050622 Friday Staff Report City Manager's Office "F 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: May 6, 2022 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report I. Council Schedule Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 3. Library Board on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at the South Branch Library. 4. Board of Ethics on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at the Development Service Center. 6. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2 Board on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 7. Airport Advisory Board on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. in the Airport Terminal Meeting Room. 8. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,May 11, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 9. Health and Building Standards Commission on Thursday, May 12,2022, at 3:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 10. Development Code Review Committee on Friday, May 13, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at the Development Service Center. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Inclusion • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service 11. Community Services Advisory Committee on Friday, May 13, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. 12. Committee on the Environment on Friday,May 13,2022,at 1:00 p.m. at the Sustainability Office II. General Information & Status Update A. Proposed Redevelopment at the Corner of Locust and Hickory — On May 2, several City departments participated in an introductory meeting to discuss the possible redevelopment of the downtown Wells Fargo Building; the project is titled "The Brown". The departments included Development Services, Engineering, Water Utilities, Denton Municipal Electric, Fire, and Public Works. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the various team members and to discuss the sequencing of events that need to occur in order to submit an application and plans for any potential development. To date, staff has not received an application, nor any plans to review. Staff contact: Scott McDonald, Development Services B. Marijuana Decriminalization Petition Received by the City—On May 4, staff received a petition from Nicholas Stevens with Decriminalize Denton in support of an ordinance to eliminate low-level marijuana enforcement (see attached proposed ordinance). In their petition submittal, Decriminalize Denton has stated they have identified at least 1,900 registered Denton voters in support of the ordinance. For a petition to be certified it must, by charter, be signed by at least twenty-five percent (25%)of the number of votes cast at the last preceding regular municipal election. For a petition received on May 4,2022,it must have 1,745 qualified voters sign the petition for it to be certified as sufficient. From the day of the filing of the petition with the City, staff will have twenty(20)days to examine the petition to ensure it has the required number of qualified voters to be certified. Staff is currently coordinating with the Denton County Elections Department to assist in the certification using registered voter records. If the petition is sufficient, the City Secretary will issue a certification of the petition to the petitioner and present it to the City Council at the next meeting after certification. The City will have 60 days from the date of certification of the petition to hold a public hearing and either: • Adopt the ordinance as presented, OR • Call an election for the adoption of the ordinance by the electors Staff will continue to provide updates to the Council on the progress of this petition. Staff contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office C. Police Chief Recruitment — The City of Denton entered into a contract with Mosaic Public Partners in search of the City's next Chief of Police. After hosting both internal and community stakeholder meetings, the national search was opened on May 2,with an application deadline to apply on June 6. The consultant will present the initial review of candidates to City Management the week of July 4. Details can be found in the attached recruitment brochure. Staff contact: Kendra Williams and Sarah Kuechler, Human Resources and Frank Dixon, City Manager's Office 2 D. TxDOT Traffic Advisory — Weather permitting, The Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT)will close various lanes in both directions of US 377/US 380, between Loop 288 and Riverside Drive,from 8 p.m. Sunday,May 8 to 6 a.m.Monday, May 9. These closures will continue at the same time nightly through 6 a.m. on May 16. Additional details can be found in the attached document. Staff contact: Rebecca Diviney, Capital Projects/Engineering E. Internal Audit Department Passes First Peer Review — During the week of April 25, the Internal Audit Department received its first peer review as required by Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards covering fiscal years 2018-19 through 2020-21. Peer reviews are conducted by local government auditors from other jurisdictions and are intended to assess if an audit organization's internal quality control system is adequately designed and operating effectively to provide reasonable assurance of compliance with Government Auditing Standards for performance and non-audit engagements. Organizations can receive a rating of pass, pass with deficiencies, or fail. Based on the peer review team's assessment, the Internal Audit Department received a rating of"pass;" the full ]eer review report can be seen on the City's website. In addition, the Peer Review Team noted the following good practices during the exit conference: • Madison's leadership and focus on quality was clearly noted by the City Manager. Also, Madison has built and enhanced relationships with Administration and City Council,bringing respect and integrity to the role and for the IAD. • Internal audit charter defines the department's purpose, authority, and responsibility • Procedures manual and accompanying templates and checklists assist the IAD to continue to conform with good practices -and the engagements aligned with procedures. The Internal Audit Department is scheduled to have its next peer review in fiscal year 2025-26. Staff contact: Madison Rorschach, Internal Audit F. Human Resources Recruitment Outreach — Over the past month, Human Resources attended a variety of job fairs and high school events to recruit both seasonal hires and high school seniors looking to begin their post-graduation careers. Staff attended the Community Job Fair hosted by the Chamber of Commerce, Sanger College and Job Fair, Ryan High School College and Career Fair, Fred Moore High School College and Career Fair, and the Denton High School Job Opportunity Program. Staff also attended the Krum Elementary School Career Day to talk about careers in the public sector. Staff contact: Kendra Williams, Human Resources G. Summer Aquatic Programming —The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) has made notable progress in the recruitment of lifeguards and concession/admission staff, but the department is still struggling to fill vacancies for instructors in the Learn-to- Swim Program.At this time,there are not enough staff hired and trained to offer group swim lessons. Staff is still actively recruiting; however, candidates must be interviewed and cleared to begin work by May 9 to allow for onboarding and training. Currently, staff does not anticipate being able to hire and train enough employees to 3 offer group swim lessons. Private lessons will be available on a limited basis. Individuals interested in joining PARD can apply online at https://www.aovemmentjobs.com/careers/dentontx Staff contact: Monica Martin, Parks and Recreation H. ERCOT Grid Notice- On May 3, ERCOT issued an Operating Condition Notice (OCN). This is a communication to Market Participants,Utilities,to notify them to be aware of the extremely hot weather forecasted to hit our area starting Friday. This was triggered by a preset threshold of 94 degrees in the forecast and not anything operational in nature. Additionally, ERCOT issued an Advanced Action Notice (AAN), part of a standard protocol to notify generators that they may be requested to delay or withdraw previously scheduled maintenance outages to place additional reserves between the forecasted load and forecasted generation. Denton Municipal Electric anticipates that the Denton Energy Center will be fully operational to respond to any demands for power. DME is providing the Council with this update since various news outlets and print media have recently publicized ERCOT's notices regarding unseasonal high temperatures forecasted for this Friday through Monday. The latest information from ERCOT is as follows: "Generators and transmission owners have worked with us to reschedule maintenance outages. Those changes, along with a slight drop in temperatures, have given us sufficient reserves for this weekend.," said ERCOT Vice President Woody Rickerson. "With potentially record-setting hot weather next week, we will continue to monitor conditions and work with generators and transmission owners to schedule needed maintenance outages and reliably operate the grid." DME will continue to monitor grid conditions and apprise customers of any changes that may impact power to homes and businesses. Staff contact: Bill Shepherd, Denton Municipal Electric I. Small Data Center RFP - Over the last several months, DME has received several inquiries about locating small Data Centers in DME's service territory. The combination of DME's available resources (land and distribution capacity) and 100% renewable power supply portfolio, plus the low cost for power in Texas, have driven this interest. As such,DME has publicly issued a reverse Request for Proposals(RFP) to solicit interest in leasing city-owned property (-4 acres) adjacent to the R.D. Wells Electric Substation and up to 20 MW of available distribution capacity. R.D. Wells Electric Substation is located in the middle of the airport industrial park between Peterbilt and U.S. Cold Storage. The reverse REP will be advertised for 14 days to give all interested parties ample time to provide proposals. Any proposals received will be evaluated based on their Best and Final offer of $$/kWh, their financial standing, ready access to necessary transformation equipment, and experience with other similar projects. If DME can negotiate an attractive arrangement that benefits our electric customers, then staff will take forward a recommendation for consideration by both the Public Utilities Board and the City Council within the next month or two. Staff contact: Bill Shepherd, Denton Municipal Electric J. Trees on Hunter Ranch - The Robson Ranch Force Main and Sewer Project is being worked on as a partnership with Robson Ranch Development and the City of Denton and was initiated by Robson Ranch to allow for the decommissioning of the onsite wastewater treatment plant that Robson Ranch is currently using to serve the 4 community. The City of Denton approved a contract with Mountain Cascade on February 1 to complete the project. The scope of the project will include the installation of a wastewater line from the east lift station of Robson Ranch to the east side of I-35W where it will connect to the current collections system. Staff has been in contact with several Robson Ranch residents concerning the trimming of trees in the easements for the proposed wastewater infrastructure. Trees are being trimmed within the City of Denton easements, which is necessary to allow the contractor to install the wastewater line. Staff has been in contact with the City's Urban Forester as well as a Landscaping Planner about the concerns. Trees that are being trimmed are not planted trees but simply small trees that have grown up in the fence line. Staff will continue to monitor the construction and work with the contractor to minimize trimming to only within the City's easements. Staff contact: Trevor Crain, CIP/Engineering III. Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Wessex Court Tree Inggira—On April 23, Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer requested staff investigate a resident's concerns about a tree located within a drainage easement to determine if it could potentially damage a nearby fence. The City's arborist investigated the area of concern, a sixteen-foot drainage easement containing a concrete flume that runs between two properties on Wessex Court. Staff found that the tree in question a large cottonwood, approximately three feet away from the resident's fence, appeared to be in good health. While there is a root growing towards the fence, the root dives further down into the soil before reaching the fence. Additionally, there were no signs of soil heaving or swelling that indicated that the root was surficial and would continue to grow towards the fence, compromising its integrity. Staff concluded that no tree in the area posed a risk to the fence at this time and does not recommend any removals. However, the tree is in an easement within the resident's property, and therefore, the resident has the right to remove the tree privately if they have any remaining concerns. Staff obtained a quote for the tree removal, totaling $ 4,600, which was guaranteed for the resident as well. Staff will reevaluate the tree removal need if the site conditions change. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works B. Trimming of Trees for the Robson Ranch Force Main and Sewer Project—On May 1, a resident reached out to the City Managers' Office regarding the trimming of trees on the Hunter Ranch property. The trimming of the trees is being done for the Robson Ranch Force Main and Sewer Project. The Robson Ranch Force Main and Sewer Project is being worked on as a partnership with Robson Ranch Development and the City of Denton and was initiated by Robson Ranch to allow for the decommissioning of the onsite wastewater treatment plant that Robson Ranch is currently using to serve the community. The City approved a contract with Mountain Cascade on February 1, 2022, to complete the project. The scope of the project will include the installation of a wastewater line from the east lift station of Robson Ranch to the east side of I-35W where it will connect to the City's current collections system. City staff has been in contact with several Robson Ranch residents concerning the trimming of trees in the easements for the proposed wastewater infrastructure. The trees being trimmed are within the City of Denton easements allowing the contractor 5 to install the wastewater line. Staff has been in contact with the Urban Forester for the City of Denton as well as the Landscaping Planner about the concerns. Trees that are being trimmed are not planted trees but small trees that have grown up in the fence line. Staff will continue to monitor the construction and work with the contractor to minimize trimming to only within the City's easements. Staff contact: Scott Fettig, Capital Projects/Engineering C. Cinco de Mayo Events - On May 2, Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer inquired as to whether any events were being held to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo holiday. Staff confirmed that a couple of Cinco de Mayo-related library programs were occurring throughout the week, including a "Grow Your Own" salsa garden kit and a Ballet Folkl6rico event, coordinated by the Denton Public Library. Public Affairs also highlighted the City's relationship as a"Friendship City"with Muzquiz in a social media post on May 5. Prior to the pandemic, the City partnered with the Cinco de Mayo Committee on an event; however, the committee was unable to hold this program this year. Parks staff is collaborating with the committee to support an event in 2023. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker, Library and Stuart Birdseye, Public Affairs and Customer Service D. Addition of Flashing Lights to School Zone Speed Limit Signs - On May 2, Council Member Davis requested the addition of flashing lights to the school zone speed limit signs on Londonderry Drive. Traffic Operations currently does not have any signs on hand but is placing an order for another missing flashing school zone sign and will add Londonderry to the order. Traffic Operations will also verify the rest of the school zones in the City have the flashing speed limit signs and purchase any that that are missing. The current delivery time is 4-6 weeks so the signs will be purchased and installed before the 2022/2023 school year begins. Staff Contact: James Andrews, Traffic Operations E. Archer Trail at Emerson Construction and Flooding=On May 3, Staff received a request from Council Member Beck and Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer regarding a resident request asking about issues after this weekend's rain event.Archer Trail from Foxcroft Circle to Emerson Lane is being reconstructed as part of the Denton Street Rehabilitation Project. The Denton Street Rehabilitation project includes 47 street segments throughout the City and is a part of the focus to rebuild existing streets that have reached the end of their anticipated life. The Denton Street Rehabilitation Project is funded through the 2012 and 2014 Street Reconstruction Bond. Staff has reached out to the contractor of the project to get the inlet protection cleaned and replaced to prevent any further issues which was completed May 3, 2022. The final restoration of Archer Trail is slated to be completed within the next three weeks pending no major rain events. Staff will continue to monitor the situation as needed. Staff contact: Dusty Draper, Capital Projects/Engineering F. Water Reclamation Audit - During the City Council Work Session on May 3, Mayor Pro Tern Meltzer asked whether there are larger wastewater reuse opportunities since there seems to be additional volume available. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ) states: Municipal reclaimed water may be substituted for many applications that would otherwise deplete current and future drinking water resources. Examples of high-use connections are irrigation for public parks, golf courses,and schoolyards. In addition,industrial process water and cooling towers tend to be high volume use connections. Staff contact: Stephen Gay, Water Utilities 6 G. Hickory Creek Road Phase 3 Clearance Process - On May 3, City Council inquired during the council presentation about the processes that lead up to the environmental and archeological clearance for the Hickory Creek Road Phase 3 Project. The following processes were used to acquire the environmental and archeological clearances for the project: • Environmental o Internal City of Denton process with Watershed Protection Department's Environmental Compliance Coordinator o Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ)Permitting and Biological Reports o With the potential of federal funding a Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) style process was used for environmental impact o A two-phase study of environmental site assessment ■ Phase 1 a high-level study of the impact to the site ■ Phase 2 a in depth site study of the impacted site • Archeological o Processing with the permitting process of the Texas Historical Commission • Utility o Internal Department coordination as well as HDR Engineering firm Utility Coordination services were utilized o All known utilities in the area were contacted, identified, and coordinated with along with Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services to verify • Railroad o Exhibit A submission process with Kansas City Southern Railroad(KCS) o City Manager's agreement coordination with KCS • Other Processes o Quality schematic planning o Best practices were utilized o Constructability planning Staff will continue to make sure that best practices are being used, and that all processes are continually evaluated to ensure all measures are being taken. Staff also has included the entire video of the Hickory Creek Phase 3 project on the Discuss Denton page at https://www.discussdenton.com/hickorycreekroadphase3project Staff contact: Dusty Draper, Capital Projects/Engineering H. Audra Sidewalk Inquiry—On May 4, Council Member Byrd contacted staff on behalf of a resident regarding a sidewalk request along Audra Lane between Brittney Drive to Mockingbird Lane. This portion of Audra Lane is currently a narrow 2-lane street with roadside ditches. Future construction of a sidewalk would occur when the street is improved by widening the road to match the street widths provided to the east and west, which would include installing drainage and replacing utilities, as required. A timeframe for these improvements has not yet been identified in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Staff contact: Nathan George, Capital Projects/Engineering I. DCTA Wayside Horn Removal Update — On May 4, Council Member Byrd reached out to staff on behalf of a resident regarding an update on the DCTA wayside horn at Shady Oaks Drive. At the Mobility Committee on February 16, 2022, the committee gave direction to staff to remove the DCTA wayside horn located at the Shady Oaks Drive intersection. Staff is exploring additional wayside horns located within the City limits and evaluating steps forward to ensure removal of the wayside horns at all locations is in alignment with safety and City/DCTA processes. Staff contact: Rebecca Diviney, Capital Projects/Engineering J. Digitally Verified Record-Keeping_-On May 4, Council Member Beck asked why the City Secretary's Office can't use more digitally verified record-keeping for documents, petitions, etc. after noticing that current petitions are forced to use paper and notarized pages,rather than using a tablet or webform and digital signature.While some documents do allow for electronic signatures or notarizations, many others require a physical signature. Staff will continue to look for ways to improve the records management system. • Petitions ■ State law does not provide for digital signatures on petitions. The signature must be in the individual's (signer's) own handwriting, even if someone else fills out the other details. • Personal Financial Statements ■ The Texas Ethics Commission did modify the statement to provide for an Unsworn Declaration, so no notarization is required if the filer chooses to use that signature option. If the filer seeks notarization from our office, we notarize but they also have the option of submitting an already notarized report. We have a combination of these types of filings. We cannot mandate one over the other. Even if the filer uses the Unsworn Declaration option, we must redact the DOB if the record is requested whereas with a notarized document, we can provide it as filed. • Campaign Finance Reports ■ As with the Personal Financial Statement Form, the Texas Ethics Commission