021822 Friday Staff Report „ City Manager's Office " 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: February 18, 2022 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, Interim City Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Special Called Meeting of the City Council on Monday, February 21, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. 2. Special Called Meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Civil Service Commission on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 4. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 5. Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Public Safety Training Center. 6. Board of Ethics on Thursday, February 24, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 7. Development Code Review Committee on Friday, February 25, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at the Development Service Center. 8. Bond Oversight Committee on Friday, February 25, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 9. Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee on Friday, February 25, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Inclusion • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. New Online Utility Billing Platform Launches —On Thursday, February 17, the City of Denton transitioned to its new utility billing provider, Invoice Cloud. Residents who previously paid their utility bills through the City's former provider can now use Invoice Cloud to make payments, schedule payments, and set up billing notifications. While account information will transfer over to the new system, tokenized payment information will not. Customers will be required to reset their account password,enter payment information, and schedule any recurring payments in the new system. Prior to this transition, staff communicated heavily with the online customers over the past months through direct mail, phone, and email. That communication will continue in the coming weeks so customers are aware of the change and actions needed by the account holders to ensure their payments continue to be received in a timely manner. Staff will provide Council with additional updates in the coming months. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office B. Board and Commission Emails — In the summer of 2021, staff notified City Council that it would be transitioning to the use of City-issued email accounts for board, commission, and committee members. The use of City email accounts will provide greater security and transparency concerning the communications of these Council- appointed bodies. At this time,all board and commission members have been assigned an email address and each email address is available on the City of Denton website. Going forward,new board and commission members will be assigned an email as part of the member onboarding process. Staff contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office C. Denton Municipal Electric Tree Trimming — Beginning February 28, Denton Municipal Electric's (DME) tree trimming contractor will initiate tree trimming on two distribution lines and will initiate tree trimming on one transmission line on March 7. The distribution lines are located at the following locations: (1) behind Denton State School and down Robinson Road by Lakewood Estates; and (2) North on Fort Worth Drive, Willowwood, Mercedes, Jacqueline, and McCormick. The transmission line is located at Denton West Interchange Station—East from FM 2449 to FM 1171,east of Hwy 377. In advance of these tree trimmings,DME will: (1)notify customers by automated phone calls explaining the activity, start date, and who to contact with any questions; (2) place informational door hangers; and (3) attempt in- person contacts with customers. Staff contact: Tony Puente, DME D. Deed Restrictions at IOOF Cemetery — At the February 15 City Council meeting, it was mentioned during the comprehensive non-discrimination ordinance discussion that the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) Cemetery, owned and maintained by the City of Denton, retained a deed restriction that prohibited the burial of non- white persons. On February 16, Council Member Maguire further inquired as to the status of the restriction. Such a restriction is contained in the 1933 deed between the IOOF and the City of Denton that conveyed the cemetery to the City. The City has not enforced this restriction since at least 1948 when the United States Supreme Court, in Shelley v. Kramer, held that courts could not enforce racial covenants on real estate because such action would be contrary to the United States Constitution,including the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 2 Recognizing that the deed language was still a matter of concern to the community, in 2016, the City adopted an ordinance (attached) that declared the white-only deed restriction to be "illegal, unenforceable, unconscionable, contrary, and repugnant to the philosophy, principals, and beliefs of the City of Denton." It went on to say that such restrictive language would not be enforced or recognized on any City-owned or -managed property. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office E. South Lakes Park Fire — The Denton Fire Department was dispatched to a reported grass fire at South Lakes Park on Saturday, February 12, at 8:18 p.m. Engine 6 was first on scene and reported a slow-moving fire about one-half acre in size, off the walking trail, and difficult to access with fire apparatus. Three brush trucks, four fire engines, and a Battalion Chief supervisor responded to the call. After a basic investigation,no cause was determined for the fire,which was extinguished. All units were cleared at 9:28 p.m. Parks Maintenance staff took advantage of the fire and planted a native understory seed mixture in the area to help restore lost vegetation on Tuesday, February 15. Staff contacts: David Becker, Fire/Drew Huffman, Parks F. Non-Programmatic Recyclables Management in the City of Denton — Recently, the Solid Waste and Recycling Department (SWR) responded to a citizen's concern regarding why Styrofoam, which carries the "chasing triangles" recycling graphic, is not considered recyclable in Denton. While Styrofoam is technically a recyclable material, is not a material managed within the City's current curbside, single-stream, collection program. Styrofoam is currently one of the largest contaminants found in the City of Denton's recycling streams. SWR continuously refers residents to the City's recycling website to help identify items that can be placed into blue bins and materials that currently need to be trashed. Styrofoam is problematic to manage in single-stream recycling systems. In addition to it presenting an extreme potential to cause litter in the collection, processing, and transportation process and its preponderance to "clog" automated sorting systems, its composition and weight make it very expensive to process and market. Very few, if any, cities nationwide manage this material curbside. As part of the City's commitment to increasing the diversion of material from ultimate disposal and consistent with the impending implementation of the City's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Strategy, staff are planning the creation of a regional moving box exchange and are also looking at purchasing a Styrofoam densifier to help in the management of this waste stream. Plans are being formulated to introduce one or both of these programs in the future. Until such time, Styrofoam 3 will need to be disposed of as trash and boxes can be placed in customers' blue bin or, in larger volumes and sizes, taken to the recycling drop-off stations located at North Lakes Park or the City'sLandfill. Staff contact: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste and Recycling G. Local Government Energy Reporting_Update—Texas Health and Safety Code 388.005 requires political subdivisions in a non-attainment area or an affected county to establish a goal to reduce electric consumption by at least 5 percent each state fiscal year. In 2019, the 86th Legislature passed Senate Bill 241, extending the timeline for this requirement seven years beginning September 1, 2019. Sustainability staff recently submitted Local Government Energy Reporting (LGER) to the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) for calendar year 2021 to meet the February I reporting deadline. On January 28, 2022, the Denton City Council passed Resolution No. 22-137 establishing the City's goal to meet the five percent annual reduction from 2019 (baseline year). 2021 Report Summary Reporting for public entities is done by the calendar year beginning January 1 to December 31, 2021. Denton continues to reduce electricity consumption. Compared to 2019, Denton reduced total electricity consumption 3.6%. This includes the basic categories of Buildings, Streetlights and Traffic Signals, Water Production and Wastewater Treatment. A combination of improvements in building stock efficiency, and continued effects of COVID-19 on operations saw the building category have a 14.0%reduction as compared to 2019 Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Sustainability Category 2019(kWh 2021(kW-1 %Chancre Buildings 15,640,805 13,424,814 -14.17% Street and Traffic Lights 23,203 39,685 71.03% Water 16,034,368 16,543,183 3.17% Wastewater 22,611,387 22,526,510 -0.38% Other 1,122,531 900,2081 -19.81% Total 55,432,294 53,434,400 -3.609/ Table 1 Electricity Consumption Summary 2019 Baseline and 2021 Calendar Years H. Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS,) Monthly Mobility Report — During the February 16, 2022 Mobility Committee meeting, Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS) gave their monthly report. An overview of the attached report was given on several major regional Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) projects. The report is provided for Council to review. Staff contact: Rebecca Diviney, Capital Projects/Engineering I. Closed Captioning for Public Meetings — City Council approved funding in the FY 2021-22 budget for live and on-demand closed captioning for Council and Committee on Persons with Disabilities(COPWD)meetings.At that time,both bodies were meeting at City Hall. The implementation of these services was delayed due to unanticipated, but necessary, construction at the Development Service Center to prepare that facility to broadcast public meetings for larger advisory bodies, including 4 the COPWD. Staff are working with the City's vendor, Swagit, on the installation of equipment and implementation of these captioning services in both City Hall (for Council meetings) and the Development Service Center(for COPWD meetings). Staff currently anticipates live and on-demand closed captioning to be available for City Council in May 2022. On-demand closed captioning will be available for COPWD meetings in May 2022 with live captioning for COPWD meetings available later in 2022. Staff contact: Billy Matthews, Public Affairs J. Parks and Recreation Staffing Update — The Parks and Recreation Department continues to experience challenges in hiring new full-time, part-time, and seasonal staff to meet service level and programming needs. Parks staff is working closely with Human Resources to fill part-time positions, including those for summer camp and aquatics staff. Additionally, staff is actively working to fill full-time positions, including the following Recreation Center and Maintenance positions: • Recreation Leaders (all centers) • Regular PT Recreation Specialist (Denia Rec Center) • Regular FT Recreation Coordinator(Denia Rec Center) • Regular FT Recreation Coordinator(MLK Rec Center) • Field Service Worker II (2) • HE01 — Spray Technician • Park Maintenance Seasonal Positions (3) Staff contact: Nikki Sassenus, Parks and Recreation K. GFOA Certificate of Achievement—The City of Denton has been awarded the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 36tn Consecutive Year for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020. The GFOA established the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program (Certificate Program) in 1945 to encourage and assist state and local governments to go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles to prepare annual comprehensive financial reports that evidence the spirit of transparency and full disclosure and then to recognize individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting. Staff contact: Cassey Ogden, Finance III. Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Hate Crime Information by City—On February 16, Mayor Pro Tern Melzer asked if it were possible for City staff to provide data on the rate of hate crimes against LGBTQ people (adjusting for population) for each of the Texas cities with NDOs and several comparison cities without NDOs. Staff reviewed what information is available and, while many resources track this data at a national level, could not readily find any resource that maintains LGBTQ hate crime information at the city level. This information is available for Denton. Since 2019, the City of Denton has documented three bias-based crimes (Hate Incidents) involving members of our LGBTQ-IA+ community. In General Order 606, Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents 5 (available on our website),Chief Dixon took the extra step in documenting those cases that may have been bias-based, but not meet the threshold of being a hate crime, by statute. Denton is one of only a few law enforcement agencies that has done this and staff continue to work closely with local, state, and federal partners to include ADL- Dallas and ADL National. The following are some LGBTQ advocacy/research resources that may share more information. Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Municipal Equality Index(MEI) General: https://www.hrc.orW Cities Scores: https://www.hrc.org/resources/mei-2021-see-your-cities-scores Movement Advancement Project General: https://www.Igbtmap.org/ Hate Crime Law data/info: https://www.l_bg tmgp.or_ equality- maps/hate_crime_laws/data collection Both focus more on analyzing at the national level and differences between states. Staff contact: Frank Dixon, Police and Sarah Kuechler, Human Resources B. Cannabis Possession Enforcement Follow Up — Following the January 11 City Council meeting, Council Members requested follow-up information regarding how other cities address Class A misdemeanor cannabis possession (2-4 oz.) enforcement and how Denton may be able to do the same. Other cities have addressed Class A misdemeanor enforcement through citation,but Denton's situation is distinguishable, which makes it difficult to do likewise. The Dallas Police Chief implemented a policy allowing citations to be issued for Class A and Class B misdemeanor possession of cannabis. Unlike Denton (where Class B cannabis misdemeanors are charged as Class C misdemeanors in the municipal court), the Dallas charge is still a Class A or Class B misdemeanor depending on the quantity of cannabis, but officers can issue a citation ordering a person to appear in court rather than make a custodial arrest. Also, the Dallas District Attorney and Dallas Court judges are willing to accept these citations and charges. The same goes for other jurisdictions that have adopted cite and release for Class A and Class B misdemeanor charges. Denton police cannot issue citations for Class A or Class B misdemeanors without the approval and acceptance of the Denton County District Attorney and Denton Court judges. In fact, the cite and release process, if implemented by Denton County—might pull cases that are currently being written as Class C citations up to the County level as Class B charges initiated by citation. Defendants in Dallas face a higher charge(Class B citation)than they would in Denton (Class C citation) if in possession of under 2 ounces of cannabis. On the other hand, if Denton County began a cite and release program,there are benefits to those charged such as reduced time spent in jail on minor offenses,reduced separation from families and workplaces,reduced jail populations,reduced expenditures for jail costs and staff. Austin City Council placed a citizen initiative on this May's election ballot. If passed, the ballot measure would amend the Austin code of ordinances to prohibit Austin police from issuing any citations or making any arrests for misdemeanor cannabis 6 possession offenses unless the offenses are tied to more severe crimes. The Austin City Council could have adopted the ordinance on its own without putting the issue to the voters, but instead placed the initiative on the ballot. With few exceptions, a governing body has limited discretion to stop a citizen-led initiative from being placed on the ballot. Staff is not yet aware whether there will be legal challenges to the Austin ordinance if the voters approve the initiative, but citizen-led initiatives confer no greater authority on a city than already exist with the city council. Accordingly, such ordinances are subject to the same limitations and preemptions as ordinances adopted by City Council. Staff contacts: Frank Dixon, Police; Tyler Atkinson, Municipal Courts; and Mack Reinwand, City Attorney's Office C. Eagle Creek Development Water/Wastewater Plan — On February 16, Council Member Maguire inquired about the status of the Water/Wastewater plan in the Roselawn area. The CIP/Engineering team is currently managing the construction of the Hickory Creek Interceptor Phase I and II near this area, and the attached information from Development Services staff details each of the approved phases and existing lines that run along the creek. Staff contact: Ron Menguita, Development Services D. State Highway Litter Collection — On February 14, Mayor Hudspeth forwarded a resident concern regarding trash along Highways I-35E and I-35W. City staff met with TxDOT to discuss the concerns over litter collection on the state highways within Denton. TxDOT recently had a contractor terminate their agreement and they are working to get