092421 Friday Staff Report „ City Manager's Office ,F 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: September 24, 2021 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, Interim City Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Cancelled - Public Utilities Board on Monday, September 27, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. 2. Cancelled - Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, September 27, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 3. Cancelled- Council Airport Committee on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 4. City Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 5. Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in the Public Safety Training Center. 6. Health and Building Standards Commission on Thursday, September 30, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 7. Board of Ethics on Thursday, September 30, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. II. General Information & Status Update A. September 21 Council Meeting Technical Difficulties—As the Council is aware, staff experienced a very rare and significant technology outage in Council Chambers shortly before the 6:30 p.m. start time of the Regular Session of the City Council meeting. The outage affected the audio system to the extent that no sound from the Chamber dais could be captured, amplified within the chambers, or broadcast through Zoom to the Council Members participating virtually, or the public through DTV or OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Inclusion • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service the website stream. To staffs knowledge, an outage of this severity has never occurred. Compounding this issue was that the City's technology vendor's customer support personnel, who are typically responsive and reliable, could not be reached. On Wednesday morning, staff and the technology vendor identified the issue and worked with the software companies that run the various production systems to correct, test, and verify the solution. The system ran smoothly later that night for the scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Staff will continue to work with the City's vendors to reset and recalibrate our audio systems to further verify it is functioning properly. Additionally,the lack of timely customer support was escalated to the technology vendor's president and we are working with him directly on solutions. Moving forward, staff will work to devise and implement additional redundancy in the system. This includes the technology and processes to determine if and how staff are able broadcast to YouTube and/or Facebook should a similar outage ever, while unexpected, happen in the future. Staff will provide follow up information, once the process is complete. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, Customer Service and Public Affairs B. DCPH Update to Commissioner's Court—On Tuesday, September 21,Denton County Public Health (DCPH)presented their standing COVID update to the Denton County Commissioner's Court(begins shortly after 2 hour mark and is approx. 15 minutes in length). The following are some notes from the video for convenience only; the video should be watched for the full context, charts, and interpretation. Stats can be viewed at DentonCounty_gov/COVIDstats • Active Cases and Hospitalizations —As of Tuesday, there were a total of 15,402 active cases county-wide. For the week of 8/29 through 9/4, we did not see the same type of increase in cases by symptom onset—seems to be a plateau that we're experiencing and may be a positive note,but we need to take things week by week. • Case Demographics- For age group 12-19, cases are still increasing and rising by week. For age group 5-11, it appears to be plateauing. DCPH has a dashboard with school district information provided voluntarily. • Vaccines—There appears to also be a plateau in ICU staffed beds unfortunately— meaning it is a struggle to find any open staffed ICU beds; patients with COVID in ICU often stay for a long time. Overall COVID hospitalizations are starting to plateau and even a very slight decline, but too early to tell. • Booster Update — On Friday 9/17, the FDA Advisory Committee voted unanimously to recommended Pfizer boosters for individuals 65 and older and those at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Next steps: CDC advisors (ACIP)are set to meet 9/22 and 9/23 to discuss further recommendations for Pfizer boosters. More info at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/booster- shot.html Once DCPH hears from federal and state agencies with necessary guidance,DCPH will actively communicate with the general community and directly with those in their system. • Testing—DCPH has contracted with a vendor to provide COVID testing once per week as a drive-thru testing site. Individuals can register online through DCPH's COVID site. 2 Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler, City Manager's Office C. Utility Assistance Funding Update — April 12, 2021 Customer Service began direct referrals to United Way of Denton County (UWDC) for residents who are experiencing COVID related income loss and do not own their home. This has reduced the current number of aid requests to Interfaith Ministries. However, assistance requests to Interfaith Ministries during the pandemic continue to be greater than previous years. Recent month and year qualification statistics are provided below: Families Assisted Families Assisted Oct-Aug 80 500 427 461 60 - 400 40 - 300 280 200 20 I �I II _ II I I I I ■ 100 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept 0 ■2018-19 ■2019-20 ■2020-21 -21 In the December 17, 2020 meeting, City Council increased Interfaith Ministries FY2020-21 funding by $125,000. All budgeted funds have been released for use and Interfaith Ministries entered September with $103,489 remaining to assist Denton families. As always, any available funds remaining at the end of September will continue to be used to assist families in need into the coming year. To ensure utilization of available funding during the period of increased customer needs Customer Service issued direction to Interfaith Ministries to allow customers who meet assistance qualifications to receive assistance with up to three months of bills between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021. This provision is ending October 1, 2021. Customer Service will continue standard practice of monitoring the health of our assistance funds. City Council will be updated if concerns arise. 2020-21 Fund Health 0% ■Remaining Budget $103,489 40% ■Available Funds $156,529 Administered 60% Funds 3 Any customer who contacts Customer Service indicating need for assistance is submitted as a referral to UWDC or Interfaith Ministries as appropriate and is granted an agreement to ensure service continuation while they are working through the application process.Any resident who is experiencing financial hardship and difficulty paying utility bills should contact Customer Service at 940-349-8700. Staff appreciates the opportunity to serve our customers are here to help as much as possible. We appreciate the Council's help in communicating our availability to customers who express concerns to them. Staff contact: Christa Foster, Customer Service D. Tree Trimming Beginning in October— Staff will begin the process of trimming trees in the PR 213 area, which feeds the water pump station in Lake Dallas. Trimming is scheduled to begin in mid-October.This trim will involve non-DME customers within Corinth and Lake Dallas due to easement rights. Staff have a scheduled meeting with DCTA and will also reach out to the Cities of Corinth and Lake Dallas to update them on the project and timing. Staff will hang informational door hangers and talk to each resident involved for those non-DME customers who cannot be reached through the system's automated messaging push. Attached are the Corinth and Lake Dallas addresses affected by the trim and below is a map of the area. Staff contact: Brad Watts, DME re E. Denton County Board of Directors Nominations Needed — The Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) is governed by a five-member Board of Directors appointed by respective entities from Denton County and the cities of Denton, Highland Village, and Lewisville. Board meetings are held every fourth Thursday of each month. 4 The City of Denton's current primary appointee is former Mayor Chris Watts and the alternate appointee is former City Council Member, John Ryan. The terms of former Mayor Watts and former Council Member Ryan end on November 12,2021. The City Council is currently scheduled to appoint a primary and alternate DCTA Board of Directors representative at their October 19 meeting. The new primary and alternate board representatives will serve a two-year term effective November 13,2021 through November 12, 2023. In accordance with State statute and the DCTA Bylaws, board members are required to have professional experience in the field of transportation, business, government, engineering, or law. Staff is requesting that City Council members submit their nominations, including a resume for all nominees,by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 8, for inclusion in the October 19 City Council agenda packet. Please email nominations and r6sum6s to Rachel Wood at rachel.wood(a),cityofdenton.com. On a related note, City staff are working with representatives from DCTA to answer all questions posed during former Mayor Watts' September 21 Work Session presentation. Once answers to these questions have been compiled, that information will be shared in a future Friday Report. The slides that former Mayor Watts presented on September 21 are attached for reference. Staff contact: Rachel Wood, Capital Projects/Engineering F. Streetlight Retrofit Update — On April 27, 2021, staff presented to Council (Work Session Item A / ID 21-772) a report regarding the DME LED Streetlight Retrofit Program, Bird City Texas Program, and Lights Out Texas Educational Campaign. This update is specific to DME's retrofit program only. Council provided direction for DME to resume the LED retrofit project utilizing the existing fixture types (Cobra Heads and Post Tops). DME installs these two fixture types across the city and the majority are Cobra Heads, which are Dark Sky compliant. There are approximately 9,000 streetlights in the city owed by DME and approximately half have been retrofitted to LED and the control system. LED streetlights in major thoroughfares, which comprise the majority of streetlights are left at 100% illumination and streetlights in residential areas are reduced to 60%illumination. Streetlight bulbs used are between 3000-4000 kelvin which is consistent with Dark Sky recommendations. Additionally, for residential areas, DME has been successful in addressing customer complaints by installing internal shields to redirect the lights and in some cases, moving the placement of the light on a pole to further redirect lighting. To date, 100% of customer complaints have been successfully resolved. The retrofit program is ongoing and DME anticipates that full retrofit will be completed in the next 18-24 months. Additionally, DME is currently working with an external Engineering firm on a study of streetlighting in residential areas. This study is anticipated to be completed by the end of the calendar year and recommendations will be shared with the City Council when complete. If the study recommends a lower illumination percentage than currently in place,DME will utilize its control system to reset all lights as recommended. Staff contact: Tony Puente, DME G. Lights Out Texas and Bird City Texas Programs Update — On April 27, 2021, staff presented to Council (Work Session Item A/ID 21-772) a report regarding the DME LED Streetlight Retrofit Program, Bird City Texas Program, and Lights Out Texas 5 Educational Campaign. This update is provided to inform council of activities undertaken in the interim specific to the Lights Out Texas and the Bird City Texas Designation. • Lights Out Texas Update—Following the April 2021 council presentation,the City of Denton began monitoring the Lights Out Texas initiative with Birdcast, which began in Fall of 2020, and sharing bird migration information with the community as part of the new statewide initiative. Birdcast provides bird migration forecasts for peak migration periods and lists seasonal intervals (the time period in which 50% of migratory birds historically pass through each city) as measured by radar from 1995 to 2018. The migration dates through Denton are recorded as April 22 to May 12 and September 24 to October 29. Fall 2021 is the second migration window monitored by the City of Denton through Birdcast since this initiative was started by the city. Bird migration forecasts are only good/issued/accurate for 48-72 hours before the anticipated events. City staff is working through best practices and partnerships to continue to improve our alerts and sharing of information. We will continue to work with various groups and departments at both UNT and TWU to determine most efficient method to disseminate information to the widest audience. • Bird City Texas Registration—The annual application window for Bird City Texas runs from June to December, following which the state will make the awards. The City of Denton application strategy is drafted, and staff will be working through the online submittal process. Staff will be attending the newly launched UNT Bird Campus Committee and working on partnership opportunities for both the Lights Out Texas initiative and Bird City Texas Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability H. Community First Village Site Visit — On Thursday, September 23, several Council Members, City staff, and other community members visited Community First Village in Austin, Texas. The Village is a 51-acre master planned community that provides affordable, permanent housing and a supportive community for men and women coming out of chronic homelessness. Attendees were given a tour of the Village by the Founder and CEO, Alan Graham. Photos of the afternoon are below, and this 12 minute video tour of the Village provides a comprehensive overview of the Village and their approach to caring for people who have experienced chronic homelessness. Staff contact: Rachel Balthrop Mendoza, City Manager's Office 6 i 1 ,.a 1 I. Low-Cost Vaccine Animal Clinic—The Denton Animal Shelter is hosting a Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic on October 2 from 10 a.m. to noon at the MLK Jr. Rec Center, 1300 Wilson St. The clinic is sponsored by the Denton Animal Support Foundation and Texas Coalition of Animal Protection. They both have helped to keep the shots at a greatly reduced fee. Legally, Dogs must have one rabies shot a year. Rabies shots are $5,thanks to the Denton Animal Support Foundation. Your dog must have one rabies shot a year- it's the law (and just better for your dog). Below are the shots and testing available: Cats: Rabies - $5 FeLV- $10 FHCPCh- $10 FeLV/FIV Test - $20 Fecal Test - $15 Dogs: Rabies - $5 Bordetella- $10 DAPPv- $10 Leptospirosis - $10 7 Lyme - $15 Canine Influenza - $20 Heartworm Test- $20 Fecal Test - $15 Staff contact: Randi Weinberg, Animal Shelter Recreation Center Hour Update —As part of the Parks and Recreation Department's phased reopening plan for recreation centers, beginning Monday, October 4, North Lakes Recreation Center and the Denton Senior Center will extend their operating hours. Due to staffing shortages, Denia and MLK Jr. Rec Centers hours will not change at this time. All centers will remain closed on Sundays. North Lakes Rec Center Monday-Friday, 5 a.m.- 10 p.m. I Saturday, 7 a.m.