102017 Friday Staff Report ( I) City Manager's Office DENTON 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201 • (940) 349-8307 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 20, 2017 TO: The Honorable Mayor Watts and Council Members FROM: Todd Hileman, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report I. Council Schedule A. Meetings 1. Public Utilities Board Meeting on Monday, October 23,2017 at 9:00 a.m.in the City Council Work Session Room. 2. Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. 3. Agenda Committee Meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. 4. Work Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday,October 25, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room, followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. B. Upcoming Events 1. NLC City Summit,November 15-18, 2017 in Charlotte, NC II. General Information & Status Updates A. Civil Service Exams — The Denton Fire Department and Denton Police Department have recently announced upcoming civil service exams. Below is a brief summary with links to more information. Fire,Police, and Human Resources will promote the upcoming exams through a number of outlets through the registration periods. • Denton Fire Department — The deadline to sign up for the Fire Civil Service exam is Friday, January 5, 2018. The exam will take place on Saturday, January 13, 2018 at Denton Public Safety Training Center, 719 E. Hickory Street. Details and directions to register for the exam are found here. OUR CORE VALUES Integrity • Fiscal Responsibility • Transparency • Outstanding Customer Service • Denton Police Department—The deadline to sign up for the Police Civil Service exam is Monday, January 22, 2018. The exam will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 9 a.m. at the Denton Public Safety Training Center, 719 E. Hickory Street. Registration and details are found here. B. Recognition of Hurricane Relief Efforts — Earlier this week, the City Council recognized City employees that assisted in the hurricane response and relief efforts following Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. Over 70 employees from Fire, Police,Wastewater, Streets,Drainage,Fleet Services,Parks, and DME assisted.A copy of the presentation, which lists all of the employee names, is attached. Staff contact: Mario Canizares C. Multi-Family Property Management Meeting — The Denton Police Department will be hosting a Multi-Family Property Management meeting on Monday, November 6 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Denton Public Safety Training Center. The goal is for the City to establish relationships with property managers and to allow for property managers to interact and meet each other. It also provides an opportunity for the Police Department to share information and address any questions or concerns from the property managers. Staff plans to host these meetings on a quarterly basis and other City departments will be represented as well, such as the City Manager's Office and Fire-Community Improvement Services. Interested participants are encouraged to contact the Police Department at dentonpolice(acityofdenton.com for more details or to register. Staff contact: Bryan Cose D. HQ2 Denton — The following site has been created for Amazon's HQ2 team to showcase Denton's location,talent, culture, and community: www.hgdenton.com. Recognition and thanks is due to Jason Bodor of the local tech company GSATi in the design and building of this site. Staff contact: Caroline Booth E. State of the City — The annual State of the City event is tentatively planned for Thursday, January 18, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Civic Center. Please save the date; more details and information will be forth coming. Staff contact: Sarah Kuechler F. Teen Council Program Update— The Teen Council started the 2017/2018 school year with their first meeting on September 12. Below are some highlights: • Met with Garland Teen Council - At their second meeting on October 10, the Denton Teen Council met with the Garland Teen Council to share ideas and activities/projects planned for the upcoming year. • Teen Movie in the Park - The Teen Council is hosting a Teen Movie in the Park this evening, Friday, October 20 in Quakertown Park. They will be showing Guardians of the Galaxy and