2023-030 Special Citizen Bond Advisory Committee for Nov. 2023 Bond Election Date: March 24,2023 Report No. 2023-030 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Special Citizen Bond Advisory Committee for November 2023 Bond Election BACKGROUND: On January 24, 2023, a Council Work Session was held regarding the proposal for a 2023 Bond Program. On March 7,2023, in a follow-up Work Session, Council gave direction to proceed with establishing a Special Citizen Bond Advisory Committee (SBAC) for the November 2023 Bond Election. DISCUSSION: During the March 2023 Work Session, staff proposed the 2023 SCABC be comprised of 19 members, which is consistent with the 2019 Bond Program. Since the March Work Session, staff engaged a consulting firm specializing in the facilitation of bond committees. After a review of the City's proposed program and timeline, the firm recommends increasing the SCBAC from 19 to a 40-members. The recommendation is based on two primary reasons 1.) Committee Attendance—the SCBAC meetings will take place during the summer months when attendance can become a challenge due to vacation schedules. Increasing the number of committee members will help ensure there are enough members at each session to maintain a quorum. 2.) Inclusion - the role of the SCBAC is to provide input and a final recommendation to Council for the 2023 Bond Program. The committee should be representative of the community itself. To allow for robust engagement and community input, increasing the number of members provides a transparent process and additional community input to be heard. The revised recommendation proposes each Council Member will nominate four(4)members total of 28. The remaining 12 members will be nominated by the Bond Oversight Committee for a total of 40. Establishing the 2023 SCBAC and the charge will be considered by Council for approval via a resolution on the April 4, 2023, Council agenda. Following the establishment of the SCBAC Council will confirm member appointments at a subsequent Council meeting in late spring. The SCBAC will meet over a series of meetings in June- July, with a final recommendation to Council in July 2023. STAFF CONTACT: Cassey Ogden Assistant City Manager/CFO cassandra.o gdenkcityofdenton.com REOUESTOR: Staff Initiated Date: March 24,2023 Report No. 2023-030 PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: City Manager's Office STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: Staff— 1 hour