2023-033 April 21, 2023 State Legislative Update April 21,2023 Report No. 2023-033 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: State Legislative Update BACKGROUND: Over 8,000 separate pieces of legislation have been filed for consideration by the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature. This record-breaking tally includes over 1,500 bills impacting cities. Staff, along with its legislative consultants, assess the impacts of legislation on the City of Denton, communicate these impacts to legislators, and, in some cases, prepare for and provide written or verbal testimony to legislative bodies. A report of the bills currently being tracked by the City is attached. Additionally, the Texas Municipal League also publishes detailed descriptions of bills on its website. With less than 40 days remaining in the 140-day session, a significant number of committee hearings are being held on the impressive number of bills. If a bill is voted favorably out of committee, Calendars schedule the bill to be voted on by the entire chamber, e.g., the Senate, before being similarly considered in the other chamber of the legislature, e.g., the House. DISCUSSION: Numerous bills that would negatively impact the City of Denton and other municipalities were heard in committee or voted on by the Senate or House over the past two weeks. In addition to communicating the concerning impacts of these bills to individual legislators, the City of Denton registered formal or informal opposition to the following bills: SB 1117 This bill would statutorily remove streaming services from any duty to pay franchise fees for use of municipal rights-of-way to provide their service. Cities, including Denton are currently in litigation on this topic and we have asked our local delegation to oppose the bill so that the judicial process may conclude. Status: Placed on Intent Calendar for Senate vote. HB 2970 This bill would allow HUD-code manufactured homes to be placed in any residential zoning district, with certain restrictions. Staff expressed concerns to our local delegation on the impacts and unintended consequences of this bill. Status: Passed House, Referred to Committee in Senate. HB 2374 This bill prevents cities from enacting an ordinance or policy that, directly or indirectly, prohibits or restricts the use, sale, or lease of an engine based on its fuel source. Staff filed formal opposition when this bill was heard in Committee. Status: Postponed. April 21,2023 Report No. 2023-033 SB 369 This bill would automatically disannex any portion of a city that does not receive "full municipal services". This broadly worded would have significant unintended consequences and does not account for the unique service needs of neighborhoods. The City filed formal opposition when this was heard in committee. Status: Reported favorably in Committee. HB 2626 This bill requires posting of political reports to a City website within 5 days of receipt and must be maintained on the website for 5 years. The City successfully sought an amendment to extend the timeline for posting to 10 days to align with accepted public records request timelines. Status: Pending in Committee. HB 4207 This bill requires a municipal utility vegetation management program to be approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas as a precondition to revenue transfers from the utility to the general fund. The bill does not treat private utilities similarly and does not define the criteria for approval of a vegetation management plan. Staff filed formal opposition when the bill was heard in committee. Status: Pending in Committee. HB 4930 This broadly worded bill requires state agency approval prior to SB 1860 adopting an ordinance or policy that purports or sets out to address climate change or environmental impacts on areas such as water, energy, and emissions. The City is concerned that the bill might preclude conservation initiatives, like water restrictions, and potentially limit the City to set a policy that only affects the municipal government organization. Staff communicated these concerns to the bill author and requested an opportunity to offer amendments. Status: Pending in Committee. SB 569 This bill would allow the City to impose a fee for documents requested via subpoena that is the same as those requested by the public. Staff believes this bill will help recover costs associated with responding to subpoena requests and staff gave in-person testimony in support of the bill when it was heard in committee. Status: Recommended for Local and Uncontested Calendar. NOTE: Bill status as of April 20, 2023 HB 2127 House Bill 2127 passed the House on a 92 to 55 vote and is now being heard in the Senate. The potential impacts of this bill as currently written are vast and could require monumental changes to the city charters and ordinances of all home-rule cities. While the bill may receive amendments in the Senate, the current ambiguous language of the bill coupled with the overall intent to bring home rule authority more in line with general law cities will have a significant impact of every home rule city. Thus far, many home-rule cities, including Denton, opposed the bill. Mayor Hudspeth,joining many Texas mayors, co-authored the attached letter in opposition to HB 2127. April 21,2023 Report No. 2023-033 This bill was shared with each Department in the City, in conjunction with the City Attorney's Office, to identify some of the areas this bill could impact. Again, while departments and cities cannot yet speak to the total impact of the bill as subsequent amendments could change the trajectory of certain portions of the bill and the ambiguous provisions will be litigated for many years in the future, below are just a few of the possible impacts this bill could have: Human Resources Prohibit a City from adopting,enforcing,or amending,ordinances or polices for fair chance hiring, abortion, and veteran's preference in hiring. The City has recently reviewed or enacted ordinances, resolutions, or policies in each of these areas. The bill would prohibit the City from extending anti-discrimination coverage to sexual orientation and gender identity because those are not protected classes under State law. Additionally,the ambiguous language of the bill could restrict what benefits a city can provide to employees. Animal Services Prohibit a municipality from enforcing an ordinance or rule that restricts, regulates, limits, or otherwise impedes a business involving the breeding or sale of cats and dogs. Animal Services is currently drafting proposed ordinance changes.However,this bill will preempt all pet store ordinances and essentially nothing could be done to address those animals unless it rose to the level of cruelty in which a seizure is necessary. The bill eliminates any proactive measures to prevent the animals from being subjected to inhumane conditions. It will also eliminate any prohibitions on sales of animals from public roadway, which is in the proposed ordinance changes.Any breeder with a tax ID number could be exempt from regulations. Puppy mills from Oklahoma will be able to drive down 35,park on any roadway they choose, and offer puppies and kittens for sale. This bill will limit the ability to regulate the number of livestock, including chickens and roosters, on any property if that person has a tax ID number and is operating a business involving those animals, such as selling eggs. Economic Development,Housing and Grants Currently, the City does implement certain tenants' rights and other requirements via incentive and grant agreements that may be read to be field preempted by the property code. While these restrictions are implemented through power to contract, a court could interpret this bill to impose restrictions on that power as well. Additionally, the property code provision could inhibit the City's ability to pass ordinances (such as a fair housing ordinance)that could be preconditions for receiving grant funds from the federal government. Finance Impact the City's "payday loans" ordinance and may also affect the zoning regulations related to businesses operating under that chapter. The language in the bill allows that ordinance to exist April 21,2023 Report No. 2023-033 since it was passed prior to Jan. 1, 2023 but would not allow the city to amend that ordinance. As this field of business shifts in offerings, amendments would be necessary to ensure resident protection. Within the preemption section in the bill regarding Finance Code, it states local governments are preempted in related areas. There are express authorizations in Government Code for the deposit and investment of public funds,but due to the ambiguous language, it is difficult to say the impact on depositing of public funds the bill may have. Litigation This bill will entice individuals to sue the City, as the bill removes qualified immunity from cities and city officials who enforce any preempted ordinance,regulation,or policy once the bill becomes law. Other Areas The City's tree preservation and mitigation requirements, as well as fireworks prohibitions, might also be in danger. Oualified Hotel Project The City's Qualified Hotel Project Bill (HB 2321), which would grant Denton the ability to use the Qualified Hotel Project economic development tool, was laid out for discussion in a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Monday, April 3. Economic Development Director Wayne Emerson testified in support of the bill, highlighting the ability of the Qualified Hotel Project bill to positively impact the local and state economy. The bill is currently pending in Committee, as committee members decide if it will be consolidated in into a larger,related bill. Electric Utility Update On Wednesday, April 19, the Texas House engrossed HB 1500 by Holland, K. Bell, Goldman, Canales, and Clardy—The Public Utility Commission(PUC)/Electric Reliability Commission of Texas (ERCOT) Sunset Bill, and the bill has been received in the Senate. Also, the House Committee on State Affairs heard testimony late into the evening on the key electric bill moving towards the Governor's Desk. SB 2012 by Schwertner—the "PCM Guardrails" bill establishes guard rails for the Performance Credit Mechanism (PCM) reliability program adopted by the PUC. Denton Municipal Electric (DME) built a coalition with the Texas Public Power Association (TPPA), Advanced Power Advocates (APA) and other municipally owned utilities to advocate for the "cost-allocation" language to be amended. That provision of the Senate's version of SB 2012 would have statutorily imposed millions of dollars of additional reliability costs discriminately on DME ratepayers. This coalition was successful. Staff expect the bill to be voted out of Committee next week, then onto the House Floor for debate, and over to the Senate for conferring in the Conference Committee. CONCLUSION: Staff and the City's legislative consultants are actively implementing the Council's legislative policy as outlined in the 2023-2024 Legislative Program. Staff will continue providing ongoing legislative session updates to Council via the Friday Report. April 21,2023 Report No. 2023-033 ATTACHMENTS: 1. City of Denton Bill Tracking List 2. Mayors' Letter Opposing HB 2127 STAFF CONTACT: Jennifer Rainey Assistant to the City Manager Jennifer.Rainey@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-8569 REOUESTOR: Staff Initiated STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 2 Hours PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: City Manager's Office Denton Municipal Electric City Attorney's Office Texas mayors: Bill would erode cities' self-governance The " Fexas Regulatory Consistency Act" is anything but consistent. House Bill 2127 contradicts our state's history and is incongruent with many lawmakers' assertions that "Texans know what's good for Texas" For those unaware of the bill's stated intent, it would increase the state government's regulatory power, thereby stripping local authority and leaving local governments unable to represent their citizens' best interests. "Independence" and "Texas" go hand in hand. The "Lone Star State" was so named due to our status as an independent republic before becoming the 28th state. That annexation didn't dilute the independent streak that still runs through most Texans' blood. HB 2127 takes the stance that this philosophy doesn't apply to individual Texas cities. Instead, the bill paints the issue with a broad brush and would leave many to believe that city leaders are out to make it harder for businesses to operate. When the bill author, Rep. Dustin Burrows, R-Lubbock, explained his bill in the House Committee on State Affairs last month, he blamed a "current patchwork of regulations" by cities and counties that thwart economic growth. The bill is crafted in a way that punishes local governments that are supposedly bad for business and damaging the Texas economy. In reality, local leaders want nothing but the best for their business community because they rely on the private sector to stimulate a thriving economy. And if local governments have as much influence over businesses as the bill implies, then we must acknowledge their role in establishing Texas as the ninth largest economy in the world and for creating 650,000 jobs last year. With numbers to boast like these, it is hard to believe Texas is full of "254 counties and thousands of municipalities that all have their own ordinances that have hurt their businesses" [1:01:44]. While it may be true that, in limited cases, some cities overreach and involve themselves in matters best left for businesses to decide on their own, the correct approach to these individual occurrences would require a narrow resolution. Rather than using a scalpel to remove unnecessary ordinances, HB 2127 takes a wrecking ball to the entire system. Given the bill's expansive reach and ambiguity, we seek clarification and have requested changes that attempt to tighten the broad language that could lead to the erosion of citizen-granted local control. We, along with 53 fellow mayors who represent the interests of our citizens, firmly stand against HB 2127 in its current form and believe the bill has a long way to go to