2023-041 Recycling Contamination Update June 9,2023 Report No. 2023-041 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Recycling Contamination Update; October 1, 2022- May 31, 2023 BACKGROUND: The City of Denton Solid Waste and Recycling Department(SWR)has diligently worked towards reducing the recycling contamination rate from 68% in January 2021. SWR has implemented various programs, including cart auditing, and tagging, focused outreach, and container modifications, to reduce recycling contamination from homes, apartments, and businesses. Contamination is described as non-programmatic material placed in the cart, for example, Styrofoam,bagged recyclables, and flexible plastic (film). DISCUSSION: In the first eight months of FY 2022-23, SWR has seen a significant decrease in overall citywide recycling contamination. In May,the City saw a monthly record low for the past two years of 36%. Overall Contamination Rate 80% 70% 60% 50% 45% 47/° ° 54% 51% 50% 46% 44% 46% 47/0 39% 45% 39% 40% 47 44% 44% 42% 44% 30/ 37% 36% 36% 20% 10% 0% �o�ec ��et diet ��a� c�a� acr Q9�1\ �e FY 22/23 FY 21/22 Residential Cart Audits Much of this success is attributable to the City's Cart Tagging Program. As an overview, the cart tagging program focuses on auditing cart contents, at the curb, on the highest contaminated routes as reported by the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) operators in the previous month. Each audit consists of an external audit of the physical cart wherein any faded or missing educational stickers June 9,2023 Report No. 2023-041 are replaced. Broken lids, wheels, and/or bodies are identified, and work orders are issued to initiate cart repairs in future weeks. A visual audit inside the cart results in the issuance of one of three tags; first a "Notice tag" when minimal contamination is seen and removed from the cart, second an "Oops tag" when the contamination level exceeds the allowed 15%,and,lastly,a"Recycling Star tag"when the resident's cart if filled with empty, clean, loose, and dry programmatic material. If flagged as contaminated, each cart plastic Film is NOT is provided with an educational door hanger, which outlines accepted in Denton's the rules of our recycling program, the dos and don'ts of Recycling program recycling properly, and information showing what is considered plastic film or flexible plastic, as pictured to the left.Plastic film is one of the most seen contaminants and most problematic materials at our MRF. Plastic film can bind sorting equipment and cause the MRF's equipment to shut ' down for hours necessitating the removal of tangled plastic. now Over 3,214 homes have been audited in the past three months, resulting in 562 homes being notified of contamination issues and given additional helpful information. This is an audit contamination rate of 35% in residential curbside carts. The cart tagging program's efforts extend beyond the work of cart auditing. SWR truck operators service recycling carts each cH�p week at the curb and can identify large bulky contamination easily. Over the past eight months, operators have tagged plastic film includes bread bags,plastic bags,produce 4,910 homes as contaminated. bags,n w5Is r bags,a r pillows case o rap,dry cleaning bags,plastic mailers andechips Envolutro p/dstico no es ac eptodo en su bore ozul de reciclo)r. Commercial Audits The Commercial Division services recycling at contracted businesses, schools, universities, and multifamily throughout Denton, serving around 500 recycling customers each week. Like residential service, commercial service has seen a 11% decrease in contamination since October 2022, ending in May with a 32% contamination rate. Commercial contamination audits are conducted on both the highest contaminated routes and all routes by the truck operators. If a container is identified as contaminated (Greater than 15% contamination) the customer is placed on a "Do Not Collect" (DNC) list, which triggers communication with customers to discuss remediation, customers have the option to clean and have collected as recycling or pay extra to have the dumpster emptied as trash. Recycling Container Audits are completed 24 hours before the collection day and contaminated containers will remain on the DNC list until a resolution has been found. A team of coordinators works to educate business owners and multifamily tenants to remedy the contamination as soon as possible with an average of five days on the list.Education efforts include June 9,2023 Report No. 2023-041 business meetings,material to hang in common areas within the business, and training material for staff. Since October 2022, SWR operators have tagged 285 containers as contaminated, 138 of these containers were placed on the DNC. Of those 138, 53%(73)of these commercial properties choose to remove contamination themselves,have the container collected as recycled material,and receive educational material. In some instances, businesses may continue to have contaminated recycling containers, and additional measures are taken such as restrictive lids. In the last 8 months, 937 proactive audits have been conducted on the highest contaminated routes. Outreach Through a partnership with Environmental Services & Sustainability, an increased level of outreach to residents and businesses has been implemented. In FY 22/23, SWR's primary campaign is to make the public aware of and reduce bagged recyclables in carts. In both commercial and residential customers,bags and film is the primary contaminant. A higher-impact marketing strategy has recently been implemented to bring awareness to plastic film and reach residents who do not typically subscribe to the usual SWR media channels. Some of the highlights over the past year have included movie theater ads, a Billboard, and direct mailers to all residents including multifamily, mobile homes, and single-family homes. While social media posts are crafted to target the top contaminants, residents that already subscribe to our communication channels are the ones who are impacted. Including bill stuffers and direct mailers in the strategy has allowed us to expand the reach of recycling education within the city and reach residents through different methods. A movie theater ad with the primary message of the importance behind not using plastic bags and programmatic material ran at two BA cycle Smart! , movie theaters in Denton for four weeks NO BAGS and received a total of 59,888 impressions /N YOUR CART DENTONRECYCLES.COI based on box office ticket sales. A 7"'1 1s>rs. billboard was introduced into the strategy and located at Dallas Drive and Teasley from November to mid-January targeting residents commuting to Denton for work, students, and residents living within the area. The message "Recycle Smart! No bags in your cart" was used to target plastic films. Over the 3 months, the billboard received 1.4 million impressions which were estimated by both traffic and vendor data. Tours of Pratt's recycling facility and home chemical collection are open to all Denton residents, organizations,HOA, and schools within DISD, and over 400 residents plus students have attended a tour since the beginning of the FY. Through presentations, tabling, and activities Sustainability has hosted 67 events and had over 4,000 residents in attendance since October 2022. June 9,2023 Report No. 2023-041 LO 00 CONCLUSION: With the current rate of contamination, Solid Waste and Sustainability will continue to partner and follow an action plan to help reduce the contamination. The plan will include the continuation of audits in all divisions with an emphasis on the highest contaminated routes. Audit findings will detect top contaminated items to support targeted educational efforts. Upcoming outreach efforts will include the implementation of higher impact marketing such as Denton Record-Chronicle audio ads,banner ads, and native articles on their website to further reach Denton residents. STAFF CONTACT: Brandi Neal Administration Manager Brandi.Neal@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-8027 REOUESTOR: Staff initiated PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Solid Waste and Environmental Services and Sustainability