012822 Friday Staff Report CITY City Manager's Office °F 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: January 28, 2022 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, Interim City Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Cancelled - Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, January 31, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 2. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 3. Animal Shelter Advisory Committee on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Agenda Committee on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at 8:00 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 5. Downtown Economic Development Committee on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. at the Development Service Center. 6. Health and Building Standards Commission on Thursday,February 3, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 7. Public Art Committee on Thursday,February 3,2022,at 4:00 p.m.in the Civic Center Community Room. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Inclusion • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. Polling Locations for 2022 Elections - Based on discussion results and direction provided by the City Council at the January 25 Work Session,the following have been fully confirmed for use during both the May 2022 General Election. The ESL classes originally scheduled at the MLK Recreation Center will be moved to another location. Additionally, South Branch Library was added as an Election Day location. EARLY VOTING District Location 1 Denton Civic Center 1 Denton County Elections Admimtration 1 MLKRecreation Center North Branch Library 3 Voertman's Robson Ranch 4 South Branch Library ELECTION DAY District Location 1 Denton Civic Center NILKRecreation Center 2 Denton ISD Sisk Service Center Annex North Branch Lbrary Dena Recreation Center 3 North Iakes Recreation Center Voertman's Denton Fire Station#7 4 Robson Ranch Clubhouse South Branch Library Polling locations will be revisited as soon as possible following the May 7, 2022, General Election. Staff contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office B. Payment Processor Implementation Suggestion� — On January 21, Council Member Meltzer suggested a phased approach to the implementation of the new payment processor to prepare for, and manage, expected call volumes more adequately. This approach was considered; however, staff concluded that a phased rollout would have an equivalent impact on call volumes, and the risk of duplicated payments would be increased.Because a phased rollout would require public access points to both systems on the website, and limitations with the City's current vendor prevent staff from excluding account holders from setting up access, both sites would be accessible and functional. As a result, any migrated or new customers might erroneously set up accounts in the old system. For this reason, Customer Service opted for a single 1 migration date to allow a smooth transition and to prevent additional customer confusion. Customer Service anticipates an increase in call volume and has adjusted staffing levels temporarily to continue to provide service to customers in a timely manner. Communication has been targeted to customer groups based on specific follow-up actions required on their account(s).Clear direction will also be provided on the City's website. Customers should contact Customer Service at 940-349-8700 or customer.service(abcityofdenton.com with questions. Staff contact: Christa Foster, Customer Service C. Comprehensive Plan and Mobility Plan Updates - On Wednesday, January 12, staff presented the Comprehensive Plan and Mobility Plan Update to the Planning and Zoning Commission and then on Tuesday, January 25, to City Council. Development Services made a follow-up presentation on Wednesday, January 26, on the Comprehensive Plan. During the presentations, many comments were provided and questions were asked.To respond to the comments and questions in a succinct manner, staff is preparing two spreadsheets (one for each Plan)that compiles all input received so far, including input from the public. In the spreadsheets, staff will provide a response to each comment and question and will share this prior to the next scheduled meetings. Staff requests that if anyone has additional comments and questions that they provide them by Tuesday, February 1, through the comment form available online, by visiting the Comprehensive Plan or the Mobility. Comments and questions can also be emailed to staff directly. • For Comprehensive Plan Update related comments and questions, email Ron Menguita—ron.men uguitakcityofdenton.com • For Mobility Plan Update related comments and questions, email Nathan George—nathaniel. eg orge(a),cityofdenton.com Staff contacts: Becky Diviney, Capital Projects/Engineering, and Tina Firgens, Development Services D. Hunting Permits for Clear Creek Natural Heritage Area Feral Hog and Small Game Season —Parks and Recreation is selling hunting permits for the 2021-2022 feral hog and small game season at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center Wildlife Management Area. This season extends from February I to May 31. Hunting permits are offered to both residents and non-residents on a first-come, first- served basis.Revenue from the hunting permit program will be used for improvements within Clear Creek including parking lot and fencing upgrades, signage, education, and programming. Since 2004, the City of Denton has issued individual permits for hunting at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Area in accordance with the City's lease agreement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE). Clear Creek is nearly 3,000 acres with 60 percent designated as a wildlife management area. The public is likely more 2 familiar with the education center and 8 miles of trails, located at 3310 Collins Rd, or nearby mountain bike trails,located at 5792 Hartlee Field Rd. Hunting is not permitted in these areas. Hunting Program Highlights: • Feral hog and small game hunting season begins February 1 and extends through May 31. • Hunting permits are issued online on a first-come, first-served basis via the Denton Parks and Recreation Registration Site. An account is required for purchase. • The cost per hunting permit is $30 per Resident; $50 per Non-resident. • Legal game during this season includes feral hogs and small game in accordance with the 2021-2022 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Outdoor Annual Hunting Regulations. Deer Hunting is prohibited. • Clear Creek hunting seasons were developed in collaboration with TPWD. • Hunters must abide by state and local regulations as outlined in the 2021- 2022 TPWD Outdoor Annual Hunting Regulations. For hunting questions or inquiries about the program, please email clearcreek(a�cityofdenton.com. Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation E. Parks and Recreation Staffing — Leisure Services staff continue to manage issues related to vacant positions and staff turnover in both seasonal and full-time positions. These staffing challenges are intensified due to COVID-19 absences. Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) staff are currently assessing measures to accommodate current staffing difficulties, including reducing facility or program hours and/or smaller enrollment caps, among other possibilities. Despite staffing difficulties, the Recreations Centers and Natatorium are currently operating regular hours. In response to the staffing difficulties, Aquatics staff suspended new bookings for private/semiprivate lessons and certain swim lessons. Patrons requesting new swim lessons are being put on a waitlist until staffing levels can accommodate additional swim students. Fulfilling existing obligations is proving difficult as well due to illness affecting patrons, their families, and aquatics staff. Similar challenges required Recreational Care staff to limit the number of Spring Break Camp spots available will require only offering Spring Break at three locations: MLK Jr. Rec Center,Denia Rec Center, and the Civic Center. Staff also established an admissions cap of 24 students at each location. The teen camp at the Civic Center will host 17 participants. PARD staff intensified recruiting efforts and hope to hire for the following positions soon: Five seasonal recreation leaders, one full-time recreation coordinator, one part- time recreation specialist, two full-time aquatics coordinators, 20 swim instructors, 150 lifeguards, and other seasonal staff. Staff contact: Nikki Sassenus, Parks and Recreation F. Black History Month — The Human Resources department will host a month-long Black History Month program for all City employees every Friday in February. The 3 theme for 2022 is "Black Health and Wellness." Professionals from the community and experts in the City will lead each event. Each event will be held on Teams, and all employees are invited to join and participate. • February 4 111 a.m.-12:30 p.m. History of African American Contributions in Healthcare & Kahoots • February 11 1 10:30 a.m.-noon "Stamped from the Beginning"by Ibram X Kendi, an SGR Book Review • February 18111 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Taboo Talk— Mental Health in the African American Community, a Panel Discussion • February 25111 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Nutrition Awareness and Socio-economic barriers Staff contact: Randi Weinberg, Human Resources G. DTV Video Highlights for January- In addition to producing public meetings, staff continues to collaborate on videos this month that raise awareness, educate, inform, and inspire our community.Below are links to a few staff would like to highlight; staff also encourages Council to share them. • Martin Luther King Jr. Day- Denton, Tx: YouTube, Facebook Dentonites march the streets of Denton to raise awareness. • The Blocker Truck: YouTube, Facebook Take a ride in Blocker III,the newest vehicle of the Denton Fire Department. • Denton's New CIP Map: YouTube, Facebook The City of Denton Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Map is now available. All videos air on DTV, are shared via social media channels and are available on the City's YouTube channel. Staff contact: Billy Matthews, Public Affairs H. Vandalization of City Hall Sign— On January 18, staff discovered the City Hall sign along McKinney Street was vandalized with the phrase "Stop the Sweeps". Staff responded quickly to remove the graffiti and restore the sign to its previous state. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation DENYON CITY HALL aT� 4 I. Valentine Yard Cards—Denton Parks and Recreation will once again offer the delivery of Valentine-themed yard cards,balloon bouquets,and chocolates for residents to send some love to family and friends,within City limits. This program will begin Monday, February 7, and continue through Monday, February 14. Pricing varies from$10-$20 with optional add-on purchases. Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation III. Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Provision of Masks at Polling Locations — During the January 25 Council meeting, Council Member Armintor inquired as to the feasibility and cost of the City providing N95 masks for each polling location in the City of Denton during the upcoming May election. Based on voter turnout for the previous May election, staff estimates that the cost to make a sufficient number of N95 masks available for each polling location would cost $25,000. Unfortunately, supply chain constraints may limit the City's ability to provide N95 masks for each of these locations. The City can continue to provide N95 masks to all employees and make them available by request at all City facilities, including those that are polling locations. Additionally, it is important to note that Denton County staff has been instructed to provide a mask to a voter if one is requested. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office B. Solicitor's Permit Information — On January 26, Council Member Beck requested information about the Solicitors Permit process. Per City ordinance, anyone soliciting within the city limits must register with and obtain a solicitor's permit from the City of Denton. The only exceptions to this ordinance would be solicitation by a charitable or non-profit organization. The City of Denton solicitor's permit card will be valid for thirty(30) days from the date of issuance and must be visibly worn by the solicitor at all times. To obtain a permit, an applicant must complete an application form (available online and in-person), pay a $10 permit fee, and submit a copy of any handbills or flyers to be used. Information collected by the City includes applicant contact information, company/organization information, and information on any vehicles that will be used during solicitation activities. Permits are generally proceeded within five days and are released only after completion of a background/criminal history check. Submission of the application and receipt of the permit must be done in person. While information on the specific locations of the solicitation activity is not collected, the Police Department responds to reports of suspicious activity if it is observed.More information may be found on the public safely permits webpage. Staff contact: Shanika Mayo, Police C. Clarifications for Homestead Exemption & Polling Location Dates - On January 11, Council Member Armintor requested clarification on the state's deadline for changes to the homestead exemption. The deadline is July 1, and a scheduled Work Session item on the February 1 agenda will further discuss the homestead exemption. Additionally, Council Member Armintor asked when the County needs to know the City's recommendations for polling locations for May. The deadline for polling locations is March 1;however, since the election must be ordered by February 18, and 5 Council meets on February 15, the 15th would be the final date for a decision. Staff contact: David Gaines, City Manager's Office D. Proposed Development of Acme Property - On January 5, Mayor Hudspeth asked to see what the proposed development of the Acme property would look like upon completion. The attached drawing is the most recent building