also modified the report to allow for Unsworn Declaration signature option. If the filer seeks notarization from our office, we notarize but they also have the option of submitting an already notarized report. Again, we have a combination of these types of filings. We cannot mandate one over the other. Even if the filer uses the Unsworn Declaration option, we must redact the DOB if the record is requested whereas with a notarized document, we can provide it as filed. As discussed, we hope to move to the electronic filing of campaign finance reports soon. The Texas Ethics Commission does use an online filing system. When we're ready to move in this direction, City Council must adopt the process mandating electronic filing,barring certain exceptions. • Oaths of Office ■ Electronic (online) notarization is available,but that is a very complicated process as the forms to be notarized must have specific language that the document is executed through an online notary process. The Secretary of State would have to modify their form to add language that the document is through online notarization and so far, they haven't. This option would 8 require a"virtual"notarization with the signatory which would still take up our time; see the statement below. ■ While we do have other post-appointment forms for boards/commission members since these forms include the Oaths (City and State), it is much easier to process all the forms from the member at one time rather than piecemealing it. Staff contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office K. Water Leak Assistance — On May 5, Council Member Armintor forwarded an email from a constituent requesting assistance with a water leak. Staff researched and determined the address to be in the Town of Little Elm. After reaching out to the Town's Utilities Department,staff provided the homeowners with contact information for Mustang Special Utilities District. Staff contact: Monica Benavides, City Manager's Office L. Drain Needed on Blackberry Way — On May 5, Mayor Pro Tern asked what can be done about the lack of drainage on Blackberry Way. An update was provided in the March 25 Friday Report and staff confirmed that the timeline for completion in July is still accurate. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works and Brett Bourgeois, CIP/Engineering IV. Information from the City Manager From time to time, I would like to share with the City Council local government- related resources that I find insightful, interesting, or timely. These may be studies, periodicals,reports,or web resources.My intent is to make the Council aware of broad perspectives and discussions and not to suggest any particular policy or service change. A. Development Opportunity for Council Members — Staff would like to forward to the council an upcoming development opportunity. Strategic Government Resources, a local government consulting firm, is hosting a virtual conference titled Common Ground Conference: Servant Leadership for Elected Officials. Designed for elected leaders, the conference attendees "will hear from world-class state and community leaders alongside successful entrepreneurs who effectively navigate labyrinths of challenges to help their communities and businesses continually emerge vibrant and effective". More information can be found on the event webpag_e. If you are interested in registering,please contact Tracy Holt in the City Manager's Office. V. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Mother's Day Brunch—The Denton Senior Center is hosting its annual Mother's Day Brunch on Monday, May 9 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Honor the mother figure in your life while sharing a meal of waffles with plenty of fixings! Staff contact: Megan Thomas, Parks and Recreation B. South Lakes Multi-Purpose Courts Grand Opening — The Parks and Recreation Department will celebrate the opening of new, lighted, multi-purpose courts at South Lakes park with a grand opening ceremony on, Tuesday, May 14, from 11 a.m. to 1 9 p.m. The new courts are designed to be used by tennis and pickleball players. The grand opening event is open to all ages and all skill levels! Staff contact: Rachael Burks, Parks and Recreation VI. Attachments A. Decriminalize Denton Proposed Ordinance...............................................................I I B. Chief of Police Recruitment Brochure.......................................................................13 C. TxDOT Traffic Advisory ...........................................................................................24 VII. Informal Staff Reports A. No Informal Staff Reports this Week VIIL Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .............................................................................25 B. Public Meeting Calendar ...........................................................................................27 C. Draft Agenda for May 17 ..........................................................................................31 D. Draft Agenda for May 17 Special Called Meeting ....................................................41 E. Future Work Session Items .......................................................................................44 F. Street Construction Report ........................................................................................46 10 RECEIVED MAY 4 2022 Proposed Initiated Ordinance City Manager's I City Secretary's Office AN ORDINANCE TO ELIMINATE LOW-LEVEL MARIJUANA ENFORCEMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF DENTON: Chapter 21,Article V of the City Code is hereby created,to be titled "Marijuana Enforcement" and to read as follows: ARTICLE V. - MARIJUANA ENFORCEMENT Sec. 21-80. - Ending citations and arrests for misdemeanor possession of marijuana. (a) Denton police officers shall not issue citations or make arrests for Class A or Class B misdemeanor possession of marijuana offenses,except in the limited circumstances described in (b). (b) The only circumstances in which Denton police officers are permitted to issue citations or make arrests for Class A or Class B misdemeanor possession of marijuana are when such citations or arrests are part of(1) the investigation of a felony level narcotics case that has been designated as a high priority investigation by a Denton police commander, assistant chief of police, or chief of police; and/or (2) the investigation of a violent felony. (c) In every instance other than those described in (b),if a Denton police officer has probable cause to believe that a substance is marijuana, an officer may seize the marijuana. If the officer seizes the marijuana,they must write a detailed report and release the individual if possession of marijuana is the sole charge. (d) Denton police officers shall not issue any charge for possession of marijuana unless it meets at least one of the factors described in (b). Section 21-81. - Citations for possession of drug residue or drug paraphernalia shall not be issued in lieu of a possession of marijuana charge. (a)A class C misdemeanor citation for possession of drug residue or drug paraphernalia shall not be issued in lieu of a possession of marijuana charge. Section 21-82. - Prohibition against using City funds or personnel to conduct THC concentration testing. (a) No City funds or personnel shall be used to request, conduct, or obtain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) testing of any cannabis-related substance to determine whether the substance meets the legal definition of marijuana under state law, except in the limited circumstances of a police investigation pursuant to §21-80(b). (b) This prohibition shall not limit the ability of Denton police to conduct toxicology testing to ensure public safety, nor shall it limit THC testing for the purpose of any violent felony charge. 11 Section 21-83. - Prohibition against City police using the odor of marijuana or hemp as probable cause for search or seizure. (a) Denton police shall not consider the odor of marijuana or hemp to constitute probable cause for any search or seizure, except in the limited circumstances of a police investigation pursuant to§ 21-80(b). Section 21-84.- Training and policy updates; community involvement. (a) The City Manager and Chief of Police shall ensure that Denton police officers receive adequate training concerning each of the provisions of this ordinance. (b) The City Manager shall work with the Denton Police Chief and other relevant stakeholders identified in (c) to update City policies and internal operating procedures in accordance with this ordinance.Actions that may be necessary include,but are not limited to: updating the Denton Police Department General Manual; updating the training bulletin; training officers; and updating internal databases and systems. (c) The City Manager shall arrange regular meetings to discuss the development of policies, procedures,and practices related to this ordinance,which shall include community stakeholders including: the Police Chief s Advisory Panel; other interested stakeholders and community organizations; individuals directly impacted by arrests within the City; immigrant communities; and communities of color.These meetings shall be open to public participation,have minutes and agendas publicly accessible,and have audio and video recordings uploaded to the City's website. Section 21-85. - Discipline. (a) Any violation of this chapter may subject a Denton police officer to discipline as provided by the Texas Local Government Code or as provided in City policy. Section 21-86. - Reporting. (a) Within three months of the adoption of this ordinance,and once per year thereafter,the City Manager or their designee shall present to the City Council, at a public meeting subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act, a report concerning the City's implementation of this ordinance. 12 ` all ? ~• PJ11 ._- OEM � wr �� . : WNW- � - arm_ • � �r � is 1 • • ICE OL ■ IJJ .i.. O Recruitment Services Provided By CHIEF OF POLICE nPh t MOSAIC DENTON Denton,, Texas The Opportunityl. , The City of Denton, Texas offers a pinnacle career opportunity to collaborative law enforcement leaders as it seeks to identify its next Chief of Police. Under the skillful leadership of its previous Chief of Police, the Denton Police Department has transforme over the past few years into a modern, progressive public safety organization with keen focus on community service. This career- defining opportunity comes as the previous •. —�- -� - _ ~i # # Chief moves into a new role as one of Denton's Assistant City Managers. A INN 00 r AboutDenton Denton is home to two state universities, the - University of North Texas and Texas Wom- Denton, Texas is an engaged and growing an's University. With a combined enrollment community with many opportunities, no of more than 50,000 students, the univer- matter what your interest or passion. Denton sities bring in a variety of cultural, sports, is a unique cultural destination, where a and entertainment amenities to the Denton •• - - small-city feel pairs with big-city amenities. ' community. The presence of these two ' ' ' Y p 4 - A blend of history and culture creates a universities also brings a progressive and JL - dynamic suburban environment, home to energetic feel to Denton that helps define - o • Itwo thriving universities, a vibrant downtown, f its culture and community passion. Denton 1ry4 and a diversity of choices in employment, Independent School District is the primary - • lifestyle, and neighborhoods. Denton is public education system and serves more I �► strategically located at the convergence of I than 27,000 students and 17 cities in a 180 a 01,E 1-35E and 1-35W and is the northern tip of the I `T square-mile district. Across Denton, there "golden triangle." The current population of I 1 is a pulsating entertainment culture, fea- approximately 151,000 residents is rapidly I turing live performing arts venues, music growing, which has led to a focused effort to - and film festivals, museums, and historical ensure the City's infrastructure and service sites. Additionally, Denton is home to 30 i S .jix delivery levels are adequate, now and in parks, featuring 300 acres of open space, 1 the future. Additionally, Denton is close to three recreation centers, a water park and = DFW f miles 25 l i b t i major airports, being only mes from j ; . community swimming pools, and hiking International Airport, 35 miles from Dallas and biking trails throughout the city. Nearby ' f Love Field, and 20 miles north of Alliance lakes, trails, and state parks also contribute Airport, and offers public transportation _ '' - t- t to exciting outdoor recreation opportunities.bus & rail -s.