100617 Friday Staff Report ( I) City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: Oct. 6, 2017 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, October 9, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Historic Landmark Commission Meeting on Monday, October 9, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room 3. Mobility Committee Meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 4. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 5. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 6. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 7. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. II. General Information & Status Updates A. Stoke Denton Entrepreneur Center Update—The City assumed management of the Stoke Denton Entrepreneur Center on Oct. 1. As of 9/1/17, the DEC showed 37 members across four levels of membership.As of 10/5/17,23 members have either completed their membership renewal or are in the process of completing it. Two members cancelled, and 12 have not responded to staff s contacts regarding new OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency 0 Outstanding Customer Service contracts and payment. Those 12 have been notified that we must hear from them by the close of business on Oct. 6 or we will remove them from the member rolls. We have recruited three new members, all tech or tech-enabled businesses. The Stoke Request for Proposals closed on Oct. 3. The Evaluation Committee will review submissions and provide Council with a recommendation as soon as possible. Staff contact: Caroline Booth B. Wayfinding Signage — On Tuesday, Oct. 3, Color-Ad, the company selected to manufacture and install the wayfinding signs in the City, surveyed and staked locations of proposed Phase 1 signs. Phase 1 signs include Historic District Identification signs, Downtown Gateway signs, Parking Lot Trailblazer signs, Parking Lot Identification signs, and Pedestrian Directional signs. The installation of these signs will occur in two months with the exception of two signs. Next week Color-Ad will be installing two prototype signs, a Vehicular Directional sign and a Pedestrian Directional sign. The purpose of installing these two prototype signs is for the City to inspect and provide comments on the size, lettering, material, etc. before they begin manufacturing the signs. The Vehicular Directional prototype sign will be installed on Elm in front of the Fine Arts Theater and the Pedestrian Directional sign will be installed on the southwest corner of Elm and McKinney in front of City Hall West. Attached for your review is a PDF of the two prototype signs. Please note, the cast base cover at the bottom and the cast finial at the top will be installed at a later time. Staff contact: Ron Menguita C. Downtown Si_finals—The traffic signals on Denton's square were installed in 1979 and need to be replaced to maintain public safety. Traffic Operations will replace the signal equipment at the intersection of Locust and Oak Streets in mid-October. Barring delays, this intersection is expected to be complete in late November. The remaining signals on the Square will be replaced after January 1, 2018. This project will improve safety and energy efficiency with new ramps that meet the American Disability Act (ADA) regulations, audible crossing signals, and energy efficient LED lights. The signal replacement will require periodic lane closures, but staff does not anticipate total closure of either street as part of the project. No significant impact on parking is anticipated. Pedestrians may experience minor detours as crosswalks are improved. Staff has worked with the Denton Main Street Association to select materials and equipment in keeping with the aesthetics of Denton's historic square. Residents and businesses in the area are being notified through regular mail and email. Information will also be shared via social media. Staff Contact: Pritam Deshmukh D. Mock Press Conference with UNT Students — Denton's communication team is working with UNT's Master of Public Administration program to host a mock press conference next week. The event allows MPA students to experience the pressure of speaking to media in a low-stakes environment. It also offers Denton's communicators a professional development opportunity. The mock press conference will be held on Wednesday night at the Civic Center Conference Room. Staff contact: Brian Daskam E. Parks and Rec Athletic Events—The Goldfield Tennis Center will be the main site this weekend for USTA's Denton Championship Major Zone (CMZ) tournament. The tournament will be held October 7-8 and will bring 378 participants to town from across the state of Texas. On September 21, 2017, the City of Denton was awarded two major events at the annual Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) Conference: • Denton Parks and Recreation will host the TAAF Youth State Basketball Tournament in March 2018 in conjunction with The Colony. This tournament will bring approximately 100 youth basketball teams to town from across the state of Texas. • Denton Parks and Rec, in conjunction with the Denton Convention and Visitors Bureau, will host the TAAF Annual Conference in September 2020. This conference will be held at the new Embassy Suites and will draw approximately 80-100 athletic professionals from across the state of Texas. Staff contact: Emerson Vorel F. Providing Library Cards to Corinth Residents — In 2014, the City of Corinth approached the Denton Public Library requesting to purchase a block of library cards from the Denton Public Library to offer their citizens. Corinth had just ended an agreement with the Lake Cities Library to provide service to their citizens. People who live outside the city limits pay$50 annually for Denton Public Library cards. The City of Corinth agreed to pay the City of Denton half of that $50 non- resident fee for an initial purchase of 400 Denton Public Library cards. Corinth residents pay the other half of the non-resident fee when they apply for a Denton Public Library card. The City of Corinth paid $10,000 for 400 cards in 2014 and again in 2015. In 2016, the demand for library cards grew and they increased their purchase to 500 cards for$12,500. Their last purchase in May 2017 was for 500 cards for$12,500. That is a total of$45,000 for 1,800 cards or card renewals(non-resident cards must be renewed annually). Library staff provide regular updates to the City of Corinth regarding their card balance. 1,456 cards or card renewals have been sold to date. 826 individuals have received Denton Public Library cards since the program started. Of those customers, 188 have renewed their cards once, 116 renewed their cards twice, and 70 have renewed their cards for all three years. Corinth residents have expressed appreciation for the agreement and appear to enjoy having access to library materials and resources. Staff contact: Jennifer Bekker III. Community Events A. 2017 Neighborhood Empowerment Summit — On Saturday, Oct. 14, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the MLK, Jr. Recreational Center, the City will host the 2017 Neighborhood Empowerment Summit. The Summit will feature presentations and tables with lots of information on how to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods. This year's Summit includes presentations on sustainability, increasing tree canopy, successful grant projects presented by past applicants, and a workshop on how to apply for a Neighborhood Project Matching Grant. In order to make appropriate accommodations, please register by Oct. 11. Please see attached flier for more information. Staff contact: Ron Menguita B. Denton County Landlord Forum — On Wednesday, Oct. 18, a Denton County Landlord Forum will be held from 9 a.m.to noon at CoSery for landlords,property managers, real estate professionals, housing providers, and community members to learn about current efforts to address homelessness and housing insecurity in Denton County. Hear from local service providers and the various assistance programs throughout the community. A partnership opportunity will also be launched to increase access to housing throughout the county. 'Doors for Denton County' is a collaborative initiative of the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team which seeks to connect the nonprofit and low income housing community with landlords and property managers to increase access to housing for Denton County citizens. This event is free and open to the public. If you plan to attend, please register for the forum by Oct. 16 (please see attached flier). For more information contact Courtney Cross by email at Courtneygunitedwaydenton.org. IV. Attachments A. Prototype Wayfinding Signs B. 2017 Neighborhood Empowerment Flier C. Denton County Landlord Forum Flier V. Informal Staff Reports A. Proposed 2018 Council Calendar B. Downtown Building Height Restrictions C. McKinney St. Sidewalks VI. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda(Oct. 17) C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report CITY OF DENTON MENU OF THE SIGN TYPES Date: AUGUST, 2017 Prototype Sign# 1 Client: CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS Q AICP DEPARTMENT - - - - 215,E.MCKINNEY ST DENTON,TX 76201-4299 I I Destination Job Name: MANUFACTURING AND I 1 I r ,�► c A. messageMessage INSTALLATION OF I Destination I Destination WAYFINDING SIGANE Destination DestinationI I ` 1message Message Message Message Message Message Message • f Acct.Rep: SK. Destination I I ' 4- Destination AL Message Imessage message -10 Message Message Message I Designer VIVEK Destination messageI I I I I Drawing#: I I Rev.