elevation staff has for the Acme site. According to Development Services staff, the applicant intends for all four buildings to have a similar exterior design. No colored renderings have been provided to date. Staff contact: Tina Firgens, Development Services E. Trash on FM 428 (Stark Farms) — On January 18, Council Member Davis notified staff that he noticed trash along the east fence in the FM 428 area, with some of it being construction-related. Staff visited with the contractors in this subdivision and informed them if trash was not cleaned up in a timely manner,inspections would cease until remedied. On January 20, staff confirmed that all trash in the area was removed. Staff contact: Billy Ewton, Development Services F. Permit Status for Local Business - On January 17, Council Member Davis asked staff to investigate the status of a business owner's building permit. Though the permit was applied for in December 2021, all necessary documents were not provided, resulting in a delay. Staff worked with the contractor to obtain and submit all required documentation and the permit was issued on January 20. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services G. Kinky Development - On January 25, Mayor Hudspeth asked staff to clarify whether Brown Development would incur the expense of building a road from the development to Hartlee Field Road. The current (2015) Mobility Plan depicts Deerwood Parkway as a Collector roadway connecting Kings Way to Hartlee Field Road: 6 Per Denton Development Code Section 7.8.6C.2.a.,the street system for development shall connect with existing, proposed, and anticipated streets within and outside the development and shall extend to the property boundary. Further, Section 7.8.7A.2 requires development sites to incorporate adopted plan(Mobility Plan) streets into the design and dedicate the appropriate right-of-way. The approved Preliminary Plat for Kings Way includes right-of-way dedication for Deerwood Parkway as a Collector roadway (65-feet) which connects to the current Deerwood Parkway stub out and extends to the north property boundary, consistent with the code requirements (see plat below). Any platting of the property north of the subject site will require further extension of Deerwood Parkway in accordance with the Mobility Plan in effect at the time and Denton Development Code Section 7.8.6C.2.b. Staff contact: Tina Firgens, Development Services IN q .t . i al�F n .fir NC V 7 i vy ,/• i� =� -t ---____-_____ _______________- H. Resident Concern Over Concern Over Standing—On January 24, Mayor Hudspeth forwarded a resident's concern over a new business adjacent to her home. According to the property owner, the business runs its sprinkler system continuously causing an overflow of standing water in her yard. Staff did meet with the property owner to explain that there is no violation of City ordinance, and that this issue would be a civil matter between the two private property owners. Staff also took the initiative to visit with the store manager to explain that a resident behind the store was having issues and asked that they review their watering schedules. The complaint was also reviewed with JoEtta Dailey,Watershed Protection Manager,who affirmed that irrigation water is an allowable discharge by stormwater permit regulations, so in this case, it is also not a violation of reaching the City's stormwater system. Staff contact: Dani Shaw, Community Services I. Roadwa���i��uiries—On January 24, Mayor Hudspeth forwarded a resident's question about roadway striping on Mayhill Road and Carroll Boulevard as well as some City standards for striping for temporary traffic conditions. Staff contacted the resident on the January 25 to discuss her concerns. Staff explained that Mayhill Road is currently scheduled to be restriped in October 2022. Staff committed to putting down temporary striping paint. Staff also investigated her concerns about missing striping on Carroll Boulevard and discovered three areas that did not receive striping following recent concrete panel replacements. Additionally, staff explained the City does not stripe the roadway for temporary traffic conditions because the removal of the striping scars the roadway. Staff work on Carroll Boulevard. and Mayhill Road has been scheduled and will begin when the weather is warm enough for the paint to cure properly. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works J. Orr Street Street DrivewaRequest—On January 21,Mayor Hudspeth requested information regarding a business owner's concern on Orr Street. Orr Street is part of the 2012 and 2014 Bond Program Denton Street Rehabilitation Project that is estimated for 8 completion in Q4 2022. The business owner voiced concerns their concerns about the driveway located on Orr Street. The following shows the timeline of events that occurred to resolve the concerns. • Wednesday, January 19, at 1:00 PM, staff received a voicemail from the business owner about their Orr Street Driveway concerns. • At around 3:00 PM on Wednesday, January 19, afternoon staff met on site with the owner. • The contractor completed the driveway restoration at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, January 19. • On Friday at 8:00 AM, the Capital Projects/Engineering Department received the request from the mayor. • Staff contacted the business owner around 8:45 AM Friday, January 21 and they confirmed that the issue had been resolved and asked that staff keep an eye on the driveway to make sure there would be no settling of the rock. Staff assured him that if any settling occurred, it would be addressed. Staff will continue to stay in contact with the business owner to ensure any concerns are addressed. Staff contact: Dustin Draper, Capital Projects K. Broken In-Ground Verizon Boxes - On January 27, Council Member Beck voiced concerns regarding the Verizon in-ground service access boxes located along Calvert Lane and Le Sage Court. It appears that many of the boxes and/or lids are broken, making them a trip/fall hazard. Residents have both called and visited Verizon,but no improvements have been forthcoming. Staff reached out to Frontier,who acquired the Verizon boxes, asking them to repair or replace them as soon as possible. Frontier forwarded the request to their local manager for assessment and staff will follow up for a progress report. Staff contact: Monica Benavides, City Manager's Office. IV. Information from the Interim City Manager A. Denton Basic Services Center RFI—Following a meeting between City staff, Council Members Armintor, Byrd, and Maguire, and various board members of the Denton Basic Services Center, Council Member Maguire requested clarification on the city's RFI (Request for Information) process. Below are the questions submitted, followed by responses from City staff in blue. • At our meeting on 1/13/22, it was discussed that an RFI would go out in 30 days. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean the information on how to submit proposals will go out on 2/12/22?Will the City begin accepting proposals 2/12/22? o The RFI period of 30 days is the timeframe interested entities can submit. The RFI, at the same time, will outline the minimum information the City would need to see in each submittal for the service and or land use including what might be needed from the City to be successful. • What does the process look like after the RFI goes out? How long will we be accepting responses to the RFI? o The RFI will be open for 30 days in which responses can be submitted. At the discretion of the City, the RFI can be extended if needed. 9 • What happens after the RFI process? Will a council member need to make a 2- minute pitch regarding the responses? Or will staff bring responses to Council without a pitch? o Upon the RFI closing, the Community Services Department will compile all responses and prepare a work session presentation to communicate the: financial impact, risks, restrictions, and options for Council consideration to provide staff direction. • How is the procurement process impacted by the question of whether we are leasing the property or gifting use of the land? o Gifting of public property is restricted by Article III, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution. The Texas Supreme Court has given some guidelines as to how this section applies to municipalities: any gift must accomplish a public purpose; the municipality must retain control to ensure the public purpose is accomplished and the investment is protected; and the municipality must ensure that it receives a return benefit. This provision would also apply to charging less than fair market value for a lease. Going through the procurement process can assist the City in ensuring that these requirements are met. State law expressly authorizes cities to enter into lease- purchase agreements. However, normal statutory procurement requirements would generally apply to these lease-purchase agreements. That is, when a lease-purchase agreement for personal property will involve an expenditure of more than $50,000 in city funds, the contract must be competitively procured unless the type of item purchased is covered by a specific exception to the statutory procurement requirements. The procurement process will be utilized if the City decides to contract out services on behalf of the City or if leasing the land for a service in which more than one entity might be interested in performing or could benefit from,to maintain a fair and competitive process for award or lease. • Is there a minimum amount we would have to charge if we leased the land, i.e. would we be able lease it out for $1/month? o There is not a specified minimum dollar amount that the City would need to charge for the lease, however, if the fair market value of such lease is not used, the City may be open to scrutiny as to the propriety of the transaction. To mitigate this, a competitive procurement process can be utilized. Additionally, staff confirmed that the RFI will be made available here on Sunday, January 30, and will remain open for 30 days. If an organization is registered in the city's supplier database, they will receive a notification via email once the RFI is open. For assistance registering, please call (940)349-7100, Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Staff contact: Christine Taylor, Procurement & Compliance 10 B. Death of Former DME Employ - On January 26, staff received word that former DME employee Brent Heath passed away. Heath was an Engineer in the Operations Division until his retirement, approximately two years ago. A memorial service will be held on February 4 at 10 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Corinth. In lieu of flowers,the family requests that donations be made to First Baptist Church of Corinth. Donations may be made online or by mail to First Baptist Church, 3033 Meadowview Dr., Denton, TX 76210. C. Denton Energy Center (DEC) Video — DTV produced a video about the Denton Energy Center, which can be viewed here. V. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. My Little Valentine Family Dance — Denton Parks and Recreation will host the My Little Valentine Family Dance at the Civic Center on Friday,February 11,from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This dance party is a family-friendly opportunity for moms, dads, siblings, and grandparents to make memories and celebrate Valentine's Day. Activities include a live DJ, photo op station, light refreshments, themed crafts, contests, and a complimentary candy bar. Glow items and roses will be available for purchase. Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation B. Great American Cleanup 2022 — The 34th Annual Great American Cleanup (GAC), Denton's largest and longest-running litter cleanup, is Saturday, March 26. Cleanups begin at 9 a.m. and are followed by a Volunteer Appreciation Party at Quakertown Park/ Denton Civic Center (321 E. McKinney Street) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with a free lunch, educational activity booths, a children's bounce house, and more. During the Appreciation Party, prizes will be awarded for the largest group of volunteers, most bags collected, and the oddest item found. Our goal is to engage 1,500 participants in cleanups of Denton's streets,parks, and waterways. We presently have 121 registered volunteers. Registration for the 2022 GAC is open through March 16 at 5 p.m. Community members can join this effort by registering as an individual or with a group at www.bitly.com/denton-volunteer. Volunteers of all ages and experience levels are welcome to participate. Participants receive free litter cleanup supplies and a free event T-shirt(while supplies last). Staff Contact: Carly Weld, Parks and Recreation VI. Attachments A. Proposed Development Plans—Acme Site ...............................................................13 VII. Informal Staff Reports A. 2022-009 Recycling Contamination Update Q 1 FY 21-22........................................14 VIII. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .............................................................................19 B. Council Calendar .......................................................................................................21 C. Draft Agenda for February 8 .....................................................................................24 D. Future Work Session Items .......................................................................................25 11 E. Street Closure Report ................................................................................................27 12 �o�ED qRc EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYNOTES: EXTERIOR FINISH LEGEND: 0 Q 0 . 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I OC O O5, 0 0 ...,,. .4 r:r::(.r:r:::(�r:'r:r:.r:rr:r:�r:rr:r:i r:rr:r:�r:rr:r:�r:r:(. r::(�r:r::. .....r:r:r::(.r:rr r:.r:rr:r:.r:......r:..................... .:';;I - CANOPY/T.O.WINDOWS ——— .. .......... ...... .....................:..................................... ....... ............. ............ ....... ............. ... .• —I B.O.CANOPY/T.O.WINDOWS.� REVISIOFNS. - r ::{:' ....x::.l .}...... . 