111723Friday Staff Report City Manager’s Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201  (940) 349-8307 OUR CORE VALUES Inclusion  Collaboration  Quality Service  Strategic Focus  Fiscal Responsibility MEMORANDUM DATE: November 17, 2023 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report Upcoming Meetings A. Cancelled - Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Zone No. 1 Board on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. B. Cancelled - Civil Service Commission on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. in the Human Resources Training Room. C. Thanksgiving Holiday – Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023 D. Thanksgiving Holiday – Friday, Nov. 24, 2023 Information is subject to change after the Friday Report is published. Please check the City of Denton website for final meeting dates and times. General Information & Status Updates A. Thanksgiving Operating Hours & Staff Report – City of Denton facilities will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 23 and Friday, Nov. 24 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday and will reopen at 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 27. Information related to specific City of Denton services and facility closings can be found on the City’s website. As a result of the closing, a Friday Report will not be distributed the week of Thanksgiving. Staff contact: Jennifer Rainey, City Manager’s Office B. 2023 Municipal Equality Index Score – The Human Rights Campaign issued its 2023 Municipal Equality Index (MEI) results with Denton scoring 94 out of a possible 100 points. The MEI is a nationwide evaluation of 506 cities on how inclusive those cities’ laws, policies, and services are for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community. The attached scorecard rated Denton in five categories: Non-Discrimination Laws, Municipality as Employer, Municipal Services, Law Enforcement, and Leadership on LGBTQ+ Equality. Of the 25 Texas cities scored in the 2023 MEI, Denton received a higher score than all but five (Arlington, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio). It is also important to note that over the last five years, the City elevated its score by 38 points. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager’s Office C. Update on Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance Public Engagement – On June 27, the City Council postponed consideration of a draft Fair Chance Hiring ordinance so that a period of public feedback on the ordinance could be hosted by the City in the fall. The City opened the public comment period in mid-October and, to date, has facilitated two Denton Chamber of Commerce-hosted listening sessions, two virtual community meetings, and one in-person community meeting. In these events, information on the proposed ordinance is provided by staff, followed by public questions and feedback. The public may also provide feedback through the Discuss Denton platform. An ordinance summary, the draft ordinance, FAQs, and online feedback opportunities are available on the Discuss Denton project page. To provide an additional opportunity for input, staff is working to schedule an additional public meeting prior to the public hearing on the ordinance scheduled for the Dec. 5 City Council meeting. Staff appreciates Council members’ assistance in making the public aware of these feedback opportunities. Staff contact: Ryan Adams, City Manager’s Office D. Child-Care Facility Property Tax Exemption Bill – Senate Bill 1145 was enacted during Texas’ 88th Legislative Session, authorizing a city or county to adopt an exemption of no less than 50 percent of the appraised value of property used to operate a childcare facility if the owner or operator participates in the Texas Workforce Commission’s Texas Rising Star Program and at least 20 percent of the children enrolled receive subsidized child-care services through the Texas Workforce Commission. SB 1145 will become effective Jan. 1, 2024, as S.J.R. 64 was approved by voters during the most recent election via state proposition two. Affordable Childcare is an initiative within the City’s Strategic Plan and staff are reviewing the impact of this reduction in property taxes. Staff contact: Jennifer Rainey, City Manager’s Office E. Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors – Denton County Commissioners recently approved casting its allotment of 570 votes for Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) Board of Directors via 320 votes in favor of David Johnson, 100 votes in favor of Ann Pomykal, 100 votes in favor of Alex Buck, and 50 votes in favor of Roy Atwood. 2 Denton County Commissioner Ryan Williams provided the attached communication seeking City Council’s support for these individuals being appointed to the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) via Board of Directors voting. City Council is scheduled to cast its allotment of 165 votes for the DCAD Board of Directors during the Dec. 5 Council meeting. Staff contact: Jennifer Rainey, City Manager’s Office F. The Texas Music Incubator Rebate Program – The City of Denton participates in the Texas Music Office’s “Music Friendly Community” program which provides a network for fostering the music industry in Texas. City staff recently attended the Texas Sound and Cities Conference and learned of a funding opportunity for Denton’s thriving music scene. Music venues with a dedicated audience capacity of 3,000 people or less can apply for full or partial rebates of the mixed beverage gross receipts taxes attributable to the sale of beer and wine in the prior fiscal year. Staff notified eight local music venues of this funding opportunity. Eligible venues can submit their application to the State by Nov. 30, 2023. More information about the opportunity is available online. Staff contact: Matilda Weeden, Economic Development G. Inclement Weather Warming Stations – The list of warming stations available for inclement weather during the 2023-24 winter season is now available online. The list includes City facilities available for daytime use at all libraries, fire stations, and five recreation centers. Warming stations provide access to restrooms, water fountains, and a sitting area. These facilities are in addition to the services our community partners make available during inclement weather. Staff confirmed the extended hours at community partner agencies included in the list of warming stations (attached). Staff contact: Megan Ball, Community Services H. Community Development Glass Replacement Collaboration – The Community Development Department partnered with the North Texas Glass Association (NTGA) for their ‘Gift of Glass’ program to replace window and door glass at no cost for low-income homeowners in the City of Denton. The NTGA’s ‘Gift of Glass’ program aims to provide replacement glass to at-risk homeowners in financial crisis. City staff provided referrals from the Minor Repair Program, and three NTGA volunteer teams replaced glass panes at five homes on Nov. 11. Community Development staff look forward to continuing the partnership with the NTGA. Staff contact: Luisa Garcia, Community Services I. Housing Tax Credit Applications – The program cycle for Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) 2024 Competitive (9%) Housing Tax Credits (HTC) is ramping up. It is typical for developers seeking consideration by the City of Denton for either a Resolution of Support or a Resolution of No Objection from TDHCA to reach out to City Council members to share information about their proposed projects. City Council members may receive emails or meeting requests from developers prior to submitting applications to the City requesting a resolution. House 1 -Before House 1 -After House 3 -Before House 3 -After 3 City of Denton Important Dates for 9% Request for Support: • Jan. 9, 2024: Application Deadline • Jan. 16 - 19, 2024: Meetings with applicable staff • Feb. 6, 2024: Public Hearing • Feb. 20, 2024: Consideration of Resolution(s) at City Council Meeting HTC 4% requests can be requested year-round by completing the same application at least 60 days prior to when the resolution must be submitted by the applicant to TDHCA. Staff contact: Leia Atkinson, Community Services J. APPA Communications Award – Denton Municipal Electric (DME) received an Excellence in Public Power Communications Award from the American Public Power Association (APPA) during the Customer Connections Conference in San Antonio this week. The City of Denton was recognized with the Award of Merit for the DTV-produced video about achieving 100% Renewable Energy. The annual awards recognize excellence in communications and are given to entries that showed ingenuity and creativity in telling their stories through outstanding copy, design, and video editing. Staff contact: Tony Puente, DME K. Urban Forestry Award – During this past year, Denton was recertified for the 32nd consecutive year as a Tree City USA, receiving its 13th Growth Award from the Arbor