2023-053 2023 Bond Propositions August 11, 2023 Report No. 2023-053 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: 2023 Bond Program Propositions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On August 1, 2023, City Council provided a recommendation to staff for the 2023 Bond Program including the list of projects, the program not-to-exceed amount of$309,590,000 with the inclusion of a 2% allocation for public art for the vertical structures included in the program. The final project recommendations have been categorized into five propositions by the City's Bond Counsel for the November 2023 Election. On August 15, 2023, Council will consider an ordinance to call the election. BACKGROUND: On April 4, 2023, City Council established a Special Citizens Bond Advisory Committee comprised of 40 residents to evaluate proposed projects and make a recommendation to the Council for a potential 2023 Bond Election. The committee met a total of seven times between May and July and provided a recommendation for Council consideration. Two City Council Work Sessions were held with Council in July and August 2023 to review the committee recommendation. On August 1, 2023, City Council provided a recommendation to staff for the 2023 Bond Program including the list of projects, the program not-to-exceed amount of$309,590,000 with the inclusion of a 2% allocation for public art for the vertical structures included in the program. Project Total Fire Station#5 $ 12,671,116 Fire Station#6 12,671,116 Oakland Drainage &Upstream Detention Improvements 32,595,000 PEC Phases 3 &4 Drainage Improvements 26,265,896 Affordable Housing 15,000,000 Active Adult Center 46,429,380 South Branch Library 48,575,961 Linda McNatt Animal Care &Adoption Center 15,849,396 Ruddell, Mingo Roadway & Quiet Zones 45,125,615 Inclusive Playground 3,450,000 City Hall West 17,875,698 Trail Development 15,000,000 Aquatic Improvements 15,000,000 Public Art 2% of vertical construction projects 3,080,000 Total $ 309,590,000 August 11, 2023 Report No. 2023-053 The final project recommendations have been categorized into five propositions by the City's Bond Counsel Attorney: Propositions Total Proposition A: Streets $45,125,000 Proposition B: Drainage and Flood Control 58,860,000 Proposition C: Park System 148,590,000 Proposition D: Public Safety 42,015,000 Proposition E: Affordable Housing 15,000,000 Total $ 309,590,000 Proposition A: Streets The issuance of$45,125,000 for Mingo and Ruddell Roadway Improvements and Railroad Quiet Zones Proposition B: Drainage and Flood Control The issuance of$58,860,000 for Oakland Drain and Upstream Detention Improvements and the Pecan Creek Tributary Phases 3 & 4 Proposition C: Park System The issuance of $148,590,000 for an Active Adult Center, South Branch Library, Inclusive Playground, City Hall West, Trail Development, and Aquatic Improvements. This proposition also includes a funding allocation of 2% for public art of vertical structure projects. Proposition D: Public Safety The issuance of $42,015,000 for Fire Stations 5 & 6, and the Linda McNatt Animal Care & Adoption Care Center. This proposition also includes a funding allocation of 2% for public art of vertical structure projects. Proposition E: Affordable Housing The issuance of$15,000,000 for affordable housing. CONCLUSION: On August 15, 2023, Council will consider an ordinance to call an election for the 2023 Bond Program to be held on November 7, 2023. The City's Bond Counsel Attorney will attend the August 15th Council Meeting to answer any questions related to the categorization of the bond propositions. ATTACHMENT(S): N/A STAFF CONTACT: Cassey Ogden Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer August 11,2023 Report No. 2023-053 (940)349-7195 Cassandra.ogden(kcityofdenton.com