the contract rebid in March, with anticipated litter collection restarting in April. TxDOT normally collects litter once or twice a month(12-24 times per year) and conducts three (3) mowing cycles annually on highway land in Denton. In addition, TxDOT does routine debris and sweeping cycles continuously. Staff will maintain communication with TxDOT as the rebidding process occurs and provide updates accordingly. Staff contacts: Rebecca Diviney, Capital Projects/Engineering and Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation E. Incorporating Sustainability into the 2040 Plan — On February 14, Council Member Armintor e-mailed staff to request that the Sustainability Department and Committee weigh in on the Denton 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update to discuss adding guiding language throughout the plan on how the City's Sustainability Goals and the 2040 Plan intersect. Staff updated the presentation prior to the Council meeting to reflect Sustainability Plan incorporation in the Comprehensive Plan and discussed those elements during the presentation. Staff contact: Michael Gange, Environmental Services and Sustainability F. Street Renaming Request — On February 14, Council Member Byrd followed up on behalf of a resident expressing interest in renaming a local street. Staff e-mailed an application and directed the resident to either return the completed application via email or in-person to the Development Services office. Staff contact: Ron Menguita, Development Services 7 G. Kings Way Planned Development—On February 15,Council Member Davis inquired about the ability for the Kings's Way developer build by right, specifically regarding access points. By right, the developer must have a second access point; however, the access point could be an emergency-only access point. Staff addressed this matter in the presentation during the February 15 Council meeting. Staff contacts: Scott McDonald and Tina Firgens, Development Services H. Small Animal Hunting Within City Limits — On February 3, Council Member Beck indicated that a resident reached out to him with concerns about a property that appeared to have bait stations and a camera set up along its game trail,prompting him to ask for clarification on permissible hunting practices within city limits. Staff compiled the following information: Hunting within the city limits is prohibited since discharging firearms within the city's corporate limits is prohibited. The only hunting exception is the city-leased US Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)property east of Elm Fork.Within this area,the USACE has allowed the City to manage a wildlife management program that allows hunting of limited wildlife. This program is managed by the City's Parks and Recreation Department. A link to a map of the area can be found here. The area behind Craig Lane is not owned by the City of Denton;however,it does have a drainage and wastewater easement there. It is owned by Windsor Denton Community Association/Vision Communities Management Inc. Q: May small game be hunted inside city limits? A: Discharging a firearm within the city limits is not legal, but it is legal to `hunt animals and non-migratory game birds from a motor vehicle, powerboat, sailboat, or from any other floating device within the boundaries of private property or upon private water.' If so, what are the restrictions: Q: Any General restrictions? A: Per Texas Parks and Wildlife, there is an extensive list of restrictions. Q: May small game be hunted with bait stations? A: It is lawful to use bait for game animals, nongame animals, and upland game birds, except for Eastern turkey and migratory game birds. Baiting is unlawful on most public property. Q: May small game be hunted along game trails? A: The only hunting on public property the city allows is regulated and administered with our Parks Department through the issuance of hunting permits. Q: These appear to be archery targets, but I am unsure. I understand that firearms may not be used within city limits. Is bow hunting permitted? A: Bow hunting on public property is only allowed on property designated with an issued hunting permit. Bow hunting with lawful archery equipment may be used on private property. Additionally,bow hunting is allowed in the city's managed area. 8 Additional information can be found here: City of Denton Hunting Permits Texas Parks and Wildlife: General Hunting Rules &Regulations Staff contacts: Frank Dixon, Police/Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation I. Bell Avenue Improvements —On February 16, Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer asked if both the water main replacement and streets improvements on Bell Avenue would be completed simultaneously. March 25 is the anticipated completion date for the water project. Streets is working closely with the Water Department and is permanently patching the roadway after water completes a section and will maintain the patching until the roadway is milled and overlayed later this year. Bell Avenue, from University to Mingo Road will receive a full mill and overlay after utility work has concluded. Portions of this mill and overlay have been completed, while the remainder of the road will be resurfaced when the waterline upgrade is complete, and the weather conditions are favorable. Below is a breakdown of what has been completed and the remaining work: • The Majority of Bell Avenue from University to Administration was resurfaced on August 27, 2021. • The southbound lane of Bell Ave. from University to Chapel was not resurfaced due to time constraints. • Bell Avenue from Administration Dr. to College Street was resurfaced on September 22, 2021. • The intersection of Bell Ave. and Administration was not resurfaced due to franchise utility work in the area. • Bell Pl. from McKinney to Mingo was milled and overlayed on January 19, 2022. Staff anticipates being able to mill and overlay the remaining portions of Bell Ave. and Bell Mingo intersection no later than June 2022 when all waterline upgrades have been completed and the weather conditions are appropriate. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Streets J. Riverwalk Along Pecan Creek — On Tuesday, February 8, Council Member Beck inquired about staff opinions regarding the construction of riverwalk-type facilities along Pecan Creek (PEC). Similar questions have been raised previously regarding the construction of pathways along the PEC drainage projects in the southern area of downtown, which, as discussed previously, would present challenges in terms of accessibility, safety at street crossings, and perceived security. Within these areas of downtown, the Sycamore Sidepath Capital Improvement Project (CIP) will provide east-west trail connectivity between the University of North Texas (UNT) and the Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) rail/trail. Staff is evaluating opportunities to provide north-south facilities on Elm& Locust Streets. Creek/Drainage corridor trails are proposed in the draft Parks, Recreation, and Trails System Master Plan. Three proposed hard surface trails within greenways are the 9 Pecan Creek Trail, Cooper Creek Trail, and the Hickory Creek Trail, all of which would connect to Lewisville Lake. Additional trails are proposed throughout the city, some of which would include natural or stone surfaces, offering a variety of trail types for residents to use for travel or recreation. The utilization of the Pecan Creek Trail as a Riverwalk could be a significant economic redevelopment initiative that could be a legacy project for the community, but realizing this would bring a significant cost; a targeted area in Quakertown Park could be considered by enhancing the existing channel into a beautification amenity, or burying the creek could provide an opportunity to expand useable green space. If considering a project of this magnitude, a Quakertown Park Master Plan and Downtown Master Plan may be an initiative to assure proper planning efforts are occurring. The attached draft Creek/Drainage Corridor Trails provides more detail. Staff contacts: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation, and Nathan George, Capital Projects/Engineering IV. Information from the Interim City Manager A. Return to Office February 28 — As COVID-19 cases continue to decrease and testing/vaccines become more readily available, remote employees will be returning to the office on February 28. Details may be found in the attached memo. V. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings B. Black History Month Celebration — The Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting a Black History Month Celebration on February 26 at the MLK,Jr.Recreation Center. This celebration will feature a keynote address from Dr. Gabrielle Smith, an experimental psychologist, and Associate Professor of Psychology at Texas Woman's University. Dr. Smith will speak on this year's theme of"Health and Wellness. Additionally, the Black History Month Celebration will also feature various entertainers, speakers, and vendors, as well as an extensive college and career fair on site. The career fair begins at 10 a.m. and will include representatives from UNT, NCTC, TWU, Baylor University, UT Arlington, UT Austin, Hardin-Simmons University, Dallas Baptist University, University of Arkansas, Texas A&M — Commerce, Grayson College, Texas State Technical College, DeVry University, and Integrity Health and education CAN School. Additionally, the job fair will feature representatives from the following companies: Fastenal, Old Navy, Labor Finders, Labor Max, MHMR, and Express Pros. Staff contact: Cheylon Brown, Parks and Recreation VI. Attachments A. Ordinance 16-035.......................................................................................................12 B. ITS Monthly Mobility Report ....................................................................................14 C. GFOA Certificate .......................................................................................................37 D. Eagle Creek Development Plan..................................................................................38 E. Draft Creek/Drainage Corridor Trails ........................................................................42 F. Return to Office Memo ..............................................................................................43 10 VII. Informal Staff Reports A. 2022-012 Aquatics Fees Update.................................................................................45 VIII. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .............................................................................79 B. Council Calendar .......................................................................................................81 C. Draft Agenda for March 1 ..........................................................................................84 D. Future Work Session Items .......................................................................................93 E. Street Closure Report ................................................................................................94 11 s:\\legal\ourdocu ments\ordinances\16\100F ORDINANCE NO. 2016-035 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON FINDING AND DECLARING A RESTRICTION CONTAINED IN THE 1933 DEED BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS (IOOF) AND THE CITY OF DENTON CONVEYING THE SAID CEMETERY TO THE CITY OF DENTON PROHIBITING THE USE OF THE SAID CEMETERY FOR THE BURIAL OF NON-WHITE PERSONS TO BE ILLEGAL, UNENFORCEABLE, UNCONSCIONABLE, CONTRARY AND REPUGNANT TO THE PHILOSOPHY, PRINCIPALS AND BELIEFS OF THE CITY OF DENTON AND THAT THE SAID RESTRICTIVE LANGUAGE SHALL NOT BE ENFORCED OR RECOGNIZED ON ANY CITY-OWNED OR MANAGED PROPERTY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 1933, a deed between the International Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) and the City of Denton conveyed title to the IOOF Cemetery to the City of Denton; and, WHEREAS, the said deed contained a restriction that the said cemetery shall be used for the burial of white persons only; and, WHEREAS, in 1948, the United States Supreme Court, in Shelley v. Kramer, held that courts could not enforce racial covenants on real estate because such action would be contrary to the United States Constitution including the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment; and, WHEREAS, the City of Denton has not enforced said deed restriction since at least 1948; however; some citizens remain concerned about the deed language; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Denton finds and declares that the said restrictive language is illegal, unenforceable, unconscionable, contrary to the philosophy, principals and beliefs of the City of Denton, and will not be enforced or recognized on any city owned or managed property; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION,w1. The above recitals are hereby found and declared to be true and correct and are adopted herein for all purposes in their entirety. SECTION 2. The language contained in the 1933 deed between the IOOF and the City of Denton that the said cemetery shall be used for the burial of white persons only is found and declared to be illegal, unenforceable, unconscionable, contrary and repugnant to the philosophy, principals and beliefs of the City of Denton. SECTION 3. The said restrictive language shall not be enforced or recognized on any city owned or managed property. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon it passage and approval. 12 s:\\legal\ourdocuments\ordinances\l 6\100F � „ u PASSED AND APPROVED this the " �day of 2016.,� �� �. �� � ..... CHRIS WATTS, MAYOR ATTEST JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: APPI�014']) AS TO LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY IS BY: 13 -.MIA CITY OF DENTON City of Denton Transportation/Mobility Project Status Report Prepared by ITS February 2022 PROJECTS • Project Summary............................................page 2 • FM 2181 North-South....................................page 3 • I-35E/Mayhill.................................................page 5 • I-35/35E/35W Merge......................................page 7 • I-35/US 380 Interim Improvements ...............page 9 • I-35 North.....................................................page 11 • I-35W Frontage Roads .................................page 13 • US 380/US 377.............................................page 14 • US 380 East..................................................page 16 • US 380 Feasibility Study..............................page 18 • Loop 288 West .............................................page 19 • FM 1515 .......................................................page 20 • FM 1173 .......................................................page 21 • Elm and Locust.............................................page 22 • Glossary of Acronyms..................................page 23 14 PROJECT SUMMARY ET DATE • • •/ CONSTRU TION • ENGINEER FM 2181 North-South 07-11-2017 Zachry $37,641,150 1-35E/Mayhill 06-2025 LTRA $72,094,705 1-35/35E/35W Merge 01-2025 AECOM/Stantec $397,991,207 -35/US 380 Interim 07-02-2021 Jagoe Public $1,834,246 1-35 North 12-2022/2024 Stantec $763,903,737 1-35W Frontage Roads * HNTB $376,973,505 US 380/US 377 06-04-2020 Ragle Construction $21,269,537 US 380 East 08-04-2021 Zachry $140,553,393 US 380 Feasibility Study * HDR Loop 288 West * CP&y $99,152,438 (frontage road only) FM 1515 * LTRA $36,775,382 FM 1173 * Garver $47,031,629 Elm & Locust TOTAL $1,995,220,929 15 FM 2181 North-South CSJ: 12054-02-015 Schematic Approval: I December 15,2005 Project Description: Widen from two-lane to six-lane divided roadway Environmental Clearance: I January 28,2008 Length: 3.511 miles From City of Denton/Corinth City limits ROW Acquisition Completed: I January 25,2013 Limits: to Lillian Miller Utility Relocations Complete: I November 2017 Construction Cost: $37,641,150 100% Plans: May 22,2017 Firm: Zachry Let Date: July 11,2017 Project Manager: Stacy Clack/Kyle Pedigo Construction Complete: October 2022 2181 t- - Current Activity• • Construction: MCM was defaulted on January 24, 2019. • Zachry was selected as contractor to complete work on FM 2181. • Zachry began construction on November 11, 2019. There are 558 working days. See attached TxDOT construction report. • Action Item: City of Denton and TxDOT to resolve outstanding claims regarding damage to DME sewer and water and equipment damage. 16 TxDOT Monthly Project Report Date of report: February 15, 2022 Report prepared by: Stacy Clack Project: FM 2181 Control: 2054-02-015 Highway: FM 2181 Limits: From: City of Denton/Corinth City Limits To: Lillian Miller Contractor: Zachry TxDOT Project Manager: Stacy Clack Phone: (817) 504-6696 TxDOT Project Manger: Christian Bonilla Phone: (214) 317-2489 Contractor's Superintendent: Karim Atiyeh Phone: (972) 400-4325 Date Work Began: November 11, 2019 Anticipated Completion Date: October 2022 Current Activities: Current activities include: Erosion control/barricades. Excavation of roadway(northbound lanes). Milling existing asphalt roadway(northbound lanes). Install Phase 3 storm drainage. Noise wall drill shaft. Place sidewalk in remaining areas on Phase 2. City of Denton water and sewer punch list. General clean-up. Install culvert structures northbound. Narrative description of last month's activities: Erosion control/barricades. Storm drain Phase III. Milling existing asphalt roadway(northbound lanes). Excavation of roadway(northbound lanes). Continuing to address conflicts with walls (next phase), as well as other various utility conflicts. General clean-up. City of Denton water and sewer punch list. Noise wall drill shaft. Placing culvert structures. Wall activities for 178R and 180R. Narrative description of activities planned for next month: Excavation of roadway(northbound lanes). SW3P items and barricades for Phase 3. Begin subgrade/excavation(northbound lanes). Complete any tie- in for drainage northbound. Complete culverts (northbound lanes). Place sidewalk in remaining areas of Phase 2. Drill shafts. Traffic issues: Daily lane shift(southbound lanes). Plans for changes in traffic patterns: Daily lane shift(southbound lanes). Item(s) of work currently controlling project completion: Various utility conflicts, storm drainage, milling existing roadway, excavation of roadway, noise walls. Other items of significance: Utility conflicts. Atmos gas line at wall 178R and 180R; Atmos is scheduling contractor to perform work. Atmos two-inch gas line in conflict with SD-line-F-10A. 17 CSJ: 0196-01-109 Schematic Approval: February 2011 Limits: I-35E intersection with Mayhill from Environmental Clearance: January 31,2012 Pockrus Page Rd to Loop 288 Length: 1.912 miles ROW Acquisition Completed: March 2022 Description: I Reconstruct interchange at Mayhill and Utility Relocations Complete: September 2023 I-35E and existing 4-lane frontage roads Est.Construction Cost: I $72,094,705 City of Denton Utility Relocations Complete: Funding: I CAT 2: $72,094,705 100% Plans: June 2022 E Key Contact: LTRA,Tyler Martin Ready to Let Date: September 2023 Project Manager: Don Vo Let Date: June 2025 -1 W � �. yij7 I k� Nam... .