Day Foundation. Having received more than ten growth awards, Denton joins a select group of cities and is recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Sterling Tree City USA. More information regarding the standards cities must meet to attain Tree City USA status and Growth Awards is available online. Staff contact: Haywood Morgan, Parks and Recreation L. Privet Removal – Privet removal activities will begin at Bowling Green Park and the Spencer Open Space beginning Dec. 4, weather dependent. The goal of performing targeted removal of privet is to promote long-term solutions to eliminate this plant and restore the characteristics and functions of the open space and habitat. City Staff created a Standard Operating Procedure that focuses on pre-activity inspection, removal strategies, public education and involvement, restoration planning, and follow-up activities. In addition, staff created a Discuss Denton page dedicated to privet removal communication. Staff contact: Marshall McGee, Parks and Recreation 4 M. Stream Clean 2023 – Environmental Services and Sustainability staff led more than 168 volunteers in collecting 268 bags of trash and numerous large items totaling about 1 ton of waste for Stream Clean 2023, held on Nov. 4. Due to the rain the week prior, the after-rain floatable debris made the event more successful and timelier. In addition to 268 bags, 31 tires, a shopping cart, a solid waste residential cart, rugs, tarps, propane tanks, a youth all-terrain vehicle and numerous other large items were collected. The collected material filled a trailer and more than 24-yard of dumpster capacity. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett, Environmental Services & Sustainability Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Damage to Guard/Handrails on Southbound Hobson Lane – On Nov. 13, Council Member Holland requested staff evaluate damage to the guardrail and pedestrian handrail adjacent to Hobson Lane. Staff removed the damaged handrail and assembly to eliminate a trip hazard and is coordinating the repairs. A replacement guardrail and handrails have been ordered, and concrete repair work is scheduled to begin during the week of Nov. 27. Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Public Works B. Reported Odors in Neighborhood – On Nov. 15, Mayor Pro Tem Beck and Council Member McGee shared a resident complaint regarding odors in neighborhoods near the landfill property. The City has received intermittent odor complaints in the neighborhoods near the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Center, Dyno Dirt Operations, and the City of Denton Landfill. Regular investigations by various department representatives (Water, Solid Waste, and Recycling, Community Improvement, and Environmental Services and Sustainability) have not identified odors consistently emanating from these facilities. Inspectors from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) have also been unable to substantiate odors at this location. Atmos Energy representatives advised there are no issues at their nearby facilities. Staff recognize that while intermittent and infrequent odors may occur near the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Center, Dyno Dirt Operations, and the City of Denton Landfill, they vary heavily depending on weather, wind direction, and time of day. To aid in controlling odors that may emanate from the landfill, staff continually works to minimize the potential of odors by minimizing the area of the working face, applying maskant to the working face and the roads, limiting the acceptance window of materials with a high odor potential, and operating a dry vapor system on the southern boundary of the landfill to 5 destroy odor-causing molecules that might have the potential of leaving the facilities. Staff will continue to monitor the area and communicate with area residents. Staff contacts: Brian Boerner, Solid Waste and Recycling, and Stephen Gay, Water Utilities C. Schmitz Ave. Designated Parking Request – On Nov. 15, Mayor Pro Tem Beck, and Council Members Byrd, McGee, and Meltzer shared a resident’s request for a designated ADA-accessible parking spot to be made available near their rental home on Schmitz Ave. Staff surveyed segments of Schmitz Ave. and Vine St. for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. It was determined that the areas are ADA-compliant with accessible sidewalks, curb ramps, and access ramps for all properties with driveways. On-street parking is open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. Owners and tenants need to address personal parking spaces for private property. To ensure public safety, staff recommend citizens abide by all traffic and parking rules and regulations. Staff contact: Farhan Butt, Development Services Upcoming Community Events and Public Meetings Please visit the City of Denton website for upcoming community events and details. Attachments A. 2023 Municipal Equity Index Scorecard ...............................................................................7 B. Commissioner Williams Email ..............................................................................................8 C. 23-24 Inclement Weather Warming Stations .........................................................................9 Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .........................................................................................18 B. Public Meetings Calendar .....................................................................................................20C. Draft Agenda for Dec. 5 City Council Meeting ....................................................................23 D. Future Work Session Items ...................................................................................................31 E. Street Closure Report ............................................................................................................36 6 PTS FOR SEXUAL ORIENTATION PTS FOR GENDER IDENTITY FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT CITY SELECTION, CRITERIA OR THE MEI SCORING SYSTEM, PLEASE VISIT HRC.ORG/MEI. All cities rated were provided their scorecard in advance of publication and given the opportunity to submit revisions. For feedback regarding a particular city’s scorecard, please email mei@hrc.org. ** On June 15, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia that sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination are prohibited under federal sex-based employment protections. Nevertheless, it is imperative that localities continue enacting explicitly LGBTQ+-inclusive comprehensive non-discrimination laws since it will likely take additional litigation for Bostock to be fully applied to all sex-based protections under existing federal civil rights law. Moreover, federal law currently lacks sex-based protections in numerous key areas of life, including public spaces and services. Lastly, there are many invaluable benefits to localizing inclusive protections even when they exist on higher levels of government. For these reasons, the MEI will continue to only award credit in Part I for state, county, or municipal non-discrimination laws that expressly include sexual orientation and gender identity. FLEX PTS for criteria not accessible to all cities at this time. DENTON, TEXAS 1/2 2023 MUNICIPAL EQUALITY INDEX SCORECARD DENTON, TEXAS 2/2 2023 MUNICIPAL EQUALITY INDEX SCORECARD V. Leadership on LGBTQ+ Equality I. Non-Discrimination Laws** II. Municipality as Employer This category evaluates whether discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited by the city, county, or state in areas of employment, housing, and public accommodations. By offering equivalent benefits and protections to LGBTQ+ employees, awarding contracts to fair-minded businesses, and taking steps to ensure an inclusive workplace, municipalities commit themselves to treating LGBTQ+ employees equally. STATE COUNTY MUNICIPAL AVAILABLE Employment 5 5 0 0 4 4 5 5 Housing 0 0 0 0 4 4 5 5 Public Accommodations 0 0 0 0 4 4 5 5 SCORE 26 out of 30 FLEX Single-Occupancy All-Gender Facilities +0 +0 +0 +2 FLEX Protects Youth from Conversion Therapy +0 +0 +0 +2 COUNTY MUNICIPAL AVAILABLE Non-Discrimination in City Employment 7 7 7 7 Transgender-Inclusive Healthcare Benefits 0 6 City Contractor Non-Discrimination Ordinance 3 3 3 3 Inclusive Workplace 2 2 SCORE 22 out of 28 FLEX City Employee Domestic Partner Benefits +0 +1 III. Municipal Services This section assesses the efforts of the city to ensure LGBTQ+ residents are included in city services and programs. This category measures the city leadership’s commitment to fully include the LGBTQ+ community and to advocate for full equality. COUNTY MUNICIPAL AVAILABLE Human Rights Commission 0 5 5 NDO Enforcement by Human Rights Commission 0 0 2 LGBTQ+ Liaison in City Executive’s Office 5 5 SCORE 10 out of 12 FLEX Youth Bullying Prevention Policy for City Services FLEX City Provides Services to LGBTQ+ Youth +2 +2 FLEX City Provides Services to LGBTQ+ People Experiencing Homelessness +0 +2 FLEX City Provides Services to LGBTQ+ Older Adults +0 +2 FLEX City Provides Services to People Living with HIV or AIDS +0 +2 FLEX City Provides Services to the Transgender Community +0 +2 MUNICIPAL AVAILABLE Leadership’s Public Position on LGBTQ+ Equality 5 5 Leadership’s Pro-Equality Legislative or Policy Efforts 3 3 SCORE 8 out of 8 FLEX Openly LGBTQ+ Elected or Appointed Leaders +2 +2 FLEX City Tests Limits of Restrictive State Law +0 +3 IV. Law Enforcement Fair enforcement of the law includes responsible reporting of hate crimes and engaging with the LGBTQ+ community in a thoughtful and respectful way. MUNICIPAL AVAILABLE LGBTQ+ Liaison/Task Force in Police Department 10 10 Reported 2020 Hate Crimes Statistics to the FBI 12 12 SCORE 22 out of 22 TOTAL SCORE 88 + TOTAL FLEX SCORE 6 =Final Score 94 CANNOT EXCEED 100 +1 +1+1+1 7 From: Ryan Williams <Ryan.Williams@dentoncounty.gov> Subject: Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors Date: November 15, 2023 at 9:24:56 PM CST To: Ryan Williams <Ryan.Williams@dentoncounty.gov>, Capricia Willis <Capricia.Willis@dentoncounty.gov> Good evening, Recently, I along with the other Commissioner’s Court members cast our votes for the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors. Our votes were cast in favor of David Johnson (320 votes), Ann Pomykal (100 votes), Alex Buck (100 votes) and Roy Atwood (50 votes). I would greatly appreciate your entity’s support as well for these individuals. I believe they share the vision of positive change for the Appraisal District. We must keep up the momentum of change for our citizens and the operation of each government body. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to my office at 940-349-2810. Thank you for serving the citizens of Denton County. All the Best, Ryan Williams Commissioner Pct. 1 1 Courthouse Drive, Denton, TX 76208 940.349.2810 8 Parks & Recreation Centers: Denton Civic Center 321 E. McKinney St. Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Denton Senior Center (Ages 50+ only) 509 N. Bell Ave. Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-Noon Denia Rec Center 1001 Parvin St. Mon.-Thurs. 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. MLK Jr. Rec Center 1300 Wilson St. Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Public Libraries: Emily Fowler Central Library 502 Oakland St. Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 1-5 p.m. North Branch Library 3020 N. Locust St. Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Thurs.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 1-5 p.m. South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Mon. Noon-9 p.m. Tues. & Thurs.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. 1-5 p.m. City of Denton facilities with public restrooms, water fountains, and sitting areas: Denton Inclement Weather Resources - Winter 2023-24 For those living without a warm, dry, or safe place to escape extreme weather, there are facilities and services available in the Denton community. Information on community service providers, including emergency shelters, that expand services and hours during inclement weather is provided here. A listing of City facilities that are heated with public access to restrooms, water fountains, and sitting areas during normal operating hours is also provided. www.cityofdenton.com ADA/EOE/ADEA TDD: (800) 735-2989 Updated 11/13/23 When inclement weather conditions exist, these providers may open Daytime Warming Stations and extended shelter hours. Please call the provider to confirm hours and services. Community Service Providers City Daytime Warming Stations North Lakes Rec Center 2001 W. Windsor Dr. Mon.-Fri. 5 a.m.-10 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m.-4 p.m Fire Stations: Station 1: Central Fire Station 332 E. Hickory St. Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Fire Stations with restroom, hand washing, and water fountain access only: Station 2: 110 Mockingbird Ln. Station 3: 1401 Underwood St. Station 4: 2116 E. Sherman Dr. Station 5: 2230 W. Windsor Dr. Station 6: 3232 Teasley Ln. Station 7: 4201 Vintage Pkwy. Station 8: 3131 Colorado Blvd. All fire stations listed above are open daily, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Please call facilities to confirm hours and services during inclement weather. Provider Services Regular Hours Inclement Weather Hours Denton Community Shelter Operated by Our Daily Bread 909 N. Loop 288 (940) 566-1308 Food Kitchen & Overnight Shelter (7 nights/week) Daily: 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Breakfast: 8-9 a.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Dinner: 5:30-7 p.m. Overnight: 4 p.m.-8 a.m. Call (940) 566-1308 to inquire about inclement weather services and hours. Salvation Army Denton 1508 E. McKinney St. (940) 566-3800 Food Kitchen & Overnight Shelter (7 nights/week) Mon.-Fri., Noon to 5 p.m. Meals: Mon.-Fri., 5:30-6 p.m. Overnight: Daily, 4 p.m.-7 a.m. Call (940) 566-3800 to inquire about inclement weather services and hours. 9 Information for Accessible Public Facilities and Community Service Providers During Inclement Weather Winter 2023/24, Denton, TX WINTER 2023/24 - When extreme temperatures are forecast, facilities below will be open and accessible as Inclement Weather Stations. Community Service Providers - Community service organizations may provide expanded hours and services in the winter for inclement weather. Please check with the location/agency to confirm. Warming Center: Access to restrooms, hand washing, water fountains, and sitting area(s) Denton Community Shelter, ODB (940) 566-1308 909 N Loop 288 Daily 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.  Call (940) 566-1308 to inquire about inclement weather services and hours. Salvation Army Denton (940) 566-3800 1508 E. McKinney St. • 32°F or below: Monday-Friday Monday-Sunday 12:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.  Call (940) 566-3800 to inquire about inclement weather services hours. Meals/Food: Denton Community Shelter, ODB (940) 566-1308 909 N Loop 288 Daily 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Dinner 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Salvation Army Denton (940) 566-3800 1508 E. McKinney St. Monday-Friday 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Shelter Overnight: Adult Men and Women: Denton Community Shelter, ODB (940) 566-1308 909 N Loop 288 Daily 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m.  Call (940) 566-1308 to inquire about inclement weather openings. 10 Adult Men and Women, 1 Family Room: Salvation Army Denton (940) 566-3800 1508 E. McKinney St. Daily 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. City of Denton Public Facilities – In addition to community Meals, Overnight Shelters, Warming Centers, and Water Stations, the following City facilities that are heated with public access to restrooms, water fountains, and sitting areas are available during normal operating hours for those needing a place to temporarily escape the winter weather. Please check with the location to confirm.  Parks & Recreation Centers: Public access to restrooms, hand washing, water fountains, and sitting area. Denton Civic Center (940) 349-7275 321 E. McKinney St. Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Denton Senior Center (940) 349-8720 509 N. Bell Ave. Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - - - 8:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Noon Denia Rec Center (940) 349-8285 1001 Parvin St. Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday Saturday 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - - 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. MLK Jr. Rec Center (940) 349-8575 1300 Wilson St. Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday Saturday 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - - 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. North Lakes Rec Center (940) 349-8287 2001 W. Windsor Dr. Monday – Friday Saturday 5:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. - - 10:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 11 Public Libraries: Public access to restrooms, hand washing, water fountains, seating, wi-fi, and first come, first served computer access. Emily Fowler Central (940) 349-8752 502 Oakland St. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues & Thurs 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. North Branch Library (940) 349-8752 3020 N. Locust St. Thurs, Fri, Sat 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon, Tues, Wed 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. South Branch Library (940) 349-8752 3228 Teasley Ln. Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.  Fire Stations: Public access to restrooms, hand washing, and water fountains. Hours and services are subject to change. Station 1: Central Fire Station 332 E. Hickory St. Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Station 2: 110 Mockingbird Ln. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 3: 1401 Underwood St. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 4: 2110 E. Sherman Dr. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 5: 2230 W. Windsor Dr. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 6: 3232 Teasley Ln. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 7: 4201 Vintage Pkwy. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 8: 3131 S Colorado Blvd. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 12 Find Help! Call 211 or (940) 566-2688. DON’T WAIT FOR SEVERE WEATHER TO START HELPING! Outreach and service providers need gear they can pass out, for folks outside during the summer heat, and to have in reserve during an emergency. Having the right gear staged in the right places before a crisis will help provider’s better focus on direct services and life-saving efforts in the moment. Items needed for winter include: water, reusable water bottles, wet wipes, coats, gloves, hats, blankets or sleeping bags, socks, and rain ponchos. Visit https://www.ourdailybreaddenton.org/ to learn more about how to volunteer and donate. To learn more about how to volunteer and donate visit: Our Daily Bread: https://www.ourdailybreaddenton.org/ Salvation Army Denton: https://salvationarmyntx.org/north-texas/denton/ Giving Grace - Street Outreach Program: https://www.givinggrace.org/programs/street-outreach 13 Información para Instalaciones Públicas y Proveedores de Servicios Comunitarios Durante las Inclemencias del Tiempo Invierno 2023/24, Denton, TX INVIERNO 2023/24 - Cuando se pronostican temperaturas extremas, los lugares abajo estarán abiertos y accesibles como Estaciones Durante Inclemencias del Tiempo. Proveedores de Servicios Comunitarios: Las organizaciones de servicios comunitarios pueden proporcionar horas y servicios adicionales en el invierno durante inclemencias del tiempo. Consulte con el lugar/agencia para confirmar. Centro de calentamiento: Acceso a los baños, lavado de manos, fuentes de agua y área(s) para sentarse. Refugio Comunitario de Denton, ODB (940) 566-1308 909 N Loop 288 Dairiamente 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.  Llame al (940) 566-1308 para preguntar sobre las horas de los servicios de inclemencias del tiempo. Salvation Army Denton (940) 566-3800 1508 E. McKinney St. • 32°F o menos: Lunes – Viernes Lunes – Domingo 12:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.  Llame al (940) 566-3800 para preguntar sobre las horas de los servicios de inclemencias del tiempo. Comidas/Alimentos: Refugio Comunitario de Denton, ODB (940) 566-1308 909 N Loop 288 Dairiamente 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Desayuno 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Almuerzo 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Comida 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Salvation Army Denton (940) 566-3800 1508 E. McKinney St. Lunes – Viernes 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 14 Refugio Durante la Noche: Hombres y mujeres adultos: Refugio Comunitario de Denton, ODB (940) 566-1308 909 N Loop 288 Diariamente 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m.  Llame al (940) 566-1308 para preguntar sobre las aperturas de inclemencias del tiempo. Hombres y mujeres adultos, una habitación para una familia: Salvation Army Denton (940) 566-3800 1508 E. McKinney St. Daily 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. Lugares Públicas de la Ciudad de Denton: Además de las Comidas, los Refugios Durante la Noche, los Centros de Calentamiento y las Estaciones de Agua en la comunidad, las siguientes de la Ciudad lugares están disponibles con acceso público a baños, fuentes de agua y área(s) para sentarse durante las horas normales de operación para los que necesitan un lugar para escapar temporalmente el frio. Por favor, consulte con el lugar para confirmar.  Parques y Centros de Recreación: Acceso público a baños, lavado de manos, fuentes de agua y área para sentarse. Denton Civic Center (940) 349-7275 321 E. McKinney St. Lunes – Viernes 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Denton Senior Center (940) 349-8720 509 N. Bell Ave. Lunes – Jueves Viernes Sabado 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - - - 8:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Noon Denia Rec Center (940) 349-8285 1001 Parvin St. Lunes – Jueves 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Viernes Sabado 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - - 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. MLK Jr. Rec Center (940) 349-8575 1300 Wilson St. Lunes – Jueves 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Viernes Sabado 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - - 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. North Lakes Rec Center (940) 349-8287 2001 W. Windsor Dr. Lunes – Viernes 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 15 Sabado 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  Bibliotecas Públicas: Acceso público a baños, lavado de manos, fuentes de agua, asientos, wi-fi, y acceso a computadoras por orden de llegada. Emily Fowler Central (940) 349-8752 502 Oakland St. Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes, Sábado 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Martes Y Jueves 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Domingo 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. North Branch Library (940) 349-8752 3020 N. Locust St. Jueves, Viernes, Sábado 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Lunes, Martes, Miércoles 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Domingo 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. South Branch Library (940) 349-8752 3228 Teasley Ln. Martes, Jueves, Viernes, Sabado 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Miercoles 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Lunes 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Domingo 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.  Estaciones de Bomberos: Acceso público a baños, lavado de manos, y fuentes de agua. Los horarios y servicios están sujetos a cambiar. Station 1: Central Fire Station 332 E. Hickory St. Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Station 2: 110 Mockingbird Ln. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 3: 1401 Underwood St. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 4: 2110 E. Sherman Dr. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 5: 2230 W. Windsor Dr. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 6: 3232 Teasley Ln. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 7: 4201 Vintage Pkwy. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Station 8: 3131 S Colorado Blvd. Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 16 ¡Encuentra ayuda! Llame al 211 o al (940) 566-2688. ¡NO ESPERE A QUE EL CLIMA SEVERO PARA COMENZAR A AYUDAR! Los proveedores de servicios y de alcance necesitan equipo que puedan repartir, para las personas afuera durante el frio del invierno, y para tener en reserva durante una emergencia. Tener el equipo adecuado en los lugares correctos antes de una crisis ayudará a los proveedores a enfocarse mejor en los servicios directos y los esfuerzos para salvar vidas en el momento. Los artículos necesarios para el invierno incluyen: agua, botellas de agua reutilizables, toallitas húmedas, abrigos, guantes, sombreros, sacos de dormir, calcetines y ponchos de lluvia. Visita https://www.ourdailybreaddenton.org/ para obtener más información sobre cómo ser voluntario y donar. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ser voluntario y donar, visite: Our Daily Bread: www.ourdailybreaddenton.org/ Monsignor King Outreach Center: www.kingoutreachcenter.com Salvation Army Denton: https://salvationarmyntx.org/north-texas/denton/ Giving Grace - Programa de Alcance a las Calle: www.givinggrace.org/programs/street-outreach 17 Friday Report - Council RequestsSummary of RequestCouncil Member Requestor Date Received Staff AssignedDepartmentCommentsActionStatus1Shared email regarding crime concerns &requested staff contact individual.Mayor Hudspeth11/16/23Danielle Shaw, DougShoemakerCommunity Services PoliceReferred to CommunityServices/Police for followup.In Progress2Request for statistics available on numberand trend of fentanyl overdose deaths inDentonCouncil Member Meltzer11/15/23Doug Shoemaker,Kenneth HedgesFire PoliceInformation will beincluded in a future FridayReport.In Progress3Request staff visit NTFB distribution facility Mayor Hudspeth11/17/23Danielle Shaw, SaraHensleyCMO Community ServicesStaff scheduling visit. Complete4Sharing information regarding SB 1145. Mayor Hudspeth11/16/23Sara HensleyCMOInformation will beincluded in Nov. 17 FridayReport.Complete5Request to share email from DentonCounty Commissioner regarding DCADvotes.Mayor Hudspeth11/16/23Sara HensleyCMOInformation will beincluded in Nov. 17 FridayReport.Complete6Inquiry regarding City funds or landdonation for a community program.Mayor Hudspeth11/16/23Danielle ShawCommunity ServicesPotential grant informationwas