062422 Friday Staff Report City Manager's Office "F 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 DENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: June 24, 2022 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report I. Council Schedule Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board on Monday, June 27, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Cancelled - Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, June 27, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday,June 28,2022 at 2:00 pm. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 4. Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Zoning Board of Adjustment on Wednesday,June 29,2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. (Special Called Meeting I of 2) 6. Board of Ethics on Wednesday,June 29,2022,at 6:00 p.m.at the Development Service Center. 7. Zoning Board of Adjustment on Wednesday,June 29,2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. (Special Called Meeting 2 of 2) II. General Information & Status Update A. Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics — Pursuant to Ordinance No. 21- 1837,the following items will be discussed during the June 28 Council Work Session. Each week,the topics included on the next week's agenda will be in the Friday Report OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Inclusion • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service with more information, including the specific request language and staff information, available in the posted agenda for that meeting. 1. A Work Session to discuss a neighborhood opt-in responsive speed limit sign program. (Davis) 2. A Work Session to discuss the creation of Public Facility Corporations to partner with developers to develop affordable housing in the City of Denton. (Watts) Staff contact: Jennifer Rainey, City Manager's Office B. Invitation to NTX Regional Briefing for Newly Elected Local Officials - Please see the attached invitation from the North Texas Commission to a one-hour, virtual regional briefing for newly elected local officials on July 15,2022. The Commission is hosting this briefing to stress the importance of regionalism. The briefing will include regional economic profile information/data on how our communities are interconnected including a discussion about the region's greatest challenges and what is being done to address them from public and private sector leaders. There will also be outlining of legislative priorities(to date)as jurisdictions prepare unified strategies for the upcoming state legislative session. Staff Contact: Jennifer Rainey, City Manager's Office C. Helicopter Lift of HVAC Equipment on July 2—A helicopter lift of HVAC equipment is planned for July 2,2022,between the hours of 8 a.m.and 11 a.m.at Peterbilt Motors at 3200 Airport Road. The helicopter operator, 5 State Helicopters, has advised City Manager's Office of this transport and this information is being shared with City Council in the event community members reach out with questions. The pilot will be in contact with Denton Enterprise Airport as the helicopter air lifts the HVAC equipment to Peterbilt's roof. Staff contact: Jennifer Rainey, City Manager's Office D. 2021 Census Estimate - The U.S. Census Bureau recently released the 2021 population estimates and rankings of population change. The 2021 population estimate for the City of Denton is 148,146,which represents a 4.1% increase over the 2020 estimate of 142,302. The city also ranked 23rd of incorporated places of 50,000 or more by percent change from July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021. Staff contact: Erica Sullivan, Economic Development Annual Population Change from 2020-2021 Entity 2020 Census 2021 Census Numerical Percent Estimate Estimate Change Change 2020- 2020-2021 2021 City of Denton 142,302 148,146 5,844 4.1 Denton County 913,900 941,647 27,747 3.0 State of Texas 1 29,217,653 1 29,527,941 1 310,288 1.1 Source:U.S. Census Bureau Estimates,updated June 2022 E. B&C Appointment Process Follow Up—In lieu of a work session item,the attached Informal Staff Report provides details on the upcoming appointment process. Special consideration is requested when nominating members to those boards/commissions that mandate special qualifications. Exhibit 1 to the Report lists applicable boards and qualifications. Staff Contact: Rosa Rios, City Secretary's Office 2 F. Carroll Boulevard Art Trail — The Public Art Committee and Parks and Recreation Department installed four sculptures along the east side of Carroll Blvd., between Panhandle St. and Crescent St.The sculptures are the work of local artist Russ Connell who has a studio on McKinney St.The four sculptures are mounted on pedestals along the sidewalk. The art includes "Avalon" a 9-foot-tall sculpture in stainless steel, "Crazy Horse" a 7-foot-tall sculpture in painted steel, "Challenger" a 9-foot-tall sculpture in painted steel, and "King Moon Racer" a 5-foot-tall sculpture in painted steel. Staff contact: John Whitmore, Parks and Recreation v "Sw t { S J At- G. Make Music Day Denton - On Tuesday, June 21, Parks and Recreation participated in the annual Make Music Day festivities. The Senior Center hosted morning events showcasing the Young at Heart Band, hand drumming, and a craft. Community T 1 y Y 3 members participated along with 100 children enrolled in Camp Exploration. Parks and Recreation staff also hosted a table on the Courthouse lawn during the special held Kids Twilight Tunes. Staff contact: Megan Thomas, Parks and Recreation H. Additional Information Regarding Water Concerns on Elm Street— Staff received a resident letter on Wednesday, June 22, regarding the water concerns on Elm Street affecting Debi Do & Co. Salon. Staff provided updates in previous weeks' Friday Reports on actions taken to assist the salon. The letter was requested by the resident to be shared with Council and is attached to this report. Staff contact: Jennifer Rainey, City Manager's Office I. Blackberry Way Groundwater Mitigation Project Update - Public Works and Engineering staff partnered to design and implement a solution to prevent groundwater from causing slippery conditions on Blackberry Way. Engineering staff recently delivered the completed plans to Public Works staff, and the repair work is scheduled to begin July 5th. Materials acquisition began at the end of May with all materials now in hand except for concrete. Staff was notified of material shortages by the concrete vendor that have the potential to continue for several weeks to a few months.As a result,staff is postponing the work on Blackberry Way until the concrete jobs already in process are caught up and/or the vendor's supply issue is resolved. Staff will continue to monitor the area for adverse conditions and will perform maintenance as needed. Staff contact: Daniel Kremer, Public Works J. Masch Branch Road Closure - On June 17, staff was notified of a pothole on Masch Branch Rd. On-call crews were called in to apply a temporary patch to the roadway. When crews arrived on-site, they realized the hole was on a bridge and placed a steel plate over the hole as a temporary patch. Staff met with engineering the following