051724 Friday Staff Report City Manager’s Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201  (940) 349-8307 OUR CORE VALUES Inclusion  Collaboration  Quality Service  Strategic Focus  Fiscal Responsibility MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17, 2024 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report Upcoming Meetings A. Public Utilities Board on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. B. Cancelled - Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Development Service Center. C. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. D. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. at the Development Service Center. E. Cancelled - Civil Service Commission on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in the Human Resources Training Room. Please check the City of Denton website for final meeting days and times as information is subject to change after the Friday Report is published. Public Meetings & Agendas | Denton, TX (civicplus.com) General Information & Status Updates A. Municipal Court Closed for Staff Development – On May 22, the Municipal Court will be closed for staff development. The automated phone payment system and all online options will remain available. Online services include case information, payment remittance, and case resolution options. Communications advising closure and service options have been placed on the phone system, court website, and at the entrance. Staff contact: Jamie Lindsay, Municipal Court B. Airport Economic Development Partnership Forum – On May 9, the Economic Development Partnership hosted an investor forum at the Denton Enterprise Airport. The event was attended by nearly 100 local business and community leaders. It featured a panel discussion on the future of aviation in Denton with representatives from the Denton Airport, the new TWU Aviation program, and the Airport’s Fixed Base Operator, Sheltair. This forum showcased the Denton Enterprise Airport, highlighted the Airport’s role within the region, and shared aviation-related opportunities available to local businesses. Staff contact: Brittany Sotelo, Economic Development and Ryan Adams, Airport C. Vaccination Clinic – On May 15, Denton Animal Services partnered with the Denton Animal Support Foundation (DASF), Giving Grace, and Our Daily Bread (ODB) to host a free vaccination and microchip clinic at ODB on Loop 288. The clinic was in response to an uptick in reports of sick and diseased raccoons in the community with symptoms consistent with distemper. This proactive approach aimed to lessen the odds of the distemper virus spreading through the community or entering the ODB shelter or the animal shelter. Staff contact: Nikki Sassenus, Animal Services. D. FY 2024-25 Action Plan for Housing and Community Development – The 2024-25 Action Plan is available online for citizen review from May 20 to June 21, 2024. The 2024-25 Action Plan includes a list of projects proposed for the 2024-25 program year and serves as the City's annual application for federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Funding in the amount of $1,619,956.16 is available for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and the local program income. The attached Informal Staff Report provides funding recommendations from the Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) for the proposed activities. Comments may be submitted in writing to Community Development by mail at 401 N. Elm St., Denton, TX 76201, via email at CommunityDevelopment@cityofdenton.com, via phone at (940)-349-7726, or via fax at (940)-349-7753. Additionally, a public hearing will be held during the June 18 City Council meeting at 6:30 PM to receive citizen input. Staff Contact: Luisa Garcia, Community Services E. Micro-Surfacing Virtual Community Meeting – On Thursday, May 23 at 6:00 PM, the Streets Department will host a virtual community meeting for residents whose streets will receive micro-surfacing as part of the 2024 micro-surfacing program. The meeting will give residents an overview of the micro-surfacing process, the program scope and schedule, 2 and what to expect when their roadway is treated. Impacted residents have been mailed an invitation to attend the virtual meeting. To learn more about the project and join the community meeting, visit the project website. Work is scheduled to begin on May 28 with completion planned by mid-July. Staff contact: Ethan Cox, Streets F. Street Outreach Funding Opportunity Webinar – The City supports critical homeless response tools that strengthen the countywide Housing Crisis Response System. Street Outreach is a tool that provides services to unhoused people through information and referrals by using diversion and connecting to the Coordinated Entry assessment for placement in a supportive housing program. On May 30 at 2:30 PM, there will be a virtual training webinar to review updates to the City’s annual Street Outreach grant application, eligibility requirements, and grant award timeline. Agencies interested in attending the webinar may register here. The application for the grant will be available May 31 through June 28. Applicants must be available for a brief presentation to the Community Services Advisory Committee on Friday, July 12, at 12:00 PM. Staff Contact: Megan Ball, Community Services G. In the Loop – The Newest edition of “In the Loop” Denton Municipal Electric’s (DME) quarterly newsletter, is now available online. This edition contains information regarding DME projects, metering, achievements, and community events that DME participated in. Staff contact: Tony Puente, DME Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A. Flooding & Drainage Issues – On May 7 and May 14, Mayor Hudspeth and Mayor Pro Tem Beck forwarded concerns from residents regarding recent rains and the adverse impacts on their properties. Staff communicated with residents regarding the issues and will work to help facilitate solutions. Staff contact: Brett Bourgeois, Engineering Services B. Nottingham Speed Study – On May 7, Mayor Pro Tem Beck shared resident concerns regarding speeding on Nottingham. Staff conducted a speed study and found that most drivers traveled between 33 to 34.1 MPH in a 30 MPH zone. Study findings show that the speed violation range has the potential for Police citations. Staff is coordinating efforts to install additional speed limit signs and conduct additional traffic studies to provide additional information in October. Staff contact: Farhan Butt, Transportation C. Short-Term Rental Registration – On May 11, Mayor Pro Tem Beck provided staff with concerns regarding the lack of notification for short-term rental property. Staff communicated with the property owner, indicating a need to complete the short-term rental registration by June 9. Staff contact: Dani Shaw, Community Services D. Neighborhood Sign Toppers – On May 14, Council Member McGee inquired about the Sign Topper program, a neighborhood-led program. Staff provided the website information and email address for neighborhoods interested in the program. Staff contact: Cameron Robertson, Development Services 3 E. Service Call Lawn Repair – On May 14, Mayor Hudspeth forwarded a concern from a resident regarding their lawn needed repair after the City concluded service work. Staff made efforts to share the repair plan with the resident. Restoration was performed on the lawn, and the sod was replaced. Staff contact: Casey Bowles, Water F. Sister City Program – On May 14, Council Member McGee sent an inquiry regarding the City’s Sister City program. A Sister City relationship is a broad, long-term partnership between two communities in two counties. Sister City partnerships focus on cultural exchanges, education, business, and trade ties. A Friendship City relationship is often less formal than a Sister City relationship. They can help communities explore compatibility and develop the resources needed to maintain programming. The City held a Sister City relationship with the City of San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico from 2000- 2004 and holds an existing Friendship City relationship with City of Múzquiz, Coahuila, Mexico since 2015. Staff contact: Lauren Thoden, City Secretary Office Upcoming Community Events and Public Meetings Please visit the City of Denton website for upcoming community events and details. Informal Staff Reports A. 2024-016 Community Services Housing Grant ISR ............................................................5 B. 2024-017 Short Term Rentals ............................................................................................12 Council Information A. Council Requests for Information .....................................................................................19B. Public Meetings Calendar .................................................................................................21C. Future Work Session Items ...............................................................................................24D. Street Closure Report ........................................................................................................25 4 May 17, 2024 Report No. 2024-016 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Funding recommendations from the Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) for the proposed activities to be included in the 2024 Action Plan. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Community Services is currently preparing the 2024 Action Plan that provides recommendations for the use of federal community development funding in the City of Denton. The draft 2024 Action Plan for the Program Year from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, represents the second year in the City’s 2023-2027 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development (linked). Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) recommendations for the allocation of $1,747,703.16 of local and federal funding are included in the 2024 Action Plan, which will be posted for public comment May 20 through June 21. A public hearing for the plan will be held June 18, 2024, during the regular City Council meeting. DISCUSSION: Community Development Funding Overview As a recipient of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) program funds, the City of Denton is required to submit a three or five-year Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) for Housing and Community Development and a corresponding annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These federal funds are received annually to support the Con Plan and the activities outlined in the City’s annual Action Plan. In 2023, the City submitted a five-year Con Plan for the following program years. • 2023-24 Action Plan - Year 1/Current Year • 2024-25 Action Plan – Year 2/Recommendations • 2025-26 Action Plan - Year 3 • 2026-27 Action Plan – Year 4 • 2027-28 Action Plan – Year 5 The annual Action Plan is developed based on strategies outlined in the Con Plan and provides a description of how funds are allocated each Program Year. The annual Action Plan is reviewed and approved by City Council for submission to HUD. The Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) advises the City Council on programs, services, and use of public resources to address complex social problems such as economic instability, housing, homelessness, and meeting community service needs. The CSAC reviews applications for the Community Development Grant Program annually and makes funding recommendations to City Council which includes distribution of local (General Fund) and federal (CDBG and HOME) sources of funding. 5 May 17, 2024 Report No. 2024-016 CDBG/HOME Eligible Activities Eligible activities include housing development, rehabilitation and preservation; improving community facilities and neighborhood infrastructure; public (human) services; economic development; planning; and program administration. CDBG HOME ■ Acquisition ■ Affordable Rental Housing ■ Public Facilities and Improvements ■ Homeownership Assistance ■ Demolition and Clearance ■ Tenant Based Rental Assistance ■ Social Services (15% cap) ■ Land Acquisition ■ Housing Programs ■ New Housing Construction ■ Economic Development ■ Historic Preservation ■ Code Enforcement ■ Removal of Architectural Barriers Citizen Participation To gain public input to draft the 2024 Action Plan, staff held a public hearing on November 2 at the MLK Jr. Recreation Center and used an online survey requesting citizen input regarding the use of CDBG and HOME funds. A summary of online surveys is included in Exhibit 1. A final Public Hearing will be held June 18, 2024, for feedback on the draft 2024 Action Plan. Public hearings and survey outreach methods included the following: 1. Information was sent out through Constant Contact to interested citizens, previous clients, committee members, local churches, participating lenders and realtors, neighborhood associations and social services agencies; 2. Newspaper advertisements were posted in the Denton Record Chronicle; 3. Information was sent to City Council members and City employees through the Friday Report; 4. Flyers were posted in City buildings; and 5. Information was posted on social media. Available Funding The City of Denton’s 2024 Action Plan reflects local (General Fund), and federal (CDBG and HOME) funding. The City’s general fund allocation for the Community Development Grant Program is included in the Action Plan to reflect the City’s investment leveraged with federal funds. However, the General Fund recommendations will be considered for approval by City Council during the normal budgeting cycle for FY2024-25. The total grant funding proposed for the PY2024-25 program year is $1,747,703.16: 6 May 17, 2024 Report No. 2024-016 Funding Summary by Funding Source FUNDING SOURCE FUNDING AMOUNT SET- ASIDES 24-25 CSAC ALLOCATION Community Development Block Grant $1,015,047 Community Development Block Grant - Program Income1 $4,000.00 Community Development Block Grant – Administration2 $203,009 Community Development Reallocated Funds3 $0 CDBGTOTAL $1,019,047.00 $203,009.00 816,038.00 HOME Investment Partnership Grant $471,992 HOME Investment Partnership Grant - Program Income1 $125,27.33 HOME Investment Partnership Grant – Administration2 $47,199 HOME Reallocated Funds3 $3589.83 HOME TOTAL $600,909.16 $47,199 $553,710.16 General Funds $3,492,419.00 General Funds – Administration $2,066,014.00 General Funds – Homeless Initiatives $703,450.00 General Funds – Rental Repair Program $100,000.00 General Funds – Mentor Denton $20,000.00 General Funds – Development Fee Grant $225,000.00 GENERAL FUND $3,492,419.00 $3,114,464.00 $377,955.00 TOTAL $5,112,375.16 $3,364,672.00 $1,747,703.16 1Based on HUD's recommendation the actual 2023-24 HOME Program Income will be allocated in the 2024 Action Plan. 2HUD allows a maximum percentage of the grant for administration (CDBG 20%/HOME 10%). Set-aside is based on costs for 2 FTE. 3The reallocated funds are residual balances from completed projects. 2024-25 Grant Application Process & Applications Received To help determine funding allocations reported in the annual Action Plan, the CSAC conducted a formal application process and developed funding recommendations to present to City Council. The following is a summary of the 2024-25 application process and committee timeline this year to date: ▪ December 15, 2023: Combined Funding Applications were released; ▪ December 18, 2023: Staff held a mandatory virtual application training, with the option to request a recording or a one on one training with staff; ▪ January 16, 2024: Applications were due; ▪ February/March 2024: CSAC reviewed applications submitted by various organizations and City departments. 7 May 17, 2024 Report No. 2024-016 • March 8, 2024 and March 30, 2024: Requests for funding were presented to the CSAC in March 2024. The CSAC meeting minutes are available on the City’s website (linked) • April 12, 2024: Th CSAC developed a set of funding recommendations to present to City Council that were approved; • May 2024: The Draft 2024 Action Plan was prepared based on the CSAC funding recommendations for the CDBG and HOME funds. Twenty-eight (28) eligible applications were received, totaling $2,707,024, and an overview of applications received is included below. Summary of Applications Received for the 2024-25 Community Development Grant Program Application Type # Applications Received Total Funding Requested Total Funding Available Human Services 22 $1,523,560 $522,634 Housing Projects 4 $898,464 $1,225,069.16 Public Facilities 2 $285,000 Total 28 $2,707,024 $1,747,703.16 City Staff screened out four (4) applications that did not meet the minimum requirements for these grant programs and one (1) application was withdrawn leaving the total funding requests in the amount of $2,057,024.00. Additional information on non-eligible and withdrawn applications were provided to the CSAC committee at the February 9, 2024 meeting. A table outlining eligible applications received is included on the next page. 8 May 17, 2024 Report No. 2024-016 Eligible Applications Received for the 2024-25 Community Development Grant Program Applicant Organization Application Type 2024-25 Request Children's Advocacy Center for North Texas, Inc. Human Services $100,000.00 City of Denton - Summer Camp Human Services $72,000.00 Communities in School of North Texas Human Services $36,000.00 Court Appointed Special Advocates of Denton County, Inc. Human Services $42,000.00 Cumberland Youth and Family Services Human Services $100,000.00 Denton Christian Preschool, Inc. Human Services $30,000.00 Denton City County Day School Human Services $66,560.00 Denton County Friends of the Family Human Services $50,000.00 Denton County MHMR Center Human Services $30,000.00 Grace Like Rain Inc. dba Giving Grace Human Services $100,000.00 Health Services of North Texas Human Services $75,000.00 North Texas Solutions for Recovery Human Services $100,000.00 Opening Doors International Services, Inc. Human Services $30,000.00 Our Daily Bread, Inc. Human Services $100,000.00 PediPlace Human Services $50,000.00 SPAN Human Services $27,000.00 Tarrant Area Food Bank Human Services $100,000.00 The Salvation Army, A Georgia Corp - Denton Human Services $65,000.00 City of Denton - Minor Repair Program Housing Project $300,000.00 Denton Affordable Housing Corporation (DAHC) Housing Project $244,400.00 Habitat for Humanity of Denton County, Inc. Housing Project $54,064.00 Denia and Carl Young Park Upgrades Public Facilities $250,000.00 Interfaith Ministries of Denton Public Facilities $35,000.00 TOTAL REQUESTED $2,057,024.00 Committee Recommendations On April 12, 2024, the CSAC finalized recommendations to City Council for the 2024 Action Plan. All projects and programs to be approved by HUD under the 2024 Action Plan are funded through CDBG, HOME, and program income from the use of these funds. In addition to federal funds, the City Council allocates General Fund dollars each year to provide grants for social service agencies. The CSAC reviewed funding requests and developed recommendations during their April 12 meeting for the use of CDBG, HOME and City General Fund dollars. The detailed list of funding recommendations including project descriptions, is included in Exhibit 2. Below is a summary of total funding requests and recommendations by funding source. The amount requested and eligible for HOME funds exceeds the amount available, so $309,310.16 is available as unprogrammed funds. The unprogrammed funds will be allocated through a substantial amendment process required by HUD by the end of the year. 9 May 17, 2024 Report No. 2024-016 2024-25 Community Development Grant Program Funding Recommendations 2024-25 Recommendations by Source Request Recommendation General Fund CDBG HOME TOTAL $2,057,024.00 $1,438,393.00 $377,955.00 $816,038.00 $244,400.00 CDBG FUNDS $816,038.00 $816,038.00 $816,038.00 HOME FUNDS $553,710.16 $553,710.16 $553,710.16 GENERAL FUNDS $377,955.00 $377,955.00 $377,955.00 TOTAL FUNDS $1,747,703.16 $1,747,703.16 $377,955.00 $816,038.00 $553,710.16 UNPROGRAMMED FUNDS $309,310.16 $309,310.16 $0.00 $0.00 $309,310.16 CONCLUSION: The public comment period for the 2024 Action Plan will begin May 20, and end June 21, 2024. A public hearing for the plan will be held June 18, 2024, during the regular City Council meeting. Additional updates and actions will occur according to the below timeline. 2024-2025 Action Plan Timeline PROPOSED ACTIVITY DATE Notice of Public Comment Period (Denton Record Chronical/Social Media/Email) May 19, 2024 30-day Comment Period on Action Plan May 20, 2024 through June 21, 2024 Public Hearing at City Council June 18, 2024 City Council considers approval of 2024-25 Action Plan July 23, 2024 Submission of Action Plan to HUD August 15, 2024 City Council considers approval of 2024-25 Budget September 24, 2024 Start of 2024-25 Grant Contracts October 1, 2024 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1: 2024-25 Funding Priority Survey Results Exhibit 2: CSAC 2024-25 Community Development Grant Program Funding Recommendations and Project Descriptions STAFF CONTACT: Alaina Graff, Grants Program Coordinator Luisa Garcia, Community Development Manager REQUESTOR: Staff Initiated 10 May 17, 2024 Report No. 2024-016 PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Community Services STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 8 hours 11 May 8, 2024 Report No. 2024-017 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Short-Term Rental Code Amendments BACKGROUND: Staff is preparing to bring forward proposed Code amendments relating to Short-Term Rentals to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council at their May 29, 2024 and June 4 2024, respectively. The Short-Term Rental Code amendments are the product of extensive discussion with the Development Code Review Committee, completion of a Public Engagement Plan, and research conducted by staff of the City’s requirements against other recent legislation as well as how other cities regulate the land use. Following a continuance of the public hearing from their February 28, 2024 meeting, the Short-Term Rental Code amendments were unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission [7-0] at their March 20, 2024 meeting. However, due to continually evolving litigation surrounding Short-Term Rentals, staff has determined it necessary to conduct a broader public notification process for the Short-Term Rental Code amendments by providing a mailed notice to property owners instead of following the standard legal notice published in the newspaper as allowed by state law. Therefore, staff is sending this item back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing on May 29, 2024. Staff has sent mailed notice of public hearing (See Attachment 3) for both the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council meetings to property owners within all zoning districts, except Light Industrial, Heavy Industrial and Public Facilities as well as some older Planned Developments, which do not allow for the use under current or proposed regulations. A total of 29,371 notices were mailed to property owners. A video recording of the February 28th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting may be found here: Feb 28, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission on 2024-02-28 5:00 PM - Denton, TX (swagit.com) A video recording of the March 20th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting may be found here: Mar 20, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission on 2024-03-20 5:45 PM - Denton, TX (swagit.com) SUMMARY: The following is a high-level overview of some of the more frequently asked questions related to the proposed code amendments. What is a Short-Term Rental? A Short-Term Rental is defined as the rental of an entire dwelling unit for monetary consideration for a period of time less than 30 consecutive days. This could be a house, an accessory dwelling unit, or an individual apartment and is not considered the same as a bed and breakfast, boarding 12 May 8, 2024 Report No. 2024-017 or rooming house, hotel, or motel. Short-Term Rentals are commonly advertised and rented through sites such as AirBnB and Vrbo. What is changing and why? The purpose of the proposed DDC amendments is to allow Short-Term Rentals in all zoning districts that allow residential uses, including adding the use to the Mixed-Use Downtown (MD), Mixed-Use