2023-016 2022 Tiny Home Villages Visit February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-016 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Tiny Home Villages Visit with San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust and San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As the City continues to explore solutions that strengthen our Housing Crisis Response System, it is helpful to see different types of projects in operation. On December 1, 2022, a group from the City of Denton visited three Tiny Home Villages located in the City of Baldwin Park, CA, and the City of Montebello, CA. The San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust (SGVRHT) hosted the tours.The SGVRHT and San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments(SGVCOG)have developed a tiny home pilot program to help cities meet the immediate needs of individuals experiencing homelessness (Exhibit 1). DISCUSSION: During the visit, SGVRHT provided a presentation that detailed the partnership with the SGVCOG, the process of developing the facilities, and the daily operations for each project. The Tiny Home Villages included Operation Stay Safe with the City of Montebello and Serenity Homes and Esperanza Villa with the City of Baldwin Park. Highlights of each village are provided below. Operation Stay Safe Overview • Purpose: Operation Stay Safe is a 30- _ unit tiny home village in the City of - Montebello, CA that provides individual adults experiencing unsheltered homeless temporary housing while f . bridging to permanent housing. The _ target length of stay is 90 days. • Nonprofit Organization: Onsite supportive services are provided by Volunteers of America Los Angeles and a a specialized unit from the City of Montebello Fire Department. • Open: May 18, 2022 • Project Schedule: August/September October/November December-Ma In August, city staff, City Council approved the Site preparation is taking SGVRHT, and service project on 10/27. SGVRHT place. Structures are being providers conducted purchased the shelters, installed at the site. community outreach. restrooms, and other site Referrals will start being structures. accepted to prepare for site opening. February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-016 Units: 30 • Product: Pallet Shelter 0 64 Sq. ft Sleeping Shelters, o Bathroom/Shower building(s), mac ' and = — 0 400 Sq. ft Community Room ,p building. • Site: Existing Parking lot • Site Amenities: o Each unit provides a bed, shelves, overhead light, _ AC/heat, an outlet, and a door that locks. o Laundry, restroom, and shower facilities • Supportive Services: o Onsite supportive services provided by Volunteers of America Los Angeles o Three daily meals for residents o Case management to connect residents to additional services and permanent housing o Laundry, restroom, and shower facilities 0 24/7 security, privacy fencing, and secured entry • Eligibility Requirements: Individuals experiencing homelessness in Montebello. Participants are referred through local street outreach • Partnerships: SGVRHT, SGVCOG, City of Montebello, City of Montebello Fire Department Esperanza Villa Overview ----- 0 U v - - --.--- - • Purpose: Esperanza Villa is a 25-unit tiny home village in the City of Baldwin Park, CA that provides individual adults experiencing unsheltered homeless temporary housing while bridging to permanent housing. The target length of stay is 90 days. • Nonprofit Organization: Onsite supportive services are provided by Volunteers of America Los Angeles • Open: November 22, 2021 February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-016 • Project Schedule: June/Jul August/September October/November In June, city staff, SGVRHT purchased the Tiny homes and restrooms SGVRHT, and service shelters, restrooms, and arrived and were connected providers conducted other site structures. Public to utilities. Volunteers community outreach Works began to prepare the helped make beds in each including two virtual site. Volunteers assembled of the units and assembled information sessions and hygiene and welcome kits site furniture. The site two in-person site tours. for future residents opened on 11/22/21 just in City Council approved the time for Thanksgiving project on July 7th • Units: 25 • Product: Pallet Shelter 0 64 Sq. ft Sleeping Shelters, . o Portable <; Bathroom/Shower � buildin s and 0 128 Sq. ft Community - - - Room building. r - • Site: Existing lot - • Site Amenities: o Each unit provides a bed, - shelves, overhead light, AC/heat, an outlet, and a door that locks. o Laundry, restroom, and shower trailers o Dog run for participants with pets • Supportive Services: o On-site supportive services provided by Volunteers of America Los Angeles (VOALA) o Three daily meals for residents,prepared offsite and delivered daily by VOALA o Case management to connect residents to additional services and permanent housing 0 24/7 security, privacy fencing, and secured entry • Eligibility Requirements: Individuals experiencing homelessness in Montebello. Participants are referred through local street outreach • Partnerships: SGVRHT, SGVCOG, City of Baldwin Park Serenity Homes Overview • Purpose: Serenity Homes is a 16-modular unit tiny home village in the City of Baldwin Park, CA that provides bridge housing site for families experiencing homelessness in Baldwin Park. The target length of stay is 6 months. • Nonprofit Organization: On-site supportive services are provided by City Net February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-016 • Open: September 24, 2022 • Project Schedule: June July/August August/September Project approved by City Community Engagement Site preparation was Council sessions and site tours performed by Baldwin Park Public Works. Site Grand Opening r • Units: 16 Modular Units • Product: Boss Cubez 0 144 Sq. ft Sleeping Shelters, , o Portable Bathroom/Shower building(s), and o Community Room p building. • Site: Existing parking lot on a - previous Auto Repair Business • Site Amenities: o Each unit provides AC/ heat, lighting, electrical outlets, twin bunk beds and a full-size bed. Two units can be connected to accommodate larger families. o Laundry, restroom, and shower trailers o An onsite computer room will facilitate homework and job training. • Supportive Services: o On-site supportive services provided by City Net o Three daily meals for residents o Case management to connect residents to additional services and permanent housing 0 24/7 security, privacy fencing, and secured entry • Eligibility Requirements: Families experiencing homelessness in Baldwin Park. • Partnerships: SGVRHT, SGVCOG, City of Baldwin Park, Public Works and PARD (Project Construction), Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority After the visit, staff received a presentation from Pallet shelters. The Pallet representative shared information on shelter village layouts that encompasses private sleeping shelters, paired with onsite amenities. Its delivery format is a planned community that meets residents' basic needs: private sleeping shelters, meals, bathrooms, and laundry paired with an on-site case management team to provide services to help people transition to permanent housing. February 17, 2023 Report No. 2023-016 CONCLUSION: At this time, staff does not recommend action on any of the existing options. Staff will continue to research housing solutions that strengthen our Housing Crisis Response System and meet the needs of the community. ATTACHMENTS: • Exhibit 1: Presentation- Tiny Homes: bridging the gap from shelter to permanent housing STAFF CONTACT: Dani Shaw, Community Services REOUESTOR: Staff initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: CMO, Community Services STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 1.5 hours Tiny Homes : bridging the gap .......... 2022108111 from shelter to ANNUAL IC- MI1 CONFERENCE ■ u�EMBER,7-21 � C0UJM9U=FRMKL1NC0'JNTY.0iH permanent housing ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Marisa Creter, Executive Director Yuriko Ruizesparza , Program Supervisor Brielle Acevedo, Housing Trust Manager 4 gAID{y� O tin w 9 P U lc IV r Regional Partnerships & Collaboration • �p�lDly/ ,. F HUB •THE V 7C ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE SAN GABRIEL ,o 2� k, L L7w- -ma 0 ^� • • • • �AO y eV • • • • • RgTFD J0 P� City and COG programs Workforce Food Landlord Development Recovery outreach and incentives Recreation Crisis Pre ve ntion Programming Intervention and Diversion ACHIEVIN ELLENCE Bridge Housingr Overview ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Bridge Housing Process Case Management and Housing Navigation Street Personalized housing and Outreach income plans to identify Clients are identified and subsidy and workforce referred to bridge housing. development opportunities to achieve permanent housing. r Bridge Permanent Housing Housing Clients are assigned a unit Clients are connected to the duration of their stay and apartments, shared housing, are stabilized with hygiene reunified with families, or facilities and meal service. other supportive housing types. 2022 108ANNUAL ICMA CONFERENCE ■ SEOTEMUR 17 21.2022 COIUMRus FRANKLIN COUNTY.ON Funding ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Development and Operational Costs Capital funding * Funding sources included State Budget Earmark funding allocated to the SGVRHT and SGVCOG and local funding, Measure H, allocated to the SGVCOG and City of Baldwin Park. * Development cost is $25,000 per unit including site development. • Restroom trailers • Case management office • Connection to utilities • Asphalt paint Operational funding direct client and services + assistance J) Bed rate L- A 'LIM.. --.A L -..,g * The SGVRHT funded the first year of operations. The County of Los Angeles has awarded a funding grant for year 2, extending the program through November 2023. 2022 108ANNUAL 1CiMA CONFERENCE SEOTEMUR 17 21.2022 COIUMRus FRANKLIN COUNTY.ON Design and B ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Site elements, building codes, and utility connections Tiny home details 64 square feet ,,; • Insulated + AC/heat • Locking door • Overhead light • Fold down bed and desk • ADA complaint ACHIEVIN �ff m • Mold/mildew resistant i t f ' � f • ' I "fir SEtl�fllU1C�SE0 t 3 • m � T • EMERGENC Y EMIT KEEP CLEAR Emergency 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Shelter 2 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA DECLARING A SHELTER CRISIS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE §8698 ET SEQ.. AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THERERTTH. 4 Resolution 5 WHEREAS. on March. 13. 