061121 Friday Staff Report „ City Manager's Office " 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: June 11, 2021 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, Interim City Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board on Monday, June 14, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. via in person or video/teleconference—City Council Chamber. 2. Cancelled - Historic Landmark Commission on Monday, June 14, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Library Board on Monday, June 14, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. at the Emily Fowler Central Library. 4. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. via in person or video/teleconference—City Council Chamber. 5. Mobility Committee on Wednesday,June 16,2021,at 9:00 a.m.via in person or video/teleconference—City Council Chamber. 6. Animal Shelter Advisory Committee on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. at the Linda McNatt Animal Care &Adoption Center. 7. Health and Building Standards Commission on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 8. Cancelled - Community Development Advisory Committee on Friday, June 18, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 9. Cancelled - Human Services Advisory Committee on Friday, June 18, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Inclusion • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service 10. Special Called - Committee on Persons with Disabilities on Friday, June 18, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. via video/teleconference - City Council Work Session Room II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics — Pursuant to Ordinance No. 19- 2026, the following items will be discussed during the June 15 City Council work session.Each week,the topics included on the next week's agenda will be in the Friday Report. Staff contact: Rachel Balthrop Mendoza, City Manager's Office 1. Work session on updating and editing our Council Rules and Procedure(Sec. 2-29) for maximum public benefit. a. Requestor: Council Member Armintor b. Council Member Request. "I'd like to make a 1-minute pitch request for a work session on updating and editing our Council Rules and Procedure (Sec. 2-29) for maximum public benefit. Possible changes to deliberate would include (but would not be limited to): • allowing members of the public to sign up or call in before a work session to comment orally to all of Council and the public at work sessions on work session items along with consent agenda items,rather than leaving it to the mayor to decide on a case by case basis [Subsection (f) Order of business. (4) Presentations from members of the public. b. Work session or workshop items]; • repealing the restriction that members of the public and staff address their questions and comments only to the group as a whole and not to individual council members [Subsection (c) Code of conduct. (2) Administrative staff, & (3) Citizens] • updating the language for greater inclusivity and accuracy, changing "citizens" to "members of the public" or something similar, and changing any"his or her" or"him or her" construction to "theirs" and "them."" c. Staff Information: Article II, Section 2-29 of the City Charter designates the City Council rules of procedure for all matters as they relate to their meetings. Sec. 2-29(b)(14) details that the rules may be amended by the affirmative vote of four Council Members,provided the proposed amendments or new rules are introduced at a prior council meeting. Depending upon the scope of the changes requested, the estimate for staff time is approximately 10-20 hours. d. Date requested. May 27, 2021 e. Format for response: Work Session 2 2. Work session to discuss policy to authorize staff to re-negotiate the on-street parking ordinance with UNT staff and then bring it back to the City Council for approval before it auto-renews. a. Requestor: Mayor Hudspeth b. Council Member Request."Authorize staff to re-negotiate this ordinance with UNT staff and then bringing it back to the city council for approval before it auto-renews." c. Staff Information: An interlocal agreement between the City and UNT became effective on January 1, 2007 (attached). The agreement outlines the components of the agreed upon parking zones,jurisdiction, enforcement, etc. of the designated areas around UNT. The agreement is automatically renewed on January 1 of every year unless either party gives sixty (60) days written notice to terminate. The agreement was subsequently amended by Ordinance 2017-184 (attached), approved by Council in June 2017, and outlines a new rate structure and amends the parking zones. The estimated time for completion is 20 hours. d. Date requested. May 20, 2021 e. Format for response: Work Session 3. Work session for Council to revisit the issue of a comprehensive non- discrimination ordinance for the City of Denton. a. Requestor: Council Member Maguire b. Council Member Request: "I am requesting a work session for Council to revisit the issue of a comprehensive non-discrimination ordinance for the City of Denton. Discussion can include protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age, and veteran status; and protections against discrimination in the areas of housing, employment, healthcare, and public accommodation. Since staff already did quite a bit of work on this topic last year, I am also requesting that the information compiled by staff regarding other Texas cities' non-discrimination ordinances be included in an upcoming Friday report." c. Staff Information: On February 25, 2020 and October 13, 2020, staff presented work sessions on the Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index, an overview of federal and state civil rights laws, a Supreme Court decision regarding employment matters, and research compiled on comprehensive non-discrimination ordinances. To view video of the work session presentation and discussion, please visit the Public Meetings archive on the City website or click here to view the February 25, 2020 archived recording or here to view the October 13, 2020 archived recording. The materials from the previous work sessions are also available through the attached. Estimated time to refresh materials and research an additional municipality would be 12-15 hours. d. Date requested: June 9, 2021 e. Format for response: Work Session 3 B. Council Contingency Funds —Each fiscal year, the Mayor and City Council are each allotted $1,700 in Council Contingency funds. These funds may be used by the Council Members to contribute toward non-profits and community organizations. Below is a table of the remaining funds for each member. If the Elected Official would like to use their funds,please e-mail Stuart Birdseye with the organization's name and amount to be allocated by August 1 to allow time for processing and to be placed on an agenda for Council consideration. Staff contact: Stuart Birdseye, City Manager's Office Elected Official Amount Remaining Vicki Byrd District 1 $1,700 Brian Beck District 2 $1,700 Jesse Davis District 3 $1,700 Alison Maguire District 4 $1,700 Paul Meltzer Place 5 $1,450 Deb Armintor Place 6 $0 All funds allocated Gerard Hudspeth (Mayor, Place 7 $1,700 C. American Rescue Plan Act Survey - On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, the Denton City Council received a presentation and discussed potential uses of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) funding. In that meeting the Council indicated an initial preference to prioritize and use the funding to support public health resources and reduce the negative economic impacts of the pandemic. Additionally, the Council supported hearing feedback from the community regarding these funds before deciding upon allocations for the first half of this funding. Staff has developed a webpage resource regarding ARPA (www.cityofdenton.com/am) and a survey that gives the community an opportunity to give high-level feedback regarding the use ARPA funds. The survey was opened on June 8 and will remain open through June 18. Feedback results along with the projects for Council consideration will be presented during a work session on July 27, 2021. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Customer Service and Public Affairs D. Kiwanis July 4th event Special Event Permit Denial—The Denton Noon Kiwanis Club applied for a special event permit to host the 49th Annual Denton Kiwanis Fireworks Show at C.H. Collins Stadium and adjacent parking lots on Sunday, July 4, from 5:00 to 11:00 p.m. The club estimated attendance for the event to be 20,000 which is significantly more than the 12,000 capacity listed on DISD's website. Traditionally, the event is at UNT's Apogee Stadium; however, the stadium was not an option due to campus closures. Per Ordinance number 19-1160, the club is required to obtain a special event permit from the City. The application process includes submission of a site plan, traffic control plan, and public safety plan. A review of these plans raised several safety concerns. First, the event location has only one ingress and egress via a narrow road. Even with traffic control provided by Denton Police, there is substantial concern the event will interrupt the safe and orderly movement of traffic in and around the location. This could interfere with the proper fire and police protection and ambulance service to the event location and surrounding areas,primarily if an emergency occurs. 4 Another concern is the security of the event. The number of officers needed to police the event properly would significantly stress the force, especially on a holiday weekend, and prevent standard, expected protection and response times for the City. City staff had discussions about how to remedy these concerns. However, with the expected attendance and the nature of the event, the current infrastructure of C.H. Collins cannot support an event of this nature. Ultimately, all of these concerns will unfortunately prohibit the issuance of a special event permit for the event at this location. Staff has communicated this information to event organizers. Staff contact: Nikki Sassenus, Parks and Recreation and Lieutenant Preston Pohler, Police Department E. New Budget Tool—The Budget team is working to procure a budget simulation tool to be placed on the City's website this month. The budget simulation tool will provide residents information about the City's FY 2021-22 budget and educate them on key financial issues. The tool requires users to balance the budget by making choices on program funding. The tool allows residents to see the information used to make budget decisions and gives opportunity to provide meaningful feedback regarding funding trade-offs. Staff will continue to provide updates as the tool is available. Staff contact: Cassey Ogden, Finance F. City Issued Email Addresses Under Way for Boards & Commission Members — A coordinated effort through the City Secretary's Office is underway to provide members of certain boards/committees/commissions with city-issued email addresses. The process entails establishing a directive applicable to board/committee/commission members which is already in place. That directive largely mirrors the one issued to/acknowledged by city employees. In determining which boards/committees/commissions will be issued city emails, the roles/responsibilities of the board and meeting frequency will be taken into consideration. As membership changes to the applicable boards/committees/commissions, email accounts will be closed, and new ones issued. All accounts will be managed under the requirements set forth in the City's Records Management Policy. Staff will provide updates as to how emails will be assigned to those certain boards/committees/commissions in a future Friday report. Staff will additionally explore other communication options for those bodies not receiving individual email addresses. Staff contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office G. Comprehensive Plan Update—The Comprehensive Plan Update is in now in Phase 3 — Special Topic Charrettes. On Wednesday, May 26 the City hosted another virtual community workshop. The workshop consisted of an overview of what a comprehensive plan is and four special topic discussions: Downtown Denton, New Growth Areas, City Infrastructure and Services, and Economic Development. In total, 51 community members and 12 City staff members attended the workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to have more in depth input on the four special topics. Each included background information, polling questions, and open discussion (chat) questions. The background information was provided to facilitate responses to the polling and chat questions. The poll questions asked whether participants thought specific action items from Denton Plan 2030 should be retained, revised, or removed. 5 Lastly, additional chat questions were asked, and responses were provided by participants. A summary of the workshop is attached for your review. Throughout the update process,the City continues to seek additional public input and feedback. Upcoming event - staff is in the process of coordinating an upcoming in- person community workshop for late July or early August. The intent is to have Matrix (our consultants) provide an update to the City Council on Tuesday, P&Z on Wednesday, and facilitate the in-person workshop on Thursday during the same week. Similar to the previous workshops, recording of the May 26 virtual workshop will be posted on the City's dedicated website at www.cityofdenton.com/dentoUlan to view for those that were not able to attend. The community is encouraged to visit the dedicated website to keep up to date on upcoming events, download documents, view past presentations,and provide input through various interactive exercises. In addition, if you have an upcoming community or focus group meeting and would like for staff to present on the Comprehensive Plan Update please let us know. Staff Contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services a (D 0 Comprehensive Plan Schedule = 0 1 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Project Existing Special Topic Draft Commission Adoption Initiation Conditions Charrettes Comprehensive Council Community Plan Updates Profile H. Development Submittal Schedule Changes — Beginning July 1, Development Submittal Schedules will be modified. By making these changes, staff expects the overall project review times to decrease as we'll be finding and addressing more issues at the beginning of projects reducing the need for rework later in the process. These changes will provide for additional time for a completeness review to ensure all necessary documents are submitted prior to beginning a full review by multiple staff members and time for the City's facilitation team to analyze the comments being provided to developers to ensure they are accurate and necessary for the type of application submitted. Some modifications were also made to provide the appropriate amount of time for staff to complete thorough reviews of more complex and detailed projects such as Planned Developments and Specific Use Permits. A communication will be sent on Thursday, June 17 to our customers notifying them of these changes and information will be posted on the website. Staff contact: Charlie Rosendahl, Development Services I. Parks and Recreation Swim Meet—The Denton Dolphins Swim Team hosted its first Texas Amateur Athletics Federation Region 4 swim meet on Friday, June 4. The meet brought in swimmers from Trophy Club, Bedford, The Colony, Little Elm, Decatur, Stephenville, and Denton. There were 277 swimmers. There were an additional 330 parents and spectators in attendance. The estimated economic impact for this one-day 6 event is $15,175. Denton Dolphins swimmers will continue with weekly meets at various locations around DFW before advancing to Regionals July 17-18. Staff contact: Monica Martin, Parks and Recreation J. July Jubilee — On July 3, Parks and Recreation will host the July Jubilee event. This day of celebration includes the Liberty Run 5K& 1-Mile Walk,the Yankee Doodle Parade, and the Jubilee Festival. The 23rd Annual Liberty Run will begin and end at the Denton Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney St. Registration is required and includes a T-shirt and a swag bag. To register and view the race map, click here: s://bit.lyMentonLibertyRun The Yankee Doodle Parade will begin after the Liberty Run at 9 a.m. The parade will go from Austin St., around the square, down McKinney Street to the Denton Civic Center. Companies and groups are welcome to sign up to participate in the parade. To register, click here: https://bit.ly/YankeeDoodleParade After the parade from 10 a.m. to noon,there will be a FREE Family Jubilee at Denton Civic Center and Quakertown Park. There will be multiple food trucks, music, inflatables, yard games, and lots of patriotic fun. Staff contact: Jennifer Eusse, Parks and Recreation K. "Foundation of Our History" Mural Dedication— On June 17 at 5 p.m. Parks and Recreation will host the "Foundation of Our History" mural dedication at the Bell Avenue and Robertson Street intersection. The mural was completed in early 2021 by Dan Black. The mural honors influential Dentonites Alice Alexander, Alma Clark, Betty Kimble, Dorothy Minter, and Ruby Cole. Please RSVP online at the following link to confirm attendance. http://bit.ly/FoundationofourHistoiy Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation r FOUNDATION OF OUR HISTORY MURAL • • L. The Nook Dedication—Emily Fowler Library, 502 Oakland St.,will host a dedication for The Nook in conjunction with Make Music Day in Denton. The dedication will be held at noon on June 21. Completed in early 2021,The Nook commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Denton Rotary Club. This addition to the Emily Fowler Library and Quakertown Park provides an outdoor venue that captures the spirit of celebration, music,education,and fellowship. Staff contact:Autumn Natalie,Parks and Recreation 8 i `yr THE NOOK DEDICATION Monday,June 211 Noon M. Make Music Day Denton—The City of Denton joins the Make Music Day celebration with numerous events on Monday, June 21, 2021. Make Music Day is a free celebration of music around the world, held annually on June 21. Launched in 1982 in France as the Fete de la Musique, it is now held in more than 1,000 cities in 120 countries. Make Music is completely different from a typical music festival and is open to anyone who wants to take part. Every kind of musician young and old, amateur and professional, of every musical persuasion — pours onto streets, parks, plazas, and porches to share their music with friends, neighbors, and strangers. All events are free and open to the public. Coordinating with Denton Main Street Association, Denton County, Coyote Music Studio, Adam Davis Percussion, along with the City's Parks and Recreation, Library, and Economic Development departments, a wide variety of events have been programed. For complete details on how you may participate in Make Music Day Denton, visit www.OriginalDentonDistrict.com/Events or on Facebook @OriginalDentonDistrict. Staff contact: Christina Davis, Economic Development 9 TIME EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION All Day Hear The Music—Denton Self-guided walking tour of the Arts E.Hickory St. Arts Walk of Fame Walk of Fame.Use QR codes link to connect to websites to hear featured artists'music. 