- 4 p.m. Denton Senior Center Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. Saturday, closed Denia Rec Center Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. MLK Jr. Rec Center Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. I Saturday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Staff contact: Megan Thomas, Parks and Recreation J. Scripture Street Reconstruct—On September 21,the Street Department completed the reconstruction of Scripture Street from Heritage Trail to Bonnie Brae Street. Scripture Street was reconstructed to restore pavement following a water main upgrade that severely impacted the quality of the road, pictured below. The project began on March 22, 2021 and experienced several delays due to inclement weather and traffic control conflicts. Crews removed all remaining signage and barricades on September 22 and the road is now fully open to all lanes of traffic. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works s K. Hispanic Heritage Month—Every year from September 15 to October 15, Americans celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by appreciating the community's history, heritage, and contributions of the ancestors of American citizens who came from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and South and Central America. The MLK Jr. Rec Center will celebrate the first Hispanic Heritage Month event on October 9, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The theme is "Be Proud of Your Past, Embrace the Future." The keynote speaker is Dr. Roxanne Del Rio, Dean of Students and Outreach at North Central Texas College, Corinth Campus. The event will also feature entertainment and activities for children. Sponsors for the event include the Denton chapter of LULAC and photographer Alexandra Martinez. Sanitizer stations and masks will be available, while social distancing will be encouraged. Staff contact: Cheylon Brown, Parks and Recreation L. Senior Center Closure—Due to Denton Arts &Jazz Fest set up,the Senior Center will be closed and regular programs cancelled October 1-3. The center will reopen for regular hours and programming on October 4. Staff contact: Megan Thomas, Parks and Recreation M. Community Tree Giveaway— The 23rd Annual Community Tree Giveaway is Saturday, Oct. 23, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Denton Landfill, 1527 S. Mayhill Rd.,where Denton residents will receive 700 free trees. The Community Tree Giveaway is Keep Denton Beautif il's (KDB) largest and longest-running tree distribution effort. This year, KDB will achieve a tremendous milestone by giving away its 20,OOOth tree through its annual Tree Giveaway event. To receive a tree, Denton residents must register via bitly.com/2021-tree- giveaway beginning Friday, October 1. There is a maximum of one tree per Denton household. Spots will fill up quickly and are on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration will close when all spots are filled. A total of 700 trees will be distributed, with seven different species offered, all of which are drought-tolerant and native or well-adapted for Denton soils and climate. Available tree species include Autumn Blaze Maple, Lacebark Elm, Chinkapin Oak, Native Pecan, Texas Redbud, Vitex, and Mexican Plum. Information about the available tree species, tree planting, and care resources for this year's giveaway can all be found at www.kdb.org. As always, the Tree Giveaway will be a drive-thru-only event with required pre- registration and spaced arrival times every 30 minutes. The giveaway itself is a"social distance-ready"event with limited to no contact between participants, event staff, and volunteers. Participants remain in their vehicle when driving through the event and while event staff loads their tree into their car. Similar to the 2020 event,to increase health and safety precautions to mitigate the risk and spread of COVID-19, staff will utilize an updated event plan that follows the CDC's COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Guidelines, as well as local protocols. Details of the plan include: 9 • Face coverings are recommended for staff and volunteers when social distancing is not possible. • Face coverings are encouraged for drive-thru participants. • Everyone must maintain social distancing. • Volunteers have been recruited from households or "pods" at each of the tree stations. • Self-screenings and signed COVID-19 liability waivers are required for all volunteers and participants prior to the event. • All participants must arrive at their assigned time to drive through the event. • Participants must remain in their vehicles with their windows rolled up. • Staff and volunteers spaced throughout the giveaway route to assist with safety precautions. • Contactless e-ticket scanning will be utilized. Staff Contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation N. Recognition of Linda Kile,Benefits Supervisor—The HR/Risk Department would like to congratulate Linda Kile, Benefits Supervisor, for being awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the State and Local Government Benefits Association (SALGBA). This award is presented to a SALGBA public sector representative member for exemplary contributions to the Association over a period of time not less than ten years. The award is presented to only one recipient per year. Linda has over 20 years of experience in public sector benefits administration. She joined the City in 2013 as Benefits Administrator and has spent every day since making a difference for our employees and their families. Please join us in congratulating Linda for this well-deserved honor. Staff contact: Deby Skawinski, Risk Management III. Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. FM-2181 Signalized Intersections — On September 8, Council Member Maguire forwarded residents' concerns about the signalized intersections of FM 2181 at Wheeler Ridge Drive and Robinson Road malfunctioning. Staff investigated these concerns and found the contractor for the FM 2181 reconstruction had altered the vehicle recall, or green light timing, on all phases from the regular pattern. Staff adjusted the recall timings and will be monitoring the FM 2181 project close for other traffic signal discrepancies. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works B. Jim Christal Road Resurfacing — On September 22, a resident contacted Council Member Davis requesting information on which resurfacing treatment was being performed on Jim Christal Road, specifically concerning the potential roughness of the resurfacing treatment effecting the safety for those cycling on the roadway. Jim Christal Road, from Precision Drive to Thomas J Egan Road is receiving a micro seal resurfacing treatment as a part of the Street Maintenance Program. The treatment was completed on Wednesday, September 22. The primary use of micro seal is to seal surface cracks, inhibit raveling and oxidation of existing surface, addresses minor surface irregularities,and improves surface friction(traction).The surface will smooth 10 out once vehicle traffic has resumed for a few weeks. Staff will work with the cycling community on education of the tools used to maintain our city streets. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works C. Spencer Road, Sherman Road, and Kings Road Updates— On September 20, Mayor Hudspeth asked two questions regarding Spencer Road, Sherman Road, and Kings Road.Mayor Hudspeth's questions are below in italics,followed by the staff response. Spencer Road: With a residential development coming in, is there any work coming to widen the road? Elan-Greystar is a multi-family housing development that is being built on the south side of Spencer Road between Mayhill Road and Loop 288. The development is supposed to build a center westbound left-turn lane to the site. The following multi- family projects are the closest residential developments Development Services staff are aware of in the area: The Grove and Pebblebrook. These developments are located at Loop 288 and Duchess Drive. Spencer Road is currently a two-lane roadway and ultimately is intended to be a six-lane median divided roadway. The City does not currently have a planned or funded project to widen Spencer Road. Sherman Road and Kings Road: Is there a traffic light planned for the Fire Station? Staff intends to submit the intersection of Sherman and Kings Road to be partially funded through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). In accordance with HSIP requirements, staff is currently evaluating intersections that will require potential traffic signal improvements due to recent severe injury/fatality at the intersection. Staff will share a list of planned intersections that will be submitted to the TxDOT for HSIP funding in a future Friday Report. Staff contacts: Chandrakanth Muruganandham, Capital Projects/Engineering, and Hayley Zagurski, Development Services D. Truck Traffic along Robson Ranch Road—On September 17, Council Member Davis asked staff about the possibility of placing "Not a Truck Route" or similar signs on Robson Ranch Road and Yarbrough Road. A resident reported that construction- related truck traffic, especially concrete trucks,recently increased on these roadways. The City does not have jurisdiction along Robson Ranch Road; the City's limits are only along Yarbrough Way, with the rest of the area lying in Denton County jurisdiction. Yarborough Way is on the western perimeter of the Robson Ranch community and adjoins the City of Denton limits. If the trucks have a business destination to reach and deliver, neither the City nor the County have a mechanism to restrict that traffic. Staff contact: Chandrakanth Muruganandham, Capital Projects/Engineering E. Highland Park Road Traffic Concerns Update—On September 20,a resident contacted the City Manager to request that they and staff participate in the Denia Area Community Group's monthly meeting,which will be conducted on September 27 via Zoom. Concerns relate to traffic on Highland Park Road, which was discussed in the September 3 Friday report. Traffic Engineering is currently reviewing traffic conditions to evaluate potential traffic calming and enforcement opportunities, and they will report the results in a future Friday report. In addition, residents contacted 11 staff via several e-mails to request participation in a community meeting, additional details about the traffic study, and follow-up on the ongoing resurfacing and North Texas Boulevard improvement projects. Staff from Capital Projects/Engineering, Public Works, and the Police Department will participate in the September 27 community meeting to listen and better understand the concerns of the neighborhood. Following this meeting, Capital Projects/Engineering will then evaluate the concerns and look for possible solutions. Capital Project/Engineering will either host an additional community meeting in November or present at the next Denia Area Community Group meeting,depending on the date set. Staff Contacts:Nathan George, Capital Projects/Engineering and Daniel Kremer, Public Works IV. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Park Naming Community Meeting — On September 29, 2021 at 6 p.m. Parks and Recreation is hosting a Community Meeting to review new naming suggestions for buildings, parks, and trails. The public is invited to be a part of the discussion. Email parksnrec0)cityofdenton.com to get the Zoom link for the meeting. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation B. Stream Clean — Stream Clean, Denton's annual waterways cleanup, is Saturday, October 16. This year, the cleanup will kick off with a volunteer appreciation breakfast, then volunteers will travel to their assigned locations. Registration closes on Oct. 7. Individuals and groups are welcome. This event is an interdepartmental partnership of Denton Parks and Recreation, the Watershed Department, the Solid Waste & Recycling Department, Water Utilities, the Drainage Department, and the Sustainability Division. In 2019, volunteers removed 335 bags of trash, 142 bags of recyclables, and 60 oversized items from our local environment during the Stream Clean. Register online here: www.bitly.com/denton-volunteer Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation V. Attachments A. PR213 Tree Trimming Addresses..............................................................................13 B. DCTA Presentation....................................................................................................14 VI. Informal Staff Reports A. 2021-076 Proposed Fraud Directive Revisions..........................................................19 B. 2021-077 DEC July 2021 Dashboard.........................................................................40 C. 2021-078 Parks, Recreation and Trails System Master Plan .....................................42 D. 2021-079 Southwest Park Master Plan ......................................................................44 Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .............................................................................46 B. Council Calendar .......................................................................................................48 C. Draft Agenda for October 4........................................................................................60 D. Future Work Session Items .......................................................................................61 E. Street Construction Report ........................................................................................63 12 Lynchburg Dr Kenilworth Dr Shadow Oak 3600 2401 4401 3608 2403 4400 3612 2405 4402 3616 2407 Windride Ln 3620 2409 2901 3700 2411 2903 3704 2501 2905 3708 2503 2907 3712 2505 2909 3804 2507 2911 Quail Run 2509 2913 2003 2915 Waverly Road Lonesome Oak 3101 4002 2601 3103 4004 2603 3105 4006 2605 3201 4008 2607 3203 4010 2609 3205 4100 2611 3207 4102 2613 3209 4104 2615 3301 4106 2617 3303 4108 Spanish Oak 3305 4110 4424 3310 4112 4422 4114 4420 4116 4418 4416 4414 4412 13 GoZone Launch Completed GoZone Trips September 7-17 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/17 14 ID 21-1835 GoZone and DCTA Connect Weekday Trips - September 7-16 GoZone and DCTA Connect Weekday Trips September 7-16 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 - 200 0 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2 9/3 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 GoZone Connect 15 ID 21-1835 Completed GoZone Trip Origins - September 7-17 Krum J Prosper e dy8� @p oo Cro s Roads M o a U-1.Park e�� C g pa pa Oak P.W I — r�nrinlh Hsckberry Frisco V Hwkory Cfetlr Hrf�. Ncdhl.*e ° lnnt.�no ° 6nrtmvllle �oOO ® $ oe me ° o OriWII G.L. o o ° ° Flower Mound me aao � Trophy Gut 0 I IERE. 16 ID 21-1835 Completed GoZone Trip Destinations - September 7-17 wwrr •�. .r..1.M.� : �.•••• • C—..Road. ~HH Completed Trips • , , . ''' ,� Lewisville/ Highland Village .�c - Oe6POl r Denton r .� ;V.. " >. 9/7 Tue 114 44 miErm 9/8 Wed 117 47 r,.atirr>. 9/9 Thu 197 64 9/10 Fri 229 78 araN _ 9/13 Mon 323 70 "w The Colony 9/14 Tue 370 87 9/15 Wed 422 97 9/16 Thu 454 86 9/17 Fri 454 101 TOTALS 2680 674 Flower Mound w ••• " Rm.r rrctnv rarro •• •.