# I I ' I Rev.Date: 2017 I Scale: I I Page# I I VDIR.1 VDIR.2_TX I VDIR.3 I VDIR.3_TX VDIR.4 VDIR.4_TX VDIR.S VDIR.S_TX VDIR.6 VDIR.6_TX I Mob, Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional I Vehicular Directional I Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional 00KY* X (4"Message-25mph or less) (4"Message-25mph or less) (4"Message-25mph or less) (4"Message-25mph or less) (5"Message-30mph) (5"Message-30mph) (5"Message-30mph) (5"Message-30mph) (5"Message-30mph) (5"Message-30mph) Qty.1(Phase 2) city.1(Phase 2) I Qty.12(Phase 2) I Qty.1(Phase 2) Qty.3(Phase 2) city.8(Phase 3) Qty.2(Phase 3) Qty.3(Phase 2) Qty.7(Phase 2) Qty.12(Phase 2) SIGNS AND EXHIBITS Qty.6(Phase 3) Qty.9(Phase 3) Qty.5(Phase 3) Qty.23(Phase 3) www.color -ad.com Prototype Sign#2 r _ _ PARK.3 + 1 Parking Lot THIS DRAWING REMAINS THE EXCLUSIVE t Destinationc a Trailblazer I I PROPERTY OF COLOR-AD,INC.THIS message , O O Single sided j. DESIGN CANNOT BE COPIED IN WHOLE Qty.8(Phase 1) I I OR IN PART,ALTERED,OR EXHIBITED IN Destination -.4z I I ANY MANNER,WITHOUT THE messag • = z WRITTEN CONSENT OF COLOR-AD,INC. • I I THE EXCEPTION IS ANY PREVIOUSLY COPYRIGHTED ARTWORK SUPPLIED BY message Destination Destination '"'� • THE CLIENT. °'E °" I I wn Ti UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,ALL COLORS PORTRAYED ARE REPRESENTATIVE ONLY. � I I 7ME: 1 ' ' 11 1 SIGNATURE: VDIR.9_TX VDIR.10 DGTWY.1 DGTWY.1_TX PARK.1 PARK.] TX PARK.IA PARK.1A_TX PARK.2 PARK.4 PDIR.1 I PDIR.2 I KIOSK.1 HDID.1_TX Vehicular Directional Vehicular Directional Downtown Gateway Downtown Gateway Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Pedestrian Directional Pedestrian Directional Downtown Sq.Kiosk Historic District (6"Message-35mph or more) (4"Message-25mph or less) (Four-sided) (Four-sided) Trailblazer Trailblazer Trailblazer Trailblazer Identification Trailblazer Single or Double sided I Double sided I Existing Identification DATE: Qty.2(Phase 2) Qty.3(Phase 2) city.5(Phase 1) Qty.2(Phase 2) (Single&Double sided) (Single&Double sided) (Single sided) (Single sided) Double sided Single&Double sided city.4(Phase 1) Qty.11(Phase 1) (Replace Retro-fit 2 sides) (Single-sided) Qty.1(Phase 3) Qty.13(Phase 1) Qty.3(Phase 2) Qty.1(Phase 1) Qty.1(Phase 2) (Perpendicular to Roadway) Qty.3(Phase 1) L - - - J Qty.5(Phase 1) Qty.4(Phase 1) Qty.2(Phase 1) CITY OF DENTON SIGN TYPE VDIR.3Directional Date: JULY, 2017 Client: CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS AICP DEPARTMENT 215,E.MCKINNEY ST DENTON,TX 76201-4299 Job Name: MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF WAYFINDING SIGANE Acct.Rep: SK. Designer VIVEK Development Drawing# Services Rev.# : Rev.Date: 2017 Visitor OF Center DENTON Scale: 1 • Page# OO&IOXX SIGNS AND EXHIBITS www.color -ad.com THIS DRAWING REMAINS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF COLOR-AD,INC.THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART,ALTERED,OR EXHIBITED IN ANY MANNER,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF COLOR-AD,INC. THE EXCEPTION IS ANY PREVIOUSLY COPYRIGHTED ARTWORK SUPPLIED BY THE CLIENT. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,ALL COLORS PORTRAYED ARE REPRESENTATIVE ONLY. 7NAME: = � Front View: VDIR.3 Side View: VDIR.3 C3Back View: VDIR.3SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SIGNATURE: DATE: CITY OF DENTON 1 Directional Phase 2 1 Date: JULY, 2017 Client: CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS 3 0 1/2 AICP DEPARTMENT 215,E.MCKINNEY ST DENTON,TX 76201-4299 0� Job Name: MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF Development • • ' ' • WAYFINDING SIGANE =00 6t • • Acct.Rep: SK. CITY Designer VIVEK DENTON Visi� orAM Drawing# Center Rev.# : IIIIIIIIIIIE Rev.Date: 2017 DICTA Transit Scale • • Page# 3'-8" T-6" 6�� � I Mob, 1/4" 41/1" 1/4" ST:VDIR.3-PHASE 2-LOCATION # 218 OONSIGNS AND EXHIBITS J MN www.color -ad.com 6" Development 1'-21/2" 21/4" 7" AtTHIS DRAWING REMAINS THE EXCLUSIVE 4" • • PROPERTY OF COLOR-AD,INC.THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE COPIED IN WHOLE 1" OR IN PART,ALTERED,OR EXHIBITED IN ANY MANNER,WITHOUT THE Visit or WRITTEN CONSENT OF COLOR-AD,INC. THE EXCEPTION IS ANY PREVIOUSLY 1'-21/2" COPYRIGHTED ARTWORK SUPPLIED BY T-21/4" • • THE CLIENT. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,ALL COLORS 1" PORTRAYED ARE REPRESENTATIVE ONLY. DICTA Transit 1'-21/2" Center • 7ME: 1 I ' ' II 1 SIGNATURE: 3 Graphic Layout: VDIR.3, VDIR.3_TX &VDIR.10 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" DATE: PedestrianCITY OF DENTON - SIGN TYPE: PDIR.2- ' Double-Sided Phase 1 Qty 11 Date: AUGUST, 2017 Client: CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS AICP DEPARTMENT 215,E.MCKINNEY ST DENTON,TX 76201-4299 Allk SIDE B SIDE A SIDE A SIDE B Job Name: MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF Side A the is always on the left Side B the is always on the right WAYFINDING SIGANE Acct.Rep: SK. Designer VIVEK Drawing#: i � Rev.# Rev.Date: 2017 ea Scale: o c o O Z Z Page# 0 0 z z oobretc SIGNS AND EXHIBITS www.color -ad.com THIS DRAWING REMAINS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF COLOR-AD,INC.THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART,ALTERED,OR EXHIBITED IN ANY MANNER,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF COLOR-AD,INC. THE EXCEPTION IS ANY PREVIOUSLY COPYRIGHTED ARTWORK SUPPLIED BY THE CLIENT. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,ALL COLORS PORTRAYED ARE REPRESENTATIVE ONLY. 7NAME: MM � SIDE A : PDIR.2 SIDE B : PDIR.2 Side View: PDIR.2 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SIGNATURE: DATE: CITY OF DENTON 1I1R.2-Pedestrian Directional Double-Sided Phase 1 Qty 11 Date: AUGUST, 2017 Client: CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS AICP DEPARTMENT 215,E.MCKINNEY ST DENTON,TX 76201-4299 Job Name: MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF WAYFINDING SIGANE Acct.Rep: SK. Designer : VIVEK 5" � � 5" � 1'-101/2" 1'-101/2" Drawing#: V 1" z" 1" 1" 2' Rev.# 3" 1" Bolivar 1 Lot1" 3" Rev.Date: 2017 } Cedar Parking 1t t t Quakertown Park Scale AL MFPage# Campus Theater ml 714'"m t Emily Fowler Library 0Downtown Square Texas Woman's University SIGNS AND EXHIBITS � www.color -ad.com O 1 Downtown Square Denton 1 Park Courthouse Z * University of North1 THIS DRAWING REMAINS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF COLOR-AD,INC.THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART,ALTERED,OR EXHIBITED IN ANY MANNER,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF COLOR-AD,INC. THE EXCEPTION IS ANY PREVIOUSLY COPYRIGHTED ARTWORK SUPPLIED BY FRONT VIEW SIDED VIEW SIDE A SIDE B THE CLIENT. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,ALL COLORS PORTRAYED ARE REPRESENTATIVE ONLY. Graphic Layout: PDIR.2 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 7ME: SIGNATURE: DATE: PedestrianCITY OF DENTON - SIGN TYPE: PDIR.2- ' Double-Sided Phase 1 Oty=11 Date: AUGUST, 2017 Client: CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS AICP DEPARTMENT BolivarParking 1 215,E.MCKINNEY ST DENTON,TX 76201-4299 Cedar Parki1 LotQuakertownJob Name: MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF Campus • .ter + Ernily Fowler LibraryWAYFINDING SIGANE Downtown 1woman's university Acct.Rep: SK. Courtho ampus • . Designer : VIVEK VisitorDowntown S1 . Drawing#: Rev.# Denton 1 ' . Courthouse Rev.Date: 2017 University of North . Visitor Center Scale Page# SIDE A SIDE B ST:PDIR.2-PHASE 1-LOCATION # 518 00b M* ( SIGNS AND EXHIBITS www.color -ad.com THIS DRAWING REMAINS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF COLOR-AD,INC.THIS DESIGN CANNOT BE COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART,ALTERED,OR EXHIBITED IN ANY MANNER,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF COLOR-AD,INC. THE EXCEPTION IS ANY PREVIOUSLY COPYRIGHTED ARTWORK SUPPLIED BY THE CLIENT. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,ALL COLORS PORTRAYED ARE REPRESENTATIVE ONLY. APP' 1 1Pi1 ' ' 11 1 NAME: TITLE: SIGNATURE: DATE: ILI& 2017 Neighborhood Empowerment Summit The summit is a FREE event and open to the public. Light breakfast, lunch and door prizes are included. In order to make appropriate accommodations, please register at www.citvofdenton.com/neighborhoodplanning or call us at (940) 349-8328 by October 11 . } 16I��i.1Y M+ Ill P With Door Prizes Breakfast I Lunch d Join us as we learn about the following! OCTOBER Building Smarter, Cleaner and Greener Neighborhoods -" Together L Past Neighborhood 9 a.m-1 p.m. Matching Grant Projects MILK, Jr. Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St Neighborhood Project Denton, TX 76205 Matching Grant Workshop CITY For questions, contact Ron Menguita at (940) 349-8328 OF or Ron.Menguita@cityofdenton.com Neigh Healthy DENTON borhoods Clt'I OF LIFMON NEIGHBORHOOD PUNNING PROGRAM Denton County Landlord Forum It 17 1 111 WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Landlords, Property Managers, Real Estate Professionals, Nonprofit Housing Providers, Community Members WHEN: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Registration at 8:30 a.m.) WHERE: CoSery - 7701 S. Stemmons, Corinth, TX 76210 Register for Free by October 16, 201 T www.dentoncountylandlordforum.eventbrite.com For more information: Courtney@unitedwaydenton.org . —DENTON COUNTY— Way HOMELESSNESS Uf"Deeentoono Count LEADERSHIP TEAM of Dy,Inc � Date: October 6,2017 Report No. 2017-072 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: 2018 City Council Meeting Schedule EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council meeting schedule has been prepared for Council consideration. Please send comments and/or suggested changes to the City Secretary's Office by Friday,November 3rd. Staff will then finalize the calendar and make it available to City departments. BACKGROUND: Looking forward to the 2018 calendar year, the City Council in eeting schedule has been prepared for Council consideration. Following a prior request from Council, no meetings have been designated for the Tuesday following a Monday holiday. A Monday lunche on has been scheduled for the first Monday of each month with no m eeting scheduled on the fifth Tues days. Please note that th ose months printed in purple have only one action meeting scheduled. ATTACHMENT(S): 2018 City Council Meeting Schedule STAFF CONTACT: Jennifer Walters, City Secretary 940/349-8309 jennifer.walters@cityofdenton.com 2018 CITY COUNCIL NEETING S CHBDULE Nbnday January 1 No Luncheon City offices closed I New Year's Dray observed Tuesday January 2 No Nbeting Tuesday January 9 Special Called Work/Regular Session Tuesday January 16 No Nbeting ML Kmg,Jr.Day, 1115 Tuesday January 23 4th Tuesday Session USCM Washington,DC, 1/24-26 Tuesday January 30 No Nbeting 5th Tuesday Nbnday February 5 Luncheon Tuesday February 6 Work/Regular Session Tuesday February 13 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday February 20 Work/Regular Session Tuesday February 27 4th Tuesday Session Nbnday March 5 Luncheon Tuesday Nhrch 6 Work/Regular Session Tuesday Nhrch 13 No