020924 Friday Staff Report City Manager’s Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201  (940) 349-8307 OUR CORE VALUES Inclusion  Collaboration  Quality Service  Strategic Focus  Fiscal Responsibility MEMORANDUM DATE: February 9, 2024 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report Upcoming Meetings A. Public Utilities Board on Monday, Feb. 12, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. B. Historic Landmark Commission on Monday, Feb. 12, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Development Service Center. C. Library Board on Monday, Feb. 12, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Emily Fowler Central Library. D. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2 Board on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. E. Economic Development Partnership Board on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the Development Service Center. F. Airport Advisory Board on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. in the Airport Terminal Meeting Room. G. Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room and Council Chambers. H. Southeast Denton Area Plan Steering Committee on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. Please check the City of Denton website for final meeting days and times as information is subject to change after the Friday Report is published. Public Meetings & Agendas | Denton, TX (civicplus.com) General Information & Status Updates A. Privet Removal – Parks staff will conduct privet removal activities the week of Feb. 12 for three to four days in accordance with the City’s Standard Operating Procedure for privet removal (attached). The goal of performing targeted removal of privet is to promote long-term solutions to restore the characteristics and functions of the open space and habitat. Staff have created a Discuss Denton page dedicated to privet removal communication. Staff contact: Marshall McGee, Parks and Recreation B. Controlled Burn at Clear Creak Natural Heritage Center – Fire and Parks and Recreation Departments will be conducting a one-day pre-planned strategic burning of approximately four acres at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center between Feb. 12 and Mar. 15., depending on weather conditions. Strategic burnings enhance habitat diversity, increase the growth of flowering plants, improve soil nutrients, promote growth of wildflower pollinators, and increase moisture filtration to the soil. Denton Fire Department Wetland Firefighters will conduct the burn as part of their wildfire urban interface training. The Collins Prairie Trail and Yucca Trail will be temporarily closed the day of the burn in the affected areas. The City will notify the public by posting on Facebook and X/Twitter and by placing signage on Collins Road. Staff contacts: Russell Koch, Parks and Recreation and David Boots, Fire C. I-35 E Lane Closures – TxDOT will be closing northbound lanes of I-35 E from 9:00PM to 6:00AM nightly from Friday, Feb. 9, until Sunday, Feb. 11. Delays can be expected on northbound I-35 E overnight; motorists should plan for extra travel time and be alert to slower traffic conditions (ramp closures and traffic detours). TxDOT urges motorists to use caution in the work zone. Visit www.DriveTexas.org for the latest road closures on this project and others. Staff contact: Farhan Butt, Transportation Services 2 Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Traffic Safety Concerns in Sequoia Neighborhood – On Jan. 28, Mayor Hudspeth forwarded a resident’s concern regarding drivers entering the neighborhood near Shawnee Street and Mohican Avenue at high rates of speed. Staff visited the site on Thursday, Feb. 1 to conduct a safety audit for the segment of Shawnee Street from US 380 to Mohican Avenue. Factors affecting traffic include lack of striping and absence of a posted speed sign. Staff recommends applying the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) compliant striping, installing a TMUTCD-compliant posted speed sign at the beginning of the road segment, adding a stop sign for Mohican Avenue at the intersection with Shawnee Street, and Police speed enforcement for specific periods during the day. Staff is coordinating an effort to implement the recommendations. Staff contact: Farhan Butt, Transportation Services B. Natatorium Fee Increase Determination – On Feb. 2, Council Member Meltzer forwarded a question from a resident regarding the fee structure for the Natatorium. Staff confirmed that the annual process by which they recommend fee adjustments to the City Council for adoption includes a Cost of Service report, benchmarking with comparable facilities (attached), and market research. Additionally, senior discounts are available for most Parks facilities, including the Denton Natatorium, through partnerships with insurance-based programs. Staff contact: Monica Martin, Parks and Recreation Upcoming Community Events and Public Meetings Please visit the City of Denton website for upcoming community events and details. Attachments A. Privet Removal SOP ...............................................................................................................4 B. 2024 Natatorium Admission Fees Benchmark .....................................................................12 Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .........................................................................................13 B. Public Meetings Calendar .....................................................................................................15 C. Draft Agenda for Feb. 20 City Council Meeting ..................................................................18D. Future Work Session Items ...................................................................................................31 E. Street Closure Report ............................................................................................................33 3 Standard Operating Procedure for Ligustrum species (Privet) Removal and Habitat Restoration on PARD Property SOP Owner Environmental Services and Sustainability and Parks and Recreation Revision #Initial Implementation Date November 11, 2022 Last Reviewed/Update Date November 1, 2022 Approval 1. Background Privet (Ligustrum species) are a non-native, invasive thicket forming shrub causing notable reduction of ecological quality and recreational use to open spaces and natural habitats across the region, especially in forested areas and near waterways. Once established the shrub quickly overtakes the space, crowding out native understory vegetation and threatening the long-term health and recruitment of native vegetation by shading out most saplings and understory. Mature plants result in a dense monoculture with reduced diversity of pollinators and wildlife and a thicket that blocks visibility and limits the use of the area. Privet removal is necessary to improve the health of the natural area and increase the use and enjoyment of public land. This SOP outlines the procedures for targeted removal that promotes long-term solutions to eliminate this plant and restore the characteristics and functions of the open space and habitat. There are many variables influencing the success of removing invasive plants and restoring land to similar native conditions. This SOP outlines a procedure for professional input, allowing for best-practice decisions to be made during the process for each specific and unique site. 2. Goal and Scope The goal is to align with the Parks, Recreation and Trails System Master Plan and to achieve privet eradication on property owned by PARD. It is important to acknowledge progress toward this goal is a continuous process as existing privet on other properties will continue to re-invade Parks property. The scope of this SOP includes pre-activity inspections and reports, identifying when it is appropriate to have a site-specific plan appropriate for the area with targeted removal strategies, providing public education and involvement regarding the activity, developing a site-specific restoration plan appropriate for the area, performing follow-up inspections and performing follow up activities. 3. Applicability Criteria This SOP is specific to the removal and restoration of privet invasion in natural open spaces and confirmed habitats on City of Denton property owned by Parks and Recreation Department (PARD). Incidental plant removal during routine maintenance of developed or regularly maintained Parks property does not require guidance from this SOP.The following are definitions applicable to this SOP. x Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs). Potential ESAs are shown on the city’s Interactive GIS Map. The actual presence, location and extent of the ESA can only be confirmed through an ESA Field Assessment. Parks property will follow procedures outlined in the ESA Primer to make a final determination and updated the Official ESA Map. 4 Standard Operating Procedure for Ligustrum species (Privet) Removal and Habitat Restoration on PARD Property SOP Owner Environmental Services and Sustainability and Parks and Recreation Revision #Initial Implementation Date November 11, 2022 Last Reviewed/Update Date November 1, 2022 Approval x Small area. A small area is defined as a planned privet removal and restoration activity of less than 1 acre, is not located within an ESA, and has insignificant environmental or wildlife concerns as documented through the activity-initiation procedures in Section 6. x Planned privet removal activity. Planned privet removal and restoration activities include new park land improvement activity, a budgeted activity for maintenance to improve an existing park land previously identified to be in decline, and budgeted maintenance for areas where trash and debris removal is necessary for public safety. x Emergency privet removal activity. Emergency privet removal and restoration activities are performed in situations where privet is aggravating hazardous environmental situations such as fire or flooding, or when privet is aggravating public safety concerns, such as visibility. x Public safety concerns. Areas where public safety concerns exist are identified through collaboration with Public Safety Officers and Public Safety committees. 