reach a version that resembles a business- friendly policy without causing harm to residents, however unintended. Much debate remains on exactly what the bill does and does not intend to regulate. Interpretation of the bill is drastically different depending on the vantage point. From supporters' point of view, the legislation would simply restore regulatory power to the state and make it easier for the private sector to operate. On the other hand, local governments look at the bill and see a non-exhaustive list of current authorities that will be stripped away, many that businesses want cities to enforce in order to protect their local investment. The confusion surrounding the bill's impact is a precursor to the lengthy and unnecessary litigation likely to occur if HB 2127 becomes law. Not only does the bill invite individuals to file lawsuits against local governments, but it also encourages them— needlessly at taxpayer expense. Texas is a large and diverse state, geographically and culturally. Local ordinances reflect that diversity; state regulations cannot possibly account for the extreme divergences among our state's regions. Therefore, decisions regarding city services, including everything as large as public safety, animal control, and parking ordinances down to weed control and water restrictions in neighborhoods, should be left to local leaders and not dictated by the state. Unfortunately, this legislation, as currently written, intends to paint all cities with one brush. Texas lawmakers would never accept such brash overreach from the federal government. So why would they choose to place a stranglehold on local communities with big government regulations? State officials rightfully fight against the centralization of power attempted from D.C.; still, they do not want local leaders playing by the same standards when it concerns decisions made in Austin. Texas mayors should have the same opportunity to push back against policies that erode local authority and remove the ability for cities to self- govern. Rick Stopfer is the Mayor of Irving and co-chair of the North Texas Mayors Economic Council and Stephen Mason is the Mayor of Cedar Hill and President of the North Texas Metroplex Mayors Association. The following mayors are also co-authors: Joe Chow, City of Addison; Ken Fulk, Allen; Carrie F. Gordon, Balch Springs, Darlene Copeland, Blue Mound, Chris Fletcher, Burleson; Steve Babick, Carrolton; Scott Cain, Cleburne; Tim Ratcliff, Combine, Teddy Reel, Commerce; Wes Mays, Coppell; Bill Heidemann, Corinth; Laurie Bianco, Dalworthington Gardens, Gerard Hudspeth, Denton; Rachel L. Proctor, Desoto; Linda Martin, Euless, Ray Richardson, Everman; William P. Glancy, Farmers Branch; Bryon Wiebold, Farmersville; David Billings, Fate; Stephanie Boardingham, Forest Hill, Jeff Cheney, Frisco, Jim Jarrat, Granbury; Ron Jensen, Grand Prairie, Jerry Ransom, Greenville, Gary Hulsey, Haslet; Kelson Elam, Heath; Dan Jaworski, Highland Village; Henry Wilson, Hurst, Liz Woodall, Justin; Jeff Jordan, Kaufman; Christi Neal, Kemp; Clyde C. Hairston, Lancaster, Michael Evans, Mansfield; George Fuller, McKinney, Daniel Aleman, Mesquite; Regan Wallace Johnson, Mineral Wells, Scott Bradley, Murphy, Dena Meek, Oak Point, Richard Dormier, Ovilla; Brianna Chacon, Princeton; J. Nicole Jackson, Rice; Paul Voelker, Richardson; Scooter Gierisch, Roanoke; Kevin Fowler, Rockwall, Blake Margolis, Rowlett, Jeff Bickerstaff, Sachse; David Hill, Waxahachie; L. Kelly Jones, Westworth Village, Doyle Moss, Willow Park, Henry Lessner, Fairview, Derek France, Flower Mound, Russ Brewster, Pantego; Matthew Poole, Town of Ponder. They wrote this column for The Dallas Morning News. TELICON )W I JACKSON WALKER L.L.P. Bill Research Report 04-15-2023 - 16:35:05 Select All Deselect All ❑HB 92 Landgraf, Brooks(R) Relating to the authority of a municipality, county, or property owners' association to prohibit or regulate certain activities on residence homestead property. Companions: HJR 9 Landgraf, Brooks(R) (Enabling) 3-22-23 H Reported from committee as substituted House Agriculture and Livestock Last Action: 4-17-23 H Set on the House Calendar ❑HB 540 Longoria, Oscar(D) Relating to the award of library construction grants by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Companions: HB 1381 Longoria, Oscar(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 197 Eckhardt, Sarah(D) (Identical) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Business and Commerce Last Action: 4-17-23 H Set on the House Calendar ❑HB 1159 Anderson, Doc(R) Relating to county and municipal housing authority pet policies. Companions: HB 3798 Minjarez, Ina(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1014 Plesa, Mihaela (F)(D) (Identical) 3-17-23 H Removed from hearing 03/22/23, House County Affairs SB 349 Springer, Drew(R) (Identical) 4-14-23 H Referred to House Committee on House County Affairs Last Action: 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar ❑HB 1922 Dutton, Harold(D) Relating to periodic reauthorization of municipal building permit fees. Last Action: 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar G ❑HB 2127 Burrows, Dustin(R) Relating to state preemption of certain municipal and county regulation. Companions: SB 814 Creighton, Brandon(R) (Identical) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052592.HTM[4/15/2023 4:35:19 PM] TELICON 4- 4-23 S Committee action pending Senate Business and Commerce Last Action: 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar ❑HB 2374 Landgraf, Brooks(R) Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to regulate an energy source or engine. Companions: SB 1017 Birdwell, Brian(R) (Identical) 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House State Affairs Last Action: 4-17-23 H Set on the House Calendar ❑HB 3211 Stucky, Lynn(R) Relating to a campus of the Texas State Technical College System located in Denton County. Last Action: 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar All Track Total Bills: 7 7 Track(s): (Master List Only) Position: I (None) Add to Track Copyright© 2023. Texas Legislative Service. All Rights Reserved. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052592.HTM[4/15/2023 4:35:19 PM] TELICON )W I JACKSON WALKER L.L.P. Bill Research Report 04-15-2023 - 16:34:25 Select All Deselect All ❑SB 929 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Relating to the notic and compensation a municipality must provide before revoking the right to use property for a use that was allowed before the adoption of or change to a zoning regulation or boundary. Companions: HB 3490 Rogers, Glenn(R) (Identical) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Land and Resource Management Last Action: 4- 4-23 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for EIS B 946 Sparks, Kevin (F)(R) Relating to the election date for the authorization of the issuance of bonds or a tax increase. Last Action: 4-12-23 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for ❑SB 986 Creighton, Brandon(R) Relating to the authority of a local government to regulate evictions. Companions: HB 2035 Slawson, Shelby(R) (Identical) 4- 3-23 H Committee action pending House Business and Industry Last Action: 4-17-23 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for G ❑SB 1057 Whitmire, John(D) Relating to the authority of certain municipalities and local government corporations to use certain tax revenue for certain qualified projects and project-associated infrastructure. Companions: HB 2648 Harless, Sam(R) (Identical) 4- 3-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 S Placed on the Senate Calendar for ❑SB 1093 Schwertner, Charles(R) Relating to facilities included in the electricity supply chain. Companions: HB 3737 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 4- 5-23 H Committee action pending House State Affa i rs https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052591.HTM[4/15/2023 4:34:40 PM] TELICON Last Action: 4-12-23 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for ❑SB 1204 Paxton, Angela(R) Relating to state and local government information technology infrastructure, information security, and data breach and exposure reporting. Last Action: 4-17-23 S Placed on the Senate Calendar for ❑SB 1663 Alvarado, Carol(D) Relating to the authority of a municipality to alter speed limits. Last Action: 4-17-23 S Placed on the Senate Calendar for ❑SB 2018 Flores, Pete(R) Relating to the prohibitions on camping in a public place. Companions: HB 4939 Hefner, Cole(R) (Identical) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs Last Action: 4-17-23 S Placed on the Senate Calendar for All Track Total Bills: 8 8 Track(s): (Master List Only) Position: I (None) Add to Track Copyright© 2023. Texas Legislative Service. All Rights Reserved. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052591.HTM[4/15/2023 4:34:40 PM] TELICON )W JACKSON WALKER L.L.P. Bill Research Report 04-14-2023 - 19: 18: 19 Referred to Committee Reported from Committee Pawed f at Chamber Referred to Commatee "porled from ber FPin a d ed Select All Deselect All ❑HB 451 Schofield, Mike(R) Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to issue debt to purchase or lease tangible personal property. Companions: SB 561 Sparks, Kevin (F)(R) (Identical) 4-12-23 S Committee action pending Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.014, House Pensions/Investments/Financial Services ❑HB 622 Shaheen, Matt(R) Relating to the publication of required notice by a political subdivision by alternative media. Companions: HB 1030 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., E2.012, House County Affairs ❑HB 969 Cook, David(R) Relating to local regulation to enforce child custody orders. Companions: HB 4240 Raymond, Richard(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 431 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Identical) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., E2.030, House Juvenile Justice and Family Issues ❑HB 994 Munoz, Sergio(D) Relating to sheriff's department civil service systems in certain counties. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052066.HTM[4/14/2023 7:18:34 PM] TELICON Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR AD1, E2.012, House County Affairs G ❑HB 1132 Spiller, David(R) Relating to the amount of an expenditure made by certain political subdivisions for which competitive bidding is ® required. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR AD1, E2.012, House County Affairs G ❑HB 2018 Munoz, Sergio(D) Relating to prompt review of land development applications. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management ❑HB 2408 Reynolds, Ron(D) Relating to building codes applicable in the unincorporated areas of a county. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management ❑HB 2409 Reynolds, Ron(D) Relating to the residential and commercial building codes of municipalities. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management ❑HB 2436 Frazier, Frederick (F)(R) Relating to the sale of bonds by certain special purpose districts. Companions: SB 2206 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Identical) 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.014, House Pensions/Investments/Financial Services G ❑HB 2496 Swanson, Valoree(R) Relating to notice provided by a public water system regarding a water outage in an area served by a provider of ® fire protection services. Last Action: 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.010, House Natural Resources G ❑HB 2533 Walle, Armando(D) Relating to the implementation of a statewide homeless data sharing network to share real time data on homelessness. Last Action: 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 2:00 P.M. OR AD1, E2.028, House Urban Affairs G ❑HB 2665 Gates, Gary(R) Relating to regulation of short-term rental properties by https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052066.HTM[4/14/2023 7:18:34 PM] TELICON municipalities and counties. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management G ❑HB 2750 Romero, Ramon(D) Relating to notice signs for certain changes in zoning classification in home-rule municipalities. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management 0 ❑HB 2787 Gates, Gary(R) Relating to late payment fees charged by a municipally owned water utility. Companions: HB 1873 Gates, Gary(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.010, House Natural Resources ❑HB 2858 Morales Shaw, Penny(D) Relating to state and local government disaster preparedness. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., JHR 140, House State Affairs ❑HB 3135 Stucky, Lynn(R) Relating to the review and adoption of land development regulations by municipalities, counties, and certain special ® districts. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management G ❑HB 3167 Moody, Joe(D) Relating to the production of public information under the public information law Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., JHR 140, House State Affairs ❑HB 3241 Guillen, Ryan(R) Relating to the exemption of certain assets used for agricultural production from property taxes. Companions: HJR 141 Guillen, Ryan(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means G ❑HB 3369 Dean, Jay(R) Relating to exempting property owned by taxing units from local government land use regulations restricting impervious ® cover. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052066.HTM[4/14/2023 7:18:34 PM] TELICON Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management G ❑HB 3428 Bryant, John(D) Relating to certain employment restrictions for former county or municipal officers or employees. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., E2.012, House County Affairs G ❑HB 3440 Canales, Terry(D) Relating to the governmental bodies required to post on the Internet agendas for meetings under the open meetings law. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., JHR 140, House State Affairs G ❑HB 3697 Wilson, Terry(R) Relating to county regulation of subdivisions and approval of subdivision plans or plats. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management 0 ❑HB 3699 Wilson, Terry(R) Relating to municipal regulation of subdivisions and approval of subdivision plans or plats. Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management G ❑HB 4431 Wilson, Terry(R) Relating to municipal regulation of structured sober living homes. Companions: HB 1987 Vasut, Cody(R) (Identical) 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Urban Affairs Last Action: 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 2:00 P.M. OR ADJ., E2.028, House Urban Affairs G ❑HB 4637 Sherman, Carl(D) Relating to protesting changes to municipal zoning regulations and boundaries. Companions: HB 1514 Holland, Justin(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Land and Resource Management Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.028, House Land and Resource Management ❑HB 4701 DeAyala, Emilio (F)(R) Relating to the review of ballot proposition language for certain political subdivision elections. Companions: SB 1912 Bettencourt, Paul(R) (Identical) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052066.HTM[4/14/2023 7:18:34 PM] TELICON 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs Last Action: 4-20-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E2.016, House Elections a ❑HB 4759 Campos, Liz(D) Relating to an attack by a dangerous dog. Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., JHR 120, House Public Health G ❑HB 4930 Craddick, Tom(R) Relating to the adoption of a climate policy in a municipal charter. Companions: SB 1860 Hughes, Bryan(R) (Identical) 4-19-23 S Meeting set for 8:30 A.M., E1.012, Senate Natural Resources/Economic Development Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., JHR 140, House State Affairs G ❑HB 5047 Wilson, Terry(R) Relating to the imposition of sales and use tax after a municipality annexes an area in an emergency services ® district. Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means G ❑HB 5115 Thierry, Shawn(D) Relating to the collection of state, municipal, and county hotel occupancy taxes by an accommodations intermediary. Companions: SB 2356 Alvarado, Carol(D) (Identical) 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Natural Resources/Economic Development Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HB 5255 Lopez, Ray(D) Relating to the collection and publication of data on affordable housing by municipalities. Last Action: 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 2:00 P.M. OR ADJ., E2.028, House Urban Affairs ❑HJR 141 Guillen, Ryan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the taxation of assets used to begin production on agricultural land. Companions: HB 3241 Guillen, Ryan(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052066.HTM[4/14/2023 7:18:34 PM] TELICON ❑SB 469 Springer, Drew(R) Relating to the eligibility of certain political subdivisions to receive certain financial assistance administered by the Texas ® Water Development Board. Last Action: 4-17-23 S Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E1.012, Senate Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs ❑SB 569 Springer, Drew(R) Relating to requests to a municipality for production or certification of a record in certain civil actions. Companions: HB 2331 Stucky, Lynn(R) (Identical) 3-27-23 H Voted favorably from committee on House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Last Action: 4-17-23 S Meeting set for 9:00 A.M., SENATE CHAMBER, Senate State Affairs ❑SB 1860 Hughes, Bryan(R) Relating to the adoption of a climate policy in a municipal charter. Companions: HB 4930 Craddick, Tom(R) (Identical) 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., JHR 140, House State Affairs Last Action: 4-19-23 S Meeting set for 8:30 A.M., E1.012, Senate Natural Resources/Economic Development All Track Total Bills: 35 35 Fo ck(s): (Master List Only) ition: (None) Add to Track Copyright© 2023. Texas Legislative Service. All Rights Reserved. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052066.HTM[4/14/2023 7:18:34 PM] TELICON )W JACKSON WALKER L.L.P. Bill Research Report 04-14-2023 - 18:48:04 Referred to Committee Reported from Committee Passed 1 st Chamber PassedR:terred to Committee R parted from I + ed letdoed Chamber mee 01111111 Select All Deselect All ❑HB 2 Meyer, Morgan(R) Relating to providing property tax relief through the public school finance system and property tax appraisal and administration. Companions: HJR 1 Meyer, Morgan(R) (Enabling) 4-13-23 H Passed (Vote: Y:140/N: 9) Last Action: 4-14-23 H Passed (Vote: Y:139/N: 5) 0 ❑HB 32 Capriglione, Giovanni(R) Relating to limitations on increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of residence homesteads and single- family residences other than residence homesteads. Companions: HB 794 Schatzline, Nate (F)(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 6 Capriglione, Giovanni(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 40 Zwiener, Erin(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the portion of the appraised value of a person's property that is ® attributable to the installation in or on the property of certain water conservation systems. Companions: HB 186 Zwiener, Erin(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 25 Zwiener, Erin(D) (Enabling) 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑HB 96 Gonzalez, Mary(D) Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. Companions: SB 617 Blanco, Cesar(D) (Identical) 4-12-23 H Referred to House Committee on House State Affairs Last Action: 4-14-23 H Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y:143/N: 0) ❑HB 117 Bernal, Diego(D) Relating to a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a school district may impose on certain residence ® homesteads following a substantial school tax increase. Companions: HB 183 Bernal, Diego(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 19 Bernal, Diego(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 144 Bernal, Diego(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the total appraised value of the residence homestead of an unpaid ® caregiver of an individual. Companions: HB 122 Bernal, Diego(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 147 Bernal, Diego(D) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 16 Bernal, Diego(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 145 Vasut, Cody(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HJR 10 Vasut, Cody(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 147 Bernal, Diego(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the total appraised value of the residence homestead of an unpaid ® caregiver of an individual. Companions: HB 122 Bernal, Diego(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 144 Bernal, Diego(D) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 16 Bernal, Diego(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 215 Johnson, Jarvis(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the total appraised value of the residence homesteads of certain ® elderly persons and their surviving spouses. Companions: HB 5134 Bell, Cecil(R) (Identical) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 13 Johnson, Jarvis(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 295 Toth, Steve(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HJR 14 Toth, Steve(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 335 Bell, Cecil(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HJR 18 Bell, Cecil(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 402 Schofield, Mike(R) Relating to the establishment of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that certain taxing units may ® impose on the residence homesteads of individuals who are disabled or elderly. Companions: HJR 21 Schofield, Mike(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 419 Shine, Hugh(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation by a taxing unit other than a school district of a portion of the ® appraised value of a residence homestead based on the average appraised value in the preceding tax year. Companions: HJR 23 Shine, Hugh(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 481 Goldman, Craig(R) Relating to the establishment of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that certain taxing units may ® impose on the residence homesteads of individuals who are disabled or elderly. Companions: HB 707 Geren, Charlie(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 30 Goldman, Craig(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 543 Raymond, Richard(D) Relating to the exclusion from the market value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes of the value of any ® improvement, or any feature incorporated in an improvement. Companions: HB 951 Raymond, Richard(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 42 Raymond, Richard(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 581 Raymond, Richard(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property owned by a charitable organization for the purpose ® of renting the property at below-market rates to low-income and moderate-income households. Companions: SB 613 Zaffirini, Judith(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 2398 Zaffirini, Judith(D) (Identical) 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-27-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means ❑HB 582 Raymond, Richard(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation by certain taxing units of a portion of the appraised value of the ® residence homestead of the parent or guardian of a person who is disabled. Companions: HJR 43 Raymond, Richard(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 596 Shaheen, Matt(R) Relating to a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county of a portion of the value of the residence ® homestead of a physician who provides health care services. Companions: HB 457 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 45 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Enabling) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar Last Action: 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar ❑HB 610 Raymond, Richard(D) Relating to a temporary increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation ® by a school district. Companions: HJR 44 Raymond, Richard(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 612 Shaheen, Matt(R) Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain ® surplus state revenue. Companions: HB 2074 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 629 Troxclair, Ellen (F)(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations HB 1030 Schaefer, Matt(R) (Identical) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations SB 1107 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Identical) 3- 9-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations ❑HB 629 Troxclair, Ellen (F)(R) Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain ® surplus state revenue. Companions: HB 612 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations HB 1030 Schaefer, Matt(R) (Identical) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations SB 1107 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Identical) 3- 9-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations ❑HB 634 Lozano, lose(R) Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. Companions: SB 262 Hinojosa, Chuy(D) (Identical) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON and Means ❑HB 707 Geren, Charlie(R) Relating to the establishment of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that certain taxing units may ® impose on the residence homesteads of individuals who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouse Companions: HB 481 Goldman, Craig(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 49 Geren, Charlie(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 721 Schofield, Mike(R) Relating to the rate at which interest accrues in connection with the deferral or abatement of the collection of ad valorem taxes on certain residence homesteads. Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 740 Gonzalez, Jessica(D) Relating to the deferral or abatement of the collection of ad valorem taxes on an appreciating residence homestead. Companions: HB 469 Gonzalez, Jessica(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 741 Goodwin, Vikki(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable organization and used to ® provide child-care services. Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 745 Dean, Jay(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 3321 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 489 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1223 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1733 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 3972 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 51 Dean, Jay(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 746 Dean, Jay(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 1224 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 72 Dean, Jay(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 774 Collier, Nicole(D) Relating to the ad valorem tax appraisal of an older residence homestead located in or near a tax increment financing ® reinvestment zone. Companions: HB 4046 Collier, Nicole(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 52 Collier, Nicole(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 794 Schatzline, Nate (F)(R) Relating to limitations on increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of residence homesteads and single- family residences other than residence homesteads. Companions: HB 32 Capriglione, Giovanni(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 55 Schatzline, Nate (F)(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 808 Metcalf, Will(R) Relating to the selection of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district. Companions: HB 2500 Bell, Cecil(R) (Identical) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 2766 Slaton, Bryan(R) (Identical) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 1377 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 1-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑HB 868 Bell, Keith(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 57 Bell, Keith(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 1-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 1027 Slawson, Shelby(R) Relating to the repeal of the additional ad valorem taxes imposed as a result of a sale or change of use of certain land. Companions: SB 279 King, Phil (F)(R) (Identical) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 1030 Schaefer, Matt(R) Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain ® surplus state revenue. Companions: HB 2074 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 612 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations HB 629 Troxclair, Ellen (F)(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations SB 1107 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Identical) 3- 9-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance Last Action: 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations ❑HB 1041 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 64 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 1083 Bucy, John(D) Relating to the authority of a taxing unit other than a school district to establish a limitation on the amount of ad valorem ® taxes that the taxing unit may impose on the residence homesteads. Companions: HB 1061 Bucy, John(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1283 Wilson, Terry(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 3437 Goldman, Craig(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON HB 3757 Wilson, Terry(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 68 Bucy, John(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 830 Flores, Pete(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HB 1189 Davis, Yvonne(D) Relating to limitations on the appraised value of certain real property in specified areas for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HJR 71 Davis, Yvonne(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means 0 ❑HB 1223 Metcalf, Will(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 3321 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 489 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 745 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1733 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 3972 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 73 Metcalf, Will(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HB 1224 Metcalf, Will(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 746 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 74 Metcalf, Will(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑HB 1251 Plesa, Mihaela (F)(D) Relating to eligibility for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse ® of certain first responders. Companions: SB 300 Hinojosa, Chuy(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 288 Hinojosa, Chuy(D) (Identical) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 1325 Isaac, Carrie (F)(R) Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing ® school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes. Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations ❑HB 1513 Vasut, Cody(R) Relating to the elimination of ad valorem taxes and the creation of a joint interim committee on the elimination of ® those taxes. Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 1566 Allison, Steve(R) Relating to the ad valorem taxation of residential real property. Companions: HJR 87 Allison, Steve(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 1582 Dutton, Harold(D) Relating to the period for redeeming the residence homestead of an elderly person sold at an ad valorem tax sale. Companions: HJR 88 Dutton, Harold(D) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 1596 Buckley, Brad(R) Relating to the applicability of the law governing the provision of state aid to certain local governments disproportionately ® affected by the granting of ad valorem tax relief to disabled veterans. Companions: HB 125 Buckley, Brad(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON G ❑HB 1608 Shine, Hugh(R) Relating to the electronic payment of ad valorem taxes. Companions: SB 1486 Bettencourt, Paul(R) (Identical) 4-12-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 1613 Shine, Hugh(R) Relating to the provision of state aid to certain local governments to offset the cost of the exemption from ad ® valorem taxation of the residence homestead of a 100 percent or totally disabled veteran. Companions: SB 748 Flores, Pete(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance Last Action: 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means G ❑HB 1674 Holland, Justin(R) Relating to certain sales or purported sales of homestead property that are classified as loans. Companions: SB 613 Springer, Drew(R) (Identical) 4- 4-23 S Committee action pending Senate Business and Commerce Last Action: 4- 3-23 H Committee action pending House Business and Industry G ❑HB 1733 Leach, Jeff(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 3321 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 489 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 745 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1223 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 3972 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 95 Leach, Jeff(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 1934 Rogers, Glenn(R) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of income-producing tangible personal property having a value ® of less than a certain amount. Companions: HJR 101 Rogers, Glenn(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 1994 Raney, John(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a percentage of the appraised value of the tangible personal ® property a person owns that consists of inventory held for sale at retail. Companions: HJR 104 Raney, John(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2054 Jones, Venton (F)(D) Relating to the authority of the commissioners court of a county to adopt an exemption from ad valorem taxation by ® the county of a portion, expressed as a dollar amount, of the appraised value. Companions: SB 266 West, Royce(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 108 Jones, Venton (F)(D) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 854 West, Royce(D) (Identical) 3-24-23 S Removed from hearing 03/27/23, Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 2121 Paul, Dennis(R) Relating to the form of a rendition statement or property report used to render property for ad valorem tax purposes. Last Action: 4-13-23 H Reported favorably from committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2130 Lozano, lose(R) Relating to the method to be used by the chief appraiser of an appraisal district to determine the market value for ad ® valorem tax purposes of the real property of a manufactured home community. Last Action: 3- 9-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 2220 Harrison, Brian(R) Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit and the manner in which a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the voter-approval tax rate is approved. Last Action: 3- 9-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 2221 Harrison, Brian(R) Relating to the vote required in an election to approve an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds a taxing unit's voter-approval ® tax rate. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 3- 9-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2397 Guillen, Ryan(R) Relating to the eligibility of certain property to continue to qualify for an ad valorem tax exemption or special appraisal ® following certain changes in ownership. Last Action: 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means a ❑HB 2398 Hefner, Cole(R) Relating to late applications for the appraisal of land for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land following ® the death of the owner of the land. Last Action: 4-13-23 H Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar G ❑HB 2467 Martinez Fischer, Trey(D) Relating to an increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school ® district. Companions: HIP, 115 Martinez Fischer, Trey(D) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2500 Bell, Cecil(R) Relating to the selection of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district. Companions: HB 808 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 2766 Slaton, Bryan(R) (Identical) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 1377 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2597 Davis, Yvonne(D) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2656 Leach, Jeff(R) Relating to an increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school ® district, an adjustment in the amount of the limitation on school district. Companions: HJR 122 Leach, Jeff(R) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 2666 Campos, Liz(D) Relating to the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a school district may impose on the residence ® homestead of an individual and the surviving spouse. Companions: HJR 120 Campos, Liz(D) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2714 Thompson, Ed(R) Relating to the authority of the officer or employee designated by the governing body of a municipality to calculate certain ad ® valorem tax rates of the municipality to recalculate those rates. Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HB 2747 Darby, Drew(R) Relating to a requirement that each appraisal district periodically confirm that recipients of residence homestead ® exemptions qualify for those exemptions. Companions: SB 1801 Springer, Drew(R) (Identical) 4-14-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means ❑HB 2766 Slaton, Bryan(R) Relating to the selection of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district. Companions: HB 808 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 2500 Bell, Cecil(R) (Identical) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 1377 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HB 2889 Slaton, Bryan(R) Relating to a credit against the ad valorem taxes imposed by a taxing unit on the residence homestead of a married couple ® that increases in amount based upon the number of children of the couple. Companions: HJR 128 Slaton, Bryan(R) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON and Means O ❑HB 2987 Metcalf, Will(R) Relating to the exemption of tangible personal property from ad valorem taxation. Companions: SB 1789 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2989 Metcalf, Will(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of certain commercial real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HJR 131 Metcalf, Will(R) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 2993 Hunter, Todd(R) Relating to the eligibility of certain property located in a reinvestment zone for certain ad valorem tax incentives. Last Action: 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 3083 Harrison, Brian(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of tangible personal property a ® person owns that is held or used for the production of income. Companions: HJR 136 Harrison, Brian(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means 0 ❑HB 3242 Hefner, Cole(R) Relating to the eligibility of the surviving spouse of an elderly person who qualified for a local option exemption from ad ® valorem taxation by a taxing unit of a portion of the appraised value. Companions: SB 1381 Eckhardt, Sarah(D) (Identical) 4-12-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HB 3273 Thierry, Shawn(D) Relating to public notice of the availability on the Internet of property-tax-related information. Last Action: 4-12-23 H Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON G ❑HB 3327 Wu, Gene(D) Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in property tax appraisal records. Companions: SB 1532 Miles, Borris(D) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Business and Commerce Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs ❑HB 3336 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of commercial real property and single-family rental property for ® ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HJR 65 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 3564 VanDeaver, Gary(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HJR 147 VanDeaver, Gary(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-16-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 3640 Noble, Candy(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of a property that is the ® primary residence of an adult who has an intellectual or developmental disability. Companions: HJR 150 Noble, Candy(R) (Enabling) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means SB 2163 King, Phil (F)(R) (Identical) 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means G ❑HB 3745 Goldman, Craig(R) Relating to the procedure for maintaining the qualification of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified ® open-space land. Last Action: 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 3757 Wilson, Terry(R) Relating to the authority of a taxing unit other than a school district to establish a limitation on the amount of ad valorem ® taxes that the taxing unit may impose on the residence https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON homesteads. Companions: HB 1061 Bucy, John(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1283 Wilson, Terry(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 3437 Goldman, Craig(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1083 Bucy, John(D) (Identical) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 153 Wilson, Terry(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 830 Flores, Pete(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 3857 Thimesch, Kronda (F)(R) Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. Companions: SB 1455 Paxton, Angela(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HB 3972 Cook, David(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 3321 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 489 