2023-066 Parks and Recreation FY 23-24 Schedule of Fees November 9,2023 Report No. 2023-066 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: The Parks and Recreation Department presented the proposed Schedule of Fees for FY 23-24 to City Council on Oct. 24, 2023. Following the presentation, staff prepared the following supplementary information to address questions raised during the work session. BACKGROUND: The Parks and Recreation Department uses a cost recovery model to evaluate and guide fee recommendations for services. The schedule of fees is evaluated through the City's budget process and is adopted annually by ordinance. DISCUSSION: 1. Have the price increases negatively affected attendance at the aquatic facilities? a. Daily admissions have remained consistent over the last several years. 2. Why is there a significant price adjustment in the All-Access aquatics pass? a. Upon review of the All-Access aquatic pass fee, it was determined the pricing was inadvertently set too low. The current pass provides access to all three aquatic facilities: the Natatorium, Civic Center Pool, and Water Works Park priced at $150.00. If purchased individually the Natatorium 12-month membership is $170.00, Civic Center Pool Season Pass is $40.00, and the Water Works Park Platinum Membership is $200.00, which combined totals $410.00. The proposed rate for FY 23-24 is recommended to increase to$290.00 which provides a discount and realigns the fee within the appropriate cost recovery range. 3. Is there the ability to offer promotions and discounts? a. Yes, Parks and Recreation can offer promotions and discounts through various marketing campaigns. CONCLUSION: The Parks and Recreation Department Schedule of Fees will be presented to Council for adoption on Nov. 14, 2023. The new fees will go into effect Dec. 1, 2023, to coincide with the publishing of the Winter/Spring Play Guide. STAFF CONTACT: Monica Martin Program Area Manager, Parks and Recreation Monica.Martin@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-8808 REOUESTOR: Response to various questions asked during the work session presentation. STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 2 hours PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Parks and Recreation