9:30 a.m. Kids Drum Jam with Senior Kids can bang out some beats or even The Nook at Center's Drum Jam Leader learn some rhythms on Djembes(African Quakertown Park hand drums)in an interactive drum jam. Hand drums available for kids,and parents. 10:15 a.m. Denton Senior Center Choir Choir sings at Nook location. The Nook at Quakertown Park 11:00 a.m. Story Time at the Nook Emily Fowler Library present music The Nook at focused stories for children. Quakertown Park Noon Nook dedication Dedication of Nook by P&R&Rotary The Nook at Quakertown Park 1:00 p.m.. Flower Pot Music Adam Davis will lead a Flower Pot Music East side of the Court concert.Learn how to play 1 to 2 pm. House on the Square Perform concert 2 to 3 p.m.Open to all lawn. ages.Please bring an empty flower pot and,if you have one,a rubber mallet. 4:00 p.m. Courthouse Drum Jam Come listen or participate while hand Court House on the Senior Center's Drum Jam drummers jam on the Courthouse lawn Square lawn Leader and fill the air with African beats. 5:30 p.m. MLK Parks&Rec Camp MLK Pre-K Camp participants perform Court House on the Performance song for parents Square lawn 5:45 p.m. Arts Walk Inductee Surprise presentation of a new block 200 block of E. Celebration on the Denton Arts Walk of Fame Hickory St. 6:30 p.m. Twilight Tunes concert Special Tunes concert for MMD Court House on the High School Caesar(Rockabilly) Square lawn III. Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Windsor Drive Construction and Wilson Elementary School Construction — On May 27, Council Member Beck requested clarification on resident concerns about construction on Windsor Drive, which is part of the 2019 Street Reconstruction Project. Windsor Drive reconstruction between Hanover Drive and Longfellow Lane is scheduled to be under construction during the summer months as in accordance with the project construction contract to minimize impact to Wilson Elementary School traffic. Staff has been in contact with the Denton Independent School District to coordinate roadway construction with the school's construction schedule. The reconstruction of Windsor from Hanover Drive to Longfellow Lane is scheduled to be complete in mid-August 2021, prior to the start of the new school year. Staff contact: Dusty Draper, Capital Projects B. Proposed Apartment Construction on Poinsettia — On May 29, Council Member Armintor requested clarification on a resident concern about the proposed apartments to be constructed along Poinsettia Drive south of Loop 288 and east of Sherman Drive. The multifamily developer has not moved forward with the development of the proposed apartments at this time. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services C. DME Substation Alternative Oil—Early this week, several Council Members received an email from a vendor regarding potentially using an alternative mineral oil at electric substations. The vendor's information provided deals only with the transformer oil and its potential flammability. The Gas Insulated Substation uses conventional transformers, essentially identical to transformers DME has at our numerous air 10 insulated substations throughout the community. From that perspective, there is no incremental risk associated with the GIS substation. The technology difference in the GIS substation is in the way the energy and equipment used to convey it from the transmission system to the transformers, engineering provides the following summary in response to the information provided to you. It appears these oils are ester-based, and basically a "greener" type of insulating oil, derived from natural resources like canola, or soybean and can be split into 2 groups: synthetic and natural. The synthetic is manufactured towards a specific application (synthetic transformer dielectric would be manufactured from materials that would make it suitable for transformers), while the natural is a base oil that cannot be significantly altered. They claim to be "readily biodegradable", fire safe, and can extend the life of insulation. Their flash point and fire points are significantly higher than traditional mineral oils, they can absorb water more effectively than mineral oil, and can operate at higher temps than mineral oil. One article briefly mentions that companies are switching to ester fluids due to the increased operating efficiency when using it, not just the environmentally friendly characteristics. Ester based fluids are more expensive than traditional mineral oils. There have been no fires at DME Substation facilities that have been directly related to transformers or their insulating oil. Use of these oils does not appear to be industry-wide at this time, but interest appears to be gaining ground. DME Engineering has not fully vetted the viability or costs associated with use of ester-based oils for the Hickory GIS Substation project. To complete our evaluation, there are a number of questions and concerns we are currently researching such as the following: • What is the operational history of this oil at locations where it has been used? • Is it performing/Did it perform in the manner stated by the manufacturer? • What is the cost difference between this oil and what is traditionally used? • What other pros/cons have been experienced by utilities who use this oil? • Does the oil have any different maintenance requirements than what is traditionally used?, etc. DME Engineering will continue to vet this product for potential use. We can add use of this oil as a line item cost component to the RFP for construction of the Hickory GIS Substation. Staff contact: Tony Puente, DME D. Robinwood Safety Concerns — On June 4, Council Member Armintor requested a traffic analysis of the intersection at Robinwood and Greenwood. Staff conducted field visit on June 8 to check for sight visibility issues, reviewed historical crash data for any reported crashes, coordinated with the Denton Police Department for additional data for the same and did not identify records supporting a pattern of traffic safety issues. To further assess safety, staff will perform a speed study on this intersection. There are several scheduled speed studies across the City, and staff anticipates the equipment will be available to conduct the study in approximately six weeks. When data collection is complete,staff will provide a follow-up report in a subsequent Friday Report. Staff contact: Becky Diviney, Engineering 11 E. ADA Accommodations for Boards and Commissions — On June 6, 2021, Council Member Armintor requested clarification as to how a board, commission, or committee member may, due to a disability, request a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in the proceedings of their respective body. The City has established a process for just such a request. Those members who would like to request an accommodation can visit www.cityofdenton.com/ADA and follow the instructions under the "Requesting an Accommodation" tab. Once submitted, the member would work with one of the City's ADA coordinators to review what accommodations are available given their disability. To ensure each board, commission, or committee member was aware of the process for disability accommodations,this information was distributed to existing members of each body through their liaisons while new members will be briefed by the City Secretary's Office. Going forward, each board, commission,and committee application will provide applicants the opportunity to note whether they will require a disability accommodation. Additionally, the next update to the board and commission handbook will also provide additional details regarding the accommodations process. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Customer Service and Public Affairs F. University and Nottingham Intersection Construction - On June 7, Council Member Beck forwarded a resident inquiry asking staff to clarify the scope and projected timeline of construction at the intersection of University Drive and Nottingham Drive. Current construction at this intersection is part of the 2019 Intersection Improvements Project which will provide traffic signal and intersection upgrades at McKinney and Woodrow, Loop 288 and McKinney, Loop 288 and Sherman, Hercules and Locust, and Nottingham Drive and University Drive. The construction timeline for improvements at the intersection of University and Nottingham was set to begin May 24 but was delayed due to weather. Weather permitting, construction at the University/Nottingham intersection is scheduled to be complete by July 30, 2021. The 2019 Intersection Improvement Project currently has an estimated completion date of August 19, 2021 to complete all project intersections. On June 8, staff contacted the resident who submitted their initial inquiry to Council Member Beck to discuss the project scope and answer questions. Additionally, there have been several public engagement efforts to ensure residents in the immediate vicinity of the intersection are notified about the project construction schedule. A virtual community meeting was held on April 8 the provide project-specific details. Video from the April 8 community meeting can be found online here: https:Hdentontx.new.swagit.com/videos/118652. Prior to the community meeting, a notification letter was sent to 2,447 residents and property owners in the affected area (see attached). Door hanger notifications were placed on the doors of 386 properties located within a 1,500-foot radius of the University/Nottingham intersection prior to the initiation of construction. Staff also provides regular project updates online at https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/2019intersectionimprovements. Staff contact: Dustin Draper, Capital Projects G. Ector Street Corridor Issue — On June 7, Council Member Davis requested that staff assess the speed and auto accidents on Ector Street and noted that residents have requested traffic calming measures. Council Member Davis asked if staff could install plastic traffic bollards/delineators at each intersection to address residents' traffic safety concerns. Ector Street is a two-way street with bike lanes from US 380 to 12 Scripture Street. Staff coordinated with the Police Department for enforcement and traffic calming measures (please see the following update from the Denton Police Department on speed display deployment). "Both message board/speed trailers were deployed on Loop 288 for DISD graduations.When we retrieved them,we discovered a battery issue that is currently being worked on at Fleet Services. I'm hoping to be able to pick the sign up early next week and can try to find a suitable location to park them on Ector Street. There have been 11 crashes in the last 10 years on Ector St." Additionally, staff will perfom a speed study along Ector Street. There are several scheduled speed studies across the City, and staff anticipates the equipment will be available to conduct the study in approximately six weeks. When data collection is complete, staff will provide a follow-up report in a subsequent Friday Report. Staff contact: Becky Diviney, Engineering H. Quakertown Park Electrical Pedestals — On June 11, Council Member Armintor requested information about the electrical pedestals located in Quakertown Park. The Parks and Recreation Department will replace and restructure the electrical panels throughout Quakertown park. This effort will visually refresh the park by reducing the number of vertical structures scattered throughout the grounds by six units, ensuring user safety with proper wiring, updated equipment, and removing obsolete hardware that is no longer considered safe by the NEC. Work began on Wednesday, June 9, to prep wiring and conduit for installing the new pedestals with an anticipated completion date of late July 2021. Upon the project completion, the park will have 32 individual USB outlets for charging personal devices and will be capable of supporting events at the same level before changes. All efforts will be made to ensure that power interruptions through the park be minimal, with little to no loss of electricity throughout the project. Staff contact:Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation IV. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. None V. Attachments A. Comp Plan Community Workshop #2 Summary.................................................14 B. Advanced notice of work letter—Nottingham.....................................................40 VI. Informal Staff Reports A. None VII. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .......................................................................41 B. Council Calendar .................................................................................................44 C. Draft Agenda for June 22.....................................................................................47 D. Future Work Session Items .................................................................................56 E. Street Construction Report ..................................................................................57 13 Community Meeting 2: Special Topic Charrettes Community Charrette Overview The second community meeting was a special topics charrette for the Denton Plan 2040 was held on May 26, 2021 over Zoom. The purpose of the special topic charrette was to get more detailed input on four topics for the Comprehensive 8 E � Plan Update: Downtown, infrastructure,economic Denton Plan 2040 development, new growth areas. Growing with a Unified Purpose The community charrette had the following outline: Save the Date! Join us for a Community Charrette! 1. Project team introduction Join us on Wednesday,May 2611 to participate in a virtual community charrette.Provide your input 2. Overview of what a comprehensive plan is as we examine four topic areas for the comprehensive plan update: 3. Special topic discussions for: ■ Downtown Denton ■ Economic Development a. Downtown . Infrastructure ■ New Growth Areas b. Infrastructure We are seeking representation from all over the c. Economic Development community,so make plans to join us and let p your voice be heard! d. New Growth Areas 4. Next Steps Virtual Community Charrette Wednesday,May 26th■6 to 8 p.m. Click here to register!You will receive a link via email to access the virtual charrette. For more information contact: Ron Menguita,AICP Project Manager (940)349.8328 Ron.Meng u ita@cityofdenton.com Community Charrette Notices for May 25,2021 1 14 Community Charrette Summary Participants Participants were asked to register for the community charrette on Zoom prior to the charrette to provide the Denton Plan 2040 team a sense of who was attending the charrette. In total, 51 community members and 12 City staff attended the charrette. The following is an overview of who registered for and attended the charrette. Who registered for the charrette? Planning IntakeSpecialist President le,orter VicePresident TeacherGeneral Mana atyclist g Administrator C DataAnalyst HumanResources i SeniorEngineer FinancialAdvisor ProjectDirector FloodplainSpecialist SeniorProjectManager AssistantPlanner i rec o rAAssocigtepp ector Ci Mana eAssistantManagerplanner ExecutllveOlt�icer �' g BusinessOwnerCoord i natorSelf-en-iployed CaseManager E n i n ee r Firefighter Designer g Counselor Raconteur Realtor SeniorProjectDirector AssistantCityManager 2 Community Charrette Summary 15 Denton Plan 2040 8 � 046 Community Charrette Summary Special Topics The purpose of the charrette was to have more in depth input on four special topics: downtown, infrastructure, economic development,and new growth areas. An overview of the background information presented, polling questions asked, and chat questions asked are summarized below. The background information was provided to facilitate responses to the polling and chat questions. The poll questions were provided to ask whether participants thought specific action items from Denton Plan 2030 should be retained, revised,or removed from the Denton Plan 2040. Lastly, additional questions were asked, and responses were provided by participants in the chat. Downtown Background Background information presented for Downtown included an overview of: ■ 2010 Downtown Implementation Plan — Downtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Polling The following are the action items related to Downtown from Denton Plan 2030 and the responses provided from participants. ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 7: "Revise and update the Downtown Implementation Plan (DTIP)to target residential development." Retain, still valid: 68% Revise, still valid: 32% Remove. 