow Current Closures 89 Street/Intersection Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date im Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Cherrywood Wastewater collections will be Woodland St Brown Dr Ln 02/10/20 07/31/20 installing a new wastewater Wastewater N/A (940)349-8909 main line and services Cherrywood Water Distribution will be Woodland St Frame St Ln 07/27/20 11/20/20 installing a new water main and Water N/A (940)349-7278 water services. Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Woodland Street N.Bell Frame 07/20/20 08/21/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Total 43 Current Closures 90 Street Closure Report IMPROVING "TM Completed Closures F)FNT(CIN OF DENTON Week of July 27,2020-August 2,2020 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other uepartment 1 Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Concrete Street panel and Sidewalk repair. The process Spring starts with barricading the failed Bent Creek Kappwood Creek 01/06/20 04/24/20 sections of concrete pavement, Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. Curb and Concrete Repair.The Broken Arrow Dunes Burning Tree 06/03/20 06/26/20 process starts with Barricading Streets N/A (940)349-7146 the failed sections of,Curb remove and install back. Public Works Daugherty Johnson Meadow 07/01/20 07/02/20 Water Tap Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Private Development Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Broken process starts with Barricading Dunes Arrow Windsor 06/03/20 07/01/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Ana Site Construction: Public Works FM 2499 Pine Hills Hickory 03/27/20 07/01/20 Inspections, NextDoor (940)205-9230 Creek Rd Water and Sewer Bore FM2499 Private Development 0.26 mi Street Widening Ft.Worth Dr.(US 377) IH 35E south of FM 12/03/18 12/12/20 (Temporary Lane Closures TxDOT 10/08/19 (940)387-1414 1830 during non-peak traffic) Installing Valley Gutter across Greenwood at the intersection of Kayewood. The process Greenwood Kaywood Crestwood 06/15/20 07/03/20 starts with barricading then Streets N/A (940)349-7146 remove pavement and subgrade and install new concrete Valley Gutter. Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading Hickory Exposition Bradshaw 06/08/20 07/03/20 the failed sections of concrete Streets N/A (940)349-7146 Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Completed Closures 91 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Hickory Creek Rd. Teasley Riverpass TBD TBD Street Widening Engineering Phone call to McNair (940)349-7112 (Temporary Lane Closures) Elementary Principal Install approximately 14,000 Southwest linear feet of 24-inch and 30- John Paine Road Pump Johnson 01/06/20 07/15/20 inch water main along Old John Water NextDoor (940)349-8925 Station Road Paine and Allred between the Southwest Pump Station and South Bonnie Brae. This is a modification of the previous street closure for Direct business contact, Johnson Daugherty Smith 06/15/20 07/17/20 install new storm drain. Ground Drainage Direct contact with (940)349-7197 conditions have changed on the job site and will now require a residents full street closure. Install new storm drain from the Johnson St. Smith St. Daugherty 05/18/20 07/17/20 intersection of Smith and Drainage NextDoor (940)349-7197 St. Johnson to the intersection of Johnson and Daugherty. Atmos Energy is relocating/ Direct business contact, Daughtery replacing existing gas mains Atmos Energy to Johnson Street;Smith Dallas Drive 04/06/20 07/31/20 Atmos Street,at S and services for upcoming distribute door hangers, Street Locust reconstruction of Smith Street; place sign boards,and (940)268-7285 Street including gas main crossing notify residents in Johnson Street at Smith Street. person Water Line improvements,as Maple St. Elm St. Myrtle St. 02/24/20 03/06/20 part of Pec-4 Ph 1&2 Engineering Direct business contact (940)349-7112 Project. Alternating lane closures. We will be reconstructing Direct business contact, Masch Branch U S 380 Jim Crystal 02/17/20 06/19/20 Masch Branch from 380 to Jim Streets Door hangers (940)349-7146 Crystal. Installation of new storm City PM will contact Montecito Dr. Hickory Buena Vista TBD TBD drainage line. Full street Engineering McNair Elementary (940)349-7112 Creek Rd. Dr. closure. Principal again on 2/7/20. Riney Rd N. Bonnie Hardaway 07/16/20 07/24/20 Tapping Sleeve water (940)205-9230 Brae Completed Closures 92 Street/Intersection From To Closure Closure Description Department Upcoming Public Other Department Start Date End Date Info/Notes Meeting Communication Contact Installation of new storm Rushing Springs Dr. Hickory Marble Cove TBD TBD drainage line. Intersection Engineering N/A (940)349-7112 Creek Rd. Ln. closure. Traffic will be detoured to Serenity Way. Loading crane from jobsite.Did private Scripture Malone Lovell 06/29/20 06/30/20 not get to do it last weekend Development Email Notification (940)391-2956 because of the rain Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The process starts with Barricading the failed sections of concrete Vista Verde Montecito Intersection 06/08/20 07/02/20 Sidewalk,remove,and install Streets N/A (940)349-7146 new concrete Also installing Valley Gutters across Vista Verde at the intersections Mill and Overlay: Welch Street Due to a rain delay, We from Union Circle to Union had to reschedule the Notified LINT of the Welch Street Union Circle Eagle Drive 06/22/20 07/15/20 Circle and Highland to Eagle Streets section of Welch project limits. (940)349-7146 Drive. between Highland and Eagle Drive. Total 21 Completed Closures 93