2024-016 Grant Program - CSAC Recommendations - Final to Submit May 17,2024 Report No. 2024-016 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Funding recommendations from the Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) for the proposed activities to be included in the 2024 Action Plan. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Community Services is currently preparing the 2024 Action Plan that provides recommendations for the use of federal community development funding in the City of Denton. The draft 2024 Action Plan for the Program Year from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, represents the second year in the City's 2023-2027 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community_ Development (linked). Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) recommendations for the allocation of $1,747,703.16 of local and federal funding are included in the 2024 Action Plan, which will be posted for public comment May 20 through June 21. A public hearing for the plan will be held June 18, 2024, during the regular City Council meeting. DISCUSSION: Community Development Funding Overview As a recipient of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME)program funds, the City of Denton is required to submit a three or five-year Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) for Housing and Community Development and a corresponding annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These federal funds are received annually to support the Con Plan and the activities outlined in the City's annual Action Plan. In 2023, the City submitted a five-year Con Plan for the following program years. • 2023-24 Action Plan-Year 1/Current Year • 2024-25 Action Plan—Year 2/Recommendations • 2025-26 Action Plan-Year 3 • 2026-27 Action Plan—Year 4 • 2027-28 Action Plan—Year 5 The annual Action Plan is developed based on strategies outlined in the Con Plan and provides a description of how funds are allocated each Program Year. The annual Action Plan is reviewed and approved by City Council for submission to HUD. The Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) advises the City Council on programs, services, and use of public resources to address complex social problems such as economic instability, housing, homelessness, and meeting community service needs. The CSAC reviews applications for the Community Development Grant Program annually and makes funding recommendations to City Council which includes distribution of local (General Fund) and federal (CDBG and HOME) sources of funding. May 17,2024 Report No. 2024-016 CDBG/HOME Eligible Activities Eligible activities include housing development, rehabilitation and preservation; improving community facilities and neighborhood infrastructure; public (human) services; economic development; planning; and program administration. CDBG HOME ■ Acquisition ■ Affordable Rental Housing ■ Public Facilities and Improvements ■ Homeownership Assistance ■ Demolition and Clearance ■ Tenant Based Rental Assistance ■ Social Services (15% cap) ■ Land Acquisition ■ Housing Programs ■ New Housing Construction ■ Economic Development ■ Historic Preservation ■ Code Enforcement ■ Removal of Architectural Barriers Citizen Participation To gain public input to draft the 2024 Action Plan, staff held a public hearing on November 2 at the MLK Jr. Recreation Center and used an online survey requesting citizen input regarding the use of CDBG and HOME funds. A summary of online surveys is included in Exhibit 1. A final Public Hearing will be held June 18, 2024, for feedback on the draft 2024 Action Plan. Public hearings and survey outreach methods included the following: 1. Information was sent out through Constant Contact to interested citizens, previous clients, committee members, local churches, participating lenders and realtors, neighborhood associations and social services agencies; 2. Newspaper advertisements were posted in the Denton Record Chronicle; 3. Information was sent to City Council members and City employees through the Friday Report; 4. Flyers were posted in City buildings; and 5. Information was posted on social media. Available Funding The City of Denton's 2024 Action Plan reflects local (General Fund), and federal (CDBG and HOME) funding. The City's general fund allocation for the Community Development Grant Program is included in the Action Plan to reflect the City's investment leveraged with federal funds. However, the General Fund recommendations will be considered for approval by City Council during the normal budgeting cycle for FY2024-25. The total grant funding proposed for the PY2024-25 program year is $1,747,703.16: May 17,2024 Report No. 2024-016 Funding Summary by Funding Source FUNDING . FUNDING1URCE AMOUNT ASIDESALLOCATION Community Development Block Grant $1,015,047 Community Development Block Grant-Program $4,000.00 Income' Community Development Block Grant— $203,009 Administration Community Development Reallocated Funds' $0 IC M 816,038.00 HOME Investment Partnership Grant $471,992 HOME Investment Partnership Grant-Program $125,27.33 Income HOME Investment Partnership Grant— Administration 2 $47,199 HOME Reallocated Funds' $3589.83 General Funds $3,492,419.00 General Funds—Administration $2,066,014.00 General Funds—Homeless Initiatives $703,450.00 General Funds—Rental Repair Program $100,000.00 General Funds—Mentor Denton $20,000.00 General Funds—Development Fee Grant $225,000.00 • 11 'Based on HUD's recommendation the actual 2023-24 HOME Program Income will be allocated in the 2024 Action Plan. 21 UD allows a maximum percentage of the grant for administration(CDBG 20%/HOME 10%).Set-aside is based on costs for 2 FTE. 3The reallocated funds are residual balances from completed projects. 