-.a 17 r• .r a Tjiwi a • Current Activity: • PS&E: The 95%plans were submitted for review on February 4, 2022. • ROW: There are 42 total parcels. There are 2 parcels in ED and 40 parcels in possession. • Utilities: Utilities are being coordinated by Cobb Fendley. o Atmos Gas: Permit submitted. Agreement pending. o AT&T: Agreement and permits pending. Awaiting Frontier's duct bank design. o Charter/Spectrum: Awaiting revised DME plans; upon receipt of same, will take approximately 90 days to finalize plans. o CoSery Gas: Permit submitted. Agreement partially executed. o City of Denton water and sewer: Bi-weekly meetings being held. Exception to remain under pavement has been approved. Agreement pending; need plans and cost estimate. No timeline available for easement. o DME: Permit pending. Agreement with TxDOT pending. o DISD: Meetings ongoing to discuss relocation options and path forward. ROW has been staked at I-35E/Mayhill intersection with the exception of the northwest corner. Agreement to be submitted. o Frontier: Permit for joint duct bank pending. Pending northbound frontage road design. Agreement pending. o Grande: Permit for joint duct bank pending. Agreement pending. is o Lumen: Pending permit for joint duct bank and agreement. o NGG: Abandoning in place. TxDOT to verify abandonment; need agreement for abandonment. o Oncor: Agreement received on January 14, 2022. o Unite Private Networks: New install permits have been submitted; to be reviewed after ROW is assessed. o Verizon/MCL• New install. Construction completed; to confirm depth clearances. o Zayo: Pending permits and agreement. 19 1-35/35E/35W Merge CSJ: 10195-03-090(I-35E/W to US 380) Schematic Approval: • -090: August 201 1 0195-03-087 S 380 to US 77 -087: January 31,2019 Limits: From I-35E/W to US 77 north of Denton Environmental Approval: -090: June 2017 AJ -087: October 7,2019 Length: 5.073 miles ROW Acquisition Complete: February 2022 Reconstruct interchange and existing Description: frontage roads;reconstruct and widen to 6/8- Utility Relocations Complete: August 2023 lane rural freeway with ramp modifications $397,991,207 Est.Construction Cost: -099: $43,821,225 City of Denton Utility -090: $130,812,652 Relocations Complete: -087: $223,357,330 $397,991,207 Funding: CAT 2: $35,008,319 100%Plans: [August ne 2022 CAT 4: $43,647,905 CAT 12: $319,334,983 Firm&Key Contact: AECOM(-090); Stantec(-087) Ready to Let Date: 2023 T,DOT PM: Dawit AbrahamLet Date: ptembe=2023 77 '� '�. 4 _ rM rip Te as/ mersil ��. Fr Current Activity• • PS&E: Consultant is working toward the 95%plan submittal. • Aesthetics meeting with City of Denton and TxDOT held on January 6, 2022, to discuss retaining walls. • ROW: There are 15 parcels for acquisition for the 0195-03-090 CSJ. There are: 1 parcel in negotiations and 14 parcels in possession. • There are 44 parcels for acquisition for the 0195-03-087 CSJ. There are: 1 parcel in negotiations and 43 parcels in possession. • Utilities: LTRA is conducting utility coordination. Utilities are awaiting plans adequate for the Bonnie Brae and Windsor Road additions to the projects. Status of utilities in conflict: o AT&T: Design expected in March 2022. Agreement expected in April 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in June 2022 and completion in December 2022. 20 o Atmos Distribution: Design expected February 2022. Agreement expected April 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in May 2022 and completion in October 2022. o Atmos Transmission: Preliminary design underway expected in February 2022. Agreement expected April 2022. Anticipate relocations start in May 2022 and completion in May 2023. Project dependent on easement acquisition. o Brazos Valley Electric: Designing to avoid conflict. o Charter-Spectrum: Design expected in April 2022. Agreement expected in June 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in July 2022 and completion in October 2022. o City of Denton Water/Wastewater: Currently acquiring easements. Design expected in May 2022. Agreement expected in July 2022. o CoServ: Preliminary design received and sent back for revisions. Agreement expected to be finalized end of February 2022. Estimate start of relocations in late April 2022 and completion in September 2022. o DME Distribution: Design expected in March 2022. Agreement expected in May 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in June 2022 and completion in January 2023. o DME Transmission: Design expected in February 2022. Agreement expected in April 2022. Anticipate start of construction in July 2022 and completion in April 2023. o Eagleridge Operating LLC: Design expected in March 2022. Agreement expected in May 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in June 2022 and completion in September 2022. o Fiberlight: Relocation complete at I-35 crossing along Loop 288. o Frontier: Design expected in February 2022. Agreement expected in April 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in May 2022 and completion in October 2022. o Level 3/Lumen: Design expected in April 2022. Agreement expected in May 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in May 2022 and completion in October 2022. o UNT Fiber: Fiber crossing IH-35E south of Bonnie Brae in review to confirm if it will be in conflict. Awaiting plans adequate for Bonnie Brae to confirm. o Verizon Business/MCI: Design expected in February 2022. Agreement expected in April 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in May 2022 and completion in October 2022. o Zayo: Design expected in June 2022. Agreement expected in July 2022. Anticipate start of relocations in August 2022 and completion in January 2023. 21 CSJ: 0195-03-090 Limits: North of Oak Street to south of US 380 Interim improvements exit ramp on I-35E Description: and lanes at US 380 Construction Cost: $1,834,246 ` 1 Funding: CAT 8 r Firm: TxDOT TxDOT PM: Branden Barnett 1 100% Plans: April 30,2021 I Let Date: July 2,2021 Construction Completion: March 2022 t Current Activity• r • Construction: The project was awarded to ''• Jagoe Public Company with a low bid of $1,834,246.32 at 12.19% over the engineer's j estimate. There are 4 months of barricades and ±` 120 working days. See attached TxDOT construction report. 0 f �i r 22 TxDOT Monthly Project Report Date of report: February 1, 2022 Report prepared by: Branden Barnett Project: F 2021 (900) Control: 0195-03-100 Highway: IH35 Limits: From: Oak St To: North of US 380 Contractor: Jagoe TxDOT Project manager: Branden Barnett Phone: (214) 392-1791 Contractor's Project Manager: Brian Lee Contractor's Superintendent: Rolando Rangel Date Work Began: September 20, 2021 Anticipated Completion Date: March 5, 2022 Current Activities: Current activities include: Project is substantially complete and currently in time suspension awaiting installation of two large overhead signs. Narrative description of last month's activities: Removing median at US 380 and placing signal conduit. Relocating pedestrian signal pole. Removing/Replacing large and small signs. Narrative description of activities planned for next month: NA; construction complete. Traffic issues: None Plans for changes in traffic patterns: None. Exit and entrance ramps are open to all traffic. Item(s) of work currently controlling project completion: Overhead signs. Other items of significance: None 23 1-35 North CSJ: 0195-02-074;0195-02-081; 0195-01-116 Schematic Approval: January 31,2019 Limits: From US 77 to FM 3002(Cooke County line) Environmental Approval: October 7,2019 Length: 12.4 miles Reconstruct and widen 4-to 6-lane rural Description: freeway with ramp modifications and ROW Acquisition Complete: March 2022 reconstruct 4-to 4/6-lane frontage roads $763,903,737 Est.Construction Cost: -074: $484,846,537 Utility Relocations December 2023 -081: $196,670,000 Complete: -116: $82,387,200 $763,903,737 Funding: CAT 4: $155,272,807 100% Plans: October 2022 CAT 11: $30,664,453 CAT 12: $577,966,477 Firm&Key Contact: Stantec Ready to Let Date: December 2023 TxDOT PM: Dawit Abraham Let Date: December 2024(-081) December 2025CSJ:0195-01-116 -074 3 ..U11-1, 000z v, _ r CSJ:0195-02-081 Cehna 14 j o- 0 380 v co Arpyle F." Current Activity• • PS&E: The 60%plan set has been submitted to TxDOT. The 60%plan set has been reviewed, and comments have been returned to the consultant. • ROW: There are 115 parcels for acquisition for the -074 CSJ. There are: 3 parcels in negotiations, 11 parcels in ED, and 101 parcels in possession. • There are 23 parcels for acquisition for the -116 CSJ. There are: 2 parcels in ED and 21 parcels in possession. • Utilities: Additional utilities may be added to conflict list with SUE completed. o AT&T: Relocation plans currently in design; preliminary plans expected in April 2022. 24 o Atmos: Plans are underway; anticipate submittal of preliminary plans in May 2022. o CenturyLink: Confirming conflicts along I-35. Preliminary plans TBD. o City of Denton Water/Wastewater: Plans are underway; anticipate submittal of preliminary plans in April 2022. o Frontier: Relocation plans are underway; preliminary plans expected in June 2022. o Level 3 (Lumen): Relocation plans are underway; preliminary plans expected in June 2022. o MCI: Relocation plans are underway; preliminary plans expected in May 2022. o OneOK Gas: In process of confirming gas line location. o Sanger Electric: Relocation plans in design concurrent with I-35/FM 455 relocations. Preliminary design expected in March 2022. o Suddenlink: Relocation plans are underway. Preliminary plans TBD. o Upper Trinity Water: Currently pursuing new easements. Anticipate submittal of 60% design in February 2022. 25 Frontage Roads CSJ: 0081-13-065 Schematic Approval: March 20,2020 From Dale Earnhardt Way to Limits: [-35E/35W split Environmental Clearance: June 30,2020 Length: Project Description: Construct frontage roads ROW Acquisition Complete: March 2023 Est.Construction Cost: $376,973,505 I Utility Relocations Complete: June 2024 Funding: * 1100%Plans: November 2023 Firm: * I Ready to Let Date: June 2024 TxDOT Contact: Gutema Gebriel I Let Date: >b Cro oo'k Point Cot No ake Argyle Ai PMder The Cioriylt/ Double Oak LL"�LA Nature FlizJ Flower Moun lot 0 377 114 exns w — -17 Current Activity• • IAJR: IAJR for entire corridor to be completed. • PSl TxDOT was unable to complete negotiations with HNTB for the FM 407 to FM 2449 segment. TxDOT to reinitiate negotiations with alternate firm. • ROW: Parcel count is currently 113. • Utilities: SUE work has been completed and provided to consultants. City staff to review utility relocations required for project. • Other: TxDOT has requested letters of support for I-35W from Corral City, City of Denton, Fort Worth, and Denton County. Town of Northlake has provided resolution supporting project. 26 US , i CSJ: 0135-10-057 Schematic Approval: April 24,2017 Limits: from Loop 288 to US 377 I Environmental Clearance: June 29,2018 Length: 4.27 miles Widen existing roadway from 4/6-lane to 6- Description: lane divided with intersection ROW Acquisition Complete: March 2020 improvements Construction Cost: $21,269,537 Utility Relocations Complete: September 2020 $20,616,014 CAT 2:$17,839,014 Funding: CAT 3(local): $95,000 100%Plans: January 2020 CAT 5:$665,000 CAT 11: $2,017,000 Firm: TxDOT Let Date: June 4,2020 TxDOT Project Manager- Branden Barnett Construction Complete December 2023 377� - 288 Current Activity• • Construction: Project was awarded to Ragle Construction, Inc. with a low bid of$21,269,536.66, at 33.15% over the engineer's estimate. There are 800 working days and 39 months of barricades. See attached TxDOT construction report. • City Participation: TxDOT provided an AFA to the City of Denton for the 10-foot sidewalk component. This AFA notes a fixed cost of$95,000.00 to be transferred to TxDOT and voids the original agreement executed in September 2017. City council approved same on September 1, 2020. Denton County transmitted an ICA to the City of Denton for its $55,000.00 participation in this fixed cost contribution. City council approved same on September 1, 2020. Denton County approved ICA on September 15, 2020. 27 TxDOT Monthly Project Report Date of report: February 15, 2022 Report prepared by: Branden Barnett Project: CM 2020 (806) Control: 0135-10-057 Highway: US 377/US 380 Limits: From: Loop 288 To: US 377/US 380 Intersection Contractor: Ragle Construction, Inc. TxDOT Project manager: Branden Barnett Phone: (214) 392-1791 Contractor's Project Manager: Nagesh Kumar Contractor's Superintendent: Johnny Pererria Date Work Began: January 15, 2021 Anticipated Completion Date: December 2023 Current Activities: Current activities include: Placing concrete paving between Elm Fork Bridge and Lake Lewisville Bridge relief#1 and #2. Grading for compost and sod. Placing anchors for traffic rail and pedestrian rail. Placing drainage along eastbound travel lanes with drainage that will be connected in Phase III. Placing sod and compost in completed areas along US 377 eastbound. Narrative description of last month's activities: Removing driveways and paving up to Elm Fork Bridge. Placing concrete paving between Elm Fork Bridge and Lake Lewisville Bridge Relief#1 and #2. Grading for compost and sod. Forming bridge bents on Lake Lewisville Bridge Relief#2. Narrative description of activities planned for next month: Phase I and II(eastbound and westbound construction: drainage, driveways, turn lanes, etc.) construction. Forming bridge bents on Elm Fork Bridge and Lake Lewisville Bridge Relief#2. Traffic issues: Various daily lane closures. Plans for changes in traffic patterns: Traffic has been shifted to the north for the entire length of the project. No traffic pattern changes until contractor moves in Phase II. Item(s) of work currently controlling project completion: Phase 1 construction at Lake Lewisville Bridge Relief#2 and pedestrian rail. Other items of significance: Contractor has been allowed to move into Phase II construction (westbound) utilizing daily lane closures. Contractor at this time is only constructing the ten-foot sidewalk in Phase II. 28 US • 0 East CSJ: 0135-10-050 Schematic Approval: April 24,2017 Limits: from US 377 to Collin County line I Environmental Clearance: June 29,2018 Length: 10.45 miles Widen existing roadway from 4/6-lane to Description: 6-lane divided with intersection ROW Acquisition Complete: August 2020 improvements Construction Cost: I $140,553,393 Utility Relocations Complete: January 2022 $140,844,543 Funding: CAT 2: $62,367,423 100%Plans: December 2019 CAT 5: $56,200,000 CAT 7: $22,277,120 Engineering Firm: I TranSystems and White Oak Engineers Let Date: August 4,2021 TxDOT Project Manager: Mike Glisson Construction Completion: May 2025 IwoAk 377 380 4 Current Activity• • Utilities: Utilities are clear with the exception of five concrete poles not affecting construction. • Construction: Project was awarded to Zachry Construction Corporation with a low bid of $140,553,393.21, at 5.39%under the engineer's estimate. There are 36 months of barricades and 936 working days. Construction began on January 19, 2022. See attached TxDOT construction report. 29 TxDOT Monthly Project Report Date of report: February 14, 2022 Report prepared by: Jasyn Edwards Project: US 380 Control: 0135-10-050 Highway: US 380 Limits: From: US 377 To: County Line Contractor: Zachry TxDOT Project Manager: Mike Glisson Contractor's Superintendent: Date Work Began: January 19, 2022 Anticipated Completion Date: May 2025 Current Activities: Current activities include: Placing temporary signals at Walmart Drive and FM 424/Naylor. Patching rumble strips westbound. Temporary striping. Narrative description of last month's activities: Placing temporary signals at Walmart Drive and FM 424/Naylor. Narrative description of activities planned for next month: Setting barrier and crash cushions. Culvert O drainage. Traffic issues: Lane closures throughout and shifting traffic to the north. Item(s) of work currently controlling project completion: Temporary signals and striping. Other items of significance: None 30 US ; i Feasibility Study CSJ: 0135-10-061;0135-10-062;2250-02-022 Schematic Approval: Limits: from IH-35 to east of Collin County line Environmental Clearance: Evaluate initial alignments for east-west Description: connection serving Denton and Collin ROW Acquisition Completed: Counties Est.Construction Cost: * Utility Relocations Complete: Firm: HDR 1100%Plans: Key Contact: Stephen Endres Ready to Let Date: Feasibility Study Area US 380 SL 288 ��� Friendship Rd. _ = 28' _ _ = ass _ - 2931 �1385 ass 2164 Mustang Celina 1 Green Valley 428 Aubrey Milam Rd. 1428 0 428 Clear Creek Krugerville Heritage Center 42 268' 8 '2931 289' ' l360?S37) ,-_ Prosper 377. is E —. 