2023-039 Council Member Committee Appointment Process June 2,2023 Report No. 2023-039 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: City Council Member Committee Appointment Process EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The appointment of City Council members to internal Council committees and to other internal and external committees and boards occurs during the summer after each municipal election. Council committee appointments are expected to be considered on June 27, 2023. Appointments to other internal and external committees are scheduled to be discussed on June 27, 2023 and considered on July 18, 2023. Council members are requested to submit which committees or boards are of interest to them by Wednesday, June 21, 2023. BACKGROUND: Participation by Council members in City Council Committees supports the development of City policy and provides an opportunity for issues to be evaluated prior to consideration by the full Council. Additionally, council member representation on other standing, ad-hoc, and/or external bodies ensures the voice of the City of Denton is heard by external organizations. Committee membership assignments are updated annually by the Mayor and City Council to allow for participation by new Council members and to adjust participation if required. DISCUSSION: The appointment of City Council members to internal Council committees and to the committees and boards of external organizations occurs during the summer after each municipal election. City Council Committees The City Council maintains four City Council Committees (see attached descriptions). The Agenda Committee membership is not appointed but permanently consists of the Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, and the City Manager. The remaining committees include: • The Committee on the Environment; • The Community Partnership Committee; and • The Mobility Committee The Mayor is vested with the authority to nominate Council members to the Committee on the Environment and the Mobility Committee with the full Council confirming those nominations by vote. For the Community Partnership Committee, any City Council member may provide a nomination that may then be voted on by the full Council. Consideration of Council Committee nominations is currently scheduled for the June 27, 2023, City Council meeting. June 2,2023 Report No. 2023-039 Other Committee Appointments: The Council also appoints members of its body to over a dozen other standing, ad hoc, and/or external committees. Attached to this report is a listing of committees with seats that will be available for appointment, the appointing authority, and other relevant information. Please review the current assignments and notify the City Secretary by Wednesday, June 21, 2023, which bodies you are interested in serving on. At the June 27 Work Session, staff will seek Council direction on which nominations to bring forward for formal appointment at the July 18, 2023, City Council meeting. For those committees where terms are not completed until later in the summer or fall,appointments will not be effective until the end of the current term. Your prompt response in identifying any desired assignments is appreciated. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Committee Summaries 2. Current Council Member Committee Assignments and Expected Vacancies STAFF CONTACT: Jesse Salazar Interim City Secretary Jesus.Salazar@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-7735 REQUESTOR: Staff Initiated STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 2 hours PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: City Secretary's Office City Manager's Office CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES AGENDA COMMITTEE The Agenda Committee, per the City Council Rules of Procedure, is composed of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tern, and the City Manager. The Agenda Committee reviews the City Manager's proposed City Council agendas as to form and agenda content. • Appointments are addressed in the City Council Rules of Procedure adopted by Council ordinance. COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT The Committee on the Environment is composed of three Council Members. The duties of the Committee shall be to review, discuss, deliberate, and consider environmental issues and resources and make recommendations to the Council. The Committee will also deliberate and make recommendations regarding any other matter delegated to the Committee by the Council. • Appointing authority is the Mayor with confirmation by City Council per Council resolution. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE The Community Partnership Committee is composed of three Council Members. The duties and purpose of the Committee shall be to monitor allocation and use of both the hotel occupancy tax and sponsorship funds, ensuring HOT funds are being used to directly enhance and promote tourism and the hotel/ convention industry, ensuring the sponsorship funds are being used to further a charitable cause, economic or community growth and serve a public purpose in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Denton, and recommend organizations to receive funding to the City Council. • Appointing authority is the City Council per Council ordinance. MOBILITY COMMITTEE The Mobility Committee is composed of three Council Members. The duties and purpose of the Committee shall be to review, consider and make recommendations to the City Council regarding any changes to the Mobility Plan, local transportation policy, and any items concerning regional transportation policies and activities. • Appointing authority is the Mayor with confirmation by City Council per Council resolution. 