2024-023 GO and CO Bond Sales Date: June 21, 2024 Report No. 2024-23 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: City's most recent competitive bond sales for the Series 2024 General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds and Certificates of Obligation. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this report is to provide the City Council with details regarding the sale of Series 2024 General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds and Certificates of Obligation authorized on June 4, 2024, with Bond Ordinances 24-950 and 24-951. DISCUSSION: On June 13, 2024, the City's financial advisor, Hilltop Securities, conducted competitive sales for $117,630,000 in General Obligation (GO) Bonds and $242,790,000in Certificates of Obligation (CO). The delivery of funds to the City will be made on July 16, 2024. The GO bonds were awarded to Bank of America Securities and the and CO's were awarded to Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC., the lowest true interest cost bidders. Below is a list of all participating firms who placed bids on each issuance. GO Participating Firms Bid Submission CO Participating Firms Bid Submission Bank of America Securities 3.592946 Morgan Stanley&Co.LLC 3.814594 J.P.Morgan Securities,LLC 3.617350 J.P.Morgan Securities,LLC 3.872559 Robert W.Baird&Co.Inc. 3.628243 Wells Fargo Bank,NA 3.883218 Wells Fargo Bank,NA 3.632115 Jeffries LLC 3.925862 Mesirow Financial Inc. 3.632428 Robert W.Baird&Co.Inc. 3.997033 TD Securities 3.633930 Jefferies LLC 3.63481 Morgan Stanley&Co.LLC 3.676623 Raymond James&Assoc,Inc. 3.681430 PNC Capital Markets 3.732469 The GO bonds included the issuance of $35,600,000 to fund the fifth year of the 2019 Bond program, $53,120,000 to fund the first year of voter approved projects from the November 2023 bond election and refunded a portion of the remaining principal amount the CO Series 2014. As approved by the City Council on June 4, 2024, the GO bond sale met all the following required parameters listed below: -Maximum principal amount of sale is $151,660,000; -Final stated maturity of February 15, 2044; -Maximum net effective interest rate of 5.00%; -Delegation authority ends December 4 2024. Concurrently, the City also completed a competitive CO sale for $242,790,000 to support general government, solid waste, electric, water, and wastewater projects. As approved by the City Council on June 4, 2024, the CO sale met all the following required parameters listed below: -Maximum principal amount of sale is $262,330,000 Date: June 21, 2024 Report No. 2024-23 -Final stated maturity of February 15, 2054; -Maximum net effective interest rate of 5.00%; -Delegation authority ends December 4, 2024. The all-in true interest cost for the GOs is 3.62%, and 3.84% for the COs which factors in the interest rate received plus all issuance costs. The COs have a slightly higher borrowing cost because they have a longer final maturity. City staff was pleased with the results of both sales. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions on the results of the City's most recent debt issuance. STAFF CONTACT: Randee Klingele, Treasury Manager 940-349-8206 randee.klingele@cityofdenton.com