2018, the City Council adopted a series of homeless service 6 initiatives.which set forth the City's policies. goals.and objectives in addressing homeless issues 7 through the strategic alignment of municipal and regional resources,with an emphasis on providing 8 homeless individuals housing first and then wrap-around services:and 9 WHEREAS. since the adoption of the City's homelessness plan. the City has undertaken 10 multiple efforts to combat homelessness,including various collaborations with local stakeholders to to 11 provide permanent housing:and Provides the ability 12 A'I-IEREAS.California's Governor Edmund G.Brown.Jr.and the members of the California 13 deploy sites quickly 14 Legislature have recognized the urgent and immediate need for funding at the local level to combat homelessness:and 15 WHEREAS.the Governor and Legislature have provided funding to local governments under 16 the Homeless Emergency Aid Program as part of SB 850 and the 2018-19 Budget Act(Chapter 48. 17 Statutes of 2018),and 18 19 V4IEREAS.the Governor and Legislature require jurisdictions seeking an allocation through 20 the Homeless Emergency Aid Program to declare a Shelter Crisis pursuant to Goverment Code 1. Section 8698 et seq.:and 2022 108ANNUAL lCiMA CONFERENCE SEOTEMUR 17 21.2022 COIUMRus FRANKLIN COUNTY.ON Staffming ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Services provided onsite 24/7 staffing and supportive services * Resident aides and safety monitors * Case managers * Housing navigators * Volunteers 2022 108ANNUAL 1CiMA CONFERENCE ■ SEOTEMUR 17 21.2022 COIUMRus FRANKLIN COUNTY.ON Success Stories ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Connections to permanent housing and tiny homes from the client perspective Transitions to permanent housing * The first Esperanza Villa resident placed in permanent housing was a 76-year-old woman who had been homeless on and off since 2014. After staying at the tiny homes site for about 3 months, she is no longer homeless. * The second client connected to permanent housing was also a senior woman. She spent 4 months at Esperanza Villa before receiving a County Housing Choice Voucher. * 4 additional clients have transitioned to permanent housing and all residents are working toward their housing plan ■ 2022 ANNUAL Community lCiMA CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER17-21.2022 CaUMPUS-TRANKIINCOUNTY.OH Engagement ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Before and after site opening Community site tours and FAQs sw+ Baldwin Park Tiny Home Pilot Site !oG The San Gabriel Valley Regional Ncusing Trust(SGVFHT)and San Gabriel Valley Council Of Govemments - -- _ (SGvcw)have developed a tiny home plbt program to help cities meet the Immediate needs of _ j-_Z__ individuals experiencing homelessness.There are currently over 500 unhoused individuals in Baldwin Park. ��\ Overview of proposed site The Baldwin Pork site will be located at 14173 Garvey Avenue and will have 25 tiny home units to house Individuals experlencing homelessness In Baldwin Park.Participants will be selected through local street II outreach antl will be assigned a unit for the duration of their toy,avoiding Me daily lines associmetl 11114` l with connecting client, emergency shelter.The site will provide bridge housing,a temporary placement.while onnecting clients to permanent housing.The target length of stay will be 90 tlays,allowing the site to rve up to 100 individuals In a year.The site will hove privacy fencing antl secured entry for the benefit - •` e1 Of pvr[Icipants and neighbors.Each unit provides a beq shelves,overheatl Ilgn(AC/nee(an outlet,and \V a door chat locks.The she will visa provide shared rrMraom,shower,and laundry facilities as well as a communal meal space offering participants Increased access to hygiene and a sense of community. -SZ '000 I Support services • The site will be operated by a supportive services provider and will provide case management antl •connect clients W healthcare,fob training,and additional services. - I •The she will nave 24/7 security.No Illegal or illicit substances will be allowed on-she. •Case management staff will work with participants to stare large Items off she and keep each dny home free of clv, -7 nts P.nIsl can -in with their pets. •Partkipants willl receNe 3 meals per day. Site Amenities restroom/snower facilities •laundry hailer �- •office/case management space •outdoor dining area •landscaping and inviting colors �! + Project Schedule �I June/July August September/October InJ—cbstaN,SGVRNT.ond stivilf illpurchose Me shelters, Structures will be inslalletl rrt[he site. service providers wndu— antl other site ztruoures Porticipants will be assigned to unity outreach.City Coundl Pubic Works will prepare die site. vailoble beds.le November,-site . approved the pmjrct on July]tit, will be operational. • � i jai -, VA ACHIEVIN ELLENCE 2022 108ANNUAL 1CiMA CONFERENCE SEOTEMUR 17 21.2022 COIUMRus FRANKLIN COUNTY.ON Scalab 'll 'ity ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Technical assistance, knowledge sharing , and upcoming projects Site development plan -LH ?OW•, z, g 09 '� �J �P Burbank Malibu Torrance Hawthorne Fontana Paramount LAHSA Montebello ACHIEVIN ELLENCE J f, Operation Stay Safe / .. _ P t r• � 30 units of tiny home bridge housing in the City of Montebello k - ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE op •; ` � ./ qdw Sam Pedersen (SGVCOG) IL ACHIEVIN jjkELLENCE Coming soonl Baldwin Park Family tiny p home site opens �^ September 24thl ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Contact us mcreter@sgvcog.org SGVRHT bacevedo@sgvrht.org YRuizesparza@baldwinpark.com SAN GABRIEL REGIONAL HOUSING TRUST Home About Project Status Tiny Homes d Agendas sprht.org/finyhomes ~ Esperanza Villa Baldwin Park Operation Stay Safe Family Site ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE