2023-035 Southeast Denton Area Plan Steering Committee April 28, 2023 Report No. 2023-034 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Southeast Denton Area Plan Steering Committee BACKGROUND: On April 5, 2022, City Council gave staff direction to proceed with three identified Area Plans — Northeast Denton Area Plan, Southeast Denton Area Plan,and the update to the Downtown Master Plan. Area Plans were identified as the Planning and Zoning Commission's and Council's implementation priorities for the Denton 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Policies and actions in the Denton 2040 Comprehensive Plan call for the creation of Area Plans to address challenges and enhance the character of distinct areas. On February 21, 2023, Council approved a contract with HDR Architecture, Inc. to provide professional services for assistance in the creation of the Southeast Denton Area Plan. DISCUSSION: The Southeast Denton Area Plan kicked off, beginning with a series of listening sessions held April 19-22, 2023. Members of the Southeast Denton community attended the small-group sessions to share historical context and current concerns with the project team. The insights gained from the listening sessions will be incorporated throughout the planning process, including the public outreach program. As the project continues, staff is working to select a group of individuals to serve on a Steering Committee. Southeast Denton's rich history, cultural character, and wide-ranging built environment require a planning process that engages local experts and residents. The Steering Committee provides input and feedback related to the various ideas or concepts proposed,validates findings,builds consensus, and evaluates what is in the best interest of the project area for the long term. It acts in the best interest of all stakeholders and is engaged throughout the duration of the project. Based on past experiences of staff members and the selected consultant, Steering Committees are most effective with 10 to 15 members. This small group size works best to ensure communication is focused, and staff and the consultant can best manage the tasks assigned to the Steering Committee. Because the Steering Committee must represent a variety of community interest groups and stakeholders, staff s goal is to select a group of individuals with diverse backgrounds, interests, and generation cohorts within the project area. The right-hand column of the included table lists backgrounds which have been selected to provide a broad array of voices and perspectives within the Southeast Denton community.The left-hand column includes names of prospective Committee members for the Southeast Denton Area Plan. Each listed member was contacted and has agreed to serve on the Committee. During the past several months, the project team has also reached out to a variety of community members to fill the remaining seats on the Committee (including most recently as of last week April 28,2023 Report No. 2023-034 following additional leads) yet has had limited success finding persons willing to participate to fulfill the complete slate. Within the next two weeks, the slate of Committee members is anticipated to be fully filled so planning work with the Committee can begin. It is important that the project team begin working with the Committee members to keep the project on schedule and to retain participant interest. Therefore, during the May 16, 2023, Council meeting, staff will present a resolution for consideration to appoint the identified Committee members. Should additional persons be identified to serve as Committee members following the May 16, 2023, Council meeting, staff will prepare a follow-up resolution for Council approval. Southeast Denton Area Plan Steering Committee Name Background Raymond Redmon • Resident Under the Age of 40 • Property Owner, Resident Reverend Reginald Logan • Faith Leader • Neighborhood Association/Group Liaison Clifton Maxfield • Community Business Owner Jacob Moses • Housing Advocate Frances Punch • Parks, Recreation& Beautification Board Member • Black Chamber of Commerce Representative • Hispanic Chamber of Commerce or LULAC Representative • Historic Landmark Commissioner Open Open Steering Committee members are scheduled to attend a minimum of four dedicated meetings and are encouraged to attend public workshops, open houses, and public hearings. They also serve as April 28, 2023 Report No. 2023-034 liaisons to other interested persons within the project area as a whole and are responsible for helping disseminate information to those persons who are interested in the project outcome. STAFF CONTACT: Julie Wyatt Principal Planner julie.wyatt@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-8585 REOUESTOR: Staff Initiated STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 10 hours PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Development Services