031122 Friday Staff Report „ City Manager's Office " 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 11, 2022 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board on Monday, March 14, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Library Board on Monday, March 14, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at the Emily Fowler Library. 3. Committee on Persons with Disabilities on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 4. Historic Landmark Commission on Monday, March 17, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 5. Community Services Advisory Committee on Friday, March 18, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Inclusion • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service II. General Information & Status Update A. Resolution in Support of CDC Guidelines — On March 1 the City Council rescinded and repealed both the Nineteenth Order of Council and the declaration of local disaster for public health emergency. This action was subsequent to an update by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of its guidance regarding pandemic precautions. During the discussion and consideration of this action, the Council directed staff to bring forward a resolution for its consideration that affirmatively encourages everyone in the City of Denton to adhere to the recommendations and guidance of the CDC regarding COVID-19 prevention, vaccination, and testing. This resolution (attached) will be considered by the Council on March 22. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office B. City Council Annual Retreat Date —The annual City Council Retreat has been set for Saturday, June 25, 2022. We expect the retreat to begin in the morning and last until mid-afternoon. While an agenda has not been developed,the retreat generally serves as an opportunity for the Council to review and modify its priorities for the ensuing fiscal year. More information and a detailed agenda will be provided to the Council closer to the June 25 date. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office C. Development of Tiny Home Village Request for Information(RFI)—The City received five (5) responses for the RFI that closed on March 1. Responses were received from Denton Basic Services Center, Greenan Brown, LIT Workshop, SWX Global Contain Conversations, and an entity that is currently working on formation, TBD. The Community Services Department is currently reviewing the responses for the upcoming Council Work Session tentatively scheduled for April 19. Any questions regarding the RFI prior to the public meeting discussion should be directed to the City's Procurement Department to ensure no prospective respondents are at an unfair advantage. Staff contact: Christine Taylor, Procurement and Compliance/Dani Shaw, Community Services D. Winter Storm Landon After-Action Report — Over the previous month, Emergency Management staff developed an after-action report to capture successes and recommendations from the City's response to the 2022 Winter Storm Landon. The after-action report is attached, along with opening remarks from City Manager Sara Hensley. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office E. Denton Redbud Festival Call for Vendors — Keep Denton Beautiful (KDB) will be hosting the Denton Redbud Festival on Saturday, April 23 at the Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney St., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Redbud Festival is Denton's official Earth day event and is hosted by KDB and Denton Parks and Recreation. KDB is currently offering booth space at the Festival for local vendors. Prices start at $125 for a 1Ox10 sized booth. KDB is seeking vendors of home and garden-related goods and/or services, especially in the following categories: education, energy, food and agriculture, gardening and landscaping, green building and remodeling,handmade and local crafts, health and wellness, irrigation, water conservation, and household-related goods. Venders can register here any time before the April 1 deadline. Staff contact: Megan Doughty, Parks and Recreation F. Hooters Crawfish Boil — TW Restaurant Holder, LLC in partnership with Hooters Denton,is hosting a crawfish boil in the Hooters parking lot located at 985 S. Interstate 35 East on Saturday, March 19, from 2 p.m. — 6 p.m. The event will include a stage and two local bands, and the parking lot will be fenced off and connected to the building. Event organizers are anticipating approximately 300 attendees. This type of event would typically require a noise ordinance variance granted by Council due to the amplified sound and stage; however, City staff only recently became aware of the event on March 3. Since a variance was not granted prior to the event, Denton Police and special event staff will be on hand to monitor the noise level. Staff has also made the event organizer aware of the special event process and requirements for any future events. Staff contact: Autumn Natalie, Parks and Recreation G. Honey Run Registration — Denton's 7�' Annual Honey Run will take place on April 23 at 8 a.m. as part of Keep Denton Beautiful's Redbud Festival. Registration for the Honey Run is now open, and participants can choose between the one mile run or the 5k run. Prizes will be awarded to the fastest runner in each age group; however, race times are not officially certified. To register for this free event, please visit www.dentogparks.com. Registration closes on April 12. Staff contact: Arianna Bencid, Parks and Recreation III. Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Speed Cushion Inquiry—On February 24, Council Member Beck asked about the use, cost, and efficiency of"speed cushions" for speed regulation and to provide examples within the City of Denton, if applicable. Speed cushions are two or more raised areas placed laterally across a roadway with gaps between raised areas. Their height and length are similar to a speed hump, and the spacing of gaps allows emergency vehicles to pass through at higher speeds if spaced correctly. Staff continues to evaluate traffic calming devices and will work to create standard details, specifications, and criteria as these types of devices are being evaluated. Speed cushions are often used on residential streets. The rubber speed cushions shown below are currently installed along Lakeview Boulevard(between US 380 and Trinity Road)in the City of Denton. Staff contacts: Pritam Deshmukh, Development Services/Brett Bourgeois, Capital Projects/Engineering B. Landfill Methane Resale — On February 25, Council Member Beck asked if landfill methane resale was considered a utility under the charter. Additionally,he inquired as to whether reselling landfill biogas constitutes a public utility if the City resells to Atmos or another vendor, and if it would require voter approval if it were a utility. The resale of landfill methane gas would not be considered a public utility under the Charter. In order to be a public utility, the City would have to provide services to the general public on-demand and have a virtual monopoly in performing those services and given the fact that the previous genset at the landfill was only running one engine and did not have enough reliable volume to operate another unit, it does not appear likely that the output produced would be considered an essential service to the public at large. The City acts more as a producer than as a utility in this sense. In this context, the City would not be providing an essential service to the public and would not be considered a"gas utility"under state law, thus voter approval would not be required. Staff contact: Brian Boemer, Solid Waste C. McKinney Street Crosswalk at Jannie Street— On February 25th, Council Member Davis contacted the City Manager's Office regarding an update on the potential installation of a traffic signal on McKinney Street at the intersection with Janine Street. The recent opening of a restaurant and coffee shop in the new shopping center has increased pedestrians desiring to cross McKinney Street from the County Court entrance, leading to near-miss incidents that raise the concern of the possibility for a future pedestrian collision. Staff has previously evaluated the potential to remove the traffic signal at Wood Street and install a traffic signal at Jannie Street. However, this evaluation has not formally been completed, and this improvement has not been established as a capital project. Staff will continue to evaluate the signalization of all modes of travel along McKinney Street from Bell Ave to Woodrow/Audra Lane. Staff contact: Nathan George, Capital Projects/Engineering D. Public Input on City Hall West Updates — On February 28, Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer asked for clarification on whether Architexas is doing more rounds of public input regarding City Hall West updates, and whether this is based on new proposals that have come in. While the Facilities Department is aware of several entities that expressed verbal interest in using City Hall West for a variety of uses, they did not submit official responses to the original Request for Information. Staff recommended that the City engage Architexas and include a public outreach effort to continue establishing levels of interest and financial commitments by for-profit and non-profit entities through the interior demolition design phase. Staff contact: Scott Gray, Facilities E. Quiet Zones near Railroads— On February 28, Council Member Byrd forwarded a resident email requesting a quiet zone around E. Daugherty and S. Locust St. The Capital Projects/Engineering Department has several Quiet Zone projects currently in design in multiple areas across the City. Staff is evaluating other areas of the City for additional quiet zones, and that data will be presented once the evaluation is complete. Staff Contact, Trevor Crain, Capital Projects/Engineering F. Release of Drone Footage —During the March 1 Work Session for the Public Safety Drone Program, Council Member Armintor asked whether federal agencies or private entities have the capacity to, in a lawsuit, subpoena drone footage from city police or fire departments. Staff s response is included in the attached document. Staff contact: Michael Cronig, Legal/Kenneth Hedges, Fire G. COVID-19 Testing in Wastewater—On March 3, Council Member Beck asked for an update on the status of wastewater testing for