roasting marshmallows and having a movie trivia contest. • North Texas Regional Youth Forum - On Saturday, November 4, many of the DFW Teen Councils are meeting in Dallas to share ideas and see about working on regional projects together. More information on the event is attached. • The Teen Council is going to be having their own Team Building and Leadership Day on Saturday,November 11 at Group Dynamix. Staff contact: Emerson Vorel/Kathy Schaeffer G. Removal of Poles North of Old Kings Row Substation — Denton Municipal Electric began work this week to remove the electric lines and the tall poles that are located behind the houses between Harvest Glenn and Calvert Lane,just north of the old Kings Row substation. On Monday,October 23, crews will be removing 3 poles located behind the houses on Harvest Glenn. A crane will be used to remove the poles. During this time, there may be limited access into and from Harvest Hill and Harvest Meadow. DME has made arrangements with Police and Fire and there will be emergency access available at all times during this work. A point of contact (flagman)will be stationed at all street entrances that can answer any questions or concerns. DME provided door hangers explaining the work and went door-to-door to speak with customers that were directly impacted. Any questions or concerns can be addressed to Operations &Maintenance Line Superintendent Brad Watts at(940) 349-7500 or(940) 231-1665. Staff contact: Brent Heath H. Multi-Family Rec, cin — In September, staff met with the City Council Committee on Environment (COE) to discuss potential approaches to improving waste diversion and multi-family recycling. Staff is in the process of reviewing policies in similar communities and plans to provide the COE with an update in November. During the November meeting, staff intends to brief the COE on current multi-family recycling participation, opportunities for improvement, and upcoming plans to engage multi-family property managers in our community. At the conclusion, staff will seek the COE's direction on how to proceed in these efforts, including plans for a future briefing to the City Council. Staff contact: Katherine Barnett I. International Students Visit City's Water and Wastewater Plants —As mentioned in last Friday's report, students from Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil toured the City's water and wastewater treatment plants this week to learn about the environmental impacts of ammonia in water supply sources, its effects on the water treatment process, and the availability of water for human consumption. The tours are part of a unique graduate study-abroad program through a partnership between Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa and Texas Woman's University. DTV created a short Newsbreak video featuring the visit. Staff contact: Ken Banks III. Attachments A. Hurricane Recognition B. Teen Council -North Texas Regional Youth Forum IV. Informal Staff Reports No Informal Staff Reports this week V. Council Information A. Council Requests for Information B. Draft Agenda(no draft agenda this week) C. Council Calendar D. Future Council Items E. Street Construction Report City Council Presentation Hurricane Relief City Manager's Office October 17, 2017 DENTON WASTEWATER COLLECTIONS TEAM Drew Huffman—Manager Wastewater Collections Brian Meadows—Crew Leader David Warren—Heavy Equipment Operator II Byron Broussard—Flushing Truck Operator Glen Harrison—Heavy Equipment Operator I Rivers Earls —Heavy Equipment Operator I William "Kyle" Hubbert—Heavy Equipment Operator I ► Responded to call to assist the State of Texas' Public Works Response Team (PWRT) efforts to restore water and wastewater utilities to towns that were effected by Hurricane Harvey. ► Team was deployed a total of six days and assisted efforts in three towns; Refugio, Lake Jackson, and Brazoria TX. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r 1 ...' �''• ���: �' ` .'fir.'_" .:4. VIEW y. l .� 9AC �I MILO �c M_+ �y Y� yi i ►I y , STREETS, DRAINAGE, FLEET SERVICES, & PARKS TEAM: Streets: Drainage: Keith Gabbard— Superintendent Streets Gabriel Rodriguez— Crew Leader Jesse T Rodriguez— Crew Leader Mary Walker—Heavy Equipment Operator I Jesse H Rodriguez—Heavy Equipment Operator I Josh Kirkle —Heavy Equipment Operator II Leland Faber—Heavy Equipment Operator II Jorge Montemayor—Field Service Worker II Parks: Mike Cagle—Field Service Worker II Gary Green—Crew Leader Jacob Moncada—Field Service Worker II Gene Trinklein—Crew Leader David Valdez—Field Service Worker III Fleet Services: Charles Buris—Field Services Worker III Preston Emert—Fleet Technician II Luis Fajardo —Field Services Worker II ► Responded to call to assist the State of Texas'Public Works Response Team (PWRT) efforts to assist in debris removal and repair streets to restore access to towns that were effected by Hurricane Harvey. ► Team was deployed a total of three days and assisted efforts in Vidor, TX. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i fpF � :3- --- � -ram• -.l map do Nw� A ..-r 4 � 1 POLICE Bryan Cose - Community & Media Relations ► Assigned to the Harris County Regional Joint Information Center attached to the Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management as a Public Information Served as the Emergency Operations Center Liaison Officer and assisted with the dissemination of official information from the OSHEM to the public.Additional duties included coordinating media requests and VIP visits to the OSHEM from mayors, elected officials, and the governor. --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tl Iwo� ♦_r' FIRE - TEXAS TASK FORCE 1 (TTF-1): Structural Team: (3 Denton Members) Mike Tucker- Captain Jeb Miller - Driver Corbin Evans - Firefighter ► Deployed prior to Harvey making landfall and staged in a hurricane rated facility in Robstown, TX while the storm passed over. Primary duties was search and rescue. Boat Team: (6 Denton Members) Brian Cox - Captain Alan Hempstead - Captain Jared Hornback—Captain Vance Bowden—Driver Clint Stephenson—Driver Kevin Tye - Firefighter ► Part of a squad of 6 boats that evacuated/rescued 2000 people and 300 dogs in Houston, Katy and Orange. This group was deployed for 3 weeks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRE - TEXAS INTRASTATE FIRE MUTUAL AID SYSTEM (TIFMAS) : Strike Team 112— Strike Team Leader: Cort Higgins—Battalion Chief Mark Mason—Battalion Chief Brad Lahart—Battalion Chief ► Assigned to cover all fire/ems calls in Fulton, TX Strike Team 113: Daniel Boyd— Captain David Hickman - Captain Mike Lawrence—Captain Jason Eddington—Driver Matt Roberts—Driver Robert Vaughn—Driver Craig Bentley—Firefighter Brad Earnhart—Firefighter Greg Fisher—Firefighter Andrew Gomez—Firefighter Mike Schmidt—Firefighter Gavin Witherspoon—Firefighter ► Assigned to cover all fire/ems calls in Rockport, TX Strike Team 121: David Boots —Captain Jermaine Wilson—Firefighter ► Assisted local fire departments in the Port Arthur area -- ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 � � I 3, i i t r ,�ar >r _ , •NI;. DENTON MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC TEAM Rowdy Patterson—Line Superintendent Randy Key— Senior Lineman Sam Bridges—Line Superintendent Jason Wilkins— Substation Tech Cliff Knight—Crew Foreman Chris Scott - Journeyman Ethan Horton— Senior Lineman Justin Harper - Journeyman Michael Looper—Crew Foreman Nathan Moffit - Journeyman Bobby King— Senior Lineman Dave Thomas - Journeyman Jason Wallum— Senior Lineman Joseph Candelaria—Journeyman Brandon Farmer— Senior Lineman Tyler Rinck—Lineman B Darryl Loucks— Senior Lineman Nicholas Pittman—App Lineman Step C Cliff McDonald— Senior Lineman Rusty White — Safety Coordinator ► Responded to call for assistance from Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) to help with power restoration efforts to APPA members in Florida that were effected by Hurricane Irma. ► Crew left Denton Monday September 11th for Ocala, FL and arrived early Wednesday morning the 13th. Worked 7 days to help restore power to approximately 30,000 customers. Arrived back in Denton on Thursday evening September 21St ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 � }� f_ "lap t t ' , . � opcl ~ r, 4:7r7 IF Ir �y y �S ,� ei �'�. 1'/ � I � ,� i. �, r /� � ter_ /� ;\�t � . .` -- I.� _�_ ;. .r �� _ `_`�.3 - .. Y� .j it���,i f �� +�4 - 4�,�� Y !A!