0% Responses ■ Affordable housing and displacement of established neighborhoods should be considered ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 8: "Create a Downtown Compatibility Area Small Area Plan that will identify the character and regulations of the Downtown Compatibility Area Future Land Use designation,to include development standards, etc." Retain, still valid:83% Revise, still valid: 12% Remove. 5% Responses ■ Downtown Compatibility means extending regulations on the character of downtown? ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 72: "Identify opportunities to incorporate venues for arts and music events in future development, including Downtown and in Regional Centers. Study opportunities for arts and music venues in vacant or underutilized sites adjacent to Downtown and the Downtown Denton Transit Center that can be supported by the A-Train." Retain, still valid: 100% Denton Plan 2040 3 16 Revise, still valid: 0% Remove. 0 i Responses ■ Would you please provide more detail and background on the poll questions? I expect not everyone is familiar with the provisions on which polling questions are asked. ■ Agree x3 ■ Public/private partnerships for arts/entertainment venues need to be considered Denton has such a rich arts&music culture,and this is a huge asset to Denton Chat Questions The following are the questions that were posed to participants and the responses that participants provided through the Zoom chat function. 1. What do you feel has been done well in Downtown?What do you want to see more of? Responses Streetscapes Land Use Cool streetscape ■ Fewer commercial properties converted to govt use ■ What has been done well: Greatjob on the streetscape ■ Downtown: Want to see more residential development along E Hickory. Pleasant to walk along.The design of downtown and commercial (retail and restaurants),to the street encourages safer,calmer driving. create a very vital and dynamic downtown. ■ Done well in Downtown:Walkable friendly, inviting. ■ As a general concept for the comprehensive plan,we Renovation of the Industrial district and eastward along want to see more infill development, not suburban Hickory corridor. sprawl. ■ E Hickory is a really great example of what has been ■ Affordable housing downtown. done well. Transportation ■ Walkability&parking has improved, lighting &way ■ Traffic flow and walkability improved.Would like to see finding signage has improved. lots of private more restaurants like Barley and Board investment met with some public investment shows ■ More events/times the square is closed to vehicle traffic desire for people to invest,work&live downtown.We ■ Want more of walkability/bikeability need more collaboration&sharing of investment ■ Should really consider making the square pedestrian only Entertainment and Dining ■ Closing the square for regular walking events would be ■ Music on the square neat! ■ 1 want to see more outdoor eating options(cafe, Character sidewalk, parking spaces). Would like to keep the take- ■ Keep the feel out spaces put in place during Covid. ■ Updated seasonal flower arrangements are lovely.They ■ Keep Downtown Denton local-owned and local definitely add character and show appreciation for operated, keep Denton dollars in Denton. beauty! ■ National-chain-free zone is great! I do like the way the lights on the square work now. ■ Vibrant events and a diversity of restaurants and retail Parking ■ More outdoor seating bars/restaurants I think the parking situation especially away from the ■ More community activities square has been very well done ■ I like that they're has been a minimization of national ■ Back-in-parking is stupid. chains in the area and more focus on small ■ Varied nature/shops/restaurants/variation on offerings a independent businesses good thing-needs more public parking ■ More events around downtown will grow on the ■ Parking plan has improved success of Jazz,film,etc. ■ Better parking ■ Music,encouraging new businesses. Need to consider ■ Like to see better parking adding more parking as it get busier. ■ ... back in parking is terrible 4 Community Charrette Summary 17 Denton Plan 2040 8 o A6 Community Charrette Summary ■ Has kept the small town feel, music on the square, no ■ More parking chain restaurants on the square, unique dining and ■ Parking secondary to walkability and bikeability shopping ■ Multi-level public parking would be great investment ■ I enjoy the variety of food&nature of the bars. Being able to use the courthouse lawn is lovely. ■ Small business vibe is wonderful,what we enjoy about Denton ■ Events on the square,eclectic eateries. ■ Independent dining,walkability, music,small town feel ■ Want to see more:outdoor eating areas outside of restaurants;more bike parking on the square proper,- wider sidewalks;prioritization of people rather than cars to ensure a pleasant experience for people visiting the square. ■ I'd like to see more sidewalk cafe style dining. ■ More outside activities ■ More places that have a upper level open areas for dining 2. Are taller buildings (5-11 • - appropriate portion of Downtown D- •n?Taller buildings may su Transit-Oriented Development(TOD)around the DCTA station. Responses Yes No ■ Yes x4 ■ Keep new tall buildings several blocks from square ■ Are taller buildings appropriate?Yes,definitely outside ■ More green space in downtown if possible. What's the a one-block radius of the courthouse square., provided plan (if known)about the empty space next to Jupiter they are quality buildings. House. ■ But, shouldn't overshadow current downtown look. ■ No 5-10 stories within 4-5 blocks of courthouse ■ If you are talking further out,yes. Near the square, no. ■ No. Keep building. Don't need a'Denton'skyline DCTA area would be ok. ■ Nope ■ Near the transit Traffic Concerns ■ Near transit ok, not by square ■ How would you manage traffic flow? ■ Perhaps well-off the square ■ Parking would need to be provided by the developer to ■ Possibly, but needs to fit into the setting. take heat off the congestion;Traffic and congestion ■ Sure. If the design of these buildings blends well with Needs to be considered carefully. the existing buildings. ■ New builds should be parking self-sufficient, i.e. no ■ Taller buildings near the DCTA station and the railroad resident parking on the street necessary tracks most definitely. ■ Not a fan-would make traffic more horrific.All the apt ■ Without sacrificing green space and green buildings that are going up all around Denton,and the infrastructure new traffic in the downtown area, make it impossible ■ Yes but limited. Not more than 10-12 stories. ■ Zoning should also be amended to push for a smaller ■ Yes but off the square, by the transit would be ok parking to resident ratio to encourage walking ■ Yes more rooftop ■ Yes next to train station ■ Yes, building height should not be restricted in Denton. ■ Yes, but off the square. ■ Yes,we need some higher building are needed.a Parking garage is needed. ■ Taller closer to dcta but would need to put parking internal or underneath ■ Yes, but you likely won't see anything taller than 4-5 story 5-over-1 mixed use construction until much later Denton Plan 2040 5 18 because it's just not cost effective.You can't wave a magic wand and make something economically feasible. ■ Yes, nearer the train station would be good location for taller buildings ■ Yes, people-scaled density is appropriate. Mixed use as well. ■ Yes,taller building by transit ■ Yes,taller buildings near transit is appropriate. ■ Absolutely,taller buildings with apartments in all price points would be a good idea ■ Larger scale buildings with affordable rents would be appropriate.Apartments close to the Atrain station would be best. 3. Should the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone(TIRZ)for downtown be expanded?TIRZ reinvests property tax dollars from the TIRZ area into projects which support the TIRZ. Responses Yes Needs More Information/No Opinion ■ Direct correlation seems better than general fund ■ Don't know enough to answer dump, but yes,with explicit plans ■ Expanded how? More money? Larger area? ■ Focus those funds to areas south and east of square ■ I don't have enough info about the TIRZ to have an ■ Focus,focus,focus tirz dollars opinion ■ Yes ■ I don't know what that means ■ Yes,with a plan. ■ I'd need more info on the current status of TIRZ and ■ Perhaps, I would need more detail on the specifics projects and value before weighing in on whether it ■ Possibly. Would want to see a comprehensive plan first should be expanded. on what is proposed. ■ TIRZ: w/r/t capturing tax in incremental value--how is ■ With specific identified priorities this different from general taxation?Are you just ■ Seems to me that Downtown will expand and grow. earmarking funds for certain reasons? makes sense to have that growth reinvest in itself,so ■ TIRZ: I don't know enough about this to give a you with careful policies and procedures developed response. No ■ If more buildings are built,could we consider how we could incorporate using clean energy for powering those buildings or the downtown area, like putting solar panels on rooftops of new buildings? ■ No x4 ■ No expansion ■ No, but perhaps there could be new TIRZ areas ■ No.This was discussed forever when developing current TIRZ. Expand it&you create a money-grab not for the intended purpose. ■ Small business are stressed as it is. ■ Not as is. If there is a solid plan. ■ Only if part is used for improvement of no horn train crossings and bridges 6 Community Charrette Summary 19 Denton Plan 2040 8 � 06 Community Charrette Summary Infrastructure Background Background information presented for infrastructure included an overview of: ■ 2020 Mobility Plan update ■ Gateways and beautification, such as street trees, undergrounding overhead wires, and identity signage ■ Water/sewer capital improvements Polling The following are the action items related to infrastructure from Denton Plan 2030 and the responses provided from participants. ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 243: "Promote infrastructure capacity improvements to support infill development, over new line extensions that expand the geographic coverage of the city's infrastructure systems. Work proactively to identify gaps in existing infrastructure to support connectivity of existing networks and reduce leapfrog development. Anticipate future growth needs by oversizing water and wastewater distribution lines to meet future development. Upgrade infrastructure for treated water transmission and inflow/infiltration infrastructure improvements into newly developed areas. Continue to require residential and commercial developers to pay to extend water distribution infrastructure to service development areas." Retain, still valid: 76% Revise, still valid: 24% Remove. 0% Responses ■ Yes, green building should be encouraged ■ Yes! consider the environment ■ Tree City for a reason ■ Yes to protected bike lanes for the 50K students at the two universities in Denton. ■ Green infrastructure is important to include in planned improvements to manage stormwater also ■ 380 through town will continue to be a problem for through truck traffic ■ Reuse lines where feasible to provide sustainable alternatives ■ Why don't we start with having new subdivision roads wide enough to both park cars and have room for thru traffic. New roads are to narrow for both traffic and parking. ■ Infrastructure improvements before development is critical-now mostly not considered until after the fact ■ Also agree with a bypass ■ I think truck route is northern Loop 288 ■ Definitely promote infill--more sustainable from an environmental and economic standpoint. ■ Absolutely we should focus on making the best use of the existing roadways by promoting infill development.This is the most efficient use of our tax dollars. ■ Infill is better for long-term maintenance costs. ■ Always support infill and prohibit leap frog ■ Definitely prudent infill infrastructure over new ■ Need to oversize line extensions. ■ New development roads are almost impassible,too narrow for safe passage City implemented impact fees to account for replacement of existing capacity&for new development.We aren't competitive with other cities as it relates to new master planned developments Denton Plan 2040 7 20 j 1 ■ City need to help with cost to develop where they have gaps ■ The plan doesn't seem to address infrastructure for Train no-horn crossings and bridges ■ Improve what you have first before expanding or new infrastructure.otherwise,you will always play catch up to improvements ■ Agree with a plan ■ A way to have a well-utilized truck bypass would be beneficial on 380 ■ Agreed, need to see a specific plan before I can support it. ■ The land taxes on our property have almost doubled between 2020&2021 with NO change to land or building - I'd hope that there was a plan for this gouging ■ The train noise for Denton is not an asset and needs addressed ■ Yes, absolutely 0 ■ Yes, beautification costs money ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item#59: "Establish guidelines for gateways as part of future development to highlight community points of entry and promote the Denton brand and its quality of life." Retain, still valid: 78% Revise, still valid: 15% Remove.8% Responses ■ It's not roads or land related think it might also be helpful to think about our infrastructure around wi-fi and access to the web ■ 380 and 35 intersection must be addressed immediately ■ It seems that the current planning has promoted suburban sprawl rather than inf ill. Infill is extremely important. ■ Agree x4 ■ Always remember,once you develop or build on open space,you can never recapture ■ I've had grave concerns about the development down N. Bonnie Brae and the intensity of that development with the new high school and several high density developments on a 2 lane roadneed to clean up several entry points. ft worth drive for example ■ Main gateways are TxDot roads&ROW.They have to work with us to accomplish &we've been trying for years ■ gateway from Decatur side 380 ■ Maybe we should not try to master plan and develop every empty piece of land ■ Access off highway needs to be addressed ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item#138: "Revise and implement the Denton Mobility Plan to be consistent with the Future Land Use Map(FLUM) and Preferred Growth Concept. Revise the Denton Development Code and related development standards to be consistent with the updated Mobility Plan. Incorporate complete street policies and public realm design guidelines and streetscape standards consistent with Community Character goals, Context- Sensitive Streets,and the proposed Urban Design Plan." Retain, still valid: 69% Revise, still valid: 29% Remove.3% Responses ■ Tax dollars are not save when developers charge the end user for the cost to fill where the city has not keep up with growth 8 Community Charrette Summary 21 Denton Plan 2040 8 � 046 Community Charrette Summary ■ Green spaces are important-especially if they are community-focused like parks, playgrounds,community gardens etc ■ If possible zone entry zones for attractive businesses, not storage areas, manufacturing,etc. ■ Use native trees and plants for beautification. ■ Sustainability should be a priority ■ Agree x3 ■ Mobility plan needs to be a fluid document though, not set in stone. ■ Need to update FLUM with how areas will actually develop so streets and infra structure is correctly sized and planned for. ■ Complete streets,which should also include context-sensitive design overall ■ Agree x1 ■ Several mobility plans have been reviewed-which one are you talking about?Some plans require eminent domain to be achieved. ■ Can you share the plans for development north of 380 on Bonnie Brae. It's not on the future City plans for the future street/sidewalk development ■ Preferred growth should reflect pedestrian interconnectedness, preservation of green space(especially Oak trees), and compatibility with idea that parks are within a 10 minute walk anywhere in the city. ■ Enforce that all traffic studies are conducted with land use consistent with the Future Land Use Map instead of deviating from that. Using made-up land use assumptions incompatible with our FLUM creates a self-fulfilling situation where plans incompatible with our comprehensive plan drive infrastructure,and then development follows that infrastructure which is incompatible with our comprehensive plan. ■ Continue with the walkability/bikeability goals ■ Flum needs updated, Denton is still zoned for too much large industrial ■ Very interested in making sure streets are right-sized and right options for the area ■ Are there any plans that address investing in/expanding our libraries? ■ There does not seem to be any consideration to getting mass transit to high job density areas outside of Denton or downtown dallas. Legacy West/121 corridor and Lake Vista has tons of jobs not served by DCTA ■ Agree x2 ■ Want to encourage infill with less auto traffic and more pedestrian and bike usage,as well as public transit. Less suburban sprawl. ■ 1 appreciate that we can provide input but these are complex question that we have not been able to prepare for. Seems we are not really able to answer these with any deeper thought on such ■ The real skeleton in the closet is that City Fathers want to develop all vacant land into high density sub divisions instead of its rural nature. Keep some land rural with acreage lots as mentioned in the 2030 Plan ■ Is city staff familiar with Strong Towns (strongtowns.org) and are they integrating those ideas into plans like the Mobility Plan? ■ The mobility plan should follow the city plan (especially the 2030 rural fringe plan) not the other way around. ■ Rural fringe and smooth transition to it seems to get glossed over Denton Plan 2040 9 22 Chat Questions The following are the questions that were posed to participants and the responses that participants provided through the Zoom chat function. 