community disease vectors. The City of is assisting Baylor University with research regarding SARS CoV-2 ribonucleic acid (RNA) in wastewater. Staff is assisting with sample collection and Baylor is performing the analysis. The initial update on this research may be found in the May 8, 2020- Friday Report under II. General Information & Status Update item F. The next formal update was provided in the January 15, 2021 — Friday Report under II. General Information & Status Update Item B. Baylor continues to work directly with the Texas Department of State Health Services(DSHS)to collaborate on the data. The data to date has been compiled in an article that is currently going through peer review. Once peer review is complete,the article with be shared with the City of Denton. Since the research involves health data beyond simple wastewater data, the communication channel has been from DSHS to Denton County Public Health. While some data has been shared with Denton County, it has been limited in nature as this is a research study. Baylor has asked to extend the research through the Summer of 2023. Staff will provide the article to Council once received. Staff contact: Michael Gange, Environmental Services & Sustainability H. McKinney Street and Mayhill Road Project Status— On March 3, Council Member Beck submitted a request for an update on the completion status for McKinney Street near Mayhill Road. McKinney Street and Mayhill Road intersection is part of two active projects, the McKinney Phase 2 and McKinney Street — Mayhill Intersection projects. The McKinney Phase 2 and McKinney Street-Mayhill Intersection projects are scheduled to be completed by the close of Quarter 2 of the calendar year 2022. The final paving sections have been completed, and the project is finishing the sidewalk and signal installation at the intersection of McKinney Street and Mayhill Road. Due to current material delays for traffic signal components,the project will have minimal lane closures for the remainder of the project while signal installation under construction pending material delivery. Staff contact: Dustin Draper, Capital Projects/Engineering. I. Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Update—On March 6, Mayor Pro-Tem Meltzer asked about the construction status of the Bonnie Brae phase that is near the new Denton High School located on Bronco Way. Bonnie Brae Phase 6 is currently scheduled to begin construction in Quarter 4 of 2022 and is anticipated to be completed in quarter 3 of 2024. The schedule is dependent upon the final real estate acquisition. Staff contact: Eric Cooper, Capital Project/Engineering J. Historic Landmark Commission Quorum — On March 6, Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer asked a series of questions regarding the Historic Landmark Commission's inability to meet quorum which resulted in delays for constituents attempting to complete home renovations. Mayor Pro Tern inquired as to how soon the HLC could meet if able to meet quorum, whether any board members are continually unavailable, and whether it was permissible for him to reach out to board members to End an alternative meeting date. The HLC is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act; therefore, a minimum 72- hour notice is required for agenda posting. Staff has been in contact with the HLC from late January, February, and early March to assess quorum. Unfortunately, a quorum was not achieved in February due to two resignations that occurred shortly before the February meeting (one occurred the day of the meeting). The HLC has 9 positions and currently 6 appointed members, thus the quorum is still 5 due to the number of positions. Staff immediately contacted the HLC to assess availability for an emergency meeting and the only two dates quorum could be achieved were March 3 and March 21. During the March 3 scheduled meeting, staff and HLC members waited nearly 1.5 hours attempting to achieve quorum as it was our understanding one of the Commissioners was trying to attend but delayed due to traffic. The next meeting date where a quorum can be achieved is March 21,based on previous polling of the HLC members. Staff will reach out once again to determine whether a quorum can be achieved any sooner as that is staff s role and not necessary for council members to dedicate their time to this administrative task. Staff contact: Tina Firgens, Development Services K. Charges for Evening Use of Meeting Rooms — On March 7, Council Member Beck asked for information regarding staff s notification to the League of Women Voters that a charge would be incurred for the after-hours use of City Hall for an April candidate forum.In late 2018 the Council adopted a Use of City Facilities and Meeting Rooms Policy. The policy outlines that meeting events must have a building attendant who is an employee on the premises through the entirety of the event. This is easily done during the City Hall's normal operating hours, but for after-hours meetings that would cause a city employee to be paid for staying beyond their normal work hours, the policy outlines a fee schedule. Unfortunately, the policy does not make a distinction for non-profits or allow staff or the City Manager to waive any fees. As the City is beginning to receive requests for the use of meeting rooms, we are reviewing the policy to ensure that it remains updated, flexible, and clear for both City staff and the community. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office L. Drainage Concerns on N.Ruddell St.—On March 8,2022,Mayor Hudspeth forwarded a citizen concern regarding a displaced stormceptor lid and erosion concerns on City- owned property off of N. Ruddell St. The stormceptor lid was replaced and the surrounding area was evaluated for erosion concerns. Staff previously addressed the citizen's erosion concerns by placing riprap stones around the stormceptor and in the areas experiencing erosion. Staff visited the site this week and determined that additional erosion maintenance is not required at this time; however,we will continue to monitor the site to address excess erosion as it occurs. In terms of a permanent solution, Public Works and Engineering are partnering to propose a capital project to address mobility and drainage issues in this area. Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Public Works M. Goat Grazing and Invasive Species Removal — On March 9, Council Member Byrd requested information on goats located on Spencer Rd. The goats in question were procured through a rental agreement with a contractor to bring the goats to graze on two areas of land within the City of Denton that total approximately 6 acres. These two areas are located where Spencer Road and Morse Road intersect with Mayhill Road. Currently, these plots of land are primarily inhabited by Post Oak trees that are currently troubled with a substantial growth of the invasive shrub Chinese Privet. Consequently,the trees are starting to show the kind of distress occasioned by Chinese Privet infestation as that invasive shrubbery prevents the free growth and reproduction of native trees and understory. The goats prove particularly adept at clearing out vegetation,including Chinese privet, without causing any additional damage to trees that might occur if mechanical means were used to remove the invasive species.Additionally,goats eat poisonous plants and open clear lines of sight, making the land safer for work crews that will subsequently clear out all Chinese privet from these areas before this summer. This effort is in service of the Urban Forest Master Plan Goal 7 which indicates that staff should"adopt plant health care policies" that include "monitor[ing] invasive species," including Chinese Privet. The cost for this project was $12k. This compares well to the estimated cost of$15- 20K per acre of clearing the land of Chinese Privet by using a third-party forestry contractor and is comparable to the $1 Ok cost of using in-house crews to achieve the same purpose. As stated earlier, using goats in addition to work crews results in minimal damage to the existing native species of trees and makes human work much easier. Staff began using goats for grazing in October of 2019 and will continue to determine additional areas that are amenable to ruminant grazing. The use of goats in landscape maintenance is promoted actively by several agencies across Texas and the United States including the Texas Master Naturalist Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Texas A&M AgriLife, and Texas Native Plant Society. Staff contact: Drew Huffinan, Parks and Recreation N. NCTCOG Grant Funding—On March 9,Council Member Maguire asked whether the City was planning to apply for any of the grants available through the North Central Texas Council of Governments to help the City achieve its carbon emissions goals. Staff is aware of these opportunities and will be working with the Grant Management team to leverage outside funding. Staff contact: Laura Behrens, Grant Management Office O. Removal of Political Signs—On March 10,Council Member Beck asked whether staff had any insight on the removal of political signage along University Drive, between Loop 288 and Bell Street. Signs were removed due to their placement in the City's public right-of-way. The City sets forth certain requirements/restrictions on political signs on residential property and public rights-of-way, which are outlined in the attached packet and distributed to all candidates. The brown line on the map below denotes where the right-of-way ends, and the red X signifies where signs are often installed. Any signage would need to be behind the brown line to be out of the right- of-way. Staff contact: Caleb Norris, Development Services F ~ IV. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings None V. Attachments A. Resolution in Support of CDC Guidelines...................................................................9 B. Winter Storm Landon After Action Memo................................................................11 C. Release of Unmanned Aircraft(Drone) Footage .......................................................19 D. 2022 General Election Candidate Letter....................................................................22 VI. Informal Staff Reports None VII. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .............................................................................29 B. Council Calendar .......................................................................................................31 C. Future Work Session Items .......................................................................................34 D. Street Construction Report ........................................................................................37 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF DENTON SUPPORTING THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION(CDC)GUIDELINES REGARDING THE PREVENTION OF INCREASED TRANSMISSION OF AND SEVERE DISEASE FROM THE COVID-19 VIRUS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, beginning in December 2019, a novel coronavirus, now designated SARS- CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19 and its variants, has spread throughout the world and was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization; and WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has and continues to provide fact-based public health guidance and guidelines regarding COVID-19 preventative measures, vaccination, and testing; and WHEREAS, throughout the pandemic, the City of Denton has followed the guidance of the CDC to promote the health and safety of all who work, live, or visit Denton and will continue to monitor the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic and the advice of the public health community; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the public's best interest to adhere to the current and future CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 prevention, vaccination, and testing and encourages everyone to follow the health recommendations of the CDC and their personal healthcare provider;NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY RESOLVES: SECTION 1. The findings and recitation contained in the preamble of this Resolution are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The City Council encourages everyone within the City of Denton to follow the current and future CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 prevention,vaccination, and testing. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval. The motion to approve this ordinance was made by and seconded by , the ordinance was passed and approved by the following vote Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth: Vicki Byrd, District 1: Brian Beck, District 2: Jesse Davis, District 3: Alison Maguire,District 4: Deb Armintor,At Large Place 5: Paul Meltzer,At Large Place 6: PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of 12022. GERARD HUDSPETH, MAYOR ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY BY: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND, CITY ATTORNEY BY: -40" o City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 TO: Mayor and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager RE: Winter Weather After Action Report DATE: March 11, 2022 Mayor and Council members, As we are all aware, Winter Storm Landon provided the City its first winter weather challenge since the historic 2021 Winter Storm Uri. Staff diligently and quickly coordinated emergency operations and successfully deployed ice mitigation efforts, a 24-hour emergency shelter, and communications with Council, the press, and the community. The City's Emergency Management Program Manager prepared the attached After Action Report summarizing the events of the storm, our strengths, areas for improvement, and recommendations for the future. While our response to Winter Storm Uri was exceptional, particularly our ability to communicate with the community, effectively rotate electric outages, and deploy shelter and water for the community, the City of Denton learned difficult and valuable lessons. We took the step of asking each department to document improvements that needed to be made to be better prepared for our next winter storm. These projects and benchmarks, memorialized in our Winter Weather Checklist', gave us a roadmap for winter weather resiliency. Many of the successes listed in the after-action report are due directly to the diligence of our staff in putting lessons learned from Uri into action and the support of our Council for seeing winter storm preparedness, and emergency preparedness, as a priority and providing the financial and policy support in these areas. Our response to Landon was coordinated, comprehensive, and quickly adapted to the changing needs of the storm. I also want the City Council to know our commitment to continually improving our response to events such as these. Just as with Uri, we will incorporate the lessons learned through Landon and grow stronger for the experience. Staff will strive to review and update continuity of operations plans to best prepare for any future incidents, weather-related or otherwise. Additionally,planning for supply chain shortages and updating our operating procedures will drive the success of responding to future incidents. 1 The most recent update on our progress with Winter Storm Uri action items was attached as Informal Staff Report 2022-015 to the March 4,2022,Friday Report. I hope you will join me in taking pride in the City's response to Winter Storm Landon, its diligence to work through a tough environment, and our staff s willingness to serve Denton community under harsh and unpredictable conditions. Preparedness will continue to be a priority in the City of Denton,but we are well on our way. Thank you. 2 Winter Storm Landon February 2 -6, 2022 Emergency Management City of Report Completed: 2/21/2022 Denton, TX -14 CITY OF DENTON Emergency Management-City of Denton INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 AFTER ACTION REPORT OVERVIEW..................................................................................... 3 STRENGTHS ................................................................................................................................. 4 AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT....................................................................................................... 5 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................ 5 CONCLUSIONAND NEXT STEPS............................................................................................. 6 Emergency Management-City of Denton INTRODUCTION A Winter Storm Warning was issued for North Texas on February 1'with the possibility of 0.1- 0.4" of ice and 2-3" of snow falling on Denton. This would be followed by a Wind Chill Warning that would see wind chill temperatures in the -5 F to 10 F. The City of Denton activated its Snow and Ice Plan to prepare for Winter Storm Landon. City Departments began preparing for response by conducting the following objectives: • Denton Enterprise Airport reviewed their Snow and Ice Control Plan, including heightened awareness of changing weather conditions and assessing staff scheduling. • Denton Municipal Electric notified staff as to the potential for winter weather, prepare for possible overnight stays by operators and dispatchers, ready vehicles and equipment, prepare to cancel any construction outages of transmission or distribution, and assess any current outages for service restoration. • Facilities Management reviewed their Winter Weather Action Plan, including checking generators, supplies, vehicles readiness, and HVAC systems. • Fire Department began preparations for possible implementation of cables/chains on apparatus, as well as checking supplies of de-icing materials for ramps and entryways at fire stations. • Parks and Recreation Department reviewed their Ice Treatment and Snow Removal Policy and Procedures, which include prioritization of snow and ice removal from City parking lots • Police Department checked and staged appropriate equipment for police vehicles (de-ice, chains, etc.), coordinated with Fleet Services for application of chains, and reviewed/adjust staffing rosters for patrol and communications functions. • Street Department reviewed their Ice Treatment and Snow Removal Policy and Procedures, including vehicle and equipment checks, staffing, and preparations for sanding operations. • Solid Waste and Landfill Operations prepared to adjust staffing as necessary according to inclement weather impacts, and ready equipment for snow and ice removal on streets within the landfill complex. • Warming centers locations were advertised to the community in advance of the storm. • MKL Recreation Center was established as a 24/7 emergency warming shelter. • Coordinated public messaging via the Public Information Officer and Department PIOs ensured that synchronized and accurate messages were delivered via social media. • Emergency Operation Center was activated to Level 3 status (virtually), providing situational reports and support to ongoing activities. AFTER ACTION REPORTOVERVIEW An after action meeting was held on Friday, February 11, 2002, via Teams to review and discuss the Winter Weather Landon operations. Representatives from the City of Denton departments who participated provided input for the strengths and areas of improvement during the response. The response was broken up into three phases: Pre-Storm, Response, and Post-Storm. Emergency Management-City of Denton • Parks and Recreation o Preparation for the opening of a 24/7 emergency warming shelter went well. Supplies were delivered to MLK Rec Center before the opening of the emergency shelter. o Staffing of shelter was accomplished with Parks and Rec staff and augmented by Library staff. o Community Services coordinated meals from local community partners. • Public Works 0 24/7 staffing of road sanding crews was met. o Providing pre-established sanding routes to the public before the storm. o Good communication with other departments to meet needs for urgent sanding areas that could affect city operations. o Fleet did a good job communicating how to winterize city vehicles. • Facilities o Used lessons learned from Winter Storm Uri to prepare City buildings for winter weather. o Roving team was used to inspect the City building looking for any potential damages. • Water Utilities o Good preparation before the storm, and communications during. • DME o Identified 24/7 staffing early and was able to get the hotel rooms during the response. o Good cooperation among other City departments. • City Manager's Office o Good communication among departments. o Planning meetings were very useful and helped with