1 ........... x. i o 4i oizi r reg ser }i:j iiii : 3i ::: iii i:j41 AROUND FOLO�R I -•) v� 5 •I� 18 18 �8 7•• 17� 18 1 5 1 01 _ GROUND FOLOOOR 112/15/21 ziA4.02 04 I I city comment:Remoree aa� tttt� t� Key Plan L------------------------------- A4.22/02 14.22/02 ------------------------------ SCALE TS - SIM 01 SCAxterior Elevation-North LE 1"=20 A4.02 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS BLDG B Date: 1/28/2022 Report No. 2022-009 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Quarterly Recycling Contamination Update October 2021 —December 2021 BACKGROUND: The City of Denton Solid Waste and Recycling Department(SWR)has diligently worked towards reducing recycling contamination throughout FY 20/21. SWR implemented a cart tagging program in July of 2021, which is part of a strategy to reduce contamination from homes, apartments, and businesses to increase the diversion of material from the landfill and improve diverted, programmatic material quality. For the three (3) month period between October 2021 thru December 2021, SWR has collected a total gross recycling tonnage of 2902 from residents, multifamily units, and commercial partners and a net tonnage of 1569 resulting in a 46%overall contamination rate. This is a decrease of 19% from Q1, FY 20/21. Overall Contamination Rate 0 ° 64% 64% 67% 68% 67% ° 70% 55% 59% 52% 54% 56% 60% 46% 47% 44% 45% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% ° 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% +FY 21/22 tFY 20/21 Figure 1:*FY21122 data is partial year Gross Tons Net Tons 1,400 700 1,172 574 1,200 998 9901,018 1,034 600 523 1,000 878 500 472 800 400 363 363 388 600 300 400 200 200 100 October November December October November December 0 FY 21/22 0 FY 20/21 14 0 FY 21/22 0 FY 20/21 Date: 1/28/2022 Report No. 2022-009 DISCUSSION: Residential The residential contamination rate for the first three months in FY21/22,October 2021 —December 2021, was 48%. The source of this contamination is: 1. Non-programmatic recyclable material including plastic film, soiled cardboard, and Styrofoam. 2. Bagged material.Due to the increased quality standards caused by a closure of foreign end- user markets all material should be empty, clean, dry, and loose. Bagged recyclables are considered contamination and will be diverted to the landfill. 3. Aspirational recycling by well-meaning residents using their recycling cart as a donation station. Aspirational materials include textiles, small appliances, sporting goods, etc. The City of Denton can only accept programmatic material including mixed paper, plastic bottles and jugs 1-7, aluminum cans, cardboard, cartons, and glass bottles and jars as part of its source- separated diversion program. To address contamination concerns, a cart tagging program was introduced. Routes are chosen by the highest percentage of contamination per month for a concentrated approach. Two interns walk these routes ahead of the collection crews auditing carts, removing non-programmatic material, and leaving an education tag. The cart tagging program consists of a 3-tag process. Recycling Star is given to residents doing a spectacular job at recycling. A Notice tag is left when a resident is doing well but has a few common contaminants. An OOPS tag/Contamination tag is given when the cart contains 15% or greater contamination. The interns lift each lid and do a quick visual inspection. If a cart is labeled as contaminated a tag will be left and the cart is not collected. The resident is then instructed to remove contamination and the container will then be collected on the resident's next collection day. A second inspection would occur the following week to see if the resident cleaned up the contamination. If not, the container would be tagged again. This information allows us to focus efforts on customers who are consistently not compliant with program requirements. The top 5 contamination items are plastic bags, Styrofoam,yard waste, bulky items, and textiles. In December,we visited 16 routes, inspected 1549 homes, and left a contamination tag at 20% of homes. 15 Date: 1/28/2022 Report No. 2022-009 % of Tags per Route 40% 3% 30% 27% 24% 25% 25 m 21% 20% 1 ° 16% 3:496 0 10% � 8/ 0% 1316 1417 1516 Percentage of Tags Audits and Tags per Route 250 216 186 191 177 _ 200 134W4739 T6�54 1�0 150 134 150 q47 100 50 20 130 30 1 32144 0 1316 1417 1516 Audits Contamination Tag SWR takes the information of routes and types of items responsible for the contamination and will create specific, focused educational opportunities and distribute via Social Media posts, HOA outreach, Recycle Right Q&A, apartment bags/flyers, and education material. Commercial The Commercial contamination rate for October 2021 —December 2021 was 45%. Like the residential program, we identify the routes that were frequent offenders of high contamination monthly. The type of contamination encountered in recycling loads was similar to that in residential loads except for increased wood and furniture. The most contaminated routes are audited and dumpsters containing more than 15% contamination will not be collected. Education and outreach are performed and once the contamination has been removed the dumpster is collected. Recent data provided a clear indicator that multifamily and Denton Independent School District(DISD)properties are a high source of contamination. In response to the commercial contamination, SWR has implemented three pilot programs to reduce contamination. SWR created a multifamily-only pilot route to narrow in on where the contamination is occurring. The second pilot program was a DISD only route to narrow in on if a significant amount of contamination was occurring there. These two test routes did identify that a 16 Date: 1/28/2022 Report No. 2022-009 significant amount of contamination was occurring with these two types of customers. As a result of that data, we started a third pilot program of implementing restrictive lids and a locking bar to prevent large bulk items and recycling contamination from entering the recycling stream. In December the pilot program has shown promising results including an increase in net tons and a decrease in contamination. The pilot will be complete by the end of January and the next step will be identified. �1 I"y This information will be used to create focused education and outreach to specific sectors of our commercial customer base. CONCLUSION: With the current rate of contamination, Solid Waste and Public Outreach will continue to partner and follow the below action plan to help reduce the contamination rate. Our approach is outlined with a 4 step process. 