Regional (MR), Suburban Corridor (SC), Highway Corridor (HC) and General Office (GO) districts. Additionally, the amendments are intended to provide additional clarification and operational controls related to this use. The amendments being proposed balance current land use rights, coupled with the desire of the community to preserve residential neighborhood character yet allowing higher densities of short-term rentals within certain areas of the City. Several of the proposed changes are designed to clarify and consolidate existing short-term rental regulations, including better defining what classifies as a short-term rental and modification to the registration process. Additionally, in order to limit the number of short-term rentals occurring in residential neighborhoods, the City is introducing a 1,000-unit cap on the number of short-term rentals that can be allowed in the City in residential zoning districts. Additionally, in residential zoning districts, a minimum 100-foot distance separation is required between properties with short- term rentals. Lastly, the new requirements will limit the number of short-term rentals allowed in multifamily developments by limiting the allowable number of units to be registered as a Short-Term Rental to 10%. What is the 1,000 Unit Cap? The 1,000 Short-Term Rental limit is a cap on the number of Short-Term Rentals that could be allowed in residentially zoned districts (Rural Residential-Residential 7) in a given calendar year. The 1,000 Short-Term Rental limit is a proposed cap on the number of Short-Term Rentals which may be permitted in residential zoning districts, not an invitation to bring more Short-Term Rentals into these areas. 1,000 units is approximately 3% of all residentially zoned parcels in the City of Denton. How many Short-Term Rentals exist in the City today? There are estimated to be approximately 353 Short-Term Rentals in City. Of those, only 33 Short- Term Rentals have registered with the City as required by the Denton Development Code and are therefore legally conforming to current standards. Staff does not anticipate the proposed Code amendments will affect the total number of Short-Term Rentals operating within the City; however, one of the goals of the proposed amendments is to achieve greater compliance with the DDC, and therefore the number of registered Short-Term Rentals is anticipated to increase. What resources are available for those who have questions regarding the amendments? City staff will be hosting a Town Hall on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Development Services Center to provide an overview of the proposed amendments and answer any questions regarding the project. In addition, on the Discuss Denton webpage dedicated to Short-Term Rentals individuals may access and review the proposed amendments, be notified of key upcoming dates, and review F.A.Q.s related to the project. The Discus Denton webpage may be found here: Short-Term Rentals | Discuss Denton 13 May 8, 2024 Report No. 2024-017 When will the Short-Term Rental Code amendments be scheduled for Public Hearing? The Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation on the proposed amendments at their May 29, 2024, meeting. City Council will conduct a public hearing and act on the proposed amendments at their June 4, 2024 meeting. A more detailed summary of the proposed Code amendments and detailed information related to the history of the project is included in this report below. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AND PROJECT HISTORY: Summary of Amendments A summary of the proposed modifications is included below; a redline draft of the relevant DDC Sections with further discussion can be found attached to this report: • Amend Table 5.2.A Table of Allowed Uses to allow Short-Term Rentals as a permitted use in any Zoning District that allows residential uses by right or by Specific Use Permit; new districts being added include Mixed-Use Downtown (MD), Mixed-Use Regional (MR), Suburban Corridor (SC), Highway Corridor (HC) and General Office (GO). • Amend Section 5.3 Use-Specific Standards by amending Subsection 5.3.1.D Maximum Persons Occupying a Dwelling Unit to include Short-Term Rentals as an exempt land use from this regulation. This amendment is consistent with recent court rulings as in the case of Zaatari v. City of Austin, 615 S.W.3d 172, 199 [Tex. App. 2019]). • Amend 5.3.5 Commercial Use Specific Standards, Subsection T. Short-Term Rentals as follows: 1. Registration Requirements – amendments to this Section include: clarification that a single bedroom or a unit may be listed as a Short-Term Rental, requirements to provide management company information (when applicable), clarifies Local Emergency Contact is a defined term in the DDC, and adds additional detail regarding registration submittal requirements. 2. Registration Certificates – this section is a proposed addition to the Short-Term Rental Use Specific Standards to address the results of the short-term rental preference survey, reflecting a desire in residents to maintain the integrity of single-family areas while allowing higher densities of short-term rentals within certain areas of the City. The proposed amendments are differentiated between properties that are within residential versus non-residential zoning districts, which are less likely to be disrupted by the presence of Short-Term Rentals due to current density, and therefore, provide adequate opportunities for this use to operate outside the City’s residential neighborhoods. These differences are outlined below: Registration Certificates in Residential Zoning Districts (RR-R7): • One thousand (1,000)- Registration Certificates. The Department of Development Services shall issue a maximum of one thousand (1,000) short- term rental (STR) registration certificates per calendar year in Residential Zoning Districts (RR-R7). Note for clarification: registration certificates are per STR unit, and the registration certificate cap applies to all residential use 14 May 8, 2024 Report No. 2024-017 types (single-family, duplex, three-and four-plexes, multi-family, etc.) within the RR-R7 zoning districts. • The Department of Development Services shall process applications in the order of receipt and shall issue new registration certificates in the order that complete applications are received. • If the number of registration certificates reaches the one thousand (1,000)- registration certificates limit, then the Department of Development Services shall stop processing applications and add applicants to a waiting list. • A maximum of two (2) STR registration certificates may be issued per parcel. • A short-term rental unit cannot be within 100 feet of an existing short-term rental unit, measured at the property boundary. This does not apply to units on the same parcel. Registration Certificates in Non-Residential Zoning Districts: • Registered Short-Term Rentals (STR) in Non-Residential Zoning Districts do not count toward the 1,000- registration certificates cap, regardless of what type of residential dwelling the STR is located within. • For multifamily developments, no more than 10% of the units within a given development may be registered as a Short-Term Rentals. • At least two (2) Short-Term Rentals shall be registration certificates per multifamily development. • Short-Term Rentals within Non-Residential Zoning Districts are not subject to the 100-foot separation rule. 3. Operation – amendments to this section include: clarification of parking requirements for Short-Term Rentals, specification that Short-Term Rentals may not be advertised as party venues, refinement of language to provide reference to enforcement regulations within the DDC, clarification that a Short-Term Rental may only be operated in a permanent structure, and consolidates existing language. 4. Writing Briefing and Safety Features – amendments to this section are to clarify an owner’s or management’s responsibilities to provide safety information to guests in writing. 5. Notification of Approval of Short-Term Rental Registration – amendments to this section are to clarify when notification of an approved Short-Term Rental shall occur and what information shall be included within the notification. 