2023-023 Public Private Partnerships (P3) March 3,2023 Report No. 2023-023 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Public Private Partnerships (P3) BACKGROUND: Public-private partnership (P3) refers to a cooperative relationship between a public entity and a private sector entity. P3 involves a long-term contract between these two parties,where the private sector entity provides a specific service or infrastructure project to the public entity. In exchange, the private sector entity receives payment, either directly from the public entity or from end-users of the service or infrastructure. P3 can take many forms, ranging from the construction of public buildings and infrastructure projects such as roads,bridges, and airports,to the provision of public services such as healthcare, education, and waste management. The private sector partner is responsible for designing, building,financing, and operating the project or service,while the public entity provides oversight and ensures that the project or service meets public needs and standards. The advantages of P3 include the ability to leverage private sector expertise and capital,the sharing of risks between public and private partners, and the potential for greater efficiency and innovation in the delivery of public services and infrastructure. However, P3s also involve complex legal, financial, and regulatory structures, and require careful management to ensure that public interests are protected and that the private partner's profit motive does not compromise the quality or affordability of public services. P3 IN TEXAS Chapter 2267 Chapter 2267 of the Texas Government Code provides the legal framework for P3 in Texas. It establishes requirements for the procurement, contracting, and performance standards of P3 projects,as well as the roles and responsibilities of the public and private partners involved in these projects. The chapter outlines financing and payment structures for P3 projects, and includes provisions related to dispute resolution and other administrative and operational requirements for P3s in Texas. Overall, Chapter 2267 is a critical component of the legal and regulatory framework for P3s in Texas, ensuring that these projects are executed in a transparent, fair, and efficient manner that benefits both the public and private sectors. Texas Facilities Commission The Texas Facilities Commission provides guidelines for P3 agreements in Texas. These guidelines cover best practices,risk management, and legal and financial considerations for P3s in the state. Overall, these guidelines aim to ensure that P3 projects in Texas are executed in a transparent, fair, and efficient manner that benefits both the public and private sectors. The Center for Alternative Finance and Procurement March 3,2023 Report No. 2023-023 The Center for Alternative Finance and Procurement is a Texas-based organization that provides guidance and support for the use of P3 methods in the state. The Center provides education and training programs, technical assistance, and other resources to help public entities navigate the complex legal and regulatory framework for P3s in Texas. The Center's mission is to help public entities identify and implement alternative procurement methods that can deliver high-quality infrastructure projects at lower costs and with fewer risks. The Center works closely with public officials, private sector partners, and other stakeholders to promote the use of alternative procurement methods and support their successful implementation in Texas. P3 STRUCTURES P3 structure vary depending on the type of project and the level of risk that the private sector partner is willing to assume. Common P3 structures used in Texas include: • Design-Build (DB): The private sector partner is responsible for both the design and construction of the project. • Design-Build-Operate (DBO): The private sector partner designs, constructs, and operates the project. • Design-Build-Maintain (DBM): The private sector partner designs, constructs, and maintains the project. • Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO): The private sector partner designs, constructs, finances, and operates the project. • Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM): The private sector partner designs, constructs, operates, and maintains the project. • Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM): The private sector partner designs, constructs, finances, operates, and maintains the project. • Operate-Maintain (OM): The private sector partner is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the project,but the public entity retains ownership. P3 FINANCING IN TEXAS P3s in Texas are financed through a variety of mechanisms, including tax-exempt bonds, private financing, and other financial tools and incentives. Tax-exempt bonds are a common way to finance P3 projects in Texas and can be used on the public portion of the project, as they offer lower interest rates and longer repayment terms than traditional financing. Private financing is another option, which may be used in conjunction with tax-exempt bonds or other financing mechanisms. Other financial tools and incentives, such as tax credits and grants,may also be used to support P3 projects in Texas. OPPORTUNITIES March 3,2023 Report No. 2023-023 P3s offer several opportunities for Texas to improve its public infrastructure and support economic growth and development, they include: • Increased efficiency and cost savings: P3s have the potential to be more efficient and cost- effective than traditional procurement methods,as private partners can bring their expertise and innovation to the table. • Faster project delivery: P3s can help accelerate project delivery timelines, as private partners have a vested interest in completing the project on schedule. • Improved project quality: Private partners are incentivized to deliver high-quality projects that meet the needs of both the public and private sectors. • Leveraging private capital for economic growth: P3s can help leverage private sector investment to support economic growth and development in Texas. CHALLENGES There are also several challenges that must be addressed for P3s to be successful. Challenges include: • Legal and regulatory barriers: The legal and regulatory framework for P3s in Texas can be complex and may pose barriers to their implementation. • Private funding and financing issues: Securing funding and financing for P3 projects can be challenging for smaller or less established private partners. • Public perception and acceptance: P3s are relatively new in Texas and some members of the public may be skeptical of private sector involvement in public infrastructure projects. SUMMARY: Overall,P3 s can be a powerful tool for improving infrastructure delivery and reducing costs while leveraging private sector expertise and resources. However,they require careful consideration and management to ensure that public interests are protected and that risks are appropriately allocated between public and private partners. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 1. Texas Government Code - Chapter 2267 2. Texas Facilities Commission - PPP Guidelines 3. The Center for Alternative Finance and Procurement STAFF CONTACT: Wayne Emerson, Economic Development