1. Identify the highest contamination routes a. Data collected and analyzed b. Heat Map creation to help narrow in on areas with the most concentration of high percentages 2. Identify top items causing contamination a. Utilize new software Rubicon to identify contamination items and frequent offenders b. Work with Vendor Partner Pratt to identify contamination items/reasons 3. Utilize current education tools to target routes and items causing contamination 17 Date: 1/28/2022 Report No. 2022-009 a. Direct Mail b. Contact HOAs c. Social Media d. Recycling Audits 4. Analyze implemented solutions a. Create a best practice b. Repeat Steps 1-3 each month STAFF CONTACT: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste Director, Tammy Clausing, Businesses Services Manager, Solid Waste and Recycling 18 FY 21/ 22 Council Requests O pen Requests Requests Answered by Department FY All Time Request Volume by 20/21 Council Person Paul Meltzer _ Deb Armintor Community Svcs - Jesse Davis Environmental Svcs Mayor Gerard Hudspeth Public Works _ Vikki Byrd Capital Projects Brian Beck Utilities 11�" 24% Alison Maguire CMO _ 0 2 4 6 B Library Legal Fire Police - Requests m ade by Q tarter Tech Services 1 Airport 97 Public Affairs'Customer Svc 100 Economic Development 50 43 0 0 Development Svcs — LZ 0 M Finance Paul Meltzer• Deb Armintor • Jesse Davis Q3 2122 04 2122 Audit • Mayor Gerard Hudspeth• Vikki Byrd Munrcipal Court Brian Beck • Alison Maguire Procurement Real Estate Risk Total O pen Elected O ficial Oder Somerequests involve m tltiple departments,causing the Requests 0 10 20 30 40 total requests by departm ent to add up higher than the 18 Subm k New total request count Request 19 Policy and Worksession Requests smartsheet Date Summary of Request Staff Assigned . .. 1 Q Council Member Beck • 11/18/21 1 request we accelerate the request for an automated notification dashboard out of the PZC matrix Tina Firgens Development Services Staff will schedule the 2-minute pitch dudng the January 25 Council and develop and implement this system and dashboard for weekly notifications. meeting 2 0 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 01/06/22 Can staff provide pre-8 post-2019 DDC zoning maps as well as any development plans for 618 E. Scott McDonald Development Services Information sent directly to MPT and will be provided in Jan.28 Hickory St.? Friday Report. 3 Council Member Armintor 01/12/22 When is the state deadline when Council must decide on homestead exemption,and when does the David Gaines City Manager's Office Economic Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. county need to know our recommendations for polling locations for May? Development 4 Council Member Beck 01/13/22 Can staff clarify the limits of municipal governments'authority regarding the enforcement of Frank Dixon,Mack Reinwand Legal Municipal Court Police Information will be provided in a future Friday Report. misdemeanor violations? 5 Q Council Member Davis 01/18/22 Can staff reach out to the Stark Farms developer regarding trash along the fence line on FM428? Scott McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. 6 Council Member Davis 01/18/22 Will staff check on the status of building permits for a business owner? Scott McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. 7 ayor Hudspeth 01/18/22 Can staff facilitate a meeting between a local business owner,the Chamber of Commerce,and Erica Sullivan Economic Development Staff will facilitate a meeting and information will be provided in a Economic Development to explore available grants? future Friday Report. 8 Mayor Hudspeth 01/21/22 Follow up on business complaint regarding their driveway exit Becky Diviney CIP-Capital Projects Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report 9 Mayor Hudspeth 01/23/22 Can staff confirm they followed up with a homeowner regarding issues with a business adjacent to Dani Shaw Community Services Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. their property? 10 0 Mayor Hudspeth 01/05/22 Can staff provide a rendition of what the proposed Acme property project will look like upon Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. completion? 11 Council Member Maguire 01/22/22 Can staff provide clarification on questions regarding the RFI process for the tiny house Christine Taylor,Dani Shaw Community Services Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. village/Denton Basic Services Center project? Procurement 12 Mayor Hudspeth 01/24/22 Will staff follow up with constituent to explain why there's no painted stripes on curbs in construction Becky Diviney,Daniel Kremer CIP-Capital Projects Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. rrII areas? U 13 Mayor Hudspeth 01/24/22 Request relating to speed signs.Seeking specific language from the Mayor. Daniel Kremer Public Works-Streets Staff will schedule the 2-minute pitch during a future City Council Meeting 14 0 Council Member Maguire 01/25/22 Can staff clarify the plans regarding any changes to Roselawn Drive and who is handling them? Becky Diviney CIP-Capital Projects Information will be provided in a future Friday Report. 15 0 Mayor Hudspeth 01/26/22 Question regarding road development on the Brown Tract. Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be provided to Mayor Hudspeth and included in the Jan.28 Friday Report. 16 Council Member Beck 01/26/22 Question regarding the solicitors permit process Frank Dixon,Shanika Mayo Police Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. 17 Council Member Beck 01/27/22 Will staff reach out to Frontier regarding broken,in-ground,access boxes that pose a safety Monica Benavides City Manager's Office Information will be provided in the Jan.28 Friday Report. hazard? 18 Council Member Davis 01/28/22 Can staff contact local nonprofit to discuss the possibility of an in-kind donation of Dyno Dirt? Stephen Gay Wastewater Information will be provided in a future Friday Report. Exported on January 28,2022 3:13:42 PM CST 20 Page 1 of 1 January 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cancelled-11:30 am- 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 8:00 am Agenda Committee Council Luncheon 6:30 pm-CC Regular Cancelled-8:30 am DEDC Session Cancelled-3:00 pm Health Cancelled-6:00 M Parks &Building Standards Recreation and Beautification Commission Board Cancelled-4:00 PN-Public Art Committee 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cancelled -9:00 AM—Public 4:00 pm-CC Work Session Cancelled-10:00 a.m.T1F'Z Cancelled—10:00 a.m.DCRC Utilities Board .2 Cancelled-12:00 p.m. Cancelled-5:30 p.m Library Cancelled-11:00 am—EDPB Comnamity Services Advisory Board Cancelled-3:00 PM—Airport Cancelled-9:00 am COE Cancelled-5:30 PM—Ustoric Advisory Board Landmark Commission 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 16 T7 18 19 20 21 22 LK Holiday Cancelled-9:00 AM-lvbbility Cancelled-3:00 PM-Health and Conrnittee Nbefing Building Standards Commission Cancelled-3:00 PM—Persons w/ Disabilities 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Cancelled-9:00 AM—Public 2:00 pm-CC Work Session Cancelled-10:00 a.m.DU FZ Cancelled-3:00 PM—Board of Cancelled-10:00 a.m— Uti7ities Board 1 Ethics Development Code Review Cornmittee Cancelled-5:30 PM—Traffic 1:00—Civil Service Commission Safety Cancelled-1:00 PM- 5:00 PM—Planning and Zoning Sustainability Framework 30 31 Cancelled-5:30 PM—Zoning Board ofAdjustment 21 February 2022 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 3:00 PM Animal Shelter Advisory 8:00 a.m Agenda Committee 6:30 pm-CC Regular Committee Session 8:30 a.m DEDC 3:00 PM-Hea$h and Building Standards Coninission 4:00 Plvt•Public Art Committee 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6:00 Ply Parks Recreation and 3:00 PM—AirWrt Advisory Board 10:00 a.m—Development Code Beautification