week and contacted a structural engineer to evaluate the bridge. On June 23, a site visit was performed by the structural engineer, and it was determined that the bridge needed to be closed immediately for public safety. Following the engineer's recommendation, staff placed barricades to close Masch Branch at Lovers Lane Rd. and Hampton St. Staff is coordinating with Engineering and our barricade vendor to design a full traffic control plan. A full closure with detours is expected to be in place by the evening of June 24. Engineering is currently working with an engineering firm to perform a full evaluation of the bridge and design a full and adequate repair. As these steps are followed, Masch Branch Road will remain closed from Hampton St. to Lovers Lane Rd. until next steps are determined. Staff contacts: Daniel Kremer Public Works; Brett Bourgeois Engineering/CIP 4 K. DME Managed Outages — On June 21 st, City Mangers Office forwarded an email from a resident regarding a managed power outage that would affect his residence on Amarillo Street. His concern was the safety of having a power outage during the current extreme temperatures. DME is currently working through a pole inspection and replacement project. Poles that are identified as needing replacement are placed in a queue based on urgency. Poles that have aerial transformers require a managed outage to switch the services over to the new pole. Managed outages range in duration from 2 to 4 hours, with all affected customers given a 48-72 hour notice of the pending outage. Due to the high afternoon temperatures, managed outages are scheduled early in the morning. This allows DME to complete the work during the coolest portion of the day. To accommodate the customer on Amarillo Street, the managed outage will start at Gam and should be completed prior to 10 am. This information was conveyed to the customer, and they were in agreement with our plan. This accommodation is typical of the arrangements that are made to minimize the impact to our customers. For additional details on this issue please contact DME via email at chris.lutrickgcityofdenton.com. Staff Contact: Chris Lutrick, Denton Municipal Electric III. Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Cost of Contracted Renewables vs. Rooftop Solar- Staff recently received a request from MPT Beck for DME's cost of contracted renewables vs. a rooftop solar installation example he shared. In the example shared, the rooftop solar installation cost approximately 6 cents per kWh over a 25-year period. This assumed an investment of$34,000, less a$9,000 federal discount and average daily generation of 45 kWh. In comparison,the average cost of delivered renewable energy from DME's utility scale solar and wind resources has been between 3.43 and 3.54 cents per kWh. Besides the cost being significantly lower than the lifecycle cost per kWh of the roof top solar example, DME customers do not have to make any investment and the renewable percentage is not impacted by cloud cover or shade. DME's average contracted price for renewable energy at the wind or solar farm's interconnection to the grid is 2.74 cents per kWh. Incremental costs are associated with the transmission 5 of the renewable energy from the renewable energy production facility to Denton, which is referred to as "congestion costs". The cost of energy is rising in Texas as transmission lines from West Texas are becoming more and more congested. DME uses congestion hedging techniques to mitigate these rising costs. Staff contact: Terry Naulty, DME B. Retaining Wall Damage on Morse St — On June 13, Mayor Hudspeth emailed staff requesting they follow up with a resident with retaining wall damage at their residence on Morse St. Community Services inspected the location and confirmed with the resident that the private retaining wall damage is a civil matter and advised the resident that the nearby gas line would need to be inspected by the appropriate utility provider. The Community Services officer provided their contact information to the resident for any future concerns. Staff contact: Monica Benavides, City Manager's Office C. Shiloh Lane Neighborhood Issues — On June 16, Council Member Byrd relayed a resident's concerns over various code infractions on Shiloh Lane. After consulting with the City's Planning & Community Services teams it was determined that the properties in question are part of an Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)where the city has no authority to enforce code violations. Council Member Byrd will schedule a meeting with staff for a better understanding of the issue before following up with the constituent. Staff contacts: Norman Barbosa, Community Services and Monica Benavides, City Manager's Office D. Food Trucks in Parks — On June 17, Council Member Byrd requested clarification and additional information regarding an increase in food trucks/trailers popping up throughout the city. Staff advised ordinances dealing with mobile food units fall within Chapter 13- Food and Food Establishments. The sections dealing specifically with food trucks/trailers start at section `169.1 - Requirements for mobile units' and run through section `169.28 - Requirements for snow cone vendors and ice cream vendors.' In short, these sections spell out the different types of Mobile Food Establishments, from pushcarts to full-service food trucks/trailers, list the steps to be permitted,then go into operational limitations. Mobile food units cannot be set up in parks or other publicly owned properties and must be set up on private commercial property that is zoned for restaurants unless they have temporary event permits. A few food trailers were set up in front of bars during the Covid restrictions, but they have now moved onto the property or have found new locations. In terms of permitting, the city does require that food trucks/trailers be brought to the health inspector's office to renew yearly permits. This is in addition to field inspections staff do to monitor their operations, which occur about every 6 months. Staff have the same operational requirements of food trucks as they do of any restaurant, which holds food trucks to a high level of cleanliness and safe food handling. Lastly, food trucks/trailers can also pull Temporary Event Permits. These are events where food is being served on a temporary basis for a specific reason or cause, and may occur in City parks. A grand opening of a store is a good example or the recent Juneteenth celebrations in Fred Moore Park. For temporary events, the food truck/trailer does not have to be permitted for the year by the city, they merely must 6 fill out and pay for the Temporary Event Permit. Since staff do not have much history with these operators, staff inspect each of these events to make sure the participants are following good food handling practices and that their facility meets the minimum for protection of the food. Staff contact: Kevin Cummings, Development Services E. PFAS Testing—On June 16, Mayor Pro Temp Beck inquired about incorporating the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) information provided in the May 20, 2022, Friday Report under item III. C. into the City of Denton