��±`� wed r _ �, 'a-,� � ,., � _�-. r - , - �:a .. NORTH NOVEMBER 4TH, 2017 TEXAS UNT Dallas School of Law REGIONAL 1901 Main Street Dallas, TX 75201 YOUTH 4, FORUM 10-3PM Join the Dallas Youth Commission for the first ever North Texas FEATURING Regional Youth Forum for students in grades 9-12.The historic event will bring together a diverse group of young people to share their thoughts Food and ideas on how to make a difference in the region through public Fun policy and community engagement. Don't miss this exciting opportunity Town Hall to engage in open dialogue on issues that matter to you most! Workshops CollegeCareer Planning Fair 1 Community Engagement pit R E G I S T E R H E R E ■ � / ���U111111■■ �.. ��I � IS �1i4 11 1 11111.. 1 � 11 11111111•• 111111 � 11 -Q11111 1• - - - - .1 �� �• ' �111111 Ip II •, ., 111111111 Illlq;;t' O Revision Date 10/20/17 Council Re uests for Information Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 1. Report on the background and level of service for gas 3/21/17 Kuechler A work session is scheduled for Oct. well inspections/work session on gas well setbacks 24. 2. Information on cost determination for curb rate vs drop- 6/5/17 Cox Staff is working on a staffing and off rate at landfill operational analysis first before conducting a revised cost of service study. 3. Update on stack of railroad ties-are they being picked 6/5/17 Nelson All have been removed, except for a up? few piles in downtown area. Staff continues to work on closing this item out with the railroad. 4. Discussion of development code criteria for width of 6/6/17 Canizares Public hearings on design criteria streets manuals are scheduled for Oct. 24. 5. Work session on planning & development studies 6/20/17 McDonald A work session is scheduled for Nov. 7. 6. Full climate cycle analysis for Denton Energy Center 7/25/17 Banks Provide an update later in the year after Black&Veatch study; potential Q 1 2017/18 project. 7. Survey and report of how other municipalities and 7/25/17 Howell Superintendent Wilson asked that this school districts fund their School Resource Officers, as be a larger discussion including the well as analysis of calls to school and efficiency Natatorium and Impact and Drainage Fees. A work session is expected in early Nov. 8. Work session on parking requirements in the Code 8/1/17 McDonald A work session is scheduled for Nov. 14. 9. Info on landfill SUP requirement and a plan to replace 8/15/17 Cox Landscape architect being retained. or minimize trees that will be removed Working with legal counsel on -updating SUP. 10. Request to consolidate Council subcommittees and 8/22/17 Walters/Kuechler Staff is working on an interim solution, agendas on the website in one spot as well as a plan to transition more meetings to the Granicus platform. 11. Regular Council updates on DDC progression 9/12/17 McDonald Updates will be provided in the Friday reports. An update will also be presented during the Dev Services work session on Nov. 7. Request Request Date Staff Responsible Status 12. Work session on funding for downtown reinvestment 9/12/17 Booth A work session is scheduled for Oct. rant 24. 13. Work session on recorded rules &procedures for 9/19/17 Leal An item for IC is planned for Nov. 7. Council meetings 14. Work session on process for when a use category is not 9/19/17 Leal/Kuechler A work session is planned for Nov. 7. clearly defined in the DDC (incl. appeals process and communications to surrounding properties) 15. List of potential capital projects with priority levels for 10/10/17 Booth This will be presented at a work Downtown TIF discussion session on Oct. 24. 16. Discussion on the process for investigations initiated 10/10/17 Hileman/Leal Tentatively planned for Nov. 14. through the ti line 17. Work session on conveyance plats and what the City 10/10/17 McDonald Staff is preparing an ISR. requires 18. Joint work session with the Denton Housing Authority 10/10/17 Langley A joint work session is tentatively planned for City Council luncheon on Dec. 4. 19. Work session on the process for fire recruitments 10/17/17 Pauls rove A work session is planned for Nov. 14. 20. Information or options on how citizens can resolve 10/17/17 Canizares An ISR will be prepared. complaints with Frontier and Charter 21. Work session on recycling for commercial and multi- 10/17/17 Cox family properties 22. Review code for backyard cottages/accessory dwelling 10/17/17 McDonald Staff is preparing an ISR. This will be units reviewed as part of the DDC update. 