4. Responsibilities Parks and Recreation Department PARD performs initial investigations and determines applicability, engages Environmental Services and Sustainability (ESS), engages the public and provides public education with the assistance of ESS (as stated in the following paragraph), enacts the site-specific privet removal and restoration plan, and performs follow-up restoration activities as provided by follow-up inspections and reports. Environmental Services and Sustainability Department ESS performs a pre-planning site inspection and confirms applicability, assists in public education and engagement planning, when appropriate develops a site-specific privet removal and restoration plan, and performs follow-up inspections and reports. 5. Prerequisites Maintenance inspectors, supervisors, and crews will have knowledge of the City of Denton Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) and methods outlined in the plan, be able to identify common native vegetation of North Texas, have knowledge of tree size measurement procedures, and have knowledge of tree protection procedures. 6. Activity-Initiation Procedures The following activity initiation procedures will be followed for all planned activity. In emergency situations, as defined above, the departments will document as much information as possible before, during and after the privet removal activity. By using work orders in both situations. 5 Standard Operating Procedure for Ligustrum species (Privet) Removal and Habitat Restoration on PARD Property SOP Owner Environmental Services and Sustainability and Parks and Recreation Revision #Initial Implementation Date November 11, 2022 Last Reviewed/Update Date November 1, 2022 Approval A. PARD initiates a privet removal and restoration project by collecting and preparing the following by completing Attachment A, initial information checklist: 1) Identify if this is a planned activity or an emergency activity. 2) Identify if the planned activity is a small area as defined in Section 3 3) Compile any site-specific complaints, police reports, and other external records of concerns regarding the area. 4) Prepare a summary of the initial site inspection, to include: a) a description of the site concerns, b) evidence of wildlife through staff observations, public reports, and other documents available for staff review, c) comprehensive site photos that show: (1) wide-angles from multiple directions showing the extent of the privet removal area (2) photos of site features, such as ESAs, areas of native species, major topographic changes, tree species and density, evidence of wildlife, and other important features that should be documented, and d) a map of the area of concern will include: (1) the extent of the PARD property, (2) the extent of the area of concern and/or extent of the proposed privet removal and restoration, (3) any water bodies, or other important environmental features at or near the area of concern and/or extent of proposed activity. B. ESS will review the initial information provided by PARD and perform an environmental investigation. ESS will supplement the initial PARD information with: 1) A site assessment will document: a) A brief survey of vegetative species, summary of tree size(s), and density. b) the extent and density of privet. c) a review, and if needed, expansion of wildlife findings, including any nesting migratory birds or rookeries. When necessary, ESS will engage the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for consultation on wildlife findings. 2) Any ESAs confirmed through an ESA Field Assessment. 3) A map review and enhancement with: a) General location of trees of similar size and density. b) General locations of privet density –in some locations across the project the density may be more than other areas. c) General topography and soil conditions. 4) ESS will evaluate the information gathered and make a final determination of the need to perform the privet removal and restoration activity. 6 Standard Operating Procedure for Ligustrum species (Privet) Removal and Habitat Restoration on PARD Property SOP Owner Environmental Services and Sustainability and Parks and Recreation Revision #Initial Implementation Date November 11, 2022 Last Reviewed/Update Date November 1, 2022 Approval 7. Public Education and Engagement Plans Privet removal should always be preceded with public education. PARD will determine the scope of an engagement plan. Public education and engagement may include: x creating a webpage dedicated to privet removal and tracking projects, x producing a Friday report, x posting signage onsite that provides basic information and directs the public to the webpage, x creating social media, x informing and engaging appropriate agencies ahead of outreach, x hosting neighborhood meetings, when warranted. PARD with ESS assistance will provide a public education and engagement plan that: x Informs the public of the need to address this invasive plant, including providing information on the long-term threat to habitat and trees within the park and that privet has far-reaching dispersal properties that threatens adjacent natural spaces. x Informs the public of the specific project, including timing, extent, expected short-term conditions and expected long-term conditions of the privet removal area. 8. Privet Removal Procedures A. Timing. Research suggests the more effective time to remove privet is in the fall. To maximize efforts, PARD will prioritize initial removal activities during late fall months and continue to evaluate the situation. When removing privet across large areas it may be more effective to consider phasing the area in sections. When prioritizing phasing, it is more important to try to address mature plants or re-growth plants that have started flowering/producing berries to reduce future distribution. B. Equipment. 1) Small equipment may be used to remove privet when environmental conditions permit the use. When conditions cannot be met, privet shrubs will be removed by hand. Conditions that may inhibit the use of small equipment include: a)Any stand of trees over 6” DBH and the equipment could negatively impact beneficial tree canopy. b) Areas where native vegetation dominates and few privet have invaded the space. c) Areas with major topographic changes, making safe equipment mobility difficult. d) The equipment may not be operated within two feet of the trunk of a tree 6” or greater DBH. Privet branches located within the 2-foot boundary must be hand-cut. 2) Small equipment may include a skid steer with a mulcher. Other parameters include: 7 Standard Operating Procedure for Ligustrum species (Privet) Removal and Habitat Restoration on PARD Property SOP Owner Environmental Services and Sustainability and Parks and Recreation Revision #Initial Implementation Date November 11, 2022 Last Reviewed/Update Date November 1, 2022 Approval a) The skid steer must have tracks. b) A drum mulcher is preferred. c) Mats are required when operating in wetland areas. 3) Chaining may be appropriate when the area is greater than 40 acres and tree density (6” or greater DBH) is less than 10% of the area. C. Privet disposal from initial removal. Larger material resulting from the activity will be managed to allow restoration to occur. Depending on resulting volume, the material could be shredded to reduce volume or collected to transport to a compost facility. D. Herbicide use. Whether mechanically cut or hand-cut, all privet cut stumps have a high probability of recovery and must be treated to reduce re-growth. 1) An herbicide listed in the IPM will be selected for targeted cut stump treatment and seedling treatment. All cut stump treatment and seedling treatment activities will follow best-practices as defined by the herbicide manufacturer. 2) To be effective cut-stump treatment must be performed a) within 30 seconds of the original cut, or b) within 30 seconds of a new cut made after the original removal activity. E. Seedling removal. Seedlings should be expected and seeding removal will occur within one year of the initial privet removal activity. 1) Hand pulling will be prioritized, when feasible. 2) When hand pulling is not feasible, an herbicide listed in the IPM will be applied with a hand wand by a trained applicator. Precautions will be taken to target the privet seedling and avoid over-spraying. F. Volunteer activities. When small equipment use is not available, volunteers may be employed to hand-cut privet stems. Volunteers will be provided training to identify privet and common environmental hazards, provided safety training, and supervised by staff who meet prerequisites listed in Section 5. G. Goats and other alternative privet reduction and removal tools. 1) Goats do not remove the plant but are useful for reducing the volume of privet. Goats may support hand-removal activities and can be deployed as a pre-removal measure. 2) Other privet reduction and removal tools and procedures may be evaluated for efficacy, cost-effectiveness and results in improved privet reduction or removal and least impacts to the natural environment. 9. Emergency Activity Procedures Emergency situations may not permit for all activity-initiation information gathering. In these situations, the departments will document as much information as possible before, during and after the privet removal activity. In these situations, 8 Standard Operating Procedure for Ligustrum species (Privet) Removal and Habitat Restoration on PARD Property SOP Owner Environmental Services and Sustainability and Parks and Recreation Revision #Initial Implementation Date November 11, 2022 Last Reviewed/Update Date November 1, 2022 Approval A. Privet removal activity should be performed by personnel who meet the prerequisites listed above. B. PARD must inform ESS of the emergency privet removal activity within three business days of the activity and prepare as much of the information listed Section 6 as possible. C. Post-privet removal during emergency situations must be followed with restoration activity. ESS will follow up after the emergency removal activity with a site inspection. A restoration activity plan will be prepared following the restoration plan procedures listed below. 