Nbeting NLC,Washington,DC, 3/11-14 I Spring Break,3/12-16 Tuesday Nhrch 20 Work/Regular Session Tuesday Nhrch 27 4th Tuesday Session Nbnday April Luncheon Tuesday April 3 Work/Regular Session Tuesday Apri110 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday Apri117 Work/Regular Session Tuesday April 24 4th Tuesday Session Tuesday Nhy 1 Work/Regular Session Nbnday Nhy 7 Luncheon Tuesday Nhy 8 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday Nhy 15 Election Nbeting Installation of CC Nbmbers Only Tuesday Nhy 22 Work/Regular Session Tuesday Nhy 29 No Nbeting Nbmorial Day, 5/28 15th Tuesday Nbnday June 4 Luncheon Tuesday June 5 Work/Regular Session Tuesday June 12 2nd Tuesday Session USCM Boston,NIA, 6/8-11 Tuesday June 19 Work/Regular Session TCMA Galveston, 6/21-24 Tuesday June 26 4th Tuesday Session Nbnday July 2 No Luncheon Tuesday July No Nbeting July Holiday Tuesday July 10 No Nbeting Tuesday July 17 Work/Regular Session Tuesday July 24 4th Tuesday Session Tuesday July 31 No Nbeting 5th Tuesday Thursday August 2 Budget Workshop Nbnday August 6 Luncheon Tuesday August 7 Work/Regular Session Tuesday August 14 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday August 21 Work/Regular Session Tuesday August 28 4th Tuesday Session 2018 CITY COUNCIL NEETING S CHEDULE Nbnday September 3 No Luncheon Labor Day Holiday Tuesday September 4 No feting Tuesday September 11 Special Called Work/Regular Session Tuesday September 18 Work/Regular Session Tuesday September 25 4th Tuesday Session Nbnday October 1 Luncheon Tuesday October 2 No Nbeting National Night Out Tuesday October 9 2nd Tuesday Session TNL Ft.Worth, 10/9-12 Tuesday October 16 Work/Regular Session Tuesday October 23 4th Tuesday Session Tuesday October 30 No Nbeting 5th Tuesday Nbnday November 5 Luncheon Tuesday November 6 Work/Regular Session Tuesday November 13 2nd Tuesday Session NW,Los Angeles,CA, 11/7-10 Tuesday November 20 No Nbeting Thanksgiving, 11/22-23 Tuesday November 27 4th Tuesday Session (tentative based upon need) Nbnday December 3 Luncheon Tuesday December 4 Work/Regular Session Tuesday December 11 2nd Tuesday Session Tuesday December 18 Work/Regular Session (tentative based upon need) Tuesday December 25 No Nbeting Christmas, 12/24-25 ANbnday luncheon has been scheduled for the first Nbnday of each month. The months in purple have only one action meeting. Date: October 6,2017 Report No. 2017-073 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: At the September 12a'meeting, Council asked for information on whether building height restrictions could be implemented around the Square. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Building height is addressed in the Downtown Master Plan and the Downtown Implementation Plan. The Denton Development Plan states that the DC-G District permits a maximum building height of 100 feet with Limitation 33, which states, "Additional height may be allowed with an SUP and a view shed study, which illustrates that any views of the Historic Courthouse are not blocked by the new structure(s) additional height." BACKGROUND: Downtown building height, in proximity to the Courthouse-on-the-Square, has been an on-going subject. The last two plans for downtown have addressed this: Downtown Master Plan(2002): "Downtown should be attractive and well designed. New developments should increase the overall quality of downtown. In particular, buildings should be durable, compatible with historic structures, and reflect the local community." (Page 4) Downtown Implementation Plan(2010) Building Height: New buildings should be at least two stories in height and a maximum of four stories, with two exceptions. Proximity to the DCTA transit center (the TOD Area) and to Quakertown Park(the Residential Area) are locations that could benefit from greater height for density and views without impacting visibility of the Courthouse from primary approaches into downtown. The height in these areas should not exceed seven stories." (Chapter Four,page 53) In the Denton Development Code, the DC-G District permits a maximum building height of 100 feet with Limitation 33, which states, "Additional height may be allowed with an SUP and a view shed study, which illustrates that any views of the Historic Courthouse are not blocked by the new structure(s) additional height." CONCLUSION: Downtown building height is addressed in the Denton Development Code. STAFF CONTACT: Julie Glover 940-349-7732 Julie.glover@cityofdenton.com Date: October 6, 2017 Report No. 2017-074 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Overview of the current state of sidewalks along McKinney Street identifying missing segments and options. BACKGROUND: On September 12, 2017 Council requested that staff assess the condition of sidewalks on McKinney Street with respect to City properties and the railroad crossing. DISCUSSION: A survey was done of the McKinney Street corridor to assess missing sidewalk segments and existing sidewalk in need of repair. Staff has identified a number of missing segments in the corridor between Bell Avenue and Loop 288 including the frontage of City properties (Mack Park, DME Substation, and Fire Station 2). Attachment 1 shows the current state of sidewalks along the McKinney Street corridor. There are two missing segments identified in green that are funded through the Traffic Safety Fund at a cost of$95,000 with construction to be completed this fiscal year. The sidewalk is intermittent in the area east of Loop 288 to Ryan High School. Funding has been identified to build a temporary sidewalk in this segment from the McKinney Street Widening Project fund at a cost of$430,000. The temporary sidewalk is expected to be complete prior to the beginning of the 2018 school year. Staff has attempted to identify three options to address the lack of sidewalks on McKinney Street. A map and cost summary of the options below are included in Attachment 2. • Option 1 could be the addition of sidewalks to the frontage of City properties with a total cost of$778,000. The crossing at the railroad and pedestrian bridges for crossing the channel running adjacent to Mack Park substantially increase cost. If Council directed staff to proceed with this option, there would still be a number of missing segments along the corridor. This option does not include repairs to existing sidewalk or improvements to major intersections. • Option 2 could be the addition of sidewalks to make a continuous path along McKinney Street from Carroll Blvd to Audra Ln and would not be affected by the McKinney Street Widening Project. The total cost for this option would be $729,000. This option does not include repairs to existing sidewalk or improvements to major intersections. • Option 3 depicts the addition of sidewalks to make a continuous path along the McKinney Street corridor from Carroll Blvd to Audra Ln. Staff has focused on the sections along the south side of the street because this provides the lowest cost option for a continuous path. The total cost for this option is $2.2 million. In the total, $255,000 is Date: October 6, 2017 Report No. 2017-074 included for repairs to existing sidewalk and$300,000 for improvements to major intersections. Please note if direction was given to implement this option staff would need to identify additional funding to complete the project. Funding is available from the 2014 bond program for sidewalk improvements. In February 2016, staff presented a sidewalk list of 27 projects to Mobility Committee and seven of those projects have been completed. In order to provide equity in prioritization of sidewalk projects, staff has developed a sidewalk implementation plan that ranks the sidewalk projects based on a methodology of Pedestrian Potential Index and Deficiency Index. Through this new initiative any proposed project, including citizen requested projects, would be ranked using the previously discussed methodology and completed based on available funding. The sidewalk implementation plan is scheduled for discussion with the Mobility Committee on October 10. If the 2014 bond funds were to be used for any of the options presented other prioritized projects would be delayed until additional funding was available. In June 2016 the City and Texas Department of Transportation entered into an agreement to transfer McKinney Street(FM 426)to the City with the transfer of$18,267,303 to be used for widening the street from 1.4 miles west of Loop 288 to 1.1 miles east of Loop 288. Staff has included on the October 10 City Council meeting a Professional Engineering Services agreement for the design and construction of the McKinney Street Widening Project. This project is estimated to be complete by October 2020 and included in the project is the construction of sidewalks. This project would likely make sidewalk additions from Audra to Loop 288 stranded costs because they would be affected by the street widening project. ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Sidewalk Survey 2. Options 3. Photos STAFF CONTACT: Charlie Rosendahl Management Analyst Charles.Rosendahl(a,cityofdenton.com 940-349-8433 Julie Anderson Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Julie.Andersongcityofdenton.com 940-349-7718 - Chad Allen Senior Engineer Chad.Allen(a,cityofdenton.com 940-349-7713 Attachment 1 Current Sidewalks Z 3 Z MAY ST rcc un DANA LN y WITHERS ST -. 