the coordination. o Daily situation reports to council members. • PIO o Established a PIO group among City departments to coordinate winter storm messaging. o Public messaging that was appropriate for the three phases of response. • Emergency Management o Established battle rhythm regarding daily planning meetings. o Daily situational reports provided to Department Directors. o Stood up virtual Level 3 Emergency Operations Center(EOC) and established an EOC email for departments to provide situational reports and supply requests. Emergency Management-City of Denton �AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT • Parks and Recreation o Create a google document to be used for staffing of the emergency warming shelter. o Emergency Warming Shelter standard operating procedures (SOP) should be created for shelter staff to use during shelter operations. The SOP should include shelter rules of conduct for guests staying overnight. • Public Works o The sand was freezing in equipment before it was disbursed. • DME o The Logistics chain is delayed due to COVID/logistical shortages. Need to look at ordering common supplies, tools, and parts now. • Emergency Management o Use correct terminology for future meetings. The originally established EOC group turned into a Tactics/Planning meeting. This was confusing to City staff. o Winter Weather Plan has not been updated since 2018. �RECOMMENDATIONS • Parks and Recreation o Develop as Emergency Warming Shelter SOP that can be used during 24/7 emergency shelter operations. Coordinate with Emergency Management for assistance, as needed. • Public Works o Look into equipment or tools that can be used to keep sand from freezing in trucks. • DME o Determine what supply inventory can be ordered in advance to help minimize logistical shortages. • Emergency Management o Update the Winter Weather Plan. o Provided EOC training to all staff members holding EOC leadership roles. o Implement proper communication methods in which a limited group of key stakeholders are utilized for efficiencies then communication can filter out to further staff in lieu of large, group meetings. Emergency Management-City of Denton AND NEXT STEPS With lessons learned from Winter Storm Uri and improvements made during the previous 11 months, the City of Denton was able to effectively respond to Winter Storm Landon. Department coordination and planning started early which allowed staff to take the necessary steps for the response. There was good communication among city departments and frequent planning meetings provided situational awareness for staff. Follow-up of recommendation provided in this AAR will help improve the process for the next time the Winter Weather Plan needs to be activated. DEPARTMENTS • Facilities • Public Works • Parks and Rec • Water Utilities • Solid Waste • DME • Community Services • Library • PIO • Police • Fire • City Manager's Office Emergency Management-City of Denton Release of Unmanned Aircraft (Drone) Footage During the March 1 Work Session for the Public Safety Drone Program, a councilmember asked staff the following question: "Do Federal Agencies or private entities have the capacity to, in a lawsuit, subpoena drone footage from city police or fire departments." Federal Agencies and private entities do have the capacity in a lawsuit to subpoena drone footage created by the Denton Police/Fire Department. However, the ability to obtain that footage is restricted by Texas Government Code Chapter 423 as well as the Texas and Federal Rules of Evidence and Rules of Civil Procedure. Generally, Drone footage is subject to the Texas Public Information Act and discovery in civil, criminal, and administrative proceedings. However, Texas Government Code § 423.005 carves out specific exclusions for the use or disclosure of illegal captured or incidentally captured footage in a criminal case,juvenile proceeding, civil suit, administrative proceeding, in response to a Public Information Act (PIA) request, and in response to a discovery request, including a subpoena. Furthermore, the City would be allowed to assert any applicable exception(s) available under the PIA (e.g. the Law Enforcement Except — 552.108 — regarding the detection, investigation and prosecution of crime). With respect to a legal proceeding (both state and federal), the presiding officer may order the City to produce the footage for an in-camera (private) inspection to determine whether the footage should be disclosed or falls within one of the 423.005 exclusions. If the City receives a subpoena or other legal process for drone footage that the City believes falls within one of the 423.005 exclusions, the City would file a motion to quash or a motion for a protective order. If the City receives a PIA request and believes the footage is not subject to disclosure, the City Attorney's Office would file an objection with the Attorney General's Office. Background: Pursuant to Section 423.002(a), it is lawful to capture an image using an unmanned aircraft for the following purposes: (6) with the consent of the individual who owns or lawfully occupies the real property captured in the image; (7) pursuant to a valid search or arrest warrant; (8) if the image is captured by a law enforcement authority or a person who is under contract with or otherwise acting under the direction or on behalf of a law enforcement authority: (A) in immediate pursuit of a person law enforcement officers have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to suspect has committed an offense, not including misdemeanors or offenses punishable by a fine only; (B) for the purpose of documenting a crime scene where an offense, not including misdemeanors or offenses punishable by a fine only, has been committed; (C) for the purpose of investigating the scene of: (i) a human fatality; (ii) a motor vehicle accident causing death or serious bodily injury to a person; or (iii) any motor vehicle accident on a state highway or federal interstate or highway; (D) in connection with the search for a missing person; (E) for the purpose of conducting a high-risk tactical operation that poses a threat to human life, (F) of private property that is generally open to the public where the property owner consents to law enforcement public safety responsibilities; or (9) if the image is captured by state or local law enforcement authorities, or a person who is under contract with or otherwise acting under the direction or on behalf of state authorities, for the purpose of: (A) surveying the scene of a catastrophe or other damage to determine whether a state of emergency should be declared; (B) preserving public safety, protecting property, or surveying damage or contamination during a lawfully declared state of emergency; or (C) conducting routine air quality sampling and monitoring, as provided by state or local law; (10) at the scene of a spill, or a suspected spill, of hazardous materials; (11) for the purpose of fire suppression; (12) for the purpose of rescuing a person whose life or well-being is in imminent danger. Section 423.003 makes it a Class C misdemeanor for the illegal use of an unmanned aircraft to capture an image of an individual or privately owned real property with the intent to conduct surveillance on the individual or property captured in that image. It is a defense to prosecution that the person destroyed the image: (1) as soon as the person had knowledge that the image was captured in violation of this section; and (2) without disclosing, displaying, or distributing the image to a third party. Section 423.004 creates a criminal penalty for the possession, disclosure, display, distribution, or use of an image captured in violation of Section 423.003. It is a Class C misdemeanor to possess an image, and a Class B misdemeanor to disclose, display,distribute, or otherwise use that image. It is a defense to prosecution for the possession of an image that the person destroyed the image as soon as the person had knowledge that the image was captured in violation of Section 423.003. Furthermore, it is a defense to prosecution for the disclosure, display, distribution, or other use of an image that the person stopped disclosing, displaying, distributing, or otherwise using the image as soon as the person had knowledge that the image was captured in violation of Section 423.003. Section 423.006 creates a civil action by an owner or tenant of privately owned real property against a person who, in violation of Section 423.003, captured an image of the property or the owner or tenant while on the property. This provision allows for injunctive relief, a civil penalty of $5000 for all images captured in a single episode in violation of 423.003, $10,000 for the disclosure, display, distribution, or other use of any images captured in a single episode in violation of Section 423.004, attorney's fees and court costs. If malice is shown, the person may be able to recover actual damages against the person who captured the image. Section 423.005 provides that an image captured illegally and in violation of 423.003 by an unmanned aircraft, or an image captured that was incidental to the lawful capture of an image, is not subject to disclosure (except as evidence to prove a violation of Chapter 423) and: (1) may not be used as evidence in any criminal or juvenile proceeding, civil action, or administrative proceeding; (2) is not subject to disclosure, inspection, or copying under Chapter 552 (Texas Public Information Act); and (3) is not subject to discovery, subpoena, or other means of legal compulsion for its release. CANDIDATE LETTER _ MAY 7, 2022 GENERAL ELECTION COOT CITY COUNCIL PLACES 5, 6, and 7 (MAYOR) DENTON January4,2022 This Candidate Packet is prepared to acquaint candidates with applicable City regulations, as w>✓ll as State and local legal requirements related to running for City Council. The packet contains much information but is not all-inclusive of the laws governing elections. Therefore,we recommend you familiarize youiselfwith information provided in this packet and contact the noted authority should you have any questions. Contact information for those authorities listed is provided later in this letter (Candidate Packet, Section 1). ELECTION DAY,RESIDENCY AND QUALIFICATIONS On Saturday, lVhy, 7, 2022, qualified residents of Denton will elect members to the Denton City Council for Places 5, 6, and 7 (1V4tyor). The specific requirements