•'• .. • CerroUlon E r HERE.G-0.I.q Or+nbwM.p xntrib.tm,.rc MGIS u>s conmn3r 17 ID 21-1835 Key Trip Characteristics - September 7-17 A verage Wait Time for Pickup ( min . ) 0 : 11 Average Pickup Walk Distance (ft. ) 126 Average Dropoff Walk Distance (ft. ) 137 18 Ioz, .,e35 0 September 24, 2021 Report No. 2021-076 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions to the City's Fraud Directive BACKGROUND: The City of Denton originally adopted the Fraud Directive in 2002. At the beginning of fiscal year 2020-21, Staff noted that this administrative directive had not been revised for over 20 years. For this reason, a cross-departmental team including staff from Internal Audit, Finance, Procurement & Compliance, Police, Human Resources, and Legal met over the course of three meetings to discuss how the Fraud Directive should be updated to reflect the City's current organizational structure and fraud response process. DISCUSSION: Based on discussion, Staff is proposing the original Fraud Directive be revised to become the Fraud Response Policy. Staff believes that guidance for City employees on how to respond to suspected or alleged fraud is best formalized at the policy level instead of as an administrative directive) In addition, the proposed revisions provide further clarification about the definitions, roles, and process for fraud and the City's response to fraud suspicions or allegations. Specifically, the revisions: • Establishes goals for the Fraud Response Policy; • Adds flexibility and clarity to the composition of the Investigation Committee; • Defines the scope of preliminary reviews and investigations; • Requires the Investigation Committee to develop formal procedures for receiving, tracking, and managing fraud allegations and investigations; • Outlines the responsibilities of the Internal Audit Department including: o Coordinating a city-wide fraud prevention and detection training program; o Ensuring an anonymous method of reporting fraud suspicions or allegations is made available to employees; and o Tracking cases that come before the Investigation Committee; • Updates the fraud response administrative procedures to more clearly align with actual practice as illustrated in Attachment 4; • Clarifies the process for investigating a fraud allegation that implicates a Council Appointee; and • Provides the Investigation Committee with a process for hiring a fraud investigation consultant if needed. 1 Per City of Denton Policy 6.00,an Administrative Directive is a written statement from the City Manager, Executive Director,or Director of Human Resources to City employees establishing rules and regulations concerning internal operational matters of the City.On the other hand,a policy is a statement of overall philosophy and direction,describing goals to be accomplished and programs to be established. 19 September 24,2021 Report No. 2021-076 The proposed Fraud Response Policy is scheduled to be considered for adoption on the City Council's September 28, 2021 consent agenda. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Original Fraud Directive 2. Proposed Fraud Response Policy 3. Revisions Redline 4. Proposed Fraud Response Process STAFF CONTACT: Madison Rorschach, City Auditor Internal Audit Department (940) 349-7228 Madison.RorschachgCityofDenton.com REOUESTOR: Staff Initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Internal Audit, Finance, Procurement& Compliance, Police, Human Resources, and Legal. STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 8 Hours 20 CITY OF DENTON PO IICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PRO CEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 1 of 6 SECTION: GENERAL POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DIRECTIVES REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 SUBJECT: FRAUD INITIAL EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/17/2002 TITLE: FRAUD DIRECTIVE LAST REVISION DATE: 09/16/2002 ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE: It is the intention of the City of Denton to establish procedures for preventing fraud and for responding to allegations of fraud in connection with City program s functions or activities. This directive applies to all City em lioyees. The City of Denton is com rafted to upholding the public trust. All em lioyees shall support this directive by avoiding fraud as defined herein. Em lioyees are expected to support efforts aim cl at preventing fraud. In addition, em lioyees are expected to report possible fraudulent activity or any internal/external practices that would allow for or facilitate fraudulent activity. Supervisors and m aiagers have a greater responsibility to uphold the City's directive. They are expected to initiate appropriate preventive m casures, im liem art necessary controls and initiate investigations by prom ftly reporting allegations to a m e mar of the investigation com nittee. In addition, they are responsible for determ ping and enforcing disciplinary action with the aid of the Hum a1 Resources Departm art. The investigation com mftee is responsible for responding to fraud allegations through coordination of necessary resources in determ ping future actions regarding the investigation. If the com n ittee suspects the conduct to be crim nal in nature, the com mftee will recom Trend that the Police Departm art lake diarge of the investigation. Oro mtiee findings and recom m adations shall then be com m nicated to the City M anager's Office (CM O) for further action. The Haman Ielsources apartm art s responsible fir advising city personnel it he determ nation and enforcem ait of disciplinary action. Further, it is responsible for tracking cases that com ebefore the investigation com mftee and the case results. The CM O will have overall responsibility for holding departm arts accountable for com Oiance with this directive. As a public official, the City Manager has a duty to disclose all evidence of fraud. For this reason, the CM O, in consultation with com mtiee, will refer inform a:ion to the appropriate law enforcem art authorities on item s that m ay result in crim nal prosecution, if determ iced necessary. Where it does not im pede or interfere with a crim nal investigation or prosecution, the City M anager m ay provide inform pion to the City Council concerning a particular fraud investigation. 21 PO IICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PRO CEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE P age 2 of 6 TITLE: F RAUD DIRECTIVE REFERENCE NUMBER:5 09.01 ADMINISTRATIVE PRO CEDURES A. Scope This directive establishes three key expectations for the City of Denton: 1. Procedures for preventing fraudulent activity and reporting suspected fraud. 2. Procedures to respond to allegations of fraud. 3. An investigation com mt'tee com lrised of a m do ber of the Legal Departm tit, Hum al Resources Departm dit and Internal Audit responsible for responding to allegations of fraud. The com mttee's responsibilities will be to: • Respond to fraud allegations through coordination of necessary resources in determ ping future actions regarding the investigation. • Com m uicate all com mftee findings and recom m udations to the City Manager's Office (CM O). • When directed by the City Manager, refer all allegations suspected to be crim nal in nature, to the Police Departm dlt for investigation. • Monitor and coordinate all adm nistrative investigations. • Docum cnt all allegations and their disposition. B. Definitions Fraud is defined as the intentional m sappropriation of City assets by any act including, but not l im Ied to, theft, e m bezzlem dit and intentional m srepresentation. Acts constituting fraud include but are not lim ted to: • Forgery or alteration of any docum dlt or account belonging to the City. • Forgery or alteration of a check, bank draft or any other financial docum d1t representing funds belonging to the City. • Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies or other assets of the City. • Im lropriety in the handling or reporting of m mey or financial transactions involving the City and any other entity. • Profiteering as a result of insider knowledge of City activities. 22 PO IICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PRO CEDUREAADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE P age 3 of 6 TITLE: F RAUD DIRECTIVE REFERENCE NUMBER:5 09.01 • Accepting or seeking anything of in aerial value from contractors, vendors or persons providing services/m Eterials to the City. • Destruction, rem oval or inappropriate use of records, furniture, fixtures and equipm ant belonging to the City. • Em bezzlem ant, larceny or any other in sapplication of City funds. • Any official in sconduct including the in sapplication or in suse of City funds or property. The investigation com m ftee will be com lrised of a in an ber of the Legal Departm ant, Hum al Resources Departm ant and Internal Audit. The com mftee will serve as a contact for City personnel when suspicions of fraud arise. Further, the com mt'tee will respond to any fraud allegations in ale by citizens or City personnel. C. Procedures 1. Em Ooyees who suspect fraud shall im in diately report their suspicions to their supervisor for appropriate action. Im in diately shall in can as soon as the em Ooyee has the in cans to contact their supervisor, but shall be no longer than twenty-four hours after the em Ooyee becom cs aware of the suspected fraud. As an alternative, City em Ooyees can go outside the norm d chain of com in ad and report it directly to their departm ant director, an Assistant City Manager, the City Manager or a in anber of the investigation com mtitee. Em Ooyees who provide inform Aion in good faith will be protected pursuant to City of Denton Adm histrative Directive No. 108.06 (Retaliation Act) as described later in this directive. 2. City em Ooyees who are contacted by citizens with evidence or written allegations of fraud shall im in diately report it to their departm ant director, a in an ber of the investigation com melee, an Assistant City Manager or the City Manager. 3. Departm ant directors or supervisors will prom ftly report allegations or suspicions of faud b a in m ber cf he investigation omm mtitee im in diately following notification of the allegations or suspicions. This will be done prior to taking personnel action toward the employee(s) involved or im in diately after putting the em Ooyee(s) on adm histrative leave as defined herein. 4. Departm ant supervisors will be responsible for in antaining consistency in their response to allegations of fraud and actions taken should be to protect the City and City assets. 5. The investigation com mttee will determ he and coordinate with the 23 PO IICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PRO CEDUREAADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE P age 4 of 6 TITLE: F RAUD DIRECTIVE REFERENCE NUMBER:5 09.01 individuals necessary to conduct different areas of the investigation. When in anagem ant is not sure whether a crim e has been com rafted, would like to assess the extent of wrongdoing or is not sure if additional risk is im mrient, the investigation com mtiee will perform a review to determ he if there is reasonable cause to believe fraud has occurred that requires further investigation. 6. The investigation com mtiee, in consultation with the City M anager, will determ he if the case should be pursued as an adm nistrative or crim final investigation. If the com mtiee suspects the conduct to be crim iial in nature, the com mftee will recom mad that the Police Department take charge of the investigation with the investigation com mtiee providing assistance, if necessary, and serving as a resource to the police. The Police Departm ant will then determ he the appropriate actions as the investigation progresses including, without lim cation, referral of the in titer to the District Attorney's Office for crim final prosecution. 7. The investigation com mttee in ay notify the departm ant director of any allegations subm ited to them that require an on-site investigation, when appropriate. When the investigation requires the inspection of City facilities and/or equipm ait, the com ni tee will com Oy with Policy 108.13 "Investigation and Inspection of City Facilities/Equipm ant" of the City of Denton Policies and Procedures Manual. 8. The Hum an Resources Departm ait will track cases and their disposition. However, if the case is a crim final investigation, no inform Aion in ale confidential by law or by discretion of the investigating officer will be in antained in the Hum al Resources Departm ant to avoid im Wding the crim final investigation. All crim final case inform aion and docum citation will be m antained with the Police Departm ant files while all adm nistrative investigation case files will be in antained by the Hum al Resources Departm ant. 9. When the suspected fraud involves the theft of City funds, em lloyees should also abide by the procedures addressed in Policy 403.01 "Cash Handling Regulations," section XIV "Action Taken in Event of Theft" of the City of Denton Policies and Procedures Manual. D. Personnel Issues 1. Adm nistrative Leave - An em lloyee under investigation in ay be placed on adm nistrative leave with or without pay for the duration of the proceedings upon the recom in edation by the Hum al Resources Departm ant and the departm ait director, Assistant City M anager or City 24 PO IICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PRO CEDUREAADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE P age 5 of 6 TITLE: F RAUD DIRECTIVE REFERENCE NUMBER:5 09.01 Manager. Upon com Oetion of the investigation, appropriate and tim dy action will be taken. If the em Iloyee is returned to duty, he/she will receive recovery of back pay, if applicable and to the extent deem al appropriate by the Hum ai Resources Departm ant or as m ay be required by law. 2. Rehire - Em ployees term hated for violating a provision of this directive shall not be eligible for future em Ooym ent with the City in any capacity - e.g., a regular, tem pDrary or contract/consulting position unless the term nation is overturned by a judicial or adm histrative procedure. 3. False Inform Won and/or Accusations - Em Iloyees who intentionally or knowingly m&e false accusations and/or provide false inform aion concerning instances of fraud will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including term nation. 4. Other a. I f an en ployee's personnel file contains cbcum entation cf disciplinary action based upon sustained allegations of fraud, within ten days of the placem ant of such docum entation in the personnel file, the em Iloyee m ay subm I a written response to the Director of Hum ai Resources regarding the disciplinary action. This response will be placed in his/her personnel file. b. All em Iloyees are required to cooperate fully during any City review or investigation of an allegation of fraud. Anyone inform al of an investigation in progress shall ensure that strict confidentiality is observed so as to not prejudice the investigation or the City's rights and integrity. Anyone found violating this requirem ent will be subject to disciplinary action. During an investigation, any em Iloyee contacted by the m alia should refer all questions to the Public Inform lion Office. Em Iloyees should be aware that: 1. They are to in antain the confidentiality of the inform aion they receive (except in the event of a public inform Ltion request, court order or otherwise authorized by law). 2. They will not be subject to retaliation for cooperating. 3. The Hum ai Resources Departm eit is available to provide advice related to the City's personnel policies. 4. If they have questions concerning legal consequences, they should consult with an attorney. 