80'� C388! r�7 3W 380 EUniversityDr. ` WUniversityDr.s- OENTON 288 Lincoln 1 i Rockhill Pkwy. Park 423 ��� �z89) ✓,oak Point _ V Denton ouri o Enterprise 77 720 Airport Shady Little Elm Shores 423 �i73 \\ Hackberry LRISiO Main St. 2 881 Corinth -'- N91 / 1830- �� Lewuwlle � 221 3 miles - - - - 71 - Current Activity• • TxDOT held public meetings on November 30, 2021, in Prosper and on December 2, 2021, in Denton. Virtual meeting materials were posted on: www.keepitmovingdallas.com/IJS38ODentonPM3. The deadline for providing comments was extended to January 19, 2022. TxDOT received 126 comments. • The public meeting summary report is being prepared, and the feasibility study report will be finalized, likely in the spring of 2022. 31 111 288 West CSJ: 2250-00-013 (from 1-35 to US 380) Schematic Approval: March 20,2020 2250-00-014 from US 380 to I-35W Limits: From I-35 to I-35W Environmental Clearance: September 28,2020 Length: 9.0 miles Description: I Construct controlled access freeway ROW Acquisition Complete: December 2024 Frontage road only,-013:$36,605,452 Estimated Construction Frontage road only,-014: $62,546,986 Cost: -013(including frontage roads): $108M Utility Relocations Complete: April 2026 -014(including frontage roads): $150M Funding: $3,000,000 CAT 3 100%Plans: October 2023 $1,000,000 CAT 7 Firm&Key Contact: CP&Y,Tom Cochill&Jacob Roberts Ready to Let Date: April 2026 TxDOT Project Manager: Jae Baag Let Date: September 2026 ND Current Status: 250 CSJ-02-013 • ROW: There are 33 parcels to acquire. All parcels are in appraisal. • PS&E: Geotech efforts are underway; drilling , pending right-of-entry on several parcels. • CP&Y is reviewing Geotech bore holes, creating cross sections, and updating alignment files and `w profiles. • Anticipate submittal of bridge layout on March 11, \ 380 , 2022, including Exhibit A. N0 CSJ • The 60%plans adequate are expected in March Z250—o2-01 a 2023. BEGIN CSJ wiv 2250-02-013. 0. • The Design Concept Conference was held on February 11, 2022. • Utilities: SUE efforts are underway. • Construction: The northbound frontage road will LOOP be constructed first. 288 • Other: TxDOT has requested letters of support for Loop 288 West from City of Denton and Denton _ County. SJ 22E25 02-014�. 4: 32 CSJ: 1951-01-011 I Schematic Re-approval: October 13,2021 Limits: From Bonnie Brae to Masch Branch Road Environmental Approval: August 4,2020 Length: 2.096 miles Environmental Re-eval: June 2022 Description: widen existing 2-lane rural section to a ROW Acquisition Completed: April 2023 six-lane divided urban roadway Est.Construction Cost: $36,775,382 I Utility Relocations Completed: October 2024 Funding: $500,000 CAT 7 1100%Plans: September 2023 Firm&Key Contact: LTRA,Tyler Martin I Ready to Let Date: October 2024 rT,DOT Project Manager: Jae Baag I Let Date: • - x r 41, r 1 r 7 _ Current Activity• • ROW: Parcel count is currently 20. TxDOT is coordinating on revised ROW map based on new ROW footprint. • Utilities: City staff to review utility relocations required for project. • Other: TxDOT has requested letters of support for FM 1515 from City of Denton and Denton County. • PS&E: PS&E kick-off meeting was held on February 15, 2022. • LTRA coordinated with KCS Railroad for right-of-entry to complete survey of rail lines and field survey. LTRA began preliminary design work for upcoming preliminary bridge layout and 30% PS&E plans submittal. • Environmental: LTRA has completed agreements with environmental subconsultant to complete requested environmental re-evaluation at the intersection of FM 1515 and Western Boulevard and at the reverse curves adjacent to the Peterbilt facility. Environmental technical reports are progressing while awaiting TxDOT comments on previously submitted documents for the environmental re-eval. 33 CSJ: 1059-01-047; 1059-02-002 Schematic Approval: March 20,2020 Limits: From I-35E to FM 156 Environmental Clearance: August 26,2021 Length: 3.613 miles Description: Feasibility study to widen to 4/6-lanc ROW Acquisition Completed: I March 2023 divided urban road $47,031,629 Est.Construction Cost: -047: $24,013,094 Utility Relocations Complete: March 2024 -002: $23,018,535 Funding: * 100%Plans: I October 2023 Firm&Key Contact: * Ready to Let Date: I March 2024 TxDOT PM: Nelson Underwood Let Date: 1 "01 JL cr r Current Activity: • Environmental: Environmental clearance received on August 26, 2021. • Utilities: SUE work has been completed. • ROW: There are currently 63 parcels. • Other: TxDOT has requested letter of support from City of Denton. City of Krum, Denton County, and NCTCOG have submitted letters of support. • PS&E: Denton County issued RFQ for PS&E phase efforts. Responses were received on December 16, 2021. Denton County selected Halff Associates as the most qualified firm on February 8, 2022. ITS negotiating scope. 34 Elm 1 Locust _ E UliLYersiW Dt � Texas Woman', Fta Emery St N Uni�e rrity-D-rit. OO in Cordell St E m Crescent St in a Lattimore St u u Linden Dr w O m J U Y m McKenna Panhandle St Park Egan St a CenterCivic o Paisley St in .. Z > Park Scripture St N o m I Al ar_k o S 3 Park Denton W oak St r` U z W Hickory-St - W Mulberry St rn i hueersity pp of North o Pyc W Praine St o Texas .� v W Highland St �b! g [.of y r.Yon she z Maple St _ Falb. !t! O Eagle Dr L4 Morse S t o Fannin St ti 0 Phase I Project r Smith St Phase II Project a _ n � 3 Current Activity• • TxDOT investigated the existing pavement structure by obtaining pavement cores and visual inspection for pavement failures through the corridor. There is no concrete underneath pavement. • TxDOT has completed cores and quantified areas in need of full-depth repair. TxDOT met with City of Denton to discuss plan for proposed rehabilitation and taking project off system. 35 Glossary of Acronyms • AADT—Annual Average Daily Traffic • AFA—Advanced Funding Agreement • ARPA—Archeological Resources Protection Act • CE—Categorical Exclusion (environmental clearance process for projects that do not involve significant environmental impacts) • CLOMR—(FEMA's) Conditional Letter of Map Revision • Conformity—Federal requirement in nonattainment areas to conduct air quality analysis on projects,programs, and policies identified in transportation plans, transportation improvement programs, federally funded projects, or projects requiring federal approval • CSJ—(TxDOT's) Control Section Job Number • EA—Environmental Assessment • ED—Eminent Domain • EIS —Environmental Impact Statement • FONSI—Finding of No Significant Impact • IAJR—Interstate Access Justification Request • ICA—Interlocal Cooperative Agreement • Let—Official date of receipt and opening of bids • MAPO—Meeting with Affected Property Owners • MPO—Metropolitan Planning Organization • MTP—Metropolitan Transportation Plan • NCTCOG—North Central Texas Council of Governments • NEPA—National Environmental Policy Act • NOPC—Notice of Proposed Construction • NTTA—North Texas Toll Authority • PS&E—Plans Specifications and Estimate • ROW—Right-of-Way • RTC—Regional Transportation Council • RTL—Ready to Let(date project is clear for construction but lacks funding for actual let) • RTR—Regional Toll Revenue (funds resulting from certain toll/managed lane projects in DFW region) • STBG—Surface Transportation Block Grant • STIP— Statewide Transportation Improvement Program • SUE— Subsurface Utility Engineering • SW3P—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • TCP—Traffic Control Plan • TIA—Time Impact Analysis • TPP—Transportation Planning and Programming • TPWD—Texas Parks & Wildlife Department • TTC—Texas Transportation Commission • TxDOT—Texas Department of Transportation • UIR—Utility Installation Request • UTP—Unified Transportation Program • VE—Value Engineering 36 O Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to City of Denton Texas For its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2020 ��A� P. ;�� Executive Director/CEO 37 Related to the Eagle Creek Development, generally the development is connecting to existing water and wastewater lines in the area (see below). The development is being built in phases and proposed improvements (8 inch water, 8 inch wastewater, and connections) are following as each phase is being constructed. Water is/will be from Parvin for the phases to the north and Roselawn from the phases to the south. Wastewater is flowing south to an existing wastewater line that runs along the creek. Attached is a conceptual phasing map of the Eagle Creek Development and a summary of all the applications we have received and reviewed so far. I share this to provide you with a status of all the phases, which have received approval and which are still pending. Overall Development Projects: • Preliminary Plat(PP-19-0019)—Approved • Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA20-0001)—Approved • Alternative ESA Plan (AESA 20-0003)—Approved Phase 1A: • Final Replat (FR20-0016)—Filed • Civil Engineering Plans (CEP20-0040)—Approved with Conditions • Amending Final Plat (AFP21-0003)—Filed Phase 113: • Final Replat (FR20-0011)—Filed • Civil Engineering Plans (CEP20-0028)—Approved with Conditions • Amending Final Plat (AFP21-0004)—Filed Phase 2A: • Final Replat (FR20-0019)—Filed • Civil Engineering Plans (CEP20-0057)—Approved • Pre-Construction Meeting (PCM20-0055)—Notice to Proceed Approved Phase 213: • Final Replat (FR21-0011)—Under Review • Civil Engineering Plans (CEP21-0024)—Approved • Pre-Construction Meeting (PCM21-0028)—Under Review Phase 3A: Pending Phase 313: Pending Phase 4: • Final Replat (FR21-0006)—P&Z Approved, not yet Filed • Civil Engineering Plans (CEP20-0063)—Approved • Amending Final Plat (AFP21-0006)—Approved, not yet Filed • Pre-Construction Meeting (PCM21-0026)—Under Review 38 Existing Water(GIS layer) • 24 inch with 12 inch stub out on Roselawn • 10 and 6 inch on Parvin (east) • 6 inch on Parvin (west) • 6 inch on Highland Park Road • 6 inch on Kendolph Drive • 6 inch on Laurel Street Proposed Water Improvements (Approved CEPS) • Phase 1A-8 inch through the phase with future connection to future phase south, connection to 6 inch on Highland Park Road and Laurel • Phase 1B—8 inch through the phase with future connection to future phase south, connection to 6 inch on Parvin (west) and Kendolph, connection to 10 inch on Parvin (east), connection to new 8 inch on Highland Park Road (Phase 1A) • Phase 2A-8 inch through the phase, connection to 8 inch on future road (Phase 1A) and future Parvin (Phase 113) • Phase 2B-8 inch through the phase, connection to 8 inch on future Parvin (Phase 113) • Phase 4 -8 inch through the phase, connection to 12 inch stub out on Roselawn, connection to 10 inch on Parvin (east) L 1;TTM{ E i, M'r G i I Existing Wastewater(GIS layer) • 15/21 inch through property that runs along the creek • 18 inch east/west through property toward creek • 12/15 inch on Parvin (east) • 8 inch on Parvin (west) • 8 inch on Highland Park Road • 8 inch on Laurel Street 39 Proposed Wastewater Improvements(Approved CEPS) • Phase 1A—8 inch through the phase, with connection to Phase 16 (connecting to existing 18 inch wastewater line to the south) • Phase 1B—8 inch through the phase,with connection to the 18 inch wastewater line to the south through future Phase 2B and 3A within a temporary wastewater easement • Phase 2A—8 inch through the phase, connection to 8 inch on future road (Phase 1A) and future Parvin (Phase 113) (connecting to existing 18 inch wastewater line to the south) • Phase 2B-8 inch through the phase, connection to 8 inch installed as part of Phase 113 (connecting to existing 18 inch wastewater line to the south) • Phase 4-8 inch through the phase, connection to wastewater line located on Roselawn and the creek 40 Land Use Acreage Summary 01 L ✓ aD_ � _ r.- -� Open Space(Including ESAAreas) 70.4 - .•,� T - •a !' Y- Tree Preservation Area(ESA-Preserved Upland Habitat) 15.1 �Z a S r Rrsp �, 1 F U' (• z ` '• O Residential Lots/Residential Rights of Way 166.4 zz O Total 236.8 WILLOWWOOD STREET (Open Space Acreage Summary -1- -1�-._-; ,I - - �• - - - - - - - -- - - _ Open Space 70.4 Total Percent Open Space 129.7% _ ��...,._. Lot Type Summary ' �.• - - - \�- - •I - \ c. F 52'x 115'(Rayzor) 706 �kl ID_ WILLOWCREST LOOP J •III - - -• Q Y�� '—{I - 55'x 130'(Drury) 64 �I I of, I Total 770 d T > v" I k Density Summary(Units per Acre) QI _ of ✓ ---- I- I Gross(Rayzor) 3.3 I -J = I I - - i = � I a " Gross(Drury) 2,g - WILLOWCREST LOOP MARGARET A.YOUNG J _T_ — EXISTING r ROD. O.017-3428 ❑ VIRGILitN 9M Sr ! -AVLOR PAHK CHURCH HIGHLAND PARK 1 = -IL OWWO OWES OR.DCT. Z THE BRAOLEVFAMILVTRUST SHAIf. SMITH • OF THE NAZARENE RENAME TO ALLEY I AB B. G.13 W DOL.NO.1997-60fi33 III T p R p Do - Y O.R.D C T. DOC.NO.19955241 t DOC.NO.2005-35385 II k — �.,, R�-�.r-� o.R.D c.r. o.R.D.c.T II I I U - AURE�T. dI t °A6'A� DUDLEY ST. 10 1 1 1H a � ' --- LU - #�lUo ?PHASE2A W �E 1A [=]iPHAS HASE1B c uJA 3 - --- J- - r A6 .. Si 2.2 OPEN L III— SPACE II q LORR PARK = IVI � • . s AMENITY _ � II oaLoc T. � - CENTER // 4 PR.D OT. ' ��k - - - PARVIN STREET -- 1 __ r JA I I / -_ _ _ _PARVIN ST. — — �— / .y EXTEND ROAD AS 24'SECTION PHASE 2B y„ } 100-YR FLOODPLAIN (STUDIED) DENTON INDERENDENT SCHOOL o1DISTRICT VOLV D.RD.C.T,� y r`- � // / EXISTING oST / ,/17 "V"INLET CITY OF DENTON VOLo514,PO.579 c.r. BALTAZAR MESTA I-D DOC.NO.20U-57002 = AR.D.C.T. PHASE 3A - OBSERVED r + I STREAM BUFFER I� / / SE 1 Iii j ROAD STUB-OUT / 1 WATER RELATED HABITAT I / O � / N, PHASE 4 _ OPEN I SPACE .,. ft-n - 1\\ UPLAND HABITAT - - es 111,N1,1000,8-,ICIl �j f ry I TREE PRESERVATION Z Ll AREA 0 I I �/ LOT 1.BLOCK A ` III o l ROSELAWN ELEVATED - I O PHASE 3B ' CO STORAGE TANK ADDITION 1 - cAB.Y.PG]]] PR.DC. T- � I ESA - - FLOOD PLAIN -- - - zl I I p m — Q / J_ ) 0.r THOMAS A.GARBACIK U AND MARY JOANN GARBACIK DN 994-1091 Y z O VOL..R.D PG.151 566, DO NO O.ROLC.T. 'S DR.D.GT. /� / • A -- AWN DRIVE _ 5 TRACT iI - I( LOT 3, LOT 1 ROSELA NACRES LOT 2 TED C.MEADOR MARC S. LOT 2, LOT 1, PART OF PITNER FAMILY LIMITED =__ - SORREL SECTION 11.TRACT ONE \ PARTNERSHIP MCBRIDE ACRES ADD ION DOC.NO. CULP SORRELLS- SORRELLS- DOC.NO.2013-]0]62 CAB.U,PG.1 6,P.R.D.C.T. 2001_5374 DOC.NO. MCBRIDE MCBRIDE ACRES RAYZOR INVESTMENTS,LTD. O.R.D.0 T. 2001-3928 ACRES CAB.x,PG.749 VOL.1]96,PG,601 ) �' `• ,^.R.D.0 T. O.R.D.0 T. P.RZ,C.T. D.R.D.C.T. / y 1 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1=200 @ 2436 CONCEPT PLAN Forestar Kimley )) 4rn Denton, Texas 13455 Noel Rd.,Two Galleria Office Tower Suite 700 June 2020 Dallas,Texas 75240 972-770-1300 State of Texas Registration No.F-928 _SA- 6n120207.46- 6eNEHTor ASU 41Rvev o a COMACT WITH TH DRAFT 01 24 2022 CREEKIDRAINAGE CORRIDOR TRAILS Creek and Drainage corridor trails,which are often also callea greenway trails,provide off-street connectivity to parks and other destinations.These are located in easements or right-of-ways dedicated to a creek, river corridor, or greenway.These trails should be a minimum of 10'in width if appropriate and sensitive to the trail's context.Greenways provide for preservation of green space in urbanized and urbanizing areas,Increase passive recreational opportunities, and provide land for flood mitigation. The preservation of greenways helps to protect the water quality for run-off Into streams,creeks,and lakes. Proposed creek/drainage corridor trails will add 40.96 miles of trail to Denton's system and are shown In Tahle 6A Figure 6 r.Recommended Creek/Drainage Corridor Trails i © —1 t CP Y ' o a, .- to ' n PID UGEND Crty of Denton Roo6plain r a Parks Creek/Drainage Tralli i 1331 `,ty of Denton Parks.Recreation,and Trails System Master Plan 42 coF City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 TO: City of Denton Employees FROM: Sara Hensley, Interim City Manager RE: Return to Office on Feb.28,2022 DATE: Feb. 14, 2022 As you may recall,when COVID-19 first hit our community,the organization took immediate steps to temporarily transition to remote work, where feasible, in keeping with public health guidance at the time. For nearly two years, we have closely monitored COVID-19 cases and statistics and evolving health and safety guidance to make informed recommendations and decisions regarding City facilities, programs, operations, and services. Throughout that time, we have been mindful of the needs of both the community we serve and our employees. COVID-19 cases are continuing to fall from their recent peak,testing continues to be available to all employees, and vaccinations are readily available. As such,we are substantially resuming our in-person operations beginning Feb. 28. It is vital that we are present and accessible to serve the public. I wanted to take an opportunity to provide some additional information as our remote employees prepare for the Feb. 28 return to office date. Return to Office Department Plans Remote employees will be returning to the office. Departments may, at the discretion of the Director, allow some positions to work remotely on a hybrid schedule. This allowance will be based primarily on operational needs. An example of this hybrid schedule would be an allowance of one day of remote work per week for certain positions. Each department is developing a Return to Office Plan for its operations that includes which positions may work a hybrid schedule. The plans will be shared with the City Manager's Office to review the application of hybrid schedules across departments. Mask Requirements Under the Nineteenth Order of Council, masks are currently required for all employees and contractors within City of Denton buildings. While required in all common areas, they are not required if an employee is alone or in a separate room or single space that is not a common area. Face masks, including N95 masks, will be available in all buildings for use by all employees. Corrective actions may be warranted if an employee does not comply with mask requirements. 