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 745 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1223 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1733 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 160 Cook, David(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 3974 Cook, David(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation by a taxing unit located wholly or partly in a populous county of a ® specified dollar amount, or a greater dollar amount specified by the governing body. Companions: HJR 161 Cook, David(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 4029 Schofield, Mike(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district of a dollar amount or a percentage, whichever ® is greater, of the appraised value of a residence homestead. Companions: HJR 162 Schofield, Mike(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 4042 Hayes, Richard (F)(R) Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of tangible personal property used for the production of income ® that, in the owner's opinion, has an aggregate value of less than a certain amount. Last Action: 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HB 4113 Martinez Fischer, Trey(D) Relating to installment payments of ad valorem taxes imposed on residence homesteads. Companions: HB 992 Shine, Hugh(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 2342 Zwiener, Erin(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 3-21-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4130 Hefner, Cole(R) Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property owned by certain electric cooperatives. Companions: SB 1771 King, Phil (F)(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means a ❑HB 4161 Gervin-Hawkins, Relating to the procedures for providing notice to certain Barbara(D) individuals on placement of a child in the managing ® conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Companions: SB 1604 Paxton, Angela(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., E2.030, House Juvenile Justice and Family Issues G ❑HB 4181 Munoz, Sergio(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a military ® service member who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Companions: HJR 165 Munoz, Sergio(D) (Enabling) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee on House Ways and Means SB 1604 Paxton, Angela(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4261 Cook, David(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of the residence homesteads of ® military veterans, individuals who are disabled or 65 years of age or older. Last Action: 3-21-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 4463 Shine, Hugh(R) Relating to the authority to file an application for certain ad valorem tax exemptions after the filing deadline if an ® exemption for the property was previously canceled because it was erroneously granted. Last Action: 3-21-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4473 Harris, Cody(R) Relating to the calculation of ad valorem tax rates by certain taxing units that participate in one or more reinvestment ® zones for tax increment financing. Last Action: 3-21-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4478 Button, Angie Chen(R) Relating to the establishment of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a county may impose on the ® residence homesteads of individuals who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses. Companions: HJR 171 Button, Angie Chen(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HB 4479 Isaac, Carrie (F)(R) Relating to freezing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes. Last Action: 3-21-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 4491 Harris, Caroline (F)(R) Relating to the treatment of certain improvements for the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence ® homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Last Action: 3-21-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑HB 4607 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of a parcel of real property that is located in more than one ® county. Companions: HJR 173 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-22-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HB 4645 Flores, Lulu (F)(D) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property used to provide low-income or moderate-income ® housing. Companions: SB 2324 Zaffirini, Judith(D) (Identical) 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4774 Button, Angie Chen(R) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by an organization engaged primarily in ® performing charitable functions. Companions: SB 2361 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Identical) 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-22-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4858 Gervin-Hawkins, Relating to the allocation of low income housing tax credits. Barbara(D) Companions: SB 1480 Menendez, lose(D) (Identical) 4- 3-23 S Committee action pending Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 2:00 P.M. OR ADJ., E2.028, House Urban Affairs ❑HB 4890 Shine, Hugh(R) Relating to installment payments of ad valorem taxes. Last Action: 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4901 Bonnen, Greg(R) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical ® or biomedical products as a finished good or used. Companions: HJR 184 Bonnen, Greg(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means SB 2289 Huffman, Joan(R) (Identical) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 4-14-23 H Received in the House Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means G ❑HB 5013 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of 50 percent of the appraised value of the residence homestead of ® a person who has received a residence homestead exemption on the property. Companions: HIP, 191 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action; 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 5032 Slaton, Bryan(R) Relating to a credit against the ad valorem taxes imposed on property owned by a person who makes a donation to the ® state for the purpose of border security and reimbursement to taxing units. Companions; HIP, 193 Slaton, Bryan(R) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action; 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 5042 Howard, Donna(D) Relating to an adjustment of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school ® district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled. Companions: HIP, 195 Howard, Donna(D) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action; 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 5046 Toth, Steve(R) Relating to an increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school ® district, an adjustment in the amount of the limitation on school district ad valorem taxes. Companions; SB 3 Bettencourt, Paul(R) (Identical) 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action; 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 5100 Bhojani, Salman (F)(D) Relating to a one-time credit against the ad valorem taxes imposed by a taxing unit on the residence homestead of a ® first-time home buyer and to the effect of the credit on the determination of the taxable value. Companions; HIP, 194 Bhojani, Salman (F)(D) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HB 5134 Bell, Cecil(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the total appraised value of the residence homesteads of certain ® elderly persons and their surviving spouses. Companions: HB 215 Johnson, Jarvis(D) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 196 Bell, Cecil(R) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HB 5157 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) Relating to the amount of the exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district of the appraised value of the ® residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled. Companions: HJR 199 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HB 5285 Guillen, Ryan(R) Relating to the banning of school district ad valorem taxes for certain residential properties and an increase in the rates of ® certain state taxes to cover the increased cost to the state. Companions: HJR 205 Guillen, Ryan(R) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Public Education G ❑HB 5293 Tinderholt, Tony(R) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of the total appraised value of the residence homestead of the ® surviving spouse of a 100 percent or totally disabled veteran. Companions: HJR 206 Tinderholt, Tony(R) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 1 Meyer, Morgan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real ® property for ad valorem tax purposes and to except certain appropriations. Companions: HB 2 Meyer, Morgan(R) (Enabling) 4-14-23 H Passed (Vote: Y:139/N: 5) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 4-13-23 H Passed (Vote: Y:140/N: 9) ❑HJR 6 Capriglione, Giovanni(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a lower limit on the maximum ® appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 32 Capriglione, Giovanni(R) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 10 Vasut, Cody(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real ® property for ad valorem tax purposes to 103.5 percent or more of the appraised value of the property. Companions: HB 145 Vasut, Cody(R) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 13 Johnson, Jarvis(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem taxation the total market value of the residence ® homesteads of certain elderly persons and their surviving spouses. Companions: HJR 88 Johnson, Jarvis(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 215 Johnson, Jarvis(D) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 196 Bell, Cecil(R) (Identical) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 14 Toth, Steve(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide that the appraised value of a residence ® homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 295 Toth, Steve(R) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 16 Bernal, Diego(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation the total ® assessed value of the residence homestead of an unpaid caregiver. Companions: HJR 14 Bernal, Diego(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 144 Bernal, Diego(D) (Enabling) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 147 Bernal, Diego(D) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 18 Bell, Cecil(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real ® property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 335 Bell, Cecil(R) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 19 Bernal, Diego(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the total amount of ad valorem taxes that ® a school district may impose on the residence homestead. Companions: HB 117 Bernal, Diego(D) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 21 Schofield, Mike(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that ® certain political subdivisions may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly. Companions: HB 402 Schofield, Mike(R) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 23 Shine, Hugh(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem ® taxation by a political subdivision other than a school district. Companions: HB 419 Shine, Hugh(R) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 25 Zwiener, Erin(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation the portion of the assessed value of a person's property that is attributable to the installation rainwater collection. Companions: HB 40 Zwiener, Erin(D) (Enabling) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means ❑HJR 30 Goldman, Craig(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that ® certain political subdivisions may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly. Companions: HB 481 Goldman, Craig(R) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 49 Geren, Charlie(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 42 Raymond, Richard(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exclude from the market value of real property ® for ad valorem tax purposes the value of any improvement. Companions: HJR 50 Raymond, Richard(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 543 Raymond, Richard(D) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 43 Raymond, Richard(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation by certain political ® subdivisions of a portion of the market value of the residence homestead of the disabled parent or guardian. Companions: HB 582 Raymond, Richard(D) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 44 Raymond, Richard(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to appropriate money from the general revenue fund to the foundation school fund ® and use the money to finance a temporary increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads. Companions: HB 610 Raymond, Richard(D) (Enabling) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 45 Shaheen, Matt(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county of a ® portion of the value of the residence homestead of a physician who provides health care services. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Companions: HJR 25 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 596 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Enabling) 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar Last Action: 4-18-23 H Set on the House Calendar ❑HJR 49 Geren, Charlie(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that ® certain political subdivisions may impose on the residence homesteads. Companions: HB 707 Geren, Charlie(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 30 Goldman, Craig(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 51 Dean, Jay(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 132 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SIR 31 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 745 Dean, Iay(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 73 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 95 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 160 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 52 Collier, Nicole(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide that the officials responsible for ® appraising property for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 146 Collier, Nicole(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 774 Collier, Nicole(D) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 55 Schatzline, Nate (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a lower limit on the maximum ® appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Companions: HB 794 Schatzline, Nate (F)(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 57 Bell, Keith(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 868 Bell, Keith(R) (Enabling) 3- 1-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 64 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 1041 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) (Enabling) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 65 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of ® commercial property and rental property for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 3336 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 68 Bucy, John(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize a political subdivision other than a school district to establish a ® limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes that the political subdivision may impose. Companions: HJR 62 Bucy, John(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 71 Wilson, Terry(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 141 Goldman, Craig(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1083 Bucy, John(D) (Enabling) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 153 Wilson, Terry(R) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SJR 42 Flores, Pete(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON and Means ❑HJR 71 Davis, Yvonne(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for limitations on the appraised value of ® certain real property in specified areas for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 1189 Davis, Yvonne(D) (Enabling) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 72 Dean, Iay(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real ® property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 746 Dean, Jay(R) (Enabling) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 74 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 73 Metcalf, Will(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 1223 Metcalf, Will(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 51 Dean, Iay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 95 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 160 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SIR 18 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Identical) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government SIR 47 Creighton, Brandon(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 74 Metcalf, Will(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 1224 Metcalf, Will(R) (Enabling) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 72 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 87 Allison, Steve(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of ® residential real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent. Companions: HB 1566 Allison, Steve(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 88 Dutton, Harold(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to lengthen the period for redeeming the residence homestead of an elderly person ® sold at an ad valorem tax sale. Companions: HB 1582 Dutton, Harold(D) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 95 Leach, Jeff(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 132 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SJR 31 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1733 Leach, Jeff(R) (Enabling) 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 51 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 73 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 160 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 101 Rogers, Glenn(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation income- producing tangible personal property having a value of less than a certain amount. Companions: HB 1934 Rogers, Glenn(R) (Enabling) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 104 Raney, John(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation a percentage ® of the market value of the tangible personal property a person owns that consists of inventory held for sale at reta Companions: HB 1994 Raney, John(R) (Enabling) 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 108 Jones, Venton (F)(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the commissioners court of a county to adopt an exemption from ® ad valorem taxation by the county of a portion, expressed as a dollar amount, of the appraised value of an indi Companions: SJR 18 West, Royce(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 2054 Jones, Venton (F)(D) (Enabling) 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 115 Martinez Fischer, Trey(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem ® taxation by a school district. Companions: HB 2467 Martinez Fischer, Trey(D) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 120 Campos, Liz(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the total amount of ad valorem taxes that ® a school district may impose on the residence homestead. Companions: HB 2666 Campos, Liz(D) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 122 Leach, Jeff(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem ® taxation by a school district and to adjust the amount of the limitation. Companions: HB 2656 Leach, Jeff(R) (Enabling) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HIP 128 Slaton, Bryan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for a credit against the ad valorem ® taxes imposed by a political subdivision on the residence homestead of a married couple. Companions: HB 2889 Slaton, Bryan(R) (Enabling) 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 129 Metcalf, Will(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment exempting tangible personal property from ad valorem taxation. Companions: SIR 78 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 131 Metcalf, Will(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of certain ® commercial real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 2989 Metcalf, Will(R) (Enabling) 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HIP 136 Harrison, Brian(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation a portion of ® the market value of tangible personal property a person owns that is held or used for production of income. Companions: HB 3083 Harrison, Brian(R) (Enabling) 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means G ❑HJR 147 VanDeaver, Gary(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a ® residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to the appraised value of the property. Companions: HB 3564 VanDeaver, Gary(R) (Enabling) 3-16-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 150 Noble, Candy(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem ® taxation of a portion of the market value of a property. Companions: HB 3640 Noble, Candy(R) (Enabling) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means SJR 83 King, Phil (F)(R) (Identical) 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 153 Wilson, Terry(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize a political subdivision other than a school district to establish a ® limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes that the political subdivision may impose on the residence homest Companions: HJR 62 Bucy, John(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 71 Wilson, Terry(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 141 Goldman, Craig(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 3757 Wilson, Terry(R) (Enabling) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 68 Bucy, John(D) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SJR 42 Flores, Pete(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 157 Guillen, Ryan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation the portion of ® the assessed value of a person's property. Companions: HB 3653 Guillen, Ryan(R) (Enabling) 3-16-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 160 Cook, David(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 132 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SJR 31 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 3972 Cook, David(R) (Enabling) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 51 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 73 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 95 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 161 Cook, David(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem ® taxation by a political subdivision located wholly or partly in a populous county. Companions: HB 3974 Cook, David(R) (Enabling) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 162 Schofield, Mike(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school ® purposes of a dollar amount or a percentage, whichever is greater. Companions: HB 4029 Schofield, Mike(R) (Enabling) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 165 Munoz, Sergio(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem ® taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse. Companions: HB 4181 Munoz, Sergio(D) (Enabling) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee on House Ways and Means SJR 73 Paxton, Angela(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee on House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 171 Button, Angie Chen(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a ® county may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly. Companions: HB 4478 Button, Angie Chen(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HJR 173 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit the owner of a parcel of real property ® that is located in more than one county to elect to have the property appraised. Companions: HB 4607 Tepper, Carl (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-22-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 184 Bonnen, Greg(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation certain ® tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products. Companions: HB 4901 Bonnen, Greg(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means SIR 87 Huffman, Joan(R) (Identical) 4-14-23 H Received in the House Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HJR 191 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem taxation 50 percent of the appraised value of the ® residence homestead of a person who has received a residence homestead exemption. Companions: HB 5013 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 193 Slaton, Bryan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for a credit against the ad valorem ® taxes imposed on property owned by a person who makes a donation to the state. Companions: HB 5032 Slaton, Bryan(R) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 194 Bhojani, Salman (F)(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for a one-time credit against the ad ® valorem taxes imposed by a political subdivision on the residence homestead. Companions: HB 5100 Bhojani, Salman (F)(D) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 195 Howard, Donna(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an adjustment of the limitation on the total amount of ad ® valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead. Companions; HB 5042 Howard, Donna(D) (Enabling) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 196 Bell, Cecil(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem taxation the total market value of the residence ® homesteads of certain elderly persons and their surviving spouses. Companions; HJR 88 Johnson, Jarvis(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 5134 Bell, Cecil(R) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 13 Johnson, Jarvis(D) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 199 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to increase the amount of the exemption from ad ® valorem taxation by a school district of the market value of the residence homestead. Companions; HB 5157 Jones, Jolanda (F)(D) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 205 Guillen, Ryan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit the imposition of school district maintenance and operations ad ® valorem taxes on residence homesteads, to increase the rates of state sales and use taxes. Companions; HB 5285 Guillen, Ryan(R) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Public Education Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑HJR 206 Tinderholt, Tony(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ® taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse. Companions: HB 5293 Tinderholt, Tony(R) (Enabling) 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means ❑SB 3 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to an increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school ® district, an adjustment in the amount of the limitation on school district ad valorem taxes. Companions: HB 5046 Toth, Steve(R) (Identical) 3-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SJR 3 Bettencourt, Paul(R) (Enabling) 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means ❑SB 5 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of tangible personal property a ® person owns that is held or used for the production of income. Companions: SJR 2 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-15-23 S Committee action pending Senate Finance Last Action: 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means ❑SB 102 Johnson, Nathan(D) Relating to the determination of an ad valorem tax protest or appeal on the ground of the unequal appraisal of property on ® the basis of the appraised value of the property relative to the median appraised value. Companions: SB 134 Johnson, Nathan(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 152 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 3321 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 489 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 745 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1223 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1733 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON HB 3972 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government a ❑SB 178 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad ® valorem tax purposes. Companions: SJR 19 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Enabling) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 262 Hinojosa, Chuy(D) Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. Companions: HB 634 Lozano, Jose(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 279 King, Phil (F)(R) Relating to the repeal of the additional ad valorem taxes imposed as a result of a sale or change of use of certain land. Companions: HB 1027 Slawson, Shelby(R) (Identical) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 288 Hinojosa, Chuy(D) Relating to eligibility for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse ® of certain first responders. Companions: SB 300 Hinojosa, Chuy(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1251 Plesa, Mihaela (F)(D) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government a ❑SB 289 Zaffirini, Judith(D) Relating to the procedure for delivery by a chief appraiser of a form for reapplying for the appraisal of land for ad valorem ® tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land. Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑SB 433 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) Relating to the determination of the market value of solar energy property for ad valorem tax purposes. Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 480 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) Relating to the eligibility for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable organization that ® provides rental housing. Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 522 West, Royce(D) Relating to the authority of an owner of certain residential real property to pay the ad valorem taxes imposed on the ® property in installments. Companions: SB 1027 West, Royce(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 546 Blanco, Cesar(D) Relating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit other than a school district to adopt an exemption from ® ad valorem taxation of a portion, expressed as a dollar amount. Companions: SIR 31 Blanco, Cesar(D) (Enabling) 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 547 Blanco, Cesar(D) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: SIR 34 Blanco, Cesar(D) (Enabling) 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 613 Springer, Drew(R) Relating to certain sales or purported sales of homestead property that are classified as loans. Companions: HB 1674 Holland, Justin(R) (Identical) 4- 3-23 H Committee action pending House Business and Industry Last Action: 4- 4-23 S Committee action pending Senate Business and Commerce ❑SB 617 Blanco, Cesar(D) Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Companions: HB 96 Gonzalez, Mary(D) (Identical) 4-14-23 H Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y:143/N: 0) Last Action: 4-12-23 H Referred to House Committee on House State Affairs ❑SB 639 Miles, Borris(D) Relating to the continuation of a limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax ® purposes if the property is acquired by and qualifies as the homestead of an heir. Companions: SB 1409 Miles, Borris(D) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government SJR 38 Miles, Borris(D) (Enabling) 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 719 Paxton, Angela(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable organization that provides ® services related to the placement of a child in a foster or adoptive home. Companions: SB 734 Paxton, Angela(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 748 Flores, Pete(R) Relating to the provision of state aid to certain local governments to offset the cost of the exemption from ad ® valorem taxation of the residence homestead. Companions: HB 1613 Shine, Hugh(R) (Identical) 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance ❑SB 750 Flores, Pete(R) Relating to eligibility for service on the board of directors of an appraisal district. Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 769 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Relating to the examination of appraisal services for an appraisal management company. Companions: HB 1518 Darby, Drew(R) (Identical) 3-23-23 H Reported favorably from committee on Licensing and Administrative Procedures Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Business and Commerce ❑SB 830 Flores, Pete(R) Relating to the authority of a taxing unit other than a school district to establish a limitation on the amount of ad valorem ® taxes that the taxing unit may impose on the residence homesteads of individuals. Companions: HB 1061 Bucy, John(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1283 Wilson, Terry(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 3437 Goldman, Craig(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 1083 Bucy, John(D) (Identical) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 3757 Wilson, Terry(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SIR 42 Flores, Pete(R) (Enabling) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 854 West, Royce(D) Relating to the authority of the commissioners court of a county to adopt an exemption from ad valorem taxation by ® the county of a portion, expressed as a dollar amount. Companions: SB 266 West, Royce(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 2054 Jones, Venton (F)(D) (Identical) 3- 8-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-24-23 S Removed from hearing 03/27/23, Senate Local Government ❑SB 879 Creighton, Brandon(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of commercial real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: SIR 48 Creighton, Brandon(R) (Enabling) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 880 Creighton, Brandon(R) Relating to the determination of the market value of property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: SB 1644 Creighton, Brandon(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 881 Creighton, Brandon(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Companions: HB 3321 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 489 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 745 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1223 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 1733 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 3972 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 889 Perry, Charles(R) Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Business and Commerce ❑SB 977 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the definition of debt for the purposes of calculating certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit. Last Action: 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1019 Hughes, Bryan(R) Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorm ® tax purposes. Companions: SJR 53 Hughes, Bryan(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1065 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: HB 96 Toth, Steve(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SJR 55 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1107 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain ® surplus state revenue. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Companions: HB 2074 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 612 Shaheen, Matt(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations HB 629 Troxclair, Ellen (F)(R) (Identical) 2-23-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations HB 1030 Schaefer, Matt(R) (Identical) 3- 2-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Appropriations Last Action: 3- 9-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance a ❑SB 1191 Zaffirini, Judith(D) Relating to late applications for the appraisal of land for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land following ® the death of the owner of the land. Last Action: 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means ❑SB 1251 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the authority of the governing body of a school district to adopt an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the ® district's voter-approval tax rate. Companions: SB 1819 Bettencourt, Paul(R) (Identical) 3- 7-23 S Filed Last Action: 3- 9-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1377 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Relating to the selection of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district. Companions: HB 808 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3- 1-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 2500 Bell, Cecil(R) (Identical) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HB 2766 Slaton, Bryan(R) (Identical) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1381 Eckhardt, Sarah(D) Relating to the eligibility of the surviving spouse of an elderly person who qualified for a local option exemption from ad ® valorem taxation by a taxing unit of a portion of the appraised value. Companions: HB 3242 Hefner, Cole(R) (Identical) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-12-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑SB 1409 Miles, Borris(D) Relating to the continuation of a limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax ® purposes if the property is acquired by and qualifies as the homestead of an heir of the owner. Companions: SB 639 Miles, Borris(D) (Identical) 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1455 Paxton, Angela(R) Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. Companions: HB 3857 Thimesch, Kronda (F)(R) (Identical) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1480 Menendez, Jose(D) Relating to the allocation of low income housing tax credits. Companions: HB 4858 Gervin-Hawkins, (Identical) Barbara(D) 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 2:00 P.M. OR ADJ., E2.028, House Urban Affairs Last Action: 4- 3-23 S Committee action pending Senate Local Government ❑SB 1486 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the electronic payment of ad valorem taxes. Companions: HB 1608 Shine, Hugh(R) (Identical) 3- 7-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-12-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means ❑SB 1532 Miles, Borris(D) Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in property tax appraisal records. Companions: HB 3327 Wu, Gene(D) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs Last Action: 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Business and Commerce ❑SB 1604 Paxton, Angela(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a military FFTTTT7 service member who is killed or fatally injured in the line of https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ® duty. Companions: HB 4161 Gervin-Hawkins, (Identical) Barbara(D) 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., E2.030, House Juvenile Justice and Family Issues HB 4181 Munoz, Sergio(D) (Identical) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee on House Ways and Means SJR 73 Paxton, Angela(R) (Enabling) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1771 King, Phil (F)(R) Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property owned by certain electric cooperatives. Companions: HB 4130 Hefner, Cole(R) (Identical) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1774 Eckhardt, Sarah(D) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property owned by certain charitable organizations. Last Action: 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1789 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) Relating to the exemption of tangible personal property from ad valorem taxation. Companions: HB 2987 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3-14-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SJR 78 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1801 Springer, Drew(R) Relating to a requirement that each appraisal district periodically confirm that recipients of residence homestead ® exemptions qualify for those exemptions. Companions: HB 2747 Darby, Drew(R) (Identical) 4-10-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-14-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON a ❑SB 1819 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the authority of the governing body of a school district to adopt an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the district's voter-approval tax rate. Companions: SB 1251 Bettencourt, Paul(R) (Identical) 3- 9-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 7-23 S Filed ❑SB 1890 Springer, Drew(R) Relating to the elimination of school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes and the creation of a joint ® interim committee on the elimination of those taxes. Last Action: 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance ❑SB 1892 Springer, Drew(R) Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land based on its use to ® raise or keep bees. Last Action: 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1926 Springer, Drew(R) Relating to the establishment of the Texas Miracle Act (TMA), allowing for certain fees, authorizing certain ad valorem tax ® incentives for economic development, specifically certain tax relief. Last Action: 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Natural Resources/Economic Development ❑SB 1956 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of a Congressional Medal of Honor ® recipient or the surviving spouse of a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. Companions: SIR 79 