2023-028 Quiet Zones History and Update March 24, 2023 Report No. 2022-028 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Quiet Zone Projects History and Status Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Capital Projects Department is currently overseeing two separate Quiet Zone projects—Project 1 (Downtown Quiet Zones) and Project 2 (Ruddell/Mingo). Both projects were approved as part of the 2014 Bond Election. Recent changes have been made to the overall delivery of the two projects to effectively deliver with the appropriate scope and budget. BACKGROUND: A quiet zone is a section of a rail line at least one-half mile in length that contains one or more consecutive public highway-rail grade crossings at which locomotive horns are not routinely sounded when trains approach the crossings. To establish a quiet zone, each crossing within the desired quiet zone must have some combination of gates, flashing lights and bells, constant warning time devices, and power-out indicators. Each crossing is evaluated against Federal Railroad standards to determine what devices are needed to comply with the quiet zone requirements. Both Quiet Zone Projects listed above are being designed to eliminate the train horn by the railroad company in the areas of the crossings. The 2014 Bond commitments for the Mingo Quiet Zones and Ruddell Extension Projects were removed from the Bond program by approval from the Bond Oversight Committee on August 19, 2022. These projects were removed due to insufficient funding allocations as only $923,000 was provided to update the identified quiet zones. These projects were rescoped and combined to be included as a part of the bundled project called the Ruddell/Mingo project which is included in the 2023 Bond Election. DISCUSSION: Project 1 (Downtown Quiet Zones) — The original intent of this project was to install specific signalization and infrastructure at the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) at-grade crossings located at McKinney Street, Hickory Street, Sycamore Street, and Prairie Street to effectuate a railroad quiet zone. The project was originally scheduled to be completed by July 2019,however,that date has been pushed back due to significant staffing changes with UPRR, along with proposed scope changes by City staff to make necessary pedestrian crossing improvements that will enhance safety specifically with the DCTA Sycamore side path project. The 2014 Bond did not include pedestrian enhancements. Through the evaluation with UPRR, staff recommended the inclusion of pedestrian improvements due to the work with the UPRR right of way and relocation of UPRR lights and gates. Redesign of crossings along with the revised plans will be resubmitted to UPRR for review in the second quarter of 2023. Construction is anticipated to begin approximately 12 to 18 months after design submission, contingent on final agreements with UPRR. The project is fully funded with an estimated completion of$2.1 million. March 24,2023 Report No. 2022-028 Project 2 (Ruddell/Mingo)—This project includes the installation of a quiet zone at Mockingbird, a private crossing, Nottingham, Ruddell, and Frame Street with the elimination of the railroad crossing at Willis Street and Pertain Street. This will be performed in conjunction with Ruddell/Mingo widening from Bell Ave to Mockingbird and the Ruddell Extension from US 380 to the south of Mingo to connect into existing Ruddell. This project was bundled to minimize rework and enhance safety and pedestrian facilities. The Ruddell/Mingo project including the quiet zones is being considered as a part of the November 2023 Bond Election. The current cost estimate for the stand-alone Quiet Zones is $6.9 million not including any construction along Mingo Road or Ruddell Street. The widening of Mingo Road and the Ruddell Extension project, if constructed without the Quiet Zones, would remove a large portion of the stand-alone Quiet Zone improvements and ultimately impact infrastructure recently installed. Combining the Mingo Road, Ruddell Street, and Quiet Zones project scopes saves on improvements needed for each crossing, relocation of the traffic signal at Nottingham, and the closing of the crossings at Willis Street and Pertain Street for the new Ruddell Extension. STAFF CONTACT: Trevor Crain, PMP Director of Capital Projects Trevor.crain@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-7426 REQUESTOR: Mayor Hudspeth STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 2 hours PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Capital Projects/Engineering