43 Health Checks At the beginning of the pandemic, health check stations were implemented in all facilities, and employees reporting in person were required to scan and record their temperature upon entry. Health checks are now optional. We encourage employees to use them and if experiencing any symptoms of illness,to not report in person and contact their supervisor. Supplies and Other Resources As you prepare for the return to the office on Feb. 28, I also wanted to include a friendly reminder to pack and bring with you any supplies, technology, or other resources that you may need to ensure a smooth transition back. Please be cautious of your safety and others while moving any supplies or resources. If you need assistance,please contact the Facilities Department. I understand how returning to in-person work may be an adjustment for some of us. Our employees and our community have weathered tremendous unpredictable and difficult times. My hope is that this step allows both the organization and the community to regain the many benefits of an in-person workforce. We collectively serve the Denton community, and we must continue to take actions that allow our entire organization to fulfill that mission most effectively. Additionally,I and the leadership team sincerely appreciate and recognize the efforts of our employees that,throughout the pandemic, did not have the option to work remotely. If you have any questions,please reach out to your department director, or contact your Human Resources Business Partner. Thank you for your patience and continued service during this unprecedented time. We look forward to being together again soon. Division/Department Cam Byrd x.8349 • Fire . legal carri.byrd@cityofdenton.com . Human Resources • Police HR Business Partner Supervisor . Internal Audit . Risk Management • Airport&Facilities Management(Real Estate) . Chief of Staff(City Secretary,Community Services,Animal April David x 8342 Services) april.david@cityofdenton.com . Customer Service&Public Affairs(IGR,DTV) HR Business Partner . Development Services(Planning,Building Inspections) • Electric Operations . Environmental Services • Wastewater Operations • Water Operations Tiffoni James x 7882 . Economic Development tiffani.iames@cityofdenton.com . Finance(Accounting.Budget,Treasury) HR Business Partner . library . Safety . Municipal Court • Solid Waste • Municipal Judge's Office • Procurement/Compliance(Materials Management) • Public Works(CIP,Engineering.Traffic,Parks&Recreation, Drainage,Fleet Services,Streets) . Technology Services(Public Safety Dispatch) 2 44 Date:February 18, 2022 Report No. 2022-012 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Aquatic Operation Adjustments—Changes to FY 21-22 Schedule of Fees BACKGROUND: Upon completion of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, staff gave an overview report to the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board (the Board) regarding aquatic operations, revenues, expenditures,hours, and future needs for funding. Growing safety concerns exist for Water Works Park (WWP) where a capital maintenance program does not exist, and the maintenance needs of the facility include lifecycle replacements of major components. Additionally, operation costs of staffing, contract services, utilities, and goods for food/beverage/resale are escalating at a quick rate. To balance the growing costs of running Water Works Park, staff was advised by the Board to explore revenue solutions that would align WWP with current Cost of Service expectations. DISCUSSION: The Aquatics Center, comprised of the Denton Natatorium and Water Works Park, opened its doors in 2003. The venture was a partnership between the City of Denton and Denton ISD to construct a Natatorium and enter into a 50-year contract detailing the yearly financial settlement, operations, and maintenance of the building. Additionally, Water Works Park shares its profit or deficit in a combined bill that is split 50150 between the City of Denton and Denton ISD. The cost of maintaining and operating these aquatic facilities in order to provide these services to the community continues to rise. Admission pricing at Water Works Park has seen three changes since 2003. Soon after opening, an adjustment was made to daily admission that changed it from a structure based on age to a structure based on height. The second adjustment went into effect for the summer 2018 season which saw the first full year with a new wave pool attraction. The 2018 price changes were reversed for the summer of 2019. On November 1, 2021, Aquatics Staff provided a recap (Exhibit 2) of FY 20-21 revenues and expenditures, a 3-year comparison, the Cost-of-Service model, and recommendations for review and consideration from the Parks,Recreation and Beautification Board. At that meeting,the board directed staff to bring back additional information and pricing proposals. At the February 7, 2022, Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Meeting, staff presented (Exhibit 3) recommendations for changes to the Schedule of Fees for the 2022 aquatics season which included implementation of a cooler pass and a"dynamic pricing"model for Water Works Season Passes. Currently,patrons are allowed to bring store-bought,homemade,and restaurant-prepared food into Water Works Park. This not only lessens the per capita the facility is able to generate but also proposes a safety issue, as alcohol is often brought into the park in fast-food cups. As proposed for 45 Date:February 18, 2022 Report No. 2022-012 the 2022 season, outside catering or restaurant-prepared food will be prohibited from being brought into Water Works Parks. Those who still wish to bring in their own store-bought or homemade food and beverages will be able to purchase a cooler pass. The new tiered membership pass system allows patrons to select their level of service between an offered"Silver", "Gold", or"Platinum"membership package and includes a resident discount off the regular package price. 655 membership passes have already been sold for the 2022 season during the Early Bird and Preseason Discount sales. These passes will be honored for the 2022 season under the "Silver"membership tier. No increases to daily admission rates for Summer 2022 are proposed. The proposed schedule of fee changes for the 2022 aquatics season are as follows: • Water Works Park o $5/per day Cooler Pass o $60 Cooler Season Pass • Water Works Season Passes: o Silver Membership (Current Membership) ■ Souvenir cup with $1 refills ■ 2 Buddy Passes (50% admission) ■ 10% off concessions and gift shop ■ $10 off Cabana rentals M-Th ■ Member Appreciation after-hours event Package value $128.00 The cost of this pass will be $99.99 to the general public while residents will receive a discount rate of$79.99. o Gold Membership ■ Souvenir cup with free refills ■ 2 General Admission tickets ■ 2 Buddy Passes (50% admission) ■ 4 meal combo vouchers for concessions ■ 10% off concessions and gift shop ■ $25 Luxury Lounger rentals (3 hours per rental) ■ 20% off Cabana rentals M-Th ■ 4 Dive-In-Movie passes ■ Member Appreciation after-hours event ■ 4 Cooler Passes (single use) Package value $232.00 The cost of this pass will be $149.99 to the general public while residents will receive a discount rate of$129.99. 46 Date:February 18, 2022 Report No. 2022-012 o Platinum Membership ■ Souvenir cup with free refills ■ 4 General Admission Tickets ■ 6 Buddy Passes (50% admission) ■ 5 meal combo vouchers for concessions ■ $25 Luxury Lounger rentals (3 hours per rental) ■ 30% off Cabana rentals M-Th ■ 10% off concessions and gift shop ■ 4 Dive-In-Movie passes ■ 1 Free Luxury Lounger rental per season ■ 1 Free Cabana Rental per season ■ Member Appreciation after-hours event ■ 2022 Cooler Pass included Package value $422.00 The cost of this pass will be $219.99 to the general public while residents will receive a discount rate of$199.99. The Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Board unanimously approved the proposed changes by a vote of 5-0. CONCLUSION: Exhibit 1 outlines the current FY 2021-2022 Schedule of Fees with the proposed changes included. Staff intends to put the proposed changes into action for the 2022 Aquatics season beginning March 1 and requests any feedback to the City Manager's Office by February 25. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: FY 2021-2022 Schedule of Fees-Proposed Changes Exhibit 2: Presentation November 1, 2021 Exhibit 3: Presentation February 7, 2022 STAFF CONTACT: Monica Martin Program Area Manager Monica.Martin@cityofdenton.com 47 UNITE, GROW, Denton Parks and Rec 2021-2022 Schedule of Fees Effective Oct. 1, 2021 *updated _,ie�24March 1, 2022 Formatted:Heading 1,Indent:Left: 3.28",Line Fees may be adjusted on an interim basis throughout the year as new services spacing: Exactly 15.55 pt are added orto maintain parity with market trends.Interim changes will be submitted for approval by Park Board and Council approval on an annual basis. Ordinance 2oi6-268 Any new marketing promotion will be approved prior to implementation by the City Manager or his/her designee. Many program fees are set by independent contractors.Parks and Recreation led programs,leagues,events,and childcare fees vary and are periodically benchmarked.Per Code of Ordinances Chapter 22-28,the fee shall be based on the cost of providing the event,service,equipment,or goods.These fees are published in our online catalog at www.dentonparks.com. 48 UNITE,GROW. © Recreation and Cemetery Fees Doman PR.ks and Rec Recreation Pass,Special Events, Impact,and Nonresident Fees Rec Pass Fees Fee Application of Fee and Description Rec Pass Ages 8 and older $io Annual fee for rec center access to gym,game room,computers,and Civic Center walking track. Rec Pass Replacement Card $z Fee for the replacement of a lost rec pass card. Special Event Fees Fee Application of Fee and Description Special Event Deposit $ioo A refundable deposit to secure an event held on park property. Special Event Application Fee $30 Fee for processing a special event permit application. Vendor Permit I For Profit Fee $25 Fee for a single-day permit to sell or do business on park property during a festival,event,or rental. Vendor Permit I Nonprofit Fee $i5 Fee for a single-day permit to sell or do business on park property during a festival,event,or rental. Facility Utilization Agreement Fees Fee Application of Fee and Description Recreation Impact Fee $15 Fee per player,per season approved in the Youth Sports Association Facility Utilization Agreement. Select Impact Fee $25 Fee per player,per season approved in the Youth Sports Association Facility Utilization Agreement. Hunting Permits Fees Application of Fee and Description Seasonal Permit;Resident $30 Seasonal fee for hunting permit;details&location are available at www.dentonparks.com. Seasonal Permit;Nonresident $50 Seasonal fee for hunting permit;details&location are available at www.dentonparks.com. Nonresident Fees Fee Application of Fee and Description Nonresident Fee $5 Add-on fee applied to individuals who do not pay City of Denton taxes for facility(per hour)or equipment rentals,program registrations,memberships,and/or services;unless otherwise noted. Nonresident Fee(aquatics) $z Same as defined above and applicable to aquatics;as needed. Nonresident Fee(aquatics and tennis) $1 Same as defined above and applicable to programs with fees less than$5;as needed. Nonresident Fee(hunting) $zo Same as defined above and applicable to hunting;as needed. _ Memorial Fees Fee Application of Fee and Description Memorial Bench $2,000 Fee for labor and supplies to install memorial bench.Details and locations are available at www.dentonparks.com. Memorial Tree $600 Fee for labor and supplies to install memorial tree planting.Details and locations are available at www.dentonparks.com. Memorial Bricks $269 Fee for labor and supplies to install memorial brick.Details and locations are available at www.dentonparks.com. Memorial Picket $275 Fee for labor and supplies to install memorial picket.Details and locations are available at www.dentonparks.com. Cemetery Fees I.O.O.F. Oakwood Application of Fee and Description Stone(Monument)Permit $75 $50 Fee for a permit to install a monument per approved specifications. Burial(Interment)Permit $75 $50 Fee for an interment permit per approved specifications. Burial Permit Late Fee $ioo $ioo Fee applied in addition to the Burial Permit if the request is less than 48 hours priorto the burial. Plot for Cremations $ISO n/a Fee for a cremations burial space. Plot for Infant Coffin $375 $375 Fee for an infant-size coffin burial space. Plot fOOr tyll Coffin $goo s5z5 Fee for a full coffin burial space. NonresNent Tee may apply. 49 UNITE,GROW T © Recreation and Civic Center Rental and Service Fees Demon Parks and R,, Recreation and Senior Center Room Rentals Hourly rates per room and service fees;multipurpose rooms and rates can be combined to rent one area. Rec Center Rooms Room A Room B Room C Kitchen Full Gym Half Gym Game Rm Computer Rm Craft Rm Hourly Rates Multipurpose Multipurpose Multipurpose Meeting Space MLK Jr.Rec Center $25 $25 $20 $65 $35 $20 $20 $20 Denia Rec Center $25 $30 $25 $65 $35 $25 North Lakes Rec Center $25 $30 $65 $35 Senior Center Rooms Room A Room B Room C Kitchen Orange Rm Blue Rm Green Rm/Classroom Craft Rm Terrace Hourly Rates Conference Ceramics Denton Senior Center $40 $40 $25 $20 $30 $30 $20 $25 American Legion Hall $25 $25 $20 $20 $25 Rental Service Fees Fee Application of Fee and Description Building Attendant(BA) $3.4 Hourly fee per individual stafffor after--hours rental. Police Security $45 Hourly fee per officer applied to a rental based on attendance thresholds,type of event,and time of day. Deposit $too Fee required to secure a rental 3o days in advance and is refunded afterthe rental pending no damagesto facility. Denton Civic Center Meeting Room Rentals Meeting Rooms Meeting Rm i Meeting Rm 2 Rotunda/ Plaza Hourly Rates Community Room Back Room Kitchen Denton Civic Center $65 $45 $ISO $25 Rental Service Fees Fee Application of Fee and Description Building Attendant(BA) $14 Hourly fee per individual staff for after—hours rental;staff requirements are based on attendance and alcohol served. Police Security $45 Hourly fee per officer applied to a rental based on attendance thresholds and alcohol served. Deposit $200 Fee required to secure a rental and is refunded after the rental pending no damages to facility. Cleaning Fee $400 Fee required for Civic Center rotunda rentals(Saturday and Sundays only). Marquee Fee $20 Daily fee for limited use of the marquee related to rental and based on availability. Nonresident fee may apply. 50 UNITE,GROW, © Athletic Facility Rental, Service, and Maintenance Fees D.M Parks and Re Practice Field Rentals Fee Application of Fee and Description Practice Field;no lights $i5 Hourly fee for exclusive use of a practice field perthe listing below during daylight hours. Practice Field;with lights $25 Hourly fee for exclusive use of a practice field perthe listing below during evening hours. Disc Golf Course $25 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe disc golf course. Hockey Rink at Mack Park $25 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe rink at Mack Park. Practice Field Rental Options: Denia Soccer,Mack Soccer,Hinkle Soccer/Rugby,Fred Moore Softball,North Lakes Softball 5&6,North Lakes Football and Soccer,Vela,Roberts,Mack,Evers Baseball. All fields have lights excluding Denia Soccer Field and Hinkle Soccer/Rugby. Game Field and Complex Rentals I Pre-qualification is required for a complex rental based on preexisting thresholds provided by the Athletics Division. Game Field;no lights $25 Hourly fee for exclusive use of a field for tournament/games during daylight hours. Game Field;with lights $25 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofa field for tournament/game during evening hours. North Lakes Softball Complex $2,300 Flat fee for exclusive use ofthe complex for a two-day tournament;pre-qualification requirements apply. Denia Softball Complex $1,300 Flat fee for exclusive use ofthe complex for a two-day tournament;pre-qualification requirements apply. Deposit $zoo Fee required to secure a game and complex rental;refunded based on concluding field and facility conditions. Cancellation Fee I Tournament $ion Fee applied ifthe tournament is canceled less than seven days from the tournament start date. Cancellation Fee I Games/Tournament $ioo Fee applied,or deposit is forfeited if a tournament or game is canceled less than two days from game date. Rental Service Fees Labor Fee $38 Hourly fee per individual staff to prep fields,remove trash/litter,and/or clean restrooms. After Rental Light Fee $20 Hourly fee applied iffield lights are left on after rental. Bleacher Fee $ioo Flat fee per bleacher for loading,hauling,and setting not native to the field rented. Soccer Goal Fee $350 Flat fee per pair of soccer goals for loading,hauling,and setting not native to the field rented. Field Marker Fee $250 Flat fee per field for line marking a sport not native to the field rented. Temporary Fence Field Rental $ISO Flat fee per field for temporary fence installation for field rental tournament/game. Temporary Fence Complex Rental $75 Flat fee per field for temporary fence installation for complex rental. Scoreboard Controller I Complex Rental $ioo Flat fee per complex rental to use electronic scoreboards;nonrefundable. Scoreboard Controller Deposit $750 Fee required for a Scoreboard Controller Rental;refunded after the rental pending no damages. Nonresident fee may apply. 