�r► options through the Denton �a p g �► state parks also contribute to exciting out- VAP County Transportation Authority. door recreation opportunities. _ City Government The City of Denton is governed by the council-man- >r t •• - ager form of government. The mayor and six coun- cil members are the legislative body of the city; its ► members are the community's decision makers. The Council focuses on community goals, major projects, and long-term considerations such as community r" growth, land use development, capital improvement �t plans, and strategic planning. The Council appoints a professional manager to oversee the delivery of public services. The City Manager serves as the Chief Execu- tive Officer for the City, implements the Council policy'' directives, and ensures City services are provided to the entire community. The Cityoperates under a fiscal year. For FY 2021-22, J ` t C O M M ZJ N I 'T Y ' p Y ' .. � the City Council adopted an operating and capital budget of $1.45 billion, with funding for 1,752 FTEs. Den- ton is a full-service city, providing general government services along with multiple utility/enterprise opera- SO tions such as water, wastewater, electric, solid waste •�. .fr'. ` • �w and recycling, drainage, and airport services. . �.•.. - - 10 19 Ati r• ,yy�.f ,-. • • • r • �' Y Imo. .� The Department The Denton Police Department has been proudly The Police Department is afull-service public safety serving the City of Denton since 1920. The Department organization and is divided into three bureaus: Oper- ations, Investigations, and Support. The Chief of Police strives to connect and build new relationships, while g pp � � .� -• is responsible for executive leadership of the Police working closely with all community stakeholders to improve the quality of life for everyone in Denton. The Department and is assisted by a senior staff made . p q Y Y -. -E Denton Police Department is an intelligence-led, up of an Assistant Chief, two Assistant Directors who - -- data-driven, proactive organization focused on are non-sworn members responsible for the adminis- ` the tenets of Relational Policing. The Department is trative support functions of the Department, and four grounded in its mission, vision and values as follows: Deputy Chiefs. The allocated staff size of the Denton Police Department for FY 21/22 is 272 total employ- ees. The adopted 21/22 budget is approximately $40 ' • Mission:The mission of the Denton Police million and the proposed budget for 22/23 is approxi- Department is to make Denton a safe, sustainable, mately $45 million. s and livable city for everyone, by keeping victims safe and holding offenders accountable. The Police Department's main facility is currently be- • Vision: The sanctity of human life is the foundation ing renovated and a new substation facility, complete by which the Denton Police Department serves. with a state-of-the-art indoor firing range, will be + They are committed to leveraging technology, completed later this year. Over the past few years, the innovation, collaboration, and imagination to gain Denton Police Department has become fully engaged trust and respect from Denton's diverse community. in many holistic service delivery programs geared to- ward serving all members of the community with care -•.� • Values (PRIDE): Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, and concern. J Dedication, and Excellence. z EMPLOYEES Operating Budget 17 �Ja The Position Reporting to an Assistant City Manager, the Chief of Provides counseling and coaching to sub- Police leads the Police Department and its staff in the ordinate managers, ensures appropriate . delivery of public safety services to those who live, action of subordinate supervisors on disci- work, and visit Denton. Some of the essential func- plinary actions, ensures compliance with all tions of the Chief of Police include, but are not limited City personnel policies, Workforce Diversity to, the following: Plan, and Civil Service Law as prescribed in � 4Q Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Pai �c� • Directs and manages the activities of the Police Code and the City of Denton Local Rules. Department including police administration, pa- trol, investigations, support services, City detention Establishes and/or approves performance facility and public safety communications. standards governing the quality and quan- tity of work in the Police Department; evalu- N ro-- Plans, directs, and coordinates the activities and ates subordinates' progress toward accom- • I operations of the department, developing and plishments of long-term goals as well as administering strategic plans to ensure that police daily activities. services are efficient, effective, and consistent with organizational values. Participates as an active, engaged member of the City Executive Team and as a com- • Directs and coordinates community-oriented munity leader. problem-solving efforts related to the Depart- ment's Community Oriented Policing program. 18 Challenges & Opportunities The next Chief of Police for the City of Denton will have A challenge for the opportunity to lead an organization which has •- to examine • • identify career been positioned for success by the previous Chief, development opportunities within the along with addressing some of the following: Police - •• - • ensure staff • - Ir- trained and ready for future assign- • To address current and future staffing needs, a rv- V_ ments, promotions, staffing study was commissioned by the Denton Police Department approximately two years ago. The City of Dentongrowing rapidly. — As a result, additional positions are being allocated This current • . projected each year. The next Chief will need to continue to growth will provide - next Chief assess staffing needs, along with ensuring effective with an opportunity t• build the Police integration of new members of the organization to Department • • its services • • • v meet the needs of the community. cally over the next severalyears. n ; • Denton is not immune to the concerns presented by mental health response and homelessness-re- lated issues. The next Chief will need to work with h stakeholders to help craft a creative, caring and compassionate response to address these import- ant societal concerns. • The City of Denton and its residents place a high value t on public safety. The next Chief of Police will have the opportunity to enhance and further develop the ' Department's intelligence-led policing efforts. 19 Ideal Candidate The ideal candidate for the Chief of Police in the City of Denton will possess �^ • I u �� f Y• tr certain traits and experiences that will likely lead to success: was i ` 1 The next Chief of Police will have a demonstrated record of collaboration ' and dedication to community connection. Modeling this behavior is essential to the success of the next Chief. A high level of visibility and presence in the Department and community are essential. • The next Chief will bring a commitment to mentoring and staff development through training to all members of the organization. A demonstrated record of success in relationship building, both inside and t ' '�. ► outside the police organization is essential. Additionally, experience in leading • a � • - ;�_ ! •, •,. y �� - ` - a law enforcement organization in a city in which a university is present is TO ��i' ,,�, �• �� ,. 24,1 highly desirable. 10 T : •1 V s- �l Knowledge of and experience with Texas Local Government Code 143 (civil r service) would be helpful for the next Chief. 1 A strong and honest communicator who leads from the front. Qualifications � t Any combination of related education, experience, Certification: Must have Texas Commission on Law certifications, and licenses that will result in a candi- Enforcement (TCOLE) intermediate certification or date successfully performing the essential functions equivalent certification from another state with the of the job is qualifying. The most attractive candidates ability to obtain TCOLE intermediate certification. � will possess the following: Additional preferences: Bilingual in Spanish and r Education: Bachelor's Degree in Police Administra- English; Experience with and commitment to tion, Criminal Justice, or a related field is required. A Community Oriented Policing while using data-driven Master's Degree is preferred. Graduation from the F.B.I. and intelligence-led policing; Police management �E N National Academy, Senior Management Institute for experience in a comparable or larger police agency. Police, Southern Police Institute or Southwest Legal Command Management College are highly desirable. Experience: At least ten (10) years in municipal law enforcement, with a minimum of five (5) years of ex- perience in a command level position at the level of Lieutenant or higher rank. 21 Compensation & Benefits — _ The salary for the Chief of Police is +/- $190,000, Holidays: 11 observed holidays, plus two with placement in the range dependent on personal holidays. qualifications. In addition, an excellent executive benefit package is provided as outlined below. Key Sick Leave: 15 annual sick days, accrued at benefits include: 10 hours per month. Retirement: Retirement is provided through TMRS. Vacation: 15 annual vacation days, accrued at Employees contribute 7% of salary, with a city match of 10 hours per month. _ 2 to 1 upon retirement. Employees vest with 5 years of service and are eligible to retire with 20 years of service Life Insurance: City paid life, accidental death and at any age, or with 5 years of service at age 60. dismemberment insurance. Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance: Long Term Disability Insurance: Cafeteria plan that includes a variety of medical, City paid long-term disability insurance. dental and vision plan options for employees and dependents. Relocation Assistance: Available per city policy. t _ - 22 ti w7. -- The Recruitment Process Interested candidates should ......