10. Small Area Activity Procedures Small, planned activities, as defined in the Applicability section above, will follow a standard removal and restoration plan. A. Activity-initiation information will be gathered following Section 3. B. A public informational plan will be prepared and executed following Section 7. C. PARD will give ESS notice of the privet removal activity no later than 3 business days prior to commencing. D. Privet may be removed using small equipment following equipment removal procedures provided in Section 8. E. ESS will inspect the area within 3 business days upon completion of the privet removal activity. 11. Site-Specific Privet Removal Plans Site-specific privet removal plans will be developed for sites that do not meet the criteria of a small area or an emergency activity. The site-specific removal plan will facilitate least impacts to ESAs, address other environmental or topographical constraints, or other concerns. A site-specific privet removal plan may include: x A comprehensive list of privet removal procedures to be deployed. Detailed additions or deviations from the procedures outlined in Section 8 that facilitate least impacts may be added to the site-specific plan. x A map identifying the location where small equipment removal procedures and where hand removal procedures will be deployed. x Timing of privet removal for most effective removal and reduced wildlife impacts, such as migratory bird nesting or rookeries. 12. Post- Initial Removal Procedures and Restoration Plans A. Because seedlings are expected to emerge, seedling eradication will be scheduled no later than 1 year after the initial post-removal activity. PARD will notify ESS at least 3 business 9 Standard Operating Procedure for Ligustrum species (Privet) Removal and Habitat Restoration on PARD Property SOP Owner Environmental Services and Sustainability and Parks and Recreation Revision #Initial Implementation Date November 11, 2022 Last Reviewed/Update Date November 1, 2022 Approval days prior to seedling eradication. ESS will inspect the site and document seedling densities prior to seedling eradication activities. PARD will not commence seedling eradication until the received confirmation from ESS the seedling density review is complete. ESS will then re-inspect the site one month after seedling eradication activities to evaluate the success of the activity. B. When warranted, a temporary ground cover will be installed post- initial removal. Circumstances that may warrant temporary ground cover include are large topographical changes that may lead to erosion and soil loss or public concerns. Appropriate temporary ground cover includes green sprangletop, Canadian wild rye, cereal rye, winter wheat, oats, or side oats grama. C. Final restoration plans should start after seedling eradication activities. Depending on the seedling eradication schedule, final restoration may be one to two years after the initial privet removal activity. Public education and continued education will be necessary for clarity. D. Except for emergency activity, final restoration revegetation plantings will be selected prior to commencing privet removal activity. E. Final restoration plant selection should include a variety of plants to encourage a healthy re- establishment of natural conditions and establish park conditions appropriate for the park use. 1) Native plants will be prioritized in natural areas. 2) Native grasses and forbs appropriate for the environmental conditions they will be placed should be selected to establish a ground cover. 3) Shrubs and vines may be interspersed within the space to encourage reestablishment of the habitat and provide varied competition to reduce future privet re-establishment. 4) ESS will perform an annual inspection of the final restoration plantings for three years from the date of final restoration planting. Inspections will result in a summary of site conditions, planting conditions, and suggestions for follow-up activities as needed. 5) Final restoration will be attained when: a) privet in the area has been reduced by 80%, b) there is 70% survival rate of final restoration plantings, and c) 70% uniform perennial vegetative cover. 10 Attachment A Checklist for PARD Privet Removal Initial Investigation Address or property ID: Select one: □ Planned Activity. Complete checklist. □ Emergency Activity. Provide as much information as possible. Site Size: □ Less than 1 acre □ Greater than 1 acre Map showing: □ Park boundary □ outline of privet removal activity □ potential ESAs that may be onsite □ location of important site features Wide-angle photos from: □ North □ South □ East □ West Photos of Site Features: □ ESA □ Evidence of Wildlife □ Streams □ Other important features List site specific concerns /complaints. Tree species and density. Provide a list of known tree species to the best of your knowledge and provide a general description of tree density (only trees greater than 6” DBH). 11 2024 Denton Natatorium Northwest ISD Nat Keller Pointe Nat Lewsiville Thrive Westside Aquatic Club*Frisco Athletic Center Daily Admission Youth (Resident)$5.00 N/A $7.00 $4.00 $2.00 $11.00 Youth (non Resident)$7.00 N/A $8.00 $8.00 N/A $11.00 Adult (Resident)$7.00 $5.00 $8.00 $6.00 $3.00 $13.00 Adult (non Resident)$9.00 N/A $10.00 $10.00 N/A $13.00 Senior (Resident)(Insurance Membership Program)N/A $7.00 $4.00 FREE N/A Senior (non Resident)(Insurance Membership Program)N/A $9.00 $8.00 N/A N/A Season Passes Monthly (Adult-Resident)$30.00 N/A $43.00 $18.00 N/A $50.00 Monthly (Adult-non Resident)$40.00 N/A $55.00 $35.00 N/A $75.00 Annual (Adult-Resident)$170.00 $250.00 $426.00 $210.00 N/A $450.00 Annual (Adult-non Resident)$190.00 N/A $543.00 $375.00 N/A $700.00 *Only availabe between 11am-4pm M-F, and Noon-4pm Sat B. 2024 Natatorium Admission Fees Benchmark 12 FY 23/24 Council Requests Number of Requests Per Quarter Total Requests Made by Council Member Requests by Department Please Note: the total number of requests per council member or department may not match, as several council members and/ or departments may be associated with a single request. Council Requests 8 Number of Pending Requests by Council Member 13 Friday Report - Council RequestsSummary of RequestCouncil Member Requestor Date Received Staff AssignedDepartmentCommentsActionStatus1Request for a list of neighborhoodassociations and HOAs.Mayor Pro Tem Beck01/29/24Danielle ShawCommunity ServicesResponse will be provideddirectly to councilmembers.In Progress2Request to contact resident regarding alocation to plant trees for Eagle ScoutProject.Mayor Hudspeth02/08/24Gary PackanParksReferred to Parks. Complete3Sharing event with staff.Mayor Hudspeth02/08/24Antonio PuenteDMEDME staff will attend theevent.Complete4Request for response to resident regardingDowntown Denton Ambassador Program.Council Member Byrd02/03/24Christine TaylorCMOResponse provided to CMByrd on Feb. 3.Complete5Request for clarification on how Natatoriumfees were established and any supportingdocumentation.Council Member Meltzer02/02/24Gary PackanParksInformation will beincluded in the Feb. 9Friday Report.Complete6Request to contact resident regardingdrainage improvement plans.Mayor Hudspeth01/31/24Cassey OgdenCMOStaff contacted residentdirectly.Complete7Request for staff to review traffic concernsnear Mohican Street.Mayor Hudspeth01/28/24Douglas Shoemaker, ScottMcDonaldDevelopment Services PoliceInformation will beincluded in the Feb. 9Friday Report.Complete8Two-minute pitch: A work session toevaluate the feasibility of an opt-incommunity benefits ordinance that wouldprovide a fast track approval path fordevelopers.Council Member Meltzer01/22/24Carlotta CowanCMOScheduled for the Feb. 6City Council meeting.ScheduledPage 1 of 114 Meeting Calendar City of Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton, Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com Criteria : Begin Date: 2/1/2024, End Date: 4/30/2024 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body February 2024 2/1/2024 8:00 AM Agenda Committee Council Work Session Room 2/1/2024 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 2/1/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 2/1/2024 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 2/2/2024 1:00 PM Bond Oversight Committee CANCELLED 2/5/2024 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 2/5/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 2/6/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 2/8/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Cancelled 2/8/2024 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 2/9/2024 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 2/9/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 2/12/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 2/12/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 2/12/2024 5:30 PM Library Board Emily Fowler Central Library 2/14/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 2/14/2024 12:00 PM Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2 Board Development Service Center 2/14/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 2/14/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers Page 1City of Denton Printed on 2/9/2024 15 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 2/15/2024 5:00 PM Southeast Denton Area Plan Steering Committee Development Service Center 2/20/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 2/21/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 2/23/2024 8:00 AM Community Partnership Committee City Council Work Session Room 2/23/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room 2/26/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 2/26/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 