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-21-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-21-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1997 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem tax rate of a taxing unit. Last Action: 3-21-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 1998 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates. Last Action: 4-12-23 S Voted favorably from committee on Senate Local Government Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the calculation of the unused increment rate of a https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑SB 1999 taxing unit. Last Action: 4-12-23 S Committee action pending Senate Local Government ❑SB 2131 Miles, Borris(D) Relating to the treatment of a replacement structure for a structure that was rendered uninhabitable or unusable by a ® casualty or by wind or water damage as a new improvement for ad valorem tax purposes. Last Action: 3-21-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government G ❑SB 2163 King, Phil (F)(R) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of a property that is the ® primary residence of an adult who has an intellectual or developmental disability. Companions: HB 3640 Noble, Candy(R) (Identical) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means SJR 83 King, Phil (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government G ❑SB 2289 Huffman, Joan(R) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical ® or biomedical products as a finished good or used in manufacturing or processing. Companions: HB 4901 Bonnen, Greg(R) (Identical) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-14-23 H Received in the House ❑SB 2324 Zaffirini, Judith(D) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property used to provide low-income or moderate-income ® housing. Companions: HB 4645 Flores, Lulu (F)(D) (Identical) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 2352 Lamantia, Morgan (F)(D) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable organization that provides a ® meeting place and support services for organizations that provide assistance to persons. Companions: SB 330 Lucio, Eddie(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) Last Action: 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ❑SB 2357 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Relating to ad valorem taxation. Last Action: 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 2361 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by an organization engaged primarily in ® performing charitable functions. Companions: HB 4774 Button, Angie Chen(R) (Identical) 3-22-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government G ❑SB 2398 Zaffirini, Judith(D) Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property owned by a charitable organization for the purpose ® of renting the property at below-market rates to low-income and moderate-income households. Companions: SB 613 Zaffirini, Judith(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HB 581 Raymond, Richard(D) (Identical) 3-27-23 H Committee action pending House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 2408 Hancock, Kelly(R) Relating to the system for appraising property for ad valorem tax purposes. Last Action: 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 2427 Zaffirini, Judith(D) Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. Last Action: 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SB 2516 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units. Last Action: 3-23-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 2 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation a portion of ® the market value of tangible personal property a person owns that is held or used for the production. Companions: SB 5 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Enabling) https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3-15-23 S Committee action pending Senate Finance ❑SIR 3 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem ® taxation by a school district. Companions: SB 3 Bettencourt, Paul(R) (Enabling) 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-10-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means ❑SJR 4 Bettencourt, Paul(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment excepting certain appropriations to pay for school district ad valorem tax relief ® from the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. Last Action: 3-15-23 S Committee action pending Senate Finance ❑SJR 18 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 132 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SJR 31 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 51 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 73 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 95 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 160 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 19 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a limit on the maximum appraised ® value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: SB 178 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Enabling) 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-15-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 31 Blanco, Cesar(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision other than a school r,--r-r--T-r7 https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON ® district to adopt an exemption from ad valorem taxation. Companions: SB 546 Blanco, Cesar(D) (Enabling) 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 34 Blanco, Cesar(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: SB 547 Blanco, Cesar(D) (Enabling) 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SIR 38 Miles, Borris(D) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for the continuation of a limitation on ® the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead. Companions: SIR 26 Miles, Borris(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 639 Miles, Borris(D) (Enabling) 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 2-17-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 42 Flores, Pete(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize a political subdivision other than a school district to establish a ® limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes. Companions: HJR 62 Bucy, John(D) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 71 Wilson, Terry(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 141 Goldman, Craig(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 68 Bucy, John(D) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 153 Wilson, Terry(R) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 830 Flores, Pete(R) (Enabling) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SIR 47 Creighton, Brandon(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised ® value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 132 Metcalf, Will(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SIR 31 Kolkhorst, Lois(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) HJR 51 Dean, Jay(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON House Ways and Means HJR 73 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 2-28-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 95 Leach, Jeff(R) (Identical) 3- 3-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means HJR 160 Cook, David(R) (Identical) 3-15-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 48 Creighton, Brandon(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of ® commercial real property for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: SB 879 Creighton, Brandon(R) (Enabling) 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 1-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 53 Hughes, Bryan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a limit on the maximum appraised ® value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. Companions: SB 1019 Hughes, Bryan(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 55 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide that the appraised value of a residence ® homestead for ad valorem tax purposes is the market value of the property. Companions: HJR 8 Toth, Steve(R) (Refiled from 87R Session) SB 1065 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Enabling) 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3- 3-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 73 Paxton, Angela(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse. Companions: HJR 165 Munoz, Sergio(D) (Identical) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee on House Ways and Means SB 1604 Paxton, Angela(R) (Enabling) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 78 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment exempting tangible personal property from ad valorem taxation. Companions: HJR 129 Metcalf, Will(R) (Identical) 3-13-23 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Ways and Means SB 1789 Middleton, Mayes (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 79 Parker, Tan (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem ® taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead. Companions: SB 1956 Parker, Tan (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-21-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-21-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 83 King, Phil (F)(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem ® taxation of a portion of the market value of a property that is the primary residence of an adult. Companions: HJR 150 Noble, Candy(R) (Identical) 4- 4-23 H Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means SB 2163 King, Phil (F)(R) (Enabling) 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government ❑SJR 87 Huffman, Joan(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation certain tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products. Companions: HJR 184 Bonnen, Greg(R) (Identical) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-14-23 H Received in the House All Track https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON I Total Bills: 251 251 I FO ck(s): (Master List Only) ition: (None) Add to Track JA Copyright© 2023. Texas Legislative Service. All Rights Reserved. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052001.HTM[4/14/2023 6:48:17 PM] TELICON )W JACKSON WALKER L.L.P. Bill Research Report 04-14-2023 - 19: 11: 16 IFIFFReferred to Committee Reported from Committee Passed 1 st Chamber R:terred to Committee R parted from mee —F—rSignedAletoedda 01111111 Select All Deselect All G ❑HB 3242 Hefner, Cole(R) Relating to the eligibility of the surviving spouse of an elderly person who qualified for a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a taxing unit of a portion of the appraised value. Companions: SB 1381 Eckhardt, Sarah(D) (Identical) 4-12-23 H Referred to House Committee on House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HB 3857 Thimesch, Kronda (F)(R) Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. Companions: SB 1455 Paxton, Angela(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HB 4130 Hefner, Cole(R) Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property owned by certain electric cooperatives. Companions: SB 1771 King, Phil (F)(R) (Identical) 3-20-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4161 Gervin-Hawkins, Relating to the procedures for providing notice to certain https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052053.HTM[4/14/2023 7:11:30 PM] TELICON Barbara(D) individuals on placement of a child in the managing ® conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. Companions: SB 1604 Paxton, Angela(R) (Identical) 3-16-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-19-23 H Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., E2.030, House Juvenile Justice and Family Issues G ❑HB 4478 Button, Angie Chen(R) Relating to the establishment of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a county may impose on the ® residence homesteads of individuals who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses. Companions: HJR 171 Button, Angie Chen(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HB 4645 Flores, Lulu (F)(D) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property used to provide low-income or moderate-income ® housing. Companions: SB 2324 Zaffirini, Judith(D) (Identical) 3-22-23 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means G ❑HB 4858 Gervin-Hawkins, Relating to the allocation of low income housing tax credits. Barbara(D) Companions: SB 1480 Menendez, Jose(D) (Identical) 4- 3-23 S Committee action pending Senate Local Government Last Action: 4-18-23 H Meeting set for 2:00 P.M. OR ADJ., E2.028, House Urban Affairs G ❑HB 4901 Bonnen, Greg(R) Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical ® or biomedical products as a finished good or used. Companions: HJR 184 Bonnen, Greg(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means SB 2289 Huffman, Joan(R) (Identical) 4-14-23 H Received in the House Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means a ❑HJR 171 Button, Angie Chen(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052053.HTM[4/14/2023 7:11:30 PM] TELICON limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a ® county may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly. Companions; HB 4478 Button, Angie Chen(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means Last Action: 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means ❑HJR 184 Bonnen, Greg(R) Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation certain ® tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products. Companions; HB 4901 Bonnen, Greg(R) (Enabling) 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means SIR 87 Huffman, Joan(R) (Identical) 4-14-23 H Received in the House Last Action; 4-17-23 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., JHR 140, House Ways and Means All Track Total Bills: 10 10 Fo ck(s): (Master List Only) ition: (None) AL Add to Track Copyright© 2023. Texas Legislative Service. All Rights Reserved. https://www.telicon.com/www/temp/052053.HTM[4/14/2023 7:11:30 PM]