website. Staff are developing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding PFAS including the analytical data to include on the Water & Wastewater portion of the City of Denton website. This PFAS data includes wastewater (sanitary sewer) and biosolids (including Dyno Dirt). Staff Contact: Michael A. Gange, Environmental Services & Sustainability F. Request for Dyno Lite for Denton County Historical Commission Artifact Dig— On June 18, Mayor Pro Tern Beck inquired regarding staff connecting with Denton County Historical Commission for the donation of sand or Dyno Lite for the Denton County Historical Commission's Artifact Dig on October 1,2022. Staff contacted the Commission to assist in facilitating this donation. Staff contact: Christine Taylor,City Manager's Office G. Extended Shelter Hours Online — On June 20, Mayor Pro Tern Beck requested staff reach out to Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach Center to request an update of shelter hours on their respective websites. Community Services staff confirmed shelter hours have now been updated to reflect the extended hours due to inclement weather. Staff contact: Dani Shaw, Community Services H. Better Cities for Pets Certification — On June 20, Mayor Hudspeth provided information regarding the Better Cities for Pets Certification process. This information has been shared with Animal Services staff for review,consideration,and possible application. Staff contact: Tiffany Thomson, Customer Service and Animal Services I. Quakertown Descendants Pool Program Feasibility — On June 16, Mayor Pro Tern Beck requested staff determine the feasibility and legality of a program providing Quakertown descendants free access to the Civic Center Pool. Staff added this to the options being explored by the City for the October 18 work session commemorating former residents of Quakertown. Staff contact: Gary Packan, Parks and Recreation J. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Review — On June 21, Mayor Hudspeth provided information regarding Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program and allotment updates for staff review. Staff shared the information with Grants Administration staff and communicated with the City's federal legislative consultants to plan future advocacy actions to take once the Energy Department has issued recommended guidance and funding allocations from this program. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager's Office K. Water Runoff and Retaining Walls on Abbots Lane and Teasley—On June 22, Mayor Hudspeth requested staff contact two residents on Abbots Lane with concerns over standing water after rains, runoff from gutters, and retaining wall damage. Community Services staff will reach out and provide contact information at the address of the residence mentioned. Staff contact: Norman Barbosa, Community Services L. Water Billing Adjustments for Resident on W. Chestnut — On June 22, Mayor Hudspeth requested staff connect with a community member who resides on W. Chestnut who shared of a significant increase in a water utility bill after a leak was repaired nearby. Staff contacted the resident and,if the leak was due to a City project, ask Risk Management to assist them in filing a claim. Staff contact: Stephen Gay, Water Utilities IV. Upcoming Community Events and Meetings A. Clear the Shelter Event — Denton Animal Services will conduct a Clear the Shelter adoption event from Monday, June 27, through Saturday, July 2. Adoptions will be offered at discounted rates and include product giveaways: • Monday, June 27 and Tuesday, June 28—$30 adoptions for dogs and cats • Wednesday,June 29 and Thursday,June 30—$10 adoptions for dogs and cats • Friday, July 1 and Saturday, July 2—free adoptions Adopters will also receive a box of Adaptil Calm or Feliway Classic if they adopt during Clear the Shelter week. These products aid in managing stress and anxiety in pets. A request for volunteer support will be included within a public press release to encourage volunteerism before and during Fourth of July fireworks. Staff contact: Dorcas Johnson, Animal Services Manager V. Attachments A. Invitation to NTX Regional Briefing for Newly Elected Local Officials...................9 B. Letter Regarding Debi Do and Co Salon...................................................................10 VI. Informal Staff Reports A. 2022-039 Boards and Commissions 2022 Screening&Appointment Process—Follow Up..............................................................................................................................I I VIL Council Information A. Council Requests for Information.............................................................................15 B. Public Meeting Calendar...........................................................................................17 C. Future Work Session Items .......................................................................................21 D. Street Construction Report........................................................................................23 8 NORTH ::' ':: NTX REGIONAL BRIEFING FOR TEXAS COMMISSION NEWLY ELECTED LOCAL OFFICIALS Leading The Region's Advocacy. City Councils, School District Trustees, County Commissioners JULY 15 , 2022 10 : 00 to 11 : 00 a . m . VIA ZOOM During the program , we will review regional data along with the region ' s greatest challenges and how they impact your community . " Autonomy is our worst enemy . " We are all interconnected and must work together . To register , please click here . There is no charge to participate in this briefing. Letter Dear City Council Members, My name is Betty Ortez, and I am a long time Denton, TX resident. bettyortez@verizon.net This letter concerns Debi Do & Co. Salon located at 1801 Elm Street in Denton, TX and owned by Debbie Sims. There is a huge problem crippling this salon. The problem has become so large that it has become a nightmare for the salon and now has been labeled as "The Nightmare on Elm Street". Problem #1: The water pressure at the salon on Elm Street shuts off unexpectedly without any warning because the waterline that serves the salon breaks. It breaks because the waterline needs to be permanently repaired. It has been patched over and over again but keeps on breaking. The salon never knows if it will have water that day or if it might shut off unexpectedly while treating a client's hair with strong chemicals. If these chemicals are not washed out properly, the client could end up with damaged hair and a burned scalp. Problem #2: If there is a fire on this street, there might not be any water pressure to extinguish it. This almost sounds criminal to put businesses and homes in this area in so much danger. I have always supported the Denton City Council and thought that you have done wonderful things for our city such as funding parades, North Lakes Tennis Center, parks, and many others. This is why I am having trouble understanding your lack of concern, support, and effort in having the broken water line permanently repaired on Elm Street. It seems like the safety of our community and town should be your first priority, not over-looked or ignored. I am asking you to please