2 P;,SVEY ST PAISLEY ST N c ? ? Lee Elementary O WESTN DR :SS 57 00 N O School Q C KINGFISHER LN Z Quakertown Park a o = — w u 0 D O Q '^ ? m W PgRKWAY S7 _ " O DAVIS ST a k 2 00 = �P 3 j i ORIOLE LN ^� A. Z W a a x i ?i a Gl`A x G W — O O T St f IL ST— c J Z Z DAVIS ST j LON O _ =80o Z O MARY,E Z '4NK LN o �� F MCKINNEY ST dck Park Z o < IAK ST Z — �� E MCKINN Y ST F M N m HUMMINGBIRD LN" C OAK 57 E OAK ST CKINNEY ST MILLS RD Denton ST E HICKORY ST > C ? Singing Oaks 'T io First United 0 3 Church of Christ > w = N Methodist 00 J n E S7O Church P E SYCAMORE S't �+ j O ` S OOI s STpDUD St N OE CO Ee ry Oakwood Carl Young Sr. 3 a p S ry Park ION W PRAIRIE ST' ` Y g > E PRAIRIE ST Ran High School 3 x ti a Woodrow Park E g pU i DUCHESS OR <DUCHE„ O MCKr N ND ST a H a ,n Z Fred Moore ?, O H fyST i 1 Park J P Pebblebrook e[eryn MAPLE ST ? — ROgfRTS > wlLsoN sr Open Space m TS 3 mas Rivera 'ev ` 0� z 3 0 5T Nsi Elementary 0 m O o`NYE y School 0 8 0 r ti O f 6 P m � US 771 MILL ST O MORSE STMORSE ST 3 � ,ten RUtH ST 2 PARK LN J'h o SHADY Ogles 60 MORSE ST u, u _ Rd' �� oK'�a Mayhdl 1Z Existing Sidev.talk Traffic Safety Fund Projects Temporary Sidev.lalk Attachment 2 Option 1 I z 3 z MAY ST j - DANA LN a WITHERS ST z F PF,SSJY ST PAISLEY 51 N o Lee Elementary m ESS ST f G 00 ❑ School o WESTON DR KINGFISHER W O J Quakertown Park a 3 W 6 z Q x z W ❑ a o t z m W PARKWAY 51 " < DAVIS 5T Z p ? ORIOLE LN C S z 3 :2� Qe a NGPn x ❑ _ O O Et 5' it ST� Q Q 2 z DAVIS ST O lD O =BOB z O MARK 2 DUNK LN ❑ 1 E MCKINNEY ST ark z o 14 )AK ST F OAk St F OAK S? E MCKINNEV_=CKINNEV ST s m f HUMMINGBIRD LN" MILLS RD Denton Z SST E HICKORY ST o _® G v ? ` _fhu gh ofOak st 3 _ 'T m First United ® ❑ 3 N Meth o a '.E STD churchrch E SYCAMORE Sr 3 a rc f P O ` DO O V u SiROUD sr "' 0V' CCem Oakwood Carl Young SI. ; t '^ S y Park low W PRAIRIE STY' '~^ ` Ryan High School ry Q E PRAIRIE Sl 3 Woodrow Park u � o N 0 '^ D re Z DUCHESS OR DUClrpj, O f M('k) g DU ,ND ST a y z Fred Moore s /VIyFV f Park z �e Pebblebrook etery MAPLE ST z ROgfRTg > wnSON 5r Open Space O m Tomas Rivera 3 e` c y 3 0 5T NSr Elementary School .0O ❑.piVE l 0 '^ ry O O lo US 771 MILL 5T O MORSE ST MORSE ST 3 Q 'ti H N N Q y RVTN 51 } B ❑ PARK LN der 3 SHADY OgkS p I MORSE ST In < R. ❑ Oq <�R O m Mayhill z � Existing Sidewalk Traffic Safety Fund Projects Temporary Sidewalk Total Cost = $778,000 Proposed Sidewalk Additions COST SUMMARY OPTION 1 DESCRIPTION ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY NORTH OF CHE PARKING LOT $153,000.00 BOTH SIDES OF McKINNEY IN FRONT OF MACK PARK $548,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY IN FRONT OF DME SUBSTATION $40,000.00 NORTH SIDE OF McKINNEY IN FRONT OF FIRE STATION No.2 $37,000.00 Subtotal $778,000.00 USE for 2017 Dollars $778,000.00 USE for 2020 Dollars $1,035,518.00 Option 2 Z O Z MAY ST rcc un DANA LN y f WITHERS ST -. Z 2 P;,SVEY ST PAISLEY ST N c ? ? Lee Elementary WESTON DR :SS 51 O C School < KINGFISHER LN J H 3 O „�I F F x h a C a0' Z Quakertown Park p o = z ° s 3 W v w u 0 D OA. Q '^ ? m W PARKWAY ST _ " DAVIS ST a k Z O = ORIOLE W ^� Z W a a x i O T St f IL ST— c J Z Z DAVIS 5T j iON O _ =80� Z O MARKS 2 'ONK LN o - r KINNEY ST Mack Park Z o < Z E MCKINN Y ST F M Y a m HUMMINGBIRD LN IAK ST [OAK 57 E OAK ST CKINNEY ST �^ MILLS RD Denton Z ST E HICKORY ST > C ? Singing Oaks 'T io First United 0 3 Church of Christ > w = N Methodist 00 J a n E STO Church P E SYCAMORE S't 0+ j O ` S OOI Oakwood 0 s STROUD ST N OE Carl Y Sr. 3 Cemetery Young a p S ry Park ION '^ ` Y g ~ > E PRAIRIE ST Ran High School 3 W PRAIRIE ST x ti a Woodrow Park E g pU i DUCHESS OR <DUCNE O MCKr N ND ST a H a ,n Z Fred Moore ?, Op Pebblebrook fyST i 1 Park J e[eryn MAPLE ST ? — ROgfRTS > wllSON sr Open Space Elementary s n a '^ O x m Tdmas Rivera 0 'ev ` 0� z 3 0 5T Nsi m O o`NYE y School 0 3 0 r ti O f P m � US 771 MILL ST O MORSE STMORSE ST 63 � ,an O ROTH ST h ao a 3 2 PARK LN J"h o SHADY Ogles 0 MORSE ST J v+ u Mayhdl 1Z Existing Sidewalk Traffic Safety Fund Projects Temporary Sidewalk Total Cost = $729,000 Proposed Sidewalk Additions COST SUMMARY OPTION 2 DESCRIPTION ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY NORTH OF CHE PARKING LOT $153,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY RAILROAD TO N.BRADSHAW $511,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY N.RUDDELL TO COURTHOUSE $65,000.00 Subtotal $729,000.00 USE for 2017 Dollars $729,000.00 USE for 2020 Dollars $970,299.00 Option 3 T Z WITHERS ST MAY ST � cce un DANA LN a = -. z aP\SS,EYST PAISLEY ST Lee Elementary IESS ST f N r W rn 00 G x School 0 WESTON DR KINGFISHER LN 2 Quakertown Park i ; ° v 2 OV 2 I Z W W o j ? W PARKWAY ST _ " 0 DAVIS ST o G Z O ? c 3 9 ORIOLE LN 11 i < Z m z a a HG u = G W _ O MARK""ST M RL Sr- =-J m 2 =DAVIS 5T i0 O u� = Z 80 o Z O� Z ONK IN ack Park z o < DAK ST E OAK ST r OAK STZ CKINNEY ST NNEY ST N m 2 HUMMINGBIRD LNG MILLS RO Denton Z V ST E HICKORY ST ? Singing Oaks -�® ~ hurch of Christ 3 ST m First United o 3 F Methodist o 0 2E STD H Church E SYCAMORE Si 3 0 0O ` DO r Oakwood O S STROUD ST 0�� Cemetery Carl Young Sr. ; < t '^ S Y Park - m Ran High School IN PRAIRIE ST'^ j E PRAIRIE ST ev y 8 Woodrow Park ^' n O ~ u O p = m Z DUCHESS DR DUCHC D E'HCAr, g pU 4ND ST a: N Fred Moore op Pebblebrook NHfV ST o Park z letery MAPLEST ` N ROB,, RTSON S WILSON ST Tomas Rivera +� ^ Open Space c 3; D.NYE St `r.� < Elementary z O ry School a d 9 o m MILL ST O z US T7 i MORSE ST MORSE ST m O m i < RUTH ST t�i < 3 o vARK W SHADY pq 60 MORSE ST c KSOQ' O Mayhiil z nP Existing Sidewalk Traffic Safety Fund Projects Temporary Sidewalk Total Cost = $2,200,000 Proposed Sidewalk Additions COST SUMMARY OPTION 3 DESCRIPTION ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY NORTH OF CHE PARKING LOT $153,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY RAILROAD TO N.BRADSHAW $511,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY N.RUDDELL TO COURTHOUSE $65,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY AUDRA TO APARTMENTS $49,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY IN FRONT OF MACK PLACE APARTMENTS $91,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF MCKINNEY IN FRONT OF MACK PARK $268,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF MCKINNEY MACK PARK TO APARTMENTS $35,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF McKINNEY IN FRONT OF DME SUBSTATION $40,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF MCKINNEY SUBSTATION TO CHURCH $211,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF MCKINNEY CHURCH TO CHURCH'S CHICKEN $138,000.00 SOUTH SIDE OF MCKINNEY DENTIST TO LOOP 288 $40,000.00 Subtotal $1,601,000.00 REPAIR EXISTING SIDEWALKS (ASSUME 25%OF EXISTING SIDEWALK=2,550'@$100/FT $255,000.00 PED.SIGNAL,SIDEWALK,CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENTS AT MAJOR INTERSECTIONS $300,000.00 TOTAL $2,156,000.00 USE for 2017 Dollars $2,200,000.00 USE for 2020 Dollars $2,928,200.00 9/27/2017 208 FM426-Google Maps Go gle Maps 208 FM426 Missing Segment by City Hall West Raw Image capture:Oct 2016 @ 2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 v 1j,r J 1 � O J _ https://www.google.com/maps/@33.216585,-97.1341574,3a,75y,86.35h,92.3t/data=!3m6!1 e1!3m4!1 sAUcxj5g871x-7a2HRJm-jg!2eO!7il 3312!8i6656 1/1 9/27/2017 298 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 298 E McKinney St Missing Segment in Front of Main City Hall � o • . Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 v Z L9 _ 3 ° ` - J 'C1 z F n.-, rt https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2165548,-97.1302372,3a,75y,205.l l h,82.42t/data=!3m6!l e1!3m4!l s2DVPrW-7kBJ8W6QJlrevVg!2eO!7il3312!8i6... 1/1 9/27/2017 401 E McKinney St-Google Maps Google Maps 401 E McKinney St Missing Segment in front of Golden Chick i-TW. _ 1-= .. _ - -- - - Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 v Z L9 \ rn � 3 E J 41== z F n.-, qt https://www.google.com/maps/@33.216395,-97.1280125,3a,75y,359.74h,85.54t/data=!3m6!l e1!3m4!l spIMBgFjSmvfCvZBXNR3Kzg!2e0!7il3312!8i66... 1/1 9/27/2017 459 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 459 E McKinney St Footpath on north side at RR crossing Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 v Z Lo L St 3 0 z F n.-, qt https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2164384,-97.1268176,3a,75y,47.18h,71.55t/data=!3m6!1 e1!3m4!1 si73dBaZl l fLbztN7r9k2Zw!2e0!7i l 3312!8i6656 1/1 9/27/2017 493 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 493 E McKinney St Segment missing south side of RR crossing �u Image capture:Oct 2016 @ 2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 z v> > C a! J E McKinney St m + C4 z F nak ct https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2163826,-97.1264201,3a,75y,143.29h,68.35t/data=!3m6!l e1!3m4!l ssDvUlmm7L9_mLXIOKpadBQ!2eO!7il3312!8i... 1/1 9/27/2017 603 E McKinney St-Google Maps Google Maps 603 E McKinney St Missing segment Railroad Ave to N Bradshaw St Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 v Z GO rn 8 E'0 nncy 5t — L� 3 0 Z F n., Ct https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2162812,-97.1254791,3a,75y,121.97h,79.22t/data=!3m6!1 e1!3m4!1 sEwQ3wlXttq Hw20-sBj I Glg!2eO!7i 13312!8i6656 1/1 9/27/2017 1207 E McKinney St-Google Maps Google Maps 1207 E McKinney St Missing segment Ruddell to Courthouse ;I Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 W N_.' Z n r`O_ Z C a 3: 0 a g O �. Z G https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2159413,-97.1172542,3a,75y,78.49h,69.52t/data=!3m6!l e1!3m4!l s_EklFpwiKBLEZwDe2AK_xw!2eO!7il3312!8i66... 1/1 9/27/2017 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps E McKinney St Missing segment at Audra a,. r i O O O Image capture:Oct 2016 @ 2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 CL A St https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2157196,-97.1114578,3a,75y,200.95h,71.27t/data=!3m6!l e1!3m4!l sC3S3pWmIRnh2lFMT14H2oQ!2eO!7il3312!8i... 1/1 9/27/2017 1608 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 1608 E McKinney St Missing segment at Parks of Denton Apartments - • o 0 .L r Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas V Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 I a t https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2156951,-97.1103551,3a,75y,129.52h,71 t/data=!3m6!1 e1!3m4!1 sjMr6e9mnnOOYLrTzopRSIA!2eO!7i l 3312!8i6656 1/1 9/27/2017 1929 E McKinney St-Google Maps Google Maps 1929 E McKinney St Missing segment at Mack Park a a Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas V Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 rb https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2156447,-97.1090103,3a,75y,110.82h,74.23t/data=!3m6!1 e 1!3m4!1 sPzc-NrevbUG KV I Gxp8zvPA!2eO!7i l 3312!8i6... 1/1 9/27/2017 E McKinney St-Google Maps Google Maps E McKinney St Missing segment at DME Substation .Ay ti Jf 4F WA A Ad Google 6 ` K o w F may. (5-1 . • i. Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 a` O Fountai McKinney St E McKi nne n E Mack Park https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2150141,-97.1033339,3a,75y,116.76h,76.93t/data=!3m6!l e1!3m4!l sp2l7s8vl uJvAbQcW5NjHFA!2e0!7il3312!8i6... 