51 UNITE,GROW, T © Pavilion Rentals, Park Rentals, and Goldfield Tennis Center Demon Parks and R,, Pavilion Rentals Fee Application of Fee and Description Small Pavilion $io Hourlyfee for exclusive use of a small pavilion;location/capacity are available at www.dentonparks.com. Large Pavilion $25 Hourly fee for exclusive use of a large pavilion;location/capacity are available at www.dentonparks.com. Park Event Rentals I exclusivity does not apply to public amenities such as playgrounds,trails,courts unless otherwise stated Fred Moore Park s65 Hourly fee for exclusive use of a park area,pavilions,and stage for large public and private events. North Lakes Park $75 Hourly fee for exclusive use of a park area and pavilions for large public and private events. South Lakes Park $75 Hourly fee for exclusive use of a park area and pavilions for large public and private events. Industrial Park s65 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe park area for large public and private events. North Lakes Dog Park—Smallest Pen s65 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe small(special event)dog park pen Quakertown North $200 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe north side ofthe park for large public and private events. Quakertown South $200 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe south side ofthe park for large public and private events. The NOOK $15 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe NOOK at Emily Fowler Library for small public or private events. Park Event Rentals I exclusivity does not apply to public amenities such as playgrounds,trails,courts unless otherwise stated CH Collins Stage at Fred Moore Park $15 Hourly fee for exclusive use ofthe covered stage with access to electricity. Community Garden Plot $20 Annual plot fee at the Bowling Green Park Community Garden. Park Contractor $i5 Hourly fee to operate a contracted program in a park where the vendor directly collects their own program fees. Denton ISO Cross Country Meet $ioo Flat fee per meet hosted by Denton Independent School District. Cross Country Meet $150 Flat fee per meet,in addition to park event rental fee Parking Attendant $iy Hourly fee for event parking attendant,as needed Gold field Tennis Center Fees Application of Fee and Description Annual Tennis Membership $75 Annual fee for unlimited court reservations. Court Reservation;no lights $2 Hourly fee per person for exclusive use of a tennis court daylight hours. Court Reservation;with lights $y Hourly fee per person for exclusive use of a tennis court during evening hours. Court Tournament Reservation $5 Hourly fee per court for exclusive use with an eight-hour minimum. Nonresident fee may apply. 52 UNITE,GROW, r]� Aquatic Memberships,Admissions,and Group Discounts Ages z and under are free per daily admission purchased. D.Ml Parks and R.. Natatorium Admissions and Group Discounts ' Memberships and Admissions 12-Month 3-Month i-Month Daily Admission io-Punch Pass Purchase 1-31$12o each Purchase 1-31$45 each Purchase 1-3 $zo each Ages 3-15,$3 Ages 3-15,$25 Purchase 4+1 sgo each Purchase 4+1$36 each Purchase 4+ $15 each Ages 16&older,$4 Ages 16&older,$30 Daily Admissions Group Discount to-lg Guests zo+Guests Denton PARD Camps so.5o off per admission si off per admission so.75 per admission Water Works Park Admissions and Group Discounts R OF E Season Pass and Admissions Preseason Discount Season Pass Monthly Pass Daily Admission Purchase 1-3 s65 each P •eerie 31 eae" Purchase 1-3 $3o each Non-swimmer,s5 Purchase 4+ $55 each P FEhase••'$65 e " Purchase 4+ $25 each Under 48 inches,sio (Expires March 1,2022) Silver Membership 48 inches&taller,$14 General Public I saa.aa Single Cooler,s5 Resident Discount I s7a.ga Gold Membership General Public 1 s14q.gq Res.Discount I slzg.ga Platinum Membership General Public 1 szlgga Res.Discount I slgg 44 Cooler Pass I s6o Daily Admissions Group Discount to-ig Guests 30-99 Guests loo+Guests Denton PARD Camps $3 off per admission $4 off per admission s5 off per admission $4 per admission Nonresident fee may apply. 53 Civic Center Pool Rates Admissions _w Season Pass and Admissions Season Pass Daily Admission Purchase 1-3 $4o each Ages 3-27,$3 Purchase 4+ $35 each Ages 18&older,$4 AII-Access Aquatics Pass I Includes access to the Natatorium,Water Works Park,and Civic Center Pool All-Access Aquatic Membership iz-Month*Includes Silver Membership for Summer 2022 Purchase 1-3 $25o each Purchase 4+ $iao each Nonresident fee may apply. 54 UNITE,GROW. © Aquatic Facility and Amenity Rentals, Lane Rentals, and Water Park Pavilion Rentals Denton Parks and Rec Aquatic Facility Rentals I Based on guest attendance -M Water Works Park 1-40o Guests 401-600 Guests 6oi-800 Guests 801-1,2oo Guests i,2oi-i,600 Guests $1,250 1 2-hour min. $1,400 12-hour min. $i,600 12-hour min. $i,800 12-hour min. $2,000 12-hour min. $Soo per extra hour $525 per extra hour $55o per extra hour $575 per extra hour $600 per extra hour Civic Center Pool(Monday-Thursday) 1-2oo Guests 202-2oo Guests 201-30o Guests 301-400 Guests $27512-hour min. $375I2-hour min. 475I2-hour min. $575I2-hour min. sioo per extra hour $125 per extra hour S3.5o per extra hour si75 per extra hour Civic Center Pool(Friday-Sunday) i-ioo Guests ioi-zoo Guests 201-3oo Guests 301-400 Guests $325I 2-hour min. $425 12-hour min. $525 1 2-hour min. $625 1 2-hour min. sioo per extra hour $i25 per extra hour si5o per extra hour si75 per extra hour Denton Natatorium i-ioo Guests ioi-zoo Guests 201-30o Guests 301-400 Guests $325I2-hourmin. $425I2-hour min. $525I2-hour min. s625I2-hour min. $too per extra hour $3.25 per extra hour s3.5o per extra hour si75 per extra hour Aquatic Amenity Rentals Water Park Luxury Loungers Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Friday-Sunday Friday-Sunday $30I3-hourmin. s55lPerday $40I3-hour min. $751perday $20 per extra hour sio per extra hour Water Park Cabanas Monday-Thursday Friday-Sunday s6o 13-hour min. $75 1 3-hour min. $20 per extra hour $25 per extra hour MMU Aquatic Facility Use Rentals I Lane and Pavilion Rentals Rental Fee Application of Fee and Description Natatorium Lane Rental $12 Hourlyfee forexclusive use of a lap swim lane in the Natatorium. Water Park Party Pavilion $75 Hourly fee for use ofthe Party Pavilion,each additional hour is s5o Water Park Corporate Pavilion Area $150 Hourly fee for use ofthe Corporate Pavilion,sand volleyball court,and grassy area,each additional hour is s5o Nonresident fee may apply. 55 UNITE,GROW r Aquatics Promotions and Discounts L Denton Parks and Re Aquatic Promotions and Discounts Military Discount Days-$2 offfull-priced admissions at WWP,Nat,or CCP*I$z off for all military active duty,veterans,retired,and reserves that have a valid identification card(cannot be expired)on select days(Memorial Day,June 6,JuIY4*,Labor Day) *CCP runs a$1 admission special all day onJuly4. Water Works Park Promotions and Discounts Season Pass Perks Silver Membership Souvenir cup with ss refills Formatted:Right: 3.71" Two 5o%off daily admission coupons for friends and family io%off concessions and gift shop purchase sio offtotal cabana rental M-Th s5 off total luxury lounger rental Member Appreciation Event Gold Membership e Souvenir cup with free refills ....- — Formatted:Right: 3.71",Bulleted+Level:1 +Aligned • Two general admission tickets at: 0.39"+Indent at: 0.64" e Two 5o%off daily admission coupons for friends and family e Four meal combo vouchers for concessions e zo%off concessions and gift shop e s25 Luxury Lounger rentals(3 hours per rental) e 20%offtotal cabana rental M-th e 4 Dive-In-Movie passes e Member Appreciation Event e a Cooler Passes(single use) Formatted:Right: 3.71" 56 Platinum Membership ` Formatted:Right: 3.71" • Souvenircup with free refills Formatted:Right: 3.71",Bulleted+Level:1 +Aligned • Four general admission tickets at: 0.39"+Indent at: 0.64" • Six so%offdaily admission coupons for friends and family • Five meal combo vouchers for concessions • io%off concessions and gift shop • $as Luxury Lounger rentals(-4 hours per rental) • io%off total cabana rental M-th • 4 Dive-In-Movie passes • One free Luxury Lounger rental per season • One free Cabana Rental per season • Member Appreciation Event • zozz Cooler Pass included Marketing Discount Incentives Park Foundation Giveaways 14o daily admission passes,4o rec center passes for fundraising events Social Media Campaign I zoo daily admission passes leverage as incentives for marketing campaigns Mobile and Social Media Marketing $i hot dogs Mobile and Social Media Marketing 5o%off concession items Mobile and Print Media Marketing J$z off Twilight Admission Discount,Monday-Friday,4-7 P.m. $7 per resident under 48 inches I Discounted daily admission fee during low attended hours;nonresident fee may apply sii per resident 48 inches&taller I Discounted daily admission fee during low attended hours;nonresident fee may apply Friends&Family Season Pass Package 1$aoo for 4 season passes($5o per pass)and each additional pass$oo;must purchase all together Facility Maintenance Discount 1$2 off admission when major amenities are under repair Natatorium Promotions and Discounts Natatorium Pass Perks I One free daily admission coupon for friends and family Family Fun Night Admission Discount,Fridays,4.7 P.m.I Buy one,get one free daily admission discount(BOGO) Nonresident fee may apply. 57 UNITE,GROW, Nl © Aquatics Promotions and Discounts Denton Parks and R- Civic Center Pool Special Event Discounts Father's Day I Fathers get in free with an accompanied paid admission July 4 1 si Daily admission,all-day Employee Incentive and Discounts City of Denton and DISD Employees I$So All Access Annual Aquatics Pass per employee and immediate family members On-Duty Aquatic Staff Incentive 130%off concession items 58 Natatorium, WaterWorks Park, & Civic Center Pool Denton Aquatics The "Aquatics Center" • Comprised of Natatorium (Nat) and Water Works Park (WWP) • Opened in 2003 • 2 original high schools • Currently in year 19 of a 50-year contract The Civic Center Pool is funded, owned and operated separately from the Aquatics Center. November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 COVID Protocols an macs OPERATION ADJUSTMENTS STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS • Reduced hours and limited access at Offered 3 hiring fairs all facilities 5o% seasonal staff • After hour rentals were consolidated Certification bonus to CCP • Programming reduced and End of season bonus g g consolidated to Nat • Storm damage to concession kitchen at WWP • DISD adjusted hours for Fall, 2021 November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 Completed Nat WWP • Replaced the grating around the Leisure pool • Installed new Variable Speed Drive for the River and Children's • Replaced the UV for Leisure and Competition pool pool • Installed a new water level control and chlorine feeder • Painted the logos, pools and admissions entrance for the Competition pool • Replaced the Children's interactive cannon with a fountain • Installed new chlorine feeder for leisure pool • Installed new air blower for the Lazy River • Replaced sidewalk and concrete curbs in the parking lot • Replaced the sprayer and water fall pump motor and • Preventative Maintenance for competition pool heater disconnect — flooded vault — replaced blower fan • Replaced mastic and concrete throughout the water park • Replaced the two 6" valves on the leisure pool • Refurbished the Orange slide — Painted the outside of the slide • Replaced the Competition pool ADA chair lift and gel coated the inside of the slide • Replaced the cameras recorder • Added cameras to cover the wave pool area • Preventative Maintenance of River and Slide pool pumps • Slides/ Slide tower Inspection — 20 years old November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 Future Includes repairs, replacements, preventative maintenance and expansion of services. https://app.powerbigov.us/groups/me/apps/cb4z6oab-646z-4zoc-8_ 4�Sz98fs4be4/web- contents/c8�cf4bd-aoef-3f68-ode3 66267bS1oa74 November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 Facility Rental $ 65,707 $ 56,569 $ 19,395 Admissions $ 124,909 $ 126,411 $ 83,744 Programming $ 237,303 $ 2021246 $ 171,156 Concessions $ 2,658 $ 41272 $ 3,534 Merchandise $ 41209 $ 6,76o $ 4,168 DISD Contribution $ 515,102 $ 669,426 $ 731,093 NAT REVENUE (without DISD Cont.) $ 434.786 $ 396,258 $ 281,997 Nat Revenue (with Contribution) 949,888 $ 1,o65,684 $ 11013,090 Or4mm.-T4 - Facility Rental s T— 99,479 $ 1141675 $ 85,107 Admissions $ 819,541 $ 8621844 $ 781,477 Gift Shop $ 12,472 $ 81047 $ 43,211 Concessions $ 155,791 $ 178,208 $ 1261645 Lockers $ 61249 $ 4,56o $ 31209 Programs $ 201195 $ 25,410 $ 126 WWP REVENUE $ 11113,727 14 $ 1,193,f744 $ 110391775 11� i�� Personnel Services $ 904,509 $ 984,742 $ 8681696 Materials and Supplies $ 78,971 $ 99,586 $ 71,086 Maintenance & Repairs $ 72,923 $ 45,523 $ 57,416 Operations $ 273,211 $ 235,857 $ 169,708 Admin Transfers $ 113,920 $ 152,074 $ 87,468 Insurance $ 31,204 $ 40,307 $ 47,009 Expenditure TOTAL $ 1,474.738 $ 1.558.089 $ 11301.383 Personnel Services $ 668,580 $ 781,706 $ 522,210 Materials and Supplies $ 2101112 $ 2661274 $ 230,271 Maintenance & Repairs $ 94,236 $ 104,922 $ 92,222 Operations $ 237,977 $ 254,380 $ 189,085 Admin Transfers $ 675 $ 790 $ 79,385 Insurance $ 201802 $ 261872 $ 38,804 Expenditure TOTAL $ 1,232382 65 $ 1.434.944 $ 11151.977 Daily Admissions 11,806 11,494 3,416 Pass Holder 261010 23,692 201804 TOTAL 37,8i6 35,186 24,220 % Daily Admissions 31% 33% 14% % Pass Holder 69% 67% 86% -MEOW Daily Admissions 39,585 45,205 42,507 Pass Holder 33,462 38,599 311859 TOTAL 73.047 83,804 74366 % Daily Admissions 54% 54% 57% % Pass Holder 46% 46% 43% 66 a 1 y e as ` y � Subsidy & Resource e y • CMo EM Allocation Strategy . e.,d��a°�,,e� . -20000-150/oCR .,�Q 0 0% 2021-2023 80-100%CR • 0-30 • 70-100%CR 25-40% 60-75%CR M. 40-50% 50-60%CR 45-55% fat �l 45-55%CR Q,��� ��� °e5� .• 45-60% Oe`aG 40-55%CR UNITE GROW 50-75% UNITE, GROW a��` J��, • 25-50%CR 50-80% 20-50%CR . e e t 85-95% F 3 ' 5-15%CR y � o ' 90-100% = v 0-10%CR Denton Parks and Rec a3 100% 0%CR 67 Common Good O 2021 110%Inc. A❑rights reserved. IndiVidnalized November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 FY 20 - 21 Cost of Service Revenue/Expenses = COS percentage Natatorium Water Works Park 22% Cost Recovery go% Cost Recovery Aquatic Center 54% TOTAL Cost Recovery November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 Factors a r i ve Revenue Admissions • Largest source of revenue • Balance of memberships and daily admissions • Revenue from membership is collected only once • Daily Admission is a revolving revenue source and should be the largest portion of all admissions, on average Concessions & Retail • Second largest revenue source • Needs strategic location in a park • Competing with alternative food/beverage options lowers revenue potential Increase Per Cap Spending • Currently sitting at $2.83 per person • To drive per cap higher, guests need appealing spending options while visiting • Approximately 10%, or 7,436 guests, brought in coolers or had commercial delivery while at WWP in 2021 November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 ■ Schedule of F Adjustments Suggestions for Operation Adjustments Season Pass Sales DailyAdmission Outside Food and Drink • Increase WWP season pass Increase daily admission Restrict outside prices by slo. by si. food/drink. Estimated revenue increase Consider adoption of a fee Implement Cooler Fee of of $50,000. schedule for allowing small $6 per cooler brought into future adjustments. WWP. (Soog were sold in FY 20-21.) Estimated revenue increase Estimated revenue increase Of $42,507. of $44,604. (approx zo% of admissions brought in coolors or commercially prepared food in November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 2021 season.) Questions/ Comments ? November 1, 2021 PRB21-090 pppw- Denton Aquatics Natatorium, Water Works Park, & Civic Center Pool 02/07/22 72 PRB22-011 Nat and WWP Capital Maintenance Needs • FY 21-22 CMP Estimated Needs: $652,,000 • Includes WWP slide tower repair to address major safety concerns • Includes WWP concrete repairs to pools and grounds • Includes repairs to Lazy River leaking expansion joint • FY 22-23 CMP Estimated Needs: $448,000 • Includes sand filter replacement in Nat • Includes repair to WWP pump room wall and many pump replacements • FY 23-24 CMP Estimated Needs: $342,000 • Includes repairs to wave pool pump/mechanical room • Includes replacing Nat Leisure Pool heater ,3 PR622-011 DailyAdmission Rates Comparison Id &-- Location Resident or Non-resident Resident Non-resident Hawaiian Falls $31.99 $23.99 $31.99 $23.99 Bahama Beach $11.00 $11.00 $15.00 $15.00 (Dallas) N RH2O $13.99 $21.99 $17.99 $21.99 The Cove $11.00 $11.00 $14.00 $14.00 (Little Elm) Epic** $32.00 $39.00 $27.00 $44.00 Water Works Park $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 No changes in daily admission proposed for 20224Season PRB22-011 Outside Food & Drink CoolerLocation id, . . . Hawaiian Falls $15 per day Prohibited $45 season pass Bahama Beach $5 per day Prohibited NRH2O No fee Prohibited The Cove No fee Prohibited Epic Coolers prohibited Prohibited Splash Dayz (White Settlement) $20 per day Prohibited $60 season pass Water Works Park No fee No restrictions Proposed: • Offer a $5 cooler pass (single use) that allows any size containeror bag with food or drink • Offer a $60 Cooler Pass (season pass) that allows any size containeror bag with food or drink • Prohibit restaurant/fast food deliveries 75 PRB22-011 Season Pass Rate Comparison ResidentLocation Resident Basic Hawaiian Falls $99.99 $99.99 Mdwr���w Bahama Beach (Dallas) $60.00 $60.00 $90.00 $90.00 N RH2O $59.99 $79.99 $79.99 $99.99 $189.99 $209.99 The Cove (Little Elm) $45.00/month $65.00/month $135 June-Aug $195 June-Aug Epic $199.00 $239.00 Water Works Park $75.00 $80.00 ka 76 PRB22-011 WWP ProposedPass PricingStructure Move to "Dynamic Passes" allows members to select the package that works best for their family and budgets. Member Gold Member Platinum Member $99.99 $149.99 $219.99 $79.99resident discount rate $129.99resident discount rate $199.99 resident discount rate (current membership) • Souvenir cup with free refills Souvenir cup with free refills • Souvenir cup with $1 refills • 2 General Admission tickets • 4 General Admission Tickets • 2 Buddy Passes (50% admission) • 2 Buddy Passes (50% admission) • 6 Buddy Passes (50% admission) • 10% off concessions and gift shop • 4 meal combo vouchers for concessions • 5 meal combo vouchers for concessions • $10 off Cabana rentals M-Th • 10% off concessions and gift shop • $25 Luxury Lounger rentals (3 hours per • Member Appreciation after-hours • $25 Luxury Lounger rentals (3 hours per rental) event rental) • 30% off Cabana rentals M-Th Package value $128.00 • 20% off Cabana rentals M-Th • 10% off concessions and gift shop *based on 6 visits, 6refills, 1 Cabana Rental, Buddy • 4 Dive-In-Movie passes • 4 Dive-In-Movie passes Pass values, and after hour event • Member Appreciation after-hours event • 1 Free Luxury Lounger rental per season • 4 Cooler Passes (single use) • 1 Free Cabana Rental per season Package value $232.00 • Member Appreciation after-hours event *based on "Member" plus added perks • 2022 Cooler Pass included PRB22-011 PacKagr value $422.00 *based on "Gold Member" plus added perks Questions/Comments ? 