help Elm Street businesses and homes by having the city permanently repair the broken waterline on Elm Street. Thank you, Betty Ortez 10 Date: June 24,2022 Report No. 2022-039 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Boards and Commissions 2022 Screening & Appointment Process—Follow Up DISCUSSION: On May 27, 2022, IS 2022-033 was provided detailing the timeline for the upcoming 2022 Board & Commission Appointment Process. In the upcoming weeks, the City Council will consider board and commission nominations for the upcoming 2022-2024 terms There are currently 18 standing boards, commissions, and committees ("boards"). With the exception of the Civil Service Commission, whose members are appointed by the City Manager, and the Denton Housing Authority,whose members are appointed by the Mayor,Council members are responsible for making nominations. Section 2.29(h)(3)of the Council Rules of Procedure details the process for board and commission nominations: "a. Individual city council members making nominations for members to citizen boards, commissions, and committees will consider interested persons on a citywide basis. b. The city council will make an effort to be inclusive of all segments of the community in the board, commission, and committee appointment process. City council members will consider ethnicity, gender, socio-economic levels, and other factors to ensure a diverse representation of Denton citizens. c. The city council will take into consideration an individual's qualifications, willingness to serve, and application information in selecting nominations for membership to each board, commission, and committee. d. In an effort to ensure maximum citizen participation, city council members will continue the general practice of nominating new citizens to replace board members who have served three (3) consecutive terms on the same board per the provisions of Denton Code of Ordinances, section 2-65. This provision does not apply to citizen task forces and citizen ad hoc committees. e. Each city council member will be responsible for making nominations for board, committee, and commission places assigned to him or her, which shall correspond to the city council member's place. Individual city council members will make nominations to the full city council for the governing body's approval or disapproval." Further, by the previous direction of City Council, no City Council member shall nominate more than one at-large/alternate member to the same board. 11 Date: June 24,2022 Report No. 2022-039 The timeline for the appointment process is as follows: • May 18 —Nominations can be made for only those members/applicants that have already been vetted. • June 28 —Work Session detailing the appointment/nomination process. • July 26—Nominations due to City Secretary • August 2 — Appointments for qualified nominees commence and continue during other duly scheduled meetings until all appointments have been made. Binders will be provided to each Council member at the meeting and include the following information: • Member rosters by board (except Civil Service Commission and Denton Housing Authority) • Listing of members whose terms end June 30 or August 31, arranged by nominating Council member o Information will include termed seats and those qualified for reappointment • An attendance report for existing members • Applications from new applicants and from any existing members seeking reappointment. o All existing members were notified of the need to review their existing member details and resubmit an online application. o Applications will be provided only for qualified individuals. o Weekly updates will be provided as additional applicants are qualified. The City Secretary's Office worked with the Public Information Office to notify the public of the ability to apply for a board seat. Notification was also sent to all existing members whose terms are set to expire in 2022 requesting they submit an updated application thereby indicating their interest in being reappointed if not to their exiting board,possibly another one. All applicants are vetted to ensure there are no monies owed the City in the areas of court, liens, utilities, library, and taxes. Residency within the City of Denton is also verified. For those board whose members are required to meet certain special qualifications,documentation is obtained from the applicant verifying the special qualification indicated. As you know,in some instances, special qualifications are preferred but not mandated. Member terms are for two years, although the Public Utilities Board per the City Charter are assigned 4-year terms. Currently,there are five(5)members who have served the pre-requisite 2- year terms and must be replaced. These members as well as others who are not reappointed before the term end date hold over until such time as they resign, are appointed to another board, or are replaced. Members may be removed only for cause as noted below, although not all-inclusive. 12 Date: June 24,2022 Report No. 2022-039 • Missing more than three (3)regularly called/scheduled meetings in any one year or lack of attendance at 50% of the number of regular/scheduled meetings held in a year • Conviction of a felony • In rare cases,public hearing required(PUB) • Other as determined by City Council (consultation with attorney) Special appointment considerations are needed for the following boards. Attached is Exhibit 1 detailing the special qualifications for certain boards/commissions. The Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board is not included in that exhibit as all member terms do not end until 2023. • Development Code Review Committee • Member Margie Ellis on the Planning & Zoning Commission is termed; a new member will need to be appointed by City Council. Please submit your nominations to the City Secretary's Office as soon as possible. • Health& Building Standards Commission—Qualifications are "To the extent possible..." • There are 4 existing vacancies • Historic Landmark Commission—Qualifications are mandatory • With 4 members affected this appointment cycle,three will have to meet the special qualifications • Zoning Board of Adjustment—No special qualifications • There are 2 existing vacancies EXHIBIT Exhibit 1 —Special Qualifications List STAFF CONTACT: Rosa Rios, City Secretary 940-349-8309 rosa.rios@cilyofdenton.com com 13 ci City of Denton OF Boards & Commissions DENTON Special Qualifications ANIMAL SHELTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE At least 4 of the 7 members must be one of the following: *Must(re)appoint a Person • Licensed veterinarian who has a principal place of business or a residence in the city of Denton employed by • City official this appointment" • *Person who is employed by City of Denton Animal Shelter—does not have to live in City limits • Representative of an animal welfare organization HEALTH & BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION To the extent that persons are available within the city, members shall consist of the following: 4 Existing Vacancies • General contractor • Representative from electrical industry • Architect or engineer • Two persons associated with construction,development or