1. Where should the City focuscapital Employment/Industrial0 Established neighborhoods? Greenfield/newgrowth Responses Established Neighborhoods Other ■ Established neighborhoods ■ Idiots hill ■ Promote infill/established neighborhoods ■ Focus capital investments in the areas that bring in the ■ Established neighborhoods and employment areas. Fix most tax revenue for the city or that have the most sidewalks and roads in existing neighborhoods. Make it potential to bring in more tax revenue. easy to get to employment. ■ We need to spend all of the bond money from bonds ■ Established neighborhoods. street flooding especially. we've sold already on streets&pipes we showed the ■ Start with established infrastructure in order to support citizens before they voted. $100 million plus infill. still loads to do there. ■ Agree with spending current bond money ■ Established neighborhoods for infrastructure-leave ■ Where is the need greatest? is there infrastructure that rural fringe the greenfield area it is needs to be upgraded to prepare for infill? ■ Established neighborhoods. Need good foundation to ■ Yes, protect rural fringe. grow from ■ Spend where you get greatest RO1 ■ Infill and Greenfield ■ Prioritize preservation of green space especially ■ Neighborhoods mature post oaks that cannot be replaced ■ Established neighborhoods and infill ■ Yes on green space ■ Existing established neighborhoods and northwest ■ Some capital investments should be viewed through a corridor of 35 and 380 to 288 with road access public service lens and not solely based on Roi ■ Established residents/neighborhoods.Take care of ■ We know special challenges will surround all new what it here now. Business will grow itself. development of northeast Denton, north of 380 and ■ Do a better job of maintaining existing neighborhoods east of 428. Many limitations there need careful ■ 2 areas:current neighborhoods/infill and employment. planning Employment/Industrial Areas ■ Employment and higher paying jobs ■ Employment/Industrial area. ■ City focus of capital investment? Should be in center city,established neighborhoods and downtown. Want to preserve rural fringe for diversity of land use and for recreation. ■ More/betterjobs= more revenue ■ Employment,then established neighborhoods ■ Employment/Industrial areas. ■ Employment/industrial ■ Employment then neighborhoods ■ Employment to attract corporate investment and not so much heavy industries 10 Community Charrette Summary 23 Denton Plan 2040 8 � Orb Community Charrette Summary 2. What can - .. - to improve walkability,transit,and bike access in the City? Responses Public Transit Infrastructure Connectivity ■ Improve multi-modal transportation by incentivizing ■ Actually build the infrastructure and connect it to better land use.that puts places closer together. where people want to go? ■ We need to promote and work with DCTA ■ Connected trails and park space/greenspace ■ Meager public transit needs improvement ■ Build and maintain sidewalks. Build and maintain bike ■ How to improve walkability,transit and bike access? infrastructure. Make parking paid to discourage it(but ensure adequate public transit options providing real must also provide decent alternatives) connectivity. Bike lanes. Multimodal designs. Bike ■ To the city-overpasses or under to avoid going over trails,etc. the loop or 380 ■ Better public transit routes and longer schedule ■ The bike lanes we have put in don't connect.We need ■ There should be an audit of current public to stop putting in segments that don't connect&get transportation like buses to see where improvements one complete line done should be made to make them more useful for people. ■ Bike lanes and sidewalks ■ Also,though,transit isn't really a City issue as it's ■ Little connectivity owned by DCTA ■ How to improve walkability,transit and bike access? ■ If you want to attend evening events downtown you ensure adequate public transit options providing real can't take public transportation connectivity. Bike lanes. Multimodal designs. Bike ■ Safe connection between DCTA center and both trails,etc. universities. ■ Dedicated bike lanes,separate to pedestrian walkways. ■ Would the A train ever expand north? as a pedestrian it can be intimidating sharing walkways ■ A-Train has plans to expand as far as Pilot Point with cyclists,and cyclists need a space away from eventually motorized traffic ■ Create new ways to cross the barrier that is the rail line ■ Bike infrastructure isn'tjust one line. It's a network,and along roselawn it take building lines at a time(or in big chunks)that ■ Better talk to dcta. they are going to on demand bus make a network. service ■ Well planned Bike and Pedestrian corridors Traffic ■ Link existing paths, new ways to cross barriers to ■ Traffic enforcement. Highlight intersections biking (crossing 35E on south side of Denton), rail lines ■ Reduce speed on all roads between south Denton and UNT area ■ Optimize the traffic lights. Promote better various ■ Bike lanes standard when roads are built. Have a plan forms of public transportation. Leverage the A train. to make them interconnected so you create a network. More pedestrian trails. Better traffic control for ■ Fragmented cycling infrastructure(and lack of it) commercial/truck flow ■ Connect sidewalks more trails like Katy Trail in Dallas Other ■ Invest more money in sidewalks, protected bike lanes, ■ Again, I'll mention Strong Towns,they have a wealth of and bus frequency.We can't build it without the information on these questions and show the negative funding. consequences of poor road design ■ Where possible,shaded paths too-especially in the ■ Create commercial clusters supporting grocery hot summer months.with good access to water& shopping,etc. connected by transit. bike and trash receptacles pedestrian ways.This would promote less auto traffic ■ Incentivize employers to install cycling facilities and more sustainable travel means. ■ Please make bike lanes and more roundabouts required for new larger developments ■ More bike lanes,especially in the quick growing north Denton. More/improved sidewalks. Many have degraded. Denton Plan 2040 11 24 3. Where are Denton's gateways?What can be done to enhance these gateways? Responses 380 Trees/Nature ■ 380 coming from Decatur,380 coming from McKinney ■ Trees ■ Agree x1 ■ Less watering, maintenance ■ Need to work on 380 from the west ■ Could have a wildlife,wildflower,and artists retreat ■ 380 and 288 ■ Denton's gateway is more the city atmosphere itself. ■ 380 at 35 already ruined by Rayzor Ranch.We have a TREES! tendency to eliminate natural features then name the ■ Not want a big hideous signage. like the idea of development for them. landscaping. trees and art could set the scene ■ 380 east and west. 377 north and south. dallas drive. ■ Plant more trees highway 77 ■ I like that median plantings are being transitioned to 35 native plants ■ Anything coming off of 35. Shouldn't be a traffic jam ■ Or a wonderful wildlife and wildflower space. passing through but look inviting ■ Agree x4 ■ Razor ranch concept needs to expand across 35 west ■ Emphasis on native flora &fauna side so that area can be developed more and create a ■ We've a whole crop of Texas master gardeners in the gatewayjust north area to guide native plant usage ■ Fort Worth Drive between 35 and Eagle. as you come ■ We have a boatload of money siting in the tree down the hill,you get a view of the courthouse. could mitigation fund paid by developers. Spend it on trees at be fun to art up gateway TxDot entry points University ■ 377 to have more trees ■ University/380 between 35 and 288:All businesses ■ Agree,gateways should not be a sea of rooftops. should have landscaping Allee's of trees. ■ Agree x1 ■ Soften the entries with landscape along roadways Development. Music/Art ■ All the"ranch"and"farm"developments that aren't ■ We are having a hard time spending public art bond ranches or farms funding. I chair the bond committee ■ With all the chain stores you can't tell if you're in ■ Music and art instead of tax breaks for large chain gas Denton or Dallas. Some theme in special signage on stations. 380 and 35 ■ Something music related might be nice. ■ Emphasize the beauty of the rural areas around ■ Some transitory art to signal entering a new area for Denton. Hold off on high density developments that drivers to revise the speed they're going. eg. Caroll& crowd entrances to Denton. Hickory street to signal that you're entering Downtown ■ Agree x1 ■ Sculpture is great idea to of k to Denton arts history ■ It doesn't help to have developers plunking their ■ With the 35 development soon to occur on the north promotional signs along the roads side of Denton...380 exit...how about working with ■ Gateways shouldn't be sea of dense development roof TxDOT on art/or something on 35 like the UNT tops signage. ■ Agree x1 Denton Character Other Transportation Considerations ■ Make it unique to Denton ■ A-train station ■ Also,gateways are fine, but as many have said there, ■ Our gateways might be more impactful if some of we need something that matches Denton's them slowed traffic to give people a chance to notice uniqueness. We don't need a slick looking gateway things instead of speeding through. that looks like you're entering Prosper or Southlake. Southlake Example ■ FM 428, Gateway to horse country. Keep high density ■ Southlake does this well developments out of this rural corridor. ■ Southlake is interesting because their rural areas still FEEL RURAL! ■ Yes,Southlake 12 Community Charrette Summary 25 Denton Plan 2040 8 � 046 Community Charrette Summary ■ Good planning,Southlake Other ■ is this another question about signs,etc.as people ■ Gateways are nice but I would rather focus our come into Denton? resources on the previous discussed topics. Don't want ■ Agree on Southlake to stretch out too thin ■ controlled growth is important x 2 ■ I'd settle for doing something with GTM ■ many of us work from home, not just due to covid- times ■ The Square/Downtown should be celebrated and I can't think of any existing gateway that does that/direct people to that area ■ cowering/shared space Stoke has been a disaster. City funded competition with private landlords. Gov't sponsored incubator spaces have not succeeded ■ growing too fast-we can't keep up ■ Agree x1 ■ Sorry, but I don't think this is very important. Denton's identity is about the small town feel of it. Horse country. Not rooftops.We do not live in Frisco on purpose.A sign doesn't matter.The sigh of,ah we must be in Denton. ■ business landscaping is accommodated in the development code for new developments ■ ft worth drive has improved but needs more Denton Plan 2040 13 26 Economic Development Background Background information presented for economic development included an overview of: ■ Economic Strategic Plan,which was approved in March 2021 ■ The preferred growth concept related to economic activity ■ Employee commuter inflow-outflow Polling The following are the action items related to economic development from Denton Plan 2030 and the responses provided from participants. ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 35: "Conduct a market feasibility study to identify target industries. Work with the Chambers of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureaus to increase Denton's visibility among identified target industry employers and their trade organizations." Retain, still valid:44% Revise, still valid:47% Remove. 9% Response ■ Economic Development Polling Q1 ■ We seem to have interest in nature. Developing more green spaces and healthy,sustainable areas. Keep Denton Beautiful! Don't overcrowd;work for better air quality! ■ as a business owner in Denton,the economic development support is sorely lacking ■ Yes thoughtful growth makes this area nice for both existing and future residents. it feels like more of a come one come all strategy now ■ We do not live in Frisco on purpose. ■ those percentages are essentially unchanged. not enough difference to draw conclusion from. I agree we should focus on creating jobs but we have to incentivize employers to locate here ■ It might be nice if Denton had a botanical garden like Dallas and Ft worth does. ■ Revise,the stats show that the current plan is not working ■ we need to be open to many types of employers, not so focused like previous(aerospace) ■ Agree x1 ■ does not appear to be effective. ■ Revised with focus on white collarjobs too ■ Revise, not a warehouse district ■ focus should be towards more corporate jobs to provide more job opportunities to University graduates and residents ■ Housing is also needed for middle management/executives/professionals/professors to attract businesses to locate here. ■ Let's support the growth of independent businesses in Denton rather than recruiting outside companies. Our independent businesses are an essential part of what makes Denton special. ■ Agree x1 ■ do scenario planning to examine alternative scenarios ■ Its also possible that the plan itself is viable but that it simply isn't being used 14 Community Charrette Summary 27 Denton Plan 2040 8 � 046 Community Charrette Summary ■ I would want to know upfront what type of industries that we want to investigate: blue vs white collar ■ we're committed to employing locally,and would love to be able to do more ■ +10000 to not Frisco e ■ Should not be a heavy industry/warehouses only ■ just landed a corporate hq using existing warehouse ■ Businesses will grow themselves here if the environment is attractive on many levels. ■ It has to be all levels of jobs from call center/warehouse up to medical/high tech manufacturing/software development ■ One of the biggest things I tell people about Denton is you can do everything you need to do with a local company. Restaurants especially! :-) ■ Depends entirely on the caliber of jobs in those nodes ■ Agree x1 ■ Denton can make the choice on how it wants to grow ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 36: "Build partnerships between industry, local K-12, and post-secondary institutions (specifically TWU and UNT)to design training programs to provide the workforce for the identified target industry employers and entrepreneurs, including Denton Enterprise Airport." Retain, still valid: 69% Revise, still valid: 26% Remove. 6% Responses ■ Need to include North Central Texas College x4 ■ One of the greatest assets of Denton is the universities(inc NCTC). ■ government needs to stay out of that&let industry&educators do what they do. City needs to focus on the things it should like infrastructure etc. ■ Also,the importance of trade schools ■ revised to look at types of industries ■ agree/revise,target industries seems focused ■ talk to disd. creating lagrone academy at atc. planning another cte campus in next 5 years ■ As a former leader of a large local business,the partnerships with UNT were very valuable providing an excellent, trained personnel pool to hire. ■ You need to market to bring employers here that can take advantage of UNT and TWU and NCTC graduates. Buccees and warehouses won't do it ■ +1 on partnerships, regardless ■ internships for students often lead to jobs ■ Hard to see how Universities can really make programs that are specific to Denton. Do we produce graduates that can here yes, but putting money ■ Denton money into that seems silly ■ I feel it is an unspoken necessity to provide before community and business relationship ■ Research labs have also provided extremely beneficial partnerships ■ How about successful alums of these schools,they have lived here and choose to grow their businesses outside of Denton... what's keeping them from investing and building in Denton? ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 38: "Develop public private partnerships to ensure adequate space for the growth of small businesses,entrepreneurs, and spin-off local businesses of the target industries' larger employers." Retain, still valid: 72% Denton Plan 2040 15 28 Revise, still valid: 25% Remove. 3% Responses ■ Stoke has not been a good public/private investment. Small business ■ Don't just do this through public partnerships.Also seek ways to ease regulation to allow more ground-up small business growth. ■ Agree x2 ■ "partnerships"can mean many things. City should not be leasing space or comporting with private landlords. See previous comments on Stoke ■ public/private partnerships can be beneficial, but shouldn't constrain innovation ■ Denton needs to take advantage of new market tax credit funding. ■ Agree x1 ■ Small business thrives with less regulation ■ Agree x2 ■ Who is going to do this?Who has the resources to do the marketing and recruiting? ■ it needs to be balanced,again revised to what types of industries and there is not enough larger business to keep the graduates from our students Chat Questions The following are the questions that were posed to participants and the responses that participants provided through the Zoom chat function. 1. Where • the city locate • • . • Responses West Development Considerations ■ West on 380 ■ Be sure to provide public transit connectivity to where ■ West x3 people live. ■ West and north Yes,westward. ■ one of the challenges is that there has been a lot of ■ Expand in airport area and west. 'land banking',and purchasing land is far more ■ west of 380 and-1 35 expensive than it should be,which constrains ■ West-rail, highway,airport access. businesses ability to invest in new infrastructure ■ Right now.West and North. But how would that look in ■ Allow small-scale retail in way more places than 10 or 20 years?What other factors outside of our currently. Including neighborhoods. realm would affect that? ■ Agree x2 ■ Agreed with the trend to push industry westwardly.The ■ Otherwise, neighborhood friendly employment should further west the more interruptions by fracking pads. try to be integrated into residential areas to help ■ West of 1-35. This area is covered with gas wells, not promote walkability. suitable for housing ■ anywhere there are gas wells since nothing else can be ■ Agree x2 built x2 Airport FLUM Expand it where it already exists.Airport&west loop ■ The FLUM needs revised. 