23. Review AV equipment at Denia Rec Center and others 10/17/17 Vorel/Kraft for community meetings 24. Work session on public restrooms and/or first aid station 10/17/17 Rosendahl on the Square 2017October Nov • Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11:00 Council Luncheon 9:00 Council Airport 1:30 Connnrttee on the Comtittee Environment-Cancelled 5:30 Traffic Safety Conmrission- 4 p.m Public Art Committee Cancelled 6 p.tn Park Board-Canceled 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00 Public Wines Board 11:301Nbbil ty Committee 11:00 Economic Development Partnerhsip Board 5:30 M Historic Landmark 2:00 2nd Tuesday Session 5:30 pm Airport Advisory Cottmvssion Board feting 6:30 M Planning&Zoning Commission 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10:30am Audit/Finance Cotntnittee 4:00pm HaBSCo Nketing 1:00 CC Work Session 6:30 CC Regular Session 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 Public Utilities Board 1:00 4th Tuesday Session 6:30 Ply Planning&Zoning Commission 29 30 31 N 4:00 PN4-Zoning Board of Adjustment 10/20/2017 Oct • • -r 2017 Tue Wed Fri 1 2 3 4 4 pm Public Art Committee 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11:30 Council Luncheon 2:00 CC Work Session 11:00 Economic Development 1:30 Committee on the Partnerhsip Board Environment 6:30 CC Regular Session 5:30 Traffic Safety 5:30 pm Airport Advisory Commission Board feting 6 p.m Park Board 6:30 PNL Planning&Zoning Commission 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:00 Public Wities Board 11:30 Nbbility Committee 5:30 PNt I-Estoric Landmark 4:00pmHaBSCo N}eting 2:00 2nd Tuesday Session Coirnlvssion 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thanksgiving Day C ity Ho lid a y City Holiday 26 27 28 29 30 Notes 9:00 Public Utilities Board 6:30 PNL Planning&Zoning 4:00 PM Zoning Board of 2 pm 4th Tuesday Session Commission Adjustment i & More Calendars from WinCalendar.com:2017 Calendar,2018 Calendar,Web Calendar with Holidays 10/20/2017 10/18/17 FUTURE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Note: This is a working draft of pendin Council items and is subject to change without notice. Meeting Date Deadlines Item October 24—4t Tuesday Session Captions—October 9 WS—Atmos/Oncor Coalitions Discussion Backup—October 20 WS—Gas Wells WS—Downtown TIF discussion PH—Voluntary Annexation ICMA, San Antonio, TX 10/22-25 October 31 —No Meeting 51 Tuesday November 6—Luncheon Captions—October 23 Backup—November 2 November 7—Work/Regular Session Captions—October 23 WS—Development Department Update Backup—November 3 WS—Bonnie Brae project update WS—Solid Waste Sponsorships CA—DME Sponsorships CS—CPI Airport Lease CA—Briscoe Tire agreement IC—Edwards Road agreement November 14—2n Tuesday Session Captions—October 30 NLC, Charlotte,NC 11/15-18 Backup—November 10 November 17 — Special Called Session Canvas results of Charter election tentative November 21 —No Meeting Thanksgiving, 11/23-24 November 28 —41 Tuesday Session Captions—November 13 (may be cancelled Backup—November 21 December 4—Luncheon Captions—November 20 WS—Joint Meeting w/Denton Housing Authority Backup—November 30 December 5 —Work/Regular Session Captions—November 20 Backup—December 1 December 12—2"d Tuesday Session Captions—November 27 WS—Deloitte & Touche EMO Backup—December 8 December 19—No Meeting December 26—No Meeting I I Christmas, 12/24-25 1 City offices closed 12/25 & 12/26 CA-Consent Agenda IC-Individual Consideration WS-Work Session CM-Closed Meeting PH-Public Hearing Construction Projects Report Starting Oct 23-29, 2017 road closures Barthold Rd at Intersection of 135 Service Rd going West 700'will be closed (Jun 12-Nov 13) lane closures Detour Routes Proposed Date of Proposed Date of Contact Street/Intersection (if applicable) Construction Completion BriefDescriptionofConstruction Department RESIDENTIAL Audra yes Oct 9,2017 Oct 25,2017 Sidewalk/Panel Repair Streets Nbckingbird to Barbara Barcelona no Sep 25,2017 Oct 27,2017 Concrete Panel Replacement Streets Worthington to Nb s a Bell yes Oct 9,2017 Oct 25,2017 Nell Overlay and Curb and Gutter Work Streets US380 to Sherman Bellemcad yes Oct 19,2017 Dec 8,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Thomas to Emery Bentoaks no Sep 25,2017 Jan 19,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oakhurst to Teasley Emery yes Oct 9,2017 Nov 9,2017 Utility Construction Engineering Thomas to Bellemead Emery yes Oct 9,2017 Nov 9,2017 sty Construction