real estate • Representative from plumbing industry • Other HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION Denton County Historical Commissioners who are residents of the City of Denton are encouraged where possible for synergy between City and County efforts.At least five(5)members shall be required to represent one of the following memberships,qualifications,or professions: • Architecture; • History; There are 4 existing members • Architectural History; • Planning; affected this appointment • Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology; • Folklore; must meet• - of - noted special • Cultural Anthropology; • Curation; qualifications. • Conservation;or • Landscape Architecture. INTERNAL AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Preference is given to individuals in the following professional fields including the teaching of such knowledge: • Auditing • Accounting • Finance • Public Administration • Risk Management SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK ADVISORY COMMITTEE Four members shall have academic, professional, occupational, or volunteer knowledge and/or experience in one or more of the Sustainability Framework Focus Areas: • Water • Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Management • Energy Conservation/Efficiency • Land Use/Open Space • Transportation(alternative transportation/bike/walk) • Education/Community Engagement • Material Management(Solid Waste/RecyclinglWaste Diversion) • Resiliency/Public Health NOTE: The Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board is not listed as terms do not end until 2023. 14 FY 21/ 22 Council Requests Open Requests Requests Answered by Department FY Current Year Requests by 21/22 Council Person a s Community Svcs 4 Environmental Svcs � 2 Public Works — 0 ■ Capital Projects �Fc�o` Oa�e ay��r \���0 c0e°� a'4i *any oGaa Utilities 2190 p" QaJ\ aoP �ey5° A10 S ��a a�� Grcy ra�4, CMO G Library ■ c 0 a1o� Legal 0, 1 O Fire Police — Requests made by Quarter Tech Services ■ Airport 200 152 180 Public Affairs/Customer Svc Lh...— 97 Economic Development 100 0 Paul Meyer• Deb Armintor• Jesse Davis Development Svcs 0 � = M Finance • Mayor Gerard Hudspeth• Vikki Byrd Q1 21/22 Q2 2122 Q3 21/22 Q4 2122 Audit Brian Beck. Alison Maguire• Chris Watts Municipal Court Brandon Chase McGee Procurement Real Estate Risk Total Open Elected Official Other Some requests involve multiple departments,causing the Requests 0 20 40 60 60 total requests by department to add up higher than the 19 Submit New total request count Open Requests Request 15 Friday Report - Council Requests smartsheet Summary. Request .. Council Member Staff Assigned Department Comments Action . . Request to address resident's concerns regarding 06/22/22 i Mayor Hudspeth Danielle Shaw,joetta Bailey, Community Services Information will be included in Complete 1 retaining wall damage,water runoff from gutters, Michael Gange Environmental Services 6/24 Friday Report. and pooling water on Abbots Ln 2 Request to address resident's concerns regarding 06/22/22 Mayor Hudspeth Stephen Gay Wastewater Water Information will be included in Complete billing increase from water leak on W.Chestnut 6/24 Friday Report. 3 Request to contact business on Duncan St 06/22/22 Mayor Hudspeth Becky Diviney,Trevor Crain Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be included in a Complete regarding sidewalk widening CIP-Traffic Engineering future Friday Report. 4 Request for review and guidance on DCAD budget 06/21/22 Council Member Byrd Cassey Ogden,David Gaines, Finance Legal Answered via email by City Complete • Mack Reinwand Attorney's Office. Request to review information and application for 06/21/22 Mayor Hudspeth Tiffany Thomson Animal Services Information regarding this grant Complete • 5 Better Cities for Pets City Certification opportunity was forwarded to the Animal Services team. Request to review information regarding Energy 06/21/22 Mayor Hudspeth Daniel Jones,Laura Behrens Grants Administration Information will be included in Complete • 6 Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant(EECBG) 6/24 Friday Report. Program and allotment 7 Request to contact ODB/MKOC to update online 06/20/22 Mayor Pro Tem Beck Danielle Shaw Community Services Information will be included in Complete • hours to new extended hours. 6/24 Friday Report. Inquiring if the City can loan sand/Dyno Lite to the 06/18/22 Mayor Pro Tem Beck Christine Taylor,Nikki Parks Information will be included in Complete 8 Denton County Historical Commission for use in an Sassenus 6/24 Friday Report. artifact"dig"exhibit. 9 Request for clarification and additional information 06/17/22 Council Member Byrd Scott McDonald Development Services Information will be included in Complete • regarding food trucks. 6/24 Friday Report. 10 Request for staff to address code enforcement 06/16/22 Council Member Byrd Danielle Shaw,Scott McDonald Community Services Information will be included in Complete • issues on Shiloh Lane. Development Services 6/24 Friday Report. Request for guidance on what Animal Services 06/16/22 Mayor Pro Tem Beck Danielle Shaw Community Services Information will be included in Complete • 11 needs,in terms of volunteer support,before/during 6/24 Friday Report and in press the Fourth of July fireworks show. release. 12 Request to update the City's website to include 06/16/22 Mayor Pro Tem Beck Michael Gange Environmental Services Information will be included in Complete • PFOS/PFOA/PFAS information. 6/24 Friday Report. Request for staff to assess the feasibility of a 06/16/22 Mayor Pro Tem Beck Gary Packer,Nikki Sassenus Parks Information will be included in Complete • 13 program that would give descendants of displaced 6/24 Friday Report. Quakertown residents free passes to the Civic Center Pool. 14 Request for staff to reach out to a resident regarding 06/13/22 Mayor Hudspeth Danielle Shaw Community Services Information will be included in Complete • property damage on Morse Street. 6/24 Friday Report. Request for the daily average MWH rate the City 06/10/22 Mayor Pro Tem Beck Antonio Puente DME Information will be included in Complete • 15 pays across all renewables in a given year,that can 6/24 Friday Report. be used to compare to residential solar. Request for clarification on process and workflow for 06/09/22 Mayor Pro Tem Beck Amanda Brown,Becky Diviney, Capital Projects/Engineering Information will be included in Complete • 16 requesting exemptions for City and TXDOT-owned Mack Reinwand,Scott Legal Legal Staff Report. easements and right of way. McDonald I am requesting a work session to discuss the City 06/12/22 Council Member Watts Danielle Shaw,Scott McDonald Community Services Scheduled for the June 28 Scheduled • 17 creating Public Facility Corporations to partner with Development Services meeting. developers to develop affordable housing in the city of Denton. I'd like to have a work session to discuss a 06/08/22 Council Member Davis Becky Diviney CIP-Traffic Engineering Scheduled for the June 28 Scheduled • neighborhood opt-in responsive speed limit sign meeting. program.For example,residents could participate 18 with the City in the initial purchase of the signs,and the City could