288 expansion ■ The ideas on the current FLUM are valid. ■ Airport good location for business expansion ■ Airport area 16 Community Charrette Summary 29 Denton Plan 2040 8 � Orb Community Charrette Summary 2. Thinking of Denton's assets, what kind of employment should the city pursue? Responses Employment Related to Higher Education &Higher Skillsets Natural Environment Jobs that require a higher level of education Make the most of our natural environment to the ■ To take advantage of the universities here north.wildlife and wildflower preserve/artist ■ college kids can only find restaurants and warehouse, retreat/natural center. ranch jobs or heavy industry, when they graduate they ■ Agree x2 leave Denton to places like Frisco and mckinney Energy ■ jobs that employ our university graduates ■ clean industries that need space and corridors-like ■ That is a tricky question to me. It takes a bit of Tetrapac and Peterbit everything to make it work for everyone.That said, ■ Alternative energy x2 jobs that require a higher skill level . Location Considerations ■ diversity of skill and experience is good ■ Taking advantage of our location at the meeting of 35F Tech/Arts/Medical and 35W and being closer to Oklahoma. ■ Tech and arts-both are important. Other ■ Tech ■ Employment is good. Businesses that want to be here ■ I think computer engineering along with semiconductor will find a way to make it work manufacturing ■ i would not want to focus any particular employment ■ Medical as well. options. a community requires all facets ■ arts, music, maybe computer technology, medical. ■ All jobs.Jobs are great. ■ Cyber security is a huge growth industry ■ Agree X4 ■ corporate office campuses.those are high paying jobs with people who enjoy culture&entertainment could3. In what ways partnerships with universities beenhanced? Responses Incubators and Research Parks Quality of Life ■ Incubators.. for start ups ■ If Denton is an attractive place to live and work, ■ A&M has a research park that UNT/TWU/NCTC can because growth has been carefully managed, people collaborate on will want to live here and businesses will want to ■ in the sense that UNT/TWU/NCTC could build a employ them. research park to develop new technologies ■ Agree x2 ■ partnerships with companies' research with our own ■ Better civic engagement with our"short term" universities research facilities and staff residents from the universities Jobs ■ business to the university activities. Utilize grants to ■ not city role as it relates with educators/employers .. promote training,technology,etc. but we could offer financial incentives for the right kind ■ Protect them from large national competitors setting of jobs. up shop near by ■ listen to the university students and align to the ■ Their are SO MANY smart people who would love to degrees that are being earned be more involved in their community. I know TWU ■ encourage/incentive large employers' wants to really commit to Denton. Wildlife and suppliers/vendors to co-locate here. Peterbilt has done wildflower preserve could have music venue too. Get that for years without prompting or financial incentive science folks, history folks, music folks,art folks, ■ Provide job opportunities post graduation to keep the business of parks and natural resources,etc.. students in the area. Clean energy and technology. Other ■ Enhancement of partnerships? Reach out to ■ Get the university's to do a presentation to the city on employers to provide internships,jobs,joint research, how they think they could/want to help the city. etc. and in return gain greater support by local Denton Plan 2040 17 30 ■ Can the Chamber of Commerce connect with business school and create a better partnership there? ■ Help universities place student interns = promote that as an incentive to locate here ■ Promote skills that would help Denton and the North Texas region grow responsibly and thoughtfully. Sustainability,Surveying Tech, GIS, Engineering. Connection to resources they may be unaware of (PACE financing, state and federal grants,etc) ■ Frisco is doing an excellent job...creating tailored programs like sports mgmt ■ Increased access to innovation and cutting edge technologies ■ firstly, getting a good understanding on the specific schools of education&focus would help employers to find opportunities 4. What is something that could help support small business development and growth? Responses Development Process Infrastructure ■ Better neighborhood zoning so small businesses can ■ physical infrastructure such as roading, public be located in neighborhoods transportation and internet ■ Agree x1 ■ Maybe a low-cost program to help businesses utilize ■ Wave impact/building permit fees for small business technology better ■ Reduce regulation makes small business grow Growth Considerations ■ permitting process ■ That grows should be controlled and slowed ■ Incentives ■ Denton has a choice on how much—and where— it will ■ City staff that can shepherd a novice business owner grow. through the regulatory process Local Businesses ■ fast track permits process for small business ■ Maybe city should prioritize their contracts with locally ■ perhaps, if fast track favors infill first owned companies?Preference points? ■ Small businesses: less regulation is good. ■ bigger employers drive growth in smaller employers. ■ Allow more small-scale businesses in more places, Bring big employers to town &let the business including neighborhoods. ecosystem work. Rent ■ Ensure downtown business are all local and not chains ■ controlled rent, many business fail due to high rent Other ■ Help with initial lower rent if using rehabbed buildings ■ Expand your digital archives and digital resources for not currently used small businesses.Also,your business center needs ■ Limit how much physical space(buildings, land,etc..) some attention,staffing and physical building. one company can own, particularly downtown. Some ■ land banking just leads to unsustainable business companies are buying up space and then raising costs and death of small business rents, driving local businesses out. ■ connections to resources to assist with growth ■ Partnerships with our universities to promote young entrepreneurships ■ Promote Denton as a great"home to work from" ■ Agree x1 18 Community Charrette Summary 31 Denton Plan 2040 8 � oho Community Charrette Summary New Growth Areas Background Background information presented for new growth included an overview of: ■ Growth in Denton, including population projections ■ Population density changes between 2010 and 2018 ■ Housing cost increases Comments ■ Can't we control and limit some of this growth? ■ Not if the proposed use is allowed by right for the zoning ■ No.The primary growth is not from the universities. ■ trying to limit growth only stimies business ■ Controlling growth is important. ■ What% is rental and%owner occupied? ■ housing growth still needs to be focused on building community ■ . . . Quality over quantity for Housing. Many of these landlords are getting away with providing subpar Housing. ■ you're not stating this correctly. only 4% is multi-family over 20 units Polling The following are the action items related to new growth from Denton Plan 2030 and the responses provided from participants. ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 26: "Promote conservation (clustered) development in rural areas,with permanently protected open space in conservation easements, as an alternative to large lot development." Retain, still valid: 64% Revise, still valid: 27% Remove. 9% Responses ■ Definitely preserve open spaces!!! Seek"conservation development",as 2030 Plan promotes.. ■ Incentivize protection of tree stands in those areas ■ Unfortunately this would likely be abusedjust like the current ddc ■ It's critical to consider existing wildlife. Plans should include wildlife corridors ■ Agree x2 ■ This question seems to be a bit of a catch-22.Why not write it as protect rural areas- limit high density housing in rural areas. ■ All open space is not equal and paying into the tree mitigation fund doesn't have the same benefits as mature trees ■ executive home and large lots help ensure a rural and financial diversity that Denton is missing ■ So unbuildable spaces are preserved and the rest is developed ■ The open space surroundings combined with a fun downtown is what is special about Denton. Should be preserved. ■ What developers are calling"cluster'housing is really not cluster housing. 4 Wildlife corridors!! Denton Plan 2040 19 32 _J 1 ■ If we're going to increase housing,we need to really think about sustainability, if we're going to be taking away green spaces. ■ Something is fishy in that pie chart data from ACS. 9%of our housing stock is definitely not in triplexes and four- plexes. ■ 40 foot lots do not make quality living. Require much more open areas, more trees,more bike paths of new developments ■ Preserve ESAs and watershed. No high-density developments. ■ Agree x1 ■ ....that#is way off ■ embrace the growth and expand wisely. growth is coming let make's it high Quality ■ Agree x2 ■ Trees,wildlife, parks, recreation (hiking, biking in rural areas) are important assets for the rural fringe,which need to be preserved. ■ beware of"alternative" ESA's ■ yes but should encourage community permaculture and offer lessons to grow food ■ Infill! ■ We will look into the pie chart accuracy Thank you ■ Second to sustainability. Economic (per Strong Towns)and environmental. ■ I agree with community comment. Cramming a bunch of low quality houses (especially low energy efficiency) is not good for Denton or for the people who move into those homes. ■ Green space is crucial for community physical &emotional health ■ Maybe Denton could become the"greenest city in Texas". ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 107: "Develop parks and open space adjacent to residential areas,community facilities,commercial centers, and the universities to link areas together via green space,and creating opportunities for outdoor access, and physical activity. Partner with developers to secure parks and open space in all new residential and commercial centers to ensure adequate green space and multi- modal connections between developments." Retain, still valid: 91% Revise, still valid: 9% Remove. 0% Responses ■ Note that bike trails are poorly connected, if connected at all. Connecting the green spaces should be done. ■ Remove the option for developers to pay a fee instead of putting in proper green spaces ■ Agree x5 ■ this is a better use rather than trying to retain huge amounts of rural lands that are not being used ■ Greenspace= Quality of life=desirable to live here. ■ green space is good but you can't double-dip&require developments to have 30%greenspace on site&also pay for public parks in close proximity. all those extra costs lead to crappy product on the ground ■ They are only required to put in 5%currently I believe ■ Green spaces are huge assets to the community: Consider how important Central Park is to New York City! Takes great foresight and preservation in the face of great development pressure. 20 Community Charrette Summary 33 Denton Plan 2040 8 � 046 Community Charrette Summary ■ Denton Plan 2030 Action Item 32: "Partner and collaborate with developers to provide sufficient workforce housing to meet market demands and diversify housing choices and increase stock of owner-occupied small residential units." Retain, still valid:47% Revise, still valid.- 37% Remove: 17% Responses ■ If the Denton Sustainability Commission (Committee?) has reviewed Denton Plan 2040,where can I find their comments? ■ A developer's pocket park within a 10 minute walk is not a substitute for a usable backyard ■ quality development is still possible while retaining beauty and environment. regardless of industry ■ This needs to be changed to promote infill development,vertical development downtown, in my view. ■ townhouses are excellent affordable options ■ There is plenty of cheaper end homes. Denton needs more middle of the range homes... I can't find houses my new employees like and would live in.They buy elsewhere and commented [commute] instead ■ Revise,taking into account the rise in telework and employers and employees may not reside in even there same state, let alone city ■ Agree x2 ■ Review mandatory parking minimums to allow more of this type of housing and make it more affordable.Too much forced parking makes the housing more expensive. ■ Commute ■ focus should be on affordability ■ Let the market decide the amount of parking. ■ Critical to have affordable housing as part of the conversation on the front end of each development ■ Consider Strong Towns approach. ■ It seems that current demand are people living in Denton and commuting to Frisco/Dallas/West Lake ■ Require minimums for Imi housing if incentives received ■ the"market"will buy what is available/built ■ "partner&collaborate"are good feeling words, but what it really means these days is"make them build something nice&rent it cheap".The math has to work or nothing gets built. If you want affordable housing let the market be free&more expensive stuff will get built,forcing average properties to lower their rents. If supply is short nobody reduces their rent ■ There is a desperate need for affordable housing in Denton. But there should be strict guidelines on the quality of housing so these new homeowners don't get hurt.AND develop them as a community. ■ Affordability and availability while still focused on ownership. Owners have skin in the game in terms of community than a renter. ■ Why developers? Why not have zoning for owner-built/occupied fourplex? ■ We do not want to look like Frisco! Sea of roofs is all you see. ■ Just curious how are we defining affordable housing? ■ this might be a stupid question, but how much alignment and cross referencing has there been between this plan and the current development code(updated 2020) ■ Granny flats or adus ■ I've never seen current studies on where the new and newer Denton residents work.Which office or department has that information? Denton Plan 2040 21 34 Chat Questions The following are the questions that were posed to participants and the responses that participants provided through the Zoom chat function. important1. How agricultural preservation? Responses ■ Important Importance for Food ■ extremely ■ Considering the importance of reducing the distance ■ without agriculture,we'll al starve to death in our new food should travel...very important affordable 40 foot lot homes ■ Urban agriculture can also solve many of our current ■ Important food insecurity issues ■ Very important ■ Would investing in Community gardens constitute as ■ SUPER IMPORTANT agricultural preservation? ■ Greenbelt preservation is critical Development of Agricultural Land ■ important but need to balance ■ Based on the number of farms and ranches that go ■ agriculture means to grow or use the land for actual under the'dozer,clearly not important production, many"ag"places sit vacant or are While some growth is inevitable, retaining the ag feel unusable spaces of the town is very important-and will distinguish us ■ If alternative is a master planned development with tiny from other spaces.VERY important. lots Other ■ It is extremely important and part of Denton's character ■ is City proposing to purchase these areas? and heritage. ■ We just introduced a new code. no need to overhaul Importance for Sustainability that now as it seems to be working other than some ■ Agricultural preservation? Hugely important to minor amendments to encourage urban infill projects preserve the character of Denton for posterity. Helps ■ So preserving land to actually grow stuff? provide sustainability in a "green sink" ■ Balance to everything we want.what is most ■ sustainable farms! important and what are we willing to trade for it? I do ■ Given our air quality issue, I would think public health not know enough about agriculture preservation and it would be a consideration for keeping as much green as effects to be able to say one way or the other at this possible point Importance for Natural Environment ■ If Denton is to stay distinct from surrounding communities,we need to retain some of our ag feel.A Important for wildlife for sure. sign at the entry won't make us distinct. ■ Very much so. It provides a buffer against development ■ What agricultural should we prioritize? to natural spaces. It's also part of our heritage. ■ urban gardens are a way to balance ■ Select the green areas to be preserved by their importance to environment. 