2023-003 ARPA Update January 6, 2023 Report No. 2023-003 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Denton was allocated $23.29 million in federal aid across two years. The first payment of $11.645 million was received in June 2021 and the second and final payment of $11.645 million was received in June 2022. City staff continues to administer programs created under the first tranche and develop projects approved during the FY 22-23 budget adoption for the second tranche. The reallocation of remaining funds from completed projects and new allocations from the second tranche will fund and support areas identified as essential for continued recovery and meeting the objectives outlined by ARPA— SLFRF, as defined below. DISCUSSION: On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law and established the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund also known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program. The purpose of SLFRF is to provide support to state, territorial, local, and tribal governments in responding to the economic and public health impacts of COVID-19 and in their efforts to contain impacts on their communities, residents, and businesses. The City of Denton was allocated $23.29 million in federal aid across two years. The funding is delivered in two tranches, or payments, no later than 12 months apart. Half of this funding ($11.645 million) was received by the City in June 2021, and the remaining half became available in June 2022. In the Final Rule, the Treasury Department encourages recipients to adapt to new developments that arise during the twelve-month period, including changes in the public health emergency and negative economic impacts. Programs funded under the first round of funding were developed based on staff recommendations, City Council prioritization of funding categories, and citizen input. Approved projects were included in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget adoption. Highlights include: • Loop 288 Building—A total of$5 million has been used towards the construction of the Loop 288 building to provide comprehensive services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. • Behavioral Healthcare Services Grant—Four (4) grants totaling $895,000 were awarded to healthcare service providers aimed at increasing access to services for City of Denton residents in at least one of three priority areas: youth mental health services, adult mental health services and substance use treatment services. The focus is to increase access to services for underinsured and/or uninsured individuals and families. • Non-profit Capacity Support — Seven (7) grants totaling $550,000 were awarded to non- profits aimed at providing support to non-profits whose services and programming were directly impacted by COVID-19. Focus is on long-term sustainment of operations. January 6, 2023 Report No. 2023-003 • Small Business Rent and Mortgage Relief Grant - Awards to 37 small businesses totaling $913,700 were made to provide relief to small businesses who demonstrated an economic loss associated with COVID-19. The focus is on long-term sustainment of operations. • Street Outreach Expansion — A Caseworker and Paramedic have been added and dedicated to Street Outreach operations providing direct assistance to individuals experiencing homelessness. Additionally, a vehicle has been purchased for the Police Department to be used in responses. • Facility Modifications—Modifications and improvements to City facilities that promote public health by mitigating the spread of COVID-19 have been made totaling approximately $395,500. • Emergency Management Program Manager— The position within the Fire Department's Emergency Management Division has been reinstated with expanded duties related to public health initiatives. • Administrative Costs — The City has acquired and implemented a grant management system that is currently being used to manage the three grant programs created using SURE In preparation of the second payment, staff assessed the current phase of the pandemic recovery to determine new and on-going needs. The following areas were identified as essential for continued recovery and meeting the objectives outlined by ARPA— SURF: • Temporary Alternative Housing • Non-profit Capacity Support • Public Safety Equipment • Park and Recreation Projects The reallocation of remaining funds from completed projects, such as the Small Business Relief Grant program and Public Communication Software and addressed needs like COVID Vaccination Support will help fund these areas. Additionally, new allocations from the second tranche will provide support. An update on ARPA was presented to City Council during budget discussions and projects under the second tranche were approved with the FY 22-23 budget. All programs and allocated budgets funded by SURF are outlined in Exhibit 1. All costs must be incurred or obligated by December 31, 2024. The period of performance will run until December 31, 2026, at which time all projects must be completed. CONCLUSION: Staff will continue to administer and monitor SURE programs with updates provided to City Council quarterly. ATTACHMENT(S): Exhibit I SURF Projects January 6, 2023 Report No. 2023-003 STAFF CONTACT: Laura Behrens Assistant Director of Procurement/Warehouse / Grants Laura.Behrens(&cityofdenton.com (940) 349-7273 January 6, 2023 Report No. 2023-003 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 SLFRF Proiects Project Expenditure Category 1st Tranche Reallocation 1st Tranche Revised 2nd Tranche I Total Funding Public Health Behavioral Healthcare Services-Grant Program $ 895,000.00 $ - $ 895,000.00 $ 895,000.00 Fire-Vaccine Suppot $ 550,000.00 $ (548,000.00) $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Personnel costs/PPE/Medical Supplies/Communica $ 465,000.00 Fire-Vehilce for Vaccine Support $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00 Facilities-COVID Update $ 750,000.00 $ (150,000.00) $ 600,000.00 $ 600,000.00 Police-Vehicle for Street Outreach $ 50,000.00 $ (5,050.25) $ 44,949.75 $ 44,949.75 Parks and Recration Projects $ 400,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 3,000,000.00 $ 3,400,000.00 Negative Economic Impacts Community Service-Loop 288 Building $ 5,000,000.00 $ - $ 5,000,000.00 $ 5,000,000.00 Day Center and Overnight Shelter(Operations) $ 1,295,000.00 $ 1,295,000.00 Temp.Alt.Shelter(Hotel Voucher Program) $ 550,000.00 $ 345,000.00 $ 895,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 3,395,000.00 Non-Profit Capacity Support-Grant Program $ 550,000.00 $ 553,000.00 $ 1,103,000.00 $ 1,500,000.00 $ 2,603,000.00 Economic Development-Grants Program $ 2,550,000.00 $ (1,086,299.89) $ 1,473,700.11 $ 1,473,700.11 Rent/Mortgage Relief $ 2,000,000.00 Arts/Music/Cultural Business $ 550,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Revenue Replacement(Government Services) Street Outreach Expansion $ 250,000.00 $ - $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 500,000.00 Fire-Street Outreach(Paramedic) $ 160,000.00 Police-Street Outreach(Clinician/Caseworker) $ 90,000.00 Fire-Emergency Mgmt $ 170,000.00 $ (75,000.00) $ 95,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 195,000.00 Personnel Costs(Emergency Mngt.Coordinator) $ 95,000.00 Public Communication Software $ 75,000.00 Public Saftey Equipment $ 596,350.14 $ 596,350.14 $ 3,000,000.00 $ 3,596,350.14 Administration Administrative Costs(Grant Management System) $ 330,000.00 1 $ (125,000.00)1 $ 205,000.00 1 1 $ 205,000.00 Total $ 11,645,000.00 r$ (0.00)1 $ 11,645,000.00 1 $ 11,645,000.00 1 $ 23,290,000.00