5. Failure b com ply ,Aith his rction could result in disciplinary action pursuant to City of Denton Policy No. 25 PO IICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PRO CEDUREAADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE P age 6 of 6 TITLE: F RAUD DIRECTIVE REFERENCE NUMBER:5 09.01 109.01. E. Protection from Retaliation Pursuant to the City of Denton's Adm histrative Directive 108.06 ("Retaliation Act"), an em Ooyee m ay not be retaliated against for reporting an alleged violation of a law to an appropriate law enforcem ant authority if the employee's report is m ale in good faith as set forth in the Texas Retaliation Act. Em Ooyees who believe they have been the subject of retaliation for reporting illegal activity by other City em Ooyee(s) or officials should address their com 11aint with their im m diate supervisor. If this is not a suitable avenue, the com 11aint m ay be addressed directly to their departm ant head or the Director of the Hum ai Resources Departm ant. F. Com pliance All City em Ooyees are required to com Oy with this directive. In addition to all the individual requirem ants for com Oiance stated within, failure to comply with this Fraud Prevention Directive m ay result in disciplinary action pursuant to City of Denton Policy No. 109.01 ("Disciplinary Action") as determ fined necessary by the City M anager and the appropriate departm ait director. 26 CITY OF DENTON POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 1 of 6 SECTION: GENERAL POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DIRECTIVES REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 SUBJECT: FRAUD INITIAL EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/17/2002 TITLE: FRAUD RESPONSE LAST REVISION DATE:09/28/2021 POLICY STATEMENT: The City of Denton is committed to upholding the public trust through a commitment to high legal, ethical, and moral standards. As stewards of public funds, all City employees should be aware of fraud risks and should be adequately prepared to respond in the event of fraud. It is the intention of the City of Denton to establish procedures for responding to allegations of fraud in connection with City programs, functions or activities. The goals of this fraud response policy are as follows: • Inform employees of their roles in the event of fraud or suspected fraud at the City of Denton • Protect the City of Denton from financial loss and reputational damage • Conduct a timely and fair response to protect the party or parties accused of fraud • Support law enforcement to the fullest extent possible when fraud has been uncovered within the City of Denton This policy applies to all City employees. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES: I. DEFINITIONS: a. Fraud is defined as the intentional or knowing misappropriation of City assets by any act including, but not limited to, theft, corruption, conspiracy, embezzlement, deception, bribery, extortion, and intentional misrepresentation. Attempted fraud is treated as seriously as accomplished fraud. Fraud may involve: • Forgery or alteration of any document or account belonging to the City. • Forgery or alteration of a check, bank draft, or any other financial document representing funds belonging to the City. • Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, or other assets of the City. 27 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 2 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD POLICY REFERENCE NUMBER:509.01 • Impropriety in the handling or reporting of money or financial transactions involving the City and any other entity. • Profiteering as a result of insider knowledge of City activities. • Accepting or seeking anything of material value from contractors, vendors or persons providing services/materials to the City. • Inappropriate destruction, removal or use of records, furniture, fixtures and equipment belonging to the City. • Authorizing or receiving payments for goods not received or services not performed. • Authorizing or receiving payment for hours not worked. • Embezzlement, larceny or any other misapplication of City funds. • Any official misconduct including the misapplication or misuse of City funds or property. b. The Investigation Committee will be comprised of, at minimum, the City Auditor or their designee(s), the City Attorney or their designee(s), and the City Manager will appoint one or more department designees as needed. When designating individuals to the Investigation Committee, the City Manager, Auditor, and Attorney shall take into consideration the relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities needed in order to carry out the Committee's work. In order to preserve confidentiality, the Investigation Committee shall have no more than five members at a time. c. A preliminary review of a fraud allegation is an examination of available facts of an incident to assess the extent of wrongdoing, ascertain the likelihood that the criminal act of fraud has occurred, or determine if additional risk is imminent. d. An investigation is the collection of evidence or information used to determine whether a fraud has taken place. II. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: a. All City employees shall support this policy by avoiding fraud as defined herein and by supporting efforts aimed at preventing fraud. In addition, employees are expected to report possible fraudulent activity or any internal/external practices that would allow for or facilitate fraudulent activity through the process described in this policy. b. Supervisors and managers have a greater responsibility to uphold the City's fraud policy. They are expected to initiate appropriate preventive measures, implement necessary controls and initiate investigations by promptly reporting allegations to a member of the Investigation Committee. In addition, they are responsible for determining and enforcing corrective action with the aid of the Human Resources Department as provided for by City of Denton Policy No. 109.01 ("Corrective Action"). c. The Investigation Committee is responsible for responding to fraud allegations made by 28 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 3 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD POLICY REFERENCE NUMBER:509.01 residents or City personnel through coordination of necessary resources in determining actions regarding the investigation. The Investigation Committee serves as the primary contact for City personnel when suspicions or allegations of fraud arise. Further, the Investigation Committee will respond to any fraud allegations. The Investigation Committee should develop formal procedures for receiving, tracking, and managing fraud allegations and investigations. d. The Human Resources Department is responsible for advising City personnel in the determination and enforcement of corrective action. e. The City Manager's Office (CMO) will have overall responsibility for holding departments accountable for compliance with this policy. The City Manager has a duty to disclose all evidence of fraud. For this reason, the CMO, in consultation with the Investigation Committee, will refer information to the appropriate law enforcement authorities on items that may result in criminal prosecution, if determined necessary. Where it does not impede or interfere with a criminal investigation or prosecution, the City Manager may provide information to the City Council concerning a particular fraud investigation. f. The Internal Audit Department is responsible for coordinating a city-wide fraud prevention and detection training program to ensure City employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities as related to this policy. In addition, the Department is responsible for ensuring the City makes available to employees an anonymous method of reporting fraud suspicions or allegations. Further, it is responsible for tracking cases that come before the Investigation Committee and the case results. III. REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES: a. Reporting and investigations of fraud comply with the following: 1. Employees who suspect fraud shall immediately report their suspicions to their supervisor for appropriate action. Immediately shall mean as soon as the employee has the means to contact their supervisor but shall be no longer than twenty-four hours after the employee becomes aware of the suspected fraud. As an alternative, City employees may go outside the normal chain of command and report a suspected fraud to their department director, the City Manager or their designee, a member of the Investigation Committee, or anonymously through the method provided by the Internal Audit Department. 2. City employees who are contacted by residents with evidence or written allegations of fraud shall immediately report it to their department director, a member of the Investigation Committee, or the City Manager or their designee. 3. Department directors or supervisors will promptly report allegations or suspicions of 29 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 4 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD POLICY REFERENCE NUMBER:509.01 fraud to a member of the Investigation Committee immediately following notification of the allegations or suspicions. This will be done prior to taking personnel action toward the employee(s) involved or immediately after putting the employee(s) on administrative leave as defined herein. Department supervisors will be responsible for maintaining consistency in their response to allegations of fraud and actions taken should be to protect the City and City assets. 4. Upon receipt of a fraud allegation, the Investigation Committee will perform a preliminary review to determine if there is reasonable cause to believe fraud has occurred that requires further investigation. The Investigation Committee will determine and coordinate with the individuals necessary to conduct different areas of the investigation but will refrain from conducting interviews about the allegations to avoid hindering a future investigation. If a Council Appointee is implicated in a fraud allegation, individuals designated to the Investigation Committee by that Appointee shall be required to recuse themselves from the investigation. Lack of recusal or communication of the fraud allegations or findings of the Investigation Committee will be considered non-compliance with this policy. 5. The Investigation Committee will present the results of the preliminary review to the City Manager to determine if the allegations should be pursued administratively or as a criminal investigation. If the Investigation Committee suspects the conduct to be criminal in nature, the committee will recommend that the Police Department take charge of the investigation. The Police Department will then determine the appropriate actions as the investigation progresses including, without limitation, referral of the matter for criminal prosecution. Results of a preliminary review involving fraud allegations of a Council Appointee will be presented by the Investigation Committee to the City Council in a closed session as allowed by Texas Government Code §551.074. 6. In consultation with the City Manager, or when appropriate the City Council, the Investigation Committee will be able to hire an investigation consultant to assist in the performance of any administrative fraud investigations. 7. The Investigation Committee may notify the department director of any allegations submitted to them that require an on-site investigation, when appropriate. When the investigation requires the inspection of City facilities and/or equipment, the Committee will comply with Policy 108.13 "Investigation and Inspection of City Facilities/Equipment" of the City of Denton Policies and Procedures Manual. 8. The Internal Audit Department will track cases and their disposition. However, if the case is a criminal investigation, no information made confidential by law or by 30 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 5 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD POLICY REFERENCE NUMBER:509.01 discretion of the investigating Officer will be maintained in the Human Resources Department to avoid impeding the criminal investigation. All criminal case information and documentation will be maintained with the Police Department files while all preliminary review and administrative investigation case files will be maintained by the Human Resources Department. 9. When the suspected fraud involves the theft of City funds, employees should also abide by the procedures addressed in Policy 403.01 "Cash Handling Regulations," section XV "Fraud, Theft, and Lost and Found" of the City of Denton Policies and Procedures Manual. IV. PERSONNEL ISSUES: a. Administrative Leave—An employee under investigation may be placed on administrative leave with or without pay for the duration of the proceedings upon the recommendation by the Human Resources Department and the department director, City Manager or their designee. Upon completion of the investigation, appropriate and timely action will be taken. If the employee is returned to duty, they will receive recovery of back pay, if applicable and to the extent deemed appropriate by the Human Resources Department or as may be required by law. b. Rehire—Employees terminated for violating a provision of this policy shall not be eligible for future employment with the City in any capacity- e.g., a regular, temporary, seasonal, or contract/consulting position unless the termination is overturned by a judicial or administrative procedure. c. False Information and/or Accusations —Employees who intentionally or knowingly make false accusations and/or provide false information concerning instances of fraud will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employment. d. Other — If an employee's personnel file contains documentation of corrective action based upon sustained allegations of fraud, within ten days of the placement of such documentation in the personnel file, the employee may submit a written response to the Director of Human Resources regarding the corrective action. This response will be placed in their personnel file. e. All employees are required to cooperate fully during any City review or investigation of an allegation of fraud. Anyone informed of an investigation in progress shall ensure that strict confidentiality is observed so as to not prejudice the investigation or the City's rights and integrity. Anyone found violating this requirement will be subject to corrective action. During an investigation, any employee contacted by the media should refer all questions to the Public Information Office. Employees should be aware that: • They are to maintain the confidentiality of the information they receive (except in the 31 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 6 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD POLICY REFERENCE NUMBER:509.01 event of a public information request, court order or otherwise authorized by law). • Retaliation for cooperating is prohibited subject to City of Denton Administrative Directive 108.06 ("Retaliation Act"). • The Human Resources Department is available to provide advice related to the City's personnel policies. • If they have questions concerning legal consequences, they should consult with an attorney. • Failure to comply with this section could result in corrective action pursuant to City of Denton Policy No. 109.01 ("Corrective Action"). V. PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION: Pursuant to the City of Denton's Administrative Directive 108.06 ("Retaliation Act"), an employee may not be retaliated against for reporting an alleged violation of a law by another employee to an appropriate law enforcement authority if the employee's report is made in good faith as set forth in the Texas Retaliation Act. Employees who believe they have been the subject of retaliation for reporting illegal activity by other City employee(s) or officials should address their complaint with their immediate supervisor. If this is not a suitable avenue, the complaint may be addressed directly to their department director or the Director of Human Resources or their designee. VI.COMPLIANCE: All City employees are required to comply with this policy. In addition to all the individual requirements for compliance stated within, failure to comply with this Fraud Response Policy may result in corrective action pursuant to City of Denton Policy No. 109.01 ("Corrective Action") as determined necessary by the City Manager and the appropriate department director. Failure to comply with this policy by a Council Appointee may result in corrective action by the City Council. 