2023-2024 Current Council Member Committee Assignments and Expected Vacancies (Open seats available for nomination are available are noted by a blank line) APPOINTING41 • • • •(GOVERNANCE A • NTMENT • • • • Hudspeth (Mayor) Hudspeth (Mayor) Agenda Committee ___Jj Council Rules of Procedure Beck(Mayor Pro Tern) Appointments if officers Beck(Mayor Pro Tem) (Ordinance/Code) City Manager change City Manager Mayor; Council Confirms Beck Appointments made after Committee on the Environment (Resolution) McGee each election cycle Appointments by Mayor Vacant Byrd Community Partnership Committee' Council McGee Appointments made after (Resolution) each election cycle Vacant Mobility Committee Mayor; Council Confirms Wads Appointments made after Appointments by Mayor (Resolution) Vacant each election cycle 'At least two members who serve on the Community Partnership Committee must also serve on the Discover Denton Advisory Board ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT CODE REVIEW AUTHORITY AILABLE FOR • qr• • • Byrd August 31, 2023 Development Code Review Committee City Council (Ordinance) Must be 3 elected officials and 3 members g Beck August 31, 2023 of the Planning&Zoning Commission Vacant August 31, 2023 R- c ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEES 9117#111REMENTS EXPIRATION AVAILABLE FO , ADDITIONAL • - APPOINTMENT L IL Economic Development Partnership Board'- City Council (Ordinance) Must be elected officials; Hudspeth 2023 separate appointment process Vacant 2023 Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment City Council (Ordinance) Must be elected officials; Byrd 2023 Zone No. One Board (Downtown TIRZ) separate appointment process Vacant 2024 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No.2 Board (West Park)- City Council (Ordinance) Must be elected officials; Hudspeth 2023 separate appointment process Vacant 2024 2All members of the Economic Development Partnership Board must also serve on the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No.2 Board Council Committee Assignments-Page 2 of 2 . APPOINTING" ADDITIONAL• E JJ6=1 • • : • 11[ I MT • ' • ' • • M= • Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team City Council May bean elected official, senior staff, Hudspeth Appointing Authority: City Council(Team Bylaws) (Denton County Behavioral Health executive,or community member Alison Maguire June 30, 2023 Leadership Team Bylaws) Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team City Council Appointing Authority: City Council(Team Bylaws) (Denton County Homelessness May be an elected official, senior staff, Hudspeth June 9,2023 Leadership Team Bylaws) executive,or community member Staff Member/CMO N/A Staff Member/CMO Denton County Workforce Success Leadership Team City Council Appointing Authority: City Council(Team Bylaws) (Denton County Workforce Success May be an elected official, senior staff, Watts June 30, 2023 Leadership Team Bylaws) executive,or community member Denton County Transportation Authority(DCTA) May be an elected official, senior staff, Alison Maguire Nov. 12, 2023 Appointing Authority: City Council(Texas Transportation Code) executive,or community member Patrick Smith (Alt.) Nov. 12, 2023 APPOINTINGSEATS OTHER BODIES ADDITIONAL RE• •N AVAILABLE FOR MEMBERS ' • Must be the Mayor Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition (Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition Must be the Mayor or another elected official Hudspeth None Bylaws) Byrd' Sept. 30, 2023 ' Must be 3 elected officials VACANT' Sept. 30, 2023 ' City Council (*Note: Mayor is automatically a member, *VACANT Sept. 30, 2023 VACANT(Remains Discover Denton Advisory Board' (Discover Denton Advisory Board Policy the 3rd seat shown vacant is left vacant in (Note:Remained as holdovers until vacant in order to not &Guidelines) order to not have a quorum of the City annual appointments to the establish a Council Council serving on this board.) Community Partnership Committee Quorum) are made.) Must be the Mayor Lake Ray Roberts P&Z Commission (Local Government Code, Title 7, Subtitle Must be the Mayor Hudspeth None B, Chapter 31, Subchapter F) Preference for an elected official (historically North Texas Commission City Council the Mayor)otherwise a City employee; can Hudspeth September 30, 2023 (North Texas Commission Bylaws) appoint a proxy(historically the City (City Manager—Proxy) Proxy: Manager) Council Committee Assignments—Page 3 of 3 Regional Transportation Council City Council Must be an elected official Watts June 30, 2024 (Regional Transportation Council Bylaws) Hudspeth (Alt.) June 30, 2024 City Council Two members, appointed by City Council Vacant July 18, 2023 Texas Municipal Power Agency (VATCS,Article 1435a and City (need not be elected officials); historically, Bill Cheek, Jr. (Alt.) July 18, 2024 Ordinance) alternate member from PUB 'At least two members who serve on the Community Partnership Committee must also serve on the Discover Denton Advisory Board