provided to therequestor on Nov. 17 viaemail.Complete7Sharing event with staffCouncil Member McGee11/15/23Gary Packan, MichaelGangeEnvironmental Services ParksParks staff will beattending event.Complete8Inquiry into options available for odors inneighborhood near landfill; request tocontact residentMayor Pro Tem Beck MayorHudspeth Council Member McGeeCouncil Member Meltzer11/15/23Brian Boerner, DanielleShaw, Michael Gange,Stephen GayCommunity Services EnvironmentalServices Solid Waste WastewaterInformation will beincluded in Nov. 17 FridayReport.Complete9Request to assist with designatedaccessible parking concernsMayor Pro Tem Beck CouncilMember Byrd Council MemberMcGee Council Member Meltzer11/15/23Scott McDonaldDevelopment ServicesInformation will beincluded in Nov. 17 FridayReport.Complete10Request to assist individual with thereservation of a City facility.Mayor Hudspeth11/15/23Gary PackanParksParks & Recreation staffcontacted the requestor toassist with the request.Complete11Damage to guard/handrails on SouthboundHobson LaneCouncil Member Holland11/13/23Ethan Cox, Gary Packan Capital Projects/Engineering/Public WorksParksInformation will beincluded in Nov. 17 FridayReport.CompletePage 1 of 1Exported on November 17, 2023 11:48:39 AM CST18 FY 23/24 Council Requests Number of Requests Per Quarter Total Requests Made by Council Member Requests by Department Please Note: the total number of requests per council member or department may not match, as several council members and/ or departments may be associated with a single request. Council Requests 11 Number of Pending Requests by Council Member 19 Meeting Calendar City of Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton, Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com Criteria : Begin Date: 11/1/2023, End Date: 1/31/2024 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body November 2023 11/1/2023 4:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room 11/2/2023 8:00 AM Agenda Committee Council Work Session Room 11/2/2023 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 11/6/2023 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 11/6/2023 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Meeting Room 2 11/7/2023 11:30 AM City Council Development Service Center 11/7/2023 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 11/8/2023 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board CANCELLED 11/8/2023 1:00 PM Civil Service Commission Central Fire Station Fire Operations Conference Room 11/8/2023 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board CANCELLED 11/9/2023 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 11/13/2023 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 11/13/2023 10:00 AM Development Code Review Committee Development Service Center 11/13/2023 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 11/13/2023 5:30 PM Library Board Emily Fowler Central Library 11/14/2023 9:00 AM Committee on the Environment Council Work Session Room 11/14/2023 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 11/15/2023 9:00 AM City Council Council Chambers 11/15/2023 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 11/16/2023 2:00 PM Downtown Plan Update Advisory Group Development Service Center Page 1City of Denton Printed on 11/17/2023 20 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 11/16/2023 3:00 PM Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Animal Services Training Room 11/16/2023 3:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Development Service Center 11/17/2023 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 11/17/2023 1:00 PM Bond Oversight Committee CANCELLED 11/17/2023 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee CANCELLED 11/22/2023 12:00 PM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Zone No. 1 Board CANCELLED 11/22/2023 1:00 PM Civil Service Commission C$1&(//(' 11/27/2023 10:00 AM Development Code Review Committee Development Service Center 11/27/2023 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 11/29/2023 8:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room December 2023 12/1/2023 1:00 PM Bond Oversight Committee Development Service Center 12/4/2023 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 12/4/2023 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 12/5/2023 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 12/5/2023 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Development Service Center 12/6/2023 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 12/7/2023 8:00 AM Agenda Committee Council Work Session Room 12/7/2023 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center Training Rooms 12/7/2023 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 12/8/2023 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 12/11/2023 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 12/11/2023 10:00 AM Development Code Review Committee Development Service Center 12/11/2023 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 12/11/2023 5:30 PM Library Board North Branch Library 12/12/2023 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers Page 2City of Denton Printed on 11/17/2023 21 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 12/13/2023 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center Training Rooms 12/13/2023 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 12/13/2023 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 12/14/2023 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 12/15/2023 8:00 AM Community Partnership Committee Council Work Session Room 12/18/2023 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 12/19/2023 9:00 AM Committee on the Environment Council Work Session Room 12/20/2023 8:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 12/22/2023 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room January 2024 1/8/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 1/8/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 1/9/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 1/10/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 1/11/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 1/22/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 1/22/2024 12:00 PM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Zone No. 1 Board Development Service Center 1/23/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 1/24/2024 12:00 PM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Zone No. 1 Board Development Service Center Training Rooms 1/29/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center Page 3City of Denton Printed on 11/17/2023 22 City of Denton Meeting Agenda City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton, Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 2:00 PMTuesday, December 5, 2023 WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM CLOSED MEETING BEGINS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE WORK SESSION IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Individuals may speak during a Council meeting under one of the following categories: Open Microphone: At regular meetings only, individuals can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda for no longer than four (4) minutes per individual. This portion of the meeting occurs immediately after the start of the regular meeting session. Please note, Council members cannot engage in a discussion on topics presented during this portion and there are limited slots available for this portion of the meeting. Comments on Agenda Items: Public comments can be given for any item considered by the Council, EXCEPT work session reports or closed meetings. Individuals are only able to comment one time per agenda item and cannot use more than one method to comment on a single agenda item. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per citizen. Public Hearing Items: Individuals are limited to four (4) minutes per public hearing item. _________________________________________________________________________________ Individuals may participate by using one of the following methods: 1. In Person for Regular or Consent Agenda Items: To provide in-person comments regular or consent agenda items (excluding public hearing items), Individuals must be present at the meeting and submit a speaker card (available at the meeting location) to the City Secretary prior to the item being called. 2. In Person for Public Hearing Items: For public hearing items, speaker cards are encouraged but not required. Page 1 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202323 December 5, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda 3. eComment: The agenda is posted online at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings. Once the agenda is posted, a link to make virtual comments using the eComment module will be made available next to the meeting listing on the Upcoming Events Calendar. Using eComment, Individuals may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. eComments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting at which time the ability to make an eComment will be closed. eComments will be sent directly to members of the City Council immediately upon submission and recorded by the City Secretary into the Minutes of the Meeting. 