2023-015 Safety Staffing Model Update February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-015 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Safety Staffing Model Update BACKGROUND: The City provides occupational health and safety (OHS) services and training opportunities to all departments and employees to protect the employee's well-being and fulfill our requirements as an employer under federal and state law. While this responsibility had been historically staffed by City employees, after the City offered a Voluntary Separation Program (VSP) in May 2020, there were no Safety personnel remaining. On May 20, 2020, the City Manager approved a short-term contract with Rizikon, Inc. to immediately provide on-site safety staffing and services to the City. A final contract was awarded to Rizikon by City Council on July 21, 2020, for a three (3) year term to provide on-site safety services and training programs for City departments. The contract charged Rizikon to develop a comprehensive safety and training program with industry best practices, policies, and procedures. When the contract was executed, it was envisioned for the outsourced staffing model through Rizikon to be a short-term arrangement to build the core foundations of a Safety program, with the goal of transitioning back to an internal Safety staffing model at a future date. There have been four staff members from Rizikon on-site to provide safety training and services. At the beginning of the contract,the Rizikon team reported directly to an Assistant City Manager. The Safety team was transitioned to report to the Human Resources Department in March 2022 to align with the HR and Risk Management teams and continue to evaluate how we strengthen programs, policies, and tools to mitigate risk and ensure the health and safety of our workforce. DISCUSSION: After evaluating with Directors and City leadership, staff determined it would be in the City's best interests to transition back to an in-house Safety staff team to strengthen the safety program, leverage all available resources and efficiencies, and integrate safety into all facets of department operations. As such, staff is planning to transition safety staffing and hire qualified safety personnel as City employees prior to Rizikon's contract expiration in July 2023. The following provides an overview of key elements to transition Safety back to an in-house staffing model: • No Budgetary Impact,Reduced Cost—The annual financial estimate to hire and employ an internal Safety team is approximately$658,687,which is inclusive of fully loaded costs for four staff members and a small budget for outside contract services as needed. This financial estimate is less than the current contracted budget of$718,518.09 with Rizikon for comparable safety staffing and services. Therefore, no additional budget is required, and it will represent a savings to the Risk Fund(internal service fund). February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-015 The action to create four positions in Position Control will require Council ratification through a budget amendment to the Risk Fund. Staff plans to bring this ratification to City Council when a Risk Fund budget amendment is brought later in the year. A Risk Fund budget amendment is generally sought at the latter part of each fiscal year, once staff has actual and projected expenses related to variable cost items such as claims and insurance premiums. • Hiring Process and Timeline - Staff plans to hire four staff positions for Safety. While titles,job descriptions, and pay grades are being reviewed and finalized,the current plan is to hire a Safety and Risk Manager, Safety Coordinator/Analyst, and two Safety and Training Specialists. In addition, some funds are planned to be budgeted to use outside contract services as needed for certain training classes or inspections as may be needed. Staff plans to finalize and post the open positions in March to begin the hiring process. The goal is to complete the hiring processes within two to three months to onboard new staff and provide a short overlap with the Rizikon contract to ease the transition. • Next Steps —While preparing for a staffing model change, staff has also been evaluating a work plan going forward for Safety. This work plan will focus on four areas to continue the development of a comprehensive safety management system, including: 1. Safety Policy and Structure (policy and program development, systems development,budget management); 2. Safety Assurance (program management, inventory management, safety committees, department coordination); 3. Safety Risk Management (inspections, investigations, risk identification and mitigation, reporting); and 4. Safety Promotion(training, communication, and resources). CONCLUSION: Through the last two and one-half years, the Rizikon staff team has provided safety services and training to the City's workforce. They have made considerable strides in building the policies, procedures, and elements of a Safety program; however, more work must be done to strengthen the City's overall safety program. Staff believes the internal staffing model will best achieve the future goals and objectives to continue strengthening our safety program, leveraging all available resources and efficiencies, and integrating safety into all facets of department operations. The City is committed to prioritizing and protecting the health, safety, and well-being of all employees. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Rizikon Safety Services and Staffing Contract STAFF CONTACT: Sarah Kuechler Director of Human Resources sarah.kuechlerkcityofdenton.com February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-015 Deby Skawinski Deputy Director of Risk& Compliance debt'.skawinski(a�cityofdenton.com REQUESTOR: Staff Initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Human Resources, City Manager's Office