Board 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning Review Connnittee 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board— 9:00 AM-Ivbbiliry Coru nnittee 9:00apm Public Utilities Board rescheduled Ivbeting 5:30 PM—Historic Landmark 3:00 PM-Health and Building Commission Standards Commrission 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1:00 PM—City Ivlrnager 1:00 PM—Civil Service 3:00 PM—Board ofEthics 10:00 a.m—Development Code Interviews Commisson ReviewConm-&ee 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 12:00 PM—Bond Oversight 6:00 PM—Police Chiefs Advisory Committee Board 27 28 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 5:30 PM—Zoning Board of Adjustment 22 March 2022 1 2 3 4 5 4:00 PN>_Public At Cornn ittee 3:00 PM-Hea$h and Building Standards Commission 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6:00 PNL Parks Recreation and 3:00 PM—Airport Advisory Board 10:00 a.m—Development Code Beautification Board ReviewConnnittee 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 3:00 PM—Persons w/Disabilities 3:00 PM-Health and Building Standards Corrinission 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5:30 PM—Historic Landmark 9:00 AM-Nbbility Committee 10:00 a.m—Development Code Commsion Nbeting ReviewConm ittee 1:00 PM—Civil Service Commision 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 27 28 29 30 31 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 3:00 PM—Board ofEthics 5:30 PM—Zoning Board of Adjustment 23 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, February 8,2022 10:00 AM Council Chambers WORK SESSION After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Work Session Reports A. ID 21-2654 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Comprehensive Plan Update. *[Council Priority;Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 2 hours] B. ID 22-096 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the City of Denton Mobility Plan. *[Council Priority; Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 2 hours] NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://www.cityofdenton.com/en-us/government/open/agendas-minutes) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on February 4, 2022, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page I Printed on 112812022 24 Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: January 28, 2022 Meeting Date Item Le istar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time Facilities Maintenance:Follow-Up 21-2780 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Homestead Exemption 21-2155 Finance City Business 1:00 Inclement Weather Policy 22-190 City Manager's Office Council Request 1:00 Armintor(1/11/2022) February 1,2022 Council Request Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Sign Topper Program 21-2480 Development Services Byrd(9/14/2021) 1:00 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch:Allocating the requisite amount of time to conduct a feasibility study for driver feedback 22-050 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 signs Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: Comprehensive Plan-Follow up 21-2654 Development Services Council Priority February 8,2022 4:00 Work Session Only(10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.) Mobility Plan-Follow up 22-096 Engineering/Capital Projects Council Priority Total Est.Time: 4:00 Comprehensive Plan-Follow up 22-036 Development Services Council Priority February 14,2022-Joint CC/P&Z 4:00 Work Session Only (10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.) Mobility Plan-Follow up 22-097 Engineering/Capital Projects Council Priority Total Est.Time: 4:00 Building Codes,International Residential Code,International Fire Code 21-2633 Building Inspections City Business 0:30 Audit of Energy Management Office Admin(or Closed Meeting) 21-2402 Internal Audit Internal Audit Report 0:30 Police Department Overview 22-006 Police Department City Business 0:45 Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee recommendations related to the initial Sustainability Fund 22-161 Environmental Services City Business 1:00 February 15,2022 expenditures Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Placeholder-Comp Plan Update TBD Development Services Council Priority TBD Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Placeholder-Mobility Plan TBD Engineering/Capital Projects Council Priority TBD Two-Minute Pitch: 1 22-051 ICity Manager's Office 1council Request 1 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) I TBD IlLegal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 3:45 Other Major Items for Meeting:NDO Public Hearing February 22,2022 1 City Manager Interviews 1 22-220 lHuman Resources ICity Business 4:00 Closed Session(@1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.) Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting:n/a CIP:Property Acquisition Follow-Up 21-2779 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Parkland Dedication and Park Development Fees 21-2142 Parks&Recreation City Business 1:00 Roadway Impact Fees 21-2604 Engineering/Capital Projects City Business 1:00 March 1,2022 Drone Program 22-120 Police Department City Business 1:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Placeholder-Comp Plan Update TBD Development Services Council Priority TBD Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Placeholder-Mobility Plan TBD Engineering/Capital Projects Council Priority TBD Two-Minute Pitch: 22-052 City Manager's Office 1council Request 1 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: Public Hearing on Comp Plan&Mobility Plan March 15,2022 NO MEETING-Spring Break(March 14-18) Leave Policies 22-179 Human Resources Council Request TBD Solid Waste Strategy Follow-up TBD Solid Waste Council Priority TBD Annual Financial Audit 21-2786 Finance City Business 0:30 March 22,2022 Tent/Tiny Home Village RFI TBD Community Development Council Initiated TBD Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Procurement Special Called Meeting Two-Minute Pitch: 22-156 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Items) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 1:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: Public Hearing on Comp Plan Update for City DCTA Board Representative 21-2804 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Wastewater Collections Audit 21-2781 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Prioritizing Area Plans 21-2676 Development Services City Business 1:00 April 5,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-053 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 3:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Wastewater Reclamation Audit 22-243 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Automated Notification Dashboard Development Services Council Request TBD April 19,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-054 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 1:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: May 3,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-121 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: May 