for each District are the following: • Shall have domiciled for at least one year next preceding his or her election within the corporate limits of Denton, shall continuously be domiciled within the corporate limits of Denton, and as follows when seeking office for the particular seat noted below. o If running for Nhyor(Place 7),may reside anywhere in the City for at least one year preceding his or her election and throughout the term of office. o If running for At-Large Place 5, must reside in Districts 1 or 2 for at least one year preceding his or her election and throughout the term of office. o Frinning far At-Large Place 6, must reside in Districts 3 or 4 for at least one year preceding his or her election and throughout the term of office. Additional qualifications are as follows: • Be a United States citizen. • Be a registered voter ofthe city at the time of filing for office. • Be 18 years ofage or older on or before the first day ofthe term in which they are elected. • Have not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court. • Have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities. • Not be in arrears in the payment of any taxes or other liabilities due the City ofDenton. • Have resided continuously in Texas on or before one year preceding the filing deadline. • Shall have and maintain the eligibility requirements for municipal officers set forth in Section 141.001 of the Texas Election Code,Vemon's Texas Civil Statutes Annotated hereinafter referred to as 'Election Code"as it may nowread or hereafter be amended. • Shall not hold any other public office of emolument. • If a member of the council shall, after being elected, cease to possess any of the above-noted qualifications or eligibility requirements,or shall hold another office of emolument,or enter a plea of guilty to a felony,or be convicted of a felony,he or she shall immediately forfeit his or her office. Article II(THE COUNCIL)ofthe Denton City Charter(excerpt provided)contains information relative to City Council composition, roles and responsibilities. Afull version ofthe City Charter can be found on the City's mbsite. (See Candidate Packet,Section 2) City Council Candidates IVEy 7,2022 General Election Page 2 of DENTON Article III(NONES ATIONS AND ELECTIONS)ofthe Denton City Charter(excerpt provided)covers the annual order/regulation of elections, application for candidacy and runof elections. A full version of the City Charter can be found on the City's website. (See Candidate Packet, Section 3)] MORTANT DATES/CALENDAR • CANDIDATE ELECTION CALENDAR OF IlV>EMORTANT DATES—City Secretary's Office [Provides important dates related to the Nhy 7,2022 General Election. (See Candidate Packet,Section 4)] • DRMING FOR BALLOT POSMON—City Secretary's Office [The Texas Election Code requires the order in which candidates are listed on the ballot be determined by a drawing. The drawing will be held at 11:00 a.m.,Nbnday,February 28,2022,in the City of Denton Council Chamber,215 E.NLKmney. The candidate or their representative may draw for the ballot position. If a candidate or representative is not at the drawing, the city secretary will draw on behalf ofthe candidate. An additional notification will be sent as the date draws near. Staff will also be providing a presentation covering political signs.] CANDIDACY • COMXEr OF WTM GEMRALY—Texas Election Code,True 6,Chapter 61—Secretary of State [Provides information on expected conduct during the election process. (See Candidate Packet, Section 5)] • APPLICATION FOR A PLACE ON TEE CITY OF DENrON GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT AND INSTRUCTIONS] — Secretary of State [The Application must be signed before a Notary Public and be accurately completed in its entirety. Notary Public services are available from the City Secretary's Office at no cost As the Application is a swam document,it cannot be changed once filed. Formal review of the Application and conformance with the requirements set forth earlier will be conducted after its submission. (See Candidate Packet,Section 6) Also included are the fallowing: o Texas Goverment Code,Title 9,Chapter 143(Candidate for City Office). (See Candidate Packet,Section 7) o Texas Goverment Code, Title 5, Chapter 573 (Degrees of Relationship; Nepotism Prohibition). (See Candidate Packet, Section 8) o Related Consanguinity and Affirmity Relationship Chart. (See Candidate Packet,Section 9)] • FILIlVC PERIOD FOR APPUCATIONFORAPLACEON THE DENTONGFMRALELECIION BALLOT-Secretary of State [Applications maybe filed in person,bymail,by fax,orbyemail The first day to file for office is 8 a.m.,Wednesday,January 19,2022.The last dayto file for office is 5 p.m.,Friday,February 18,2022. Candidates are encouraged to apply well before the deadline to allow sufficient time to address any filing deficiencies that may be identified during the formal reviewperiod. (See Candidate Packet, Section 10)] o Filing in Person: Denton City Hall,City Secretary's Office,215 E. NbKmney,between the hours of a.m. and 5 p.m.during the entire filing period. o Filing by Mail: Denton City Hall,City Secretary's Office,215 E.Nlc&ney,Denton,TX76201. An application by mail is considered to be filed at the tirne of its receipt by the City Secretary's Office. o Filing by Fax: (940)349-8596—Application must already be signed, slAorn/notarized. o Filing by Email: City.Secretary�agityofdenton.com — Application must already be signed, sworn/notarized. Application cannot be received after 5:00 p.m. on Friday,February 18,2022. City Council Candidates IVEy 7,2022 General Election Page 3 of DENTON • CODE OF FAIR CANPAIGNPRACTTCES(FORMCFCP)—Secretary of State [Also included is Texas Election Code, Title 15, Chapter 258 (Fair Campaign Practices). THIS FORM IS STRICTLY WLUNTARY. The Texas Election Code encourages every candidate subscribe to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices. This farm may be submitted at any time. (See Candidate Packet,Section 11)] • CITY OF DENTON CODE OF ELECTION ETHICS—City Secretary's Office [The Denton Code of Election Ethics fosters tsuthfixl, fair and open campaigns for public office. VAge candidates are encouraged to subscribe to this Code of Election Ethics,acceptance is voluntary. This form may be submitted at any time. (See Candidate Packet,Section 12)] • FIRST STEPS FOR CANDIDATES RL1NlNdNG FOR A CITY OFFICE—Texas Ethics Commission [This is an at-a-glance guide on certain requirements offiGng for candidacy and applicability ofreporting requirements. (See Candidate Packet,Section 13)] CAMPAIGN TREASURER • APPOINTMENT OF A CAVPATGN TREASURER BY A CANDIDATE(FORM CTA)AND INSTRUCTION GUIDE—Texas Ethics Commission [This form must be filed BEFORE any funds can be collected or expended for campaign purposes,or at the time of fling for candidacy,whichever comes first Candidates may appoint themselves as their own campaign treasurer. (See Candidate Packet, Sections 14 through 16)] • AV�ENT:APPOINTMENT OF A CAMPAIGN TREASURER BY A CANDIDATE(FORM ACTA)AND INSTRUCTION GUIDE—Texas Ethics Commission [Aso includes Texas Election Code, Title 15 Chapter 252 (Campaign Treasurer). A campaign treasurer or information contained in the original form filed may be changed at any time. Changes can only be made by using this form. Only the information being changed from the original CTA or previously filed ACTA should be noted on this form. (See Candidate Packet, Sections 17 and 18)] POLITICAL ACITY11Y/CAMPAIGN CONIRMUTIONS The City ofDenton does not limit employees frompublicly endorsing a candidate,placing a yard sign on private property,wearing or distributing campaign material,making financial contributions,or campaigning for a candidate,are permis s ible under City policy so long as those activities take place while the employee is off-duty and does not include the use of any City equipment or resources. The Texas Election Code sets forth certain requirements for campaign contnbutions/expenditures. Important information is noted below. CAMPAIGN FINANCE AND OTHER REP ORTING REGULATIONS • `GUIDE TO LOCALFILIlNC AUTHORITY'S DUTIES UMER THE C"A[GNFINANCE LAW'—Texas Ethics Commission [Explains the responsibilities ofthe City Secretary's Office under the Texas campaign finance law. In summary,this office is required to make forms available,accept certain filings but does not regulate the content ofthose filings and is not required to remind filers ofreporting deadlines. (See Candidate Packet, Section 19)] • `ABRIEF OVERVIEWOF THE TEXAS ETHICS CON1<ASSION AND ITS DUTIES"—Texas Ethics Commission [Provides information on the farms mandated and administered by the Texas Ethics Commission and outlines their area of authority. (See Candidate Packet,Section 20)] City Council Candidates IVEy 7,2022 General Election 4„, Page 4 of DENTON • CANFXGN FINANCE GUIDE FOR CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS WHO FILE WITH LOCAL FILING AUTHORITIES—Texas Ethics Commission [This guide helps candidates gain a better understanding as to the reporting requirements for campaign finance reports. (See Candidate Packet,Section 21)] • 2022 FTIM SCHEDULE FOR REPORTS DUE IN COWCTION WITH ELECTIONS HELD ON UNIFORM ELECTION DATES—Texas Ethics Commission [This schedule outlines filing deadlines for campaign finance reporting as related to the Nhy 7,2022 General Election. It also notes deadlines for semi annualreports required tobe filed depending on when the original Campaign Treasurer Appointment (CTA)form was filed. (See Candidate Packet,Section 22)] • REGULATM POLITICAL FUNDS AND CAMPAIGNS—Texas Election Code,Title 15,Chapter 251,General Provisions— Texas Ethics Commission [Requirements on political fund expenditures and submittal of campaign finance reports. (See Candidate Packet, Section 23)] • RESTRICTIONS ON CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDI L RES—Texas Election Code,Title 15,Chapter 253—Texas Ethics Connrnission [Restrictions relative to political fund expenditures and submittal of campaign finance reports. (See Candidate Packet, Section 24)] • POLITICALREPORTIlVC—Texas Election Code,Title 15,Chapter 254—Terms Ethics Commission [Requirements on political fund expenditures and submittal of campaign finance reports and the contents of those reports. Nbst candidates will be required to file at least two Title 15 reports although those involved in a runoff election will have to file an additional report. Candidates will be required to file