Engineering Stanley to Thomas Foxsedge no Oct 9,2017 Nov 10,2017 Panel Repair Streets Pocktus Page to Sunray Fkmache/Retama/Sagebrush no Sep 5,2017 Oct 27,2017 Water Line Replacement Water Yucca to Yuccca Kings Row no Aug 7,2017 Dec 1,2017 Curb and Gutter/Drive Approaches Engineering )AB Right Ln Wellington and Sherman Lattimore no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Audra to Dead End Lookout no Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Sidewalk Repair Streets Windsor to Westward NhCommick no Oct 23,2017 Dec 31,2017 MU Overlay Streets I 35 to Will' owvwod Nhnor Ct no Sep 25,2017 Jan 19,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oakhurst to Teasley Nhnosa no Oct 2,2017 Dec 2,2017 Wastewater Nhin Construction Wastewater Bolivar to N Carroll Nhnosa no Oct 23,2017 Dec 8,2017 Water Line Replacement Water Bolivar to Carroll Nhlbeny no Oct 30,2017 Nov 17,2017 sty Construction Engineering Hickory to Welch Northway no Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Sidewalk Repair Streets Windsor to Westward Oakhurst no Sep 25,2017 Jan 19,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oakhurst to Teasley Oak Park no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oaktree to Oak Valley Oaktree no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Audra to Lattimore Overlook no Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Sidewalk and Panel Repair Streets Windsor to Westward Paisley yes Oct 2,2017 Jan 5, 2018 Wastewater Nhin Construction Wastewater Frame to Ruddell Southway no 10-02-20107 Nov 13,2017 SidevvalkRepair Streets Windsor to Westward Springtree yes Sep 13,2017 Nov 15, 2017 Water and Sewer Line Construction Engineering E NLKnney to Pecan Grove Third yes Oct 9,2017 Oct 30,2017 Street Construction Engineering Bolivar to Ehn Welch no Oct 30,2017 Nov 17,2017 Utility Cons truc T neon Chestnut Engineering m' Wellington no Oct 2,2017 Oct 23,2017 Curb and Otter Repair Streets Stratford to Heather Westward no Oct 2,2017 Nov 13,2017 Panel Repair Streets Lookout to Southway Whispering Oaks no Oct 9,2017 Feb 5,2018 Street Reconstruction Streets Oak Valley to Oak Park MAJOR ROADS Barthold yes Jun 12'2017 Nov 13 2017 Street Construction Engineering 135 Svc Rd Intersection to 700'West S. Bonnie Brae no Aug 9,2017 Nov 1,2017 Shoulder Widening Engineering Vintage Blvd to 1500 ft N of Vintage Blvd Centre Place no Sep 25,2017 Nov 10,2017 Concrete Street Panel Repairs Streets I 35 Service Rd to Alegre Vista Hickory yes Aug 23,2017 Nov 22,2017 Duct Bank Construction Engineering Bonnie Brae to E of Ave H Hickory yes Sep 8,2017 Nov 22,2017 Duct Bank Construction Engineering Stella to Hickory Hickory yes Sep 5,2017 Nov 3,2017 Waterline Replacement Water North Texas Blvd to Ave D Riney yes Sep 29,2017 Jul29,2018 Road Removal and Replacement Engineering N. Elm to Solona Shoulder Widening Roselawn St no Aug 9,2017 Nov 1,2017 Engineering Old Bonnie Brae to Roselawn Cemetery JL Spencer yes Oct 28,2017 Oct 29,2017 Utility Construction Engineering Bridges St to Nhyhiff Rd Note: This provides an Estimate of work to be done the next two weeks. Weather,equipment breakdowns,or other unforeseen problems could cause this schedule to change. Drainage 349-7116 / Water Distribution 349-7181 / Wastewater 349-8489 / Traffic 349-7342 / Streets 349-7160,streets@cityofdenton.com Engineering 349-8910,engineering*ityofdenton.com / TXDOT 387-1414,romulo.bahamon@txdot.gov / Denton County 349-3420 COMPLETED PROJECTS Bolivar yes Jul 6, 2017 Oct 30, 2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Sunset to College Carmel no Aug 30,2017 Oct 6,2017 Sewer Nhin Construction Wastewater Hobson to Chiquita Emerson yes Aug 14,2017 Oct 9,2017 Street Reconstruction Streets Nottingham to Hanover Golden Sands no Sep 25,2017 Oct 27,2017 Sidewalk and ADARamp Replacement Streets Montecito to Canoe Ridge Kendolph yes Jul 22,2015 Permanent Closure I 35E Hwy Constr. Intersection work Engineering North Bound Nbckingbird yes Sep 25, 2017 Oct20,2017 Concrete Panel Replacement Streets Stockton to Oakshire Oak no Aug 30,2017 Oct 6,2017 Sewer Line Replacement Wastewater Oak&Bell Intersection to Dead End Fulton yes Aug 14,2017 Oct 6,2017 Wily Improvements Engineering Crescent to Emery E Sherman Dr no Aug 7,2017 Oct 15,2017 Cub and Gutter/Drive Approaches Engineering NB Right Ln Staford and Wellington