32 CITY OF DENTON POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 1 of 6 SECTION: GENERAL POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DIRECTIVES REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 SUBJECT: FRAUD INITIAL EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/17/2002 TITLE: FRAUD DI ECTIV RESPONSE LAST REVISION DATE: 09/16/2002 POLICY STATEMENT: The City of Denton is committed to upholding the public trust through a commitment to high legal, ethical, and moral standards. As stewards of public funds, all City employees should be aware of fraud risks and should be adequately prepared to respond in the event of fraud. It is the intention of the City of Denton to establish procedures for respondingto o allegations of fraud in connection with Cityprograms, functions or activities. The goals of this fraud response policy are as follows: • Inform employees of their roles in the event of fraud or suspected fraud at the City of Denton • Protect the City of Denton from financial loss and reputational damage • Conduct a timely and fair response to protect the pgty or parties accused of fraud • Support law enforcement to the fullest extent possible when fraud has been uncovered within the City of Denton ADMINISTRATIVE DEFINITIONS: Fraud is defined as the intentional misappropriation of City assets by any act including, but not limited to, theft, corruption, conspiracy, embezzlement, deception, bribery, extortion, and intentional misrepresentation. Attempted fraud is treated as seriously as accomplished fraud. Some illustrations of incidents which would be classified as fraud are contained in the Ae4Exhibit. A fraud may involves eenstituting ffaud inelude.,bu4 are not limited to: • Forgery or alteration of any document or account belonging to the City. • Forgery or alteration of a check, bank draft, or any other financial document representing funds belonging to the City. • Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies,or other assets of the City. • Impropriety in the handling or reporting of money or financial transactions involving the City and any other entity. • Profiteering as a result of insider knowledge of City activities. • Accepting or seeking anything of material value from contractors, vendors or persons 33 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 2 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD RESPONSEPOLICYT'TDL REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 providing services/materials to the City. • Inappropriate dDestruction, removal or ' use of records, furniture, fixtures and equipment belonging to the City. • Authorizing or receiving pUments for goods not received or services not performed. • Authorizing or receiving payment for hours not worked. • Embezzlement, larceny or any other misapplication of City funds. • Any official misconduct including the misapplication or misuse of City funds or property. The Iinvestigation Ceommittee will be comprised of, at minimum, the City Auditor or their designee(s), the City Attorney or their designee(s), and the City Manager will appoint one or more department designees as needed. When designating individuals to the Investigation Committee, the City Manager, Auditor, and Attorney shall take into consideration the relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities needed in order to carry out the Committee's work. In order to preserve confidentiality the Investigation Committee shall have no more than five members at a time. member-of the Legal Department, Human Reseurees Department,-and in4emal Au A preliminary review of a fraud allegation is an examination of available facts of an incident to assess the extent of wrongdoing, ascertain the likelihood that the criminal act of fraud has occurred, or determine if additional The eemmittee will serveas a septa t for City personnel when sus-pieiefis of fiuud afise. Fufther-, the eemmittee will respond to any fraud allegati made by eitizens ^r City pefsennehrisk is imminent. An investigation is the collection of evidence or information used to determine whether a fraud has taken place. ADMINISTRATIVE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: it is the intention of the City of Denton to establish pr-eeedufes for- pr-eventing fr-aud and fe This e— op licy applies to all City employees. The City of Denton is eeffffnit4ed to upholding the publie All City employees shall support this olp icy by avoiding fraud as defined herein. Employees are expeetea to and by supportin efforts aimed at preventing fraud. In addition, employees are expected to report possible fraudulent activity or any internal/external practices that would allow for or facilitate fraudulent activity through the process described in this policy. Supervisors and managers have a greater responsibility to uphold the City's difeetivefraud op lice. They are expected to initiate appropriate preventive measures, implement necessary controls and initiate investigations by promptly reporting allegations to a member of the iInvestigation Ceommittee. In addition, they are responsible for determining and enforcing corrective action with the aid of the Human Resources Department as provided for by City of Denton Policy No. 109.01 ("Corrective Action"). 34 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 3 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD RESPONSEPOLICYT'TDL REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 The Unvestigation Ceommittee is responsible for responding to fraud allegations made by residents or City personnel through coordination of necessary resources in determining future actions regarding the investigation. The Investigation Committee serves as the primaa contact for City personnel when suspicions or allegations of fraud arise. Further, the committee will respond to any fraud allegations. The Investigation Committee should develop formal procedures for receiving, tracking, and managing fraud allegations and investigations. if Poliee Department take ehar-ge of the investigation.- Committee findings and r-eeefflfflefidatio shall then be eema+Lmieated to the City Manager's Offiee (CN40) for-fH#her-aefieff, The Human Resources Department is responsible for advising City personnel in the determination and enforcement of corrective action. The City Manager's Office C( MO)—will have overall responsibility for holding departments accountable for compliance with this d ve op licX. As a public official, the City Manager has a duty to disclose all evidence of fraud. For this reason, the CMO, in consultation with the Investigation. ECommittee, will refer information to the appropriate law enforcement authorities on items that may result in criminal prosecution, if determined necessary. Where it does not impede or interfere with a criminal investigation or prosecution, the City Manager may provide information to the City Council concerning a particular fraud investigation. The Internal Audit Department is responsible for coordinating a city-wide fraud prevention and detection training_program to ensure City employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities as related to this policy. In addition, the Department is responsible for ensuring the City makes available to employees an anonymous method of reporting fraud suspicions or allegations. Further, it is responsible for tracking cases that come before the Investigation Ceommittee and the case results. ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES: 1. Employees who suspect fraud shall immediately report their suspicions to their supervisor for appropriate action. Immediately shall mean as soon as the employee has the means to contact their supervisor but shall be no longer than twenty-four hours after the employee becomes aware of the suspected fraud. As an alternative, City employees may go outside the normal chain of command and report is suspected fraud to their department director, the City Manager or their desi n�� a member of the }Investigation Ceommittee, or anonymously, through the method provided by the Internal Audit Department. Employees who provide information in good faith will be protected pursuant to City of Denton Administrative Directive No. 108.06 (Retaliation Act) as described later in this eve op licy. 2. City employees who are contacted by ^��en&—residents with evidence or written 35 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 4 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD RESPONSEPOLICYT'TDL REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 allegations of fraud shall immediately report it to their department director, a member of the Iinvestigation Ceommittee, z or the City Manager or their designee. Department directors or supervisors will promptly report allegations or suspicions of fraud to a member of the Iinvestigation eCommittee immediately following notification of the allegations or suspicions. This will be done prior to taking personnel action toward the employee(s) involved or immediately after putting the employee(s) on administrative leave as defined herein. 4— 5-3. Department supervisors will be responsible for maintaining consistency in their response to allegations of fraud and actions taken should be to protect the City and City assets. 4. Upon receipt of a fraud allegation,. Tthe Iinvestigation Ceommittee will perform a preliminary review to determine if there is reasonable cause to believe fraud has occurred that requires further investigation. The Investigation Committee will determine and coordinate with the individuals necessary to conduct different areas of the investigation but will refrain from conducting interviews about the allegations to avoid hindering a future investigation. If a Council Appointee is implicated in a fraud allegation, individuals designated to the Investigation Committee by that Appointee shall be required to recuse themselves from the investigation. Lack of recusal or communication of the fraud allegations or findings of the Investigation Committee will be considered non-compliance with this policy.When management is not siffe whether- a er-ifne has been eommitted, would like to assess t extent of vffengdeing or- is not sure if additional risk is imminent, the investiga has tTe that requires f„ther investigation. 5_The Iinvestigation Ceommittee will present the results of the preliminary review; in „s„'*a*ioH with to the City Manager to wt determine if the ea-w—LIlegations should be pursued ,, ad in str-a4 veadministratively or as a criminal investigation. —If the Investijzation Ceommittee suspects the conduct to be criminal in nature, the committee will recommend that the Police Department take charge of the investigation with the Iinvestigation Ceommittee providing assistance, if necessary, and serving as a resource to the Ppolice. The Police Department will then determine the appropriate actions as the investigation progresses including, without limitation, referral of the matter to the District Attorney's Office for criminal prosecution. Results of a preliminary review involving fraud allegations of a Council Appointee will be presented by the Investigation Committee to the City Council in a closed session as allowed by Texas Government Code §551.074. 36 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 5 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD RESPONSEPOLICYT'TDL REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 6. In consultation with the City Manager, or when appropriate the City Council, the Investigation Committee will be able to hire an investigation consultant to assist in the performance of any administrative fraud investigations. 7. The Investigation eCommittee may notify the department director of any allegations submitted to them that require an on-site investigation, when appropriate. -When the investigation requires the inspection of City facilities and/or equipment, the Ceommittee will comply with Policy 108.13 "Investigation and Inspection of City Facilities/Equipment" of the City of Denton Policies and Procedures Manual. 8. The Internal Audit Department will track cases and their disposition. However, if the case is a criminal investigation, no information made confidential by law or by discretion of the investigating affieetOfficer will be maintained in the Human Resources Department to avoid impeding the criminal investigation. All criminal case information and documentation will be maintained with the Police Department files while all preliminary review and administrative investigation case files will be maintained by the Human Resources Department. 9. When the suspected fraud involves the theft of City funds, employees should also abide by the procedures addressed in Policy 403.01 "Cash Handling Regulations," section XTV "Action Take i Event of The Fraud, Theft, and Lost and Found" of the City of Denton Policies and Procedures Manual. PERSONNEL ISSUES: Administrative Leave-An employee under investigation may be placed on administrative leave with or without pay for the duration of the proceedings upon the recommendation by the Human Resources Department and the department director, City Manager or their designee. Upon completion of the investigation, appropriate and timely action will be taken. If the employee is returned to duty, theyhe/he will receive recovery of back pay, if applicable and to the extent deemed appropriate by the Human Resources Department or as may be required by law. Rehire-Employees terminated for violating a provision of this dir-ee6ve op lice shall not be eligible for future employment with the City in any capacity- e.g., a regular, temporary, seasonal, or contract/consulting position unless the termination is overturned by a judicial or administrative procedure. False Information and/or Accusations - Employees who intentionally or knowingly make false accusations and/or provide false information concerning instances of fraud will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employ. Other-If an employee's personnel file contains documentation of corrective action based upon sustained allegations of fraud, within ten days of the placement of such documentation in the 37 POLICY/ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE/ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE Page 6 of 6 TITLE: FRAUD RESPONSEPOLICYT'TDL REFERENCE NUMBER: 509.01 personnel file, the employee may submit a written response to the Director of Human Resources regarding the corrective action. This response will be placed in their personnel file. All employees are required to cooperate fully during any City review or investigation of an allegation of fraud. Anyone informed of an investigation in progress shall ensure that strict confidentiality is observed so as to not prejudice the investigation or the City's rights and integrity. Anyone found violating this requirement will be subject to corrective action. During an investigation, any employee contacted by the media should refer all questions to the Public Information Office. Employees should be aware that: • They are to maintain the confidentiality of the information they receive (except in the event of a public information request, court order or otherwise authorized by law). • Retaliation for cooperating is prohibited subject to City of Denton Administrative Directive 108.06 ("Retaliation Act")..They will net be stiblieet to retaliation fe per-ating. • The Human Resources Department is available to provide advice related to the City's personnel policies. • If they have questions concerning legal consequences, they should consult with an attorney. • Failure to comply with this section could result in corrective action pursuant to City of Denton Policy No. 109.01 ("Corrective Action"). PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION: Pursuant to the City of Denton's Administrative Directive 108.06 ("Retaliation Act"), an employee may not be retaliated against for reporting an alleged violation of a law to an appropriate law enforcement authority if the employee's report is made in good faith as set forth in the Texas Retaliation Act. Employees who believe they have been the subject of retaliation for reporting illegal activity by other City employee(s) or officials should address their complaint with their immediate supervisor. If this is not a suitable avenue, the complaint may be addressed directly to their department director or the Director of Human Resources or their designee. COMPLIANCE: All City employees are required to comply with this dir-eetive op licy. In addition to all the individual requirements for compliance stated within, failure to comply with this Fraud Win-Response Policy may result in corrective action pursuant to City of Denton Policy No. 109.01 ("Corrective Action") as determined necessary by the City Manager and the appropriate department director. Failure to comply with this policy by a Council Appointee may result in corrective action by the City Council. 