� submit a comprehensive resume and compelling cover letter online at mosaicpublic.com/careers no later than Monday, June 6, 2022. r Confidential inquiries are welcomed to Chief Bryan Noblett (ret.) or Chief Greg Nelson (ret.) at (916) 550-4100. •w t The City of Denton is an Equal Opportunity Employer This recruitment incorporates existing rules and regulations that govern public sector recruitments in the State of Texas. In accordance with public disclosur%pen record laws, information submitted for consideration may be made available to the public upon request by interested parties. lit n_ .-#;;-m* TRAFFIC ADVISORY Texas Department DALLAS DISTRICT of Transportation Kendall Kirkham Sloan (214)320-4403 Kendall.Sloan(cb_txdot.gov VARIOUS LANE CLOSURES EXPECTED NIGHTLY ALONG US 377/US 380 IN DENTON COUNTY STARTING NEXT WEEK May 4, 2022 DENTON COUNTY—Weather permitting. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)will close various lanes in both directions of US 377/US 380. between Loop 288 and Riverside Drive, from 8 p.m. Sunday. May 8 to 6 a.m. Monday, May 9. These closures will continue at the same time nightly through 6 a.m. May 16. This work is part of the ongoing US 380 improvement project, which will reduce congestion, bring the roadway to current safety design standards, and improve pedestrian access to businesses and Greenbelt Park. Message boards will be placed to alert drivers of upcoming construction activities_ Backups are possible and motorists are encouraged to seek alternate routes. TxDOT is urging motorists to use caution in the work zone. Visit www.DriveTexas.orq for the latest road closures on this project and others_ For media inquiries; contact TxDOT Public Information Officer Kendall Kirkham Sloan at Kendall.Sloan(�i_)txdot.gov or (214) 320-4403_ TI-e Texas 0epartme7t of Trarsportano^is-esconsible fcr ma 7taninp 80,001 rriles c`roa7 a^d for supporting aviator,mant Tie rail and pubic t-ansporaoon across tre state Connecting You with Texas www.txdot.pov I Tx00T on Facebook TxDOT on Twitter 24 FY 21/ 22 Council Requests Open Requests Requests Answered by Department FY Current Year Requests by 21/22 Council Person Paul Meltzer Deb Armintor Community Svcs - Jesse Davis Environmental Svcs Mayor Gerard Hudspeth Public Works - Vkki Byrd Capital Projects Brian Beck Utilities - 12% 2296 Alison Maguire CMO - 0 1 2 3 4 Library Legal Fire Police - Requests made by Quarter Tech Services Airport Public Affairs/Customer Svc 200 97 152 98 Economic Development 100 O Development Svcs 0 = Finance Paul Meltzer• Deb Armintor• Jesse Davis Q121122 022122 Q321122 Q42122 Audit • Mayor Gerard Hudspeth• VkkiByrd Municipal Court Brian Beck• Alison Maguire Procurement Real Estate Risk Total Open Elected Official Other 0 Some requests involve multiple departments,causing the Requests 0 20 40 60 80 total requests by department to add up higher than the Submit New total request count 11 Request 25 Friday Report - Council Requests smartsheet Summary. .. Member Requestor Staff Assigned Comments Action 1 Question regarding conservation easement 04/28/22 Council Member Beck Scott McDonald,Tina Firgens Development Services Information will be included in a In Progress components in the development code future Friday Report 2 Clarification of park vs playground,etc. 05/05/22 Council Member Byrd Gary Packan Parks Information will be included in a In Progress future Friday Report Request from Denton ISD(Ballet Folklorico)to 05/01/22 Council Member Armintor Autumn Natalie Parks Information will be included in a Complete • 3 reserve the concrete stage at Quakertown Park on future Friday Report. May 21 at no charge. 4 Is the City doing anything for Cinco de Mayo? 05/02/22 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer Gary Packan,Jennifer Bakker Library Parks Information provided to the Complete Council member Could we please add flashing lights to the school 05/02/22 Council Member Davis Daniel Kremer Public Works Information included in the 5/6 Complete 5 zone speed limit signs on Londonderry?Apparently report. speeding is a consistent problem there. 6 Question on missing patch of road at intersection of 05/03/22 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer Stephen Gay Wastewater Information included in the 5/6 Complete • Archer Trail and Emerson report. ? Request regarding sidewalks between Alexander 05/04/22 Council Member Byrd Becky Diviney,Trevor Crain Capital Projects/Engineering Information included in the 5/6 Complete • Elementary and area near Bayfield Drive. report. What limits apply that prevent staff from utilizing 05/04/22 Council Member Beck Rosa Rios City Secretary's Office Information will be included in Complete • 8 more digitally-verified record keeping for the 5/6 report. documents,petitions,etc? g Can staff provide an update regarding the proposed 010122 Council Member Byrd Becky Diviney,Trevor Crain Capital Projects/Engineering Information included in the 5/6 Complete • removal of the railroad crossing wayside horn? report. 10 Forwarded concerns of a water leak on behalf of a 05/05/22 Council Member Armintor Monica Benavides City Manager's Office Information included in the 5/6 Complete • homeowner. report. 11 Drainage concerns on Blackberry Way. 05/05/22 Mayor Pro Tem Meltzer Daniel Kremer Public Works-Drainage Information included in the 5/6 Complete • report. Exported on May 6,2022 2:41:11 PM CDT 26 Page 1 of 1 City of Denton City Hall 215 E.McKinney St. Meeting Calendar Denton,Texas 76201 U E 1VTO N www.cityofdenton.com Criteria : Begin Date: 51112022, End Date: 713112022 Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location May 2022 5/2/2022 4:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Civic Center Community Room Board & North Lakes Recreation Center Pavilion/Room A 5/2/2022 6:00 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 5/3/2022 4:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 5/5/2022 8:00 AM Agenda Committee City Hall Conference Room 5/5/2022 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 5/5/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 5/9/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 5/9/2022 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 5/9/2022 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 5/9/2022 5:30 PM Library Board Meeting Room at the South Branch Library, 3228 Teasley Lane, Denton, Texas 5/11/2022 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 5/11/2022 12:00 PM Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2 Development Service Center Board 5/11/2022 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 5/11/2022 6:30 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 5/12/2022 3:00 PM Health&Building Standards Development Service Center Commission 5/13/2022 10:00 AM Development Code Review Committee Development Service Center 5/13/2022 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Development Service Center(401 Committee N. Elm Street, Denton,Texas) 5/13/2022 1:00 PM Committee on the Environment Sustainability Office City of Denton Page 1 Printed on 5/6/2022 27 Meeting Calendar continued.. Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location 5/16/2022 5:30 PM Traffic Safety Commission Development Service Center 5/17/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Chambers City Hall Conference Room 5/17/2022 4:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 5/18/2022 9:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 5/19/2022 3:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Development Service Center 5/23/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Chambers 5/23/2022 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Council Work Session Room Council Work Session Room 5/25/2022 12:00 PM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Development Service Center Financing Zone No. 1 Board Training Rooms 5/25/2022 6:00 PM Denton Police Department Chief of Public Safety Training Center Police Advisory Board 719 E. Hickory Street Denton, Texas 76205 5/25/2022 6:30 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 5/25/2022 6:30 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 5/27/2022 10:00 AM Development Code Review Committee Development Service Center 5/27/2022 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Council Work Session Room Committee June 2022 6/2/2022 8:00 AM Agenda Committee City Hall Conference Room 6/2/2022 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 6/2/2022 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 6/6/2022 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Civic Center Community Room Board 6/7/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Chambers 6/8/2022 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 6/8/2022 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 6/8/2022 6:30 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 6/10/2022 1:00 PM Committee on the Environment Sustainability Office City of Denton Page 2 Printed on 5/6/2022 28 Meeting Calendar continued.. Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location 6/13/2022 Development Code Review Committee Council Work Session Room 6/13/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 6/13/2022 5:30 PM Library Board Meeting Room at the Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St., Denton, Texas 6/15/2022 9:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 6/22/2022 6:30 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 6/24/2022 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Council Work Session Room Committee 6/24/2022 2:00 PM City Council Development Service Center 6/25/2022 9:00 AM City Council Development Service Center 6/27/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Chambers 6/28/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Chambers Council Work Session Room July 2022 7/7/2022 8:00 AM Agenda Committee City Hall Conference Room 7/7/2022 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 7/7/2022 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 7/8/2022 1:00 PM Committee on the Environment Sustainability Office 7/11/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 7/11/2022 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Civic Center Community Room Board 7/13/2022 10:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 7/13/2022 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 7/18/2022 5:30 PM Traffic Safety Commission Development Service Center 7/19/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Chambers 7/20/2022 9:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 7/22/2022 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Council Work Session Room Committee 7/25/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 7/26/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers City of Denton Page 3 Printed on 5/6/2022 29 Meeting Calendar continued.. Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location 7/27/2022 11:30 AM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Development Service Center Financing Zone No. 1 Board Training Rooms City of Denton Page 4 Printed on 5/6/2022 30 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, May 17,2022 4:00 PM Council Work Session Room Council Chambers WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 4:00 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM CLOSED MEETING BEGINS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE WORK SESSION IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Public comments can be given for any item considered by the council, EXCEPT work session reports or closed meetings. Citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item and cannot use more than one method to comment on a single agenda item. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per citizen. Citizens are limited to 4 minutes per public hearing item. Citizens are able to participate in one of the following ways: • eComment — On May 13, 2022, the agenda was posted online at https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas. Once the agenda is posted, a link to make virtual comments using the eComment module will be made available next to the meeting listing on the Upcoming Events Calendar. Within eComment, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting at which time the ability to make an eComment will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on an item, the eComments will be sent directly to members of the City Council immediately upon entry into the module and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting,as applicable. OR Page 1 Printed on 51612022 31 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17, 2022 • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. • At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 22-266 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 and proposed uses for the second year of ARP funds received by the City of Denton. * [Council Priority; Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 1 hour] B. ID 22-936 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Municipal Utility District(MUD)policy. * [Council Priority; Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 60 minutes] C. ID 22-122 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for: [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] Page 2 Printed on 51612022 32 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting in the Council Work Session Room to consider specific item(s) when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT A CLOSED MEETING IS NEEDED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. — Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the `Public Power Exception'). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,including,without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Regular Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. Following the Closed Meeting, the City Council will reconvene in Open Meeting to take action, if any, on matters discussed in closed session. AFTER DETERMINING THAT A QUORUM IS PRESENT, THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WILL CONVENE AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 3. PRESENTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Reports from members of the public shall be received through the following two (2) methods. A total of up to seven (7) speakers are permitted to provide public comment and may include any combination of prior registration and open microphone speakers. Page 3 Printed on 51612022 33 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 1) Pre-registration. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. A. ID 22-1062 Max Folmar regarding transportation services and Go Zone. 2) Open Microphone. This section of the agenda permits any person who has not registered in advance for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. Such person(s) shall have registered using the "Virtual White Card" or `By Phone" process outlined by the City on its website or meeting notice. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual information; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — AB). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 22-810 Consider approval of the minutes of May 3,2022. B. ID 22-974 Consider nominations/appointments to the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Airport Advisory Board, Animal Shelter Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Committee on Persons with Disabilities, Community Services Advisory Committee, Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Internal Audit Advisory Committee, Library Board, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Public Utilities Board, Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee,Traffic Safety Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. C. ID 22-436 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to execute a funding agreement between the City of Denton and The Salvation Army, a Page q Printed on 51612022 34 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 Georgia Corporation for the payment and use of Nonprofit Capacity Support Grant funding; providing for the expenditure of funds in an amount not to exceed $79,156.00; and providing an effective date. [Council Priority] D. ID 22-588 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to execute a funding agreement between the City and Fred Moore Day Nursery School, Inc. to provide General Fund dollars for Tuition Assistance for Early Childhood Education in Denton, Texas; authorizing the expenditure of funds in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00; and providing an effective date. E. ID 22-503 Consider approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Denton, approving the 2020/2021 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two (Westpark TIRZ) annual report; and declaring an effective date. The TIRZ Number Two Board recommends approval(-). F. ID 22-1014 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton nominating Mayday Manufacturing, to the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank as an Enterprise Project; and providing an effective date. The Economic Development Partnership Board recommends approval ( - G. ID 22-884 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a City co-sponsorship in an amount not to exceed $738.00 of in-kind services and resources for the PARty with Friends event hosted by the Denton Parks Foundation, which will be held on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at the North Lakes Driving Range,2009 W.Windsor Drive; and providing an effective date. H. ID 22-885 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton allowing Denton County Brewing Company to sell alcoholic beverages at the PARty with Friends event, on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at the North Lakes Driving Range, upon satisfying certain conditions; authorizing the City Manager, to execute an agreement in conformity with this resolution; and providing for an effective date. The Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Board recommends approval(X-X). L ID 22-978 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a City co-sponsorship to the Denton Juneteenth Celebration Committee in an amount not to exceed $26,525.00 of in-kind services and resources for the Denton Juneteenth Celebration, which will be held on Friday, June 17 through Saturday, June 18, 2022, at the Fred Moore Park; and providing an effective date. J. ID 22-1071 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton granting The Village Church Denton a noise exception pursuant to Section 17-20 of the City of Denton Code of Ordinances for a celebration service, which will be held on Sunday, June 5, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at North Lakes Park in Denton, Texas; granting an increase in sound levels on said date from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., with sound not to exceed 75 decibels; and providing an effective date. K. ID 22-898 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement Page 5 Printed on 51612022 35 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for regulatory permitting/approval support, process evaluation, design services, bidding assistance, construction phase services, and easement acquisition for the I-35 to Milam Creek Phase II Project for the Water Utilities Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7574-010 - Professional Services Agreement for design and construction phase services awarded to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of$751,100.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). L. ID 22-982 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., for surveying and civil engineering services for Denton Municipal Electric as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7875 - Professional Services Agreement for surveying and civil engineering services awarded to Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $2,400,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). M. ID 22-985 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Green Equipment Company, the authorized distributor for Envirosight, LLC, as designated by the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # 593-19, for Envirosight video sewer inspection systems and parts for the Water Utilities Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8019 - awarded to Green Equipment Company as authorized distributor for Envirosight, LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of $461,058.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval N. ID 22-986 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with The John R McAdams Company, Incorporated, for professional design services for Briercliff Park for the Parks and Recreation Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7850-002 - Professional Services Agreement for professional design services awarded to The John R McAdams Company, Incorporated,in the not-to-exceed amount of$85,150.00). [Council Priority] O. ID 22-987 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for professional design services for Pecan Creek Linear Trail for the Parks and Recreation Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7850-003 - Professional Services Agreement for professional design services awarded to Halff Associates, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of$145,000.00). [Council Priority] P. ID 22-989 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to utilize a contract through the Lower Colorado River Authority Contract Number 5343, for the acquisition of electric Page 6 Printed on 51612022 36 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 maintenance, repair, and construction inventory for the Denton Municipal Electric Department to be stocked in the Warehouse; providing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8010- awarded to Techline, Inc., in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$4,000,000.00). Q. ID 22-999 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Hilltop Securities, Inc., for investment advisory services for the Finance Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7953 - awarded to Hilltop Securities, Inc., for two (2) years, with the option for one (1) additional two (2) year extension,in the total four(4)year not-to-exceed amount of$335,000.00). R. ID 22-1063 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to authorize the spend for an insurance binder to Archer Contingent Energy Risk, LLC, for forced outage insurance of the Denton Energy Center for the Summer of 2022; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 8004- authorizing the spend for Power Plant Forced Outage Insurance Coverage and awarding such insurance binder to Archer Contingent Energy Risk, LLC, in the Summer 2022 not-to-exceed amount of $1,100,000.00). S. ID 22-1064 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to utilize a contract with Galls, LLC, through the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Purchasing Network Share Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # 2021-073, for first responder uniforms, accessories, and alteration services for the Police and Fire Departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8011 -awarded to Galls,LLC,in the four(4)year not-to-exceed amount of$2,080,000.00). T. ID 22-965 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Discretionary Services Agreement between City of Denton and Oncor Electric Delivery Services Company, LLC for relocation of Oncor Electric Facilities in conflict with the Hickory Creek Road Phase 3 Project, ranging from Riverpass Drive to FM-1830; providing for the payment of one million, nine hundred forty-two thousand, nine hundred seventy- five hundred dollars and 59/100(1,942,975.59); authorizing the City Manager execute the agreement and to release funds granting for the Oncor relocation from the City of Denton; providing for severability and an effective date. U. ID 22-964 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving an Assignment of Airport Lease from Pedron Aircraft Works, LLC to DSR-Cherokee 180, LLC of an Airport Lease covering property located at 926 Aeronca Drive, Denton, Texas at the Denton Enterprise Airport; authorizing the City Manager to execute the Assignment of Airport Lease; and providing an effective date. Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(X-X). V. ID 22-1007 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Assignment of Sublease between the City of Denton, a Texas home rule municipal corporation ("City" or "Landlord"), Willowbend Development, LLC ("Tenant"), and Page 7 Printed on 51612022 37 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 Freedom Hangars, LLC ("Sublessee"), covering property 4845 Lockheed Lane, Unit "C", at the Denton Enterprise Airport; and providing an effective date. Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(X-X). W. ID 22-1008 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Sublease between Ezell Aviation Inc. and CFD Integration, LLC for the lease covering the property located at 4933 Sabre Lane, at the Denton Enterprise Airport; and providing an effective date.Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(X-X). X. ID 22-1010 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Sublease between Ezell Aviation Inc. and DSR-Cherokee 180, LLC for the lease covering the property located at 4855 Sabre Lane, at the Denton Enterprise Airport; and providing an effective date.Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(X-X). Y. ID 22-1012 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving a Consent to Sublease between Ezell Aviation Inc. and Precision Aircraft Maintenance for the lease covering the property located at 5011 Sabre Lane, at the Denton Enterprise Airport; and providing an effective date.Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(X-X). Z. ID 22-973 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, ratifying the City Manager's execution of a letter of support and partnership agreement with Children's Advocacy Center for North Texas for a grant application; and providing an effective date. AA. ID 22-1051 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton endorsing the Medicare for all Act of 2021; and declaring an effective date. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 522-0002a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, approving a Specific Use Permit to allow for a Multifamily Dwelling Use on approximately 11.891 acres of land, generally located on the east side of Woodrow Lane, approximately 1,365 feet south of East McKinney Street, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [#-#] to recommend the request. (S22-0002a, Pathway Woodrow Lane Multifamily,Julie Wyatt) 6. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 22-956 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, amending the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget and Annual Program of Services of the City of Denton to allow for adjustments to the Capital Improvement Program of $1,200,000 for expenses related to purchasing land for park development; declaring a public purpose; providing a severability clause, an open meetings clause and an effective date. B. ID 22-353 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the execution of a contract of sale between the City of Denton, as buyer, and Walter F. Laney, Jr. (referred to herein as "Seller"), for the purchase of an approximately 79.004 acre tract of land, Page 8 Printed on 51612022 38 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 more or less, being situated in the Morreau Forrest Survey, located in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas and known as N. Trinity Road, for the purchase price of Two Million Three Hundred Seventy Thousand One Hundred Twenty Dollars and no/100 ($2,370,120.00); authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. C. ID 22-983 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Archer Western Construction, LLC, for the construction of the Northwest Booster Pump Station for the Water Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (CSP 7940 - awarded to Archer Western Construction, LLC, in the not-to-exceed amount of $15,458,300.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval(-). D. ID 22-988 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Siddons-Martin Emergency Group, LLC, through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # 651-21, for various new fire apparatus to include engines, aerials, and trucks for the Fire Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8002 - awarded to Siddons-Martin Emergency Group, LLC, in the five(5)year not-to-exceed amount of$12,035,687.00). 7. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on May 13, 2022, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CITY SECRETARY Page 9 Printed on 51612022 39 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 10 Printed on 51612022 40 Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, May 17,2022 2:00 PM Council Chambers City Hall Conference Room Special Called Meeting A reception honoring the City Council will be held in the City Hall Conference Room on Tuesday, May 17, 2022,immediately following the conclusion of the 2:00 p.m. Special Called Meeting. REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Public comments can be given for any item considered by the council, EXCEPT work session reports or closed meetings. Citizens are only able to comment one time per agenda item and cannot use more than one method to comment on a single agenda item. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per citizen. Citizens are limited to 4 minutes per public hearing item. Citizens are able to participate in one of the following ways: • eComment — On May 13, 2022, the agenda was posted online at https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas. Once the agenda is posted, a link to make virtual comments using the eComment module will be made available next to the meeting listing on the Upcoming Events Calendar. Within eComment, citizens may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. Comments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting at which time the ability to make an eComment will be closed. Similar to when a citizen submits a white card to indicate their position on an item, the eComments will be sent directly to members of the City Council immediately upon entry into the module and recorded by the City Secretary. City Council Members review comments received in advance of the meeting and take that public input into consideration prior to voting on an agenda item. The Mayor will announce the number of Comment Cards submitted in support or opposition to an item during the public comment period. Comments will not be read during the meeting. The City Secretary will reflect the number of comments submitted in favor/opposition to an item, the registrant's name, address, and (summary of) comments within the Minutes of the Meeting,as applicable. OR • By phone — Citizens wishing to speak over the phone during this Council meeting, may call (940) 349-7800 beginning 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Comments by phone will be accepted until the item is opened for discussion by the Council. When the call is initially received, a staff member will receive the caller's information and either: 1) offer to call the citizen back when it is time for them to speak, or 2) record the caller's information, support or opposition, and comment. If the caller chooses to record their support or opposition, rather than speaking during the meeting, the Mayor will announce the number of comments submitted in support or opposition to the item. If the caller wishes to receive a call back, the voice of each caller will be broadcast into the meeting during the public commenting time of their desired agenda item. Individuals will be able to comment once per agenda item,no matter the method. Page 1 Printed on 51612022 41 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 - At regular meetings only, citizens can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda (Open Microphone). Alert the call taker if you wish to speak under the Open Microphone category. If you would like to give a public report, see the information below. After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Special Called Meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee,Texas,one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 22-773 Consider adoption of an ordinance canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the Regular Municipal Election to elect three City Council Members to Places 5, 6, and a Mayor to Place 7 of the City Council of the City of Denton, held in the City of Denton on May 7, 2022; declaring that a Runoff Election is not necessary; and providing an effective date. B. ID 22-774 Issue the following to newly Elected Council Members: Certificate of Election Statement of Officer Oaths of Office C. ID 22-775 Proclamations in appreciation of service to the City of Denton as a City Council Member for the following: Deb Armintor D. ID 22-776 Election of the Mayor Pro Tem. NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on May 13, 2022, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. CITY SECRETARY Page 2 Printed on 51612022 42 City Council Meeting Agenda May 17,2022 NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 3 Printed on 51612022 43 Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: May 6, 2022 Meeting Date Item I Le istar ID I Departments Involved Type Estimated Time May 17,2022 Canvass of May 7 Election Returns,Oaths/Statements of Office,Certificate of Election,Proclamations of Appreciation,and Election of Mayor Pro Tern CANVASS OF ELECTION RESULTS Special Called(@2:00 p.m.) w/reception following Total Est.Time: 0:30 May 17,2022 A. American Rescue Plan Act of 2021&2nd Year ARP Funds 22-266 Finance Council Priority 1:00 Work Session(@4:00 p.m.) B. MUD Policy 22-936 Planning City Business 1:00 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-122 city Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 No other work session items may be added Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD ILegal City Business No other Individual Consideration/Public Hearing Total Est.Time: 2:30 Items may be added Other Major Items for Meeting: A. Health Insurance Operations Audit 22-701 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Board of Ethics Amendments to Ethics Ordinance and Rules of Procedure 22-801 Internal Audit City Business 1:00 June 7,2022 C. Council Committees 22-815 City Secretary's Office City Business 0:30 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) D. Vision Zero Traffic Safety Plan 22-679 Transportation Council Priority 0:45 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) E. CSAC Action Plan Recommendations 22-828 Community Services City Business 0:30 F.Two-Minute Pitch: 22-419 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 No other work session items may be added I Closed Meeting Item(s): I TBD lLegal I City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 4:15 Other Major Items for Meeting:Public Hearing to receive Citizen Comment on the 2022 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development June 24,2022 City Council Retreat-Day 1(@2:00) City Council Retreat-Day 1 22-582 City Manager's Office City Business 3:00 June 25,2022 City Council Retreat-Day 2 22-583 City Manager's Office City Business 8:00 City Council Retreat-Day 2(Start Time TBD) A. FY 2022-23 CIP 22-246 Finance City Business 3:00 June 28,2022 B. Electric and Sustainability Budgets 21-2405 Finance City Business 2:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. B&C 2022-2024 Appointment Process 22-820 City Secretary's Office City Business 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) D. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-420 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal City Business No other work session items may be added Total Est.Time: 6:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: July 5,2022 NO MEETING-Break A.Technology Services Phase 1 Audit 1 22-558 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B.FY 2022-23 Utility Budgets(Solid Waste/Water/Wastewater/Drainage/Electric) 1 22-247 IFinance I City Business 3:00 July 19,2022 C.Update from City DCTA Board Representative 21-2805 1 City Manager's Office I City Business 0:30 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) D.Two-Minute Pitch: 22-682 City Manager's Office 1council Request 1 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 4:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: A. Audit Project 028-Warehouse Operations 21-2810 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Catalyst Fund 22-739 Finance City Business 1:00 C. Roadway Funding Strategies 22-741 Finance City Business 1:00 July 26,2022 D. Utilities Budget Follow-Up 22-742 Finance City Business 1:00 Work Session(@2:00 E. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-683 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: A. Audit Project 027-Technology Services:Phase 2 21-2812 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. CERT/Volunteer Corp. TBD Fire City Business TBD August 2,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-684 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: August 6,2022(Saturday) FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget,CIP,and Five-Year Financial Forecast 22-251 Finance City Business 8:00 Budget Workshop(@9:00 a.m.) Total Est.Time: 8:00 A. FY 2022-23 Annual Internal Audit Plan 21-2816 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. FY 2022-23 City Manager Proposed Budget,CIP Budget,Five-Year Forecast 22-750 Finance City Business 1:00 August 16,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-685 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 2:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: September 6,2022 1 NO MEETING-Labor Day A. DCTA Board Representative 21-2806 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 September 20,2022 B. Audit Project 029-Police Body-Worn Camera Usage 21-2813 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-882 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 No other work session items may be added Total Est.Time: 2:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: A. Audit Projects:003-Procurement,012-Economic Dev.Retention&Expansion 21-2815 Internal Audit City Business 0:45 September 27,2022 and 013-Grants Mgmt. Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) B. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-883 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Only 2 work sessions allowed;1 spot remains Total Est.Time: 1:45 Other Major Items for Meeting: October 18,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: .This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 44 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time October 25,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: November 1,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: November 15,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: December 6,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.Denton County Transit Authority Update 21-2807 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 December 13,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Estimated Work Item Legistar ID Departments Type Session Date Sanger ETJ Boundary Adjustment 21-2653 Development Services City Business Date/A5 Work Session Dates to be Determined Denton Energy Center Alternate Fuel Study TBD DME City Business TBD Estimated Work Item Dates Departments Type Session Date Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan Items to be Scheduled Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Requestor Complete Approved Council Request Work Sessions to be Traffic Feedback Signs(Report only;no work session) I Feb.1,2022 ITraffic Engineering I Hudspeth Scheduled Donation of Fire Equipment to and Entryway Signs for City of Muzquiz May 3,2022 Fire,Public Works Meltzer Commemoration of former Residents of Quakertown Apr.19,2022 Parks Byrd *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 45 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming Closures smartsheet SCR May 9th - 15th Street/Intersection Closure En TDescription Department Department Contact 1 Atlas Hercules Ln Juno Ln 06/06/22 07/15/22 Replacing gas service lines,open trench,from new main.Road Atmos Public Works Ryan Dromgoole will be closed from 8am4pm Monday through Friday. Inspections 2 Bernard St. Hickory St. Chestnut St. 07/06/23 08/16/23 Water Distribution will be replacing the water main line and Water Tiffany Sherrane services. I 3 Box Wood Smoke Tree Cul V Sac 05/23/22 06/17/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 4 Green Ivy Robinson Rd English Manor 05/23/22 06/17/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 5 Green Ivy Robinson Rd English Manor 1 05/23/22 06/17/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Repair Streets Roy San Miguel Exported on May 6,2022 10:27:30 AM CDT 46 Page 1 of 1 2 Street Closure Report: Current Closures smartsheet I Closure Start Closure End Department I Street/Intersection From To Date Date Description Department Contact 1 Allred Rd. JM Prosperity Farm Rustic Barn Bonnie Brae St. 09/27/21 07/31/22 Storm Installation,Cutting Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Venue Grade on Allred Works Inspections 2 Bradshaw St.N Hickory St.E McKinney St.E 03/21/22 07/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 3 Chestnut St. Welch St.S Bernard St. 10/18/21 05/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 4 Crawford St N Hickory St E McKinney St E 03/21/22 07/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 5 Depaul Drexel Miramar Dr. 03/28/22 05/20/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Streets Roy San Miguel Repair 6 Foxcroft Circle Emerson Archer Trail 01/21/22 05/20/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 7 Foxcroft Circle Archer Trail Northcrest Rd 04/25/22 06/03/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 8 Foxcroft Circle Northcrest Rd Old North 02/23/22 05/20/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 9 Foxcroft Circle Old North Emerson 02/11/22 05/27/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 10 Fry Street Oak St Scripture 05/02/22 05/20/22 Drive Approaches/Sidewalk/ Private Development Public Gabrielle Milam Water and Sanitary Sewer Works Inspections 11 Hettie St. Paisley St. McKinney St.E 03/21/22 07/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 12 Hickory St.E Exposition St. Ruddell St. 05/02/22 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 13 Hillcrest St Scripture Panhandle 04/29/22 06/30/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper Jim Chrystal Western Blvd. Masch Branch 04/18/22 08/31/22 Exeter PH2.Installing Public Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David 14 Water,Sewer,and Storm Works Inspections Utilities 15 Long Rd. Sherman Dr.E(428) Holy Springs Rd 05/09/22 06/03/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 16 Mayhill Rd. 1-35 Service road Colorado Blvd. 04/25/22 05/13/22 Concrete Panel repair Streets Rogelio San Miguel 17 Mockingbird LN Mingo RD Stockton St 05/04/22 06/01/22 Sewer manhole installation and Public Works Inspections Armando Beltran 2 water taps. North Texas Blvd. Eagle Dr. Oak St. 12/13/21 09/01/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement.There 18 will be multiple phases of closures.Will not be all at one time. 19 Northwood Terrace Greenwood Dr. Cherrywood Ln 03/07/22 05/20/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 20 Oak St.E Crawford St.N Wood St.N 04/04/22 05/23/22 Utility installations and Engineering Wastewater Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Oak St.E Bradshaw St.S Wood St.N 04/01/22 05/06/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 21 installing a new wastewater main line and services. 22 Rose St. Paisley St. Uland St. 04/25/22 08/31/22 Pavement Replacement Engineering Scott Fettig 23 Stella St. North Texas Blvd Bonnie Brae 10/29/21 06/15/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 24 Sweet Cloud Winding Stream Clear River 04/18/22 05/20/22 Concrete Street Panel and Streets Roy San Miguel Sidewalk Repair 25 Uland St. Rose St,. Railroad Ave. 04/25/22 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 26 Wolftrap Dr. Stuart Rd. Olympia Dr. 04/04/22 05/13/22 Laying RCP across the street to Private Development Tucker Eller connect to existing storm drain. 27 Wood St.N McKinney St.E Hickory St.E 04/11/22 06/30/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Exported on May 6,2022 10:27:46 AM CDT 47 Page 1 of 1 3 Street Closure Report: Completed Closures smartsheet Street/Intersection From C 710-Sure End 1.1 IN I Dpnqrtment Contact Date Description Bell Ave. Texas St Withers St. 03/12/22 04/10/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 1 installing a new water main line and services. 2 Bonnie Brae St. Intersection of Oak St.W 04/11/22 04/18/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane installing a new water main line. Davis St. Jannie St. Hattie St. 01/31/22 04/08/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 3 installing a new wastewater main line and services. 41 Lakeview Blvd Juniper Dr. Edwards Rd. 03/23/22 04/11/22 attaching to sewer manhole Public Works Inspections Armando Beltran Old Bonnie Brae St. Bonnie Brae St./Roselawn Dr. Bonnie Brae St/Vintage 04/25/22 04/29/22 Road Closure will last Engineering Wastewater Tracy L.Beck,PE,PMP approximately 2-3 days to install 5 Sanitary Sewer Line under Old Bonne Brae Road. Weather may impact timing of closure. . 6 Regency(801) Country Club Cul v Sac 04/11/22 04/21/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 7 Winding Stream Silent Star Sweet Cloud 03/28/22 04/21/22 Concrete SideWalk Repair Streets Roy San Miguel Exported on May 6,2022 10:27:59 AM CDT 48 Page 1 of 1