1/1 9/27/2017 3021 E McKinney St-Google Maps Google Maps 3021 E McKinney St Missing segment near Gracepoint Church 1 Image capture:Oct 2016 @ 2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 McKirjnex St m. o� https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2137969,-97.0981872,3a,75y,113.25h,93.17t/data=!3m6!1 e 1!3m4!1 sOwEd7g5A7QrYXZFZjn9G2A!2eO!7i l 3312!8i... 1/1 9/27/2017 3206 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 3206 E McKinney St Missing segment near Fire Station 2 EMT Google Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 C ID Y 0 426 l � c c r_ https://www.google.com/maps/@33.213546,-97.0963136,3a,75y,107.48h,86.59t/data=!3m6!1 e1!3m4!1 sdTOVUwf8jxA5fYCgg2HAGg!2eO!7il 3312!8i66... 1/1 9/27/2017 101 Bluebird Cir-Google Maps GO gle Maps 101 Bluebird Cir Missing segment at Bluebird Cir 0 0 0 Image capture:Jul 2013 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Jul 2013 m � U O 426 m c c https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2134799,-97.0947304,3a,75y,116.36h,81.44t/data=!3m6!1 e 1!3m4!1 s4G_F8ScB 17n P8S Ez2UcTQw!2e0!7i 13312!8i... 1/1 9/27/2017 3628 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 3628 E McKinney St Missing segment near Loop 288 Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 0 0 Ica 426 U in m c r https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2131246,-97.0914927,3a,75y,116.36h,81.44t/data=!3m6!1 e 1!3m4!1 s_FDrLoS8p49_5Lje-H G6Lg!2eO!7i l 3312!8i6656 1/1 9/27/2017 3919 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps 3919 E McKinney St Missing segment near Mayhill Rd � r v �v, T-w - Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 l% https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2108972,-97.0859859,3a,75y,165.l l h,71.65t/data=!3m6!l e1!3m4!l sGEVIMVbN22iSKgnncObUCw!2eO!7il3312!8i... 1/1 9/27/2017 E McKinney St-Google Maps Go gle Maps E McKinney St Missing segment near Mayhill Rd i .n= Google Image capture:Oct 2016 @ 2017 Google United States Denton,Texas P Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 McKinnev Park„ https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2105564,-97.0847736,3a,75y,76.53h,77.35t/data=!3m6!1 e1!3m4!1 sQNiGjMSyAkrMScpnv2ZHiw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 1/1 9/27/2017 4698 E McKinney St-Google Maps Google Maps 4698 E McKinney St Missing segment near Ryan High School y Image capture:Oct 2016 ©2017 Google United States Denton,Texas V Google,Inc. Street View-Oct 2016 ySrCj Billy R, z nney Park 0 aze partments https://www.google.com/maps/@33.2097882,-97.0813258,3a,75y,76.53h,77.35t/data=!3m6!1 e1!3m4!1 sFW5dk98gb4IXXcjp1 JCFPQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 1/1 Revision Date 10/6/17 Council Re uests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Report on the background and level of service for gas 3/21/17 Kuechler A work session is scheduled for Oct. well inspections/work session on gas well setbacks 24. 2. Work session to 1)review Comp Plan for Economic 5/30/17 Booth A work session is scheduled for Oct. Development and 2 incentive policy discussion 17. 3. Information on cost determination for curb rate vs drop- 6/5/17 Cox Staff is working on a staffing and off rate at landfill operational analysis first before conducting a revised cost of service stud . 4. Update on stack of railroad ties—are they being picked 6/5/17 Nelson Ties removed from area along Mingo up? Rd near Service Center. Crews are working on downtown area. 5. Discussion of development code criteria for width of 6/6/17 Canizares Water and WW criteria is in process of streets being updated. Street design criteria is next. 6. Work session on planning & development studies 6/20/17 McDonald A work session will be scheduled for November or December. 7. Full climate cycle analysis for Denton Energy Center 7/25/17 Banks Provide an update later in the year after Black&Veatch study; potential Q 1 2017/18 project. 8. Survey and report of how other municipalities and 7/25/17 Howell Superintendent Wilson asked that this school districts fund their School Resource Officers, as be a larger discussion including the well as analysis of calls to school and efficiency Natatorium and Impact and Drainage Fees. A work session is expected in early Nov. 9. Work session on parking requirements in the Code 8/1/17 McDonald A work session is scheduled for Nov. 7. 10. Info on landfill SUP requirement and a plan to replace 8/15/17 Cox Landscape architect being retained. or minimize trees that will be removed Working with legal counsel on updating SUP. 11. Request to consolidate Council subcommittees and 8/22/17 Walters/Kuechler Staff is working on an interim solution, agendas on the website in one spot as well as a plan to transition more meetings to the Granicus platform. Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 12. Regular Council updates on DDC progression 9/12/17 McDonald Updates will be provided in the Friday reports. An update will also be presented during the Dev Services work session on Oct. 24. 13. Options for missing sidewalk segments along 9/12/17 Nelson/Gillum An ISR is in the Friday Oct. 6 report. McKinney(across railroad tracks and correcting the rise in the sidewalk), in front of Mack Park, and new DME substation 14. Work session on SB4—how it will impact the 9/12/17 Howell/Leal A work session is scheduled for Oct. community and update on lawsuit. Request for closed 17. session in advance. 15. Work session on funding for downtown reinvestment 9/12/17 Booth A work session is scheduled for Oct. rant 17. 16. Consider an ordinance for building height restrictions 9/12/17 Langley/Booth An ISR is in the Friday Oct. 6 report. around the Square 17. Work session on recorded rules &procedures for 9/19/17 Leal Council meetings 18. Work session on process for when a use category is not 9/19/17 Leal/Kuechler clearly defined in the DDC (incl. appeals process and communications to surrounding properties) Cityof Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton,Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com DENTON Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, October 17,2017 1:00 PM Work Session Room&Council Chambers After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E.McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on Consent Agenda Items only. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any items he/she wishes that are listed on the Consent Agenda. A Request to Speak Card should be completed and returned to the City Secretary before Council considers this item. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on the agenda for October 17, 2017. 3. Work Session Reports A. ID 17-1197 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Department of Economic Development's FY 2017-18 Strategic Plan and the City of Denton's incentive policies. B. ID 17-860 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One(Downtown TIT),City of Denton,Texas. C. ID 17-1315 Report to City Council regarding Park Development and Park Dedication Funds. D. ID 17-1392 Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the Credit and Collection Policy of the City Utility System set by Ordinance 2010-292. E. ID 17-1405 Receive a report and hold a discussion regarding the Discover Denton Welcome Center. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting to consider specific items when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: A. ID 17-1395 Closed meeting to discuss land acquisition of Pecan Grove tract in the Spencer to Locust TM Line project. Page I Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17,2017 ANY FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A CLOSED MEETING WILL ONLY BE TAKEN IN AN OPEN MEETING THAT IS HELD IN COMPLIANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE IS TAKEN IN THE CLOSED MEETING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF §551.086 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (THE `PUBLIC POWER EXCEPTION'). THE CITY COUNCIL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN INTO A CLOSED MEETING OR EXECUTIVE SESSION AS AUTHORIZED BY TEX. GOV'T. CODE, §551.001, ET SEQ. (THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT) ON ANY ITEM ON ITS OPEN MEETING AGENDA OR TO RECONVENE IN A CONTINUATION OF THE CLOSED MEETING ON THE CLOSED MEETING ITEMS NOTED ABOVE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION §551.071-551.086 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT. Regular Meeting of the City of Denton City Council at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street,Denton,Texas at which the following items will be considered: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S.Flag B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas Flag—I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God,one and indivisible." 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. ID 17-1313 Honor Ted Howard with S. Tracy Howard Project, in partnership with Denton Parks and Recreation for serving over 29,400 free meals and snacks. B. ID 17-1371 Break the Silence Sunday C. ID 17-1396 Presentation by Brent Heath, Executive Manager of Energy Delivery, recognizing the Denton Municipal Electric's Storm Response Team in wake of Hurricane Irma. D. ID 17-1408 Domestic Violence Awareness Month 3. PRESENTATION FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Receive Scheduled Citizen Reports from Members of the Public. 1. ID 17-1341 Robert Donnelly regarding the culture of Denton city government. 2. ID 17-1365 Ben Krieger regarding Stoke. 3. ID 17-1415 David Zoltner regarding local Rule of Procedure 2-29(f)4(Presentations by Members of the Public)and the Texas Open Meetings Act. 4. ID 17-1416 Chris Ice regarding Senate Bill 4. C. Additional Citizen Reports - This section of the agenda permits any person not registered for a citizen report to make comments regarding public business on items not listed on the agenda. This is limited to two speakers per meeting with each speaker allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes. Such person(s) shall have filed a"Blue Card"requesting to speak during this period prior to the calling of this agenda item. Page 2 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by the Staff and approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the Staff recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A — CC). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, Consent Agenda Items A — CC below will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion,they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. A. ID 17-1212 Consider adoption of an ordinance accepting competitive proposals and awarding a contract for the purchase of electric transmission line compression fittings for Denton Municipal Electric to be stocked in the City of Denton Distribution Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6413-awarded to Techline, Inc. in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $35,000 and Anixter, Inc. in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $240,000 for a total three (3) year award not-to-exceed$275,000). B. ID 17-1262 Consider adoption of an ordinance approving a City sponsorship in an amount not to exceed $3,000 of in-kind services and resources for the 3rd Annual Denton County Veterans Resource Fair and Homeless Veterans Stand Down event, to be held in the Civic Center and Quakertown Park located at 321 E. McKinney St., on Thursday, October 26,2017; and providing an effective date. C. ID 17-1265 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, granting the Singing Oaks Church of Christ, pursuant to Section 17-20 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, an exception on Sunday, October 29, 2017, granting amplified sound not to exceed 65 dba from noon until 5 p.m. and setting an effective date. D. ID 17-1316 Consider adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas revising the City Council Travel Policy; and providing an effective date. The Audit/Finance Committee recommends approval(3-0). E. ID 17-1328 Consider adoption of an Ordinance of the City Council of Denton, Texas authorizing the City Manager to execute and deliver an Agreement for Furnishing and Installing of Traffic Signal Equipment by a Municipality regarding the City's request for reimbursement of the cost of installing traffic signals and other items directly related to the operation of three intersections on U.S. Highway 377 within the City that are specified in said agreement; providing the City Manager with authority to carry out the rights and duties of the City regarding said agreement; providing the City Manager with authority to expend funds therefor;providing an effective date. Page 3 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 F. ID 17-1329 Consider adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances to implement a school safety speed zone for Pecan Creek Elementary School along Lakeview Boulevard between Black Walnut and Burr Oak Lane - Pecan Elementary School; providing a penalty of a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00); providing a severability clause, providing for publication; and declaring an effective date. The Traffic Safety Commission recommends approval(7-0). G. ID 17-1330 Consider adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances to authorize the Traffic Engineer to restrict parking in front on Bus Stops within City limits. The Traffic Safety Commission recommends approval(7-0). H. ID 17-1331 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas prohibiting parking on the south side of Congress Street from Bolivar Street to Carroll Boulevard; providing a repealer clause, providing a savings clause; providing for a penalty not to exceed $500 for violations of this ordinance, providing that violations of this ordinance shall be governed by Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, and providing for an effective date. The Traffic Safety Commission recommends Option 1 (7-0). I. ID 17-1333 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the city manager for designee to approve equipment modifications under existing tower lease agreements. J. ID 17-1335 Consider approval of a resolution approving and accepting a grant from the State of Texas, in an amount not to exceed $4,100,000, for design and construction of primary runway and taxiway improvements at Denton Enterprise Airport and Authorizing the City Manager or his designee, to execute on behalf of the City of Denton all contracts, agreements and documents associates with the implementation of the said grant; and providing for an effective date.Airport Advisory Board recommends approval(0-0) K. ID 17-1339 Consider adoption of an Ordinance accepting competitive proposals and awarding a five (5) year Third Party Administrator contract for Administrative Services Only (ASO) for Medical and Pharmacy Benefits for the City of Denton; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6414-awarded to United Healthcare Services, Inc. in the annual estimated amount of $667,000 and a five (5) year total not-to-exceed$3,400,000). L. ID 17-1346 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, approving guidelines for operation of the City of Denton Home Improvement Program and eligibility criteria; authorizing expenditures up to and in excess of $100,000 for projects meeting program guidelines and criteria; and providing for an effective date. M. ID 17-1347 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas providing for, authorizing, and approving the purchase of Property Insurance Coverage for the City of Denton, through the City's sole broker of record, McGriff, Seibels, and Williams of Texas, Inc., and in accordance with Chapter 252.024 of the Texas Local Government Code such coverage is exempt from the requirements of competitive bidding; and providing an effective date (File 6603 awarded to Affiliated FM Insurance Company in the one (1) year not-to-exceed amount of $319,323 and a three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of$960,000). Page 4 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 N. ID 17-1356 Consider adoption of an ordinance approving a First Amendment to a Commercial Operator Airport Lease Agreement between the City of Denton, Texas and HTA Aviation for assignment to US Trinity Holdings, LLC; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(0-0) O. ID 17-1357 Consider adoption of an ordinance approving a First Amendment to a Commercial Operator Airport Lease Agreement between the City of Denton, Texas and James and Nancy Huff for assignment to US Trinity Holdings, LLC; and providing an effective date. Council Airport Committee recommends approval(0-0) P. ID 17-1366 Consider approval of the minutes of August 26, September 12, and September 19,2017. Q. ID 17-1372 DME Sponsorship Program Approval R. ID 17-1374 Consider adoption of an ordinance awarding a contract to upgrade the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network equipment utilized by Denton Municipal Electric to monitor and control substations, as awarded by the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) through the Go DIRect Program, Contract Number DIR-TSO-2542; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor and providing an effective date. (File 6593 awarded to Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC in the not-to-exceed amount of $292,835.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval S. ID 17-1375 Consider adoption of an ordinance awarding a contract to purchase VNX Data Storage to increase the Storage Area Network (SAN) for Denton Municipal Electric's server infrastructure, as awarded by the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) through the Go DIRect Program, Contract Number DIR-TSO-2634; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor and providing an effective date. (File 6598 awarded to Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC in the not-to-exceed amount of $128,669.89). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval T. ID 17-1376 Consider adoption of an ordinance accepting competitive proposals and awarding a contract for the supply of Electric Utility Station Service Voltage Transformers for Denton Municipal Electric to be stocked in the City of Denton Distribution Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6490-awarded to ABB,Inc. in the three(3)year not-to-exceed amount of$500,000). U. ID 17-1377 Consider adoption of an ordinance accepting competitive proposals and awarding a contract for Laboratory Services for City of Denton Water and Wastewater Laboratories; providing for the expenditure of funds therefore; and providing an effective date (RFP 6383-awarded to Pace Analytical Services, LLC, in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $250,000). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval V. ID 17-1378 Consider adoption of an ordinance accepting competitive proposals and awarding a contract for printing and mailing services for the City of Denton Citizen Newsletter; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 6535-awarded to Lessek Enterprises LLC dba IMPress Graphics in the three (3) year Page 5 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 not-to-exceed amount of$411,840). W. ID 17-1383 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas providing for, authorizing, and approving three (3) year metering software and handheld hardware maintenance for continued vendor support and upgrades for the Meter Data Management System (MDMS) for Denton Municipal Electric Department, which is essential to ensure availability of upgrades, software fixes, and access to knowledge and support resources. Itron, Inc. is the sole-source vendor for continued upgrade, support and maintenance for Itron software and hardware. Therefore this system is available from only one source and in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 2770 awarded to Itron, Inc. in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $222,755.97). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval X. ID 17-1384 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas providing for, authorizing, and approving three (3) year software maintenance for continued vendor support, upgrades, and sustainment services for Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for the Denton Municipal Electric Metering Department, which is essential to ensure availability of upgrades, software fixes, and access to knowledge and support resources. Trilliant Networks, Inc. is the sole-source vendor for continued upgrade, support and maintenance for Trilliant software and infrastructure. Therefore this system is available from only one source and in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 252.022, procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 4485 awarded to Trilliant Networks, Inc. in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $236,938.13). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval Y. ID 17-1386 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas providing for, authorizing, and approving software maintenance and server patch management services for continued vendor support for Denton Municipal Electric Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software modules. It is essential for the City of Denton to keep current subscription and maintenance with the software vendor in order to ensure availability of upgrades, software fixes, and access to knowledge and support resources. Open Systems International, Inc. is the sole-source vendor for continued upgrade, support and maintenance for the SCADA software suite. Therefore this system is available from only one source and in accordance with Chapter 252.022 of the Texas Local Government Code, procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 4074 awarded to Open Systems International, Inc. in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $416,392.22). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval Z. ID 17-1387 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas providing for, Page 6 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 authorizing, and approving the purchase of ERL Tesla 4000 Digital Fault Recorders (DFR) to be installed on specified Texas Municipal Power Agency (TMPA) substations and Denton Municipal Electric substations as mandated by The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). ERLPhase Power Technologies, Ltd. is the sole-source manufacturer and direct seller of the ERL Tesla 4000 Digital Fault Recorder. Therefore this system is available from only one source and in accordance with Chapter 252.022 of the Texas Local Government Code, procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding; and if over $50,000 shall be awarded by the governing body; and providing an effective date (File 6587 awarded to ERLPhase Power Technologies, Ltd. in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $293,216). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval AA. ID 17-1388 Consider approval of a resolution allowing the Campus Theatre Concessions LLC, to sell alcoholic beverages for the Denton Day of the Dead Festival, on Saturday, October 28, 2017, held at the corners of Mulberry and Industrial Street upon certain conditions; authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an agreement in conformity with this resolution; and providing for an effective date. BB. ID 17-1389 Consider an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas granting the Denton Day of the Dead Festival, pursuant to Section 17-20 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, a noise exception on Saturday, October 28, 2017, granting an increase in sound levels for an outdoor music festival from 70 to 75 dba from 1 a.m. until 9 p.m. and setting an effective date. CC. ID 17-1404 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute on behalf of the City of Denton an acceptance of an offer from the Texas Department of Transportation relating to a grant for Routine Airport Maintenance Program and declaring an effective date. Airport Advisory Board recommended approval(4-0). 5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION—CONSIDERATION OF THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS A. ID 17-1390 Consider approval of a resolution approving the land acquisition of Pecan Grove (Spencer to Locust TM Line) B. ID 17-1403 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton determining the public use, need, and necessity for the acquisition of (i) Sanitary Sewer Easement encumbering 0.128 acre of real property, and (ii) Temporary Construction Easement encumbering 0.191 acre of real property, and (iii) fee simple title to the surface estate, with waiver of surface use related to the mineral estate, of an approximate 1.694 acre of real property, and (iv) Access and Utility Easement encumbering 0.186 acre of real property; for the public use of sanitary sewer system improvements and for the public use of expanding, improving and maintaining street and drainage in the Hickory Creek watershed related to Bonnie Brae Street, a municipal street and roadway located in the City of Denton, Texas, generally located in the 3400 block of S. Bonnie Brae Street, and situated in the S. Pritchett Survey, Abstract No. 1004 and the J. Edmonson Survey, Abstract No. 400, Page 7 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 Denton County, Texas, all as more particularly described on "Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, (collectively the "Property Interests"); authorizing the City Manager and City Attorney, or their respective designees, to acquire the Property Interests by agreement including making all offers required by law; authorizing the use of the power of eminent domain to condemn the Property Interests if agreement cannot be reached; authorizing the City Attorney, or his designee, to file and prosecute eminent domain proceedings to acquire the Property Interests; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefore; making findings; providing a savings clause; and providing an effective date. (Bonnie Brae Widening and Improvements project - Parcel 42 - Holamon & Hickory Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor project-Phase II-Holamon) 6. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. ID 17-1379 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement for engineering and design services relating to the McKinney Street Widening project to be located along the section of McKinney Street from 1.4 miles west of Loop 288 to 1.1 miles east of Loop 288; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 6401-awarded to Huitt-Zollars,Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of$1,358,300). B. ID 17-1381 Consider adoption of an ordinance accepting competitive bids and awarding a public works contract for concrete repair and installation services including the construction of concrete pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ADA ramps, and valley gutters for various City of Denton departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6547-awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specification, Floyd Smith Concrete, Inc., in the four (4) year not-to-exceed amount of $21,976,261.84). C. ID 17-1382 Consider adoption of an ordinance accepting competitive bids and awarding a public works contract for construction of Phase 2 Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for the Denton Energy Center; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 6503-awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specification, Quality Excavation, Ltd., in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,925,345.90). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval D. ID 17-1399 Consider approval of a resolution creating an Ad-hoc Council Committee to consider and advise the City Council on redevelopment options for City Hall West and to assist with the creation of a City Hall West Steering Committee. E. ID 17-1402 Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing a development agreement between the City of Denton and DW Carmel, LLC (the "Developer"); providing for the payment by the Developer to the City of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($400,000.00) in exchange for the City to construct the balance of the Edwards Road perimeter paving improvements required by Phase 5A and 5B of the Villages of Carmel addition(s) to the City of Denton, as Developer's contribution; authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement; and providing for an effective date. (Edwards Road paving improvements-Villages of Carmel subdivision) Page 8 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. A17-0005a Hold the first of two public hearings for a voluntary annexation of approximately 73.47 acres of land generally located north of Long Road and west of FM 428 by the City of Denton,Texas. B. Z17-0013b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding a change in the zoning classification from an Neighborhood Residential 6 (NR-6) District and use classification to a Neighborhood Residential Mixed-Use 12 (NRMU-12) District and use classification on approximately 3.2 acres of land generally located on the east side of Jannie Street, approximately 420 feet north of East McKinney Street in the City of Denton, Denton county, Texas; adopting an amendment to the city's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. (Z17-0012, Justice Plaza). C. Z17-0015b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding a change in the zoning classification from an Employment Center Industrial (EC-I) District and use classification to a Commercial Mixed Use (CM-G) District and use classification on approximately 73 acres of land generally located on the northeast corner of North Loop 288 and East McKinney Street in the City of Denton, Denton county, Texas; adopting an amendment to the city's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. (Z17-0015,McKinney Mayhill). D. Z17-0017a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance to rezone approximately 0.54 acres from a Neighborhood Residential Mixed-Use (NRMU) District to a Community Mixed-Use general (CM-G) District. The property is generally located at the southeast corner of the Teasley Lane and Old Alton Road intersection. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-O to approve the request. (Z 17-0017, Pioneer Automotive Denton) E. Z17-0020a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding an initial zoning classification of an Industrial Center General (IC-G) District and use classification on approximately 14 acres of land generally located at the southeast corner of Shelby Lane and Dakota Lane in the City of Denton, Denton county, Texas; adopting an amendment to the city's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing a severability clause and an effective date. (Z17-0020,Lineman College). F. Z17-0021a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance for the proposed revisions requested by RED Development; specifically, to amend Exhibits B-1, B-4, and E-1 of the Rayzor Ranch Overly District in Subchapter 35.7.15 of the Denton Development Code to change approximately 12.17 acres from the South Mixed Use District to the South RR-2 District and to incorporate approximate 22.17 acres into Sign Area 2. The Rayzor Ranch Overlay District consists of approximately 410 acres generally located on both side of West University Drive (US 380) between North Bonnie Brae Street and IH-35. The Page 9 Printed on 101612017 City Council Meeting Agenda October 17, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission voted x-x to approve/deny the request. (Z 17-0021, Rayzor Ranch) 8. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics,above posted. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Denton, Texas,on the day of ,2017 at o'clock(a.m.)(p.m.) CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER CAN BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Page 10 Printed on 101612017 2017October Nov • Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11:00 Council Luncheon 9:00 Council Airport 1:30 Conn ittee on the Committee Environment-Cancelled 5:30 Traffic Safety Commission- 4 p.m Public Art Committee Cancelled 6 p.m Park Board-Canceled 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00 Public Wities Board 11:301Nbbil tyy Committee 11:00 Economic Development Partnerhsip Board 5:30 M Historic Landmark 2:00 2nd Tuesday Session 5:30 pm Airport Advisory Cottmvssion Board feting 6:30 M Planning&Zoning Commission 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1:00 CC Work Session 4:00pm BaBSCo Nketing 6:30 CC Regular Session 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 Public Wities Board 2:00 4th Tuesday Session 6:30 P1V4-Planning&Zoning Commission 29 30 31 Notes: 4:00 PM Zoning Board of � Adjustment Created with WinCalendar Calendar Creator More Calendar Templates:2017 Calendar,2018 Calendar Oct • • -r 2017 Tue Wed Fri 1 2 3 4 4 pm Public Art Committee 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11:30 Council Luncheon 2:00 CC Work Session 11:00 Economic Development 1:30 Committee on the Partnerhsip Board Environment 6:30 CC Regular Session 5:30 Traffic Safety 5:30 pm Airport Advisory Commission Board feting 6 p.m Park Board 6:30 PNL Planning&Zoning Commission 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:00 Public Wities Board 11:30 Nbbility Committee 5:30 PNt I-Estoric Landmark 4:00pmHaBSCo N}eting 2:00 2nd Tuesday Session Coirnlvssion 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thanksgiving Day C ity Ho lid a y City Holiday 26 27 28 29 30 Notes 9:00 Public Utilities Board 6:30 PNL Planning&Zoning 4:00 PM Zoning Board of 2 pm 4th Tuesday Session Commission Adjustment i & More Calendars from WinCalendar.com:2017 Calendar,2018 Calendar,Web Calendar with Holidays Created with WinCalendar Calendar Creator More Calendar Templates:2017 Calendar,2018 Calendar 4 0/5/l 7 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pendin Council items and is sub'ect to change without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item October 10—2'd Tuesday Session Captions— September 25 Council Appointee Reviews Backup—October 6 WS—Housing Tax Credit Application Process October 17—Work/Regular Session Captions - October 2 WS—Water Park Update Backup—October 13 WS—Code Parking Requirements WS—Report from Kim Phillips—Visitor Center in Downtown WS—Downtown TIF discussion WS—Economic Development Update WS—SB4 October 24—4t Tuesday Session Captions—October 9 WS—Atmos/Oncor Coalitions Discussion Backup—October 20 WS—Perimeter Street paving guidelines WS—Briscoe Tire agreement WS—Gas Wells PH—Voluntary Annexation ICMA, San Antonio, TX 10/22-25 October 31 —No Meeting 5t Tuesday November 6—Luncheon Captions—October 23 Backup—November 2 November 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 23 WS—Development Department Update Backup—November 3 November 14—2n Tuesday Session Captions—October 30 NLC, Charlotte,NC 11/15-18 Backup—November 10 November 21 —No Meeting Thanksgiving, 11/23-24 November 28 —4t Tuesday Session Captions—November 13 Backup—November 21 December 4—Luncheon Captions—November 20 Backup—November 30 December 5 —Work/Regular Session Captions—November 20 Backup—December 1 December 12—2" Tuesday Session Captions—November 27 Backup—December 8 December 19—No Meeting December 26—No Meeting Christmas, 12/24-25 City offices closed 12/25 & 12/26 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report Starting Oct 09-15, 2017 road closures Barthold Rd at Intersection of 135 Service Rd going West 700'will be closed (Jun 12-Oct 15) lane closures Detour Routes Proposed Date of Proposed Date of Contact Street/Intersection (if applicable) Construction Completion Brief Description of Construction Department RESIDENTIAL Audra yes Oct 9,2017 Oct 25,2017 SidelAukTanel Repair Streets Nbckingbird to Barbara Barcelona no Sep 25,2017 Oct 27,2017 Concrete Panel Replacement Streets Worthington to Nb s a Bell yes Oct 9,2017 Oct 25,2017 NU Overlay and Curb and Gutter Work Streets US380 to Sherman Bentoaks no Sep 25, 2017 Jan 19,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oakhurst to Teasley Bolivar yes Jul6,2017 Oct 30,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Sunset to College Emerson yes Aug 14, 2017 Oct 9,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Nottingham to Hanover Emery yes Oct 9,2017 Nov 9,2017 Wit'Construction Engineering Thomas to Bellemead Emery yes Oct 9, 2017 Nov 9,2017 sty Construction Engineering Stanley to Thomas Foxsedge no Oct 9,2017 Nov 10,2017 Panel Repair Streets Pockruspage to Sunray Golden Sands no Sep 25,2017 Oct 27,2017 Sidewalk and ADARamp Replacement Streets Montecito to Canoe Ridge Huisache/Retarm/Sagebmsh no Sep 5,2017 Oct 13,2017 Water Line Replacement Water Yucca to Yuccca IL Kendolph yes Ju122,2015 Temporary Closure I 35E Hwy Constr. Intersection work Engineering North Bound Kings Row no Aug 7,2017 Oct 15,2017 Curb and Gutter/Drive Approaches Engineering )AB Right Ln Wellington and Shen-nan Lattimore no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Audra to Dead End Lookout no Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Sidewalk Repair Streets Windsor to Westward Manor Ct no Sep 25,2017 Jan 19,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oakhurst to Teasley Mono no Oct 2,2017 Dec 2,2017 Wastewater 1VEin Construction Wastewater Bolivar to N Carroll 1Vbckingbird yes Sep 25,2017 Oct 20,2017 Concrete Panel Replacement Streets Stockton to Oakshire 0 Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Sidewalk Repair Streets Windsor to Westward Oakhurst no Sep 25, 2017 Jan 19, 2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oakhurst to Teasley Oak Park no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Oaktree Streets to Oak Valley Oaktree no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Audra to Lattimore Overlook no Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Sidewalk and Panel Repair Streets Windsor to Westward Paisley yes Oct 2,2017 Jan 5,2018 Wastewater Nhin Construction Wastewater Frame to Ruddell Southway no 10-02-20107 Nov 13,2017 Sidewalk Repair Streets Windsor to Westward Springtree yes Sep 13,2017 Nov 15,2017 Water and Sewer Line Construction Engineering East N>E✓Kmney St to Pecan Grove Dr Wellington no Oct 2,2017 Oct 23,,-, Chub and Gutter Repair Streets Stratford to Heather Westward no Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Panel Repair Streets Lookout to Southway Whispering Oaks no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Oak Streets Valley to Oak Park MAJOR ROADS Barthold yes Jun 12'2017 Nov 13 2017 Street Construction Engineering B5 Svc Rd Intersection to 700'West S. Bonnie Brae no Aug 9,2017 Nov 1,2017 Shoulder Widening Engineering Vintage Blvd to 1500 ft N of Vintage Blvd Centre Place no Sep 25,2017 Nov 10,2017 Concrete Street Panel Repairs Streets I 35 Service Rd to Alegre Vista Hickory yes Aug 23,2017 Nov 22,2017 Duct Bank Construction Engineering Bonnie Brae to E ofAve H Hickory yes Sep 8,2017 Nov 22, 2017 Duct Bank Construction Engineering Stella.to Hickory Hrckary yes Sep 5,2017 Nov 3,2017 Waterline Replacement Water North Texas Blvd to Ave D NB B5 Frontage Rd no Aug 3,2017 Drive Approaches Engineering Nof Scripture to S ofUS380 Riney yes Sep 29,2017 Jul 29,2018 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering N.Eltnto 1300 West Roselawn St Jno Aug 9,2017 Nov 1,2017 Shoulder Widening Engineering Old Bonnie Brae to Roselawn Cemetery E Sherman Dr Aug 7,2017 Oct 15,2017 Curb and Gutter/Drive Approaches Engineering NB Right In Staford and Wellington Note: This provides an Estimate of work to be done the next two weeks. Weather,equipment breakdowns,or other unforeseen problems could cause this schedule to change. Drainage 349-7116 / Water Distribution 349-7181 / Wastewater 349-8489 / Traffic 349-7342 / Streets 349-7160,streets@Cityofdenton.com Engineering 349-8910,engineering@cityofdenton.com / TXDOT 387-1414,romulo.bahamon@txdot.gov / Denton County 349-3420 COMPLETED PROJECTS Bernard no Sep 5,2017 Oct 6,2017 Arty Improvements Engineering/DME Maple and Bernard Intersection Carmel no Aug 30,2017 Oct 6,2017 Sewer Nhin Construction Wastewater Hobson to Chiquita Hickory yes Jun 16,2017 Sep 1, 2017 Waterline Replacement Water Ave F to North Texas Highland yes Sep 18, 2017 Sep 25,2017 Concrete Valley and Curb Repair Streets IOOF to Carroll Kmgfisher Ct yes Aug 1,2017 Oct 9,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Kmgfisher to Dead End Kmgfisher In yes Aug 1,2017 Oct 9,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Oriole to Cardinal Pr 0 Am L no Aug 30,2017 Oct 6,2017 Sewer Line Replacement Wastewater Oak&Bell Intersection to Dead End E Oak yes Aug 14,2017 Sep 29,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Wood to Crawford Fulton yes Aug 14,2017 Oct 6,2017 Utility Improvements Engineering Crescent to Emery SidewaWdrivewayNValley gutter repair 1VhCormick no Jul 31,2017 Oct 6,2017 Streets Mowv,uod to I35 Service Rd Ponder yes Aug 21,2017 Oct 6,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Broadway to Panhandle Ridgecrest no Aug 30,2017 Sep 29,2017 Street Construction Streets Pennsylvania to Southridge US 380 no Aug 7,2017 Oct 1,2017 Drive Approaches Engineering ML East ofEctorto Bonnie Brae Victoria Dr yes Aug 1,2017 Sep 29,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Churchill to Nottingham Welch no Sep 5,2017 Sep 22,2017 Utility Improvements Engineering Maple and Welch Intersection