semiannual report(s)until a DESIGNATION OF FINAL REPORT form is filed. However,filing of a Candidate/Officeholder Report of Unexpended Contributions may still be required. o The 30THDAYBEFORE GENERAL ELECTION(Thurs day,April 7,2022 due date at 5 p.m.)report covers the period beginning on the day a campaign treasurer was appointed or the first day after the period covered by the last required report,as applicable,and continuing through the 40th day before the election(1Vbnday,M rch 28,2022). o The 8TH DAY BEFORE GENERAL ELECTION(Friday,April 29, 2021 due date at 5 p.m.)report covers the period beginning on the 39th day before the election(Tuesday,March 29,2022)and continuing through the 10th day before the election(Wednesday,April 27,2022). o The 8TH DAY BEFORE RUNOFF ELECTION(Friday,June 10, 2022, due date at 5 p.m.)report covers the period beginning the day after the last day covered in the 81h Day Before General Election report(Thursday,April 28,2022)and continuing through the loth day before runoff election day(Wednesday,June 8,2022). This inbri nation is tentatively based on the expectation the runoff election will be held Saturday, June 18, 2022, which is subject to change at this point. NOTE: Candidates will be notified if the runoff election changes once/ifnotified by Denton County. Carefully read the Election Code requirements and the Texas Ethics Commissions'instructions included with report forms to ensure all required reports are timely/accurately filed. Submission deadlines and reporting periods applicable to each filing are fixrther outlined in the Candidate Calendar provided in this packet (See Candidate Packet,Section 25)] • CANDIDAMOFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTTINAL REPORT (FORME C/OH and C/0I-1-FR) AND INSTRUCTION GUIDE—Texas Ethics Commission [These provide the schedules and instructions on applicable contributions and expenditures reported on running a campaign. All reports are filed with the City Secretary's Office. It is important candidates understand the importance of adhering to reporting requirements. Questions or complaints regarding filed reports must be directed to the Texas Ethics Commission. o This section includes Form GOH FR(last page). Filing this form terminates the campaign treasurer appointment but will not necessarily end the requirement to file campaign finance reports. Further,the form now provides the option of filling out the`Unswom Declaration"section in lieu ofgetting the form notarized. (See Candidate Packet,Sections 26 and 27)] City Council Candidates IVEy 7,2022 General Election 4„, Page 5 of DENTON • CORRECTION/AMENDN AFFIDAVIT FOR CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER(FORM COR-C/Ofl)AND INSTRUCTION GUIDE—Texas Ethics Commission [This farm allows corrections to previously filed reports. The affidavit must identify the information being changed. (See Candidate Packet,Section 28)] • CANDIDAMOFFICEHOLDER REPORT OF UNEVENDED CONIRIBUIIONS (FORM C/OH UC)AND INSTRUCTION GUIDE—Texas Ethics Commission [If the candidate had unexpended political contributions,interest,assets,or other money earned from political contributions at the time a final report is/was filed,this report is required annually. This report is required until a report ofthe final disposition ofunexpended contributions has been filed. (See Candidate Packet,Sections 29 and 30)] PERSONAL FRLA .STATEMENT Candidates are required to file a Personal Financial Statement(FormPFS). The form,instruction guide,hints and regulations are provided. Officeholders and candidates holding or running for an elected office in municipalities with populations of 100,000 or more are required to file this form. The candidate's deadline for filing the PFS is 5 p.m.,Thursday,Mmrch 10,2022,if filing in person and 11:59 p.m. if filing electronically with the City Secretary's Office at Denton City Hall,215 E. MbKinney. It is important you utilize the form provided with the candidate packet to ensure you use the most current form provided by the State. The reporting period is January 1,2022 through December 31,2022. (See Candidate Packet, Sections 31 through 34)] POLITICAL ADVERTISING The City of Denton, State of Texas and Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT)set forth certain requirements/restrictions on political signs on residential property and public rights-of-way. See below. • DErMN CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 33-Signs and Advertising Devices,Section 33.16.3—Denton Development Services,Zoning Compliance Division [Requires that political signs in residential neighborhoods cannot exceed a size of thirty-six(36) square feet and be more than eight(8)feet high.The City of Denton prohibits the placement of political signs in the City public right-of-way,as this is a public safety issue. (See Candidate Packet,Sections 35 and 36)] • `A SHORT GUIDE TO THE PROHIBITION AGAINST USING POLITICAL SUBDIVISION RESOURCES FOR POLITICAL ADVERTISM IN CONNECTION WITH AN ELECTION'—Texas Ethics Commis sion [Provides information relative to the prohibition ofusing City resources for political advertising for the general/speciaYr umoff elections. (See Candidate Packet,Section 37)] • `i'OIMCALADVERTISIIVG:WHATYOUNEEDTOKNOW'—Texas Ethics Commission [Outlines state-mandated disclosures/notices on political advertising. (See Candidate Packet,Section 38)] • REGULATM POLITTCALADVERTISM AND CANFAiGN CONMNCATIONS—Texas Election Code,Title 15,Chapter 255—Secretary of State [Outlines legal requirements/restrictions on political advertising. Section 255.007 of the Texas Election Code requires the following notice be written on each political advertising sign: 'NOTICE: IT IS A VIOLATION OF STATE LAW (CHAPTERS 392 AND 393, TRANSPORTATION CODE),TO PLACE THIS SIGN IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF A HIGHWAY" (See Candidate Packet, Section 39)] City Council Candidates IVEy 7,2022 General Election 4„, Page 6 of DENTON • POLITICAL SIGNS—Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) [Regulates the placement ofpolitical signs on state highways. (See Candidate Packet,Sections 40) • CANPAiGN SIGNS—TxDOT [Addresses TxDOT's role and enforcement for wrongfully placing campaign signs on right of ways, trees, telephone poles, traffic signs and private property. (See Candidate Packet, Section 41)] POLL,WATCHERS AND INSPECTORS • APPOININENT OF POLL WATCHER BY CANDIDATE ON THE BALLOT OR DECLARED WRTIE-IN CANDIDATE AND POLL WATCBER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTIONS—Secretary of State [Also includes Texas Election Code, Title 3, Chapter 33 (Watchers). THIS IS STRICTLY OPTIONAL However, should a poll watcher be appointed, they should be provided a copy of the Watcher's Guide to ensure an understanding of their responsibilities and limitations that apply to this appointment.(See Candidate Packet,Sections 42 through 44)] • STATE INSPECTORS—TEXAS ELECTION CODE,TITLE 3,CHAPTER 34—Secretary of State [THIS IS STRICTLY OPTIONAL. Arequest may be submitted to the Secretary of State for state inspectors'observation of activities within polling locations for Election Dray(Nhy 7,2022). The request can be made on the formprovided in this packet and must be fully executed before submitting it to the Secretary of State. The due date to submit the form is no later than the fourth business day before the election in which inspectors are requested(Tuesday,Nhy 3,2022). (See Candidate Packet, Sections 45 and 46)] CANDIDATE MORMATION IS PUBLIC MORMATION All information a candidate files with the City Secretary's Office in relation to candidacy or election to public office becomes a public record at time offiling and is provided in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act. MORTANCE OF UPDATED CONTACT MORMATION The marling address indicated on the Application for a Place on the General Election Ballot,Campaign Treasurer Appointment, or Amendment of Campaign Treasurer will be used to notify candidates about election related matters. It is important candidates notify this office ofany contact information change(s). CONTACT INFORMATION City Secretary's Office • Rosa Rios,City Secretary,City ofanton 940-349-8309 Rosa.Rios(i4ci yofdenton.com • Jesus (Jesse)Salazar,Deputy City Secretary,City ofDenton 940-349-7735 Jesus.Salazaocityofdenton.com • Cathy Welborn,Assistant City Secretary,City ofanton 940-349-8304 Cathy.Welbor(i4cityofdenton.com Denton Development Services,Zoning Compliance Division • Caleb Norris,Zoning Compliance Division 940-349-7454 Caleb.NorrisCa)cityofdenton.com • Justin James,Zoning Compliance Division 940-349-7457 Justin.James(i4ci yofdenton.com • Denton County Elections Department 940-349-3200 wwwvotedenton.com/ • Secretary of State,Elections Division 800-252-8683 • wwwsos.state.tx.us City Council Candidates IVEy 7,2022 General Election 4„, Page 7 of DENTON • Texas Department of Thans portation 800-558-9368 www.txdot.gov/ • Texas Ethics Commission 512-463-5800 www ethics.state.tx.us • U.S.Department ofJustice 202-514-2000 www.usdol'.Rov CANDIDATE REQUESTS FOR MORMATION In order to provide the most efficient service for candidates during this election season,please direct all requests for information to my attention at rosa.rios(a cityofdenton.com rather than contacting individual city departments. We will coordinate with the proper department(s)to provide the requested information through this office. Readily available information will be provided at no cost to candidates and/or representatives ofcandidates. However,the City reserves the right to assess charges to requests that are considered beyond readily accessible information. SLAMARY This Candidate Packet may include revised forms from those provided in previous years. Therefore,please ensure the farms contained in this packet are used. While many of the farms listed have been linked to the appropriate source, hard copies of these fomns can be obtained from this office. This packet is designed to provide valuable information on responsibilities/requirements of filing for candidacy. Do not hesitate to contact the proper authority ifyou have questions. Thank you for your interest in serving our community. Respectfully, _ea2' Rosa Rios City Secretary FY 21/ 22 Council Requests Open Requests Requests Answered by Department FY All Time Request Volume by 20/21 Council Person Paul Meltzer Deb Armintor Community Svcs — Jesse Davis Environmental Svcs Mayor Gerard Hudspeth Public Works — Vkki Byrd Capital Projects Brian Beck Utilities 129. 