4. By Phone: Individuals may register to provide comments by phone. Instructions and a link to register to comment by phone will be available at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings until noon of the meeting date. Residents will submit contact information using the link provided and receive further instructions via email on how to join the meeting by phone and provide comments. _________________________________________________________________________________ After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda for public hearing and individual consideration. This section allows members of the City Council to ask questions on items listed on this agenda for public hearing and individual consideration. Responses to questions on items listed under the consent agenda that are received prior to the meeting are available by clicking on Exhibit 1 below. The responses will be available prior to the start of the meeting, when applicable. Any handouts distributed at the meeting will also be uploaded to the below link by 12:00 p.m. on the business day following the meeting. Members of the Council may remove items from the consent agenda. When items are removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda by members of the council, the removed items shall be taken up in the order of removal right after the consent agenda. Meeting Questions, Responses & HandoutsID 23-649A. 3. Work Session Reports Page 2 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202324 December 5, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding options for a future charter amendment election. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 45 minutes] ID 23-1634A. Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for: [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] ID 23-228B. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting in the Council Work Session Room to consider specific item(s) when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT A CLOSED MEETING IS NEEDED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. -- Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the ‘Public Power Exception’). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Regular Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. Following the Closed Meeting, the City Council will reconvene in Open Meeting to take action, if any, on matters discussed in closed session. _________________________________________________________________________________ AFTER DETERMINING THAT A QUORUM IS PRESENT, THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WILL CONVENE AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S. Flag B. Texas Flag “Honor the Texas Flag – I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.” 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Page 3 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202325 December 5, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda Proclamation: Fall 2023 Denton 360° Class RecognitionID 23-2139A. Proclamation: Human Rights DayID 23-2247B. 3. PRESENTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Reports from members of the public shall be received through the following two (2) methods. A total of up to seven (7) speakers are permitted to provide public comment and may include any combination of prior registration and open microphone speakers. 1) Pre-registration. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. Mr. Stephen Dillenberg regarding “Denton's entire body of Leadership needs to be recalled or just fired because it is wantonly graduating from aiding and abetting grand theft to committing it personally now, at which point they are no longer our leadership, they are usurpers.” ID 23-2261a. 2) Open Microphone. This section of the agenda permits any person who has not registered in advance for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. Such person(s) shall have registered using the “Virtual White Card” or “By Phone” process outlined by the City on its website or meeting notice. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual information; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff or a board, commission, and committee. Approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the those recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these items prior to consideration. For those items recommended by a specific board, commission, or committee, the agenda item will reference that recommendation. To view the video of the related board, commission, or committee meeting, as applicable, a link can be found within the applicable supporting documentation (Exhibit 1). Page 4 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202326 December 5, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A – G). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. Consider approval of the minutes of the November 7, 2023 Joint Meeting with DISD, November 7, 2023 Regular Meeting, November 14, 2023 Special Called Meeting, and November 15, 2023 Canvassing Meeting. ID 23-049A. Consider nominations/appointments to the City’s Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Airport Advisory Board, Animal Shelter Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Committee on Persons with Disabilities, Community Services Advisory Committee, Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Internal Audit Advisory Committee, Library Board, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Public Utilities Board, Special Citizens Bond Advisory Committee, Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee, Traffic Safety Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. ID 23-074B. Consider adoption an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to accept offers (totaling $2,134,842.00) from the Texas Department of Transportation (“TXDOT”) to convey (a total of 54.36 acres of City-owned property located in David Davis, Moses H. Davis, and William Wilburn Surveys and Abstracts 356, 377, and 1699), owned by the City of Denton, to TXDOT, crossing Jim Christal Road and Tom Cole Road, between the Denton Energy Center and the Denton Municipal Airport; authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents necessary to consummate the contemplated transaction including Memorandum Of Agreement(s), Possession and Use Agreement(s), Special Warranty Deed(s); authorizing the City Manager, to carry out all duties of the City pursuant to the Agreements; providing a savings clause; and providing an effective date. ID 22-2124C. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton determining the public use, need and necessity for the acquisition of approximately 3.179 acres of land located along Teasley Lane, in the J. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 421, City and County of Denton, Texas for the purpose of a future Fire Station 6 Facility; authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to consummate and accept the purchase, grant and conveyance to the City of Denton from Denton West Joint Venture, seller; authorizing the expenditure of funds not to exceed Two Million, One Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($2,100,000.00); and providing for severability and an effective date. ID 23-2147D. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Denton and University of North Texas System (UNT System) for the dedication of permanent water easements and temporary construction easements on University of North Texas property to the City of Denton, Texas for the Northwest Water Transmission Main in exchange for improvements to the existing University of North Texas fire ID 23-2163E. Page 5 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202327 December 5, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda suppression system; and providing for an effective date. An ordinance by the City of Denton authorizing the city manager, or designee, to execute and deliver an advance funding agreement for funding the City’s MSE walls aesthetics package project, providing financial assistance through the Texas Department of Transportation IH-35 corridor aesthetics project; CSJ 0195-03-087, in an amount not to exceed one million six hundred ninety-seven thousand, three hundred eighty-five and 66/100 ($1,697,385.66) dollars; authorizing the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date. ID 23-2220F. Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton, Texas finding that CoServ Gas, LTD.’s Statement of Intent to increase rates within the City should be denied; finding that the City’s reasonable rate case expenses shall be reimbursed by the company; finding that the meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this resolution to the company and the City’s legal counsel. ID 23-2229G. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas amending the Denton Development Code, regarding Private Cemetery Use Regulation and Definition, specifically amendments to Section Table 5.2-A: Table of Allowed Uses, Section 5.3.4: Public, Institutional, Religious, and Civic Use-Specific Standards, Table 7.9-I: Minimum Required Off-Street Parking, and Section 9.2: Definitions related to Privately-Owned Cemeteries; providing for application requirements and process; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [X-X] to recommend approval of the request. Motion for approval by Commissioner X and second by Commissioner X. (DCA23-0011b, Private Cemetery Use, Cameron Robertson). DCA23-0011 b A. Hold a public hearing to receive comments from the public regarding a proposed Fair Chance Hiring ordinance for the City of Denton, and provide any direction to staff on the proposed ordinance. ID 23-2105B. Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding a change in the zoning district and use classification from General Office (GO) District to Mixed-Use Regional (MR) District on approximately 19.5 acres of land generally located at the northwest corner of Spencer Road and Bridges Street in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City’s official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [5-0] to recommend approval of the request. Motion for approval by Commissioner Villareal and second by Commissioner Pruett SI23-0002a, 2801 Spencer, Julie Wyatt) SI23-0002aC. Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas approving a Specific Use Permit to allow a building no more than 53 feet in height on approximately 2.695 acres of land generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Stuart Road and Loop 288 in the City of Denton, S23-0002dD. Page 6 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202328 December 5, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City’s Official Zoning Map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof, providing for severability and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [3-2] to recommend approval of the request. Motion for approval by Commissioner Pruett and second by Commissioner Cole. (S23-0002d, Stuart Apartments, Mia Hines) 6. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION – CONSIDERATION OF THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT EMINENT DOMAIN ITEMS ARE SCHEDULED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. -- 7. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Consider the second reading of an ordinance granting to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, a non-exclusive electric power franchise for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and using an electric delivery utility system in the City of Denton; prescribing the relationship and relative rights between grantee and others with respect to construction in the city and location of facilities; providing for enforcement of the franchise; prescribing the duties, responsibilities, and rulemaking authority of the City Manager and the City with respect to administration of this franchise; reserving to the governing body of the City the right to set charges and rates of grantee; regulating the construction work done by the grantee in the City; addressing the joint use of poles, trenches, and ducts in certain instances; addressing relocation of facilities; providing for compensation to the City from the grantee for the franchise privilege; requiring certain records and reports and providing for inspections and preservation thereof; providing for enforcement of the franchise; providing for assignment of the franchise; providing for indemnity and insurance; providing for term, renewal, effective date, and acceptance of this franchise; addressing conformity with applicable laws, City charter and City code; providing for good faith effort; providing for the repeal of the existing franchise ordinance no. 2012-359 to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, its predecessors and assigns, and finding that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public; and providing an effective date. ID 23-2203A. Consider approval of a resolution casting votes for membership to the Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District; and providing for an effective date. ID 23-2227B. 8. CONCLUDING ITEMS Page 7 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202329 December 5, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics, above posted. C E R T I F I C A T E I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on December 1, 2023, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. __________________________________________ OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 8 City of Denton Printed on 11/17/202330 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time A. Downtown Master Plan 23-1988 Planning City Business 2:00 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:30 A. Future Charter Election 23-1634 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:45 B. Two Minute Pitch 23-228 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:45 A. Audit Project 035 Staff Recruitment & Hiring 23-594 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Final Wastewater Master Plan 23-1575 Water Utilities City Business 0:45 C. Roadway Impact Fees 23-405 Engineering City Business 1:00 D. Two-Minute Pitch: 23-229 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): TBD Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:15 December 19, 2023 A. Public Safety Communications Audit 23-2057 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Parking Minimum TBD City Manager's Office City Business TBD C. Strategic Plan Update 23-1860 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 D. THIRST hydration stations TBD Water, Parks, Dev. Services City Business TBD E. MUDs and MMDs 23-652 Development Services City Business 1:00 F. Two Minute Pitch:23-230 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:30 A. Big Idea Discussion - City Hall West, Lot across from City Hall, and land use ideas TBD City Manager's Office City Business 2:00 B. Boards and Commissions Vacancies TBD City Secretary's Office City Business 0:30 C. Two Minute Pitch:TBD City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:30 A. Two Minute Pitch:TBD City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 E. Design Criteria Manual Updates 23-1855 Engineering City Business 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:30 A. Southeast Denton Area Plan TBD Development Services City Business TBD Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:00 A. Two Minute Pitch:TBD City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:00 Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Complete Requestor RFP for a Downtown Parking Survey 10/18/2022 Economic Development TBD CM Davis Towing Enforcement Signage 2/7/2023 Capital Projects TBD CM Davis Vote Centers Resolution 10/17/2023 City Manager's Office TBD CM McGee Boards & Commissions Nominations Process 11/7/2023 City Manager's Office TBD CM McGee February 20 Joint Meeting with P&Z (@11:00 a.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: February 20 Regular Meeting (@2:00 p.m.) Approved Council Pitches to be Scheduled Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan Items to be Scheduled Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: November 17, 2023 February 6 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: January 9 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) December 12 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: December 5 Joint Meeting with P&Z (@11:00 a.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: January 23 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) December 5 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) NO MEETING - December Break Other Major Items for Meeting: *This is for planning purposes only. Dates are subject to change.31 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming ClosuresSCR Nov 20th - 26thStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact1Cherry Tree LnClear River Lndead end south11/27/23 01/12/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel2Clear River LnMontecito DrCountry Home Dr11/27/23 01/12/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel3Crenshaw LnAlderbrook DrHayling Way Intersection11/20/23 01/19/24 Street Panels and Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel4Matthew AveThistle Hill Intersection Andrew Ave12/18/23 01/12/24 ADA RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel5Wind River LnComo Lake RdShoreline Dr12/11/23 01/26/24 Concrete Panel RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel Exported on November 17, 2023 11:52:05 AM CST32 2 Street Closure Report: Current ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact1Avenue CMaple StHighland St10/02/23 12/04/23 Atmos gas relocationAtmosGavin Petner2Avenue CEagle DrHighland St09/18/23 12/12/23 Relocation of gas lines. AtmosGavin Petner3Azalea StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig4Bell AveSycamore StPrairie St08/21/23 12/01/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig5Bernard StAcme StRoselawn Dr05/30/23 11/30/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig6Bonnie Brae StScripture StHickory St10/23/23 11/20/23 installing conduit acrossroadway for dme substation.closures will be rolling at timesand full during work hours. workareas will be plated for traffic.Public Works Inspections Lee Thurmond7Bonnie Brae StScripture StHickory St10/23/23 11/20/23 installing conduit acrossroadway for dme substation.closures will be rolling at timesand full during work hours. workareas will be plated for traffic.Public Works Inspections Lee Thurmond8Bonnie Brae StElm St (US 77)Bronco Way / Riney Rd11/13/23 12/01/23 Contractor will be installing a 16inch water line off of the new 36water line along US77.EngineeringJesus Perez9Bradshaw StWilson StPrairie St01/30/23 11/30/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig10Bradshaw StPrairie StSycamore St03/13/23 11/30/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig11Brightwood TerraceWilsonwood DrLongfellow Ln09/11/23 12/18/23 Utility InstallationEngineeringTaylor Holt12Buena Vista DrMontecito RdMira Vista Dr11/06/23 12/29/23 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones13Camellia StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig14Chaparral CtCooper Branch EDead End08/14/23 12/18/23 Utility ReplacementEngineeringTaylor Holt15College Park DrPeach StDead End10/02/23 01/31/24 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones16Collins StJohnson StDead End West08/22/23 01/05/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig17Crawford StMulberry StSycamore St10/09/23 12/11/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig18Eagle DrCollier StAvenue C11/17/23 11/20/23 Core hole repairPublic Works Inspections Gavin Petner19Fowler DrCollege ParkPeach St10/02/23 01/31/24 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones20Hickory Creek RdRiverpass DrFM 183003/13/23 12/31/24 Bridge InstallationEngineeringDustin Draper21Highland StLocust StWainwright St01/30/23 11/30/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig22Industrial StBell StMulberry St07/05/23 12/29/23 Utility installation and roadwayworkEngineeringSeth Garcia23Katy TrailEdwards RdDCTA MedPark Station08/21/23 11/30/23 A small section of Katy Trail willhave intermittent closures toaccommodate the constructionof the new Mayhill Road Bridgeover the DCTAOtherTracy L. Beck, PE, PMP24Leslie StWillowwood StDudley St08/31/23 01/08/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig25Lookout LnWindsor DrWestward Dr10/16/23 11/24/23 Panel and Sidewalk Repair StreetsRoy San Miguel26Maple StCarroll BlvdElm St07/05/23 11/30/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig27Maple StElm StCarroll Blvd09/15/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott Fettig28Mayhill Rd@ Spencer Rd03/28/23 12/28/23 Water main tie-in and turn laneadditionPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba Exported on November 17, 2023 11:54:49 AM CST33 Street/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact29McKinney St EBell AveOakland St11/13/23 11/30/23 Sidewalk and ADA repair StreetsRoy San Miguel30Mill Pond RdEmerson LnOld North Rd09/11/23 12/04/23 Utility InstallationsEngineeringTaylor Holt31Mingo RdMockingbird LnSirius Dr09/25/23 11/30/23 Base FailuresStreetsJeff Jones32Mingo RdNottingham DrPertain St10/25/23 11/30/23 pouring approach and turn laneflaggers will be present duringnormal work hoursPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba33Mulberry St EWood StCrawford St10/09/23 12/12/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig34Mulberry St EBell AveIndustrial St08/21/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig35Myrtle StFort Worth Dr (HW377)Eagle Dr06/05/23 11/30/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig36Myrtle StMaple StHighland St07/05/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott Fettig37Myrtle StEagle DrMaple St07/05/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig38Oak StThomas StBonnie Brae St10/23/23 11/21/23 installing conduit acrossroadway for dme substation.closures will be rolling at timesand full during work hours. workareas will be plated for traffic.Public Works Inspections Lee Thurmond39Oak StThomas StBonnie Brae St10/23/23 11/21/23 installing conduit acrossroadway for dme substation.closures will be rolling at timesand full during work hours. workareas will be plated for traffic.Public Works Inspections Lee Thurmond40Oakwood DrMcCormick StEast Dead End10/02/23 02/08/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig41Palo Verde DrBrias CtMontecito Dr09/08/23 11/30/23 ReconstructJeff Jones42Parkside DrWindsor Dr WBowling Green St10/16/23 12/31/23 Pavement replacement EngineeringScott Fettig43Peach StBell St NLocust St N10/02/23 01/31/24 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones44Pheasant Hollow StWindbrook StWillow Stone St10/23/23 11/20/23 Pavement Replacement EngineeringTaylor Holt45Pheasant Hollow StWillow Stone StSagewood Ln10/23/23 12/04/23 Pavement Replacement EngineeringTaylor Holt46Pickwick LnOxford LnWindsor Dr08/21/23 12/18/23 Utility ReplacementEngineeringTaylor Holt47Pierce StMaple StHighland St07/05/23 11/30/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott Fettig48Plum Hollow RdLocust StPheasant Hollow St10/23/23 12/04/23 Pavement Replacement EngineeringTaylor Holt49Plum Hollow RdLocust StPheasant Hollow St10/23/23 12/04/23 Pavement Replacement EngineeringTaylor Holt50Prairie StLakey StTo Cemetary/ Halfway down Prairie 08/17/23 12/08/23 Narrow lane closure from Lakeyup to Cemetary beforeBradshaw to install new stormdrain.Public Works Inspections Stephany Trammell51Railroad AveHickory StMcKinney St11/06/23 11/30/23 Sidewalk repair in front or HR StreetsRoy San Miguel52Smith StJohnson StBell Ave01/30/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig53Smith StDallas Dr (Hwy 77)Hill St03/06/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig54Sycamore StWood StCrawford St10/09/23 12/11/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig55Sycamore StExposition StRailroad Tracks on Sycamore 08/17/23 12/22/23 Work on manholes waterline forLang Railyard PrivateDevelopmentPublic Works Inspections Stephany Trammell56Sycamore StIndustrial StWainwright St04/24/23 12/29/23 Roadway & UtilitiesEngineeringSeth Garcia57Sycamore StExposition StCrawford St03/13/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig58Trinity RdMills RdCooper Rd10/12/23 12/01/23 Installation of force main anddemo of old systemPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba Exported on November 17, 2023 11:54:49 AM CST34 Street/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact59Underwood StNorth Texas BlvdKendolph Dr08/28/23 12/31/23 Pavement replacement. EngineeringScott Fettig60Wainwright StHighland StPrairie St03/13/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig61Westwood DrDudley StParvin St10/30/23 12/08/23 Curb / Sidewalk/ Valley GutterrepairStreetsRoy San MIguel62Wisteria StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 12/31/23 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig63Woodrow LnMcKinney StMorse St11/17/23 11/30/23 Remove and replace turn lanepavingPublic Works Inspections Lee Thurmond64Woodrow LnMcKinney StMorse Rd10/12/23 12/28/23 remove and replace turn lane atduchess drPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba Exported on November 17, 2023 11:54:49 AM CST35 3 Street Closure Report: Completed ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact1Avenue CHighland StMaple St10/24/23 11/14/23 Atmos Relocation Work forNeighborhood 2 & 6AtmosSheldon Gatewood2Masch Branch RdLovers LnDarby Smith Rd09/07/23 11/03/23 Base failureStreetsJeff Jones3Mayhill Rd@ Colorado Blvd10/06/23 11/13/23 One Turn Lane each directionclosed to allow material staging.EngineeringTracy L. Beck, PE, PMP4Mayhill RdIH 35Colorado Blvd10/06/23 11/13/23 One lane to be closed forstaging construction operationsfor new bridgeOtherTracy L. Beck, PE, PMP5McKinney StMayhill RdRyan Rd05/04/23 10/28/23 Turn lanePublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba6McKinney StLoop 288Mayhill Rd07/20/23 10/28/23 Sidewalk demo and newsidewalkPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba7Nicosia StElm St (HWY 77)Santos Dr09/11/23 11/03/23 Road is open - Work complete8Panhandle StBonnie Brae StEastpark Blvd10/02/23 10/27/23 Water service taps, and streetpanel repairs for east boundlane and turning lane.Private DevelopmentZabdiel Mota9Pheasant Hollow St Windbrook StWillow Stone St09/11/23 10/23/23 Pavement Replacement EngineeringTaylor Holt10Tanglewood StLocust StPheasant Hollow St09/11/23 11/06/23 Pavement replacement EngineeringTaylor Holt11Vista Verde RdMontecito DrDead End East09/11/23 10/20/23 Street ReconstructStreetsJeff Jones12Wainwright StPrairie StSycamore St04/24/23 11/17/23 Roadway, utilitiesEngineeringSeth Garcia Exported on November 17, 2023 11:55:18 AM CST36