2/28/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 2/28/2024 12:00 PM Downtown Denton Tax Increment Financing Zone No. 1 Board Council Work Session Room March 2024 3/4/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 3/5/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 3/7/2024 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 3/11/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 3/11/2024 5:30 PM Library Board North Branch Library 3/13/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 3/13/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 3/14/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 3/18/2024 5:00 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 3/19/2024 11:00 AM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 3/19/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 3/20/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 3/21/2024 3:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Development Service Center Page 2City of Denton Printed on 2/9/2024 16 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 3/22/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room 3/25/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 3/27/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room April 2024 4/1/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 4/2/2024 11:00 AM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 4/2/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 4/4/2024 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 4/4/2024 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Council Work Session Room 4/8/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 4/8/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 4/8/2024 5:30 PM Library Board South Branch Library 4/10/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 4/10/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 4/10/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 4/11/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 4/16/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 4/22/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 4/22/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 4/24/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 4/24/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 4/26/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room Page 3City of Denton Printed on 2/9/202417 City of Denton Meeting Agenda City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton, Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 2:00 PMTuesday, February 20, 2024 WORK SESSION BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM CLOSED MEETING BEGINS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE WORK SESSION IN THE COUNCIL WORK SESSION ROOM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Individuals may speak during a Council meeting under one of the following categories: Open Microphone: At regular meetings only, individuals can speak on any topic that is not on the agenda for no longer than four (4) minutes per individual. This portion of the meeting occurs immediately after the start of the regular meeting session. Please note, Council members cannot engage in a discussion on topics presented during this portion and there are limited slots available for this portion of the meeting. Comments on Agenda Items: Public comments can be given for any item considered by the Council, EXCEPT work session reports or closed meetings. Individuals are only able to comment one time per agenda item and cannot use more than one method to comment on a single agenda item. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per citizen. Public Hearing Items: Individuals are limited to four (4) minutes per public hearing item. _________________________________________________________________________________ Individuals may participate by using one of the following methods: 1. In Person for Regular or Consent Agenda Items: To provide in-person comments regular or consent agenda items (excluding public hearing items), Individuals must be present at the meeting and submit a speaker card (available at the meeting location) to the City Secretary prior to the item being called. 2. In Person for Public Hearing Items: For public hearing items, speaker cards are encouraged but not required. Page 1 Printed on 2/9/202418 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda 3. eComment: The agenda is posted online at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings. Once the agenda is posted, a link to make virtual comments using the eComment module will be made available next to the meeting listing on the Upcoming Events Calendar. Using eComment, Individuals may indicate support or opposition and submit a brief comment about a specific agenda item. eComments may be submitted up until the start of the meeting at which time the ability to make an eComment will be closed. eComments will be sent directly to members of the City Council immediately upon submission and recorded by the City Secretary into the Minutes of the Meeting. 4. By Phone: Individuals may register to provide comments by phone. Instructions and a link to register to comment by phone will be available at www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings until noon of the meeting date. Residents will submit contact information using the link provided and receive further instructions via email on how to join the meeting by phone and provide comments. _________________________________________________________________________________ After determining that a quorum is present, the City Council of the City of Denton, Texas will convene in a Work Session on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Work Session Room at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas at which the following items will be considered: WORK SESSION 1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items This section of the agenda allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Each speaker will be given a total of three (3) minutes to address any item(s). Any person who wishes to address the City Council regarding these items may do so by utilizing the "By Phone" registration process as referenced under the REGISTRATION GUIDELINES FOR ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL detailed at the beginning of this agenda. Registration is required prior to the time the City Council considers this item. Registrants may call in and remain on hold or receive a call back at the time the Work Session is called to Order and are encouraged to ensure they remain accessible to accept the call. 2. Requests for clarification of agenda items listed on this agenda for public hearing and individual consideration. This section allows members of the City Council to ask questions on items listed on this agenda for public hearing and individual consideration. Responses to questions on items listed under the consent agenda that are received prior to the meeting are available by clicking on Exhibit 1 below. The responses will be available prior to the start of the meeting, when applicable. Any handouts distributed at the meeting will also be uploaded to the below link by 12:00 p.m. on the business day following the meeting. Members of the Council may remove items from the consent agenda. When items are removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda by members of the council, the removed items shall be taken up in the order of removal right after the consent agenda. Meeting Questions, Responses & HandoutsID 24-327A. Page 2 Printed on 2/9/202419 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda 3. Work Session Reports Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the optimization of shared resources between the City of Denton and the Denton Independent School District. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] ID 24-191A. Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding potential subject matter to be discussed by a future Charter Review Committee. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 45 minutes] ID 24-109B. Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding the FY 2023-24 Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five-Year Financial Forecast for Denton Municipal Electric. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 45 minutes] ID 24-114C. Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction regarding a Crypto Mining Data Center Project. [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] ID 24-217D. Receive a report, hold a discussion, and give staff direction on pending City Council requests for: [Estimated Presentation/Discussion Time: 30 minutes] ID 24-061E. Following the completion of the Work Session, the City Council will convene in a Closed Meeting in the Council Work Session Room to consider specific item(s) when these items are listed below under the Closed Meeting section of this agenda. The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting on any item on its Open Meeting agenda consistent with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, or as otherwise allowed by law. 1. Closed Meeting: Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.086; Consultation with Attorneys - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Receive information from staff regarding financial matters regarding the Denton Municipal Electric FY 2023-24 operating budget and financial forecast to the extent such projects are confidential under Texas Government Code Section 551.086; discuss, deliberate, and provide direction to staff regarding same. Consultation with City’s attorneys under Texas Government Code Section 551.071 regarding legal issues associated the above matter where a public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City’s attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of State Bar of Texas or would jeopardize the City’s legal position in any administrative proceeding or potential litigation. ID 24-117A. Deliberations Regarding Certain Public Power Utilities Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.086. ID 