install,maintain,and replace the signs.Alternatively we could budget a set number of signs to deploy each year,and develop criteria for phased deployment. I am requesting that our Mobility Plan be amended 06/07/22 Council Member Davis Becky Diviney,Trevor Crain Capital Projects/Engineering Scheduled for the July 19 Scheduled 19 to reflect a direct connection between Windsor Road Public Works-Streets meeting. and Masch Branch Road,north of but separate from Hampton Road. Exported on June 24,2022 2:34:48 PM CDT 16 Page 1 of 1 City of Denton City Hall 215 E.McKinney St. Meeting Calendar Denton,Texas 76201 U E 1VTO N www.cityofdenton.com Criteria : Begin Date: 61112022, End Date: 813112022 Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location June 2022 6/2/2022 8:00 AM Agenda Committee City Hall Conference Room 6/2/2022 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 6/2/2022 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 6/6/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 6/6/2022 6:00 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 6/6/2022 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Civic Center Community Room Board 6/7/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 6/8/2022 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 6/8/2022 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 6/8/2022 6:30 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 6/9/2022 3:00 PM Health&Building Standards Development Service Center Commission Training Rooms 1 and 2 401 N. Elm Street, Denton 6/10/2022 10:00 AM Development Code Review Committee Development Service Center 6/10/2022 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Development Service Center(401 Committee N. Elm Street, Denton,Texas) 6/10/2022 1:00 PM Committee on the Environment Sustainability Office 6/13/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 6/13/2022 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 6/13/2022 5:30 PM Library Board Meeting Room at the Emily Fowler Central Library, 502 Oakland St., Denton, Texas 6/15/2022 9:00 AM Community Partnership Committee City Hall Conference Room 6/15/2022 9:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room City of Denton Page 1 Printed on 6/24/2022 17 Meeting Calendar continued.. Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location 6/17/2022 11:30 AM City Council Council Chambers 6/22/2022 1:00 PM Civil Service Commission City Hall East Human Resources Training Room 6/22/2022 3:00 PM Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room 6/22/2022 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 6/24/2022 10:00 AM Development Code Review Committee Development Service Center 6/24/2022 12:00 PM City Council Council Chambers Council Work Session Room 6/24/2022 2:00 PM City Council Development Service Center 6/25/2022 9:00 AM City Council Development Service Center 6/27/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 6/27/2022 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Council Work Session Room 6/28/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Chambers Council Work Session Room 6/29/2022 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Council Work Session Room Committee 6/29/2022 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Council Work Session Room 6/29/2022 6:00 PM Board of Ethics Development Service Center 6/29/2022 6:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Council Work Session Room July 2022 7/6/2022 3:00 PM Community Partnership Committee Council Work Session Room 7/7/2022 8:00 AM Agenda Committee City Hall Conference Room 7/7/2022 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 7/7/2022 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 7/8/2022 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Development Service Center(401 Committee N. Elm Street, Denton,Texas) 7/8/2022 1:00 PM Committee on the Environment Sustainability Office 7/11/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 7/11/2022 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 7/11/2022 5:30 PM Library Board Meeting Room at the North Branch Library, 3020 N. Locust, Denton, Texas City of Denton Page 2 Printed on 6/24/2022 18 Meeting Calendar continued.. Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location 7/11/2022 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Civic Center Community Room Board 7/13/2022 10:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 7/13/2022 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 7/13/2022 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 7/15/2022 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Development Service Center(401 Committee N. Elm Street, Denton,Texas) 7/18/2022 5:30 PM Traffic Safety Commission Development Service Center 7/19/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 7/20/2022 9:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 7/21/2022 3:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Development Service Center 7/22/2022 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Council Work Session Room Committee 7/25/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 7/25/2022 5:30 PM Internal Audit Advisory Committee City Hall Conference Room 7/26/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 7/27/2022 11:30 AM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Development Service Center Financing Zone No. 1 Board Training Rooms 7/27/2022 1:00 PM Community Partnership Committee Council Work Session Room August 2022 8/1/2022 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Civic Center Community Room Board 8/2/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 8/4/2022 8:00 AM Agenda Committee City Hall Conference Room 8/4/2022 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 8/4/2022 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 8/6/2022 9:00 AM City Council Council Work Session Room 8/8/2022 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 8/8/2022 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center City of Denton Page 3 Printed on 6/24/2022 19 Meeting Calendar continued.. Date Time Meeting Body Meeting Location 8/8/2022 5:30 PM Library Board Meeting Room at the South Branch Library, 3228 Teasley Lane, Denton, Texas 8/10/2022 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Development Service Center Board Training Rooms 8/10/2022 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 8/12/2022 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Development Service Center(401 Committee N. Elm Street, Denton,Texas) 8/12/2022 1:00 PM Committee on the Environment Sustainability Office 8/16/2022 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room Council Chambers 8/17/2022 9:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 8/24/2022 12:00 PM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Development Service Center Financing Zone No. 1 Board Training Rooms 8/24/2022 6:00 PM Denton Police Department Chief of Public Safety Training Center Police Advisory Board 719 E. Hickory Street Denton,Texas 76205 8/26/2022 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Council Work Session Room Committee City of Denton Page 4 Printed on 6/24/2022 20 Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: June 24, 2022 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time June 28,2022 A. FY 2022-23 CIP 22-246 Finance City Business 3:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) B.Two-Minute Pitch:Davis,Watts 22-420 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): Several Legal City Business 1:00 Total Est.Time: 4:30 No other work session items may be added Other Major Items for Meeting: July 5,2022 NO MEETING-Break A.Technology Services Phase 1 Audit 22-558 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B.FY 2022-23 Utility Budgets July 19,2022 22-247 Finance City Business 3:00 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) (Solid Waste/Water/Wastewater/Drainage/Electric/Sustainability) Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C.Update from City DCTA Board Representative 21-2805 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 D.Two-Minute Pitch:Davis 22-682 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 No other work session items may be added Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 4:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: A. Audit Project 028-Warehouse Operations 21-2810 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Catalyst Fund 22-739 Finance City Business 1:00 C. Roadway Funding Strategies 22-741 Finance City Business 1:00 July 26,2022 D. Utilities Budget Follow-Up 22-742 Finance City Business 1:00 Work Session tang(@ :30 E. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-683 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 4:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.TWU Master Plan TBD City Manager's Office City Business TBD B. Audit Project 027-Technology Services:Phase 2 21-2812 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 C. CERT/Volunteer Corp. 22-1083 Fire Council Request:Davis 0:30 August 2,2022 (3/22/2022) ( D.Council Contingency Funds 22-1118 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Work Session( @6: p. E. Transitional Housing(THP) 22-1293 Community Development Council Priority 1:00 Regular Meeting @6:30 p.m.) .) F. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-684 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business MEMTotal Est.Time: 3:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: August 6,2022(Saturday) FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget,CIP,and Five-Year Financial Forecast 22-251 Finance City Business 8:00 Budget Workshop(@9:00 a.m.) Total Est.Time: 8:00 A. FY 2022-23 Annual Internal Audit Plan 21-2816 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. FY 2022-23 City Manager Proposed Budget,CIP Budget,Five-Year Forecast 22-750 Finance City Business 1:00 August 16,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-685 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): Annual Reviews:City Manager/City Attorney TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 2:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: September 6,2022 1 NO MEETING-Labor Day September 13,2022 FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget,CIP,and Five-Year Financial Forecast TBD Finance City Business TBD Special Called Meeting(If needed) Total Est.Time: 2:00 A. Update from DCTA Board Representative 21-2806 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 September 20,2022 B. Audit Project 029-Police Body-Worn Camera Usage 21-2813 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-882 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): Annual Reviews:City Auditor/Municipal Judge I TBD ILegal City Business 0:30 Total Est.Time: 2:00 Other Major Items for Meeting:Public Hearings:Tax Rate and Budget A. Audit Projects:003-Procurement,012-Economic Dev.Retention&Expansion 21-2815 Internal Audit City Business 0:45 September 27,2022 and 013-Grants Mgmt. Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) B.Wastewater Master Plan Update 22-1164 Water Administration City Business 0:45 Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) C. Two-Minute Pitch: 22-883 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s) TBD Legal City Business 0:30 Only 2 work sessions allowed Total Est.Time: 2:30 Other Major Items for Meeting:Public Hearing:Budget Adoption A.Quakertown Project&Women's Building Naming/Commemoration of former Residents 22-1134 Parks&Recreation Council Request:Byrd0:30 (4/19/20221 Council Priority B. Charging Stations 22-1282 Development services Council Request:Watts 0:30 October 18,2022 (6/07/2022) Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) C. Solicitation/Panhandling Policy 22-1281 Police;Community services Council Request:Hudspeth 0:45 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) (6/07/20221 D.Two-Minute Pitch: city Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 �01!Mer osed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 2:15 Major Items for Meeting: October 25,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.Multiple Audit Follow-up Reviews 22-1166 Internal Audit City Business 0:45 November 1,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 1:15 Other Major Items for Meeting: *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 21 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time November 15,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 0:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.Denton County Transit Authority Update 21-2807 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 December 6,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Special Called Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.Audit Project 030—Auditee Unknown 22-1167 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 December 13,2022 Work Session(@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting(@6:30 p.m.) Two-Minute Pitch: City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal(if any) City Business Total Est.Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Estimated Work Item Legistar ID Departments Type Session Date Sanger ETJ Boundary Adjustment 21-2653 Development Services City Business Date/:45 Work Session Dates to be Determined Denton Energy Center Alternate Fuel Study TBD DME City Business TBD Estimated Work Item Dates Departments Type Session Date Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan Items to be Scheduled Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Requestor Complete Traffic Feedback Signs(Report only;no work session) Feb.1,2022 Traffic Engineering Hudspeth Approved Council Pitches to be Scheduled *This is for planning purposes only.Dates are subject to change. 