2396 Alison Maguire CMO — 0 2 4 6 8 10 Library Legal Fire Police — Requests made by Quarter Tech Services Airport 200 Public Affairs/Customer Svc _ 97 134 Economic Development 100 U O Development Svcs 0 Finance Paul Meltzer• Deb Armintor• Jesse Davis Q121/22 022122 Q32122 Q42122 Audit • Mayor GerardHudspeth• VkkiByrd Municipal Court Brian Beck• Alison Maguire Procurement Real Estate Risk Total Open Elected Official Other 0 Some requests involve multiple departments,causing the Requests 0 10 20 30 40 50 total requests by department to add up higher than the 30 Submit New total request count Request Policy and Worksession Requests smartsheet -nary af Request Department Comments 1 Q Mayor Pro Tom Meltzer r 02/21/22 Forwarding of resident concern with utility pole leaning on shed Antonio Puente r DIVE Staff will reach out to customer and information will be provided in a future Friday report 2 Q council Member Beck 02/24/22 Can staff comment on the use,cost,and efficacy of"speed cushions"in speed regulation and Becky Diviney,Daniel Kremer Capital Projects/Engineering Public Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. provide any examples of their use in Denton,if applicable? Works-Streets Council Member Davis 02/24/22 Two-minute Pitch Request:I am requesting a work session for the Council to consider the creation Gary Packer,Tiffany Thomson Human Resources Parks Two-minute pitch request will be scheduled for the 3/22 meeting. 3 of a Emergency Volunteer Corp--from something as simple as an email list of willing helpers,up to an organized group with specific skills and resources including transportation,hauling,tree and brush clearing,meal prep,shelter staffing,etc. 4 Council Member Beck Can staff answer whether landfill methane resale is considered a utility under the charter? Brian Boerner Solid Waste Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 8 Council Member Beck 02I25/22 How do staff define,manage,and map our meta-data for city records,agendas,documents,etc? Leisha Maine Tech Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 6 Mayor Hudspeth 02I26/22 Can staff research opportunities to collaborate for improvements at the downtown theater? Cassey Ogden,David Gaines Economic Development Finance Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 7 O Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 02/28/22 Can staff clarify whether Architexas is doing more rounds of public input for City Hall West project? Scott Gray Facilities Information will be included in the Mar.11 Friday report. 8 O Mayor Hudspeth 03/01/22 Can staff comment on whether there are future plans to install a crosswalk on McKinney St from the Becky Diviney Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. Denton County Courthouse to the retail complex on the north side? 9 O Council Member Annintor 03/01/22 Can staff answer questions related to the P&Z process in response to a resident's email? Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be provided in a future Friday report. 10 Council Member Byrd 03/02/22 Can staff inquire about requesting a quiet zone for certain areas near the railroad? Becky Diviney,Trevor Crain Capital Projects/Engineering Response will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 11 Council Member Byrd 03/02/22 Can staff coordinate a community neighborhood meeting to discuss final approval of the sign topper Scott McDonald Development Services Response will be provided in a future Friday report. and provide an update on street repairs,etc? 12 0 Council Member Beck 03/03/22 Can staff provide a status on road repairs for the McKinney/Mayhill area? Becky Diviney,Trevor Crain Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 13 Council Member Beck 03/03/22 Can staff provide updates on the status of wastewater testing for community disease vectors? Michael Gange,Stephen Gay Wastewater Water Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 14 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 03/06/22 Will Bonnie Brae be expanded in time for the opening of the new DHS campus? Becky Diviney Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 15 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 03/07/22 Can staff research the HLC's inability to achieve quorum? Scott McDonald Development Services Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 03/06/22 Can staff coordinate a project update meeting regarding the diagonal crossings? Becky Diviney,Logan Pior, Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Trevor Crain Council Member Beck 03/07/22 Can staff provide the SOP for drainage maintenance? Daniel Kremer,Gary Packan, Environmental Services Parks Public Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Michael Gange Works 18 Q Council Member Beck 03/07/22 Can staff clarify the City's facilities-use fees?Are there any options for suspending the fees? Ryan Adams City Manager's Office Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 19 O Council Member Armintor 03/07/22 Can staff clarify whether the City has any leverage in our land agreement or other contractual Antonio Puente DIME Information will be provided in a future Friday report. agreements make the Denton crypto operation cut off supplies to Russia? 20 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 03/08/22 Can staff remind MPT what our peak percentage was of lane miles in Poor or Very Poor OCI(and Daniel Kremer Public Works-Streets Information provided to MPT via e-mail. what year that was)and what the latest figure was for that? 21 Mayor Hudspeth 03/08/22 Can staff address a reoccurring issue with the stormceptor and erosion at Texas&Ruddell? Ethan Cox Public Works Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 22 0 Council Member Byrd 03/09/22 Can staff elaborate on the goats on city property in terms of cost and strategy? Gary Packan Parks Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 23 _J Mayor Hudspeth 03/09/22 Can the Homeless Outreach Team assist a local business owner with a concern regarding Frank Dixon Police Information will be provided in a future Friday report. unhoused individuals? 24 0 Council Member Maguire 03/09/22 Are staff aware of the various NCTCOG funding opportunities and planning to apply? Laura Behrens Grants Administration Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 25 Mayor Hudspeth 03/09/22 Since Denton has been selected to present to other cities at the Metroplex Mayors meeting,can Ryan Adams City Manager's Office Response provided directly to Mayor Hudspeth. staff prepare a media presentation? 26 Council Member Beck 03/10/22 Can staff point CM Beck towards crosswalk related data? Colson Blair,Nathan George Capital Projects/Engineering Tech Information will be provided in a future Friday report. Services 27 Council Member Beck 03/10/22 Does staff have any insight on the removal of political signs along University Drive? Monica Benavides City Manager's Office Information will be provided in the Mar.11 Friday report. 28 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer 03/10/22 Can staff determine whether the Fire department has any end-of-life equipment that can be donated Kenneth Hedges Fire Information will be provided in a future Friday report. to Denton's friendship city,M6zquiz,Coahuila,Mexico? Mayor Hudspeth 03/09/22 Can staff make contact with Workforce Solutions of North Texas regarding youth work programs? Tiffany Thomson Human Resources Human Resources will make contact for collaboration opportunities. 31 O Mayor Hudspeth 03/07/22 Can staff create a social media post to share the Texas Master Naturalist-Elm Fork Chapter Open Ryan Adams City Manager's Office Response provided directly to Mayor Hudspeth. House event on FB? Exported on March 11,2022 3:10:24 PM CST Page 1 of 1 March 2022 EMISSION 1 2 3 4 5 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 5:30 PM-historic Landmark 8:00 a.m Agenda Connnittee 6:30 pro-CC Regular Session Conumssion Cancelled-8:30 a.m DEDC 4:00 M Public Art Committee 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6:00 M Parks Recreation and 10:30 AM-T= Cancelled-3:00 PM-Heakh and 10:00 a.m-Development Code Beautification Board Building Standards Connuission Review Committee 11:00 AM-EDPB 1:00 p.m Coninunity Services 3:00 PM-Airport Advisory Board Advisory 5:00 PM-Planning and Zoning 1:00 pm COE 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00 AM-Public Utilities Board 3:00 PM-Persons w/Disabilities 1:00 pm Community Services Advisory 5:30 pm Library Board 5:30 PM-Historic Landmark Connuission 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5:30 PM-Historic Landmark 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 AM-Nbbility Committee 10:00 a.m-Developnnrnt Code Conunission 6:30 pm-CC Regular feting ReviewConmuttee Session 1:00 PM-Civil Service Comrrussion 4:00 PM-Planning and Zoning 27 28 29 30 31 9:00 AM-Public Utilities Board 6:00 PM-Board ofEthics 5:30 PM-Zoning Board of Adjustment April 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 6:00 PIVL Parks Recreation and 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 4:00 M Public Art Committee 10:00 a.m—Development Code Beautification Board 6:30 pm-CC Regular ReviewConini ttee Session 3:00 PM-Health and Building Standards Corn wsion 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 3:00 PM—Airport Advisory Board 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning 5:30 PM—Hstoric Landmark Commission 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5:30 PM-Traffic Safety 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 AM-Ivlbbility Coni rvttee 3:00 PM-Health and Building 10:00 a.m—Development Code Commission feting 6:30 pm-CC Regular Ivbeting Standards Corn wsion Review Committee Session 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9:00 AM—Public Wities Board 1:00 PM—Civil Service 6:00 PM—Board of Ethics Commisson 5:30 PM—Zoning Board of 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning Adjustment 5:30 PM—Internal Audit Advisory May 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6:00 M Parks Recreation and 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 4:00 PNl_Public Art Conunittee Beautification Board 6:30 pm-CC Regular Session 3:00 PM-Health and Building Standards Commission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00 AM—Public Utilities Board 3:00 PM—Airport Advisory Board 10:00 am—Development