2023-019 Downtown Ambassador Program March 3, 2023 Report No. 2023-019 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Downtown Denton Ambassador Program Pilot BACKGROUND: In July 2022, Mayor Hudspeth made a two-minute pitch and received support for staff resources to be spent developing policies and programs to address referrals to services for people experiencing homelessness,panhandling, and behaviors in the downtown area. In January 2023, Council Member Davis made a two-minute pitch request and received support for a work session to get an update on homelessness efforts after opening the new shelter, with a focus on safety and the downtown area. Current Environment Denton's population has grown 26% in ten (10) years, and Denton added 7,085 jobs between Q1 2021 and Q3 2022. Denton PD reported a 26% increase in the top ten (10) calls for service downtown from 2021 to 2022. City departments have been coordinating with downtown businesses in recent months to discuss Denton's downtown district needs. Business owners provided information on their top priorities including 1)parking, 2) safety and 3) cleanup & codes to improve the environment for businesses and visitors alike. City departments have responded as follows: ■ Installed three streetlights in downtown ■ Repaired six nonfunctioning lights ■ Improved education to give businesses the best and most direct contact to solve most common issues The City is also conducting various planning efforts pertaining to the downtown area, as outlined below. ■ PARD is working with the Downtown Main Street Association to identify locations for future art ■ PARD has replaced all tall grasses to improve visibility and will assess the need for additional planters. ■ Economic Development and Development Services are conducting a parking study. ■ Development Services staff are working on a Downton Master Plan (Est. completion December 2023) Community Services, Denton Police Department, Parks and Recreation, and Economic Development have collaborated to develop a multipronged response to Quality of Life in the downtown area. These efforts align with City Council's Key Focus Area to Strengthen March 3, 2023 Report No. 2023-019 Community and Quality of Life. The goal is to identify solutions for a cleaner, safer, happier Downtown Denton. The responses will be presented to City Council over three Work Sessions, outlined below. • February 2023 — Council Work Session: Homeless Response Solutions & Transitional Housing COMPLETE • March 2023 —Council Work Session: Downtown Ambassador Program • April 2023 —Council Work Session: Aggressive Panhandling DISCUSSION: Downtown Ambassador Program Downtown Ambassador Programs are increasingly common responses to quality of life needs of local downtown districts. Staff researched programs across the country (Table 1) and determined that these programs offer some combination of the following services: Hospitality Services, Directions, Safety Escorts, Cleaning and Maintenance Services, Outreach and Referrals to Social Services. `Ambassadors' address issues in public areas, not on private property. While law enforcement remains the first call in emergencies, Ambassador Programs often provide an added layer of public safety support for communities. Table 1: Example Downtown Ambassador Programs Location Services Provided Funding Program Oversight Source ■Hospitality Services Public Downtown Fort Fort Worth, TX Directions; Safety Escorts Improvement Worth Inc. manages ■Homelessness Outreach District(PID) the PID; Contracts •Referrals to Social Services with 3rd party ■Hospitality Property-Based Santa Monica, CA ' Safety Assessment Downtown Santa ■Quality of Life District(PBAD Monica,Inc. •Maintenance ) ■Clean Team Downtown Downtown Dallas, Dallas, TX ■Public Safety(Security) Improvement Inc. •Homeless Outreach District(DID) ■Hospitality Business Downtown Reno ■ Social Outreach Partnership; Reno,NV ■ Safety Improvement Contracts with 3rd ■Cleaning District(BID) party Staff are recommending Council fund a Downtown Ambassador Program in Denton to promote economic vitality and support public safety downtown. Ambassadors will provide hospitality and safety services as outlined in Table 2. Cleaning and maintenance services may also be incorporated, which would increase the number of staff required. Staff identified a need for enhanced cleaning and maintenance services in the downtown area, and inclusion of these services in the Downtown Ambassador Program would improve responsiveness and reduce demands on PARD and CIS. March 3, 2023 Report No. 2023-019 Table 2: Downtown Ambassador Services Directions, Motorist Assists, Safety&Umbrella Escorts, Hospitality Services Business Contacts, Coordination with Parks Downtown Maintenance Referrals to Social Services & Collaboration with Safety Services Outreach, Discourage Illegal Behavior, Regular Communication with Law Enforcement Additional option could include Cleaning Services: Cleaning Services Cleaning, Power Washing, Trash Removal, Graffiti Removal, Beautification& Landscaping Based on research, staff are recommending the City pursue contracting services with a third-party vendor with experience implementing and managing these programs. Under the direction of City staff, the vendor will oversee daily operations including staffing. These vendors have database tools to measure program outcomes that can directly inform community impact and funding needs over time. Two options for partial or full implementation are included below (Table 3). If Council directs staff to proceed, and RFP will be initiated to obtain definitive cost requirements. Table 3: Denton Downtown Ambassador Pro ram Pilot Implementation Options Partial Implementation Full Implementation • 6 Positions: 5 Ambassadors & 1 • 10 Positions: 9 Ambassadors & 1 Supervisor Supervisor • Safety&Hospitality Team • Safety&Hospitality Team • 7am to 12am • 7am to 12am • Thursday through Sunday • 7 days/week As proposed, the program pilot would be fully funded through the City's General fund for the initial one (1) to two (2) years. Based on how similar programs are funded in other communities, staff s recommendation is for Council to consider the establishment of a Public Improvement District(PID)to support the cost of the program over time. Establishment of a PID would institute a special assessment, from which funding may be utilized for community improvements. Outcome data for the first one (1)to two(2)years of the program will inform the most appropriate long-term needs, costs and boundaries for a downtown PID. Pending direction from Council, Economic Development will provide a presentation to Council regarding the requirements for establishing a PID. Table 4 identifies potential PID assessment rates based on geographic proximity to downtown. For example, a ten-cent($0.10) assessment rate for the smallest boundary(0.125 mile) could result in an estimated $123,014 annually to support the program. March 3, 2023 Report No. 2023-019 Table 4: Potential Public Improvement District Assessment Rates PID Assessment* .125 Mile .25 Mile .375 Mile .5 Mile (per $100 of valuation $0.10 $123,014 $240,376 $360,135 $555,924 $0.20 $246,028 $480,752 $720,270 $1,111,858 $0.30 $369,041 $721,129 $1,080,405 $1,667,771 $0.40 $492,055 $961,505 $1,440,540 $2,223,695 CONCLUSION: Staff will provide a presentation to Council March 7 (ID 22-2415), recommending the implementation of a Denton Downtown Ambassador Program Pilot. Staff will seek Council direction regarding the below. • Submit a supplemental request in the upcoming budget process to implement a Downtown Ambassador Program in FY23/24. o With or without Cleaning &Maintenance Services Pending Council direction, staff will submit relevant supplemental requests in the upcoming budget process. STAFF CONTACT: Courtney Douangdara, Community Services courtney.douan dg arakcityofdenton.com; (940) 349-7235 REQUESTOR: (List Council Member Name/Board, Commission or Committee/Staff Initiated) Mayor Gerard Hudspeth, Council Member Davis PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Community Services, Police Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Economic Development STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: (Estimated amount of cumulative staff time to complete the report and associated analysis) 80 hours