2/18/22,3:51 PM 2022 Council Request Launchpad-Smartsheet.com Council Requests Open Requests Requests Answered by Department FY All Time Request Volume by 1/21 Council Person Paul Meltzer Deb Armintor Community Svcs - Jesse Davis Environmental Svcs Mayor Gerard Hudspeth Public Works - Vikki Byrd Capital Projects Brian Beck Utilities 1i96 Alison Maguire CMO - 0 - 4 8 Library Legal _ Fire Police - Requests • Quarter Tech Services Airport 92 Public Affairs/Customer Svc _ 100 Economic Development 50 Development Svcs LII.- A 0 0 0 U Finance Paul Meltzer• Deb Armintor• Jesse Davis Q1 21122 Q2 21122 03 21/22 04 21 22 Audit • Mayor Gerard Hudspeth• Vikki Byrd Municipal Court Brian Beck• Alison Maguire Procurement Real Estate Risk Total Open Other Requests Elected Official Some requests involve multiple departments,causing the 0 10 20 30 40 total requests by department to add up higher than the Submit New total request count 22 Request 79 https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=ebabl e9acf3f4298926796659f10ad57 1/1 Policy and Worksession Requests smartsheet • 1- •- -• - • D. • -• • -• �-•. - •uu-• 1Council Member Davis 01/31/22 Can staff provide a winter weather update on city facilities? Scott Gray Facilities Information will be provided in a future Friday Report. 270 Council Member Beck 02/03/22 Can staff clarify the legality of hunting small animals inside city limits? Frank Dixon,Gary Packan Parks Police Information will be provided in the Feb.18 Friday Report. Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer 02/08/22 When was the issue of the historic-style lamp posts being non-Dark Skies compliant last presented Antonio Puente DME Information will be provided in a future Friday Report. 3 to council?Regarding the lights,could there be a cone inside the globe over the bulb that would accomplish what we want without altering the exterior appearance as dramatically as the exterior "hat"we looked at would? Council Member BeckA& What is staff's opinion of a"riverwalk"of sorts,either open-air or even up to the ultimate status of Becky Diviney,Nathan George Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be provided in a future Friday Report. 4 enclosing and burying the channel and topping it with constructed green corridors and parks?Is it conceivable to reclaim these cement channels as a redevelopment project? 5 ❑ Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer 02/08/22 Can staff provide some additional information on the"Say No to the City of Denton"sign located Becky Diviney,Pritam Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be provided in a future Friday Report. near Clear Creek? Deshmukh Development Services 6 F-1 Council Member Armintor 02/11/22 Question whether DPD initiates traffic stops for broken tail lights and if those stops escalate to Frank Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday report. arrests 7 Council Member Beck 02/11/22 Request of staffs assessment of a suggestion to improve mobility in King's Row development Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 8 Q Council Member Armintor 02/14/22 Request that the Sustainability Dept and committee weigh in on the 2040 Plan to discuss adding Michael Gange Environmental Services Information will be provided in the Feb. 18 Friday report. guiding language throughout the plan on how our Sustainability goals and 2040 Plan intersect. g Council Member Byrd 02/14/22 Can staff contact a resident with an update to his street renaming request? Ron Menguita Development Services Information will be provided in the Feb. 18 Friday report. 10 Mayor Hudspeth 02/14/22 Can staff address trash mitigation efforts along 1-35 E&1-35 W? Becky Diviney,Gary Packan Capital Projects/Engineering Parks Information will be provided in the Feb. 18 Friday report. 11 O Mayor Hudspeth 02/14/22 Coordinate meeting to discuss tuition-free preschools. David Gaines,Erica Sullivan Economic Development Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 12 Q Council Member Davis 02/15/22 Questions regarding Kings Way PD. Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be provided in the Feb. 18 Friday Report. 13 Mayor Hudspeth 02/15/22 Can staff reach out to resident regarding recyclable materials? Brian Boerner,Katherine Solid Waste Sustainability Information will be provided in the Feb. 18 Friday report. Barnett 14 Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer 02/15/22 Can staff assist resident with HLC approval for home improvements? Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 15 O Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer 02/15/22 Does the replacement of the water main on Bell(near TWU)include the street work as well? Daniel Kremer Public Works-Streets Information will be provided in the Feb. 18 Friday report. 16 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 02/16/22 Can staff provide data on the rate of hate crimes against LGBTQ people divided by population for Frank Dixon Police Information will be provided in the Feb. 18 Friday report. each of the Texas cities with&without NDO's? 17 Council Member Maguire 02/16/22 Can staff provide a status of the WWW plan in the Roselawn area? Becky Diviney,Stephen Gay Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 18 Council Member Maguire 02/16/22 Can staff research the history of the IOOF cemetery and determine whether anyone was prohibited Gary Packan Parks Information will be provided in the Feb.18 Friday report. from being buried there? 19 Council Member Maguire 02/16/22 Can staff review the lactation policy to determine whether any updates are needed? Tiffany Thomson Human Resources Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 20 Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer 02/17/22 Can staff investigate a barking dog complaint sent to MPT Meltzer&CM Beck? Animal Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 21 ❑ Council Member Beck 02/17/22 Can staff interpret demand based on recent bed counts at the city's partner agencies during cold Dani Shaw Community Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. weather? 22 ❑ Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 02/17/22 Can staff address a resident's concern that some developers can bypass the city's review/approval Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. process for new developments? Exported on February 18,2022 3:48:09 PM CST 80 Page 1 of 1 February 2022 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 3:00 PM-Animal Shelter Advisory 8:00 a.m.Agenda Committee 6:30 pm-CC Regular Committee Session 8:30 a.m DEDC 3:00 PM-Health and Building Standards Commission 4:00 PNL Public Art Committee 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5:30 PM-Internal Audit Advisory 10:00 am-CC Work Session 11:00 a.m EDPB 8:30 a.m DEDC 10:00 a.m-Development Code Review Committee 6:00 PM Parks Recreation and Cancelled-3:00 PM-Airport 4:00 M Public Art Committee Beautification Board Advisory Board 12:00 p.m Community Services Advisory 5:00 PM-Planning and Zoning 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cancelled-9:00 AM-Public 3:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 AM-Nbbility Committee 9:00 am Public Utilities Board Utilities Board 6:30 pm-CC Regular Nketing Session Cancelled-3:00 PM-Health and 10:00 am-Joint CC/P&Z Building Standards Commission 5:30 pm Library Board 5:30 PM-Historic Landmark Commission 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4:00 PM-Special Called CC 12:00 PM-CC-City Ivhnager 1:00 PM-Civil Service 3:00 PM-Board ofEthics 10:00 a.m.-Development Code Nbeting Interviews Conmisson ReviewCoimnittee 5:00 PM-Planning and Zoning 12:00 PM-Bond Oversight Committee 6:00 PM-Police Chiefs Advisory Board 1:00 PM-Sustainabrlily Framework 27 28 9:00 AM-Public Utilities Board 5:30 PM-Zoning Board of Adjustment 5:30 PM-Internal Audit Advisory 81 March 2022 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 4:00 PNL Public Art Committee 6:30 pm-CC Regular Session 3:00 PM-Health and Buidmg Standards Commission 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6:00 PN-Parks Recreation and 3:00 PM—Airport Advisory Board 10:00 a.m—Development Code Beautification Board ReviewConm&ee 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 3:00 PM—Persons w/Disabilities 3:00 PM-Health and Budding Standards Commission 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5:30 PM—Historic Landmark 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 AM-Nbbility Committee 10:00 a.m—Development Code Corimussion 6:30 pm-CC Regular 1teting ReviewConnnittee Session 1:00 PM—Civrl Service Commision 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 27 28 29 30 31 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 6:00 PM—Board of Ethics 5:30 PM—Zoning Board of Adjustment 82 April 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6:00 PIVL Parks Recreation and 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 4:00 M Public Art Committee 10:00 a.m—Development Code Beautification Board 6:30 pm-CC Regular ReviewCorrnnittee Session 3:00 PM-Health and Building Standards Connnission 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 3:00 PM—Airport Advisory Board 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 5:30 PM—Hstoric Landmark Commission 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5:30 PM-Traffic Safety 2:00 Pm-CC Work Session 9:00 AM-Mobility Conaruttee 3:00 PM-Health and Building 10:00 a.m—Development Code Commission feting 6:30 pm-CC Regular meeting Standards Connnission Review Committee Session 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 1:00 PM—Civil Service 6:00 PM—Board ofEthics Commisson 5:30 PM—Zoning Board of 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning Adjustment 5:30 PM—Internal Audit Advisory 83 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, March 1,2022 2:00 PM Council Chambers WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M.IN THE WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CLOSED MEETING BEGINS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE WORK SESSION IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Public comments can be given for any item considered by the council, EXCEPT work session reports or closed meetings. Citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item and cannot use more than one method to comment on a single agenda item. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per citizen. Citizens are limited to 4 minutes per public hearing item. Citizens are able to participate in one of the following ways: • eComment — On February 25, 2022, the agenda was posted online at https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas. Once the agenda is posted, a link to make virtual comments using the eComment module will be made available next to the meeting listing on the Upcoming Events Calendar. Within eComment, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting at which time the ability to make an eComment will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on an item, the eComments will be sent directly to members of the City Council immediately upon entry into the module and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting, as applicable. OR • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. Page I Printed on 211812022 84 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 - At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 21-2402 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding Audit Project 025 - Energy Management Office Administration. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] B. ID 22-120 Receive a report,hold a discussion,and give staff direction regarding a Drone Program. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 1 hour] C. ID 22-373 Solid Waste Comprehensive Management Strategy Follow-Up; Goals and Metrics [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 45 Minutes] D. ID 22-052 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for: [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting in the Council Work Session Room to consider specific item(s) when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 22-311 Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Maters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.086. Receive a presentation from staff regarding public power competitive and financial matters about the delivery of power, wholesale energy supply and risk management plans, hedge Page 2 Printed on 211812022 85 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 plans, and strategies as each relates to the DME electric power and gas portfolio and to Audit Project 025 - Energy Management Office Administration; discuss, deliberate, and provide direction to staff regarding the same. Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Regular Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. Following the Closed Meeting, the City Council will reconvene in Open Meeting to take action, if any, on matters discussed in closed session. AFTER DETERMINING THAT A QUORUM IS PRESENT, THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WILL CONVENE AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S. Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 22-308 Recognition: Mayor's Red Kettle Challenge B. ID 22-394 Proclamation:National Procurement Month 3. PRESENTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Reports from members of the public shall be received through the following two (2) methods. A total of up to seven (7) speakers are permitted to provide public comment and may include any combination of prior registration and open microphone speakers. Page 3 Printed on 211812022 86 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 1) Pre-registration. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. a. ID 22-442 Mr. Stephen Dillenburg follow up to comments made at previous meetings regarding general public welfare concerns. 2) Open Microphone. This section of the agenda permits any person who has not registered in advance for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. Such person(s) shall have registered using the "Virtual White Card" or `By Phone" process outlined by the City on its website or meeting notice. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual information; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — U). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 22-372 Consider approval of the minutes of February 1 and February 8,2022. B. ID 22-383 Consider nomination/appointment to the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Airport Advisory Board, Animal Shelter Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Committee on Persons with Disabilities, Community Services Advisory Committee, Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Internal Audit Advisory Committee, Library Board, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Public Utilities Board, Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee,Traffic Safety Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. C. ID 21-1591 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, approving an Page 4 Printed on 211812022 87 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number 1 (Downtown TIRZ) by expanding the definition of "Downtown Projects"; and providing an effective date. The Downtown Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number 1 Board recommends approval(0-0). D. ID 22-409 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, A Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Texas Historical Commission to participate in the Texas Main Street Program demonstrating the City of Denton's commitment to continue as a "Sustaining Level Official Main Street City" and authorizing payment of the annual fee in the amount of $2,600; and providing an effective date. E. ID 22-410 Consider adoption of an ordinance by the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Texas Music Office within the Office of the Governor for maintenance of the Texas Music Industry Directory;providing an effective date. F. ID 21-2764 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Sublease between Ezell Aviation Inc. and Ameriflight, LLC, for the lease covering the properties located at 4855 Sabre Lane, 4933 Sabre Lane, and 5011 Sabre Lane, at the Denton Enterprise Airport; and providing an effective date. Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(4-0). G. ID 21-2798 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement between Denton Independent School District and the City of Denton for participation in the LaGrone Academy Practicum of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Program for 2021-2022; 2022-2023; and 2023-2024 school terms; and providing an effective date. H. ID 22-144 Consider approval of a resolution adopting the City of Denton Parks, Recreation and Trails System Master Plan; and declaring an effective date. I. ID 22-377 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Innovyze LLC, for software services for the Water Utilities Department, which is the sole provider of this software, in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, which provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding, and if over $50,000, shall be awarded by the governing body; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7879 - awarded to Innovyze LLC, for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $150,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(6-0). J. ID 22-378 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with The Wilson Bohannan Company, for the purchase of custom stamped padlocks and matching keys for Denton Municipal Electric; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 7893 - awarded to The Wilson Bohannan Company, for Page 5 Printed on 211812022 88 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $500,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(6-0). K. ID 22-379 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Duryea Moving & Storage, Inc., for packing and moving services for the Facilities Management Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7864- awarded to Duryea Moving & Storage, Inc., for one (1) year, with the option for four (4) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of$500,000.00). L. ID 22-380 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for roadway funding strategy services for the City of Denton as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7878 - Professional Services Agreement for roadway funding strategy services awarded to Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of$550,900.00). M. ID 22-381 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to approve the spend authority with Continental American Insurance Company (Aflac), for voluntary insurance products, to include accident, critical illness with cancer, and hospital indemnity coverage for the City of Denton employees; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7858 - awarded to Continental American Insurance Company, for a term ending on December 31,2022,in the not-to-exceed amount of $273,906.00). N. ID 22-382 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Mac Haik Dodge Chrysler Jeep, which is an authorized distributor for Frazer LTD, through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program Contract Number AM10-20, for the purchase of one (1) 2022 Dodge Ram 5500 with 14 foot Frazer Medic body for the Fire Department; and providing an effective date (File 7934- awarded to Mac Haik Dodge Chrysler Jeep, in the not-to-exceed amount of$256,179.00). O. ID 22-387 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with East Texas Mack Sales, LLC dba B&C Body Company, through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program Contract Number TR11-18, for the purchase of two (2) 45 foot Aluminum Live Floor trailers for the Solid Waste Department; and providing an effective date (File 7883 - awarded to East Texas Mack Sales,LLC dba B&C Body Company,in the not-to-exceed amount of$241,670.00). P. ID 22-388 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with 4Imprint, Inc., through Choice Partners, a division of Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) Page 6 Printed on 211812022 89 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 Purchasing Network Contract Nos. 20/046SG-01 & 20/048SG-01-3561, for procurement fulfillment of Awards, Apparel, Screen Printing & Embroidery, and Promotional and Commemorative Items related to products for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7921 -awarded to 4Imprint,Inc., in the three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$475,000.00). Q. ID 22-389 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with McCall, Parkhurst & Horton, LLP, for bond counsel services as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (PSA 7942- professional services agreement for bond counsel services awarded to McCall,Parkhurst&Horton,LLP, in the not-to-exceed amount of$1,250,000.00). R. ID 22-384 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, authorizing the City Manager or designee to fulfil the responsibilities of the City as a Market Participant and those pursuant to ERCOT Protocols, including paying any amounts required by the Protocols and funded in the annual budget; and declaring an effective date. S. ID 22-227 Consider adoption of an ordinance considering all matters incident and related to the issuance, sale and delivery of up to $100,000,000 in principal amount of "City of Denton General Obligation Refunding Bonds"; authorizing the issuance of the Bonds; delegating the authority to certain City officials to execute certain documents relating to the sale of the Bonds; approving and authorizing instruments and procedures relating to said Bonds; enacting other provisions relating to the subject; and providing an effective date. T. ID 22-229 Consider adoption of an ordinance considering all matters incident and related to the issuance, sale and delivery of up to $300,000,000 in principal amount of "City of Denton Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2022"; authorizing the issuance of the bonds; delegating the authority to certain city officials to execute certain documents related to the sale of the bonds; approving and authorizing instruments and procedures relating to said bonds; enacting other provisions relating to the subject; and providing an effective date. U. ID 22-422 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton approving the Small Business Rent and Mortgage Relief grant program; and providing an effective date. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. ID 21-2656 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, adopting the update to the City of Denton's Comprehensive Plan; and providing an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted[0-0] to recommend approval of the request. B. ID 22-098 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas,Denton Mobility Plan. C. DCA22-0001 Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, b Texas, amending the Denton Development Code; specifically, to provide for pathways Page 7 Printed on 211812022 90 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 and trails in Section 7.4.7A, Permitted Uses and Activities in Riparian Buffer and Water-Related Habitat Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) and Section 7.4.8A, Permitted Uses and Activities in Cross Timbers Upland Habitat ESAs; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; and providing a severability clause and an effective date. 6. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 21-1608 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Denton amending Chapter 18, Article V, of the Code of Ordinances to allow for the operation of Golf Carts on certain roadways running through the city of Denton; and providing an effective date. B. ID 21-2143 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to enter a Development Agreement with the First Texas Homes, Inc., or the purpose of accepting approximately 18.037 acres of land for Public Park use as well as purchasing an adjoining 4.881 acres for Public Park use. C. HL22-0001a Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, Texas approving an application for a partial tax exemption of designated historic sites, in accordance with Chapter 10, Article VI, Sections 10-126 through 10-129 of the Denton Municipal Code of Ordinances, for a Local Historic Landmark, located at 123 N Elm Street. The site is located on the south side of W Oak Street, between Cedar Street and N Elm Street; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. (HL22-0001 a, 123 N Elm Street-Tax Exemption,Cameron Robertson) D. ID 21-2809 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, amending the fiscal year 2021-2022 budget and Annual Program of Services of the City of Denton to allow for adjustments to the Capital Improvements Program of $4,464,900 for expenses related to purchasing land for the purpose of constructing a new Solid Waste transfer station; declaring a public purpose; providing a severability clause, an open meetings clause and an effective date. E. ID 22-129 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton to declare the intent to reimburse capital program expenditures of the Solid Waste with tax-preferred obligations (Certificates of Obligation Bonds) with an aggregate maximum principal amount not to exceed$4,464,900; and providing an effective date. 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS Page 8 Printed on 211812022 91 City Council Meeting Agenda March 1,2022 A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on MONTH DAY, YEAR, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 9 Printed on 211812022 92 Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: February 18, 2022 Meeting Date Item Le istar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time Audit of Energy Management Office Admin(&Closed Meeting) 21-2402 Internal Audit Internal Audit Report 0:30 Drone Program 22-120 Police City Business 1:00 Solid Waste Strategy Follow-up 22-373 Solid Waste Council Priority 0:45 March 1,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-052 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Energy Mgmt Office Audit 22-311 Internal Audit;Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 3:15 Other Major Items for Meeting: Public Hearing on Comp Plan&Mobility Plan March 15,2022 NO MEETING-Spring Break(March 14-18) CIP:Property Acquisition Follow-Up 21-2779 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Leave Policies 22-179 Human Resources Council Request 1:00 Annual Financial Audit 21-2786 Finance City Business 0:30 March 22,2022 Sustainability Framework Fund Workplace(FY 21-22) 22-161 Environmental Services City Business 1:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Tax Abatement and Incentives Policy 22-355 Economic Development City Business 0:30 Special Called Meeting Covid-19 Update 22-316 City Manager's Office Council Priority 0:30 Two-Minute Pitch: 22-156 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 5:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: (1)Public Hearing on Comp Plan;(2)Consideration of Disaster Declaration and Order;(3)NDO Wastewater Collections Audit 21-2781 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Prioritizing Area Plans 21-2676 Development Services City Business 1:00 Building Codes,International Residential Code,International Fire Code 21-2633 Building Inspections City Business 0:30 Parkland Dedication and Park Development Fees 21-2142 Parks&Recreation City Business 1:00 April 5,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Roadway Impact Fees 21-2604 Engineering/Capital Projects City Business 1:00 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: None this meeting City Manager's Office lCouncil Request N/A Closed Meeting Items) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: Wastewater Reclamation Audit 22-243 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Automated Notification Dashboard 22-384 Development Services Council Request 0:30 Tent/Tiny Home Village RFI 22-374 Community Development Council Initiated 1:00 April 19,2022 Procurement Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Fire Department Staffing 22-395 Fire City Business 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Update for City DCTA Board Representative 21-2804 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Two-Minute Pitch: 22-054 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: May 3,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-121 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021&2nd Year ARP Funds 22-266 Finance City Business 1:00 May 17,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-122 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 100 Other Major Items for Meeting:Canvass General Election,Order Runoff if needed Electric Rates and Budget 21-2405 Finance City Business 3:00 Update for City DCTA Board Representative 21-2805 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Audit Project 028-Warehouse Operations 21-281 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 June 7,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-419 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 5:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: FY 2022-23 CIP 22-246 Finance City Business 3:00 June 28,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-420 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Item Legistar ID Departments Type Estimated Work Session Date Economic Development Programs and Policy Discussion 21-1330 Economic Development City Business Date/:45 Sanger ETJ Boundary Adjustment 21-2653 Development Services City Business Date/:45 Work Session Dates to be Determined Estimated Work Item Dates Departments Type Session Date Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan FY 2022-23 Budget Development February-October Finance Budget Summer 2022 Items to be Scheduled 2022 All other departments Procurement of a"tiny home"Housing Solution(requested from Housing Study Work Session) June Community Services Council Priority June Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Requester Complete Approved Council Request Work Sessions to be Traffic Feedback Signs(Report only;no work session) I Feb.1,2022 I Public Works-Streets I I Hudspeth Scheduled *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 93 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming Closures smartsheet SCR Feb 21 st - 27th Street/Intersection Description Department Contact Bell Ave Texas St Withers St 03/12/22 04/15/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 1 installing a new water main line and services. Bernard St Hickory St Chestnut St 07/11/23 08/21/23 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 2 replacing the water main line and services. Bonnie Brae Scripture Emery 03/21/22 04/01/22 DIME is performing OPGW Other Mark Zimmerer 3 conductor replacement on the Hickory to Bonnie Brae electric transmission line. 4 Brookside Meadow Park Meadow Creek 02/28/22 03/18/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Rogelio San Miguel 5 Mockingbird LN Paisley St. Barnes Dr. 03/07/22 02/18/22 Storm Drain connection Private Development Public Armando Beltran Works Inspections Exported on February 18,2022 11:31:27 AM CST 94 Page 1 of 1 2 Street Closure Report: Current Closures smartsheet I Closure Start Closure End I Street/Intersection From To Date Date Description Department Department Contact 1 Allred Rd JM Prosperity Farm Rustic Barn Bonnie Brae 09/27/21 07/31/22 Storm Installation,Cutting Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Venue Grade on Allred Works Inspections 2 Amherst Georgetown Malone 10/18/21 03/11/22 Street Reconstruction Streets Roy San Miguel 3 Athens Tawakoni New Ballinger 02/21/22 03/11/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Rogelio San Miguel Bell Ave Withers St Mingo Rd 01/07/22 03/11/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 4 installing a new water main line and services. 5 Chestnut Street South Welch Street Bernard Street 10/18/21 03/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 6 Cyrus Way Teal Harvest Glen 01/10/22 03/04/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Streets Roy San Miguel Repair Davis St Jennie St Hattie St 01/31/22 03/22/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 7 installing a new wastewater main line and services. Foxcroft Cir Emerson Old North 01/18/22 03/04/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 8 reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. 9 Jackpine Dr Potterstone St Barrydale Dr 02/21/22 03/11/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Rogelio San Miguel 10 Mockingbird Christopher Dr Penniman Dr 03/07/22 03/18/22 Installing Junction Box and Private Development Armando Beltran connecting waterline 11 Montecito Settlement Field Bend 01/18/22 03/04/22 Concrete Street Panel and Streets Roy San Miguel Sidewalk Repair 12 North Texas Blvd. Eagle Dr to Oak There will be multiple phases of 12/13/21 08/01/22 Utility installations and Scott Fettig closures.Will not be all at one pavement replacement. Scripture St Marietta St Bradley St 02/01/22 03/04/22 Installation of 24"RCP pipe Drainage Gabriel Rodriguez across the Street to a Storm 13 Drain Inlet on the south side of the road on the south side of the Road 14 Stella St. North Texas Blvd Bonnie Brae 10/29/21 05/01/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 15 Welch Street Eagle Street West Collins St. 11/29/21 03/04/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Exported on February 18,2022 12:26:25 PM CST 95 Page 1 of 1 3 Street Closure Report: Completed Closures smartsheet I Closure Starr, Closure End I Street/Intersection From Date Date Description Department Department Contact Archer Trail Foxcroft Circle Emerson 11/08/21 02/16/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 1 reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. Bonnie Brae Street Scripture Panhandle 02/10/22 02/18/22 The contractor will begin Engineering Robin Davis making the connection of the new 42-inch Transmission Main to the existing Main.Therefore, both northbound lanes of Bonnie Brae Street from 2 Scripture to Panhandle Street will be closed.North bound Traffic will be detoured to turn right on Scripture,left on Thomas,and left on Panhandle to finally arrive back on Bonnie Brae Street.Detour signs will be posted accordingly. Foxcroft CIR Archer Trail Emerson 01/05/22 02/04/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. Orr Street Elm Street Locust Street 10/25/21 01/19/22 Roadway Reconstruction this Engineering Dustin Draper project only affects one business and notification was direct with the business owner. 5 Stuart Rd South of Keystone Court North of Keystone Court 01/24/22 02/02/22 Replacing concrete road panels Private Development Tucker Eller 6r Sweet Gate Lake View Autumn Path 01/03/22 02/18/22 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 7 Warschun Rd E Sherman Dr(FM 428) Sauls Rd 12/08/21 01/21/22 Drainage pipe extension and Engineering Dustin Draper Turn lane addition Williamsburg Row Jamestown Ln Nottingham Dr 10/26/21 01/28/22 Wastewater Collection will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 8 installing a new wastewater main line and services 9 Windsor Bonnie Brae Parkside 08/09/21 01/25/22 Pavement Restoration Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Works Inspections Exported on February 18,2022 12:26:43 PM CST 96 Page 1 of 1