6. Registration Term, Fees, and Revocation – amendments to this section are to revise and clarify the circumstances under which the Director may revoke a Short-Term Rental permit and specify the appeals procedure for such revocation. 7. Right to Inspect Premises – amendments to this section are to specify the circumstances under which a inspection of a Short-Term Rental may occur. • Table 7.9-I: Minimum Required Off-Street Parking – amendments to this section are to specify the maximum number of vehicles allowed on premise for a Short-Term Rental shall be based upon the number of spaces available on-site. • Section 9.2 Definitions – amendments to this section are to revise definitions for Short-Term Rental and Local Emergency Contact: 15 May 8, 2024 Report No. 2024-017 o Short-Term Rental – this definition is amended to clarify the duration of stay for a Short-Term Rental shall be not less than 24 hours and not greater than 29 consecutive days, as well as allow for a bedroom to be a Short-Term Rental. o Local Emergency Contact – this definition is amended to clarify and consolidate the requirements for Local Emergency Contact. Project History At the beginning of 2023, City staff began reviewing the standards set forth in the Denton Development Code (DDC) regarding Short-Term Rental uses in response to the 5th Circuit Court’s decision in the case of Hignell-Stark v. City of New Orleans. In this case, the 5th Circuit held that the City of New Orleans’ regulation requiring Short-Term Rental applicants to demonstrate that the Short-Term Rental dwelling unit was their primary residence was unconstitutional under the dormant federal Commerce Clause. In reviewing this court decision, staff determined that a DDC requirement that a Short-Term Rental be the applicant’s primary residence could be legally challenged and initiated the Code amendment process to remove this requirement from the DDC; this change was adopted by City Council on July 25, 2023. During that same time, staff reviewed the City’s requirements against other recent legislation as well as how other cities regulate the land use. In addition to the change noted above as a result of the 5th Circuit’s decision, staff identified several areas where there was a need for clarification and consolidation of existing language in the DDC relating to Short-Term Rentals including addressing the Use-Specific Standards due to the potential for application or enforcement challenges. While many of these changes began with the intent to clean up and clarify items within the Code, throughout the process additional legislative issues came to light through court cases involving the cities of Arlington, Fort Worth, and Dallas that helped inform staff recommended changes. The history of the process as well as a summary of the proposed changes are provided below. On March 13, 2023, staff presented to the Development Code Review Committee (DCRC) their findings regarding the City’s current regulations related to the Short-Term Rental land use, discussed reasons why the Code amendments are needed, shared how other cities regulate Short-Term Rental uses, and recommended proposed Code amendments. Throughout the Spring of 2023, the DCRC continued to discuss the proposed Code amendments related to Short-Term Rental uses at a series of meetings. After completing their review and providing staff direction on proposed Code amendments, the DCRC and staff determined it necessary to prepare a Public Engagement Plan in order to receive input from the community related to the proposed Short-Term Rental regulations before initiating the formal public hearing process associated with DDC amendments. As part of the Public Engagement Plan, staff held two Town Hall Meetings (one in person and one virtually) in August 2023 and conducted an online survey regarding Short-Term Rentals. The online survey was published on Discuss Denton on Friday, August 18, 2023, and closed on Monday, September 11, 2023, and a total of 224 individuals participated. The survey consisted of 20 questions, which ranged from general questions related to Short-Term Rentals, to specific questions related to possible DDC amendments. 16 May 8, 2024 Report No. 2024-017 The full survey results report is attached to this report. During the DCRC meeting on September 25, 2023, staff sought direction from the DCRC on how to proceed with maximum densities/distance separations for Short-Term Rentals given the survey results indicated a desire in respondents to maintain the integrity of single-family areas while allowing higher densities of Short-Term Rentals within certain areas of the City. Discussion centered around exploring different density thresholds for Short-Term Rentals and considering imposing a maximum number of allowable Short-Term Rentals within the City. In the Fall of 2023, the DCRC revisited the density limitation and distance separation discussions considering the survey responses and explored various options for implementation. Over the course of these discussions, staff presented the potential implementation of a maximum number of Short-Term Rental permits issued per year in residential zoning districts. Conversations related to a maximum number of Short-Term Rental permits issued in residential zoning districts focused on the appropriate number of allowable units, separation distances between registered units, and a maximum allowable number of units that may be registered within multifamily buildings. The DCRC directed staff to move forward with a maximum number of Short-Term Rental permits which may be issued per year in residential zoning districts and agreed upon a cap of 1,000 permits. It was also agreed that there should be a limitation on the number of units allowed to be registered as Short-Term Rentals within multifamily buildings, and the Committee agreed to a cap of 10% of all units within an individual multifamily development. In addition, a minimum distance separation of 100 feet between registered Short-Term Rentals in residential zoning districts, measured property line to property line, was agreed upon to further address the density concerns in single-family residential areas. On January 8, 2024, after consensus was reached on proposed amendments, and due to the continually evolving litigation surrounding Short-Term Rentals, staff presented research on the City of Arlington’s Short-Term Rental regulations, including a summary of their adopted regulations and a comparison of Arlington’s regulations versus the proposed amendments being considered for Denton. Following discussion, the DCRC directed staff to bring the proposed amendments before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for public hearing and consideration. As mentioned earlier in this report, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval [7-0] of the proposed amendments at their meeting on March 20, 2024 (following a public hearing continuance from their February 28, 2024 meeting). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Short-Term Rental Survey Results 2. Draft Redline Markups 3. Mailed Notice of Public Hearing STAFF CONTACT: Angie Manglaris, AICP 17 May 8, 2024 Report No. 2024-017 Development Review Manager angie.manglaris@cityofdenton.com (940) 349-8381 REQUESTOR: Staff Initiated STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 4 hours PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Development Services 18 5/17/24, 3:49PM (2) 2024 Council Request Launchpad -Smartsheet.com FY 23/24 Council Requests Number of Requests Per Quarter 200 104 115 100 38 0 0 Q1 23124 02 23124 03 23/24 04 23/24 Please Note: the total number of requests per council member or department may not match, as several council members and/ or departments may be associated with a single request. Total Requests Made by Council Member 100 80 60 40 20 0 Council Requests Number of Pending Requests by Council Member 12 ~ DE 'TON 10 5 0 3 3 https://app.smartsheet.com/dashboards/3x9vvxWx4m23Fm52cvRPGvwMxvvPG2F5JG4rg71 5 Requests by Department Community Svcs Enviro. svcs • Animal Svcs 1 Strategic Svcs Capital Projects Water Utilities • cs o HR I DME • CMO - Library 1 Legal • Fire • Police • Tech Services 1 Airport Marketing & Com ms Customer Service • Economic Dev 1 Development svcs ••••• Finance Audit Municipal Court Procurement Solid Waste & Recycling • Risk I Parks & Rec ---Other 0 50 100 1/1 19 Policy and Worksession RequestsDate Received Council Member RequestorInitiated ByStatus ActionSummary of RequestStaff AssignedDepartmentComments05/07/24 Mayor HudspethResidentCompleteFlooding related to drainage issuesScott McDonaldDevelopment ServicesReferred to staff, still investigating. Staffwill call resident once they havedeveloped a plan05/07/24 Mayor Pro Tem BeckResidentCompleteInquiry regarding speed on NottinghamFarhan ButtPublic Works-TrafficStaff completed the speed study anddetermined that drivers were between 33-34 mph on the posted 30 mph05/10/24 Council Member ByrdCouncil MemberIn ProgressView obstructed at the intersection of E. Oak and Bell Danielle Shaw, Farhan Butt Community Services Public Works-TrafficStaff reached out to the management ofthe store to request parking truckselsewhere on the property to improvedriver's view of traffic.05/11/24 Mayor Pro Tem BeckResidentCompleteNoise, nuisance, and short-term rental registrationissues at residence on EmersonDanielle ShawCommunity ServicesNotice sent to property owner to registerthe home for being used as short-termrental. Property owner has until 06/09 toregister the home as a short-term rental.05/14/24 Mayor Pro Tem BeckResidentCompleteNottingham bridge erosion possibly impacting aresident's property.Ethan Cox, Scott McDonald Development Services Public Works -Drainage PublicWorks -Streets Risk ManagementMultiple teams met and developed a fewstrategies for mitigating the issue. Staffcontacted the resident and shared themitigation strategy.05/14/24 Council Member McGeeCouncil MemberCompletesign toppers for the districts in the cityScott McDonaldDevelopment ServicesStreet sign topper program is year roundand neighborhood led. Request streetsigns atstreetsigntopper@cityofdenton.com05/14/24 Council Member McGeeCouncil MemberIn Progresslocal government corporation for small businesses Brittany SoteloEconomic DevelopmentReferred to staff.05/14/24 Council Member McGeeCouncil MemberCompleteSister Cities programLauren ThodenCity Secretary's OfficeBased on research this has not beenactively pursued since 2022.05/14/24 Mayor HudspethCouncil MemberIn ProgressInterested in a monthly report on landfill backup. Brian BoernerSolid WasteStaff will have a full report available forthe June 7 Friday Staff Report.05/14/24 Council Member McGeeCouncil MemberCompleteMinority / woman owned business program for City Cassey Ogden, JessicaWilliamsCMO FinanceStaff responded to CM McGee and willprovide additional information at a futureCity Council Work Session.05/14/24 Mayor HudspethResidentCompleteLawn in need of repair after city workStephen GayWaterStaff attempted to contact resident andshare the lawn repair plan. Staff cleanedup the area and will replace the sod soon.05/17/24 Council Member McGeeResidentIn ProgressInquiry regarding 2-person crews on trains travelingthrough the City.Farhan ButtDevelopment ServicesReferred to staff.Page 1 of 1Exported on May 17, 2024 1:46:23 PM PDT20 Meeting Calendar City of Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton, Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com Criteria : Begin Date: 5/1/2024, End Date: 7/31/2024 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body May 2024 5/2/2024 8:00 AM Agenda Committee CANCELLED 5/2/2024 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 5/3/2024 1:00 PM Bond Oversight Committee Development Service Center 5/6/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 5/6/2024 1:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 5/7/2024 2:30 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 5/8/2024 10:00 AM Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Animal Services Training Room 5/8/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 5/8/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 5/9/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission CANCELLED 5/10/2024 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 5/13/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 5/13/2024 5:30 PM Library Board Emily Fowler Central Library 5/14/2024 12:30 PM City Council Council Chambers 5/15/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 5/16/2024 4:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Development Service Center 5/20/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 5/20/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment CANCELLED 5/21/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 5/22/2024 12:00 PM Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board Development Service Center Page 1City of Denton Printed on 5/17/2024 21 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 5/22/2024 1:00 PM Civil Service Commission CANCELED 5/29/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 5/29/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 5/31/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room June 2024 6/3/2024 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 6/3/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 6/4/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 6/6/2024 8:00 AM Agenda Committee Council Work Session Room 6/6/2024 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 6/10/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 6/10/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 6/10/2024 5:30 PM Library Board Cancelled 6/12/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 6/12/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 6/12/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 6/13/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 6/14/2024 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 6/18/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 6/21/2024 9:00 AM Community Partnership Committee City Council Work Session Room 6/21/2024 5:00 PM City Council Development Service Center 6/22/2024 8:30 AM City Council Development Service Center 6/24/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 6/24/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 6/26/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room Page 2City of Denton Printed on 5/17/2024 22 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 6/26/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 6/28/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room July 2024 7/8/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 7/8/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 7/8/2024 5:30 PM Library Board South Branch Library 7/10/2024 10:00 AM Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Animal Services Training Room 7/10/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 7/10/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 7/11/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 7/12/2024 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 7/16/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 7/18/2024 3:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Development Service Center 7/22/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 7/22/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 7/23/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 7/24/2024 12:00 PM Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board Development Service Center 7/24/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 7/26/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room 7/31/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room Page 3City of Denton Printed on 5/17/2024 23 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time A. Charter Election Discussion - Summary of Presentation and Charges 24-113 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 B. Roadway Impact Fees 24-997 City Manager's Office City Business 0:45 C. Two Minute Pitch:24-084 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:15 A. Community Housing Initiatives Audit 23-2458 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Board of Ethics Update 24-195 Internal Audit City Business 1:00 C. Charter Election Discusssion - Selection of Committee 24-1043 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 D. Design Criteria Manual Updates 23-1855 Engineering Council Request 0:30 E. Mosely Road Landfill 24-1025 Solid Waste City Business 0:30 F. Two Minute Pitch:24-1003 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 4:00 A. Electric Systems Operations: Phase 1 and Phase 2 Audit 23-2460 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Climate Action and Adaptation Plan 24-903 City Manager's Office City Business 1:00 C. Ad Valorem Rates and General Fund Forecast 24-239 Finance City Business 0:30 D. AC/HOA TBD Community Services Council Request TBD E. Two Minute Pitch:24-1004 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:00 A. Ethics Training 24-1066 Internal Audit City Business 0:20 A. Fiscal Year 2024-25 preliminary Capital Improvement Program.24-225 Finance City Business 0:30 B. Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study Update 24-020 Water Utilities City Business 1:00 C. Rayzor Ranch Public Improvement District TBD City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 D. Convention and Visitor's Bureau TBD City Manager's Office City Business 1:00 E. Two Minute Pitch:24-1005 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 4:00 A. Audit of Vendor Management 24-249 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Fiscal Year 2024-25 preliminary utility budgets and rates for Solid Waste, Water, Wastewater/Drainage, Electric and Customer Service 24-226 Finance City Business TBD C. Affordable Housing Strategic Toolkit 24-653 Community Development City Business 0:30 D. Two Minute Pitch:24-1006 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:00 A. Follow-Up of Payroll Admin. Audit 24-250 Internal Audit City Business 0:15 B. Follow-Up of Fleet Services Audit 24-251 Internal Audit City Business 0:15 C. Business Inclusion Program TBD City Manager's Office City Business 0:30 D. Two Minute Pitch:24-1007 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:00 A. Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Manager’s Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five-Year Financial Forecast 24-227 Finance City Business TBD Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 0:30 A. Audit of Development Planning 24-252 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B. Affordable Housing Strategic Toolkit 24-654 Community Development City Business 0:45 C. Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Manager’s Proposed Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Five-Year Financial Forecast 24-228 Finance City Business 1:00 D. Two Minute Pitch:TBD City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s):Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:15 Item Legistar ID Departments Type Estimated Work Session Date Parking Minimum TBD Development Services Council Request TBD Second Follow-Up of Police Property Room Audit (15 min.)24-253 Internal Audit City Business 09/17/2024 Follow-up of EMS: Ambulance Billing Audit (15 min.)24-254 Internal Audit City Business 09/17/2024 Audit of Park Management & Planning (30 min.)24-255 Internal Audit City Business 09/24/2024 Affordable Housing Bond Discussion 24-287 Community Development City Business 0:45 Non-Annexation Agreements TBD City Manager's Office City Business TBD Item Dates Departments Type Estimated Work Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Complete Requestor Vote Centers Resolution 10/17/2023 City Manager's Office TBD Other Major Items for Meeting: May 21 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: June 18 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) June 21 City Council Retreat - Day 1 City Council Retreat - Day 1 24-1065 City Manager's Office City Business 2:00 Work Session To Be Determined Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: May 17, 2024 Approved Council Pitches to be Scheduled Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan Items to be Scheduled City Council Retreat - Day 2 24-1067 City Manager's Office City Business 8:00 June 22 City Council Retreat - Day 2 Other Major Items for Meeting: August 10 (Saturday) Budget Workshop (@9:00 a.m.) At the Council Work Session Room Other Major Items for Meeting: July 23 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) August 6 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) August 20 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: Other Major Items for Meeting: July 16 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) June 4 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) *This is for planning purposes only. Dates are subject to change.24 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming ClosuresSCR May 20th - 26thStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact Closure Type1Brinker RdLoop 288Quail Creek Dr05/28/24 06/28/24 Basefailure Repairs and Crack SealStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure2Montecito DrHickory Creek RdPalo Verde Dr05/28/24 08/30/24 Street ReconstructionStreetsRoy San MiguelFull Closure3Montecito DrHickory Creek RdClear River Ln06/03/24 07/19/24 ADA and Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure4Pembrooke Pl (2129)Chasewood LnLongridge Dr05/27/24 06/28/24 Curb Repair and Asphalt PatchStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure Exported on May 17, 2024 2:03:35 PM CDT25 2 Street Closure Report: Current ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact Closure Type1Allred RdOakleaf TrlJohn Paine Rd04/26/24 08/30/24 New road for Allred forSagebrook PH llPublic Works Inspections Kent Bull RiversFull Closure2Azalea StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 06/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure3Beall St (1400)Nicosia StHermalinda Dr05/06/24 06/07/24 Curb and Gutter Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure4Bell AveSycamore StPrairie St08/21/23 05/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigRolling Closure5Bellaire DrMontclair PlMcKinney St (East)04/22/24 05/24/24 Valley Gutter RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelFull Closure6Bernard StAcme StRoselawn Dr05/30/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure7Bradshaw StWilson StPrairie St01/30/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure8Bradshaw StPrairie StSycamore St03/13/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure9Broken Arrow RdDunes StOld Orchard Ln05/18/24 06/30/24 Pavement Reconstruction EngineeringTaylor HoltFull Closure10Camellia StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 06/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure11Churchill DrChurchill CirWindsor Dr12/11/23 06/05/24 Utility installations andpavement replacementEngineeringTaylor Holt12College Park DrPeach StDead End10/02/23 06/21/24 Street reconstructStreetsRoy San MiguelFull Closure13Collins StJohnson StDead End West08/22/23 05/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure14Crawford StMulberry StSycamore St10/09/23 06/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure15Crescent StEctor StHillcrest St12/27/23 06/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure16Edwards RdForrest Willow RdDesert Willow Dr03/18/24 05/24/24 Concrete Panel and SidewalkRepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure17FairfaxSavannah TrailLongridge Dr05/20/24 05/24/24 Sewer line trench repair WastewaterGavin PetnerFull Closure18Fowler DrCollege Park DrPeach St10/02/23 06/21/24 Street reconstructStreetsRoy San MiguelFull Closure19Hickory Creek RdRiverpass DrFM 183003/13/23 12/31/24 Bridge InstallationEngineeringDustin DraperFull Closure20Highland StLocust StWainwright St01/30/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure21Hillcrest StPanhandle StCrescent St12/27/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure22Jamestown LnMistywood LnLocksley Ln01/22/24 06/05/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor HoltFull Closure23Maid Marion PlJamestown LnLocksley Ln01/24/24 06/05/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor HoltFull Closure24Maple StLocust StElm