22 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming Closures smartsheet SCR June 27th - July 3rd Street/Intersection Closure End Description Department Department Contact Date 1 Ave A Maple St Highland St 07/05/22 07/15/22 Valley Gutter Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 2 Forest Ridge or El Paseo St Wellington Oaks Cir 07/05/22 08/05/22 Street Panels Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 3 Linden or Malone St Gober St 07/05/22 07/29/22 Curb and Gutter/Valley Gutter Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 4 Marquette or(3608) Centenary or Cul v Sac 06/27/22 07/22/22 ADA/Sidewalk Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 5 Oak St. Fulton St Fry St 07/01/22 07/22/22 Utility work in roadway Public Works Inspections Gabrielle Milam 6 St James PI Wheeler Ridge or Thoroughbred TO 06/27/22 08/05/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 7 Trinity Rd Mills Rd Grissom Rd 06/27/22 07/01/22 Water tap into the Woodlands Privet Public Works Inspections Armando Beltran development. Exported on June 24,2022 11:59:45 AM CDT 23 Page 1 of 1 2 Street Closure Report: Current Closures smartsheet I Closure Start Closure End I Street/Intersection From To Date Date Description Department Department Contact 1 Allred Rd JM Prosperity Farm Rustic Barn Bonnie Brae St 09/27/21 07/31/22 Storm Installation,Cutting Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David Venue Grade on Allred Works Inspections Atlas Dr Hercules Ln Juno Ln 06/06/22 07/15/22 Replacing gas service lines, Atmos Public Works Ryan Dromgoole 2 open trench,from new main. Inspections Road will be closed from 8am- 4pm Monday through Friday. 3 Bell Ave Administration Dr Mingo Rd 05/16/22 07/15/22 6 in.Asphalt Mill and Overlay/ Streets Roy San Miguel will be split in 3 Sections Bernard St Hickory St Chestnut St 06/01/23 07/12/23 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 4 replacing the water main line and services. Bonnie Brae St Scripture St 1-35 01/01/20 06/30/22 Installation of water Engineering Streets Water Robin Davis 5 transmission line and restoration of asphalt 6 Bradshaw St Hickory St McKinney St 03/21/22 07/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Clover Ln Robinwood Ln Glenwood Ln 05/23/22 09/19/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany.sherrane@cityofdenton. 7 installing a new sewer main line com and services. College Park Dr Peach St Fowler Dr 04/18/22 07/20/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 8 installing a new water naim line and services. 9 Crawford St Hickory St McKinney St 03/21/22 07/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Fowler Dr College Park Dr Peach St 04/18/22 07/20/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany SHerrane 10 installing a new water main line and services 11 Foxcroft Cir Old North Rd Emerson Ln 02/11/22 06/27/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 12 Fry St Oak St Scripture St 05/10/22 07/01/22 Drive Approaches/Sidewalk/ Private Development Public Gabrielle Milam Water and Sanitary Sewer Works Inspections 13 Green Ivy Rd Robinson Rd English Manor Rd 05/23/22 07/08/22 Concrete Panel and Sidewalk Streets Roy San Miguel Repair 14 Hattie St Paisley St McKinney St 03/21/22 07/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 15 Hickory St Exposition St Ruddell St 05/02/22 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 16 Hill Alley Jackson St Martin St 06/06/22 08/26/22 Utility replacement and roadway Engineering Seth Garcia reconstruction 17 Hillcrest St Scripture St Panhandle 04/29/22 06/30/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 18 Jackson Morse St Hill Alley 06/06/22 08/26/22 Utility replacement and roadway Engineering Seth Garcia reconstruction Jim Chrystal Rd Western Blvd Masch Branch Rd 04/18/22 08/31/22 Exeter PH2.Installing Public Private Development Public Jeremiah Tillman-David 19 Water,Sewer,and Storm Works Inspections Utilities Live Oak St Robinwood Ln Crestwood PI 05/23/22 09/19/22 Wastewater collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 20 installing a new sewer main line and services. 21 McKinney St Crawford Rd Audra Ln 05/19/22 09/30/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Mistywood Ln Sherwood St Robinwood Ln 05/23/22 09/19/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 22 installing a new sewer main line and services. 23 Morse St Lakey St Jackson St 06/06/22 08/26/22 Utility replacement and roadway Engineering Seth Garcia reconstruction Exported on June 24,2022 12:00:58 PM CDT 24 Page 1 of 2 Intersection • To ,ate Closure • • Description Department Department North Texas Blvd Eagle Dr Oak St 12/13/21 09/01/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement.There 24 will be multiple phases of closures.Will not be all at one time. 25 North Texas Blvd Oak St Hickory St 06/10/22 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 26 Oak St.E Crawford St Wood St 04/04/22 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 27 Parkside Or Windsor Dr Bowling Green St 05/31/22 07/15/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Peach St Locust St Palmer Dr 04/18/22 07/20/22 Water Distribution will be Water Tiffany Sherrane 28 installing a new water main line and services. Robinwood Ln Kayewwod Dr Emerson Ln 05/23/22 09/19/22 Wastewater Collections will be Wastewater Tiffany Sherrane 29 installing a new sewer main line and services. 30 Rose St Paisley St Uland St 04/25/22 08/31/22 Pavement Replacement Engineering Scott Fettig 31 Stella St North Texas Blvd Bonnie Brae St 10/29/21 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 32 Sycamore St Bernard St Carroll Blvd 05/17/22 07/29/22 Street Reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper 33 Uland St Rose St Railroad Ave 04/25/22 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 34 Windsor Or Fireside Ln Bonnie Brae St 06/06/22 08/26/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 35 Wood St McKinney St Hickory St 04/11/22 08/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. Exported on June 24,2022 12:00:58 PM CDT 25 Page 2 of 2 3 Street Closure Report: Completed Closures smartsheet Street/Intersection From Date Description Department Department Contact 1 Box Wood Smoke Tree Cul V Sac 05/23/22 06/16/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel Bryan St Scripture 228 Bryan St 06/06/22 06/07/22 Closing Bryan Street June 6 I Public Works Inspections Stephany Trammell 2 and 7 from 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM to remove tower crane from jobsite. 3 Chestnut St Welch St Bernard St 10/18/21 05/31/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 4 Foxcroft Circle Archer Trail Northcrest Rd 04/25/22 06/03/22 Street reconstruction Engineering Dustin Draper Hickory St Eastbound from Bonnie Brae Bonnie Brae 05/16/22 05/27/22 Southbound lanes on Bonnie Engineering Streets Traffic Robin Davis Oak Street Split Brae at Hickory will be closed Water for pavement replacement. 5 Traffic on Bonnie Brae will not be affected. Through traffic will be closed at Hickory Street from the Split on Oak Street. 6 Long Rd Sherman Dr(428) Holy Springs Rd 05/16/22 06/16/22 Concrete Panel Repair Streets Roy San Miguel 7 Mockingbird Ln Mingo Rd Stockton St 05/04/22 06/13/22 Sewer manhole installation and Public Works Inspections Armando Beltran 2 water taps. 8 Oak St.W Bradley St North Texas Blvd 06/10/22 06/22/22 Utility installations and Engineering Scott Fettig pavement replacement. 9 Shagbark Vintage Blvd Buckthorn Ln 05/31/22 06/24/22 Concrete Panel Replacement Engineering Seth Garcia 10 Wolftrap Dr Stuart Rd. Olympia Dr 04/04/22 05/27/22 Laying RCP across the street to Private Development Tucker Eller connect to existing storm drain. Exported on June 24,2022 12:01:08 PM CDT 26 Page 1 of 1