22 Community Charrette Summary 35 Denton Plan 2040 8 � oSb Community Charrette Summary 2. How important is open space in new developments? Is enough open space currently provided? Responses Importance Open Space as Community Spaces ■ important And no not enough and not evenly spread.There are ■ Very very important some green space/park desert of the city ■ open space is extremely important.We need more. ■ open space is good, but it needs to be attractive and ■ Open space is very important. More is needed. meet the community needs. It should be a community ■ Important. Not enough being provided. If we continue gathering place rather than just green space to take away these spaces then we'll be a crowded ■ There is not enough open space for any of our varied city health needs, much less fitting in with the ecology of ■ It's always important,and there can never be enough the area. ■ We could make Denton a national example for Open Space Preservation sustainable ag. We have limited opportunities to preserve the open ■ Agree x2 space left in Denton proper and it should be prioritized Open Space in Neighborhoods ■ open space is important to me. I'm not a fan of already ■ Very important but does not seem to be provided in "unbuildable/undevelopable"areas being allowed in new neighborhoods those percentages Open Space as Denton Character Other ■ Agree x1 ■ Very important to have open space. This is the ■ open space is being provided now with the current character we want. Can be in different forms, but code primarily park space and in some areas preserved by ■ Especially east of the loop rural zoning. p y p ■ When I moved here 20 years ago I came in 380 and ■ Open space is important, but it should be more than saw the longhorns. Oh, I thought, I am in Texas. I miss just easements, retention ponds,floodplains and those longhorns! unbuildable land. ■ Open space is important for the overall feel of ■ Le. along loop 288/shady oaks neighborhoods and community vs a crowded ■ example, under major power lines environment and it takes many forms ■ Unbuildable land is different from open space ■ Agree x4 ■ current code requires a ton of open space Open Space for Food ■ many spaces go unused and communities have no say ■ it's important, but allow the community to use the on its use space,for example urban gardens, perma-culture for ■ Yes, large open spaces.This is Texas!We need to growing food etc. improve air quality. Development Considerations ■ the denser the development,the more open space is needed ■ you have to consider the economics.You want more open space,you get fewer building sf so rent is higher or cost to buy is higher ■ Razing the property at 380, removing the longhorns and calling the development Rayzor Ranch is exactly the kind of development I was referring to earlier. Denton Plan 2040 23 36 3. Should new developments be required to provide housing diversity? Responses Yes No ■ Yes x6 ■ Required diversity? Not necessarily. But there should ■ yes allow more townhouses be incentives to encourage housing diversity, especially ■ Yes to avoid barrack looking neighborhoods like we see more affordable housing units. in other cities ■ No, but if this is included it should be required to ■ yes,avoid cookie cutter development include both ends of the spectrum..... not just cheaper ■ Yes, different sized lots, different setbacks, different end architects. Three variations on the cupola on the roof FLUM and Zoning Considerations or a dormer is not diversity. I wouldn't consider highly ■ Require new developments to provide housing standardized Robson Ranch diverse. diversity? NO,that is the role of zoning and the FLUM. ■ yes. Diversity intentionally ■ Diversity is important for the town in totality, but that ■ more could be added for sure should be done by area. The FLUM should determine ■ Especially since we have a large population of students where the diversity should be. I do not think we want to see 5-story residential towers in the rural area. Diversity ■ yes, but following P&Z and flum ■ Diversity should be more than just style: size,cost are criticial ■ Currently diversity is required by the Denton code ■ new developments should be congruent with the Market Considerations neighborhoods/areas they intend to abut. Continuing ■ The market is not taking care of it. with the smooth transition from city center to rural ■ The market does NOT take care of the need,especially fringe if those driving are focused primarily on ROI ■ great neighborhoods in Denton are architecturally ■ the private markets address the needs that exist. City diverse govt should not be doing that.You will exclude quality ■ How do you define housing diversity in this case? developers from coming here.That's OVER=REACH ■ How would you manage housing diversity from a city ■ encourage developers to build the housing that there is level? demand for, not dictate to them what individual house ■ new developments should be congruent with the types they must build next to each other neighborhoods/areas they intend to abut. Continuing with the smooth transition from city center to rural fringe ■ Quality ■ Architectural diverse!T 24 Community Charrette Summary 37 Denton Plan 2040 8 � Orb Community Charrette Summary should4. Where new growth Responses Infill Infrastructure ■ infill x6 ■ existing infrastructure is a must!! ■ infill &where we have quality infrastructure west ■ New growth should be focused along existing ■ Infill and south west roadways and infrastructure. Infill needs to be easier ■ infill and west than it currently is. ■ Infill first.Avoid new planned communities. ■ north, no area to the south. East is blocked by lake. ■ Infill or towards existing built communities West can't be built due to gas wells ■ New growth focus? infill and to the west Growth Concerns ■ please focus on areas that need infill and get rid of the ■ I think we grew enough.We don't need to grow any train horn nuisance in Denton!! more. More growth means less green space and faster garbage filling up the landfill balance between infill and new development with a ■ That could be considered a loaded question. I believe a ■ Respect the smooth transition outward from existing more focus on infill plan Downtown Natural Preservation ■ preserve green space x2 ■ Downtown ■ Preserve more of the cross timber's area that is ■ Downtown, Infill. near current housing unique West ■ To the west also ■ West 5. What are your thoughts or solutions on neighborhood compatibility near universities? Responses Housing Business Considerations Allow more missing middle housing by right. Near-campus areas might be an opportunity to ■ Agree x2 support smaller-scale businesses? ■ No expanding enrollment without providing on-campus Development housing ■ Stop building in those areas. ■ Universities should foot the bill for residence halls ■ focus on reinvestment and incentive for rather than shifting to private companies improvement of older and Unimproved existing ■ Neighborhood compatibility near universities? Support buildings the universities;encourage them to provide housing on ■ High rises on campus their campus. Provide a transition zone. ■ allow larger projects on major roads(bonnie brae, ■ The universities need to be better neighbors with the eagle,etc. but not interior like scripture etc. existing neighborhoods in their pursuit for student ■ Build west of UNT housing Other ■ The conflict with the student housing is because the ■ I am not sure on that subject. Has any city manage universities themselves do not provide enough housing this successfully and, if so,what did they do? options for their students. ■ Universities should build more housing especially that junior seniors would live in Denton Plan 2040 25 38 Denton Plan 2040 8 � oho Community Charrette Summary Other Questions and Comments Participants were able to provide comments in the chat function of Zoom throughout the presentation. The following are questions and comments that were provided outside of the polling and questions exercises related to the four special topics. Participation I'm fascinated by the ways we all agree and then vary our thoughts. y Thank you very much for talking with us and asking for,and listening to,our views. ■ thank you for the opportunity and the open, interested approach you seem to have with this process Future Public Involvement ■ I agree with earlier comments that I hope you will offer this-or a similar session-to our Spanish-speaking people of Denton. ■ And our African American neighbors ■ More community meetings needed ■ Lots of people don't have Zoom ■ Reach-out to many different communities. ■ This is a process of the connected, not a real outreach ■ Meetings at MLK Rec Center as they are opened up. ■ More community meetings are definitely needed. Ryan High had graduation tonight. Parks&Rec was also hosting a Zoom meeting at the same time as the Comprehensive Plan. ■ When will more community meetings be scheduled? For Denton Plan 2030 there were NINE community meetings over six months,one of which was in Spanish? ■ I am worried about the lack of representation from our minority communities ■ Is there a link that can be provided of previous recordings of the Phase conversations? ■ the Denton 2030 Plan had a meeting in Spanish. Why not for this one? Next Steps During the presentation,additional opportunities to engage in the comprehensive plan update process were described. These are the same exercises that were presented during the first community meeting and continue to be available on the project website and on Discuss Denton,the City's public involvement website. These include the following exercises that are currently available on the project website: Issues and Opportunities Mapping Exercise Participants can identify where in the community there are issues and opportunities and can type in a description of the issues and/or opportunity. Visioning Exercise For this exercise, participants can provide their thoughts for a Vision Statement for the Denton Plan 2040. The Vision Statement will be the inspiration and set the tone for the comprehensive plan update. Participants can fill out a fill-in- the-blank option and/or write in their own vision statement on the project website. 26 39 Community Charrette Summary Quality Excavation, LTD 5580 US Highway 377 Aubrey,TX 76227 (940)365-0800 Main Office lim (940)365-5961 Fax NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION WORK BEGINNING Project: 2019 Intersection Improvements Contractor: Quality Excavation City of Denton Contact: Dustin Draper 940-349-7104 Quality Excavation plans to begin work on Monday, May 24, 2021 at the intersection of Nottingham and University (AKA US380). The work will begin with the placement of the new traffic signal foundation which will require the west bound right lane of US380 to be closed during the day to allow adequate space for crews to work safely. If there is a period between trades when crews are not present for an extended period of time, the barricades may be removed for the convenience of the public. Barricades will later be replaced as needed when workers are present. This work and traffic disturbance will be completed no later than July 2021. �1 1 1 1 - .-. irx y.wc a. _ ._. ��._._._.- _._ __._. L;. 1 .... _ `/fl`RId3/ 1 15 t 1 1 uww 1 �e� 1 q�ya 5 40 CouncilFY 20/ 21 Council Requests Open Requests Requests Answered by Department FY All Time Request Volume by • Pain Meltzer Deb Armintor co-—�I-n Svcs Alison Maguire Envror--rental Svcs Jesse Davis Pubk m Prwct-z-NorF-- tilayor Gerard Hudspeth Cap ��� — riicio Byrd CNIO 219% Brian Beck Utxary I 0 2 4 6 8 10 Legal 1 Fire 1 Poi<e Tecr,Services Arport Requests • ' by Quarter PutNrc Attad1 Customer Svc Economic Deverooment N 200 159 15C 150 Development Svcs � Finance 100 0 AuCrt Municipal Court 0MM Pain Mentzer • Deb Armstttlr • Anson 11Magwre 01 20(21 0220,21 03 20i21 0420121 Procurement Real Estate • Jesse Davis • Manor Gerard Hud<Rett► Rr_u: Vida Byrn • Brian Beck t�ttrer � 0 50 100 150 Total Open Elected Official Some requests involve multiple departments,causing the Requeststotal requests by department to add up higher than the 24 l bmit New 41 total request count Request Council Requests for Information Council Member Requestor�­,. .77— Summary of Request Staff Assigned Council Member Beck 05/16/21 A resident has concerns about entrance and exit traffic safety at the intersection of Spring Valley @ Becky Diviney,Rachel Wood, Development Services Public Staff is investigating and will provide information 1 380.Can I get a brief near-term expected mobility plan change statement to provide to him for this Scott McDonald Works-CIP region between 288 and Mayhill? In addition,could we comment on the traffic safety of this intersection and any plans for CoD or TXDOT to mitigate the safety issues he describes? 2 Mayor Hudspeth 05/20/21 Authorize staff to re-negotiate this ordinance with UNT staff and then brining it back to the city Becky Diviney Public Works Staff will schedule this during the June 15 pending Council request council for approval before it auto-renews. work session 3 Council Member Beck 05/21/21 Could I please get a copy of the full Windsor/Nottingham all-way-stop traffic investigation? Becky Diviney Public Works-Traffic Staff will provide information to the Council Member during a meeting.Meeting is scheduled for June 18. 4 Council Member Armintor 05/27/21 At the next possible work session, I'd like to make a 1-minute pitch request for a work session on Rachel Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Staff will schedule this during the June 15 pending Council request updating and editing our Council Rules and Procedure(Sec.2-29)for maximum public benefit. work session 5 Council Member Beck 05/27/21 Can staff help to clarify resident questions about the Windsor project? Rachel Wood Public Works-CIP Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information in the June 11 Friday Report 6 Mayor Hudspeth 06/01/21 Can staff contact local grocery stores(Kroger,ALDI,Windo)to ascertain interest in setting up a Jessica Rogers Economic Development Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information periodic mobile store at Robson Ranch? Council Member Armintor 06/03/21 I'm proposing a brainstorming work session to get Council's direction on ways in which we can Scott McDonald Development Services Staff will schedule this during the July 20 pending Council request updating our tree ordinance to better preserve our cities'irreplaceable urban forests and be more in work session line with our preservation goals and values.Under a higher-bar tree ordinance,developers could 7 still seek exceptions to the rules from Council(and from Planning and Zoning)if they wish,but it is more transparent and effective to have a tree ordinance that truly reflects Council's high standards on tree preservation than for councilmembers to vote no to proposals that are following the current tree ordinance but don't meet Council's high standards for preservation. 8 Council Member Armintor 06/03/21 I'm proposing a 1-minute pitch for a work session on making city boards and committees more Catherine Clifton, Rosa Rios City Secretary's Office Legal Staff will schedule this during the June 22 pending Council request inclusive and accessible for the public to serve and participate work session Council Member Armintor 06/05/21 Can traffic engineering do an analysis of the intersection at Robinwood and Greenwood and Becky Diviney Public Works-CIP Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information in the 9 propose a fix or fixes to minimize the likelihood of such dangerous situations?Stop signs,speed June 11 Friday Report bumps,or other possible solutions? 10 Mayor Hudspeth 06/05/21 Can staff reach out to the resident who inquired about landlords'accountability in residential Catherine Clifton Legal Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information neighborhoods? Council Member Davis 06/07/21 Speed and auto accidents continue to be a major resident concern on Ector St.Ultimately the Becky Diviney Public Works-CIP Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information in the neighbors would like to see bump-outs at each intersection.But funding for those is unlikely.In the June 11 Friday Report 11 meantime,can we install plastic traffic bollards/delineators at each intersection,at the ends on the "fog lines."This would be an inexpensive way to visually narrow the intersections,reduce speeds, and encourage drivers attentiveness.. 12 Council Member Beck 06/07/21 Could I get an in-person or zoom/teams meeting with staff about Traffic Safety/Traffic flow? Becky Diviney Public Works-CIP Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information.Meeting is scheduled for June 18. Council Member Armintor 06/07/21 1 want to bring back my 1-minute pitch from 2019(or was it 2018?)on prohibiting income Dani Shaw Community Services Staff will schedule this during the July 27 pending Council request 13 discrimination for housing for veterans.Staff has already done the prep work for it,and my request work session remains unchanged from the last time I brought it forward. 14 Council Member Armintor 06/07/21 I'm writing to request a staff report on whether a mineral oil alternative like this(below and Antonio Puente DME Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information in the attached),could reduce the fire risk at substations near residences. June 11 Friday Report 15 Council Member Beck 06/07/21 Will staff provide a near-term timetable for when she might expect construction for the University @ Becky Diviney Public Works-CIP Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information in the Nottingham construction improvements?Is it under control of CoD or TXDOT? June 11 Friday Report 16 Council Member Armintor 06/08/21 Can staff write a report on the accommodations for boards and commissions members? Ryan Adams Public Affairs Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information in the June 11 Friday Report Council Member Davis 06/08/21 Two part request. 1)Can we get an update on the whereabouts of the alligator near the intersection Randi Weinberg Animal Services Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information 17 of Crawford Rd.and 1-35W,as well as our plan for keeping tabs on the alligator,and what activities might trigger a capture and relocation of the animal?2)Assuming the alligator remains in the area, can the City run a naming competition on social media? Council Member Maguire 06/09/21 1 am requesting a work session for Council to revisit the issue of a comprehensive non- Sarah Kuechler City Manager's Office Staff will schedule this during the June 15 pending Council request discrimination ordinance for the City of Denton.Discussion can include protections against work session discrimination based on sexual orientation,gender identity,sex,race,ethnicity,national origin, 18 religion,disability,age,and veteran status;and protections against discrimination in the areas of housing,employment,healthcare,and public accommodation.Since staff already did quite a bit of work on this topic last year, I am also requesting that the information compiled by staff regarding other Texas cities'non-discrimination ordinances be included in an upcoming Friday report. Council Member Davis 06/10/21 The Troop 65 Scout Hut in Evers Park has developed a severe termite problem.Since the Scout Scott Gray Facilities Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information 19 Hut is on a perpetual land lease from the City,would it be possible for the City to assist in the termite treatment? 