St04/19/24 06/30/24 Pavement replacement. EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure25Maple StElm StCarroll Blvd09/15/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott FettigFull Closure26Maple StCarroll BlvdElm St07/05/23 07/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure27Maple StAve DAve A01/22/24 08/01/24 Pavement replacement. EngineeringScott FettigRolling Closure28Masch Branch RdUniversity Dr (US 380)Hampton Rd02/26/24 06/27/24 Reconstruction of Center lane,adding turn lane.Private Development PublicWorks InspectionsEthan KeithLane Closure29Mayhill Rd@ Colorado BlvdIntersection01/31/24 05/31/24 This closure will encompass thereconstruction of the Coloradoand Mayhill Intersection.EngineeringTracy L. Beck, PE, PMP Lane Closure30Mayhill Rd (NB)University Dr (US 380)Prominence Pkwy04/22/24 05/24/24 Tying new water line intoexisting water line on N. MayhillRoad for 380/Mayhill Industrial.Private DevelopmentZabdiel MotaLane Closure31Mayhill Rd (SB)University Dr (US 380)Prominence Pkwy04/15/24 05/31/24 Installation of new drivewayapproachesPrivate Development PublicWorks InspectionsZabdiel MotaLane Closure32Mulberry StLocust StElm St02/19/24 05/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure33Mulberry StBell AveIndustrial St08/21/23 06/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure34Mulberry StWood StCrawford St10/09/23 07/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure Exported on May 17, 2024 2:03:46 PM CDT26 Street/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact Closure Type35Myrtle StFort Worth Dr (HW377)Eagle Dr06/05/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure36Myrtle StMaple StHighland St07/05/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott FettigFull Closure37Myrtle StEagle DrMaple St07/05/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure38Oakwood DrMcCormick StDead End East10/02/23 05/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure39Old Orchard LnWindsor DrDead End03/13/24 06/05/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor HoltFull Closure40Peach StBell StLocust St10/02/23 06/21/24 Street reconstructStreetsRoy San MiguelFull Closure41Pierce StMaple StHighland St07/05/23 06/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott FettigFull Closure42Poinsettia BlvdSherman DrPicadilly Ln05/18/24 05/31/24 infrastructure installation onPoinsettaPublic Works Inspections Lee ThurmondFull Closure43Prairie StLocust StBradshaw St04/01/24 07/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.Scott FettigRolling Closure44Roselawn DrRoselawn CirRailroad crossing02/05/24 06/01/24 Paving, TxDot guardrail, Installnew box culvert. 8x8, new roadfor Roselawn. Eagle Creek PH3A-4Private DevelopmentTaylor HardgraveFull Closure45Spencer RdLoop 288Mayhill Rd05/06/24 06/12/24 adding 300 feet of spencer road Public Works Inspections Ryan CubaFull Closure46Sycamore StExposition StRailroad Tracks on Sycamore 08/17/23 05/31/24 Paving improvements fromExposition to RailroadPublic Works Inspections Stephany TrammellFull Closure47Sycamore StExposition StCrawford St03/13/23 05/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure48Sycamore StWood StCrawford St10/09/23 05/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure49Walt ParkerBonnie BraeBonnie Brae05/20/24 05/24/24 Installation of Sanitary Sewerline crossing Walt Parker Drive,NO ACCESS TO WALTPARKER FROM BONNIEBRAE, Access Walt Parker fromNorth Texas BlvdEngineeringRobin DavisFull Closure50Waterside Pl (7700)Hickory Creek RdDawn Light Dr05/20/24 06/14/24 Sidewalk and ADA Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure51Wellington DrNorth of Heather LnChurchill Dr12/11/23 06/05/24 Utility installations andpavement replacementEngineeringTaylor Holt52Willowwood StBernard StJacqueline Dr12/27/23 05/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigRolling Closure53Wind River Ln @ Shoreline Como Lake DrEnchanted Lake Dr05/06/24 06/07/24 Concrete Panel Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure54Wisteria StParvin StLaurel St05/30/23 06/01/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure Exported on May 17, 2024 2:03:46 PM CDT27 3 Street Closure Report: Completed ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact Closure Type1Austin StOak StMulberry St04/29/24 05/01/24 Geotechnical Pavement Boring EngineeringTaylor HoltRolling Closure2Bandera StI-35 Service RdBandera St (WB ~150') 02/08/24 05/02/24 Utility RelocationEngineeringShawn MessickFull Closure3Barcelona StI-35 Service RdMesa Dr04/25/24 05/01/24 Atmos gas relocationAtmosGavin PetnerFull Closure4Bell AveSycamore StEagle Dr04/15/24 04/24/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure5Carmel Hills Dr (3405) Las Lomas LnPortola Ln04/03/24 05/01/24 Concrete Panel Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure6Elm StUniversity Dr (US 380)Pecan St04/29/24 05/01/24 Geotechnical Pavement Boring EngineeringTaylor HoltRolling Closure7Elm StUniversity Dr (US 380)McKinney St04/29/24 05/01/24 Engineering contractor CMJEngineering is coring forupcoming projectEngineeringAmmon LutzRolling Closure8Leslie StWillowwood StDudley St08/31/23 04/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure9Locust StUniversity Dr (US 380)McKinney St04/29/24 05/01/24 Engineering contractor CMJEngineering is coring forupcoming projectEngineeringAmmon LutzRolling Closure10Locust StUniversity Dr (US 380)Pecan St04/29/24 05/01/24 Geotechnical Pavement Boring EngineeringTaylor HoltRolling Closure11Los Colinas StMesa DrI-35 Frontage Rd03/01/24 04/30/24 Utility Water/Wastewater linerelocationWater Wastewater Other Shawn MessickFull Closure12Mayhill Rd (SB)University Dr (US 380)Prominence Pkwy02/26/24 04/26/24 Installation of new water mainline pipe.Private DevelopmentZabdiel MotaLane Closure13Mill Pond RdEmerson LnOld North Rd09/11/23 05/15/24 Utility Installations & PavementReconstructionEngineeringTaylor HoltFull Closure14Mira Vista DrBuena Vista DrPalo Verde Dr04/08/24 05/03/24 ReconstructionStreetsRogelio San MiguelRolling Closure15Nora LnCentral Village DrMark Ln04/08/24 05/10/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure16North Texas BlvdEagle DrHighland St04/29/24 05/03/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure17Nottingham DrKings RowStratford Ln04/15/24 04/26/24 Valley Gutter RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelFull Closure18Oak StI-35 Frontage RdOak St (EB ~300')02/08/24 04/17/24 Utility RelocationEngineeringShawn MessickLane Closure19Osage LnHuron CirCul V Sac03/18/24 04/26/24 Concrete Panel and SidewalkRepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure20Pecan StElm StLocust St05/13/24 05/13/24 Crane set up to replace airconditioner on top of buildingPrivate DevelopmentPete LeptuchFull Closure21Pecan Tree DrNora LnDead End North04/08/24 05/10/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure22Pickwick LnOxford LnWindsor Dr08/21/23 05/08/24 Utility Replacement & StreetReconstructionEngineeringTaylor HoltFull Closure23Poinsettia BlvdSherman DrPicadilly Ln04/08/24 05/17/24 Infrastructure installation onPoinsettiaPublic Works Inspections Lee ThurmondFull Closure24Regency CtMark LnCountry Club Rd04/08/24 05/10/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure25ThomasEmery St.Panhandle St.04/19/24 05/10/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigRolling Closure26Thunderbird DrCrestmeadow StWestview Trl04/29/24 05/03/24 Curb and Gutter and SidewalkRepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure27Underwood StNorth Texas BlvdKendolph Dr08/28/23 04/30/24 Pavement replacement. EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure28University DrI-35 Frontage RdUniversity Dr (EB ~550') 02/19/24 05/01/24 Utility RelocationEngineeringShawn MessickLane Closure29Westward DrNorthwaySouthway04/22/24 05/17/24 Concrete street paving. Private DevelopmentZabdiel MotaFull Closure30Willowwood StBonnie Brae StBonnie Brae St04/08/24 04/19/24 Installation of Sanitary SewerlineEngineeringRobin DavisFull Closure31Willowwood StBonnie Brae StBonnie Brae St04/08/24 04/26/24 Installation of Sanitary SewerlineEngineeringRobin DavisFull Closure Exported on May 17, 2024 2:03:58 PM CDT28