38 City ofDenton : Proposed Fraud Response Process Resident Employee Department Investigation City City Police Director Committee Manager Council Department Suspects Fraud Suspects Fraud Suspects Fraud Report Fraud Report Fraud Report Fraud Receive Fraud Report Conduct Preliminary Review ofReported Fra ud Council Discuss Fraud Report Appointee Yes and Preliminary implicated? Review Results DiscussFraud Report No and Preliminary Re view Results ursue the No case Ye rim in 11y. Conduct Conduct Fra ud Fra ud rove stAga don. rInve stig a don. Date: September 24,2021 Report No. 2021-077 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: FY 2020-21 Denton Energy Center(DEC)YTD July 2021 Dashboard BACKGROUND: Attached is the July FY 2020-21 Dashboard for the Denton Energy Center. The dashboard is intended to give a snapshot of relevant DEC metrics. The dashboards highlight the following: • The Emission Charts (based on calendar year) display the July engine runtime hours, starts, stops, monthly and annual emissions totals and limits. • DEC MWh Generation and Gross Revenue for FY 2020-21 through July 2021. o The DEC ran 68,771 MWh more through July of FY 2020-21 compared to FY 2019-20. This resulted in approximately $125.3 million more in DEC Revenue. • A DEC financial summary showing July FY 2019-20 Actuals, FY 2020-21 Budget, Actuals as of July 2021 and the FY 2020-21 end of year projections. o As a result of Winter Storm Uri, the FY 2020-21 year-end projections have been updated to show a $28.8 million increase in DEC fuel cost. • The Plant Monthly Run Hour Comparison Graph illustrates the monthly plant run times. • The Key Trends section explains variances in revenues and expenses. o Due to running more hours through July, the fuel cost was $24.3 million higher. o The net income for the DEC through July equals $88.6 million, which is a direct result of Winter Storm Uri in February and higher run times than forecasted during the months of October 2020, April 2021 and June 2021. o The DEC Gross Margin through July was $106.9 million which is $101.9 million higher than budgeted also mainly due to Winter Storm Uri. (The Gross Margin= DEC Revenue—Fuel cost—Variable Operating& Maintenance cost.) Gross Margin represents the component of revenue available to pay fixed cost including debt. ATTACHMENT(S): Denton Energy Center(DEC) Dashboard STAFF CONTACTS: Cassey Ogden Director of Finance (940) 349-7195 cassandra.ogdcnkcityofdenton.com Nick Vincent Assistant Director of Finance (940) 349-8063 nicholas.vincent(d),cityofdenton.com 40 City of Denton, Texas FY 2020-21 Denton Energy Center DENTON YTD JULY 2021 Dashboard Emissions July 2021 Volatile Particulate Particulate Carbon Engine Nitrogen Carbon Organic Matter<10 Matter<2.5 Sulphur Dioxide Runtime Hot Warm Cold Oxides Monoxide Compound microns microns Dioxide Ammonia Equivalents Description (hours)* Starts Starts Starts Stops Description (NOx) (CO) (VOC) (PMlo) (PM2.5) (SOZ) (NHA KOM DEC Monthly Emissions Total(tons) 1.43 1.46 1.43 1.35 1.35 0.02 0.34 14,922.00 Engines(1-12) 2, DEC Annual Permit Limit Operations(tons)** 29.78 93.52 48.16 69.72 69.72 1.45 60.90 Monthly Plant Emissions per DEC Permit Limit 4.80% 1.56% 2.96% 1.94% 1.94% 1.59% 0.56% Annual to Date Plant Emissions per DEC Permit Limit 36.00% 11.40% 18.40% 10.10% 10.10% 8.80% 2.60% *Over the past 12 months,the DEC engines ran 18%of the time. During the month of July,the DEC engines ran 26%of the time. **Operations Annual Limit accounts for Balance of Plant standard emissions Generation&Gross Revenues Month Revenue MWh $/MWh Plant Monthly Run Hour Comparison Oct-20 $2,739,241 31,581 $86.74 2,558 2,477 Nov-20 $1,037,719 14,117 $73.51 2,500 2,257 2,296 Dec-20 $457,097 7,225 $63.27 1,969 Jan-21 $565,793 8,622 $65.62 m 2.000 - - 1784 Feb-21 $118,076,297 32,026 $3,686.89 O 1,627 = Mar-21 $545,993 5,143 $106.17 1,50Q 1,214 Apr-21 $3,441,543 18,842 $182.66 939 922 Doe - May-21 $921,026 8,653 $106.44 670 647 Jun-21 $2,904,459 24,204 $120.00 soo Jul-21 $3,192,506 30,246 $105.55 Total FY 2020-21 $133,881,672 180,658 $741.08 3,,:� 2o c 6�'o c�y� ' FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 � r 5 0 � o .r �E��- ACTUALS* BUDGET YTD PROJECTION Operating Month DEC REVENUE $ 8.63 $ 24.55 $ 133.88 $ 137.16 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Energy Expense-Fuel $ 2.52 $ 10.35 $ 26.87 $ 39.16 Key Trends Personnel Services 1.60 1.79 1.51 1.79 Materials&Supplies 0.30 1.72 0.13 1.72 For the first 10 months of FY 2020-21,the DEC produced 68,771 MWh more than the same period of Maintenance&Repair 0.13 0.56 0.35 0.56 FY 2019-20. This resulted in approximately$125.3 million more in revenues and$25.0 million more in Insurance 1.11 1.11 1.20 1.11 total expenses than the same time in the previous fiscal year. These increases are a result of the Operations 0.18 0.33 0.61 0.66 Debt Service-Principal 6.22 7.85 6.53 7.85 Winter Storm Uri event in mid-February 2021. Debt Service-Interest 8.18 9.43 7.87 9.43 Interfund Transfers 0.06 0.24 0.20 0.24 The DEC Gross Margin as of July 31 was$106.9 million which is 101.9 million higher than budgeted. Transfer to Capital Projects - 0.02 - 0.02 (Gross Margin=DEC Revenue-Fuel Cost-Variable Operating&Maintenance Cost). DEC EXPENDITURES $ 20.30 $ 33.40 $ 45.27 $ 62.54 S As a result of the February storm,the DEC projected expenditures have been increased by$29.1 DEC NET INCOME (11.67) $ (8.85) $ 88.61 $ 74.6z *Represents same period(10 months)as FY 2020-21 YTD for comparison purposes.Total Net milliorf}JFuel expenses account for$28.8 million of this increase. Income for FY 2019-20 was($11.98 million). Note: All dollar figures presented in millions. Date: September 24, 2021 Report No. 2021-078 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Parks, Recreation and Trails System Master Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Parks and Recreation Department has been working on the development of a new, system- wide master plan. The current Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan was adopted in 2001 and updated in 2009. This new master plan will guide the department over the next ten years. The process involves strategically examining the community's existing services, facilities, and resources; and assessing future needs concerning parks, recreation, open space, and greenways. Parks and Recreation will be requesting feedback from City Council on the current direction and status of the plan at the October 4, 2021 Council meeting. BACKGROUND: In January 2019, Parks and Recreation began internally conducting the master plan process with an experienced landscape architect. In February 2020, the staff member who managed the master plan project left the organization, and shortly after, COVID-19 impacted city operations. The project was paused except for the planning of the city-wide trails system. To date,the department has hosted over 60 community meetings and gathered the information for the master plan. The meetings included various topics such as trails, parks, facilities, trees, dog parks, athletics, aquatics, spraygrounds, inclusive playgrounds, programming, accessibility, sustainability,maintenance,capital improvements, and more. In addition to meetings,two surveys were completed, one prior and one post-COVID-19. Both survey results are incorporated into the master plan to assist in the changing environment due to the pandemic. Halff Associates, Inc. has been contracted to complete the master plan process. Halff Associates has provided feedback on all work performed by staff, conducted site visits, studied park system service levels, and conducted additional community meetings and surveys. Halff Associates and PARD staff have also worked with Development Services staff, who are currently working on the Denton 2040 Comprehensive Plan, to ensure the two plans coalesce. On Monday, September 13,the Parks,Recreation,and Beautification Board received a PowerPoint update (Exhibit 2) on the status of the master plan process. Exhibit 3 is a modified version of the 42 Date: September 24, 2021 Report No. 2021-078 information from Exhibit 2 that will be presented to the City Council on October 4, 2021, during the general work session. DISCUSSION: This information will be presented to City Council in a shortened version on October 4, 2021. Please provide feedback and suggestions based on the proposed information to the City Manager's Office by October 1. ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT Additional public meetings will be conducted over the next few months with the focus group, members of the general public, Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Board, and the Committee on Persons with Disabilities. The master plan process is scheduled to be completed and presented to City Council in December 2021. PREVIOUS ACTIONS: Parks and Recreation presented updates to the Parks, Recreation and Trails System Master Plan to the City Council twice during the planning process on November 10, 2020, and May 11, 2021. Both presentations were based on the trails portion of the master plan. In addition,updates on the plan were presented to the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board on March 4, 2019, January 6, 2020, October 12, 2020, February 22, 2021, and September 13, 2021. PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: The development of the Parks, Recreation and Trails System Master Plan involves many partnerships across the city to include,but not limited to Public Works, Engineering, Transportation, Economic Development, Development Services, and Finance. STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: Estimated time to complete this report was 2.5 hours ATTACHMENT(S): Power Point Presentation(Full version) STAFF CONTACT: Gary Packan, Director Parks and Recreation 940-349-7460 Gary.Packankcityofdenton.com 43 Date: September 24, 2021 Report No. 2021-079 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Southwest Park Master Plan BACKGROUND: Southwest Park is located at the corner of Allred Rd and S. Bonnie Brae St and is approximately 190-acres. The Park Master Plan and Design was an approved project in the 2014 Bond election. City Council approved the contract with Teague Nall and Perkins Inc. to conduct the Master Plan for Southwest Park in June 2020. A Southwest Park focus group was formed that consists of a cross-section of the community. On January 21, 2021, City staff presented the focus group with three bubble concept plans for consideration. After much discussion, the information was gathered and used to create an updated concept. On February 22, 2021 the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board were showed the plans and gave their appreciation for the current concept. Below is an overall summary of the engagement that has been conducted in the Southwest Park master planning process: • Focus Group Meeting—August 20, 2020, 6 p.m. • Community Meeting—August 27, 2020, 6 p.m. • Community Meeting—November 10, 2020, 6 p.m. • Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Meeting—December 12, 2020, 12:30 p.m. • Focus Group Meeting—December 17, 2020, 12 p.m. • Focus Group Meeting—January 21, 2021, 6 p.m. • Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Meeting—February 22, 2021, 3 p.m. • Community Meeting—April 1, 2021, 6 p.m. DISCUSSION: Teague Nall and Perkins Inc. helped develop the Southwest Park Master Plan. They received feedback from community virtual public meetings, focus group meetings, and the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board. They then edited the master plan to incorporate all feedback and suggestions when appropriate. Southwest Park is located at the corner of Allred Road and S. Bonnie Brae Street. The City of Denton purchased the approximately 190-acre site in 2006. The Park Master Plan and Design was an approved project in the 2014 Bond election (Proposition No. 4) for a total of$1,255,000. This project consisted of public engagement, needs assessment, survey, platting, environmental assessments, conceptual design, and phasing options with opinions of probable costs for the park development. 44 Date: September 24, 2021 Report No. 2021-079 This information has become part of the master plan for the development of the park. Some of the items in the discussion are an indoor community space (such as a multi-generation center, recreation center, library, field house, and ice rink), athletic fields, aquatic components, playgrounds,trails,nature area,restored prairie,restored post oak forest, amphitheater,restrooms, food truck parking areas, and typical park amenities. CONCLUSION: The next steps for this project will be to gather feedback from City Council, continue public- private partnership discussions, and plan for capital improvements (future bond package). Council is asked to please provide feedback and suggestions based on the proposed draft concept to the City Manager's Office by October 8. In addition, if there are any questions,please feel free to reach out to the CMO and Parks staff. ATTACHMENT(S): Concept Plan and Power Point Presentation STAFF CONTACT: Drew Huffman, Parks and Recreation REOUESTOR: 2014 Bond PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Parks and Recreation—Drew Huffman STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: Parks and Rec—3 hours 45 9/24/2021 2021 Council Request Launchpad-Smartsheet.com Council Requests Open Requests Requests Answered by Department FY All Time Request Volume by 1/21 Council Person Paul Meltzer Deb Armintor Community Svcs Alison Maguire Environmental Svcs Jesse Davis Public Works - Mayor Gerard Hudspeth Capital Projects Vicki Byrd utilities 2996 Brian Beck CMO - Library 0 2 4 6 Legal Fire Police Tech Services Airport Requests • by Quarter Public Affairs/Customer Svc Economic Development ■ 400 Development Svcs - 159 160 208 167 Finance 200 Audit Paul Meltzer• Deb Armintor 0 Municipal Court • Alison Maguire• Jesse Davis Q1 20121 Q2 20!21 03 20/21 Q4 20/21 Procurement Real Estate • Mayor Gerard Hudspeth Vicki Byrd Risk • Brian Beck Other 0 50 100 150 200 Elected Official Some requests involve multiple departments,causing the • total requests by department to add up higher than the 8 Submit New total request count Request 46 https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=bad5ed0da1874Oa595153ae72b67c370 1/1 Policy and Worksession Requests smartsheet Council Member Requestor Summary of Request Department Comments Council Member Byrd 07/30/21 One Minute Pitch Request:Worksession to establish an action plan to elevate and implement the Sarah Kuechler City Manager's Office Council Member will advise staff on scheduling pending the Sept. 1 proposed development of what is known as Denton Basic Services Center:Ruddell Tiny Village 23 trip to Community First Project 2 U Council Member Beck 09/13/21 a brief(<2 hr)description of how the authority for executive sessions for the police chief advisory Catherine Clifton Legal Staff will provide information to the Council Member committee executive sessions is derived as it is also an advisory committee? 