Code 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning Review Conn rittee 5:30 PM—Historic Landmark Connnission 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2:00 pm-CC Work Session 9:00 AM-Nbbility Corurni tee 3:00 PM—Persons w/Disabilities 6:30 pm-CC Regular Ni eting Session 3:00 PM-Heakh and Buckling Standards Connnission 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 AM—Public Uilties Board 1:00 PM—Civil Service 6:00 PM—Board ofEUcs 10:00 a.m—Development Code Conmvssion ReviewCorniuttee 5:30 PM—Zoning Board of 4:00 PM—Planning and Zoning Adjustments 6:00 PM—Police Chiefs Advisory Board 29 30 31 Memorial Day Holiday Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: March 10, 2022 Meeting Date Item Le istar ID I Departments Involved Type Estimated Time March 15,2022 NO MEETING-Spring Break(March 14-18) Audit: Energy Portfolio Management:Renewable Denton Plan Reporting 22-475 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Leave Policies 22-179 Human Resources Council Priority 0:30 Annual Financial Audit 21-2786 Finance City Business 0:30 March 22,2022 Sustainability Framework Fund Workplan(FY 21-22) 22-161 Environmental Services City Business 1:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Tax Abatement and Incentives Policy 22-355 Economic Development City Business 0:30 Special Called Meeting Two-Minute Pitch:Council Member Davis 22-156 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Energy Portfolio Management 22-502 Audit City Business 1:00 Legal(if any) Total Est.Time: 4:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: (1)Public Hearing on Comp Plan;(2)NDO Wastewater Collections Audit 21-2781 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 CIP:Property Acquisition Follow-Up 21-2779 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Prioritizing Area Plans 21-2676 Development Services Council Priority 1:00 Building Codes,International Residential Code,International Fire Code 21-2633 Building Inspections City Business 0:30 Roadway Impact Fees 21-2604 Engineering/Capital Projects City Business 0:30 April S,2022 Council Request Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Street Sign Topper Program 22-469 Planning Byrd(9/14/2021 and 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) 2/1/2022) Development Code/Chapter 2 Update DCA22-0002a Denton Development Code City Business 0:45 Two-Minute Pitch: None this meeting City Manager's Office Council Request N/A Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:45 Other Major Items for Meeting: Wastewater Reclamation Audit 22-243 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Automated Notification Dashboard 22-386 Development Services Council Request 0:30 Tent/Tiny Home Village RFI 22-374 Community DevelopmentCouncil Initiated 1:00 April 19,2022 Procurement Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Fire Department Staffing 22-395 Fire City Business 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Update from City DCTA Board Representative 21-2804 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Two-Minute Pitch: 22-054 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Development Fiscal Impact Model TBD Development Services City Business 1:00 May 3,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-121 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 2:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021&2nd Year ARP Funds 22-266 Finance Council Priority 1:00 MUD Policy TBD Planning City Business TBD May 17,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-122 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 2:00 Other Major Items for Meeting:Canvass General Election Update from City DCTA Board Representative 21-2805 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Audit Project 028-Warehouse Operations 21-2810 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 June 7,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-419 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 2:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: June 25,2022 City Council Retreat 22-580 City Manager's Office City Business TBD City Council Retreat(Only)(Start Time TBD) Technology Services Phase 1 Audit 22-558 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 FY 2022-23 CIP 22-246 Finance City Business 3:00 June 28,2022 Electric Rates and Budget 21-2405 Finance City Business 3:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: 22-420 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) N/A Legal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 7:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: Estimated Work Item Legistar ID Departments Type Session Date Sanger ETJ Boundary Adjustment 21-2653 Development Services City Business Date/:45 Deck Alternate Fuel Study TBD DME City Business TBD Work Session Dates to be Determined Estimated Work Item Dates Departments Type Session Date Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan FY 2022-23 Budget Development February-October Finance Budget Summer 2022 Items to be Scheduled 2022 All other departments Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Requestor Complete Approved Council Request Work Sessions to be Traffic Feedback Signs(Report only;no work session) Feb.1,2022 Public Works-Streets Hudspeth Scheduled *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming Closures smartsheet SCR Mar 14th - Mar 20th Pswt,ee—tilnerse on From To Closure Sta Description Department Department Contact I Date M 1 801 Regency Country Club Cul v Sac 04/11/22 04/29/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel Bernard St Hickory St Chestnut St 07/11/23 08/21/23 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 2 replacing the water main line and services. Bonnie Brae Scripture Emery 03/21/22 04/01/22 DME is performing OPGW Other Mark Zimmerer 3 conductor replacement on the Hickory to Bonnie Brae electric transmission line. 4 Depaul Drexel Miramar Dr 03/28/22 04/29/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Streets Roy San Miguel Repair 5 Lakeview Blvd Juniper Dr. Edwards Rd. 03/23/22 04/07/22 attaching to sewer manhole Public Works Inspections Armando Beltran 6 Long Rd E.Sherman Dr. (428) Holy Springs Rd 04/18/22 05/13/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 7 Winding Spream Silent Star Sweet Cloud 03/28/22 04/29/22 Concrete SideWalk Repair Streets Roy San Miguel Exported on March 11,2022 11:24:12 AM CST Page 1 of 1 2 Street Closure Report: Current Closures smartsheet I Closure Start Closure End I Street/Intersection From To Date Date Description Department Department Contact 1 Allred Rd JM Prosperity Farm Rustic Barn Bonnie Brae 09/27/21 07/31/22 Storm Installation,Cutting Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Venue Grade on Allred Works Inspections Bell Ave Texas St Withers St 03/12/22 04/15/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 2 installing a new water main line and services. 3 Brookside Meadow Park Meadow Creek 02/28/22 03/18/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Rogelio San Miguel 4 Chestnut Street South Welch Street Bernard Street 10/18/21 04/29/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Davis St Jennie St Hettie St 01/31/22 03/31/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 5 installing a new wastewater main line and services. 6 Mockingbird Christopher Dr Penniman Dr 03/07/22 03/18/22 Installing Junction Box and Private Development Armando Beltran connecting waterline 7 Montecito Settlement Field Bend 01/18/22 03/18/22 Concrete Street Panel and Streets Roy San Miguel Sidewalk Repair 8 North Texas Blvd. Eagle Dr to Oak There will be multiple phases of 12/13/21 09/01/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig closures.Will not be all at one pavement replacement. 9 Stella St. North Texas Blvd Bonnie Brae 10/29/21 06/15/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Exported on March 11,2022 11:24:22 AM CST Page 1 of 1 3 Street Closure Report: Completed Closures smartsheet Street/Intersection From"--'M a Date Description Departmulit Department Contact IMP- 1 Amherst Georgetown Malone 10/18/21 03/11/22 Street Reconstruction Streets Roy San Miguel Archer Trail Foxcroft Circle Emerson 11/08/21 02/16/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 2 reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. Athens Tawakoni New Ballinger 02/21/22 03/11/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Rogelio San Miguel Bell Ave Withers St Mingo Rd 01/07/22 03/11/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane installing a new water main line and services. Bolivar Mimosa Northridge 03/02/22 03/04/22 Restoring Asphalt from Gas Public Works Inspections Ryan Dromgoole Repair,intersection closed for phase 2,half intersection for 5 phase 1.Phase 1 placing asphalt 3/3 and Phase 2 on 3/4. Should be open by end of day on 3/4. Bonnie Brae Street Scripture Panhandle 02/10/22 02/18/22 The contractor will begin Engineering Robin Davis making the connection of the new 42-inch Transmission Main to the existing Main.Therefore, both northbound lanes of Bonnie Brae Street from 6 Scripture to Panhandle Street will be closed.North bound Traffic will be detoured to turn right on Scripture,left on Thomas,and left on Panhandle to finally arrive back on Bonnie Brae Street.Detour signs will be posted accordingly. 7 Cyrus Way Teal Harvest Glen 01/10/22 03/04/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Streets Roy San Miguel Repair Foxcroft Cir Emerson Old North 01/18/22 03/04/22 Residential roadway Engineering Dustin Draper 8 reconstruction and during the construction only resident traffic will be allowed. 9 Jackpine Dr Potterstone St Barrydale Dr 02/21/22 03/11/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Rogelio San Miguel 10 Mockingbird LN Paisley St. Barnes Dr. 03/07/22 02/18/22 Storm Drain connection Private Development Public Armando Beltran Works Inspections Scripture St Marietta St Bradley St 02/01/22 03/04/22 Installation of 24"RCP pipe Drainage Gabriel Rodriguez across the Street to a Storm 11 Drain Inlet on the south side of the road on the south side of the Road 12 Sweet Gate Lake View Autumn Path 01/03/22 02/18/22 Concrete Street Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 13 Welch Street Eagle Street West Collins St. 11/29/21 03/04/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Exported on March 11,2022 11:24:31 AM CST Page 1 of 1