17,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-122 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 100 Other Major Items for Meeting:Canvass General Election,Order Runoff if needed .This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 25 Estimated Work Item Legistar ID Departments Type Session Date Electric Rates and Budget 21-2405 Finance City Business Date TBD (45 minutes) Economic Development Programs and Policy Discussion 21-1330 Economic Development City Business Date TBD Work Session Dates to be Determined ( minutes) Sanger ETJ Boundary Adjustment 21-2653 Development Services City Business Date TBD (45 minutes) Item Dates Departments Type Estimated Work Session Date Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan FY 2022-23 Budget Development February- Finance Budget Summer 2022 Items to be Scheduled October 2022 All other departments Procurement of a"tiny home"Housing Solution(requested from Housing Study Work Session) June Community Services Council Priority June Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Requestor Complete Approved Council Request Work Sessions to be Scheduled *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 26 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming Closures smartsheet SCR Jan 31 st - Feb 6th Street/Intersection Description Department Contact Bell Ave Texas St Withers St 02/19/22 03/25/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 1 installing a new water main line and services. Bernard St Hickory St Chestnut St 06/23/22 08/04/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 2 replacing the water main line and services. 3 Mockingbird Christopher Dr Penniman Dr 02/07/22 02/21/22 Installing Junction Box and Private Development Armando Beltran connecting waterline Scripture St Marietta St Bradley St 02/01/22 03/04/22 Installation of 24"RCP pipe Drainage Gabriel Rodriguez across the Street to a Storm 4 Drain Inlet on the south side of the road on the south side of the Road Exported on January 28,2022 2:47:07 PM CST 27 Page 1 of 1 2 Street Closure Report: Current Closures smartsheet I Closure Start Closure End Department I Street/Intersection From To Date Date Description Department Contact 1 Allred Rd JM Prosperity Farm Rustic Barn Bonnie Brae 09/27/21 07/31/22 Storm Installation,Cutting Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Venue Grade on Allred Works Inspections 2 Amherst Georgetown Malone 10/18/21 02/25/22 Street Reconstruction Streets Roy San Miguel Archer Trail Foxcroft Circle Emerson 11/08/21 02/16/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 3 reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. Bell Ave Withers St Mingo Rd 01/07/22 02/18/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane installing a new water main line and services. Bonnie Brae Street Scripture Panhandle 01/27/22 02/04/22 The contractor will begin Engineering Robin Davis making the connection of the new 42-inch Transmission Main to the existing Main.Therefore, both northbound lanes of Bonnie Brae Street from Scripture to Panhandle Street will be closed.North bound Traffic will be detoured to turn right on Scripture,left on Thomas,and left on Panhandle to finally arrive back on Bonnie Brae Street.Detour signs will be posted accordingly. 6 Chestnut Street South Welch Street Bernard Street 10/18/21 02/28/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 7 Cyrus Way Teal Harvest Glen 01/10/22 02/18/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Streets Roy San Miguel Repair Davis St Jannie St Hattie St 01/31/22 03/05/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 8 installing a new wastewater main line and services. Foxcroft CIR Archer Trail Emerson 01/05/22 02/04/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 9 reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. Foxcroft Cir Emerson Old North 01/18/22 02/18/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 10 reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. 11 Montecito Settlement Field Bend 01/18/22 03/04/22 Concrete Street Panel and Streets Roy San Miguel Sidewalk Repair 12 North Texas Blvd. Eagle Dr to Oak There will be multiple phases of 12/13/21 08/01/22 Utility installations and Scott Fettig closures.Will not be all at one pavement replacement. 13 Stella St. North Texas Blvd Bonnie Brae 10/29/21 03/15/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 14 Stuart Rd South of Keystone Court North of Keystone Court 01/24/22 02/04/22 Replacing concrete road panels Private Development Tucker Eller 15 Sweet Gate Lake View Autumn Path 01/03/22 02/11/22 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 16 Welch Street Eagle Street West Collins St. 11/29/21 02/18/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Williamsburg Row Jamestown Ln Nottingham Dr 10/26/21 01/28/22 Wastewater Collection will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 17 installing a new wastewater main line and services Exported on January 28,2022 2:47:21 PM CST 28 Page 1 of 1 3 Street Closure Report: Completed Closures smartsheet Street/Intersection Closure End Description Department Contact Bell Ave at Mingo Rd 11/22/21 01/06/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane installing a new water main line and services. Elm Hickory Eagle 05/11/20 12/31/21 PEC 4 Utility Project Engineering Seth Garcia Frame St @ Railroad Crossing 01/06/22 01/06/22 UPRR Planned maintenance Hickory St @ Railroad Crossing 01/05/22 01/05/22 UPRR Planned maintenance Hickory Street Welch Carroll 08/31/20 12/31/21 Construction is set to begin on Engineering Kyle Pedigo West Hickory Street between N. Welch Street and Carroll Blvd in October of 2020 and continue through September of 2021. Detailed lane closure information is forthcoming pending approval of the contractor's phasing and traffic control plans. Locksley Lane Emerson Maid Marion 11/08/21 12/31/21 Residential Roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 6 reconstruction,and during the construction resident traffic only will be allowed. 7 McKinney St @ Railroad Crossing 01/05/22 01/05/22 UPRR Planned maintenance Montecito Buena Vista Palo Verde 11/29/21 01/07/22 Concrete Sidewalk Repair. Streets Robbin Webber 8 Remove failed sections and install new concrete Orr Street Elm Street Locust Street 10/25/21 01/19/22 Roadway Reconstruction this Engineering Dustin Draper 9 project only affects one business and notification was direct with the business owner. 10 Prairie St @ Railroad Crossing 01/04/22 01/04/22 UPRR Planned maintenance 11 Sycamore St @ Railroad Crossing 01/04/22 01/04/22 UPRR Planned maintenance 12 Warschun Rd E Sherman Dr(FM 428) Sauls Rd 12/08/21 01/21/22 Drainage pipe extension and Engineering Dustin Draper Turn lane addition 13 Western Blvd Jim Chrystal Airport Rd 08/16/21 12/31/21 Paving:Decal Lanes Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Works Inspections 14 Willis St @ Railroad Crossing 01/06/22 01/06/22 UPRR Planned maintenance 15 Windsor Bonnie Brae Parkside 08/09/21 01/25/22 Pavement Restoration Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Works Inspections Exported on January 28,2022 2:47:32 PM CST 29 Page 1 of 1