24-169B. Page 3 Printed on 2/9/202420 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda Receive a presentation from staff containing competitive power information related to a proposed power purchase agreement and lease between the City of Denton, as the seller of power and electric energy services, and lessor, and a cryptocurrency mining operator, as buyer and lessee; discuss, deliberate, and provide direction to staff regarding the same. Consultation with Attorneys - Under Texas Government Code Section 551.071. Consult with the City’s attorneys on the legal status, strategy and options for resolution of litigation in Cause No. CV-2024-00042, styled “State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company as Subrogee of Antonee Bean v. City of Denton” pending in the Denton County Court at Law No. 2, Denton County, Texas; where public discussion of these legal matters would conflict with the duty of the City’s attorneys to the City of Denton and the Denton City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, or otherwise compromise the City’s legal position in pending litigation. ID 24-325C. Any final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a Closed Meeting will only be taken in an Open Meeting that is held in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, except to the extent such final decision, or vote is taken in the Closed Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.086 of the Texas Government Code (the ‘Public Power Exception’). The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into a Closed Meeting or Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda or to reconvene in a continuation of the Closed Meeting on the Closed Meeting items noted above, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.086 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. NOTE: Any item for which a formal action at the Regular Meeting has been taken by Council may be subject to a request for a motion for reconsideration at any time during the meeting, at the Concluding Items Section, or after the meeting. In order to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act, a request for a motion for reconsideration made during, at the end of, or after a Council meeting will be placed on the agenda and considered at the next official meeting of the City Council. Following the Closed Meeting, the City Council will reconvene in Open Meeting to take action, if any, on matters discussed in closed session. _________________________________________________________________________________ AFTER DETERMINING THAT A QUORUM IS PRESENT, THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENTON CITY COUNCIL WILL CONVENE AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 215 E. MCKINNEY STREET, DENTON, TEXAS AT WHICH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. U.S. Flag B. Texas Flag “Honor the Texas Flag – I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.” 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS ARE SCHEDULED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. -- Page 4 Printed on 2/9/202421 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda 3. PRESENTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A. Review of procedures for addressing the City Council. B. Reports from members of the public shall be received through the following two (2) methods. A total of up to seven (7) speakers are permitted to provide public comment and may include any combination of prior registration and open microphone speakers. 1) Pre-registration. This section of the agenda permits any person who has registered in advance to make a citizen report regarding a public business item he or she wishes to be considered by the City Council. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes to present their report. At the conclusion of each report, the City Council may pose questions to the speaker or may engage in discussion. If the City Council believes that a speaker's report requires a more detailed review, the City Council will give the City Manager or City Staff direction to place the item on a future work session or regular meeting agenda and advise staff as to the background materials to be desired at such meeting. Stephen Dillenberg regarding "The usurpation of the law by Denton City Council is killing us. Their actions are not compliant with Local, State nor Federal Law, so frequently in fact, I asked why, and one of them actually told me, “We can do whatever we want." ID 24-305a. Amira Rasoul regarding Free Palestine Denton.ID 24-308b. Justin Weis regarding Ceasefire Resolution.ID 24-309c. Malak Abu-esheh regarding Palestine.ID 24-310d. Mosab Alzahar regarding “My personal experience growing up in Gaza under the Israeli occupation, 1997-2019.” ID 24-318e. Deb Armintor regarding Ceasefire Resolution.ID 24-320f. 2) Open Microphone. This section of the agenda permits any person who has not registered in advance for a citizen report to make comments about public business items not listed on the agenda. Such person(s) shall have registered using the “Virtual White Card” or “By Phone” process outlined by the City on its website or meeting notice. During open microphone reports under this section of the agenda, the Council may listen to citizens speak. However, because notice of the subject of the open microphone report has not been provided to the public in advance, the Texas Open Meetings Act limits any deliberation or decision by the Council to: a proposal to place the item on a future agenda; a statement of factual information; or a recitation of existing policy. Council Members may not ask the open microphone speakers questions or discuss the items presented during open microphone reports. NOTE: If audio/visual aids during presentations to Council are needed, they must be submitted to the City Secretary 24 hours prior to the meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Each of these items is recommended by Staff or a board, commission, and committee. Approval thereof will be strictly on the basis of the those recommendations. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to implement each item in accordance with the Staff recommendations. The City Council has received background information and has had an opportunity to raise questions regarding these Page 5 Printed on 2/9/202422 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda items prior to consideration. For those items recommended by a specific board, commission, or committee, the agenda item will reference that recommendation. To view the video of the related board, commission, or committee meeting, as applicable, a link can be found within the applicable supporting documentation (Exhibit 1). Listed below are bids, purchase orders, contracts, and other items to be approved under the Consent Agenda (Agenda Items A – AB). This listing is provided on the Consent Agenda to allow Council Members to discuss or withdraw an item prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. If no items are pulled, the Consent Agenda Items will be approved with one motion. If items are pulled for separate discussion, they may be considered as the first items following approval of the Consent Agenda. Consider approval of the minutes of the February 6, 2024 Regular Meeting.ID 24-086A. Consider nominations/appointments to the City’s Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Board of Ethics, Committee on Persons with Disabilities, Community Services Advisory Committee, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Internal Audit Advisory Committee, Library Board, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Public Utilities Board, Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. ID 24-094B. Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton providing the December 13, 2023 meeting absence by Planning and Zoning Commission Member Jason Cole be excused; and declaring an effective date. ID 24-184C. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to execute a funding agreement between the City of Denton and Habitat for Humanity of Denton County to provide HOME Investment Partnership Program funds for the new construction of four (4) homebuyer units located at Habitat Village (located in Southeast Denton between Duncan St. and Hill St. And along Smith St.), Denton, Texas; authorizing the expenditure of funds in an amount not to exceed $309,350.93; and providing an effective date. ID 23-1380D. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving the aquatics master plan; and providing an effective date. The Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board recommends approval (5-0). ID 23-1909E. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement between the City of Denton and Curve Development, LLC., an Arizona limited liability company for the granting of a Public Access Easement for a park trail and planting of trees within the Hickory Creek Road Medians. ID 23-2291F. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home rule municipality, authorizing the city manager, or designee, to execute an encroachment on easement agreement by and between the City of Denton, as grantor, and Denton ANUSA, LLC, as grantee, for the purpose of the construction and placement of private improvements that encroach into a city owned electric utility easement, recorded in document no. ID 24-189G. Page 6 Printed on 2/9/202423 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda 2015-42438 of the official public records of Denton County and being located in the G. Walker survey, abstract no. 1130, City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; providing an effective date. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton approving an Assignment of Airport Lease from Hangar 10 Flying Museum to Sykes-Vaughan Investments, LLC covering property located at 1945 Matt Wright Lane, Denton, Texas at the Denton Enterprise Airport; amending the existing Airport Lease; authorizing the City Manager to execute the Assignment of Airport and Consent Agreement; and providing an effective date. Airport Advisory Board recommends approval (X-X). ID 24-247H. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a second amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Stearns, Conrad and Schmidt Consulting Engineers, Inc., amending the contract approved by Purchasing on December 16, 2020, in the not-to-exceed amount of $23,000.00; amended by Amendment 1 approved by Purchasing; said second amendment to provide a pricing evaluation and update of the original Scope of Work for the Landfill Gas To Energy Project for the Solid Waste and Recycling Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7109-017 - providing for an additional second amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $30,000.00, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $55,435.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-268I. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and HDR Engineering, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on November 1, 2022, in the not-to-exceed amount of $217,106.50, said first amendment to provide Lead and Copper Public Outreach and Crisis Communication Plan for the Water Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7574-019 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $93,375.50, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $310,482.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-269J. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Open Systems International, Inc., for the implementation of an Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) for Denton Municipal Electric; providing for the expenditure of funds; therefore, and providing an effective date (RFP 8255 - awarded to Open Systems International, Inc., in the six (6) year not-to-exceed amount of $3,800,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-270K. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with DNV GL Noble Denton USA, LLC, for the development and implementation of Data Extraction Solution and the Annual Maintenance and Support of Synergi Electric software for Denton Municipal Electric, which is the sole provider of this software, in accordance with Texas ID 24-271L. Page 7 Printed on 2/9/202424 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda Local Government Code 252.022, which provides that procurement of commodities and services that are available from one source are exempt from competitive bidding, and if over $50,000, shall be awarded by the governing body; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8322 - awarded to DNV GL Noble Denton USA, LLC, in the two (2) year not-to-exceed amount of $125,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Doble Engineering Company, for the purchase of PRC-005 Compliance Software for Denton Municipal Electric; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 8350 - awarded to Doble Engineering Company, for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $252,222.35). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-272M. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Hammett Excavation, Inc., for the Moseley Road Landfill Erosion Maintenance Project for the Solid Waste Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (CSP 8354 - awarded to Hammett Excavation, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,156,005.17). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-273N. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Techline, Inc., for the purchase of 27kV circuit breakers for Denton Municipal Electric; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (IFB 8369 - awarded to Techline, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,145,250.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-274O. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, approving a pre-qualified professional services list of state certified Engineers for professional engineering services for various capital infrastructure-related projects within the City of Denton for the Capital Improvements Department; and providing an effective date (RFQ 8377 - for a two (2) year, with the option for one (1) additional one (1) year extension, in the total three (3) year term). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-276P. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Aerowave Technologies, LLC, through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # 696-23, for the purchase and installation of in-cab radios for the Solid Waste and Recycling Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8415 - awarded to Aerowave Technologies, LLC, for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $79,500.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( ID 24-277Q. Page 8 Printed on 2/9/202425 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda - ). Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Universe Technical Translation, Inc., through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # 699-23, for the purchase of telephone interpreter services for the Customer Service Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8435 - awarded to Universe Technical Translation, Inc., for one (1) year, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total three (3) year in the not-to-exceed amount of $300,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-278R. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Axis Construction, LP, through the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # 662-22, for the installation and procurement of elevated water storage tank mixers for the Water Production Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8445 - awarded to Axis Construction, LP, for one (1) year, with the option for four (4) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $90,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-279S. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a contract between the City of Denton and GT Distributors, Inc., amending the contract approved by the City Council on October 13, 2020, in the not-to-exceed amount of $393,000.00; said first amendment to continue to provide public safety equipment and supplies for the Fire and Police Departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7479 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $98,250.00, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $491,250.00). ID 24-280T. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a third amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Howell Design Group, LLC (HDG), amending the contract approved by Purchasing on May 28, 2021, in the not-to-exceed amount of $45,000.00; amended by Amendments 1-2 approved by City Council; said third amendment for additional expedited security consulting and design services for the Facilities Management Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (PSA 7723 - providing for an additional third amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $150,000.00, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $797,300.00). ID 24-281U. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a contract between the City of Denton and Artistic Painting Company, Inc., amending the contract approved by the City Council on June 7, 2022, in the not-to-exceed amount of $600,000.00; said first amendment to continue to provide interior and exterior painting services for the Facilities ID 24-282V. Page 9 Printed on 2/9/202426 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda Management Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 7952 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $150,000.00, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $750,000.00). Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Techline, Inc., for the supply of traffic signal poles for the City of Denton Warehouse; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 8422 - awarded to Techline, Inc., for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $2,500,000.00). ID 24-283W. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Thermo Scientific Portable Analytical Instruments Inc., through the GSA Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract # GS-07F-6099R, for the purchase of one (1) Gemini Raman and FTIR Chemical Analyzer for the Fire Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8456 - awarded to Thermo Scientific Portable Analytical Instruments Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $102,604.53). ID 24-284X. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a contract between the City of Denton and U.S. Venture, Inc. f/k/a Martin Eagle Oil Company, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on January 28, 2020, in the not-to-exceed amount of $16,000,000.00; said first amendment to continue to purchase motor vehicle fuels for use by all City departments; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7251 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $4,000,000.00, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $20,000,000.00). ID 24-285Y. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the approval of a first amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Denton and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., amending the contract approved by City Council on August 16, 2022, in the not-to-exceed amount of $387,500.00, said first amendment to continue to manage and control the geometric network to a utility network in the capacity of Owner's Engineer to Denton Municipal Electric; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 7804-004 - providing for an additional first amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $65,000.00, for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $452,500.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-293Z. Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute contracts regarding use of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas (DPS) Interactive System which supplies Driver Records and Monitoring Services for Human Resources; and providing an effective date. ID 24-324AA. Consider adoption of an ordinance approving a Settlement Agreement and Release ID 24-326AB. Page 10 Printed on 2/9/202427 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda implementing the terms of the settlement in litigation styled “State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company as Subrogee of Antonee Bean v. City of Denton;” Cause No. CV-2024-00042, pending in the Denton County Court at Law No. 2, Denton County, Texas; and directing the City Manager or designee and the City’s attorneys to effectuate as necessary and appropriate the terms of a Settlement Agreement and Release to effectuate this approval; and declaring an effective date. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas amending Chapter 25 "Streets, Sidewalks, And Public Places", Article I "In General", Section 25-4 "Painting or marking on public property; permit for painting address numbers for pay" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Denton to remove the requirement to obtain a permit. ID 24-128A. Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding an amendment to an existing Planned Development District (PD 174, Country Lakes), with amendments including but not limited to, modification to the development plan to increase seating and parking capacity and modify access, on approximately 28 acres of land generally located at the northeast corner of Crawford Road and Carnegie Ridge Road in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City’s official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted (4-0) to recommend approval of the request. Motion for approval by Commissioner Smith and second by Commissioner Villareal. (PDA23-0001b, St Mark, Julie Wyatt) PDA23-0001bB. 6. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION – CONSIDERATION OF THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS -- PLACEHOLDER IN THE EVENT EMINENT DOMAIN ITEMS ARE SCHEDULED; OTHERWISE, WILL BE DELETED. -- 7. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Hawk Construction, LLC., for the construction of precast concrete security/screening walls for Denton Municipal Electric; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 8370 - awarded to Hawk Construction, LLC., for three (3) years, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $6,000,000.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval ( - ). ID 24-275A. Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton naming Dylan Dorrell Memorial Trail located in South Lakes Park; and declaring an effective date. [Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board recommended approval (5-0).] ID 24-321B. Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton naming Jeff LaQuey Memorial ID 24-322C. Page 11 Printed on 2/9/202428 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda Trail located in Hartlee Field Mountain Bike Park; and declaring an effective date. [Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board recommended denial (5-0)] Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc., for engineering review of private development projects for the Development Services Department as set forth in the contract; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFQ 8401 - awarded to HR Green, Inc., in the five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $12,000,000.00). ID 24-323D. Consider a motion to reconsider the February 6, 2023 approval of a resolution of the City of Denton supporting Denton Affordable Housing Corporation’s 9% housing tax credit application to Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for proposed new construction of the Stella Haven Apartments to provide affordable rental housing; committing to provide fee reductions in an amount of $500.00; and providing an effective date. ID 24-048E. 8. CONCLUDING ITEMS A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics, above posted. C E R T I F I C A T E I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website (https://tx-denton.civicplus.com/242/Public-Meetings-Agendas) and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on February 16, 2024, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. __________________________________________ OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY NOTE: THE CITY OF DENTON'S DESIGNATED PUBLIC MEETING FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. THE CITY WILL PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION, SUCH AS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED, IF REQUESTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETING. PLEASE CALL THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 940-349-8309 OR USE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES FOR THE DEAF (TDD) BY CALLING 1-800-RELAY-TX SO THAT REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION CAN BE ARRANGED. Page 12 Printed on 2/9/202429 February 20, 2024City Council Meeting Agenda Page 13 Printed on 2/9/202430 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time A. DISD Preferred Partnership 24-191 City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 B. Charter Election Discussion 24-109 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:45 C. Budget Adjustment for Denton Municipal Electric 24-114 DME City Business 0:45 D. Crypto Mining Data Center Project 24-217 DME City Business 0:30 E. Two Minute Pitch:24-061 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:30 A. Audit Project 035 Staff Recruitment & Hiring 23-594 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Big Idea Discussion - City Hall West, Lot across from City Hall, and land use ideas 23-2486 City Manager's Office City Business 2:00 C. Two Minute Pitch:24-079 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:30 A. Southeast Denton Area Plan TBD Development Services City Business 2:00 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:30 A. Chapter 6 - Animal Services Discussion & Resolution TBD Animal Services Council Request 0:45 B. Charter Election Discussion 24-110 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:45 C. Public Facilities Corporation 23-2349 Community Services Council Request 1:00 D. Boards and Commissions Vacancies TBD City Manager's Office City Business TBD E. External Audit TBD Finance City Business 0:30 F. Two Minute Pitch: Meltzer 24-080 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Donation Boxes Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 4:00 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 0:30 A. Charter Election Discussion 24-111 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:45 B. Police Department Update TBD Police Department City Business 0:45 C. Menstrual Products in City Facilities 24-317 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 D. Design Criteria Manual Updates 23-1855 Engineering Council Request 0:30 E. Two Minute Pitch:24-081 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:30 A. Franchise Fees Audit 23-2467 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Charter Election Discussion 24-112 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:45 C. HOA's and AC (23-224)24-295 Community Development Council Request TBD D. Two Minute Pitch:24-082 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:15 A. Electric Systems Operations : Phase 1 Audit 23-2459 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Two Minute Pitch:24-083 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:30 A. Community Housing Initiatives Audit 23-2458 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Charter Election Discussion 24-113 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:45 C. Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study Update 24-020 Water Utilities City Business 1:00 D. Affordable Housing Strategic Toolkit 24-287 Community Development City Business 0:45 E. Two Minute Pitch:24-084 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 4:00 A. Board of Ethics Update TBD Internal Audit City Business TBD B. Two Minute Pitch:24-084 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:00 A. Electric Systems Operations: Phase 2 Audit 23-2460 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Ad Valorem Rates and General Fund Forecast 24-239 Finance City Business TBD C. Two Minute Pitch:24-084 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: April 16 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) February 20 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) March 19 Joint Meeting with P&Z (@11:00 a.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: April 2 Joint Meeting with Denton ISD (@11:00 a.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: April 2 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) May 21 Canvassing of Election Results Special Called (@12:30 p.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: Canvass of May 4 General and Special Election Returns, Oaths/Statement of Office, Certificate of Election, Proclamations of Appreciation May 7 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) May 21 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) June 4 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.)Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: June 18 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) March 5 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) June 21 City Council Retreat - Day 1 City Council Retreat - Day 1 TBD City Manager's Office City Business TBD June 22 City Council Retreat - Day 2 City Council Retreat - Day 2 TBD City Manager's Office City Business TBD Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: February 9, 2024 March 19 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: *This is for planning purposes only. Dates are subject to change.31 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time February 20 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) Item Legistar ID Departments Type Estimated Work Session Date Parking Minimum TBD Development Services Council Request TBD Audit of Vendor Management (30 min.)24-249 Internal Audit City Business 07/23/2024 Follow-Up of Payroll Admin. Audit (15 min.)24-250 Internal Audit City Business 08/06/2024 Follow-Up of Fleet Services (15 min.)24-251 Internal Audit City Business 08/06/2024 Audit of Development Planning (30 min.)24-252 Internal Audit City Business 08/20/2024 Second Follow-Up of Police Property Room Audit (15 min.)24-253 Internal Audit City Business 09/17/2024 Follow-up of EMS: Ambulance Billing Audit (15 min.)24-254 Internal Audit City Business 09/17/2024 Audit of Park Management & Planning (30 min.)24-255 Internal Audit City Business 09/24/2024 Roadway Impact Fees TBD City Manager's Office City Business TBD Non-Annexation Agreements TBD City Manager's Officer City Business TBD Fiscal Year 2024-25 preliminary Capital Improvement Program.24-225 Finance City Business 07/16/2024 Fiscal Year 2024-25 preliminary utility budgets and rates for Solid Waste, Water, Wastewater/Drainage, Electric and Customer Service 24-226 Finance City Business 07/23/2024 Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Manager’s Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five- Year Financial Forecast 24-227 Finance City Business 08/10/2024 Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Manager’s Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five- Year Financial Forecast 24-228 Finance City Business 08/20/2024 Item Dates Departments Type Estimated Work Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Complete Requestor Vote Centers Resolution 10/17/2023 City Manager's Office TBD Approved Council Pitches to be Scheduled Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan Items to be Scheduled Work Session To Be Determined *This is for planning purposes only. Dates are subject to change.32 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming ClosuresSCR Feb 12th - 18thStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact1University DrI-35 Frontage RdUniversity Dr (EB ~550')02/19/24 03/15/24 Utility RelocationEngineeringCole Tankersley Exported on February 9, 2024 11:35:17 AM CST33 2 Street Closure Report: Current ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact1Azalea StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 03/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig2Bandera StI-35 Frontage RdBandera St (WB ~150')02/08/24 02/22/24 Utility RelocationEngineeringCole Tankersley3Bell AveSycamore StPrairie St08/21/23 03/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig4Bernard StAcme StRoselawn Dr05/30/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig5Bradshaw StWilson StPrairie St01/30/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig6Bradshaw StPrairie StSycamore St03/13/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig7Brookside Dr (5900)@ Trailside DrAt Intersection02/05/24 03/01/24 ADA Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel8Buena Vista DrMontecito RdMira Vista Dr11/06/23 03/29/24 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones9Camellia StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 03/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig10Chaparral CtCooper Branch EDead End08/14/23 02/26/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor Holt11Chittamwood CtDesert WillowCul V Sac01/02/24 02/16/24 Concrete Panel and SidewalkRepairStreetsRoy San Miguel12Churchill DrChurchill CirWindsor Dr12/11/23 02/26/24 Utility installations andpavement replacementEngineeringTaylor Holt13College Park DrPeach StDead End10/02/23 03/29/24 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones14College Park DrPeach StDead End10/02/23 03/29/24 ReconstructStreetsJeff Jones15Collins StJohnson StDead End West08/22/23 04/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig16Crawford StMulberry StSycamore St10/09/23 05/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig17Crescent StEctor StHillcrest St12/27/23 05/03/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig18Fowler DrCollege Park DrPeach St10/02/23 03/29/24 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones19Grissom RdMcKinney Stcity limits east02/12/24 02/16/24 Street repair-Base failures StreetsJeff Jones20Hickory Creek RdRiverpass DrFM 183003/13/23 12/31/24 Bridge InstallationEngineeringDustin Draper21Highland StLocust StWainwright St01/30/23 05/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig22Hillcrest StPanhandle StCrescent St12/27/23 05/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig23Jamestown LnMistywood LnLocksley Ln01/22/24 03/25/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor Holt24Leslie StWillowwood StDudley St08/31/23 03/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig25Maid Marion PlJamestown LnLocksley Ln01/24/24 03/25/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor Holt26Maple StElm StCarroll Blvd09/15/23 03/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott Fettig27Maple StCarroll BlvdElm St07/05/23 05/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig28Maple StAve DAve A01/22/24 08/01/24 Pavement replacement. EngineeringScott Fettig29Mayhill Rd@ Spencer Rd03/28/23 02/29/24 Water main tie-in and turn laneadditionPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba30Mayhill RdIH 35EColorado Blvd01/31/24 03/24/24 This closure will encompass thereconstruction of the Coloradoand Mayhill Intersection.EngineeringTracy L. Beck, PE, PMP31Mill Pond RdEmerson LnOld North Rd09/11/23 02/26/24 Utility Installations & PavementReconstructionEngineeringTaylor Holt Exported on February 9, 2024 11:35:30 AM CST34 Street/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact32Mingo RdNottingham DrPertain St10/25/23 02/29/24 pouring approach and turn laneflaggers will be present duringnormal work hoursPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba33Mulberry StBell AveIndustrial St08/21/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig34Mulberry StWood StCrawford St10/09/23 05/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig35Myrtle StFort Worth Dr (HW377)Eagle Dr06/05/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig36Myrtle StMaple StHighland St07/05/23 04/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott Fettig37Myrtle StEagle DrMaple St07/05/23 04/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig38Oak StBonnie Brae StThomas St01/19/24 02/21/24 work associated with the DMEsubstationPublic Works Inspections Lee Thurmond39Oak StI-35 Frontage RdOak St (EB ~300')02/08/24 02/22/24 Utility RelocationEngineeringCole Tankersley40Oakwood DrMcCormick StDead End East10/02/23 04/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig41Peach StBell StLocust St10/02/23 03/29/24 Street reconstructStreetsJeff Jones42Pickwick LnOxford LnWindsor Dr08/21/23 02/26/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor Holt43Pierce StMaple StHighland St07/05/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott Fettig44Prairie StLakey StTo Cemetary/ Halfway down Prairie 08/17/23 02/23/24 Narrow lane closure from Lakeyup to Cemetary beforeBradshaw to install new stormdrain.Public Works Inspections Stephany Trammell45Roselawn DrRoselawn CirRailroad Tracks02/05/24 03/29/24 Paving, TxDot guardrail, Installnew box culvert. 8x8, new roadfor Roselawn. Eagle Creek PH3A-4Private DevelopmentTaylor Hardgrave46Scripture StScripture StPanhandle St02/06/24 02/23/24 Utility RelocationsEngineeringCole Tankersley47Seven Oaks LnSwan Park DrHarvest Moon Trl01/29/24 03/08/24 Concrete Sidewalk Repair StreetsRoy San Miguel48Spring Valley DrTwilight DrMorningside Dr01/08/24 03/01/24 Concrete Curb and GutterRepairStreetsRoy San Miguel49Sycamore StIndustrial StWainwright St04/24/23 03/01/24 Roadway & UtilitiesEngineeringScott Fettig50Sycamore StExposition StRailroad Tracks on Sycamore 08/17/23 03/08/24 Paving improvements fromExposition to RailroadPublic Works Inspections Stephany Trammell51Sycamore StWood StCrawford St10/09/23 04/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig52Sycamore StExposition StCrawford St03/13/23 04/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig53Underwood StNorth Texas BlvdKendolph Dr08/28/23 03/31/24 Pavement replacement. EngineeringScott Fettig54Wainwright StHighland StPrairie St03/13/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig55Wellington DrJust North of Heather LnChurchill Dr12/11/23 02/26/24 Utility installations andpavement replacementEngineeringTaylor Holt56Willowwood StBernard StJacqueline Dr12/27/23 03/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig57Wind River LnUnion Lake BlvdComo Lake Rd01/29/24 02/16/24 Concrete Sidewalk Repair StreetsRoy San Miguel58Wisteria StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 03/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott Fettig59Woodrow LnMcKinney StMorse Rd10/12/23 02/29/24 remove and replace turn lane atduchess drPublic Works Inspections Ryan Cuba Exported on February 9, 2024 11:35:30 AM CST35 3 Street Closure Report: Completed ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact1Bolivar StCongress StParkway St01/25/24 01/29/24 Concrete restorationPublic Works InspectionsWastewaterAlexander Cervantes2Bonnie Brae St SWalt Parker DrWillowwood St01/02/24 01/19/24 contractor installing duct bankcrossing (open cut) BB justsouth of Walt ParkerEngineeringRobin Davis3Brightwood Terrace Wilsonwood DrLongfellow Ln09/11/23 01/12/24 Utility Installation & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor Holt4Cherry Tree LnClear River LnDead End South11/27/23 01/12/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel5Clear River LnMontecito DrCountry Home Dr11/27/23 01/12/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel6Crenshaw LnAlderbrook DrHayling Way Intersection 11/20/23 01/12/24 Street Panels and SidewalkRepairStreetsRoy San Miguel7Industrial StBell StMulberry St07/05/23 02/09/24 Utility installation and roadwayworkEngineeringSeth Garcia8Matthew AveThistle Hill Intersection Andrew Ave12/18/23 02/09/24 ADA RepairStreetsRoy San Miguel9Meadow LnSagewood StShadow Trail11/29/23 01/15/24 Street ReconstructionEngineeringTaylor Holt10Meadow View CtFallmeadow StDead End01/18/24 02/08/24 Replace asphalt in cul-de-sac StreetsJeff Jones11Wind River LnComo Lake RdShoreline Dr12/11/23 01/19/24 Concrete Panel Repair StreetsRoy San Miguel Exported on February 9, 2024 11:35:43 AM CST36