20 Council Member Beck 06/10/21 Could someone in staff update me about the sign topper project(with R. Hunt),any related efforts, Scott McDonald Development Services Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information progress,or barriers,etc. Council Member Maguire 06/10/21 A resident has asked me if it is legal for them to chain coolers full of water to stop signs for Frank Dixon Police Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information 21 members of the public to have access to drinking water. Is this something that a resident would be allowed to do? 22 Council Member Maguire 06/10/21 Can staff provide the Planning and Zoning Bootcamp slidedeck to Council? Hayley Zagurski Development Services Staff is compiling the information and will provide in an upcoming Friday Report. 23 Council Member Armintor 06/10/21 Can staff provide information about emergency access to Bell Ave. Kenneth Hedges Fire Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information Council Member Armintor 06/11/21 I'm writing to check in with City staff to ask if there is any truth to the word I keep hearing from Gary Packan Public Works-Parks Staff is reviewing the request and will provide information 24 constituents experiencing homelessness that the public outdoor outlets keep disappearing from Quakertown Park. One-Minute Pitches Approved PrepareCouncil Member Requestor One-Minute Pitch Summary Staff Assigned I Department Comments Action Required ISRIWS Date Scheduled Estimated Staff Time to Mayor Pro Tern Davis I am requesting a work session to discuss directing to the Public Art Committee to establish a city- Gary Packan Public Works-Parks Approved during the April 13 Pending Request work session Develop with Public Art This project is currently in process TBD led public-private partnership which would fund and commission a signature public art installation at Committee 1 Rayzor Ranch Park,more specifically a fountain commemorating the history of the land and Rayzor family while also providing an opportunity for free water play.(Please included the attached photo of Rotary Fountain in Spokane,WA in the presentation) 2 Mayor Pro Tern Davis I would like a work session on revising our PID policy.Specifically to better define Economic Jessica Rogers Economic Development Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session Staff is finalizing the information,and will schedule a work TBD Development and to discuss residential requirements. May 11. session 3 Council Member Armintor Requesting a one-minute pitch to replace the format of the one-minute pitch system Stuart Birdseye City Manager's Office Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session TBD-Council Retreat 15-20 hours May 25. 4 Council Member Meltzer Requesting a one-minute pitch regarding form-based zoning Scott McDonald Development Services Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session Draft Presentation Received-Tentatively scheduled for TBD May 18. August 3,2021 5 Council Member Beck Council,Committee,Commission,and Board Officer Nominations and voting process(Ranked Aaron Leal,Rosa Rios City Secretary's Office Legal Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session Staff is working on the required information for this work TBD Choice Voting) May 25. session and will schedule once it is finalized 6 Council Member Maguire Requesting work session on a City initiative to increase COVID vaccine access. Sarah Kuechler City Manager's Office Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session May be discussed during ARP work session presentation on TBD May 25.New work session agenda ID:21-1224. June 22. 7 Council Member Armintor Can staff hang a Pride flag at City Hall for Pride Month,and possibly certain other city-owned Rachel Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session A work session is scheduled to discuss on June 15,2021 TBD properties where U.S.and TX flags are displayed? June 8. 8 Mayor Hudspeth I'm requesting a one-minute pitch to gain consensus to review the committees(relevance& Catherine Clifton,Rosa Rios City Secretary's Office Legal Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session Staff is working on the required information for this work TBD viability). June 8. session and will schedule once it is finalized Council Member Davis I am requesting a work session for Council to consider giving direction to amend the sign ordinance, Scott McDonald Development Services Approved during the Pending Council Request work session on Work Session Staff is working on the required information for this work TBD 9 creating exemptions for 1)"off premise signs"adjacent to a business property,or within a certain June 8. session and will schedule once it is finalized distance,without requiring the business to obtain a new Certificate of Occupancy;and 2)wall signs that are closer in function to murals and serve as public art. 43 June 2021 1 2 3 4 5 Nb Council Nbeting 8:00 am Agenda Commkec 8:30 am—DEDC 3:00 pm-Health&Building Standards 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9:00 am—COE-Cancelled 2:00 pm-2nd Tuesday 11:00 am—EDPB 10:00 a.m -AAB 11:30am—CC Special Called Session 5:00 p.m.P&Z 3:00 p.m Health&Buikling 1:00 p.m.CC Denton Housing Commission Standards Comnssion Auth Board of Commissioners 4:00 p.m.Zoning Board of Adjustment 6:00 p.m P 83t Beautification Board 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00 am—PUB 2:00 pm-CC Work 9:00 am-Nbbility 3:30 p.m.Health&Building 9:00 am—CDAC- Session Committee Aeting Standards Comnssion Cancelled Cancelled-3:00 p.m. Historic Landmark 6:30 pm-CC Regular 3:00 pm-Animal Shelter 12:00 pm—HSAC- Comrrtission Session Advisory Cancelled 5:30 p.m.Library Board 3:00 CoPwD(Special Called Mg.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:00 am-Traffic Safety 10:00 am-CAC 11:00 a.m.Development 3:00 pm- Board of Ethics 10:00 am-Audit/Finance Commission Code reviewCoimmittee 2:00 pm-4th Tuesday Session 5:00 p.m.P&Z Commission 27 28 29 30 9:00 am-PUB Nb Council Nbeting 11:00 a.m.Development Code Review Committee 44 July 2021 1 2 3 8:00 a.m.Agenda Committee 8:30 am-DEDC 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nb Council Luncheon No Council Nbeting 4th of July Holiday 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00 am—PUB Nb Council Aeting 11:00 am-EDPB 9:00 am-CDAC 5:30 pm library Board 5:30 pm-AAB 12:00 pm-HSAC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2:00 pm-CC Work 9:00 am-Nbbility Session Committee Nbeting 6:30 pm-CC Regular 11:00 a.m.Development Session Code ReviewComnutee 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9:00 am-PUB 2:00 pm-4th Tuesday 12:00 pm-T1RZ No.1 Session 45 August 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9:00amCOE 2:00 pm CC Work Session 8:00 Agenda Committe 6:30 pm CC Regular 11:30 am Council Se ssion 8:30 a.m.DEDC Luncheon 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00 am PUB 2:00 pm end Tuesday 11:00 a.m.EDPB 3:30 p.m.library Board Se ssion 5:30 p.m.Library Board 5:30 pm-AAB 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11:30 am Traffic Safety 2:00 pm CC Work Session 9:00 am Nbbil ty 9:00 a.m.Community COmnllsslon 6:30 pm CC Regular Comtr ittee 1Vbeting Development AdvisoryConnivttee Se ssion 12:00 p.m HSAC 11:00 a.m.Development Code ReviewConmittee 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 am PUB 2:00 p m 4th Inc sd a y 12:30 p.m.Development Se ssion Code Review Committee 29 30 31 o Council Meeting 46 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday,June 22,2021 2:00 PM Council Chambers WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AND ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CLOSED MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS Note: Mayor Gerard Hudspeth, Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer, and Council Members Vicki Byrd, Brian Beck, Jesse Davis, Alison Maguire, and Deb Armintor will be participating in the June 22, 2021 work session, closed meeting and meeting in person or via video/teleconference. AS OF JUNE 14, IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE ALLOWED AT THIS MEETING. FOR VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION,SEE THE REGISTRATION PROCESS DETAILED BELOW. REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Citizens will also be able to participate in one of the following ways (NOTE: Other than public hearings, citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item; citizens cannot use both methods to comment on a single agenda item.Public comments are not held for work session reports.): • Virtual White Card — On June 22, the agenda was posted online at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings. Once the agenda is posted, a link to the Virtual White Card, an online form, will be made available under the main heading on the webpage. Within this form, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting, at which time, the Virtual White Card form will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on the item, these comment forms will be sent directly to City Council members and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting, as applicable. OR Page I Printed on 611112021 47 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22, 2021 • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. • At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 21-453 Receive a report, hold a discussion and give staff direction regarding FY 2021-22 preliminary budget and departmental budget presentations for Parks and Recreation, Fire, HR/Risk/Health,Tech Services/Public Safety Dispatch and Police/Safety. B. ID 21-1066 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding Audit Project 021 - Water System Operations: Rate Structure. C. ID 21-684 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the possible merger of the Community Development Advisory Committee and the Human Services Advisory Committee. D. ID 21-562 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for information for: Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific item(s) when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended,or as otherwise allowed by law. Page 2 Printed on 611112021 48 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22, 2021 1. Closed Meeting: -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT A CLOSED MEETING IS NEEDED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. -- Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Special Called Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. Following the completion of the Closed Meeting, the City Council will convene in a Special Called Meeting to consider the following items: 1. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — V). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 21-1150 Consider approval of the minutes of June 8,2021. B. ID 21-326 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, rejecting any and all competitive proposals under RFP 7205 for Utility Scale Wind Energy for Denton Municipal Electric; and providing an effective date (RFP 7205). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). C. ID 21-767 Consider adoption of an ordinance regarding Frame Street Closure for the Denton Police Department Facility and City Hall East renovations; and providing for an effective date. D. ID 21-966 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, authorizing the City Manager to execute a funding agreement between the City of Denton and Denton Community Food Center to provide Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds for public facility improvements in Denton, Texas; authorizing the expenditure of funds not to exceed$439,483; and providing an effective date. Page 3 Printed on 611112021 49 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22,2021 E. ID 21-818 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to execute a funding agreement between the City of Denton and the Denton Affordable Housing Corporation to provide HOME Investment Partnership Program funds for rehabilitation of four (4) rental units located at Mill St. in Denton, Texas; authorizing the expenditure of funds not to exceed$98,532.98; and providing an effective date. F. ID 21-1144 Consider adoption of a resolution by the City of Denton, Texas, authorizing the amendment of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) program year from August 1 through July 31, to October 1 through September 30; and providing for an effective date. G. ID 21-1076 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a third amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Freese and Nichols, Inc, amending the contract approved by City Council on October 16, 2018, in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,200,000.00, amended by Amendments 1-2 approved by Purchasing, said third amendment to provide professional engineering services for the Southeast Denton Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Project and program management services for the completion of the 2019 Street Reconstruction Bond; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6590-042 - providing for an additional third amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $1,257,254.00 with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $2,457,254.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). H. ID 21-1193 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a fifth amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Freese and Nichols, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on December 5, 2017, in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,529,180.00; amended by Amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4 approved by City Council and Purchasing; said fifth amendment to provide additional professional and construction services for the Lake Lewisville Water Treatment Plant Phase 11 project; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 6305 - providing for an additional fifth amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $229,777.00, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $2,219,307.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). I. ID 21-1194 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with Prime Controls, L.P. for the maintenance and service of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system within the Water Production Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7494-1 - awarded to Prime Controls, L.P., for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $400,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). J. ID 21-1195 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with Page 4 Printed on 611112021 50 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22,2021 VWR International, LLC, for the purchase of laboratory supplies for the Water Production Department and the Municipal Laboratory; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7549-1 - awarded to VWR International, LLC, for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed $150,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). K. ID 21-1198 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the development of the City's Wastewater Master Plan; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7574-003 - Professional Services Agreement for development services awarded to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $2,025,100.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). L. ID 21-1199 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with Azteca Systems, LLC, for the purchase of Cityworks licenses, an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solution that tracks repairs, inspections, and services of City's assets to be used by Technology Services, Parks and Recreation, Water Utility, and Wastewater Utility departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7545 - awarded to Azteca Systems, LLC, for one (1) year, with the option for four (4) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $460,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). M. ID 21-1200 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 4 to the contract between the City of Denton and Pavecon Public Works, LP, to provide construction services for the Bonnie Brae Phase 2 Project; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7118 - Change Order No. 4 in the not-to-exceed amount of$369,455.29 for a total contract award aggregated to $12,449,958.25). N. ID 21-1201 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with North Texas Polygraph Services, for Section 5 - Polygraph Testing Services for the Denton Police and Fire Departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7571 - awarded to North Texas Polygraph Services, for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five(5)year not-to-exceed amount of$50,500.00). O. ID 21-1202 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with Pepper Psychological Services, PLLC, for Section 1 - Psychological Testing Services for the Denton Police and Fire Departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7571 - awarded to Pepper Psychological Services, Page 5 Printed on 611112021 51 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22,2021 PLLC, for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five(5)year not-to-exceed amount of$57,625.00). P. ID 21-1203 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) under the Government Code, Chapter 791.001, to authorize the City of Denton to adopt a contract with NCTCOG for Nearmap's Aerial Subscription Service; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and declaring an effective date (File 7662- award an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), in the (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $49,000.00). Q. ID 21-1204 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with Texas Electric Cooperatives, Inc. for the supply of Electric Utility Station Service Voltage Transformers for Denton Municipal Electric to be stocked in the City of Denton Warehouse; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7695 - awarded to Texas Electric Cooperatives, Inc., for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of$750,000.00). R. ID 21-1213 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a sixth amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Freese and Nichols, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on July 17, 2012, in the not-to-exceed amount of $435,701.00, amended by Amendments 1-5 approved by the City Manager, City Council, and Purchasing, said sixth amendment to provide engineering and inspection related services for the Capital Projects and Water Utilities Department for the North South Phase II and III 36-inch/42-inch Water Transmission Line Project; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 4978 - providing for an additional sixth amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $619,840.00, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $1,672,411.60). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). S. ID 21-1214 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Bird Advocacy and Consulting, Inc., to provide government relations services to the Denton County Transit Authority (DCTA) on behalf of the City of Denton, as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7727 - Professional Services Agreement for government relations services awarded to Bird Advocacy and Consulting, Inc., for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$117,000.00). T. ID 21-1108 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute a Contract of Sale with K&C Triple Crown Partners, LP. for the Page 6 Printed on 611112021 52 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22,2021 sale of a 0.449 acre tract of land located in the Robert Beaumont Survey, Abstract No. 31 and the William Neill Survey, Abstract No. 971, and known locally as 414 West Parkway Street, for a purchase price of $750,000.00; authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents necessary to consummate the sale, including a special warranty deed; authorizing the City Manager to carry out the duties of the City pursuant to the Contract of Sale; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. U. ID 21-1163 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute of a Contract of Sale with Burch Family Farm LTD. for the purchase of approximately 400 acres of land located in the J. W. Withers Survey, Abstract No. 1343, in the James Severe Survey, Abstract No. 1164, in the BBB & CRR Survey, Abstract No. 196, and in the W. M. Roark Survey, Abstract No. 1087, City and County of Denton, Texas, for a purchase price of $6,000,000.00; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor;providing for severability; and providing an effective date. V. ID 21-1148 Consider nominations/appointments to the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Airport Advisory Board, Animal Shelter Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Committee on Persons with Disabilities, Community Development Advisory Committee, Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Human Services Advisory Committee, Library Board, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Public Utilities Board, Traffic Safety Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. 2. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 21-1105 Consider approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, appointing a Primary Member and Alternate Member as official voting representatives to the current unexpired terms to the North Central Texas Council of Governments' Regional Transportation Council; and providing an effective date. B. ID 21-1223 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the Interim City Manager to execute Management Services and Operating Agreement with Our Daily Bread for the management and operations at 909 N. Loop 288 to provide services to people experiencing homelessness or at-risk of experiencing homelessness at the facility located and to execute a Lease Termination Agreement for 300 S Woodrow; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. C. ID 21-1164 Consider nominations and appointments to the Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone No. One Board(Downtown TIRZ). D. ID 21-1216 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the city of Denton, Texas, amending the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget and annual program of services of the city of Denton to allow for adjustments to the Customer Service Fund of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) for the purpose of increasing funding for the P.L.U.S. One Utility Page 7 Printed on 611112021 53 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22, 2021 Assistance Program administered by Interfaith Ministries. E. ID 21-1197 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with Hammett Excavation, Inc., for the construction of the Public Disposal Facility for the Solid Waste & Recycling Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (CSP 7568 - awarded to Hammett Excavation, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount $2,526,832.34). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval F. ID 21-1196 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a contract with Hammett Excavation, Inc., for construction of the Perimeter Landfill Gas Header, Perimeter Road, and Waterline Extension for the Solid Waste & Recycling Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (CSP 7567 - awarded to Hammett Excavation, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount $3,641,940.06). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval 3. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/govern nent/open/agendas-minutes) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on June 18, 2021 in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page g Printed on 611112021 54 City Council Meeting Agenda June 22,2021 Page 9 Printed on 611112021 55 FUTURE WORK SESSION ITEMS MATRIX As of June 11,2021 Currently Slated Work Session Items FY 2021-22 Departmental Presentations:Finance; 15-June 2021 Economic Development; [Regular] Library; Procurement/Compliance/ Non-Government related B&C 2021 Appointment Denton Energy Center-Leased Warehouse flags Process Property Council Request 21-452 21-1242 21-865 21-1188 21-561 FY 2021-22 Departmental Presentations:Parks and Recreation; Fire; 22-June 2021 HR/Risk/Health;Tech Services [Special] (includes Public Safety Dispatch);Police(includes Internal Audit-Water Rate Community Services-HSAC Safety) Structure and CDAC Council Request 21-453 21-1066 21-684 1 121-562 29-June 2021 No meeting-Sth Tuesday Streets Fund FY 2021-22 Departmental 21-854 20-July 2021 Presentations:DME;Streets; [Regular] FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget, Traffic;Engineering;Facilities; Denton Parks Foundation Internal Audit-Building CIP&5-Year Financial Forecast Airport Annual Plan&Contract Permits Council Request 21-938 21-455 TBD 21-703 21-759 Internal Audit-Water FY 2021-22 Departmental Production Presentations:Solid Waste; 21-981 27-July 2022 Water;Wastewater/ [Special] Drainage;Fleet;Customer FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget, Service;Development Services Internal Audit-Water CIP&5-Year Financial Forecast(includes Real Estate) ARP Funding Distribution Council Request 21-939 21-456 21-1054 21-982 21-760 2-August 2021 Budget Workshop Luncheon 21-1087 Capital Improvement Program 3-August 2021 and Five-Year Finaancial [Regular] Forecast DDC Tree Preservation Form-Based Code Council Request 21-457 21-1162 TBD 21-1088 Capital Improvement Program 10-August 2021 and Five-Year Finaancial [Special] Forecast Council Request 21-458 21-1089 Capital Improvement Program 17-August 2021 and Five-Year Finaancial [Regular] Forecast Council Request 21-459 21-1090 Capital Improvement Program 24-August 2021 and Five-Year Finaancial [Special] Forecast Council Request 21-460 21-1091 Redistricting Update Stormwater Master Leak Adjustment Ordinance August 2021 20-1661 21-557 0J C t- Construction Code Review TPID update ETJ-Lake Ray Roberts M 21-735 TBD 21-738 a 0 � m C ~ Southwest Park Master Plan • � Dev.Districts Policy Manual Review N M TBD 21-553 01 N Y i Delegated Authority Mobility Plan O TBD TBD 5 Economic Development Parkland Dedication& Programs and Policy Development Ordinance Discussions 21-109 TBD Council and Committee Board Officer Ranked-Choice 3 Rayzor Ranch Public Art PID Policy Discussion One-Minute Pitch Process Form-Based Zoning Voting o� (Davis) (Davis) (Armintor) (Meltzer) (Beck) w c O d 'an a: W cN City initiative to increase COVID vaccinations Flag Discussion Relevance of Committees Off-premise Signs (Maguire) (Armintor) 1(Hudspeth) I(Davis) 56 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming Closures smartsheet SCR June 14 - 20 Street/I ntersectiorm- Description Department Department Contact Bell Ave at Mckinney St 06/21/21 08/19/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane installing a new water main line and services. Bell Ave at Mingo Rd 08/20/21 09/03/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane installing a new water main line and services. Bell Ave Withers St Mingo Rd 08/21/21 10/02/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 3 installing a new water main line and services. Bell Ave Texas St Withers St 07/29/21 08/20/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 4 installing a new water main line and services. Carroll Blvd(SB) Stroud Highland 06/21/21 07/23/21 Concrete Street Panel and Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co Sidewalk Repair.The process m 5 starts with Barricading the failed sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. F—Chebi Lane Old North Road Freedom Lane 06/21/21 09/10/21 Full width pavement Engineering Streets Kyle Pedigo 6 replacement and subgrade improvement. Edwards Desert Willow Forrest Willow 07/19/21 09/03/21 Concrete Street Panel and Streets Robbin Webber 7 Sidewalk Repair.Remove the pavement and install new concrete. Lido Way and Balboa Court Bell Avenue End 07/05/21 09/01/21 Full width pavement Engineering Streets Kyle Pedigo 8 replacement and subgrade improvement. Mistywood Lane Old North Road Craig Lane 06/21/21 09/10/21 Full width pavement Engineering Streets Kyle Pedigo 9 replacement and subgrade improvement. 10 Windor Bonnie Brae Parkside Dr 06/21/21 07/05/21 18"SS Line Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Works Inspections Exported on June 11,2021 11:18:44 AM CDT 57 Page 1 of 1 2 Street Closure Report: Current Closures smartsheet Street/Intersection From To losure Start Closure End Date Date Description Department Contact Amherst Dr Georgetown Dr Malone St 04/15/21 06/18/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 1 installing new water main and water services. Bell Ave McKinney Street Hickory Street 02/01/21 07/02/21 Closures starting 6/1/21. Engineering kyle.pedigo@cityofdenton.com Various traffic shifts will be required at the intersection of 2 Bell and Oak(between McKinney and Hickory)in order to cross Bell with a new drainage line on Oak Street. Bell Ave Administration Dr Texas St 05/29/21 06/24/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 3 installing a new water main line and services. Bernard St Hickory St Chestnut St 05/31/21 07/14/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tobey Fowler 4 replacing the water main line and services. 5 Bonnie Brae IH 35E Scripture 06/15/20 07/30/21 North South Water Main Phase Streets Seth Garcia 3 Boxwood at Chittamwood 3800 Boxwood 06/07/21 07/02/21 Concrete Street Panel and Streets Robbin Webber 6 Sidewalk Repair.Remove the pavement and install new concrete. Caddo Circle Champlian Cul v Sac 06/14/21 07/09/21 Concrete Sidewalk Repair. Streets Robbin Webber 7 remove failed sections of concrete Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Carroll Blvd(SB) Egan Panhandle 05/31/21 06/25/21 Concrete Street Panel Repair. Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.cw The process starts with m 8 Barricading the failed sections of pavement,remove the pavement and subgrade,and install new concrete pavement. Crestmeadow Street Windsor Bauer 05/31/21 06/18/21 Curb and Gutter Repair:The Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co 9 process starts with barricading m the failed sections and then installing new Curb and Gutter. 10 Elm Hickory Prairie 05/11/20 07/09/21 PEC 4 Utility Project Engineering Seth Garcia Elm Street Eagle Drive (dead end) 05/17/21 09/30/21 Atmos Energy will be closing Atmos Alice Province 11 street intermittently to replace and relocate an existing gas main and service lines Hickory Street Welch Carroll 08/31/20 09/04/21 Construction is set to begin on Engineering Kyle Pedigo West Hickory Street between N. Welch Street and Carroll Blvd in October of 2020 and continue 12 through September of 2021. Detailed lane closure information is forthcoming pending approval of the contractor's phasing and traffic control plans. Mckinney duchess Glengarry 02/01/21 12/24/21 McKinney-Mayhill Intersection Engineering Trevor Crain This project is widening the intersection and 600'each way 13 to match existing conditions along McKinney.Also includes water,wastewater,and drainage improvements. 14 Nottingham Unversity(US380) 500 feet to the south 06/02/21 07/14/21 Milling and turn lane addition Engineering Dustin Draper with a siganl upgrade. Exported on June 11,2021 11:19:13 AM CDT 58 Page 1 of 2 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Closure End Description Department Department Contact Date Date Oak Street Bell Street UPRR Railroad 02/01/21 08/28/21 Adding drainage line to Oak Engineering kyle.pedigo@cityofdenton.com Street as part of the Downtown Storm Sewer Project. Scripture Bonnie Brae 1,300 ft.to the West 03/22/21 02/25/22 Reconstruct;Scripture from Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co Bonnie Brae to approximately m 1,300 ft.to the west.This includes removal and replacement of failed sections of curb and gutter.Milling of the old asphalt pavement and the stabilization of subgrade and the installation of new asphalt pavement. Phase I East Bound Outside Lane Phase II West Bound Outside Lane Phase III Middle Lane Uland Railroad Rose 02/11/21 06/21/21 Wastewater collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 17 installing a new wastewater main line and services. Walnut Street Locust Street Elm Street 05/17/21 09/30/21 Atmos Energy will be Atmos Alice Province 18 excavating street to complete replacement/relocation of their existing gas main Western Blvd Jim Chrystal Airport Rd 06/01/21 08/02/21 PH1-Installing sewer line Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David across Western from median to Works Inspections 19 private property.PH2-Median removal,future pour for Turn Lanes Williamsburg Row Jamestown Ln Nottingham 06/22/21 07/13/21 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 20 replacing the sewer main line and services from Jamestown to the east 550 feet Windsor Dr East Hanover DR Longfellow LN 06/01/21 06/30/21 Complete street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper is being preformed.As shown in 21 the attached TCP the road will be closed and resident only traffic will be allowed from Longfellow to Bristol ST. Woodhaven Msitywood Emerson 04/05/21 07/14/21 This project will consist of the Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co removal and replacement of m failed sections of curb and 22 gutter,the milling off the old asphalt and base material,lime stabilize the subgrade and the installation of new asphalt pavement. Exported on June 11,2021 11:19:13 AM CDT 59 Page 2 of 2 3 Street Closure Report: Completed Closures smartsheet Street/Intersection Closure End Description —FDep,,tmet Department Contact M IN 9 Date Cat Tail Red Bud 03/29/21 05/14/21 Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co process starts with Barricading m the failed sections of concrete Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Mckinney St Davis St 04/05/21 05/17/21 Wastewater collections will be Tiffany Sherrane installing a new wastewater main line and services. San Felipe Memorial 04/19/21 05/21/21 Concrete Sidewalk Repair.The Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co process starts with Barricading m the failed sections of concrete Sidewalk,remove,and install new concrete Thackery at Intersection 04/26/21 05/21/21 Concrete Street Panel and Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co Sidewalk Repair.The process m 4 starts with Barricading the failed sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Chapel Dr Administration Dr 02/22/21 05/28/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 5 installing a new water main line and services. Hobson El Paseo 05/05/21 05/27/21 Mill and Overlay Carmel:The Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co street will be milled and the m asphalt based course installed 6 in sections.Once this part of the process is complete,then the entire length of the street will have the final asphalt surface installed. 71 Lovell Normal 04/30/21 05/28/21 Loading Crane onto Jobsite Public Works Inspections stephany.trammell@cityofdento Plumbago at Intersection 05/10/21 05/28/21 Concrete Street Panel and Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co Sidewalk Repair.The process m 8 starts with Barricading the failed sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. Nottingham Branch Crossing 04/09/21 05/31/21 Roadway reconstruction Engineering Trevor Crain Kendolph Street Ave B 05/01/21 06/04/21 Contractor for the Carriage colton.garrett@cityofdenton.co Square Apartments will be m doing work on the North side of the project which will require the East bound lane of Eagle Drive to be shifted to the north for safety purposes. This will eliminate the turn lane in this area temporarily. Please see attached TCP. Exported on June 11,2021 11:19:27 AM CDT 60 Page 1 of 1