3 Council Member Beck 09/13/21 A simple list(<2hr)of sections of the charter and/or municode that should guide my thinking on Catherine Clifton Legal Staff will provide information to the Council Member "beefing up"the SFAC's role Council Member Davis 09/14/21 I'd like to schedule a 1-minute pitch for a work session to establish a Green Catalyst Fund,which Rachel Balthrop Mendoza City Manager's Office Staff will schedule this pitch for the September 28 agenda. 4 would use$500k from the FY21-22 Sustainability Fund to attract,support,and retain firms that contribute to our sustainability goals,under the guidance of the Economic Development Strategy. 5 Council Member Beck 09/14/21 Can Legal please indicate the current status of laws and regulations regarding mobile billboards/lit- Catherine Clifton Legal Staff will provide information to the Council Member advertisement on vehicles? Council Member Beck 09/14/21 Would Parks be able to pursue Conservation Easements and/or Purchase-of-Development- Catherine Clifton Legal Staff will provide information to the Council Member 6 Rights/PDRs rather than outright land acquisition with 2019 Bond Funds,thereby extending such funds? Council Member Beck 09/14/21 It is unclear how greenfield land purchased by Parks Land Acquisition Funds could be used for a Catherine Clifton Legal Staff will provide information to the Council Member 7 Library,regardless of gas-well adjacency.Can funds for openspace purchases be used for uses other than Parks uses? 8 Council Member Armintor 09/17/21 Can staff provide a response to the Small Area Plan that a resident submitted for the North Denton Tina Firgens Development Services Staff will provide information to the Council Member Neighborhood Association? Exported on September 24,2021 2:25:32 PM CDT 47 Page 1 of 1 password January 2021 �1 2 New Year's Day Holiday 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9:00 am-COE Cancelled 3:00 pm-CC Work Ses s ion No-2:30pm Agenda Committee 6:30pm- CC Regular Session 12:00 pm-Council Luncheon 5:00 pm-P&Z Work Session 6:30 pm-P&Z Regular Session 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00 am-PUB Special Called Council 3:00 pm TIR72-11 am 1 1:00 pm-AAB Cancelled—Traffic Safety 12pm Cancelled-11:30 amEDPB H[C 3:00 pm Cancelled-2:30pm Agenda Connivttee Cancelled-5:30 pm-AAB 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MLKDay Council Nbeting 9:OO am-Nbbility Connnittee Holiday Ivl eting—Canceled 3:00 pm-CoPwD ivil Service Comm 3:30pm Cancelled-2:30pm Agenda committee :30 pm-P&Z Work Session 6:30 pm-P&Z Regular Sess ion 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9:00 am-PUB Cancelled-12:00 pm TIRZ I b.1 12:00 pm-Public Art Community Uw Adv Comm 9am Cancelled-10:00 am—CAC 3:00pm-ZBA Cancelled-2:30pmAgcnd. Board of Ethics Mg Human Svcs Adv Comm l2pm 2:OOpm-4th Tuesday Session Committee 31 48 February 2021 • 1 2 7, :OOpm 4 5 6 9:00 am-COE 10:00 am-Comunnrity ed-Traffic Safety CANCELLED-8:30 am DEDC Cancelled-12:00 pm DDTIFZ Engagement Iv)eting sion 11:30am .1 11:30 am-Council Luncheon 2:00 pm-CC Work Ses sion 12:00 pm-Bond Committee 6:30 pm-CC Regular Session 1 Cancelled-2:30 pm Agenda Conulvttee CANCELLED, 5:00 pm P&Z 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11:00 am-EDPB 9:00 am-PUB 2:00 pm-2nd Tuesday Session 11:00 am-AAB 12:00 pm-Council Retreat Cancelled-2:30pm Agenda Cancelled-FIC 3prr Conmyttee 2:00 pm-Library Board 3:00 pm-Audit/Finance Cancelled-5:30 pm-AAB 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Con—Mitt'Dev Adv Comm- 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 am-Ivbbility Committee loam Ivbeting 6:30 pm-CC Regular Session Amtml Shelter Advisory-2:00 3:00 pm-Parks,Rec,Beau PM Cancelled-2:30pm Agenda Committee 5:00pm-P&Z 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Cancelled-9:00 am PUB Cancelled-10:00 am-CAC Corrnnnuuty Dev Adv Cormn- Civil Service Comm-3:30 pm 10:00 am 9:00 am-Special Called Panel Cancelled-3:00 pin ZBA 3:00 pm-4th Tuesday Ses s ion Board ofEthics Cancelled-DCRC 1:00 pm Pa&Board-3:00 pm 3:00 pm-Board ofEthics 28 49 March 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cancelled-9:00 am-COE 2:OO pm-CC Work Session 11:30 am-Traffic Safety 8:30 am-DEDC 6:30 pm-CC Regular Ses sion Commission Cancelled-2:30 pm Agenda 12:OOpm-Public Art Committee 11:30 am Council Luncheon- Committee Joint DISD 5:00pm-P&Z 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00 am—PUB NJo Council Nbeting Cancelled-11:00 am-IDPB 12:30 pm-Commuvty Dev Adv 3:OOpmPaft,Rec,Beau 1:00 pm-AAB Comm Cancelled-2:30pmAgenda Committee 3:30 pm-Library Board 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3:00 pm-HW 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 am-Nbbility Committee 9:00 am-Conn xmky Dev Adv 6:30 pm-CC Regular Ses s ion Acting 9:00 am-Community Partnership Comm Cancelled-12:00 pm-DCRC Comn-kee 12:00 pm-Human Svcs Adv 5:00pm-P&Z Commpm 3:00 pm-CoPwD 3:00 pm-A xhvFinance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9:00 am-PUB Cancelled-10:00 am-CAC 10:00 am-Board ofEthics 12:00pm-TIRZNo.1 11:30am-P1JB/CC joint meting Ovil Service Comm 3:30pm Cancelled-2:30 pm Agenda 3:00pm-4th Tuesday Session Connnittee Animal Shelter Advisory 2pm 28 29 30 31 Cancelled-3:00 pm -ZBA IIJo Council Nbeting Cancelled-DCRC 12:30pm Cancelled-2:30 pm Agenda Committee 50 April 2021 1 2 3 Cancelled-8:30 am-DEDC 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9:00 am—COE 3:00 pm -CC Work Cancelled-2:30 pm Session Agenda Committee 1:00pm-AAB 11:OOam—PUBJCCjointmeeting 6:30 pm -CC Regular Se ssio n 5:OOpm-P&Z 12:00 pm —SC Council Cancelled-3:00 p.m.-HLC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00am-PUB 3:00 pm -2nd Tuesday 11:00am-EDPB 9:00am-ComnxmityDevAdv Session 12:30pm—DCRC CANCELLED-4pmPublicArt Comm 3:OOpm Parks,Rec,Beau Cancelled-2:30 pm Committee CAVCELLED42:00pm-Human Agenda Committee Svcs Adv Comm 4pm Public At Committee 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11:30 am-Trams Safety 2:00 pm -CC Work 9:00 am- Nbbility Conundtee 9:00-Cornm unity Partnership 1:OOpm Audit/Finance Commission Se ssion Nbeting Committee 6:30 pm -CC Regular Cancelled-2:30 pm Session Agenda Committee Health&Building Standards3pm 5:00 pm-P&Z 25 26 27 28 29 30 9:00 am-PUB Cancelled-10:00 am—CAC 12:00 pm—DCRC Cancelled-3:00pm-ZBA 3:OOpm -4thTuesday Cancelled-2:30pm 10:00am-Board ofEthics Session Agenda Committee ( lie -Civil Scr, �, 4:OOpm Parks,Rec,Beau Comm 3:30pm 51 May 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9:00 am-COE Cancelled-10:00 am- _ancelled-2:30 pm Cancelled-8:30 am- Community Engagement Agenda Coninittee DEDC 12:00 pm-Council Luncheon 2:00 pm-CC Work 11:00 am-DCRC 12:00 pm-Bond Session Committee 5:00 pm-P&Z 6:30 pm-CC Regular 3:00 pm-Health&Building Session Standards 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:00 am—PUB 3:00 pm-2nd Tuesday 11:00 am—EDPB 12:00 pm-Health& Session Cancelled-2:30 pm Building Standards 3:00 pm-HLC Agenda Comarittee 3:30 pm-Library Board 10:00 am-AAB 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Cancelled-11:30 am-Traffic 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 am-Tvbbf7ity Connnittee Safety Commission Ntetmg 10:00am-Board of Ethics CanceIled-9:00am-Community 6:30 pm-CC Regular av Adv Conxn 3:00pm Parks,Rec,Beau Session Cancelled-12:30 pin-DCRC Cancelled-12:00pm-Human 3:00 pm-CoPwD Svcs Adv Comm 4pm Public Art Committee 5:00 pm-P&Z 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9:00 am-PUB 10:00 am -CAC 12:00 pm-TIRZ No.1 Cancelled-10:00am- Civil Service Comm 3:00 pm-ZBA 2:00 pm- 4th Tuesday Cancelled-2:30 pm Board ofEthics 9:00a m Session Agenda Comtrrittee SFAC—2:00pm 1:00pm-Audit/Finance 30 31 Amorial Day Holiday 52 June 2021 1 2 3 4 5 Nb Council Nbeting 8:00 am Agenda Committee 8:30 am—DEDC 3:00 pm-Health&Building Standards 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9:00 am-COE-Cancelled 2:00 pm-2nd Tuesday 11:00 am-EDPB 10:00 a.m -AAB 11:30 am-CC Special Called Session 5:00 p.m P&Z 3:00 p.m.Health&Btu1dmg 1:00 p.m.CC Denton Housing Commission Standards Commission Auth Board of Commissioners 4:00 p.m Zoning Board of Adjustarnt 6:00 pm P&R Beautification Board 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00 am-PUB 2:00 pm-CC Work 9:00 am-Nbbtlity 3:30 p.m.Health&Building 9:00 am-CDAC- Cancelled-3:00 p.m. Session Committee Nbeting Standards Commission Cancelled Historic Landmark 12:00 pm-HSAG Commission 6:30 pm-CC Regular 3:00 pm-Animal Shelter Cancelled 5:30 p.m Library Board Session Advisory 3:00 CoPwD(Special Called Mtg.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11:00 am-Traffic Safety Cancelled-10:00 am-CAC Cancelled-11:00 a.m. 9:00 am-Comnninity Cancelled-10:00 am- Comn ission Development Code review Partnership Audit/Finance 2:00 pm-4th Tuesday Cointni tee 3:00 pm-Board ofEthics Session 3:30 pm-Health&Building 1pm Sust.Advisory 4:00 p.m.PH Commission Standards FramexAurk Committee 27 28 29 30 9:00 am-PUB No Council Nbeting Cancelled-11:00 a.m. Cancelled-3:00 p.m Zoning 1:00 pm-Nbbilky Development Code Review Board ofAdjustment Committee Nbeting Committee Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board—6pm 53 July 2021 1 2 3 8:00 a.m.Agenda Committee Cancelled-8:30 am- DEDC Public At-4pm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nb Council Luncheon No Council Nteting 3:00 pm-Health&Building Standards 41h of July Holiday 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:00 am-PUB Nb Council Nteting 1:00 am-EDPB 12:00 pm Joint-CDAC& Cancelled 5 pm- HLC 5:00 p.m P&Z Commission 3:00 pm-CoPwD HSAC 5:30 p.m.Library Board 5:30 pm-AAB 6:00 p.m.P 8Y 3:00 pm-Health&BLuldng Board Standards 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CANCEL L RD-11:30 am- 2:00 pm-CC Work 9:00 am-Mobility Connnittee 3:00 pm-Health& 1:00 pm Sustainability Traffic Safety Coinmission Session Buflding Standards FramewurkAdvisory CANCELLED-1 1:00 a.m. Commission Committee 6:30 pm-CC Regular Development Code Review Session "ommi tee CANCELLED-1:00 pm Audit/Finance 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9:00 am-PUB 12:00 pm-TIRZNo.1 -).00 pm-Health& Cancelled-10:00 am-CAC Building Standards Cancelled-5:00 pm Zoning Civil service Comm 12:30pm Commission Board ofAjustment 2:00 pm-4th Tuesday Session 5:00 pm PH Commission Cancelled-3:00 pm Board of Ethics Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board—6 m 54 August 2021 1 2 3 4 73:00pm— 6 7 10:00amCommunity 5:00pmP&ZCommission da Commute 9 am CouncilLuncheon Engagement DEDC Health& 2:00 pm CC Work Session Building Standards 6:00 p.m.P&R Beautification 6:3 0 pm CC Regular Commission Board Se ssion Public At—4pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00amPUB 2:00 pm 2nd Tuesday I _t.m.EDPB 3:00 pm—Health& 9:00amCOE-cancelled Session Building Standards HLC—5pm CANCEIIED-5:30 pm— Commission AAB 5:30 p.m Lbrary Board Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board—6 m 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CANCEIIED 5:30 pm 3:00 put CC Work Session CANCELLED-9:00 am 3:00 pm—Health& CANCELLED-1:00 pm 9:00 am Council Retreat Traflic Safety Commission 6:3 0 pro CC Regular Mobility Comrmttee Building Standards Sustainability Framework Session 11:00 a.m.Development Commission AdvisoryConmuttee Code ReviewCoxmnuttee 5:00 pm P&Z Commis Sion 5:30 pm Council Retreat Day 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 am PUB Cancelled-10:00 am Council CANCELLED-12:30 p.m. Airport Committee Development Code Review CANCELLEI3-3:00 pm 1:00 pm—Audit/Finance Committee Board ofEthics 2:00 p m 4th Tue sd a y Cancelled1:00ptnCivil Session Service Connnission CANCELLED-3:00 pm— Denton Police Department Health&Building Chief of Police Advisory Standards COmtnission Board—6pm 29 30 31 o Council Meeting Cancelled-5:00 pm Zoning Board ofAjustment 55 September 2021 "7DEDC 2 3 4 8:00 am Agenda Committee CANCELLEIl8:30 a.m CANCELIF,I�12:00 Bond Oversight 4 pm Public Art 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY No Council Meeting Cancelled-11:00amEDPB No Council Luncheon 5:00pmP&ZCommission Cancelled-5:30 pm-AAB 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 a m SC Council Mee tin g 2:00 p m 2 n d Tuesday 9:00 am Nbbility ConnniCtee Cancelled-3:00 Committee on Community Srvc Adv Comm 9:00amPUB Session Persons w/Disabliites 12pm 4:00 p.m.P&R Beautificatioi Board 5:30 pm Library Board 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Cance Red-11:30 amTrafflc Safety 3:00 p m CC Work Se scion 12:00 p.m.TIRZNo.1 3:00 pm-Health& Cancelled-10:00 am- Comnission 6:3 0 pm CC Regular 1:00 pm Civil Service Budding Standards Audit/Finance W-5:30pm Se scion Commission Commission 12:00 Bond Committee 5:00 pm P&Z Commission 1:00 pm Sustainability Framemwrk Advisory Committee 26 27 28 29 30 Cancelled-9:00 am PUB Cancelled-10:00 am-CAC Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory 3:00pm-Board ofEthics 1:00 pm 4th Tuesday Board—6pm Cancelled-S:OOpm Zoning Se ssion 3:00 pm-Health& Board ofAjustment Building Standards Commission 56 October 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9:00 am COE No C o unc it Me e ting 6:30 pm P&Z Commission 8:00 am Agenda Committee 11:30 am Council Luncheon 8:30 a.m.DEDC 4:00 p.m.P&R Beautificatioi 4 pm Public Art Board 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00amPUB 2:00pm 2nd Tuesday 11:00 a.m.EDPB 3:30 p.m.Library Board Se ssion 5:30 pm-AAB 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 11:30 am Traffic Safety 2:00pm CC Work Session 9:00amTvbbiityComnittee Commission 6:30 pm CC Regular N ethig Se ssion 2 pmAnirml Shelter Advisory 6:30 pm P&Z Comnssion 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9:00 am PUB 10:00 am-CAC 2:00 p m 4th Tue sd a y 3:00 Board ofEthics Se ssion 31 57 November 2021 WO • 1 2 3 4 5 6 9:00amCOE 2:00pm CC Work Session 8:30a.m.DEDC 6:3 0 pm CC Regular 12:00 pm Bond Committee Session 11:30 am Council 10:00 am Conrnanity Luncheon Engagement 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00amPUB 2:00pm 2nd Tuesday 11:00a.mEDPB 3:30p.m Library Board Se ssio n 5:30 pm-AAB 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11:30 am Traffic Safety 2:00 pm CC Work Session 9:00 am Nbbility Corrniuttee 3:00 Corrrrrittee on Persons w/ Commission 6:30 pm CC Regular Nbeting Disabhkes Session 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 10:00am-CAC 12:00p.mTIRZ1%.1 Thanksgiving Day Day After o Council Meeting Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday 28 29 30 o Council Meeting 58 December 2021 1 2 3 4 8:30 a.m.DEDC 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:00 am COE 2:00 pin CC Work Session 11:00 a.m.EDPB 3:30 p.m.library Board 6:30 pm CC Regular 5:30 pin-AAB 11:30 am Council Session Luncheon 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:00amPUB 2:00pm 2nd Tuesday 9:00amlvbbihtyConnnittee Se ssion Nteting 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11:30 am Traffic Sakty No Council Meeting Christmas Eve Christmas Day Commission Holiday Holiday 26 27 28 29 30 31 10:00am-CAC New Year's Day o Council Meeting Holiday 59 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Monday, October 4,2021 11:30 AM Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Monday, October 4, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Work Session Reports A. ID 21-1319 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Internal Audit Plan. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] B. ID 21-1911 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on the Parks, Recreation, and Trails System Master Plan. NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/government/open/agendas-minutes) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on September 30, 2021, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 1 Printed on 912412021 60 Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: September 24, 2021 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type I Estimated Time Internal Audit-Payroll Administration Audit 21-1267 Internal Audit Internal Audit Report 0:30 Finance Mobility Plan Update 21-1927 Capital Projects Council Priority 1:30 Bell Avenue Discussion 21-1651 Capital Projects City Business 0:45 September 28,2021 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Denton Central Appraisal District Nominations 21-1806 Finance City Business 0:20 Special Called Meeting Community Services (Continuous Meeting) Affordable Housing Plan 21-1419 City Manager's Office, Council Priority 1:30 Development Services One-Minute Pitch: 21-1274 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) I TBD IlLegal I City Business 1 0:30 Total Est.Time: 5:35 Other Major Items for Meeting: Dissolution of Council Committees(Airport,Finance/Audit,Citizen Engagement) FY 2021-22 Annual Audit Plan 21-1319 Internal Audit Internal Audit Report 0:30 October 4,2021 Parks,Recreation,and Trails System Master Plan Update 21-1911 Parks&Recreation City Business 1:00 (Luncheon @ 11:30 a.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: Other Major Items for Meeting: October 5,2021 NO MEETING-NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Development Services Council Request Meltzer DDC Tree Preservation Review 21-1162 1:30 Parks (5/11/21) Parkland Dedication and Development Ordinance 21-109 Parks&Rec City Business 1:00 October 12,2021 LINT Parking Agreements 21-1982 Engineering Council Request 0:45 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Legal,Development Services (Hudspeth)6/15/2021 Special Called Meeting Internal Audit (Continuous Meeting) Internal Audit-EMS Billing&Collection Audit 21-1269 Fire Internal Audit Report 0:30 One-Minute Pitch: 21-1416 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Human Resources TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:4� "Other Major Items for Meeting: Reimbursement Ordinance Audit Follow-Up-Roadway Quality Management 21-1802 Internal Audit Internal Audit Report 0:30 Electric Service Standards TBD DIME City Business 1:00 October 19,2021 CIP Construction Projects Update 21-1663 CIP/Engineering City Business 1:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Redistricting Update 21-1979 Legal City Business 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) One-Minute Pitch: 21-1417 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 IMMTotal Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: City Holidays TBD Human Resources lCity Business 1:00 Off-Premise Signs TBD Development Services Council Request 1:00 Legal Davis(6/8/21) October 26,2021 City Manager's Office Council Request Beck ( p ) Ranked-Choice Voting for Council and Committee Board Officers 21-1981 y g (5/25/21) 1:00 Work Session @2:00 m. CitySecretary's Office,Legal Special Called Meeting (Continuous Meeting) One-Minute Pitch: 21-1418 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Human Resources I TBD IlLegal I City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Update on Homelessness Initiatives and Housing Crisis Response Council Priority/ 21-1843 Community Services 1:00 System City Business Drawing Session-Redistricting 21-1980 Legal City Business 0:45 November 1,2021 (Luncheon @11:30 a.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 2:15 Other Major Items for Meeting: Audit Follow-Up-Police Overtime 21-1804 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Update on Police Headquarters 21-2037 City Manager's Office City Business 0:45 November 2,2021 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) One-Minute Pitch: 21-1762 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 2:15 Other Major Items for Meeting: Appointment of Assistant Judges(21-1808);Closed Session Police Headquarters Development Services Council Request Off-Premise Signs TBD 1:00 Legal Davis(6/8/21) Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Strategy Implementation 21-1912 Solid Waste&Recycling Council Priority 1:30 and Funding Plan and Schedule November 9,2021 Flag Policy Discussion TBD City Manager's Office Council Request 1:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Legal Armintor(6/15/2021) Special Called Meeting Non-Discrimination Ordinance Update 21-2100 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:45 (Continuous Meeting) Legal ETJ-Lake Ray Roberts 21-738 Development Services City Business 0:45 One-Minute Pitch: 21-1763 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 6:00 "Other Major Items for Meeting: *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 61 Meeting Date Item I Le istar ID Departments Involved JTyp, Estimated Time FINAL Draft Presentation-Parks,Recreation,and Trails System Master TBD Parks&Rec City Business 1:30 Plan Update Polling Locations for May 7,2022 21-1765 City Secretary City Business 0:30 November 16,2021 Audit Follow-Up-Police Property Room Procedures 21-1803 Internal Audit Internal Audit Report 0:30 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) City Secretary's Office Council Request Regular Meeting @6:30 m. More Inclusive Board and Committee requirements TBD City Manager's Office,Legal Armintor 7 20 21 1:00 g g ( p• Y g g ( / / ) One-Minute Pitch: 21-1764 City Manager's Office 1council Request 1 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: November 23,2021 NO MEETING-THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY November 30,2021 NO MEETING-5TH TUESDAY Community Services Housing TBD City Manager's Office, Council Priority Development Services December 6,2021 (Luncheon @11:30 a.m.) Closed Meeting Items) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: Economic Development Programs and Policy Discussion 21-1330 Economic Development City Business 1:00 Tourism Public Improvement District Update 21-1332 Economic Development City Business 1:00 December 7,2021 Public Meeting Video Recording Prioritization 21-2087 Public Affairs City Business 0:30 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Leak Adjustment Ordinance 21-557 Water/Wastewater City Business 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) One-Minute Pitch: 21-1964 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: December 14,2021 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting One-Minute Pitch: 21-1966 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 (Continuous Meeting) Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Item Legistar ID Departments Type Estimated Work Session Date Work Session Dates to be Determined Estimated Work Item Dates Departments Type Session Date FY 2022-23 Budget Development February- Finance Budget Summer 2022 Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan October 2022 All other departments Items to be Scheduled Ongoing-Fall Engineering Mobility Plan(Multiple Sessions Likely) 2021 Public Works,Development Council Priority Fall/Winter 2021 Services Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Requestor Complete Approved Council Request Work Sessions to be Sign Topper Program 9/14/21 Development Services 40 Byrd Scheduled *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 62 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming Closures smartsheet SCR Sep 27th - Oct 3rd Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Closure End Description Department Department Contact I Date Date 1 Allred Rd JM Prosperity Farm Rustic Barn Bonnie Brae 09/27/21 07/31/22 Storm Installation,Cutting Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Venue Grade on Allred Works Inspections Bell Ave Texas St Withers St 01/04/22 02/08/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 2 installing a new water main line and services. Bell Ave Withers St Mingo Rd 11/17/21 01/03/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 3 installing a new water main line and services. Bell Ave at Mingo Rd 10/07/21 11/16/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 4 installing a new water main line and services. Bernard St Hickory St Chestnut St 01/04/22 02/15/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 5 replacing the water main line and services. Ryan Rd Creekside Dr Paradise Ln 09/27/21 10/29/21 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 6 installing a new wastewater main line Welch Street Chestnut Street Mulberry Street 09/27/21 11/23/21 University of North Texas Private Development Public Alice Province 7 excavating street to connect Works Inspections services to Art Studio Building Exported on September 24,2021 10:56:12 AM CDT 63 Page 1 of 1 2 Street Closure Report: Current Closures smartsheet IntersectionM r i Closure Start• Date Closure • Department- • fi-•. -- _ ti Bell Ave at Mckinney St 07/08/21 10/02/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 1 installing a new water main line and services. Bell Ave College St Texas St 08/04/21 10/06/21 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 2 installing a new water main line and services. Bonnie Brae(SB) Oak Hickory 06/14/21 10/27/21 This block is closed to Other Mark Zimmerer southbound traffic only,detours are posted.Northbound lane 3 still open.Installation of electric duct banks for DME substation project and steel casing for water main project Carroll Blvd(SB)&(NB) Mulberry Eagle 07/12/21 10/29/21 Concrete Street Panel and Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co Sidewalk Repair.The process m 4 starts with Barricading the failed sections of concrete pavement, remove the pavement,and install new concrete. College Park Dr Peach St End of College Park Dr 06/28/21 09/24/21 Wastewater collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 5 installing a new wastewater main line and services. 6 Elm Hickory Eagle 05/11/20 10/01/21 PEC 4 Utility Project Engineering Seth Garcia Elm Street Eagle Drive (dead end) 05/17/21 09/30/21 Atmos Energy will be closing Atmos Alice Province 7 street intermittently to replace and relocate an existing gas main and service lines Fowler Dr College Park Dr Peach St 06/28/21 09/24/21 Wastewater collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 8 installing a new wastewater main line and services. Hickory Street Welch Carroll 08/31/20 10/15/21 Construction is set to begin on Engineering Kyle Pedigo West Hickory Street between N. Welch Street and Carroll Blvd in October of 2020 and continue 9 through September of 2021. Detailed lane closure information is forthcoming pending approval of the contractor's phasing and traffic control plans. Mckinney duchess Glengarry 02/01/21 12/24/21 McKinney-Mayhill Intersection Engineering Trevor Crain This project is widening the intersection and 600'each way 10 to match existing conditions along McKinney.Also includes water,wastewater,and drainage improvements. McKinney St @ Elm St intersection 08/02/21 10/29/21 Temporary lane closures in Traffic James Andrews 11 place as crews work to safely install new traffic signals at the intersections McKinney St @ Locust St intersection 08/02/21 10/29/21 Temporary lane closures in Traffic James Andrews 12 place as crews work to safely install new traffic signals at the intersections Peach St N Locust Dr Fowler Dr 06/28/21 09/24/21 Wastewater collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 13 installing a new wastewater main line and services. 14 Quail Ridge Cooper Branch E La Paloma Dr 09/07/21 10/29/21 Street Reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper Exported on September 24,2021 10:57:58 AM CDT 64 Page 1 of 2 Street/Intersection From To Closure Start Closure End Description Department Department Contact Date Date Walnut Street Locust Street Elm Street 05/17/21 09/30/21 Atmos Energy will be Atmos Alice Province 15 excavating street to complete replacement/relocation of their existing gas main 16 Welch Eagle Collins 08/23/21 10/30/21 Utility installations and Engineering Streets Water Kyle Pedigo pavement replacement. Wastewater 17 Western Blvd Jim Chrystal Airport Rd 08/16/21 12/31/21 Paving:Decal Lanes Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Works Inspections 18 Windsor Bonnie Brae Parkside 08/09/21 12/31/21 Pavement Restoration Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Works Inspections Windsor Dr East Broken Bow Armstrong 07/28/21 09/30/21 Street Reconstruction will be Engineering Dustin Draper 19 performed on the westbound lane of E Windsor Exported on September 24,2021 10:57:58 AM CDT 65 Page 2 of 2 3 Street Closure Report: Completed Closures smartsheet I Y I Closure Star7 Closure End F Department Contact From t Description Department Street/Intersection ,--74'0 11111111111111F Date Da e Bell Hickory McKinney 07/28/21 08/25/21 Storm drain installation across Engineering Streets Kyle Pedigo Bell on Oak.Bell will be closed half at a time as the storm drain is installed Chebi Lane Old North Road Freedom Lane 06/21/21 09/10/21 Full width pavement Engineering Streets Kyle Pedigo 2 replacement and subgrade improvement. Collier Ave. 1-35 NB Frontage Road Eagle Drive 08/23/21 08/27/21 Repairing asphalt road Private Development Robert Plato 3 damaged during construction of Carriage Square Apartments Colorado Boulevard Valley Creek Road San Jacinto Boulevard 07/26/21 08/26/21 Building a right-turn lane into Public Works Inspections Robert Plato the new Vista Verde project on 4 the west side of Colorado. The right lane will be closed while operations are being performed to add the turn lane. 5 Eagle Locust Elm 06/28/21 09/10/21 Patching of utility trench lines. Engineering Seth Garcia F.M.428 Poinsettia Drive Loop 288 08/09/21 09/06/21 Concrete approach and turn TXDOT Robert Plato 6 lane improvements on TXDOT Roadway Lido Way and Balboa Court Bell Avenue End 07/05/21 09/01/21 Full width pavement Engineering Streets Kyle Pedigo 7 replacement and subgrade improvement. 8 Locust Eagle Hickory 06/28/21 09/03/21 Patching of utility trench lines. Engineering Seth Garcia Loop 288 SB On-Ramp at FM 428 Loop 288 Mainlanes 08/06/21 09/06/21 Placing concrete approaches TXDOT Robert Plato 9 FM428 for development at corner of Loop 288 and FM428 Mistywood Lane Old North Road Craig Lane 06/21/21 09/10/21 Full width pavement Engineering Streets Kyle Pedigo 10 replacement and subgrade improvement. Oak Street Bell Street UPRR Railroad 02/01/21 08/28/21 Adding drainage line to Oak Engineering kyle.pedigo@cityofdenton.com 11 Street as part of the Downtown Storm Sewer Project. 12 Provence Vintage Sonoma 09/03/21 09/21/21 Paving and Drainage work Drainage Engineering Seth Garcia Scripture Bonnie Brae 1,300 ft.to the West 03/22/21 09/20/21 Reconstruct;Scripture from Streets robbin.webber@cityofdenton.co Bonnie Brae to approximately m 1,300 ft.to the west.This includes removal and replacement of failed sections of curb and gutter.Milling of the old asphalt pavement and the 13 stabilization of subgrade and the installation of new asphalt pavement. Phase I East Bound Outside Lane Phase II West Bound Outside Lane Phase III Middle Lane 14 Windsor Dr East Nottingham Branch Crossing 06/14/21 08/27/21 Roadway reconstruction Engineering Dustin.Draper@cityofdenton.co Exported on September 24,2021 10:58:08 AM CDT 66 Page 1 of 1