2024-25 Grant Application Process & Applications Received To help determine funding allocations reported in the annual Action Plan, the CSAC conducted a formal application process and developed funding recommendations to present to City Council. The following is a summary of the 2024-25 application process and committee timeline this year to date: ■ December 15, 2023: Combined Funding Applications were released; ■ December 18, 2023: Staff held a mandatory virtual application training,with the option to request a recording or a one on one training with staff, ■ January 16, 2024: Applications were due; ■ February/March 2024: CSAC reviewed applications submitted by various organizations and City departments. May 17,2024 Report No. 2024-016 • March 8, 2024 and March 30, 2024: Requests for funding were presented to the CSAC in March 2024. The CSAC meeting minutes are available on the City's website (linked) • April 12, 2024: Th CSAC developed a set of funding recommendations to present to City Council that were approved; • May 2024: The Draft 2024 Action Plan was prepared based on the CSAC funding recommendations for the CDBG and HOME funds. Twenty-eight (28) eligible applications were received, totaling $2,707,024, and an overview of applications received is included below. Summag of Applications Received for the 2024-25 Communkr Development Grant Program Application Ty1 ' #Applications T1 1 1Funding Received Requested - Available Human Services 22 $1,523,560 $522,634 Housing Projects 4 $898,464 Public Facilities 2 $285,000 $1,225,069.16 Total 28 $2,707,024 $1,747,703.16 City Staff screened out four(4) applications that did not meet the minimum requirements for these grant programs and one (1) application was withdrawn leaving the total funding requests in the amount of$2,057,024.00. Additional information on non-eligible and withdrawn applications were provided to the CSAC committee at the February 9, 2024 meeting. A table outlining eligible applications received is included on the next page. May 17,2024 Report No. 2024-016 Eligible Applications Received or the 2024-25 Com unity Develo ment Grant Program Applicant Organization Application 2024-25 Request Type Children's Advocacy Center for North Texas,Inc. Human Services $100,000.00 City of Denton- Summer Camp Human Services $72,000.00 Communities in School of North Texas Human Services $36,000.00 Court Appointed Special Advocates of Denton County, Human Services $42,000.00 Inc. Cumberland Youth and Family Services Human Services $100,000.00 Denton Christian Preschool,Inc. Human Services $30,000.00 Denton City County Day School Human Services $66,560.00 Denton County Friends of the Family Human Services $50,000.00 Denton County MHMR Center Human Services $30,000.00 Grace Like Rain Inc. dba Giving Grace Human Services $100,000.00 Health Services of North Texas Human Services $75,000.00 North Texas Solutions for Recovery Human Services $100,000.00 Opening Doors International Services,Inc. Human Services $30,000.00 Our Daily Bread,Inc. Human Services $100,000.00 PediPlace Human Services $50,000.00 SPAN Human Services $27,000.00 Tarrant Area Food Bank Human Services $100,000.00 The Salvation Army,A Georgia Corp-Denton Human Services $65,000.00 City of Denton-Minor Repair Program Housing Project $300,000.00 Denton Affordable Housing Corporation(DAHC) Housing Project $244,400.00 Habitat for Humanity of Denton County,Inc. Housing Project $54,064.00 Denia and Carl Young Park Upgrades Public Facilities $250,000.00 Interfaith Ministries of Denton Public Facilities $35,000.00 TOTAL REQUESTED $2,057,024.00 Committee Recommendations On April 12, 2024, the CSAC finalized recommendations to City Council for the 2024 Action Plan. All projects and programs to be approved by HUD under the 2024 Action Plan are funded through CDBG, HOME, and program income from the use of these funds. In addition to federal funds,the City Council allocates General Fund dollars each year to provide grants for social service agencies. The CSAC reviewed funding requests and developed recommendations during their April 12 meeting for the use of CDBG, HOME and City General Fund dollars. The detailed list of funding recommendations including project descriptions, is included in Exhibit 2. Below is a summary of total funding requests and recommendations by funding source. The amount requested and eligible for HOME funds exceeds the amount available, so $309,310.16 is available as unprogrammed funds. The unprogrammed funds will be allocated through a substantial amendment process required by HUD by the end of the year. May 17,2024 Report No. 2024-016 2024-25 Community Develo ment Grant Program Funding Recommendations I Recommendations by Source General CDBG HOME Fund TOTAL $2,057,024.00 $1,438,393.00 $377,955.00 $816,038.00 $244,400.00 CDBG FUNDS $816,038.00 $816,038.00 $816,038.00 HOME FUNDS $553,710.16 $553,710.16 $553,710.16 GENERAL FUNDS $377,955.00 $377,955.00 $377,955.00 TOTAL FUNDS $1,747,703.16 r $1,747,703.16 $377,955.00 $816,038.00 $553,710.16 UNPROGRAMMED $309,310.16 $309,310.16 $0.00 $0.00 $309,310.16 FUNDS CONCLUSION: The public comment period for the 2024 Action Plan will begin May 20, and end June 21, 2024. A public hearing for the plan will be held June 18, 2024, during the regular City Council meeting. Additional updates and actions will occur according to the below timeline. 2024-2025 Action Plan Timeline PROPOSEDACTIVITY DATE Notice of Public Comment Period May 19, 2024 (Denton Record Chronical/Social Media/Email) 30-day Comment Period on Action Plan May 20, 2024 through June 21, 2024 Public Hearing at City Council June 18, 2024 City Council considers approval of 2024-25 Action Plan July 23, 2024 Submission of Action Plan to HUD August 15, 2024 City Council considers approval of 2024-25 Budget September 24, 2024 Start of 2024-25 Grant Contracts October 1, 2024 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1: 2024-25 Funding Priority Survey Results Exhibit 2: CSAC 2024-25 Community Development Grant Program Funding Recommendations and Project Descriptions STAFF CONTACT: Alaina Graff, Grants Program Coordinator Luisa Garcia, Community Development Manager REQUESTOR: Staff Initiated May 17,2024 Report No. 2024-016 PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: Community Services STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 8 hours